Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Image 9

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Commencing Monday , we Avill make s
Two Jacket Leaders
IVidlcs' ' Jackets , in plain nnd rou h oloth , trimmed or untrlmmod , the very
latest styles such jackets as arc often olTorod at Si.GO to $7.50 , all at 84.95'
Our other prices on Jackets are 86-95. 37-95. 88-90. , 89-90 , 812-50-
At thobOiirlcoB our BEAVER , MOMlE CLOTH and BOUCLE are rated the best
value In the wtst. :
Misses' and Children's Jackets.
THE OTHER LEADER is about IHO Short Jankots , sizes 4 to 14 years , red ,
checks und mixtures , all to bo closed out
blue , tun , brown , navy , fancy fjruy
at 83-95-
' those cloaks contains somany now and pretty styles
that wo could not give space to Itemize them.
4 , f-i , If you want now , warm and serviceable Pur
I l-i-Hpt t * 'li'tQ Capos , you will llnd our stock the most fetching.
JL I li- M- * *
- - - - All thobo are 30x100.
Black French Conoy. from $7.05 up.
Genuine Electric Seal , from $13.00 up.
Heal Astrackan , from 818.50 up.
The sale of 1,000 Cloaks , purchased for spot cash Nov. 7 , still continues. All
si/.os for ladies and misses , in heavy , plain and fancy beavers , every garment
perfect , at 83-95 , less than 50o on the dollar.
Dress Goods.
Wo'ro going to open up Monday a few
prices In dress goods that have never been
equaled In this or any town In America.
Double fold "dress goods , In plain Jacquard
effects Monday . .8c
Doublefold dress goods In all the staple tan
colors ; also a line of chamelllon , regular
25c goods , Monday 12'Ac
42-Inch chamellon , excellent lilng for house
wear In ten different combinations , M ° n-
' ' '
35-lnch'd'ou'blYfold cashmere , nil staple col
ors and bluck , Monday . ' 12o
35-Inch all wool serge Henrietta In blacks ,
navies Monday --19c
: , ,
35 and 38-Inch all wool Imported French
scrgo and Imported German henrletta In
full line of colors , worth 48c , Monday..25o
40-Inch Imported silk finish henrletta In
black and navy , worth C9c , Monday..39c
46-Inch extra quality French serge In all
colors and black , worth 98c. Monday..50c
47-Inch storm serge : are- without question
the best value In Omaha , Monday 50c
CO-lnch French serge , Monday 50c
We've got a superb line of French flannels ,
Monday price 48c
\fo have too mnny navy hluo serves ; our
prices on 3 numbers for Monday will close
the stock.
CO-lnch storm serge , our S8c quality , Mon
day KOc
(2-Inch storm serge , our $1.25 quality , Mon
day 75o
Dl-lncli storm sergs , our $1.60 quality , Mon
day 8Sc
Black Dress Goods.
BC-lnch Imported all wool Jacquards , 25 styles
Monday 39c
BS-lncli imparted all wool jacquarde , the 75c
goods , Monday , COc
IC-lnch Imported German henrletta , silk fin
ish , Monday 39c
Our $1.00 grade German henrletta , silk flu-
Isli , Monday . . . . ' COc
(2-Inch storm serge , would bo considered a
bargain at S9cour ; price Monday 50c
Novelty dress goods department all go In
two lota.
All the $1,00 , $1.25 $1.50 goods , your
choice Monday 50c.
All the $1.25. $1.50 , $1.75 goods , your
choice Monday 75c , .
and prices that make this depart
ment the mecca of hat buyers. The mlllln-
fry store on our eecoud floor 1s fairly alive
nlth all that Is dainty In Iieadwcar.
Ladles' trimmed felt hats , dress share * ,
( or COc , 75c and 95c , worth vp to $3.00.
Fur felt and velvet trimmed liats , with
conues , plumed , ostrich tips , fancy ribbons ,
eti . , at $2.00 , $2.CO and $3.00.
An exquisite line ot splendid pattern hats ,
creations such as ladles go Into cstaclei
over , at $4.00 and $5,00.
Everything needful In trlmmlcgs. Algo-
rettcs at lOc ; coquts and plume * at 20c and
l&c ; oitrlch tl | > * at 25c , 60a and up ; illk
ind velvet flowen , 25o bunch.
Bee our millinery dltpUr ,
Headquarters for Silks.
Some Spedlaltics Not to bo Found
No matter what you wish In silks you
are almost certain to find It here.
