Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE ; ATJXPAY * 15 , 1805.
Mild Weather Prevents Any Great Activity
in Jobbing Circles.
n < lnlcl mill Ilnrillj t'i > tt >
PrevlmiMV < * ikN .itiittiliiril Mnr-
kt-fN Show \u ClintiKrn o (
All ) ' ( IriMit Iiniorittiii | ! ! <
The volume of l > nlnc5S Joins the past
week 1ms not been entirely natlnfitetory to
locnl Jobbing house ? . The weather lins been
mild anil | > lennnt , and there liao liocn noth
ing to give any Impetus to the demand for
ir.trchandlse. so Hint btisltiesi upon the
whole lian ImrtlJy kept up with the pace
set the previous week. 11 Is the season ,
however , when the regular lines of mer
chandise meet with more or less neglect ,
wlille hollilny Roods toke the lead.
The tnido In tributary territory did not
buy holiday goodn us early ns usunl , and
the orders arrived In a bunch , BO that houses
milking a speciality of goods coming under
that head report a good trade. The whole-
Hale trade In toys especially has been very
good during the past two week ! ' .
During the coming week the retail trnde
will bo very busy taking care of business
and will be lee much occupied to spend the
time to order regular lines. For that reason
Jcbberrt do not expect much activity In busi
ness from now tin until the coming of Ilia
new year.
liuslnvss In a jobbing way has been of n.
very uneventful charaelcr the past week
In all niji'tlons of the country , and Ihe re
sult Is thiit the market shows lltllo or no
chnngo In values on staple lines.
At South Omaha iheru has been a very
fair business doing , and the feeling Is one
of encouragement. The receipts havn In-
ct eased earlier In Ihe winter and more rapIdly -
Idly than was expected. I.lvo stock Is now
being fold on that market to the extent
of a million or moro dollars per week , nil
of which goes back Into the country , lesj
railroad charges and expenses. The stock
ynrdu people are preparing to push the
business harder than ever , and will spnru
no pains to bring all the stock here from
the terrllory Hint can be reached by this
markcl. A company has been formed with
$1,000,000 capital for the purpose of loaning
money to the range cattlemen , which will
control the ilnal disposition of a good many
cattle from Colorado , Wyoming , Montana
and other western states. The range men
are largo borrowers , and they ship tbclr
cnttie to the market furnishing the money.
This money Is usually borrowed In the
spring months and repaid In the fall , when
the cattlu nro markfted , That will leave
the company a large amount of capital on
hand during the winter month * , when It can
be let out to parties who wish to buy and
feed cattle for the spring kot. Taken
nil In all , the situation at South Omaha
Is encouraging.
onocKriY nusiN'Kss.
The trade In Ihe grocery line has not been
very active during the period under review ,
though there lias been u fair business doing.
In the staple lines the volume of business
has not been equal to that of the previous
week , bul there has been some trade In
fancy goods for the holiday season , which
has helped out BOIIIO.
The market has been without Important
change In any line.
Syrups are again a lltlle easier , and are
now' at about Ihe lowesl point ever reached
Sugars are a little firmer than last week ,
and It Is said that the market Is occupying
a very strong position.
For the past throe weeks the market for
canned tomatoes bus been In nn unsettled
condition , but the majority of those having
stock on hand believe Hint the Into situa
tion will be found to be in their favor. A
good many tomatoes were carried over from
lust season , but the pack this year was
light , and the consumption has been large.
liaising have been going Into consumption
very rapidly , owing : to the extremely low
prices prevailing.
Nuts aru comparatively cheap Ibis year
and are going out quite freely to meet the
requirements of the holiday trade. Almonds
mends and filberts are n little llrmcr than
they were , owing to the fact that crops
were light the past summer.
Canned poods arc neglected and little erne
no Improvement Is looked for until after
the turn of the year.
Dried fruits , with the exception of rais
ins , move out slowly In accordance with
the current requirements of consumption ,
but nro expected to sell freely after Janu-
Salt flsh does not seem to bn wanted ,
especially mackerel , which Is held at ex
ceptionally high prices. In consequence of
the short catch both here and abroad.
As regard * the Kurapenn fugar situation ,
the crop deficiencies continue to be vari
ously estimated from 807,000 tons to 1.050,000
tens. From the low point of 10s for Im-
rredlato delivery the market has slowly Im
proved to 10s Cd and appears to be gaining
strength and stability as It Improves , sa
that it Is not likely to recede again to the
rf-cent low point , and Is moro likely to take
on a steady Improvement In harmony with
the statistical position of the present cam
paign , moro particularly should the neces
sities of the refiners Induce them to make
early purchases In Kuropu.
California prunes are very line this sea
son and 'prices are low , making them espe
cially attractive with thi consumer * .
Taking Into consideration the time of the
year , trade In the line of hardware Is good.
There Is nothing to be elated over , nor li
there anything with which to find fault ,
though jobbers could take care of a good
deal more business than they are receiving
at the present time. There Is some little
business doing In goods adapted to the holi
day trade , but buyers Invest carefully and
very evidently do not care to make obliga
tions beyond the line of necessity durlnp
HID balance of the year.
In the matter of prices there Is n con
siderable Irregularity , with less Inclination
to firmness than heretofore. In fact , the
general tendency would appear to be rather
downward. An exception must be noted
in respect to nails , which are holding their
own. owing to the fact that the combina
tion of the manufacturers Is uble t main
tain values steady.
This' Is the season of the year when the
dry goods people expect to do very little
business , and there is no danger of their
being disappointed. U Is between season ?
and no one Is buying only to piece out
stocks In some line that may have been In
ept > clnl demand , and orders aru almost
without exception light. The week as n
whole has failed to develop any feature of
Importance , and the trnda has been of a
very ordinary ami unlntcrof ting character.
The weather has been against the trade
In boots and shoes und rubber goods. It
has been mild , und there has been an entire
obscnco of severe storms In dependent ter
ritory that has prevented the development
of anything Ilko an active demand , The
result \n \ that the vo'.umu of trade has not
been ns large as It was during the previous
week. Heavy storms of MIOW and slush
would icvlvu the consuming demand , not
only for boots and shoes , but other lines as
Nell would receive some benefit.
The dlspoMllon to wait until the last mo
ment before oiderlng goods , which has
characterized the retail trade In this section
of the country. led a gaod many mer-
crants to wait until they did not have tlm ?
to place onk'iH In Chicago or St. I.ouls for
toys and fancy holiday goods. The result
Is that a largo number of new customers
have been obtained by Omaha , and they
bave been taken earn of In u way that will
bring them back here again.
It has been n matter of surprise to many
of these merchants to find that Omaha had
such u large house handling that class of
goods exclusively and carrying a stock
equal to the best house : ) of that kind In the
larger eastern cltlv * .
i-ivi )
HHiiriiN of Hit * Yenr AVI 11 Shorv u
lleereiiMc In Output.
The brewers of Omaha , and In fact thosy
of the wholu stale , are complaining of the
dull tlnic8 , which would socm to prova that
this buslnefs Is not , as popularly supposed ,
exempt from the effects of thu depression
In trade. The scarcity of money among the
laboring classes bus kept down the con
sumption of beer. In spltn of the fact that
beer , In-lne cheaper. Is yitbjttltutcd for
the morn expensive liquors In times when
iiiomty Is fcurrt' .
Nebraska has twenty-one breweries , In
cluding the two Unit turn out welss beer
only. In IBSj there were produced In this
state es.lM * ) barrels of beer , The production
Increased rapidly , and by ISM the annual
output of the Nebraska breweries aggregated -
gated 13U.CSI barrel * . The following year
there was a slight reaction , but the loss
was moro than mndo up the next year , Dur
ing the revenue year of 1895 the production
icached 101,615 barroli- . them being n tdl ht
gain over the previous year In spite of hard
times , During the past ten years the average -
ago yearly sain In the production of beer
In this state has been U.&W bands , while
for the revenue year of IfiM the Increase
was only 1,13:1 : barrels , which will tlva some
Idea of the effccta of Iho business depres
sion on the brewery It doea not ,
however , uliow the situation quite In Us trtio
light. The revenue year of Ifc'JS doe * not
include the latter few month * of the cur
rent year , lien Ihe decrease In the con
sumption was the heaviest. Hence It Is prob
able the next report will show a posi
tive decrease
Nebraska does not by any means manu
facture all the beer that fs conrumed here ,
but Imports , each year , from other states
SHOOO to 100,000 barrels additional , which
might just as well be made here , thus sav
ing to the state several hundred thousand
dollars which nw go toward building up
the Industries of other communities.
The manufacture of beer In the I'nltcd
States has grown to Immense proportions ,
having almost doubled during the past ten
years. I.nst year there were manufactured
In the whole country 33.lflT.Wl barrels of
beer , or 1,011,291,321 galons : , being sulllctcnt
to give every man , woman and child In the
whole t.'nlted States sixteen gallons each.
