Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Congressman from the Third Has a Desire
to Become Governor ,
I.HIrr * Mulled from AVnxhliiKlmi ( i >
HI * IVInnlM Slnte tlinl lie Willet
ot AKIiln ! > < it L'lUiillilalc
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. ( Special Tote-
gram , ) George D. Mclklejolin of the Third
Nebraska congressional district has announced
hlii candidacy for governor , letters to a larg *
numljcr of his frlcnda throughout the ptato
liavlng been sent out vosterday to that ef
fect. Mr. Melklcjolm lias been In receipt of
a great mnny letters urging him to allow
his nnmo to lie used In connection with the
gubernatorial office , but until now has been
able to resist the siren. The pressure became -
came too pronounced , however , and ho Is In
the race to the finish. He announces that
ho will not bo a candldato for rcnomlnatlon
to congress , In view of his determination to
run for governor. Melklcjolm seems to have
a big following , In view of all the letters
that Invo been pouring In upon him since
The Hco re\lcwed the candidates mentioned
for theplace. .
A new complication tro ; today In the Caucus
of republican senators , Information having
been conveyed to that body that the demo-
cratii were undecided \\hether they would
yluld committee organization to the rcpub-
llcans , In view of the changed condition of
affairs In the last twenty-four hours.
Ileforo the icceptlon of the president's
meisigo tba democrats had expressed a de-
lro to linve the republicans go nhcid with
the orginl/atlon of the senate , as they wcro
willing to admit their Jig was up. Now , In
the face of the warlike attitude of the Amer
ican people , ai expressed by the president ,
they are not at all amlouo to yield control
of the senate and the jcus of republican
senators was so In formed ? " " It placed an en
tirely new phase on the situation , und doubt
li expressed It the senate's committees will
ho agreed upon until after the Christmas
holidays A democratic senator said todny
that his party would probjblj agrco to the
republican organization of the committees ,
but would opppouo uonale leorganlzatUm of
officers. The situation Is embarrassing , to
say the least , .md It li piotty hard to pre
dict what the outcome will be In the face of
the deslro on the part cf the democrats to
control the committee on foreign relations ,
which will have considerable work before It
tills KC jlOll.
A delegation of Cubin sympilhuers called
upon Senator Allen today and presented a
lengthy argument that this government
should recognize the belligerent rights of
Cubans Allen was much Impressed with the
arguments advanced by Horatio S. Uubens ,
counsel to the Cuban republic , and gave no-
tlco that Immediately after the holiday re
cess ho would call up hlb resolution recogniz
ing the belligerent rights of Cubans , and
would endeavor to secure Its passage.
Senator Allen Introduced a bill today Brant-
Ing ii right of way to the Sioux City & Omaha
Hallway compiny , through the Omaha and
\VlniKbigo Indian reservation , In Thurston
county. The road , which Is Stoddard B pro
ject , and one- that has been greatly talked
about as a popullstlo enterprise. Is to begin
at or near Decatur , Hurt county , running
soulhweit through the reservation mentioned ,
The usual saving clauses are. made a part
of the bill and the manner of appraising the
lands of the Indians set out at length. Ten
miles of the road li to be built within three
years and the remainder completed In five
years. A right of way 200 feet wide Is pro
vided In the bill , with land for spurs , side-
trucks , terminal and depot purposes stlpu-
"A communlcitlon has b n received by the
member , of Iho Iowa delegation from the
Board of Supervisors of O'Brien county. lovva.
calling attention to the peculiar situation
there through the decision of the United
States uupremo court In th * matter of the
land grant to the Sioux City & St. Pau lall-
road. The decision wipes out the title or
the railway company to the lands In ques
tion , and virtually restores them all to the
public domain. The supervisors call atten
tion to the fact that the lands have been
sold , settled and Improved , and that under
the state law taxes aggregating $53,101 have
been levied and collected. Under the state
law , too. It would apppear that the county
may bo compelled to refund the taxea It
Improperly collected. The supervisors , llieie-
fore , ask the Iowa delegation to assist in
securing legislation or executive action which
will make the taxes already paid or to fall
duo Hens on the real estate , so that the
county may not bo embarrassed and the
schools crippled through the decision of the
Marshall Gushing , who was cx-roatmaster
General Wanamaker'a private secretary. Is
called the Capital
editing a snappy paper hero
ital , which speaks out In meeting upon un >
and all occasions. Cushlng has his llkea and
dislikes , particularly the latter , among thu
public men , and he do-sn't hesitate to sa >
his say in a manner which commands re
aped , even If you don't alwa > s agree with
his estimate of politicians In his last num
ber he dovotcs a paragraph to a number of
distinguished newspaper men attracted
thltlur by the national republican committee
Did vou notice n gioup of distinguished
editors In the corridor thcie ? " savs Cush-
IHR , "The slender , blue-eyed gentleman In
the. Prince Albert buttoned up nml the IK !
lint vvns William 1'enn Nixon of the Chi-
cigo Inter Ocean. With him , larger , grown
Htouter of Into JPUIH and whiter haired ,
with moustache mid Imperial of mlllt.iry up-
IH-arnnce. was Mural Ilalstoad , and while
of course we understand that JtrooklHi 1
the liciid of the table now because lie sits
there , he likes to come to Washington now
niul then , especially if there Is a gathcilng
of truly great men here. See the lull , slen
der fellow , who would seem to be 27 until
ho should take his plug lint off nnd then he
xeeniH to bo not more than 37 ? It li Colonel
1'crry Heath , the manager of the Clm inn.ill
Commercial-Gazette , who succeeded Mr ,
Hal-tend ut thu head of that concern name
time ago , nml who has just now put Into
the directory of the paper two or tineo
capitalists , each of whom Is woith J30O , -
( XX ) or $40,000,000. And the very short man
talking earnestly to Colonel Heath Is id-
wnril Itnpowntei , the Her } , untamed editor
of The Oniihu Uee , which , by the way , Mr.
