Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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pomtlvo Dr. Hooker. dfcretAfy to
Bitnlll , wrnt to lliHImoro tonight to confer
with Cardinal Oltilonn , when n Ifttor day for
ttio cerfmony will he determined upon The
Imitations for Iho Ifitli had been engraved
and halt of th in font , no ( lint the offlelnls
of the ( loltgntlon tics re wide publicity of
the change. In order to avoid confusion.
After a confcrrnce with Cardinal Olli-
foonn , Or lloikr , Slpr. Satnlll's secretary ,
tonight announced that the ceremony of the
elevation of Msr. Satolll to be cardinal will
take place on the drat Sunday In Januiry ,
which occurs on the Eth of the month ,
\ Jicnnfor Mill * linn Oll < - for CiiltiliiK till !
V Sllr In flic
WASHINGTON , Dec. B. A number of
Introduced In the senate today. Among
them were.
Hy Senator Mllli , directing the secretary
of the trciEiiry to Imva oil the silver In the
treasury coined Into subsidiary coin , and pro
viding thit vvlion the revenues of the govern
ment shall be Insul'tclcnt to meet the cur *
r nt expenses of the government the pccre-
tiry shall Issue nonlnterert-bearlng Ingal tender -
dor treasury notes In amounts sufficient to
cover the dsflclency , and pay oui th same In
the current expenditures of the government ,
and also that wlien the gold reserve In the
treasury shall b In excesy of $100,000,000 ,
end legal t'Mder notes are presented for re
demption In coin , they slnll redeemed In
cither gold or slim coin at the discretion of
the secretary. The bill also provides tint
when Ilia reisrvc shall fall below $100,000-
000 the secretary shall redeem the notes In
silver. It clozca with a declaration for the
maintenance of tin parity of the t o metals
and a provision for the repcil of all laws
authorizing the Itsuanco of Interest-bearing
ly Scna'or Morrlll , for the npjiolntment
by the president of a registrar of copyrights ,
to perform the duties now pirfnrmcd by the
librarian of congress. The wnsuro Is a re
sult of the disclosures of the library book
keepers' methods mada by the Spofford In
Hy Senator Call , to prevent and punish th
control of elections by corporations engaged
In Interstate commerce. Also a bill requir
* ing the railroad cninpanlc" to pay employes
if Injured In the discharge of their duty th lr
i | salaries while disabled , nnd In case of death
it' to continue to pay the salaries to tholr wid
ows during their natural HVCH.
Hy Sepator Dubola , an amendment to the
rules at the senate for the distribution ol
the appropriation bills among the various
senate committees.
Uy Senator Vllas , a bill to prevent the car
rying of obDCJne literature on railroads en
gaged In Interstate commerce.
Uy Senator Faulkner , a bill authoring th ;
governor of Alaska to grant liquor llc'nsjs ,
nnd providing for the punishment of those
engaged In this trnnic ultliout such license.
Also a bill authorizing the governor of Alaska
to create precincts and appoint justices of
the paice and constables.
ny Senator Sherman ( by request ) . , to pro
vide for the reorganization or the line of the
army so as to contest of three reglmcnti > of
flold artillery , twelve regiments of cavalry
and olghtesn regiments of Infantry. This fol
lows the same general lines as Representa
tive Outlnvallo's bill of last congress , and is
devoted especially to the artillery BJr
Will Xot Surrriulfr Utinscll.
WASHINGTON , Dec. C. Belgium has re
fused to surrender Harry Husyoll , the post-
office robber nnd l.udlow street Jail breaker ,
to the United States authorities , and the
criminal will In all probability never undergo
trial In this country for his crimes. Bel
gium's reply to Secretary Olney's request Is
to the effect that while regretting Its In
ability to do so , the Belgium government
cannot permit the extradition of a fugitive
from Justice unless his crime Is among those
mentioned In the extradition treaty between It
and the United States.
M\ OcrniiuijIVniitN u Ai > w Navy.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 6. United States
Consul Jlcnoghan nt Chemnitz , Germany , has
supplied the State department with advance
notes of an article to be published by Ad
miral Werner upon the defenseless condition
of German commerce In the event of war.
The admiral clUs figures i to show the -vast
magnitude of this commerce , for the protec
tion of which the Roverntiirat ban mada thn
Insignificant provision of four fast modern
cruisers , nnd arguex for an Immediate allow *
nnco of 100,000,000 francs to build new
cruisers. ,
> for tlir Arntj.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. ( Special Tele
gram ) I cjva of absence for twenty days la
granted Colonel Oswald Herbert , superin
tendent United States Military academy.
Captain Walfr Ij l-'lak , Corp of Knglnecrs.
Is ordered for temporary duty as engineer
of the Thirteenth Lighthouse district , to re-
llovo Major James C. l'o t , Corps of Kn-
gln'flro , who Is ordered to tranifer hlu pres
ent duties pertaining to fotlflcatlons , river
and harbor works to the temporary charge
of Capllln Walter I , . Kls-k , and proceed to
Detroit , M'ch , to take charge of the works
of river and harbor Improvement , now tem
porarily In charge of Sscond Lieutenant
James IJ. Cavanangh , Corps of Engine rs > .
Pirn Lieutenant Charles S Ilche ! , Corps
of Hnslncers , Is. relieved from duty at Wll-
letts Point , N. Y. , and ordered to proceed
to New Orleans , Li.
