Till. OMAHA DAILY JlEEt SAfTlTHPAY , PJSOJflMHTSR 7 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Business in tlio Wheat Pit Waa Dull Imto in tie Day. BULLS AND BEARS HELD OFF EARLY Corn AViiK In Ooiiil Driunml fur .Innii- nrj' nnil n I'nlrinoiint WIIN Trail < -il lit fur the . Miinlli. CIIirAOO. Dec. C. lluslncss In the whent ' .Ml was dull ( lurlnR Hie greater part of the forenoon , but nctlvo In the nfternoon , with price * movlnR tip In n lively wny. Com- pareJ with yesterday's nnnl qtiotntlons De cember is IV4C hlfilier nnd May Tic hlRh r. 11\e \ uprenil between the two montliH la thus seen to have nnrrowed "ic. The Ar- tnour elevator people , who were tlls9.itl5- fled with IVic carryltitr chnrBca between De cember and Slny , were the l > cs t buyers of December In the pit toiluy , and their ac tion prevented the execution or a" Rood deal of fhlpplne bUKlncKH In Hprlnj ? whcnt. Thcro wns no enticement In the early news for either bullfl or bears ' " tMO whent niorkct. It wns nil about "the complexion of what the traders call n "Btanrt-oIT , " and that Is about what they did with rtKnrd to the market the most of the forenoon ; they stood nwuy from Its near neighbor hood , except for short period * nt well dis tributed Intervals. The opening was strong nnd a little higher tlmn yesterday's clos ing price , but the bulls soon lost that nrt- vrmtnge. and the bears got even when the price dipped to us much under the previous ilny'u llnal quotation ! ! n.M It had gone nltovc them during the opening rattle of the trad ing. The action on May wheat up to the Inst hotrr was : Opened ut from nUJc to Cl'Jc , sold off to cone , rallied to fil'tc. and held firm nnd bid nt that price. December dropped to WKe nnd firmed lo Bi e bid. Wheat had n further advance the last half hour. The buying was the bst In many weeks. Klpvntor people wcro called buyers of December on n large scale. It was claimed Armour wns getting back his own receipts by bidding within 3&c of May for them , This port of business may have pre vented cash sales of December. On the Into abroad market December went to CSHic. May went to Clc , closing at the top. top.Only a fair business was doing In oats , yet a llrmer feeling wa noted. Prices closed tic nnd ! 4c hlilicr , and HIP market was quite active. May opened nt 20' jC , sold nt 20Vlc. nnd closed at the latter price bid , nn advance of He since yesterday. Corn was In good demand for January nnd n fair amount was traded In for that month. May appeared to follow the courro of wheat over about 3-lCc range. The trade ns a whole wns narrow nnd chlelly local. May ranged from ZSTsC bid to W.I.C , nnd closed at Me. January opened nt M'/.c , sold down to M'4c , nnd cloyed nt L'CHc. More activity marked lhi > provision trade. Urokers reported remarkably good buying of pork for May around $9. This wns the low nnd closing price , with n little bulge to $9.0.r > ut one time. Kurd closed 2V4c off nt J5.0J14 ; January , tf.fiT'i. May ribs closed nt JI.33 for January : unchanged for May. Hog receipts wore IS.OOO head. Kstlmnted receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , Iffi cars ; corn , 230 cars ; oats , 150 cars ; hogy , 27.000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows : Articles. I Op-ii. I Low. | Glmx WhPntNo.J Duo Jan May ClMjak C0 4 UIJi Corn , No 2. . Dee 215M ° * 3 2UH M Jan..i. . . - 01 ; aim May. i'll sojtrau July , . aow ! ! J * Oatn.No.2. ; Dee 17 17 May MOW I'ork.prrbbl Dec 7 KO Jan H ilii X ( J7W 8 nsj. K I ! . ' . Way U 1)0 0 ( MM uoo 0 1)2 H Lnnl.KIOlbs Doc 0 17K Jan 0 35 s : < s r 3-JH May 0 07K C 57H , t > D5 Short Ribs- Dec Jan 4 : I3 4 : v 4 : i.-i May 4 ( JO 4 ri 4 571 Cath quotations were as follows : FLOUjt-Oull : Winter palenlH. $3.15B3.50 ; win ter ntinlRlit.1 , $2.50J3.2i ) : sprhiK patents , J3.iiiT 3.GO ; spring ktrulKhls , $2. ( > J02.1i < ) ; bakers , $1.830' 2.30. 2.30.WIIKAT WIIKAT No. 2 f pi Ing , SSJiffJSKc ; No. 2 red , CORN No. 2 , 2G ? ; < 327'.Sn. ' OATH No. 2. 17Vic ; No. 2 white , 18j15ijc ; No. 3 white. HUffllWc , RYK No. 2. 33c. RARLiv-No : 2. nominal. FLAX SEID-NO. i. 9iii92 ( ; c. TIMOTHY SEIU ) I'rlme , J3.CO. 1'HOVIHIONS Mess pork , per hhU $7.8007.90. Lard , per IM Ibs. . t5.0. Short ribs , sides ( loo.se ) , SI.3H4i't.l2V : dry salted sbouldein ( boxed ) , SI. 50 O4.7B ; short rlenr nldex ( boxed ) , f I.MfH.CI'.A. WIIIBKY Distillers' llnlsbed goods , per J1.2Z. Th followlne were the receipts nnd shipments today , On the Priluoi oxoiia'iro today the buttar tnar- krt wn firm : creamery , lO.SL'Sc ; dairy 11U ile. ! KI-CB.llrm ; lUffiL'Oc. WKW VOIIIC CiU.NKIIAL M.VHKKT. CIoMliiKliiolnlloiiv un 4 l'rliifliiil ( loiiiiuoilltli'H mill SlniilcN. NRW YORK. Dec. C. FLOt'R-Reeelpts. 1S.2M libls. j rxpoits , 32,2' ' } . ) bbls. ; market quiet ; hilders wiiltlm ; for rlonu of navigation lo get steadier prices. IC.vpurt buslnetH wns worked today. City mill patents , J4.10U4. ; : ; winter patents , $3.5003.70 ; city mill clears. Jl.00i7l.10 ; win ter utralKlitx , J3.20iJ3.IO ; Minnesota patenlB , J3.40J73.CO ; winter cxliaii , $2.7093.10 ; MUmenotn bakers , $ : .73fi3.10. Southern flour , nominal , llyo Hour , dull ; mipeillne , $2.50tr2.7S : fnncy , ! 2.9n.uv. llukwlie.ii flour , iiulrt ; 11.35 1,45. RUCKWIIKATU-Dull nt 41'X.J/4Jc. RYi : Dull : western , lOOUc. lARLiY Dull ! western , 33SJ4 e. lIRAN-Dull at S.CO. RARI.EY .MALT Dull ; wesiern , WQltc , COUN MiAl , Dull : yellow wcBtcHl , coarse , 71$77i'c : Itiiindywlnb , $ : .4.S. WIIKAT'Receipts. . 17 > > . .W bu. ; exportn , 233,20) bu. Kpot , lliiucr ; No. 1 hard , 6Sic. Opttonu opened t leatly , declined under dull trade , hut be- camn ncltv'i und hliong In the nflemoon on wnr mm r nnd lepmted bl flour bus'iicns In Min neapolis , closing Uif ? < c lower thnii bmt niRht ; May.C7 l3-16yiHKe ; , closed CSlio ; Deccmbi-r , Cj ; ; dUic. closed f.CVic. CORN I'.ecelpln , 90.CO , ) bu. : exports , 17,600 bn. Spot mml.el , lluner ; No. i , 35 ci steamer mUed , S4ic. Optlnna opened uli-ady. cased off slightly , tallied wlih wht'.it nnd C'loned unchanged ; May 3' > ii < ir33Vie. clouHl 35',4c. December , rloacd 3IT c. UATJ Ilrcelpls. 71,400 bu. ; xportM. 4'W ' Lu. Spot , nun ; Ni > . 2 , filif. Options opened ciulet with n later linprnvemrnt In sympathy with corn , mid rliwed ' , ic hlnln'i ; Jduy , clofrd lo'.ic ; Di'crmhiir , rinsed W.i ; LMATHKR-Kteady ; liemlnck Hole. Huenos Ay i us , light to heavy tvelghts , 24c. WOOIQulct ; iloniesllc fleece , ) DO ! } ; ; pulled , . HAY Dull : shipping. $7Oflir7.SO ; good ( u chotOtt. SO S3c. HOI'S Easy ; slnle , common to choice , 1S3I crop. 3 (7c ; 1893 crop , 7 lvc ; 1'ncino cant , H9I cron , > i oi 18 5 crop , l&10u. IIIDP-H .Nominal ; Ciillfurnla , : i to 23 Ibs. . 