Heath used to represent In Washington ,
The Uee lights friMueritly nnd It n hot ;
yet you would hardly think. If > ou listened
to tils voft voice and observed his modest
mnnnrr. Hint 1'dwnrd lto oxvnter would
rnilux xi inurh trouble or would enjoy cnuv
Ing It K't much.
Do jou remember McCarthy McCarthy
who ued to sell fruit under the Union
National bink at Sixteenth and Dodge
Mrrctft ? Thin was several years ago , but
many Omnha people will recall the excel
lence of 1 IK California fruits and the fresh
ness of his nuta and his limo lemonades , Mc
Carthy left Omaha and moved to Washing
ton some four } cars ngo and established him
self In the tropical fruit business here. He
didn't rush haphazard Into any old place
that was vacint , but took things K'lsurcly ,
watchfO trade , waited for his opportunity , go
to speak , and then one day modestly opened
a fruit store near fifteenth and F streets.
He had western push , western enthusiasm
and a knack of dlsplaving hi * lusclous-huod
peachcK , grapej and pears , and he "caught
on , " as the saying Is. Orders begun coming
In from the wives of supreme court Justices ,
forclKn ambassadors' wives began patronizing
McCarthy , senators stopped In their car-
rlagci to take home come hot house grown
fruit , and In a little , while McCarthy was
the fad. Ho Is today , yet does not forget
to pcal < In kindly tones of Omaha ami Its
people , congratulallng himself , however , that
he left "Omaha just In time" to catch on
here , where he does thr > biggest retail fruit
business of any of the dealers.
It Is surprising how Jealous the actors on
the national stage are of their iiosltlons In
ofllchl life , JiH't as much so. ns those npon
the mimic stage. At the bend of the list of
patronesses of the Princeton University Olee ,
Hanjn and Mandolin club" , which gave an
entertainment Monday eveningat Melzeron
hall , everybody observed the name of Mrs
Fuller , wife of the chief justice , followed by
the wives of the other justices , and preced
ing Mrs Olney'8 name. It was somewhat
startling , but a member of the cabinet circle
laid that the arrangement of names was ab
solutely correct according to the order of
precedence which has been established within
the p.-U't decade. He further said that there
was rrally a great deal of feeling on the
subject among tha leading members of the
administration. It Is astonishing that grown
up women should tnko this matter to heart ,
as many of them do , but what Is still more
remarkable lu that the husbands of these
women generally share In the feelings of
their wives
Congressman Strode left for his horn * in
Lincoln tonight. Halner leaves tomorrow.
Melklcjolm Is undecided whether he will go
home for the Christmas recess Mercer will
spend his Christmas In Washington.
Senator and Mrs. Thurston will leave about
Sunday , under present arrangements , but
the senator might have lo remain hero a
day or Iwo longer , assisting In senate reor
T. J. Memmlngcr , private secretary of
Senator Allen , has leMgned to take a posi
tion In the First National bank of Sheridan ,
Wyo , and will bo succeeded by Uelbert J.
Matt , Midlson , Neb.
Harry T. Lewis of Ames , la. , has been
appointed a clsrk In the railway mail serv
Congressmen Perkins and Hager of Iowa
stirt vve t tomorrow for the holldaja.
Henry Dwlght of Sioux City Is hero on
business connected with the Interstate Com
merce commission.
ui'iiu\i.\u SK.VA.TI : one IMZATIO. % .
Iti-inilillriiii SviintiirH I'rue ( lie AcorN-
Mlt ) Of ( iettlllKT HtMlll ) fur HllNllleNN.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. The greater portion
tion of the time of the ciucus of republican
senators today was devoted to a discussion
of the Venezuelan question as presented by
the president's message This matter was
brought up In connection with a renewal
by Senator Lodge , In the shape of his sug
gestion of yesterday , that congress do not , in
view of the critical state of affairs , adjourn
for the holidays until the committees arc
completely equipped for action. In case ths
necessity for action should arise. After a
large number of speeches. It was decided
that there should bo no adjournment until
the committees should be > perfected Sena
tor Mitchell , as chairman of the caucus com
mittee , was authorized to present the view
to the democratic senators , and Impress upon
them the necessity for speedy action In
making their committee assignments.
Among who made speeches were : Senators
Lodge , Teller , Chandler , Platt and Tryo
AH the speakers spoke of the situation as
grave. Senator Lodge dwelt upon the cs-
peclU necessity for having the foreign re
lations committee In full working order.