Leave -of abs-nce for one month , to take
effect about December lri , 16fl5. Is granted
Lieutenant Colon5 ! 1'oter D. Vroom , Inspector
Leave of nb'ence for four months , to take
effect on or about December 20 , 1895 , Is
granted Plrst L'ciitcnant Prank n. Jones ,
adjutant , Twenty-second Infantry.
AVortil'H Pair McilnlM Almiit Dour.
WASHINGTON. Dec. C Mr. Ecovlll of the
Scovlll Manufacturing company of Waterhury ,
Conn. , the contractors for the Columbian
World's fair medals , was at the Treasury
department today and announced that all of
the 24,000 medals would be computed and
ready for delivery by the middle of the pres
ent month. Tho'meJals , which are artistic
ally and otherwise very satisfactory to the
government , ara put up In handsome alu
minum cases , so that both sides may bo
readily reen , and these are again enclosed
In wooden boxes. The diplomas are nearlng
completion at the Hursau of Engraving and
Printing , and It Is expected that both the
diplomas and medals will be ready for de
livery some time next Pehruary. The entire
cost uf the medals , cases , etc. , will bo about
HiiiiNoin'M Aioliitnifiit IlcMMltmltlril.
WASHINGTON , DJC. G. The president
today sMit to the senate a number of recess
appointments. Among them were Mitt W.
Hansom of North Carolina to bo minister to
Mexico. Mr. Hansom was confirmed by the
last senate for the same position , but It was
held that his appointment was Illegal.
f'nMlfiioVt Aot Yet Ht-nity.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. It Is probable Sec
retary Carlisle's annual report will not ba
sent to congress before Tuesday of next week.
Various matters delayed Its preparation , so
that the secretary could not begin writing-
till the latter part of last week.
X - Mining Kxi'limmr'Xwirly an Art-
N iir IMI Knot.
CHICAGO , Dec. 5. The Chlcigo Mining
exchange will soon bo a substantial certainty.
Yesterday afternoon a preliminary meeting of
citizens Interested in mining stocks was held
at the Palmer house and an outline of a pro
posed exchange was agreed upon. The mini
mum number of members was fixed at 100
and the maximum at S50. With 100 members
at $100 each bccurod the exchange will open
for business. T"ils morning the member
ship committee met at the Palmer houss and
de'ennlned to rurfi the subscription list.
The committee hopes to bo able to round up
100 members by Saturday , when Us next
meeting will be held.
Thirty-seven members WCTO enrolled this
morning. Hush Field was chosen chairman
of the committee and H. Burkholder secre-
ta-y. Subscription papers were opened today
ft the olUcos of Hobert Llndblom , Hoard of
Trade ; John Mayo Palmer , 710 Stock E\-
Chang ; ; W. H. Underwood , 103 Hartford
Holiday Prices.
We have put on sale about 250 Ladies Silk
and Wool House Gowns.
Goods formerly sold at from $5 to $15.
Some lined , some not lined , all of them
are fine Cashmere and Henrietta or
Silk color black , navy , pink , pale blue ,
brown , tan , pale green , helitrope. Sizes
32 to 42. All these elegant gowns will
be closed out at $4.45. Orders from
out of town should
come promptly , as
they will all be sold in a short time.
We are also "making two special sales of
L-idies' Wash Wrappers. One at Sgc
and one at 980 , all dark colors ; all at
half price.
Kxtiaoidlnnry values this week.
Silks weld tit OliiKlmin prices.
China SDKs , In all thu pletty light
shades for faney work or doll
dies-ses , at only , yiud 10c
S11H Crepes , all pure silk , In all
llgljt colors , goods that uiu actually -
ally woith a."ic , for , yard 10o
Colored Satin , abholutely
ull hlllc , In all colors , leally
woith ! ? 1.00 , for , yaul -10c
Elegant Hrocaded TnlTctii Silks ,
otlwr hotihes wiy they are a bar
gain at " "ic. our pi lee Is , yard. . . Me
Die.sden Taffeta Silks , goods that
are woith $ ! . : a yard , In evenIng -
Ing shades and dink colors , go
dm Ing this s.ile at , yard COc
The handsomest line of Utoeaded
( iros Grains and Satins , In all
black good * that wo have sold at
$ l-2 > , \\t ! are now belling them
for , yard 05c
Holiday Presents
What more fitting than Jewelry ?
\\'n had placed our holiday Jewelry
older before the chance to liny thu
Baumer bankrupt stock came. We now
have moie Jewelry and ( iunis than sev
eral stores cntiltl reguhuly handle. Hank-
runt prices will move- them all , how-
ihinj : In high class Ji'welr.T nt
butiVrupc prices.
Bankrupt prices aie one-third Jew-
lors' prices.
Friday Specials
at the Big Store ,
Krcsh Oystois , SOc quint.
Cml Fish and While Fish , tic.
SmokiMl .Salmon , llM/.c. , i
Smoked While , lOc.
Fresh Flnan Huddles , lOe. !
Smoked Sturgeon , 18c.
Everything hi the Fish line.
Butter and Eggs.
Gauntry nutter lOc.
Comjtiy Itoll Uuttor , 12& < - ' .
C'ranlierrles 8c iiuini.
Stilutly Fresh Eggs nt lowest pilccs.
Grocery Dept.
; ! 0 pounds Coarse Granulated
Sugar ? 1.00
UoHt brands of Flour , BestIX ,
Ilnyiluns' Host 5 X , Oolden Hod
or any other brand , wiel : . - . . 05c
Oood Uln ( Jonon ( ficsh loasted ) , . . 'Me
High gnido Java and Moclm Cof
fee . - BOc
Currunta t fie
Kalslus 31X50
Don't foigut that wn inuke our Candy
fresh inory half hour. AVlion you want
a box of the llnust l < 'iciich Candles ,
Choeolates , Iton ' lony , otc. , Jin v dens'
huvo thu best.
