TJIE OM-ATTA DAITAr BEK : . 'STXHAY. D : HMR i. 1805. ET , II $1.00 buys more than $3.00 worth of Staple Merchandise , Household Necessities at a mere fraction of their actual value , as we must have space for our Gigantic Holiday Display , which opens , December More than $2.00 Worth For $1.00. All nlzpB 1r J'ot Covers * w Japanned | p . 1Vrf J. lre Shovels 1 pint 1p Tin Cups w Host grade 1 p Wire KSK Beaters ' - ' Host grade | / - > Kutmi'g Graters mv/ 2imrt | Jlotlnned Saucepans l.nrgo size Collanders ' ,4 quart retlnned O < . Preserving Kettles 'J- ' 2-quart Teapots H nml l-qtmrt Teapots 3 and l-pint Tea or Coffee Pots , copper bottoms 14-iilart rot 111 lied UlHlipuiiH 10-quart retlnned 1f\r > 2'reservlng Kettles two All copper Tea Kettles , nickel plated for base burner Host quality Tea Kettles' . No. S , copper bottom and copper rim , worth 50c No. 7 copper bottom Coffee Boilers ' Nickel plated Tea and Coffee Pots Large slzo Japanned Hread nnd Cake Boxes ! No. .7 and S nickel plated Tea Kettles Co-pound Japanned Flour Canh No. 8 copper bottom , . Boflers WOMEN AND HEN PROTEST All Wavcrly Indignant Over the Kecent Elopement Oasos. M'CANDLESS ' AND VINING DENOUNCED IteNoliitloiiM Ailoi'tril In MIIMH Mcet- lim.i Declnrliifvthe .Mrn Oiit- ciiMtM nnd AViirnliifr Them to flult tinTown. . LINCOLN , Nov. SO. ( Spolal. ) The citizens ( of Waverly arc In a state of Indignation over the recent elopement of Dr. G. A. Mc- Candlcss and DrugcM B. R. Vlnlng. Nearly a month since they left , clandestinely ac companied by two young ladles of Waverly , Misses Alice Miller and Nancy Ward , Lost evening the citizens hired a hall for the purpose of expressing their disapproval of the conduct of the two men. Two committees , one uf women and another of men , were appointed - pointed to draft resolutions. The following la the result of the deliberations of the women : llp olvil , That we heartily endorse the resolutions already adopted , and that wo truly condemn all effort to palliate the crime : that we protest irtost strenuously iigalnst his frequenting Waverly by night or by day , and that a boycott should be onfori'ed upon any person or persons at tempting to render him liny assistance , ex cept to assist him to get forever out of the town , Resolved , That the English language does not contain words sufllclenlly eondcnumtory of the net committed , nml that some punish ment commensurate to the crime should be > netcd out to him , Resolved , That our sympathies bo ex- tendril to the families and to the 'young ' Indies who have been HO cruelly wronged , mid that nil Clnlsitlaii people show their willingness to help reinstate them to their former positions. The committee of men submitted the fol lowing : 8ENTIMKNT OF THE MRN. Wbereaf. On or about October 31. 1S93. one ( I , A. McCaiidless and one E. H. Vlnlng , formerly of the village of Wnvorly. being inaillt'u mull mill uu > IICIIUM ui tunniien , inu conspire together to desert their families nml elope with two young ladles of "Wuvorlv , thereby seeking the ruin and downfall of there young ladles , to-wit : J\It ni > H Alice Miller and Nancy Ward , and Whereas , Such conduct on the part of any man , more especially those whoso duty it Ht'ould be to create nnd elevate the stand ard of society In which they live , and to emulate nnd uhurlsb those virtues which at ull times should bo the wnichword of mor ality mid protection to society , nnd more especially thu young and rising girls of this generation ; therefore , bo It Resolved , -That wo , us respectable citizens of the village of Wnvorly and vicinity , do most putamnly and earnestly depiecato and condemn Dm proceedings or the vnld G. A. Mct'iiiidlcsH nnd U. > R , Vlnlng In trying to ruin the moials and violate the virtue of thu above mimed ulrln an brlnu contrary to an 1 In ftrlct violation of all l.iw and a fitlgmu upon their own rhuructcix nx men of lespeotablllty , while they should bo thu leading men In the community In which they live. Hufolveit , further , That It Is the nenso of this meeting tint the said MeCandleso nnd Vlnlng lie ceiiiaured aa being nangerons to the moral * of any community , nut ex cepting unmarried flrls , anil that their low , lirutUb acts In connection \vllli these glrlx be comleimied by the citizens of Wnverly us bulng beneath thu respect and dignity of those claiming to be ladles and gentlemen. Both feta of resolutions were adopted unsn- Imoualy. Tlia committee of women com prised .Mrtv S. J. G. Hldilell , Mm Ilattle W. Hawley , Mrs. L. J. Loder , Mrs , Jones and Mrs. Miller , APRAID OP VlOLUNCn. U Is said that McCnmlleasj has hired a man to officiate aa bodyguard , who remains dote to him' night and day. There Is violent In dignation over tlo : fact that Dr. McCamllnu has returned lo the village of Waverly. In district court this morning F. E. Bishop was appointed guardian ad Hum of the minor heirs of the late millionaire , John Fitzgerald. Clara M , Counter , by her next friend and father , nki tha district court to award her More than $2.00 Worth CROCKERY For $1.00. Stamp PIntcs , In two sizes , woith lOe nnd 13c . White Oranltc Bowls nnd Pitch- crs , each . . . White Oi unite Slop Jars , worth 9Sc . ni'Corntcd English Cups and Saucers , per set . C-plece decorated English Toilet SMS . 