18I > 18'ic ; ( lulvestoii , 21 to 25 Ibs. , IGc : Itucnos Ayica , dry. 2i ) to 24 IU. , ilc ; T xns , dry , 24 to 30 llui. , HH13c. 1'ROVIHIONS-llref , qulel ; family. $ I1.W ; Iwef hsm . $15.00ffIS.M. Put meats , easy : pickled brllle * . $4.7Iij5.tO ; pickled Jli.iuKkTK , I5.0) J3.2 > ; .plrklrd haniH , $ S.6'ifrs,73. I u.l , iiilel | and stejidy ; WMitera ntc.im eloped $3.60 : Peremb r , $5.60 , noinl- niil ; rellnud , tvady. 1'otk. nrtlve , loivcr ; hort clear. $ li.75 ir.73 : fiimllv. $ lo.pntno.5o. IH'TTKIllueelpti. . 3.1JC pjsi ! . ; western creiun- rry. 16H2IU' ; r.lglns. "Ma. IIOOS - Recelptn. 3 , Ml pkes. ; imiiliet rlendy ; tatB nnd UeJiinyivnnla. 020e ; western , 2lfri'3t > . I'KTROLrfrM-UnllM 'lo ed nt $1.31 bid , ROHINrirnii Ktiutned , eoininun to guoJ. SL73 . 'JUSiRecelpls. . 1.043 Ust ; uteady ; slate Jjriie , 7 10e ; einall. 7'iai ? ie ; putt kinii' . Ji | tt c : full tklms. It ; "i ; . TALLOW-StcAdy ! city , 1 3-lCo ; country. IlIOifiti'tidj'j I'.om llc. fair to extra , JlllMII , 3 > IC , MOLASSES Quiet : Nuw Oilnanx , cpcn Urtlli > SO'ul in cholii * , S'JfilSlic , Hpeller , steady. ro--TOXfiii | ! : : ) OllOulrt nnd maira or lens nominal nt nnehuiged prleci , cjnilni ; dull' prime ciude. MHOiCr : butler grade * , WHJic ; ivrluif kunimer yellow. J9tJ3to ) ; off numravr ys'.lcw , C oft i-1 NK\V YORK. lite. . . , - . , opened sltsidy : Derembrr a > lvdnr.-l 10 , . . . , , , , . ulhcr tiinnlliii S nolntj lilahor lu i jiolnls Inr.vr- niled fahly iietlve nnd K > neially llrm In the ndiTinwn un local n < l fmrl/n li : > ltiz ; i-ln ' - > l Him At Sfll'i ' | . 'iln ! ndviinc , . ; kbl , 2'.WO Ints Includlnci March , JUSStni.- . iv mii.ir. $ rt y I tilLM ; i t n.ffvr. Rln. ilulli Nn. 7. } H ? i ; nil'I dull ; ale . lV ) ixic < i.Vnti.m"rl ! < Mii. p. I. : in ! Mvxliun , p , t , U'unhmu , ' ili > : ivfrjen fium York v l nlH | ' . 4SI lines ; New YuU nfiii l < ! y II3.II04 IMKI ; t'nltid l tiii - H'M'Ji. KJ WJ uuE i ntln.it f'ir the PnltiM Klul , : i7D&i l'ns . ' liitul vUllile filIho I'lllioil K'u'fi. r l" _ b'it I . , - . HAXTD.S , Dve , ( i - - < ) ulul ; iiuol nvncS.nil a $ | 4.M ! n > celplt. U.fiM I..IKS ; lu.l > 4Jwiv | MAMIIl'IIU. Dtc. C.l.'uUU'lv : i.fi : ul > 1:1 : t , tales. )4.0irJ Km * . HAVltli. r > ff ri."Oiiunvit aulrt uur..nu > d ! if nlfiherj at nooa , ' . f dcclln ? ; ut 3 p , 1:1. , u ak , to Uf * d ' nf | r0M | ntil l , unchnngeil to Hf mlvftnrf * : inlet , 77.000 Imrn , RIO IB JANKIRO , I ) ( . -Rtrnrlyi No. 7 llln , 111.83 ; eschnniTK , 93-tS-l. receipts. 5,000 \ > g \ rl-nreit , for the I'nll'-d .stne ! * , J,9H baRt Ilurope , 4.000 hngi ; stork , 239,000 hngi. OMAHA < JKMUAL MAIUCKT. Cntulltlnn nf Trnilr nnil ( linn ' ' rrixliu-o. nn Mlnplt * mill I'nnoj' The fgg tnnrket , n * previously note. ! , has been gradually firming up and It Is afe to quote prices n Ullle higher. Poultry remains about Mcmly. Quotntlons ! KddS-Ptrlctly fre h flock , 15e. llUTTnR I'm king ft. ck , ID.fnlr ! to goal ciun. try. Unite : choice to fancy country. Ilft15c ; KnthereJ cientncry , I'OlSc ; nepatalor creamery , . VISA L Choice fnt , 70 to 100 tin. , nrc quoted nt C'4 7e ; large nnd eomse , 4JCc , CIIKESK DomeMIc brick , ll'.icj IMam , per iloz. , $9.M : ITIuh Mouse. 1-lb. Jsrs. PMdoz. . , $3.6) ! Llmherger. fancy , per Ib. , imc : ttiKurorl , 4-It > . ) * rt , per doz. , $ l.W ; Young Ametlcas , lliiot Twln . fancy , lie. 1'OL'LTRY Dresded-Chlckcn' , 6T7c ; ducks , t © ! > e ; tntkeys , choice , Sflsc ; geese. 7 fSc. HAY Upland. $6.OT ; mldlnnJ , 13.50 ; InwUnJ , $5.noj rj' " nlrmv , flr,0 ; color makes the price on liar : light hales nll the belt. Only top grades bring top prices. IIIIOOM CORN New crop , delivered on track In country , choice green self-working cnrpM , p r Ib. , 2Vjci choice green running to hurl , 2Jc } ; com mon , l'4c. OAMM I'rnlrl * chickens , young , per doz. , JC ; quail , $ l.7Sfl2.r l ; Jack snips , 73e ; Roldeli plover. $1.23 ; Jark rnhbltp , per doz. , II.mQl.Z * ' ! small rnh- blU , f < i75c ; nmllnnl ducks , 13.50 ; redhend. " . $3.60- rnnvflsliaek ducks , tS.Oi ) S.OO : tenl. blue wing , $ I.75IT2.00 : teal , green wing. $1.73 ; mixed ducks , $1.75fl2.m ; Cinad.i geese , M ; small gecne. 54.50 ; brants. $3.60 ; deer saddles. 13S1CC ; deer carcnsn-s , lJ',4913c ; elk fnddles , 1HM3c : elk calcnsses. W lOc : nntelope Kiddle * 12H1IC ; nnlelji carcn ses , 9fMtr ; pqulrtels , per doz. , 6 < ) Sr7' c. 1'IOHONH Live , per doz , . $1.00. There * has been a good deal of complaint ns to the poor quality of the potatoes offered on lh ( * market during the past twit weeks nr nvrc , nnd ut times It wna almost Impasrlblo to get reall ) good slock un this market , A heavy potato H.ilppcr who wns In Iho city yesterday pxplnlneil that n good manv of the potatoes grown nt near-by points were dug before they wete'rlpo and that In crn. equencc they wcro very dell- clent In keeping qualities. Then the farmers dm ? n good many potatoes nnd allowed them ti lay on the ground until Ihey were touched with frost. Knowing that these potatoes would nol keep the growers rushed them onto the market with the tesult that there wnn n Hood of poor potatoes for sale nnd prices broke badly. Stock Bold nt near-by town points ns low ns lOo per bushel. The good polnloes were held back nnd nre now coming forwntd In llmltel quantities nnd the market Is much firmer. In fact the price nl shipping points Is now double what It was nt the low point. There was another shipment of mushrooms on the market yesterday , but they did not move off very fteely. Quotations : MUSHROOMS I'er l'.4-lb. box. COa7Cc. POTATOES Fancy native * lock. 3.c : from gtors In small lots , 40c : Coloiado flock , MffKc. ONIONS Per bu. , 2530c : home grown Spanish , per bbl. . $1.60 : 3 to 5-bbl , lots , $1.3 > . I1KANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , Jl.61ifjl.73. HWIET I'OTATOHS choice stock. $2.21 per blil. blil.CAnnAQR On orders , crated , per 100 Iba. , $1.00 CKLKIIY Fnncy Inree Colorado. 50 < i761c ; choice stock , IniKe No. 1 , 403 4 Jc ; large , No. 2 , :5c ; small , 2iff30c. LIMA I1KANS Per III. . Gc. VVATKIl CRKSS-I'er 16-qt. cose , $1.5001.75. ' FRUITS. Just at the present tlpie the apple question Is occupying n good deal of the utt.'ntlon of the trade , nnd not n few nre attempting to fathom the Hltlmtlon. C. II. Williamson of Qulncy und Frank K. Wagner of Chicago , olllcers of the National Apple Shippers n soclalon ! , have bjcn compiling statistics regarding th quantity of niiplcs In Ftornge nnd have nnlviil nt Ihe fol lowing result , which they believe to fairly rep resent the number of barrels held In storage nt thu points Indicated : Cold Common Common Storage. Storage. & cold. Chlcngo . 125.0X ) 60,00- ) . Pt. Louis . 75,010 . . Minneapolis . 6.800 . . Hoston . 25,000 St. P.iul . 3.HO ) . . Cincinnati . 40.000 11,000 . . . . . Slnunton , Vn . lj.000 Atchlson . 1.00. ) . . Omali.i . 1.00) . . . . . . Philadelphia . 60,000 Daltlmoie . .ri. < W . . Ixiulsville . 14. i)0 ) . . Kntlsas City . 50.00) ) . . . . . . . Cleveland . 12.000 13.003 . PlttsburK . ; . SO.WO Leavenworth . 