Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DATLY IVBEt RAfIJI&lAY , D ISO 19.MM Bit 14 , 1805.
l.lfMEflMfUrlMfMllIlMfMuiri [ [
Office , 12 Pcnrl Street. H. W. Tlltcn , MnunRcr and I.cssco.
Floral daiifin ? . J. II. Mcl'her n. Td. 211.
Zeph Hughe * ' chlldmi , whi hive b * : i 111
with diphtheria , cro repotted Improving ,
Uly camp , No. 1. ftoyal NilglihaM ol
America , will meet In regular session this
evening nt 8 o'clock * harp.
Ths Lutherans will give fine dinners today
for in cents nt thtlr aprr > n fale , IS Pearl
ttrce : .
Mary J. Cotmerly commenced a suit In th
district court yesurday tor n divorce from
William II. Connerly , alleging desertion a
the ground. They wer manlcd In 1SSO I
Panama , la.
Reserved seats for thn popular "Mikado
will be on tale at the theater box offlct o
Monday. All the boxes for both perform
cnccs have been taken , nnd a big rush fo
seats Is cxpeeled.
Trank Cochran of Adams county wa
brought Into couit yes.te-rd.iy , having bee
nrrened by lltptuy United .States Marsha
Hlllweg on the charge of bootlegging , lie wa
bound over to the federal grand Jury nnd re
Unsed on bonds.
Suporvlsor-clert Jacob Hanson of Haze
Dell township , whom N. P. Johnson chargcc
with assault With Intent to do great bodll
Injury , was given a preliminary cxamlnatln
tind discharged , It being shown that ho wa
acting In sclf-defen .e.
Frank Helm wtnt with a crowd of othe
young fellows to Harrison street In prcsen
n charivari lo n young couple who had JIIF
been married. In the general hullabaloo h
Hcuflle.l with f companion and now has a le
broken just above thp nnklc.
Llllle C. Claik commenced n suit In th
district court yetterdny for the partition o
the estate of her former husband , John W
Tyson. He owned 320 acres ot land In till
county , nnd she wants a third Interest In It
She makes her two pens defendants.
Mrs. Sarah O'Connor , wife of John O'Con
nor , died yesterday nt her home In Hardl
township , uged 77 years. The funeral wll
take place next Monday at 0 a. in. , and th
remains will ba burled In the Catholic ccmc
tcry In thh city. She hail lived In Potta
wattamle county for twenty-five years.
"The Religion ot Humanity. " or "Ou
Duty lo the Poor , " Is the subject announrcc
for T. W. Williams' ' discourse Sunday even
InK nt the Latter Day Saints' church. Th
speaker will deal with the conditions con
fronting the churches In caring for the un
fortunate. All philanthropic people are urgei
to attend.
Chris Nelson hns been working this winter
for M. P. Nelson , who hns a farm about the
corner of Fourteenth street and Twenty-
eighth avenue. A difference ha arisen be
tween them nnd Chris claims the other owes
bis $100 for wngcs. He sued out n wrft o :
attachment yettsiday In Justice Cook's csur
nnd Constable Albert ! seized 500 bushels o :
shucked corn and thirteen acres of corn on
the stalk.
Lloyd Slgler was arrested on the charge
of obtaining goods under false pretenses
Fnlr & Wether claim that he came to thel
plate about election tlmo and procured a
box of cigars , representing that W. D. liar
din , then candidate for county treasurer , hac
told him < o do so. The bill for the cigars
wns presented to Hnrdln not long ngo , am
he denied having authorized Slgler to con
tract any debts for him.
Mrs. Mary Ann Thomas , widow of the late
Reuben C. Thomas , died at 12:13 : p. m
Thursday nt the homo of W. K. Eimes In
Hardln township , nt the age of S3 years. She
leaves three children , H. H. Thomas , Mrs
W. K. Eamca and Herbert M. Thomas , al
of whom were present at the time she
breathed her last. The > funeral will take
place Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from
the Eamos resldcncs.
The fourteenth annual masquerade ball of
Blurt City Typographical union will be given
nt Chambers' hall Christmas night. The fol
lowing committees are In clnrge ; Master o ]
ceremonies , Frank C. Simmons ; arrange
ments , J. M. Thomas , J. C. Richards. J. R
Lewis ; floor , George W. Irvln , J. J. ICIrloy
C. M. Maynard. Sam L. Stegall , W. D.
Fisher , D , A. Haggerty ; reception , George
AV. Gorman , David M. Nlcoll , G. W. Ryan ,
W II. Treynor , John Sklnkel , F. C. Dante ,
A , Brisbane.
Wanted Capitalist to erect n warehouse
costing ? 30,000 , Including ground. Can rent
Eamo on long tlmo lease at 10 per cent on
amount Invested. Will loan $12,000 on the
property If desired. Lougee & Towle , 235
Pearl street.
MONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms.
Largo loans a specialty. Fire Insurance. L.
W. Tnlleys , 102 Main St. , rooms 2 and 3.
J Bo.'ore the holidays you will probably need
H Borne printing. You will want It done Just
right ; so call en Pryor Bros. , printers , at The
Bej office. 12 Pearl street.
Leo Swenrlngcn Is In St. L-juis on bus'nces.
D puty United States Marshal 0. D. Wray
of Ottumwa wns In tin city yesterday.
W. W. Morgan , mayor of Sidney , has been
vls'tlng the past few days with his son ,
lluse N. Morgan.
Mrs. R. II. McGrovo nnd daughter of Co
lumbus. Neb , , have been visit ng Mr. nnd
Mrs. Mnmllton of the OgJen lious ? .
George S. Miller of this city hns secured
another eastern contract , th. now ono b.lng
at Chnmpalgn , III , , where ho will put In a
BystEm of sewerage. Mr. Miller Is expected
homo for the holidays.
.VovcIlli'M fur ( lie HollitiiyH.
New photo frames , photographs , picture
frames , pictures , etc. The largest nnd best
line over shown. Get your pictures framed
for Christmas. Linen frames mounted to or
dor. H. L. Smith & Co.
