Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Una Shown Moro Activity ftnd
Greater Strength.
Activity Ili'pnrldl In ( lie I'lonr tlilxl-
WIIM .MHO Hi'Kiirilcil nn
Unite n
l'n c for.
CHICAGO , Dec. 6. Wheat Jim shown
more nctlvlly today nnil decidedly more
etrctiRth , nnd before noon the price had nil-
vnnccil nbotit % c from the rloso last night.
There were a peed many thins * which con
tributed to the betterment of price ? . The
KnKllsh cnblesvcro BtronRcr , nnd there was
n , feeling that the eastern question wns rnp-
Idly nppronchltiR n crlsK nnd Hint war
might soon follow. The receipt" , too , wore
Romcwhnt smaller than expected , nnd the
cnsh demand for wheat , which linn been
so much of n fenture during the pnit few
O.iya , thews no sign of nbatcmcnt. Call-
foinln aJvices reported more cngngeincnts
nt San Trnnclsco for wheat to KO to
Auitrnlln. The purchases for the last few
< lnj-H hnil npKrcgatcd fully 500,009 Im.
Australia has umi.illy been nn exporter of
wheat , p.tid the fnct that she was n buyer
hclpjd to fttrsngthon the market. New
York was u gooil buyer nil day nnd reported
liberal clenriircep , and some of the most
prominent local operators were on the buy
ing side , while there wan u little Kcnprnl
Kefllng. The activity reported In the Hour
business \va-J also rcpnnleil as n stiong
factor ; It win paid that the Minneapolis
wiles for the past two days have exec tied
the whole week's production by 10,000 bbls.
Under these conditions the short Inter
ests becnmo rnthcr nervous , and there was
iood buying on that account , and nlso n
fair Investment demand. May sold early
lit from fiOc to fiOVJc , spilt , nnd up grnd-
uully to from tx > % c lo Glc. split , casing off
In' noon lo OOTic. December sold nt from
r.tXc . to DfiVic , with K c Fellers nt noon.
The market continued to gain strength dur
ing the closing hour , nnd .May sold up to
GH'c , hut cutcd oft u fraction. December
sold to G7c.
Corn was stronger , mainly In sympathy
with the strength In wheat , Imt the Interior
deliveries nre hardly coming up to expecta
tions. There was not much selling pres
ume , nnd some covering by shorts. May
! -oId nt from 2Se to 2X&c , spilt , nnd nt
noon was ISTdc. December has hold nt from
2.7\c. ; to Mlftc. The market got much
stranger during the Inst hour , Inlluenced
largely by the bulge In wheat. May sold
up to 23'fc , nnd December to 2Gc.
Oats were utilet but linn , In sympathy
with wheat nnd corn. JInv sold nt from
? 0c to 20'lc , nnd December nt liJc. ( There
wns Increased strength during the Inst
hour , due largely to the Improvement In
Jan 4 37K 4 41) ) 4 37i \ 4 H7
Mnv I 4 liU I J ll''l , 4 00 4 UO
Cash quotations were ns follows :
KLOUH Nominal.
WHI3AT No. 2 rprlng , 5GTSJ57T4c ; No. 2 red ,
COFIN No.-2 , 274c ! ; No. 2 jellow , 27c.
OATS No. 2. 174c ! ; No. 2 white , 19020Uc ; No.
S white. ISiflSVic.
HYE No. 2 , 3TifT35Hc.
HAHLiy No. 2 nominal.
TLAX Kini-No. 1 , 92ic.
PItOVISIONK Mess pork. pr bbl. , | 7.8)fi7.DO
Iw\rd , per 100 Ibs. , J5.32',4 ' 5.33. Short ribs , sides.
IOOKIJ4 35(74. 10 ; dry salted shoulders , boxed ,
| 4.nOft4.73 : short clenr fides , boxed , J4.50W4.G214.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gal. ,
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
Outhu PrJltij ) oxaliania ted ly the butter mar
ket wai firm : creamery , ! Si24c ( ; dairy llci
SOu. tgitf , tlrm ; 13 i'JOc.
OlonliiK ( InotntloiiH on the I'rliieliml
Coiiiiniiilltli-N mill Stiiplcx.
NHW YOH1C , Dec. 5. FLOUH-Ilecelpts , 4,800
l > bla. ; exports , 17,000 bbls , ; stendy ; shippers are
close to the market , but mills hold very firm ,
which checks buslnens ; local trndc quiet.
City mill patents , J4.10C4.25 ; winter patents ,
J3.50il3.70 ; city mill clears. J4.00ft4.10 ; win
ter straights , J3.20ff3.40 ; Minnesota patents ,
J3.404f3.60 ; winter extras. J2.7S3.1 ( , , Minnesota
bakers , J2.75ff3.10. Southern ( lour , nominal. Hve
Hour , dull ; supeillne , J2.50iT2.79 ; fancy , J2 5003.03
lluckvvhent Hour , quiet ; Jl.35frl.40.
IIIJCKWIIIIAT Dull at 41J442c.
HYn Dull ; western , 40f42c.
HAIILUY Dull ; wesletn , 3aH4Sc.
miAN-Dult nt JS.CO.
1IAHLKY MALT Dull ; western. 40t8c.
COHN MHAL Dull : yellow vvestcin , coarse ,
71 72c : IrandWlnc ) , J2 45.
WIII3AT Itecclpts , 249,800 bu. ; exports , 231.000
bu. Hpot market. Him ; No. 1 haul , CS'ic. ' Op-
tlDiis opened llrm on bettur cable news nnd
r iiiiuiiH of a good export trade nt Pnclllo ports
nnd further advanced on covering and tnlk ;
clonid nctlvi' nml strong nt HWl'io net ndvnnce :
May , 674 ! lC8 1-lSc , closed 6Sc ; December , Ky , ®
CCe' . tinned CCc.
COIIN Itecclpts , 151,100 bu. : experts. 4,800 bu.
Spot market , llrrner ; No. 2 , 35Se ; steamer mixed ,
3SV. Options ruled llrm all day on fair covering
e-ring nnd sympathy with wheat , closing HW'in.
higher : May , 85 4fiJ5iic , cloied SSlJc ; December.
J4\T34ic. ! closwl 34'4c.
OATS lleccliits , 74.4W bu. ; exports , 700 bu.
Flint , steady ; No. 2 , 22 < ; c. Options opened quiet
iwid stendy , ndvnnced with corn nnd closed llrm
nnd Ho hliiher ; May , closed 2. > ' , lc.
\VOOI gulet ; domestic fleece , JC023c ; pulled ,
HAY Dull : ( hipping , J7.00f7W ; good to
choice. 60G65C.
HOJ'fi Unsy : stnte , common to choice , 1R94
crop , 307c ; U95 crop , 7J10c ; Pacltlo coast , 1S94
crop , 3Uc ; 18ur crop , SSlOe.
