1-1 Tins oarAiiA DAILY nisi * . : for ( he-no eiil'inm trill lie Inltpn nnlll I2ia Ji. 111. for Ilif- eve 11 Inn unit nnlll 8 pi in. ( or ( lie iitnniliiK mid Siitulnj cilKlon * . Ail .erliirr ( i , liy rpiincntlnnr n mini li riil ! rlicrU. OHM lime ntunrrr * nil < 1re-d.ril lo n iitimlierrtl IcHrr I" ciirp of Ilif Her. An-morn no nililrc"in trill l ite-ll * . orcil iiiitn iirrieiiditliu of ( Innlirt'lf oiilj. llnli'i. I l-"e noril first limcrllom If n Mtm tSirnnfli-r. Xollitnu ( nUrn for less limn 2r.c for firil ItiHcrtlim. Thi'dc niUci tl ii't e i ( niiiwt lie run CIHIKCCII- 11 * dr. SIT\TIOV ! AV'VNTIJI ) . A COMPETES-NURSE WANTS POSITION tnink" entire chnrgS of Infnnl ie A 'JJ ' { > , WANTF.D , SIEVING IN r7xHKiTM nv EX rtrlrnreii dreHsmiker j tefcitnces given A" rtre.s O 41 , lief . A-i.31. ' LADY" WISHES POSITION \\nit AGED oollp'e f.r cnrp rf Uill 1 Refcrinces Klvn Ail. elrinn n 37. Hoe. A iC2 lj * _ AN lTHr.M.7r7t7NT LADY WOULD I.IKF iilaro Ifi woik for bmml , rifrtfncos MchniifM Address O 3' , HIP. A-.n 1 * * WANTED POSITION' iiv REGISTERED PIIAH- who speak Ucimin Ailrtu s nmclM. ( ino nui . 1. * O < t. life . A-.il WANTED MAL WANTED. LIVE. INTELI.1OENT AHHNTfl I IN Otinhn ' 0 organize clubs of three tn IHe fami lies or rur fntn in Oiclmnl Iloinis ' " " 'I * In cenlrnl MUslf-slppI The tide of Immigration la going south where tlit'n are nn hut winds ro cnlrt vvlnlri * no bllnnrds n-j crop failures. vh re two or Ihree crop" cnn 1m inlsed nicn ) enr , where lln'm Is nn sitrh thins ni failure If n man lll work one-half ns hni.t ns he does In this rounlr > , cjnl rummers mtlilintcic , fire rnvlnicmp ff fruits nnrl Riml'ii tritclt ; HcVM ell on enrtli- bet rnllwnv fncllltle. * Ofo W Ames g-nernl agent , KIT Fnrmm t . Omnhn H-411 _ Boum-ons WANTHH roii OMAHA. AI.--O innnnRois oiit'lilc ctmnlrj Hntlrcly new unoils 411 licpipy block n-Mtti n3 * _ $ CO TO Jio PALAUV 1'AIt ) SAU'sMKN I'OU cliri ( > , i-xioitrmr not iicccfsanvtn In- rtiicinnnlB to runtoincts Dlfhop ft Kline. * ( i/iui io n Mist n : ; BAUHMIN : TO TAKK onnnns wn snxn icimplm * ' rxrlui l\e tpirltiry. pn > KOO.I fnl- nrj unil pxpinmi or Illieml c mimlwlon tn piopor aiipllriuils Address 1 * . O Hex 123 New York C'ltJ 21l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAN run 7 t tu ! ovs TO rur.pMtn roii postnl exninlnnllim con to IIP litlil In llili rlty PnrtlPiilnrn fire of Nit CiiTp-pnnilnrn InFtlliuc. Washington D C 11-741 1 _ WANinn ron nee A n\v- : GOOD soi.ici- tors cxp"ilrnr < il or Incxperlenml to tnKe or- ili-rH fen n M % edition of itiont Mind-inl pubtlcn- tlon Sold for cn h or \ In-lnllnipnl" Poni- ptoto BPts ( l.ll\prul ImmeillaUly. Pnlill lii'i 10 W : : ndit . New t ork 11 724 li IVPKNSIS rou PIUM : \ - npiit iicints , cxcliislxp leirltoij , i"enil slninp for Infiinnntlrm , our Ilutplm li pnilnninl li > nil U-vdlnK pniicr" Ainerlinn Kiinkn I'licl l mnii- mlnr llVt Uromlwnj , N V " II730 Ti SlrtO TO J3 < V ) PHR MONTH IN 1S15 IN Aotir own CDUntj One npnmntnllicleiuil J57 onn Ons N'o ln\i lm < nt npu irj Tree inrtlculiiH 1 Co , Dipt O. KIJneIo n . - nvrnuiuvcnn TpiciAi/i Y of nlillltj iinil nprR > b > old csiuli- llKhcil house Ir > KOO.I-I nnd KPncrnt trniltf Applj nt once , l.oik Hex IMS , lortn Cllx lojvn " H 72 i ! > t2T pnuvir.ic : SAI.uv AND nxpnN PS TO sell clmrs , cxporlpnciuniucpwif ) Nonlj ( \irj denier buj I'ollc & Co , bt I.iulii Mon \\n iiAvn OPIJNINCJS pott A rn\v nnsT ilntH nalesnipn , onH hlifltlPri iiPid npplj A U Xltlimc .t I'o , 1C till n\u , ChlcnBO 1J 723-15 * l AGENTS AND OflONlX.nnS I1IO lii > , ihu'ci ttirltorj ims sick , nccldtnt. dentil nnl rnilnnment benpllt1' Addn- Amcilcnn lieiiciulpnt AsKoclnllon , bt. Iouls , Mo 41 A Wnniv I'MNO AND SHM-INO HO Y A It Pinter , complolo outfit , cnSllv op < mini bv dip ] ) lnu In milted initnl in pollslilnR or RrlndlnK ! C-IIIIP out of plitcr with line nnlslu V > 'f furnMi niatprlals tenrh nKciiln I.lRht , oasv work , I Is jniflts , rainplt * of uork , testhuonlnls free , \Vilte Orny & Co , Dipt > , Columbiw O It 731-15' \VANTKD-A SPKCIAI , nnPni'SttNT VMV13 IV t\iry nlutp f > lin\pl J7T 0) ) to } ino 00 put ir > nnd coninilKslon n rmiEctlc jouns nun IXeillint cliancu for tmeheiH mill tuilo.Tt lliislnp"- ! IiU.tsmnt nnd | i > rmimnl Spldidld nppnrtunltx to make mone\ Our new plan tnkes like wild llrp AililncH National Library Asioclatlon 221 Monroe st . Clilcnuo 11 TiiAvni.fNa "SALESMAN rou IOWA AND Nebraska to Fill Caetl ToIRt Soap Sample , fit- teen reots , ptamp for lepl ) . J. N Hlnkle. Cnlumliut , Ohio _ H 739 15 * WANTHD IHM'l'TIPS TO OIldANIKR 'cOUN- clli Nortliwiotcrn I.iKlon of HonDr ( ! oed con- IracH and mHrj. A Piaalpj , D O C. . Npb City , Nili. H 738-15 * inNTo sni.ii LYON-S pi'irSAVHII : AND bi-at radlaloi on the Inst illment pHn , call 1407 DouKlas Hrect 11 777 15 * i WANT TO ronnpai'ONDITH clnR * patent rlit IIH tmn Sell the tpirltors of the 1'nlted Stilt * In a lump on liberal com- mlsfclon 'A Hee Coun II Hlnrfa II-7M 1" WANTii > M UNANDOSinN TOVOUK AT home , I paj J8 UO to $1000 per wiek far mnk- 1ns cra > on portraits , new pattnttd m thoil , a'iy one who cnn ip.-id or write can do the worU at Iiomp III cpare time ilny orcnliiK Send for imrllculaiti nnd begin work at once Ad- drcba II A Grlpp , Qcrin.in Artist , Tjrone. Pa II AVAVI'EIJ PEIIALE IIELI' . WANTED , GRADUATE FOR MATRON IN hospltnt Address G 29. H j ofllce.C C CCS 17 * WANTED , A RESPECTARLE MATRON TO takn charge of n laige boaidlng house Must not nrcesF.nlly have hnd boarding house ex perience but must bo nn accomplished mil Iiinctlcnl liouseKeiper Hi piles must be In o\vn Imndnrltlni ; nml slate age and. family councc- tlruiR. Address G 31 , llee C M720 15 WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED NURSE , ONE willing to take entile cinruo of biby. Ap pI ) .Mrs. W H. McCord , 2S01 CnssCM7I3 C-M7I3 1C WANTED. FIRST-CLAHS COOK , SMALL FAM- ll > , gi > dngis leniences lequlreil Cill be- tuiin 10 nnd 12 u m , at room 2DG Oninln National bank C M7H 18 HOUSE GIRL Foil MONTANA. CI1AMHER- nmld , dining n im Kills , laundrern for out of IIIHII , second girl , family eook , Join ) Canadian eilllce , l.:2 Douglas O MTU" 10' GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 1WI N 19th lioulevniil C 717 15 * WANTED. A LADY TO INTEREST HERSELr with n K od wliolitale liouso , must bo apt nnd eivt-r 23 AilducH G 39 , llee. C M755 17 LADIES OR YOUNG MEN TO TAlTn LIGHT pleasant uoiK at their homes , $1 to > : i pet day enii he. iinliil ) made , viorK nent b ) mill , no ewnvasnlng Foi p.u Menhirs nddrisH Gbbo Mfg Co. , llox 5331 , llOKton , Mass Est , ISM C-73M5 * WANTED , NPRSE OIRU 2S21 MASON STREET. C M751 17 * roil HUNT HOUSES. HOUSES , r. K. DARLING , IJARKER HLOCK. D 413 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY TIIK O. F. DavU Compan ) , 1505 Faimun D 411 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT ; BEAUTIFUL house , ten looms : elegantly furnlnhed. hot water he it , laundi ) , stable. , carriage , etc , Thos. F. Hall , CIS Poiton block. D 415 STANFORD" CIRCLE COTTAGES , c ROOMS nil mo Urn gas. fuel. Apply Hron Reeil Ci.m. pnny , 7IZ So. Hth el. D 418 HOUSES. UENAWA & CO. , 10J N. ISTH ST. 0-417 FOR RENT , HOUSES IN ALL PAR IB OP THE ell ) . Fpeclal , (51 So. ZCtli ave. 416 No , 31it st. 40 No , ilst st. 405 No. 19lh ct. All modern conveniences ; cheap for winter months Ilrtnnan. LoVe & Co. D M3I5 DJ3 BIO NO. MTH , 4-ROOM COTTAGE. l : i No , . ' 'Jlh , S room Hat , nice. 1621 N. 19throom brick. 