Children's reefers are the thing wo nre
making the drive on Just now. They are
handsome and cheap , and the line Is un
broken. Metcalf Bros.
Every well dressed man appreciates good
laundry work. That Is why so many go lo the
Eagle Laundry , 721 Broadway. Telephone 157.
Reduced prices on slightly used pianos a * .
Dourlclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer ,
110 Stutsman street , mar M. E. church.
Hound Ovrr for IliirKlnry.
John Williams , who etoU n suit of clothes
from the Chicago hoiuu and a vest and gold
watch from n Rock Island coboos-o , was given
a preliminary hearing yesterday morning In
police court. He wns compelled to take off
his coat and vest , and was found to bo wearIng -
Ing a pair of cu > pnder3 wills' ) Jens n slid to-
longed to him. He wax bound over to the
grand Jury and sent to the county jail In default -
fault of a $1,000 bond. The probability Is
that he would not have bsn caught If lie had
been satisfied with a moderately good thing ,
He called nt the Omaha raloon Thursday aft
ernoon and told Al Noack , to whom lie had
sold the suit , that ho ought to have charged
$2 more , Noack * In thn meantime had heard
that theeult was stolen , and nt once gave
the police a tip which led to the arrest.
Wllllnm Duquette , who disturbed the psace
Thursday night by trying lo drag Ills wlfi
out of a dancj by main force , waa given n
trial and fined $15.80. His fathsr , John Du
quette , put up the rcqnlrM amount and he
left the city building , announcing as ho dIJ
so , that he expected to ius ; for a dlvorc : .
J , E McDcrmot , uid"rtaker. ! dealer ! : i
churcli goods , 512 Broadway. Telephone 203.
Gorman medlcatul baths make pure blood ,
Mrs. S. K. Winder , 17C Graham avenue.
Stcphau Ilroa. for plumbing and lifatlns ;
also line line of gas fixtures ,
Hvo you seen the new gas nesting ttovei
* t the compar.y'e office ?
The followingninrrlaio licences were Is
sued yi'stenluy by the county clerk !
Nnmo nnd nddrcfs. Age.
Annual F. Dnmmrow , P-Uawa taml Co. . 21
Sleku Puysen , Pottawnttamlo county , , . , 23
F. O. SchocnlnET , Pottnwattumle county. , 21
Carrie L. Sct-vcra , Poltwatlnmle county , . 19
The ni'W neckwear Is very stylish , Met
calf Bros , _
Elgin n. W. Raymond watch , $15 ; Well-
man' * . _
Attend Davis' clearing sale cf holiday goods.
13C B'd'y ; Nlcholron ; meats ; telephone 31 !
Jrvli , 1877 brandy ; purest , jafcit , best.
ii. N. it vi TI.MI.U nit uirrs AWAY.
! tl > nfTorlx ( o IMiiilcUN Mioty Crcill-
lor-t rinnll > < i-m iinl ullh MIPCCHI.
The asteinp' nf Howard N. Hattenhatur
to ! ? H out of town Thursday night without
pitting his numerous creditors , ns detailed
in The Bee , o , uvd a great amount ot talk
on the streets and in the resorts yesterday.
The comm nt wjg in nouis ; diminished
when I' was learned , rnrly In the day , that
he actually had outwitted the officer who
was lying In wait for him , and skipped out
with his bag and baggage. The crcd'tors
were left to paw the air End tear their hair ,
r.n 1 that wcs n ? mnr ns they came to get-
tins uatlifnciloii.
Constable Albert ! , with his pccketu full of
executions nnd writs of attachments , waited
nround tha Grand hotel until after 1 o'clock
for u Ugn of the departure. Then ho be
came tired and went home , confident Unit If
he get up at C o'clock hi > would find the
four ttunks with nil thMr gowns from P-ireo
Bl'lt in the Hattenhnucr room. Shortly
after he. went homo Hnttenhaucr came down ,
found the const clear , nnd engaged ono of
Wellmin'k wagons to tnko the baggage
ncross the river to Omaha Us already
owed Wcllmnn more thnn $100 , n part of the
bill being for the carriages used ono night
last fall , when Mr. nnd Mro. Hnttenhauer
gave n box party at Boyd's theatsr In
Omnha , nnd a banquet afterward. The
night man was entirely Innocent of nny
knowledge Of that fact , and agreed to take
thp trunks ncross for $2.50. He did tht Job ,
but nftor ho had lodged the stuff at stho
union depot In Omnha Ilnttenhnucr refusal
to pay him more than $1.0. It seemed to
bo $1.50 or nothing , nnd the expressman
took the $1.50. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hafenhauer
bearded n motor train nt fi o'clock yesterday
morning nnd went to Omaha , where they
took the Northwestern twin for Chicago.
Their goods could have bJcn attached as
they went through , but Albertl lost thn
chanrj of his 1'fe nnd let them get awny.
The people who have cued out writs of
attachments had nil their tiouble for noth
ing , and It now looks ns though John Benc
.t Co. nre the only ones who have much of
n chance to leallza anything. Tbsy hnve
attached n lot of chlnaware , including ssven
valuable vases , given to Mr. mid MM. Hnt-
tenlmuer nt their marriage last fall. About
two weeks ngo a lot ot this expensive
ware was sent 'to Mullin's china store lo
b ; packed up. Walter Sllllman. who rep
resented J. K. Sweeny , the Clinton cigar
dealer , found out about It , and slapped a
writ of attachment on the china. It was
released n day or two ngo on the ground
that It was Mrs. Hattenhauer's property , and
could not bs hold for cigar bills. Yesterday
morning , after It wns found that Hatten-
hnuer and wife had left between two days ,
John Beno & Co. . who hold a claim of $30 ,
attached the goods In Vlen's court and will
try to hold them on the ground that the
dry gocds was bought of them by Mrs. Hat-
Hattenlmuer comes of a Council Bluffs fam
ily which Is well known and highly respscted.