In the manufacture of beer , one-half of
the annual barley ctop of the t'nlted States ,
or Its equivalent In other grain. Is con *
sumed. very few branches of the manu
facturing business have grown with such
rapidity and have attracted such vast
OMAHA'S It IOTA 11 , TltAIli : .
lloililiiJoiidM CiiiiiiiienrliiK to Move
Unite Kreely.
The retail trade of' the past week , while
not especially good , was better than during
the previous week/ The Society circus
brought quite a good many strangers Into
the city , who took advantage of the occa
sion to do their winter's shopping , and the
business from this source helped very ma
terially to swell the week's receipts.
It was not expected that the holiday trade
would set In much before Christmas week ,
but still alt the stores report considerable
holiday trade already. As a TU'.O people
are not buying very freely , and are not
selecting expensive articles , but present In
dications would seem to point to trade being
fdlly ns largo as It was last year.
The stores are all offering very attractive
goods , and at prices to rult all classes of
purchasers , and nn extra effort Is being
put forth thl ? season to display the goods
to the best advantage.
Condition of Trnde mill Quotation *
on Simile mill Fnncy rroiliiee.
nCHSS Strictly fresh stock , l c ; held stock. 10
IIUTTEIl Packing stock , 12c ; fnlr to good
country , 13Hc ; choice to fancy country , IJlUGc.
VEAL-Cholce fat , 70 to 10 Ibs. . nro quoted nt
C'.lUTc ' ; large and coarse , 4SJCO.
CHEESE Domestic brick , lUtc : Edam , per
doz. , J9.50 ; Club House. 1-lb. jars , per doz. . J3.CO ;
Llmbertrer , fancy , per Ib. , It'.ic ; Iloquafort. ! i-lb.
Jars , | Hr doz. , J3.CO ; Youns Americas , lllic ,
Twin * , fancy , lie.
rOfl/rtlY Dressed-Chlckens , C5l7c ; duetts , 8S >
IDc ; turkeys , choice , Sc ; BITS ? , TSfle.
HAY Upland. JC.OO ; midland , J3.50 ; lowland ,
15.00 : rye straw , J4.M ; color malcrs the price on
liny ; llRlit bales sell the best. Only lop grades
bring top prices.
11HOOM COHN New crop , delivered on track
In country , choice green Eclf-worklnr ; carpel , per
Ib. , 2'ic ; choice green running to hurl , 2Vlc ; com
mon. Hie.
GAME I'rnlrle chickens , young , per doz. . JO ;
quail , JI.75 ; Jack snipe. 76c : golden plover.
J1.23 : jack rabbits , per doz. , Sl.00ffl.23 ; smalt rab
bits , r.0i/c ; mallard duck . J3.50 ; redheads. S3..10 ;
cnimtsliark ducks , Jo.OOftS.OO ; tent , blue wins.
Jl.75jTS.00 ; leal , green wins. J1.73 ; mixed ducks ,
J1.75f20fl ; Canada geese , } ff ; small Reese. } 4.SO ;
brants. $3.50 ; deer raddles. UftlGc ; deer carcas-fcs.
12'iTn3c ' ; elk saddles , llflUc ; elk carcasses , 90
lOc ; nntelupa addlfn , 12JIH. ; antelope carcasses ,
OJIllc ; siiulrrds , per doz. . 50O75e.
riOEONS Live , per doz. , II ; dead pigeons not
CHRISTMAS OrtEKNS Holly , per case , $3.
CAULIFLOWKU 1'cr doz. heads , Il.50it2.00.
CAHIlAGi : Holland cabbage , heads small and
hard , per Ib. . le : Callfoinla stock , per Ib. , 2c.
MUSHUnOMR I > or l'.4-lb. box , COK75C.
POTATOES Knnry native slock , S5o : from stors
In small hits. 40e ; Coluluuu stock , 50853C.
ONIONS I'or hu. , 40c ; home grown Fpanlsh ,
per bbl. . JI.CO ; 3 toliM. . lots , 11.35. "
URANS Hand-picked navy , per l > u. . SI. < r ® 1.75.
SXVEirr 1'OTATOES-Cholce stock. 13 per
bbl.CKLKIIY California , per do * . , 73ffDOc ; Colorado
rado , frlljGiic ; Kalamazno , 30 330.
LIMA HKANH Per II ) . . 5c.
WATKIt CHESS Per 16-nt. case , J.1.50B1.75.
APPLES Fancy stock. J2.75fl3.00 ; choice stock.
12.50 ii 2.73.
OKECON" I EAIIS 1'er case. J2.25.
CIlANIIEHUIES-Jersey. J8.MgS.73 ; Cape Cod ,
f9.S : > { i .r,0 ; MeFnrlln'H ja.riOUia.OO.
MAI-ADA ( JUAPKS Per CO-lb. bbl. . JG.50 ; per
C3 to 70 11)8. , profs , J7.50.
EASTERN CHAPES No shipping stock.
CHANGES Mexicans , per bjx. 11.23 ; California
ImddiNl seedlings. $4.00 ; navels , 14.30(74.73.
LEMONS California , per box , J4.004fl.30-Mea- ;
slnus. S4.5Qfi4.75.
HANANAS Choice larce stock , per bunch , $2.00
i2.23 ; medium sized bunches , SI.75.
Since December ] , the arrivals at New York
have nuRrefiiited fully GOO.UOO cocoanuts , which
under ordinary conditions of demand woifld not
have bocn a depressing Influence upon thu mar
ket , but the receipts during the latter half of
.VuvemU-T nnd the orfeilnKS from otitxlde
source.4 have overstocked the market and caused
the downward tendency of prices. Quotations :
OVSTKHS Mediums , ISc : horseshoes , ZOc ; extra
standards , 23c ; extra selects , 25c ; Ilrnnch & Co.
selects. 27c ; New York counts , 30c ; standard bulk ,
ner jrnl. , $1.10.
MAPLE SYRt'P Five-sal , cans , each. $2.75 ;
gal. cans , per doz. , $12 ; Vi-gal. cans , $11.23 ; quart
cans. S3.73.
C1DEH I'uro Juice , per half bbl. , $2.73 ; per
bbl. . $4.75.
SAUEH KIIAUT Per tbl. . $3.75 ; half bbl. , SI 25.
FIGS New crop , California , 10-lb. boxes , per
Ib. , 19c ; Imported fancy , 30-11) . boxes , ICc ; choice.
10-lb. txixes , ] 2c.
DATES New Peislan. CO-lb. boxes , per Ib. . 6Vic ;
fnrds , 10-lb. boxes , per Ib. , He ,
MAPLE SUGAR Choice , per Ib. . 9810c.
PRESERVES Assorted , 20-lb. palls , each $1,40.
COCOANUTS Per 100. J4.M ; each. Sc.
NUTS Almonds. California , tier Ib. . medium
size. lOo ; Tarrnsona almonds , per lh. , large. 13c ;
Hnir.lK per Ib. , 80 ; walnuts , per Ib. .
fniicy toft shell , 12 > iQ13cstandards. ; . HfflliSc ;
filberts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished medium.
ICc : larse , lc ; peanuts , raw , 5Vic ; roasted , lift
T.ic ; hickory nuta. small , per bu. . $1.75 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bu. , $1.50 ; black walnuts , per
bbl. , J2.
I1EEF LlRht western steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , H'l
f6c { ; good cowa and heifers , 5UiJ'jo | medium
cows and heifers , 4UG5c ; 0ud farequarters cows
and heifers. 3 < i94c ; Rood hindquarters cows and
helfcis , C4O7c ! ; cow rounds , 6c ; cow chucks , 3ic ! ;
steer chuclis , 4c ; beef tenderloins , fresh , ICc ;
beef rolls , boneless , 8c ! ; sirloin butts , bom-Iota ,
SUc ; loin backs , bonelein , SVic ; loin backs , C c ;
cow rlls. No. 3 , ' .4c ; cow loins , No. 3 , 74c ; stt-er
ribs. Tic ; ttt-cr loins , Oo.
MUTTON Dressed m-.itton. Bic ; racks , 84c ! ;
legs , 7c : saddles , 7e ; stews , Jlic.
roilIC Pork loins , 5c : spare ribs , I'.ic ; iwrk
shoulders , 4He ; pork shoulders , skinned , 4 } < c ;
tenderloins , 12c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 33c.
a vi . 01 : oo 1 00
\Vnir Mountnln. . . I 00 1 75 4)
Wolf I'ralile . co 40 752J 10
Heaver , per skin. Iff C 4 2 Oo 4 00 200
Ilcnvrr Kilt . : oo 1 U > 73 00CO 2 }
IHDiS-No. 1 , r'n hides , 4oj No. 2 green
hides , 3c ; No. 1 iiron called hides , < Uc ; No. 2
Krron sailed hides. S' , c : No , 1 Rrccn failed hides ,
22 10 40 Ihs. , 3jc ! ; No. 2 Kioen Baited hides 23 to
40 ! Ui. . Sc : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to Ii Ibs. . Cite ; No.