12-plece decnrnted English Toilet fa'otii. with slop jar. actual value , $7.00 . i 100-plece decorated Engllch Din ner Sets , In B different decoraES QQ tlon-f. value J9.00 to $12.00 . 4 > J' J < J ODD PIECES OF DINNER SETS. In blue nnd green decorations , all the cups and saucers were broken In trans portation railroad company had to stand the ItiM. What we have on hand goes at one-third of their value. Individual Butter Dishes. par dozen Sauce Dishes , worth 75c dozen . , Soup Bowl. " , worth ISc Oatmeal Dishes , In blue decoration Pie Plates , real value 7 c per dozen Dinner PIntcs , Large size , worth $1.50 dozen Covered Dishes , only In green , value 75c each Largo size Bakers , oval shape , worth .loc. . . . . . Soup Platen , ' 7e r < would be a bargain at $1.23 doz . * J * ' No. 7 Platters , worth IDo . No. 8 Platters , worth 20o . No. 10 Platters. | t = p , worth 33c' . I JU No. 12 Platter. " , worth SOc . No. 14. IMutters , worth 75c . . . damages against the Lincoln street railway In the modest sum of $1 . This Is for In juries received by being struck by a motor. She Is the daughter of-a motorman , and It Is said was permanently Injured. The acci dent occurred last May , and the amount sued for Is the sum agreed upon In settlement of her claim. R. D. Stearns and H. P. Hose have been appointed to look after the legal Interests of A. S. Jones , whose trial for the murder of Constable Peck begins next Monday. WILL PRESS THEIR SUITS. Notwithstanding the fact that George Washington Davis has been adjudged guilty of wrecking the Rock Island passenger train and causing the death of eleven persons , the trial of the first of the personal damage suits agalnyt the company has been set for hear ing In the district court December 10. The caw Is brought by II. C. Young , adminis trator of the estate of J , It. Matthews , one of the victims of the wreck. Preclpes for summons for witnesses are being filed with the clerk of the court. One of the witnesses who will bo called Is Saxton , who In the Davit' trial testified for the state. Some sentatlonal developments nnent the result of the Davis murder trial may he looked for In the future. Affidavits are being secured to show that at least two of the jurors had falsified when they swore that they had expressed no opinion as to the guilt or Innocence of the defendant. It Is also caUl that an attempt will be made to ex hibit ulterior Influences brought to bear on the Jury. It 1 averred that one or two of them were on such Intimate- terms \Utli rep resentatives of the Hock Island campiny that shortly after the verdict was rendered they wcrs seen drinking In a saloon with these same Interested representatives. This morning Judge Holme ? hrard argu ments on the motion for a now trial for John Fagor. sentenced for life ta tli3 penitentiary for the crime of criminal assault on his daughter. Pager has already served one term for a similar crime committed In Seward - ard county. The court took the motion under advisement. WILD WITH GOLD EXCITEMENT. E. S. Chamberlain , a resident of Bethany Heights , was In Lincoln today In search of Prof. Herbert Bartlelt. The latter Is the one who made 'such a glowing and sensational report concerning the alleged richness of the Mllford gold fields. Mr. Chamberlain believes that gold exists In paying quantities in the vicinity of Peru. Ho says that a fanner named May , while sinking a well four miles south of Peru , found some metallic rocks , or nuggets , In which ho thought ho detected iiuura ui KUIU , auuiu ui imi * tyut * sent 10 Omaha by a filend to bo tested. On the re turn of the messenger the latter refused to produce the assayer'a certificate. Then the friend took seine of the ore to Kansas City. Following some peculiar negotiations , which excited the su'splcloiiB of Farmer May , the Kansas City nssayer reported that he had found neither gold nor silver In the ore , Soon after this a proposition came from Kansas