Bond of Oity Tronsuror-Elcct Edwiuds
Finally Approved.
Ilimrll nnil Iturklcjptii ) irtti
Mc-mluT Almptit mill Kit
i\cMinpiI lliiiirt | ( if lli < * I'l-
The bond of A. G. Edward ? , city treasurer-
elect , furnished by the Fidelity and Deposit
company of Maryland , In the sum of $100,000 ,
was approved by the city council last night ,
nil of the members voting for It except Burk-
ley and How ell , who voted against It , and
Calm and Jnynes , who wore abssnt.
Mr. Bechel was called to the chair for the
meeting , nnd the finance committee presented
the following report.
Your committee , to which wn * refened
the bond of Albert O. Kilwards. city lions-
urrr-elpct , signed by the Fidelity nnd De
posit company of TVtarylnml , begs leave to
r.port tlint It bus given the matter careful
The last legislature pa sed n law authoriz
ing security companies to bond public olllclnls
In the stnte of Nebraska. It lias become nl-
most nn axiom with Mnln not to accept
peisonnl bonds for Us olllccrs or umplo\e ,
tor the specially recognized reason that the
bank would , by such ncccptnnce , be under
obligations to the sureties. The same ob
jection lies , with perhaps greater force ,
with public ofllclnls charged with the cus
tody of public funds. The plnn of accepting
such u bond , which is comparatively new In
Nebraska , lias the commendable elements
In It of at least freeing the tlty treasurer
of nil such Influences , nnd It mukes It pos
sible to better servo the Interests of the peo-
> le. Such bond Is nt best Insurance against
1 o < i. It Is tit least questionable why one
ulass of people should Insure their neigh
bors ngnlnst lo s , where one nnin Is Just nn
much Interested ns the other , partlculnily
when u good surety bond can be obtnlned
whose ottlcers will see that the shortages
nnd defalcations do not occur , or If they do ,
they will be quickly detected nnd made
Your committee confesses that Its mem-
ucrs nre wedded to the out methods , and
ylovv to accept new one , but It must admit
that upon careful Investigation It llmls
many good reasons why n surety company
bond Is preferable.
In reference to the bond submitted by A.
Q. Ijdwards , city treasurer-elect , wo beg to
report as follows :
I'lrst , the city nttorney drew the bond ,
and his letter Is herewith submitted , stating
that said bond Is executed according to
Second , your committee would liavo
ttrongly advised the division of the bond
among several surety companies , but such
a proposition Is not before us , and we uqder-
stand the charteis of some of these compa
nies prohibit the bonding to nn extent re
quired , nnd In addition , the legal department
declines to accept their form of bond.
Third , under the circumstances we have
the bond of the FIdollty and Deposit com
pany of Mnrjlnnd. duly executed and ap-
pioveil by tha city attorney , as to nil legal
points , and from the most tiustworthy
Hources nnd careful investigation jour com
mittee feels Justified In recommending the
bond as ample security for the purpose. The
city council Is authorized to call for addi
tional bond nt any tlm ? , should It be neces
sary. We took up the consideration of this
subject with preconceived Ideas adverse tn
accepting this band , but our investigations
have led us to the conclusion that the bond
lully protects the city , and should be ap
A concurrent resolution Is herewith sub
mitted , carrying into effect the recom
mendations of this report :
Resolved , Uy the city council , the mnvoi
concurring , that the bond of Albei t G. Kd-
vvnrds , city tren urer-clect. In the sum of
$100,000. executed bv the Fidelity nnd De
posit compiny of Maryland , by Its presi
dent , Edwin Warflcld , and Its becretary ,
Herman K. Hosier , dated December 3 , ISj ,
b ; and the same Is hereby approved.
On the adoption of the resolution Durkley
and llonell voted In the negative. Mr. nd-
wards was excutod from voting , and the
other thirteen members pressnt voted for the
On the approval of the bond the same vote
prevailed. Mr. Hem ell explained that he had
asked the commlttea to explain or answer
csrtaln questions he asked concerning the
legal phase of the matter , and the committee
had failed to do so. He could not vate for
the bond until he had his questions r rod.
Mr. Kennard and Mr. Saunders alned
that they had opppsed the bond In ui > flri'i '
place , but had convinced themselves by In
vestigation that the bond was all right , and
to voted to approve It.
After the approval of the bond the council
adjourned until next Tuesday night.
Coulter 'SIIJM 111 * Mull llonil "Will lie
FuriilHlifil ThlH MoritliiK.
It lacked but a few minutes to 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon when Jerome Coulter
and his guard arrived In Judge Berka's court
room. He were a satisfied smile and an
nounced to those around him that ho had at
length succeeded In securing ball In the sum
of $15,000 for his appearance In the district
court at a later date. Substantial evidence
to support this fact , however , he failed to
produce , and qualified his first statement by
adding that he had the positive promise of
four solid business men to appear at the po-
1'co station and sign the document In the
morning. The officer who accompanied
Coulter yesterday confirmed Coulter's state
ments as to his having received promises
from certain parties to go on the bond.