Ulack satin , very lustrous , full yard wide ,
only . Cc ! )
Japanese wash silks , all colors , yard wide ,
only . C9c
Ulack Bayadere dress silks , yard wide , only
. S5c
Corduroy , In all colors for traveling dresses ,
only . i . "Sc
Extra heavy black Bayadere dress silks , yard
wide . 98 °
Seal brown or black satin for cloak linings
. $1.25
Changeable velvets , the latest for trim
mings . $1-50
Black silk velvets , 32 Inches wide for capes
. $2.50
Velour de Nerd , the new caplng goods * 32
Inches wide . ? 2.50
Seal plush for capes and cloaks , 54 Inches
wide . * 2.75
Seal plush for capes and cloaks , finer quality ,
G4 Inches wide . $2.98
Seal plush for capes and cloaks , best quality ,
54 inches wide . $3.50
The finest assortment of silks for evening ,
street or wedding costumes In this country.
Wo have all styles of block silks from 59c
to $3.60 per yard. In white , and cream sat
ins for wedding dresses our prices range
from COc per yard to $2.60 for the finest
grade of all silk satin Duchesse.
We endeavor to keep our assortment com
plete In Bilks In every particular and ask
an Inspection before you purchase.
Samples cheerfully mailed to out-of-town
Specials in Blankets for
Soft white fleeced Dlankcts nt 49c.
Silver urny , soft llnlsh , nt C9c , 75c , E5c
nnd $1.UO.
11-4 white lleeced Blankets at 75c and
. .
Kxtra heavy and warm gray Blankets ,
with fancy borders , nt $1.60 per pair.
Very line all wool gray , brown and scarlet
lilunk.-tp at $2.50 pair.
We liuvo about 25 pairs of line all wool
lilunkott ) that nrcn lightly Bailed on out-
tmle fold : the regular prices of these ure
from $1.75 to $0.75 , wo will sell them at
$2.B5 and S.1.U5 pair.
White California Ulankets , just one-half
the regular price ,
Come In nnd Bee our Blankets. We have
the largest and best assorted stock to be
even anywhere.
Cutlcura Itesolvent . . ' . . 75c
I.ydla Plnkham Compound , , . . . . . . 75o
Indian Bacwa . 70c
1'ierce's Favorite Prescription . 75o
Plerce'tt Ulwovery . , . 75c
Warner' * Safe Cure . , . . Mo
S. B. 8. , large . , . $1.30
3. 8. 8. , small . 75c
Kennedy' Medical Dlvvovury. . . , , . $1.15
Ay i-r' a Cherry Pectoral . 7Sc
Aycr'a Hulr Vigor . 2c
Thornpson'g Beef , Iron and \Vlno . 25o
Call und examine our new offerings In
Perfumery. Finest line In the city.
For family ptcscrlptlonu we are head
quarters ,
Special Bargains ,
Linens and Towels
43-Inch Table Linen , yard , . , . . . 15o
62-Inch Table Linen , yard . , . . , . . . , , . 20o
Gt-luch Table Lliun , yard . Sc
W-liicli Tabla Linen , yard . , . . . . . . Ute
72-Inch Table Linen , yard . DOe
These are actual measurements and guar
anteed all pure linen.
Thuy are positively the best values ever
offered In this market.
In addition to these the Linen depart
ment Is showing an Immense line or line
Linens at prices that surprise the best
judges ,
> -8 Uumiuk Linen Napkins , dozen . 6Kc
3-4 Damask Linen Napkins , dozen . We
16-Inch Linen Toweling . , . 3Uc
> 8-lnch Linen Toweling- . Jc
Fast colors Tuikey Bed Table Dam-
auks. 61 Inches wide , at . l&o
U Inches wide , . , . , , . . , . . , , . . , , , , , 5c
Special bargains in Gentlemen's
Suits , Overcoats and U'sters , that
will be placed on sale Monday at '
The Men's Suits are strictly all wool ,
strictly stylish , strictly well made and
trimmed , every suit real $12. value.
The Men's Overcoats are of all wool ,
fast color , blue , b'ack and brown , Kersey
and beaver , inallsizss from 34 to 44 chest ,
as good and handsome as any store ever
sold for $ i 2.50.
The Men's Ulsters of heavy 33 ounce
all wool Frcize. In black : and Oxford , cut
extra long and warmly lined , uhequaled at
anv other store for less than § 12.00.