40,000 . . New York State . 430.000 < Julncy. Ill . 22.000 . . Hannibal , Mo . . . . . . 6.000 . . Iowa points . 4.3CO . . Southwest Missouri . 33,000 . . CALIFORNIA STRAWRKHRIKS-Por Iwx , SOc. APPLRS Fnncy slock , $2,733.00 ; choice stock $2.50 Ji 2.75. ' CALIFORNIA QUINCES None. OKIiCiON 1'EARS Per case. $2.25. CRANnKRRtES-Jersey. $ s.GO ; Cnpc Cod. $9. MALAGA GRAPHS Per CO-lh. bbl. , fC ; per CS to 70 HIM. . gros. . $7. KASTI3RN aiUVPKS No shipping stock. T.ROPICAL FRUITS. OnANOKS Mexicans , per box , $4.30 ! California budded seedlings. J4.25. . , . , , , , , - , . LEMONS California , per box. $ l.2jff4.50 ; Mes- Hlnas. size SCO , $4.5 : size 3 ( . $4.73. IIANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , $2.00 @ 2.25 ; medium sized bunches. $1.73. DRESSHD MEATS. REEF Light western s'teers , 4M to COO Ihs. , 5U S6c ; K0'5d ' cows nnd heifers , 6Vi54c ; medium cows anil heifers , 4i3cf good foreiuurters1 cown nnd heifers. C'/j7c ; good hindquarters cows and heifers , 6't ( 7c ; fair hindquarters cows nnd heifers 6c : cow lound.i , 5c : cow chucks , CV4c , steer chucks , 4c ; beef tenderloins , fresh , ISc , beef rolls , boneless , SVic : sirloin bulls , boneless , 8'ic ; lain barks , boneless , S'-jc ; loin backs , UVic , co'.v ribs. No. 3 , CV4c ; cow loins. No. 3 , 7 c ; ateei ribs. 71-ic ; fleer loins , 9c. MUTTON Dressed mutton. 6c ; racks , SVic , legs. 7c : saddles. 7c ; btewe , 2V4c. PORK 1'ork lolna , Cc ; spare ribs , 5e ; poilt shoulders , 5c ; pork shouUieis , skinned , tVJc , tenderloins , 13c ; pigs' feet , rlenneil , per doz. , 33c. HIDES AND TALLOW. hides , GjJSe ; Ni > . 2 dry flint hides , GCe. ; No. 1 dr > sailed hides. Cc ; part cured hides , ' /jo per Ib. lo > than fully cured. KHEHI' 1'WLTS Clrcen sailed , each 2"ITCOc , ' - s.ilted sheuilliiKs ( short woolcil e.nly clclnfi ) . each ISc : dry nheuilliiRS ( s'.iort ould eirly tklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlltiKs ( shall ww > lcd cully skliin ) , No. 1 , each. 5c. ; dry flint Kans.iH nnd Nebraska butcher wool pells , per Ib. , actual wi'lRht , OilUc ; dry flint Kansas and Ne braska Muiuiln wonl pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4 So : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib. nctual weight , 4&GVic : dry flint Colorado Murmln wonl pelts , per Ib. . nclual wnlR'.il. 48'w : , diy pieces mid bucks , actual welRht. 4Jf3c. feet cut btl , u It Is useless lo puy freight on ' ' " 'TALLOW AND ar.KAHn-Tniiow. NO. i. 3V4c ; tallow Ni > . 2 , 3cj Rirase , white A , 3 > < , c ; Breaae , white II , 3c ; crease. , yellow , ZJie ; ciease , daik , 2c ; old butler , itiSW beeswax , prime , 15Jj22ci MONKS In' car lots welched nn.1 dellveied In CiilciiKo : Dry burfnlo , par ton , $12.00ll.OO ; diy country , bleached , per ton. $ Hi.OOf ( 12.00 ; dry country , rtamfi and meaty , per ton. $ r.MfS.O' ) . WOOI. Unwashed , tine heavy. Ctf7c ; llnu light. SJjl'u : quarter Wool. lOffllc ; j-Mdy. hurry and chaffy We ; celled find broken , cimise , 7SUc ; celled and broken , fine. CfoSc. Klceee washed- Medlum , HjfilSe : line. ligiCc ; tub WASh-'d , Hi ? IScblack'ic : ; bucks , Cn ; las lucks , 2i3c | ; dead pulled , 55Cc. , punA OYSTl'ISS Medium * . l * > c ; hjl cihnc , ! 0e ; extra < HiuuUrl , Ka I'llra ht > lect . : > ! llruruh fc Co. ii'loi'U. Hi- ; New Veil : coutu , ] 0c ; kiandaid bulk , per GUI. . $ MO. M.M'l.r. iiYltt'l'-'I-'IVO-sal. cans , e.ich , $ ; .7J ; I ) * * ! ' iloi , , AlCi if-tal. tuns , XG.UJ ciuuri van' , "i'lDKIlPure juice , per half bbl , , IJ.CO ; per SAI'IIR KRAPT IVr l > bl. . $3.10 : half bh | . , $5. I'ltliS New n-p. Callfurnla. 1'Mb. I.OXM. lift Ib. . lie ; rninni u Cillfoinla lift. CO-lh. Uixe < , lie. linii'iltcl fun'-y , 3-J-lb. boxvi , ICu : choice. 10- ! b. Inn t. I.- . DATliSr.T lon. M-Ih , lioxet , per Ih. , t'.ic : / .ir.U. in- ! ' ' . bax . IUMIh. . . S. ' . MAI'I.K SOOAR C'Mk-f. lier 1U. . fif/IOc. I'ltraKRVKS- ricl. 2ib. | . palls , eucli $1.1) . ( | . -OAN.T V-1'cr 100. $3. NtTtiA'.iaoal * , Cullf. rilU. . per lik. fncJIuiil ! ( < , inc : T rr ) toni ntmnmK per Hi. , lnrR . l'C ( Itrntll * , per Ib. , Se : Knxllih Wnlnnti , IHT Ib. , fancy pott shfli , iHU13c. tanlnr.l . llOllHo fllbn-l * . per Ib. , lee ; pecani , poll heil medium , 10c ; UTR" . Ha ; pennulii , ntw , ( lie ; rnnitcd , 79 7'4c ; ehenlnutu , lie ; hickory num. itniill , per ton. . $1.75 ; hhtck wnlnut . par bbl. , $2 ; cocoanuli , let coconnuts , per 100 , J4.W. Aiiorr THI : mo CHOP op isnr. llrninrknliliYonr In tlir lllwtorr nt AmrrlrniiKrlcnllnrr. . The present year will RO tin record , ays n wrller In Harper1 ! ! Yeek , us one of the most remarkable , from the farmers' point of view , In the hlnlory of American nRrlcullure. It has been a xeaiion of conlradlctlono , nnd nt a curor > Kin nee it would almost o m thnt lll.e cati.tia have fulled to produce like ffecl . One of the drloft jefirs on recoid , It has proved nlno one of the modi fruitful , alllouKh during1 the nrow- Inc n ason Ihero was almost constant apprehen- nlon of crop failure. In spit * of Inle frostsi anil fr'lnf * freezes , of1n > uth nlmont unimrell'le. ! In Intennlty nnd extent nf territory covered , nni ] with nnutual vlnltallon from Insect enemies , the ImrveMs , with the exception of wheat and cotton , BIO morn nhundnnt than for years. The area planted lo corn Inst cprlmc , nmounl- Ine to fl.WO.OOO acres , was the larfrest on tecord. Kor three yenia the crops bad been omall , and prices had suffered less than nnj other Rtaln In the Kcncrnl depression of vnlues. Low prices for whent nnd cotton Induced n curtailment of their niea , nnd this land was largely Riven to corn. In addition to this volun tary Incivnso n connlderahlo ncreaKe of winter killed nheat wns ploUKhcd up In th : M > rlne tinJ put In corn. In no stale of Importance wns the neie.iKe smaller than that of the previous year , nnd Ihe overshadowing Impotlance of the Kreat American rmp may be realized when It Is re membered thnt the area devoted to this one croi nlone this year nnmmta lo almost one-fourth of the loial nreiv of ltnmel | : -.nd In faim.i In 1V.K ) , while. Its Immensity may be measured by the fact that Its ncreaKO equals Ihe combined niea of New KnKlnnil , New York , New Jersey , Dela ware and Mar ) land , nnd Is Brenler than the total area of the United Klnf-ilom or Italy or Norway. The season was not entirely favorable , most dlKtrlcls nufrerlnff nt some period of Rrowth from lack of rainfall , bul ihe averaso rate of yield In the whole country was hlRher than In recent years , nnd the total crop In estimated nt 2.2,2,000,000 bu. , or ICO.000,00 * larger than nn ) previous crop. Tin * heavy yield , In spite of adverse con ditions , In the result ot the unusual cine slven the crop In the spring , frequent cultivation In n measure maklnR up for the deficient rainfall. As n natural lenult of no Inr-re a crop prices Imvo steadily declined Rlnce the result became nssured , und corn Is now Belling as low as 14 cent ? n , 1)Usl'el in Kansas , n tli-uro never hefoio renehed under modern enndltlons. A lat-RO. amuunt of capllal , bath rural nnd urban. Is tak- inn advanlBKo of low pi Ices nnd Is now un- f K , \ m.erlbulnff ' "Is immense crop , nnd In all ! ! T ° ! > .yil"t > .tll0 m < " 'enient during the next five months will bo disappointing both lo the Rraln trnilo and to railway Inleresls expectlns n larKe tunnfiEP In thu near future. The IUI-RB surplus ° f "d removed flora Im- Bucceedlnw crops. The wheat crop wns underestimated during the wheat w from ° drouth S1'onThB ; dn""w " > was severe , but Iho and then , . . , n .n. " 'ma ' Cr0 | ) | S e " " < l "t 4CO.OM.