Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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Local Bnsinoss Situation Showa Improve
ment for tlio Better.
J'nvornldc Wrnllirr Cnmtltlnnx fllvc
Inipcfnn In HiiNlnr * * In .MoN < Mum
of Triutc Coiirxi * of Hie
AVIml xnlc Mil rite IN.
A week ago It wns pointed out thnt trailo
it this season If ) governed In a very large
degree by the weather conditions , nnd that
no Brent activity could fos expected In the
movement of "anow" goods until there
should bo a considerable fall of the "beau
tiful. " The coining of snow and wet , ns
well ns coM weather , na predicted , cntiseil
n very mntcrlal Improvement In the demand
for goods In most nil line * , and Jobbers nre
unmistakably In a much better 'framo oC
mind limn was the case n wcelc ago. Some
houses have been very busy celling out
rush orders , nnd all houses have , without
exception , done n Rood business.
Keporta from the country nre ot n hopeful
character , speaking1 , ns they do , of n good
demand on the part of retnll buyers for
seasonable Roods that have remained , here
tofore , on the shelves uncalled for.
Collections do not show nny Improvement
nnd while pobbers have been ns particular
as possible during the past yenr or moro
about credits there Is no denying the fact
that money comes In slowly. An Increased
movement of live stock from tills state
has set In , nnd thnt will bavn a tendency
to put morn money Into the country , drain
Is not moving to nny extent , nnd n good
many grain men do not expect to see any
quantity of corn on the move before the
Ilrst of the new yenr.
The demand for fancy goods Incident to
Thanksgiving day helped to swell the total
volume of trade In the grocery line lo very
rospcclnble proportions. uoods went out
quite freely , and the Jobbers generally ap-
jiear to bo qulto well pleased with the re
sults or the past week's operations. This
Is In marked contrast to the complaints of n
dull trndo and stagnant market that como
from primary points In the cast.
As to prices , there have been some
changes of Importune ? .
The manufacturers of llattlo Axe plug to
bacco marked up their prlco 3 cents per
Carbon oils show n slight advance.
Oil meal und beans are n trills caster.
Coffee crop estimates from llrazll are In
creasing , nnd while no serious break may
develop before the end ot the year , there
Is quite n common belief In the cast that
the natural tendency ot the market will
lie downward.
The latest advices are to the effect that
tlio mackerel catch on the American coast
Is virtually ended. During the next few
days a few fish may bo taken oft Cape Cod ,
but that will depend upon the weather.
Knstern Jobbers arc complaining that
there Is not the usual Interest In the do
mestic products of staple procerles. Com
mencing with rice , the record since the
Ilrst nppcaranco ot the new crop has shown
a halting method on the part ot buyers ,
under which the trndu has been sluggish
nnd values unsullied. Molasses forms an
other subject of complaint , ns buyers do not
take hold with nny Interest.
Members of the trade nre calling ntten-
tclon to the steady resuscitation of the
market for cocoa. This really desirable
article of food appears nt last to have
attracted n sulllciently broad demand to
start n considerable quantity of stock In
the channels of consumption , nnd advices
from across the water Indicate that they
are experiencing the same revival In the
demand In ISurope.
Nebraska sugar Is moving Into consump
tion a little more freely , though not nearly
BO fast as It ought. Figures have Just come
to hand giving the ncreago of beets In the
different countries of the world , which will
be of Interest as showing the possibilities
of tlie Industry.
The subjoined table shows the areas under
sugar beets In the respective countries in
the years named , and at the foot there Is
added a , line showing the annual overage
acreages for the whole period. The totals
In the right hand column Include , In fOmo
years. Insignificant areas contributed by
.European . countries other than the six
enumerated In the table :
Season , Germany. HiiiiKary. Russia. France.
Ar-rm. Acre * Acres. Acres.
18S4-83 780.8:6 Mt 931 7fS.2t9
ISM-BO f.78,2H 310,958 808,017
38SC-87 ( S4.4G7 OOC.r,3 731,416
1887-8 * a-,2.541 415.1S 622,02
1SS8.83 lai.Sfjf ) M3.726 662,228
1SSJ-90 TSS.ra fi74.GST C37.518
lMW-91 812 9VI 73 R29 7 0 474
' " ' ' ' °
1Rill-92 . . . . . . . . Bji',2-6 HO 4S8 7J&3J8
lt > 92-93 809,782 817.901 C D.4' )
1893-94 053.81)6 SG4.8V ) 741.300
1S9I-93 1.081,711 1)25.090 ) SIO.'M
1895-96 916,741 714 119 SS1.9C6
AveraKO for
12 years. . 800,001 667,170 736.3.18 469,480
UclRlum. Holland. Totnl.
Acres. Arres. Acres.
1H4-R. 79.072 M.S91 2.713,154
18'B M 49.420 59,516 , 2 , <
1ST..S7 86.48- . 41 478 2.433,877
J'S7-SS f64W 469:9 : 2SJl.9
llfR-W 9 < 80 ! 4:1,42' : ) 2.4C3rS7
UlS'Slfl i:3,5'0 61,775 * .7tr.2Sl
ri'0-ai mi.vji 710 9 3.026 j)7fi )
1&91-92 , . 1X1,434 fit,801 3.113.160
1892-93 121,079 & 9.3D4 3.093.C9 !
1FM-94 140.847 6G.017 3.312.W
lB94-S.r 175.441 84.014 3,691.145
1SU5-DG 110.847 81.D13. 3.262,416
Average for 12 yours. 113,05) ) 59,304 2,8(6,592 (
Some Imiituvenient la noted In the volume
of business doing In tlio dry Koods line , and
the trade for the past week was of u very
Entlsfactory character. The cooler weather
1ms been favorable to the trade In winter
jroodB , and tt much better demand has been
There has been no material clmtiKO In the
market far Ktuplo cottons during the past
\veek. In brown BheethiKs nnd drills quota
tions arc without chnnie , hut the ten
dency has been BOincwhnt In the fnvor of
buyi'i-3 In Bomo directions. Goods In the
woolen nud worsted departments remain
The shoo business Is exceedingly nctlve
In the local Jobbing hoiist-H. and merchants
who have nil uloni ? held back from IniylnR
ownltliiK lower price ? , nro now sending In
by Halecmen or throUKh the mails Kood.
Blznble orders. It has , In fn t , been n ureat
week for the thee men. The snow storm
created a sharp demand , und found retailer
or H Kenernlly with small stocks on hand ,
Every Jobblnp house In the city has been
ruvhot ] with orders , nnd nn Immense quan
tity of Kond3 have been sli'ppc ' > d Into the
country. The trndo In rubber goods espe
cially wus iictlvu nnd a lurRe proportion of
the orders received were marked "rush. "
The market continues Just about steady on
nil lines.
The Avock under review lias brought forth
very little of general Interest to dealers In
Imrdwiire. The volume of trndo was very
untlFfactory. anil the general conditions
wore sntlsfuctory to local Jubbars. The
market did not show any material chance
In the matter of quotations.
Condition of Truilc niul Quotation *
ou Staple u nil Fancy I'rudiicf.
KOGS Htrlctly rr Hh ( lock , 18c.
IltJTTEU-1'aclilHB etock. ! > aiOcj fair to eood
country , U314c ; choice to fancy countiy , 14aiJe ;
( EathercJ creiimcry , 17QlSc ; ceparutor crrameiy ,
YiAI/-Cholca fat , 70 to 100 Ibi. , are quoted at
Tc : lur f nnd coarup , 4iJCc.
CIIiKHIJ-Ionii' tlo brick , lliicKdam ; , per
< 1 . , | 3.Wi Club lliun' , Mb. JniB. per iloz. , IJ.CO ;
LlmlHTKfr , fancy , per Ib. , llicj Itoqiief , > rt , U-llu
Jun . . - doz , . JJ.ilO
; p.-r ; Youns AnuTlca * . IHic ;
Twlna. fancy , lie.
I'01'LTltY-Urem.Ml-Chlclienii. CSHo ; ilucki.
tlffo ; tuikfyn , choloJBlOc ; Bt-osp. TRSc ,
ILUI'plnnil ' , J6.(0 ( ! nildUml , f5.W ; lowland ,
15.00 ; ry > > ulriiW. 11.50 : color ntakci lh # prlco oil
liny ; IlKht b-ilri u ll thu l > c t. Only lou trrudri
lirlnir toji iiiU-m.