604 No. 17th , 8. room brick. Omaha Real Estate ) & . Trust Co , III S ISth. D-M371 _ _ FOR RENT , HOUSE OF TEN HOOMS. Moi em convenlrnics. very bandy to builr.ejs. En < quire of D. T. Mount. 208 8. Hth 81. D-533 ( AND -ROOM HOUSES ON FARNAM AND S , room IICUM on ! ! d und Lea\rnv\orlli , cheap Jno. W. Holblni , 211 N. Y. Life bldf. I ' D-5C2 DKHIHltl.E 8-ROOM HOUSE. J15 00 PER month J. r llarton , 261C Capitol avenue. eiX-HOOM MODERN IIOPSE. EMILY lLACE. JSth , south t > f ManJcrtun. DMC3IIt * UNEQUALLED , HUMMER AND WINTER , central , modern ; tteani , 3 , K , 6-room llatu. fliui , til N , 21th. D-M7t4 21 * KOIl HEVI'-HOI'SnS. ' ii'ln ' 1 FOR MUST J.ROOM 11OUSK , P. K. COR 13D atxl Clftlkc. D-liO _ " Hid" JACK ONlT ! "rilOOM MODERN' IM. 4IOLiiPnjntt ; * ive , B-rfxitn modern , IIS. J07 B Sllh s' 14 room ini-lein JV ) . 21th t 9-room rrodern JJO 2" * > Wfbsl r st 7 rofm m Urn ; 2S. 277" Hurt st 7-ioom > n < Mnn , JIO. 0 * ! N 2h ( vp , 7-ro. tn modern , $20. yvtl 8 Illli M 7-rooni mmla'n , IK. 2004 S Illli l 7-inim tin Urn JI > . Tiutt Ctnijn ij I7 Furnam tr t. D C0"-31 FOR RF.NT NIITI.Y Fl RNI'llED HOUSE OF right room * Ix le1-s nleeive nnd Iwlliroiiln , sotilh front w'tli all cunvenl ne. Inquire Z M Half Konnrl ( 1J-2ST Poll HUNT fUHMMII" ! ) HOOMS. THRFF ROOM- ? FOR IIDI-SEKFFPINO TO mrn unl nlfc , rent JnVen In l-nnrd 311 N lilh IT * M2 o soi "in i-ioNT RornM TWO PRIVATE fomlly J W Pi Mniy'x nve-uie C Mri ! m IOM < " "roiT" JOiTF i ioFaHiTi : rn-Txr. on ncramlM ) CM > ' irtli I'lli Mini EiiiTIC 1 ( ' FRONT ROOM" .MODERN CONVENIENCES. UP ) fo lllil filter E M7.1 r , ion RENT \ Nirt : ni.vM HEATED ROOM 1C15 Chieiigo ftiicl. ' ' ! ? ! ! 1 PI lirt'IIEiritOOM' STEAM 11EVT ANI ROS , n iifoinble " 12 Nn lilli PtieetEM773 E-M773 SI * TWO PL1MKANT FRONT ROOMS. WITH Unri ! If il-ilietl , nl lirt Cnpltnl avenue. Dr IViilMety' * foinici HPldetm- E MiS't 1C * NICELY Ft RNIMIF.D STEAM HEATED IOOIIIK vvllh or wlthoul board ut Welistci 'lolel ' 1S15 Hnnnul dtuet I-7M IE * EI.EGVM' AM ) NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS With "r nlthuiit binnl at the Alamode .10(1 ( N IS'h ' atleet E 7U7 13 * _ AM ) IIUAItU. IsJl CAPITOL AVENUE. WARM FRONr loom * F M50313 * ELEGANT FROST ROOMS FURNISHED OR unfuiiilsluil Gm1 fnmll ) boaiil. 524 N. 2J F MC30 _ FRONT ROOMS WELL IIEVTED ; FAMILY bonnl If desired Riiici reasonable. 324 Nirlh 2M st. F-C76 _ bOPIH FRONT ROOMS , HO MID , 210S DOPG- las F 703-16 * PLEPANT SPITE OF FRONT ROOMS WITH excellent l ard 113 So 2)th ) , opposite Onnhi _ Cllil F-M717 1C' UE HAVE FURNISHED ROOMS MODERN c mvenlences nnd llnt-clnsfi bo-inl for r or I iwms ; prlvnlo fnmll ) Call nt 1114 Fainam 8treel P-M722 IS * _ IIOOMS WITH UO\Rt > 2013 DOPQLAH I F M79) 23 * WANTED Till : ADDRESS OF A 'iOUNO COU- lile that cnn give iefir ice v\ho v\ould like nl the cnmforlH of hmiscKeeplnrc on n crnml scale for a sum gem mil ) pild for boarding , u mln- iitt-M * vialk west from IGth and Fainnm Address U 1C Ilec F M780 1C * 111 NORTH 11TH STREET ELFGANT FUR- nlshed looms , ensulte or single , with or with out bi nrd F 7f ) 15 * VOll HENT UNrilUMSIIED HOO" IS. 4 ROOMS.VAT mi IN KITCHEN , CENTRAL , reasonable rent , nice for housekeeping 170 ! Wei stcr street G M595 5 ItOOMb FIRNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , suitable fur housekeeping , also benrders 1209 N 24th G-M710 1C * POR RENT , THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping Enquire C05 Noith 18th st G 74S 15 * roil UENT STOHES AND OFFICES. FOR nE T THE 4-STORY IJRICK BUILDING nt Oil ! Fainnm street This lulldlnc has a ( he- pi oof cement bisemcnt , complete atenm heat ing llxtuiesatcr on all floois , gas , etc Ap ply at the ollice of The Bee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED-ilEN AND WOMEN clear 56000 weekly with our labor saver as eislly as $ CO 00 monthly In other lines ; $2 00 samples free. Those secKlng business should address .ultli stamp , Merrill Mfg C'o. ( A C3) , IS Cnml street. Chicago J 114-D1C DICTIONARY OF UNITED STATES IIIbfORY U wanted b ) cverbody , aircnts m ilee fiO per v-xek easlls ; one neent sold 09 books In 33 calls ; another CO books In one week , nrlte for p ir tlcmlrs. outfit $1. Purltin Publishing- . 30 lromtle.ld et , lloston , Ma-s. WANTED-LADY AGENTS. H\GEIA COR- sels are the best sellers Big profits Fas ) work Catalogue free b ) sending to Western Cor et Co , bt Louis , Mo. J CASH PAID FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR'S AD- dresses. also newspaper clippings , J20 per M. Send stamp Adv. Clipping Bure/iu. Mililcr blk , , New York. J AGENTS WANTED WHO DESIRE TO DOUble - ble tbelr Income. Our wonderful Aluminum Noveltlis pa > 200 per cent pront. sell at sight ; Interesting work elellveresl free , simple lOc Write for terms. Aluminum Novell ) Co. 315 Iiraaelvv.1) , New Yolk AGHNT.S MAICi ; MON'RY AND PLENTY OP It celling our aluminum novelties Iliimtr.t ed cilnlosup ] iilco llhtt , free , tin cents lirliiKs n sninpSe Novelts Intioductlon C'o , 2JD Plate Bt , ChlcnBO. J WANTKD MIN : TO sin.i oun IIARVHSTRR nnil luirncB1" oils on commission Aililnxs with icftrenec , Atlas Oil Co , Cleveland , Ohio J WANTUD AflKNTS TOR OUR NEW IIOtTSn- liold Speclnltlcu , VMIKCH 13 to 57 n < la } , piy every v nlc Centrnl bui > [ ily Co , Clnclnnitl , Ohio I- AOIINTS WANT13D MORHY "BTORG" I1LRN- c-r with < ! < - Hilled nlinile nml ncu "ndjiietnlilc fotd" for 1886 now roiidv Also nev , "Pirlor" turner Ju t out Samples nf i th ntvles for ttstlnK for $300 ciish ulth order ( hiilf prlci ) Wrltu for illuttratid lltiriiturc , patent nnd nsencles reportB CJmir.mteed no "renewals" required Trstlmonliila ot vvenllh > meichmts , principal cltleH Also of nation il men e\cry- lwd > k ou > Thelient Is nlwnjH ulnbliMony Gns Ilurnern riiptlvnte and hold the Rood oplnlin of the iiubllc nxcluslve monopoly of rule Blvtn parties having hjroniliillx ( Impi'cunl- ous , don't bother pli IRP ) . A (5 Morey , I.i Qrange , 111 , , Inventoi , I'.itentee > ? . jr\nufTcturcr. VVANTHI ) AOKNT" . CANVARSHRS. MALU OR femnle ; unmetlilnpr new In Indkh1 shoes of trent merit , blK pn > nml ixchwlve salt < Rtinrnntrnl AddrenH Mnnufactuicia' t-lioo Co , 435 Union M Ljrui , Mnss J AVANTnn TOR OI'R Ni\V IIOLI- ilay books. T\\o ChrlstnnH TUautles Rill nt ulKht. lie quick Historic il Pub. Co , Phllmla J"- \VANTii : > , AOKNTS , HIO PAY AND CHOIfC tfrrllnrj ) > u > 8 f\c\i \ \ , nccliknt , death nnd endov\- ment t > pnellt AddriPH American lemnlent As- Bocllltlon , tit. Louis , Mo J 752 ID * WANTRD , MH.V AND WOM13N TO KNQAfin In an ea y , iiajitiBr tmslnrsg