Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Grab Markets Were Very Weak the Greater
Part of the Day ,
! Tlicri'nn n llett > r llrmtind All I ny
tor < lie JICMV ClrmluH til
Corn for Slill > -
in cut. i
CHICAaO , Dec. l.-The grain marlcftB
were very weak during the Krcater part of
today's session. The corn nnd oats mar
kets were the first to ue aflllctcd with the
-rulllng sickness. " nnd the contagion com
municated Itself to the wheat market.
They were nil In a stuto of cheerful con
valescence ns the session was coming to an
end , nnd closed sllGhtly higher than the >
did yesterday. The recovery was flrst ap
parent In wheat , nnd that market lifted
Its head on account of the universal nature
of the Inquiry for the red winter wheat
held here and what wag made known near
the close about the demand for llour nt
Minneapolis , which It was said wng un-
prccedentedly heavy.
Wheat started steady nnd for about hnlf
nn hour looked firm at about the level of
' decline. After
the lowest point of yesterday's
ter that It became very heavy and had
n decline still further of o. The open-
Itw trades In May were at from COHc to
CO&c. and nftcr lluctuatliiR within 1-lGc of
tho.e prices for half nn hour It ? ? t ° .
to 'from COcJ to COl.c. without K.--- .
pvldpnco of recovery up toMinin _
minutes of the close. Closlnir cnblen Knvc
Liverpool tinltorel ! , from the IInrt report
Bhaao lowi-r
nnd continental markets n
tlmn tliny clewed ycHU'rdny.
The cnsh ( Icinnnd for No. 2 co iY ?
, , lrv
on the tiny
conspicuous liy Its nlwcnce ns
before , but thcro wni n better dcnmnl
nccou'it ' t )
the low Krailc * for shipment on
Biniill leeelptH. Todays Inauecuon
showed only 107 cnrs received , and only
ICO estimated for tomorrow. December
opened nt 25XCnnd sold ut from ao to
25io before t declined to 25V4c. J.nml"\J \ ,
from 23c near the start was worth only
2. ic iJurlnK the urcaler part of the session
until near the close , whsn It I > CKUH to
trine. May Blurted at from
KlMen til ) u
28Hc to iWo JtMlBht. then down to from
23'Ac ' lo 2Sc. llrmed up nKiiln to M"-ic. nnu
cloned nt from 2S c to 2Sic. ! December re
covered lo nnd closed nt i-fliC.
December outH rnnged from lose to lb > t
nml closed at Ifilic. M y opent-d nt from
20c to ZOVio. Hold to IDTjc. nnoth.r record
HintiKher. nnd closed nt from 133' c to 20c
' 'provlHlona sttfferod fiom their now chronic
nllment-a rush of IIORS to the ynrdM. To-
div's iun of IIORS \ vns11,000 , nnd tomor
row's Is estimated nt 13.000. 1'rlceH tire all
lower for the dny. Pork nhown u drclliio
of lOc. Inrd nnd ribs from 2V4e to flc. I.iird
never nnld IIB low since war times.
Kxtlmntcd receipts for tomorrow ; A\heal ,
2W cnrs ; corn. ICO cars ; onls , 120 cnrs ; hogs ,
The lending futures rnnged OB follows !
" Artl Jcs.j Opoii. I ' " I IjOBrI I C'Q' ' " .
Wheat , No. U
Dec 0 sn
Jan AH t > i
Com , No 2. .
Dee . . . . ' . . . 2.TW
July JOh 2UH
OntH. No. 3. .
10 ? )
. 20&UOW 20
7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70
Jan 8 7O H 71) ) H 115 H l7 !
May 0 10 0 11) 0 02W U Ufi
IL > U i n IB r. i-i 3 I.1 ! G 17W
Jan o : i7M c : i7 5 MS S II7H ,
May a no n uo B 57H SOO
Dee 4 HO
4 37 M i a 7 si t an 4 n7i
Mav 4 ll'JH 1 ( ! . > 4 r,7i < 4 GO
Canh nnotatlons Wi'ie as follows : . . . . _ . .
. . . „ .
Fl-oril Nominal ; Winter pntunts , J3.1..C3.50 :
winter ulrnlRhtH , $2.Mg3.GO ; sprlnB patentu , $3.1. >
f3.GO ; aprhiB BtnilKhts. $2.GT.32.90 ; b.ikers , $ l.Soii (
23D WHEAT No. 2 cprUiit , LO TS7c ; No. 3 prlnR ,
Gri'itfrSGy-c ' ; No. 2 rrd , CO fGlc.
COUN No. 2 , 2r.ft2C > , ic.
OATS No. 2. 17'c ' ; No. 5 while. 17J17i4c ;
No. 3 white , miftlSc.
IlYK Nn. 2 , S.VAc.
1IAIII.EV No. 2 , nomlnnl ,
KI.AX HEED No. 1. 92'ic.
TIMOTHY HEEIrrlme. . J3.CO. , . ,
1'ltOVlKIONS Mean pork , per bbl. , $7.73if7.SP4 ;
lard , per 100 Iba. . J3.33l.4li3 ! ; short riba nidoa
( loose ) ) . $ l.3.rifT4.40 ; flrj' Balled shoulders ( boxed ) ,
4 < Ti\\ci \ sliort clour Blden ( boxed ) , 4 H 4 ic.
W1IIS1CY Dhitlllerii' llnlsdiwl KOod . per ml. .
It O < 1
rOUI.TUY Market etendy ; turkeyn. 7j9c ;
chickens. 5176 0 ; ducks. SiflOp.
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
On tin ) Prilno ) ototntiTO loliy the bitttor mar
ket was linn : creamery , ISJi'le ; it.ilry 11U
50c. ! KRBb. llrai ; lasil'Oc.
Cloning < liiotn < loiiM on ilio Prliiolinl
Coiiiiiidilllli-N niul Sliipli-t * .
NKW YOlllv. Dec. 4. FIXDUU-Ilecelpts , 23.00)
bbls.j exports , M.700 this. ; barely steady on
winter Krades and dull all around ; tioine
export business pending at easier prices.
City mill patents , li.10ifl.2J ; winter patents.
3.Mi 3.70 ; city mill cb-ais. J4.W8I.IO ; win
ter htrahihts , J3.301T3.41) ) ; Minnesota p.ilenls ,
J3.40ff3.CO ; winter extras. JJ.71JJ2.11Mlnne.ola
bakcrx , J2.7if3.10. ? Houtln-in Hour , numlnal. Hye
llour , dull ; KUierllne | , J2.SI)8J.7.1 ; fancy , } 2.
UuckwhPfll llour , quiet ; Jl.32l [ 40.
IlYK Dull : weBtein.40lii42c. .
HAHI.UY-Dull ; wi-slein , 3'jgtSc.
lIHAN-ll'lll ' nl 12.0) . t
IIAKL.KY MAI.T Dull ; western. 4048c.
CO11N MI3AI- Dull ; yellow western , coarse.
7Hi72e. llran.lywlnu. j ; 45.
WIIIJAT-llecelpts , 2IC.7 ) bu. ; expjits. 85.400
1m. ; spot dull ; cs'ioi No. 1 hard , USUjC. Options
i > | ieiu'd iiiiM | ! nnd steady , wllh no fratur to the
news ; hold off under HjirlMR wheat lercliUs , rallied
on eoveilnn nnd clcifed tmdy lit ' . .Olie net IOBH ,
May. 07 l-llif ? 7 7-le ; Ueci'tnbor , C4KWC5VIC , closed
COUN Hereip n. bu. ; expoils. HO.OOi ) bu. ;
Fpot nulft ; No. 2. SITio : eltfumer inlxwl. 3l > ic
OpHoiiB opened' Hti'ady m mudoiale local InivInK ;
ruled quiet all d.iy. wlthoi t fe ture , anl clct > ed I nr-
tlnlly Uo lower ; May , SSViUSS' e , closed at 31'we ' ,
December rlowil at 34Jic. . . .
OATS Uecelpts , M.SX-bii. ; exports , 2)0 uu. ;
spot dull and weaker ; No. ! . SiliftlJXc. Options
dull and about nlfady nil day. clo lns unchaiiKi'd
lo l u lower ; May. 245402JC , cljred nt Kc ; De
cember closed ut 2 'ic.
WOOIQulet ; domwllc Hfeco , ) C4723c ; pulled ,
' " ,
HAY- Hull ; chlpplni ; , J7.00g".W ; Rood to
choice. pOfl83o
HOI'S KUH > ; Btiilo , common to choice , 1S94
crop , 397c ; 1W1 crop. 7fTIOc ; Paclllo coast ,
It IV A III I ll" < * iltl I1VPII 'V T\ B'tirt *
Ayr.- " , light lo heavy. : ic : veld , Jl'i : ic- .
l'HOVIrilONi < llet'f. uulel ; family , $11.M ; beef
l.ams. $15.0W5. ! & ) . Cnl meats , easy ; l'lckl-,1 '
bi'lllex. tl.TJUS.fol ; plrklnl thouldeia. , $ -.VOWS 21 :
inM .i I.IIIIIH. iA.r fJH. r . l.urd. iiulft and meady ;
iiinuci fm.-ii creamery , i-"v.
CHEESE llccelpls. 2.04J pkita , ; ateady ; * tnle
laite "UtfUc ; KiiiHll , T WlO'ic ; part tklnu , 3 > i
fiec : full itklms , 2(13c.
EOOS-Hecclp's , 3.63S pkKH. ; steady ; uliito and
IVnna > l\'nnl.i , JfT21e ; wvktern , "l(22i < .
1'KTUOI.Kl'M-Dullj United clcafd . $1.SIH
TAI.I.OW Stendy ; city , 4 3-16o ; country ,
4 s-ioc.
Tl'lU'ENTlNE Steady ut l.'SiffJfc
HICB Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , JTiffGSe ;
Japnn. 5l4i- .