Up to u little over a year ago he was cm-
ployed In a local bank and reclv d a salary
of $10 per month. H ? fell In love with Miss
Julia Rupert of Chicago , n young lady who
was said to have a barrel of money. Hat
tenlmuer went to Chicago nnd they were mar
ried. For several months they put up nt n
swell hotel In the Windy City , but finally re
turned to Council Bluffs last spring and took
up th Ir quarters at the Grand hotel , the
$40 bank clerk engaging a $120-i-month room
with all the ease and nonchalance of a man
with a bran new Hgacy. From the time of
their arrival here they were the observed of
all otsetv rs. Almcst every evening list tum-
mer they were at Manawa , where Mrs. Hat-
Unhnuer displayed the most gorgeous of
gowrf , a different one each night , so far es
possible. The same principle was followed
out at the theater , where It was their custom
lo saunter in about the middle of the first or
ssccnd net.
The loss of a $1OOP diamond by Mrs. Hat-
Unhauer on her way home ( ram th ! Crelghton
theater In Omaha Is still fresh In the minds
of the readers of The Bee. The Jewel was
fcund by a laboring man In Omaha , who had
l\t rd that the Hattenlmuers had money to
tmrn , and concluded that he might as well
assist at the cremation. The reward of ? 100
which Hattenhau r offe'ed wcs not en.ush for
him. and ho demanded $200. His demand led
to his arrcet. After spsndlnfi a night In Jail
he was willing to let Hattenhauer have the
diamond without nny reward at all. As a
j'.cce ' of high class advertising this diamond
Episode wns highly successful.
Shortly after his arrival here Hattenhauer
jought the Grand hotel cigar stand , paying
fl.700 for a business which might have bcn
.verth one-third of that sum. At that tlmo
t Is claimed the stand was making a profit of
$160 a month or more , but Hattenhauer was
oo busy with other things to put In any tlms
it the stand. The consequence wns that In
a few thort mont'is ' the stand wai doing tbout
> 35 n month trad ? , nnd then Hatlenhauer
offered to sell for $ GOO. It began to be sus
pect el that the barrel of money before re-
erred to was partly an affa'r of the Imaglna-
lon , and Hattenhauer's business became In-
volv d. After several weeks of pressing en
he part of the creditors , Mrs. Hatienhauer's
stepfather , who Is well off , came here from
Chicago and'pald up his bills , taking a chattel
nortgago en tha cigar stand , stock and flx-
urcs. He gave nolle ? then that It would b ?
h : . last fine he would put his son-in-law on
ils feet. He stuck to his word.
Among the claims held Is ono by George
S. Wright for $21 attorney feesA couple of
months ago , when the creditors began to be
mui'ually persistent , an attorney called at
ho cigar stand with a bill and threatened to
ttach unless paym n- was m do ImmullaU y.
lattenhaucr tot away and wont to Wright's
ofilccto tell him of the plight In wau In.
Vrlght advised him to turn his property over
a his wife to secure a claim which she was
upposcd to have , and even went so far as to
ulvlso him to turn his watch over to her ,
ccause that would not b3 exempt under the
"nte law. When he presented his bill for
24 Hattenhauer declined to pay. A few days
go Wright had put Into lila hands a claimer
or $ G1 from another party , and has been
I'liicntlng ever since that hs tied Hattcn-
laucr's property up so tightly.
A W. Askwlth also holds a note for $300
Igned by Mrs. Hattenhauer to sscure the
layment of dry goods bought from a Chicago
irm.T. Wright & Co. , cigar dealers nf Si , Louis ,
lave a claim cf $61 , and Fred Iloppler , pro
prietor of the Grand Hotel pharmacy , has a
bflt cf $13.
W , F. Baker loaned a $4 ( lag to B. M. Dun-
an about a year and a half ago. Duncin In
urn loaned It to Hattenhauer , and nil last
umnier It ornamented the Ilattenhaucr tent
it Manawa. Thin , too , le gone , and Duncan
s expecting to have to pay Baksr $1 for It ,
William Maloney of the Grand hotel bar
Iso has a pnug little bill for various things
vhlch Mr. aiid Mrs. Hattenhauer needed for
lelr physical comfort.
The1 supposition Is that they have gene to
yracuse , N. Y , , HutUnlmier having stated
cmo little- time aso that his father-in-law
m'l secured him a position In a t'hoo ' factory ,
eglnnlng December 15. Ills friends still
line to the belief that ha will cither return
r send back monsy with which to clear up
lie little scraps of Indebtedness when lie
nds himself able. _
l > 'ri' ( ' 'y n ( Culi-'M llardivnrc.
Samples * * * ndy and r cps : book for mak-
ng twenty dlffe-snt klndo of Chrlu'maE
andy fr.e at Cole's Range Exhibit fiatur-
ay from 2 to 0 p. m. Also tbres-mlnuto
ilt-cult and hot coffee served. We fell the
amoua Buck and Born Steel Ranges. Come
nil ce them work. Wo have the flnut line
f ChrU'tmaa cutlery ever eh own In Council
Muffs. _
You can make no mistake If you cc ( your
Christmas presents nt the Durfee Furniture
ompaiiy's , and It will be useful , beautiful
nd cheap. Look at the new novelties.
W , C , A. llfiiiirl ,
The following IB the Woman's Christian
ascclatloii report for November ; Patients
ntered during November , 15 ; patients dls-
hargcd , 17 ; county patients , ; charity
latltnts , 7 ; dcatlm , 2. Money revived from
lospltal patients , J5S.DO ; from county
itlt'nts , $108.40 ; from sodlers' relief fund ,
2G.40 ; received from sources , $2C5.01. Total ,
478.21. DlbburEcmentB , { I7C.SO. Balance cr.
and December 1 , $1.41. Attending pliy-
clan were Drs. Montgomery , Treynor ,
laucliett , Thomas and Macrca. Donations ,
exclusive of baskets , amounted to $42.98 ,
Donations from public schools , $23.90.
