< * * * M * VA * 10 Tim tniAMA DATTiY , Mils I'M DAY. DIWISM IIMH 1-1 , IS 1)5 * 'SPfiOlHli NOTICES. Aill rrll pii < 'iils fur Ilii riiltiinin will liii ( nlion until lUiitl ) | ii in > for thn cicnlntr mill until N p. in. for Ilir inoriiliiK mill Sun ilny i-illHmm , AiU rrllxiTs , li ) riMiurMliitt ti mini- 1i rril clircUi run lmii IIIIMIT I ml- itrcMinl tn n luinilK-rcil Iclli-r In of TinIllis AnsttiTM no mlili riM'il trill lie ill-lit ori-il iiiioti | irrni'iilnlleiii of llii ohi-i'U only. Hiili-n , I ! - " n first Inm-rl Inni It- n nril tlicri-nfliT. > ollilnu : iMfeiMi fur li-is tlinti . - , for Ili-fil lnni > rlloii. Tlue nilvi-rllNrniriilri niliif | u > run OOMM-I-II- llvrlr. \V\Nir.ll-Mll.ll II I'M' . WANTII : > . i.ivi : , iNTnu.ions'T AIJINTS : IN Omnlm to otcnnlzc olul , of thrif It ) rue fflml- ll of our fnmn n Orclmnl II nn < - lnn < l In centMiI MlMl lrpl The tM < - of l-niiilRnillnn In Kolna noiilh whMA tli"r nre nn Imt nlnnf , r.n rr.H lnlcr , no Mlsnn1 n > ri ip f Hur . whTp tno or Itirw rrops cnn If inl dl cncn jfnr ! nlicritticr In nn mrli thlnK ns fnllut * If n mm will woik nno-lmlf ns InM us h tine' In Hits < -nnnlr > ' : cool rnmT mll < l x\lnti > r- , fiio tm\lnp rinps nf fruits nml ( Tnrcl"n trurk , rleh'ft mil nn cnrih : li" t rnllwnv fnrUUlPs. OcoV. . Ames Ki-nornl BRcnt. 18IT rninnm tl . Omnln n-lll ROMCITOHH WAXTHI ) I'OH O.MMIA : coxintry Ilnllrrlj now OT TO JIV ) HAI-ArtY I'AIP S U.fSMttN TOIt clnr | ! cxpprlfnce not ni-cr > "nrv < "ttrn In- rtuiomi-nls to etietomcrs. ISI hnp K Kllnp. Rt. IxHlln Mo n-M'M P : : _ DrJTnrrivns wi WANT A ni5i < iAui i' MAN In every | nrnlll > In nit m | irlv t ilplrctlvo undiT InrtiiiitlnnH iicilenoo not no-v nrv Rcinl for | iiillPiiliri > AniPilrin Hilpctlvc ARn.iny , Inillnimin.llH Unl n-M"lt II * oi'iiN' ron n\v I nnliHincn in K.ilatxporlonrp uniippc < snr\ lii-rinnnfiit pinplmnipnt Appl ) now l.nKc itrn , Niiipp-Miii n riilraso. II M71S U * \VA\TI3D MJ IllH.r. on.\ntTATi : rou MTIION IN Address O 29 , Iloe oltlcc \VANTnn. KiTcunN cum. , nnfiuiNcis rcqiilipil iii'i rninnm Kt C 70B-H WANI in. A niwi'Krr-Aiii.i : MATiinx TO tnkit ilmrKO of n lil 0 l > oar < llni { IIOIISP Munt titt litifHtilH > huxo h.nl iHuiiilIn ? lnni p < > x- ppilpnii * lull must lu nn npponi | > llRlipi1 nJiil > inctlcnt linUHt kifpor ItPi > llrH limit Iii * In nwn } lainlurlllnK niul utiitt1 IIBInnd fnmllv PIIIIIIIO- tli > n AililMKS O 31 , 11-p. r MTIi ) 13 , AN ixi : > innNt-ii : : ) Nfusi : . ext to lilip enllnrinrKC of bnl ) > A | > Iil > MisV II Mcfonl , 2:01 Cuss 1--JI7I1 10 WANTi : . rillST-CI.ASS COOK SMAI.I , PAM lt > , K | WIIKPS ri-frn-neps ipiulrp | l. ( ' .ill lip t \\rin HI niul 12 n in , nt riinm V , ' Oniilf Xntlnml liimk. C M7II IS P4)ii UKNT nousns. JIOUSUS. F. K. DAIIMNQ. IJAIlICnn HLOPK p in IIOUSHS IN AM. PA UTS OP T1IH CITY T1U. O. F. In\ls Cotnpnny , 1M5 Fnrniiiii nousn TOR niNT : ii. housp , tin looms. olpRantly furnished , hoi wnlpr lipit , Inun'lry , xtalilc , currlaKP , etc. Tlios. T. Hnll , 61C Pinion lilock , D 415 _ 8TANTOIID ClllCI.t : COTTAQCS , C ROOMS , nil minimi. RI\S , fuel. Apply ! } > ron Rpnl Com- piny , 812 So. Hill t. _ D 116 , HOUSES. DUNAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST. n17 _ FOIl HUNT. 11OUSU3 IN ALL , PAICTS OF THU cltj. Specinl , KSo. . 2tlt a\e. 416 No. 31st at. 420 No. 31st Rt. 403 No. lltl ft. All modern conveniences : cheap for winter months nrinnin. LOMJ A Co. D-M345 Dij 616 NO. WTHT4-UOOM COTTAGE , 1C23 No Mth C-room lint , nice. 3C24 N. loth , 8-room brick. C04 No 17th. 8-room brick. Omihi Heal Kstnto & Trust Co. 211 S 18th. FomNT , HOUSI : or THN ern conveniences : \cry liamly to business. En- qulrg of 1) T. Mount. 200 S. ICth St. D-S30 8 AND 9-loM IlOIJSnS ONFUNAM AND 5- loom liuusr on 22il nml I.Pi\ennortli , chcnp Jno. W. Itobblns , 211 N. Y. Llto bldf. I D-562 _ FOIl UKNT. 3-IIOOM HOUSE , S. U. COIl ! 3D nml Clarke. IJ 190 S401 JACKSON' 8T . 7-IIOOM MOPKIlN JW. 410G I.nra > elte nvi1 , 9-ioom modern , } . ! 3. S07 H 24th Hi. , 14-ioom modern tV > . 209 P. 24th st , O-i oem inoilcrn , $10. 2771 Webster st , 7-room inudein $23. 2773 Hurt st , 7-ioom modern. ? 20 20 N. 27th nvp. 7-rorm modern JJO. 2002 S llth Bt . 7-room modt-rn $ " " 2' 1 H llth st , 7-room modem $21 Fidelity Trust Company. 1702 rnrnam street. D-CO.31 ron nnNT , NICHLY runKi inD iiousn or clRht roonm , hesldei alcove nnd bithroom. * outh rront , with nil conveniences. Inquire 200S H ilf Ilovvird ft D 21i s UOOM iiot'Bn. ii'i oo i'nn month J. , llnilon , 2C1G Cnpltol iiveniin. D-C92-17 * Bix-nooM MonmiN iiousn. I.MIIY PUACI : , 18th. Boulh of Manderson H .M53I 15 * rou iiuvr ruu.Msiinn itoo.ns. ROOMS FOR iioisnKiii'iNG : TO man nnd wife , rent taken In boird 310 N 17th C M2J5 somu rnoNT ROOM ron TWO ; fnmlly 20W St Mary's nveniie H M312 nooMs rou LIGHT iiofanKnipiNf OR Benintel | > COi ! North 17th street. i : in7IC 1G * FRONT UOOMS , MODHllN CONVRNIiNPis : C3P1 So. 13th Rtreet HM721 15 ROOMS AMI I1OAUI ) . 1823 CAPITOL AVENUH. WARM FRONT room" P M503 15 * EI-EOANT FRONT ROOMS rPRNISIIEP Oil unfuuilihed ( ! oc 1 family bonid Gl N 21 P M650 _ FRONT ROOMS , WRI.I. IinATEO. PAMIIA' boird If desired Rates reasonable , 321 Nirth 23d Bt. P-670 _ SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , HOARD. 230S DOPO- las. r 703-16 * _ _ _ _ _ op PUONT"ROOMS. . \vrm pxu'lletit bonid 113 Ho. 2)th ) , opposite Om ihn Chili P M717 1C * WI3 HAVR PURNISIini ) ROOMS , MODERN cjini nlcnci'B nnd fhsl-clnss Inmrd fin ' > or C pumons ; prlvnlo famll ) . C.I1I ut 1914 Pnrniim etreet. F M7SJ 15 * rou UOOMS. 