I IV - W 1 I 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATOKPAY , PEOJaMIVER 14 , 189,1. 7 i COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Boara Had Things Their Own Way in the Grain Pit. HEAVY SELLING HAD MUCH EFFECT LATER Duy'n llimliirM * In C'ltrii Amounted In n CniiNlilcrnlilc Tulnl , Con- IIned luri > lx ti > .Mil } ' Dullvcry. CHIPACJO , Dec. 13. The b ars had mil- terg their own way In the grnln pit today , wheat showing a decline of ' ,4c mid corn nnd oats tolling lower than they were ever known to bo before. The northwestern re ceipts of whuat were heavier nt 8S ) cnrw , compared with 936 cars a week , ago nnd 429 cara a year ago. That had little In fluence In favor of the bears , and some re ports concerning the probable export sur plus from the growing crop In Argentine became a bearish factor later In the day. Later still the report that stocks far the week at Minneapolis nnd Duluth would on Monday be found to have Increased 2,200tOJ bu. brought more grist to the bears' mill. Homo heavy selling , perhaps , l.G'W.twO. ' bu. , tald to be for the linn which has been re cently suspended for bucket shop alllllln- tlons , was a prominent feature of the day's transactions , and rumors were current In the pit that the wheat so sold was part of n line of 1,000,00) bu. which belonged to ono of the partners of the linn. St. Louis ent n message faying that red winter wheat , which was quoted worth 71c there yesterday , could be bought this morning for Cfic , Mny opened hero from Clo to ClVio nnd fluctuated during the forenoon between COVc to 00c and Glide. After that the heavy selling began to linvs u more telling effect , nnd about half an hour from the end of the session thu price was down to C0',4c , ut which llgure It closed. The day's business In corn amounted to n considerable total , nnd the trading was largely conllned to the Alay delivery. New low price records wcro made , May corn getting down to from SS ic to 28V4c. The amount of thu day's decline would not bo considered of any material consequence except for the fact ( hat previously prevailing prices were \unprt \ > i-edentedly low. The Immensity of the crop has apparently caused a general desire to keep oft the long side of the market , nnd left to them selves , the bears seemed disposed to discount zsro. Patten Uros. and John V. llarrctt & Co. were rather heavy sellers. The former disposed of probably 100,000 bu. May opened at 2S1ic , sold down to from 2Sic to 2i6c. ! nnd closed at 2S'.5c ' bid. Another "lowest" price was established In the oats market , but there was little activity. Thongs were felling out some of their holdings und shorts were covering to some extent a general evening up all round , F. O. Logan was quite prominent as n free peller. but no one clso distinguished hlmsolf. The feeling early in the day was slightly firmer , duo to a good demand. The close , however , found values > &c un der where they closed yesterday. Mny started at from 19)ie to 19Tsc , und closed there. Provisions started firm and advanced a llttlu , but only a small fraction of the- addi tion to prices WUB maintained. Smaller re ceipts of hogs than had been looked for started Homo buying , but when a slight de gree of firmness had boon secured the packers fed out as much as buyers could bo found for without materially lowering the price. 1'ork had a gain of 7V4c at one time , but closed unchanged for .January and Be higher for May. Lard had a iyc bulge a'so , but retained only 2' c of It , Illbs rested .with 2'Ac additional. Estimated receipts for tomorrow nre : Wheat. IKO cars ; corn , MO cars : oats 120 cars ; hogs , 22,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : FLOUH Quiet : winter patents. $3.ig3.r,0 : win- i * 1"1111".MQ.t.20 ! ; -.prlmr patents. $3.11 gJiprlnu : stralKhts , J2.COif2.UO ; bakers , jr.83 . . Q $ > W. \J HHAT No. 2 Hprliiffr f'i Tiffi. 7TBC ; No. 3 sprlnir. tttwCT- ; No , 2 red , GOV'.feGS'ic. COHN No. * ; . _ : -.n ) > iiLe. OATS No. . , ijjc ; No. 2 white , nominal ; No. 1 white , 18c. HYK Nn. 2. 33o. 1LUILKY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , EiflSGc ; No. ' ' 'KLAX'SKKD NO. i , oigaiiic. TIMOTHY KKKU l > rlnic , J3.53 f3.GO. I'HOYISIONS ' I'orlc , meFK , per bbl. , $7.80fl 7.S74. Laid , per 10. ) Ibs. , $3.221.5. Short ribs sides ( loose ) . JI.23V4.SO. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . Jt.&iifn.'J ; shott clear fides ( boxed ) , WilLSKY DistillerflnUhcd . goods , ppr gal. . i'OHLTHY l-'lrm : turkeys , " ® 3J4c ; chlcll ns C i THc ; ducks. 10J1 Ic. The folIowlnB were the receipts and shipments today. On the t'r. > lii3j o < ccianTo ! to I iv tlia butter mnr- kei was firm ! creamery. IDit'JUa : d.'ilry , 12U Jl'c. Keen , llrai : < . > 0 'a21e. Cheese. quU-l ; 1111- twin's , H ( nuc ; Young Mtmirlcnii , DM j , HH B i , 4 , i-ai.\uicBT. CliiNliiK ( liioltitlmiH on ( lie I'rlncliinl CoiniiKHlKli'N nnil SdiplcN. Ni\V VOICK. Dee. 13.-l-'LOl'K-Itccclpt . , :4C * ) Mils. ; rxpoiis , 15,3 > > 3 bbls. M.ukrt ( | ulct and lio.ivy , humors luwcihiK bids to conform- the break In wheat ; only ppuclnl brands ware dealt In ; city mill patents' . J4.10tt4.23 ; winter patents , J3.45 i3.C3 | ; cliy mill rleuiit , J4.00if4.10 ; win. ter stralshlfc , 3.3 1i3.40 : Mlnnes-jta patents , J3.Ufr3.D3 ; Mlnnootii bakers. J2.75i3.00 ; winter low Knnlcs , J2.10ti.tW. llyu Hour , dull ; nuncrtlnc , . J2.OOMS.73 ; f.iiicy J2.s.-y..w. lluckwhcat Hour Meaily at 41ni' , ' < o. . lllK'KWHKAT-Uulct , it 41041'ic. ' COIIN .Mi\L--Qulet ; yellow wtstcrn , coarse ' 70o : llrundywlno , 52.35. 1IVK Nninlnnl : western , 42J4o. HAHLKV Nominal ; wotern , SUJflCc. KAKLMV MALT Nominal ; weslern , 4Stf5Sc , W1IKAT Uccelpts , 1S9.6'W ' bu. ; i pot inaikct weaker ; No. 1 hard , 67Kc. delivered. Option * opened steady on hlKhcr cables , ruled dull until ' midday , when i iimors of n SO.UOO.W ) bit. miplus In Argentine cioii cuns > M heavy local prcaiure und cliarp decline. th market closing \veak nt liy c net ! ' ) ; No. ,2 , red. May , 67MiG7ic ! , closed ( it CTJw ; UeciMiiber , CSTiUCii J.lCi : , closed nt spot , , , dull and eaiy all dny , with corn , and closed i.to lower ; May , -'t ; iiiic. ! cloicd nt "Iftc ; De cember olnsetl at 22Kc. HAY I'lrm ; ahlppUic , J7WaS. & ) ; choice , JS.50 . . IlOP.tWcnki lnU < , common to choice , 1S94 rn > l > . 