Senator Teller presented the view that the
problem which the messigo presents was
too berloiis for hastening action In any way ,
and Intimated that a delay until after the
holidays would do no great harm. The
opinion was very General , ho-vever , that con
gress should be fully prepared for and make
Its on n Investigation.
It was suggested that England might ac
cept the president's utteiance as an ulti
matum and proceed immediately to push her
troops Into Venezuela , nnd it was asked what
the United Slates would do In that event , In
case the question should be still tied up In
the hands of a committee. There was some
loference to the bill passed in the house , ap
propriating money for the proposed commis
sion , and the opinion was expressed that the
bill should go lo the committee.
The caucus Instructed Senator Mitchell to
Inform the democrats that they would bo
grinted full minority representation on the
enlarged committees as heretofore on all
committees. A change was made so that a
select committee may have charge of the
Nicaragua canal bill , nnd relieve the foreign
relations committee , which will be much
occupied during this session. The chair
manship and two other places will be as
signed to the democrats , the other four places
to republicans , Hawley , Mitchell of Oregon ,
Squlu- and Sew oil. The democratic chair
man of the Nicaragua committee will prob
ably bo Semtor Morgan of Alabama.
Cnplnlii HiiMHftt , the VrU-rim Door-
lv 'i-ii-r of tlio Semite , IJIi'K.
WASHINGTON , Doc. 18. Captain Isaac
IJassett , the venerable assistant doorkeeper
of the senate , died this afternoon.
Captain Isaac Bassett , the "father of the
senate , " spent his entire career as a senate
employe. He enjoyed _ the distinction of
being the second page appointed In that
chamber and the last officer of that body
elected by ballot , all subsequent ofllces being
filled by appointment.
qnptnln Bussed was born In this city sev
enty-six > ears ago. He was a protege of
Daniel Webster , who secured the appoint
ment of the boy , then 11 years of age , as a
page. During the subsequent sixty-four
jears of service , he became messenger , and
finally assistant doorkeeper , or assistant sqr-
Reant-at-arms , the latter two offices being
Identical. His duties practically embrace * !
the overseeing of the houitkneplng of the
ncnatc , the seating of members and In cflfM
of emergency , the nctunl pollcp work of the
ergeant-at-srms , Karly In hln career as
assistant doorkeeper , ho calmly facol n
drawn revolver , held by the elder S tilM > ur ) ,
senator from Delaware , who had bce-n or
dered arrested for disturbing the sumtf.
Senator Saultbury , however , was coaxed out
by colleagues and avoided being taken Into
custody. HP usually Introduced those who
bore messages from the pre-sldent or the
house of representatives , and participated In
other like formalities. It was his custom
to sign all caucus calls for the party In
pow er. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
M\VS roit Tim . \iniv.
In HIP Ili-Kiilnr lor * lotn
It cccii tl > Announced.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Six months' \cn\i \ on phvsldan's
certificate of disability Is granted Captain A.
C. Taj lor. Second artillery. Leave of ab
sence for three months on surgeon's certifi
cate Is granted Captain Alfred Morton , Ninth
Infantry. L'avo for four months Is granted
Captain Guy L. LMIo , assistant suigcon ,
Major Henry C. Haubrouck , Fourth artll-
bry , Is detailed for duty rs acting Inspector
general and assigned to the North Atlantic
Tlie following named odlcers are ordered to
report to Lieutenant pjlcncl S. S. Sunnier ,
Sixth civalry , at Port Leavenworth , at such
tlmo as the board mav determine for ex
amination : First Lieutenant Edwin P.
IJrewor , Seventh cavalry ; Second Lieutenant
IMword AndTson , First cavalry ; Second
Lieutenant Alexandjr W. Perry , Ninth cav
alry ; Second Lieutenant Matthew C. Duller ,
Jr. , Fifth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Henry
A. Harbor , First cavalry ; Second Lieutenant
Michael M , McNamee , Third cavalry ; Second
end Lieutenant Halph Harrison , Second cav
Thc > following named cfllcers will report in
person to Lieutenant Colone-l Samuel B. M ,
Young , Fourth cavalry , presldcnl of the ex
amining board appointed to meet at the Pre
sidio of San Franclico , Cal , at such tint ? as
they may bo required by tha board , for ex-
amlnallon as lo their Illness ( or promotion *
Second Lleutenanl William II. Hart , Fourth
cavalry ; Second Lieutenant George B. Stockle ,
Tenth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant T. L. Lit-
tltbrant , Tenth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant
Richmond McA. Schoncda , Fourth cavalry.
In Nut n In ii K DlHcnue nnd IN >
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. Interesting now ,
because ot Germany's prohibition of the Im
portation of American cattle. Is a report
Just Issued by th Agricultural department
of the corn disease of cattle and Investi
gations of a disease apparently Identical
with tables. The Invcsllgatlon shows con
clusively thai 11 is not a lung disease , is
nol communicable , and Is not even of
a bacterial nature. This absolutely refutes
assertions which have In recent years been
made to east much discredit upon American
cattle , It blng claimed , among other things ,
that the disease Is Identical with the
broncho-pneumonia sometimes found in cattle
after ocean transit.