4 ROOMS : WATKK IN KITCHEN , CENTRAL : rraHonnblo tent ; nice for hounckftplne 1702 Wilsler Mlii-et O M508 1 ROOMS , PDRNISIIEI ) OR I'NPl'RNIHIIEl ) : BUlliihlo for hoiiHekt'ppliiK , "I'D li aiders 1209 N. 24th U-M710 IG' ron vroius AMI FOU hi : NT T 1 1 nsioi IY n i uric IUIII.DINO nt 9IC Parnnni fatrect. Ihls Lulldlni ; 1ms a ( lie- mnof cement liaicinent. compkte alcam lu-at- ini ; lUtiiii'v , vvuler on nil Doom , gas. etc. Ap- 1'lj ' at tha illcu : ! of The lice. I Oil ) AUU.NTS AC1KNTSVANTEDJIEN ANIJ WOMKN clear ( GO 00 weekly vvllli our labor BUVCI as raslly as ! COOO monthly In other lines ; 5200 ample * free Those seeking buslneiui should uiIJii-i-s .with stamp , Merrill Mfg Co. . ( A S3) . 18 ennui street chlcam. J-1H-U10 BTORAQE-FIIANK KWERS , Itll HARNEY , M in I'AOirif HTOHAQI3 AND WAREHOUSE 1"O. 043-910 Joins. General Mturuno and forvvnrdlni ; , M-423 WA.vnn TOIIUY. . WANTED , POH CASH , VACANT LOT. IN- Ida mile limit ; muxt be a snap , wanted. Omaha iircprrty , lan'U and merchandise for c.ile und eliluiiiK.H. . P , Ringer , 3l H. IMl flr.-tt. N-MGS8 18 KOIt FURNITURE OP T\Yii.VIMlOOM : IIOUHE , tenlral lotntlon. ull In Koul . rder and llrst class , HoiH lush. AJJri-m U SO , Iloe. O 703-13 * si.i3 HARD \fOOU. 4 AN1J 5-POOT FENCK FOU corn crlliblni ; . C , n. Lee , Wl IJju.-la . Q-4U BKATEd. AM. 8IZKS. H CKNTtf TO 00. Uin h < v lllc > cit Co. , Ul N. Utb , run , roll"M" | . , " f-HRAP , * JL'Art'jii 'l-lA i " KM I n ili itmt. Q.-M ' . ) ' , ' "Alii"AT A UltKAT twins trt. . " oxn PIXI : msAijiKi.'t NUWMAHKITT A'I A irrmt btiiicrln. 1311 Uuimlnii nrwt (1 ( . _ no t s. iuoKii.vmMi Co 114 nnd 1H Njrlh _ FOR ouiiAT ilxntiAiNji TN "TiNO - < ti : Win. II HclnnrIPI , 5th lloor MifiHiu biillJ lif. AIM' IP 01.lll0t ANTS. MlfH. OH lT WAIUIEN. OI.AIRVoV"ANT RE- llabli ) l'U8liif ! nudluin : Sth Jonr at 119 N. 16th. S 42) MV * > S\I : , MAWVME SMITH , N E COR IGTII ANP Dmi ln , roctn 11. errcnl llo.i : ran n e X. 1 nt'is T-COl It * MME 7tO\VrM.7 TPRK1SII AXP EI.ErTRIC Intus. Plhcst pailois In ilty. : i32i i ) S 13th T-MM4 31 * MME .unlTmniiinn : : OF ST. i.oifi ! MAS- rngc and bath ! " M7 K. 13th rt , , 2il flooi , roum 10. T-MG14 14- MAPAMH lIHArn l.EON EI.ECTIHC1 MA . nKP : Imth pallors hpilthrul ndcl rrfri shin * 41 ? South llth. upstnlis pniloin 2 nnd 3 T-MG',0 II * I'KlthOVVL. VI A VI Co' . 340 HEE IIMJO7" , HEALTlt 1lOoT { flee ; home tientment ; Indy attendant. U 42i IIATHS. MASSAC3E. MME. POST , 3151A S FiTII U-423 FINE MVIRY : nioq CHEAP il 17th nnd St. Mao's nvenue. Telephone , 410 I1EM.E EPPERI.Y CORSET jfATTlfTO ORPEll nt 190 Faranm Ascn'B wanlcj. U 352-D25 * MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS. lllCVei.ES Jewelry , etc. ; strlctlv conndentlal. P. O box 326 U-KS _ _ _ _ _ MATRIMONIAlTrORRESPONlJENcn HUniiAtJ Paper and llsls , lOc. Enrlh Pub. Co . f > t. Ixnils , tlo. U-nJnn-i ( * _ _ I.AI1IPS' I CAN POSITIVELY vvoit Riovvth of hiilr fnim facp nnd nun- . fall nt HIP Pnilnlnn Tolhparlns for imp vvpik Don't fall to tlnd thp planTestl. . in nl Us on jllc. Room 2M , Poiinlns blotk Mndim TIUI > . r M7I3 11 * MOMV TO I , ( > -HIAL : ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. 318 N. Y I'lfc henna nt low rntei fir choice sfctnlty li Nebraska i Io\vn fnrms oi Omahn city niopert ; W-423 MONny TO LOAN AT I.OWKST RATES""Till _ O r. Div Is Co , 1505 rnrnim si. W 423 0 I'HU CHNT MONRY TO LOAN ON OMAH/ real estntn , \ . Nb. rnim . W. IJ M lkle Omnha W 450 MONRY TO I.ON ON IMPnoVin OMAII/ litopcity. riJcllly Trust Co , 1702 Tornam. _ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Itrenmn. Love & Co , Paxton lllk W 432 CITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y LIFE \V 433 MORTGAGES. G. Q. WALLACE. DFIOWN RLK . W 434 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITt property. W. Farnnm Smith S. Co. . 1320 Farnam W S MORTOAOE LOANS : LOW RATES J. D. Zlttlc , 16lh and Douglas. Omaha. W 438 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TC 10 sears ; low rates , dan In Bros , 210 N. Y. U , U' 437 MOM1Y TO I.OA7T CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS hoises , wasons , etc. , at lowest rates In clly : no icmotal of goads ; strictly conndentlal , you can pay the lom oft nt any time or In any amaunt. amaunt.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . COG S. ICth st. . X 433 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. GO. 90 DYSFURNI - tuie. pianos , etc. Duff Green , loom 8 , Ilaiker J''ock. ' X 439 IllLSIMISS FOR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD nnd Headword , Loth ilolnrf Rood business Ad- ( liess Matt ICIoiip , Lead or Utadnood , S D. Y M407 MAKE MONEY 1IY CAREFUL SPECULATION In Krnln thiouKh n icllnblc. successful firm ; ex cellent opportunities to make pioflts by our new plans ; fully explained nml sent free ; lilRliPst rpferpnces Pattleon & . Co. . 706 Omaha blrti ? _ ClilcnKQ. III. Y-M47S FOR SALE. HALF INTEREST WITl7 A G6ch | ) inner In n tlrst-class melt maikel ; reason for selllm ; , other biiklnuss. Address M. Ilex 4CI Columbus Neb Y Mrl)2 ) 14 * WANTED. J4.MO MERCHANDISE FOR SO-ACRE line Improved fiuni , southenstem Ntbrnskn wanted , eastern Ntbrnskn nnd wpstern Iowa farms f jr nulsc. , tlty properly or clear central Nebraska lands. E. P Rlnser. 