3J7c ; 1893 crop , 70IOc ; Paclllo coast , 1891 crop. 3HW7c ; 1 93 crop , ( iUino. LiATIIiit : Hfudy ( ; bciuloclc sole , Ilucnos Avrej , Htlit ID heavy weights , 24o. WOOL Qulotj domcktlo neece. leSSJoj pulled , Cnllfornli. 21 to 23 Ibs. , ISO c ; ( Jalveitmi , 2) to Ibt. . He ; tluenos Ayrcs dry. I1) to 21 Its. , Sic ; Tcim , dry , : < to 39li. \ . , 12U13C. I'HOVIHIONS lleef , qtikt ; family. IU.M ; beef hami , J15.00ifl5.f,0. Cut meat. , fair ; nlokled bellies. J4,75'if5.3 : pIcKKd MiouM r . I3.00BS.K- pickled hnmsl | 8.5' ' ) } 9.00. Lard , lower ; western . . . large , 7i010\ic ! \ ; mnall , full lUlmn. Z03C. JtlCC-Hlfadyi domeitlc , fair to xtr , JTiOC'ic ; Japan. JHIMc. HOSIN-Ftrm ; itralned , common to gocd , I1.72H MOLA8Sis Flrmt New Orltani , open kettla , to choice , rst)33c ) , lIUTTHU-necelpti. 2.C4I vktt , Marhtt firm ; \nwtern crvumery , 10flic ; Ulfliia , 2Jc. EOOH Itec l | > t > . 5.09 * pUy * . llnrkot iteady ; elate and Pcmitylvania. tiO&c ? western , SlU24o ; luulhern. . MKTALtf Plit Iron , ittndy. Copper , itcaily ; brokers' ptlce , 110.50 ; exchanK * price , IJ0.73. LouJ , steady ; LrultoiV prlc * . 13.13 : ichan prlcu , 13.90. Tin. ttrady ; lraH , J14. Plates , inarktt dull , fc'pellir. itemly. COTTON 8E1SI ) OllInjctlve ; prim * crudi. t5 ttic ; prime > umm r ytllow , 2)tfmio ; butter cuju , 303J10J off lumnur ytilow , tiOtii. nry flouiln SInrkrt. NCW YOllir. Dec 11. It hn U n tin exr.tc- llonally slow rtay In til drptrltntnti of th pack- * i tmOe. and wlil ! a ftw buyers have been rounj , litlle new bxulneiiva * don ; , except In holiday Muff * , t'rlntlnit ctitln vry quiet * t 1 l-l fl for eontmctn. TALI. UlVKIt. MUM. . lfC , 13.-IVIM cloth/I / ( pilot nt S 1-lfc" for eontrncf. MANCIIKSTKIt , Dec , 13. CMIi. " ( julel nnJ hnrd In rell tinlws t eoncesclons. Yam * utMdy , with little ( loin * . _ OMAHA ( JIMH.VI , .MAIUCHT. Ciuiillllnn of Trnilc nnil ( | iionloiii on Hdiplc nnil I'niu-y I'riiiliiL'r. KOOS Strictly fresh stork , DC ; helJ stock , 16 OI7e. IUTTTl-il-r rklnR stock , 12o : fair to cooJ country , unite ; cholre tn fancy country , 14IISc ! ; Knlhcred creamery , 170 ISJ,4 ncparator creamery , IJ92M. VI5A1- Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , arc ( juotnl at C4W7r ; large nnd coarse , ( QGc. ClinCHt : Domestic brick , IllJc ; IMam , per doz. , 19.50 ; Club House , l-lli. jars , per doz. , $160 ; Llmbergcr , fancy , per lb , , HVSC ; Hoqusfort , H-lb. Jam , per doz. . JJ.W ; Young Americas. llHci Twln . fnnry , lip. 1'OULTHV Dressed Chlckenv 67c ; ducks , SO 5c ; turkeys , choice. 8 < J10oi Ki-Me , 7 ! e. HAY Upland , J5.W ; midland , J1.50 ; l.iwlnnd , J5.00 ; rye straw , JI.M ; color makrs Hie prlco on liny ; llRht bales sell the best. Only Up grades brlmc tuti prices. IlltOOM COIIN New crop , delivered on track In country , choice ureen oclf-worklns carpet , per lb. , 2jc ! ; choice urctn running to hurl , 2UC ! com mon , 1H" . OAMK 1'ralrle chickens , young , per do . , JC ; nuall , 11.75 ; Jack snipe. iSc ; colden plover , 11.23 ; Jack rabbits , per doz. , tl.0dni.25 ; rmall rab bits , 50tf7Sc ; mallard ducki. J3.50 ; redhead * , 13.54 ; rmivnfttmrk ducks , J5.00S7S.OO ; leal , blue wing , Jl.73f2.0i ) : leal , Kreen win , JI.7S ; mixed flucks. tl.75172.0i ) ; Canada Reese , Jiii rmall Keese , J4.50 ; brants , JJ.50 ; d er s.iddlei * , ISWIGc ; deer earcas e" , IZlini-Ci elk faildlc , IKHJc ; elk carcasies , BW lOc : antelope oaddle.i , UW14c : nntelopo carcasses , SfMIr : snulrrels , per do . , 60CT76C. I'lOKONS Live , per doz. , II ; dead pigeons not wnt.tnd. OHllISTMAS OIlKiN'K-Holly : , per case , $3. $ VIHIKTAHUM. CAt.'LIKLOWKIl-l'cr doz. heads. 11.5002.00. CA111IAOK llollnnd enhbaRo , heads small nnd hard , per lb. , lc : California stock , per lb. , 2c. MUHIIIlOOMS-1'er l"4-lb. box , OOKToc. I'OTATOns r.incy n.Hlvo tock , S..c ; from stor In Pinall lots , 40c : Coloiiu'u ntock , 50Q55C. ONIONS 1'cr bu. . 4)c ; home Krown Spanish , per Mil. . Jl.M ; 3 to 5-bbl. lots , J1.33. IIMANH llnlid-plPkod navy , per bu. . J1.65OI.73. 8WKKT I'OTATOKS Choice Btcck , J3 per bbl. rilLKKV-rnllfornln , per dnz. , 75ff90o ; Colorado rado , MfiOOc ; Kalnmazoo , 30ff33c. LIMA HKANS-l'er II ) . . Be. WATHU CHUSS-Tcr 16-nt. cast. Jl. 5001.75. AIM'LKS-Fnncy stock , J2.75ff3.00 ; cholco stock , J2.WH2.76. UAI.lKOtlNIA QUINCES Non * . OIIKQON PRAHri Per case , J2.23. RllANIIHItlUKH Jersey. J8.Mff8.75 ; Capo Cod , f9.23 .SO ; McPnrlln's J9.50T/10.00. MALAGA ailAI'KS Per 60-lb. bbl. , 10.50 ; per 03 lo 70 Ibs. , Ktorf , J7.50. KASTKIIN ailAt'KS No shipping stock. TIIOI'ICAL F11U1TS. onANQES Mexicans , per box. JI.23 ; California budded seeilllnKS , 14.00 : navels , JI.SOif4.73. LKMONS California , per box , JI.OOSf4.60 ; Mes- slnas , Jl.50a4.73. 11ANANAS Choice large slock , per bunch , J2.00 Q2.25 ; medium sized bunches , 51.75. MISCKLLANEOUS. OY8TEH8 Mediums , loci horseshoes , 20c ; extra standards , 23o ; extra selects. 25e ; Hranch & Co. selects. 27c ; New Yolk counts , 30c ; standard bulk , per Kal. , SI. 10. MAPLK SYU1IP Flvc-gal. cans , each , 12.73 ; gal. cans. | > cr doz. , J12 ; H-Bal. cans , JC.23 ; quart cans , J3.75. * CIDKH Pure Juice , per half bbl. , J2.73 ; per ' > 8A1Ul'3K KItAUT Per Lbl. . J3.75 ; half bbl. , J2 25. FIO8 New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , lOc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , ICe ; choice , 10-lb. ) X > XCB , 12c. IJATKS Ntw Persian , 6)-lb. boxes , per lb. , B'Jc ; fiirds , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , 9c. MAPLK SUOAH Choice , per lb. . 9310e. PUKSHIIVKS Apsorted. 20-lb. ialls. each J1.40. COCOANl'TS Per 100 , J4.M ; each , Cc. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium size , lOc ; Tariagona nlmondti. per lb. . large , 13c ; Hrnzlls , per lb. , ! ) e ; Kngllah walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 12i@13c ! ; standards , lliTll'.ic ; filberts , per lb. , lOc : pecans , polished medium. lOc ; large , 12c : peanuts , raw. olic : roasted. 7CT "Vic ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. , J1.73 : hickory nuts , large , per bu. , J1.50 ; black walnuts , per bbl. . J2. DRESSED MEATS. 11KEF Light western steers , 4oO to 600 Ibs. , B''i iJCc ; good cows anil heifers , I'if5V5c ; medium cows and heifers. 4J5c ; good foreijuarters cows nnd heifers.3i lf4c ; good hindquarters cows nnd heltcis , 6'4y7c ; cow rounds , Co ; cow chucks , 3V4o ; steer chucks , 4c ; beef tenderloins , fresh , lOc ; beef rolls , boneless , 8V c : sirloin butts , boneless. S',4c ; loin backs , boneless. S'tc ; loin bneks , CISc ; cow ribs. No. 3 , ( iVic : cow lolna , No. 3 , 7Jc ! ; steer libs , 7'/4o ; steer loins , 9c. MUTTON Dresxeil iir.Hton. 5ie ; racks. 