- 000 l h 1 ? ? i' ' ! for n" ' 'omestlc ' rcqulro- nen nn ' wltl tl10 M , ! ncc'"nulated rcsorven from Sim nd cnouKh to supply , ,11 probable export fevernl > ' .ca.rs farmers have been advised to nSi.iPollo < ' - ' Kpr"18r th ? > ' " " 'en'-J ' . , thl. 10 thl ndvlcc from the secretary of nBilculture and from other less prominent but equally con vincing sources and planted nn acrcaRc muSi larcer than luual. The season wns fuvornbl- most sect ons nnd the late of yield , while not the InrRest on record , was heavy enough with the Kreat acreiiKO to RVO | n product beyond nil possi ble d.-mamls for domestic consumption. This cv- cesslve production , furnlEhlnir n surplus for which there la no adequate outlet , has crushed prices below cost of production In many sections. In the noithwrst this Is eJiieclnlly true , the lullns prices not pnylnc cost of dlKBlnp nnd handllnj ? : so that many grower * have abandoned the results of their yeai's work. rS&SSS11 ! ls r1"1"111'1 nt 2SJ,00),000 bu."or nenrlj CD.OOfl.OOO bu. In excess of the heaviest crop ever before grown , and Ihe experience of the pre. nt year should be sulllclent to prevent hereafter the sudden enlargement of any crop until n market for the fcurplus has been assured. The fruit crop of the year was phenomenal , es pecially In view of the frosts In May. nfter apples and small fruits were in bloom. The npplo' crep Is one of the largest ever grown , n heavy den- clency In New KnKtnnd and a small crop In New lork being madu up by the heaviest crop oil record west of the Alleshany mountains. The extension of fruit culture In recent years has been rapid , nnd as new orchards are constantly comlnc Into hearing a liberal supply of fruit tor thi American table , at moderate prices , Is now ns- fluicd In almost any eas n. The yield of all kinds of vegetables . .was in keeping with the character of the season In * olhei lines of production , assuring abundance and vari ety. ns well as lov priced food for nil clauses. The following slntcment shows the. acreage and production of the principal and nome minor crops of 1895 , ns estimated by the wrl'er , based upon systematic local leturns received during and nftet the growing season : Articles , Product. Acres. Corn , bu . 2,572,378,000 81,48 ,000 Wheat , hu . 459.r S3,009 36 , SOS 0 * Oats , bu . OOI.093.0W 30,130,001) Hy ' . hu . 33.707,00) 2,4I4IW. . ) Ilarley , bu . 94.331,04 ! ) 3,791,000 Potatoes , bu . 2 < 2 14S.OOO 3204000 Flax seed , bu . l'i.637,00i ) 678,000 Tobacco. Ibs . 442.553.OiW M9.07 ! Ilrootn corn , Ibs . 114.142,300 200.10' ) Apples , bbls . 60,230,000 . Liverpool MnrltctM. " LIVERPOOL. Dec. C WHEAT Spot , firm : demand falling off ; No. 2 red -winter. 5a 3J : No. 2 red fprintr. i.tooks exhausted ! No.l hard Mani toba , 5s 2d ; .No. 1 California. G * 4d. ! Futures opened quiet with near and distant positions Virt higher , closed quiet , with May ! Jd lower anci other months unchanged from yesterday's closing prices ; business about equally distributed- cember. 5s 2id : January. 5s SVid : February , 5s 43 ; March. 5s 4 > id ; April. Cs 5'id ; May. 5s 5VJd , CORN Sj > ct , firm ; American mixed , new. 2s 4d. Futures opened firm nt unchangeable prices closed with February 'M lower and other months unchanged from yesterday's closing niuies ; busi ness about equally distributed ; December. 3s 3 d ; January. 3s 2Hd ; rebrunry. 3s 2'id ; March 3s 2 d : Aiirll. ! s 3 id ; May , 3s 3d FI.OUIl Steady ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fancy winter. 7s. PROVISIONS Ilacon. quiet ; demand moderate ; Cumbeilund cut. 28 to 30 | b . , 29s M ; nhort ribs 23 Ibs. , 30s ; long clear. light , S8 to 43 Ibs. , 27s 6.1 ; long clear , heavy , 53 Ibs. , ZRi Cd ; short clear hacks , light. 18 Ibs. , 27 ; liort clear middles heavy. 65 Ibs. , 2Cs Cd ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. . 52a ; shDUlders. square. 12 to 18 Ibs. , 31.1 Cd ! hams short -cut. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 41a. Tallow. line North' American , nominal. Ueef , extra India mecs. 72s Cd ; prime mess , 7g ,6d. Pork , prime mess , line western. 60s ; prime medium , 43s. Laid , steady ; prime western , 27s Cd ; rellned , In palli , 29s. CHIJESK yulct but steady ; demand moderate ; flm'st American white , 44s ; finest American col- 01 ed. 45s. 1MJTTBU Finest United Klntes , 93s ; cood. 603. Timi'KNTINK-SplillH. 20s 3d. UOSIN Common. 4s 714d COTTON SKii > OIL Liverpool refined , 17s 3d. LINHKHI ) OIL-20S Cd. I'HTnOLKUM IleHned , SVid. UKKKIUKIIATOK IIHIiF-Forequartcrs , S id ; hlndqUnrteiK. 5d. IILEACIIINQ I'OWDRH Hnrdivood , f. o. b. I.lveipool. (7 , HOI'S At London ( I'aclllo coast ) , f2 10s. Tlio receipts of wheat for the past lluee days were 330.000 ctntuls. Including 70'KiO centals Amer ican , Receipts of American corn durif.g the paul threq daya were 127,000 centals , HI , LonlN Cicncriil BT. LOUJS. Dec , C.-I-'LOUH-Miirket Ktrong nnd hlgiiur ; many eellerii nsklng hlglier prices than quotations below , The domestic trade Is broadening , orders Increasing from Iho aoulh- cast to Ihe southwest. Knport trade steady patents. | 3.2i > ® 3.53 ; extra fancy , t3.05JJ3.15 ; fancy. JS.80H2.90 : choice , I2.M&2.00. W1IUAT Opepea lirm , but became depressed en reports of heavy gold exports , n sharp demand developing latfri advancing the market , which closed ! 4c higher for December , ? 4o lilghiT for May thin yesterday ; No. 2 red. cauli , 66c ; De cember. 5140 ; May. C3c , COKN Higher In sympathy with wheat , but with light trading ; No. 2 mixed , cash and Do- cembcr. Me ; January , 2l9ici May , 20Uc. OATH Film und quiet for future * ; spot steady No. 2. cavil , I7"Xic ; December , 17ic ; May , 2Jic. ! UYK-qult-t nt 33HC. COHN MEAI - 1.33fll,40 , IIItAN Dull and easier ; cant trade not salable aliove 47c , FLAX SKKn-Hlchor nt SSc. TIMOTIIV SI'iD-S3.00ffJ.50. : HAY Strong for choice tlniolhr. which Is soiree ; pralile. weak , 17,0089.30 ; timothy , lll.w iflS.fW. this sl'le ' , IIUTTBR Scarce and llrm ; cpuratcr creamery J2U2JC ! fancy Elgin. 