10 TUT : oarAiTA DAILY BKEI TJIUHSDAY , DisoBAtuisi ? 12 , isor . SPEGlRli NOTICES. AilToMlniMiirnl for Ilirnr column * Trill In * Intern nnlll Jlti.tO p , in. for the rvrnliiK nnit tintll H p. in. for the ntoriilnir ninl flnmlnr nil ( Inn * . A l rrtlnfrit , lir rc | iic lltiK n mini * li-roil -i > ek , run linre IMI-OTIT * ml- < ) r Nn i1 in n ntimliorcit teller In cnrc of The Hoe. Aniwer * HO nililri-iMpil Yrlll he itt'llvrrnl iiiinn iirrarntnllon of Hie clierlc only. Union , 1 ! - - n Moril flrnt Innertlnnt 1o n uoril tlit-rrnfler. Nothing Inlcen for ICHI thnn 2r.e for llr t limi-rllim. Tlu-so ivnlN limit lie HIM cotmeou- WA.vrr.n-MAi.n nni.i' . u. i.ivn. WTti.umNT Annsra is Omahn lo organize clulii of lht o to me fflml- lies of our fflinoui Orrlmitl llomw Inmli in central Ml ls lppl. Tli ( > tl.lo of lintnlRrnllon l i Kolnir uniitli , whore tli"rn nrc no Iwt JJ'1" ; no cold winter * , no Mlrjnrtlt. m crop fiilliire'i where tno or thrfff crops cnn ba rnl .l j-nfli } > ar : wlirrc thcie In no unch thins n * f Hur tf n rnnn will work onc-hnlf m hnrrt n he rtnei In thin rnunlry : cool Dimmer * . mIM winter * , ure pirlnK rrops of fmlH nnil Rinl"n truck , rlehfct roll on cnrlh : l > p < t rnllwnv fncllllli-i. Oco. W. Ami's. Kfncrnl nccnt , 1C17 rarnim it . Omnhn. - BOMCITOItH WANTniJ TOR OMAHA ! AI.SO mummer * nuM.lo country. Knllrclv new on , ! . . 411 Phfolry Mock I1-M323 _ | M TO 1150 BALAItY PAID SAI.PflMHN TOR clitnra : experience not nrrcrMry ; fxlra In- nnrrmcnt ! ! to cu tomcr . IlMion ft Kl nr. Jt. T uls. . H-MSS1 n ! , ' . Mp. _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTHH-MAN TO RHM. THnlllTOIlY IS Iowa for \nlimMc nntmt rlKlit in rt'mynil. - 420 Oimlia. 11-MI-ll' Mbi-rnl ti-rm . Hex , . TO TAicn oitnnns : wu SINP nnmpln : Klvp rxrltiMM- territory ! piy K"f > 'l ' mil- nry ami pxpivi p , or llhfrnl coimn ! lon to proper RppllrnnU. Address P. O lint 123. NPW York City. H-M697 12 WANTHIJ KK WANTin. : ouAnuATn ron MATRON is hospital. Address d 23 , IJM onici ! . C CC < It * \VANTKD. noon nmr. rou ansnnAi. hounrnnrlc , 2117 Poppletsn nvenue. C 678-11 * WANTED. nillf. roil OnNKIlAti HOITSK- wolk , 1130 South 20th street. C-C79-12 ron IIK.NT iiousr.s. nouses , r. ic. DAnr.iNo. UARKKR nt.ocic. _ _ r'13 nousis IN AMJ PARTS or nir CITY. TUB O. r. Dnvls Con any , ISO'i rarimm n IH FunNisHraTTousn FOR RHNT : nuAirnrui. house , tert rooms , elegantly furnlili il , hot water licit Inundry , stuljle , cnrrlnKe. etc. Tlios. P. Ilnll , 616 Paxton block. CIRCL12 COTTAOKS. C lOOMS , nil mortern. w. fuel. Apply U > ron Ren ! Com- pnny. ZI2 So. 14tl < si. _ D 116 HOUSES. I3UNAWA & CO. . 103 N. 35TII ST. D-417 _ 125 HOUSnS. AI.I. SI55US AND PARTS OF city. I' . D. Wead , lOlli nnJ DOUKITS sis D-1I1J2 ni3 _ FOR RUNT. 1IOUSHS IN ALL PARIS OF TllC city. Special , Kl So. 2Cth a\e. < 1C No. 21st st. 42 < ) No. 21fit st. 405 No. IStli Pt. All modrrn conveniences : cheap for winter months. Hrennan , Love & Co. D M313 D23 610 NO. 20T1I. 4-HOOM COTTAGE. 1025 No. Mth 5-room Hat , nice. 1C24 N. loth , 8-room brlcU. CO ! No. 17th , 8-rnoni brlclc. Omaha llo.il Kstatc S. Trust Co. , 211 S ISth. D-M371 FOR KENT. HOUSE OP TRN IIOOMS , MOD- cm comi-nlcnccH ! very hanJy to buslnc" . En quire of n , T. Mount , 103 S. 10th St. D 530 I AND o-nooM iiotsts ON PAHNAM AND s. room houM on ZM and Lca\i'n orth. Lheap Jno. W. Itobblns , 211 N. V. Life blilg. | D 6C2 rou ni.NT. 2-uooJt nousn , s. u. con. UD and Clarltc. U IS1 * roiTiruNT. : ir6oii COTTAGE. NO. : ; is PAU. mm st. Milton Itourrs' Soni. D 573 TWO SIX-ROOM FLATS. 4I3 AND 419 S St. . corner of Howard. Enquire at R. 314 , First Nat'l Hank Uulldlng. D 373-11 8401 JAC KSON ST. , 7-ROOM MODERN. J20. 4106 ijiKayctto n\e , , 9-room inodoin , f23. 207 S. 21th St. , 14-ioom modem , I'M. . 209 S. 21th Bt. , 9-room modern , J"0. 2775S'ilister St. , 7-room modem. J23. 2773 Hurt Bt. , 7-room modem. CO 020 N. 27th nve. , 7-iu m modern. J2) . 2002 S llth St. , 7-room modern , J2S 20iH 8. llth St. , 7-iooin modern. ? 23 1'iaellty Tiust Compan ) , 1703 Farnam strict. D-COT-31 FOR RENT , NICELY FUUNISIIHD HOUSE OF eight rooms , besides nlcove am ! liathioom. south front , with all comenlenccn. Inquire 2COS Hnlf Howard at. n 237 DCSIRAllLRSROOM HOI'Sn , 11500 PER month. J. r. ILiilon , 2C1C Capitol nioiuic. D C32-17 * FOR KIJ.VT FUUXISIIEn IIOO3IS. THHEE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO man and wife ; rent taken In board. 219 N. 17th i : M233 _ SOUTH PRONT ROOM TOR TWO ; PRIVATE family. 202) Bt. Mary's avenue. K M512 MRS. rnuncitiLL. sicincA HAS ROOVS nt (500 , ( SUO and 110.00 per mcintli : bonid op tional. E M637 12 * LIGHT HOL'SEKEEPING OR sei'arati-ly. 60S North 17th stioet , n-6il-i : nmMsnin IIOOMS AND IIOAHU. IS2.1 CAPITOL AVENUE. WARM FRONT room * F-MM3 1S KLEGANT FRONT ROOMS , FURNISHED OR unfunilihed. Good family board. Ml N. 23. F MC50 FRONT ROOMS , WELL HEATED : FAMILY board If dislred. Rales reasonable , 224 Nirlh 23J st. F 676 HUNT IIOOMS. 4 ROOMS : WATER IN KITCHEN. CENTRAL : reasonable rent : nice for liousckM-pltif : . 1702 Wel-sler stieet. Cl MB90 PO1I Iltl.NT STOHKS AND FOR RENT-THE 4-STORY DRICIC nt 916 Farnam turret. 'Jills bulldlni ; has a lire- nio > if ceinent ba cmcnt. rompU'to etenm huat- int ; fixtures , uater on all lluuik , BUI , etc. Ap ply at the olllco of The lle . 1 910 WAM'UIJ. AGENTS WANT12D-MEN AND WOMEN ileai ) w.M wcilily nlth our Inbor sjver as cnslly as ItSO.OO monthly In other lines ; $2.00 ample * fiee. Thoeo stokinghuslnesi should ndiliftH .vJUi stamp , Mtirlll Mfg. Co. . ( A 03) ) , IS tonal street. Chicago. J 114-D18 _ llirj COAL SAVERS ON BA1.1 ! AT 1107 DOUO- las street ; come , tv , or mile ; agents uuiitivl , J-M701 13' WANTED. AOENTS I OR OUR NEW HOUSEhold - hold opeclaltl'ii ; WUKH. il to 17 u day : pay every \voolt. Ccntiul Supply company. Cincin nati , O. J MC93 12 .STOHAGi : . BTORAQEFHANIC EWERS. 12H ItAItNCV. M-421 PACIFIC STORAdU AND WAREHOUSE CO. . fiOj-310 Joiien. Uctieial atoraso and forwarding. M-423 TO 11UV. * WANTED TO IJUV. A SECOND HAND SAFE eli a for ca h. O 19 , this olllce. N 638 WANTED. FOR CASH , VACANT LOT , IN. Ide mlla limit ; iuiu > t be n muip ; nanlrd , Omaha property , lands and morchnmllite for sale and exchange. E. F. Hlniw , 221 a. Uth birott. N-MJ36 15 FOR .SATi-OUbCIJLLA\iOUS. HARD TfOOD , 4Nl > B-FOOT FENCIS FOR corn crtthlne. C. 11. Lee , 901 Ucuzlas. Q-423 BIC.VTES. ALL SIZES. X5 CENTB TO 00. Omaha tllcyclo Co . 