1IIIOOM COllN-New crop , dtllvtrfd on track
In country. cliilM nrea clf-worklnit carnct. ptr
Ib. . SUcj choleo green iunnln to hurl , H ct
coinmon , Ujc.
OAilU1'inlrlo rlilrkrn * , J'ounc , per doz. . JO ;
qujll , tl.7&OiClO , Jack nlpe. 75c ; itolden plover.
IL.23 ; Jni-k rul.Mln. i > er ilo . , J1.75 : vnmll
rahlilli. SI ; inulhird ilurku , I3.W ; rtfdhra < i , l.M ;
ninrailuick ducks. J3. n .00 : ti-al , lilua wins
lt.IJ 2.00i Iral , rr ii lnir. ,75 : mln.f.1 rtiu-k .
$1,74MZ.OO : Canada " e. M : unnll K e. I4.M ;
brant * . | 3.M ; de r mddle * . ISHlC.c ; ileur c rca or
UlklrlJCi elk addln. llKUcj elk rnrcu.wi !
SfflOo ; nntclopv > addli > > , lS Ho ; nnldope car-
c lwi , 91/llc.
Tuo liOVfiiiiueiit Xovfinbpr ciop report la ai
fiillow-y on we t pitatw > n "The crop l > r parl d
Ciukl In Ulwnuil , KaruuK nnt Callfoinla , but In-
Juretl Uy l > vt\t \ In Ohio nnd lAiloiado by vx-
fv ue rarly lalni In a few munilr * nrar the
ulf , and l > y Ihu netvie droulh cver > 't\lnro vlr
Ttio potatoet will I * iiuatl , tut In many iairn
their quality U ilnli-d lu l > c fnlilv Iilgh. " The
lli l tlzuro : icn * thi avnniiv ylrld per ai-u < In
l > u ti ! i- the tecond ll.-uiu UiouvrnniO gualltv t
the crn > ! N'e ' Jery , 77-SI : DtUu'iur l3 ,
JUarylHiid. P > 7-SIi Vlriilnla. CV7 . h CniJliu
1H H ; Ohio. W-IJ ; IncJIulu. 71-19 : Illiijpli.
MKffltirl , M-Ms Iowa , M-.S K n n , in-J3 : New
Mexico , IM-llKi Cllf"rnln , 115-Mj total general
verflKft , . Oucdntionsi
l-OTATOKfl On trsrlt , cur lot" , thole * iilofk ,
i r/lfv ; smnll lota from More , SvttKc.
ONlONB-1'er bu. , ISJWc ; Imported
onlo" , per crate , K00 Sci hem irroim
per bbl. . II.M ; 3 to B-Mit. loll , J1.3S.
IlKANP-Hiind-plrke , ! nnvy. per bu. , II.gSftl.7S.
flWIJKT fOTATOKH-Cholce stock , 12.23 per
bbl.CATltUdn On orders , crated , per 1M lb . ,
cni.KHV Fancy ! . : Colorado , MtJfrOe : chnlco
lock , large No. 1 , 40BUci large No. 1 , 35cj email.
LIMA nnANB-rer Hi. , Co.
WATHn CHUSS-Per 1nt. . case. ll.COai.7S.
The OrcRonlnn of 1'ortlnnJ nyii ! Tliff aren of
Innd In the fnlteil Ptntm mllnble for cranberry
rulture laery rnmll. Thoronro only n few
liiindtT.1 ncrc en this court. At llwneo , on
\VlllapA barlxir , Damon'd I'olnt , on Oray's har
lior , nnd Nelialem , Pntul Inko Jind Little N
tuctn , In Tlltnmmik county , Orccon. Tlic tlrst
plantlnir of W , C. King of Snnd Inko Is Just In--
Klnnlni ? to bf-nr , and n full crop In expected
next yenr. Klnp A Colton have al ut nve
nnest , nnr-hnlf of which will Ire productive next
yenr. On Snnd laly there nre over e\en ncren
nltoffether In cranberries. nnJ there nre nt l i t
? W acres of laml miltablc for their cultivation.
The history of cranberry culiure. In 1'ncinc
county In confined eTclunlvcly In the Chnliot
m.irMi. Work llrnt becan on the Chnhot mnreli
In 1MO , and nl ut JSH.OOO bave. bofn expended
from thnt time to tills. Pi lor to the manage
ment of Mrs. Chnbot , the 'present owner. Iho
crop tins never been supposed to have pnld ox-
pcn e * . The nveraKe cmp of the thirty-five
ncrcs of this marsh now under cultivation Is
nbout WO bnircJu. nnd the nvornKe price p r
Imrrel J to $9. Thin yenr , on account nf cnrlj
frosts , nbout one-nlxth of the berrlea wcra In-
Jurcd , tielnff fi.ifteneil , nnd hntt to bo poparnted
from , the prime fruit. The direct lo s on this
account will bo nlxnit ICO barrels , while the In *
direct InM li much Kreater , bccnusu of the ad-
dltlonnl labor In prepnrlnR the product for mar
ket. Thin yenr the. eastern crop of crnnberrles
tins been laruc , nnd the prleo wnlch the product
on the const will command In therefore much
lcs . The average prlco will probably bo nbnut
JC.W per barrel. Mrs. Clmliot estlmnlM thnt her
ercp will net her n , loss lit nhout JS.OOi ) this jear.
During the pleklnjr se.ison this year 110 persons
were employed , forty of whom were Chinese ,
the rest white , mnlo niul female , In picking ,
sorllnc. ImrrellnR , etc. Quotations :
OU15OON I'KAHS I'er ease , J2.5S.
rUANIIKIlUIICS Jersey , J8.W ; Cape Cod , $9.
MALAOA OllAl'KS Per W-lb. bbl. , J6 ; per CS
tn 70 11) ? . Rross , 17.
HASTKHN OHAPRS N'o shipping stock.
APPLKS-Ionathnni. 3.25if3.CO ; cliolce ship-
pbiK Block , Itpn Pftvla , Opnlton , Wlnesnp , etc. ,
bblH. . J.S3fi2.10 ! ! conking npplcs , K.MOZ.W ; Call-
fornta npples , tier Imx. } 1.M.
OUANGiS Moxlcana. per box , I4.00fl4.50 : Ja-
mnlcns , practlcnlly none.
LKMONR-Cnllfiirnla , per box , tl.Ga0l.75 ; Mcs-
plnns , size M , ll.r > 0 ; lzo 300 , 15.00.
I1ANANAS Choice Inrso slock , per bunch , t2.00
02. : : : medium sized bunches , J1.73.
nEEF Light western etctn , 4iM to COO Iba. . 4
U5c ; good cows and heifers , 4fJ5c ; medium
cuw > and liclreia , 4liU4V4c ; good foicquartert ) cuwa
and heifers , 3V4U < c ; good hlndquarteis cow * and
heifers , CHQ7c ; fair hindquarters cowa and
heifers , 6c ; cow rounds , Co ; cow chucks ,
3l/J'/4o : Btcer chucks. JVit'f : 'Xecl tenderloins ,
flesh , ICci beef rolls , bonelets , SUui sirloin buttg ,
buncless , SHc ; loin backs , boneless , 8',4c ; loin
backs , CV4e ; cow rlhs , No. 3 , C'.te : cow lolna. No.
3 , "Vtcsteer rlhs , 7'.4c ; nicer loins , 5c.
MUTTON Ire sed mutton , CTjcJ racks , Sllc ;
leKS , 7c ; Baddies. 7c ; Flows , 2Hc.
POIllCf l'ork loins , C'ic : ppare rlbj , 5c ; pork
sbDiildors. Cc : pork sliouldera , skinned. CVic ;
tenderloins. 13c : pics' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 25c.