This week Cll will buy the
i f Up all
the sum of choice of
three lots.
Out of Harmony *
Another brilliant A j < SDf fl jT\ bargain in Men's
Suits , Overcoats Lf tOS land Ulsters will \
Jr- * * Discord music in clothes
also be on sale * - HK Monday. These in as
garments are one and all strictly of the $15.00 variety , perfect is either annoying or ridiculous.
in fit , finish and trimmings , and embrace a wide variety of Many a garment , sold for
colors and materials. If want a new'Suit or Overcoat
styles , you the best , is a harsh discord of
coat don't fail to see them.
conflicting details , but in the
"H. S. & M. " make , you see
But the brightest bargains 9 blending of all the parts into
of all are the extra fine
' a perfect harmony.
Men's Suits. Overcoats ,
Ulsters we offer this week at' An H. S. & M. garment fills
We claim these garments equal to made- the eye as good music satisfies
to-order clothes at $35.00 and superior to
the .
the sort you are asked $25 for at ordinary
clothing stores. The styles , the cloths , the It is a never ending source of
trimmings , the fit and finish , are simply pleasure ; , ' " .
perfect. You will be as well--dressed as
anybody if you get one of these.
Extra Special Sale of Boys' and Chil This Label on a Garment Insures
dren's Suits , Overcoats and Ulsters. Perfect Fit and Satisfaction.
Boys' long trouser suit at $3.50 to $15.00
Boys' ulsters and overcoats at $3.75 to $12.
Children's knee pant suits at 950 to $6 oo
Children's cape overcoats at $1.95 to $5.50
Children's reefer coatsat $1.25 to $6 50.
It stands for the Best-that Money
Children's suits at . to . .
junior $1.75 $7.50. Can Buy or Skill Produce.
Men's and Ladies'
Furnishing Goods.
' ' Ribbed Shirts and
3 cases of Men's Derby
Drawers , ecru and tan colors , 50c each , worth
1 case of men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts
$1.00 each , reduced from $1.50.
Men's Heavy Wool Mittens lOc per pair.
Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers
COc , 75c and $1.00.
Days' Kid Mittens , 35o per pair , wortl
$1.00. Special for Monday.
100 dozen ladles' Kid Gloves , G hooks , only
7Ec.-worth $1.25.
1 lot of men's Silk Handkerchiefs , 2Jc
worth KOc.
Children's Wool Hose , all sizes , I2&C , worth
1 case of ladles , Fleecd Hose , lOo pair.
Ladles' fine Cashmere Hose , 25e , worth BOc
Ladles' Ice Wool Fascinators , 25o to $1.50
Children's Wool Underwear , DC , lOc and
12Vfcc and up ,
New Books !
Cheap Books !
20 per cent leu than any book or stationery
liouse In Omaha. Get their prices then come
to us. We positively guarantee to sell the
same books 20 per cent cheaper than any
book store In the city.
Rosa N. Gary's Hooka for Girls , 3 volumes ,
54c ; book store price , $1.35.
Ilallantyne Library , 4 volumes , 72c ; book
store price , $2.60.
Rollins' Ancient History , 4 volumes , $1.98 ;
book store price , $3,00.
Chronicles of Count Antonio ( Hope ) , 85c ;
book store cut price , $1,05 ,
Stark Monroe Letters ( Doyle ) , S5c ; book
store cut price , $1.05.
Alcott's Famous Books , Little Men and
Women , Old-Fashtoned Girl , Joe's Boys , etc. ,
etc. , 85c ; book store cut price , $1.05.
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew ,
12c ; book store price , 20c.
Candy Department.
If you want a box of the finest candies ,
try us : Made fiosh every half hour.
Opera cream only , ( pound ) 25c
Chocolate creams. 25o
Jhocolatu caramola. , . . . 2oe
hocoluto wafers 2 > e
Chocolate snow bnlls , . , lioo
Butter cups 25o
Bonbons 25 c
Jroam dates 25o
Taffy , all flavors l&o
French cream mixed , , . . . . % J5o
Browplo , mixed , 165
London , mixed lOo
Assorted fruit drops lOo
Jundy canes , d&ch , Go
Christmas tree tops , ( candy ) each. . . lo
We'll make anything you want in
Candy made to order.
Notion Dept.
HOLIDAY NOTIONS-Hundreds of cheap
and pretty Christmas presents In this do
For 25c you can buy :
Klegant paperweight Photograph Holders
Fancy sflk lined Catch-Alls.