So far as is known the cornstalk disease
oniy affccls caltle1 which have fed upon corn
stalks aa they stand in the fields The report
says It has never been shown that American
cattle found affected with broncho-pneumonia
In Curope had thus eaten cornstalks and
they could not have fed In that way for three
weeks prior to slaughter. Concerning the
discovery of a cattle disease llko rabies com
mon In the west , the report sajs the dis
covery may lead to the suggestion of ap
propriate preventive measures. It Is probable
that further inquiry will show that this
myslerlous dlseas" arises from the bites tit
dogs or some wild animals affected with It.
Con ft rni nt I on N Ity ( lie Senate.
WASHINGTON , Dc. 18. The senate In
executive session made the following con
firmations : To be Justices of the court of
prlvata land claims Joseph It. Reed of Iowa ,
William M. Murray of Tennesses , Thomas
C. Duller of North Carolina , H. C. Slim
of Kansas , Wilbur R. Stone of Colorido.
Postmasters Kansas : A. G. Patrick , Os
Kaloosa ; J. L Mattlnglcy , Sedan ; G. W. H ,
Lucas , Chcr&kee : Robert Kennedy , Pleas-
anlon ; J. C. Haslcll , Baxter Springs ; L D
Davidson , Glrard ; C. B. Baldwin. Belleville.
Idaho : G. W. Harris , Wardnsr. Indian ler-
rllory : Mary A. Poller , Soulh McAlester ; A.
V. Matney , Claymore. Iowa : William
Schenck , Pomeroy ; William W. Spanks , Ode-
bolt ; J. D. Theme , Rockwell City ; E. E
Wcnger , Lisbon ; John Stirling , Corydon ; G.
P. Parker , Gladbrook , W. W. Merrltt , Red
Oak ; R. W. Lloyd , Lake Mills ; A. S. Groves ,
Afton. Colorado : Andrew Royal , Jr. , Vic
tor ; E E. Wheedon , Dil Norte.
Also William A. Bray of Indiana to bo
surveyor of customs at the port of Michigan
C'ty , Ind ; Allen Thomas , Floilda , minister to
Venezuela ; W. W. Russell , Morjland , sec
retary United Stales legation at Caracas ,
Venezuela ; II. Clay Armstrong , Alabama ,
secretary United States legation at Madrid.
Secretary Herbert Much Aiiuo > o < I.
WASHINGTON , Dec. IS. It Is learned at
the Navy department that an article which
Is going the rounds of the press Is causing
the secretary some annoyance by Its state
ments , although probably the article was not
so Intended. It concerns Secretary Herbert's
Christmas presents and of models of battle
ships being sent to his house as playthings
for his grandson. The publication also states
that a model Is bslng made of every ship In
thenavy. . The only foundation for the arti
cle Is that models of the different classes of
battleships are made and have been for some
tlmo past , about one every year. These are
deposited In Ihe Navy department and none
of them have ever been In the secretary's
house. Miss Herbert has not been In Wash
ington for six months and no grandchild of
Secretary Herbert's ever saw ono of the
models. The publication Is wholly imagina
tive. _ .
Senate AViiltlliK for " 'e Hilt lllll.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. There was n
great deal of anxiety In the senale concern
ing the Hltt bill , which had passed the
house , and considerable surprise waa ex
pressed that It did not come over In time
to be acted upon. Out under ths new law
all bills must be prlntoJ and tills caused
the delay. _
Cull I'or Nntlotinl Ilimlc Itenort.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. The comptroller
has Issued a call upon national banks for a
report of their condition at the close ot busi
ness on Friday , December 13.
Committee In Ime tlK le Klec-donn.
WASHINGTON , Dec , 18. The senate to-
Jay passed a resolution directing Its elec
tions committee to Investigate the efforts of
Cu3tomors wonder and compstltors stand aghast at tin lowness of prhns. Everything saoriucad for cash. High gvado seasonable
as well as holiday goods of all description going at nmvoloualy low pricas. It's the opportunity of your lifo to got Mrgains , Don't fail
to improyo it.
MORSE'S 16th and
Did Stand. . . Farnam Sts.
22-IN. ALt SILK SURAH Plain colors , nee I * li uli-s , MOMU'S prlco13o. !
44-ln VcnotloH rvovclt > Sultltms--95 pieces lu the lot , all daru street | 23lc jw Ulosltu Out I'rito. \ ' Jr vanl . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
colois.MorsoN prleo.'JSs. closing Out Price , per jarJ
IB" 1' Double Toldnll Wool need -CotisUtllia of Cnihmorei. Sortrpi , I'liicy ItLACK SILK VRLVH1 Moro'9 prU P.fi5s 29c
\Voavu-r. tic. nil plain colors HUCli i * Kjd , Wlno , S ivy , Mack. Lie. Morse's \ Closing Out Price , par > nrJ
price , 30e and 40c. Closing Out Price , p r ynrd . . . . 73 I'incHH cni.ouiu ) r.MLtii ruANCM.m- ;
Plccis Assorted Imported Dress floods-Alt wool , 10 and 4 ! Ini'lim wlilu. Ml Novtillv 1'niroiai , Iron I'r imo lronillue < uud silk I'luihci.