HIDis-Nornlnal ; Cullfdrnla. 21 to 2i Ibs. , ISO
18ic ! ; Ualvcston , 20 lo 2.1 Ibb. , ICc ; Iluenos Ayre > ,
dry , 20 to 24 Us. , 21c ; Texan , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. .
LUATHKll-DiilI ; hemlock sole. Uuenos
A > n . light lo heavy. No : scld. ? l'.4O24c.
I'UOVIKIONB Ilocf. quiet ; family , Jll.50 ; beef
hams , J15 OW15.50. Cut meats , easy : pickled
licllle * . J4.76H5 50 ; pickled thouMrri , JMK5 ) 25 ;
pickled hiiniM , JS.5DT8.76. l.nnl , quiet urn ] steady
nal ; refined , steady , I'or'k. active , 'lower : hJiort
clear , J10.75 12.75 : family. J10 OOfflO.50.
lU'TTUIl-Ilecelpts. 3.E10 pkss. ; market strong :
vvcstein creamery , lCr2f c ; HlKlns , 2Cc.
KatlK-ltecelpIs , 4,771 pkKs. ; market steady ;
western. 2IQ23c , "
pnTUOLiUM-Dull : nnd easy ; .United elose-d nt
ilOHIN rirrn ; strained , eammon to BOCK ! , JI.75
ClILnSIJ Receipts. 20n pkirs. ; steady ; state
( fHe'full ; nklius , 2ff3c. ' * ' ' *
TALLO\V-Stcudy ; city , 4 3-16o ; country
4 C-16c.
lUCC Hleady ; domestic , fair to extra , S'JQOic ;
Japan , 3HO4c.
MOLAKHiH-Qulet : : New Orleans , epen Kettle ,
tout lo choice. 29f29' c.
MiTALS : 1'lir Iron , ea y ; southern , JI2.00ri4 CO-
noitlurn. JI2WOI1.M , Copper , easy ; brokers'
price. JlO.H'i ; exchange price , J10.75 , Lend , llrmr
brokem' price , J3.2714 : exchanxo pilce , J3.SO. Tin.
rnsltr ; utrnlly , JI4.lo014.ZO,1 plates , jiurkct fairly
active. Kpelter. dull.
COTTONHiii : > OII/-Qulet nnd more or lent
nominal at unchnnKed prices , closing dull :
prime crude , ! 51iW26e : butter uradfs. J0ii31c :
prlmw umrncr jellow , ZjgsOoj off summer > cllow ,
Toledo fir M In Mnrket. '
TOLKDO. Dec. E.-WHiAT-HlKher. dull ; No.
I , ra b. 65i8c | December , 64Uc ; May. oiite.
COItN-Dull , teady ; No. 2 mixed , Sic ; No , 3
ndXfd. 27Hc.
CUTtf-Qulct ; No. 2 mlxcil , 15c naked ; No. Z
fchlte. Sic.
HYi-Dull : Nn. 2 cash , 58e.
Cl.o\'iu Sini : ) Dull ; prime , r.tkh , II 57U.
IIKCKII'TS I'loilr , 500 bbls. ; wheat , C.SOO bu , ;
corn , Sti.OOO bu. ; tuilu , 1,500 bu. ; clover seed , 210
l > aus.
HIIII'MUNTS-KIour. 1.000 bblt. ; wheat , 11,000
uu , ; eorn , 23.UOO bu , ; clover eeil , Cl baus.
Cotton ! MmUt. .
BT , Lpl'IS. Dec. S.-COTTON-Qul t ; mldJlhiK ,
SUc ; luilei. 1,400 bales ; receipts , 3.671 Ulei ; iJiln.
menlH , ! , H53 balrs ; mock , 55.CK1 Imlevr
tiKVf OHLKANH , De-c. 6.-C TTON-ijsy ;
middling , k IMCct low middling , 7 13.16o ; uoo.1
ordinary , 7' > c , net receipts , 7,025 balm Kru ,
7,3 : : Imlffi rxiurti to Great llrltnin , 3.715 balm :
to the * eontlnnil , 15,200 balei ; coaitvtlse. 1,170
luile : > alr > . 15uo balei ; stock. 357.U7S bale * .
dllnif , < Sf. net recelptr , JSJ bole * ; urnn" , t.8
Imlcn ; forwarded , HI bnlmj nln , none ; stock ,
IM HI Imlr * Total today ! Nft rtrflptK , M.HO
Im s. P POIU to Orcnt llrllnln. J.713 Imlec 16
lrMnrc fi.doo Imlr-x , tolii \ contlnfnt. 30 fl ) ttfilfn ,
M < * k , (0 ( 530 l iU . Piltnrcx tli.'fd stfndy ( it
this d'rllne. Mlf , 110.900 bnles , .Innunry , in 05 ,
Kcbruniy , fS.10. Mnrch , M l j April , JS21. Mny ,
J.15 ; June , JS 20. July , J1 30 ; AUKUit , J8.31 ; Oc-
til r , 1791 ; Decfrnbcr. JS.Ot
CoiKlttlfin iif I'rnilp unit ( lunliitliiiiK
on Slniilc run ! I'nric.v I'roilucc.
IRK : ntery mm nnd fnlfs nn rc | srted occa-
flonnlly nl even higher prlte i than nre quoted
below. .
The poultry market was > pretty well cleaned up
ye ter'ay , but t.icre wns no material change In
prices ,
IlutlT In firm nn quoted. Quotations !
nncs-Strlclly frenh Ho < k 15fl.S',4r :
IIUTTKH Packing flcek , 10 ; fair to irool c un.
try. IZHlle ; choice tn fnncy country. 14fll5c.
gathereil creamery , ITfllSo ; separator cteamcry ,
VKAtCliolci > fnt , 70 to 100 Ibi. , nrc quoted nt
ifl'Hc : Inrirc nnd coarse , 4flCc.
CIinrfiK-l > omettlc brick , ll < 4c ; ndnrn. per
doi. . J9.50 ; Club House , 1-lb. Jars , per dor. , J3M ;
IilmlierRer , fancy , per Hi. , HHO ; Itoqufort , ' 4-lb.
Jit , per doz. . I3.CO ; Young Amerlcns , ll'icr '
Twins , fancy. Up.
1 Ol'I.TllY Drened-Clilcker.f , 6B7c ; ducks , 7ff
Sc : turke > x , choice. tJ9c , Re se , 7ji8c.
HAY Upland , 1C f ; midland , J1.SO ; 1. . wlnnd
J5 00 ; r > e Urnw , Jl.nO ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales pell the best. Only top grades
bring top price * .
IlltOOM COHN-New crop , delivered on tra k
In enuntry , choice gnen irlf-worKIng riin'fl , P'r
Ib. , 2'ic ; choice green running to hurl , 2Uc ; com
mon. 1' c ,
UAStlJ Prnlrle chicken' , young , per doz. , JC ;
quail , JI.75fl2.iiO ; Jack snip" . 75c : golden plovir ,
J1.21 ; Jick rabbits , per doz. . JI.oosrl.S5 : fniall rab
bits. 50j775c ; mnlinril diicki. J3.50 , tcdhend , J3.n :
cnnvntbiick elucki , J5 OW8.00 : ten ) , blue wlnn ,
Jl.7-.tt2irtj teal , green wing , JI.75 ; mixed ducks.