MOI.AHHEH Quirt ; Nrw Orleana , cpen Uellle ,
en d to choice. 2Sj2viCf : ) ! )
METALS -IMit Iron , ra y ; southern , tl2,0)iill.CO. )
northern , IllOJffll.O ) , Copp r. steady ; brukem'
in-lee , $11 ; fxclunKt ) prlM- " . : I9.3. ftrm.
brokers' ; exc"
rr ul r : tiallf. lll.MJll ! | . Qtre. .
SpeUer ! dull : donie-llo. M.MWS.M.
rOTTONHHii > OH "Qurt ! and moro or Iiaa
nominal at unchanted pilci-a , cln hiK dull ;
prime crude. M'leStol Butter in-adei. SOtfilc ;
Jirlnif aununer yellow , SiIJMc : urt nununfr yellow ,
( nfTi-o 31iirlot.
NKW YOHK , Der. 4. COrKKIJ Ontlcna
opened ateiuly al 1'J ' to 2J | bit * declina under
fori'lcn and lix-al w-lllnK. further de | m l under
cablfd i-stlmati nf 350.0) ) InKs UK ) < TOI ; ! ! > -J
rti'inly ut net dvcllne of 1)i \ ' ) piinu ; wilt' * ,
4,254 li K > . Includlnr March , JltUlilS.U ; IM-ein.
tier , $ lJ.Wtfl3.M , r > -ff e , IIVJ. du'l ; No. 7.
114,711 ; Mild , dull ; Cordova IS.OtK.5i.Vaie ) -
liouait dellverk-a ( rom Nnv Yoilt > v teut.iy , GC'I
Inim , New York slock ta.lny , 2i" > .02 ! l in ,
Vnllrd Mtatia atocU. :4'U23 ' katCKi ujluat fir | ln >
United Htalea , IW.f l baea ; iital > 1abl ! f. > r ( Iw
{ 'tilled Hlntr , ISO.jrj tnr , nmliift C.TJVW 1m .a
last year.
SANTOS. Deo. 4. Ouletj ip.'kl avrrn ; * Bsntou ,
| 14.ei ) ; r'ce p'a , 1 ! O'O t > asa ; itxk. 419.0)1 l g .
llAMIH'lin , Dec. 4. Dullj U jif . dpcl n ;
alea. tl.OOJ baga.
HAYltU. Dtc. 4. Op ncsl Irrccular. 1,0 f d
rllnei at noun , \tf \ decline ; ut 3 | > m. lure- !
ati-aJy , UO'Uf decline ; clo l Irrnrular. lOHif
not dn-llnu ; vales. 27.UK ) Uiua.
1UO DE JANElltO. Die. i.-Slt'adyj No. 7
lllo , III.SO. exchange. Hid ; rtfcnlpl * . ' .WO bugs ;
cleared for the UnllM RlAtrt. .1,000 b ( r j for
Kurope , 3.000 b is ; itock , flX ( bag ) .
Cnnilllloii of Trnilc ntiil < ltiotiitlon
on Mtnplo nnil VniicjI'roilnco. .
The egg mnrVft In nrrn , ai quoted.
1'oullry bus been In very tight demand nil this
week , Thnt Is usually tha cute after n hulldny , on
which larre qusntltles of poultry hnte b en
consume. ! , It sem * ns If the imhllc appetite It
tired of poultry and n change U demanded.
Kven nt tint low price * quoted It l < slow work
dlrpotlng of the prensnt modcrnle receipts.
Quotations :
KOOS-Htrlctly fresh stock , 1Sc.
IlUTTim1'acklng stock. lOc ; fair to Rrmd
country , llffHc ; choice to fancy country , 14Cl o ;
gathered creamery , 17818CJ separator creamery ,
VKAtr-Cholc * ft. TO to 100 lb . , are quoted at
7B7He ; large and coar c , 43Cc.
CIIEEHU DnmeMlo brick , lHJc : Kilam , per
dor. fD.CO ; Club House. Jars , per dot. , SIM ) ;
Mmbcrger , fancy , per lb. , ll'.ic : Iloquefort , H-lb ,
Jura , per doz. , J3.COJ Young America * , ll4c ;
Twins , f ncy , lie.
roUI.TKY Dreuwl lhlcktns. ( I7c ; ducks ,
{ ? ? ; turkey * , choice , SO9c ; geesi ? , 7fJSc.
IIA.Y I'tilnnd. | r..on ; midland , 3.M ; lowland.
' < 5.00 ; ry straw , 14.60 ; color makes the prlco en
hay : light bales ttll the bent. Only top grade *
bring tnp prlcw.
lirtOOM COHN-New cron , deltrered on track
In country , cholc green telf-vrorklng carpet , per
lb. , z < 4c ; choice green running to hurl , I Vic
common , IHr.
OAMH Prnlrl * chickens , young , per doi. , 18
quull , ll.76Cl.OOi Jack snipe. 7Sc ; golden plover
1.2S ; Jack rabbit * , per doi. , JI.OOIfI.25 ; smnll ral )
bits , KO7Cc ; mallard duckii , JJ.50 ; redhead * . 13.50
cnnvmback duck ; , I3.0W8.00 ; leal , blue wing
Jl.75fl2.IW ; ten ) , green wing , $1.75 ; mixed ducks
tl. 7532.00 ; Canada geete , to : rmigeese. \ . 14.50
hranm. J3.M ; deer saddles. ISniCc ; deer carcasies
12'i ' 7l3c : elk raddle * . llffHo ; elk carca > te
UIOc ; nntelope naddlra , 12 < 714c ; nntelop * car-
carfff. 9ffllc : siiulrrclK , per doz. , C0@75c.
I'lOKONS-Mve , per do . . tl.OO.
A small conslgnmetr of mushrooms arrived
ymtiTdny from Illinois. Ouotntlons :
MUSIIIUOMl'er 1V4-1U box , GW750. .
I'OTATOUS-Fancy native ilock , SSc ! from itore
In small lots. 40c ; Colorado stock , DoaMc.
ONIONS I'cr bu. . J3R30c ! Imported Hpanlsh
onlo's. per crate , COffCSc ; home grown Spanish ,
per bbl. . tl.60 ; 3 to C-bul. lots , J1.J5.
IinANP Hand-picked navy , per ba. . | 1.63fl.75.
SWEKT POTATOKS-Cholce stock , 12.25 per
CAllHAOn On ordert , crated , per 100 Ibs. ,
OHIjKHY I'ancy Urge Colorado , SOD60o ; choice
; tock. large No. 1 , 40O c ; large No. 2. 35o ; small ,
. .T .
LIMA nnANS 7Vr"lb. EC
WATEU Cltnss Per 18-qt. caie , $1.6001.75.
STUAWIIEUniES-I'er box. SOc.
AIM'Mas Fancy stock , $2.7J3.00 ; choke slock ,
CAMFonNiA qmNCES-None.
OREGON l'EAHS-1'cr case. $8.23.
CIlANItF.lUlIEH Jersey. $ ? .M ; Capo Cod. $9.
MALAGA OIIAI'ES Ptr O-lb. ) bbl. . $ ; per M
to 70 Ibs. Bros * . $7.
EASTERN ( lUAl'ES-No shipping stock.
A car of Ciillfoinln budded seedling oraiiffos
urilvod on the maiket jcsterday , the' llrst of the
season. The fruit Is c.f Rood color for this
season and arrived In Rood condition. A car ot
Mexican oriuiKcs Is expected to arrive this week ,
nnd another car tit Callfoinlas Is billed ti > arrive
nest week , ra Hint tills market la likely to be prettj
wwl HUpplIrd for some time to como. Mexicans will
soon be entirely out of the market. Florida Is
not yd In position to supply the world with
HIT usual larRC quota , the latest estimate or
that stati-'s ciop for this year bchttr CO.WO lioxes.
This will certainly prevent much of U romlntc to
northern markets and pi Ices for fruit from that
state will bo high.
The northern district of California was visited
by n frost nbout the 20th of last month , bul
slrniiKe to lelatc no reports have Kane out as to
the Injury of the nop. This trails the Minne
apolis Market Hevlew to remark that a lame
crop U expocti-d and no Hunt tipst could attVci
the market for future shipments. Still , the
growers , under the very perfect orKanlzallon
which Ihcy hnve now funned , mny believe It to
bo money In their pocket not to nllow reports to
BO out that frost has Injured tha fruit , even
tlmuKli such may bu a fact. In some runner
years they have circulated reports bioadcnit or
frust Injuiy , In hopes of Increased values by the
shortiiRp , which did not uppear , as they placed
lee many of the frontwl orunKcs un the inurkel.
This led buyers to 41 suspicious friunr * of mind
nnd many of them refused to buy UXCPIII on
trnck with prlvlleue nf examination. Quotations-
OHANGES Mexicans , per box , J4.50 ; California
buddi-d seedlings. J4.23.
IJJMONS-CuIlfoinla. per box. $4.2o84.50 ; Mes
sina * , size 3GO , 14.50 ; size 300 , $4.75.
HANANAS Choice laiRe stock , per bunch. $2.00
02.25 ; medium sized bunches. $1.73.
11EE1. " Light weslcin sti'crs , 400 to 600 Its. , S'.i
QCc ; good cowa and holfuis , S'.iflalic ; medium
cows and heifers , 4 ff5c ; good ton-quarters cows
nnd heifers , 3 ! t4c ; good hlndquurlurs cowa and
heifers. CViific ; fair hlndqu.irtera cows nnd
heifers , 6c ; cow rounds , Co ; cow chucks ,
CViiC ; atecr chucks , 4o beef tenderloins ,
fresh , IGc ; beef rolls , boneless , SJc ! ; slrtoln butt * ,
boneless , 8V o ; loin backs , bunelcss , SVfcc ; loin
backs , C'.jc ; cow ribs , No. 3 , CVic ; cow loins. No.