nt Imme. can v\ork iliy time or evtnlni ? , und innKc Me to $2K ) per liour ; HIIIU IhlnKniiiiile nnd compiclu liiflruc- tloiiH rent for lOc. Address U'orld Kujipl } C'o Rullnnd. Yt. J-"li 15' _ \vn nnsiin : TO NIMOTIATIJ WITH TRAVIIL- hiK nmt local rnlehmen In hninlle uiir brands of line CJBO Kooiln , ' Old lirookle , " "Oseai Pep per , " etc ; iiUa our line of line Kentucky wills- Jilen and vvlnis in burn In , commlKxIon , or fcal- iiry mid expeimeii If prefirnil , refennco re quired Address 1) II , I'oubhee & Co , Lexing ton , Ky AOnNTS-OOOD CANVAhSIJRS CAN MAK1I over ( JO)00 ptr month KollillliiR for Woodn' Photii Cnblnet , .which IH priyentid tl loilues , ixcltmlve territory , Addreea T , C , Wood Co. , Kalamazoo , Mich J T35-U * WANTED , BIG MONEY MADE bELLIng - Ing our magazine * leid pencil Sells nt sltht Don't IOEI > this opliortunll ) bend ISo for sample and linns to agent * . ( ' . It Bench S. Co room k2'i. 87. Clnrk strict. Chicago J "SI 1S WASTIUJ TO HK VAN run , TIIIIII : OR rou'it louimi for llglu housekeeping , N > 11 , n , > ohll- dr > .n AilJiem Q 36. llee. K 7C3 li VANT1JP , rt'ItNIHIIKD ROOM ANP HOARD for etntlemnn nmltta ami Illtlu Kirl Prefer handy tu HlKli Htliool , iluet be in Klein Ail- dress O 41 , Hee. K 771 IS * VANTUI ) . TO RUNT OOOI ) t'PRIUHT PIANO b > > oung rouplullhout ihlMren , AiMrisn ( i a , llee. K 7 IS * TWO NIC'HLV I'URMrtlll'D ROOMS TOR qulvt rouplo , prcftrnbl > with widow Ind ) nml v\rn. > there nret no ot'ier inoimra ; b.nnl for lady cnls A < Wn'js n 41 , llee. K 7i U * bTOHAOi : . 6Tou\cu-rnANi < nwnRS. 1211 HARNEY. 1I-C1 'AflPIO bTORAOi : AND WARHIIOtlbi : CO. US 910 Jom * . Ocneml torosi ) nnd for ardlne , M-4J3 'io iitiy. YANTUU , TOR CASH , VACANT LOT. LN'- tide mile limit , mum be a map , wa-Ufcl , Onulia Iirvperty. lunjt uii.l merclmndlee for tale and exchange , i : . lRlni.rr , 1 b. IMi tlree-t. N-MCSO lt _ _ _ - \ANTID HIH-OND HAND uon.ut AND HN- glne. Martin & Moni i'j Mfs. fo i , S-M75I IT roit SALI : rt'itMTtmi : . fURNITURU OP T\\niVi-ROOM HOfSF trntrnl location , nil In Rood order nnd fir * tints. Sept cnth AddrefS U 39 , Her POR SALE HOfaiiIOLl : ) rt'UNITl HI c < i ir. . leaving clt > . call nt l&tt N Ml ftr next week , O 770 11 roil SALK MIiCni.l.AM2OUS. HARD V.'OOD , 4 ANH J-I-OOT FENCE KOR corn crilblne C. R. ! < < , fOl Djuglai SKATES. ALL SIZE" * , 53 CENTO TO J3 00 Omnlm Hlc > c > Co , 3tt N ICth. . 'OR SALEHArSQUApANO 2004 Clnrk street. stt PINE s\sKtN NKWMARKET AT 4 great bargain 1311 Douglas street. O f llee. Q-MSJ1T3 POR PALE , LA DIES' HIO1I OHAlli : IltCYCLE IS'iS tncdel. nrst class condition O 34 Hep Q-723 16 * _ _ roii ui.u A LARQI : HARD POAL not'in.i luntlnR stole. Price fix dollars. Inquire 130 Q-TC4 15- HOOK H1ND1NO TUT. HttRKLKY PRINT1NO Co , 114 nnd 110 North ISlh street. R 185-1)15 J1000 REWARD TOR THE ARREST AND CON vlLtlon ot | ier on ni persons who stole v\ln low i > nliei of 2 pines cucb 12x32 , fioin cot tnije , 511 Nirih ! Clh Mret-t , nbout n few v\etk ago. H. T Clark219 Ilonnl of Trade. P-M780 17 CLA1UVOYANTS. MRS DR II WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium , Stli Jenr at 119 N. ICth S 421 SAtiUt I1AT1IS , I1TC. MADVME SMITH , N E COR ICTIt AN1 Douglas , room II , Ind lloor : mi-wiRe & bithi T 743 21' MME. HOWELL , TURKISH AND ELECTRIC laths , rinest parlors In city. 31S-320 H Utli T M50I 31 * MME. AMES rORMPRLY OP ST. I.Ot'IS MAS pne nnd bat is , 107 H. 13th tt , 2d lloir , room 10 T M742 Il MADAME ORACH LEON. EI.ECTRir MAS sngc , batb pnrljrw healthful nnd refreshing. 41 South llth , upstair ? , pirlois 2 nnd 3 T-M783 21 VIAVI CO 310 HEE HLDO , HEALTH HOOK free , home treatment ; lady attendant. U 123 DATHS. MASSAGE. SI Jin. POST. 319'4 8 15TII U 423 FINE LIVERY RIOS CHEAP. ED HAUMLEY. 17th nnd St. Mary's mciiue. Telephone. 410 U-427 HELI.E EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDPR at 1909 Tar mm Agenli wanted. U 352-D25 * MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS , BICYCLES Jewelry , etc. ; strictly conndtntlal P. O. box 328 U 4C8 . "THE CELEBRATED NANA , " perfect reproduction SueliorowsKj's J80 000 05 pnlnlbiK , Hw. ! Gx2) ) , 11 00 , medium 1K1I C'lc ' Milled li ) Artists' Pub. Co , Dep't 41 ht Ljuls , Mo U 7J3 13 * JtATRISIONIAL CORRE'SPONDENrE HUREAIJ Paper nnd UsH , lOc. Uirth Pub ro St Louli , Mo. U-C03-Jnn - - C LADIC.S ! I CAN POSITIVELY REMOVE THE oi t Krouth of Inlr from fHie and nrm Cill nt the Parisian Toilet pallors for one week Don't fall to find the plice Testimonial menial * on tile. Room 100 , Dou-11 block MiulTtn True. V M715 DO YOU SPECULATE' THEN SEND TOR our book "Holo Speculate Sucees-sfullj i r Limited Mnrglns In Grain nnd Stoik Miikets " Mailed free Comstock , Contes S. Co . Rlnllo bulldliiK Chicago U I WILL LET A GOOD MAN DRIVE MY MARE this winter for her keep Dan IIVhetlii Jr , Douplas nnd 13th stre t. U "M 13 * MARRY ; SEND IOC TOR MATRIMONIAL paper , published m nthlj , vvenltiy patrons , peifoml Intiixluetlons Mr nnl Mrs Drake , IE" W nshlnu'on si , Chicago U 737 lo HAD WE HEEN THE SIAMESE TWINS. "iOU could not linvc ri-vialcd m > pisl moro cor rectly R E WaiillDiiRli,19 .S Sth St. . PprlnRllcId , 111 Thousands lettlfj that 1 nail the past nnd foretell the future. Secid dati ! of blilh and lOii for a sk-tcli of jour lift. . L Thomson , Astrologer K.insis City , Mo. U-732-13 * LADIES. PREE' I WILL GLADLY bEND TO any lad ) free n receipt that Rave me mnixel ous complixlon No cosmetic Perfectls whole some Mrs Nellie P. Miller , JJox , 84" Knlnmn- zoo Mich U 733-15 * A REPINED EDPCATED WIDOW WITH meins ill sires the acquaintance of a Rentlo- min of the i-Tme denrclptlon , view , imtrlmjiij Addrths CJ 43 Dec. U 77D 15' WANTED SOME ONE WITH INFLUENCE and a little capital to become Inten led In a profitable professional buslnei-H Addrts O lite , Countll Ulurfs. U 761 13 CHRlbTMAS NtTXIIlER "ART STUDIES TROM the Nude' Most rmgnlllcent covci , nil und Bold , a portfolio for lovers of highest art , 2jo tii.li month , II O1) for 4 dlffen nt numbers Mailed b > Artists' Pub Co , Dcp't 37 , bt. I JUls , Mo L' 731 15 * aioanr TO LOAX RIAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO . 313 N. Y. Life Loans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska & . Iowa farina or Omaha cltv pronertv W-423 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Till : O IDav Is Co , 1505 Parnam st. W 123 0 PER CENT MON EY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. faims. W. 11. M > lkle Omnha. W 130 MONEY TO IOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. riJellty Trust Co , 1702 Farnntn W-431 MONEV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnan. Love & Co , Paxton lil'i W 132 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 023 N. Y. LITE W 43,1 J1ORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE. UROWN HLrC W 134 LOANS ON 1MPROVLD & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. I'urnnrn Smith & Co , 1320 Parmm W 433 MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW RATES J. D Zlttle , ICth and Douglas. Omalm W 430 TARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 jenrs , low rates. Garvln Uros. , 210 N Y. L VV 437 MO.M3V TO I.OAA CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PURN1TURE , PIANOS , haisfs. wngonn , etc. , at Ion eat rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; > ou can pay the loan off at an ) tlmo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA J1ORTGAGE LOAN CO. 300 a. icih > t , X 433 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. 