J1.75H200 ; C'nnndn Rfece , JR ; small geepi1 , J4.50 ;
liiant.i. J1.50 ; deer rndillp * . 15IlCc ; doer curcnsfc" .
li'i Uc , elk FinMIrs , IHM3c , elk catcn'pcs , 51 ?
lOc : nntelope unddles , IZffH' * : nntelopo carcnfcs ,
9Jllc ; Fciulriei ! , per doz. , COfciuC.
PItliONS-Llve , per do ? . . JI.M.
viaiTAiiLis. : :
Uecent reports from Cnllfornln hive Indlcited
nn upnatd tendency In the prices of limn beans
there , according to the New York Journal of
Commerce. Until n comimintlvely lecent dale
buclnof v\nn rollclled by holders on the con t nt
2'Jc per Ih. nnd In Mime Instances 2VHe wns
accepted The absence f > f early rains In Hint pec-
lion cnu d an iipwanl movemrnt In prke.s som *
ten dii > s ago , nit uniKli the rnln or tack of rnln
could only have nn Inllucnce upon the next crop
It might be fnld lure thnl wel or dry vienther nl
this fcn nn of the > cnr does not aciun'.ly affect
the crop pro pects for the next penson. The
flintier * , howevrr , rtvm lo entertnln the fear
Hint If llic rnlny penpon docs not stnrl In enrly
they will not get enough moisture Inlfr lo Insure
n good creip , ns the output of limns Is largely
dependent upon the percenlnge of rnlnfnll during
the winter penson. If there Is plenty of rain the
crop IB likely to be large , but If the winter MIIPOII
Is relatively dry the limn ctop suffers. T.iey have
therefore been Inclined to hold back their stock ,
nnd thai Is one of Ihe reasons for the llrrner
feeling among the commission houses on the
coast. Quotations :
MfSHHOOMS Per 1'4-lb box. 60 I75e.
POTATOES Pntiey native stock , 3"c : from store
In Final ! lots , 40c ; Colorado stock , 50J(55c. (
ONIONS Per bu. . 25il30c ; Imported ( Spanish
onions- , per crnte , 60io5c ; home cronn Spnnlsh ,
per bbl. . 51.M ; .1 to 5-bbl. lots , J1.35.
IIHANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , fl.G" { ? 1.75.
H\ViCT POTATOnS-Cholce ptock , J2 25 per
1.1.1CAIHlAOn On orders , crnted , per 100 Ibs. , $1.00
cnLTOY Knncy large Colorado. SOfffiOc ; choice
st ick , laige No. 1 , 404..c ; la-KP , No. 2 , C5s ; frnal ) ,
LIMA IIHANS Per Ib. . 5c.
WATnn CHKSS Per IG-qt. case , Jl.MfM.75.
CALIFORNIA STHAWunimiKS-rer box. 30c.
AI'l'LKS Knno- stock , J2.7593.00 ; choice stock ,
OItiOON I'HAHS Per case. J2.25.
CUANIiniUUiS-slersey , J8.50 ; Cape Cod , { 9.
MALAGA ailAPKS Per 60-lb. bbl. , JO ; per C8
to 70 Ibs. , prop * . J7.
KASTKHN OHAPHS No shipping stock.
.ORANOns Mexicans , per box , J4.50 ; California
budded ctedllngs , J4.2J.
Li.MONK-Callfornla , per box. J4.2534.50 ; Mcs-
slnii" , size IM , 54 50 ; size 300. J4.75 ,
11ANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.CO
02.25 ; medium sized bunches , JI.75.
HIDES No. I , green hides , 4c ; No. 2 green
hides , 3c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4 > &c : No. 2
green united hides , 3'&c ; No. 1 green x.iltcd hides ,
25 to 40 Ibs. , 3V c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 to
40 Ibs. , 34c ! ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 6140 ; No.
2 venl c.if ! , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4Vtc ; No. 1 dry ( lint
hides , 6flSc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 5ft6c : No. 1 dry
salted hides , 6c ; part cured hides , > 4c per Ib. lee * ,
than fully cured.
SlII3iP PHLTS Green salted , each 25JTCOC :
green palled shearlings ( short vvooled eaily fklns ) ,
each 15c ; dry Khearllngs ( short wooled early
pklns ) . No. 1 , each , loc ; dry shearlings ( short
vvooled early pklns ) , No. 1 , each. 60 ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool plts , per U ) ,
actual weight , 5i6c ; dry Hint Kam-as nnd Ne-
brnskn Munnln v\ool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight ,
4fl5c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 4r6V4c : dry Hint Colorado
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4SJC ,
dry pieces nnd bucks , actual weight , 4ijoc ;
feet cut off , ns It Is useless to pay freight on
TALLOW AND C1RCABC Tallow , No. 1. 3 < ic :
tallow No. 2 , 3c ; gre'ase. white A , 3'sc ; grease ,
white H , 3c ; grease , jcllow , 2V4c ; grease , dark ,
2c ; old butter , 2S24c ; ; beeswax , prime , 15T22c ;
rough tallow , l4c.
11ON13S In car lots weighed and delivered In
C.ilcngo : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12 OOW14.00 ; dry
country , blenched , per Ion , J10 00012.00 ; drv
country , damp and meaty , per ton. Jfc OJ8.00.
WOOL UnvvaKhecl , line heavy , 6S77c ; line light.
8J9c : quarter blood , lOfrlZc ; needy , burry nnd
chaffy , 8S9c ; cotted and broken , coarse , 7T9c ;
cotted and broken , line. 61iSc. Fleece washed
Medium , ISiilSc : line , HfI16c ; tub washed , 16 ®
18c ; black. 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tag leeks , 2ff3c ; dca < l
pulled , mu < k ! .
MAPLE BYRUP-Klve-gnl. cans , each , J2.75 ;
per doz. , J12 ; Ifc-gal. cans , J6.25 ; quart cans ,
CIDEIt-l'ure juice , per half bbl. , J2.CO ; per
bbl. , J4.nO.
SAUER KRAUT Per bbl. . J350 ; > lmlf bbl. , J2.
KIOS New crop , Cullfoinla , 10-lb. boxes , per
lit. , He : common California tigs. GO-lb. Imxes ,
Cc ; Imported fancy , 31-lb. boxes , iGc ; choice , 10.
| b. tmxes. 12c.
DATES Persian , CO-lb , boxes , per Ib , , 5Ucj
fiirds. 10-ib. boxes , per Ib. , 8e.
MAPLE SUGAR Choice , per Ib , 9TIOc.
PRESERVES Assoi led. 2lMb. palls , each J1.41.
COlXANUTS-Per 100. J5.