8V5c ; legs. 7c : saddles , 7c ; stews. 2JJc. POIIK Turk loins. 5c : spnro ribs. 4V4c ; pork shoulders. 4',4c ' ; pork shoulders , skinned , 4 We ; tenJerlolns , 12c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 33c. IIIU1JS AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 , green hides , 4c ; No. 2 green hides , 3c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4'/4c : No. 2 Kreen salted hides. 3Vic ; No. 1 green salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 3'&c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 to 40-in * . , 3c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , CVic ; No. 2 veul calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4Vje ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , CKSc ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides , C0Cc ; No. 1 dry sallttl hides , Cc ; part cured hides , He per lb. less than fully cured. HHI'JKP PELTS Green salted , each 2. > OCOc ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled eaily skins ) , each 15c : dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , ' No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled enrly skins ) . No. 1. each , 5c ; dry Dint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight. Sj6c ; dry nint Kansas and Nebraska - braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4B3c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 400' c ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 45c ; dry pieces nnd bucks , nctual weight , 45f5c : feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on " 'TALLOW ' AND GREASE-TOIIOW , NO. i. jic ; tallow No. 2 , 3o ; grease , white A , 3Vie ; grease , white H , 3c : grease , yellow , 2ic ; grease , dark. 2c ; old butter , 2W2'ic ; beeswax , prime , 13822c ; loush tallow , IHc. I1ONI2S In car lots weighed nnd delivered In C.Mcago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00ffl4.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , JlO.OOrTi 12.01 ; dry country , damp and meaty , per ton. JO.Ooas.OO. \VOOI < Unwashed , line heavy , 6i(7c ( ; line light , fcf9c : quarter .blood. 10fll2c ; aeedy. hurry and rbiirtv ' 8if9e : celled nnd broken , coarse , 79c ; cottrtl nnd broken , line , 6WSc. Fleece washed- Mcdlum. 13fllSc : line. ligiOc ; tub washed. ICO ISc- black 80 ; bucks , Co ; , lug locks , 2J3e ; jeftlj pulled. 6ffOc. Liverpool .MnrUctH. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 13. Closu : Wheat Spot linn , demand moderate : No , 2 red winter , Cs 3d ; No , Z red fpihiR , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 5i 3d : No. 1 California. Cs 4JM. Fu tures opened steady ut unchanged prices ; closed quiet , with near and distant positions unchan.nl to Ud lower from yesterday's cloning prices ; bUblnrss heaviest rn mlddlo positions ; December , lit Slid : January , 5s 3tid : February. 5s 4d ; Maich. to 4iid ; April , Ss 4Kd ; May , Cs Cd. . ( JOHN Spot nulel ; American mixed , 3 * SV d. Future * cpfr.cd steady at unchanKt-d prices , closed quiet with near nnd distant positions unchanged to > .id louer from yoUorday'H clonlnu quqtutlous ; builiiCJH about ( Ninally dlitrlbuted ; Decemlwr , 39 J ; d ; February. 1 * 2.1 ; March , 3 * 2Ud ; April , Ss ! lid : May. 3a 3'4 < 1. PI.OUH t-ull : d mand mo-ltrate ; St. Louis fiiney winter , 7s 3d , PJlOVISIOXS-Hacon , quiet ; demand moderate ; Cumberland cut , W to ! 0 Ibs. . 20 G < 1 ; short libs , I'S lb . . 2S ; lonu . : lcHr , ll.ht. 3 > to 45 Ibs. , 2Gs C < 1 ; lain ; clear , heavy , U lb. . . Ms ; short clear backs , light , IS Ibi. . : c eJ : short clear middles , heavy , SS Ibs. , Its ; clvor tfllloj. II to 19 Hit. . 31i. Hams , short cut , II to 18 Ibs. , 2Ss. Shoulders , 12 to IS lb > . , Sui Cd , llctf , exdu India mess , l"t Cd ; prlma meiii , 57i M. Pork , prime IIIMS. Dna wont- em , Ms : prlina intii , medium , 4JK. Lard , dull ; urlma wentern. 87u ; rnllnrJ , In iiulle. tit OJ. TALLOW Fill ) North Am rlcan , 8Js 6.1. CHliEHn Qulot but steady ; demand p'jor ; tlnut Amtrlran white , 4I < ! lines ! American colored. 4&a. OUTTER-l-'liiCkt United States , ills ; good , COi. OILS Turoentlnc , spirits , .0 > id ; rosin , com mon , ( J 7Hi'i cotton teed oil , Liverpool retlne- , 17s 3d : Unseed oil , 20 * < < l : pftroUum , retlncd , SUd , DKKnioiinAToa DEKI' For * quartcr , } ' bin-quarter , ili. . BLKACHINQ I'OWUUn-lr\TOOd , f. o. b. Liverpool , 11. HOTS-At I/in.on ( Pasino enatt ) . ( i 1:5. Tin r aolptii during Ui * pdit three days wert ; Wheat , iW.600 cental. , Including 1(2,000 American ; American corn. HIOOO etPttUi. WfBlher nioderutt. Cotton llnrUet. NEW OHLBANS. DeaC01TONBteaily ; mlddllnr , 4Ho ; lov mKldllmr. 7io ; rood ordinary. T 9-lfc ; ntt rrctlpts. 1D.4W tsln ; yroei. lO.Otl bales ; r-portt t ) arm IlrltiUi , i,4ij La'.ftj to the rnnMnent , ( ,9.3 hales ; sales , 4 , AM lialpx stock , 3V- 1 l-nle * . NKW VOIIK , Dee. U.-tTOTTON < } ulet ; ml.l- dllng , X 0-1 So i net rerrlpts , ( CW bnlrs ; ( * ni ! > , 3.4TI ball's ; forwarded , SOS Imlei : sales , none ; stock , 179,117 tvulcii. Futures rinsed -asy ; sales , I4J.M1 I | MI January , $ S.M ; February , till ; March , S < .3i. April , JS.42 ; May. JS.41 : June. K.4) ; July , JVM ; August , J8.S1 : Septemlwr , J1.22 ; October , IS.I1 : November , J5.ll : nw-mbcr , tt.21. ST. LOflS. Iw ! _ , COTTON-Steady : s.itc * . IV ) liales ; receipts , 4. Ml bales ; shipments , I.2M bales ; stock , 60,377 bates. St. Lou l * ( fii-iicrnl 'tliirkct. ST. I.Ot'IS , Dec. 11. FIXJUIl-Stoady : patents , t3. 5B3.50 : extra fancy. J3.I5B3.23 ; fancy. J2.SCB1 3.W ; choice , J2.MflS.75. WIIKAT Hull-it lower alt day , owing lo th - decline In Chicago , unfavorable foreign advices and henvy spring wheat rpcelpts ; elosln * ? weak and WTJc b low yeitrnlny ; No. t red , ca ii , S'i' ' e : December , 57Uc ; May , 61'ic. , COIIN Dull , weak and declining , with doling Srlcea ' .4T ( ! c under yestcnlay ; No. 2 mixed , rash , ll c ; December , SlUc ; January , ! A\ei May , 23'ic. OATS Futures weak , wltli n selling pressure on May that fcired It below 20c ; spot RMdes dull and unchangeil ; No. 2 cash and December , 17'4 17Hc ; May , ISHc. HY1C Firm , with liuyers of No. 2 on mil nt 33Hc , regular , and 34c , east side , but none ot- VohN MKAIStcady at J1.2301.r . IIHAN Hnlable at 4 e , cast tntCK , sacked. Tl MOTH Y J3.OOJT3.5fl. FLAX SKKD-FIrm ; salable nt Me. HAY Strong for choice timothy , which Is scarce ; poorer grades In bU supply : prairie , steady , with a llbernl supply , at J3.VJ89.W ; timothy , S7.500I1.50 , this side. WHISKY 11.28. HI'TTKIl Firm ; separator creamery. JJff2le ; fancy Klgln , 27c ; dairy. 