50 DAYS ; PURNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Darker block. X 433 IIU.SIMJSS CHANCES. POR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Deadnood , Loth doing good business. Ad dress Matt Klopp , LcaJ or Dendwood H D Y M40J MAKE MONEY I1Y CAREPUL SPECULATION In grain through n reliable , succcsiful firm ; ex cellent opportunities to make profits by our new plans , fully explained and sent free ; hlehest references Pattlson & Co , 706 Omaha tide. Chicago , III Y M47S WANTED , I4WO MERCHANDISE I'OR SO-ACRE line Impruviil farm , bGuthi.ikUrn NtbriibKa , wanted eastern Nebraska and vventern Iowa farms fjr md e , , ilty properly or clear central Nebraska lands. E. P , Ringer , ZlH \ 15th st Y MC94 ll JLArKSMIIH AND WAGON .SHOP POR HALE , Kood location , John Pome ) Hnrtky , Ndi. Y S1I11 20 SPECULATORS PAN MAKE MONEY IN wheat , col Ion slocks and provisions by n ° nllng ordiiu to restionnlble houses We lire repn- Hcnted em tliu principal exchnngm , can Kite referenced Our book , "Prolltiiblu Trailing- , " nUo niarktt letter. U free. Orders taken upon email mnrglus. McKcnzle , Turner Ac Co 415 Western Union bids , _ Clilcngo. y WANTED , PUSHING AND RESPON8II1LE mnn In rnch city eir t v\n to lake < < xelu lve ) ugenc ) for the Plrlil Germproof Witter Pillers A rare chance to makn money Aildieis lluirj Gletbe-l & Co , 43 I'lanhlln St. , Chicago. Y | 7ooi ) 00 'INTEREST IN AN OLD ESTAH- llshed manufacturing nnd jobbing house , with a good unladed position Will Inker part IIT ui.oil leal estate. Addiess Q 40. Hee. Y 767 ! & ANY ONE DI > IRING A GOOD INCOME FROM an Im eminent of liouon should address at cut.1 , 1'rnest Hurt , linker Hoti-l , Omalm Y 74J FOR feALE. YALPAHLE GOLD PLACER MINK well developed und readk lo produc * ut once , RO d pa > Ins pripoj t'oi , p > r IB l.cu'ari udjr IB U 82. Hee ulllce , Y747 15 * HAKERY FOR BALE Oil CAP PINE LOCA lion , Rcod buelneis , Addtesa H H , 11 e eilltce , Council llluffs l-lf2 15 WANTED. CAPAHLE YOl'NG MAN WITH tJtiOOOO to euri ) mock of K1- * * ! ' nnl manual branch far thleagu Iioi.tr ; nalni ) , 1123 W 1'tr month nnd all eipvnbf , also-exliu pirceiitui- , permanent poaltlun Mb Raid future nreispetls Address , James llarlon , l.'i 1 ranlilln street , Chlcapo. . 1' 768 U rou EQt'ITY IN LARQE TRACT OP LAND NEAR Orrnhn Wh t ImveTvU to off.rt 11 K. DMley. ttl N. Y Llfa bldy z lll WE HAVE flKVKRAT11 ; THAPTS OP LAND IN fouthueJt Mtixourl ih .0 we will exchnnge for drj Roxls. lKot nnd shoes or Jewelry Alex- nnder ft Hell , Necnha , Mo. 7. 700 11 * FOR EXCHANGE. nw FINE IMPROVED fnrm , Siermnn eoiWty Nebraska , clear f r good Omihn property or fnrm. will nxsiime. 1Cnn acre innch ROM-Improvements , level rich Innd , centrnl Nebraska , for enslern Nebrn ka or Iowa farms wlHi mrpmnc 1,800 acres line land , eastern Nebraska , tSSOrtO. wnnt merchnn- disc for nil or pntl Ihf cehtrnl proper ! ) or small fnrm for eme-hnlf , | mince | ( time 1,000 ncre wcstem lo n , nil level , rich Innd , fine Improvements , l > SHm ) ! nnnt 15 000 Western lind or toun propertj , 12 > X cnsh , bnlince time. 720 ncres rich level Innd. fair Improvements , J2500 , 414 ncres , same price. 320 acres level , rich Innd , two miles from peed town ; onlj > 2iM , 410 tons of Imy4thls sear , 4 0 ncres level In ) land , four miles th station 125 00 , Vj trnde , J2w ) cnsh. bnlanc * time , nil Ibe above Innds In Mononn cbunt ) , In , E F. Ringer.ZMC35 Z-MC35 1S TO JI2OOOoO GOOD , CLEAN GENERAL merchnndlse wanted for flrst-clnea C40 ncre farm , also > 2 ono 0 < ) for IM ROO.I land. Improved D II Dlckson , Crelghton , Neb 2 M712 17 FOR EXCHANGErcOA L MlNE'lN WESTEIlN Iowa , will ) < n ) Jl'OO to fSOOO per ilav , price J'.tfKiiiO , half cnsh , balance ( food iiroticrt ) Ad- dicss O 55 , Hog. X7CC lfj STOCK OF GROCERIES FORTRADE. vvnnt Rome cnsh , Address 2219 Central Venue , KenrneNeb. . /4 'K > 15 * TO EXCHANGE 100- ACRE NEHRASKA FARM for Omaha piopert ) . Jones , room 10 , Croun e block ? M774 1C * EXCHANGE 1CO-ACRE FARM FOlT"llOt'Sn and lot , illlTerencc cash J II Da ) Jeweler , Heo lliilldlnt ? Z-7II 11 * _ GOOD , ITNINCUMHERED NEHRASKA LAND for a lucrative pri'crlpllon drug business Ad dress O 45 , IJce / M787 2f * roil SALE UE VI. ESTATE. ABSTRACTS THE IJYRON REED COMPANY. HE 442 IMPROVED FARMS-G. W. CARLOCK. 105 Fainnm st. RE-C14-J1 * 11AROAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- crtles nnd forms. John N. Frenzcr , epp I' . O K1C-443 DARGA1NS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trnde. F. K. Darl.ng , llnrker block. RC 411 TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS , SMALL nr Uige tracts , tow p-lces , eis ) pamelts We are pupnred to anSiVer questions touching these lands , and to arrange for cheap ralhoad fare for any person wishing to visit soutiern Texas Correspondence sollclud Omaha Reil Estate and Trust Co. , 211 S ISth st. st.RE RE M207 FOP. HARGA1NS. TRADES. QUICK DEALS , call or write D V. Sholes Co , First Nntl bank bldg HE M51S 31 MISSISSIPPI liOTTOM LANDS FOR SALE The undeisigned v 111 sell some Improved plan tations In Issruiucni count ) , In the feitlle Mis * slF lppl bottom ndjiccnt to the river. In quan tities In suit settlers on easy terms AppI ) to llobt. J. Turnbull , Duncansb ) , Iisaquena Co , Miss. RE HY ACTING AT ONCE YOU CAN SECURE A (300)00 lot ono block from O M. Carter's resi dence for tl r 00 00 nnd trnde In nn outside lot ns part pajment Must trnde quick. H H. Harder A. Co . He e llldg. Rl758 lr > IJARGAIN. FINE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE AND Ut If ) ou hivp the enth T genuine bnrgnln can be had F. K. Darling , Hirker block. RE-M7C8 17 TWO NPJW COTTAGES. CELLAR , ClbTERV elt > water. J1.200 OT , levntf time. Apply 131S Fninim st. RE 740 13 LADIES-DR HAWTHORNE'S FEMALE REO- ulitlns nnd Tonic I'llls me viomnn'H mire friend Never fnll Al ) blutel > safe At diug- Klsts or sent senled J2 M per lx > x Hnvvtehorne Chemical Co , I'hllndelpjiln , Pa FOR MEN DR. HAWTHORNE'S TAHLE1S check nt once , cure In a few da > s tl pel box ( sealed ) HavUhoinc Chemical Co , Phil ulel- phla , Pa. AM > LOAASSOCIATIONS. . SHARES IN MUTUAL L i. B ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent whin 112 , 3 ) ears old , aluajs redeemable. 