Basket donors for October and November :
Mrs. E. Jeffries , Mrs , S , Farnswoj-lh , Mrs.
S. M. Williamson , Mrs. Jacob Slinms , Mrs.
A P. Talk , Mrs. M. Flngler , Mrs. Wooley ,
Mrs. Illxby , Mrs. Joseph R. Reed , Mrs. E.
E. Hart , Mrs. D. W. Otis. Mrs. N. A. Fuller ,
Mrs. E. A. Avery , Mrs. Bland Rlshton , Mrs.
Wlghtman , Mrs. George Keellne , Mrs. J. H.
Arthur , Mrs. N. S. Kerney , Mrs. C. Judson ,
Mrs. J. V. Sllcot , Mrs. H. Franklyn , Mrs.
Larcen , Mrs. C. M. Hall , Mrs. C. Watts , Mrs.
Hamilton , Mrs. K. E. Aylesworth. Mrs. Bone ,
Mrs. Charles Saunders , Mrs. William Thick-
stun , Mrs. E. E. Saylos , Mrs. W. M. Shcp-
hnrd , Mrs. T. J Clark. Mrs. S. W. Beeslcy ,
Mrs. R. S. Rawllngs , Mrs. N. L. Trimble ,
MM. A. L. Kahle , MM. E. F. Stlmpson , Mrs.
Frank True , Mrs. Dr. Weld , Mrs. Gregory ,
Mrs. Frank Keyes , Mrs. T. W. Trude. Mrs.
G. W. Saner. Mra. H. II. Watson , Mrs. C. A.
Rllty , Mr ? . G F. Camp , Mrs. George Crane ,
Mrs. Roycr , .Mr. Emll Rosen , Mr , J. J. Sul
livan , Mr. Sam Etnyro Total , $60. Basket
solicitors : Mrs. Laura Gleason nnd Mrs.
Emma Cnvln.
The basket donors for November were :
Mrs. Ralph Williams. Mrs. Joseph Bellinger ,
Mrs. J. T. Madden , Mrs. Haverstock , Mrs.
Thomas Metcalf , Mrs. Dr , West , .Mrs. J. B.
Alklns , Mrs. H. Cole , Mrs. J. Gn.vatte , Mrs.
H. A. Strong , Mrs. J. R. Snyder , Mrs. George
Mllltr , Mrs. 'Lawrence Holtz , Mrs. E. E.
Mathls , Mrs. Frank Keellne , Mrs. F. B
Walters , Mrs. Anna Chambers , Mr. J. T.
Boll ( conductor ) , Mr. W. A. Travis. Total ,
$33.50. Solicitors were : Mrs. Sarah B.
Itohrer and Mrs. Peter Wind.
A (2 rent $
We pronpse to give the people of this
vlrlnlty a chance to purchase at cost their
fall and winter footwear from a fresh , clean
stock that has not been Imwked around from
ono state to another. We guarantee that our
prices will ba as low ns the manufacturer's.
that Is , selling at cost. The following prices
will speak for themselves :
Men's calf bals and concrcss , Stacy Adams'
mnkc , $3.00.
All our $1.00 and $5.00 shoes reduced to $3.03.
All our $3.50 shoes , $2.50.
All our $3.00 shoes , $2.00.
All cur $2.00 shoes , $1.50.
All our SI. 75 shoos , $1.25.
All our patent calf and enamel shoes were
$5.00 nnd $ G.OO , now ? 4.00. These arc real
bargains ; como nnd see them.
Ladles' kid button nnd lace shoes , your
choice $3.00. This Includes all our $4.00 and
$5.00 shoes in razor toes , narrow , square and
twentieth century lasts.
All our $3.60 welts nnd turns ore reduced
to $2.50.
All our $3.00 shoos to $2.00.
All our $2.00 shoes to $1.50.
The prices on our misses' nnd children's
shoes have been reduced accordingly.
In rubber goods we will set a new pace :
Men's Boston and Woonsocket arctics re
duced to $1.25.
Men's Rhode Island arctics reduced to $1.00.
Men's felt boots , with Rhode Island overs.
Ladles Boston and Candec storm rubbers
reduced to 45c.
Lndles' buckle arctics ( Bostons ) , $1.00 ,
Misses' buckle arctics , "Be.
Child's buckle nrctlcs , 50c.
Infants' kid button , patent tip , 35c.
Child's kid button , patent tip (5 ( to 8) ) , 50c
A full line of gentlemen's Christmas slip
pers at cost. These are nil bona fide bargains
and will bo sold for cash only. Hero Is your
chance to get good goods at cost.
28'Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Mr. George A. Stone , national bank ex
aminer. Is stopping at the Grand. He says :
"I examined the First National bank of this
city August 13 last and discovered that
$12,500 had been found missing April 30
last , nnd that the loss had been made good
prior to the published statement of con-
d'tlon ' made to the comptroller of the cur
rency March 8 last. Mr. Sanford requested
the comptroller to send nn examiner for the
purpose of ascertaining what had become
of the missing money by examining ail of
the officers and employes of the bank. That
Is the reason of my presence hero at this
time. The books show that the bank has
no borrowed money either In bills payable ,
rediscounts or money borrowed on certifi
cates of deposit. My examination of officers
and employes will , of course , be slow and
tedious , and when completed the report will
be sent to the comptroller. I have just
finished the examination of the bank and
find it in excellent condition. "
A Mil 111 Slrcc-t Sunmillon.
Twelve dczen sample knives , razor sharp
regulator , 75-cent grade , fully warranted , at
55 cents till after Christmas. A seven and
one-half-inch nickel warranted American
tihsar for CO cents. The finest display of cut
lery and dainty pattern knives ever brought
west. Crlsty pattern knife sets , 25 cents a
set. Flour , sifters , 5 cen't" . Anti-rust tin
boilers , 55 cents. A fine pair of carvers for
$1.00. An elegant four-hole rnng ? for $1G.OO.
A six-hole range , $18.00. We carry the larg
est and best stock of stoves and ranges In
Iowa. Also Cole's Airtight Heaters , the fuel
savers COLE & COLE.