321 S. llth Bt Y MIJ94 IS * 1ILACK.SMITH AND WAGON SHOP FOR SALE ( food 1-katkm. John Fornev , Haitlcj , Neb Y M711 20 * FOU EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OP LAND NPAR Omiha V/hat h.ive > m to offer T II F Dallcy 910 N. Y Life bldg. Z 111 _ WE HAVE SEVERAL TllAClS OP LAND IN southvvpht MlEBDuil tint vvc will exchange for dry KOjiIn , l )0ts nnd shoes or Jewelrs. Alex- amlei . Dell. Neosho , Mo. Z 700 13 * _ FOR ExlIANGl 5GO PINE JMPIIOVIJD farm. S'leiman tountj. Nebraska , clear foi Kood Omihi pioperts or f.iim. will assume IGiiO-ni. ! ! ' raiKh. KOIH ! Impiovpinents , level IPI | | land , crntinl Nebraska , for < .istern Nibrnfcka or Iowa farnu , vxlll ntsume. iji > ) acres line land , tnslern N'clirnsltu , J.l'iOIO. u.inl meichin- dlB for nil or purl 01 central propertj or email farm for one-half , balance time 1,000 aero weslein Iowa all level , rich land flnu ImpioveinontH. $330)J. ) w.int 13.0i > ) vvestprn lind or tovn pioprt ) , } 2 " 00 cash , Inlance time 720 aties ik-i Kvel land , fair Improvements Jij 00. 441 iiL-ies fame price ; 320 acres levirt rich land two miles from KOOI ! town , onlj JJIOO. 400 Ions nf hay this sear , ISO ncns level hay land , four miles tn station , $21 00 ; > 3 trade 12 GOO cash. iMlnncv time , nil the nbnve linds In Monona count } , In. E. F , RInser. _ _ _ 7.-MC03 18 * $10,0000) TO $12.000 00 GOOD , CLEAN GENERAL merchandise wnntrd for Ilisl-cliM olO-ncrp farm , nisi $2iMO < M for 1W RHIH ! land , Improvid 1) 11. DIckBJii , CtelKhlon , Neb. / M71i 17 * FOU SALiUUAI. . KSTATIS. AUSTRACTS-THE RYRON REED COMPANY RE 142 _ IMPROVED FARMS-a , W. CARLOCK. T20B Farnam St. RE 614-J1 * DAHGA1NS , SALE OR 1RADE IN CITY PROP , ertles and fauns John N. Ficiuer , cpp. P. O JlE-443 UARGAINS , HOt'SKS , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade , F , K. Dai lint ; , Haiker block. Ri : 4ii I'UXAH FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS. SMALLer or lorse tracts ; low prices , eauy p.i > m-.l9. We me inepared to answer ruestlons | touchlnK these lands , and to arrange for cheap railroad fare for any pertxin wlsulni ; to visit kout'iein Tuxas. Correspondence sollclied. Omaha Real Ettate and Trust Co. . 211 S. ISth ft. ft.REM207 ? OP. HARGAINS. TitADKS , QUICK DEALS , call or vvrlto D , V. Bholes Co. , Pm | Nati. bank bide. Hi : M5I5 31 IFTY IMPROVED FARMS ; 10 YEARS' TIME , reason itlo p.iinciils. Win II ICimlnKton , Evho , la RE MC91 14 > IIUILDIM ; AM ) I.OAX A.SSOCI.VTIO.N.S. UIARES IN MUTUAL I. & I ) ASS'N PAY 0 , 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2. 3 > earii old , alwa ) > redeemable , 1TOI Farnam ! . , NattlnBer. Sec. IO\V 10 GET A HOME OR SECURB GOOD Intercut on savlnss. Apply to Omaha U & 11. Ais'n. 1701 Dee bldj , a , M , Nattlneer , Sec. 44S JPHOLSTERINO , FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very c.ieip this monih. M. 8. Udkln illl Cumlnc. lei. 1331. 2C7 IIOTULS. kKTNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week , 453 HE LANOE HOTEL. COJ 8. 13TH ST. ; STEAM heat : table board. (3.00 per week. M4VI HO IIARQAINS IN 8BO1ND-HANP III- cjcles ; kate . 33o to $3.00 , Omaha lle\rle ! Co , jy K. Htli tlrt.l. J16wJI llAMJIMl. \M5\r iM.\fl "roTt.MINeJ AT se-li.xil IMn Humpy l Adult * , Tu * lny and rilrtiiy , < ii tn rilldrcn Tur-stny 4 n p in mitnrntt O n til nnd t p in OH tor toimx. - t > n. prlvn'p | M > n DM I'l.l t MH'.IIT VKr.lM AM ) IIMII ALMIIItS. HIT 1iil < iiKi'.T ruNEnATr7riitirron : pmlmlmfr. 1CM rhlcnBi ft telephone 90 414 A VAt.iKN , iiocujiiNa , riu M O MAUL UNIMJIITAKER AND P.M. I t ilmer 1117 Fnrnnm tt , tplep'i nc .223 45 < i \vi\Tinun. 'AAN'IID. HORSLS TO WINTKR. IIKST OK nrt. terms rrnrnnnlilp A. W , Phelps A 8 > n , 501 N Y. Life bids Telephone 1054M373 M373 P27 * r.vxvMmoitnus.- It M/IROW1T7. LOANS MO.VEY. 419 N. 16 RT. 415 CO A I , . FOR I1ITUMINOUS COAL CAR LOADS , FOR domestic or steam purposes , address Hseelslor ml Mlnlni ; Co Du Qunln 'III. M1CO IMS * STIJ VHSII1PS. LOWEST UATi : TO OR FROM EfUOPK , western nienc > Thomas took .1 Son excursions Hnrrj 13 Mootcs 1413 I'ainim ft Omnlm MTO Dll MISB VAN VALKENIlt'Itait ' DESTROYS PKR. mnnently by plcetrlclty siipoillunus hnlr moles , wntts , etc. Room 416 , N.Y. . Life bldK ' D1S * Ml'SIC. AUT AM ) P GRt.LF.NrtriCK. 11ANJO AND Ktlllnr teacher. 1 15 ChlcnKO st. 103 LOST. $100 REWARD WILL 111 : PAID FOR RETt'RN of Gonlnn Setter doit lost or slolen last Sun- day. Omihi Puinltuie it Carpet Co 1211 Farnam I n * 701 SIIOHTIIAM ) AM ) TYI'ISWIHTINCJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , S13 N. Y LIFE 450 OMAHA DUS1NE1SS COLLEGE. 11TH. FARNAM 431 Notice Is hciob } glvon that sculcd bid will 1)2 rvcclxed liv the lionnl of director of the Alfalfa Intention District til thul olllce In Osulnlli , Nebraska , on the 2Jd da1 of December , 1S03 up to 10 o'clock n , in , fo SJl.DOO In bonds IsHited by snld dlsttlct 1 : denominations not to exceed 1500 , and draw Ins Intel est nt the rate of C per cent pe annum , payable hcml-annunllv at the olllci of stat treasurer , I.lnroln Nebraska , Jul ; nnd January I of each ji-ar. These bond : are 10-ZOs ; a percentnKo of principal ns pro vlded by law Is payable every year nftei ten jcars These bonds were deelnroc les-illy Issued und n valid Hen upon tht land1) Included In the dlstilct In nn action li the district court of Kolth county , Nebraska which finding was reviewed on an nppea to the supreme court of the stale and the JudKtiient of the lower court was nlllrmeil In the court of last resort. The board re serves the rlBht to reject any or all bids , Address nil bids to H. C. Anderson , S cre- tnry , Osairtl'.a , Neb. Dy order of the Hoard of DlrectoiH of Alfalfa IrrlRntlon District , made this 30th day of IJovrmber , A. D. 1S95. M. A. DAtJOHERTY. Pres. II. C. ANDKnSON. Sec. Sec.d220t d2-20t IIIRIGATION DOND SALE. Notice Is hereby Klven thnt sealed pro- po-jals will be received by the board ol director * of the Middle l.our Valley Irri gation dlsttlct of Ulalne , Ctisier and Valley counties , Nebraska , at their olllce In West Union , In said ill trlct , up to 2 o'clock p m of the Cth day of January. 