Klegnnt full sized Hand Bugs.
Hoautlful Seal Purses.
Plaques , etc.
Che.ip Veiling ! ? .
Having- purchased nn eieBant line of 'new
Silk Veilings , we will close all cut pieces
at 6c per yard. None ot these goods wortl
less than 15c , and several worth from 25c.
to COc.
Special sale on Fancy Goods , Stampe <
Linens , etc.
A KOc Dresser Scarf -for 23c. -
A 25c Tray Cloth for 15C.
A lOc Dolley for 4c. ,
COc Tinted Table CovfcnTonly 23c.
35o Tinted Table Covera nly lllc.
Pillow Shams. 12V > c pair. -
Silk Fringes. 10C yard.-
Working Silk , lOc dozen. .
Crochet Silk , 12V.c ( spool ,
New line -of fancy Photograph Frames
25o ; worth $1.00 each.
We havct he largest .and . finest line of
ladles' Neckwear In Omaha , and we wil
make unheard of prlces'to reduce this stock
before the holidays
HEAD RliSTS-Speclal ealo on fancy silk
Head Hests , 48c ; goods worth from fie to
$1.25. nil go nt 48c.
On Monday wo will place oil sale 200 dozen
silk Initialed Handkerchlefs-at-Be each. Do
not miss this sale.
Bed Spreads.
Full size- and excellent quality at 45c , at
C5c , at 75c , at 8Cc , at $1.00.
ICemnants In white goods of every de
scription at less than one-quarter regular
price ,
Skates. Skates. Skntos.
We have , 1,000 pairs of club , patent lock
lover skates which v/o / will tell as long as
they last for 35c.
A very fine hardened steel runner , blued
ptccl foot and heel piste , ihe very latest
patent lover fastening. ; nothing better made
of this niyle , worth $1.60 ; ne sell them f6r
73e. f
Wo can sell you a Very : flno full nickel
plate club , patent jock Uvcr sltate , such as
Is ordinarily sold for ftomt l.OO to $2.00 ;
our price 87c. '
Here Is the finest waihave ; a full nickel
plate , polished edge , solid welded steel run
ner , steel foot and he'cljplaUe , patent lock
lever skate ; this Is a beauty and good
enough for anybody ; the regular price. Is
$3.00 ; we will sell them tlilB/.vveek for $1.69.
We have COO palri of ladles' skates , patent
lock lever , hardened steel runners , ruwet
leather heel caps ; they ar worth In a regu
lar way $1.50 , we sell them for 79c.
Wo have a very flno Cull .nickel plated ,
solid eteel rnnner , ruisetleather heel caps ,
latest patent lock lever ; thete. skates are as
fine as any made ; cold for.Ji-ora $2.50 to $3.00
elsewhere ; we sell them | lil v veek for $1.25.
We have more Oarpetsltlmn we need , and
for the next 30 days Wo will make twine
very low prices to reducd Block.
We sell a peed all wool Carpet for -lOc.
A line of the best extra supers for COc.
lruss lB CurpotH. 400 , Wo and COc.
Velvet Carpets , 7Eo.
Lace Curtalmt , COc , 7Ec nnd $1.00 pair.
Finer ones. $1.CO to W.OO pair.
Chenille 1'ortlcres , $2.25 and I2.CO pair.
New HUB of ituga lower than over before.
Carpet Hwepcrs. $1.00 , $1.50 and $2.00.
Carpet Stretchers , $ l(0 ! to $2.09.
II. and H. , the only carpet cleaner , lOc.
Weather Strips for Doors
atid Windows ic per Foot
We have all grades and makes of car
penter * , plasterer * , bricklayers , black
smiths , mechanics and home tinkers' tools
.vhlch . wo can sell you at & saving of about
CO per cent. Builders' hardware at whole-
ale prices.
The Comforts of Home
Arc greatly enhanced by the variety
and ease giving qualities of your chairs
and rockers.
Can wo help you to ono for the Holi
days ?
Wo have hold in rcBorvo the
matchless line of Chairs and Rockers
carried by O'Cnnncll & Anderson , and
arc now putting the whole lot on the
lloor at prices far below the regular
factory price.
For the Children
Chairs and Hookers nt 15e , 20o , 25o ,
35o , tiOc , 76c , $1.00 nnd 91.25.
Rockers with wood , cano and upholat-
ered seats , in great variety. A great
many we have only ono of each , so It
will pay you to make u selection soon.