41 Main street.
Wnx It Huril I.iioUf
Bad management , or only forgetfulness ? It
don't really make much difference which It
was. The pipe burst. The "cut oft" would
not work.
They telephoned the New York Plumbing
company , 30 Pearl street , for a plumber and
then watched the water run down their new
stair carpet while they waited for him to get
Don't forget our range exhibit Wednesday
and Saturday and the fact that every lady
or gentleman who attends gets samples nnd
n recipe book free. Wo nlso Hhow you
ilscults bake.1 in from 3 to. 4 minutes. What
would be a nicer present than a steel range
'or your wlfo ? Our store lt > full of common
sense Christmas presents. Cole & Cole.
KvniiH I.u nn dry Co.
No. B20 Pearl street. Telephone 200 , We
lave all the latest improvements for laundry-
ng. Wing point and turn down collars , and
'or the saving of linen In general.
At Coxl.
The larga and well assorted stock of
watches , diamonds and Jewelry for the next
30 days at C. B. JACQUEMIN & CO. ,
27 South Main Street.
Our prices nre right on everything. Met-
calt Bros.
| ) < -M MoliifH Munli-rci'M Muxt Mnnir.
DES MOINES , Dsc. 13. The supreme court
has afflrmetl the dclslon of thePolk district
court that John Ilainll and George Weenie
must hang Tor the murder of Conductor L.
D. Redpatli In May , 1804.
Storm Lake , Ohero cjj Sibley rtnd Other
Towns Mourn a Oharming Liar.
IIHui-cn ( ifttlngc , , rnrrlc | < 1 , Joining
Clmrt'li nnil IlotijwhiK Money llu
Klnilii IllniNcir , ( Jvrru orlo-il unit
So Tkcn it ViU-'tHlon ,
CHEROKEE , In.Dec. . 13. ( Sp.'Clal. )
About a week ngo nn Item nppcnrcd In The
Heo from Cherokee , slating that \V. A.
Thompson , a resident of this place , had
left homo ostensibly to go to Klmball , S. D.
near which place he. claimed to own a farm
and ns no word had besn received from bin
later than November 11 , It was supposed
that he had deserted his wife , whom he had
vowed to cherleh and protect , loss than two
months before ,
Some tlmo during last March W. A.
Thompson appeared nt Storm Lake. He has
n manly bearing , a striking nppsnranco am ;
exceedingly pmooth tongue , and hs goon
worked Into the gocd graces of the citizens ,
some of whom arc now sorry that they have
seen nnd known him , In amount ranging
from $1 to $2u. It wns nt Storm Lake that
ho met nnd wooed Mrs. Mnry Marston , a
modest r.nd highly icspccted widow of 30
summers. She was a member of the Chris
tian church. In good standing , and qulto pop
ular. Thompson became a regular attendant
of the Christian church , and during the
camp meetings that were held nt the "Lalo" :
last summer he was converted , nnd with hot
tears of repentance coursing down his
wrinkled checks ho knelt nt the mercy seat
and asked to be received Into the church.
He was tendered the right hand of fellow
ship , and soon became nn active member.
None could talk louder or pray longer , nnd
Thompson soon became a prominent figure
and the good people rejoiced at their for
tune In securing so ardent nnd sincere a
worker. In the meantime Thompson was
[ ilaylng two otlur hands , one to win the
heart and hand of the prepossessing widow ,
and the other to borrow as much money as
possible from his newly made friends , nnd
if repor's are. true , ho came out winner in
both games.
On the 24th of Scptembsr he shook Storm
Lake real estate from his feet nnd sought
now fields at Cherokee. The following day
the widow arrived , nnd that evening , Sep-
iembsr 25 , she and Thompson were married
; n the parlors of the Cherokee house , where
a $ C bonrd bill remains unpaid. The min
ister who performed the ceremony received
1 for his services , with the promise of $ t
more as soon as the draft came , which was
; hen overdue , and which Is still coming , so
'ar as the minister knows.
Thompson nt once opened a real estnto
offlce , occupying rooms with Z. A. Well-
nan In the First National bank building ,
the rent of which ho did not pay. Under the
pretext that ho owned , property at Sioux
rtaplds , in South Dakota , and nt Hurtlngton ,
Neb. , he succeeded In contracting numerous
illls with the local -merchants , nil of which
i.ivo since been checked ns N. G. , nnd figured
n wlth ; ths annual -allowance for charitable
mrposcs. He worked nn underhanded
scheme to gain possession of the first lions ;
is lived in at this place by securing the
toy ostensibly to look at the property with a
view of purchasing It , nnd measuring the
oems for carpet , providing he liked the
> lace. He was undoubtedly highly pleased
vlth the property , for he moved In on first
sight , and did notutjop to measura rooms
or carpet until ho was comfcnnbly located.
The owner of the property did not know
Thompson had taken possession for days
after , and wondered why he did not return
he key. Upon bslng apprised of the fact
hat be had a tenant , the landlord nt ones
served notice on Thompson to vacate. Ths
smoo'h deceiver at once negotiated with an
other real 'estate man , and boUfeht n r s-
dcnc ; on the Installment plan , but fatlsd
even to make the first payment before he
ook his sudden departure , ami the wife he
deserted Is now compelled to take In washing
nnd do other hard work In order to pay $10
a month house ronti and keep the wolf from
the door. >
Mrs. Tiibmpson is receiving letters by the
score from. different fielJs In which her oily
mouthed husband op3rated prior to htr ac
quaintance with hm ! , all of which are ad
dressed to him , and are either duns for
board bills or borrowed money , and It Is sur
prising to know how successfully he has
carried out nil of his swindling schemes. At
the Central house at Storm Laic ? Is a board
bill of $21.50 against him. At Hnrtington ,
Neb. , Is another amounting to ? 12. The land
lord of the Ch-'rokse house at this place woul.l
llko to have him remit about $ C. v/lille the
minister who tied the nuptial knot would bo
very thankful for the $4 due him for clerical
serv'c5s. The bills mentioned are but a msr ?