3 , "We : fiwr ribs , 7We ; steer loins , Cc.
MUTTON Dressed mutton , Bio ; racks , 8V4c ;
let-s. 7c ; suddles. 7c ; stews , 2'ic.
I'OniC 1'ork loins. Co ; ppare libs , Gc ; pork
shouldeis , Eju ; pork shoulders , skinned. E'ic ;
tenderloins. 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , SSc.
HIDES No. 1. green hides. 4c ; No. 2 green
hides , 3c ; No. 1 , green salted hides , 4'ic ; No. 2
Krcen salteil hides , 3Vio : No. 2 ( jroen salted hldca ,
25 to 40 Iba. . .3Hc ; No. S k-reoa salted hides , 2S to
40 Ibs. , 34c ! ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs. CVsc : No
2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4Jje : ifo. 1-dry rllnt
hldest , CIlSc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 5ii/Cc ; No. 1 dry
CjJlDc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , Cijf7c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides , Cc ; part cured hides , Ifcc per lb. ! ,
tlmn.fully cured.
HHEEl' 1'ELTS Oreen salted , each URCOc-
green salted shcarllnRs ( short .vooieJ early hklna ) '
each Itc ; dry shearllncs ( uliort woJIed eaiij
tklns ) . No. 1. eoch. We ; dry shcarllnga ( ahuri
wooled early skins ) . No. V eacn. ' Sc ;
dry Hint Kansas and NebracKa butcher noel
Rolls , per lb. . actual weight. tfjGc ; dry film
Tanuis and Nebraska Murialn wool pelts , p r
lb. . actual weight , 4Q3c ; dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pells , per lb. . actual weight , 43C'jc ;
dry Hint Colorado Murrain vooi fella , per ! b. ,
actual weight , 4S5c ; dry pleres snd buckn , nctucl
weight , 2 < U3c. Have teti rut olt , an | t | , UM.
less to pay freight on then :
TAM.OW AND GREASE Tallow No. 1 , JUc ;
lallow No. I , Sc ; Krease. whlto A , 3l5c ; grease ,
white II , 3o ; greaao , jellow. 24c ! ; Krcaso , darli
2o ; old butter. liCVjo ; beeswax , prime , lJ22c ;
rough tallow , J'.4c.
HONES In car lots weighed nnd delivered In
Chlrjigo : Dry buffalo , per ton. $ l2.i eJ4.n ( ) ; dr >
country , blenched. r r ten. J10.00BI2.00 ; dry
country , damp nnd meaty , ucr ton , G.002 i. ( > j.
WOOLUnwash" ! , flno heavy. C7c ; line light
SC9c ; qunitcr nlood. lW12c ; setdy , hurry nnd
chiffy , StT9c : cotted nnd broken , coarse , 70iic ,
colted and broken , fine. CfiJSi * . Fleece washed
Medium , If'KlSe : flno , lB16c ; lub washed , leg
ISc ; black. Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tuf locks.Q3a / ; dead
pulled , BSJCe.
I No. lINo. lNo. | 1 | J TT
I Lgo. | Ud'
J20IJJ.- ,
( Hack Yearling- * . . 1'J 00
( Hack Cubs oy s 6tt C
Iliad ; Montana
Mountain . . . . 14 00
Illaclc Montana
Yearlings 1200 800
niack Montana
Cutu 6 50 ! 4 DO
Hlner Tip 20 0 > i 12
Sllvtr Tip Yrls : 11 00 8 0- )
Sliver Tip Cub 600 4 60
Ilrown 203H 1C 00
Yearling ! , lOOli 8 00
Cubs 7 00 5 00
nadgcr 181 50 CJ
Flthcr 800 C 09
Sllvrr ( according
to bnuly ) 100 00 CO 0)
Silver Pal * ( nc-
curd'tr to oej'y ) 50 00 30 00
7 00 3 IM
tied 1 50 1
drny 7 ! 60
Kit W 41)
l.ynlc 3 CO 2 00
Marten SOO 1 CO
Mink CO
Mink Daik Ci
Mountain I. Ion.
( perfect head
mil feet ) . 1O t
Oltrr . . . . . . . . 8 00 63 7
nttcr Pale . 7 6 OUCO
Iliccnoi . - . . CO
Itnpcoon , llluck.
las to boauly ) . .
( llacK , cai > e < l . 1
Short trl | > ed . 1 00
Narrow atrljtrd. . .
Iluu'l ' drlped. . . .
\Vtdv rlno . , 4 W 03
\Voir Mountain. . . I 00 03CO
Wrdf rialrle . CO
lluiuer , I'fr skin. 6 4 M
li.-ivi-r KIU . 160 1 IX )
Sprlni ; .
Winter . (810
( all . . - .
Kits .
edlums. He ; lioiiteihoci. JOc ; extra
itandaldi , So ; I-MIU lolecu. iic ; llianuh. & Co.
ulecu , ; rc ; N.-IV Voik counti. : uo ; ttunaard bulk ,
IHMtal , 11. 10.
MAPU : HVIU'r-l'Ive-jMt. can. , each. K.75 ;
prr doz. , ll ? ; Vi-KJl , cans , ju.23 ; quart cnni ,
"ciinrt-Puro juice , per half bb ! , , ) ; per
bbl . JI..V ) .
KAUKU KHAUT-IVr lilU. . tl U : belt bl > ! . . I ! .
Tins New crop , Callfninla , la-iu. iioxrs. per
lb. . He ; comtnun California Kgi. CO-U > . boxes.
C.-j Imported fancy. * < Mb. boxn. ICc ; choice , 10-
lb. b xm , ) :
PATK" I'e ! an. O-lb. boxe , per lb , , me ;
fl\li ! . 10 111. boxen. I' r Ih. . ( C.
HAPI.H ninAH-Chr.m. | per lb. . 010i
PFlKHBTivvp-AMo-lMl. 2'Mu. imll * . each 11.41
rr > 'v > vi-T ? tr I" . U
NUTS Almi ni.4. Cullf-niila , i > r Ih. . medium
r\jr. \ IV ; Tatiasom p'mrndj. per lb. , large , Ue ;
llniilli. p r lb. 9c : nns'U'i walnu' ; , p < * r Il > . ,
fnn-y tnfl ! ie'l. liiteilJ' ! stanlu'dt. llflllVie ;
Illhcrtt. rxi"t 1 ° ' " 1iecan . ) wil | hed lne < Iluri.
14t' , l'i e. ISc ; j > "Jwiii . raw. 6\Jc ; r.iaitr.l , 7iJ
JWi" , ch lnit . HfS hickory nu'i. ' mtl ! , per liu. ,
I > .74 ! Murk walnuts , p - lnrr | . Jt.Ococca. ) ; .
lain tcj cnconnuli. pr IW , 14. M ,
Ni\V YOIIK. ! * ? . J.-COTTON-Kutur clo > a
sUMily ; i"i'i'J. : M3.S' ' bales ; January. ! S 17 ; tvli.
ruary , ; Mdu-U. tii ; Al-rll. JX.SJ ; jluy. Jt.57 ;
Ju'y. 4i ; Auirt'il. JS IS ; O.'t-d > rr. IS Si ; Decvin
li.-r , IS. IS. mlddl.n/r. 8 7-lCc ; nrt ltf-lpi , n no ;
K. ' * 4.1TI I'Hlrc furwmdxl , II S6 : Iwtcs : salrs ,
&H b.ilei ; tplnnvra , DS balr < : utock. is : , 773 Units ,
I .l.'ll Ii Jay. IHU iweiiits. fSSIS baUi ; cxporu , to
Or tit llrltaln. i 5 > 7 Im'eia ; the cintlnvnl , 4I.T3 *
1 > .M : M.ii-W 181 ! ' 4I bales.
NHW OIII.UANS. I > r. . COrfON Kg y :
mlJdlln * . 1 1-Uoj law mWdUni. 7 JJ-10c ;
ordinary , 74c ! ; net recflpU , 14.JH b lrs ! ( rro ,
15.M1 liuld ; * nnrlii , ( n Iht c-mtln'nt. .2 ) b l' i
roftnlnlsf. 1,146 l-nletj n lc , 2.600 bslMi to < * ,
JW 2 < hil * ! . .
ST 1.0VIS , Doc. 4.COTTCKQuiet ; *
W 1 lMi ml.ldllne , 8 1- ; receipt * . 606 bflles ;
4WJ ) bnles ; tork , 64.337 Imlcs.
Sccnrllr Mnrkct trlth llnrilty nil Kx-
< M-IOII AVorUnl lon T.
NKW YoniC , Dec. 4. The Hock mnrktt with
hnrdly an exception worked lower today. The
volume of business was considerably llRhter than
on Tuesday. The dealings In Sugar utock were
only about half ns lance n yesterday , but con
stituted nbout one-third of th * t.'inl. larly In
the day general ndt-ances In foreign nnd domestic
KTades of sugar servol as nn mcumcnt to bull
the stock , A gain of 2 per cent was recorded In
It. At the top figures realltlntr sale * were en
countered , nnd unfavorable rumors were current In
regard to probable legal attacks upon the com
pany In this nnd other stnlcs. In the afternoon
tha rumors crystallized Into the nm-lng pf p.ipert
on the secretary and treasurer of the company In
n Jult to restrain It from dolnif buMnesn In the
Kate of New York , The stiect regarded the
movement ns largely speculative In character.
The Block wan practically unaffected by the news
and left oft at n net gain of 1 per cent. lielnK
sustained by expectations that the regular quar
terly dividends upon the preferred and common
stocks will be declared tomorrow. Human were
current nf hostile proceeding * to be brought In
Ma sachuaetts. The general market was adversely
affected by foreign selling In all shares , by
disappointing exhibits of ralltoad camlnga nnd
by reports that n fairly largo amount of gold
will be shipped to Kurope nt the end of the we k.