3 vcnl cnif. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4ic ( ; No. l dry Hint
hli'.n. CbSc ; No. 2 dry Hint hld < s , ( ( /Oc / ; Nn' 1 dry
lulled hides. 6c : jmrt cured hldei , Uc per Ib. Irs
than fully cured.
HHKK1' ri'.LTS-Qicen altfJ , each : ; 0COo :
Kreen suited shearlings ( short woolcd early tklns ) ,
t-iirh ISc : dry sheurllnEs ( short wooled early
skins ) , Ni ) . 1 , each , ] 0c ; dry shearlings ( short
woolcil arly klilnn ) , No. 1 , each. Bo ; dry Mint
Katmat and Nebraika butcher wool pells , per Ib. .
actual weight , CICc ; dry Hint Kansas and Ne-
bra ka Munaln uool ptlts. per Ib. , actual weight
405c ; dry flint Coloiado bulcher noel | > elu , per
Ib. , HCtual weight , 4l/6Uc ; dry Mint Colorado
Mil mi In MOO ! pelts , per Ib , . actual weight , 40ic.
dry pieces nnd bucks , actual weight , 4&ic !
feet rut off , as It Ii useless to pay fieleht on
TALLOW AND OnL'ASE-Tallow , No. 1. JMc ;
tallmv No. 2. Jc ; Rreane. whlto A , S'-c ; grruno ,
whlla U. Jc ; ureaiuyrllow , 2tjo ; grt-4 . dark ,
2c : old butler , ti/IUcj bcctnav , prime , 15flo :
iou h tallow , Hie.
liONKS In car lots welched n < i delivered In
Chlcaco ; Uiy bulTalu. per ton , tllOoiill.oO ; dry
ruuntry. bleached , per ton. tlO.OOQlt.uOi dry
counlry , damp and unity , per ton. JS.OOJS.M.
WOOL Unwashed. Una heavy , 6Q7c ; flue light.
quarter blooj. )03ltc ) ; veejy burry nn < l
ch/iffr / , S(7ci cotted nnJ hrnken. coarse , "flic :
cotlwl nd broken , fine , tpsc. Klp c wnshM
MHInm. ISfilSr ; fine , IIQlCc ; tub wn hf l , HO
He ; black. So ; bucks. Scj tag lockn , 2fl3ci dead
pulled , S86c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CloNluu Qiiotnllons on tinI'rliiclinil
C nun oil I lien mill Sluiilcn ,
NKW TOUK , Ufc. ll.-KljOfll-neeelpls.
4l.fW bills , j exports , , W bbls. : dull
nnd wenk with nheal ; winter extra , J2.GJfl3.Sfl ;
city mill pntent * . JI.1WI.2 ( : > ; winter patent * . J3.4"
38.63 ; cliy mill r/lenr * , * 4.ooff4.10 ; win.
ter strnUhts , } 3.30O3.IO ; Mlnnujt.i patents.
l3.So < 83.5S ; Minnesota bakcn > , J2.768S.O ; winter
low Krades , I2.1002.W. Ilc lljur , dull ; supeitlne.
I2. . I2.75 ; fnncy , l2.Mn2.iS.
mVK\VHKAT-Qulf | at 4l HSe ,
COUN MKAIqupti ) yellow western , coarse ,
70 ; Ilrandynlnp , J2.3S.
ItVI- : Nominal ; western. 42f4'ti' .
IIAULI3V Nominal ; western , 59fll6c.
ItAHLKV MALT Nominal : western , 4 < { ? Mc.
WIlKAT-HecelptM , 9).4 ) ) Ini.t PXrt. | , 16,000
bu. ; spot m.irket wesker ; No. 1 hard. 67Uc. Op
tions opened lower under inisy cables and small
weekly cipirts and declined later under con
siderable locnl ptespure nnd sympnthy with corn ,
closlnit at ' .iWUe net los ; May , 6T 03'Uc , closed
nl C7c ; lrc < < mlicr closed nl CS-NiC.
COItN-Hecelpts , 109. ! bu. ; exports , 17,100 bu. ;
M > ot market weaker ; No. 2 , 83'lc ; steamer mixed ,
UUc. Options opened easy nn.l . declined under
prospects of n In in" mo\ement nnd Rinmf.i | >
with wheat ; c | . cd ' .iiii jc lower ; May , STUCKi e ,
closed nt J'SiCj December , 33H034VIC , closed nl
OATS-Hecelpts , 1S.O.M bu. ; exports , 2.8W bu. ;
* pnt weaker ; No. 2 , libliZ ic. Options dull nm
weaker with corn , cli > IHK He lower ; May. 2l'.4If
2H c. clo < # d nt 21' . e ; December closed nl 22 ? c.
HAY Firm ; shipping , 7.WOS.OOj ( choice , 8.CO
HOI'S Weak ; stale , common to choice. 15J4
crop. SJJTc ; IS'JI crop , "BlOc ; 1'aclllc coast , 18DI
crt.ii. 3HW"c ; 1855 crop , B 10c.
HlDi.4 Nominal ; California. 21 to 23 Ibs. . Hft
IS'.tc ; Ualvesttm , 2J to 25 Ibs. , ICc ; Ducnos Ayres ,
dry , 20 lo 21 Ms. . 21c ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. ,
I , HATHKIl Steady : hemlock sole , Ducnos
Ayies , llRht to heavy wclithls. 22c ; ncld , 21Hfl2lc
WOOI. Quiet ; domestic lleete. 16tf22c ; pulled ,
1'ilO 'ISION'S-Ileef , dull ; f.unlly , no.00ffl2.00 :
Iwef hams , JlS.OOtjl.VW. Cut nicnts. easy ; plcklei !
bellies , $ I.Tir:3i pickled shotildeis , < 3.00fi5.25 ;
pickled hams , JS.503J9.00. LniHi. lower ; western
stdim closed at I5.W ; December , $ " . . ' 5U. nominal ,
compound. J4.C2V6W3.00. Pork , active but lower ;
ehort Clenr. JIO.O.J | 10,50 ; family , JIO.O'HflO.60.
lIUTTHll-Iti-celpts , 1.32S pkKS. ; firm ; western
creamery , ISHjZTc ; western dairy , HjJlScj Klglns ,
naflR Ilecclpts. II87 pk s. : steady ; Ktatennd
Pennsylvania , 2lif2Sc ; western , 2102lc ; southern ,
21 23e.
I'KTItOI.Kt'M-Qulet ; Unltfd clewed nt Jl.M bid.
TALLOW IJasy ; city , 4c ; country , 4'ic.
TtUI'I-NTINI3-2i0Mc. :
CHI-i-si : llecelpts. n.iot pkus. ; dull ; larce.
"UftlOUc ; small , 7GlOHc ; part skims , 3 > , i 6c ;
full skims , 7i3c.
Itirn Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 3T4GC'iiC ;
Japan , 3'i ' ! < 14c.
HOSIN Firm ; strained , common to good , $1.72(4 (
MOLASSES Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
Kiiod to choice , 2i.Cc. : ) (
MKTALS I'ltr Iron , quiet , Copper , steady ;
brokers' price , $10. M. Lead , llrm ; brokers' price ,
J3.13. Tin , tU-aily ; straits , Jll. 1'lntes , market
dull. Hpeiter , steaily.
COTTON SiKOIL Dull ; prime crude , 2. > 'iJr
2Gc ; butter grades , 31ii32c ; prime summer yellow ,
_ _ _
-St. Lotilft f ; cue nil .Market.
ST. LOUIS , Deo. II. VLOl'H Dull nnd steady ;
patents , JJ.30IS.45 ; txtin fancy , J3.10Q3.iO ; fancy ,
J2.E5li73.00 ; choice , J2.GOH2.7 ; .
WHKAT Unfavorable cables and large receipts
cuu'cd n decline In the maiket. which nas HiTic
under yt-sterd.iy for futures ; spot dull nnd lower ;
No. 2 led , cash , C4c ; December , COc ; Mny , COIic.
COIIN Opennl steady but weakened on heavy
receliits nnd closjdWic under yesterday ; epot
lower ; No. 2 mixed , cnnh , 24c ; December , 23Kc ;
Januaiy , 235ic ; May. 19 } c.
OATS Spot and futures dull nnd lower ; No. 2 ,
cash nnd tiecemebr , 17i4c ; May , 19-Hc.
IlYK l-'lim , will ! buyers of No. 2 on call nt
S3 ' , ; < ? , tcRUlar , and CJo , east side , but none ot-
COIIN MHAL-Steady nt Jl.2riifl.43.
IIHAN Kasy ; salable at 4Tc , east track , for
TIMOTHY snUD-J3.00i73.M.
I'OL'LTHY Dull : turkeys. CVic ; chickens , 4',40
G' ' c : ducks , 7ic ] : geese , 6Uc.
1IUTTKH Steady ; creamery , UISJ2GC ; dairy , 13
HAY Strong for choice timothy , which Is
scarce ; poorer grades In big supply ; prairie ,
steady , with n liberal supply , at $3.uOj9.00 ; tim
othy. J7..10jm.riO. this side.