Item of the whole.
W. A. Thompson Is at the present time a
much wanted man , not en account of his
board bills or delinquent marriage fees , but
bcaushe Is twice or thrice a married man.
It is now claimed that sonic time ago he
wooed nnd wedded a charming widow at Slb-
ky , la. , Mrs.V. . A. Scott , deserting her
shortly after. Rumor has It that he wns
married once before and that his first wife ,
whose wher'abouts are- not known , ID still
alive nnd hns not been divorced from Thomp
son. If such la the case , the Sibley woman is
Mrs. T. No. 2 and the Cherokco woman No. 3.
Thompson Is also badly wanted at Sioux
Rapids , and If information from that place
can b ? relied upon , ho will be Indicted at the
next session of the grand Jury for an Illegal
trarsactlon in n property deal , through falsj
pretenses and misrepresentations. He also
worked the borrowing "graft" to quite an ex
tent at that place.
The day before leaving Cherokee- Thompson
borrowed what money he could of bis nc-
qualntanc s , telling them that he had some
commission money on a lanJ deal coming In
a few days , nnd ho would repay them when It
came. That night he kissed his wlfo goodby
told her to be good to herself while he was
gene and that he > would bo back In a few
days. That was th : last seen ot him al
Cherokee , and since November 15 , at which
tlmo ho left Hartlngton , Neb. , as suddenly as
lie left here , his wlicr abouts liavo been un
known ,
When asked by the reporter for her opinion
with regard to marriage being a failure , Mrs ,
Thnnpson No. 3 said : "I most emphatically
think It is , and I shnll not venture It again.
My other husband was a drunkard and this
one Iti a dvll , so you must know my life has
been miserable. " When asked If she would
harbor Thompson should he return to her
she replied In a very emphatic manner , thil
she "would not let hjnj cnt r the house ; that
hereafter she would pnlrile her own canoa ,
an , ] . If he dared comer near she would Ecratch
" ' " " '
his eyes out.
( Srnln lluj'crx Yyo'voKtr I , Dilation.
WEI1STER CITY , ) a. . Dec. 13 , ( Special
Telegram. ) The bitter : llght over the city
Quaker Wisdom I' ' ' . ' . . "
ii-i'i <
"The horseshoe that clatters wants ahail , " as
the appetite that falters at breakfastJ . wants
\ I f\ *
Quaker Oats. " '
Sold only in 2-lb.
scales lo on ngaln , The city ordinance nqultes
nil Rraln buyers to weigh grain on the city
tc.ile * . The buyers linvc combined nnd will
fight the ordinance. For a violation yester
day , J. W. Kwlng , a dealer , was arrested.
He was fined } 3 and gave notice ot r.p-
peal. Today Jcsso Donald nnd others were
at rented , nnd the legal light to kneck est
the city scales will be n hot one.
iltiK "t ( Inlown I.tiTviimkor *
.1(11111 1 ( > AflMCtlllllc lit lll" MollU'M.
DKS MOINltS , Dec. 13. ( Special. ) The n w
general assembly of Iowa , which will con
vene early In January , will be composed very
Intgely of new numbers , without leg'slatlve
experl.nco. 1' Is said , however , by those who
hnve been acquainted with ths pcrsonnM of
legislatures for several sessions , that tho'nv-
erase character of the members 16 higher
than usual. Secretary of State McKarland
Is In receipt ot responses from most of 'he
members , whom he had asked for brief bio
graphical sketches of tlumsclvcs , for use In
the official register of the state. It Is found
from these returns tint the number of law
yers Is largjr thmi In nny previous legislature
In the slate. Nearly half the members of the
house nnd 20 per c nt of the members of tlr
senate ore lawyers1. It In thought this Is par
ticularly forttinnle , for the reason that the
legal knowledge of these mcmb rs w'll ' grjatly
help In the work on th code revision.
Iowa Is ths native stale of only tcvcntcen
of the 150 memb rs of the two houses. Those
from outside the state have generally lived In
Icwa a long leim of years. Next to lown ,
Ohio , as utual In ofllco holding , comes In with
the highest number of members , having
tvelv * . Other nativities nre : Illinois. 10 ;
New York , 9 ; Wisconsin , 7 ; Pennsylvania , 7 ;
Indiana , 7 ; Vermont , 4 ; New Hampshire , 4 ;
Ireltn ] , 3 ; Michigan , 2 ; Tennessee , Maryland.
Scotland , Swltz-rbnd , Sweden , Rutland ,
Canada , Maine. Kentucky , Connecticut , W at
Virginia and Massachusetts , 1 each. Mem
bers of the house : Lawyers , 27 ; farmers , 29 ;
real estate , loans nnd abstracts. 0 ; physicians ,
2 ; farmer and banker , 2 ; merchants , 7 ; ed
itors , 6 ; druggislB , 2 ; teachers , 2 ; lumb r
dealsrs , 2 ; civil engineer , 1 ; retire 1 manufac
turer , 1 ; hiirdwnro dealer , 1 ; brlckmakcr , 1 ;
agricultural Implement dealer , 1 ; county
treasurer , I ; bjuk r and real cstnte agent , 1 ;
grain dealer , 1 ; mechanic , 1 ; 1'cturer-1.
The youngest member of the cenate Is nob-
ert Hsnson of Diibuque. Ho Is 23 years old ,
born In LJubuqui county arid elected to fill
the vacancy causJd by the death of Senator
Ualdwln. He Is n graduate of the publ c
schorls of JOubuquc- and of the State uni
versity. Ho Is one of the best speakers who
will sit on the d.inocntlc side. The oldft-t
senator Is Henry Hospers of Sioux county ,
aged 05 , n native of Holland , fcunJer of the
rich settlement of Hollanders In Sioux county
and very wealthy. He Is the richest man til
the Isglslatur-1. He Is a banker.