Activity uas greatest In the Industrials nnd
grangers. The last mentioned group was dc-
pressed upon the publication at the Hock Island
earning' for the month of November , showing an
Increase In gross of only a little over . ' , . The
St , Paul exhibit for th3 same month showed an
Increase of JS97.451 , but failed to stlmulaie Its
mat kct price.
Trading WHS fairly brisk at the opening , the
trend of prices being downward. The grangers
and Louisville & Nashville were chlctly deprersed
In the railroads. In the Industrials Tobacco was
under the hammer nnd broke alinojt 2 per cent ,
while Hubber , I < xUhcr prcfened nnd Chicago Oa
yielded sharply. Sugar reacted about 1 per cent
un the Influence noted nt tha liegtnnlng of this
nrtlcla. There was little Interest In the ndernoon
speculation , the market ruling quiet and com
paratively steady until the lant hour , when the
bears became more ngKrevlvi > and caused declines
In tha railway list to the lowest of the day.
Hattlmbrc & Ohio was cotu-plcuoui In the flnal
dealings by n break of 51 ! , per cent. The slump
was attributed to > unfavotablu rumors ns to the
extent of the company's Moating debt. The clos
ing was quiet and heavy nt the lowest of the day ,
at sharp concessions In some Instances. The
only notable exception to the general losfe * , nsldt1
from Sugar , was Consolidated On a , which gained
154 per cent. Hallrtmd bonds were moderately
actho today and ( Inn In tone , decpltc some Ir-
rettularltly In prices. Concessions an n rule were
only mad * In the Inactive class. Thu sales were
Jl. 333.000.
The IJvenlng Post's London financial cablegram
ays ; The Mock markets hnva been good today ,
but closed dull , except for consols and other In-
veslment stocks. Americans elowM dull nt about
the lowest , alines have been good , but the clos
ing was dull again.
The following were the closing1 quotations on
the leading Htocks uf the New York exchange
today :
Totnl sales of stocks todny. 201,111 shares. In
cluding : American Sugar. 57.3DO ; American To-
bucco , 21.COO ; Alchlson , 10,000 ; lluillnglnn , 12,2'X ' ) ;
Chicago ( Jas. 12.&W ; Ixiulsvllle & Nashville.
5.COO ; North American , 4,300 ; P.iclllc Mall , 7.4 0 ;
Heading , 4,900 ; Hock Island. 7,200 ; St. Paul.
! > ,700 ; United States Lrather , pfd. , 7.300 ; Western
Union , 8,500.
New York Money MarUot.
Easy nt lV4ff2'i per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ;
closed , Hiii2 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Dull , with actual
buslm-s In bankers' bills nt * 4.8904.S94 ! for de
mand , and $1.B7474.SS fr > r sixty days ; posted
rates , $4.SS and H.S'J'.iffl.OO ; commercial blllK ,
OOVEUNMENTt 1IONDS Irrpgulnr ; stale
bonds , inactive ; railroad bends , firm. .
Closing quotation * on bonds were as follows :
U.S. iH.roinow. . C. P. iHUOt 'Jj. . . 1114
U S. iBcoim.uu-.v D. All. n. 7H
U.S. fi.s.ros D A K. O. 4s 1)3 )
U.S. As , coup. . . . . 114J , Erlo .Ms 74) ) ,
ll.S 4s , tax Q. II. AS. A. Os. . 103
U.S.4H. cuup. . . . . O. II. AS. A. 7s. . . 111 !
U.S.-'H , ray U7 K. AT. C. 5s
IMclncOfiof ' 1)5. ) . . dolls lu.-,144 A lit ) M. , K.AT. 1st Is. . lu.8'IH
Ala. , class II uu iloJl -lH tl'JM
Ala. , clans O 101 Mutual Union Oi. . lis
Alii. Cnrrimcy. . . . N. J. ( . ' . Won , .5a. . .
La. New ( Jon. 4-s. . ion No.Paclllo Isn. . . IIS
Missouri Ux 100 do 'Jdi 1113
N.C.Us i-'i N. W. Consols. . . . iu :
N.C.-IH lot doS. K.IJji 5s. 111)
s. C. nonftmd U. O. West , lst . . 7HK
To'n. new ant ( U. . St. P. CciisMiT * . . It ! I )
Tenn. new not , Aa. 103 do GAP. W.3i.
Ti-nii. old 1)8 ) , . . . ( III St.L. A I.M.Oj.i. . > ,
Va. Centuries l'J' ) ' < St. LAS. K.Qjii. 1. 1051 *
do dofunvd T X. P.19. IBU. . .
AtchlBon 4s 7S do''ds
AtOlllHOll'I ( A. . . . U. P. 1st ] of MJ , . IOSH
Canada So. M . . . ion WestShorj 4s. . . . 107h
L. &N. unltlml In. KJ Southern Ji
O. U. & N. 1H14. . . .
Hun FrnnclNvo .Milling QuolntloiiH.
SANFKANCISCO.DOC. i. Tim onuiai cioiin ?
quoUillous fur uiluluir utujxi tJliWJM ut fol-
Yoi-U Milling Uiiotntloii * .
NEW YOIIK , l ) o. 4.-T.U ( Jllj.vlu ; arj the
cloHliiT mtnliK quot itlu.ii :
Lon dou StovU < liiotntlon .
I.ONUO.V. VM.1.1 p..m.iilotlun
Tan , I'aeltio . , S7 Kt. I'aulcon .
: rlu . IHH N. Y. njiilr l.M. . .
.rloi'jH . . . . . . . . TU IPeiiiidrliranl } . . . . .
11 , ( Vntral . lOUW [ He.Ulnj- . .
Mexican onUuary. IH | Mox. Ci-n. naw-H. 73
IIAll HtLVEH-SO MCd per vt.
MONHV H | xr c nt.
Thu rate if dlsrnunt In the wp matket for
liort and thnu nuuitlm' bllli , ? 4 per cent.
Kliiiinuliil AtfnlrM.
JiEItLJN , Dec. 4. Thu mstrkels were Uady la >
day , but Inai-tlvo. KxrhanKu en I < ondon , S day * '
Iglit. V > nuttkt 44 pfic.
LONDON , Dec. 4. Th amount of bullion tone
ntn the Hank of Kiigland on balance today la
17,000. Uuld ja juotej ut Huenoi Ayrti today at
III. ! * ) ; MHdrlrl , I7. rtitifinn , 5 H ; St. reteribtire.
fX ) : Athens , 77i Home , 104.70 : Vienna. 104.
1'AHIS. Dec. 4. 4 V.1n. Three per cent rentea ,
l lf toe for the aecmm ( . Hichanne on London.
2of 21 He for check * ] i1ik < t bjurne nns firm. U
will be "i > jr O.iy" j mnrrow , but no Importnnt
ditncultlca are expecleil.
nALTIMOUE , Dea 4" . Clearings , $2,4I(22 ; bsl-
nnrm , $427,271. '
HOSTOK , Dec. 4 * * < l > nrlngs. $ lS.Mlf.l3 ; Ifll-
nnces , tl.9iS.M7.
NEW VOUIC. Ded ' ! . Clearings , $115.636.730 ;
balances. $7.7 MW. <
I'llILADULl'IIIAo Dec. 4-aearlnirs. $15.179.-
1S4 ; Inlanccs , $2.200US.
KT. IXlt'IS. IVc-M.-CleatlngK. t4.5W..eH : hal-
nnips. $449.901. Monty , -1117 per cent. New York
exchange , Me premium I'.d.
WASHINdTO.V , ite' 4. The treanury today
lout $ wo. ( ) In > roln fer export , which leaves
the true amount uf the Raid reserve J7Sk6SK6.
CHICAGO. Dec. ,4.-CU-nrln5 , . $15,730.00. ) .
Monej- . steady nt rfl3V4 per cent on call , GBC'4
on time. New York exchange , SOc tn-emlum.
Sterling twMed rales , $1.90 on demand ; II.S3 on
Ixty days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* ii niul Miiiinfni'luriTw Off IT
ConiPMNloiiM to Spptirp lltmliu'iot.
NEW VOIllv , Dec. 4. The Iron Age will to
morrow ? yt The weakest spot In the Iron trade
has been the billet market , In which middlemen ,
crowded by the mills to specify , have betn offT-
Ing down to $16.60 at works for soft steel to
plaec email quantities. The Mod works nio
holding for $1 more money. There I ? ntlll some
nutiOde llcsiemer offerings nt prices lower tlian the
furnaces me willing lo accept.
In the finished Iron nnd steel trades the pres
sure lo jell Is Increasing nnd loner prices me
freely made whenever n gosd chance Is olfeied
to capture builness. The only line In whlc'.i xome
good woik Is cumin ? up In In ship plalea for lake
vessel * , Dars nnd structural material are
weaker. During the past week the southein
foundry Iron producers have been losing ground
nnd concessions of M cents from Ihe cstahlWud
prices arc freely made. Kurimces In the contml
west , which projuce foundry graJe. , have dropped
oT ( very fart and are taking business nwny.
CHICAGO , Dec. 4. The Industrial World to
morrow will say : With two or three exceptions
and those for finished material , the plK Irnn
market continues quiet , but so far has lost none
of Itr atrength , as local furnaces nre still veiling
at n basis of $11 for No. 2 foundry. 1'iales arc
In good Inquiry nnd several trannactlonH In lots
of 1.5OI to 2,500 tuns will probably b < ! dosed be
fore Christmas nt nbout $1.75. The low prlco
of sheets. $2.5. > for No. 27. Is proving attractive
tt buyers tuid some largo contracts have tesn
closed. There Is 11 better Inquiry for e-tecl bll-
letn nnd rods. The contest between buyers nnd
e11 em on bar Iron Is a vigorous one nnd the
efforts of buycrn to break prices amounts almost
to desperation. The mills , however , of the nsss-
elation have not yielded to pressure nnd nre not
likely to unions forced down by the low prlca of
steel bars which nru now on u parity with Iron nt
$1.CO. _
Wool Market Hcvlpu * .