3 N. Kill QM348 FOR SAM : . TWO SECOND HAND SAFES olieip. AildrtH O 1 . this olllcn. Q < 37 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS AND MISCELLANEOUS 1 book ; high b-raJo piano. 403 lice bulldlnir. q-M67 II * KOR BALE. CItBAr , SQUAHC PIANO. 3004 CJorhiitreel. QMC$5 1S SEALSKIN CLOAK KOR BALK AT A GREAT li rvln. . J Sonntnberv , 1WJ Ujuslui itreet. Q-M53I PNB FINK SEALSKIN NBWMARKKT AT A ( rc4t liajcalu. IJll Po il street. U C. n i. Q-MK1 FJ . \sr.ous. HOOK ntt.ni.va TIIK ttitRKt.r.Y PRINTING Co. Ill nnl lit North ISth iitreel. roll GREAT I1AIU1AINS IN PtANOI Wm. II. Schmoller , Bill fl'wr McCagti" build n ? . 1i CI.AIUVOYAISTS. MRS IR II. W MIRKS. CLAIRVOYANT , RH- llslile business medium : Sth year at 113 N. ICth. * \ss.\nr. , OATHS , IJTC. MAOAMR SMITH , N R , COll UTK AND Houston , ro'm 11 , teccnl noir ; mn nie & nalha. T 601-11 * MMR. IIOWRI.U Tl-'ttKISH ANn f.i.nrTUtC baths , nnpit pnrlois In city. 3I1-1M S litli. T MSOI Jl _ MMR A MRS. rOHMRni.Y OP ST. I.OIM8. MAH- sngc nnJ ImthH W H. IStli st , , 2J floor , room IX T MG * > 4 II * MADAMR niiArt : I.ROK ! fji.Rcrmr. MAM. SMTP. l > ith pnrlnrs h ? illhful nml refreshing 417 South llth , upstairs , parlor * 3 M'I 3 T MC30 H * rnnso.VAi. . VIAVt CO. S48 I1RR HI.DO. , IIRAI.TII HOOK free ; hnmo treatment : lady ntlcndnnt. u 42j DATHSr MA8SAaR , MMR. POST. JIJ'4 S. 1'Tlt. n.VR I.IVKRY 11103 CHRAP. RD IlAUMI.Rf. 17th nml St , Marya nxwiuo. Telcphonn. 410. U 427 IIRU.R Rr > i'RniArronsRT iiTm : TO onnr.u nt 1909 rnrantn Ancn'n wanted. U 35J-DI5 * MON'RY TO LOAN OX PIANOS. , Jewelry , etc. ; strictly confidential. P. O. \ > oS28. . U-4CS M A T UIM 0 N' IA I. rOlinR PONnRNrR nUIlKAl ? I'npor nnd ll i , IOC. Rnrtli Pub. Co. . si. I.ouK Mo. U-C03-.Inn-C Mf nV TO I.OAV 11UAI. I3STATI3. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. I.lfc. I.onn at low rales fir choice security In Nebrasl.n > t Iowa farma or Omnha city ptoperty \Y < a _ MON Ry'TO l7a\N > "LO\YKaT ilATES. Tl IR O. P. Dnxls Co. , 1&03 Knrnam st. \V-429 C PRIl CRNT MONRY TO IX > AN ON OMAIlX real estate & ? .Vb. faims. W. 1) . Uollile Omahn , \V-430 MONRY TO LOAN ON"IMPnOVRO OMAHA pioperty. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 rnrnntn. \V-43l _ _ MONRY TO LOAN ON IMI'ROVRn OMAIIA leal i state , llrenrmn , Lcne & Co , Paxtnn nik. \Y-432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAltll , 023 N. Y. MPK \Y-433 MORTOAQR8. G. Q. WALLACE. IJUOWN Ill.lv. \V 134 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propelty.Y. . rarnam Smith & . Co , 152) Kjrnatn W-433 MOUTOAOIJ LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. D. ZlttlrICth and Dougl.13 , Omiha. W 420 HARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARVY. 1 TO 10 jeirs ; loiv rates. GalIn Bros , 210 N. Y. L. W 137 MO.VHY ro LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY ' 10 LOAN ON rURNITUHR. PIANOS , horses , nngons , etc. , nt loHi-st uitcs In city ; no removal of BO > ! S ; sttlctly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any anuunt. anuunt.OMAHA. . MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SOG S. ICth st. st.X X 453 MONEY TO L.OAN , 30. CO , tcj DAYS ; FlIRNI- turp , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Ilaiker block. , X 439 IlUSl.NUSS CHANCES. TOR SALE A $3.000 STOCK OP IMPI.E- mcnts , 130.0 stock of confectionery , $300 imtcher thop ; a sooil lUery business ; ROOI ! openlnR In any of those lines ; all In BOOI ! town. Also some flno Improved anil unlmproxej farms In Missouri. Kansas nnd Nebraska to exchange for cattle or western Iowa lands Onlia & Jackson. Silver City. la. Y 835-D11 * FOR SALK , THK"PALACE CAFE IN LEAD nml DrMd\vo3d , loth doing Rood business. Ad- diest Matt Klopp , Lead or Deadwood , 8. D. Y M407 MAKR MONRY I1Y CAREFUL SPECULATION In Brain through n reliable , successful firm ; excellent - cellent opportunities to make proflta by our new plans ; fully explained and ai-nt free ; highest reference1 ! . Pattlson & Co. , 706 Omaha blt1 , Chicago , III. Y M47S FOR SALE , HALF INTEREST WITH A GOOD partner In n Ural-class meat market ; reason for selling , other business. Addicts M. Ilix 404 , Columbus. Neb. Y SIS52 14 * PEED STORE DOING GOOD BUSINESS. IN- quliu 815 , No. ICth street. Leaving city. I" C77-12 * WANTED , $4,50) MERCHANDISE TOR SO-ACRE Una Improved fnim , southeastern Nebraska ; wanted , eastern Nibiaeka mid western Iowa fnimaV'ir milse. , city property or clenr central Nebraska lands. E. I" . Ringer , 521 S. 1'tli st. Y M634 1S 'KOIl E.\CHA.\r.K. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OP L\ND NEAR Omiha. What have yfu tooOerT II. F. D-Uley 54 N. Y. Life bids. Z 141 ' roil SALE , MILLINKRY STOCK , SOME NO- tlona and Chrlztmas goods. In a gooJ to\vn ; laige huslnesi , hut close out on account of poor health , Partlculais given fully by ad- dtevilnE P. O. Box 242 , Vail. la. I 2-5S7 12 * WE HAVE SEVERAL TRACTS OF LAND IN Fouthueil Missouri that e nil ! exchange for dry coed , tmotn nnd shoc-a or Jewelry. Alex ander & Hell. Neosho , Mo. 7. "W 15 roil EXCHANGE , SCO PINE IMPROVED raiin , S'lerman count ) . Nebraska , clear for Bond Omaha pioperty or farm , will assume. l.&W-acre ranch , good Improvements , lc\el , rich land , central Nebraska , for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms ; will assume. 1,300 acres fine laml , eastern Ntbiaska , 533.000 ; want merchan dise for all or part or cential property or small farm for omh.ilf ; balance tlmi . l.WO-acre western loua. all level , rich land , flno Improvements , } ; 3000 ; vvant 13OW western land or town piui > erty , (2,340 cash , lialanco time. 7S ) ncres rlcii. level land , fair Impiovemcnts , ti'iW ; lit aprci , mine price ; 32) acres level rich land , two mllet from K o < l tov\n ; only $2)00 ; 400 Iftns of lin.y this > ear ; 4SO ncies level hay land , four nillei to station , $ . ' 3 00 ; 54 trade , $ . ' . ! /v ) cash , brlancc tlm ; all the nbovc lands In loncna county , la. R. F. Ringer. S5-MC03 IS * SALE UEAI , , ESTATE. AIJSTRACTS TIIC UYRON REED COMPANY. RE 442 IMPROVED rARMS-0. W. CARLOCK. 