The young'st member of the house Is
Claude It. Porter of Appanoose. He wan
elected In th& county which Is the home of
General Drak' , th ? republican candidate for
governor , by a fusion of democrats and popu
lists. He Is 33 years old. The oldest member
of the house Is David Hamilton Scott of
Albla , aged 70 , a native of Kentucky and for
forty-five years n resident of Iowa. He has
b en n republican since the founding of the
party , and ha and hlo wife have recently
celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
He Is n farmer. In the senate there are for
ty-time republicans and ssven democrats ; av-
craga age , 43 < 4 ; average residence In lown ,
thirty-two years ; served In the army , eigh
teen ; In navy , one. There are nlnetsen hold
over henatore , twelve promoted from the
liouse , five ro-olecte ] and fourtein who have
! isd no previous experience In legislation.
Twenty-two are lawyers.
In the houre there arc seventy-nine repub-
Icnns and twenty-on : democrats. Averag1 ;
age 47 ; average residence In Iowa , thirty-oil ! ?
years ; re-tleclsd. thirty-three.
Hey ClinrRi'il ultli Bui-Klary.
CUESTON , la. , Dec. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Frank Kris , n Creston youth , who
Mrs. Holt Says His Improved Honneo-
patliic Home Rimadias Curd
Hci of Rheumatism.
Mrs. D. Holt , 208 Chauiplaln strest , Detroit ,
Mich. , says : "There Is no doubting the
power ot Munyon's Rheumatism cure over
disease. For ten years I was a constant
sufferer from rheumatism. My feet were
swollen , and I could not leave my bsd. We
tried all kinds of medicines , but I never found
relief. Finally I began using Munyon's
Rheumatism Curo. The first dose worked a
marvelous change , and after I had finished
ono bottle the swelling In my foot was gone.
Vow I am entirely cured and cannot say
enough In pralsj of Munyon's Rheumatism
Cure. "
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never falls to
elleve In 1 to 3 hours , and cures In a few
days. Price 25 cents.
Munyon'H Dyspepsia Cure Is guaranteed to
cure all forms of Indigestion and stomach
roubles. P.Ico 25 cents.
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies positively
ure. Prlc ? 25 cents.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains
n the back , loins and groins , and all forms
of kidney disease. Price , 25 cents.
Munyon's Vltallzer restores lost powers to
vealc men. Price $1.
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists , mostly 25 cents a bottle * .
Personal lettrs to Professor Munyon , 1505
Arch street , Philadelphia , Pa , , answered with
free medical advice for any disease.
I want to close out my crillre Block of
Hardware , Stoves , Etc.
By January 1st.
J'.S.OO bate Imrncra HO nt 1M.M ; (40.00 Ilndlunl
Novelty base burner , 13I.OO ; J3S.03 iiinliurst sur
face b'.itniT. ! 2y,7S ; 132.00 Klmliuim suirncc bum r ,
125.00 ; f .OO Klmhiir-'t Eiirfme burner , J17--W ; JIO.IK )
No 8 cook move , Ji.r.O ; 112.0) No. 8 cook clave ,
I'Jf.O ; 115.00 No. S cook Klovii , $10.00 ; I1G.O ) No. &
i-nok slave , II ! 00 ; JK.O'J No. S cuok Hove , US.7'i ;
J2D.OO range , with leservolr , } 2lCOj 135,00 ulx-liolt-
sto l ruiiKi' , K9.0HS.OO Huncrlnr steel lunur ,
with ickcrvolr und hlnli clc.Ecl , JI1.00 : J1G 00 tin-
iiorlor Bled miiK > ' , with hlfih closet , (23.00 ; (17.0-1
tiuncrlor steel runife , with rciurvolr and liluh
their. 139.00 ; 130.0) .Superior steel range , with lilh
plielf , 133.00.
You can nlTurd to cook your ThnnkfislvliiR din
ner on n flrpt-cIuFS Meol range nt the juices.
A fine Una of lamps , nickel nnil Inblo cutlery
cnrvlnn Bets , Kinnlte. Iron nn.l . tlnwnro nt whols-
eale pi Ices ,
ntnsENTS. lion , this U headquarter * for ska ff.
'a '
740 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
CAPITAL , - - $1.00,01)0 )
\vi : I/ISIHI : votm COI.MCTIO.\H. :
Special fjolices-Couiicil Bluffs
lo exchange for Nebraska land. C. II. Nlcliol-
iijn , MSH IlronJway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ii liurkc. at W. B , Homer1 * , t.53 Ilroadivay.
cr Ntbraska lurid. C. It. Ntcliolion , UJii
way , Couu-jll UlufTi , la.
narrowly esc ped Hie penltentlury nl tli > 1 t
term rf court for hlRlinny rehbciy , wns ar-
lost d last nlRht for burglary.
-K Will lie
DRS MOINRS , Dee. 13.-Sp ( lnl Telegram. )
The siiprmo court today nfllnuM the opin
ion of the I'olk county district csurt In the
ca o against OeirpoVcems nnd John IHmll ,
under sentence of death for the murder of
L. 1) ) . Hcdpath In this city , Miy 10. 1S94.
The murder was > committed while Uo.lpath
\ being held up on n lndlnR street , lie ro-
ylslod and Wecms shot him , Ullliiis h m
Instantly. John Kraut , third ncwmpilee
turned state's evidence nnd wan allow td tii go
free. It \\as ten days before any arre'ts
were made , nnd thru the lynching of tne three
was nirrowly averted. Hcdpathat' a can-
ductor on ths Chlcnso Western road.
The district cnirt sentenced the men to be
hanged , and they look the case to th ? supreme
court. The date for the baiifilnK has been
flxc.1 twice , but each tlmo It was deterred.