26c ; dairy , lOfelSc. ' COOS Steady lit 20Hc. I'PULTHY Steady ; inrkeyi , 7c [ chickens , GO CHc : iluckn. Sc ; Kvefce , 5''jc , WIIIHICY il.Ki. LEAD Stiong and In demand at I3.102'3.15 . HI'KLTKU Dull nt $3.2) . PROVISIONS 1'ork. slandard. mcs . jabbing. H.lSli. Lard , prime steam , 15.15 ; choice , J3.2J. lUcon , boxed shoulders. J5.25 ; longs , J5 : ribs , $3.1ll ; Bhoits. I5.2J. Dry eult meats , boxed shoulders , Jl.ei'li ; longi , 14.60 ; rlbt , 11.67'i ; ahorts , iliCKH'T Klimr. 3O bbls. ; wheat , 18.00) bu. ; corn , 2S.OUO bu , ; tutu , 14,000 bu. HHII'MIJNTH Flour. 11,000 bbls. ; wheat. 24.000 bu. ; corn , 37,000 bu. ; on In , 9,000 bu. Wool JlnrUt't. HOSTON , Dec. . The Commercial Ilulletln will say lomoirow ; The wool market here la ex- ctcdlnxly dull , though a little ilimer than last wttU ; fjli'i ate small and the Inquiry IlKht. From Mtlhuuin * and lluno < Ajren. however , coma Table * of n .ulliilit advance and a good business. Manufucturvm are Juit uponlns nuw cuolmere * and cherlotx. Th advancti ule of heavy wrlnhU las been fair , Tliu heavy fall purchateii of wool have nnt Hi hern coiuumed , but the iiudo ei- peet a i etui u of buyers , if not an advance. In January , und cbii > cqueutly i < not hudtni. prlcen , Thi < xult-i nf the vceK are I.SM.OMn. \ \ . domentlc and 5SI,5'M Ib . foreign , ugalnsl J.Jli.frW llu. dt > neftlc und C11.0XI Ibs. foreign lait w ek nnl 1,704 , . , 'JO Its. domeillc und C30.uo' ) lb > . foreign for the am * week ln. t year. The tale * to d t show an niTcuie uf IS.CT.ISD Ibs. dumeitlc and 4T.WI,1X ( ) \n \ , fiirvlgn from the ule lo the tarns date la SOI. Thrertlpti to data ihow a decrean of 4.973 ialei dojucitlc und an Incrvate pf IJO.WJ tvt ejgn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MANCHESTER. Dec. C.-Clothi and yarns quiet , with c limited luaulry. HIlQIViVCC iCVrill Cl n/TlCH / IJUMiUbb 15'IILL bLUiililbli Accumulated Stocks , Stand in the "Way of NEW YEAR MAY pNG AN IMPROVEMENT \Vliont Ailvnitrqa , , ; \ Out In Spltf ' I.iu-KO Iiilrrlqr Iti-i-i-lptx I IITV 1'rlcc lK t 'fM. , li ' MovomiMit r : > qyrn. NEW YOIIK , Dec. C.-n. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade , which Issues to morrow , will say ! luslne s I : still flugglsh , ns If gorged by excessive indulgence of ap petite for buying when prices were advanc ing. In nenrly every branch stocks not yet distributed toconsumers stand In the way of new orders , nnd competition bf a producing force largely exceeding the pres ent demand puts down prices , that decline , jetardlng purchases yet more. After the holidays many look for a larger demand. Kor the present the pprlngs of new business are running low , but enough Is doing on old orders to keep most of the works cm- ployed In part , and a good proportion fully. Financial Influences have not hindered ami rnrely linn the opening of n se slon ot con- Klejs affected hu.ilnes * f" > little. Whent has ndvnncrd nhout 1 cent for the week , though western receipts have teen 7.0.4.S11 busticta , against 3.72T.7SS bushels last year , nnd Atlantic cxKirl | ( Hour Included ) ncaln exceed Inst ) ear'n , 2,3rn.G lnuhiU. airalnst 1.SST.737 InnOiels la > t year. Thu best western cstlmiUps nf tlio cioj have heen inlBOj aRiiln. Coin tnavu * from farms less freely than n year nun. the low pilces hln- ilcrlmr , hut exports were 1 , MS , 74 1 bushels , against 178.513 hushels lust yenr. Cotton gained n quarter for the week nna the January option S7 points. The quantity which lina come Into sluhl , S.1 per cent less than last yenr to date , does not yet Indicate n ylrtit 30 or 37 per cent smaller , nil many prallct , though the recent menement Is very slow. Northern splnnets have taken nlnnit n thlnl Usa than Inst year. Wool has heen sllRhtly strengthened by the London sales , but the overuse of quotations bj Coatc.1 Ilros. Is only n tenth of 1 per cent hlKher. Sales continue larse , ' 6,443.100" pounds for the week , of which m per cent' ' was forclsn. Manu- fnctureis have much machinery Ule "t present and orders thus far arc not encournslns. Uirais gx > ds arc ! In leas demand nnd Atlantic nil wool J ca5hmere were reduced li ) per cent. Iron nnd Its products nro lower , nnthrnclte No. 1 nt $1J , plates at 1.Snml bar 1.3 cenls unit Itcsscmer pig > 12 nt Valley mills , with billets J1C.50 Th avcraRO of all quotations Is SVi jwi cent hclow the hlnhest point In Beptcmhcr , hut nctual sales nre frequently made b.-low quotations Then.1 Is more pressure to sell southern pig here , and some larco transactions have- been mad : b > concessions , while the small demand has broken Ihe barbed wire combination nnl the two nal nnd two bar associations nre now In session lo consider their polio' , Halls havi > not chniiRCd while Bessemer pig hab declined (3 nnd billets $0 r r ton , nnd n purchase of 10,000 tons for Bon Finnclseo from Kngland Is noticed , with n con siderable Importation of whe nails nt Hoston. Conner la weaker nt II cents for lalic , will narrow demand , nnd tin Is n quarter weaker , will the visible mipply here nnd abroad 29.2.11 tons nsalnst : i'.4I3 tons a yiMr IIKO. Anthracite ecu Is wenltor nnd sold nt 3.SO here , against Jl.l. > no cording to circular. failures In the UnttM Slates for the week hayi been 321 , ngalnst 365 Inst year , and Ilfty-two li Canada , iiBiiliiBt forty 'last year. WEEKLY CIEAIUX i HOUSE TOTALS llnyliivHN TniiiMiu-ttMl li > the AsMju-JiiU-il HiiiiKN. NEW "VOIIIC , JJec C.j-Tho following table , com piled by llrndstrcet's , .flliW8 the total clearances at the principal cities ? and the percentage of In crease or decrease , us compared with the corre- apondlns week lost > DOMINION OF CANADA , GIJ.MJHAL Tn.\I 5 COXSEUVATIVI3. Only MvrciitliniH Ili-liiu' u l''y v Tv > vni > ill Hid .Soillli mill AVfHl. NEW YORK , Dec , 6 , llradalreel' * tomorrow ivlll my : fjencrnl tiade continues tin feature of recedlnfr weeks unypller In volume.quiet picval t In most linen , hunlnty ijl lnir conducted conserva tively , nullvlty belntr flirted only nitKrio' dealer * In wooleni , clotlilnr.cThoca and hardware , nnd new orders nre genet-lily of n lllilnB-ln-characler , The Kea on lm vvlitfituf been a late one , pro- lon ed mild wealher.huvInK delayed orders until Iho Chrlftmas d3in.jui'l | / ' the heat ! < 1 nutumn rtiiuost rninu tOKetherwo Notwithstanding nlmoit unlfoim reports of W'1' ' and nnclianKUl cundl- lions , It should be Aiijn ) that Jacksonville , An- cuita ami RlnnlnKhum..itt Ihe eon 111. Mlhvauke ? , Ivansus City and Kf.jrJiuls ut the we t prove ex- cptlons to Ihe ruU bSuJportlnK ualmi In demmd for wholesale staple % < iid compared with the irecedlnK week. Kxfmt'ol wheat { flour lnclude.1) from both coasts nf'1thc''Vnltril ' Htnten this week [ none fiom M' n'rean 'Almmnt ' to 3,1MOW bushels i compared with * iHw.mX ) bushels lust week , 1,011,000 busliels In Uw'coTrespondlnR ' week a year itfo , 2C3Si ) bUHhels liL lie same week two years IKO and 4,404,00) burltMi three years at'o , Total business fnlfifls In the United Slates , ns -cporlcd lo llradititelilhls we k , number 