1205 I'aniain t. RE C14-J1 * BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- crtlci and farms. John N. Prcnzer , opp. 1 * . O. RR-413 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , rile or trade. I. It. Darllne , Barker block. RR-441 FOR SALE , 730 ACRES GOOD LAND IN 1'in'iklln county , Nebraska , at a great bargain to clone up Iho aflalm of a broken bank. Send for description anil make offer. Iho O. F. D > ivls Company , 1303 rarnam street , Omaha , Neb. . RR-M579 12 TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS , SMALL , ur IUIRU tracts ; low prices , easy nujments. Wo nio propareil to ansiver questions touching these lands , and to arrange for cheap railroad faro for any person wUiIng to > lslt southern Texas , Concspondence ( OlIcluM. Omaha Real Eitata anil Trust Co. , Ill S. 18th st. st.RRM20T FOR BARGAINS , Til ABES. QUICK DEALS , rail or-nrlto U , V. Klioles Co. , First Natl. bank bldtf. RE M515 31 ARGAINS IN ACRES , FARMS , DWELLING and loin , F , D , Wead , ICth and Douglas its. RR-M931 D13 IN THE BELT OF THR BIO RRD APPLE. IN eouthern Illinois. IK miles from railroad sta tion , a commercial orrhiml furm of 210 acres , 6.000 apple and 2.1H peach trees , emulating of bent marlictabla late vai 1st lea. Hiviry Illaiilie 111. RE MteO 12 * FltTY IMPROVRD FARMS : 10 YOARS1 TIME ; iN'nonubli ) ijinei\ts. Wm. H Rfmln-jton , Ucho , la , RRMtOJ 14 * NKW JEIUSEY FIVE-ACRE FARM 1'OR JIM on liiKtallmrnls of II donn and $1 a weak ; land lileli , dry and health ) ; neil rultable far fruits \PKUtables and poultiy ; dellehtful climalj ; title rleur , Wrlt at once to Rlnluy't lltal R tate otHce , 111 B. 10th street , Philadelphia , Pa. RR M618 12 * BUILDINC ! AND LOAASSOCIATIONS. . SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & D. ASS'N PAY 6. T , II per cent uhcn I , 2 , 3 ) ear old. oluav redtenmble. not Farucm t , , Nattlnger , 8tc. I10\Y TO OUT A HOMK OR SECURE GOOD Interest on aavlngi. Apply to Omaha L. & I ) . Ats'n. 1701 IK. bide. O. M. Nattlnfcr , Bee. 41 ! UI'IIOLSTEIUNG KUUMTUHE. UPHOLSTERINQ. FUIINITURC ind packcj % ery cheap thli month. M. a \V lkfp. UU Curaln . T l1 1- I LOST. , OORPON flKTrinoaj REWARD in return n MM. II. .1. Abraham * , , 1211 nnd 121 I'nrnam street. Lo t M87I LOSTA iiLACK iioiq ! : ; RTUI ON FOUR head , stiff In front. Addrc" 2f2c ) Rnunft street Ixiit MGS7 13 * LOST , Pf'rF Ill'TTON. POLIPIIRD "OVA" strcii * setting , gnlrl mounting. R tuin to J , II Hnynrs , 10.1 Bei > Itlilg. , nnd get rcnatd Ixift-M7i1 12 HOTF.L.S. AETNA HOrSR ( RUROPRAN ) , N W. COR 12th nnd Dodjc. Rooms by tiny or week. 4" 2 THR LANGR HOTEL D2 8. 11TH ST. ; STRAA heat ! table lioird , (3.00 per vcek. MI33 DAMM.-VG. NRW CLASS FORMING AT MORAND'S ( 01001 , 1310 Hniney st. Adults , Tuesday nhc Friday , 8 p. m. ; c.illdrrn. Tuesday 4:13 : p. m. Saturday. 10 n. m nnd 2 p. m. Call for terms Alwnvs < pen ; private Ipfson" , MS 1)1 ? UMiilTAKiHS AMI II. K. BURKRT. FUNERAL D1RRCTOR AND cmbnlmer , 1613 Chicago st. , telephone 90. 431 STVAN8ONft * VA1.IRN , 1701 CUMlNa , TEtT IOC 433 M. O. MAUL. UNDRRTAKRR AND RM balmer. 1417 Fnrnnm St. , tcltph no 223. 438 HOUSES WINTKIUM ) . WANTRD , HORSKS TO WINTER ! REST OF care ; terms reasonable. A. W. Phelps & Son 207 N. Y , Life bldg. Telephone 1051.M373 M373 D27 * PAAVMIIIOKEIIS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 16 RT 449 COAIi. FOR BITUMINOUS COAL , CAR J.OADS. FOR domestic tir steam puriHes. address Excelsior Coal Mining Co. . Du Quoin , III. MK.O D1& * STEAMSHIPS. LOWEST RATES TO OR FROM EUROPE ; western agency Thomas Cook A Son excursions. Harry E. Moorcs , 1416 Furnam st , , Omaha. M3".fl D1J III.EMISHES ItCMOVED. MISS VAN VALKENnURGII DESTROYS PERmanently - manently by electricity supetlluotis hair , molt.H , nurts , etc. Room 41C. N. Y. Life blclc > M9CS D13 * MUSIC. AUT AND LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1815 Chicago st. 109 1IICYCLES. BIO BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND 111- cjcles ; skates. 33c to $3.00. Omaha Blcvcle Co. , 323 N. 1Cth street. M563 .18 SHORTHAND AXD TVPEWHIT1XG. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LITE. CO OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE , 13TH. FARNAM 431 Pains antl anxieties can bo relieved to n cer tainty by using Dr Ckevalier's Female Pills. Prlco , $1.00 per box If you are timid and 1 doubt 0.9 to what will relieve you , send for these pills. Sent scaled souuroly by muil on receipt of price. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co 1513 Dodge St. , OMAHA.NEB. A SPEO ! ALT Y .llaryeyphtils . permanently cured ID 16 to 39 days. You can ba treated at homo tot tha Bsrao price undc-oaina Runraiity. 11 you prefer to como hero no HlU contract to pay railroad faro nnd hotel A lie , and no cburco.lf tro fall to cure. If you hcvo taken mer cury , lodldo potiiHh , and still hnvo aches and pains. Mucous I'litcho ! ) In mouth , SoroTIiroat , X'linpIcH , C'oppor Colored Spots , Ulcers on ny part of the body. HiilrorEyebrown fulllne out , U lathis Syphilitic 1SL.OOI > I'UISON thai wo ( unrnnteo to euro. Wo solicit tlio most obsti nate cases and cliullontro the world for a cnso wo c.iniiot euro , u'bln rthcniKj 1ms aliToya bullied thn skill of the mo t eminent physi cking. B50O.OOO capital behind our uncondl * tionitl guaranty. Absolute nroofn eon tecalod on tppllcatlon. Address COOK KQAIKDV CO. , O7 MOfiOJllo Tuinplc , CI1ICAUO. JUJu This is the inevitable fate of J COMFORT , " as each member of the ONE MILLION and a QUARTER families who take it simply devours every 'scrap of each copy. Have you " WAKED- I UP" to " COMFORT" yet ? ( My mama usia Wool Soap ) il lth mine bad ) WO OLENS will not shrink if WOOL SOAP ' * Is used In the laundry. Vr'nol Soap Is del lento and tcf resiling ( or bath pur- rpbcs. Tlio besiolearucr. lIuvtiLurat vvurtliattr * . Twu sites : tollotand laundrr. Eaworth , Scltcdde & Co. , Makers. Chicago. Jonathan ] Ht. Boston , nt Ixiooard Ht. , Now Vork.V.7 Chssliiut tJU. We lend the msnrolruj : I'icnr.'i meJr CALTHO8 tfff , ait'l ' n legal jjuarautretLat CiLfuos * IP STOP IlUcliurav * AKjiiU.lon. . , rninti > rrirarHrlco ) lo t/'ie it and fay tfiatisjltd. AdJr.ii.VDN MOHL CO. , Bolt Aarrleli i ( < > bt U > cU U , Cblo. DR. MoCREW II TH * OSI V aPECIALIST WHO TMATI AU. PRIVATE DISEASES Weakncu & Oiwrdcr ol MEN ONLY 10 Yean Kipcrleoct. B Yean io OmahjL Rook ? . Contultaiioa jiid fciamiuaugn Kre * . | 4lh lad Farnam 6t . , UUAIIA NEU. LAST OF HARRY IIAYffARD Was Far Moro Calm and