HOSTO.V. Dec. ' 4. The American Wool and
Cottan Iteportcr will say tomorrow of the wool
tradn : Notwithstanding the occurrence of the
annual Thanksgiving holiday , which Is usually
equivalent ID two days' Interruption of the course
of Kiich trade ns might otherwise be available
In such period , the wiles In the three principal
markets havu amounted to 6.4&4.100 Ibs. , of which
2.543,900 Ibs , was domestic wool , Including a fnlr
propoitlon of medium pulled. Friday's and Mon
day's cables Indloat'i that prices In London nre
very firm. If the liner grades of Australian
combing nnd clothing were In supply here they
could not bo sold at a prolltable price lit
present quotations. The position ot the domestic
wool maiket Is , from most points of view , leanon-
ulily Mriing. The situation In the gojdi market
presents no new feature and nothing mare definite
can be predictor ] concerning the outlook for the
season , whose advent we are more calmly await
ing than was possible a wuek ago. The "cables"
last week , on the whole , occasioned an agree
able disappointment to nt least one-third of the
tiade. and on Krlday the foundation was laid for
considerably more trade than had appeared pos
sible for a fortnight anterior to the opening of
the November-December London series. Tlr. ?
sales of the work have amounted to 2,371,000 Ibs. .
of which l.SM.WO | bs. were domestic and 1.07S.OW
Ibs , foreign wools. The sales Flnce January. 1S15.
have amounted to 1 9,701 , t' Ibfl. , against 137,998-
7Wlb . a year ngo. i
LONDON , Dec. 4. At the wool auction sales
today 14 , M7 hales u'cro , offered , of which 1,200
were withdrawn. There was a strong demand ,
especially for goad 'wtin' wool. American com
peted well ut uiti erne rates. Following are the
sales In detail : New South Wales , 89 7 bale ;
BC.iured , 6d5Il 4'id ; greasy. 4 i5flllsd. Queens
land , 2.37 bales ; re urod , 9JIls 4d ; creasy , 6lid
61s , Victoria. 2.2W hales ; ncouied. 7'4diff1s 3Hd ;
givnsy. 4UyiH4d. South' . Australia. 1,001 bales ;
BCoured , UfllOd ; greasy. > 4 > 4 < J7Vid. Swan lllvcr.
2G3 halca ; scoured , 6Vi. < j7'/id ' ; greasy , 6HCd. New
/.i-ulun.l , 1,815 hales' ; scoured , TliilUU 2d ; greasy ,
'iSSd. Cape nf Good Hjpi ) nnd Natal , 1,103 bales ;
scoured , bdQls 1'id ; greasy ,
Liverpool llsirketM.
LIVEItrOOL. Dec. 4. WHEAT Spot , quiet ;
demand poor ; No. 2'reJ winter. 5s 3d ; No. Z red
spring , stocks exhausted- . 1 hard Manitoba ,
5a lid ! ; No. 1 California , S.s 4d. Futures opened
quiet , but .e.ndy , wllh nrar and distant poaltlonp
'Ud lowt" ; buslne s 'hvnvleat on early jio.sltlons ;
December , Sitiid : Jimuary. 5s 3d ; February , 6 ?
3id ; March , 5s 4Ud ; April. 5s 6d ; May. 5s 6 d.
COHN i'ivit , quiet ; American mixed ne\y , 3t
3id. . Futures opened quiet with near nnd dis
tant positions 4d lower ; closed steady , with De
cember unchanged nnd other months Ud lower ;
business about equally distributed ; December , 3s
? 4 < 1 ; .January. 3s 2Ud ; March. 3a 2'jJ ; April , is
25d : May 3s 2d.
FLOUIti Slcady ; demand moderale ; St. Louis
fancy winter. 7s.
PUOVISIONS Ttacon , quiet : demand moder
ate ; Cumbeiland cut , S3 lo 30 Ibs. , 30s ; short
ribs , 2S Iba. , 50s fd ; lone clear , light. 38 to 45
Ibs. , 23s ; long clear , heavy , 55 Ib.s. , 27s ; short
clear backs , light. IS His. . 27s CJ ; short wlear
middles , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 27s ; clear ball leu , 14 to
1C Ibs. , 32s ; shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Its. , 32s
Hams , sluirt cut , 14 to 16 Iba. . 41s. Tallow , fine
Norlh American , nominal. llef. extra India
mess , 73s ltd ; prime meps , 57s Cd. Pork , prime
mi-ss , llnu western , C3s M ; prime mess , medium ,
4Cs vd. Lard. cTull ; prime western , 27s Cd ; re
fined. In palls , 29s Cd.
CHEESE Quiet ; demand moderate ; finest
American , white , 41s ; finest American , colored.
HUTTEIl Finest United States , 05s ; eosd.
Ttmi'ENTINK-Splrlts. 20s Cd ,
11OSIN Common. 4s 7'.Jd.
COTTON SIED OIL Liverpool refined , 17s 3d.
I > KTIlOIiiJM Ilellnoil. fi'id. '
UEFJHGEHATOH III.'EF Forequarter , 2d ;
hlndquurter , 5 d.
RLEACHING J'OWDEIl-Hnrdwood. f. o. b. ,
Liverpool , 7.
HOPS At London , I'aclllc coast , 2 10s.
St. Louis Cent-mi Market.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 4.-FLOUIl-Dull and easier.
owlne to Lie decline In wheat ; patents. $3.10&3.2 > ,
extra fancy , $2.iQU.OO ! ) ) ; fancy , J2.Mg2.70.
WHEAT Opened with Borne dumnnd nnd then
declined on fret- pulling hy Ir.njrs. hut later tin
market showed n ctronger tone and closed strong.
a fhade better than yesterday : No. 2 led , cabh
Mijc ; December , 57c ; May , CI'jc ,
COHN Was almut uteady eaily. but acquired
some strength later nn liberal i-vports. which
caused B better Inquiry for nil options , the mar
ket closing n fraction heller than yestsnlay ; Kt.
i mixed , cash. 24V4C ; December. 2l.c ! ( : January.
WAc ; May. ZiTJc.
OATH Lon IT eaily. but closed stronger ; canh.
175 c ; May , 20e.
HYE Dull i.n call ; No. 2 , 33c bid.
CORN MEAL-tl.3.-ffl.40.
FLAX SEED H'l-ady at 87c.
TIMOTHY SEE -J3.0iIT3.5i ) .
HAY Finn , In fair demand ; prairie , $7.00ff9.00 ;
timothy. Sir,50Trx ( ] ) . till ] aide.
HUTTEIl 1'anry lahe ! giudes pcnrce und linn ;
separator crnun'-'ry , 2'If23c : fancy Elgin , 2uc ;
lalry. ICfilSe.
EtJGri Finn : fresh. 20- .
I'OULTHY Tuikeys , To ; chickens , COClio ;
luckH. So ; gi'L-iio , 5Vic.
LEAD Ktronc nnd ndvanclnff : wiles , 12 earn
Mlssouil nt $3.07 > 3i chemical , $3.10 bid.
HI'ELTEIt Dull nnd weak ; $3.22) ) j Bellcis.
1'IIOVISIONS 1'oiU. utanJaid mc.i . Jobb'n ? ,
; 8. Lard , prime fleam. 15.15 ; choice , i5.2 > . llacon.
uxoil shouldum , $5.25 ; Un s. $3 ; ribs , $3.12ii ;
hhurts , $5.25. Dry Hilt meats , boxed nhouldcra ,
; 4.G5S ! : longs , $4.50 ; rllis , tl.62'i ' ; ohortii , $4.ri.
HECEITTS Klour. 2.0' bids. ; wheat , 23,000 bu. ;
corn 1C.OM bu. ; oatu , 21 , dM hu.
HHII'MENTP Flourt t.W bbls. ; wheat , 33,000
in. ; corn , 46,00'J bu. ; yals. S.O'M ' bu.
KaiiNiiM City
null ; No. 2 hard , fiRe ; Nu. 2 red , nominally CSc ;
S'o. 2 Kprlntr , & 0'S5fW ; ? No , 3 spring , 54'so ' ; ro-
loctiil. nominally 47&HV * . , . , ,
COHN Maiket Btcadx ; No. 2 mixed , 2214 $
. ' 2' lc ; No. 2 white. Z3c"
OATH Market steadA No. 2 mixed , ISo ; No , 2
white , nominally , 141 < > :1
UYE Mutlcvt weal jfNj. 2 , 33c.
IlinTEU-Market flrin ; creamery , ISffJJo ;
dairy. I4 l3c , * "
EGGrt Market steliftjT supply falily large ;
fri-sh , IbVjc. .1 i ii
I'EOniA. Dee. 4. COHK Eatler ; No. 2. 2
now No. 3 , 2CVic. , , , , ,
OATH Dull , eaey ; No 2 white ,
J while , 17 117V4c. ' - , "
KYE-Dull ; No. 2 , 'E'WtCVic.
WHISKY Market Kieudr ; tlnlahed goods , on the
batls of 11.23 for iiljfli * wlnm.
KECEIITH Corn. .3 ,4fl ) till. ; oata , 82.250 bu. ;
r > < > . 6uj tu.i whisky , 7iital. ; tvhrat. l,2M.Lu.
HHII'MENTH Corn. JM'W bu. ; | ) ts. 4S.500 hu. ;
rye , nonu ; whlaliy , 7S.k.ruwheat \ , Ox ) bu.
l ry ( ii ojiijl Mnrki-t.
NEW YOIUC , Dec , J. Thef ? wan a moderale
huslneea dolns In _ 1lclasses c.f colored and.
fancy ration * , ulsu .diess KouOn and hfuvy
underxvoar wants , l sfili'S which there was pome
lilaclnK of ciders far spring , As a whole , however ,
thu Iradfl was dull , although a better feeling
was present. ITIntliitf cloths very < iultt und
nominal at previous quotations.