All reports , according to the Hhoo and Leather
UeUew , agree that the hide markets of the
lending cities nre demoralized. There H a more
than usual feeling of uncertainty. The city
Uenlera arc sending out the most dismal reports
anil country merchants and collectors every
where nre. In receipt nf hard-luck storle * In
I'.ery mall. Our advices from St. Louis nnd
Cincinnati nro to the. effect that the locnl hide
dealers have literally Riven up nil hopes of MIS-
talnlnK a seinblnnco of strength In Clilcnyu
thu trndo rule * quiet , tjnntntlons :
1IIOKS No 1 , green hldrs , 4'/ic ; No. 2 preen
hides , 34oj No. 1 green salted hides , SHc ; No. 2
"tflOc ; No. 2 dry Hint bldce , lj7c ; No. 1 Ur-
mltcd bides , 6c ; part cuieU hides , 4c per Ib. less
than fully cured.
SIIKK1' 1'ELTS Qreen Failed , each 23SCOc :
green talted tbearllnKS ( short wooled early uklns ) ,
each ICc : dry hearllnB ( short Woaled early
eklns ) . No. 1 , each. lOc ; dry shearllnga ( short
woolcd early sklniiNo. . X eacn. t > c ;
dry flint Kansas nnd NebratKa butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. . nctual weight , CO Co : dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska Murrain woo ] pelts , per
Ib. . actual weight , 4Goc ; dry illnt Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 4W6V4cj
dry flint Coloiado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual welsh ! , 4B3c : dry pieces snd bucks , actual
weight , 2Sj3c. Have feet cut oil , aa It Is use
less to pay freight on then ;
TAUI.OW AND anEASE Tallow No. 1 , JHc ;
tallow No. 2 , 3c ; Rrcase. white A , 2Vjc ; grease ,
wblte H , 3c ; grease , illow , 24o ! ; Bi'ease , dark ,
2c : old butter , 2Sf2',4cj beeswax , prime , 15g22c :
rough tallow. IVic. ,
HONKS In car lots weighed and delivered - In
Chicago : Dry burfalo , per xoa , $12.00fH.oo ; dry
cowntry , bleached , j r ten. J10.OOjri2.cO : dry
country , damp and meaty , per ton , JG.0003.00.
WOOIy Unwnsli" ! . Dno heavy. CB7c ; flna light.
SOSc ; quarter olood. 10O12c ; seedy , burry nnd
chaffy , SSl9o ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7B9c ,
cotted and broken , fine , CJJSc. Kleeco wsnhed
Medium , ISiSJSc : flne , 14@lCc ; tub washed , ICO
ISc : Mack. 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks. 29c ; dead
pulled , C6c.
OVSTKRS Mvdlums , ICe ; horseshoes , ZOci extra
vtimdards , 23c ; extra selects , > c ; Dranch & Co.
selects , lie : New York counts. Sue ; standard bulk ,
per sul. . 11.10.
CIUiit-l'ure juice , per half bbl. . (2.CO ; per
bbl. , 14.1.0.
HAtllCU KltAUT Per bbl. . JS.M ; half bbl. . K.
MA1'1I5 SVIttir I'Mve-Bnl. cans , each. : ,75 ;
per doz. , 112 ; ii-gul , cans , IIS.IS ; quart cum ,
-.I'lOS New crop. California , 10-lb. tioxei , per
Ib , , lie : common CallforrMa tigs. 60-lh. boxes ,
Co ; Impurted fancy , 30-lb. boxcu. ICe ; choice , 10-
lb. Inxi'K , 12c ,
PATHS rcislnn. CO-lb. boxes , per Ib. , BUc ;
fards. 10-lb. boxes , perIb , , So.
MAPI.K HtinAn-Cliolee , per Ib. , SgiOo.
rnRSEIlVKB . palls , each 11.40
NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib , , medium
| ZB , Iftoj Tarragona nlmcnd , per Ih. . larKc , I3c ;
Itru/.lls , per Ib. , Do : Knglloli wnlnuls , per Hi , ,
fancy soft shell , 12 > , ( n3c ; standards. llfifilHc ;
, ,
nuts , Cc ; cocoanuta , per 100 , II.
NKW VOIIIC. Nov , ) , COKKKK-Optloni
opcneil Ktcady at lojfo | w > iuta ilecllne. On the
call C.OOi ) IIK Hold , Market declined nt opening
under "noUrm , " rallleil i local rovrrlnB and
iiulvldo onlerif , again weakened ; domM steady at
unchanRed pilci'M tn a net iK-cllne of 10 points ;
' ' '
rofTee , Il'lo. | | | ; . 7. > H.7'5 , Mild , dull , Cor
dova , SlS.OOtTlS.59. WiirflriuxQ deliveries frnm
- - . 1 .Si bans" New York
New Yolk J-i-ulerday. . . , , -
. , | UIK > ; I'nlleU Stair * vtork. ! I',67'J
K ; utlnat for thu I'lilted Klntes , lh' ' .urt bagi ;
tulul vlslblo for tinUnltisl Htalc , t.rJ,879 bue ,
agnlutt Sitt.ttiO IUIK last yfiir.
HAVlti : . Nov , -Opened. . Irregular and un-
chuiiffutl at 4un > n ; cloxnl unchanged lo vtt ad.
VHiirv ; totnl n.iles , KJ.On ; ) bac .
IHO , Nov , 10 Hull ; Nt. 7 II o , ID. ? ! ; exchange.
C\'l ' ; K-reliits. 11,00) bans ; cltaieil Mr the IJnllrci
HI n lex. ; ,0 > IMP * ; for Europe , l.OUO UiiKa ; stork ,
i Nov , 30 O-nletj Rood average San-
t.ia. IU ; l.-celiU. | 1J.O k\K ; clock , l'I.V ( ) bags.
IIAMlllMtO. Niv. iX Steady at UU'j vie de-
Pllnc ; sales , U.IXX ) bnn .
Colltin Market ,
NKW Oltl.UANS. Niv. JO.-COTrON Eaty ;
iiil.ldllnK , S 5-l6c ; low mUdllnic. t 1-ltc ; CCKXI
nrdlmiry. 7ir ; net rrrelpin , u.771 lialo ; KHI S
1G04) Imlrs , eipirts , tn Qreat Dritaln. C.SI3 bales :
n Vianc * , S.1W : lo tbo continent. JW bales !
iMi twlMl , i baletj 'iHlea , MOO b.iln ; stock
373 TiO luili-v.
NBW VOnK. NIIV. M.-fOTTON-pull : mlJ.
dllnK , S 'J-lt-'l lift fMNpts , nme ; srowi , 812 bale * ;
fkt ut . to 1'inniv , > < I > a1 * < ; la Die ronllnent. Iti
ba. n : foi id d. 117 lulu : Hakw , ntne : slock ,
luil. i Iwlrni fultur vln'i-l * tradyj sales. 0 )
UV.tfKi Jnnu ry. IS.M ; 1-Vbruarr. H.ll : Marrli.
( ( .at ; April , .ll , May , tt4T , Jun , JI.M ; Jmr
Milu iul ISM. October. M.W ; December.
tiC : < p > t rl(4 l dull : lulJJllug uplaiuli , IiScj
uilddlliiK Kulf. 8 13lCci rales , none.
KT LOl'IH , Nov. 3A. - COTTONSteady : mid-
l > 4.c : calm. 100 lairrrcelpls , 5.W5
ltM Ultx
Wheat Closed Tirm Today Without Changes
in Price ,
Thin \\'nn llic Trntnre of tlic TrnilliiR
In thnt Orriil I'riM lalonn Avvr-
I'nulcr Throughout
the S
CHICAGO , Nov. SO. Wheat closed firm
today without change In price for the May
delivery , but 1 1-lGc lower for December.
Near the close It was revealed that orders
for -lOO.WO bu. of No. 2 red winter were re
ceived today , but owing to an advance In
the premium demanded by the holders , only
176,000 bu. were disposed of in round lots ,
26,000 bu. of It nt 4 per cent premium over
December and 150,000 bu. at n higher rate.