It Incidentally leaked out In the conversa
tion that the throe bondsmen whom Coulter
had already upon the paper had grown faint
hearted at the last moment and had with
drawn their na nes from the document. The
names of the men who are eald to bo wlll'ng
and anxious to back their capital against
Coulter's honor and honesty wera sedulously
withheld from the public , not even a list of
them being handed to Judge licrlta. It was
stated that each man In nuestion would nuallfy
for $25,000 and that they would positively ap
pear and act their parts before the police
judge In the morning.
Coulter seemed overjojed at the prospect
of an early release , as lilt > long confinement
appears to have worried him to a largo ex
tent. The rotund form of the ex-deputy city
treasurer has not fallen off any In the mat
ter of avoirdupois , but many new wrinkles
have made their appearance upon his fore
head and Ills face Is seldom free from n
constant express'on of care. The prisoner
left the court rom with a light step , and
repeated that the bond would assuredly bo
made out In proper form In the morning ,
and that there would be no question as to his
friends being present.
\Vltli tinItrinilnrlty nt 11 Sliultli- ,
hnd nearly as swift , th ; trains of the Lake
< ! hre & Michigan Southern U'y n.nlce their
trips between Chicago and Now York , weav
ing closer and closer day by day the many
mutual Interests of these great commercial
centers of the United States. Departing
from the Van Uuren street station , located In
the heart of the business district of Chicago ,
and arriving In Now York at the Grand Cen
tral station , 43.1 street , tire popularity of.this
llro In point of time and convenient ) Is read
ily understood. It seems almost supsrfluous
to odd that for this Birvlce the equipment
embodies all that Is now and modern In the
art of car building ; apparently nothing that
would glvo one a fo'ling of safety , comfort
and luxury has been overlooked. The ached-
ule provides morning , afternoon and evening
trains. Latest time table , with all Informa
tion desired , will be promptly furnished on
application , .
D. P. HUMPHREY , T. P. A. .
Kfuiius City , Mo.
C. X. WILDER , W. P , A. .
"The Truth Aliont the Ji-vv. "
In u short series of lectures on the general
topic "Tho Truth About the Jew , " Dr. Leo
M. Franklin of Temple Israel will , on Fri
day evening of thin week , bigln the discus-
blon of certain topics not generally agreed
upon. The Hpcclul topic for this week will
bo "Aro the Jews the Chosen 1'eopleV" In
these lecture the thought current among
modern Jewish thlnkcts of the reform
bChool will bo advanced , and they are ex
pected to call forth much Interest. Services
In the temple , nt Twenty-fourth and Hartley
streets , begin at 7:45. : Seats are free , und
all who wish to come will be welcome.
Mr. Zliuiuerittuii'H IiiHtiruucr.
OMAHA. Dec , 5-To the Editor of The
Jleu ; The Northwestern Masonic Aid asso
ciation of Chicago paid a 11,000 policy to
the daughter of Gottlieb Zimmerman , who
committed suicide limt July , It Is there
fore not the Masonic Aid company that
Is fighting a claim for Inturunce on his
life In the federal court.
J. L > H1NCHUAN , Agent.
mowni > s rou
l - ,
ItiTiiiitit iijT Itiillnln on 1 dtp fur Cniii-
The conl st/ vcr the election of n com
missioner liHUie Second commissioner dis
trict was cfminpnced In Judge llaxter's
court yesterday afternoon.
Half dan Jacolnen , ( he contestant , and W.
I , Klerstenil "the commissioner-elect , were
rttpresented'IbV attorneys , and wore present
themselves oJitl acted as tally keepers In the
recount of tlfc inte. The vote In eight of the
ten districtotj the Third ward was counted ,
showing a iHf'galn of twelve votta In favor
of Mr. Klmtead. The gains were made
chiefly In the JnJIots wlilch had been rejected
by the clelt fiCnfflclnh for Irregularities on
some * of the ofllces. In one Instance a voter
hid voted for Jlvo candidates for Judge nf the
supreme court , and for four men for sheriff ,
but was straight on the rest of the county
Mr. Jacobscn expected to make his gains In
the Third ward , mid was considerably dlscon-
certevl by the result of the recount. The
work will be taken up again this morning
and will probablj be completed today.
1 - - , . ,
rirMt .National Itnnk of ClileiiKO Ac-
CM-ptN | | | ( . I'lnlls.
CHICAGO , Dec. 5 Lynnn J. Gag , prcrl-
dent of the First Nitlonal bank , announced
todiy that he would accept the Alley L re-
organl/atloa plan as formulated by Messrs.
Mitchell , Illgeldw and Wolcott , which means
that a part of the fir ft mortgage bondholdtrs
and nil of the holders of the seen ml lien are
willing to accept the terms devls'd by the re
organization committee. He n tided. "It
would bo expensive a.nd I'm afraid dangerous
for peopb wllh our experience to take n cor
poration like the Alley L nnd endeavor So op
erate It. Hy accepting the terms of the ie-
organization we shall sive ourtelve ? i.iucl ,
money and a good dsat of walking.Ve lave
had enough of the latter exercise nlrcidy.
You may Bty that the reorganization plan
will go through. "
Mr. A. . A. Slaughter , a private banker. In
terested In the property , however , wants the
bondholders to take and operate the road and
is forming an organization to fight the pio-
po3d reorganization.
Atliiiiln People in < rrtnlii Their Ohio
ATLANTA , Dec. 5. Cincinnati day at the
exposition dawned cold and bleak , with a few
flakes of snow falling , but before noon the
sun shone1 out brightly and the temperatute
rose somewhat. The fifth regiment , Ohio
National Guard , and Battery B escorted the
mayor and the Cincinnati Chamber of Com
merce out Peach Tree street , from the Aragon -
gen hotel , arriving at the exposition grounds
Just nt 12 o'clock. President Collier of the
exposition company delivered the address
of welcome and President Frleberg of the Cin
cinnati Chamber of Commerc : responded
Major King's welcome to Atlanta was re
sponded to by MaJ'or Caldwell , of Cincinnati.