Simrnr Mnrki-t.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 4. SHOAH-nnw. flnner ;
fair rennlnt ; , 3 > , ic ; centrlfUKRi , tni Int 3Wc. lie.
fined , more ncllvn an'l hUher ; standard A , 4 lie ;
cut luaf , 5 < iu ; powjerml. 4 lie ; Kianulat l , 4 * c.
LONDON , D. c -SlIOAlt Cane , i.ul t ; renlrl.
fueal JDVU , 1 ! ) 3d ; Muacjvado , fair reflnlng ,
10s M ; beet , t ai1y ; D.Vember , 10s I'id ; January ,
10s 7 d. _
'iit SlarUut.
MINNEAI-OI.Ifl , Doc- . WHEAT tJnchangedj
December , SlltCi May , 5CViv. On Irnck : No. 1
hard , Uiiu ; ) ' . t Nortnein , 524c ! ; No. 2 north ?
em. Clttv , \
FLOl'll-SUadv ; flmt latcnta. 12.90 3.40 ; nee.
end patent * . 1S.70iZ.9J ; American bakers' ,
1 3. 5 ( 5 2. OJ ; uipurt bukeiK , tl.kiOJ. ? ) .
\VIii-iit CluotutloiiH ,
May , $1.01V > ; cleared. Ui72 centals whe-t.
Situation inlhoOnttle Trade Unfavorable
to the Soiling Interests.
llnril I'lttitullnir l j- < lip Pnckcrn lie-
MiltN in a Mi-kcl Co m I n n Off the
I'rlco , Cloiltinrctlro nt
Receipts nnd slilpinems for the past
twenty-four hours , ns compnrtd with the
previous six days , arc as follows :
Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses ,
December 4 2.M2 10,474
December 3 2,231 PJo ! )
Uepember 2 1IM4 2.815 2
November 30 1,103 T.Ct'O 101
November 23 2.239 12.0U
November 27 3,700 13.311
November 2fi 1.7IH 8,015 079
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Hones.
December 3. 677 . . . . 232 -I
December 2 725
November 30 KIG 1,873 . . . . 2
'November 29. . . . . . 1,705 23
November 27 1,091 42
November 20 1.2SS . . . .
CATTtK The Bltimtlon In the cnltlo mar-
kct wus anything but luvorable to the foilIng -
Ing Interests. The receipts wera heavy nt
all the market points und prospects ro
favornhlo for n large run tomorrow. Chicago
cage reported 20,000 cfttlle , with the market
generally 15c lower , und the reuorts from
Kansas City were no mory favorable , un
der such conditions tha trailo here could
hardly be expected to bo either active or
satisfactory to the yelling Interests.
There were 111 loads of cattle In sight
this morning , niul. whllo n conslderablw pro
portion of the offerings of betf cnttle was
made lip of half-fat or warmed-up stuff ,
there were some pretty good cattle on sale.
The market was very Into to open and \vnu
slow nnd unsatisfactory from start to fin
ish. The buyers were very bcnilsh , und
the market upon the whole was lOc and
In some , cases IBc lower. At midday n
good many cattle were still unsold , but
the yards were cleared before the close.
COWB and heifers , which have been In
good demand and have sold at pretty nearly
steady prices for some time back , did not
escape the decline today. The buyers nnd
sellers were n long time coming together
on n trading basis , nnd the market was
slow at a decline of MJlOc , but in the
end the offerings wore all taken.
Btockers nnd feeders were not In very
lurgo supply. While the country demand
was not brisk , speculators did not have
many cnttle on hand , nnd ( hero were no
moro than enough cattle to go around. The
result was the offerings were pretty we.ll
cleaned up , and , while prices were lower ,
the decline was not us heavy as on beef
cattlo. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
1..12 > 0 > 2 75 1C..1312 J3 23 30..110S | 3 35
3. . . . 900 3 00 10..12J2 3 EO 120..1040 3 H
15. S96 3 10 19..1019 3 30 10..11S7 3 40
7. S4S 3 15 6..1SCS 3 30 11..11IU 3 40
SGS 3 20 14..1221 330 20..1205 3 45
904 3 20 17. . . . HOT 3 33 M..1I2J S 63
&GO 1 25 3. . . .1131 ! 200 6. . . . 781 240
40 1. . . . 870 2 00 22..10W3 2 40
. KSO DO 0. . . . S9G 2 00 22..1040 243
.1000 7. . . . 9S7 2 03 2. . . . 1165 340
. 9G-i 1..1 20 2 10 10. . . . 910 2 40
. 910 2..1210 2 ID 13. . . . SS9 2 40
. ! < 20 7. . . . 701 2 10 15..10DS 245
1..1170 2 10 9. . . . 991 2 45
1113 2. . . . 943 2 ID 9..1001 2 45
1. . . . 870 3..1103 2 10 1. . . . MO 2 GO
5. . . . SSI 7..1031 2 13 , 6S5 2 M
2. . . . 910 2. . . . ' . ' 30 2 13 C. . , 7SS 2 M
1..11M 2. . . . S-3 : , 2 13 7. . . . 763 2 50
1. . . . 970 9. . . . 9S4 2 15 IS. . . . 9f3 2 50
1. . . . 830 19..1052 2 15 1..1030 2 50
1. . . . 620 1. . . . S30 2 13 1..1000 2 50
1..1120 10. . . . 934 2 13 1. . . . 940 2 50
7. . . . BS8 ri..100' ' ) 2 20 8..1013 2 50
1. . SSO 1C. . . . ! > G7 2 20 32..1014 2 53
1. . 930 1. . . . S3' ' ) 2 23 12. . . . 971 2 60
1. . . . S.7) 1. . .1100 2 23 7. . . . 985 2 CO
1..10GO 1. . .1000 2 21 1..1170 263
1. . . . ' " > .10D3 2 23 1..1000 2. 63
1..1110 18. . . . 772 2 23 . .110) 2 01
1..1WO I..10SO 2 25 1. . . .1100 265
1..1020 1..123Q 2 23 1. . . .1130 2 70
4. . . . S40 2. . . . 7j ! ) 2 23 16. . . . 973 270
10. . . . 803 7. . . . 031 2 23 1. . . .1200 2 73
1..10M 3..10 % 2 23 4..1117 S 75
2. . . . 045 1 95 3. . . . EG1 2 23 4..1065 2 75
1. . . . 970 1 95 1. . . ! > 2 23 2..1350 2 75
1..1064 1 95 10..1P95 7..10CS 2 73
18. . . . 909 1 9B 9. . 793 5. . . . 874 275
1..1IWO 200 2. . 933 8..1107 273
3. . . 1030 2 00 IS" . . . SIC 1..1110 2 75
1..1110 2 00 20. . . . 911 11. . . . 907 2 75
1..10M 200 9..1021 10..1070 2 SO
4. 9.17 1 00 ' 2..1050 19..1073 2 SO
1. . .1120 2 00 11. . . . 704 22. . . . 92' 2 SO
1. . . .1C * ) 2 00 1..1090 * . . . . 700 2 Si
3. ! > H 2 CO 1. . . . 9CO 1..1210 2 S' )
3. . 7C3 200 1..1070 2 23. . . . 99S 2 90
4..1160 2 00 1..1200 2 33 3..1216 3 00
2..1140 200 2..1103 223 1..1070 300
2. . . . 970 2 00 2..1100 235 1..130) 3 CO
C. . . . 920 200 2..1130 235 1..12JO 3 00
1. . . . 530 1 50 2. . . . 570 2 25 12. . , .794 2 61
1. . . . 440 1 50 C15 2 23 14. . , . GI3 t 70
1. . ,660 2 00 1. . r-90 2 30 I. . . 430 S 73
1. . .900 2 05 4. . 507 2 S3 II. . , . 573 2 75
. 910 2 15 13. . 673 2 43 82. . . 832 2 DO
1. . , SIO 2 2) 2. . 400 2 CO 6. . . S3 > 2 S3
1. . . 623 2 25 Si" . . 660 2 CO 2.1. . . 900 3 00
. . 5iO 6 > i..ioo 2 23 1. . .1COO 2 50
. .1170 1 ' 1..13C4 2 23 1. . . 610 2 50
. .1075 J 50 1. . . . R40 2 23 3. . .1500 2 50
. . 770 1 S3 1..12DO 2 25 1. . i4.0
i. . .1210 1 S3 1..1230 2 23 1. DM
i.i. . 770 1 Hi ) 2. . . . MO 2 23 1..1430
i.i. . . 210 1 90 .1003 2 33 1..1730
1..1100 200 1. . 670 2 35 1..208)
i..izo : 2 o. ) 1..Ilia 2 35 2..1490
1. . . . 970 2 CH ) 1..11.V ) 2 35 1..137)
1..14CO 200 2..11H3 233 I..1010 2 65
1..1210 2 DO 1..12.SO 2 ! 3 1. . . . 910 2 65
1..1JIO 2 10 1..1240 235 1..12W 275
1..1290 2 10 1. . .1270 2 40 1..13CO 2 73
1..1UO 2 13 I. . . 1)40 2 13 55. . . . 792 2 75
1. , . . COS 2 15 1. . 1S40 241 2..1075 275
2..12M 2 20 3. . . . CM 2 6) ) 1..12M 2 80
1..1550 223 i. . . . fCO 2 50 1. . . . 700 2 9)
1..1000 2 13 1. . . . 7bO 2 23
2 203 1 0 7. . . . 374 2 CJ 1. . . 110 4 50
1. . . . 300 1 ' 2. . . . S 3 2 75 1. . . 10) 4 tO
C2J 2 < X ) 1. . . . ri 2 75 1. . . 140 C 00
. 224 2 00 1. . 250 3 0) 1. . . . 120 S 0)
, 2X > 2 15 1. . 2 0 3 00 1. . . . 2)0 5 00
, 100 2 25 2. . 370 3 W 1. . . . 110 5 00
. J2ci a 2' ' ) 370 3 23 2. . . . 185 5 10
, 270 3 00 1. . . 210 3 50 2. . . . 150 C 25
, 230 2 GO 1. . . S2) 3 SO 4. . . . 160 5 25
, 370 2 TA 1. . . iw i : 1. . . . 130 T , 25
19. . . . 101 2 CO 1. . . . ISO 4 . ' ,0 1. . . . 2.0 5 21
Nebraska nnd Wyoming Live Stock Company ,
35 feedem..ltW5 3 20
II. K Carter.
cow. 7.7) ) 2 u ) 11 rows. , . . .1034
bull 1MO 2 10 1 stnB 2Gi
bull 1200 210 1 Hli-or. . . . .l')7d ' ) 275
bull 1420 t 10 21 cbwa. . , . ,101'J 2 91) )
Hlr , ; . . . . ] ) j ! 23 11 feeders. 971 3 10
HOOtf H ivai an oltl-tlmu run of liuga lodiiy
und tha 1'i-ni In the hit ; UUIilon were w l | ( llled.