1701 Fflrnim st. , Nalllnger , Sec. 447 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SKCURC GOOD inlercft on snTltiEs t-Vpply to Omaha , L. & I ) Ass'n , 1704 Bee bide. Q. . M Nattlnger , Sec 44S HOTELS. M7TNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge Rooms by day or week 432 THE LANGE HOTEL < M2 S 13TH ST. ; STEAM heat ; table board , $3.00 per week. M453 UNDERTAKERS AND EMIIALMEHS. I. K. I1URKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1C13 ChlcogJ st , telephone 90 454 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINOTnL * 100 455 M O MAUL UNDERTAKER AND ESI- calmer. 1417 Farnam st , telephone 225. 456 DANCING. NEW CLASS FORMING AT MORAND'S school , 1510 Hnrney t. Adults , Tuesday and Frldav , 8pm ; children , Tuesday 4 15 p m , Fiturday , 10 n. m and 2pm. Call for tnrms Aluajs open , private lessons 90S D11 BICYCLES. ! IO RAROAINS IN SECOND-HAND HI- ejeles. skates , 33c to J3 00 Omalm Rlcvcle Co , 323 N ICIh street MC63 J8 SHORTHAND AND TYI'EWUITING. A. C. VAN S ANT'S SCHOOL , (113 ( N. Y..LIF1 V : . 450 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15TH , FARNAM 431 HOUSES wivrijnnn. VANTFD. HORSES TO WINTER : REST OF cnrc , terms reasonable A. W , l'h ' * a" " 207 N , Y. Life bldg Telephone 105 M373 D27 IORSES WINTFRED ; HE T OF CARE Klven horses both winter nnd summer. Ad dress Jl J , Welch , Gictnn , Neb. M772 1'AWMIUOICEUS. I. MAROW1TZ IXANS SIOJnY. 418 N. 18 RT 419 COAL. 9IL"I.TULIH5 ' : ! ? 9Ak CAR-LOADS. FOR or steam purposes , address Excelsior Coal Mining Co , Du Quoin , III. M1C9 D1S * IILEMISHES HEMOVED. 'i r _ IISS VAN VALKENnUnOH DESTROYS PKR manently by electricity jSMpeifluous hair , moles worts , etc. HoomSit/'N. Y. Life liM ' M9C5D15 * m MI BIUSIC , AUTJiAtfD \NOUAGE. . GEORGE F GEnl'.nfylECK. BANJO AND eulur tencher. _ ISl jCMcaKO t. _ 101 . A. hCHREINER. TIAT < O LEhbONS APPLY at piano vuirerooimy NrtI 103 H 15lh tt , npnj. ellf poiiloillee. ' " it _ 750 15 OR GREAT HVRGA1NS IN PIANOS hEE \\m II hehmoller , < 6th floor MeCugue building ' 7M 21 * ; _ _ IRH. JNO EI10RO nHhOI VJIUJN bCHREINER vfcal cultuie. Apiilyinti pinno wutxrcKiin * . No 105 S. 15th s | . , opu site ; roslolllcf , 731) ) 15 _ _ 00 REWARD WILL HE PAID FOR RETURN of Gordon better do ? , lose or slolen last bun- day ' , Omaha Fuinlture A : Can > a Co 1 11 I'arnam. l _ at-705 OPND SCARP PIN. OWNER SHOULD AD- Urem O 47 , Hie eilllcc. l ist 793 ] 5 rUUMTUUU , PHOLSTERINO , FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very chcan this month. M S. \UIUIn , till ( Mmlnir. TeJ. 1351. W7 OPTICIANS IJ fM li'Hle-il free for Sie > | ni > li > N or i.iKliiNi > N. SiillNfai-lliui Kiuir- linlicil. Leiumt jirle-i-H , Oiniiliu Optlfal Coiiiiitui ) , LoiiilliiK Oiill- rliuiM , J , I" . l' iii | ( > r , MiiiiuueT , U-i ! houtli blxtffiith Htrcct , nciir Kuril u in , lu Klnnlcr'M lriivbtorv. , RAILWAY TIME CARD Lcavrt IHUnLlNarON & MO. lUVI-.It jArrlM-s OmahaUnlonOtpot ! _ , 10th ft Macun HlnlOmihit 8 JOnm . . .r. . . . Denver Kiprp's , . . . . , 9 35\m ( f pm.Ulk. lllllx. Mont , ft ruitt find ii 4-A pm 4 JSpm. . . . . , l ) n\fr E tirer\ . , . 4'0pm 7.05pm .Nelineka Ixicnl ( cxceit SunJaj ) . 7 45pm . .I.lnc In Ixicnl ( rxrept Sumlnj ) . .H Joani Jj pm , .rn t Mnll ( for Lincoln ! ' ' " ) ' _ _ Unvf | C TlcA7loriltTnUNOTON A 0 UTFtvJT OmahnlUnlon Utx > t , 10th ft Mason S\ * I Onnlii t 00pm . . .Chicago Vfitlb\io | . ft.tXiim t 4 nm . 4 , .Chicago Kxpri . ' . : l'.pm 7 Wpm . Chlcnuo A St. Ixjulo n nrfs R "i-im 11 85nm . Pncinc Junction Locw . . . r-30fm Lcnvrs ICHICAnO. Ml > & ' 'T. PAUiTJATtlTfT OmnhnUnlon | Utpot , 10th ft Mason Sts [ OniAlii S 00pm . C'llcnKO Limited . K OSnm 10 < 5am..ClilcRgn niprois ( ex Sunday ) . . S S3pm Ltave IriUCAOO A NOHTHWnST'N lAlrUcs OmnlmUnlonUtpot | _ , 10th ft Mainn Kit [ Omnha 11 OOnm . . . . tlnntcrn r.xprcfa. 3 10pm 4Tpm . % Vrsllbulftl Llmltpil B 4'pm 7 ft5mn .Cnrroll PnsfitiKcr Id 4ipm BMlpm .v.Omnhn ChlcnRO Hpeclnt S4v ( > iin 4 SOimi . . Iloonp l < i ion I 1 lOain . . . Mln nirl Vnlle ) Licnl ! lOnm Leaves ICH1CAOO n I & PACIFIC.Arrive ) * OmilmlUnlun Dtpot. 10th ft Manon Bin I Omnliii _ KAST _ _ 10 lOitn . .Attniitlc Hsprriii ( ox SunJn > ) . . . C 35pm 6 ! Tin . Nlpht Hxpress Sir.nm ! 4:50pm : . . .ChlcnRo Ventlbiitcil I.lmlten . . . 1 ' 8pm 4 Eflpm .L.St Paul Ventlbaleil j.lmllrrt. . . . l-35pm _ _ _ _ _ Oklaliomn ft. Texnn r ' . Sun ) .105am : l'40pm . Colorado Limited . 4 :00pin : l.env esl C. , ST. P. . M. ft O I Arrives" OmnhalDept _ _ > t , IStli nnJ Webstefctn | Onn'n f'ISnm. . . .Sioux City AccommoJatlnn 8irpm IS.lSpm . Sioux City fcxprni ( ex Sun > II 5'im .St Paul I.lmlici' . . . . _ ( " , l"Tni I.enves I r. , 13 ft MO VAI.LHf ; ( Arrives Oniahrvi Depot. 15th nnd Welnlor ata I Omalm ' 2 tBpm . rnsl Mnll nnd nxpre 8 . B'3rpm 5 ' 15pm . ( ex. Snt ) Wjo Hx ( ex Mon ) . 5 3"pm 7 W > im. . Norfolk Express ( ex Sund.is ) 10'5"nm G 45pm . St 1'nul nxpies . 9 10 im Lcavee I K. C , ST. J AC 11. ( Arrives OtnnhalUnlon Depot , 10th ft Mason Sti | _ Oinnlia 1 0am KnnsnB Cllv Pn > 1'xpress . 11pm 9 45pm 1C. C. Nlsht Ex Via U. P. Trnns 7 OOnn Leaves I MfSOl'ni PAriPIC lArrlxes Oma'inl Depot , llitli nnd Webster Sin I Onnlm 10 40nm . . . . . . . . . ? t Louis Kxpriss G ( Mini P 3pm St. Lnuls Impress 6 OSpm 8.30pm H.Nebintlca Local ( ex. Sun ) 9 031m Lcn v Ff SIOUX CITT ft p7TTFIC ' I Arrives OmalmJ _ Depot , 1Mb nnd Webstei Sla | Omalm 6ipm ; Sr. 1'nul Limited 9'10nm Leives I SIO1TX CITY ft. PACiriC [ Arrives OmnhalUnlon Depot , 10th S Mnson Sts | Omnlm 7:0" : > ain . Slmix C'ltv 1'nRnviRer . . 10.40pm 5 45pm , . . SI 1'nul Limited 9 SOnm Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. TA"-ve | OmnhalUnlon Depot , 10th ft Mnson StsJ Omnlm 9 lOnm Nortl Platle Hxprcss 4 30pm SElOam Overlnnil Limited . . . 4l3pm 3 35pm Itcnt'ce ft 'tronrb'B Kx ( ex Sun. ) . 4:30pm : C 45pm Grand Island ixpiess ( ex. Sun ) l:10pn : : 8.35pm. . . . . . .Fast Mnll 10 25ui Leaves I WABASH ItAIIAVAT. | ArrlTe OmahnlLnlon Depot. 101 li & Mnnon 'ils I Omiln 4MOnm St. LouU Cannon UnP ll'Mnni Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received bv the board of directors of the Alfalfa Irilgntlon District ut tbelr ollice in Ogulalla , NubrnsKa , on the 23d day of December , 1S95 , up to 10 o'clock a. m , for J21.GOO In bonds l sued by snld district In denominations not to exceed f5UO , nnd drnvv- Ing Interest nt the rate of 6 per cent per annum , payable scml-annuallv nt the ollice of stnt5 treasurer , Lincoln. Nebraska , July nnd January 1 of each year. Thc e bonds are 10-20s ; n percentage of principal ns pro vided by law Is pajnblo every year utter ten years These bonds were declared legally suecl nnd a valid lien upon the lands Included In the district in an action In the district court of Keith county , Nebraska , which finding wns reviewed on nn appeal to the supreme court of the state ana the judgment of the lower court was nfllrmed in tbe court of last resort. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Address all bids to H. C. Anderson , S-cre- tnry , Ogniu'.n. ' Neb By order of the noird of Directors of AlHlfn Irrigation District , made this 30th day of November , A. D. 1S93. M A. DAUOHEUTY. Pros. H. C. ANDERSON. Secd220t d2-20t IRRIGATION BOND SALE. Notice Is hereby gi\cn that ienled pro- po = ils will be received b > the board of directors of the Middle Loup Valley Irri gation district of lilulno , Cusler and Vnlley counties , Nebraska , at their olllco In Wet > t Union , In said district , up to 2 o'clock p m. of the Cth day of January , 1S9G , for J100.000 of the bonds Issued b > snld Irrigation dls- tilct ; JOO.OOO of said bonds being in denomi nations of J500 each , and $10,000 of said bonds being in denominations of } 100 each ; all of t-ald bonds drawing Interest nt the rate of G per cent per annum , payable t eml-an- nuallv. The principal nnd Interest of said bonds pliable nt the ollice of the state treasurer of the state of Nebraska , s-.ild bonds being payable In Installments as fol lows : $5000 thereof pr nb'e In tleven years from the date thereof ; JG.OOO pajable In twelve jcars from the date thereof ; $7,000 payable In thirteen years from the date thereof ; $ S,000 payable In fourteen years from the date thereof ; $9,000 payable In fif teen years from the date thereof ; $10,000 payable in sixteen years from the date thereof ; $11000 pnsnble In seventeen jears from tha dote thereof ; $13,000 payable In eighteen years from the date thsreof ; $15,600 payable In nineteen years from the date thereof ; $16000 payable In twenty years from the elate thereof. > The bpnrd of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address all hide to Charles Nlcolal , Fecr tary , Sargent , Ne braska. Hy order of the board of directors , made this 9th diy of December , 1S3" GEORGIA GARRISON , President. CHARLES N1COLAI. Secretary. Dccl-ld 20t M STOCKHOLDERS' MCETINfi ! Ollice of Lcc-ClarkG-Andree'-en Haidvvare Company , Omnha , Nebraska , Dicember II , lS9rj Notice Is heiebv given to the stock holders of the Lee-Clnrke-Andreesen Hard ware company thut the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held nt the olllces of the enld compiny , 1219 , 1221 nnd 12J3 Hnrney street. In tlic city of Omaha , In the s > tnte of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 14 , A. D , 1890 , nt 3 o'clock p m , for the purpose of electing n board of directors for the company to serve during the ensuing jenr , nnd to tiansact such other business an may bo presented at Bueh meeting. ( Attest. ) II. J. LEE , President W. M. GLASS , Secretary. D14d32t-M llltt SUIT AOAI'NST TIIK S \ VI1'U. . Atlantic .C I'nclfle ; IlonillieililiTH < ! < Into ( InCourlN. . NEW YOHK , Dec. 14. The bondholders' committee of the Atlantic & Pacific railway has begun suit In the New York supreme couit against the Atchlson , Tpeka & Santa Fo railroad , the members of the Joint execu tive reorganization commute- ? , the New York Guaranty and Indemnity company , the Union Trust compiny and the Mercantile Trust com pany , au depositaries and mortgagees of the committee as creditors of the Atchlsoii , To pple a & Santa Te Hallway company to the extent of $8,760,000 on the AtchUon guarantee on their bondu. The plaintiff claims that the Atchlson reorganization lu In effect a combi nation between the stockholders and bond holders to reorganize the property In tholr Interests cs stockholders as w ll as bond * holders and to reinstate exlttlng securities In their order of priority , and that It cannot lawfully bo done to the exclusion and rights of the Intermediatecreditors. . 'Ihe complain ant do' n not icek to prevent the completion of the reorganisation or Interfere In any way with the tights or Interests of the AtchUon bondholders , but basa Its action on the prln- cli lo that the stockholders of an Insolvent dehter corporation cannot be combined with any clans of bondholders to arrange to re tain their Interest In Its property and aksett In priority to and to the exclusion of Dm Intermediate termediate- bona fide creditors. IIIIIIIH ni st. Loitu , NEW YOHK , Dsc , H. Colonel L L Swords , sergeant-at-armo of the republican national committee , has Just left this city for St. Louis to engage rooms , first for the na tional cotnmltt a and then General James Clarkoon , who is to precipitate the Alllsjn boom , and also for Senator Quay and the Pennsylvania delegation. General Clarkson and ex-Senator Platt had a long talk at the rifth Avenue hotel. W. II. Hahn , the repub Ilcan commtttonnan for Ohio , who was alto at the hotel , tald McKlnley Is now In the home stretch fcr the nomination. Ex-Secre tary Charles foster tald thut ho and all the Ohio delegation would vote for McKlnley , but ho belleVed that the politicians should look out for HarrlMM. lion , Hlchard Marcy of Water- town , one of the staunchest Platt lieutenants In New York state , said that Harrison would bo the hardest man to defeat. IiiKiillH DoiiIrM mi Intt > rIrvv. . ATCHISON , Kan. , Dec. 14. John J. In- gallu was lately quoted In an Indianapolis Interview as expressing himself In favor of Denjamln Harrison for president , Mr , In- ialU authorizes the statement that he did not vlblt Denjamln Ilarrlton while In Indian- apollg , nor did he meet him , nor have any communication with him ; that not when In terviewed , nor at any other time , Old he declare hlmtelf la favor of bin nomination for president. A TO SOCi. ' Ararrican FcdoMtion cf Labor Takes .1 Do cidotl Position , NO DELfGATES TO SOCIALIST CONGRLSS 11 } n I.nrtii' AIiiJmll > ( In- font pillion iHolliui to Scinl Iti'iiri'scn tlXl'K to tlll < I'oillllIU ( 'Oil * fi ciivu In London. N'HU * YOHK , Pee. 14 The < ino ton ! of BsnrtliiR frnliinal ? ilelcg.Ufs to Hie Internillonal congioss of socialist workers at London next AiiRiutna ttio first business tiUrn up b > tlic convcnlloii of tire Aincrlcnn I'elivUon ol Lnbor toilny. The tnctlon wlilcli was jioiul- tng when the coinciillcm niljonrncil last n\K\\l \ \ \ to refer the mntter to affiliated bodies wns lost , and a motion to hy on the table uis carried b } nee of 52 to 10. That part of the president's report which has been construed as recommending separate political action byag * cirneis was talien up Delegate Darncs of Philadelphia said that the time hail conic \\licu some other tncniiH than strikes must be employed for the work ing classes The toclallrtlc party , h ? said , Is growing and would continue. Delegate Oompers objected to the report. Ho said ho wns surprised to hear the social istic ( lelcgates spakas they had on the lloqr cf the convention of the Pedentlon of Labor. Treawircr John I ) . Lennon also objected lo that part of the repo-t which ronils' " \Vhllo drudging under the \\ag Bji-tem to the polls " Ho sa'd he- was not under the drudgery rule , and no other honest man was. Delegate Pomeroy offered a substitute for the report of th committee declaring that the failure of the Deme- convention to adopt the twelve planks as a political phtfotm made It patent that the federation has no phtform which can be called political The substitute elicited a e-plrlted debate and was adopted , 1.C7G to 711. That patt of the presldent'n report that re- ferrel to the mlss'ons of trades unions was taften up next. Delegate Pomeroy offered a resolution regarding Hi ? requirement of unlcns desiring admission to the American Federa tion of Labor. A report from ths committee on law favoring an amendment to the con stitution providing that local nnlois not nlllll- atedi with the national unions be excluded from tli ? central bodies was under when the hour for recsss arrived. A OT ll. TIUJ.MC bcli < * iiic to I rt'crt * Out Mail } Sin ill I SlockliolilorN. CLEVELAND. Dec. 14. The Plalndealer sajs : The Erie railway , the New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio and the Chicago K Erie railroads are to be united under one ownership as ono great trunk line between Chicago , and New York. Indeed , the two latter roads being leased to the Erie , they become physcallj part of that road. IJy the pl-ans of the new scheme the paper Indeb'el- ness will be reduced from $500,000,000 , which Is the present figure of debt , to ? 