1&9G , for SICO.OOO of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation dis trict ; $90,000 of said bondH belnK In denomi nations of J-WO each , and $10,000 of snld bonds belnp In denominations of $103 eachi all of said bonds drawing lntereat ut the rate of C per cent per annum , p vynble seml-an- niinlly. The principal and Interest of bald bonds piynnle at the olllce of the state treusuter of the tate of Nebraski , salil bonds belni ? payable In Installments as fo' lows. J5.000 thereof pavab'e In eleven years from the date thereof , $6000 payable In twelve jeais from the date thereof ; $7,000 payable In thirteen ycar from the date thereof ; $ S,000 pajuble In fourteen > enrfc from the date thereof ; $3.000 pajablo In Ilf teen jears from the date thereof ; $10,00' pa j able in sixteen years from the datf thereof ; $11 000 payable In "eventeen year- from th ° date thereof ; $13,000 payable ir eighteen years from the date thereof ; $15CXX pajable in nineteen years from the date lliereof ; $1G 000 payable In twenty years > fiom the date thereof. The boaid of dliectors reser\e the ilprht to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to Charles Nlcolalecrstary , Sarpent , Ne braska. Hy ordet of the board of directors , made this Oth day of December. 1S95. GUOROIJ GARRISON , Presldunt. CHARLKS NICOLAI , Secretary. DccHd 20t M STOCKHOLDERS' MKKTING. Olllce of I.ee-Clarke-Andrecsen Hardwnr Company. Omaha. Nebraska , December 14. lS9r Notice Is hereby uhen to the Mock- holdeis of the I. ° e-Clnrke-Andree.sen Hard ware company that the annual meeting of the htockholdeis of the company will be held at the olllces of the said company , K'19 , 1221 and 12.M Harney street , in the city of Omahn , In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 14. A , D. , 1S3G , at ? o'clock n m. , for the purpose of electing- board of directors foi the company to serve during the ensuing year , and to transact such other bublness us mny be presented at such meeting. ( Attest ) II. J. LRH , President. \V. M. GLASS , Secretary. DHd32t M "I'se In Town , Honey ! " Flour Plate after plate of delicious , healthful pancakes There's a pleasant breakfast for youJ Aunt Jemima's is the best material. Made of "Wheat , Corn nnd Rico -the three great staffs of life. Beware of imita tions. Sold only in red puckngca J HERE'S ' OUR GUARANTEE. lliirnii.icV.iiKOof ( icnulna Aunt Jtmlran's Bclf- ItlbinK rancuka Iluur. ami I r you do nut n nil U makes thu l > c t cnkra > on over iito. return the i inily | box to ) our uroi ur , Itav o ) cnir iiiimv.iinil thu HrociT will refund thu money und olinruulttoua. Bclontlllcnll ) 1'icpa-cd anil Mamiracturcil only by R , T , DAVIS MILL CO , , St , Joseph , Mo , Send in 4o In stump * for l.lfn History or An tit Jemima and u eut or htr 1'kknulnuy dolls. U X * * . Yfo end the ( nurreloni Fi fir/I nM v Ri < Ilem'iiy CALTHOS fi o , und u 3i > xl l U IM \ local ( .umiuittu-.liutCil.Tlul .vIP lCT.5 ' ' 3' V Cl/ltr. / Ho rmiilorrlir Vnrlcoiclu 1 XT . Vj \ uniS rtU'TtMIE l.o.l " i ! lAli./W t'ttitanJfaviSialuJlttl , 'U r " ' " " -VON MOHL CO. , ) . CJ ! Bil Anrririn Ij.iiU , llmloolll , Ct | , I Pains ttid iinxlctioa can bu relieved to a cor- uluty by using Br Chevalier's Female Pills. Price , $1.00 per bo-c If you are tlinlil and I doubt as to vliut will relieve you , send for those tills. Sent buttled Buuuroly by mull on ocolpt of price. taan&McConnellDrugCo 1513 Dodge St. , OMAHA.NEB. Papas Xmas Present December 'Specials Turkish Rockers , In Leather , Corduroy am Tapestry : prices , $13 00 , J1S 00 , $25.00 , $35.00 $40 00 , $50 00 , $ G5 00 and $75 00. Chas. Shiverick < $ c Co. , I2th nnd Douglas Sis. Every Breakfast will be a source of pleasure and health if you eat cakes maie of It's positively unadulterated and makes the best Cakes you ever ate. At Your Grocer's. Searles & "Searles SPECIALISTS IN Nervous , Chronic und Private uiseisjj I WEftTHEii SEXUALLY. All 1'rltHtn Discus uuil DlHorilorituf Mo Tri'ittmuiit by inn fruti , SYPHILIS Curi.il for life npd tha pulson thurouuluy : l an td from thu iy Um. I'lI.KS , FISTULA ma nncTAL UI.CIRH. HYDIIOCCU : AND l'AniCOcniR' ' < 'permanently nnd successfully nircil. Method new and unfailing STRICTURE AND GLEET Jy new mehocl | without iialn or culling Call on pr address with alorap , llr ; . . . Ill , a , Oiunhu , .Nan. McCREW f\ _ ' " r3\ - f C C I A L ST ' ' X WHO T BAT AU. PRIVATE DISEASES Wcakneu & Unorder ot MEN ONLY 0 Ycari Kipeiience. 