EGOS Higher at 18'c , loss off.
LEAD Dull and depressed ; sellers asking J. ,
with no demand ; later In session sales reported
at JJ.Ofi3. 3.
8PELTEH Offered nt J3.M.
PROVISIONS I'oik , tinner ; standard mess.
jobbing , J7.12H. Lard , higher ; prime steam , J.V10 ;
choice. J3.17's. . IloxeJ shoii d is. J3.20 ; longs , } 5.2i ;
ribs , tri.2o ; Fhorls , $ " > .371i. Dry salt meats , boxeO
HhOnldtTP , J4.C2li ; longs , $1.50 ; ribs , ? 4.C2i ! ; shorts ,
nKCr.lPTS-Klour. ZOM bbls. ; wheat , 57,000 bu. ;
corn , 53.000 bu. ; oats , 11.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , C.OOO bu. ; oats , C.OOO bu. '
Liverpool Murketa ,
LIV12HPOOL. Dec. 14. WHEAT Spot quiet
but steady ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter.
5s SJ : No. 2 red spring , stocks exhausted ; No.
1 hatd , Manitoba , 5s 3J ; No. 1 California , 5s 4'/4d.
Futures clcsed steady with n ar positions un
changed to > id lower , and distant positions un
changed to ' .id lower ; business nbnut equally
distributed ; Dec/miber , 5s 2Vid ; JAnuary , 5s 2d ;
February , 5s 3 .1 ; March , 3s 4Viid ; April , is 4d ;
May. 5s 5d ,
COHN Spot easy ; American mixed , 3s 3d. Fu
tures closed weak , with December ' ,4d lower and
ot'iier months Vid lower ; business about equally
distributed ; December , 3s 2Ud ; January , 3s 3V d ;
SlarcU. 2s 2d ; April. 5s 2Jd. .
FIXJUR Dull ; demand moderate ; St. Louis
fancy winter , 7s Zd.
1'llOVISIONS llacon , quiet : demand poor ;
Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs. . 2Cs Cd ; short ribs.
2S Ibs. , 27s Gd ; long clear , light. 3H to 45 Ibs. . 2Ss
CJ ; long c-l-ar. heavy. 5 > Ibs. . 20s Cd ; long clear
backs , light. 18 Ibs. . 26s 6d : s'.iort clenr middles ,
53 Ibs. , 26s ; clear bellies. 14 to 1C Ibs. , 31s ; shoul
ders , Equuro , 12 to IS Ibs. , 80s Cd ; hams , short
cut. 14 lo 16 Ihs. , 31s. Tallow , fine North Ameri
can. 22 * Cd. Heef. extra India mess. 72a 6d ;
prlmo mess. 57s. Pork , prime mess , fine west
ern , 50a ; prlmo medium , 4.1s. Lard , dull ; prime
western , 27s ; refined. In palls , 2Ss Cd ,
CHKKSE Quiet but steady : demand poor ; fin
est American white , 44s ; finest American ool-
nUTTKn Finest United States. 83 : good , 60s.
OILS Turpentine , spirits , 20s 3d. Itosln , com
mon. 4s 7Hd , Cotton feed oil , Liverpool refined.
17s 3d , Unseed oil , 20s Cd , Petroleum , refined ,
SUd.HUFUIOEnATOrt IJEEF-Forequarters , 3 id ;
hindquarters. 5d.
1ILEACH1NG POWDEK H-irdivood , f. o. b. ,
'lIOl'S At Ixindon ( Pacific coasl ) , 2 10s.
London Griiln Hovleir.
LONDON , Dec , 14. The weather , which has
been stormy. Is now Improved. In the wheat
market them was no Important change during
the week. Offers were not liberal , buyers were
reserved nnd there was little animation. La
Plain wheat was firm , and Itusslan nnd Dan-
uhlan offi rn were light and a sluidc easier.
Prices generally were unchanged , however. Par
cels were quiet. Duluth , prompt delivery , was
quoted nt 2is Od. Hwt | wus quiet , owinir to the
milder we.ilher luid free offerings of American
ninlial lower rates. Parcels were quiet. Mixed
American mulzo afloat was quoted at 13s 3d.
Spot was slow. Unrley was steady nnd Inactive.
Oals wci ( . < firm and In fair demand.
Print Clotli Mnrkct Hcvlevr ,
FALL IHVUn , Mass , , Dec. 14. The print cloth
market baa not Improved 'during Iho week , but
fallen off. Tlm quotation Is quiet at 3V4C. against
a quotation of 3 3-lCc last wefk. and the market
Is really at 3 1-lto , and the proxpccts are for 3c
soon. The regular 61n sold were all contracts
at 3 IICc for delivery Ui small lots. The oilds
cold were on a basis of 3 1-lCc and the present
tendency Is for a still lower basis , The sales
of oddii kept the total uales up to a very fair
total , but there was a material Increase In the
stock , particularly of regulars , and this Mock Is
now In a condition to be nomewhat felt In the
trading , The contracts placed run through De
cember , January and March ,
KANSAS CITY , .Dec. 14 , WHEAT Irregularly
lower ; No. 2 haul , 57&3Sc ; No , 2 red , nominally
GSgffitc ; No. 2 spring , M4&57e ! ; No. 3 cprln ; , KPu
53c : rejected , 41(50e. (
COUN Active. Uo lower ; No , 2 mixed , 2214 ®
22'ic ; No. 2 white. 2J ic.
OATS-Hleady ; No. 3 mixed , ICOICVicj No. 2
Willie. ITSflSc.
UYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 33c.
HAY Weak ; timothy , 110,0)812.50 ; prairie , J8.00
IlUTTin : rinner ; creamery , l6iJ2Jc ; dairy , H
KOOS-Firin : fr h , ISc.
Tolfilii ( iralii .tlnrki-t ,
TOLEDO. Dec , H. WHEAT Lower , weak ; No.
2 , ca h and December , 6.Mic ,
COItN-Steady ; No , 2 mixed. 27tie ; No. 3 mixed ,
201jc ; May. 2 > e.
OATS tjuletj No. 2 mixed , We ; No. 2 white ,
HYn-Dull ; No. 2 caeh. SSc.
CLOVIIU HI-iU-"Iull : : , steady ; prime , canh nnd
December , J4.40.
HECEIPTS When | , 5. < X hu-J wrn , 477.000 bu. ;
clover seed , 578 bag' .
SlIIPMENTS-Flour. 2,500 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000
bu. ; corn , 32,000 bu , ; clover seed , 121 bags.
.Alliiiifiiiiolln Win-ill Mnrkvt.
dull ; rloiv , 53\c ; May , OC'ic. ' On track ; Nu. 1
haul. 6lhic , Nu. 1 northern , { 2sC ! ; No. 2 north
ern , CHic. |
l-'UJtllt Another week nf large output and Ire-
inrndous sales Is thn record for the past six
days , leaving the millers further behind with
orders nnd more hopeful for the future. Prices ,
while unchanged so far us quotations arc' con
cerned , are higher than they ueru a week ago.
First patents , $3. WSJ , ? ) ; ether grades unchanged ,
Pforlu Murkctn.
PEOIHA. Dvc. H. CORN Active , caller ; new
No. J. 23e : new No. 3. 2lic ,
OATS Slow nnd weak ; No , J white , 17C18Wc ;
No. 3 while , 17017'ic.
HY13Dull , nominal.
WHISKY Steady at 11.22.
IlECEIPTS-Coin , 153.700 lut. ; oats , 53.151 bus. ;
e. I.2UO bus. ; whisky , none ; wheat , 7.0.W bus.
SHIPMENTS Coin , > t. 100 bus. ; oats. 24.9SO bus. ;
rye. < o lu . ; wii ! > liy , _ W gaU.vliml ; , 6.600 but.
NKW YOIIK. Dec. H.-SUOAIl-naw , firm :
fair lerlulnK.i. i. , ( Uc : centrifugal. M tc t. J'.jO
! So ; re'.luM , quiet ; standard A , 4\ic \ ; cut loaf ,
CUc ; powi2 > r il. 4 ? > ci 'crnnulatetl. 4Vic.
LONDON. Dee. H.-SUdAH-Cane. centrifugal
Java , i : < M ; Muacorado , fair rttlnlng. lOi M ;
but , dull ; Deccmtor. Id Od ; Juuuarx , 10 * 9J.
Prices of Grain Tpok Another Tumble
Yesterday ,
Vlillilc .SiippljCoiiilltlonn n Consider
able IVntnri : ill the lii > N .Spue ,
iilutlvu ' Trndliiu Stork *
S : >
CHICAOO. Dec. 14. Prices of grain took
nrother tumble today , compared with yes
terday's closing prices ; the May dellveo
of wheat Is ' ,4c lower , corn "Jc and oats
" 4c lower. Corn and o.its appeared to have
no ba torn , , tinders Inkl g2GcforMay.Vheit
did not ecein so entirely bereft of friends
The covering purchases by shorts In pro
visions caused comparative strength am
BOIIIO advance In prices.