17G,000,000 This measure Is taken at the Instance of J. P. Morgan & Co. , the Ne\v York bankers. and E. D. Thomas has been conJuctlng Its management and he will be at the head cl the company. One effect will be to effectu ally frseze out all of the stockholders of the New York , Pennsyhanla S. Ohio , and nearly all of the holders of Erie stock. The present bonded Indebtedness of the New York , Penn sylvania & . Ohio Is abcut $130,000,000 , that of the Chicago & Erie railway Is about ? 25,000- 000L L A. HiiEsell of this city , general consul of the New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio , cor roborates this report of the plan. iiiii'imvrs AVII.IJ in : m\v\ . Set t-ral Million * AVIII Cio Out IiJ > fvt TllOSlt.l } * M < ! | > | l III ( ! * . NEW YORK , Dec. 14 Estimates of the engagement of gold to be shipped by Tues day's steamer range up to $4,000,000. Of this amount less than $2,000,000 has been ar ranged fo- . Muller , Schill * Co will ship from $400,000 to $600,000 and Ilelthlbach , Ickollulmer & Co. between $1,250,000 and $1,500,000 Other shippers are as jet unable to specify the amounts they may ship IJDWAHI ) M'lMinilMI'N IS M ) .MO Hi : . Dlf.s from tlic KfTcutH.of nil O onloNC of Aux Yonili'M. GETTYSBURG , Pa. , Dec. 14 Hon. Ed ward McPherson died today from the effects of an overdose of nux vomlca t3k ° n last night by mistake. He was an ex-inmber of congress and clerk of the house of repre sentatives during seven congresses , besides holding oth'r Important poy tlons at Wash ington. Ho was C5 jears of age and leaves a widow , one dojigbter and four sons Drcllni- DIxiMlNH tlu > t'nllnri- . NEW YORK , Dec. 14. The paitners of th firm of Lombard S. Ayres , oil and lum ber capitalists , 12 Hioadvvay , are unwilling to talk about causcn of the failure of tlulr firm , which was reported yesterday after noon. The only Informa'lon given out Is that the cause of ths trouble Is obligations In curred for the Scabord Lumber company which Is believed ty b > practically owned by Lombard & Ajres. The Seaboard com pany expects to reorganise and resume busi ness after Eettllngj.ts liabilities , which the partners believe to lis less than the assc' ? . Stulilifil HIM Aurt-il Kllllii-r. NEW YORK , Dsc. II. A special to a local paper from Berlin Hays : Anothei frightful tragedy has Just been enacted In Welsbaden. For jeari , the well known millionaire , Herr Aschoff , haa refused to permit the Incarcera tion of his fen In an Insane asylum. In a fit of sudden anger young Anchoff grabbjd a largo Itnlfp from the table and stabbed his aged father to dsath. The enraged young man then attempted to kill himself , but only mic ceeded In Inflicting illght wounds , as the cries cf the father brought the othci members nf thn famllv to the t-cnc. I.oril U u n rat i > u Will A\'nll A NEW YORK , Dec. 14 , Although the visit of Lord Dunraven to Now York has been positioned for a time , the special committee of yacht clubs , appointed to Investigate the charges mad ? against the Defender people , nro go'ng ahead with the arrangements made for the Inquiry demanded on the caw. According to the latent cablegrams , Lord Dunraveu after the accident to th ? Germanic , returned to London and announced that ho would nuilio some new arrangements with the New York Yacht club before proceeding to America Vlt'torloiiN St lionlH'iiiN Itrliim Home. ST LOUIS , D.c , 14. The St. Lsuls delega tion that went to Washington and secure ! the republican national convention returned horn this morning on the Baltimore & Ohio South western limited frcm New York. A tommlt- tco of cltl/enj , headed by Charleu Nngil , president of tli9 city council , met the re turning party nt Caneyvllle , 111 , and at- companled them to fie city. Mr Nagel made a speech and congratulated the mcmberx of the delegation on their tniccess. It was re sponded to by Chairman Clark Sampson. Contract HUH Iln-n Mnilo I'rriiiiinriit. PORTLAND , Ore. , Dsc. 14. The Oregon Hallway & Navigation company's steamship line between this city and Hong Kong anil Yokohama , established elx months ago as an oxperlnunt , hau become permanent. The con tract Is between the Oregon Italtuay & Navi gation company and Samuels , Samuels h Co , of Yokohama , who own the threa vcsuelg on the line. Ilarliiiraiili ItclciiNi-il on Hall , NEW YORK , Dec. 14. Ilaibara Aub 1ms been rcloated on ball. The girl left the court teem with Mlsg Smedley and her aunt. Mm Mitchell. They would not lay whtro they were going. Clilltl Miirilrrrr MUM ! httlii | ? fur It. BOSTON , DSC. H. Angus 1" . Gilbert , who murdered Alice Sterling , a 12-year-old | ; lrl , iact spring , hau been teutenced to be bansed 99 February 21 , 1698 , , USTIMOVV inHM3. . J > onu > DiltmiKtlip * Dlse-lcisill c * . RT LOt IS Dee II. A spi-clnl to tlic Tost- Dlfintth ft oil Howling ( liven , Mo , Mjsl There was a feeling of ftuppreuo.1 excite- innit In the Hcnrne trial IIils morning when It liccamft Known lint Mi * . Su lo Hajwnnl vvu ; to go on tlio ttiml. Slip Is the woman who chuii el the belief of Dick Stlllwcll tn the Innocence of the Hcnrnc , a nil more than , iiv 0:10 : elx 19 expected tiy the state to ihow Iho rchllons existing between the two defendants prior to the1 murder of Anios J. StIIIwill Mr * . Ilajwanl who wns the fltst witness on the anml said she had known Mr ? Stlll wcll vety vvfll nml hail often visited her. Ono ilny In Juno , before- the murder when vvlinpis vvao visiting In Hagnlbil , slic went to Dr. Hctrna's olllco about 10 o'clock In the morning. She entered th ° front oinco nml thsre was no one thc'e Slip went bacit to the room In the ic.ir nml tried the Oo-ir It wns locVit. She wont across the strett to the paik niitl i-nt ilovvn. Two hours Inttr "he saw Dr llearno como to the door ami lock up nml down the street. Then Mrs. Stlllwcll came out and passed up ( he stud. The \vltnoF-t caught tip wltU her nnd nccu ed her of having been nt lr r-1 licit no's nnd Mrs Slllhvcll admitted It , - Mrs. Stlllwcll told her that she was un hnppy on account ot her relation ? with Dr. Hcarno ami would ghdlj break them off. She said slio could tee only trouble ahead , but tint Dr Hearne hud such Inllucncc over hsr that she did not seem nblo to break awaj from him. "Sho asked me , " continued tlio wlines' * , "If 1 would go to Dr. Heirne nnd as > k him to have no moro to do with her , that If ho would glvo her up she would give him tip. The tijxl tiny nt noon Dr. ll'iino cnmo to tha Stlllwcll hcuse " 'I understand , ' he tnld to me , 'tint ) ou know how matters stand boiwevn us' i told him I did Dr Hcirno then snld : 'Well , th" fact Is , 1 want Mrs Stlllwcll to- set n dl\o-ce nnd marrj me' He said tint If she pot a divorce blie would hive alimony. 