3:5 : , iKulnsl 233 last week , 72i in the first week of December bit year , 3S3 In 1S93 and 2G3 In 1S92. iTHKKT IlISCOll'.N'TKIl TUB 3II2S.S.IGI : . of OOHKPVMM Hull LI tillKIlViM nil Hprunliitlvi * MtirkrlH. NEAV YORK , Dec. 6. Rradslrect's financial evlew tomorrow will say : Congress met nnd he. president's menage Is published. The latter locument agreed with previous anticipations , but is nu IcuMitlve action Is probable till after the .it of January. th disposition In Kneculallve circles Is la wait , ChlruKo Has. after belnir de- iresseil on adverse leKl'Iutlon , enjoyed u quick nlly , due tu a decision In favor of the eoniollda- lon , while Ameilcan Tobacco und I'nlleil Htales , alher were Ihe ubject * of mire or lesi manlim- alive attention. TIB rulUpad share list on III * vliole was n Klected , nd a certain client Ir- I'Kular In Us vuurso. Th t'lurn of the ChlcJK" i Northwt'strrn to n half yearly dividend ruta of ! j pr cent , or 1 per.c.'nt higher than Ilia dlvl > lend declared on Ihe slock six months ngu , itemed to have lltlle effect. Some atlentl n was ulil tu the very favoiable rarnlnKs of Ihe St. 'aul road , while thote of the Rock lulanj ror. uirntlon weie tuilkteaily poor to huve u bcurlsli nfluenee Very little Indeed was done In other portkm if Hit slock list , leading interwts iteming In- tJ wait till thwe U Jin dellnlto know I- In rec ril In the ntlllude of consresR toward Ihe euirrncy pomplle tlin . Kuroi * wn < nlfn very limctlve , Ihouirh It would erm Ihiit the Iden of Ihs failure of ponRte s to net on the currencl find the po * lhllllr ) nf n revived notion on Inrlff In Ihli country has had an unfavotnblo effect on the Mnndlnir of American securities nbrnnil. Thi- exchnnse market was very dull nil week Rnfl fcnrcely rounte < l ns n factor In speculation though the shipment of IJ.liw.OK ) sold to Kump" had n slightly unfavorable Influence At the. close of the wefk , STOCKS AM ) IIMS. ( liiilitotrliil ScrnrlllcM CoiiNllliilcil ilir Hulk nf the .tlnrUot. NUW YORK , Dec. 6. Three Indujtrlnl slock practically constituted trnlay's stock market , Chi rni rt ( Ins , SiiRnr nnd Tobneco. The 1a t namei Ilirured Hr < t In point of nctlvlly. The. prlnclpn element In the spcciilallim wns Ihe roverlnK o short ? . Interest nt the npenlnR renlcreil entlrctj upon Chlcnfri ) Oas , helm ? sllmulaled by the un expected ! ) * sudden nnd favorable decision of JudRe Shownltjfr. which was Interpreted by the traders ns practically removlns nil leftnl ubitnclcs to the plun of consideration of the various properties There wns excrptl'nal nctlvlly In the stock t the outset , the shurts mshltiR aqerly lo rover The ( list trnnsnctlon reiwiited over the "ticker1 was 6,000 shares nl from 67H to M'J. Addlllona purchases of 3,500 shares sent the price tip ti 69 % , n net advance of S per cent nver yesterday's rlnslni * . At Uio lop training rales causeil n drop of 2 per cent , The reaction was eventually fol lowed hy n recovery to69'j nt the clo e. The buoyancy of Chicago tins hod n strenRthen Injt Imluence on the Bcncrnl list , despite the re ported cnRaircinents of Kold for shipment tomor row BRKieKatliiR $ Z.600 , Oi ) , Of this , amount al but $2'l ) comes from the trcnsury reserve Liberal Kalns were madeIn the oilier Industrial * Soon nftcr the Initial dealings recession * occurred also due to the taking ot profits , llcfote nildda ) the bulls nRaln assumed conlfnl of the market and ucc nltiiRly RitKar was marked up 2'4 per cent in 1U7 n und Tdbncco 24 ! l > er rent to 'a1 * Muli-rlal ualns were also scored hy Delaware X Hudson , Irfalher preferred , Consolidated O.irt Western Union , Illinois Central. llurllnKtnn iim Rock Island , llaltlmore * Ohio Rained 1 < 1 per cent , but Btihrcquently displayed wenkneFs nnd closed at n loss of 1 pr cenl. The licavlnnii In this stock has recently attracted matked alien lion , hut has not been Kallsfactoilly explained It Is attributed to Oncllnlnir rates for buslncpH nnd hlRh rale of Inteiest bonds. The develop ment of Ihe property , since the lecovery In Ren- ural business , has been dlFiippolntlni' to Inveslors nnd Koine llquldnllon has been Induced on that nccount. The close was active and sltonR nt the best prices nnd nt Reneral net Rains on the day. In the early dealings the bond maikel exhibited n dnxplnr tendency. In the late session , however there was n Renernl ntlffenlnK In prices , whlcl Imimrled n llrm tone to the closing. The sales were $943,00i ) . The Kvenlnir 1'ost'H London cnbleRram Rnyn The stock markets were stagnant nnd dull ttHl.iv. I'ubllc dealliiRS nppear to have stopped for the present year , n condition favored by the palltlca slluatlon , Americans opened dull on New York quolatlons , but doped n shade heller. The rumor that n Chinese loan for 16.00'.000 ' ) Klerllm ; maj come out In Ilerlln and London' early next year Ui quite premature. The followliiR were the closlnB quolnllons on Ihe leading slocks of I lie New York exchange loday : offered , lox-dlv. The total sales of mocks today were 2J0.146 shares. Including : American Sugar. 54.200 ; Ameri can Tobacco , 10.600 ; Atchlson , 3.400 ; llurllnglon , 11,000 ; Chicago Gas , 73.100 ; Reading. O.lOOr Rock ilsland , 3.9DO ; St. I'nul , 7,800 ; United States Leather preferred , 10,200. Now York Money NEW YORK. Dec. C. MONEY ON CALL Easy nt 1VAS2 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed nt 2 per cent. PRIMU MERCANTILE PAl'ER-43& pel cent. STERLINO EXCHANGE Firm , with nctual business In bankers' bills nt )4.89f4.89Vi for de mand nnd H.87S4.6S for CO dayx : posted rates , J1.SS',4H.1W ; 'commercial ' bills , { 4.87. .SILVER CISRTIFICATKS-C7'JiaC7'ic. RAR SILVER C7c. GOVERNMENT UONDS Weak nnd lower for the new 4sj others steady. State bonds , Inactive. Railroad bonds , firmer. Cloning quotations on bonds were ns follows : * offered. Him I'rnnclxuo Mlninu : Cliiolntloim. SANFllANCISCO.Doe. 0. Thn olflclal cloBlnsr qiiotallonu for mlnlnif Htuclcj tolly were as fol lows : Silver bare , U7c , Moxic n doll in , Urultb , l lit , 'jViu : teluijr.ipjlu , ii ' Ilonluii Stiit-U ( liiotutlnna. BOSTON. Dec. O. C til loiin , 'J .t.l pjr coat : lima loiuil. ilMttShi liar cuul. Cloatnr prlon for mocks , bonds nnd inlnlu ? t' 4"o for the account. Kxclianiee on London , Kt 2Hio for checks. The markets today nere steady lo firm pn Ihe sadtfuclory conclusion of thu set tlement , but thrre was no tiu lne , I.ONPON , Dec. 6 Oold U quoted at Rutnsii A > lt-l loduy ut M1.J3 : Madrid. 17.C ! ; Lisbon. 2C > t ; HI. 1'elersburR , V > : Athens , 17 ; Rome , 1M.70 ; VI- i/inu , u. The amount of bullion withdrawn fiom Ihn Mask uf Unuland ou balance today U OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlo Trndo in Poor Condition , With Very Light Receipts. FED STEERS SCARCE AND OTHERS LOWE lion * Drop AtiolliorlcUil nt HK < Iii- MIIIICC of lluyorx After n Srimoii of Very Dull lliiil- Kill DAY. Dec. C. Receipts nnd shipments for the pnsi twenty-four hours , ns compared with the previous six dayn. arc ns follows : Cattle. HOR ! . Sheep. Horse * . December C 1.W3 .GlS December C 2.027 7,423 103 December 4 2,882 10,474 1.1WO December 3 1,291 ,5BO December 2 1,861 2.S15 November 30 1,103 101 November 9. , , . . . 