NUTS Alinonda , California , per Ib. , medium
Kite , lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per Ib , , large , 13u ;
Ilnizllx , per Ib. , 9c : Englleh Wnlnuts , per Ib , ,
fancy soft shell , 12'j ' 13c ; slandnrds , llJTHHo ;
HlbvrlM , per Ib. , 10c ; pecans , polished medium.
lOc ; large , lie ; peanuts , inw , 5V4u ; runsted , ®
7'vc ' : chestnuts , 16c ; hlekoiy mi's ' , email , per bu. ,
JI.75 ; black walnuts , per bbl. , } J ; cocoanuts , tc ;
cocoanuts , per 100 , J4.60.
Pt-orlii MiirUctH.
PEORIA , Dec. 5. CORN Easy ; No. 2 , new ,
26 c ; No. 3. 26Jic.
RYE Dull ; nominal ; No. 2. SGl736l4c.
WHISK Y-Maiket steady ; llnlshed goods on the
basin of JI.22 for high nines.
It KCKI PIS-Corn. 67.S.VJ bushels ; oat , 27,350
biuhcls ; iy.1 , 1,200 bUBhcli ; whisky , none ; wheat ,
WO buihcls.
hiril'MENTS Corn. 11,250 bushels ; oats , 81.250
bushels ; rye , none ; whisky , 750 gallon * ; wheat ,
1,200 bushels.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dry Comix Market. <
NEW YORK. Dec. 5. There wan a greater Ir
regular Inquiry occasioned by the more neanon-
able temper that called for selections of fairly
good quuntltle-s for current wants. As a whole
the market was dull , though more builmnu wan
done In many directions. Printing cloths dull
and sales of 1,004 pieces ipoli at 3 3-16c.
. TrUfoVlient QuutiilloiiH.
quiet ; Mny. Jl.OCH. _
Wool Market Hevle-vv.
LONDON , Dfc. B. A Bood niortuient wan
ottered at the wool auction sain loJuj und com
petition vvui fplrlled. America bought well. The
I number of bales offeiM wan 12016 , of tvhlch 1,300
I were withdrawn , rollovvlnw are the MI > In de
tail : New Pouth Wales , 3,399 bales ; i > roured. IM
! Ole M , Kreasy , 4'tdOlft Id. Qu-rnMnnd , I W
I bales ; rcoureil , IJifcdfllii 3d ; Rrensy , 801f . Vle-
I torla , 4157 t'tled , scoured , 3'i.KMs 6'4d ; read ) .
4'4OlO'ld. Pouth AuMralln , 1 : IM bale ; grea y ,
44fl ! 4d Swan lllver , 423 bnlwi , Krensy , 6i7M.
New /.calami , 209 bales , scoured , MMId ; ure-asy ,
H\B < il. Callof (5on ( l Hope and Nntal , 1,231
bales , f coined. Mill * 9d , Rreasy , 6'4fl7il.
Sprriilnflnii opt-m-il Aotltp nml Wcnlt
with rrnctlouiil llppllnrH.
NKW YOHK Dec. C PpJcu'iitlon op-ned active
nnd weak , with fractional declines Rcncrally , ex
ccptlnR SURar , which wa In demand tn antlclpa
tlon of the declaration later In the day of the
reRular quarterly dividends. 1'coplp who are
well Informed ns to the local aspects of the
proceeding attains ! the cornpiny In ( his state 'be
lieve that they will be Ineffectual. Hiibsc.
fluently , on free offerlnss from Inside nourcc * .
the flock dropped a fraction below jestetdav'g
elislnc. The volume of business In It , tliouKh
less than on We-dncsday , made up nearly one-
fourth of the total of the penernl market. Tlie
final prices showed fdlKht net chances. Tobncco
cam mxt In extent of business , and eomminded
enn lderable Interest on the part of the traders.
The iinual manipulator appealed to have com
pletely withdrawn nuppitt. At Inleivnli ln lK-
nlllcant rallks oecurrid , bul vvere nut with fie h
ofRrlnRs of stock. The exlieme decline v\ns 3M
per c nt , nnd the clwe was near the lowest ,
A raid on Leather irefrrrid resulted In a drop
of 2 per cent. In Ihe railway list the Interna
tional shares il If pin MM ! especial heaviness on for.
elrn sclllnt ? eif Chesapeake & Ohio , Denver &
Hlo Ornnde preferred , Hnuthcrn preferred and
lx > ul vflle * Nashville. The deptcsslon In the
Kcneial market was variously due to anticipation
of fairly lar c exports of pold on Saturday , ns
bills URaln'l Rold vvere about all that nppfareil
In thi' exclmnKc maiket. Apprehension of re
newed ( UMiirlilnc currency nnd other financial
dlscii slons alsu had wrlRht. and toKcther with
the Kur pcan selling Induced liquidation.
The opportunities to depress pricevvere Im
proved to the utmMt by professional * . eH-clnlly |
In the Industrial * . There was little of Interest
In the afternoon trading. Dullness was llKlit ,
nnd nsldc from the raids en Supar , Tobacco nn I
Leather preferred there were no movements of
consequence. The announcement of the rcstora-
tlan of ChlcaRo A. Noithwtstcin ceimmcn lo n 5
per cent annual d'vldend Ims's , which \\ni rlRhtly
tepnrdid by conservnllvci ns nn event of the
Kreatest speculative nnd Investment Importance ,
fell nlnii'il ' completely Hat.
In former markets the news would have caused
it perfect stampede of the beats. The Incident
Illustrated the narrow * nnd professional char
acter of the potent stock maiket. Themnrket
left off dull and steady , and at iri-neral losses
n a result of the day's operations.
The railway liond market was decidedly weak
In tone. Ihmtncss onlv moderate , the sales ng-
Kit-Rating > l,330l x ) . The mole noteworthy de
clines were In Houston K. Texas Central deben
tures r.s , 2M per cent ; Louisville & Nashville ,
I' . & A. division iBts and Toledo , 1'eorln &
Western Ists , 2 per cent ; Kt. Paul , M. & M. ,
Montana Central Cs , 1'4 per cent ; Union I'aclflc.
Denver & Gulf Istn nnd Kt. Louis & Southwest
ern 2ds , l'l ' per cent ; llrookljn Elevated Ists , I
per cent ; Detroit , MrM. . land Rrants , IJrle 6s
uxtevided , Ore-Ron Shcirt Line consols 5s , trust le-
celpts , Itochester & I'lttubtirtr Ists , Seattle , Like
ShoreIlislern Ists , WheellnR & Lake Hrle
Ists. 1 per cent. The Important advances vvere
In Cincinnati , Hnmlltan Si Da > ton 4V s , 2 per
cent ; I oulsvllle * Nashville unified 4s , 1\ pet-
cent ; Colorado Midland flist trust receipts , iy
per cent , nnd Che npcake fc Ohio , It. & A. di
vision , pe-crad consols , 1 per cent.