0 Yeart in Omaha. Rook Kre * . Consultation and KxaininaUon ( lee. 1 4th and Farnam Sis , , OMAHA MII. iiiiiTlnlyiiil | < -ii ( Diirllimtoii lo Itcllrf. COLUMBUS. O , , Dec. 13. From reliable uthorlty tlie UUpalcb 1ms tlie announcement f a number of changes which are to take bee on the Souihvvoet system of the lln s est of I'lttiiburtJ on January 1 , P. a , I3ar- Ington , Duperlntcn'lent of the Indianapolis Ivlslon , who Is now 111 In Now York , Is to etlro from the service , vvlilcli \ > lll nccotsltiUo number of clungea The olllco of aiwlstum o the general manager hai bean vacant for onio tltnu and It Is said thai J. J , Tumor , uperlntendent of the I'lttsburg division , U luted for the position , although ho may be iade assistant to Oeiural Superlntenjeiit Mil- : r , with headquarters her * , IIAUIIAUA AUII 0is TO JAIL. Will lie Tried oil elic ClinrKP of 1'or- NC\V YORK , Dec. 13. Barbara Aub , In dicted for p rjury on h"r accusation of crimi nal assault against Walter S. L. Langerman , was arraigned b'fore Judge Cov\In of the court of general sessions today and pleaded not guilty. Mr. House , counsel for Miss Aub. suggested that the court appoint a commission to In- qulro Into the mental condition of the- girl Ho had , ho said , -arrived so far at no definite conclusion In the cas * , He had some private facts about the girl's case which ho would submit to the curt. Mr. House also asliod that no one be allowed to bee the prisoner In the Tombs. Colonel fellows said that he had Intended to move that th ? girl be discharged on her own recognizance had not the new phase caused by her recent recantation appeared. Ha asked that ball be fixed at $1,000. Bar bara , he said , was the victim of fool friends. Judge Cow In paid no attention to tlje re quest for a commission In lunacy or about her not seeing her friends In the Tombs. He ( Ked ball at $1,000. After being returned to the Tombs Miss Aub sent notes to her counsel and Assistant District Attorney Townsend , asking them to come , to her. She also said that she wanted to see reporters borne time during the day , but not while Rev. Mr. Lewis was with her. She sent word from her cell requesting the newspapers to deny for her the statement of Colonel Halro , Langerman's lawyer , to the effect that she was a professional black mailer and a lewd woman. Mlirclou * IloMiiItx. From a letter written by Hev. J. Gunder- man of Dimondale , Mich. , we are permitted to make Ill's ' extract1 "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery , is the results were most marvelous In tie ) case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Daptlst church at Hives Junction she was ) rought down with pneumonia succeeding li grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little Interruption and t seemed as If slip could not survive them A friend recommended Dr. King's New Dis covery ; It was quick In its work anil highly satisfactory In results. " Trial bottles free it Kiilm & Co. drug store. Kegulir size 50c and Ji 00 "MIlllTH III ScCTI'l SCNNloil. MILWAUKHR. Dec 13. The spring wheat ulllers nf ths northwest are holding a secret ncetlng hero th's afternoon In the hope tliat the- old combination can be reorganised. Thn combination recently went to pieces as a dl- " ect rtMilt of the withdrawal from the agree- nent of KalBt , Kraus & Co. of this city , upon he ground that unfair advantage- was being 3ken by some of tlio large millers In Mlnne- ipolls In unloading In the cast on the sly , at ratc'i agreed to betwean the seller and the buyer. The perfume of violets , tl.s purity of the lly. the glow of the rose , and the flush of lebe combine In I'oz/onl's wondrous Powder. Kit-roc ( inli-t on tin.Senlionrd. . PHILADRLIMIIA , Dec. 13. A gale with an average velocity of forty miles nn hour nd Increasing In force Is teported along the east from Sandy Hook to Oipe , Henry. Al- hough the Iravy blow has been prevailing or nearly six'y hours , no shlpp'ng disasters mvo been reported , At Dslawure Breakwater ho harbor Is tilled with vessels which are ceding the warning from Washington not to all fcr son Hi rrn ports until the conditions ecome lec" threatening. DeWltt's L'ttlo Carly Klsrs cure Indlges- Ion and bad breath. Allnrnc.i \Vlllnlrim Tlirlr CIINI * , ALI1ANV , Dec. 13 The aforneya for Mis "attlson , vvlfa of the latfr Admiral I'attlson , n the matter of the application to the ntlor- ey general for irrmltulon to b'gln proceed ings in the couru looking to the disjoin Ion of the Walter A. Wood Mowing and Heaping Machine compiny , lm\o withdrawn their cai-e It IB understord that the town of Hooslc Kails will taKe up Mm. 1'altlson's utock at par value. _ I'Vvrr .SlKHN Up , The prevalence of scarlet fever or any other contagious dispute need not alarm you If you use Allen's Hygienic Fluid. It Is tht Ideal preventive medicine cleansing , purifying and healing. No household should b ; without It , hlilllll Piillnru In Ohio , 52ANCSVILLR , O. , Dec. 13. Thomas Coul- ton assigned at noon today to J. M. Me- Henry , an attorney here , for the benefit of his creditors. Aticta , $10,000 , and the lia bilities about ths same. Solil I'nili-i * NI3\V YOIUC , Dee. 13. The Long Island Traction company's properly was void under foreclosure today for $5,500,000 to the re organization committee , which was tlie only bidder. * _ > 1'llea of people have piles , but DeWltt'a Witch llazol Salve will cure them. GOODWIN FOR ONE SEX ANN Editor of the Si\H Liiko Trlbuno Looknt Upon ns Excellent Timber , SHOUP OF IDAHO ON TIIC TOPIC iiiliiviil IliiiillllonfliniH lit I In.InrlNl niul .InitriinllNl fur tln > I'liilllon , .SiipiiurliMl It ) Ills I.IIIIK luiiil for \Vi < nt < i'ii llt'iiulilli'iiiilnlii. WASHINGTON' . Doc. 13. ( Special ) - Among tlio rcpubllein Icailora from Ilio vari ous sections of the comitiy Mid have been In the city In tinpist ; veck for n conference In conjunction with