Secretary of State Allen D. Chandler spoke
for this commonwealth and M. C. Ingalls
and General A. Hlckenlooper responded.
The flret installment of the New Jersey
delegation ArrlvlS ! this morning and were re
ceived at headquarters.
\M-iIunilnii CloNoil nt lliitTiili ) .
DUFPAnOj Dec. 5. Today practically
closed navigation at this port. The canal
closes todo'yj b order of the suprlntendent
of public works and hundreds of boils nre
tied up linry. , - , Coal shipments are almost
over , and no more ves93la will clear from
hero cxcrp , such as Intend to lay up else
where forp the , , winter. The Heading lias
stopped shipping coal , the Pennsylvania shut
down jesterday , . the Erie wound up today ,
and the anna and Lehlgh will con
clude Saturday. , Grain la still pouring in to
such an extent fis to cause a blockade at the
elevators oji < many vessely already here can
not unload 'before weiU. , No more oC
the western , Illjes steamers will leave this
season , bu several will come down from
upper lake ports to winter here.
' llntcM for I'ythlnn lini'mnpmiMi' .
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 5-Chairman Cald
well of the Western Lines , J > assenger ; associa
tion , during his visit to thlg city , diplomat
ically ovadeJ committing blms'lf or the rail
roads on this city's demand for a 1 cent a
mile rate during the Pythlnn encampment
the lait week of next August. The whole
matter is to como up for flnal settlement at
the association's next meeting and an answer
is promised by January 1. The demand is
based on the cent a mile rate granted to the
Grand Army of the Republic encampment at
St. Paul the first weak In September. It ID
considered certain that the railroads will not
discriminate against Mtnnoapol's and In favor
of St. Paul , , and that the rate will bz granted.
Movc-lili-ntx of tinWlm
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 5. It is reported
that the American Steel Darge company of
West Superior will send the big whalcbacK
passenger steamer Christopher Columbus
around Into the Pacific and operate her on
one of the tfoist routes. The t'tory ' Is denied
by the company and the statement made that
If the Christopher Columbus Is taken any-
vvhero it will bo to the Atlantic coat. Chief
Engineer Robert 3. DIannett has left the
whaleback Cjty of Everett and will go east
In a few days , and his dsparture has been
connected with the Columbus story. He Is
the company's pioneer engineer and has
brought out nearly every vessel In the fleet.
Cnllfornla'n Hnllrond HaltCIIMO. .
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. fi. United States
District Attorney Footo has Bent to the attor
ney general of the United States a copy of
his Intervention suit In the litigation between
the railroad commissioners and the Southern
j-acnic company , MHO associate counsel for
the railroad commissioners have also been
served with copies of the same document ,
No further steps will bo taken In the matter
until Toote presents hlo petition on Monday
morning before United States Judge McKenna.
I.ooUlnc ; for Illx Duimlitrr.
Joseph SIcKonzlei , who resides near Windsor
ser , was at the police station last night to
Inquire for his missing daughter , Josephine.
The girl Is 17 years of nge , nnd left homi >
last Friday. Since that time nothing has
been heard from her , and her parents are
much nlnrmed over her continued absence. It
Is thought that she came to this city , al
though no reason for her sudden departure Is
In UKOn ( en It CIIHP.
Yesterdny forenoon the talcing of testi
mony In the Outcalt case In the federal
court vvns < rtiVni > letod , and In the afternoon
the urgumilitwere begun. It Is expected
that they will bo finished this morning and
the case BUbaqtted | to the jury by noon.
Hefore JudwShlrns the case of Henry
Michael of South Omaha against the Union
Pacific HnUvvni- company Is still in pro
gress. Tha still Is for JS.OOO damages for
the loss of ) nrleg , the boy huvlnjr been run
over by "
, Tt-niiN.
PITTSnU ppec. , , C. The miners' delegates
to the jolnt coaventlon of miners and opera
tors held ai rocret conference this morning
to consider1' fltb operators' ultimatum of
sixty-four 6enttf > per ton for the first three
months of 1S9C , and seventy cents for the
balance of tlw fear. The miners want sev
enty-four cifhta tor the entire year , but there
was a disposition this morning to accept the
operators' ujtlmatum and an amicable settle
ment la lookedfor ' " nt this afternoon's Joint
' v1
Wreck on tin- Norfolk it Wfnrrii.
C. A bad wr ck occurred on the Norfolk &
Western raljroad between two freight trains
near Knnls .last night. Engineer ForellneB ,
Walter Straley , conductor , and a colored
brakomau were al | killed. The train broke
In two parts , Fireman Qamder was seriously
Injured. -
1'rfNliluiil Curo'M VneiiUou.
NEW YORK , Dec. B. A dispatch to the
Herald from Panama says : President Care
will retire temporarily from the presidency.
General Rafael Reyes , minister of the In
terior , will act as president.
DfUtlm of iv Day.
MONTREAL , Dec. 6. Senator Murpty ,
senior member of the firm of Frotherlngtun ,
Workman & Co. , dropped dead on tha stltet
Elaborate ProparnUong Mntlo to Start n
Revolution in Canton ,
S MiMi -rit o of tin * roniplrntor * rnp-
tiircil IMnl AVrtu llroiiulit < ' Mulit
li > - < lu > 1 nlli'il Hlnli-N roiiinil
ClirlilliitiN liiiplltMilril.