18821c. KOOS Firm ; fresh , ISc. LI5AD Nominal nt J3. POl'LTHY Dull ; turkeys. 61Jc ; chickens , 4140 &l4e : ducks , 7 < 4c ; gee p. 6We. HPiLTiil Dull at J3.20 ; no sellers. PIIOV'IHIONS Pork , stnndnrd msw , J < iU > lnf , J8.I2H. Ixirtl , prime steam , JS.10 ; chulco , J3.17'4. ll.icim , boxed shoulders , J3.23 ; longs , J3.12i ! ; ribs , J3.23 ; sliorts , JTi.nTU. Dry K.it ! meals , boxed shoulders , J3.62Vii longs , JI.50 ; ribs , 11.0214 ; shorts , SI.73. HKl'UIPTS Flour , 4,00i ) bbls. ; wheat , 63,000 bu. ; corn. 54.000 bu. ; onts. 23.000 bu , SHIPMUNTS Flour , S.OsW bu. ; wheat , 4,000 bu. ; corn , 38.000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu , \Vniil Market Iti-vli-iv. DOSTON , Dec. 13. The lloston Commercial Ilulletln will say tomorrow : The L'ndon wool auction closet ! weak , except on light , line stock , on which American competition secured an od- vance. Tlm llooton market Is very dull , though fairly llrm , especially on wash-,1 fleeces. The best lot of new clip Australian , 203,000 Ibs. , was sold hero this week at current ratei. Ameri cans have only purchased 40,0(10 ( bales In Aus tralia to date , scarcely more than an nvctago under old conditions , The clip Is poor , and competition for good lots Is too brisk to en courage free purchasing. The promised boom In American wcol goodsls llnltenlng out , as far ns men'ti wear Is concerned. Makers of over coatings shown nt advanced prices have been set back to last year's price , nnd no advance has been seemed as expected on clay diagonals. The sales of the week are Z..W.iOO Ibs. domestic and 829.000 Ibs. foreign , against 1.6)0 ) , ) Ibs. domestic nnd 5S4.500 Ibs. foreign last week , and 1.522,700 11)3. domestic and 85C.fr > ) Ibs. for.lgn for the same week last year. The sales to date show an Increase of 14S75lt > 9 Ibs. domestic nnd 47.S37.5W ) Ibs. foreign from the sales of the Mme date In 1831. The receipts to date show a de crease of 5,518 bales domestic and an Increase of 220,320 bales foreign. ColTec ; MlirUot. NRW YOHK. Dec. 13. COFFKK-Optlons opened steady at BfflO points advance on foreign buying orders nnd better Kuropcnn cables. Local trading was Indifferent and business KOOII became slack ; closed steady at 5920 points net advance ; sales , 12.230 liags , Including : May , M2.9JS1.1.IW : December. tl3.7313.SO. Spot colTi-e , Illo , quiet ; No. 7 , t4.50. ! Mild , quiet ; Cordova , JlS.OOfllS.M ; sales , 1,800 bags Muracnlbo , p. t. ; 700 bags Cen tral American , p. t. ; COO bags Savnnlllu , p. t. Warehouse deliveries from New York yesterday. 7,007 bass ; New York stock today , 236,812 bags ; United States stock , 310,9 * ) bags ; nlloat for the United States , 203.000 bags ! total vtslLle for the United States , 513,080 bags , against 541,201 bags last jear. SANTOS. Dec. 13. Quiet ; good average Santos. t4.7i ) : receipts , 114,000 bags ; stock , 503. 000 bags. HAMIlUJta , Dec. 13. Quiet and unchanged ; sales. 10.0DO bags. HIO , Dec. 13. Quiet ; No. 7. J14.80 ; exchange. 9 9-32d ; receipts. 8.000 bags : cleat ed for the United States , 7,000 bags ; stock , 220.000 bags. HAVHI'3. Dec. 13. Opened llrm nt ' , Sf advance : at 3 p. in. , Irregular at W.4f advance ; closed firm at lQl',4f net advance ; sales , 10,000 bags. Snn Frit lie I it co Mliiln * * ; Uuotatloiix. SAN FHANCISCO. Dec. 13. The official closln ? quotations for minim ; stuck ! tu.jy were .13 fol lows : Silver bars. Otic. Mexican dollar * , 0433 4) ) < e. Uralts , AtEnt.uc : iclcgraphlc , 71 3. Toledo 4ml 11 Market. TOLEDO. Dec. 13. WHEAT Dull ; No. 2 cash and December , 65 > ic ; May , Cite. CORN Active : No. 2 mixed , 27 ! c ; No. 3 mixed , 20',4c ' : May , 2 Vic. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 19c ; No. 2 white , 20Wc. RYR Dull ; No. 2 cash , SSc. CLOVER SEED Dull and easier ; prime cash , J4.42V4. HKCEIPTS Flour. 500 bbls. ; wheat. 8,000 bu. ; corn , 05,00) bu. ; oats , 15.0UO bu. ; clover seed , 357 bags. SHIPMENTS Flour , 2,500 bbls. : wheat , 18,000 bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu. ; clover seed , 320 bags. l.iiiiMHN City MlirlcctH , KANSAS CITY , Dec. 13. WHEAT Slow , lower ; No. 2 hard , 5765Sc ; No. 2 red , CSiffO'Jc ; No. 2 spring , 57S&8C ; No. 3 spring , 53i5033',4e ; re jected , nominally 49B53c , COHN Active , unchanged : No. 2 mixed , 22 % @ i2c : No. 2 white , 22c. OATS Demand slight ; No. 2 mixed , 17',4c ; No. 2 white , 17lSc. HYK Steady ; No. 2 nominally. 32'.4c ' , HAY Steady ; timothy. tlO.0-J8I2.50 ; prairie , f8.00ft7.50. HUTTEIl Steady : creamery , lSfl2c ; dairy , 14fic. EGOS Active , ISc. I'oorlu 3Inrk < > tH , PEOIHA , Dec. 13. CORN Active , easier ; new No. 2. 23ic ; new No. 3 , 23'ie. OATS Stendy ; No. 2 white , IS'.iftlS'Hc ; No. 3 white. ICViWlOlic. HYK Dull , nominal. WHISKY Market steady. Finished goods on the basis of 51.12 for high wines. RECEIPTS Corn , ISI.S.'V ' ) bushels ; onts , 28,030 buxhcls ; rye , none ; whisky , none ; wheat , 3,000 8HIPMKNTH Corn , 32.300 bushels : oats , 11,200 bushels ; tye , none ; whisky , 1,532 gallons ; wheat , MM bushels. London Stoc-Ic UiiotutloiiH. LONDON , Dec. 13.-4 p. in. closhis' : ' IIAIl SILVEIt 30 3-lCd per oz. MONKY V ; per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 13-10 per cenl ; for three months' bills , 13-10 per cent. _ Siijiar Market , NEW YOIIK. Dee. 13. SUOAH Iluw , quiet ; fair refining , 3'i5f3 c ; centrlfiual , M test , 3 > / , @ 3Sc. Ilellned , quiet , LONDON. Dec. 13 , SUGAR Cane , centrifugal Java , 12n 9d ; Muscovndo , fair rellnlnK , 103 9d ; beet , dull ; December/ 9d ; January. 10s 9d , 31lliiit > uiiill > 4 Wlit'iit Market. MINNNIUPOLI8. Dec , 13-WHEAT-Was weak ; December , 63c ; May , 57ic. On trni-k : No. 1 hard. 54lic ; No , 1 northern , 53c ; No. 2 north ern , 52c ; receipts , 573 cars. 'I'VlNL'O AVllCIlt < lll tlltlOIIN. SAN FHANCISCO , Dec. M.-WUUAT-Uuyji May. Jl.OSVt- _ , FIlllllllMHl XutVH , HALTIIIOEB , Dec. 13. Clearings , J2CSOe3 ; bal ances , 1232,000. DOSTON. Dec. 13. Clearings , 116,507,312 ; bal ances , 11,719,017. NEW YOIIK. Dee. 13. Clearings , J93,539CSO ; balances , J5WJSSO. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 13.-ciearlngs. Jll,780- 301 ; balances , 11.401,798 , ST. LOUIS. Dec. 13. Clearings. JI.C32.8H ; bnl- ancei , tlJ7,2Co. ( Money , 6U8 per cent. New Yurk exchange , 753 discount , CHICAGO , Dec. 13. Money , steady at 553 > i per rent fcv call loons and CdOii per rent for CM. . nieix-lul paper , New York exclmnga solil at 15c premium. Foreign 'exchange , steady. Hankers' London ntcrllntf , J4.S8'iti'lli7i. ) rlKii Fliiuiioliil AITulrH. , Dee. 13. Exchange on London , eight days , 20 marks 41 pfg , PARIS. Dec. 13. Thrco per cent rentes , lOlf 4c for the account. Exchange on London , 23f 21V4o for checks. LONDON. Dec. 11. The iimount of bullion none Into the Hank of Knulund on balance today Is f 10.000. Gold Is quoted at Duenos A > res today at 25iUO ; Madrid , 17.C2 ; I.UIwn. 27W ; Bt. PcteriburB. 50 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 157.50 ; Vlc.inn. 103. CIlllll'NU IIlKlllllllllur lIllIIKIMl. FOLSOM. Cal. . Doc. 13.-Cliln Hano , a no- torlons Clilnepo lilyliblnrter and ( or yeara the terror of tlio Chlneso quarter In Sacra- rpento , was hanged ut the utute prison liore today ( or the murder of Lee Gong , a clear merchant. The latter was shot In the pres ence. of Ills family by Cliln Hune because ho had InourroU llio dUpleusuro of the I'lng Hens Tons and had been asalgnea to Chin for vengeance. _ Aduutf < l tlio Old Price Llxl , CHICAGO , Dec. 13. After a four days' session the Northwestern Chair Manufac turers' association concluded its work this afternoon. H. D. Durkhardt of Toledo , O. , WHS elected president , and A. It. Itaable of Chfcngo Secretary. The old prlco list and rule cf ( IlKount were practically readopted. tlt ni tMXTP RLCtDlNC Increase in Demand for Products Expected After tH6'Holidays , -Jc WHEAT-RECEIPTSTdfiTINUE VERY HEAVY Iron I'III-IIMIT * lit lllnit I'roiliipo .More T tin it I'iinituli for Current ! ) < in n ml Itnlflitl Proiliictn ( IttnlriPril * a Dt-t-lliif. n NKW YORK , Doc. 13. It. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade , which Issues to morrow , will say : It hns been n very qnlct week , without nny disturbance. Prices of manufactured products slowly recede from the high water mark of speculation mid no material Increase In demand Is now expected until after the holidays , but there Is KCII- cral confUlonco that great activity will then appear mid that woiks which have stopped a little earlier than usual wl'.l Again be called Into operation. The government crop report caused scarcely n ripple of Interest , though Indicating 6-lob,000 bales loss of cot ton and a larger ucroaKO than had been expected of winter wheat. The --real supplies of cotton brought over fmni previous years rentier It unimportant whether the yield ot ISM were 7,000- i > or nooo l bales , except as nffectlntf future Planting , nn.l the nrtcnsUc organizations of planters K keep back , their cott i deprives Binnll receipts of their natural Inlluenue. Whether ftom that cause or not , rrcelptn luive lecently been over 40 per cent smaller than last year , but Ink- IJIRS of spinners nnd exports nre nlso smaller. The price rose 3-16 and closed nt 8.M cent- * . Wliwil continues tj conic forward no mpUlly that past estimates of the yield , whether oillcl.il or linolllelnl , are discredited , Western it-it-lpls wen(1.003,404 ( bimhels for the week , against 3-I'M.Gil ' bushels last year , while Atlimtlc exports , Dour Included , were but 1,846.353 bushel * , ncalnst : , . " . ! bushels lint year. At current prices It seems Improbable that nuiketliiK has been out uf proportion to tlm ylelil , nnd priced for the wi-ek show little clianxe. * Iron furnnees In blast December 1 turned out 210.737 Ions ww-kly , against 217,306 tons Novem ber 1 , with nn Increase of S.DOO tons In stocks un sold. Hut nctunl consumption Is much smaller than the output nt present , nnd prices nun In de clined , No. 1 anthracite to H3.IW , Ilenicmcr plt nt rittsburir to 112.60 and ( jrey forsc to $12. Kin- Ishetl products nre weak nnd sell below limita tion * , though quoted prices avenue ? nlout half of 1 per cent lower for the week. Heavy orders by the Rockefeller Interests for plates nnd other material to build vostcls for transporta tion of Mesaba ore 'm-jtt year have HtretiKth- oneil the tnaikot somewhat , but the demand at the cast In very llRht , nnd most of the works have shortened force considerably , while nt IMtts- bur structural forms , plates , sheets anil pipe are In llRht demand , ami some bar mills In the valley have shut down for want of ordeis. HlKher prices nre expected for ore and coke , and It IH believed this will cause an upward turn In Iron. Copper Is much demobilized , with law sales of lake at SlQ.no. Lead Is lower at M.27',5 ' , and tin lower nt $13.8.1 , with Increasing visible supply. Wool bus not advanced with L-md-.n sale * as wa expected , nnd 5.530,000 pounds have been sold , 2.303,700 forelfin. against 5,471,300 pounds In the name week of 1 < 92. 'of ' which 1,413,500 were for eign. Th slow market for dry goods hinders ( leallni * * . In men's poods them la a little busi ness yet at about Iftst year's prices In low grades , nnd the largest maker of clay worsteds line reduced prices lei those of last year since the opening. Uuslness In cotton has not gained and print clotha nre lower nt 3Vi cents , while a few more reductions nre noted In prices of other ( foods. The manufacturer has had n highly profitable season , though dull now. Failures for the tfeblc have been 333 In the United States , ngnlnpt'343 last year , and 51 In Canada , . .against10 , totjycar. { VVKEKLV CLU..RIMI HOUSE TOTALS. AKKreiritte of lliiHtnoHH TriiiiHiiotoil ! > > < llO ANNOOIlllOll Illlllksi. NK\V VOUIC , Dec. 13 , The following table , compiled by llradstrcefs- shows the total clear ances ut the principal , cities nnd the percentage of Increase or iljcren1 , ; ns compared with the corresponding week last year : DOMINION OI' CANADA. Not Included In | iilar ( . \VHOLI3K.