The Test's London financial cnbleRrnm : The
stock markers vvere Idle today , but with n fairly
steady tone except for Americans , which closed
nt the worst. I'Vnrs nre felt here of n premium
on gold In America ere long , and a protective
tariff Is also dreaded ns tending to cripple the
revival In trade already commenced. Consols
kept steady , the glut of money counteracting the
Inlluence of politics. The coin and bullion In the
llank of England Increased this week 17,330.000
IT the highest llgurts ever recorded. The gold
Imported for the week amounted f > 1,908,000 , but
the coin has gone Into home circulation ns usual
nt the end of the month. Other deposits nre up
S91Oi , and the money mniknt Is now very easy
ngaln. The details of the gold movement for the
week are , 1CM.000 United States coin bought ,
C50D.OOO liar gold Iwught. 6.000 Imported from
Amsterdam , 160,000 exported to Aigeiittnn. 50,000
to the Cape , 35 000 to Montevideo , and 21.000 tn
Malta. At Paris the settlement Is terminating
satisfactorily. No failures nre announced vet.
Possibly there may be evie or two tomorrow , but
no Important ones. At Berlin the markets were
steady today , but there Is no revival of specula
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
lodny :
The totnl sales of stocks today were 221,839
shares. Including : Amerlcnn Sugir. . C'i.100 : Amer
ican Tolacco. 56 200 ; Atc.ilson , 4 COO ; llurllngton ,
7,600 ; Louisville Ai Nashville. 4,600 ; Manhattan ,
3,300 ; Pacific Mall. 3,900 ; Reading. 10,600 ; Rock
Island , 4,200 ; United States Leather preferred ,
9,200 ; Wobnsh preferred , 6.100 ; Western Union ,
IVcw Yurie Minify Market.
Easy , nl 22V4 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ,
closed 2 < 5T2',6 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE-Klrm. with actual
business In bankers' bills at 54.SJ0I.SS ! ' , for de-
nrind nnd J4 87" < 04 88 for sixty days ; posted
rates , J4 6R',4ff4.89 nnd J4 S94f4.90. ! Commercial
bill * . J4 hMi.
GOVERNMENT HONDS-Ncw 4s , registered
and coupon , up % nnd ' / per cent respectively ;
others steady ; state bonds. Inactive ; railroad
Imnds. henvy.
Closing quotations on bonds were em follows :
Onttle Trade Fairly'Active at the Decline
Under Light , Supply.
LlKht .Stiiipllcs nnrntiriiKC Sellrra lo
AN | < n It INC ( link ( InllujcfN Arc
Liiih to Com'-i-itf'1 lint t'liinlly
( irVn't.
Receipts nnd shipments for the past
twenty-four hours , na compared with the
previous six days , nro ns follows :
Cattle. Hogc. Sheep. Horses.
December G . . .2,027 7.429 1C9
December 4 2.SS2 10,174 1,000
December .1 .1,231 9.K50 S23 21
December 2 1.CG4 2,815 2
November 30 1.103 7.6TO 101
November 29 2,239 12,011 .i. . "
November 27 3.700 13,314 . . . . 42
Cattle , 'Hogx. Sheep. Horse ? .
Docfmbcr 4 Mil iM9
December 3 577 . . . . 232 21
December 2 725
November 30 M6 1,875 2
November 29 1,768 23
November 27 1,001
CATTLE The offerings of cattle were
light today. Everything received yestor-
dny wns sold before the close of the mnrket
nnd there wsro only the dny's arrival" ,
which numbered seventy-five lends , on sale
Eastern markets were reported slow nnd
no more than steady , nnd while under ordi
nary conditions that would icsult In n slow
and wenk markit here the offerings of ent
ile were so light that It did not have much
effect. The buyers were out In good spa-
son , nnd while the tratlo could not be cnllcd
very nctlve the piim worn iirotty well
clrnred by mlddav , .There "were no very
good fnt steers on sale , but such IIH there
wore sold nt prices that were nbout steady
with yesterday's decline.
Butchers' slock , such ns cows and heifers ,
was In peed demand , but the supply was
light , The result was that the feeling on
the maikct was bitter , nntl deslrnble stuff
rold nt prices that ' \vere n little stronger
than yesterday. Bulls , sings , etc. , sold
fairly well nt about steady prices. Veal
calves were In good demand at steady
Stockcrs nnd feeders wuro also In light
supply , nnd good entile were In fair re
quest. The market was , If anything , a
little better than the low point yesterday.
Some fancy whlto faces sold nt $3 75 , the
best prices paid for feeders In a longtime. .
Rnnri'spntntlvn pairs ;
1 bull 1484 1 80 10 rows 990 J 55
Swltzer & IliirrouRhs ,
11 bulls 1260 190 IS cows 913 2 51
8 bulls 1147 1 94 29 feeders.1079 3 20
1 bull 1090 1.90
M. Mhrens.
1 bull 1400 2 no 2 feeders , . . . 820 3 10
1 steer. 12SO 3,14 7 fee-Jem. . . . 935 3 10
7 feeders. . . . 855 3 10J.
J. RUUeon.
4 cows 951 210 ' 10 cows 1131 255
2 sirs , tin..1163 2 30 1 COW 940 2 55
1 cow 1170 2 53 2 fee-del a. . , . 1000 3 23
i : . It. nnssctt ,
1 cow 1140 200 1 feeder 870 283
1 bull 1450 2 10 ' X fewk-ra. . . . S.75 j 2.1
2 cows 910 2 30 > 11 feeders. . . . 981 3 23
1 feeder 810 2 Sir IK
Clint lf , | Vernon.
1 bull , . , . , . , ,1210 2 lOcl 11 3 steers . 1183 33.1
1 s'ccr 1VCO 2 75r.i 3 steers. , , , , .1600 3 S5
7 sir-era 901 310 , i < x 2 feeders. . , . 935 375
10 sleert- 1259 3 35 _ - - feeders , . , . 9:1 : 3 75
3 steers 1230 3 Zl-I , ' ' 12 feeders , , . . 873 375
6 steers 1312 3 35" > n
HOQH There was mlai'K * falling of In hoe re-
celpts today as compaiej vyllh veslerday , but still
Realizing that a great many people in this city desire to
be remembered to their friends during the holidays , but are
not in position to pay cash clown for such purchases , we have
decided to place our magnificent stock of up-to-date furniture
and house furnishings at their disposal , and make terms that
will be most convenient. Can you select from these ?
Piano Stools , Sideboards
Book Cases , Onyx Cabinets.
Music Cabinets , Shaving Stands ,
China Closets , Banquet Lamps ,
Parlor Tables , Dinner Sets ,
Chiffonieres , Lace Curtains ,
Specimen Cases , , Japanese Rugs ,
Rocking Chairs , Rope Portieres ,
Easels and Screens. Pitchers and Vases
roti can select
any article and have
it set aside for you to
be delivered later.
Make your selections
early. We will arrange
terms to suit.
Popular Prices.
1211 and 1213 - arnaru Street.