Unconcerned Thau His Executioners. GRAPHIC SCENES AT M'S EXECUTION .1nl ! < r n l.onpr , HiinililliiK Talk front tlic ( inllotrn nnil KrrHy All I he Moil Who AHslM 111 UN Con > li-tloii. nec. 11. With n bler'9 phrase ujfpu > hls lips and a cold smllo upon his face HJrrl- Hayward faced the eter nal this mornlntt1. " 1'ull her tight ; I'll stand pat. " These wor 'the last words ho uttered as the deputy , jwltU blanched face and trem- bllnt ; hands , nnlledt the well-sotped noose as tightly about Mhe murderer's neck as ha could , In order t at death might come the , more surely. , it&s twelve minutes past 2 o'clock when -Sheriff IIolmberK pulled th trigger and thus released the trap ttpoi which llaywaru'jst'dpd. In thirteen minute County 1'hjslclan Uurton declared that th swinging flguro ) In which not a motion o struggle had bitrf observed , was that of a dead man. The Djiil act In the great trag cdy of life and death had been played and the curtain hid been rung down on th career of the chief actor. The coolest man at his own execution wa Harry Hayward. Debonnalre as over , wha had seemed mere effrontery during his Jal days now became , In the great , dimly lighted gallons rocm. the courage and In difference of n man who was , at least , no afraid to die. Not a man of the little kno of privileged spectators who had kept a long vigil In the big. gr.iy loom but whose hear thumped more loudly than that ono whlcl was so soon to ceaee its beating ; not a fac but turned more ghastly than his In the grue some light. It was a scene never to be forgotten whet at last , after what had seemed endless hour of waiting , a death watch appeared at the door. The one pas Jet had been turned off and the room was illuminated only by a locomotive headlight suspended about foil feet from the floor , opposite the scaffold The bugo cone of light threw a horridly dls torted shadow of the engine o death on the rough whitewash stone wall behind. Two nooses were discernible , both well tested and tried ono held In rceerve. The deputy had care fully chalked two circles where the feet o the doomed man were to stand and had out lined the trap that there might be no nils take In the uncertain light. The chle deputy mounted the scaffold , where Wardet Wolfe of the state penitentiary , e\-Sherlf Wlnn Brackett and Sheriff Chappell of St Paul were already waiting , and directed that every hat bo removed and that there be no smoking. A cordon of policemen filed 11 and made a llttlo passageway for the deatl party , CHEERED THE SHERIFF. Meanwhile the prisoner had been made ready In the cell room , his black silk robe had been put on and the black cap adjusted Suddenly the door was thrown wide open am the sound of an Inarticulate yell floated li from the cell room where the prisoner's com rades were taking their farewell ; then three hoarse cheers for Sheriff Holmberg , led by Hayward himself , and ending with "He's al right ! " It was awful. Such a demonstra tion led by the man on his way to death ! As Its echoes died away the sheriff ap peared , followed by the prisoner between Deputies Bright and Anderson , with Deputj Mcgaarden bringing up the rear. Harrj Hayward entered the death chamber will the same easy stride that marked his promenade - enado when he wag a swagger youth In so ciety. "Good evening , gentlemen , " said he In clear , even tones , as ho bowed his way Into the room , wearing his somber gaib so Jaunt ily that Its grotcsqueness was forgotten. As ha made his way up the stairs to the scaffold ho tripped on tho'unaccustomed gown. . This amused him and lux laughed at the first step. As he strode urqn the trap the deputies loclced.'moro like frightened children hanging to a parent thpn pincers of the law. Harry Hayward might h&vo posed for a figure of justice defending the weak Instead of a mur derer going tojhla'doom. Carefully placing his feet on. tlie iharkcd spots , he drew hi : splendid figure * ta. Its greatest height and glanced abouUVItli1 a oalm face , occasionally brightened by'a smile of recognition as he saw some frlcn'd In. the crowd. Upon being asked If he ball anything to say he replied In a careless , Ndr w ling tone , "Well , yes. " Ho moistened his lips with his tongue. "Well , to yoli all , " he began , "there has bean a good deil pf curiosity and wonder at my action and jporao of you think I am a very devil , " with at peculiar drawling accent on the first sylhble Of that word , "and If you all knew my whole life you would think w all the more. , I have dictated a full state ment today of qll 'my llle to Mr. Edward Goodsell , Mr. J. T. Mannlx and a stenog rapher let's see , what's that stenographer's name ? " and Hayward peered down over the cdgo of his scaffold as If expecting some one to answer. answer.GREETED GREETED HIS FRIENDS. "Where's Ullne ? " he went on somewhat disconnectedly. "Ullne hero ? I promised tu : ako his dog with me under my arm to make ilm a record. It would bo a good thing for : ho dog. Doyle , you told me to bow to you. Where nro you. Aren't you hero ? I can't see you , " and the speaker peered about for : ue detective. "I'm here , Harry , " called out Doyle. "Well , then , good evening , Mr. Doyle. " s ld the prisoner , untiling graciously. Then , taking another tack , ho called out , "Clemens , did jou get that ticket ? " A hat was shoved up Into the cone of light n assent. "Ah , that's good. Mannlx , let me sec low , " and Haywaid hesitated with the cm- ) arras3m2nt of a man who has forgotten ils speech. "Tako your tlmo , " said Sheriff Holmberg. "Let mo see now. I certainly had some thing to say to Mannlx. because I have al- vays entertained the kindliest feelings for him. There U a strong demand for thcio Morris Jhalrs , with carved frame , We are build- ng them In splld English oak and In Moxl- an mahogany. atj ) quoting very low prices. Wo plan tlifrnijw'lth. four adjustments to be back and filth extra broad anna for ex- rcmo comfort. They are very decorative , s the carving.'whllo very bold , U finely exe- uted. It Is onej pf the most effective pat- ems of library chair. The uphoUtory .may b either In corduroy or leather. The seat ls deep ana the back s very tall. ' ( The front lega terminate In massive claw tbti , hand carved , with con- ealecj eastern , f Wo showtw/jlVe / different patterns o f bcso chairs , ranging1 in price from $10 , SIS , $20 , $25 up lo $75 , Tf CHAS 8HIVERIOK & CO. I'UHMTIWE AM ) DItAl'UBIBS. 