No. 3 hard sprlns wheat sold In the sample
market at 574c ! , to go to store , when reg
ular No. 2 'fop ' December was BS'lc. Potter
Bros. , brokers , bid Armour & Co.'s ngenl
Uc over December price for nnolhcr 500,000
bu. ot No. 2 northern , In addition to GOO,0X (
bu. they bought of him yesterdny , nm
finally bid that for any part of 1,000,000
bu. , but Armour & Co. had no more for
sale. The trrtde was light throughout , niH
the range in prices for the day was only
Uc per bu. At the close December shows
compared with last quotations for the dn >
before , a dncllno of 1 1-lCe , nnd May l un
changed. The latest In the pit wns K'.ic.
bid for December nnd fiQI'ic bid for May ,
The only feature of the dealings In corn
wns the anxiety to sell December. That
resulted In the delivery In question being
reduced to 3-lGc discount under January
as compared with He premium on thedn >
before. It had the effect of creating n
slightly easier feeling In May , there being
sellcra of It nt 29c nt the close , ns com
pared with buyers at that prlco on the da >
There wns considerable liquidation In De
cember oats , as well ns May. The Inttei
opened nt from 20ic to 20&C , sold nt M c.
declined to 20Uc , nnd closed nt from ' , { ,0 , to
\'to lower , With the low price bid. Decem
ber ranged from 17Kc to 17c , .closing nt the
latter price , u decline ot Vic.
Provisions avernped easier on account ol
the liquidation ot December pork. The fu
tures In pork were not much affected by the
weakness In December until near the close ,
when they dropped below yesterday's clos
ing prices to the extent of DC for January
and 2V4c for May. I-nril and ribs for Jan
uary and May are substantially as on the
day before.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Onon. I High. | Low. I Uloii.
Nov . SO
Dec . r.r.jj an finu
Corn , No ' . ! . .
Nov . MH 20H sew
Dec . atiJi 20M
Jm : . 2HH 20M
May . 0 2SH32U
OntB. No. i ! . .
Nov . 17M 17M
Dec . 17 J 17M 17- *
Dec . " 82 7 82M 7 C.2W 7 07X
Jun . H fell H bO B 7fl H 7C
May . 0 20 0 20 U 15 VIS
L nl.lfl01b
Dee . f > 20 r 22 520 0 22
Jail . fi 41 ! > f. 4'Ji < ] 5HI .1 40
May C 1)5 S U7H 5 00 5 05
_ 4 27 4 27H 4 27
Jan 4 4'J 4im 4 42to 4 4' '
May 4 U7 4 IJ7H 4 05 I US
CftBli quotations were na follows :
FLOUK Dull : winter patents , J3.1.15J3.DO : win
ter stralKlils , ? 2.50f3.M ; sprint ! intents.
3.M ; sprlns stralKhts , J2.G2.90 ; bakers. J1.S3 ®
2.30.WHKAT No. 2 RprinK--nr,5I57l4c- . 3 spring ,
5Cfff,7Hc ; No. 2 red , f/JijigCOV'.c.
COHN No. 2 , 2Gie ; Nn. 2 yellow , 27ff27ilc.
OATS No. 2. 20&c ; No. 2 wliltc. f. o. b. , 20J10
21c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , IS&SO-'Jie.
JIVK No. 2. 26c.
lUrtUEY No. 2. nominal.
1'UOVlSIONS-Mess rork. per bbl. , > 7."ff7.87l4 ;
l.inl , per 100 Ibn. , 5.37V5ff3.40j short ribs , sides
( loom ) , J4.10QI.43 : dry Halted nhouMfrn ( boxed ) ,
| 4.f.OOr.73 ; short clcnr sides ( boxed ) , SI.C2U04,7i.
\VH1SICY Distillers' flnlshld Roods , per gal. ,
n.22.- . . ' 'in n
,1'OULTllY Firm ; , turkeys , 7jOc ; chickens , C ®
OUc ; Uurks ; SfflOc.
The followlne were the receipts nnd shipments
Articles. rtecclpts. Shipments
Flour , bbla. , , 17.000 21,000
Wheut bu.j. . 110.000
Com , bn inc.oim 8B.OOU
Data , bu 244.001) ) 138.000
liye bu R.oon 1.000
Uaricy. bu. . . . ioaa so.ouu
On the Prolixoi etoiianra today the bmtor mar-
Icci was firm : cronmery , 17 < B22) ) < c ; dairy Ha
20a. Eccs.tlr.iij 13921C.
CInNlnpr QiiotntloiiH ou ( lie Prlncliinl
CoiiimnilitloN niul StniileN.
NEW YOniC , Nov. 30. VlJOUll nccelpta , 4J-
30) bills. ; exports , OX ) bbls. ; market dull ; spring
imJ winter desirable grades ( Irmly held but buyer *
Indifferent nnd lh trnda slow , closing dull.
City mill patents , M.1004.25 ; winter patents ,
J3.WS3.70 ; city mill clears. J4.W04.10 ; win
ter BtrnlBhtB , J3.30ffl3.40 ; Minnesota patents ,
| J.4 S3.60 ; winter extras , J2.70fi3.10 ; Minnesota
bakers , J2.75@3.10. Southern flour , nominal , llye
Hour , dull ; buperllne. J2.GOi2.7Sj fancy , J2.BU@3.UO
Huckwhent ( lour. < gulet ; Jl.S05n.33.
11YE Dull : western , 40J42c.
1IAUI.KY Dull ; weatern , 39g4Sc
1IUAN Dull at Jl'.CO.
11AUI.KY MALT Dull ; western , 40ff48c ,
COHN MKAL < Dullj yellow western , coarse
731iS5c : Ilrnndywlnp , J2.I5.
AVHEAT Hecelpts. 492,000 bu. ; exports. 80,700
bu. ; P ] l dull ; no jiressure to sell ; prices moro or
less nominal ; No. 2 led , C7ie ; No. 1 Iiaril , G7'/Sc ,
delivered. Options opened ( inlet ; nilert mod
erately active nnd weaker under some local
liquidation ; otherwise fuatureleng , and cloncU
iliilut at HiTlic net decline ; December , C44jCOo. ;
closed nt CITtc.
COHN Receipts' ' , 94.000 bu. : exports , 23,800 bu , ;
spot dull and easy : No. 2 , 33c. Options opened
quiet ; speculation liCEllatlliKJ closed iiulet ntM
Uc net decline ; November , 3-454i/34Tic. closed at
SlUc ; Decembtr , 3tJ4T3lc , closed nt 341-c.
OATS llecelpls , 178,000 bii. ; experts , COO bu. ;
upol market neBlectudj No. 2 , 22i&S3c , Optlonn
Inactive , closlni ; dull und without speculative In-
lorcst lit unclinnKed prices lo lie decline ; Novem
ber closed nt 22c ; December clu.ted nt 23c ,
WOOL Quiet ; domestic llcece , ) CSJ23c ; pulled ,
HAY Dull : Phlpplng , J7.00a7.SO ; good to
choice , .
HOI'S Knsy : stBle , common to choice , 1891
rep , 3S7c ; 1R95 crop , 7O10c ; 1'aclflc coast , 1S94
rop. 3'ic ; ISK crop , 8&10c.
HIDES Nominal : Callfoinla. 21 to 25 Ibs. , ISO
ISHej Gnlveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. . ICcj Uuenoa Ayres.
dry , 20 to 24 Its. , 21c ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs , ,
LKATI I nil-Dull ; hemlock cole. Uuenos
Ayres , lleht lo heavy , S4e : icld , 71V4er4e.
I'HOVlHIONH-llecr , dull : family. Jll.W ; beef
hams , J15.0) ! 5.W. Cut meats , eony ; pickled
bellUn. J3.Miji,7i ; pickled shouldem , J3.fiOi/5.75 ;
pickled linniH , JS.SOti8.73. Laid closed weak nt
the lowtBt price on record for twrnty-elclit
years ; eastern steam closed nt J3.70ifS.75i western
alram closed nt J5.05 asked ; November , J5.80-
nominal ; retlned , quiet ; continent , J6.W : Boutl !
American. 16.50 , I'ork , dull , steady ; old mess ,
EOOS KecetplB. 6IW pkirs. ; Firmly ; state and
'enniiylvanlu , 22SiCc ; weilcin , 'tlitKc.
TAI.I.OW Steady ; city , -4 3-lic ( ; country ,
4 C-16e.
TtlltPENTJNE Steady at HX < Bitc.