Tht > maiket ai nlow lo open nn'J was Inciini-d
to draf all day. The buytra alartcd out blddlne
} 3.t , ' > IJ3.4'J ' a iiKulntt J3.40'u3.45 yeati-rday , but
vali'iinrn wanted Hteidy prices and worn Blow to
cut loomut anything leca , One hy one , howuver.
inleamenvfnktned and let K < > their huldlncn nt
Ihe prlc * < hid. which were , us a general thlnx ,
cloae to ic lower than yealerday. Later Armour'a
buyer rame In wllh a large order and aaleimcn
let their hoxa K" , the muiket clcalng actlvu nt
the decline. Ilepreiientallve H.ilea ;
Na. Av. Kh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
67. . , . , o n 23 01 , . , , .S40 4) C )
" * " ' . .Hi 210 3 a5 71) ) . . 2U 3 43
' ' , . ! 1J 0 1 35 Cl. . . .lil 12) 3 40
l'i. . , IW a 35 C8. 40 3 4)
71. . . . .Z77 120 3 33 C8.72 . . . , . , , . to 3 40
. . < 0 3 SS 72 15J 3 40
ass C7. . . 2C5 3 49
St : ; ; ; . : ao 333 21 ZV 3 40
n x > 3 323 SI J.'i 210 3 40
35 JU 6) Jl 160 3 49
62 3U 12) 1 IS M 123 3 40
M , , 2t3 1 ) 833 213..27C ; 2SO 3 40
' ' -.24) BO 335 03 UC SO 3 40
, ! . ; ; . . . I ) 71 2U . . . 340
SitlfM Were 'Slcnlerate nt n l-'ractlonnl
DLM'llin ; YonU-rilny.
CHICAGO. Dec. 4. After business was fairly
under way Bales were modeiato at a decline
of from lOc to 15o per 100 Iba. , strictly choice
beovfs alone rcmuUiliiK ateady. Bales were on the
liaals of from { 3 to { 3.J ) for common rouuh
dressed beef steels up to from $4..r,0 to { 4.i.for
chaleo to extm ehlpplnw cattle , with the bulk
of the trading at froiu J3.73 to J1.40. Not many
cattle sold for drcsed beef below ? J.40. the
cheaper loin LcliiR InrRely taken for
purt.o e at from Jl'50 to J3.50. Exporters were
atraln fair bujers , Hrltlsh cable illaimtches rc-
portlnK sales of the bent American cattle In
I ndwi at 11 lie per ll > . , the Bamc prices as
n week nca and n year ajo. linkers and
sprlngera were nlentler nnd decidedly lower , with
slow sales nt from J30 to J40 a head for Good
to choice , llutchers nnd canners were moderate
buyers , prices ruling from lOc to 15c lower , with
sales of cows and bulln largely nt from { 1.7. . to
$2.7 ; . Texas cattle were In only moderate supply
and In fair demand at easy prices , steers selllns
on tin- basin of from $2.03 to J3.40 , according to
Prices In how averaKcd n little lilnher
and there were more Hales nt 13.70 for choice
heavy than on yesterday , prime llKht fetching
J3.C3. Hales were at an extreme IIIIIKO of from
(3.43 to $ .1.70 , as against from Jl to JI.B3 a year
n.K . from 14. 83 to t3.U two yeuiM ago , and from
13.70 to ( Q.tiri three years ago. Sales were largely
at from S3.55 to $3.03. pigs helllnK mostly at from
$3.23 to $3.50. I. ate arrivals of hogs Hold on nn
aveiage a nickel below early pales.
Inferior to extra sheep were salable at from
$ ! . & ) to ! $3.50 and common to choice lumbs were
wanted at from $3 to $4.40. Export sheep arc In
some demand at from $3.23 to $3.50. Itrltlsh cahlo
dispatches state that American sheep ate sell
ing In l.on , lull at from ll iil to 12 > , id per lb. ,
against 12d last week and lid to )2d u year ago.
of IIc > KH MoriLllurnl Tliaii
CINCINNATI. Dec. 4. ( Special Telegram. )
Tomorrow's Price Current will say : The pupply
of hogs the past week has been more liberal than
generally looked for , nnd tin ; weutern packing
opemtlons have been active , showing a total of
515,000. compared with 473,0 * ) the preceding week
and 430.0 * ) last year. Prom November 1 the total
Is 2,21)3,000 ) , against 2.2a.OiH last year. Prominent
places compare as follows :
Place. 1893 , ISO I.
Chicago . SU3.000 813.OM
Kansas City . 2JO.OOO 273.004
Omaha . 135.000 173.0W
St. LoulH . , . til.WO 110.0. . ) )
Indianapolis . 120.0'Ji ' ) lin.WW
Cincinnati . 82.0 > )0 ) I'S.OOo
Milwaukee . 112.004 121 000
Cedar llaplds . 43,00' ) 43 0
Ottumwa . 50,000 5 > , OM
Kloux City . 42,000 50.000
.St. Paul . Sa.rtW 53VM (
St. Joseph . 22,0l 31,000
KIIIIHIIH ( ; ! < > ' l.lviSlnc'lc. .
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 4. CATTLU-Rccclpl * .
SOW h id ; plilpnientB. 3,800 head. Mai kct weak ,
I'JO lowcr'Toxas steers langed $2.23i3.00 ; lepre-
senlutlve nnles. Ii head , 1,370 Ilia. . $3.00 ; Texas
cjwi , $1.75(12.20 ; rales , 40 head , ! 'IJ Iba. , (3.00 ; bef
steers , $2.V.14.00 ; Hales. 3i ln-ailt 1,020 Ibs. . $4.CO ;
niitlvo cows , $1.0tfi'3.25 ) ' ; sales , H head , 1,125 Ibs , ,
$3.00 ; Blwkcrs and feedcis , $2.srir3.Ki ) ; sales. 26
head , 1,150 Ibs , , (3.50 ; hulls , $2.5'j&2.SO ' ; sales , 0
head , 1.74D llu. . 12.60.
IIOOS Hecelnts. 15.000 head : shlnmenls. 400
head. Mnllit't steady to weak ; bulk of u.ilrg ,
$ .1.334(3.43 ( ; heavies , $33off3.5) ) ; packers , $3.3.W [ ?
8.50 ; mixed , $3.309/3.45 ; ll lna , $3.25U3.40 ; Voil-
eis. ja.30iin.-IO , f 3. Lift 3.30.
HI1EEI' HecclptH , 2.00) ln-a < l shipments , none.
MnSlrliet slruig ; lambs , $ JO d > l.2Jmuttons2S' ; \ > Q
JViMV York LI viHlorU. .
NIJW YOHK , Dec. -IIEIIVES Itecclpls.
2.17U head ; opened active , ] Dc hlKhrr all around ;
closed will ) advance lust In Meets and oxrn ;
native t ' Ts , i or to fund , J3.7.M.M ; eUgs nnd
oxen , $2.m > fi4.4f ) ; hnllH , $2.OS2.B3 ) ; dry < -ow , $1.10
ft2.1H. ICuiopean cables fjuoto Ainerlcan steers ,
a'Ji/10o / diceiied weight ; refrigerator btcf ut 7 %
HUEEP AND LAMIIH Herclpta , 1J.430 heail ;
nctlvH anil cIlKhlly llrmer ; fheep , poor lo good ,
$2.00C3.35 ; lambs , common to clioU-e. $3.50if4 03.
HOUS Receipts , 15.W1 head ; steady ut I3.S081
Htoc'k In
Record of receipts at the four principal inarkclB
for Wc-ilnvwlay , December 4 , 1'93 :
Cutllc. I Iocs. Hlieep.
Boiilh Omaha . . . . Z.SSJ 1 .474 1.01' )
Chicago . 21,0)0 44,0)0 17,0)1
Cunuui City . . . . S.i ) 15'K)0 ) 2.000
tit. Louis . , . , C.uoO 11.00) 2 CKX )
Totals . 41,882 (4,471 22,0 ,0
SI. LniilN Live Slock.
ST. 1.OU1H. Dec. 4. CATTLE-Ri-celptu , 0,000
Maiket luwrrj nallvu nti-t-ix ,
Texan Mt-etB , J2.4Ji3.G3 ; cuwif , * 1.75ff3.W.