City for the purchase of the land , May declined to cell , but he Is now mixlou.i to t''cure the opinion of an expert mining Kcologlbt. Hence his Inquiry for Prof , llart- lett. lett.Omaha Omaha people In Lincoln : At the L'ncoln ' W. II. Wheeler , C. W. Hlnzle. C. H. Hawks , W. N. Dekker. _ rOHSII > I-'IIOM TIIK STATK llOI'Sn. ' lHHliMiN totnl.v Klecleil dll- oefH to lie Komnrdiid Tlilx Week. LINCOLN , Nov. > 30. ( .Special. ) Secretary of State Piper sayu that the commissions of thu newly elected state and district ofllceru will be forwarded to them not later than Tnebday , They will Include the com mission to Judg N'orria of the Fourteenth judicial district , as U is held that the Im pending contest to be Instltutwd In the BU- preme court by Judge Wflty will not af fect the action of the State , Board of Can vasser * , which found Judge Norrls elected on the face of the returns by a plurality of tvfo votot' . The secretary of state U pre paring a ntvf form of commission for all thu clllcers-elect. The old form used by Governor Crounee and preceding governors was thought to be too voluminous aii'l ' ver bose , As yet no papers have been filet ] lu the- supreme court preliminary to contest , The parties have thirty day * In which ta ap peal from the declnion of the State Hoard of Canvassers. The trial of the case of the state against cx-Trcuburer Hill v.111 be commenced More than $2-00 Worth GRANITEWARE For $1.OO. 2-quart Ten or Coffee Pot ? , every piece warranted . 3-quait Ten or Coffee Pots , every piece warranted . 4-qunrt Tea or Coffee Pots , every piece warranted . C-qunrt Tea or ColTeo Pots , every piece warranted . 2'/-quart Preserving Kettles , | Oc every one guaranteed . * - 3-quart Preserving Kettles , every one guaranteed . l-quart Preserving Kettles , 2Oc _ every ones uarantccd . * * < 6-qunrt Preserving Kettles , every one guaranleed . fi-quart Pres3rvlnfv Kettles , every one guaranteed . 8-quart Preserving iKettles , AQr > every one guaranteed . fzrt 10-quart I'reservlng Kettle ? , every one guaranteed . Granite Cups , regular price 12c Granite Skimmers , regular price luc 2i-qunit ! Saucepan ? , lOr1 lipped , regular price SOc . tz w 3-quart Saucepans , lipped , regular price 38c 4-quart Saucepans. lipped , regular price J5c 5-quart Saucepans , - lipped , regular price 59c C-'qunrt Saucepans , lipped , regular price C3c No. 7 Ten Kettles , regular price 98c No. 8 Tea Kettles , regular price $1.18 4-quart SeamlesH Stove Kettle , with cover 7-quart Seam Stove Kettle , with cover. . day In the senate chamber. Preparations have already been made for the event by the erection of a jury box. Forty talesmen will report on Monday , from which a panel of twelve will be drawn. Should the court hold that the amended answers filed by Hill and Ills bondsmen , to the effect that the suit began by State Treasurer Bartley In the United States district court acts as an es toppel to the present trial , the present pro ceedings Monday may end abruptly. MATTERS OK I.VI'KHKST AT FIIEMO.VI ( Mil Fellow HiieaiiipineiitN Rlect Olll- oei-H for the Kimnlnir Your. FREMONT , Nov. 30. ( Sp ca' ! . ) Centennial lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows , last evening elected the following officers : A. Truesdcll , N. G. ; Frank Healy , V. G. ; W. J , Bullock , secretary ; P. Schurman , treasurer ; J. 0. Lee , George Walz andi J. M , Shlveley , trustee ? . The following are the ofllcers-elect of Apcllo encampment : George Basler , C. P. ; Sorcn' Hanseii , S. W. ; A. Truesdcll , J. W. ; W. H. Haven , H. P. ; B. Schurman , treas urer ; Walter Bullock , representative. News has been received hero or the death of Mrs. 0. II. Mevls , formerly of this city , at St. Paul. Minn. The Salvation army will open a campaign In Fremont tomorrow night. Captain Emily Drew and Lieutenant Minnie Mlllspiugh will have charge of the meetings. This Is said to bo the first time , the regular Salvation army has been In Fremont. TberD was a very large attendance at the Catholic fair last evening. The hall was so crowded that there was scarcely enough room for dancing. A great deal of Interest Is being taken In the contests , that of the rail road nua for the diamond ring creating i > s- pcclal Interest. The fair U proving a great success , both financially and socially , and a largo sum will be raised , which Is to apply on the church debt. Rev. W. H. Buss left yesterday afternoon for Deadwod , S. D. , to deliver the dedication cannon of the Congregational church In that city. Mr. Buss was pastor of the church thera before coming to Fremont. Mr. and Mis. Otto Schurman