2,2.19 K.OI1 SHIPMENTS. Cnttle. Hogs , Sheep. Horses. December SOI 1.939 December 3 677 . . . . 23. ! 2 December 2 725 November 30 KW 1.873 . . . . 2 November 29 1.766 November 27 1.091 CATTLE With only sixty loads of cattle In the yards there was no opportunity Tor nny great nmotmt ot ncllvlty , unil business ns n whole wna rntber slim. Knt steers sultnble for the dressed beef trade were very scnrce nnil there were renlly not enough offered for Kale to mnUe n good fair test of Ihe mnrkct. Such cnttle 119 were here solil nt pretty nenrly steady prices , though the tendency was rnthcr on the side of n weak market. Some big , heavy natives brought J3.80. There were twenty to twenty-five loads of cows on sale , but the market from n seller's stnndpolnt wns "mpun. " The buyers complained thnt cow stuff hns besn selling too lilgh here ns compared with other mar kets nnd some of them asserted thnt they would buy their cows lower or they would leave them nlone. With the buyers feeling that wny the market could hardly bu other- wife than slow nnd weak. The trade ilriiRRCil all the morning nnd It wns Into before a clearance wns effected. The gen eral market on cows nnd heifers could safely be quoted lOc lower. Stockora nnd feeders were In light supply nnd the offerings consisted principally of odds nnd ends , u load or two In a place. The market though weak did not show any material change In prices. The demand though not large was nliout equal to the meager offering * . Kcprescntnttva sales : 11KKF STKKRS. Pr. 3 r.r. 3 GTi 2 33 2 33 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 41) 2 40 2 43 2 50 2 60 2 65 2 M 265 2 CO 2 m 2 CO 2 ( X ) 2 r/i 2 IT. 2 63 2 70 2 73 2 90 2 9) 2 9' ' ) 2 90 3 00 3 10 2 SS 2 33 2 63 2 90 3 00 4 00 4 25 4 23 5 25 5 25 3 00 3 fl > 3 10 3 1 < ) 3 10 3 10 310 3 15 3 21) 3 20 3 25 3 50 Pr. 2 bulls 1160 J2 1 heifer 730 $3 SO 3 bulls 1100 2 00 2 cows 1013 2 43 1 cow 1330 2 10 SI rows 930 2 15 9 cows 1001 2JO 2 fcedcis , . . . 533 3 25 1 heifer 580 2 20 I' . J. Qualey. 1 str , II.1180 2 00 27 steers 1034 2 75 C stecis 032 25-1 SS feeders , . . . 1023 315 William Welch. 1 cow. 740 1 so 3 bulls 14TC 215 3 cows 931 2 fli ) 4 heifers 41 ; 2 4) 9 cows 822 2 10 NEW MEXICO. S COWF S23 2 n 27 cows 933 2 15 23 cows 1103 2 15 NMRRASKA. L. J. Stelhl. 4 cows 10SI ) 200 17 cows ( IM 211 2 helfeiB 130 220 1 if tr I'M 27 ; COLORADO. C3 slec.ni 1109 3 03 I'M. . Knapp. 1 cow S80 IS : . DI cows 1014 2 5J 1 yearling , . . MO 200 19 feed < -m. . . . CS4 2 W 11 yeuilltiKS. . SOI 2 2.- 1 calf 12) 375 A. J. Kalnt. 1 cow 1320 2 CO 1 fecdnr 1120 3 SO 1 stiiK 1130 273 21 feeders..1101 350 1 slui ; U30 11. Stalk & Co. 7 ciiwn 10SO 1 .10 7 C3WS S ! > S 2 CO 1 bull 1410 1 SO 1 cow li,0 2 f. ' ) 7 bulls 11K7 1 SO 7 feeders. . . . U7. > 2 75 1 bull 1220 I M 1 ulcer 1070 2 1 COW IM 3 10 1 feeder. . 2' ' ) 0 rows 7CO 2 10 ' feeders. . .1030 3 2) 8 cows 7S3 2 30 1 feeder. , . . Ill' ) 3 20 C cowa , . fik 230 .1112 3 2J 3 cow ! I70 240 33 feeders. . 3 21 Z cows U&2 2 40 C. J. S. ] loovcr , 1 bull 1030 1 90 3 coivu , 910 2M 1 bull 1140 1 'J'i ' 1 steer 1170 2 7l ) 2 bulls 710 2 10 1 Hleer OIH 270 2 cows 710 2 10 C feeders. , 963 275 1 cow 9CO tl feeders. . 1072 3 10 UTAH. J. Franekc. 2 bulls 1390 2 10 Jl cowr 500 2 .15 1 cow v 950 2 10 23 cows Iu32 2 53 C cows 953 2 10 10WYOMING WYOMING , Georgu Kinllli , 15 feedera , , . , DGO 3 00 IlOdS A good fair number of hogs were In the yards today , the total receipts numbeilng luo . urn , The inuiket opened with Ihn buyers utterIng - Ing (3.35 for almost everything In the yiids , while Dalesmen were asking I3.4U. Tiio UlffomUK > etwren the buying und selling Inloieals inado ihn maiket very slow for u lime nnd It wan ruthn utu In the morning before much actual IniElnu.i * was accomplished , In the end salesmen cut lee < e mil Mild ( heir hogt < lit lh bids. The most of tin- IUKB sold within Ihe ranee nf $3.30 lo 13.40. with he great bulk lit 13.35 , nr 5c lower tlmn yoslridiy , t was. In fact , u JJ.S. in.nla-t today , us iiEalnit i $3.40 market yesteiday. Toward 111 * clu o Ilio uailtd did not Improve Mini the. rloao was slow and weak , Keprexenlutlvc 73 J 4. ) J SJ S1 ! . . . t J7' ( sj 3D io ) 3 r- . , . . . . . . . ) i srij . . . , . . , , ! . . . J 15 77 90S 4. . ) 3 Si1) ) 7D 8.M SO 333 M 337 IN 3 34 6i ) 2M SO 3 .V , V ) J7I . . . S 374 ; 2.W . . . 3 JJ 41 177 . .i 3 37'i ' 7 ! 24 ! S3 * . 75 S4 : . . . 34) .M. SSO 400 2 Jf. ' G * til SO 31) t74 . . . SSS I'ldtf-ODDd AND iND3. 1 10) . . . 1 K 3 SIS . . . J3 1 33i ) . . . 8 W . . . . . . . . * . . . 3 Si 3 IT ) . . . 2 ( M .1 21 . . . 83' ) S 70 . . . 2M 2 32. ) . . . 33) IS 7 . . . * 7.1 2 210 . . . 3' ' ) 1 2. * ' ) . . . 3W 2 370 , . , S 30 21 3V . . . 3 K 3 32i ) . . . 3 ) S 152 S' ' ) 321 2 SM ! . . . 3.1.1 1 K.7 . . . 3 S' ' ) 11 334 . . . J S3 SB 1W W 3M IM 1J3 40 S SJ 12 IT' . . . SSI 7 117 50 SKi KIIHKI' There were no frc-Oi nrrlvs.1 * . Th few hoHovets on the market fold nt nKiut steady prices Itcnresentntlxe Mies : NM. Wt. IT. 115 nallve mixed M $2 70 rmc.uio I.IVH .STOCK. DrooiiMl Ilci-f 'I'm illDniiuimil lijr I'tnillry lltiNlni'N. CllICArSO. Dec. 6. The decline In c llle hn < i tK'cn nliout 2.-c , nnd while sales of nntlve beef steers were st n raiiRe of from $2.90 to Jt.S.I fur common to strictly rhilcr , nnst of Ihe sales wem bctwfvti $3.ui ) nnd $ l. ' < 0vllh Iho Rrrnt hulk of the late transactions nt from $3.2. to $1.23. A few Christmas rattle nlxiul ISO hend were sold nt from t l in $3.2. ' > , their weights rnnRlnR fmm 1.140 In 1,753 Ibs. WelKht continues to cut very Illlle Hciife. quality IM-IHR the prlneilvil IhliiK di < - sheil. nnd n Krciit many heavy lw eves that wert sitiil hen * with Ihe expectation ( lint Ihey umitd well nt fancy prices for the holiday trnde wen' snld nt froni $4.2i ) to $ .T.30 , n-nlly K < ii l. f t entile s < -llliir * nrouiul $1. Tl > re-iulri'inenls nt tlu > divHscil hci-f tnide nt thli season of the yenr arc nexi-r very Iniw. ns iH > ultiy li Inrict-lr mibstl- tnliil for herf nnd mulliii from Th.inUsslvliiK until nfter Christmas , and ll Is n plly thnt so ninny ralllp have been hl | > ped lu-re thU wi-ok. Stuck cnllh * have sold slawly. but irwiil fenllnK cnltlo , which ran lie converted Into mnney In n much shorter time , WITIIn BIM < | demand nl un > ehniiKed prices. Rutcheis nnd mnm-rs sluffIIH fall ! ) ' active nt a reduction of from lOo lo K.o , rows nnd bulls Ki-llliiK prlnclinilly nl from $1.7. . to $2.Ki. nnil calves nt from $3 tu $ . * > .7.i. Texnun wrre iictlvo nt n small decline , nnd Iwn drtivrw of cntllo from old Mexico lh.it iixvriiKeil S02 lo SrtS Ibs. limtmht $2.70. Tln-ri wne 1.13J bend In nil. Tum ) diMimnd for sheep , although chlelly local , was bettor than was nntlrlpnloil , Infoilnr looxtni sheep soiling nt fmm $ l.f > i ) to $3.Mnnd Inmbt nt from $2.40 In $4.40. Laml s sold chlolly nt fiom $3.W to SI.23 nnd rtheep nt fmm $2.40 to $3. The shipping demand was unusually llnht , but i-x- | iorter took fair numbeis of heavy slu-op nt from $3.2 , " . to $3.to , fnncy westerns scllhiK nn hlKh ns the best nntlves. Theio was 11 fnlr local demand for hogs , but prlcos were Be timer , \vllh nob's ill fmm $3.33 ti > $3.Ci ) . chiefly nt fmm J3.M to J.1.S : . The smiply wns mostly nnld. A Hcnlper puld $3.03 for n load of fnncy nliiKeUiu llsht IIOKS. The HiirroumlliiRii of the hoi ; market have not chanced much thin \voel < . Supplies liavo ln-cn tuuntlful nn < ( the offering were Well laken hy ChlniRn packoiH , prices iluctunthiR wllhln narrow llmllii , Haslern shippers purchased sparliiRly. KIIIIMIIH KANSAS C1TV. Doc. 0.