DOSTON , Dec. C Mall advices rrcMvcd
by relhblo persons In this city fiom Canton ,
glvo details of nn a tempt to capture the
city of Canton by a secret organization for
the purpose of establishing nn Independent
The writer M > S : "Tho plot wa * exposed
October 22 , when the attention of the United
States consul vvns called to a suspicious fie *
gram from n Hong Kong firm to Its brnnch
In Canton , concerning the shipment cf certain
package * . The authorlles weri notified and
the packages , which proved to bo five barrels
of pistols nnd ammunition labell'd 'cement , '
were tulzod on their arrival. On the same
steamer from Houg Kong came -100 men who
expected to aid In the revolt. The cIHclaH ,
however , captured seventy-five of them The
revolutionists had no w jipon8 , but It v\ae
learned that they were to be supplied by
friends In the city. This seizure of arms
nnd the capture of those Implicated com
pletely thwarted ths attempt , nnd the au
thorities are now making diligent search for
the leader , as vvtll as for the weapons. It
Is tuld there nro thousands In sjmpathy
with the movement.
"The Hong Kong p'oplo speak of It as a
'pitrlollc movement and worthy of support.1
The plan of the organization , which originated
In Hong Kong , and was taken up In Canton ,
was first to capture the city treasury , next
to demolish the viceroy's * p.Mace. Hy this
time ( hey would expect sufficient aid to storm
tha city. Thov next expected to proclaim
an Independent government , nnd to take
measurcj to hold the city.
"The movement has Involved the Christians
to a considerable extent , nnd great cxclto-
mtnt prevails , and especially Inside the city
near the chapel , which had been used , un
known to the missionaries , as a sort of
rendezvous for some of the conspirators. "
KiuiNiit llniik Will Iliiililiio.
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 5 A special to
the Star from Pratt , Kan. , says : The First
National bank of this city goes Into vo'un-
tary liquidation todiy. It vvathe oldest
nnd most popular bank here. All depositors
nre piltl In full , nnd the stockho'ders have
enough assets to pay out If thcy can realize
on the same. C. S C.ilhoun. the president ,
vvl'l close up the business nnd J. L Vaughn ,
cashier , will move to McPhcrson , Kan.
Prof. W. G. Rjan of New York Is at the
Judge Jesse T. Davis of Blair Is at the
Ira D. Marston , a Kearney attorney , Is at
the Mlliard.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hutt of Gordon are at
the Dellone.
Judga J. B. Cessna of Hastings 's ' registered
at the Millard.
F. H. Gllcrest , lumber merchant , Kearney ,
Is at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. nrannlck of Portland , Ore ,
ara Paxton guests.
Sol Dlotsky , dry goods merchant , Shelb > .
la. , Is at the Arcade.
Mr. and Mrs. L. n. Schaefcr of Kimball
are guests at the Mercer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wenham of Chicago
ore guests at the Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ott of "The Star Gazer"
company are at the Paxton ,
Dr. n. C. Corrigin , druggist of O'Neill , Is
regit'tercd at { he" Merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. F.V. . McDonald of Kansas
City are guests at the Paxton.
Mike Elmer of Alliance , railroad contrac
tor , Is registered at the Paxton.
Will C. Dawdy , salesman of the Smalley
bicycles , Is registered at the Paxton.
J. F. Gibson , division superintendent of the
Milwaukee , Marion. la. , Is at the Paxton.
Miss May Jordan and Phil A. Ott of "The
Star Gazer" company are at the Merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kloke and Mrs. R. C.
Peters of West Point are guests at the Mil
Colcnel A. E. Cole , president of the Na
tional Traveling Men's association , Is at the
James Reed of Nebraska City , represent
ing a Detroit wholesale drug house , Is at the
R. Keppler. traveling passenger agent of
tlia Lake Shore & Southern , of Kansas
City , Is at the Mlliard.
Dr. Franklin R. Carpenter of Deadwood ,
manager of the Delaware and Deadwood
Smelting and Refining company , Is at the
Mr. R. C. Dalley , James Harper and
Frank-W. Cole , Lincoln ; Mr. F. E. McGlnnls.
Hastings ; Gecigo E. llalrd , Grand Island :
William E. Cahlll , Columbus , nnd G. Wil
liams , Kearney , are Nebraska arrivals at the
Mr. William Wnlte , manager ; Miss Wlnnl-
fred F. Temple , Miss Maud Bagley , Miss
Dorothe Grey , Mr. Lewt De Greet , Mr. James
D. Watkins , Mr. Dan J. Mack , Mr. Matt Car
roll , Mr. John St. George , Mr. Thomas Cook ,
Mr. Bertram Bedell , Mr. Joe Harrington nnd
Miss Blanche Arkwright are members with
Joe Ott , The Star Gazer Company , domiciled
at the Barker.
At the Murray : r , C. Read , Philadelphia ;
Les Shire. New York ; H. V. Ball , Phil G
lilntz , St. Louis ; F. R. Blakeslee. Buffalo ,
D. P. Whitney , Chicago ; Joseph Horn , New
York ; F , Reed , Kansas City ; J. A. Webbei ,
Syracuse- ; . R. Ward , Chicago ; A. H. Cllngo ,
Hartford , Conn. ; William B. Ochs , New York ;
P. II. Sklpworth , Jr. , St. Louis ; Emily Car-
rlngton , Theresa Carrlngton , New York ; F.