Weakness was still the prevailing fccllnp
nhcn the wheat market opened , nnd It
did not change materially all day. It was
expected that last week's decrease Irr the
visible supply , Instead of the heavy In
crease which had been looked for , wouli
all be explained Monday In nn Increase
of 2,000,00) bu. or over for the present weelt
It was contended that nineteen cargoes
of wheat were on Saturday last still In
the bo'.ds of vessels In Buffalo harbor
which bad been counted out of the visible
supply last week because the railroad com
pany had the orders to forward It , and
that a large proportion of that would re
appear this week nt seaboard points. II
may seem that with nu Increase for the
\\eek , as expected , at Minneapolis and Duluth -
luth , of 2,200,000 bu. and n probable Increase
of 1,000,000 bit. nt New York there could
not be otherwise than over 2,000,000 bu. net
Increase In the visible supply. It was
pointed out , however , that arguing from
Just such premlpoa a week ago the tradi
went far astray. There was nothing dis
turbing In the routine news , but undet
selling led by Linn , the price tended down
ward from start to llnUh. May sold cnrl >
nt CO gC , and was being maintained will
apparent dllllculty nt COc ns the session was
drawing to a close. *
Corn traders received today liberal re
sponses to the offern they wired to dealers
In the country yesterday , and the pros
pective heavier receipts thus Indlcatei
Kcemed to set every jme to selling who
wished to earn a dollar out of the article
Althcugh the stocks hero ate only 700,000
bu , and only -100,000 bu. are of the contract
grade , a , yonr ago , when the price of Ma >
corn was IS'.fcc , the stock here was 1,600,000
bu. , and the price now la ZOc per bu. less
The exports for the week were 2,391,000
bu , , or more than 2,000 bu. In excess of
the week's shipments a year ago. The
day's receipts were 62. earn , nnd COO are
expected on Monday. Mny corn was es
pecially weak and declined > ic per bu. December - .
cember lost Uf and January ' /4c.
There was n heavy trade In the oatp
market , and the session from beginning to
end was very active. During the early
part of the day the feeling was compara
tively firm. liuylng was good , nnd till of
ferings were taken up rnpldly. Later , how
ever , the weakness In wheat , together with
Increased offerings , caused n decline , nnd
the record for thirty-three years was
broken by Mny selling at 19c. Yesterday
19&C was the closing price , today 19c.
The cash market was also weak , receipts
exceeded yesterday's' estimate by IDS cars.
Provisions showed n little strength , be-
caUEe the rtny'iC 'hiTi of hogs was IG.OOf
head. Instead ot,22OlJO bead , ns estimated.
Perhaps the principal'cause of the moderate
advance with which the market closed was.
that John Cutlany "and some other shorts
thought well on covering. Compared with
yesterday's closjjig prices , Mny pork Is
7'/4c higher ; lard , nnd ribs , each Do up.
{ estimated receipts , for Monday : Wheat ,
202 cars ; corn , CO ! ) car ? ; oats , 242 cars ; hogs ,
42,000 head. For tin unttre week 223.000 hogs
arc expected to .arrive. .
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Op3iiL ItlTlu LOW. | 01313.
llec , . BOW rn < SDH
Jan B.Vs 67 M mm f.HW
May COfc - - iuw en CO
Corn , No ' - ' . .
Dee 2.-.U
Jan. . . . .in. .20
Mav VfclHi 28M
July. . . . . . . .
-OalB. Noi'24 % Kl A Y
Dee : . ' J7. ' T ' 17 !
Mny i. ID
Porkpor bbl
.Dec- , . . - . -7 00
Jan 8-471 * x O'JH H 50
May 8 82M 800 8 8'J 8 87K
Lord. 1(10 ( Ibs
Dec 6 IS
Jan c : to r soc 0 S7 A SO
May fi OU c as C CO B S'JK
il. m Ulbs-
lee 4 30
Jan 1 17 ! 4 : m 4 27H 4 MO
May 4 00 I 65 4 CO 4 g''hi
Cas'.i quotations were us follows :
FLOUR Quiet ; winter patents , } 3.153.j > : win
ter strnlKhtR , t2.503.'j ' ; uptlne patents , $3. 15fT
3.50 ; spring straights. $2.G5ffW ! ; bakers. Jl.Wiy
W'HKAT No. 2 Bprlnpr. 5C'.4i57Vie ; No. 3 spring ,
' ; No. 2 red. .
CORN No. 2 , 23Hc : No. 3 yellow , 231e.
OATH No. 2 , 17e ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 15 i { ?
20Vc : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 179i018Uc.
liYK-No. 2.:4Hc. : .
I3ARLKY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , t. o. b. . 23ff
3 c : Nn , 4 , f. 0. b. . 22i25i\
KI.AX BUKD-No. 1. 94S94'Se. '
TIMOTHY S Uian-I'rlme. :3.S53.CO.
1'HOVIWIONS Mces pork , per bbl. , J7.874ffS.OX !
Liiul. per 100 Ibs. , So.27'ii. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) .
J4.30B4.33 ; drj- salted shoulders fbnjcpil ) . 14.503
4.75 : short clwr sides ( boxed ) . II.37V45T4.M.
WHISKY Distillers' flnlshuj goods , per Ral. .
roULTRY Klnn ; tmkeya , 709',5c ; chickens ,
5V407'io : ducks , lORlle.
Tne followlns were the receipts and shipments
On the I'w I na3 o < colatiT toJiy the butter mar-
Uei wait firm : , creamery. lO-t''tJe ; dairy , lua
22c. Keen , llrni : 20)j321p. ) Cheese , quiet : un-
ehanjed : twIiiT , 8 < iOHc : Younir American , VG
e ; clicodntM ,
Speculation \\'nn AlmoHt Wholly Coii-
IIlied to IiiiliiHtrlnlM.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 11 , Speculation loday wns ,
as usual , chiefly In Iho Industrials. The move
ment In that group was sharply upward , and
especially In ToLncco , which advanced 4H per
cent to 7C % , Leather preferred gained 2 per
cent , Chicago Oas 14 per cent nnd Sugar Hi
per cent. The railway shares were lightly dealt
In and the only rlianges of Importance In that
department were advances of 14 per cent In lial-
tlmore & Ohio and of 1'4 per cent In Lake Kilo
& Western preferred and Minneapolis K SI. Ixiuls
Ists preferred. Estimates of gold shipments on
Tuesday next ranging up to J4.000.000 caused n
sagging tendency In the leading railways , which
contributed to nn Irregular closing. ' Pp to a
Into hour the only definite news of proh-ible g3ld
engagements for Tuesday accounted for but
J2,150,0 < X ) . No gold lins actually been ordered ns
yet , The long drawp out rumors regarding the
proponed contract between Iho Pacific Mall
Steamship and Panama railroad companies were
disposed of loday by Ihe formal ratification of
Iho agreements byJthaMlreetors of thu llrst men
tioned company. The 1'anajim railroad directors
had pievlously uiUliftrlifil the slgnalurn of their
president. IlmnlnijfOn .trill sign on Monday. Tli ?
Industrials ulsn cffimtltulcd the greater part of
thu neck's marker although n number of new
developments hearing upon the railway nnd gen
eral list came tolrafBv. Tobacco und Leather
profem-d were most , rwteworlhy In UIB move
ment , The first nan'on the continued favor-
nhlo HMitlment of the dividend episode and on
retried fresh culHIi'j { > rlceii , dropped 414 per cent
to 03. At tlm iDW.ji'alhf Insiders look liark puni"
slock and rushed the shorts to cover on n rally
to 76i. The recinyiji > vus stimulated by rum > m
of a piohnhle romiu-omla * with the opponltlon.
The preferred tlock suffered n decline of 5i per
cent , but eventually-.rallied to and closed nt ICO ,
leather preferredI'Jlfldr a decllno of 1 per cent
lo 59' , ; , wns tfllceullir liuiul and put up to 70 by
Inside Interests. Thu news In general ufTerllni ;
thu railway shure wn - mainly of an encourag
ing character. usldM'fit > m the shipment of Jl.ftoo.-
COO In gold nnd rumors'.of . probable engagements
of the precious niituH'eurly next week approxl-
mating . , 'Wt < oratlon of th dividend
on Northweslcrn cofnmou to u 5 per cent annual
basis was n notaUj. ( font , reflecting the belief
of the powerful niid conservative Interistn con
trolling Ihe properly that the outlook for business
cncouiagud that action. The resumption of divi
dends on Ihu preferred xlock of the Denver A
Kl-j ( Iranda company nfter nn Inten'nl of about
two years , the ratification of Die Panama llall-
rna.l-l'nclno . Mall Steamship contract and the
declaration of the regular quarterly dividends
upon Manhattan railway and Western Union
telegraph Blocks wera also encouraging , develop
ments. Other bullish Influences wera the re
ports , as yet unconllrnmi , of an Impending consol -
sol Illation ot Ihe gas Inleresls In New York , re
sulting In an extrenid advance In Consolidated
Una of 1 ! ' , ; per cunt to 1C1H , and the effortii to
restrict the production of anthracite coal to a
po'nt ' that will allow prolltable rates to the pro.