\MJ T DULL AS A HUl.i : Ilt-tnlt Trnile Sli < i\VM nil Inert-nut. , lint \o ( Up ( n l-xirctiitloiiN. NR\V YORK , De"i3v Ilradstieet's tomorrow will say : With Ihe-bxceftlon of mild weather In cities In Missouri , KarnM-l , Nebraska nnd Minnesota seta , cold weather lia-.Mtlmulated sales of sea sonable mi-rchandlse at nearly all points , but only by contrast with preceding weeks. Wholesale trade ts dull , merchants preferring to reduce toclt at the end -et-4Ue year ( o mak rendy fur annual Inventories. In retail lines , particu larly In holiday -ipeclaltlei * , thenhux been u marked Increase In demand , though thus far In' aoniR Instances not equal to expectations. Irreg ularity Is shown In mercantile collections , gen eral Irndu Ihrouiihout the country being rela tively most -atlifuctely fb the contra ! Mississippi valley , HxiHirtH of wheat . . ( .llOjir Included as wheat ) from both coasts of uSMlnlted Blates this week UBKTPgutcd 2.S.i ) hunlicls. _ _ _ ln t 3.1M.WJ bush els luft week , 2,630,00) buehcls In thu coneepond- Ing week a year DUO , 3,217,000 bushels two years agu and 3.277 , < * W bushels In the vorrexpondlni * : week of 1SS2. ExiKirts of Indian corn amount to . ' . Wl.OM buvhels. us rompuied with 1.SC7.000 bush els lust week , ! * > 2.i 0 bushels In the conespondlns week on year aup and l.ZtT.OW buthels In the correnpondlne weuk-'of UM.The present week's tola ! forelKii shlpmenli of Indian corn aru the largest , for any we.k , ( jlnce Ihat r'idlni1 May t , 1892 , und are , cxplalnail by our telegraph' Advices from New Orleaos of an uxtraordlnurlly heavy outward movement there. Theie wcru 313 biisrU' | n fallurri throughout the United Hlutej this week , cuinuarod with 315 last wcrk , 313 In thu Ilka week om > yeur ago , 337 two yeara ado , nnd as contrasted with 18 In the second week of December , 1S92. Tlt.UII.Vtt I'UHBfcY Itnllroiul KlinrpH WenU trllli u Ti-n- ilfiioy ( o Half , NB\V YOHIC , Dec. 13. Ilraditreel's nnanclnl review says ; While narrow und professional , peculation In the stock market has not been without features of decided Interest. Dullm-is lias , Inderd. pr vallfJ for the greater imrt of thu week , but It was broken by Incidents of sulTlclcnt Imtiorlanec In phvluro tfmpornry notlw. lly In certain portions of the stock lift , par ticularly In the Industrial Rrmip ami thi < r. > nl slocks. The rallmad har < have t < n the whole been wcnk and showed n d. . elded temlency to nn lower. Apprehensions that eonaress may | MI > no moa - nrelo remetly the etlstlnt * : runrncr nnd nnnn- clftl trjulle * , and that Ihr il'tl'iR situation will ilrau nlonn fir n conMdernble tlmnwert' pnrtully offset by a h ° llof that the tmiiniry will Issue tmnds to retilenl'li the Ri > ld reserve If nee-ssnry , Irre spective of hnt eonRrp' may do or lenvo tin- done. The fact thai fori'lcn e.ichanKe has been weaker and that the exports for the week n mount ml lo only JI.O03. ( * . tvns nl o nH with out n reassuttni ; lntliivncc. Kunipe took tilde or n.i part In the trndln * ; here , nnd the fotrlcn markets are all lint and more or less depressed. A rl i > In discount rates nt I'arl , Itprlln and other ef.nters. coupled with the fart that the < les tlnntlon of the specie exinrtnl this week ! < ( ler- many , creates nn Ideii that Itussla or pome other power Is attempting to draw gold from this country miner than lo take It frini I/imlon , Icnv- ln c It uneertnln whether the sin-cle oulllow will not continue next week. The public here has been praellcally out of speculation this week , except durlnn the liquida tion In the Industrials , rnurnl by the lapld de cline In American Tobacco stock. This Incident , Indeed , nlmorbMl HIP nttentlon of the street dur- Inn' the \tly part of the week nnd had n de pressing erred upon the Kenernl matket. The re- c ivory In the Industrials which followed Is steadying prices ti > some extent , nnd the close of the week wan devoted tu H bullish ni.wemenl In the lendliR coal stocks * , which seemed pro' parntory to the announcement of the Heading rooif-nnlzatlon plan , which Is to bo brought out next week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AMI 110NDS. IrrcKiilitrlt } * Wnn tlii > Koniurc 111 tlio Hruurlly .llurkct. NKW YOHK , Dec. U. The Industrials prac tically constlluted tinlay's market , nnd Irregu larity Jn the movomenls was quite a fealute. The entire deallnus aggregated only KO.OiW shares. The dealings In Leather pioferird llgurcd for one- third of this nmount , and nildliii ; the transac tions In Sugar , Tobacco and Chicago Oas would leave only 73,000 shnren for the oilier securities. Covering of shorts was the chief stimulus to the sx > culatlon. The Initial prices were Irregular on n light \n1utne of prices. A declining tendency soon developed. Haltlmore K Ohio was ngaln conspicuously weak , dropping 2i ! per cent on selling for both accounts. The consensus uf opinion In conservative circles I. * that In view of the persistent and singularly dellnltu attacks upon the credit uf the company the iiiatiagpnient should content Itself with vnguc Ki'iicrnllzlng de nials. In the general market a tlrmer tone l - cam'e evident before the end of the Hint hour and n strong rally started tinder th < > leadership of Leather. Thill stock rose 2 psr cent nnd the preferred 5it per cent , both retaining the Im provement nt the clone. The strength In the stocks named Inspired sym pathetic advances In the other tmlustilals , ex tending to 2 i r cent In Tobacco. Covering by belated shorts In Manhattan resulled In a gain of 114 l r cent. The movements in the stnnunrd rail way shares were conllned to fractional limits. A report which wna In circulation to the effect that the long expected agreement between the Panama Hnllruad and Pnclllc Mall companies had been actually signed by President Simmon * * nnd Huntlngton caused nn advance uf about a ivolnt In the stock of the last mentioned company , which was subsequently lost uixin the publication of denials. Long Island Traction moved up 2'/4 ' per cent on the report of the purrhnso of the prop erty at foreclosure sale by the reorganlJiatlori committee. Huylng net down to Huston accounts caused n rlao In that stock of 3 per cent. On the other hand. Cleveland , Loiralno & Wheeling attracted attention by n break of 3',4 ' per cent , nnd ix later rally of nearly na much. The * move ments were unexplained. Consolidated Oni sold up 24 ! per cent to 1CHJ , the best price of the year , on the reiteration of rumors of consolida tions , stock dividends , etc. The nnal price , how ever , showed only a fractional Improvement over yesterday. The market closed moderately nctlvo and strong In tone and at general gains. The market for railway and miscellaneous bonds ruled tlrm nnd higher on transactions aggregating 11,433,000. The mute Important changes were : Ad vances Daltlmoru & Ohio Southwestern Ists , 3 per cent ; St. Louis & San Francisco consol 41 * , 3V5 per cent ; Chicago & Noithem Pacific ( Inn trust receipts , St. LDUls Southwestern 2Js nnd Union Paclllc sinking fund 8s , 1A per cent. The chief decline was In Wisconsin Central ( list trust receipts. 