entertained a number of their frlenda at tea last even- Ing. Ing.Sheriff Sheriff Mllllken arrived last night with P. D , Muranvllle , one of the Wheeler gang , who was arrested in Sioux City , He will have his examination next week , Maranvllle Is consid ered one of the worst men of the gang , His parents , who are said to bo wealthy and prominent people , reside In Knox county , AHlilniiil OiliI FelliMvn Hleet Ollloern. ASHLAND , Nov. 30 , ( Special. ) At a meeting of the Sauuders county lodge , No , 17 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Noble grand , J. B , Russell ; vice grand , John Seeley ; recording secretary , R. Dexter ; permanent secretary , John Krelgle- ston ; treasurer , S. H. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. K. C , Brown of Omaha are visiting Dr. Slmlngton's family. In a private letter A. B. Vent , the High school foot ball coach of 1894 , Mates that he IB studying at Harvard , and enjoying the pleasures of eastern life. During the short time he was In Aahland ho made many friends , A dispatch received from I'rovo , Utah , states that J , Henry White died In tint city Tl.cnksglvlng diy , Ho leaves a ran , Bert , in Wahoo , and a daughter , Mrs. 0 , J , Wortman , In Ashland. Frank Gilbert and Orvlll Harris have re turned from a hunt along the Republican river. They report game scarce , A select dance came off at Slinlngton's opera house list night. H wag the event of the Beaten , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .ViMTM of tile Week lit flril. ORD , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) Dr. Cramer left Wednesday for a visit to Omaha and Kansas City. Wednesday Bud Shirley and Jim Colby were hunting and succeeded In bagging sixty- one rabbits. The inllllla company gave a ball at Ha armory Thanksgiving which waa largely at tended , Mrs. Letts , who has been visiting her parents and friends hero for some time , left Tuesday morning for her home In South Dakota. P , If , Marloy , cashier of the. Bank of Mauon City , ls visiting friends hero tlil week. MM , Dr. Stiarpe left Tuesday morning for More than $2.00 Worth For $1.00. Ordinary Hnml Lamps . Decorated Vase Lamp * nncl slmdes , value $1.23 . Decorated Vnce Lamp * and shade , with lurgo No. 2 Climax burners . Highly dccornted Vnse Lamp anil lilsquc blmdo. worth ! .00. . Decoiatod Vase Lamp ; 10-Inch bisque shndc , lift out fount , tCf rtf ] regular price $ .1.00 . qll.OO Drnss Banquet Lamps. Rochester - ter burners , regular price $2.00 , ( Cf each one guaranteed k | . Banquet Lamps , gold plated , Rochester burner , lift out founts , extra heavy foot , each one guaranteed , regular price $3.00 , Brass Banquet' Lamps , solid ( Cf / Q head , Iinltntlori onyx column. . MJ * . * * = ' Brass Banquet Lamp , largo open work head ami foot , lift out founts , genuine onyx column , regular price $4.48..t Brass Banquet. Lamp , extra high , large open work head and foot , genuine onyx col umns , regular prlco J5.00 Banquet Lamp , I'xtrn high , mas sive gold pluted head and foot , column part * 'onyx , regular ( Co ' 7R value JC.OO . . .j r. qJO.YO f < t Onyx top Tables , gold plated , real value $ G.OOMhis , week 10x10 onyx top and bottom Tables , gold nlatcdi worth $8 , this week 12x12 onvx top''Tables , bottom piece' of onyx Cxii ; gold plated , very massive , worth $12.00 qJir.OW j a visit In St. Paul , Minn. She goes by way of Kearney , where she will spend a few clays with her son , Frank. Union Thanksgiving services were held In tlie Presbyterian church Thursday evenIng - Ing , Hev. Charles K. Mnlmnn of the Epis copal church preaching the sermon. The young lady clerks of the Racket store gave a Salmagundi party at Pythian hall Thanksgiving evening. A large number were present. At the annual meeting of the Knights of Pythias the following were elected ofllcers for the ensuing year : W. 13. Cramer , M. W. ; P. E. Lloyd. C. C. ; U. Kohes , V. C. : 11. M. Laverty , K. R. S. ; James Mllfonl , SI. P. ; E. N. Mitchell , M. E. ; II. A. Goodrich , prelate , and Thomas Bailey , M. A. Tuesday morn-'iig the home of Thomas Dye , a farmer living seven mllrs west of Ord , wao destroyed by flro ; loss fully covered by Insurance. _ In tinDnrU mill \o Street CnrH. BEATRICE , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) The Indl- cations now are that after tonight , for a time at least , Beatrice will have no street lights nor motor cars , the electric company , con trolled by John A. Horbach of Oinuha , showIng - Ing no disposition to yield the stand taken that , beginning wIMi December 1. a clecldid advance must ; bo paid by the