The serious attention of Invettors and specu
lators has been attracted to the affairs of the
Ilaltlmare & Ohio railroad on account of per-
slutent and clrcumnanllul reports unfavorably
nrfectlng the crrdlt of that company. Vlgorou *
but general denials by ofllcluls were Ineffectual
In preventing u decline In the price of the
of 55J per rent. The low point today. 4J1i , was
the loweat price of Ihe year. The stock clojed at
a recovery of 3 pvr cent from Ihe lowest. The
net re ulu In the gent-nfl market i > how Irregu
larity , with a til Bin prepnnderencc of declines.
Important changes , n IJe from those noted , are
advanuceB of ISl per cent In Manhattan ; Long
IsUn.l Trnetlon. ! * i per fnl : New Jer > y fenlnil ,
JH tr wnt. nd Michigan I'entral of S rr cent.
Illinois Steel l oft 4 pprnt for tlii > week. The
asrrfrat ; ) ) snl were 1.1 J.2 rlinres. llnllnay
nd mlscpllineou.i Ixinds mlrd iirtlv * nnd higher
on ilrallniM nmoiintlng to f'JI.O'X ) . Northern 1M-
olflc M were the fi-sture of the speculation , ris
ing 3 per cent : Northern Pacific collntnal trint
6 . 1 ] > er cent. The denllne * Iti ImmH during the
wefk wreuulte nitlvr. with Ihe Hiding l > es
contrlbutlnif lamely to the nKsrcgate sale * . The
movement of pilcen ns Iricgulnr early In the
week , with n declining tendency. In the ln > t
hslf hour mnterlal niipr < vlnllons occuirwl from
tln > onrly low point * . The ng re nte snleji were
$7.2 7.0.10. . tlovernniPiit Ixtnds wore Hctlvo nnd
higher on purc'.ins . of , SlUiT c rtlll-
onte ruled wmk nnd lower , with snlos of J2 , ( > > ) .
The New York l-'lnnncler says this week : The
ttafcmont of the assoclaKvt hiiiiK * nf this city
for the week ending l > eceml * > r l ( shnws an un-
xpPotiMl pxiin. lon of J3I70 > ) In liinn . which
must be attributed ns much to the fpeciilnilve
excitement of the past ten d.iys ns t > n legitimate
demand fnim mi > rr ntlli > s-urres" for monej. Tne
In c to.niovem. . nt nf cit'iency for Ihe we'k nest d
the New York hanks not le s than 2.3'M ' , ( } . T.ns
Is probably counted In the slnteni'-nt. ARnlnst
this should bo pbifod the lov tlifnlgli the with
drawals of legal tenders fir the gold shipments
of the Inst part of ln < t wofk. and the ll.OOO.nio
wlthdinwn during Iho current week. The e
losses have nearly on > cl the gain , but t'.io statr-
ment does not show it. The net cash lo. i Is
11,500.500. The fpeclo llrni Is slowly Incren liiR.
but this accumulation Is not nt the expense nf
the treasury , which Is actually gaining gold from
the banks of the country. The only Infeu-noe Is
that the clearing house b.inki nre going to first
sources for tholr specie , perhaps biijlng n siy !
ofTIco receipts from the producois or bullion denl-
ew. At any rate tlioy cannot tic accused of helpIng -
Ing themselves nt the expense of the tic-usury.
The gold holdlngi of the New York banks nro
still about IK.OOD.noO loss than the hlfihcsl total
reported during this year.
The following were the closing quotation * on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
I1OSTON. Doc. H.-ClcnrlnES , | 10S9',0ri ' bal
ances , 11 , 701 , 3i.
IIAI/TIMOIU : . Dec , II. ClrarlniM , t.13r ! ! : ; ;
lalunces , 1331,6:7 ,
BT. LOL'IB , Dec. H. Clearings , 13.327.031 : Iml.
ances , (171,213. Monty , SSS-per cent. New York
exchange , 7Sc dUcount bid.
CHICAGO , Dec. H.'learlns , ( U.iTI.OOO.
Money on CM ! | , steady at Mji'j per ci-nti < m time.
Oil 6H per cent. New Yoil : exchange 5'ild at par
md 15c premium , llanlivru' ( London ) sterling ,
| l.8 Hei. 7 % .
NKW YOUIC. Dec. II.A tllnpalch frira Ixm-
lon says It Is reputed that a large Anglo-Amer
ican lianklng house liaa placed in ( lia gow , Heat-
land , the vnllie Imuu of Ihu that muilgagd o > jnl : <
of thu Arizona Water ritorage rompany , nmuunt-
IIIK to f I'M. ' ( > ) . This la said to b the lamot Ir-
ilgutlon rompany In Art/xm.i. The ( ixpoits of
vp'cl font the port of New Yoik f < > r th week
ani'iuilUil to 11,222.000 In K'JlJ Mild fl.OJO.CM In
Hllver. The Impoits were : Hold. flt.Ckl ; ilh-fr ,
JI0.4IS ; dry goods. 12.543,52) : geiiTuI mfichun
lle. t3.$0,2tO. Clearings , t
.Vnv York WfL-lil > - Hank Snlu ( ioii ( ,
NiW YOUIC , Dec. H.The wetkly bank statement -
ment shows the following chaimes : Itcntrvi' . Je-
creuue , JI.'X/.bM ; loans , Incrrate , 13,170,900 ; specie ,
ncreusv. JIJ3.KW ; legal tender , dtcivasi. , I1. < S4. >
M ; deposits. Increase , K.M3.00) . cirmlatlon , de
crease , 112.900. The bunks now hold | IS,3iU:3 In
vxccsi of the requirements of the 2. ' , per cent rule.
London UoiiMolii.
LONDON. Dec. H. Ounsls for nu-ncy , 107 ; tot
the account , 107 1-16.
Light Run of Onttlo but Fnir Receipts of
_ . Hogs for Saturday ,
I'rlooi AVero T. < MV ntiil \o AotlvHj'
Iliiilffxtrd TliriiUKtioilt Hi < > \ \ ' < -rk
HOB" "i ( * < 'iit IllKbor ntul Trend
uf ( lie AYeeU I'lM iirnliU1.
SATfllDAY , Doe. II.
H'cclpts nnd shipments for Iho pnst
twcnty.fotir hours , ns compared with the
previous six days , ntv ns follows :
Cnltle. HcgSheep. . Horses.
December 14 474 6,003 302 79
December 13 l.ias 4,101) 4UD
Dccombor 12 2.516 6,130 233 21
December 11 2m ! 9.XS1 95 13
December 10 3,721 ' 9,237 9SJ C'5
December 3 l.COS 1,207 179 2-1
December 7 1.015 0,221 C29 . . . .
Cattle. Hog" . Sheep. Horfleo.
December 12 1.3K ) 409 . . . . 2 <
December 11 l.OJ'i 1,007 . . . . 21
December 10 1.39D 493 612
December 9 322 . . . . 2"3
December 7. . . . . . . . dsn l.lfia . . . .
December G G'it ' . . . . Ii2 . . . .
December 5 Sl.1 1.1SJ 691
The receipts for the week , with compari
son ! ! , are :
( 'alllc. Hoes. Sheep.
Receipts this week 12.932 3:5,27:1 : : 2,261
Receipts last week 11.549 41.172 2.S07
Snmo week hist year 17.30 < 31.ZM 3.417
Snmo week IWJ 2'.J7I ' 30.ZV1 7.IW7
Same week 1S9I lO.'JDS 33.4W l.t')7 '
CATTLU The usual Saturday dullness
was accentuated today by the extremely
light receipts , only seventeen fresh loads
being reported In the yards. There were
not enough cattle of any one Kind to really
make a test of the mntket. The buyers ,
however , were out early and picked up
about all the offerings , paying good strong
The cattle market of the pnst week has
been far from satisfactory , viewed from 11
seller's standpoint. Not only bave prices on
killing cattle been low , but the market on
fat .steers has been almost entirely devoid
of life nnd activity. It has been the Fame
thing over ngaln every day. a drag from
start to finish. The buyers bnvo not noted
as If they cared whether they got iiny cattle
or not , nnd still they have taken nil ar
rivals , the offerings of each day being
cleaned up before the close.
Feeders who bave been accustomed to
renllr.lng handsome prices for Chr'stmas cit-
tle are being greatlv disappointed this year.
The demand nt all the markets Is very
limited for Christmas beeves und they do
not command the premium that well fin-
Isbed cattle usually do. The fact Is that
fancy cattle are now polling at the lowest
point touched In fifteen or sixteen years at
this season , or below the price usually com-
trnnded by medium fat steers" . The blggt-t
the cattle the worse they Foil , and packers
will not pay n premium for welirht. During
the past week In Chicago 1,883-lb. cnttie
brought only $4.fiO. nnd a bunch of 1,14S-1I > .
stters brought thu same price the same day.