3iJ per cent. The Evening Post's London flnanclal cable gram : Investment stocks were strong today , but speculative markets were Irregular. Americans were good on the Denver & Illo Ornndo dividend. Prices closed a shade Under the best , llnltlmore & Ohio was Hat. There was a heavy fall In mines , which closed at the lowest quotation , the continent selling. The position appears to be that various Paris und Vienna ( Irms who were helped over the settlement nnd had their ac counts carried here have received nn Intimation that differences must be met or the accounts will be closed , hence the heavy forced sales. The general settlement reveals a small account with light contnngocn , Americans about 3 per cent. At Paris the bourse was weak hut active. At Herlln tlm stock market was steadier , but Idle. The following : were the ciosm ? quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : offered , lox-'dlv. The total sales of Blocks today were 185,101 shares , Including : American Sugar , e.i-dlv. . 20,700 ; American Tobacco , 13.200 : Chicago GaH. 11.000 ; Consolidated Gas , 4.500 ; D.'nver & nio Grande preferred , . 4.100 ; Distilling and C.ittle- feedlnu company. 3,100 ; Manhattan consolidated. 3.600 ; Pnclllc Mall , 5,300 ; Heading , 1,300 ; St. I'aul , 3,700 ; Trnnitsco Coal nnd Iron , 3,200 * United States Leather preferred , 0,800 ; Western Union , 4,0)0. \t > iv Yurie .11 on05.tliirkot. . NHW YOIIK. Dec. 13. MONHY ON CALL Easy ut 14j2V4 per cent : last loan , 1 per cent ; closed offered nt 1 per cent , PIHMU MEIICANTILE PAPEU-4 < a51 ! per cent. HTEHLINO EXCHANGE Steady , with nctual mslness In bankers' bills nt tl.SSH'SC4.SS ; for demand nnd J4. 71,4f4.874 ! for Blxty days ; jio tcd ntes , J.f8tf4.W ( ; commercial bills. JI.SI. SILVEH CEHTIFICATES-GCflCOlic , IIAIl BlLVEIl-CCo. , OOVEHNMENT HONDA Steady ; lnto bond * , dull ! railway bonds , llrni , Closing quotatlonn on bongs were us follows : OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Both Hogs and Oattlo Show n Falliag Off , CATTLE BRING SLIGHTLY BETTER PRICES Sclli-rx nnil IluytTM In tlu > On Illo I'oi llnvo a llnril Tlnu > Octtlnu T < > - Hcllu-r 1'oriucr Driiiimil tin In- Ovi-r Tlm rail ny'ii I * i * 11- , - . FRIDAY. Deo. 13. Receipts nnd shipment ! ) for the past twenty-four hours , nn compared with the previous six days , nre as follows : RECEIPTS. Cattle. HOBS' . Sheep. Horses. December 1.1 l.KtS 4.1C9 400 . . . . December 12 2.316 6,13-i ! 21 December 11 2.IM3 ,38I 93 13 December 10 3,721 9.297 PS3 CO December 9 l.fiox 1,207 179 3 December 7 1,015 fi.2.1 ( S3 December C 1.G1G fi.filG CO SHIPMENTS. Cattle. lIoR't Sheep. ltorse . December 11 1.023 1,007 . . . . 21 December 10 1,1)90 ) 493 012 42 December 0 1122 . . . . 279 . . . . December 7 sxr 1,105 December C 60S . . . . 172 . . . . December 6 91.1 1.1S2 091 CATTLE Receipts Icll considerably short of yesterday's mark , only scventy-slx fresh loads belli * * : reported In ths yards. The market on killing cattle was In a little better condition. The offerings of beef steer- were llshl and there was nothing In the yard * eqt'al In point of quality to the Jl.GO cattle sold here yesterday. The conditions were nil favorable to the gelling Interests , light re ceipts , fair demand mid encouraging re ports from other maikcls. As n result th ° market was steady to a 'little stronger , mid In some cases salesmen reported that they got lOc more for nuch cnitle as especially took the buyers fancy. While the feellu * ; wim better , the trndo was not particularly active , and salesmen who did not happen to have Just what Hie buyois wanted found It slow work unloading. The offerings of cows and heifer * con sisted of about flflesn to twcntv loads. The ft'ellng was n little better , nnd good'cows and helfets sold at strong prices. The Irfw desirable tirades wcro no more than steady. The market was reasonably active and thu offerings were pretty much cleaned up and In good season. LUht stock cattle were r.ot quite KO plen tiful today as they have been , but there wore more heavy feeders. The maiket on that kind of cattle did not show miy ma- tetl.il chnngu from yesterday. The demand was not large , but It was about equal to the supply , and the closa of the market found thu cattle In first hands about all sold. The decline on fat cattle has caused a gradual fall In the values on feeders. The market from day to day has not shown much change , but If comparisons are made with last week It will be noted that prlcos are not the same. It la snto to say that prices on heavy feeders nre all of 25c lower than last week. Representative sales : I1KUF MILKERS AND BI'HINOERS. 1 cownnd calf. .127 50 1 milker . J32 00 1 cow imd calf. . 29 0 ) 1 Hprlnuer . 33 00 1 cow nnd calf. . 30 00 1 cow and calf 35 00 \VYOMINC1. HOCJrt The receipt * of nos weip nat lar * ? ! , only fllxty-two loads being1 reported In the ynnU , Tlio ( iiiallly of tlm hugs on an' aver.iRO was KO > H\ \ . The market was fur fiom Mtlsfactory to iuiy one. It opened with the liiiyem ofrerliuj sluaily to strontf prices nnd balden * ncklng more ninnvy. Halcxintn claimed that their meivi us reported nn ndvanco nt other nuikets and that they would have ( he same thlnif hereor kt-ep their IIOKH whllo buyers showed dispatches Indicating a weak doBo nt ChlcaH" . Neither aide wnuM KV ) In and tlm trade was piacllcally nt a standstill all the mornlnff. Occasionally u load would note to HID scales , but they v/eru far apart. At mid day only about thirty lj _ < U hud iilmnged hands , mostly „ : } 3.3' ) to J3.3o , or nt strong ycfterday'n prices. Aa It seemed Impossible for huyetH unit sellers lo i-onio tuvetluT on a trading basis , ( hey - .up nnd k-ft Ilia yards , llepiejienlatlv'- : Ht. Lou In LIV.StixiU. . BT. IXU18. Dec.ATTLKIHiwIMs. ( . 2J.OOO lead ; steady : nalli'a hrovtn , Jl.Vj _ .73 ; cuw and itlfurs. II.UC2.40 ; Tunas slc.-rs. J2.I)7(2.7S. ) ( HOC18 Iterelpts , li.W head- market 5c higher ; i vy , t > .23 7 : > J ; mUod , t3. . ' < O3.4) ; Unlit. 