C7 2S1 1GO 340 43 343 SO 340
72 302 120 340 C4 231 80 340
CO 292 ICO 34) 70 270 40 343
163 2i7 40 340 51 231 * 40 340
49 261 . . . 340 68 2.2 8) ) 340
43 239 J.O 340 . ' . 28) . . . 340
JO S03 ICO 3 40 Gl ! 239 . . . 3 40
63 275 SO 340 59 313 . . . 340
52 213 . . . 3 40 M 239 40 3 40
64 327 160 3 40 62 274 240 S 41
61 20 . . . 3 40 C2 310 . . . 3 40
76 239 SO 340 K7 3.12 . . . 34215
70 281 SO 340 C4 310 . . . 3 4J'4
79 251 60 340 66 271 SO 342 4
Cl 304 40 340 Cl 2J2 . . . 34214
75 275 1 0 340 fC 303 . . . 3 4214
5 ? 209 ISO 340 K5 S19 . . . 345
C4 282 40 340 64 320 . . . 343
K > 322 . . . 340
1 2CO . . . 200 4 400 . . . 33"
1 550 SO 30 < ) 1 400 . . . 335
3 " 50 . . . 3 TO 2 401 . . . 331
G , . .314 SO 3324 1 550 . . . 340
SIinEP The Oi-mnnd wnB K"o < l nt steady
prices nnd the offi-rlnKs met with qullp rendy
pale. IlepresentntUe bales :
No. Av. Pr.
84 Colorndos. mixed 83 2 30
m Colomdns , mixed 107 2 33
52 mixed natives 79 260
50 niitlvc weUiera 91 285
1 nntl\e wether 200 S 11
53 natUe netliers 105 315
Oooil Flit Cattle Wore Once More
Itlltlier IMeiitlfnl.
CHICAGO , Dec. 5. Good , fat entile were once
more plentiful , liut prices were not any better ,
ns the demand wns fnr from nctlve. Dressed
beef firms were , well supplied with beef , nnd no
particular -Improvement In trade or In prices U
expected until nfter Christmas , ns poultry nnd
gnme nre Impel } ' eubstlluted for beef nnd mutton
nt this time. Sales of common to choice beef
cattle were on a basis of from $3 to 14.75 , with nn
extremely limited demnnd for Christmas bec\es
at from > 5 to J1.23. The Brent bulk of tlie cnttle
sold between } 3.50 nnd S4.DO. nnd the best holl-
day beecsere $1,35 per 100 Ibs. lower than n
year airo. Good cattle were purchased below $1
nnd lots mcragln ? around 1,400 Ibs feM nt from
J3.70 to J3.SW. The stockcr nnd feeder brunch
of the mnrket wns rntlier slow , wlih cnles
chiefly nt from J1.75 to J2.W. Tcxans were stendy.
There was n peed demand for hogs once more
from ClilcoBo packers , nnd the supply wns largely
taken by noon , prices ruling steady nt the la'e
decline ot no from Tuesday. There wns not
enough fehlpplng demand to cause nny active
competition nnd local packers had things largely
their own way. Common to prime droves eold
nt from $3.40 to 13.65 , chiefly nt from } 3.60 to
S3 60 , and KCKK ! to choice pies Hold principally at
from $3.40 to (3 60. I'astern markets nre Kdtlnn
large numbcre of hogs from points east of ben ; ,
nnd they are not drawing very heuvlly on this
market for supplies.
Tlie sheep trade was fairly active once more ,
good Hocks nlone rhowlnir Ilnnnoei , Trndc con
tinued mostly local , with Bales on n basis of
from 11.00 lo J3.50 for Infeilor to pilme sheep , nn. .
fiom tMO to 14.40 for lambs. Few sheep sold
iilKne i$3 nnd few Inmbs were poor enough tn
sell below 13. Tut western sheep were wanted
at from } 3 to $1.25.
IVi-vv York Live Stuck.
NI3W VOUK , Dec. S HMIJVnH-Uecclpls. 457
Jirnd. European cables iiuote American steers nt
9f > P > ? Jc , d Bsisl-vvclghts ; refrigerator beef , 794
KIIKHI' AND LAMnS IlPcelpts , C.9S3 hend :
nctlve , ' ,4o higher ; sheep , poor to goodI2.00J >
3.21 ; common to good. J3.10ff4.G3 ; no prime or
oliolcn stock on Bale.
KOOB Itecclpts , 4,993 head ; steady at J3.60O
4.13. _ .
KIIIIHIIH City Llvt * Stuck.
KANBAH CITV , Dec. B. CATTI.n Hecelpts ,
6,000 bend : weal < and lower ; Texas nnd Indlnn
stcern , I2.00&2.25 ; cows and heifers , | 1.00tJ 25 ;
stockers an.l feeders. S2 C083.nO ,
HOOH Hrcelpts , 1G.300 head ; shipments , 1,100
liead ; opened steady , closed about 5c lower ; bulk
of Nile * . t3.40Q3.45.
SHiii' Ilecelpts , 2.300 hend ; rhlpmcnls , 100
head ; market steady , unchanged.
St. l.onU Live Stock.
ST. I.OUIH , Dec. 5.-CATTLK-lleceli > ! s , 5.500
head ; market dull ; Texc > steers , > 2 4003 < 5 ; nutlvo
steers. 13,0004.75 ; cow . mainly J2.00300 ,
110OS liccelpu , 8,00) head ; steady ; heavy ,
J3.30fl3.50 ; mlxrd , 13 Ktil.f , ; light. J3 30&3.60.
Hliiii'-Itccelpts : : , 2.0/W / head ; Blcudy ; natives ,
12.4083 50 ; anuthern. JZ.OOgS K.
btuc-k In
Ilccord of receipts nt the four principal markets
for Thursday , IHcembir c , 1SV5 :
Cnttle. Hogs , fiheep.
South Oini.h.l . 2,02t 2.42) 1U
Chcnio . , . , .11.000 40X ( ll.OW
Kanfciii City , , . 6000 16,300 2.300
HI. 1-JUls . . . 8.530 8W Z.OJO
Totals . „ , , , 21,527 CG.72 } 13.4C3
CotTt-u Alnrkrt ,
NIJW VOUK. Dec. 6. rorrii : ; Options oppned
steady , with 10 point * higher nnd other
monllm 6 points hluhir to 5 point * lower ; ruled
< iulet , with foreign buying orfinet by grrut wll-
Init ; cloeeJ llrrn nt J5fi25 points net advance ;
suits , 17,500 Imics. Including : March , J13.20fll3.4l ;
Dicciiibir. > 13.45ii)3CO. ) Hput cotter , lllo , dull ;
No. 7 , $1423 ; mild , dull ; Cordova , $18.0)018 ) DO.
\VuielioUM. deliveries from New Vork vcMlerduy ,
5.733 Uigs ; Nrvv Vork Hack ttxlay. 259 279 bag * ;
l.'nlldl Htate& stock. :34,75G huge ulloat frr
t'nlled Ktale * . 1WW ) lmK < : total vUble suppiy
for lh United gluten , 528.7CC bngii , UKalnHl lM,10i
ttags Inet > ear ,
HANTO8. Dec. B , Quiet ; good average Hantos.