R. Richards , Albany , N. Y. : C. S. Goodwin.
Brooklyn ; J. P. Murphy , St. Louis , A. F.
Nixon , New- York ; W. R. Benedict , Chicago ;
II. Murray , Wymore ; D. P. Welpton , Chicago ;
A. D. Sears , Grand Island ; A. Kunstacller ,
Chicago ; S. S. Hunter , Boston ; II. W , Bus-
sang , New York.
NdirilNlillllH lit till ! HlltClN ,
At the Mercer Arthur C. Chase , Nebraska
At the Merchants J , Slllaren , Paxton ; E ,
L. liurke , Oonou ,
At the Dellone Sam J. Oliver , Nebraska
City ; W. W. Hoberts , Norfolk.
At the Paxton 11. D. Hussell , A. E.
Houghtelln , Falrbury ; W. H. Vullan. Ex
eter ; II , L. Cook. St. Paul.
At the Arcade A. O. Williams , Ames ; C ,
P. Oablo , C. E. Stiles , Plain view : D. M
Gould , Alnsworth ; H. T. King , Fremont ;
W. J. Stemler , Humboldt ; L. V. Graves , J.
F. McKlnley , J , Hustle , Auburn ; J , K.
Hancock , Tekumoh.
No Nerves Quaking
No Heart Palpitating
No Dyspeptic Aching
Nicotine Neutralized
Tlirrf > o r NcnrljCnmitlHp Tlio
Itrlicnrxnl * .
Arrangement * preparatory to the coming
society circus that will be held In the Coli
seum are rapidly npproichlng completion.
The clowns , riders and ringmasters are
all enrolled , and there promises to be no end
of aniu ement In the grand hippodrome per
formance. Lart night there was a rehearsal
of the catchy Inlhds that will be rendered
by the female chorus. It li exacted that
this cliorup will consist of eev entjfive voices.
The next rcheirstl will ba held on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock In Hayden'i store Di
rector Thomas Kelly , who has charge of the
vocal muslr , announced hit night that the
next meeting would be the last opportunity
for new members to enlist In the chorui
There will bo two fancy drill' , one under
the direction of Mrs , Wcrtz , the other In
charge of Frank Short A succe sful drill
of the latter's brigade was held jepterdiy
afternoon in the Young M-ri'g Christian
Assochtlon hall. Hrrriftcr the drills will
be practiced In the Coliseum. A rehearsal of
tl.c grand orchestra , consisting of twentj
five pieces , will hi held this afternoon In the
Young Men's Christian association building
i.ncti ,
A meeting to organize a populist club for
toughs county will be held at Knights o/
Lilor hall Mt.xt Wednesday evening.
Lllllo Hokum , wlfo of Charles Hokum ,
was jestcrday afternoon nrrestcd charged
with living In adultery with Daniel Lentr.
Carl LenU was the complaining witness It )
the case.
Mr Clement Chass will talk on tha gift
books of the season b ° fore the current litera
ture department of the Woman's club. Krl-
day , December C , at 3-45 p. in. All members
of the club are Invited.
The police are looking for Bud Goody ,
the neero who as-iultcd Frank Frol on with
a billiard cue on Saturday night In the "Mm
way. " It Is expected tint lie will be ar-
rtstcd shortly , but not In Omaha.
The new Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric
Light company is suing Ernest Stunt in the
tllstr'ct court for ? 40I for wiring , which It
alleges was put Into ono of the defendant' *
buildings and which was never paid for.
'anltor Hobcrt Baldwin of the Park school
o.i the northwest come1 of Twenty-ninth
sfcct and Woolworth avenue , dlscoxered lire
In the brick furnace building adjoining the
school jestcrday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Thf
fire was extinguished without much difficulty ,
the damage being less than $10. The origin
of the fire Is unknown.
Frank C. Johnson has filed a motion In the
District roiitt asking that the order of at
tachment obtained by the Citizens National
oank ugaln&t his ptoperty be dissolved. In
die first place he claims that the order was
obtained on an affidavit which was mali
ciously false. In the second place , he alleges
that the bank officials had no power
to bring suit against him , as at the time
that It was begun the bank wai In the hands
of the state bank examiners.
The young woman who presides over the
lunch counter at the union depot was yester-
dij afternoon presented with a snug sum
of money for her diligence In seeking the
ouuu 01 a pocUotboolc left in the lunch
room a few daja ago. It contained two cer
tificates of deposit on a Plattbtnouth bink
for $350 each , two checks on the B. & M.
road for $45 each , and $ G In currency. It be
longed to a railroad man of Plattsmouth ,
ttho lost considerable sleep for fear his
money had fallen. Into unscrupulous hand ? .
beeciiam's pilis are for bilious-
, iess , bilious headache , dyspep
sia'heartburn , torpid liver.diz-
ziness. sick headache.bad taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss of appetitesallow skin.etc. ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent .cause of all of them.
Go by the book. Pills IDC
and 250 a Jaox. Book free at
your druggist's orwrite B. F ,
Alten Co. , 365 Canal St. ,
New York.
box .
TBL. 1S31 1'nxtou & Burgess.
The I'oiiiilnr Cojii < * < Iiiiiu !
In lier latf t successful Musical Comedy.
O.M.V .11 Y'M.MJK .SATrilDAV.