-'ATTI.K-Hecelpts. 3.SOO head ; slilpments , 4 , )0 ) head ; mailcet slcndy to HtroiiK ; Texas Heern. J3.s : , 3.75 ; Texas cows. J1.W02.60 ; beef ulcers , J.1..Viii3.S3 ; native cows nml heifers , } 2.30i3.10 ; stockeiB mid feeders , J2.srip ( 3.53 ; hulls. Jl.Mff2.60. HOn.S UorulptB. 13,000 heail ; shlpniPiitii. 20 ( ) head ; market stonily ; bulk of sales. H.J5ff3.4) ; pai-keni. J3.J3fT3.4r ; mixed , J3.30jr3.40 ; Iliihts , J3.30 Sf.1.45 ; Vorkers , f3.30p3.43 ; plgK , tt.2Jf3.3i. : HHKKP Hecelpts. l.OiM li.Mil ; Hhlpmrnts. 1M ( head ; mniket aliuiit steady ; lambs , } 3 2JSj4.0 ; mutluns , J2.7ST3.10. XIMV Yurie l.lvcSlook. . NKW VOttK. Dec. C. UKI3VKS Rpcolpts. 5,704 head ; fnlily ncllve ; native meers. poor to prime , J5.3ri4.r > 0 ; oxen. t3.liORI.23 ; hulls. J2.40iif3.12H ; dry cows , Jl.20If3.03. Uuropenn cables qiioto Amer ican Ktcei-H nt SVifTlOi c. dressed weight ; lofrlRcr- ntor beef nt "Hfi ( > S1ic. S1IKKI' AND l.AMUS-Kccelpls , 7.000 head : active and linn : sheep , poor to Rood. ! 2.12Mift > 3.25 ; lambs , common to choice. J3rir i-i fl,7. . nOCiS-ltfcelpts. 3.700 head ; llrmer nt J3.90ifl.23. St. liiinlH I.lvo Stork. ST. LOUIS. Doc. C. CATThK-IlecclpIs , S.OVt head : market steady ; native glecr * . J3.00JTI.j ; Texas steers , J2.25 3.7ri HOOH llecelpts , 6.001 head ; Btearty ; hi-avy. J3.33ii3.n3 ; mixed , ja.23ii3.4'igM. ; \ \ . J3.30Q3.GO , HIIKKI' Ilccclpta. 1.000 head ; market wtronw : nntlve muttons. J2.iV'Ti3.rii3 ) ' ; common stuff , H.Ci03 > 5.23 ; southern , J2.Q.ff3.00. _ Stock In SlKlit. Ilocord of receipts at the four principal markets for Friday. December 0 , 1833 : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Bouth Omaha . lrJ3 C.Cl.'i . ChlcriKO . C.OOO 40.UHI ) 7,000 Kansas City . 3,600 13.000 1.00) ) .St. l.ouls . 3,500 C.OOi ) 1,000 Totnls . 11,00.1 C5.G15 9,00) KIIIIHIIH City Alnrketn. KANSAS C1TV , Dec. 6. WHEAT Market Hlow , fllRhtly lower ; No. 2 haul , OSVSfK'i'c ' : NO. 2 red. nominally. C8C9c ! ; No. 2 sprlnR , 07V4iifu8c ; No. 3 HprhiR. 06c ; rejected , nominally. 47 50o. COHN Murkct rather slow ; Kenerully ! io lower ; No. S mixed , 22iiJJ23c ; No. 2 white , OATS Market slow ; No. 2 mixed , 17c : No. 3 while , isnufiuc. ' HyK-Market sternly ; No. 2 , 33c HAY Market llrm ; tlmolhy , $10.000112.50 : prnlrle. JC.WCT7.M. ntJTTISll Market firm ; rcamery. 15T22c ; dairy , lUi'ir.c. EGOS Market weak ; receipts light ; fresh , ISc Pi-opla 'MiirkclN , 1'EoniA , Dec. C. COUN Kasler ; new No , J , 20Hc ; new No. 3 , 26c. OATS Inactive , easy ; ICo. 2 whltp , ISKCTlSHo : " No. 3 while. 17U 1794c. . IlYK Dull , nnmlnal : No. 2 , SCffCi4c. WHISKY Stendy ; llnlsheil Roods , on the basis of J1.B2 for lilith wines. IIKCKII'TS fom. 72.SOO bii. : outs , 18,550 bu , ; rye. CO ) bu. ; whlhky. 130 pal. ; wheat , 4.210 bu. SHII'MKNTS Torn , 10 100 lui. ; oats. 02.000 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 430 RII | , ; wheat , 1,200 bu. Jr.v GooilH NEW YOIIK , Dec. C. In a moderate way them was moro I'lislnesM dnltiR , hut chiefly In sniconubli ) specialties and colored cottons. Divui Rrt is , in luted fabrics and calicoes had nonic attention for current wan IK. There w > ro fair si-leetlons. 1'ilnilnR cloths quiet and steady nt 3 3-lCo for Cl- with suleu of Ilia wrak 135 , i ) pieces. .tlnrket. NKV , ' YOHK. Dec. C.-HUOAU-Hnw. tlrrn but quiet ; fair leflnlnR , 3' < 4W3Vc ; cenlrlfusnl , 86 test , 3',45/3'-ic ; halii , none ; rellned , uulrt. LONDON , DeiC. . SltriAK Tune , rather lluner ; ecntrlfucal .lava. UN 4leil ; Muscovado , fair rellnlnv , 10s 4'i < 3 ; beet , llrm ; Deccmlic-r , I0f 7',4d ; January , lUa 'yi. pnllMVlicnt 3Inrki > < . MINNHAI'OI.IS , Dec. C. WIIKAT Was very nriu. closing : December , . 6711c ; May , Ciito. On jack : No. 1 bald , 54c ; .N'i ) . 1 naillicrn , 03 He ; No. 2 noilhtrn , i : > .e. "l-'rlHco Vlii'iit QiiiHiilloiiN. SAN 1'IiANCIHCO , Dec. C. WIIKAT Haslcr ; May , } 1.0C = , ; clciirrd , 1C2.7S1 cciilala. Ii'Illlllll'llll ( < -H. KALTIMOIIK , Dec. C. CIcarliiKB , J2CiS2J ; Ii.ll- incciJ184,2iS , , no.STON. Dec , Clearlngs , 111,214,133 ; hal- nncc , $1 400S . NH\V VOIIK , Dec. 0.-ClMirlngi < , $11I,71B,3 ; mlanccs , JS.'C3W7. I'HII.ADIIM'IIIA. Dec. fi. Clearlncs , JI2.000- OBI ; balanccH , ) , SIr ' , | . KT. LOI'IS. Dee , 0. rieailiiRs , J4 , 017,518 ; ( in ) . incei , J377 , fill. Money , 55(7 ptr cent. New York I'Xthunja1 , v" i piemlum lild , CIIK'AOO , 'Dec. C. C'lenilngi. J16,4IO,030 , Money , iiulet ; CWj. ! per cent on cull ; CWO',4 per i > nt on time , Ni-w loik rxchniiRi * , liJc premium , itrrllnk' , posted rules , ll.'J'J on demand , JI.S3 on CO days. In SWEETHE3S and POWER of TOML' , BEAUTy of DE- " REWGTn ° ' SoGH"S T0T ? "BAYSTATE" GUITARS , MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , and FLUTES nro equalled by no other Ainer * nf r.ny htrlilly lilKli vrade liutru- menu , ; M AHAUUI. Scud tot JOHN C. HAYNES fit CO. , 49 10 ooa w/iMiNitoH Sr. , O08TON. OUR FRgE LETTER Reviewing the train and slocli jiarlteli , will b nt you daily un re'iucut. In the IIUJID of ilcncrv- ni ; part nf your bualncaa , Order * rallcltcd for usli cr on three ti flv point inarclna. j , R , WILL an j & GO , Members Chicago Hoard of Trade , Hew York 'reduce I-xclmnt : < ! > Kew York Cant. .Stock 1'x * hance. 17 llcmid TiaOt' , ChlCHgo , 41 Dioadwuy , few Veil : . _ JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1(130. ( Oimilin , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS Room lll'/ij ' I mi.J ot Trade. Direct ulrc t Chicago and Jfrw York. . ( ' .jiitPi 'n'l''iilB ' : John AYarrrn & Co. ' . I' . BillTII. JTil UuS ) fi , * l. fiTANI'ORD. F. P , SMITH &CO. GRAIN : AND : PROVISIONS Uoom 4 , N. V. UfcUiag. , Omalia. liruiu-li ( illlrci ul I'reincini aii'l (3uluml > u . All onluis pla'Td un Iho ( 'lili.niu lloaid of Tcuile , jircuponJi'n'Hi Kwnilz. HIIPVJ i * Co. , Chi- ufi > , hlnclni-r , I'luck ACo. . . tit , Loull. Jlefci o 1'lut .S'all 'iiul ' bank , Onuna.