200 Bood dnrk co OM nnd blacl : , includliiK uisii mores , Henrietta. Si rRo and MOMU'S Prleo. tl.OJ to JJ oj. 49c
fancy weaves Morse's price , &OC. Closing Out Prlce.pcr ynrd Clo'Itip ; Out Price , per jnrj . . ,
150 Pieces Imported All Wool Drjss floods 4G Inches wide , dark colon and blni'k , Hltclv AllSllk Ariuurp.
, Kto Morju's prloo. 7Dc to 90c. Ill mk Alt 111 ; S trlti lluohusni
very line llonrlotfis , riersci MriC lllnck All Sill. Uros 11 rain.
CloslUB Our Price , per ynrd HUok Crystal II luulhip.
Morse's 50c Novelty bultluas-Pmall Cloth Chuck and Mottled KITetils. u\act linlnl- Illncl. All iik 1'o.iu llo ile.
tntlonof SlOOiindll.OOlinuorlod OooiH. nil Murk colors nntlilni ! bollur for Sr Morsn't price , II. J j and l 0(1 (
service. Morsj'sMo. gooila. CloaltiR Out Price , par j.irJ < Closlui ; Out Price , per jniJ 79c
' Corset Dept. Muslin Underwear '
Ladies' Hosiery and . Gents' Furnishing
Duplex' , Wnrnf-r's Honllli , Department.
Underwear Dept. Trlcnra nnd Mmlnnie Toy's . Department.
Corsets , good slz p , In white ILadioo
nml . Jl 00 nnd Jl r.
gn >
' foods , CLOSING OUT SALI2 Hood muslin , 4 tiitUs. Morae B Gents TJnlaismlorod
Children's Heavy
ONLY prlc33 , CLOSING I'ltRMI Shirts
Bicycle Hose Armorslde , S. P. Moiso's ILa-Uos' Night Gowns SIrrs II , 15 , 17 , tii . Morse's
All sizes ' , heavy ribbed , CLOSING gooiN , Special and Dr. Unit's Health , Itest muslin , nicely trlmmul , pi Ice fie. CLOSING OUT
Mors 's 23c quality ' " Morse's $1 2" , PLUS I NO
' PA1K Moiso's price II 2" > . CLOS- price >
ING OUT 1'RICU , INO our SALI : ONLY. . . . piucn . . Shirts
Ladies' Heavy Fast P.D. Corsets White Aprons 50e Unlauiidored
Uelnfoiccd bnek and flout ,
Black Hose Numbers 218 nnd 97 , In white , Morse'H pilcc 40c. CLOSING ! O snhl ovolj wlicrp at Wo ,
All sizes , double heel nnd nnd blnck , Morse's nrkc OUT I'KICK . n ( -I.OSINC ? OUT PIHCI : ,
' ° ' rrny I CLOSING OUT SALK MorsaV prleo Jl , CLOSING 12ACH
.llCCLfOCl'NOM6uC'l }
S& . ONLY OUT IMtlcn .
PHICG ONLY , PAIll Heavy Natural Gray
Ladies' Gray Wool Undorxvonr
Ribbed Vests FURS. Slilrts and Piavvcis , nil sizes
and durnble . Moise's in leu 4 < V. CLOSING OEr-
All dzo-f , warm OUT piurn , UACH * oi *
regular 75c goodi , CLOSING
OUT PRICU FURS.FURS. White Australian
Ladies' Tine Camel's Wool Underwear
Hair Vests FURS. All sizes , Shlits nnd Drawers.
And Pants , all sizes , very . elcRpiit line needs , Mor.sp'H
line soft warm goods , pike HBO , CLOSING OUT 98c
Morse' * prleo $137'fc CLOS
ING OUT PIIICU. KACH. . . Took Neckwear
Ladies1 Estxa Fine ' Light and dark - - * , hntiil-
We have too many 1'ur Garments nnd wo IIV ,11111 litlll\ 1UIIMUllllll
' Vests Home st > les , nil silk RoodH ,
Camel's Hair nre obliged to sell them before we move. Morse ' pi Ice 75o , CLOSING i ,00 HI
And Pants , excellent quality , OUT PUlflJ 33c , , ! roil . ,
uj CLOSING ) , ! Morse's prlc PIUCI ? BOUT - : . . That Is our reason for making such a big Morse's 81 00 Scarfs I
HACII eacrlflco. Tecks nml roui-ln-llnnd ,
Ladies' Extra Fine iitii :
Prime Astrakhan Cipts , 23 to 27 Inches
Black Silk Hose
Doth plain and drop stitch , lung , trimmed with angora filnge , best qual TOYS.