city for Its lights cr they will be shut off and the cars slopped. On the other hand , the city fathers say they will pay the same prlco per light for a midnight service that has been paid heretofore for an all-night service , and no moreT.ils the company refuses to accept and thus the matter stands , Eight of the employes of the electric company , all of them heads cf families , have received notice that their services will net ho required after this evening , and It Is understood that the com pany ha > In readiness horses to run tlfe cars , the Intention being to make one trip dally over the entire , system , this being thought necessary to preserve tlie franchise granted the Beatrice Rapid Transit and Power com pany and sold to the present company , city llrevIlleM. PALLS CITY , Neb. . Nov. 30. ( Special. ) A. C , Redman of Fairfax , Mo. , U visiting his daughter , Mrs. L. U. Wallace , 'this week. 0. P. Leyda of Weeping Water IB In the city visiting with his brothers. W. S. and J. E. Leyda. David Wertz , Miss N lrow , John Wagner , wife and two sons , and Clay Wagner and wife have started for Galveston , Tex. , to be Buno Eoverai weens , uucn memuer OL me party nan land neqr Ofllveston. Art Weaver , whoi lias been confined to hla bed , the result qf fever , la quite well. He went to Lincoln yestf.rday to enter the con test for choice of deleters in the Nebraska- Kansas contest , a ; r Mls3 Nellie Abbay Is visiting her friend , Mrs. Tipton , neq Miss Agnea Dal bey , at Albany , Mo , , , Judge Reavls has , started for Washington , where has was summoned to argue a motion for the Fitzgerald railroad cate , This case Involves $800,000 , ' Mrs. Reavls accompanied him. ' ' The Woodmen of America have purchase. ] the old Knights of Pythias hall , Mrs. Graca Maddux- who has I ) ran spend ing saveral weeks ; In Lincoln , la home ugaln. \Valino INT 'iinul Mention , WAHOO , Nov. 30.TSn ( < ! Clal. ) Miss Mattle Ayers of York -vlsltlm ; the family of C. W , Sanford. i ' ' Elmer Hays of'pplun helped the foot ball boya win their vlctory"6n Thursday , Judge Keeso and wife and ton , Harry , of LIrcoln spent Thanksgiving In the city. An attempt Is being made to get up an other foot ball game In the near future with a team fruni Crete , Whltelield Sanford and wife of Atlantic , la , , spent Thanksgiving with frlenda and relatives In the city. Edgar Clarke , Frank Barry. Joseph Plbhcr , Annie Morrow and Mamie Mills , the Wahoo students at the university , came homo to kpcnd Thanksgiving. Senator W. J. Lehr of Mead Is In town today looking after business matters. Dr. J , S. Wilde has returned from Colorado , C'lu > - Center Church Kntcrlalnnieiil. CLAY CENTER , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) Thursday evening the Young People' * Society of Clirlitlan Endeavor of the Con- gregatloint church of tills place gave a very Interesting Thanksgiving entertainment. The church would not hold the people who trlpf More than $2.00 Worth For $1.00. One blade pteol Mincing Knives ! 2-bladcd steel Mincing Knives Large size 3-piong Flesh Forks Japanese Toothpicks , extra long , per box Pancake Turners , wood handle ! " Stove Lifters. nickel plated Stove Pokerp , nickel plated Can Openers. wooden Iiandlea Lnige size retlnned Uiistlng Spoons Wire Tea Strainers' , with handles Large size wlro /ir > Gravy Strainers * w Kxtra large Wlro Strainers , C/- , with handles 7 Large size Coffee Strainers , wood bandies. ebonlzed..i . * . 12-Inch Killers. C = r brass edge * -w Largo size Steel Hammers , regular price ISc Wlro Sponge Racks OC Fll size wood Towel Rollers Boulsterd Knives and Fork ? , rosewood , bone and ebony handles , worth $1.00 set Patented ebony nnd rosewood handle Knives and Forks , regular prlca per set $1.50 Best steel Bread lOr- Knives , value 25c 1VFW High grade steel Butcher Knives , warranted , worth 50c , 10-Inch steel Butcher Knives , worth 9iic , each one warranted Mrs. Potts' Irons , nickel plated , worth $1.50 per set of three to gain admission. A very pretty drill by eight little girls drewed In white , carrying lighted candles , and a pantomime. Illustrated by shadow pictures , were the leading at tractions. 