JH.i'JtlH.W ; reci'lptu , 11 , WO IMK , stock , 4ilOW
JIAlllll'Ilfl , I > , 'c. 5. Opwied Irregular , un
changed lo % f decllno ; at noon , \jt advance ; at
3 p , m. , xtcatly , uncliauutj to ; if decline ; clo id
s'.eady nt if advance to4f decline ; sales , 32,000
HIO. Dec. 5 Steady ; No. 7 nio. ? 13 90 ; ex
change. 9 n-16d ; receipts , S,00 ( ) bags : cliareil for
the United Slates. S.OOO bags , for Kurope , 1,000
bags ; ftock , 239,000 bags.
St. I.uulN Cieueriil
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 5. FU3UII Maiket strong
nnd higher ; many -sellers asking h'gher pi Ices
than iiuotatlons below. Tlie ilnmettlc trad" Is
broadening , orders Increasing from the south
east lo the Kxport trnde utoiulj ; pat
ents. J32)83.CO ; extia fancy , J3.00B3.10 ; fancy ,
J2.70572.80 ; choice , J2.50fl2.CO.
AVHUAT Opened decidedly stronger , the offerIngs -
Ings being Mnall nnd tin- demand good , which
caused nn advance , unit Hie market cluwd TSlc
nbovo > c".teiday ; No. 2 red , caali , 6)c ) ; December ,
nse ; May , C2'Jc.
. CORN Was nlso ilrmer. closing with n good
advance over jesterdny. No. 2 tnlM-il , cash , 23o ;
December. 243c ; January. 24 0 : May , 25c.
OATS I tuies , HlronKer , with a bitter Inquiry ;
spot grades stronger ; No. 2 , cash and December ,
K64c ; Mas. 20VJC.
HYi : Stionger on cnll ; none offered nnd bids for
No. 2 WITD 33ic ; regular. 34c , east hide.
COUN MnAL-Jl.33Ol.40.
HltAN Sold , ennl track , al 474c. !
TI.AX SRHD Hetter ; S7'4c bid.
TIMOTHY J3.00 3.W.
HAY Choice timothy scarce and wanted nt
ndvnnce ; prairies , steady , but no such active
demand ; prairie , JG.25fflO.00 ; timothy , $12.30815 00 ,
this fide.
1'Our.TnY Steady ; turkeys , 7c ; chlckeni , 5 ®
6',4c ; ducks , 6c ; gese , S' ' c.
IIUTTER Steady ; creamery , l ! S2Cc ; dairy ,
EGGS Firm and higher ; fresh. 20'jC ' ,
I.13AD I'lrm nnd In demand , J3 07'4W3.IO ' ; spel
ter , sellers neklng J32214 ; late one car eold at
PIIOVISIONS Pork , standard mess , Jobbing- ,
J8.12'4. I ird. prime hlenm , J5.17',4 : choice. $5.27'4.
Ilacon. boxed shoulders. $5.25 : longs. $1 ; ribs.
J512'4 ; Eliot t. $5.25. Dry suit mints , Imxid
shoulders , $4.6214 ; longs , J4.50 ; ribs , $4 6214 ;
shorts. J4.75.
ItncUIl TS Flour , 3000 bbl. . ; wheat , " 18,000 bu. ;
corn. 41.000 bu. ; onls , 21,000 bu.
HHII'MnNTS Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000
bu. ; corn , 16,000 bu , ; oats , 4,000 bu.
Liverpool JlnrkotH.
MVCIirOOU Dec. C. WIIDAT Spot Btrady.
demand moderate ; No , 2 red winter , ns 2d ; No. 2
red spring , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 bard Mani
toba , f.s l'4d ' ; No. 1 Callfornln , r 4d. Futures
opened ull , with near nnd distant pisltlonH ' , id
higher ; cloned tlrm , with nenr nnd dlntnnt pool-
tlons ' , , (1 higher ; business henvlist on mlilillc
IM > sltIons ; December , 5i 2 < 1 : Jnnuary , ns SUd ;
February , 5s 4d ; March. Cs 4JJd ; April , n 5'td ;
May. 5s nid.
COHN Hjvot steady ; Amerlcnn mixed new , 3s
3d. rulures opened firm nnd u/ichanKCd ;
closed steady , with near and distant positions
unchanged to ' , i'l ' hlKher ; business heaviest on
mlddlu positions ; December , .Is 3'id ; Junuary , 3s
2t4d ; April , 3s 2id ; May , 3n 2d.
Fl.OUIt Steady , demand fair ; St. Louis fancy
winter , 7s.
PROVISIONS Itacon ; iiulet , demand poor ;
Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs. , 30s ; short ribs , 28
Ibs , , 30s ; long clear , light , 38 to 41 Ibs. , 27s 6d ;
long clear , heavy , 65 Ibs. , 27s ; short clear backs ,
light , 18 Ibs. , 27s ; short clear. 53 Ibs , , 26s M ;
clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 32s ; shouldris , square ,
12 lo 18 ! ) . , 32s ; hams , short cut. 14 tn 1C Ibs. ,
41s. lletf , extra India mess , 73s Oil ; prime rners ,
InH 6d. Pork , prime mess , line western , (33 Sil ;
rUlned , In palls , 29s Cd.
TAMX > \ \ Fine North American , nominal.
CJIKHHIi Quiet nnd stendy. demand moderate :
line American while , 44a ; line Amerlcnn colored ,
HtITTin-FInect : Unit oil Htntes. 95s ; good , GOs.
TUIlI'nNTlNi : Spirits. JOH Sd.
COTTON B13in Oily-Liverpool , renned , 17s 3d.
LINSiii ) OIL 2)s ) Gd.
PirrHOLIMJM-Itellned Slid.
IIIFHIOIIIATOK : : niir-Korcquartcra , s a ;
hindquarters. 5d.
III.IIACIIIKO rOWDKIt Ilordnooil , f , o. b. ,
Llverpoiil , C7.
HOI'S At London ( Pncino coast ) , 2 10s.
higher ; No. 2 hard , tK'JflMo ; No , 2 red , WJc ;
No. 2 ( prlng. tTflMlic ; No. 3 hprllif , 5Gc ; rejected ,
nominally SGfilOc ,
OHN Active , unchanged : No , 2 rnlxfd , 17ff
22Vic ; No. 2 white , 22if23c ; N" . 3 while , SiKBJSc.
OATS Active , steady : No , 2 mixed , nominally
lm No , 2 while , 18jl3c.
HYJJ-Hlendy nt 35c.
HAY Higher , firm ; t'moihy ' , J7.50iI12.W ; prnlrlf ,
lIUTTKIt-FIrm ; cronmery , 1S4J22C ; dalr ) , 11
iaO8 Weak nt ISc.