HICK Steady ; donieallu , fair to extra , 3Tifi < Jitc-
J ii pan. 384c , '
MOLASS15S Quiet : Npw Orleans , open kettle
BO'd to eboleo ,
mestlc. J3.WSi3.55 ,
COTTONHKHD OIIQulet and more or Jem
noiulnul at unchanged prices , closing dull-
prime crude , 23482Ccj butler grades , iOV31o'
prlmo sunimsr yellow , 330c ; oft Hummer yellow ,
81. L ul ttrnerul Jlliirkel.
ST. IXlIS , Nov , SO.-l''I.Oim-Dull anl easier.
owlnif to the decline In wheat ; pHtenls. J3.1t > j'3 W :
extia fancy , } Z.WifJ.Wj ! fancy , IS.C5&2.70. '
WHKAT WnaK and lower eaily , but rallied on
report tbal several war vessels of llic iion-era
liad been llrtd upon In attempting to pans throui.- : !
Iho Dardanelles ; sulnequently breams uns.'ttlnl ,
but closed LdOI/ic abovR yesterday ; No. 2 red
cash. ' , , c ; December , ! 7Uc ; May , 6IHc.
COHN OjMMied kleady. but eased off ; tallied
luter ben wheat advanced and the close wua
nnu but Meady , iie below yesterday for Deer in-
ber and January : No. 2 mixed , cash , riVtc ; Dd-
ccmber , 2IHc ; January , ilc ; May , 2Cc.
OATS Du'.l and easier for futures ; spot steady ;
\'o. 2. usli , 17Ue ; Demnbtr. ISo ; May , tOHc.
ItYK Non olfervd on call ; 33c bid for No , 2
regular and 14a for rast track ,
COHN htKAl Jl.JSfil.lO.
11HAN Salable ut rountry polnte , all rail basis ,
at 4fe % but no snot otfernl.
KL.AX SEED Lower at STc ,
JIAY Klrin ( or cliolce grades , w'.ilcli are scarce ;
iralrte. J7.K08t.Ut ) ; timothy , tlt.Wffll.W , this sld .
UUYTKll In KooO Uenuiid for fancy slock ;
'uncy creamery , IIOS . " fancy Klflus , tic ; dairy ,
tOo'tJ Steady at 18'c.
1-OULTnT Steady ; turkrj-s , T c ; chickens , 4VJ
ff o : aackt. IHblcj ctokc , Cc ,
I.liAD-iilrani and advondnx : fairs , S can
4lK uurl at ItCS'.i. and tliat bid for muie.
BrELTEH-Vlrrn and In demand at S- i c.
jut uon < iblalnabl at ttiat.
PROVlBlONS-i'ork , standard raeu ,
H. ff .S7H. trttil. rrtmc utenm , fJ.81 ; choice.
| .V27 ( . Ii.icon. tpox < > 1 .fJiouldem. | 5.M ; lon .
tlliHi Hb , tS.K ; iliWIs. ; .ltH. l > ry Mlt
mentK , b-nni slviuldriv tL)7 < 4 : lonRA. tl 7 i rib * ,
1 . fi li . .t.n .B . t . 41 , . , , , .
ltKCiilTtrnur | , i. ( W IIM.J whrat , 19,000
< -orn , H.W ) Ini. : twu , 9.fl. bu.
SIIII'MIJNTS Klonr" t.i tiliKj wheat , 15,003
bu. ; corn , Zt,000 bu. ; onto , 4,094 bu ,
on 'ChniiKo Wore l-'nlrly
Active' < iltnrlny.
Nn\r YORK. Nor.-M. Tlie flock mnrkct toiln ) '
WAS fairly nctlvo forli htiU liolldny nnJ reflected
chlony professlcnel JpAlUorn. Tlic openlnp w
very dull , but n sharp covering movement * tnrte4
In the IndtutrlnU e 'flyo led by That
stock rose m l > er cen'r , Tofcnovo nearly 3 per cent ,
Chlcasro O over 2 pr ctnt nnd Leather pre
ferred nnd Western Union 1 per cent. The > mil-
road list wns unfavorably affected by lower 1/m.
don prices nnd forelun HflllnR In this market. In
the last hour , the abatement of the eoverlns de
mand csuieJ rrees lens Kenernlly tind closed
nctlvo nnd Irregular , fllth special pressure
nsalnst the rnllmad list. Lnke Shore ende > < S'
Pr cent , net , lower , lltibber preferred gained
li per cent und Lntte Eflc & Wcstcni jirefcrrcd
1 per cent. The other change * were fractional
ilccllnes. The rales for Hie day were 141,700
shares ,
The speculation for the week has not tx-en
especially Interesting. At the outset B fairly well
sustained rally In prlwn cnmo > In retpousa to an
eacoiimRlnp lone In foreign advances , which ap
peared to Indicate that the rornpllcatlons of the
eastern quc.itlon were less acute. Unrope. how
ever , It turns out , Li still BtrusRllnn with Us
liquidation of Boulli African mlnlnrr slocKs , and
this Is reflected , not only in the absence of de
mand In Europe fop our railway securities , but
also In Fiwrudlo sales of Rood mod In order to
protect the depreciated KaDlrs. Foreign exchange
continues nt lli cold export point , but the. ship
ments for the week Imvo lKen considerably lesA
than the exportH of the previous week , H * Iho
last tcmpormly ! relieved tile market. Financiers
nnd operators are luoklne forward anxiously lethe
the report of the secretary of the treasury and
the president's messaRp , In so fnr ns they may
Lear on the cuirency situation. Currency reforms
nre unusually active nt the present and Impres
upnn tlio financial community that the ir.isoi
Rold continues to no out Is because our currency
Is diluted with depreciated silver nnd flat paper
They force ! that France , which has , within th
last twenty years accumulated the largos
stock of Rold the world has ever seen , contain
In It * cuirrncy a vnst velum ; of lbl ui-ralled depredated
predated silver and lint paper. Why Is It , then
that France accumulates Kold while the Unllci
Slates Is steadily loslni ? It ? Tlio answer wouli
seem to Up In the difference between the eco
nomlc policies of the two countries.
The unfavorable foreign news late In the week
together with a illsapiolntlng report of enrnlnc.
by the IturllnKtim for October , had a depresshiB
Influence upon the railroad slocks. The Indus
trials , however , monopolized the chief attention
HH moro Hiitceptlbla ( o the arRUtnentu of th <
tinders. The old nrRUincnts wereemployet
nKalnst the usual leaders In this proup , will
varj'lnir degrees of success. Chlcnxo UBS wn
temporarily OVeisold In the late waik speculation
on tliu news of the hostile. iiiovc'nKnlnst the con
solldutlon plan by the ntlorney general of till
state. The news for nnd against the olher mem
hers of this Kroun daes not need recapitulation.
At the close the railroad list still retained pal
of the midweek gains , while , with the exception
of Siiffar , which hhciw n net Rain of jM/i per cen
and Hubber preferred of l i per cent , the leading
Industrials closed tower , than n week ngo. The
more Itnp.ntnnt advances were In Michigan Cen
tral , 3 per cent ; Denver preferred , 2 % per cent
Sugar , 2U per cent ; Rubber preferred , l i per
cent : Atchlxon preferred ( when Issued ) , 1 % per
cent ; ltl Grande Western preferred , H4 per cent
nnd Tennessee Coal nnd Northern I'nclllc pie
feried , 1U per cent. A itiunber of Rains of 1 per
cent were recorded , The more noteworthy iltr
dines were In I.ncl le Gas preferred , 4V5 per
cent ; Hocking Valley 2T ? per cent ; Leather pre
ferred , 2i per cent , nnd Amcilcan Tobacco , l' <
per cent. The nggiegale sales were 9SC.G33 shares
Today's railway bond market was only modcr-
ntcly active. The transactions amountcl to JCj-
000. There were fuw Important chutiRC.s. Mobile
& Ohio Renenil 4s nnd Oregui Short Line union
coni > os ; rose 314 per crirt. . . . .Thedecllnea consisted
of Flight trading. The trading- bonds for the
week was fairly liirif > ' > 'itnil the final results
showtd gains and losye.s about evenly divided
The largest gains 'erii'TIn Oregon Improvement
Ists , 3 p"r cent ; Chesaprake & Ohio. It. & A
second consols , Ointlm : ' { 2 St. Ioiils Ists nm
Cleveland , Loiralno \Vhellni ? Ists , 2 per cent
Texas I'aclllc lst , 5 ji r cent ' , and Atchlson nd-
JUBtiucnt 4s ( whea IciyiedK'lU per cent , nnd Den
ver & lllo Qrando consols , 4a , Hi per cent. The
more Important lossei were In Wisconsin Centra
Ists , 3 i per cent ; Wisconsin Central trust re
ceipts nnd Union I'aclllCvj'ollnternl trust 63 , C'.J
per cent ; Ann Arbor ir twhen Issued ) , l',4 per
cent ; Heading general < H.ttrust , 114 per cent. The
UBKreRati ! sales wcre'f. , 4i,000. Duslness In gov-
criiinenta footed up flr.G.OOi . ) . The rcRlfUTed of
1S97 closed ' , i per centt lower , willlo the 4a coupon
advanced Hi per cent , cl'lio transactions In sinte
bonds consisted of J17.0)Qi > In Virginia centuries
and J10.000 In Tenne.ep - Si , smsll bonds. Silver
ccrtincntcs were dealt In for $23,000. nt .C7-S ) G7'/4c.