PrU-es Loner door , 60c. 75c and Jl.OO ! bilcon ) ,
35c. & ) c. KnllffJ 23q
.Matinee 1'rlces Ilntlro lower lloor. Me , any
balcony seat. Me
I JOE 0 T T . I
Usual prices. 25c. 35c , tiOo , TCo nnd (1.00.
Due. ia14.MYS11.'K'S J'HIKM ) .
SAT. MAT. and
Amcilca'sfirmilCHt Autrois ,
-Supported l > y I'miik Weston , John A. Ellslor
nnil n competent company , presentliij , '
NOTH Kncli lady otUndlni ; Miss UlUler's mat
inee performance will lie ( iricenttd with u beau
tiful I'arls I'anel ( aomettilnx new ) ua a eauvenlr
of thtt occasion.
1'rlces-rirst Hoar , Me , 75o ( mil Jl.OO , bnlooni
Ma unit 75c
Mnllnec Prices rirst lloor , Mo and 7c , | jal
cony. 25a nnd tflc.
1309 Oounlaa Street ,
Only Sniuriliiy anil Suiuln
ill liillO | i. in.
rrrroruiiiucfM COIIIIIIL-IICU in
H O'oliirk .Sluirp.
The beat vpeclulty anil comeily oitlati engaged.
Iteaervc4 opera chair * . lOo extTi. Doori open
at 7:30 : p , in.
Qenrca Mitchell. Prop. A , U. Ulf.ufuu. Mer.
MAYER , STnOUSE CO.,412D'wanN.y..Mrr .
at tho-
-of thc-
S. P. Morse
Dry Goods Co's Stock ,
Dry Goods Go's Stock.
Uuparallollcil lurguhm nil thro'
the house. I'Yltluy ' is b.isoinuiitdny ,
o.xtrn bur'iUns ( , in
Don't fail to see thcso bargain" ,
the prices will do the rest.
16th Si Fariiam ,
Decorated Duttur Chips
iMorsc's price 5c , our price 2c |
Jelly Dishes
Morse's price 5c , our price 2c
Pielde Dishes's price 5c , our price 2c |
Wine ( J lasses
Morse's price 7c. our price 2c |
Whiskey Glasses-
Morse's price 7c , our price 2c |
Morse's price oc , our price 2c |
. .emonuilu G'asses
Morse's price So , our price 2c I
Morse's price 5c , our price 2c
Morse's Humors price lOc , our price 2o |
Morse's price lOc , our price 2c
Halting Plates's price l.15c ( ) , ours. . 5c
Kng. Hlown Glass Tumblers
Morse's price 10 , our price 5c
China S.iticers
Morse's price lOc , our price 5c
Glas > Vns.'s
Morse's price 12c , our price 5c
Rose Howls
Mois.'s price 15 : , our price 5oj
Syrup Pitchers
Morse's price 15c ; our price 5c |
Glass Pickle Dishes
Moise's price 12c , our price
AIop Sticks-
Morse's price lOc , our price
P.iper Shades
Morse's price 15c , our price 5c |
Morse's price 15c , our price 5c
Shaving Mugs
Morse's price 20c , our price 9c
Fancy Lump Globe-
Morse's price 25c , our price 9c
Water Bottles-
Morse's price 25c , our prije 9c
Hone Dishes
Morse's price 2 < ) c , our price 9cH
Preserve Dishes
Morse's price 25c , our price
Stand Fruit Dishes
iMorse's price 2Bc , our price
China Plates-
Morse's price 20c , our price
Sugar Howls-
Morse's price 25c , our price 9C
Hutter Dishes-
Morse's price 25c , our price Qc Pitchers
Morse's price 25 : , our price Qc
ISngravuU Gluss Hutter DiahcH
Morse's price .lac , our price.13C
Decorated China Hutter Dishes
Morses price 15s , ours 13C
Decorated Chinti Suaar Howls
Morse's price 45 : , ours 13c
Heavy HakinK Howls-
Morse's price 25c , ours J3C
Decorated Milk Pitchers
Morse's price 25c , ours . . . . 13c
Engraved Glass Pitchers
Morse's price 25e , ours 13o
China Soup Plates-
Morse's price 25c , ours 13c
Ghihs Fruit Dishes-
Morse's price 25c , ours 13c
Fancy Vases
Morse's price ! ? 5 : , ours 13o
Imitation Cut Glass Dishes-
Morse's price 40e , ours IQo
Water Uottles
Morse's price 50c , ours. . 19o
Cracker Jars-
Morse's price 45c , ours. . 19o
Fancy Plates-
Morse's price SOcours. .
Window Hrushfs
Morse's price OOc.ours .
Decorated Platters-
Morse's price 7oc , ours. .
HaviJand Olive Dlslies-
Morse s price : ! 5c , ours X9o
I co Cream Trays
Morse's price SOc , ours
Covered Glass Howls
Morse's price H5c , ours
DTiiry Palls
Moryc'.s price 45c ,
Dolls from the
Dickinson Stock.
All si/es and kinds. Just a few
pecimen prices to show you
how values are cut.
= > c China Dolls go
lc ( ) China Dolls' Heads 5O
Inc Doll Ileadu , with hair. , 10o
} 5o HiHCjuu Dolls 20o
5c ( Dolls , blHCjne head and
kid body 25o
the yOUth'B eyes by the naming uey Ting i it is , saiu uougia * . IUIUUUUK i i
flop tlm Iwlln ami rising $ $ , J > 1M U out-lths lock. "Thli k y will not turn , was not A bout. Tbe only danger was | fray. Now it came In a low tone from a ] Then lie twitted liim on practicing a cuur-j--- - ,