Moise'h price J.150 to JJOO. ity lining , reduced front $25 00 each lo
CLOSING OUT PH1CU. 2.00 Toy \Vntches. with Chains , vvoith
CHOICE . 2ic , clo'lng oui price Cc
$13.60 rish out Pond price Games , vxorlli 330 , closing I9c
risli Pond Games , vvoitli COo , clos
Knit Goods Dept Prime Electric Seal Capes , 28 to SO inches Tlddledj ing out Winks price Gume , woitli 50c , 33c
long , trimmed with astrakhan collar and closing out price 23o
40c ladies' wool rasclnators , reveres , leduced from ? 40 00 to Dnse Hull Gnine , vvoith , loc , closing
for . out prleo I9e
GOc ladies' - woolTasclnalors , Counter Checker Games , vvoith GOc.
for . : . closing out price 33c
' Wool Fasclnnlors , . Ilulmu Games , vvortli $100 , closing
$1 00 ladles1' out price G3c
tor . , . " . China Tea Sets. 21 pieces , worlli
Jl.BO ladles' vvodl Tascinators (45 00 Canadian ? eal Capes , ! 25c , rloslng oill price 19c
China Tea bels , 21 pieces , v\orlh C5e ,
75c ladles' : Ice wool Fasclna- closing out price 33o
lors . . . . . $32.00 Large Mu lcal Toi | , vvoith lie , clos
. ladles' Ice wool Fasclna- ing out price go
$1.23 " "
. . > . Gyiogiuph Top , "New , vvortli 3rio ,
lors 1 ( GO 00 German Seal Capes , I I closing out prleo ifle
' $300 ladles' Ice wool FasclnaCf Large size box Paints , worth IGc ,
'lors . M . closing out price Sc
' $39.OO Lnrgu size box Pnlnt.s , worth 20c ,
Infants' closing out price lOc
Crochet Saccnos Kaleidoscopes , worlh lOc , closing out
, . $125 00 Marten Capes , $135 00 Otter Capes , pilco cc
' to $1.25 ,
Morse's price up Metal Soldier Sets , in boxes , worth
CLOSING OUT PUICU QQ- (13500 Mink Capes , GOc , closing oui pilce 33o
ONLY . . . . , . , . " Nnluial Ash Duremis , 3 iliawcrn ,
O.'Shanters worlli 3So , closim- out price IDc
Tain ' $72,00 HandKirne Doll licdgteuds , worth
Proltv Scotch colors , Morse's . $1.23 , closing oui price 79c
the corporations to conlrol Iho election of
congressmen and also to control legislation.
The committee. Is directed to report a bill to
suppress such pra'ctlces.
Ili-iiiot'riitH Ilt'iieli No ConcliiKloii.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18 The democratic
steering committee of the senate held Its
meeting today for the consideration of the
republican committee assignment list. Noth
ing was done beyond a General Inspection of
the list and the mapping out of a plan of
Supreme Court lo Tnko 11 ncptHn.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. Chief Justice
Fuller announced In Ihe supreme court today
that court would adjourn for the holidays
on Monday next until January 0.
I , a nil Court JiidtffH Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18. The senalo lo-
day confirmed Ihe nomination of the present
court of private land claims.
Did luu K\vr.
Try Electric Milters as a remedy for your
troubles ? If not , get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found lo be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
all female complaints , exerting a wonderful
direct influence In giving strength and lone
lo the organs If jou have loss of appellle ,
constipation , headache , fainting spells or are
nervous , sleepless , excitable , melancholy or
troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Dltters Is
the medicine you need. Health nnd strength
are guarantee ! by Its use. Only fifty cents at
Kuhn ft Co.'s drug store.
Hayden Bros. ' ad. Is on page 9.
I'ONtlllllNtCr Il
RAAVLINS , Wyo. , Dec. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Itawllns postofllce has again
uotlled down to normal business. C , Magor ,
the former postmaster , turned over the bus
iness of Ihe odlce lo his bondsmen yesterday
and Charles E3. Hlydouburg Is acting post
master. Mr. Magor was short about $500
when checked up hy Inspector Walerbury.
Very I'oiiulnr III MlmicMotu.
We have a good trade on Chamberlain's
Cough Ttemedy ; In fact sell as much of It as
of all other cough medicines combined , and
we handle more than a dozen different kinds.
Kao & Petersen , Druggists , Pelecan Kaplds ,
Minn. i
This remdy Is popular because It can al
ways be depended upon , Its promptness In
curing bad colds , croup and whooping cough
makes It a favorite' everywhere.
Uvery day and every day we hear our-
Ktlvea lauded about our ChrUtnma Mlppeir
not the regulation tdlpperu , but somethrig
out of the ordinary tin cxclunlve lot of
Uppers both us to style and price ensy
to wear the first lime you try them. Clirltt-
inaa Clipper bu > ere who buy { 1000 vvorll. of
slippers or bliotH , or both , before Christmas
get ri beautiful German china Hou/onlr free ,
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Wu Imvou choice noloctlon of dcblrublo sty los
In Ki'ntlomcn'a bilk umhrolhs that ura espec
ially well uduptud to these ChrMinis times.
There are the vUht roll , btocl rod , silk ser/os ,
lulTotR ! . , twilled silk unitriillas cm the latest
style UonKO natural wood and nuveliy
handes , und uuibrullas till you can't rest , ns
leas adollnr a Congo cane , or cano ntlck ,
are nlco for UhrUtmas , 7Co to tj 00 and bay ,
vro nro thu only Onmhu homo whoiu you can
get Dr. Jiie'ger'b fa'anltary Wool Underwear ,
Albert Calin ,
Men's Furnisher , 1322 Foruora.
Hut It's the boat tlmo to lay In a supply for
the mm tlmo you go llttlofartlicr upsiroain.