For the Grown People
Rockers at $1.00 , $1.2o , $1.50 , 81.75 ,
$2.01) , $2.2,5 and * 2fjO , ,
Largo arm Rockers , cane seats , at
$1.25 , $1.05 and $2.50.
Wo place on sale 00 Rockora , elegantly
carved , beaded spindles , largo arms ,
jomfortublo and roomy , never sold for
Ics * than $3.60 , our prfco $1.1)5. )
No matter how you got this Rocker ,
whether It Isvsont to you by us or by u
friend , or if you como and buy ono your
self , or if you sou ono in ufrlcnd's liouso ,
no matter where you BOO ono you will bo
struck by the Inmuty of the Roekor and
; ho extreme lowness of the price ,
While they last , $1.05 ; worth $3.60.
Our line of fancy Chairs , Rockers ,
odd pieces , and all kinds of Holiday
jradcs is far larger than over and wo
< now wo can sell you.
Guns and Ammunition.
All Sizes Loaded Shells $1.25 for 100
Good revolvers for 85c ; a double action
nickel plated revolver In 32 , 38 and 44 , for
$1.26 ; a 22 Flobcrt rifle $1.95 ; flno 22 rlQo
for shorts and longs , 22 , $3.25 , worth $5.00
anywhere .
Did you ceo that $25.00 $ double barrel ,
breech loading Laminated steel barrel re
sounding circular lock pistol grip , checkered
stock and fore end ? we will sell It to you
this week for $14,75.
Wa can sell you a good Laminated steel
barrel pistol grip , ailce walnut checkered
stock and fore-end , a rattling nice gun , for
Wo can sell you a good double , barrel
breech loading shot gun , $5.95 ,
For Sale
1 upright Klmball , nearly new , left on
sale ; party leaving city.
1 upright Vose , good OB r.ew , $125 ,
1 upright Voee , slightly used $1CO.
I upright Hnllet & Uavle , | 1& .
100 new Pianos at factory cout Must bo
eold durlna Becerao'/r ,
Bankrupt Prices
Hundreds took time by the forelock and bought their
holiday presents yesterday. It was a point of wisdom , never
were such inducements offered in the jewelry line. The finest
stock of jewe'ry ' and diamonds ever brought together inOmaha ,
is on sale at bankrupt prices ,
Mr , lee ,
of Watches and Cloaks
/dl / H
Fine Gold and Silverware , Watch Chains Necklaces , Pen
dants , Brjotches , Solid Gold Rings , Rings with settings of
precious stones and ornaments of all kinds bought from the
creditors at our own offer. Unnecessary to speak of the magnificence -
nificence of the stock. Baumer's name was the synonym for
the best , the latest designs in ornaments , the most ,
reliab'e ' works in watches and clocks. Every article fully war
ranted. Buy your holiday presents now or supply yourseli
-with-anything needful in the jewelry line.
Bankrupt Prices are About 1-3 Jeweler's
Regular Prices.
House Furnishing Goods
We have 1,000 to l.BOO different kind , style
and price Dinner Sots we are going to
sell between thlB nnd ChrlstniaR. If you
nre contempjatlng buying a Dlncnr Set now
la your time.
A 100-plecc finely decorated on best 13ng-
llsh granite , In brown , blue mill natural ,
price $12.00 , our mile price $5.U5.
A 100-ploco Cllflon Dinner , under glazed
decoration , full gold lined , festoon edge
platen : price $18.00. our halo price $7.00.
A 100-pleee Beml-royal porcelain Dinner
Set. finest Froneh decorations , with lllled-ln
colors. Irory llnlHh ; price 118.00 , our sale
A 100-ple'ce Caliahl blue on Persian ground ,
In under dazed finish , with festoon edge
platen ; price $20.00 , our Halo price $1000.
A 100-pleco line china Dinner Set , very
fine French decoration , Louis XIV. shape ,
Htlpplo Kpld finish ; prlcu $30.00 , our sale
price $10.60.
Decoiatcdplece Toilet Set , $1.89.
Decorated Lamp Bhude und front to
mutch , Sfic.
Spring Extension Untieing1 Lamp , $1.75.
Imported lioliemlan Water Hets , 25 differ
ent Kindt ) , ntylex nnd colors , $1,00 per set.
Fancy china Uups and Saucers , from lOc
per pair up.
Fine china Cuspidors , decorated , 49a each.
Big line of 0 o'clock Teas , from J..lU up ,
Sheet Music.