the national committee much Interest was ininlfcutod In the * pending selection of United Slates senatois fiom the new etnto of Utah. Tills Is espcclnllj true with reference to the republicans west of the Rockiesvlio have labored to hrlng nbotlt Ulnh statehood. In dlsHJUailiiK the subject with Mr. Itoiovvater , editor of The lice , nnd n group of other \\estern republicans Sumtor Shoup of IJaho wns xery emplintlc In his en- dcrscnicnt of Jtulgc OooJuIn , editor of the Salt I.il e 'Irllmiip , as the most ilesculiiR and liotentHI ngtiro mentioned fnr the high place. Conceding , of course , thnt young Cannon , a roprcsintalUe of the nillvo liberal element , will he accorded n scat In the senate , Sum- 'or Shoup said- "No man has n bMter title to the second onalorehlu than Judge Goodwin. Ho has icon foriml In till the bittles that have leon ought for the las' twenty-fit.p JCJUH In lic ense of good Ko\crnmeiu nnd lojnlty to the latlon , as well ns for the promotion of the iiatcrht development of Utah and tli state idjolnlng. Judge Goodwin , like one nf the nights of old , Is without fear and wlthou' eproach. As n icpresentatlve of UtTli ho would wield n powerful Inllttenee In the upper hottsj of the national legislature , and the whole Pacific slope delegation would cheer fully co-operate with him In everv linpoitant measure that he might champion " Western wool growers and men Intelo ted In the sheep industry doubtless look with n good deil of Interest for relief nt the hands of the present congress. While there has been a general depression In all prices of farm products , the wool Industry has tnilTeicd more , perhaps , than any other within tin last three years. The Ohio wool growers nro absolutely li , distress , and the declining prlc Ins not only affected their -Immediate pros pects , but has depressed land values to nn alarming extent. The National Wool Growers' association , which Includes men from nil pans of the country , and which has Just ter minated a most Interesting session In this city , proposes to formulate pome legislation that will restore , nt least In a measure , the old prices by restricting the" Imports of Au - trallan nnd South American wool , which threatens to destroy the entire wool Industry of this country. In this matter It Is not Ohio or New Mexico that are affected , hut n large section of Iowa , Nebraska , Dakota nnd Wjomlng nrs equally suffering. The Wyo ming people are raising hundreds of thou sands of head of sheep and they nro sending them Into Nebraska to bo fed. Senator War ren" Is authority for the statement that 90,000 head of shsep nro being fed along the line of the Fremont. RIkhorn & Missouri Valley rail road , and that a number of southwestern counties have also large bunches of t'heep which are being fed for the wool Imlustiy Immediately nftcr the holiday recess legis looking to the relief of this Industry will be Introduced In congress. * * The action of the Transmlsslsslppl con- grej In declaring for a transmlsslsslppl ex hibition In Omaha In 1898 has attracted much attention among western senators and rep resentatives , and the bill neklng an appro priation along tht lines of the Atlanta ex position , It Is definitely und rstood. will be Introduced Immediately after the holiday re cess , to test at least the fe ° llng of congress toward \otlng an appropriation toward this enterprise. Th Nebraska delegation IP iiniteJ upon the qui-'stlon Sena'ors ' Warren and Clarke of Wjomlng will also fa\or the scheme , as will Congressman Mondell from the same n'ate. C. R. Wnntlcml , agent for the Union Pa cific lands of Utah nnd Wyoming , with head- niiaiters In Salt Lake City , in speaking of the enterprise , which originated with The Omaha Dee , said"Tho Dee started a grand movement for Omaha when the event wns suggested. And the , Transmlaslsslppl con gress did well to endorse the * exposition and decldo to hold Ity next meeting In Salt Lake City. The exposition will creat a greater Omaha , and the meeting at Salt Lake will establish a greater Transmlsslsslppl congress. "The exposition will be the one thing need ful to show the people of Omahn their own strength and the natural advantages of the city. H will show to the east that Omaha Is the- gate city to ths- wonderful new west , a land of gold and silver , grain and fruit , which has just started In earnest upon Its second era of progress , a development which will astonish the world. Tlie recent article In The Dee showing th ° growth of popula tion and wealth beyond the Mlrafsplppi has already ot'ract : ' ! the attention of the east ern press. The pi pnomenal gold dlscovirlcs In Colorado , Utah , Idaho and Montana are putting th ? mining states upon a new and solid baois. New hope ling fpruni ? up In the hearts of the people of the west and con- fldencagiln appears In the ranks of i-astcrn men who have investments In this section. * * * "It la a fact that of nil the transmlesoinl cities Omaha has probably the strongest class of non-resident land owners. Whenever her jwn people realize that their own stupidity In the past has held back progress , anil when they g ° t together for their own good , the help in the work will como to them frci all ( l/rcctlonu. Oinpha factories will mak goods which are now made In the cart an sent to the transmtasourl states 'Wester goods for western people' will soon be th cry , and a great reciprocal movement be twecn the western states will Mirely folloi ho Inauguration of the Omaha exposition When the p nplo living west of the Mis sour ! keep at home the $300,000,000 whlc now goes tn the cast to pay for goods whlcl ought to 1 > manufactured at home , the trans mlssourl cities cannot help but prosper Then western money will | > nnfllclnt fo western cn'erprlses and through western en crgy the millions of ncreu of mid lands nov waiting to IK turned into farms for Indus trlous settlers will be opncd up to the Idli people of other etatey. "Tho Omaha exposition means mnrc ti Omaha and th'o western states than dollar ! and labor and building and exhibits. 