13 23 'silKKP Iteo lpll.uOO lien.l ; market slcady : natives , n. Og Jiouth ; rn , JI.Iigj. . City I.lvo blottk. KANSAS CITY , lite. . - < ; A'n'LK llccelpll. ' 700 htadj lilpni ] ; t , 3,4)0 ht.d : n.uik't .t 4dy o Hiinf. . Texas tc m , t2.C3U3.33 ; T < xu cown , t.WJZM , Diet H-n , l5.wyi.J3j nallvo canr , * lockprs * Imlls. uvlS-Il > eel.t | , IJ.JOO head ; shipment * . 4M ipadj market atrone ( o I * hlrti-r ; bulk of mixed. J3.1SV.V3S ; ligh'i , 'ti.'in9i.it' * Yoikm , " BIIHKI' Hr-oiMpls. SOO he d ; shlpmenls. ! > head ! lnmb- > . JJ.OOffl.IOj mulfn * . } 2.l H'S.2i. CIIICAMO uvi : ! i'rocc. : Trnilr Win .Moilcmlrl } l.ni'urut I'n * rluitiut-il 1'rl re- * . ' CHICAOO. l > oc. U-Only ntn.ul SUM oattl/ liavn been received thisek , nt agnlnM 70.IM last week. Trade was modomlely largo at un changed prices , oholi-e f t rows ntul heifers sell. Ing to betl-r advnnUK < > thnncry goo.l fleers. Alnnil 1.V ) head of rhrl.ilnncattle , 1-iMiiRht from ( } to JS.30. but the givm liulk of the rnitlc of- frird Ill-ought from Jj.so to JI.M. only n few luuiilrrd steer- selling at from JI.15 tu Jl.iH There was decide ! IUIIMHIn the low and heifer trade , nnd prlcci a\cratt-d l.V higher , with K.ile Inirtfly nt fiom SI * x ) to ji. v Cnlve * of the better cln-- * wi-ro nrll o and al ut aV1 hlKher , sales belli ) ? made as high ni JO. Texa-i steer * werv In mndt-intp rupply nnd In fair demand nl from J2.70 to J3.cs. an I somp 7S31Isteer * ( idil Mexico bimiKht U'.TO. Neirly Ji .OiM hnss hsve arrival Ihls week , an aK.iln < -I2.3I ) head for t : - same time last week , snd 1S1.C14 head for the Ilki * perloil a > car into. Tiaik- today was iictlvr nt nn nM'tiiRvnilvnnco of 60. The supply unit nioMly illHpojivl of earlv at from J.1.25 to M.W. the bulk selling nt from 13.35 to J3.45.llli mine sales at I3.SO than ill any other llRiire. Kheep wcrr In fair demand , \\llh prices fullv as KiHvl nH > ester\lay nn ibslnibl'slieep and Inmbs , yet the count-in stoek. of which thoiv was n liberal supply , sold nl about as low lUuiex an al nny time. Common wesleins soM at from J2. " . In ] 2.S < ) . Hccrlpts-Cattle. 5.6M he.ldi hogs , Jii.OiM head ; sheep , D.OOO head. \i-iv Yiii-U Live SdH't. . Ni\V : YOHIC , Dec. IX ItliliVK.Utcelptn. . 3.75C bend. Market quiet but sleady ; slintn and oxen. J2..VW3.70 ; bulls. J2.2JJfi.75i dry COINS. JI.S5 ( /3.W. Kuropean i-abli-s quote- American sti-em nt 8'4fillo. ilirnsed wclRlit ; lefilRcrutor beef at 7SfSHr. OALVIIS llec-elpts , ICG lirnil. Mntkt-t very flow ; \eat.i , po.ir to choice , JS.OOlii.75 ; b.irnyaid ' SHK1JI AND LAMltS Itccelpts , S.S71 lieml , Mnrkcl rtixidyi sheep , poor to prime , Jl.'i'iS * ' 3.35 ; lambs , common 10 choice , J4.0)f5.00. ) noS-ltecclpts ( , 4 , ! 3 head. Market steady nl J1.SOW4.I5. .stock In SlKtit. Heoord of roi-rlpti * nt the four principal maikel * for Krldny. Ui-ci-mlwr , 13 , IK'S : Oitlle. HORS. Sheep. K.iuth Omaha l.KH 4.1W < > > Chlcniji . . ) 27.IM ) 9.0 < ) - ) Knnms tJlty fiJ * ) 12S < M 300 Ht. Ixiuls 2rt.M C.OOO l. V ) Totals , So.OiU 49.9C9 10,7'W WI-JATIIKH. F4IIIKCAST. 1'nlr nnil Colili-r lijSnturiliiy for -liritNku. . WASHINGTON' , IJep. 13. Tlio forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebrnskn Fnlr ; westerly winds ; collier In the western portion ; colder In tlio eastern portion Saturday nit-lit. l-'or Iowa Fair ; westerly winds ; wanner In the eastern portion , followed uy colder Saturday 4ilKlit. For South n.ikotn Oenerally fair ; pas- slbly local snows In tlio eastern portion ; northwesterly winds. For Missouri Fair ; southwesterly winds and warmer. For Kansas Fair ; winds shifting to westerly - erly ; wanner In the eastern portion ntiu lKhtly colder In the western portion. Local Hceord. OFFIC12 OF THE WUATHKU BUU13AU , OMAHA , Dec. 13. Oinnhn record of tein- pernturo nnd rainfall , compared with the day of past Unlived for Killing ( hiMnrHluiI. . CANON CITY. Dec. 13. Abe Taylor wna hntiKed at 7:40 : this evenhiK at the peniten tiary for the murder of City Marshal limor- son of Aliimosa. about two years afro , whllo the later was trying to arrest him for theft. run UIOALTV M.vHKirr. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Decem ber 13. 1805 : WARRANTY DEEDS. F G arlnith and wife to H \\'etcr- - lleld , lot 4 , WntiKli it W's suhdlv. . . . $ 1,700 MateJ Slepanek and wife to II A Cur- ties , lots 13 and 11 , block 3 , Maync'H add C95 Isadora O'Hanlon to S A Ctillcn , 01 feet off o end of lot 21 , nnd ( it feet off e end of n 38 fcc-t of lot 22. HlmebauKh I'lnco 4,500 Lu Ulxon and husband to J A Adams , lot 10 , block 3S , South Omaha 1,500 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. William lionnott nnd wlfo to T 1J Whlttlcsey. " lot 2. block 4 , Jutter'H 2d add to South Oinnha 1 13 W Gannett to F R Oannntt , undi vided H-.of lot fi , block fi , Myers , It & T'H add ; n V4 of lot 49. GIPO'H add ; lots 17 and 18 , block 11 , Ilanscom I'lacc ; undivided ' , i of n 10 feet of e 11 feet of lot 07 , Hiirtmnn'fl add 1 DEEDS. Master In chancery to I , If aibbs , lot 2 , block 12 , Reed'H lnt add S.C.5 Same to Edward Joslln , u fX ) feet of n Vf of lot 8. b'ock 1 , 1'ark Place. . . . 2,325 Sheriff to A J Hunxcoin , HW Vi of lot 1C , Kountzo 1M add 1,175 Total amount ( if transfer.-- $15,522 InSWEETlTESS and POWER of TOME , BKAUTy of DE- r "BAY STATE" GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , and FLUTES r.re rqinllM bynnother Ainorl- e.inliiitniiu' ' i . Ixincstln iirt'.a of nny itili'tly hlith irailu : tnntni- mcnu. 'M Awjnua. HeuJ foi ( 'utiilogues. , JOHN C. HAYNES & CO. , 4Ml loIt ) : ) W.ifllilni-loii HI , 1IOSTON , F E LETTER lievlewlng- grain und atcck .riailets : , ivlll h sent you dally on rcquett , | n the to'u of deserv ing pait of your buslne * , * . Oideis sollitltod for each cr nn three to five point J , R. WILUin & GO , Chicago lloatd of Trail * , New York Produce 1'xch.nge , Now YiuU Cons. Slock Ex change. 17 Hoard TruUe , Chlc-t * * ; , 41 llroadway , New Yotk. JAMES T71JOYD Se CO. Telephone 103 ! ) . Oiimliu , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AND ; STOCKS Hoom lift Hoard of Trade. Dlrt wires 10 Chlcouo and New York. Corre ! | iondints ; John A Waif ri & Co. I' , p. "SMITH. "TCI not ) s. U , BTA'NKORU. F. P. SMITH &CO. GRAIN : AND : PROVISIONS Itooiti 4 , N. Y. Life HliluOtuulia , IlranHi offices < > t Fremont aij Culumbu * . All orders | .luotj on the l.'hlcaco Uoard of Trad * . Curr > l < unduntii : H .m , Dupu ft Co. , Ch | . cuyo ; Khrehwr , KlacU & Cu. . HI , Lo'Jl , Il ( el t > j I'iiJl National bank , Oiiialia ,