Some 1.R37-I1) . Christmas beeves went nt $ j
and 1,173-lb. beeves $3.2. . It Is very plain
that big cattle are no longer In style.
AVbllo the situation In the fnt cattle mar
ket Is far from encouraging , cattlemen ns a
rule do not look for any material Improve
ment In the near future. The outlook for
the next thirty days Is not bright and
there appears to be considerable discourage
ment among feeders. Prices , however , are
very low and It would bard'.y s = eem possible
that the downward course of the maikel
could continue much longer. Uepresentatlvo
sales :
12 Mecrs 935 2 55
HOOS The week closed with a fair rim of
hogs , there being seventy-rlglit fresh loads on
Bale. The quality of the hugs was gol.
The maiket opened about 5c higher with the
demand on Iho part of local packers good , and
In addition there was n fair shipping demand ,
which gave strength and activity in thu mailed.
Thu trade was quite active and Iho offering *
wcio practically all taken 111 good season. It
was a three-price market , most everything sellIng -
Ing at J3.33 , JJ.37',5 ' and JJ.40.
Tlm ling market of the past week has been In
pretty gaod shape , mi far an the demand was ciw
ccrneil , nnd the arrivals , whether large or umali
have met with ready sale. Prices have lluciimted
back and forth within a , narrow range. The low
point of thu week was Wednesday , wlu'ii the
bulk of Inn rales wan ut J3.23fii,30. : The highest
point reached by Ihe market was at Hit clew of
the week , when the hogs mid nl Identically Hi. '
same prices that were paid nt Ihe close of Iho
picvloux week , Kepicseniatlve sales :
No , Av. Sh. Pr. No , Av. Sh. Pr.
Cl 231 10) J ] 3i ) - ) "
„ 83 I2J3 37(1 ( ,
27 H3 . . . ,330 4- , 2JO 4' ' ) 3 SJtf
Cl 232 120 3 30 J4 417 . . . 3371 *
CS 250 8' ' ) 333 fil 2.W SO 33714
59 233 40 3 r 61 2S ) 81
C9 2S4 40 333 SS JJJ | 0) )
61 233 EO 333 S3 2S1
2d 235 10 335 77 2Y1
03 2S1 . . . 33"i f,1 25 *
C3 2S1 60 3 3'v ( N \ i
3 239 120 J 3 ? 7' ' ! 210
37 351 100 3 81 74 2i4
58 21)2 ) 1W 335 7 < i : 'J1 !
I' ) 203 40 3 S3 M 2'i7
70 Zii'i . . . S 3i ri | 21' ' )
SS 311 40 3 ST > If SDj . . .
18 2:0 ice 323 f.ii 3.11 . lit ) j 371
43 2 . . . 233 Cl yjt SO 3)0 )
Cl W . . . 3IH M sr | . ; . 3 | f |
01 27S 40 3 M 71 2S'J 1 0 .1 in
31 311 . . . 3.13 M ill . . . 3 | i )
Cl 270 120 .1 S3 9 | S5'l . . . 340
4 317 ICO 33- , 7J m 3 Jo
ss an 210 asi ci t.s . ; is ) 140
37 2 l JM S 3S ' ) MS 4 $ 341) )
71 7 , . . 3M 7. Kit 2) ' | 311
13 2.7 . . . 33- 72 3il 40 3D
IS- ) B03 20) ) S3 : ill 277 . . . J 4l )
38 259 41 333 II 2fl (1 ( 3 p
C2 IKS > 0 3 37'j r,7 271 M 31)
' " " JJ1 337U fJ 310 10 .14)
M SI' ) 4'l 3 J7I/J 57 S33 100 n 4) )
J4 32) ) W 31Vi- ! , ' . 311 . . . 3)0 )
m 3HI 101 Z 31Vj 51 2J7 I ) S 4)
71 2"l ! SI 33'lj ! ' > 21-1 S'1.340 '
23 3.i8 S ) 3 3Ii ! Cl 27 * | M 310
CS SM 12) 3 37IA S ) * ) ' , | 0 341
ti'l * ! . . . 8 7W . . . , . . . . 2K' 340
.312 81 3 3iW T ! 2" . . . 340
. .SW M 337j ! 6T. . . . . . . . ) 4) 3j )
J.15 . . . J 37lj 31) 371 . . . 341
Si 311 4' ) 3 i 37U Ki 315 4) ) 34)
4.1 W 4' ' ) 37U 57 .101 4) S 1'J '
S.1 J'I2 . . . 3 37lJ 7.1- 2 l IM 310
ra Mr , 1C' ) 337i4 C' 2hJ 4) 34)
l 211 4 > ) 3 37'i
1 22) . . . 2 OS 91 DC . . . 3ft )
1 821 . . . J < V1 B..X..1S.- . . . . " . >
. . . . . . . . . . . t 10 3 3" J . . . f t\
S3 S7 . . . 3I I JJI . . . S J )
BlIKIil' The iniike' tulay wju s r ni : ail active
.in dmlrablr multoni nnd the offerlmve'f : s , - > u
nil taken ,
The n > < "lpts 'f li < l'i | dining Iho pa t wei-li have
tun vrry lUht nl for that ir.uon Urgcly di-
lniljo | rnutinn * have ronunnivl'-J f-jol | > rlci-s n
ronipRrod with oaiHTii nvarkeli' . The ivjimiioii and
l declrnbli- have cold n lltt9 | ' j lr. ( lee I in
choice natives aio quutublt nl from li.21 to 11. : ' '
gao.1 to choice wrstvrns. frnni 12 to ( I ; fair t
uooJ nlocl ; iheen , frum 11.'J to 12 C3 ; cummun to
41 to 1'V-lh. ' lumtw. at from J lo II. SJ.
No. Av. Pr.
fil mix ri native * . 127 M
2K ! > mixed natives . . . . . . . . . HO 3 Sj
cnu.r ; < TtTrivu STUCIC.
Sunlit Supply of Cuttle ( HTrriMl Wi\
I'n ll.v .Solil.
CIllCAao. Dec. II. The. few rnltlo offero.1 on
the market liHlny Mere enslly Si.M , prlcei nillnff
unrlmngo , ! . I'attlo , hog * and sheep nto selllUK
at Veiy low prices at the present time , and no
Improvement Is generally oxpecto , ! until fler
tlm Cliil tman holidays , the rhoaimrss of poultry
tojidhiB to leslrlct the consumptl"n of 1'eof ,
mutton and hog moats. Cluilce feeders aio sell
ing aniind II. M , while rholro fol IH-OXO cell nt
from M to 11.23. nnd e\tri'inely few prlmo inn-
luroil cnttlo go as high ns J4.W ) . Ko\l Texans lira
beRlnnlng to arrive moro frvely nnd soli nt frm
flW to J.1.C5.
Only nlxiut KS. hogs were offoMsl on tlm
mniket today. Unhiding fresh lecelpln of IS.OHO.
or 10.50) ) lc than nrrheil last RduMny Tliero
was a gotxl tlomind from Chicago packets , nnd
ertstorn shippers Unk n few cliolco dmvo. . prices
ruling n Illllo stronger. Init rrarcrly quotnblv
hlghrr than on sesh-rOay. The IK-IIS woio gvn-
erally cleanr.1 nt nn i-nrly liour , IIORS selllnc
chlolly anmnd M-M. The rniiKo was xery nar
row , wllli ivmin > n to prime dmvos Mllng nt
fnim W.10 In } ! . ) , mainly nt from I1.M to $ S.f.S.
Only alvut 2f head of sheen ntrlvnl t inlay ,
and the supply was clued out ftt unchnngod
prices. The call Is mmlly for handy , uliwp
and lambs. Mont of the nlierp sold nt from II
to $1.15.
N riljl.lvo Stook.
KANSAS CITY. Di > o. H.-'ATTI.i-rRooolpti. !
SW lirail ; plilpm"nts , ! . < ) head ; market iiumlnallv
steady : tuirnl Satunlay half holiday made smnlt
nwrkot ; Texas steern , J2.7Sff.1.43 ; Texas co s ,
52.00ii2.50 ; Iwef stccm , } 3.00ft4.4' ' ) ; nnllvo cows ,
ll.Bona.m ; stockers and femlets. 2.fMH3.CO ; bulls.
f2.0057J.OO ,
llOllrt llocelpti" , fi.C head : shipment * , none ;
mnrkot steady : Imlk of miles. M.S.ViMIO ; boivlos.
$3.0.'JT3.4i ' : packers. I,1.351f3.43 ; mixed , M.2 > ) tf3.30 :
llKhls. I3.20lf3.40 ; Yorkers , I3.30il3.40 ; lilg. ' . ) I.(4
SIIKI'P Hecolpls , 20. . ) : shipments , none ;
mm hot steady ; lambs , | 3.0t > { I4.U ; muttons ,
Stock In
Record of receipts nt the four principal markets
for ttatimlny , Ueccmbor II , 1W :
Cattle. H gs. Sheep.