Wo Sell the Sheet Music.
If you look all over town fop a certain
cony of music and cannot IInd it. bo Hiiro
: o corao to Haydons1 ; you will find It
hero. We carry all the very LATEST
nstrumontul , und sell it to you at just
ialf the price other dealers ask you for
t. The CELEBRATED editions of Peers
ors , Loltolft , Augonor and Schulnor
cept constantly In stock. Anything you
may want in piano or organ methods ;
studios both vocal and Instrumental t
> and and orchestra , mandolin and gul-
ar , banjo , zither , violin and piano , cor
net and piano ; clarinet and piano. In
act , you will find everything jjortalnlncf
Have you had a catalogue of our FA
MOUS 5o EDITION over 10,000 titles
o select from both vocal and instru
mental , Thousand ! * of these selections
rou are now paying other dealers from
Oo to 81.26 per copy. Why pay those
anoy prices when you can got the iden-
ical piece at Haydens1 for only 5c. Caller
or send for complete catalogues on ev
Special attention given to mail orders.
For Rent
25 new Pianos Just receive rfdom the fac-
ory. Amount paid an rent allowed to
Apply on i > urcha .
Provision Department
Butter and Eggs
Fresh Country nutter , rolls or print..12U < j
Stilctly Fresh Eggs l5o
Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese. 7'/4o '
Young America Full Cream only lee
Hrlck Cheese 12'4o
Swiss Cheese 12jia
nest Soda Crackers 4Via
Best Oyster Crackers 4Vio
Lemon Creams Co
Qlnger Snaps So
Saratoga Flakes 13o
Bremner's Lunch So
Jumbles 12Vto
Brick Cod Fish Co
Fine Mackerel lOo
lied Salmon , 7 < a
Holland Herring , In white hoop ( tegs. . . 70q
White Fish Gis
Nice fat Herring , each , 2a
Como to the big store for all kinds oC
Meats and Lard
Sugar cured No. 1 Hams. . . 9o
I'lckle Pork Co
Suit Pork Co
Corned Ucef 3io !
Uologna , Head Cheese , Liver Sausage ,
Tripe and I'lga Feet. . 4o
Fancy Mixed Nuts of five kinds 12a
New Dates § 7'/do '
FIg , 10e , 12e aifd ICe
Fancy Lemons , , , 20c
We have all kinds of Fruits at bed roclc
prices. Get your holiday fruit here.
30 pounds Coarse Granulated Sugar $1.00
22 pounds Fine Granulated Sugar { 1.00
Select Minneapolis Flour , sack C5a
Mlnesola Superlative Flour , , 85o
Cream Flour , best made 11.00
Haydens' Best XXXXX Flour , sack.$1.00
Large Palls Jelly 29 < j
8 pounds freth Itolled Oatmeal ! 25o
Evaporated Fruits >
New MuKatel Raisins , 3V4a
New Valencia Italslns Ga
New Honduras Ilalnlns 7'/4a
Seedlcra Halslns , Co
Valencia Seedless Raising 7'/iq
Sultanna Seedless lUUIna , , . lOq
Imported Seedless Ilalilns 12' ' , u
Large Raising for table use , In large
clusters , only , pound , 12o
New Evaporated Peaches , , G'/iO
New Lemon Cling Peaches BVfcn
New Evaporated 1'eara. . . , lOu
New California Apricots 10a
New Turkish Prunes , , , , Co
New French Prunes. . . . . . . , 7 % < 1
New Italian Prunes. . , 8'/4q
New California Sweet Prunes 10a
Fresh Roasted Coffee
High grade Mocha and Java 30a
Plantation Java and Mocha 27o )
Dent Golden Rio 25a
No. 1 Rla Coffee 20q
Java and Mocba , cracked , 12'/4c , 15c..l7'/&a
Canned Goods
Boston Daked Deans , per can , , , . . 3VsQ
2'pound cons choice White Corn Co
3-pound cans choice Tomatoes. . 6V4d
2-pound cam California Apricot * , 8'ia
3-pound cans California Peachei SViq
3-pound com California Pean , , , . , , . , . . 8Ho
8-pound cam all klndi Plum > , . . , 8Via
Pure Oil Sardines , per can 8q
Pure Columbia River Salmon , tall cam ,
blood red , only , . , , . . . . . , . * 12 < J
S ban Laundry Soap , , Ga
Hard Water Soap , bar , . . ,
1770 , Soap Dunt , etc . . . .