1 means a great work of development. Inaiigu rated In great states , and every broai minded man In Omaha can well afford ti shoulder now his nharo of the work , becausi tiio story of Chicago and Atlanta will b repeated. It will inalco greater tht Ideas am aspirations of thn penile as well au the tratU of Omaha nnd development of the t'.iti ' ' represented U will do for the west wlial the Atlanta < xpo3ltlon Is doing for Hit scull ) . It will cause the people of the wcsl to vrUo up to the progress of the couth anil 'n ' take ftleps not only to hold their own , but to open up to HIE attention of the worlil 'lie attractions and advantages of th li own ntntp' . "It will show to the business men of Omaha nnd other cltleu that tl.o railroads aiu hut great business partners with them In operating the west , and that It la time for the owners nf railroads and the ounern of business nnd property In Nthiuskn , Kansas , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah and Idaho to got together nnd build up each olher'u Interest Silt Like will take a great Intercut In the work and iri3 every endeavor to innKo uuc.li preparations for the IhlC meeting of the Tranumlsslfcslppl congress as will make prom inent men eager to bo members , and tha re sult of their dellherntloiiH will ho a powerful bid and n strong factor In Influencing legis lation ami promoting the Omaha exposition In 1888. " * Apiopos of the advertisements now appear ing In a multitude of eastern newspapers ieall\u ! to Hie nolcondaa and unprecedented mining discoveries In the tstates west of the Missouri river , a good story U told of Gineral T. M. Stsnton , paymaster genurdl of the army. A friend , solicitous for the general's material welfare , and who IB largely Inter ested in mining properties in Colorado , In a letter , startling In Its revelations to the gen eral , stated that he had 30,000 tharea left of the greatest gold mining camp In tha world and would lot Htanton In on the ground Moor If he deulrud to becoma a millionaire by the time his retirement from the army took place. The uentrul wan lout iu the mazes surround- lug 'If ' 11,11 ' iniili tftirc nnd tic ltntnl * to Ju liv niiuli lu iii nil put Into tlio Colo- rnd. . > Killi I ml I'lnnlly after eliyp of Hiniinlii , hp wrote his friend In Colorado thnt I'm l."i ; o nlx n share \\mitcd for the MwU WHS Indeed n con li1cMtlun not to bo o\erlonl < ed but inipvv eif other clrcttni' Mnnees rapvlnlly ns lie needed coal , lie woiih' ' . li ltnt nlmtn taking inpro thsn two share * , aw IIP had enl ) a iiunrter that he could really nffoid to lo In such a gigantic enlcrprlse. ( jinniAN .SOCIALIST. * AIUI AITHIJ. Mime Illulil ; Si-iiiiitliiiuil I\I-IIM | for ( InNcnr I'lilnro. XK\V YOIIK. Hec. 13 A dlspnlch to tha Journal from llorlln snjj XotvvlHis-tniul- Ing the reofiit energetic measures of tha government against socialists that inrty's lenders arc ( angiiliio of ultimate victory In x the Ilclrhst.ig nml ot putting a Mop once for j ; all tovhat they term "the. ' tvrnnn.i'ivl op pression by an Imperial autocrat of universal siiffrngi- " At a secret committee meetltiR of promi nent members ot the parly It Nvaw determined to taVe a bold stand The Vomvaorts ns- verts that although at the recent pollco search of the editorial mums of the paper. Insignificant Himmerslcln loiters had \ been conflbcated , tliorc ptlll remain a num ber of the most compromising' epistles In the bauds ot the management. The VocrvvaorlB slates openly that the let ters not enl > contain highly Interesting court EecroF , but alsn gross lese majesle expres sion * The publkatlon of tht > so writings would iimlouhtedl > lead to the nricst and rcmlctlon of highly estefined members of thes Mllllllltj. Many overtmes linvc been mndc by the eonservatl\es to gain possession of the Ham- merstcln letters. "Kabuloits sums. " de clared the organ of the social democrats , " ) uve been offered by them for some par ticularly compromising epls'les. Neither money nor threats have been able to bribe the editors. " The party leaders lm\e decided to submit the1 entire correspondence to the Itelchstag , which will , of i-ourse , result In some sensa tional scenes. nvi\ : TIM : c III.M > I ; n\vr. rriiiNe.s : : ItrscnlVlint \p tii-nrn tn ll < nil Outraur. PORTLAND. Ore. . Dec. 13. The fact that Chan Poc 1/iw nnd Sin Tong , two Chinese liL'hl as witnesses to tippcar against Sin You. the murderer of Lil Sing , \\ero token before n coroner's Jurj nnd exposed on 4ho public btreets In Irons may lead to serious complications. The Chinese me > ery In dignant ut what they deem nn outrage , nnd through their representative nt Washington damages mny be demanded for the Indigni ties heaped upon their countrymen Tlfb two men were not criminals , simply wit nesses to n minder in which olio of their countrymen shot another A much for their