Soutli Omaha . 474 Ci.iiM 3nj
, .
Kansas rity . 2i 6 , ( > M 2' '
St. Louis . &W l.SOO 300
Totals . . 1,774 231.1D ! 3,5cJ
St. l.oulN Live Slock.
ST. LOI'IS , Dec. KW
head : supply very small nnd only u retail trndu
doim nt piovlous quotntlon.s.
lions Hocolpts , 1,800 bend ; market rc bolter :
heavy. 1.1.3503.55 ; mixed , t3.25r3.SO ( ; light , J3.3JSi (
3. "A
SHIIKP Ilecelpts , 300 head : market III in on
light supply ; natives , t2.40ilT3.23 ; Kouthern , 12.253 }
_ _
C'oitYc MarUH.
NUW YORK. Dec. H. CWFUK-Opllonii
opened dull at unchaiiKed prices lo 5 points ilo-
cllnt' ; ruled Inactive and feiituti'losii on indinVr-
fnt cnbliv nnd stack spot demand ; cloned 5 p .tntn
Inwor to r points higher ; siles. : 2.000 lugH , March.
Jl.1.5. . ; May. )13 ; bpot corfce , Rio , dull. No. 7 ,
J14.50 ; mild , dull ; Cordova , t1S.POUlS.30. Wnio-
hnusn dellvorlos from New Yolk ye leid y , C.fiOS
bags ; New York stock. 230.310 IIIIRS ; 1'nllivl
Slat-s ftnck. 303.011 baR : nlloat Iho I'tiltM
Stairs , 230o.W lugs ; tolal visible for lac t'nlloil
Slates. 533,041 bag. * , against CCO.Ht.1 IMRS last year.
SANTOS. Dec. 14. IJulel ; gimd evaiace Siinto .
$14.70 ; loc-olpts. 8.000 lings ; slock , BH.rVH ) l > ans.
HAMHt'RO , Doc. 14. Htendy , U pfg advance ;
sales , ll,0i liagx.
HAVR1-3 , Dec. 14. Opened barely steady ; un
changed nt noon ; cloned unchanged ; total Fairs ,
1I. ( M bags.
RIO Di : .IANRIRO. Dec. 14. Klat ; No. 7. J17.1' , ;
oxchniicp , 3 ,1-16(1 ; locolpts. ( ) bags ; ch'aiod for
the United Plates. 2.0. > 0 lings ; for Hurope , S.W )
lugs ; stock , 218,00. ) bass.
Cotton II ni'lic I.
NKW OHLMANS , Doc. H. I'OTTON Quiet nnd
steady ; mldilllng. K ; c ; low middling , 8'4o ; good
iinllnnry. 7T c ; net recolpln , 12. 70S bales ; ( Ttws ,
13.32S lulos ; expnrls. coastwise , 1,271 bales ; sales ,
1,400 bales ; stock. 357,451 bales.
NUW YOltIC , Doc. 14. COTTON-Qulet ; mid
dling , 8 0-lCo ; not receipt' ! , 11.1 lialos ; grist ,
41.678 bales : exnorts to t treat llrllaln. 103 bales :
n the continent , 50 bales ; forwnrdcd , S.C2S hales ;
sales , 152 balM , nil spinners ; stock , ISO. Si ; haloa.
Fiimtos closed bnicly steady , 3 points up to 1
point down : not sales , M.SOO Imlr * ; January , JS.2S ;
l-'ebiuary , $ S 3.1. March , JS.3S ; April , J8.I1 ; Mny ,
} 8.47 ; .lime. JS.M ; .Inly. t'.M ; AUKiist. J8.I3 ; Sep-
lembcr , fS.63 ; October , JS.12 ; November , fS.10 ;
Deceml'T. ' J8.27.
ST. LOl'IS , Dec. -COTTON Steady : mM-
illlnif , S 3-lCc : Bales. 1.400 bales ; leedpts , 4.5H3
bales ; Khlpments , 4,714 Inles ; plock , 63,253 bales.
I'orolu'ii I'Miiiini'IiilOCN. ( .
11ICRI.1N , Dee. 14. HxchaiiKO on London , S
dnyn' sight , 20 maiks 40 pfg.
PARIS , Dec. H. Tin cc per cent rentes , lOlf
2t\2C ) for the account. Kic.nnga on l.undon , 23f
21Vic for chunks.
LONDON , Dee. 14. The amount of bullion gene
Into the Hank of Knglnnd on balance today , 31.1-
Ul. l. liar 'liver , 30 3-lCd. Gidd Is qu.iti-d . nt
llurnos Ayres today at 210.SO ; Madrid , 17.02 : Lis
bon. 27'.4 ; St. Petersbuig , 30 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome ,
I07.W ; Vienna , 103.
Frlm-o Win-lit
HAN KRANC1SCO , Dec. 11. WHEAT Steady ;
May. 1.01 i.
I'rriimtnrr n\plo loii ItoNiillH r'atnlly.
MinDLESDOnO. Ky. , Dec. 14. John AVebb
was killed and John Norton and two others
mortally womiJed by a premature blast near
Ulg Creek Gap.
INSTItt'JIKNTS placed On record Novem-
bsr 14 , ISS.- ) :
I.ucy Scldcn and hushund to J IIolllH-
tcr , lot 13 , block G , lUvorrlde ndd. . . $ .100
P \v Melcher to Uyron InKlchnrt , lot
8. block 1 , William HiiKcdorn's add. . 700
Wllllitm Gla.sfco and wlfo to J H
Perry , lot 17 , block C , linker Place. l.COO
11 V Kulin anil busband to A Q HOK-
ncr. lot 11 , block 3 , CrelRbton HolKbts 1,000
J 1 ll'illck to K P II Thrusb , w >
tax lot 10 , In 4-lD-ii : 2,000
W If Snyiler anil wlfo to 15 It Stone.
tax lots K , 9 and 10 , In uw 1U-15-13 ;
lots 1 to 4 ami IR , Kbmvood 1
B L Stone nnd v.'lfo to Minnie Snyiler ,
Hume 1
J H Cuilllleld to J C MPgciitb. lotH H ,
a to 12 , 18 to 20. Windsor Place ex
tension 3,120
Kdmund IlnyeH to C K Sunnier , lot
lO'l. GIBO'B iirtd 40
Vermont Investment company to a P
Henedlct , lot 15 , block 7G , Dundee
Place 1
Total nmounl of trunsrcrs { 8.70J
As many complaints are coming to the Chicago
Iltnrd of Tiade showing that peitons Intending t'j
deal In grain and provisions through mcmbein nf
Ihn IluulJ and KUhJcct to Its rules und regula
tions lire inlvli'd Into deallntr with poisons op
llrms who have no connection with this Itourd.
the public Is cautioned against dealing u-ltli micli
pcikons or llrms , nnd U nolinod that finOItaiJ
! ' . RTONU , Kcciclaiy , will answer nny Inqtilrlra
as to whi'ther any particular person or rirm U
u member of such Hoard.F
F , STON1Secretary. .
bOMCITSD. Call at our oflloa or write for private
Jlphcr Coda orShlpporc Qrnln Booords.
fllnltoBuildlnB , CHICAGO.
nevk-wlnf the uraln and stock .naikcts. will t
sent you daily on request. In th hope of dt-serv *
Ing part of your business , Oiders solicited for
tuih cr c/n Ilirc-o to five point margins.
J. R , WILUUn & GO.
Members Chicago Iloaid of Trada , Nor , ' Yoilt
Produce l.'irhanm.New Yolk Com. Block Kx.
change. 17 Uoaid Tinde , Chicago , 41 Uioadwuy.
New Voik ,
"IMP on TAN r TO
Investors ; and ; Speculators ,
Flint edition icady. It pl.ilnly Indicates th
iiioui prolliaUa m < th 1 > i of oii"uitlii2 In Oiulu
mid Ktncks. ilall d free.
( irnlll. StnrU Illlll Ililllll Hi'dkiTM , ,
J-'l ( 'Iiniiibt-r of ( oniiiiiirnf , Cli
: 'un be made by my plan of Oo-op"ratlvc Hpeculi >
lion In Wall ulrfet on Invcutment of IIM. Hums
'ioni 110 upwards receded. Not on of m/ client *
bus ever hut a dollar on my plan. H n < ] for pros-
IIPCMIS mid market lettc-i ; ni.ilit'1 ' ; < < : , llluhvat
i ' 'It'r- life J fumlrhpil ,
i : . Mdifi'nunt I > I.VK ,
Hunker A. llriiki-r , III ) HrriiuHvujY. .
ooo. oio-oii Koyal lnturane Uulldlnif ,
In Grain and Provlstoni.
Oider citcule I Clilc irn Board of Trade In ra li n4
nutluui. AdT nr > inudo "ii I'On'lirnn.nit. l'iol luo
Vrmifhiiu > o , I'n Ion bljcu Y rd < . IUf r tb nay Cbloua
l ! iklai { lixtlt'itlon or Ccnk.vrcl l Aiittcy. D ll