The New York Flntnller says this week : T."i
statement of the associated banks of New Yoik
Clly forniie , week enUlnir Noveml > cr 39 Is noth-
Inc moro or'less thnn * a'be.latcd ' repoit of the
buslnese of the. previous > wek. The changes aie
due. partly "to the'KoiaVeJSiftrt rnovemem of th-j
earlier part.'of.lliq'Currc'rfCw.eek ' ' , .byt they Include
nisi' the later phlpmonts- the preceding week.
According .to the statement the banks lost In cash
during the week J2.077.ai5i ) . of wjilch $1M4,240 was
In legal tender nnd J1S3.JOO In specie. . There was
a heavy excess of Interior receipts nt this point
during the same period , so that the decrease In
cash more nearly represents the actual condition
of. the bunks , nlthouc-h' the statement cannot b ;
accepted ns accurate In showing the real standing
of the banks lit the close of the 'week. The contraction -
traction In .lo ns for the week was J2.CS2.SO ) . due
perhaps to liquidation of the speculative- account
more than from mercantile sources. Deposits have
been contracting rapidly , the loss since September
14 having been no less than 131,0)0,01)0. The banks
therefore nre In better position than was the can-
earlier In the season , and this spasmodic ndvanc ?
In the money rates of late Is justltied thus far , as
they arc controlled by the showing. In the months
of April , May und June List the deposlU of the
New York banks wont from "J300OOQ.OOO to $373-
00),000 nnd the leservo Increased 123,000.000.
Whether n rapid advance nt prepent In the money
market would start another such Inllux Is doubt
ful. Hankers report that the south has been slow-
In remitting of late. , , nrul the movement from
there Is rcmiukalily light. The business trans
acted nt ths clearing house last week , with n hol
iday Intervening , amounted to J314,2C-'i,322. ' If put
In one dollar Mils this Would make n girdle IOIIB
enough to reach around-tho earth nenily two ana
one-half times.
The followlnd were tbe closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
bid. r offunxl.
Thu total sales or = surcka today were 137,000
sharcH , Including : American Hugar , 43,000 ; Amer
ican Tobacco. 30,100 ; AtcHlHon , assessment paid ,
2,000 ; HurllnKlon. 3.5 Chicago CBS. 14,000 ;
LoulHvlllo & Nashvll oO ; I loci ! Island , 2.900 ;
Hi. I'aul , 3,300 ! Unllea tea Leather preferred ,
4,100 ; Western Union , 8.40
York afuiiey MarUi-1.
Kniy at Jliy : per cent ; last loan , ! ! 4 per cent ;
closed , 3Vj per cejit. T OT
P1UUR MiUCANJ Lj : l'ATEn-3 J05 per
STEHLINO KXCIj A&ctB Dull , with actual
busliiesa In bankera' bills at JI.iBSI.t3U for de
mand and | 4.l7ViiM.Siw'for iilxty dava ; posted
rates. t4.8'i and (4. 89 ? "
8TATH llONUH-Inacth- .
KAI1.11OA1) HONUH-Hlronp.
OOVKHNM15 DOMtaJ rSieady ; new 4s , rec. ,
IM'.i ; coupon , KVil ) \ . res. , 114U ; coupon , lH i ;
ji , reir. . lim ; coupoilJiiKi ; 2s , rcg. , V7 ; raclilc
s. of ' 95 , 102.
Closing quotations opTCTTvas were as follows :
Nevr York Mining ; tluiitiitlniin.
NKW YOIIK. Nov. 0.-T.iu fjllowhu nr-J th3
clotilnjr mining quofitlons :
l.nniKin stock ( lutitnttoii * .
LONDON , Nov. I10.-2 p. in. closlns :
Ran. Tactile. , i 571 St. I'anlcom
Krlo. . . . ; . lS : ) : N. Y. _ . . .
KrloUdn 711 IViiiiHylvanla OIK 101 Headliur M (
Mexican ordinary. 17 } Mux. Con. new -In. 7al <
I1AH SIIA'UR S IJ-ICd per oz.
MONKY > i per cent.
The rtte of discount In the open market for
short and three inDiitlm bllla Is Ui'u'l'i per cent.
1IOSTON , Nov. 30. Clearings , J17,938StJ ; bal
ances , J1.97S.041.
IIALTIMOHK. Nov. 30. Clearings. J2.2M,9SS
balances , J269.030.
NKW YOHIC. Nov. 3i > . Clearlnt's , J113,170,040
balances , JS.3.11.r,60.
I'llIl ADKLPIirA. Nov. 30. Clearings , $13,8M-
315 ; balances , Jl.SW.K'S.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 30. Clearings. J3.8S0.101 ; bal
ances. $774r.3S. Money , 547 per cent ; New "York
cxeha Re. Jl premium.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 30. Today's statement nf
the condition of th'o treasury hhows : Available
cash balance , 5179.231,433 ; cold reserve , JS1 , 132,128.
CHICAOO , Nov. 30. Clearings , 117,143.000.
Money , quiet at r 03i& per cent on call ; G fl H
per cent for commercial pfit4 | r. New York ex-
chH.i ! e , 73c pretntuiii. Sierllng , posted rates , J4.1K
on ilfmand , $4.S9 on sixty day * .
NKW YOHIC , Nov. 30. The exports of specie
fiom the port of New Yolk for the week
amount ? ! to J3OuC.r 38 In cold and JMS.300 In sil
ver. The Imports were : Gold. fC.527 ; silver ,
t2J,913 ; dry Booda'Jl,9C9,96S : eeneral merchundlae ,
Flniinclnl Affnlrn.
Nov. 30. KxchanRe on London , ! !
days' Hlght , 20- marks 45Vi pfK.
1'AHld , Nov. SO. Three per cent rentes , 1001
fl.'c for tlie account , Kichnneo on London , 23 T
20V4c for checks.
U3NDON , Nov. 30 Closlni ? : Consols , for both
money and the account , lOGTii. Gold Is quoted al
Iluenos Ayrei today nt ! J2 ; Madrid. 17.C2 ; LIsliqn ,
20 ; St. I'elersburn , 50 ; Athene. ; Hem * . IOT.12H ;
Vienna , 103. The amount ot bullion Rene Into
the Itnnk of England ou balance today Is CJ35.0-W.
Nriv York Weekly IlaiiU Sut ( Mliciil.
NKW YOIllC , Nov. 30. The- weekly bank state
ment shows the following changes : Reserve , de
crease , J9S1.C50 ; lonns , decrease , J2.GS2.800 ; specie ,
decreane , 1134,100 ; leRal tender , decrcnte , Jl , 834 , 200 ;
deposit * ' , decrease , 14,382,000 ; circulation. Increase ,
| 5.Cl . The bnnkH now hold JIG. 912. 150 In cxcesa
of the requIremcBts o the 23 p * r cent rule.
Liverpool Marki'tN.
L1VEIIPOOL. Nov. 30. WHEAT Spot steady ;
demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 5a Sdi No. 2
red -sprint- . , stocks exhausted : . -No. . 1 bard
Manitoba. 6s Id ; To. 1 California , 6s 3d ; futures
closed steady , unchanged from yesterday's clo < < -
ing prices ; business nbout equally distributed ;
December , 5s 2'i"l ; January , Da 3d ; FVbruary ,
Cs 3d ; March , 5s 4 < 4d ; April , Z * 4d ; May ,
Cs TiVld.