MliiiifiiitollH IVIimt 31
higher nnd llrm : Deeember , 52c ; May , 60i j50Hc :
on track , No. I haul , 54Jtc ; No. 1 northern , 52V ,
No. 2 northern , 62'tc : mdpls , 6 3 cars
n/OI'K In good demaml ; vale of 60,000 bbls ,
was made toddy at IlKiires which actually sur
prised Ihore on the Inxldc. Flint patents cnnnot
be biuebt.herc In wood at 1280. Kales lire made
In fair sited lots netting t.M here nnd from
that up to J3.4) . Domestic bakers' Koodn , J2.5oy
2.C4 ; export bakers , Jl.9082.25 ,
Ni\V YOHK. Dee. 0 HlIClAlt-Itaw , firm : fair
refining , 3163Uc ! ; centrifugal , i)6 ) list. 3'4c ' ; relined -
lined , linn ; trushfd , 5V c ; jwudtrcd , 4t4 i Krunu-
latcil , 4ric. ;
1X3NDON , Dec. C. Sl'OAIt Cane. tfady ;
prices fully rnalnlnln < il ; centrifugal Java , 12s 31 ;
Muscovado , fair rellnlng , K/s / 3d. llvcl. in live
and hlghtr ; December , 10s Gd ; Junuary , 10s 9d.
Forfluru Kir i n n el ill Alfalr * .
IinilLI.N' . Dec , D. Exchange- Landjn , eUht'
da > n' slKlit , 20 marks , 49 pfK ,
PAlSIri. Dec. D. Thru- per cent itntm. lOlf Gk-
for HIM account , Kicliunge on Ixjndon , : if 2l'4c '
for cheeks , 'Hie weekly tuHiiunt. of the Hunk
of aVaocc , Unued today , t lions the follow Inn
Telephone 1039. OMAHA , NEB.
Gruin , Provisions & Stocks
Room 11114 Board of Trade ,
nircct wires to Chicago ana New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
IT. P. SMITH O > 1. 1338) B. M. .STANFORD
Room 4. N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha.
Branch offices at Fremont and Columbui. All
order * placed on th Chicago Uuard of Trnd * .
Correspondents : Hchvvartz , Dupce A Co. , Chl >
C&co ; ohrelrier. Flack & Co. , St. Lout * . IUM
to Flr t National Uank. Omaha.
nevleivlner the era In nnd slock .mrkets , will b
sent you dnlly on request. In the hope of deserv
ing pnrt of your business. Orders solli'lted fof
cash or on three Id five point mart-Ins.
J. R. WILUR3 & GO.
Members Chicago Bon id of Trade , New Yorlt
Produce Uxchancc , New York Cons. Stock Ex
change. 17 Board Trade , Chicago. 44 Broadway.
New York.
changes ns compared with the previous account :
Notes In circulation , decrease , 2,550.000f ; treasury
accounts current , decrease. 23lf.0,000f ; Kold In
hand , Increase , 3,150,000f , bills discounted , de
crease. S8,42'iOWf ; sllve-r In hand , decicnsc.
l,700,000f , f
LONDON , Dec , K. The Hank of Knitland'H rnlo
of discount remains unchanged nt 2 per tent ,
The weekly statement of the Hank of Unglnnd ,
Issued today , shows th follouhiK changes , as
compared with the previous necounl : Total rt-
sirvi- , Increase , Il,41lor ( ; circulation , Increase ,
317,000 ; bullion , Imri'ase , 1,733.134 ; other securi
ties , ilecrease , fM4.C"/ other deposits. Increase ,
USl.OiK ) ; public deposltji , Increase' , 227,000 ; notes
reserve , Increase , 1,558,004 ; Kovt'rninent securl-
tl < s , unchniiKe-d. The piiipnrtlon nf the Hunk of
Hngland'H lewrvo to llablllllrH , which last week : .
was KI33 per , Is now CO.U8 per cinl. The
nmount of bullion cornInln the Hank of l-'ngland
on bnlancu today Is 123.liK ) . ( lold Is iiuotul nt
Iluenos Ayn-H today nl 231.50 ; Madrhl , 17.C2 ; Llb-
lion. 2G'i ' : Kl , relersburg , 50 , Atherifl , 77 ; Hoinu.
ltc.70 ; Vienna , 103.
Hun Kriinclnco Mliilntf CluolntlonN.
SAN PHAN01SCO. Due , S Tim onicUl closliiT
quoUitl'jim for iiiliiliiT atjjci tillWJrj ai fjl-
lowu ;
Aim 1.1 Julia. . . 5 "
AlDhaCon"J Knntnclcv Con ft
Alldcb 'JL LidvVash. . Con. . 1
IluIchcT .10 Mnxlu.m ,17
Hunt A lleilehor , , , . R.I Mount Diablo IS
IlloelnCou 15 UcrldunUl Con. . . . 7il
Caledonia II Orcrm.m U
Chnlloniro Con 29 1'ulcul. 01
I < 'l n n n Hal YfitiN ,
NEW YORK , DC . C. Usur.nsJ , JI1C 4I3,8J ! ; till *
nnces , J7,717,503.
1IOSTON. Dec. 6. Clenrlngs , JI5CS2,3C7 ; bal
ances , JI.734.0SO.
IIALTIMORE. Dec. 5.-Cleurlnr , J2CI9,77I |
balances , J3I5.6C4 ,
HT. LOUIS. Dec. 6. Clearings , J4.712.4I2 ; bal
ances , I'M.l'j'J. New York exehangc , GOo pre
mium bid ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 5 Cl n Inf'a 117,333,00) . Money.
stiady at 654 ! ptr cent on cull ; 681014 per cent
for commercial paper. New York e-xchange , 70o
premium , Bterlmt. , posted rales , JI.90 on de
mand , J4.19 for sixty days ,
I.NSTUUMiNTS placed on record December
D , 1805 ;
Albert Newman ti > llnrhnrn Newman ,
lot 40. WlmlHor 1'Juro exk'iiHloi . $1DOO
J 1 * Hoi * nnd wife to T J Stonier ,
lot 1 . Kjiwurlh mid , , . , , . , , . 400
Loulu Hchroedcr , trustee , to John Me-
Nulty , lot C , hlock 1C , lliown J'nrk. . OTA
NaBhuu'TrtiBt comiiany to A M'KiiiK1 ]
lot 19 , block 18S , Dundee Kaco 1,200
O II Hrown to I'cte-r Hchmlelt , IOH | 1
to 4 , 7 to 10 , bloelt C , Hyde I'nrk. . 100
HhcrltY lo fioutb Omaha Bavlnirs Hank ,
lot E. block 4 , AlbrlBht'B Annex , . . . CC7
Bpcclul tnuBtcr to 10 II liates , lot 3 ,
liloc'k 1 , lialph I'luce l.TXX )
Buino to name , lot 9 , block 1 , ItcoU'H
tth uUd 1COO
H.I i no to A F Ctttniivn , lot 8 , Morao &
li'a 1'luco . . . , . ,
Total amount of transfers.