HOCJ8 llc-t-elpta , 11'WO ' head. Slarlcct 5u lower ;
heavy , (3.3003.00 : inlntd , | J.23i3.45 ; llRht , { 3.3042-
B11EBP HecelpU. 2,000 head. Maiket tUeady ;
natives , I2.2JS3.W ; loulliein , J2.004J3U ) ,
11&i | rlN of ( 'niini-il ( jiioilN ,
Our export tnulj In canned BOOJ linn Im-renited
cnornuutly Ihlu year. In Ihu eight monthH i-ml-
Ins September 1 MB uhlj.ped iivtr 35,0'J.O' ' Ilia , nf
funned bi-ef lu foreign ni.uki-K , a compared wlt.i than CO.WOwo In the c uvripundhu ; juried of
hut vtur , t.-iyu the Kl. Loula ItcpubUu.
Tlio IncrenHD In doll'im waa from r-.t8),17-i tu
t303.u9 , Knporta ofannrd lUh for the xi : mi
ll ill. ) nearly doubli-d. Kliliunnita nf tulmun alun
Iru-re.iBi-d from Illlle UMT Gt)0),00) ) ) In nearly 12-
uwuO ) Iba , . th iivt-rugo iirU-u pi-r lb , leni.ilnliitf
p-actlraly lliu HJIIIU nboiu 1' ' ) ri-nu. The (
tlty of i-annud Mrlabluii ejpoiii I \v.-\n Hinaller ,
but tut * purcfnlUKO f Incrcaae hem uim ever 1 ,
l-'ur canned frulla II wan ubuul 4t ) i > < r < -i in. \o
report la made of canned coin r i r , t-scvpt iia
Included In nilscHluiu'oua lirc'inIalulTi.
The lint fl hl munlh * nf Ihe yrur uru tulirn
for copiparlaun , Ihla btlns Hie period oc-ver .l
by lh < laal iIetilUJ rrurt | inaued by Ilia uovuni-
inunl. Tht-so K < od * are a nt lu all pjita of l. .
wuild. A New York paper Klvei a llet uf Home
tilrly-alx | perU lu which ahlpmenta ul c-iinnul
uooda WITH made durinv the flral week nf .Nmvni.
her , I ondan henda Ihu lint wllh over C.OOO ciisea ,
value.1 at S33D > K ) . IlrliHol'a piuvhaaea amuunted
tu nearly 120,000 , nd llrcmcn'a lo SlC.Oo ) . The
ll t Includca avven prta In ICnKlan I and about
nn ninny In olli'r European countries. Khli *
mentH of canned Kondn madn from New
York that w k to Italy , Norway. Kweden. Den.
mark , Holland. Mexico , tlvn Kou h Ameilcan
countrlea , Central Amurlca nnJ every porl of con
teiiuenre In Iho Weil Indlia.
This eipnrt , trade haa been built up f-r the
moat purl In n fevr yearn. It aiun-a what could
Le done In nmny uth r llnna.
KurvlKU OH Marltot.
IXNDON. I > ec. 4 CALCUTTA I.lNHiii : >
Hi-ot. SCa : November ahlpmrnt via Capt25a 3d ,
IlilEUliN , Poc.PirniOLtUM6 ; maiku 78
Knlr Mlth Wltulff SMdliiff ( n Sniiilicrtr
niul Wnrmrr.
WASHINaTON , tcc.l.Tho ) forecast for
Thursday Is :
1'or Nebraska niul Knnjas I-'nlrj wlmli
shifting to sotitlirrly nnJ warmer In the
eastern portion ,
Kor Xllssotirl-Oenfrnlly fnlr dtirhiR the
tiny , clearing In the eastern portion ; north
westerly wlnJsj slightly wnimcr by Thurs
day evening.
For Iowa Fntr ; winds shifting to south
erly am ! warmer.
For Colorado Light , variable wliuls.
For South Dakota Generally fair ; nouth-
crly winds niul wanner In the eastern per
l.oonl Hrcoril ,
OMAHA , Doc. 4. Omalm record of tem
perature niul rnlnfnll , compared with the
corresponding day of past four years :
ISM. 1S9I. 1S9.1. 1S92.
Maximum temperature. . . . 3 f > 2 4d fit
Minimum temperature. . . . 16 "I 9 S3
Average temperature M SS IS 44
1'reclpTtnllon 11 .00 T .00
Condition of temperature nnd precipita
tion at Omalm for the day and since March
1 , 1S93 ;
Normal temperature 31
Deficiency for the day 12
Accumulated excess rlnco M.trch 1 S40
Normal precipitation Clinch
Kxcess for lite day 10 Inch
Totnl precipitation nlnc March 1. 10.72 Inches
Dellelcncy since March 1 10.12 Inclie.i
from KtnUoim nt 8 1 > . til.
: t
* .
Onmlm , rlear .11
North Platte , clear .IKI
Huron , clear .IKIT
Chicago , part Hoildy . . . T
St , lyiuln. snowlni ; . . . . . . . H : c .III
St. Paul , clear . , , 10 [ 14 .IIIT
l > Hveiiinirt , clear 10 T
Katun * City , cloudy .01
Helena , clear . ,
Havre , clenr
Kalt Lake City , clear . . ,
lUsmarck , clear
St. Vincent , cloudy
Cheyenne , clear .M
WllllKtnn , clear
llapld City , part cloudy
Onlvcuton , rlear
T Indicate * trace of precipitation.
l.A. _ WKt.HH. OWrver.
DoWltt's Little Early Umers euro
tlon and bad breath.
INSTUUMKNTS placed on recortl Decem
ber 4 :
W P COD and wife to CJertrudo Snoll ,
lots 1 nnd 2 , block 21 , Hcnson f 1
Andrew Carlisle and wife to V D
Urown. lot If and 12 , block B , Lin
coln Place ; 1
B S Klor and wife to J W HompHtfd ,
lot 3. block 3. U K Mayne's 1st add
to Valley SO
O W Ames und wife to 1. T 1'helps ,
lots. IS and 19 , block 1 , Amps I'luce. . . . 00
15 L Haker and htiMinnd to n S Nason ,
lot 13 , block 7. Collier 1'lni'o 1.000
W H Holllns to K V Ueaford. lots 3 ,
10 and 11 , block 11D , Dundee I'loce. . . . J.fiOO
Special master to J D Crrlghton , w
-t of lot 3 , block 47. Omalm 2,700
Total amount of transfers J3.W2
Home Industrigs
U > - iiurcliiiNlnpr irooilH iniulo at the fol
lowing NclirnnUu fuci > rlcH. If you
oniinot IInil ivlint you ivniit coiiuuiiiil-
oitto Tvltli tiie iiiiiniifacdirorH UN to
IVllIlt llvilltTH llllUdlu tllL'l
IT KM IS OM : Ai r A i j AG co !
Slinufacturcrs of nil kinds of cotton and bur
lap bans , cotton Hour narks und twine a * pec *
laity. G1I-G1G-G18 H. llth Si.
Car load shipments made In our own rcfrlo
enitor cars. Hlue lllbljon , Hlltc Kxport. Vienna
Hxport. and Family Export , delivered to all parts
of city.
1409-11 Dodse St. The best nnd cheapest pacu !
to buy n uood Piisgy. Carriage or Wagon. Aecnt
for the best rubber tire In use.
put rubber tires and balf-benrliiR axles on their
own make vehicles , and cll a top tmfKy for
$50.00 besides. Wi He them. ISlli nnd Harncy.
Coffee Honslcrs , Fplce ( Irlndera , Manufacturer
Oernian Ilaklnir Powder and Oerman Dry Hou
Vca l , J414 and 1410 Hartley St. , Omaha. Neb.
S K. iTilLMAN.
Manufacturer of Oold Medal Flour.
C. E. Hlaclc , MannRer. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , Lounges ,
Dlnlli ? Tables and Foldlncr Ilfds. 2Kth Ave. ,
Hoyd to Shaler Bta.
Ten AM ) CO A I , .
nomcstlc and BU-atn Coal. We have the hast.
Olnco ICOl Karnam St. Telephone : Odlco 3TJ ;
yard , 1TCO. J. A. I ) c , Ocncrdl ManaKcr.
llt < > \ AVOItKS.
Manufacturing and Iti-pnlrlm ; of all klnda of
machinery , engines , pumpa , elovntoie , printing
IHi'Sfi'n , hiinRcia , RhafiliiK and coupllngti 14)3 nnJ
1408 Howntd St. . Omaha.
Manufacturer * of Archltectuml Iron Wmk.
Oeneial Foundry , Miirhlninnd Illai-kpinlth Work.
KiiKlneera nnd Cnntractom for l-Mio Proof
llulldliiKu , Olllcc and woika : U. p. Ily. and
80. 17th Btrcct , Omaha.
" " '
The only perfect protection to property. Hxamlna
It. llest thlnir nn eaith , IteJucua Iniuranco
rnlea. 1301 UuugloH St.
Monufaeliircjs of Men's and uy ' Clothlnir ,
'ants , Bhlrls nnd Oveialls. : V2-212 U. llth Ht.
Manufactui r > of all kinds of Paper lloxcv.
Shelf Iloies Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
Weddlni ; cake nnd fancy candy boxes , diiiKc
anJ Jewelry lioxcs. 1208-10 Joni'x SI , , Omaha ,
Ctclutlvo custom tililrt lnlls. ; : C1S Farnam.
Telephone 1039. OMAHA , N B.
Grain , Provisions & Stocks
Itoom 11116 noird of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago unU New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
e I > , BM1TH (11. ( U'JS ' ) fi. U. UTANVOUO
Room 4. N , Y. I.lfo Did" ; . , Omnka.
llrnnch ofllcei at Krtmont nd Columbui. AU
orders placed ou the CtilciKo Heard of Trad * .
Ci > ne > r.on < lcnt > ; Bchwartz. lup * & Co. , CU1-
tl.tu : uchrclntr , flick & Co. , Ht. Uiull. K > CM
to lv t National IJink , Omab -
Investors and Speculators ,
Flint edition ready. It plainly Indicates 'the
nott profllabli methoda of operating In Grata
ind Blocks. Mailed frrt.
ii , Stock mill lloiiil llrokcm ,
- Cliiiiultcr ot Coiumcrcw ,