COHN Spot steady ; American mixed , 3s 3Vid ;
futures closed steady , unchanKCd from yester
day's prices ; business heaviest on latest positions ;
December. 3s SUd ; January , 3s 2Jd ( ; February ,
3s 214d ; March , 3s 2Hd ; April , 3s SJid ; May ,
ZB 2 , d.
' FIXJUn Market steady ; demand moderate ; St.
Louis fancy winter , 7s.
1'HOVISIONS Ilacon , easy ; demand moderate ;
Cumberland cut , Si to 30 Ibs. , 30s ; short rlbi.
2S Ibs. , 32s ; lone clear , llsht , SS to 43 Ibs. , 28s Cd ;
Ions clear , heavy. K > Ibs. , 27s Cil ; short clear
backs , Unlit , J8 Ibn. . 28s ; short clear middles.
heavy. 5" Iba. , 27a ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Its. , 24s.
Hams , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 41 * . Tallow , line
North American , nominal , lleef. extra India
mesa , 73 ; prime mess , C7s M. I'ork. prime mess ,
linn western , S3s 5 < 1 ; medium. 4Cn 3d. Lard , dull ;
prlma western , 27s 9d ; lellned , in palls , 2 > s Gd.
CHKESK Steady ; demand moderate ; Hnfst
Amtrlcan , white , 44s ; finest American , colored ,
"liuTTER Finest United States , 9js ; good , C03.
LINSKi : ! ) OIL-SOs Cd.
I'KTHOLKUM-Hellned , Slid.
HMFHIGKHATOH. IIUKF Forequarlers , S il ;
hlndquarterB , 5T 'l.
ULKACMIINO I'OWDUH-Hardwood , f. o. b.
Liverpool , C7.
HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 10a.
Dry GuoilH
NEW YOHK , Nor. 30. Weather conditions were
much Improved nnd In favor of more business ,
but wen- too late In the week to bu of any
avail. Market * were quiet In all respects und
any Bales were the result of deliveries on former
puichan-a. Printing cloths were quiet nt 3Uc
Sales for the week , 143,000 pieces.
FALL HIVKH , Mass. , Nov. SO. The trade of
the week In the print cloth market has consisted
entirely or orders to bo mnda for delivery utter
the 1st f January. There has been no demand
at nil for regulara nt thesis prices , Tlio maiket
In quoted lit 3'/4c , lh last prlco received for
regulars , nnd dull nt that , Actually , the market
Is only nominally ut SVSc. There Imvo been very
fair sales of odds , but the basis of the sales
was nliout 3 3-16c. As the market In the next
Kilo of regnlara must be at 3 3-lGo nr lower nt
3 ! c. The odds sold nre to lu daUvere 1 ilurins the
nix months to July. January sales art" lighter
und February sales are heavier than sales for
other months. After February the sales Imvo
bofti Increased 4,000 pieces weekly , Messrs. Item-
Ington & I > avol fuinlsh Ihq following statement :
1'roductlon for Iho week , 1S',000 ' pieces ; ilellv-
crlM , 1CO.OOO pieces ; stock ( odd , 73,000 pieces ;
W-C4. W.liOO plect'H ) , 123.000 pieces ; last week's
slock , lOD.OOi ) pieces ; miles ( odds , 133,000 pieces.
04-64 , 13.'i,000 pieces ) , 270.000 plews ; spot , 9,000
pieces ; futures , 120,000 pieces. Sales for weeklv
Isllvery : IJjccmbin 12 WO pies B ; Jnr.u , ry , CO COO
pieces ; FeLruary , 37,000 pieces : March. 12.040
llecf : April , 12,000 pieces ; May , 10,000 pieces ;
June , 9,000 pieces.
Wool Market.
LONDON. Nov. 30. At the wool nucllon sales
today 8,030 bales were nffi'icd , If which MO were
withdrawn. A capital selecllnn was offeied , In
cluding u little of belter merlnoa , especially suit
able for Germany and America , The latter buy-
ui were , however , unwilling to pay tins ruling
rates and only secured a few hundred bales. The
demand wns nctlve , with the leniency upward
for better classes. Following are the sales In
detail : New South Willis , lfcSS bales ; senurwl.
OilOH 4d ; greasy , Clid/iVi' ' . QuaonulaiiJ , 102 bllej ;
scoured , Is IH'itfls Zui uieasy. Ci4j8d. Victoria.
3.770 bales : scoured , 7V4 < lWIs CVid ; greasy , 1W
llHd. South Australia , 1,222 Lalus ; greasy , MsG
8'iil. Cape of ( lood Hope and Natal , 838 bales ;
scaured , lOVidUU 1 2 d ; greasy , G'JiQmiil. ' Next
weeks' orfeilngs will bu heavy , tin- total reach
ing fcO.OOO bales. The Impoits for the week were
41,740 balea. The urrlvuls mi far for the next
series uru 1S. : . " > 2 bales.
Lniiilnii "Weekly Trnilu Ilcvlniv.
IXiNDON. Nov. 50. The weather has been mild
und damp throughout the week , In Urn market
Tor wheat , Itusalun and Danuhlan shippers were
very llrm at full prices. Other wheat wns qulet
and barely steady under the Inllunnco of an In
creased quantity afloat , which was nullllled by
lighter shipments. The milder weather caused
aome depressions , but HIP position was fairly
found , und a iwrlous decline appears unlikely.
Duluth delivery was quoted at 23 * . Spot was
lulct. Maize was In full supply , for which there
wan a full demand at easy prices. Parcels of
mixed American , old crop Blloat , weru quoted at
[ 5 7d , Spot wus slow. Hurley was llrm , with
Ight offers. Oata wrro firm ; mixed western ,
London , November delivery , were quoted at
12s 6d.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 30 , WHEAT OfferlnES
llgM : market about unchanged ; No. 2 hard , 57O
Me ; No. 2 ted , 08He : No. 2 spring , Mi/57c ; No. I
spring. CJ 5 o ; rejected , 450500.
COUN Itather slow ; No , 2 mixed , 23li623c ;
No. 2 white. 2214BS3C.
OATH Unchanged ; No. 2 mined , 17Wc ; No. I
white. 1H4B19C.
HYE Hteady ; No. 2 , S2c.
' HAY-Steady ; timothy , J9.M3U.O ) ; prairie ,
I1UTTKU Firm and higher ; creamery , 17C21c ;
dairy. HO lie.
KdOS-rinn ; demanil ( air ; UVic.
Tuli-du lira I u Market.
TOLEDO. Nov. 30.-WHiAT-Dull. steady ; No.
, cash und December , MVic ; ' May , ITIHc.
COHN Steady ; No. i ! mixed , t Hc ; No. 3
mixed , I c.
OATrf Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , 19c ; No. 3 white ,
21 c.
c.ItVK Inactive : No. I. cth. SJc.
CLO\nit 8EKD Dull , l * < ly ; good itrlme. oub
and Duceinbcr , J4.UU , nominal ,
HECKIIT8 Wtitat , 151,000 bu. ; corn , CO.OOOLu. ;
oat . 22.UO bu. ; rye. DOO bu.
SHI I'll KNTS-Flour , t.Vt bbli. ; wheat , 1,000
bu. ; com , nCO bu.
Week and Month Oloso with Fairly Libora
Bocoipts of All Sorts ,
ITnitnl Snlnrilnjliiillrtoreiirr Mniilfm
oil All Mlilm HOKN rirm 1'p '
niul Ailviim-p it MfUol t'ndoi-
Receipts niul shipments for the past
twenty-four hours , ns compared with the
previous six days , nro ns follows :
Cattle. Hojt ! > . Sheen. Horses.
November 30. . . , . . 1.10.1 7.690 101
November 29 , , . i. . 2,139 12.011
November 27. . . . . . 3.7PO 13,314
November 20. . . 1,740 8.015
November 23 1,488 1.633 2.00,9
November 2.1 525 4,951 l,2fiO
November 22. . 2,215 201
Cattle. 1 logs' . Sheep. Horses.