12tb and Douglas. Joe. remind m of whnt It was ; you know I have been bavins trouble with my memory lately. "Siy nothing moro In that line , " came In low. distinct tents fro-n Mannlx. "You nre about to mo t your Oed , and should express here your forgiveness for your brother , as you did BO nobly to me today , nnd with thoughts of > our mother and futhi-r before you. shMild act as you have during the last forty-sight hour * , meotlni ; dcith manfully nnd fonivlnR all UIOM toward whom jotl hava borne- any Ill-will up to this time. " rOIlOIVKS HIS imOTHEH. "Karglve him , " paid Hany as Mannlx fin- Ishfd , "well , I have freely forg.\en him for any Imnclnary wrong ho thinks he has done me. lie Ins done mo no wrong. I linvo done him a great wrong. I forgive him freely. Father Chary , Father Timothy nnd Father Christy liave taken great Interest In me , and have exerted themselves greatly about my spiritual welfare. I have the neatest respect - spect fer each of them , nnd for John Diy Smith , my lawyer , also , He Is n good man and a Christian , its well ns a lawyer , and I have promised him to say something hero tonight which I probably s'joulJ not have said of my own accord. " With an effort Haywnrd turned his eyo" upward and said In n strident , iiipanlnghM voice , quite different from the conversational one ho had been using : "Oh , God , for Christ's sake , forgive all my sins. " An empty mockery that , or the cry of n soul unused to prayer. Later events showed It to be probably the former just to keep a promise. "Oh , " resumed Harry , dropping back to his former tono. "Is Good ell hero ? " When told that Goodcell was absent , ho contlnu d , "Well , Or. llurton , I have some thing to eay to you. " D1I3D UNFLINCHINGLY. Whnt It wes will ne\er be known , for the doctor Hopped him with the suggestion that he had be'ter not say anything. Hayward stood a nument and thought , ns If telling over to himself the names of those he wlslud to rein mbcr In his last words. Ap parently satisfied that all had been done that he had Intended , he half turned his head toward the noaes flung back over his should- frs : "I guess that's all. Now , Phil Msgnar- dcn. co ahead. " The straps wore quickly adjusted. As the noose settled down over his head , ho said' "Let's BIO , where does the knot go ; und'r the right ear ? No , Its the left , Isn't It ? Please pull It tight. That's good. Keep up your courage , gentlemen. " The prlson'r's face purpled slightly as the nocso tightened and the visor of the black cap w.ia turned down. It was Hayward'a last glimpse of earth. "I'ull her tight ; I'll stand pat. " he said Meginrden stopped back , raised his hand ns the fatal slcnal. and llko > a shot the body dropped through th ? open trap. Thsre was not a tremor or struggle , and the spectators waited breathlessly while the doctor listened to the fluttering heart. Thirteen long minutes passed. Dr. Burton stepp d back and the spectators filed out. A deputy loossnol the straps that bound the hands. They fell Inert nt the cldss of the body. Harry Hayward was dead. CONSENTED TO AN AUTOPSY. Before his execution Harry , at the requec ! of his brother , Dr. Thaddeus Hayward , con- wanted that an autopsy should b ? performed and his brain examined. This was donfr at the morgue this morning by a party of phy sicians , headed by Dr. W. A. Jones , the- brain specialist , and Dr. II. A. Tomllnson , formerly superintendent of the Insane asylum at St Pater. Careful measurements of the head showed that It woo about normal In size atiJ shape. The line between the ears was long , the forehead narrow and retreating , nnd th temporal bones v rythick. . The brain Itself saemcil small. It was taken to be treated and examined moro carefully. M'anwhllc the doctors would say nothing more than that the skull and brain seemed to b ? congenltally defective. The aged parents spent the last night of their son's existence In their own apartments at No. 1C Fourth ctrect Eouth. attended b ) their eldest son. the doctor , and a number o ! kind hearted ladles , who did thelp utmost to console and help them. They had expected to make' Harry a last visit during yes srday afternoon , but strength and courage failed them. The eld father , whoso whole frame shakes with a palsy. Is a pitiable- object , bu his mental condition Is not so bad ay might bo expected. The mother has borne up rt- mnrkably well , but those who know her bes fear for her reason. This afternoon they fel low ed Harry'n remains to Lake wood ceme tery , whops they were laid away after a few- simple words by Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Hutter , Unlversallst. When the last words had been spoken they were borne weeping away. CONFESSION TO BE PUBLISHED. It Is supposed that the lengthy autobiog raphy which Hayward dictated to a stenog rapher last night contains a full confession of his own connection with the murder of Gathering Glng , as well as sensational ac counts of other crimes In which he has been Involved , but the real facts will not be known until the statement Is prlnt-d In book form The book was an Idea which occurred to him only a day or two ago nnd It was his belief that It might be made profitable to hla cousin Boodsell. Accordingly , lie dictated It nt length to Court Stenographer U'chard Mabry In the preeance of Goods II and Joseph T Mannlx , a reporter. There thrco are the only persons who know Its contents , and naturally will divulge nothing. It Is pretty certain , however , that Harry told them all and that his story confirmed Bllxt'a story told at the. trial very completely , Hariy's own 13ea was that au ho did not actually commit the deed , he was not guilty. II. naver could bo convlncrd that ho was not free from guilt sine ? his own hand was not Imbrued In Catherine Glns's blood. Hay ward aUo mads several stnUments to the public Into a phonograph and the owners of the In- otrumcnta expect to make t > cme money by permitting the public to hear Harry's own voice after its owner has been laid awny In the earth. TRAGIC INCIDENT AT THE GRAVE. At the simple burial service over the re mains of Harry Hayward this afternoon , at L.akewcod cemetery , there- occurred a most tragic Incident. The ceremony