1MSTUICT CUL'HT AT HOLDIIFHiR. .Severn ! CIIMCM of luipordlliee INIOHC | | < I of I ) ii r I HUT the Week. IIOLDREGE , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) District court has been in session hero all week. The only jury case tried was that of M. Scranton against the II. T. Clark Drug company et a ] , four days being conslmed In the trial. The jury failed to agree and were discharged by the judge to- nlsht. The quo warranto case of J. Theo Miller against P. A. DCBJI over the mayorshlp of the city was decided by the court In favor of J- . Theo Miller. Miller was the candidate for mayor last spring on the temperance ticket and the election resulted In a tic be tween him and L. J. Tituo , the license can didate , and as there is no provision for de ciding a tie for such ofllce , Dean , the old mayor , held over and action was brought before Judge Beal by Miller for the office. The case was tried and evidence .submitted In October and ( lie- court took the same under advisement until "after election , the judge handing down the decision today. The case was of great Intercut to citizens of Holdrege. .SofiaI Kveiil ill .VeliriiNkn Clt > . NEBRASKA CITY , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) A delightful dancing party was given In Stevenson hall last evening by Mrs. J. C. Brown , the local dancing teacher. Thirty- five couples wore present , Including the elite of tlie city. One of the bakeries In this city distributed 1,811 loaves of bread to the poor ThankH- giving day. Other bakeries gave away al most as many loaves , and It would bo safe to say that as many as C.OOO loives of bread wore given away to the poor of the city on that day. Mrs , H , D. Apgar hag returned from a visit to Omaha. D. P. Rolfo returned last evening from At lanta , Oa. , where ho has been attending the exposition as a member of the comniU- lon appointed by Governor Holcomb to rep- reaant the state of Nebraska. Mrs. Helen Shelden , who U attending school at Brownell Hall , Omaha , ID In the city visit ing li r mother , Mrs. H. C , Freeman. Kffort Millie to Hum HiillilliiKii , STROMSDURO , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special Telegram. ) This morning when Oacar Gylllng went into his blacksmith shop he found that some miscreant had poured coal oil on the steps leading from tli9 engine room to the main building and sot fire to It , and also went to his barn and by the same process undertook to fire his barn , but In both Instances failed , It la supposed , on ac count of the damp weather now prevailing. The building Is attached to the Implement house of A. P , Llndberg and Sanders' livery barn. Gylllng has no enemies , ho far as any one Inious , and It Is believed that the Intention of the perpetrator was for plunder , as the entire cast side would In all proba bility have been swept away , I.ii Plulte Minor .Mention. LA I'LATTK , Neb. , Nov. 30 , ( Special , ) Mrs , Hamilton of Hastings la hero vUltlng her parents , Mr , and Mr * . S , B. Bacheltler. The PUtte river U up , and owing to chore Ice and the covering of the approach on ( he Sarpy county side of the river , the ferry has difficulty In crobslng. A number of wolvei Infest the willow lands along the east Dido of tllo Papllllon , but iio serious ) damage hat resulted from their prca- ci ce. Over thirty couples attended the. social party at this place , Ilellevue , Papllllon anil other places were represented. I'lllttKIIIOIltll I.OeillH. - PLATTSMOUTI1. Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) The replevin suit of Sol Bergman , an Omaha jeweler , agalnit 0. H. 1'urmtlu come up before Justice Halnes thli afternoon , v , herein the plaintiff cues to recover the jios- Ecjslcii of a utodt of good * purchaird of him by ono K , C , Johnion , Parinele holding a mortgage on the fame. The cue vaa taken inder advliement. List nlgbt occurred what was without More than $1. Worth For SOc. 1 nnd 2-qunrt Fire Proof Crocks Nos. 0 , 1. 2 Crimp Top Chimneys Heavy Flint Clas ! Tumblers , per dozen C- piece glass Cream Sets , worth 3Sc 14 gallon heavy | ftr Water Pitchers . lv > fc fi-pleco Imitation Cut Olasw Cream Self , worth 9Sc. . . . 8-Inch Imitation cut glass Vase , worth liic . < . Blown Beer Glasses , regular pi Ice ROc dozen . Banded Tumblers , some limid etched designs , worth $1.00 dozen. . . . More than SOc Worth Stationery for 25c. fiOc heavy White Envelope * 24 envelopes and 24 sheets paper , A r > In neat box , value lOc w fiO sheet Commercial Elr > Note Paper * - * wAll All kinds nnd CZr < grades of Pens " * * Scratch Pads , soft paper J- . for school use aw Scratch Piuls of soft paper , contains - tains 1,000 sheets' , worth Oc Large size Scratch Pads of 2W sheets ? , worth lOc 5c Pen Holders 1C 3 ounce bottles of Black Ink Bottle of best Muscllagc 21 sheets paper and 24 envelopes , In nice box ast. tints , worth 2oc doubt the most brilliant social event of the seapou here. This waa a seJect Thanksgiving ball given by the Tuxedo Mandolin club of this city. The elite of the city was repre sented. A number of new dances were In troduced. Clam Parmele , who resides near the city , last night lost a set of double harness , set of single harness , three hiprobcs , a saddle and a bridle. The officers were Immediately put to work , but no clew of the stolen chat tels lian as yet been discovered. ICeiirney Thief Senteueeil to the I'eii. KEARNEV. Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) In district court today Frank San- berg pleaded guilty to stealing silverware from the California wine house about a year ago and was sentenced to eighteen months In the penitentiary. R. W. Rwee , who was found guilty of forging orders for county warrants lust week , was denied a new trial and sentence ) ) to four years. While James Sliouel and family of Center township were away from home some one entered their house and stole $150 belong ing to the bchool district , of which Sliouel Is treasurer. There Is. no clew to the thief , but It must have been borne one acquainted with the family affairs , as tha money was taken from under a carpet , where It had been hid for safekeeping. Coroner IIM eH < Imillnu a I'li.VNlHim. DAVID CITY , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) So many strange circumstances surrounded the death of J. P , McGurk , who died here last Tues'lay , after an operation had been per- foimed by P. nnglchard , that the brother de manded a thorough Investigation of the ca * > , and the coroner Impaneled n jury , which in now Investigating the manner of treatment and t.he facts In the cise. No death certificate has been filed ulth the city clerk , which , un der the health ordinance of the city , IK pun ishable by n heavy line. niinrltitltle Work of Hie W. II. C. MILPORD , Neb. , Nov. 30 , ( Special , ) Appomiittox Women's Relief corpu of Lincoln has furnished a room In the Soldiers' Home In a Niibstantlal and tidy manner. Alnsworlh corps contributes the necessary articles for the and convenience " " comfort In "AlnswQrlh" room of the home , A number of other corps from different parts of the stale are preparing to furnish rooms , which are named after the donors. There are some twenty members now , and a number of applications to be acted upon , AVenllliy Farmer ( 'oniinllH Snlelile , PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special Telegram. ) Peter Slander , the wealthiest farmer In this county , committed milclde at his homo near Soutli Bend today by hang- Ing. Ill health and despondency were the cause. His estate Is valued at $150,000. i : , Messier of thin city lost $510 In chocks In the union depot In Omaha last Jilght as he nas helping his Invalid wife on the train. Two were U. & M , pay checks not endorsed , Jnlleil for Tlireiileiilnif to Shoot. FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special Tnle- gram , ) Mdrla Mllledgo's preliminary exam ination was held this afternoon on the charge of assault with Intent to kill John Malcolm. Tlie evidence Miowed that as Malcolm was driving past her house she rushed out with a revolver , threatening to.shoot him. The defense Introduced no evidence. She was bound over to the district court , and fallIng - Ing to give bonds , went to Jail. Clinreli OrKiin CuiiHe of 11 Quarrel , GRESHAM , Neb , , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) This irornlnK thu Pmhyterlan church wan found draped In mourning. Investigation dlcclosed the fact that the organ had been taken out of the church to be iu < ed si a dance In the opera house. The organ waa taken out under 'nstructlcns from one of the officers of the church. However , the trustees are Indignant over HIP affair , and are of the opinion the oigan will not be accepted again. Children ISiiturtnlii nt .liiiiliiln , JUNIATA , Neb. , Nov. 30 , ( Special. ) The puplU had ThankBglving exercise * at the school liouBfs Wedneiday. The rooms were nicely decorated with choice grains and vegeta * Itles , The children gave a Thanksgiving en- lertQlnmemt In the Baptist church , Piles of piople have pile * , out DeWltt'j Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. More than $2-00 Worth For $1.00. I tow brittle flf Tooth Brushes "w Black lubber Pocket Combs , In cases Fnncy aiioll Or Hnlrplns'c Hair Brushes , Of. regular pi Ice 18c - * * * Side and Hang Comb1' , fnncy shell , 2 to 4 Inches long , regular price ISc to : ! Jc pair All bristle Hair DiiiHlie.s , value 3Sc Blacking BitishoM , regular price 23c Pocket JSooks. - Lot No. 1 embraces nil of our lOc Purses . Lot No. 2 takes In i\r > nil of our 1 ! > < ! and 2."ic Purees . H/L/ Lot No. 3 comprises Pur. es and PocketbookH , aio all leather and worth