All our lulling taalclu ana rods are half prleo
now.Vo don't Icniiw how you llsli , but wo do
know that vtu nro about S5 per cent under tno
regular price for nlajlng e-urdu. dice , rubber
or Ivory chips and such othur Uslilna tauUe.
Rogers und Wunteuhnlm Uulvus and razors urn
Columbia Motul Polish , Mall orders filled.
Cross Guti CoM
Sporting Goods. 11GS , 15th St
UTTLU THIIVfiS FOR If ! . ( ( > i
Solid silver salt rpoon or fruit knife.
Solid silver napkin ring or tea ( spoon.
Silver plated butter knife or cull bell
Silver plated sugar epoon or cup.
Gold bib pin or finger ring , '
Jet earrings or silver buttons ,
Uaby silver pin or glove stretchers
Gold earrings or studs.
Steel upectacles or eyeglasses.
Nickel vest chain or razor.
Open evenings , Mall orders filled ,
Matidelberg ,
JEWELF.R , N. E. Cor. 16th & Furttnta
rmunuGs ACTivn AT IJCI-IMI.O.
\Vjolllllm : TOTTII Dlslllrlx-il li > - Si" -
Tlll SI } NtfrlOIIH HIllyC'H.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , Dec. IS. ( Special ) It
Is believed here that a fire bug Is operating
In this place , and that a number of the recon -
con t fires have been of incendiary origin.
On Thursday evening It was discovered that
an attempt had been made lo burn a largo
frame building In Ihe business part or town ,
owned by Mrs. S. E Webber. The per
petrator of the crime had taken a paper box ,
six Inches long and four inches deep , and
filled It with excelsior. A candle was set
In .1. holeIn the top of the bov and lighted ,
and the/ whole contrivance set uncVer A
corner of the building. The blaze was seen
and the fire put out before It had time to
get any headway. On the Tuesday evening
preceding a similar fire was discovered under
the big warehouse of J. H. Conrad & Co , on
Main street. This Is also believed to have
been of Incendiary origin.
Some excitement exists here over the dis
covery of a bed of gold-bsarlng cement on
Kelly creek , nboul clghl miles from lown.
A number of citizens of this place have In
vestigated the find , and have ordered a small
stamp mill to give It a thorough test.
Assajo of the cement run from $8 fo $12 a
Ion In gold. _
Irrigation Sclii-nic.
CHEYCNNE , Dec. 18. ( Special , ) The
Rock Creek and Plncy Ileer\olr nnd Ditch
company , of Johnson county , filed artlcleb
of Incorporallon vvllh the secretary of state
> esterday. The capital block of the company
Is 125,000 ; the place of doing business Is to
be at Duffalo ; the object of the Incorpora
tion Is to build reservolis and conduct to
them the waters of Hock and Plnuy creeks
for the purposes of Irrigation ,
Se-arlct IVrvcr Hltfnx Up.
The prevalence ot scarlet fever or any other
contagious disease need not alarm you if you
use Allen's Hygienic Fluid. U Is the Ideal
preventive medicine cleansing , purifying and
healing. No household should be without It ,
Alleged Griitt * ItolilMTH ArrrNtfd.
TOPEICA , Dec. 18 The police tonight
caused the arrest of the man who Is be
lieved to bo guilty of the body snatching
that recently came HO near provoking Ihe
people to mob violence. The culprit u > M ,
E. Lowe , who until recently scTved the
city In the capacity of scavenger. 'Jhe
police also arrebted K. II. Martin und L.
Ves , It did. He'd road nomowhuro about the
{ Ind of clsaix a loving wife Id xupposi'il to buy
For her husband , vo ho thought lio'd prepare
ilmsolf. Ho bosun on "tnofora" uncl wel ,
there his now hla wlfu luu't going to buy
chuup cigars bhu got her pick of half a do/on
Irut class brands or we'll select them
Key West or clear Huvunnati from world
enowned faclorlea )2 00 13 00 J & - & GO a
box of Ms. Wo guarantee satisfaction.
Robertson Bros. ,
Cigars ( Mtt1liiuerd.lir')2 ) c ssth st.
C. Duncan , two students'at ' ths Knnsis Med
ical college , who are charsed with receiving
Ihe stolen bodies nt the dissecting loom , and
the dpun of the college , who Is accused
with having nrrnngod with Lowe for tlu >
procuring of the bodies. Lowe Is In jull ,
though the oilier culprits won- admitted to
bull. Countj Allorney Saffoid sajs the
case ngalnsl Lowe Is conclusive It la
stated that he alone robbed ths giav-23.
Suunr llomil ) Act Upheld.
NEW ORLEANS , Dec. IS Two sugni
bounty claims were decided today by Judge
Pardce In the United Slates court. They
wore test cases on the constitutionality of
the sugar bounty act. nnd were llled by the
Realty company and Mr. Andrew II. Gay ,
respectively. The Migar claimants vvero rep
resented by J. D. 1II11 , while Ihe government -
ment was lepresented by 1'nllcd States Dis
trict Attorney F. 13. Karhurt. Judge Par-
dee's opinion was voiy short , but forcible
against Ihe portion asviimed by Comptroller
ilovvlci. Ills decision Is agatnul the United
Stales He holdH Iho sugar bounty act
was constitutional.