was hold In : h.i llttlo chapel at the cemetery nnd was at tended by a very few friends and the mem- jers of the family , Adry Included , After the woida of scripture and prayer Mrs. Hayward desired to place some flowers on the casket , anil , supportnl by her ton , Dr Thaddeus and her husband , cdvancrd to du flo. She walked around the head of the collln , shewing carnations 0.0 she did so. When she tad arrived at the right hand side of the bier , sha hesltnUd. In response to a signal from ler , Thaddeus and her husband loosened heir support of her and oho stoo I alone. She raised her clenched hands and broke forth n a low , moaning tone ; "Pcor , dear Harry ! Poor , dear Harry ! My baby boy ! My dear baby boy ! "God has forglvin him I God has forgiven him ! "Poor , dear Harry ! Poor , dear Harry ! " " 'Be a brave mother ; be bravo and strong ! The chains bind me , but they can't chain my oul ! I come again ! ' "Poor , dear Harry ! Poor , dear Harry ! ly baby boy ! " With this the mother half turned and tortcd toward where Adry eat. In front of Adry elio stopped and lifting hU fco In her lards , said : "Tell him I'vo forgiven him neither , " Hop icpro.ichful tones echoed In he silent room , Si'mlngly half crazed , the lereaved mother turned from her elder boy o where- her youngest , her darling , lay and ell fainting Into the ecat near by. A Ore-ill Iliinli. Dm Ing the recent epidemic of cholera In lonolulu the demand for Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy wa so great hat the druRKlsts could not wait on all , so hey covered their counters with the JUniody nd let customers help themselves. The leople there found thla remedy effected a : ure In every caw , not a single death oc- urrcd In any case In which It was used , The ucccss of the medicine' Is what load to the great rush for It. Many persons bought It o as to have It ready for Instant use In case t should be needed. She W More "Selllil. . " The mistress of a suburban house re- urn ed home not long ago and was Informed > y a paid that a friend had called upon jer and neglected to leave a card , Her name bad been forgotten by the servant. 'Sho was a settled woman , " was the curious bint toward Identification. "Settled ? " re- > eated the lady of the house , Interrogatively. Yes ma'am. More settleder than you be. " Still no light ! Finally the maid , seeing the lystlficatlon , finally explained : "I mean. f course , ah was grayer'n what you bo I" o that was what "nettled" meant. One Minute Cough Cure U harmless , pro- ucei Immediate results. KIlAXCtt Al'THH TIII5 TIll'STS. onirlul Action In It r Kuril ( n HIP Corner on lirnllior. PAltlS , IKc. 11 In the Chamber of Depu ties today the war budget was illsctused and a resolution was adopted ImltltiK the government to prosecute those who have been engaged In cornerln * leather. The minister of wnr , M. CavalRtiac. admitted that there had been A rlso In the prices of leath-r , but Intimated his Intention to Inquire If the operations of the American trust were rc pons-lble for It. He added that If It waa proved that a leather rlnij existed In France ho had no power to deal with It. M. MarchaMUrbert called attention to the monopoly of wheat , and urged that tha law be- applied to defeat Its objaot. M. Cavalgnac replied that th ? go\ eminent had revolted to do si. orriciit nxcnnnr.i ) ms AI'TUIMIITV i-iiorl Hint Vcni-iiu-Iii Will Him rot * Ari-i'stlnu KiiRllnliiiu-ii. LONDON. Dec. 11. The Times prints a ills- patch this morning from a correspondent In Caracas , giving the result of an Interview ho had with President Crespo of Venezuela. The president Enid that ho understood that the question of the outrage upon British Guiana pollco and the boundary question were to be treated distinctly ns between Great Britain nnd Venezuela , but ne declined to dhcusa the Brltls'i note on the subject. He added tint the Vcno7tielan ofllcer who had arrested the Brit ish oinceri would be punished for r-xcoedliiR his Instructions , and tint the English would bo compensated. He wn * < imible , ho paid , to see any reason for British Intervention. Van Homo CotillruiH till * Humor * . MONTREAL. D c. 11. The Star has this to say regarding the rumors that Sir William Van Home will retire from the presidency of the Canadian Pacific railroad : "He will resign the presidency of the load. When seen today ho said : 'The statement that I am to resign line so far bean unauthorlroJ , I may say , however. ' he added , 'that I hop ? to drop out of nctlvo service before long. ' " -HOW IOIIR win it uar " 'Well , there are several things I would like yet to do , or be Instrumental In doing , If I have not too Ions to wait for the oppor tunity. ' "Upon the retirement of Sir William. Mr. Shsughnessy , th ? present vie ? president of the tallway , will assume the position of prffldent. " _ Shin IlnlI.lliiK Strike nnilotl. GLASGOW. Dec. 11. The creat ship build ing strlko has been settled The masters have agreed to grant the Clyde men a shilling a week nthnnco Immediately and another shilling advance In February. The strlko has bcrn settled In Belfast , where the men v. Ill get a shilling advance In February. Tha sattlenient was undoubtedly brought about by the fact that both the Clyde and other shipbuilding firms were In danger of los'.ng Important contracts to build foreign war ships , orders for which have already been transferred to German concerns. Ilnvc Only TlirniHelvL-N to Illiimr. BERLIN , D c. 11. In the Hplchhlng the chancellor , Von Hohcnlohe , denied that 'he ' resignation of Baron von Kooller , late minister for the Interior , was connected with the social democratic agitation. The chancellor also declared the government did not Intend to Introduce special anti-socialist legislation , but , he a4ded , the government would administer the cxUttng laws so as to protect the state and society. In con clusion , Prince Hohenlohe raid that tf the social democrats complained of the action of the government they only had themselves to blame. , Itiiynril Iiiillxcrcvt. LONDON , Dae. 11. The Times has an edi torial commenting upon the action of the l.ouse of representatives at Washington rela tive to speeches made In England and Scot land on the policy cf protection by United Slates Ambassador Bayard as follows- "Speeches such as those made by Mr. Bajard would not