COo to $1.00 . Lot No. 4 l our regular line of $1.00 and $ UM Card Cases ) , Pocketbuoks and Wallets Perfumery- Special for Monday. MnugcnottT high grade Tilple' Extract , reg ular price 23c ounce , Jlonday t lOc Only two ounces to a customer. Bilng your own bottles. Picture Frames. Whlto metal , for cabinets. In 10 different styles' , worth 25c , Monday only 5c M.VCOIiVN SOCIAL S1DIC. LINCOLN , Nov. 30. ( Special. ) Social events of the past week may bo grouped as follows : The second dance of the Lincoln club at the Hotel Lincoln , a chrysanthemum affair and the acme of brilliancy , on Wednes day night ; the Pleasant Hour function last evening ; various university society meetings and Sorosls , which convened Monday after noon at the residence of Mrs. Holyoke. At Representative hall on the evening of De cember ,1 and 4 will be held a unique en tertainment , called "John Markt. " Many ladleti and gentlemen will appear In peasant costume , Scott' ' , Gypsies and Bogle men. The affair will bs under the direction of Mrs. Charlotte C. Roblnwm of Chicago. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Edward Ewlng entertained a number of ladles at the home of Mrs. Cofforth. Those present were : Mesdames J. D Macfarland , Tllton , Ladd , Nlsslcy , Dorgan , Pranch' , Brown , Callen , Thompson , Frnd , Baldwin , Buokstaff , Kiel , C. E. Yates , R. H. Oakley , E. E. Brown , Townley , Georpo Clark , J. . Wright , Cowdery , L. C. Burr , William Robinson , Lew Marshall. Sutton. E. P. Holmes , William Leonard and I ) . E. Thompson. Among the many pleasant Thanksgiving parties last Thursday was that given by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Tate at the Llmloll hotel. The guests were : S. II. Tate , Fred H. Tate , Nellie Tate , Sarah Mlllor , Lizzie Slmckloy. Mrs. McCormlck , Mrs. William Heed , Miss Ida Smith and Miss Blanche Leo. At Its new house1035 II n reel , on Satur day evening last , the Ilatn Theta PI frater nity gave an Informal dance. Quits a largo number of those In Lincoln's social nulm were present , and punch was served In a tide room from a Urge bowl nearly burled In chrypcntliEinumH. At the meeting of SoroslB Mrs. Tlbbetts wan the leader for the. . afternoon. The sub ject' ' for consideration was corsets. It wna treated In a humorous manner. The Instruc tion conveyed was so I'klllfiilly ' concealed that nil the ladles felt that they had ben well entertained. Thu circulating library W3H nnothor topic cf discussion , and the mealing voted $ . ' to that Institution. MUM Mary Miller of Oak Park , III. , slater of Mrs. D. E , Thompson of this city , will bo married to Mr. Charles Cameron Todd Thiiru- day , Dscember 12 , at 8 o'clock. In the First Congregational church in Oak Park , E. H. Phulps and family , also Miss Marlon 0 , West , of Schuylcr spent Thanksgiving at the homo of Homer West. 1418 L ntroel. Commandant Wilson of the Grand Soldiers' Home uas In the city ycstrrday and transacted buulnepti with state officers. Rev. Edward T. Fleming of Santa Ana , Cat. , Is In the city and " 111 preach at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow , W , C. Creo of Denver , HID representitlvo of the Lincaahlre Insurance- company , Is ni theLlndflll. . Mrs. John P. Maule entfrlulned friends at thu LlmUll to dinner on Thanksgiving. Rev , H. 0. Cleavehnd left yesterday for Chicago to Join the Moody revlvalli'la , John Dlxon , Ray Welch and J , H. Malla. lieu Epsnt Thanksgiving with Omaha frlendu , Airs , Tyndall cnfrlalned frlenda for Thanksgiving - giving dinner at the Llndell. Sidney Ccrhy haa gene to St. Joseph , Mo , , to bo gone a few dayx. Mrs. J , A , Hoover left yesterday for Sacra mento , Cal , The Sigma Chl'H will glvo a party In thslr fraternity hall ni'xt week , Mrs. E. D. Thompson went to Chicago yen- ( CM day , Sidney Whlto went to South Omaha on Thursday. Mlea Con an of St. Joseph la vlrltlng Mr/i. / Brunch , AITnlrM nl lie-mile- . HUNDLEY , Neb. , Nov. 30. ( Special , ) WIU Ham Lainhorn IH attending the teachers' In- Btltuto at Oxford , Charles Southworth left last evening for a several days' uojourn In Falls City and St. Joseph , A large delegation of Wlloonvlllo people catno down last night to attend the oynt r supper , via the liand rar route , which mudo the trip very tiresome for the _ tintlemcn , but exceptionally plcaimit for the ladlev , The oyitcr m'ppor ' last night under the ausplreH of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday uchool uag well patronized , the proceed * amomitliiK to )13.2n , which will go a long way In purchasing the pong books and nupnllM which are lailly needed.