protection ns to Injure their presence In court when wanted , they were hold nt the ccntinl pullco station under bonds On Mon j day the sheriff , who hnd i > ossesslun of the prisoner nnd the two witnesses , took them ! J to the coroner's olllce heavily chained - * * m A prominent attorney speaking of the fact bald that so far as thtf two men simply held 1 us witnesses \vcro concerned their being- j Ironed was n gra\o outrage. "The fact Is that under treaty rights these ] CMilncsci were made to suffer a great In- llgnlty , " said ho. "I think that under the terms of the treaty China comes under the most favored nation clause nnd these men : an demand damages from the government. It has been held that a sheriff baa not even : ho right to Iron or manacle a prisoner while Before a court on trial. " Do not take any substitute when jou ask for the one true blood purifier , Hood's Sarea- 1 pzrllla. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. M < : cite > is UoloriMl II en In CoiilVri-iK-i * INIMIMK | ( IIIQlllHllOM. . DETROIT , Dec. 13. The national colored men's conference was late. In convening this morning. F. C. Cole of Davenport , la. , pro posed a plan for a permanent national or- ganl7itlon , which provided for a local asso ciation in every city and village of the coun try , whose members would pledge themselves to proem e evidence against pirtlclpators In mob outrages and aid In the suppression of all kinds of cilme. Referred to the com mittee on national plan. One of the delegates suggested ns a remedy for lynching that the county In which one of these crimps took plice shciilil b required to pay $10,000 to the family of the victims. Secretary Henderson delivered an aildrcu * In which he pointed on the one hand to the Impulsiveness of the race , which was llabb to lead same to resort to despsrite measurc-s , and on the other , to the truckling , sub- mUsUeness and cowardliness which charac terised those who showed a willingness to resent no cruelty. Other speakers denounced the frequency of lynchlngs in the south , and then a recess was taken. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults. \VIM , iio.voii TiirmiAV > M Cltl'tMiH of ColiiniliiiH CloMliiuT Tliclr 1'liKM-N iif HIIHIIINM. | COLUMBUS. O. , D.'c. 13. The death ot Hon. Allen G. Thurman has caused profound yorrow to bo cast over this city , and the cltl- yens generally are preparing to do honor to his memory. There nre no new facts In con nection with the funeral , but the various organisations of the cliy are taking appropri ate action in tlie premises The supreme court of the state has adjourned until Tuesday and the courts of common pleas until Mon day The local bar association met this morning and appointed a committee to draft resolutions , and this evening thcie In to bo a meeting of thu Board of Trade and tin cltueim generally. The city Board of Publ'b Woiks adopted a inemailal and then ad journed Postmaster Senior has secured per mission from Washington , and the paiiolllce will be clos'd during the funeral services. The llagH on all the public buildings , na tional , state anil city , have been placed at half iiinft A large number of telegrams of condolence from prominent persons In all parta of the state have been recelvoJ by the bereaved family. Acts at once , nuvcr falls , One Mlmito Cough Curo. A remedy for asthma and that fever ish condition which accompanies a severs cold. The only hnrmlebs rcmuly that pro duces Immediate results. Will 'IVn < tint Mlnlr lln n KTin. . ATLANTA , Ga. , ljc. 13. The Georgia legislature 1ms opened the way for n test of the constitutionality of the 10 per cent tax on Htnlo bank notes. The Calvin Banking act , passed at a former session , has bcui amended HO that within ashort time public spirited ( Ill/ens of thU state will establish a bank and Issue not u for the express pur pose of tr > lng the bt.ito bank IKSIIO In thu courts Many .ililo lawyers who have given the subject cloio study are convinced that thla tax Is iiiiLOiutltutlonal and some of ( hum will volunteer to defend In the courlH an lesuo of state bank notes. DeWltt's Little Iarly ! Risers the pllla that euro constipation and biliousness. Ci ul i > r llrool.l > n N < ! Iy lti < in | > - , PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 13. Th3 aimorcd crulfer llrouklyn was towed from Crump's hhlp JJrd 10 tlio L ° ! fuo ; Island navy yard toliy and placed In ths dry dock The shlp'u liottom will bo scraped and painted , and her Jig twin propellers will be utlnclird to the 'luflts. Since the Brooklyn wus launched ten tvoeks ago rapid work ban been done on her , vItli the result that film will be ready for her preliminary trial BOOM after she leaven the dry dock. A. O , Hartley of Magic , Pa , , writes : "I feel It a duly of mine lo Inform you nnd the public that DoWltt's Witch Hard Salve cured ms of a very bad ca o of eczema It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. Citrrnirl ) Cold In | | iiIIiiMl. . NI3W YOHK , Dec. 13. ICxtremo cold pro. vails throughout the eastern states today , At 8 o'clock the temperature In this city was 16 degrees ab vo ro. Saratoga , Syracuse and Watertovvn. N , Y. . reported 10 degree * below zero and Loudon , N. H , . 20 degroea At Northficld , Vt. , the therniomctir Indicated ' 2 degreed below. Au extended popularity. HioKn'i Oron- chlal Irochea have for many yearsfbsan ti | moU popular article In use for rellovlnn Cough * and Throat troubles.