be delivered by an European dip lomat. and even In Mr. Bayard'1 ? case , they WBM rather surprising. Nevertheless , Im peachment seems a very disproportionate pun ishment for what , at the worst , Is nn indis cretion. " IlliiK-dilllntH Meet. PARIS , Dc. 11. The conference of the bimetallic leagues of Great Britain , France and Germany opened hers today. L , Loubet , president of the French Bimetallic league , presided. The object of itho conference Is to draft a resolution regarding bimetallism , which will be submitted to the parliament ! ) of the three countries. The terms of the resolution as drafted will be submitted for the cons'derntlon ' of Iho delegates tomorrow. President Faure will receive the delegates on Friday. _ TlioiiKht He ( nrrlcMl liyiiiuiiltr. VIENNA , Dec. 11. Great excitement was caused here today by the arrest cf u man In the Hofburg palace who was canylng what was upposd to be at dynamite bomb , but which turned out upon examination by the police to be nothing moro dangerous than a wooden ball. When the man was taken Into curfc-dy and asked to explain his pres ence In t chpalace he gave an Incoherent answer. Culiiin NCMM Via Madrid. MADRID , Dec. 11. A dispatch lecelved hero from Havana announce ) that Maximo Gomez , the Insurgent loader , has arrived at Placclas Another dispatch says that the Insurgents have- attacked Rudgo , In th : piovlnce of Matinras , and have burnot cloven houses , after pillaging them. It U added that the Insurgents were ultimately routed by the Spaniard" with heavy losses. Dutch TrooiiH lime Trouble. THE HAGUE , Dc. 11. Advice * received hero from the Inland of Mailur.i , In Mala ) archipelago , ono of th ? Dutch possessions , announce that .1 disturbance among the na- tlvf-3 there led to a conflict between them and th ? Dutch troops during which twenty- nine natives were killed and many were wounded. _ CnlllNloii In the Iil > er LIVERPOOL , Dec , 11. A collision oc curred In the river Merwy Ust evening be tween the RrltUh sleamer Brunswick , out ward bound for Brazil , and the Cunard line steamer Sylvana , Captain Prltchard , which arrived hero yesterday from Boston. Both steamers were scrlcusly damaged. Another Illotv at Aiiicririin Mfiitx. PARIS , Dec. 11. The Chamber of Dputs ! today , after thedlsousaiou of the military budget , decided that , e.\cept under unusual circumstances , no more tinned meata arc to bo supplied to the army after January 1 , 1897 , except tuch as manufactured In Franco or the Ficnch colonies. _ Tiij > l > c.f' Promotion Drilled , LONDON , Dec. 11 , The correspondent of thn Times at Ottawa denies upon the highest authority the rumor that Sir Charles Tupper la to boomo premier of Canada on account of tie | contemplated resignation of Mackenzie Bowell. _ _ Flrr on a IlrltlMh Strainer. HAVRE , Dec. 11. Fire broke out today among -100 bales of cotton on the afterdeck of the British utcamer Samoa , Cuptaln Frozer , which arrived here December 8 , from New Orelans. The flro la now under control. DCIM Iwlii-n Tiiko the War Path. CAIRO , Egypt. Dec. 11. A band of der vishes , mounted on camcly , has raided , plun dered and partially burned Aiundan , north of Wadyjialfa. A detachment of ravalry ha been sent In pursuit of the dervltlies- . Xi-iv Strainer I.lnu to Ilraxll. HAMBURG , Dec. 11. It Is announced that the Hamburg-American Steamship company has decided to establish a regular tteamer service between New York and Brazil , com mercing In January next. InmirKcnlM Charged Mlth Crime , HAVANA , Dec. 11. A dljpatch from Sava la Grande , province of Santa Clara , says that the Insurgents In that neighborhood have hanged four peaceable countrymen. No de tails given. _ llucklen'n Ariilon Salve. The be t salve In tha world for cuts.brulies , Eorej , ulcers , tall rheum , fever tores , totter , chapped hands , chilblains , corn * , and all ikln eruptions , and positively cures pller , or no pay required. H Is guaranteed to give per fect latlafactlon or money refunded. Prlco 25 cent * per box. For eale by Kubn & Co. MATERIAL FOR A HOT NOVEL The Orookrtl Onrocr ami Conviction of JnbC3 Balfotir , GREAT BRITAIN'S ' CHAMPION SWINDLER ( lTiitilli' ) OioratliiiiM | CnrrliMl on t'liilor tinlnrli of ( iiiiltlncHi l < "nrl > * Tliiiiisaiiil I'orNiin Ta k i-u In mill IMituUvit. The conviction nnil pjnlenco of .Inbcz OaU four to fourteen jcnri * Iniprlsonmciu draus tlio curtain an ono of the grontrst tn\ltullc3 over ciiKlntcrol by otic jierson. llftlt a mil lion dollars \\oro Hpont In n fruitless effort to ko.p him out of Jail , nml , strnnRO to say , most of It was furnished by his victims. llsltoiir caused moro flnnncl.il ruin In Kn- BlanJ than has been e.\porlcnccil since tlio burstlnB of the South SM bubble. His \lc- tlmscro nunibcrcil by the thousands' . InrRSly compo e < l of porsotis of small R VHBS. | widows and orphans and traders , \\lio had beau Induced to linost In the \arlous compi- nlc \\ltli which he ns connected because "he was y.ieh n socd man. " Hoas a non conformist In religion ; tocro most of his \lctlniH. lie was a toiuiijr.incj lecturer , a leader In his sluircli and the schools con- nccled with It , an uloiiucnt leader In public prayer and exhortation. In the House of Commons ho way olio of the stanchest sup porter ? of Mr. Oladston ; , a champion of home rule for Ireland , ono of the sternest re provers of thu House of Lords for Its plutoc racy and contempt for the common people- In brief , n Simon-pure , all-wool , watranted-to- wash friend of humanity. As a youiiK man n quarter of a csnturjr ago , Jab.z prc&Nited a echcme to the Liber ator IHilhllng society for the utilization of philanthropy In the promotion of llnancl.il success. "Only think , " ho said , "of the vast sums which arc being saved by thrifty nnd totu- pcrnto persons of the loner mlddlo and of the working class , by nonconformist ministers , plodding schoolmasters , a rail tnilojnuii , nrll- sans ant ] the wives , widows and spinsters ot the Enmo clashes ! The enterprise which could tnp this source of \ \ ealthouhl always bo sure of a great return on the capital In vested , and ylfld n handsome return for the people , nhllo eiicournijlUB the great ciusa of temperance and thrift. Ifve don't do this sonic cue else will he shrewd enough to do It , and who knows by that sonic dishonest scoundrel