Indlnii Tcrrltoi.MlniTH Slilkc.
DALLAS , TeDec. . 18 All the coal
miners In the Indian Territory went on u
stilke loday. Telegrams iccelved al the
headrjuailors of the Missouri , Kansaa &
Texas Uallwny company In this city ny
operations were stopped at Coal Gate ,
L ° hlgh , Hilnr Crpck , KreliM , Aldorson ,
Hartshorn and McAlenter. These mini's
employ moie than C.OOO men , and nre all
Id'o. Upside * this numbiM wvpml hundteil
men cmplojud In Individual mines aic In
DeWllt's L'tllo Eirly Risers euro Indlges-
lion . < iJ bad breath.
Vliir nr Miiuiifiii-nircrH lu SNHOII. ! .
CHICAGO , Dec. IS. The elder nnd cider
vinegar niunufacturc'is of the northwest nre
In session at the Sherman house today , and
will ba In session tomorrow The member
ship includes manufacturers or JlllnolR ,
Iowa , MlHsouil , Nelirnt-kn , Wlwconsln , In
diana nnd Michigan. One of Iho most 1m-
poittim matteiH before Ihe convention Is the
question of cldei legislation , inoro
strlngnt laws ngiiliist udultciatlon be-lng
favored ,
llrlcfN In thu ( inx 'J'riiHt Cuntriled. .
NIJW YORK. Dec. 18-Counsel submitted
to Judge nischoff. In the courl of common
pleas today , the briefs on Ihe motion of Ihn
continuation of the preliminary Injunction
which restrained the carrying out of the
plans of the reoru-unlzatloii committee of
th9 Chicago Gas Trust at the suit of the
holder of a ccrlllle-ato for 100 Bhaie . It Is
not known when a decision will be rendered.
Hayden Bros. ' ad. la on page 9.
Keep the excitement up-11'a one Brand
rush from morning till night and why not
Belling all our fine fur * and fur goods at
25 per cent discount , The most acceptable
present seems to bo the fur caps mostly
seat-lit from . ' 60 to } > 500. Child's sets , In
ir.underena or angora , ut from (2 ( GO to t ! 00 ,
Wo are open every evening now ,
G. E. Shukert ,
Furrier , Fifteenth and Hartley
Tvio CIII-H Itollcil Donn ( InIliuiK lint
> o Oui Srl < Mil > Hurt.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 18 A broken fish
plate was the cause of the wreck of the Al-
lantlc and Pacific express on the Southern
Pacific , near Tow les yesterday. Although a
Pullman and a tourist car left ths track and
rolled down an embankment nobody wns se
riously Injured. Had the cars gone off ths
track fitly feet before reaching the spot
whcie they were derailed , or flfty feel west ,
of Ihe place , nothing rouid have pre
vented them from rolling over the precipice *
to the bottom of Ihe American river canon.
The road In that mountain region winds and
twists In a hundred curves along steep em
bankments. Only at Intervals Is there suf
ficient width to the roadbed to prevent a car
from rolling Into the ravinss , If they are de
railed. ClwiJes H. Mclntosh of Plttsburg
was a pas-jonger In the Pullman car. He
says that Ihe passengers had n warning that
something was wrong. The car ran along
the cross ties for a moment This alarmed
the passengers. The car fell on Us side Inlo
Iho snow. It slipped over the DHOW nnd
rolled half over aboui ihlrly. feel below Iho
Irack , ngalnsl a little hill. The car did not
appear lo ba damaged very much ,
A < > < ! ! ( lillNll ,
During the recent epidemic of cholera In
Honolulu the demand for Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was so great
that the drugftlsts could not wait on all , no
Ihey covered llielr counters with the Remedy
and let customers help themselves. The
people there found Ihls remedy effected a
cure In every case , not a single iljnth oc
curred In any case In which it was used , The
Hitccess of the medicine Is whol lead to the
great tush for It. Many persons bought it
so as to have It ready for Instant use In cas
It should be needed.
\Vnhoo Miiidrr Trlnl.
WAHOO , Neb. , cc. 18. ( Special. ) Ths
attorneys In the Ilasyo murder caaa suc
ceeded In empaneling a jury and made their
opening stalemenls yeslcrday afternoon , ThB
regular trial was begun this morning. The
ovldcnco Is Jut-t about the same as wai In
troduced In the former trial , nothing startling
having developed.
The perfume of violets , the purlly of the
Illy , the glow of the rose , and the flu h of
Hebe combine In Pozzonl'i wondrous Powder ,
Hverybody has a calendar some pcop'a
USB un old ulmatiao othnrn-well , otheia
come to us for calendara that are an orna
ment to any parlor , Poet culemlarn or ox-
tenslon calcndaru ate Uo Lord's Prujer
calunedaro , landscape calendar ! ! are We
roue calendar > i , Huprcmely hondromo , for
Jl 60. ChrUtmu cardn , Ge , Wo uro heud-
cjuarlera for the most beautiful Christmas
presents in Omaha , Open every evening.
A. Hospe , jr ,
Music and Art. 1613 Douglas St.