It was set apaln soon and will tnko plare
unlc.aj the Kovtrnor pirdons the men , which
Is Improbable. They are now In the Atnmo n
penitentiary. _
Hurt SVcMirox Stny of I'fo
DBS MOLVKS , Dec. 13. ( Special
A delegation of Sioux flty nnd Nebraska
men railed on Governor Jac'tsjn today nnd ap
pealed to him for a pardon for Alice Hurt ,
\\hoso wnlcnce of n year In tlu pssillcnllary
has Junt been affirmed. Ihrt lias u wife mid
t o small children , who went with the dele-
Katlcn to call on the governor. After a
IOIIR conference , In which It was urped that
Hart , ones- wealthy nnd Influential , has bsen
ruined by the prosecutl'n , the govcrno-
granted n ninety days' stay of execution of
the sentence. Tills Is rcp.nrJed nsT n f trong
Indication that a pardon \\lll bj allowed.
Kum-rnl of ( Jcnruc AX' . YOIIIIH.
CIIHKOKKH , la. , Dec. 13. ( Special. ) Th ?
funeral services of the Inte Qeorno \ \ ' , Young ,
who shot himself through the head December
S , were held nl the residence of the decnsed
nt 10 a , m. Wednesday. D'an Cornell of
Sioux City conducted 'tho services , which wore
those of the Kplscopal cturch ,
A NunI'reiiuriiUon , Snfe , I'a In Irs * ,
Convenient ami l.a.stlnu' Cure for
Till * Troublesome I > IHIMINC.
We do not Intend to Indars ? any except
articles of real merit. We therefor * take
pleasure In cnlllnrj attention to a new pllo
cure which has bcn rcmailubly fuccfusliil
In curlKs every form of Itching , bleeding or
protruding pll's. The remedy Is known ns
the Pyramid I'll ? Cure and Is recommended
by tlia best medical authorities on account of
Its absolute safety , ease of application and
Inetant relief from pain.
The Pynitnld I'lle Cure cotilnlne no opium
or other poison nnd dos not Interfere with
dolly occupation while using. I'eoplo who
believed nothing but a surgical opratlon
would cure them have been astonished at
the results from a slngl ? 50-cent package of
the Pyramid.
Mrs. Mary C. Tylfr of Ileppner , Ore. ,
writes : On package of Pyramid Pile Cure
entirely cured me of plies from which I have
n'fTercd for years , and I have never had the
slightest return of thm sine ? .
Mr. n. O'llrlen , Itock Dluff , Neb. , says :
The package of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely
removed every traeo of itching plica. I can
not thank you enough for It.
The Pyramid Pile Curs Is fold by nil durg-
glsts at CO csnts and $1 per package.
Treatise on cause nnd cure of piles mailed
free by nddr-sslng Pyramid Co. , Albion ,
Disease Is an effect , not a cause * . Its
origin Is within ; It ? manifestations without.
Ileuco , to euro the disease the cause must
be removed , and In nu other way can a
cure ever bo effected. Warner's Safe Cure
la established on Just this principle. It
realizes that
05 ! KU CUNT.
of all dlsca'c ? arise from deranged Kldnoys
and Liver , and It strike ? at once nt the root
of the difficulty. Tlu > elements ol which It
13 composed net directly upon these
organs , both s a fowl and restorer , nnd ,
by placing thorn In a healthy condition , drlvo
disease nnd pain from the system.
Kor the Innumerable troubles caused by
unhealthy Kldneyc , Liver nnd Urinary Or-
guis ; for the dlstiesslng D.eordcrs of Women ;
for all Nervous Affections , and physical dc-
rnugements generally , this great remedy liaa
no Its pnst record Is n guarantee ot
continued performance.
WAiiNtiirs CAFI : ct'itn co' .
London. Rochester , Melbourne , Krankfort , Toronto -
ronto , Paris.
In charge ot the
This widely known Institution has been
doubled In size during the past summer nnd
made one of the most modern nnd model
Institution * of Its character In the west.
The new additions will ba ready for occu
pancy by the first of the year. When fully-
completed , accommodations will bo afforded
for 300 piitlcnts. It Is beautifully situated ,
overlooking the city of Council Dluffs. A
full staff of eminent physicians and trnlned.
nurses minister lo llio comfort of the pa
For fuller particulars , apply to
Council niuffo , la.
The Best thing Yet !
j _ nL J.JLJLiL < riL LJ 11
724 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la ,
1609 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
This cut represents the latest tmprovement In collar dampsnlng and fold
Ing devices. In our modern laundry not only ore us d the Barn-'H1 ' "Wing
Point" collar Ironers , but many other now Inventions for savins the linen ,
chief of which Is our "turn-down" cellar folder. It will positively turn
and ohape a . "turndown11collar without breaking n thread of ths linen.
It Is with this kind of collar most laundries have the greatest trouble , and
you will apprc'ate ' the difference In the lngth of tlmo your collars will last
when done up nt the EAGLE LAUNDRY. Agents wanted In cv ry town.
. .liV ! 5-ruYom W
feu-la it his duty to make known to HUffonns liumnnity that lie devotes lila wliolo tlma
and energy to thU particular branch of thu profession , nnd will and furnish
mudlclno nt hln oillco or visit those cnse.s wnlch may roqulro poreonnl ( . Miinlnntlon I'a.
tlentB at u distance may consult l > r. Moshcr by letter , Klvlng a caiofully wiltten hl'storv
- ' ' ' minutely nsporBlble , which will Miablolm to
. . . _ _ . * u *
i il m tclir f\f Ilin itiii-til.llli.t ! i
overwork , th' > Indlscietlon of youth , or the oxrtHsuii of riper years , nnd ivlmttvor mnv
Die Intent fojco the ton < > of llfn's vitality
tend to lower or , causing physical "ouiiny ,
nervous exhaustion. Inrnnltv , nnd proiimtur c decay.
Consult porsonnlly , or by Letter , free and Htrlctly confidential , Address ,
Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , I a
All Kinds of IJyelna
and Cleanlim done In
tlio highest style of
fisTfAM the urt. Kadea end
_ _ stained fabrics mad *
.DYE : to lools a good
. now. Work i
M/JOHKS parlu "if" YhiT
Broadway , near North *
wc-Micin Depot , Council
Uluffi , Iowa. Tel. Kif