might ECO a chance to get rich on these persons. " The iocloty received enormous sums In th first year , 1SGO , for which n commission of 1 per cent was charged , subsequently rcduco.1 to one-halt of 1 per cent , mid In the cnd 3 > round sum of $705,000 was paid In this \\.iy. How thoroughly the moral Idea was present In these proceeding * uas shou-.i when , in 1S71 , on the society removing to ita new offices , a resolution vas adopted "that on the occasion of taking possession this day of our now premises the directors Ueslro to record their own sense of thankfulness for the pros- parity with vvhlch , ns they bellc.ve , God h 3 hitherto blessed their efforts In the establish ment of this business. " Hut the Inflow of contributions did not laat. Severn ! building associations failed , the re sources ot the iiQii-confcimlst enthusiasts vv.ro exhausted and the 1'gltlnmte huelneau of the Liberator began to look around for othei means of making money. In th& meantime , however , Ualfour's pros pects had grown w Ith the previous iucccu.i of the Liberator. He was elec'.ej mayor of Croydon , where ho HveJ , chosen member of parliament In the liberal Interests and was looked upon ny one of the solid mni r.f the party , especially as oni > who had para mount influence In tha ranks of the non-con- forml ts. He gave mon y llbeially to the building of churches , his name was promi nent In scores of lists of th ? great charitable contilbutors of the country and at the last election before his flight he contributed 700 lo the- campaign fund of his parly. All thla tlmo the L'birotor ccmpany was getting deeper nnd deepr in trouble. From this period onward about 1S7G there waa a regulai succession of new coni- innlcs. It has been well said that the se cret of ISalfourUn finance was : "When In diniculty start a ntw company. " Thus thera followed In succession Hobbs & Co. , the Lon don and General bank , the Building Se em Hies company , George- Newman & Co. , ihe Real Estates company and the Sherlng- liam Development company. In most of those concerns there waa n rgulaily paid dividend of 5 iur cent to Ilm ulurel'OUcrj and 4 per cent to depositors. Thereckless - : i ss of the financing was never surpassed. Dulfour discovered a progressive builder In Cioydon named Hobbs , a man In a com paratively small way of business' , In 1878 , and a member of the House and Lands trust. Such large amounts were advanced to Ilobbs that In 1SS5 , when he was practically nsclvfiit , ho owed the Liberator $3,500,000 and the HullJIni ; Securities company and Hobbs & Co. ( limited ) weio successively started to take up the concern. Finally when Hobbs failed this limited concern was Indebted to the Liberator to the cNtent of ? 10,4D5,000. From 1S85 forward thera ua no choice but to muko fresh nnd ever fresh advances to Hobbi nnd the parent com pany had to forego Its claims and negotiate first , second and tblrd mortgagea In front of Its own. The fjstcm on which this was done wns" simplicity Itself. IJach new company took ovr some of the liabilities of the old one ? , and those were put down aa so many success ful transactions , scvcially ylnldlng a hand- aomo profit and splendid security or , as the phraw went , "a largo and noble property" to th ? Liberator. Apurt from thess transactions the Dalfour group were financing properties of n moro or less speculative character all over the coun try. All of these Involved scores of thou sands of pounds , palJ , uppjicnlly , with a magnificent disregard of mil valus The advances to frlonds were on an equally lib eral scale. The sum o ( $235,00 wau JI lowed to a Mr. Kenyan Denlum , who alleged that he had an Interest In a will salil to have bcn 'lost on tlio Underground railway , but ne\er legally proved , Illohard Kenyon Ilenham and Albeit Bennett Ilenham , for their share In these proceedings. Including the forgery of the nlll , me undeigolng terms of fourteen and flva ycirs' psnal seivlturte respectively. Tlio Dalfour group financed Newman , another - other piogrta > ! va bulldci , who was nltu formed , like Hobbs , Into u limited company. Newman liad bo"n sentenced to flvu years , Hobbs to twelve jcais and Hsniy ( iranvlllo \\'rlpht , a EOllcltoi * intlinatoly mixed up with nil tliepe prot'eedlngB , to twelve ycdra pinal sorvltttde. Though dl.aaetpr followcd thteo concerns from firat to lapt , dividends were al- wayt' found In the new aiiljscrlpllona and dc- poslta , anil dlroctou' remuneration never failed. Under Hie latter liojd Jab / Ujlfour and hi * colleagues divided among thorn from the eovcn leading coinpanlea n total of < S92- , 770. The toU ! amount of ruin brought upon InvoutoM through tlio final cr.Bli may bt > reckoned thus : Llborator bnrjsty , t-lock- holdtrs , Jb',205,325 , and ( lf)08llois | ) , 58,261.100 ; Landa Allotment company , rjpltal aubaorlbid , J3Sl.o0 ; llouso and Lardo trust , biocldiold- rrs. 100,7. ! ; , and -pcstoiH ! , ? 7,900,72.i ; llulld- \\\K \ \ \ Kcctiritka rninpany , capital oiiii crlljed , $1,3I8C7S , aud IlohU R. Co. , $305,810 , These aKgrcgnto $ ? 0,289TTO , a cooi ! > a | sum , Rut there are various oilier llenia v.lilch , If added. would btins It up to nearly or quits 135- 000,000 , When the ln vltHljle crasli came , cauelng untold Hilary lo tliousanJo of depositors , Jaljoz lUlfouraa r ddy for It. Quietly and unosteiilatkuuOy he Katlisrcd In Bonia 00,000 and deimrtcd for Argentina , where lu h nc-'l to pass the remainder of lilr llfo In comfort and the ctilttiio of orchldx. Hut Ktib'I.ind was ( Utermlnod ( o have him , and bliB did after his i-ttieai had Ij'on dls- covrtid though nlien ho toolt up Ills real- denco In Argentina l.'nglaud had no treaty of oxlradltlon i\lth the South Amcilcau reActs - Acts at onre , never falls , Ono Minute Cough Curo. A remedy for asthma and that fevor- loli condition which accompanies a toytro cold. The only 'mrmless remedy that pro duces liumedlate r iulta. ' Ocrniiui SuotnllHli rroti- . - BUnUN , Dc. : 11. Stveral largely attended - tended loclollit meetlngi were In leailon at midnight. Ilerren Llebknoclit , Dcbel and Singer addrotael the meellngi , which adopted Identical resolutlonu proteitlnc agalntt th recent dlieolullon of the Eoclelltt clubs by the Koveriiniciit. _ _ Di-Wltt's Llttl * Katly niscrs the pills thai euro constipation and blllcusucso.