1 tolil him tint Amos Stlllwcll waii not the kin 1 of a man ever to il\o ; his wlfo ali mony " 'Do jou icilly b llcvo tint ? ' ho asked. " 'Ye > ' I slid. " 'Wll , ' was his answer , 'I could have Amos Stlllwell sltiRKcd for $2 r.O. ' Or Hcaine clso Rpnko to me about my knowledKO of the fuel tint Mr Stlllwcll had como homo from St. Louis thp night when lie was In the house " 'SuppoM Amos Stlllwell had seen > ou , what would jou have done ? ' I asked " 'I would have shot him , ' ho said " 'Then jou would have Iren hanged for murder , ' 1 told him His idea W.ID that no one would ever Micprct him ; that the public would think a bur Hr did It. " witness was then pahEcd to the do- 'enso for cross-oxamluntlon TOLD ALL SHi : K.N'HW AVhcn Mrs Hajwaid had reached this point n her testimony , eho uit up In the wltnei'i chnlr and said "That's all the conversa tion I ever had with Dr Hearne from that day to this ; that's nil I know , " and shut her mcut'i firniiv nnd leaned back In her chair with an air of rell"f Hut her troubles were not over , for h ° r -examination , which focirnn at 9 o'clock , wns not crJed for three hours It did not shike her original testi mony on her direct oxamtnaticn bj the state. She s'tthat \ i''ie had mid nobody of her con- \ctsitlon with Dr. Ile.irno until six jcars after the nuirJ ° r , boon fho loved Airs. St'l'vvll ' ' rid did not want to get her In trouble When she did tell it , it was through a friend whom Dick Stlllwcll heard It , and ho came to IIT and begged her to be a wlt- rcss. Mis I lay ward raiii d a sensation by siylng tint a month before the mur.ler she received a letter from Mr Stlllwcll , ha > lnB that she VV.IB very unhappv and Ind con- suite 1 a lavvjer , Itufus Anderson , about getting a divorce , while two dnvs after the murder Mrs Havward lecdvsl another let ter from Mrs. Stlllwcll , written on the elay before the night of the murder , stating that her mind had undertone a clnnge and bho then lov d Mr Stlllwsll dearl > and Ind con cluded that sh" could llv > happ'ly with him. After the noon adjournment Attorney Gsotg ; M. Harrison attacked Harry Nichols on ( In1 sidewalk in front of the hotel that faces ths court hoti"3 squire. Nichols , whllo on the witness stand yesterday afternoon , was asked by Nat Do den If he was not ones nrrest ° d In Hannibal for burglary and answered swered"You are a lawjer ; I am n wit ness There Is a lawjer associated with you In the defense of D. Hcarno , who once ran away with an Immoul woman and was ar rested and brought lack In charge of a de- tectlvo to attend the wedding of MB daugh ter. " HEAHD OVER THE TELEPHONE. Thlyvas the cause of Harrison's assault. Ho struck at him , but Nichols ran aw'ay. After the noon recess , 0 A. Cole of Stevens' Point , WIs. , was put on the ntand , Ha wan in charge of the telephone exchange at Han nibal when the Stlllwell nun tier was com mitted. Dr Hearne's ollice telephone num ber was 3S , and tha number of the telephone In the home of Amos Stillwcll was 88 On the Suniliy bjfore the murder Dr Hearno rang up the exchange and asked to b ? con- nrcted with No. 88 A long wrangle fol lowed between the lawjers over the admls- Blbillty as cvidoncf cf a conversation heard by un opsrator over a telephone. Judge Hey ruled that the evidence was admissible , anil Cole said that he was wdl acquainted with Dr Hearne and Mrs Stlllwell and know their voices U was I 30 In the afternoon when Dr Hearn" asked for No 88 Cole ccnnected him with tin number and Mrs. Stlllue'I r spondcd. Cole listened to tha ccnverfitlon , 'Is this joti , runny ? " asked Dr. Hearno. 'Yes , " vvasi the answer. 'Where Is Amos J T' 'Across the river paying off the men. " 'What time will he be homo ? " ' About 7. " 'Hadn't I bettor com" avirl" 'Some one might see jou. " 'I'll come In the back way , " Bald the doctor , and Mrs. Stllluull said that It was nil right , for him to como over After the murder Cole talked freely about what ho had heard , and ono diy while ho was In Althouac's drug store , Hearne cnmo In and said In his hearing "I'm going to kill Fomo of these d d telephone t > pes ! It they stick their nones In my buslnebs. " ii\vn SIHVI : JTAI.V.S ntlrciiN Coiniii-lli'il < IV r- form Mlllluo Si-n IIM- . CHICAGO. Dec 14 - Minister of War Mo- ccnnl of the Italian government Is now In correspondence with Count Ho/wadowtkl , King Humbert's consul at Chicago , concernIng - Ing a question of enforced oervlca for an American cltUen In the Italian army , Oscar Diirante , a naturall/sd American , editor of Chicago's L' Italia , and for a second tlmo it municipal ollice holder , has been ordered lo report for a physical examination to deter mine his Illness for service as a t ldor ! of Italy. In pursuance of these orders Mr. Dtiranto will mibmIt to an examination. He- bays that owing to diplomatic policy between Italy and iho United States It Is lucsHsary to acquiesce * n this demand of King Humbert If he wishes , o escape arrest , Imprisonment and enforced nllltary duty on the occasion of any future visit to his fatherland. To emphasize the claim that President Cleveland should deal with the Italian gov ernment In vigorous fashion , Mr. Duranto iuys there are doing enforced duty In the irmy of Italy , several naturalized American dtUeiiH , nho were snatchcJ up by the royal guards of Italy whllo on visits to their klu- Ired. A.NOTlinil HTUIKO IN MJW YOHIC. On TlioiiNiiinl Vic n ( ( nit Work In ( lie Iliillillnir TriiiU-H. NEW YOHK , Dec. 14. Another big strike n the building tradea Is on and has already * Involved more men than that of the house * smiths , which was ended yesterday. Ona tlioiaanJ Knights of Lsbor steam niters nnd their helpers , all members of the Knterprlso eecoclatlon , are striking against the Master Steam and Hpt Water niters' association to cnfoico the addition of an agreement ruing a bchbdulo of wages , hours of labor and the recognition of the Bteam fitters' and helper ' union. The strike may Involve thousands cf union mechanics who are aflillated with , the steam litters and helpers In the board ot walking delegates am ] building contractors aaumbly No. 258 of the Knights of Labor. The btrlke hag already caused a suspension cf work on mere than 200 new bulldlngtt where steam power and ntain heat are re- julred during the prevailing cold weather , and conseeiuently a large number ot work * m n of other trade * ana occupatlong era out ot work.