November 23. l,76t ! 23
November 27 1,091 42
November M. . . . . . 1.29H
November 23. . . . . . 402 . . . . 1.9SO 23
November 23101 1,523 HO
November 22 1.21G . . . . 478
November 21 2,557 1,210
The followltiK will show the receipts for
the week , with comparisons :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Receipts this week 10.303 42.485
Receipts last week 12,721 3lil7 ( 4,008
Same week laal year. . . . 13,417 32,368 3,781
Same week ISM lii.155 20.S45I.HIS
Same week 1S92 1D.2U 33,183 3,025
The following nre the receipts by months
for thi ! yenr to dutof
Months , 1S93. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
January 50.718 lRliU49 12.741
February 32,303 121,313 12,651
Mnrch 40,730 98,875 21,658
April 33.469 ST.OtH 27,107
liny 26,783 115.C78 0,415
Jlllio 21,3'i . 87,02) ) ! 14.302
July 40,381 69.367 7.J72
August 7S.3SU 45.823 12.008
September 7B.22S 49,201 30,947
October SSP9i ) 100.707 23,4CtS
November 54,530 131,031 11,101
Total 11 months. 503,173 1,031,709 193,07
U months 183) 7C2 , IG.1 1,799,02S 22S,9S < *
11 months 1893 783,748 1,301.238 229,01
11 months 1S92 ( VSS.irc , 1,479,351 175.04
11 months 1S91 550,981 1,311,031 159,45' '
CATTLE In the cattle division It was
the same old story that Is repeated will
only Blight variations on every Saturday
of the year light receipts nnd an uninter
esting ; market. All told , only forty-one
loads of cattle wore received , not enough
to make very much of u market tinner the
most favorable conditions. At the samt >
time the demand was not nt all urgent
nnd the buyers Indifferent. The trade on
klllliiB cattle could bn summed up In a few
words slow nud weak.
In the stocker nnd feeder division there
wns u lack of Interest , ns usual on the lasl
day of the week , and the amount of busi
ness doing was small.
Owing to the break In the water main
In Omaha there was a scarcity of water
In the yards , which prevented the weigh
ing of the cattle until after 10 o'clock.
Representative pales :
HOflS The market opened nbout where It left
iff Insl nlRht , with the local pnckera bidding
3.35 to )3.40 for practically uvcrythlng. Quito
i Kood ninny hogn Hold nn that basis , and It
noked as If thu packtrs would ho able to clear
ho ynrda nt steady prlceii.
The airlval of a liberal order from Armour
for his Chicago house changed Iho situation.
When local buyers taw everything KOlng to
\rmour they concluded that they wnnlinl the
logs , nnd wanted them badly , Tlio result wan
lint Hi" market rapidly took on moro Hlrcnglh
and the clote wan strong' to 6c higher , Tue
pally sales wore laigely nt J3.J5 to J.1.4) ) , mid the
ater sales.ut (3.40 to J3.4S , with the top JU.W.
The week In the bog market has not been
without feature nf Interest. The heavy run on
nest days luoucht the total up to a very mitla-
aelory point nnd put now Ufa Into the trade.
\ to the market , there were sume clmngts In
alues , prices nee-sawing back and forth , but
nvldo the name old range. The hogs wiM in
ho opening of thu week ut J3.41) t < > t3.3 for the
mile. There wns u llltlo spurt on Tuesday , after
which the maiket ectlled hack again , the prices
on Weilnesday being about the mine an on Man-
lay , Tbe week closed nlth the market about 5c
nwer than Ihd close of the previous week ,
tcprcsentnllve rales :
No. Av. Bh. I'r.
No.C 330 HO 13 23
4 277 129 3 SO
2 270 , , , 330
2 2CO . . . 3 30
. . . ! 4l
15 283 3 35
DO 227 335
II 193 3.25
. . . . . . . . 335
70 237
K , 243 3 35
CO 333 335
Z4 221 3 35
C9 237 335
, , , , , . . , 3 35
28 210 3 35
24 310 3 35
4 327 .131
76 230 3 33
C7 270 3 3 >
" 239 3 2"
i : , . , , .2C3 335
i. . 290 335
211 3 35
263 3 35
til 3 35
277 335
3 37U
3 374 !
.1 37V5
1. , 3 37'/i
9 S3S 337J ,
3 7 |
7. , . , . , . . -74 387 ]
. . . . . . . . 3 3-f ,
! , , . , , . . .3IJ7
7 . 810 3
. . . . . . . . 3 37 U
1 . 2CJ 3 37'i
3. . , . 247 " *
J . 25 $ 1 40"
. 331 3 < < >
U . 306 3 40
4 . 283 M 3 40
! . . ! . , . . . : 80 3 44
> . t 9 40 3 40
M ) . , , . 248 (0 3 40
9 . .271 40 3 4 > )
. 270 CO 3 40
I. . . . . . . .278 ICO 3 40
C8 , . . . . . . 231 40 3 40
1 27t 80 S 40
0 315 80 3 40
87 311 ti9 S 40
| I 40
200 > 44
' 1 41
1 . 2iU 'io > 40
u . lie 1 < 4 3 40
2 . 278 40 1 40
} . . . til 6)SO t 40
0 . 2J5 SOso 3 40
. W6 so J 44
. so I 41
M 274 320 IV >
7J . S $ ) S M . SM . . . .14 :
! > . 211 . . . S 4 * 17 . SM . . . 200
47 . 803 . . . J4
8IIKKP The inatkM on rood mutton Mitcp na
Choice .Mr ill ti in fnttlc .Sold nl CSnoit
CHICAGO , Nov. 59. Cattle Mtw wereon Ilia
basis of front O u > 13.50 for common light wetsht
Meer * up to from $1.501 In 11.75 for choice medium
and heavy weUht. , tlic bulk cnlng nt low prices ,
The woek'n receipts nro lares for TlmnkdRlvlns
week , ana nin more limn 1.VOOO over a year ngi > .
The No > ember rnlllo receipts fool up IM.678
head. against SW.051 the ureceillns nunth , STJ.SSi )
for Novtmlwr , ISM. and SMMO for November.
1 < O1 Th < > receipts for HIP .Vonr to oate ntihnmt
to 2.37I.9.V. rattle. nKnlnst 2.7U.S3X for the Ilko
pttlod l t ytv > r nn.l 3.K2 416 for the tnnw ttmo
three years niro. aot \ r.Ullo nre fr. > m tl to II.M
loner limn aenr OK . with n IK > JIniMcm niul
export ileninnit.
There was n lively tlade In hogs. prices ad
vancing from So In Idc , ami closing about tha
Minn ns a week nKii. iVtninon to julme heavy
IIOK nolil at fim > .1M to M.f-r. , and light vclKhtn
at from )9.4i ) In J3.M. the Imlk of the IIOKB rrllhiR
at fniiu J3.M to $3.Gii. Heavy Innl IIORS HCM thu
l > e l.
Sheep traile wao fulrlv nrtlve nt unchanged
prlcen , common In prime natives l > eliit ( nslAble nt
from $ IM Id J3.W. ami lamlw nt from $ .1 to JI.TA
November rrretjits ran be.'ilml hut yenr , l\it the
year's rprelpla Rrently brat nil foimer yenre.
VJntllnnteil recell | of IIOKS nt Clilcnco next
cvk , 2i.0 )0 henil. lleeelit | for the corri' lH > ndlliJ |
week last year , SlJ.aci ; heail.
nn City l.l c .Slook.
KANSAS PITT , Nov. Sd.-rATTI.K-ltroelplii.
3,4i < d lioailt rhlpmenlK , ) , ) In-mli lnnlk 't
nominally cleailyj prlcex practically uiiclinnKetl
from yenlrnlay.
llOtJS-lteci'lptK. Jl.fcrt head : i > lilpmenl , 1.600
henrt : tnnrket * teady In slroiiR ; bulk of Rule * .
$3.40j3.4.i ; henvlen , $3.n03r.t.r > 0 ; | iacki-ii ! , J..10iM.W ;
mixed , $ .1.MJf3.45j Hunts. $3.Jf3.4 ; Yoiker * . $1.5J
(13 40 ! plKS. J2.TOtT3.30.
8IIKHP HeciMpls. mvie ; Milpmenti , li W head !
maiket ntendy , unchanEeil.
Slock lit .sl
llecord of reei-lplfl at the four markets
for Saturday. November 3i ) . isi'5 :
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
South Omaha . 1.10.1 7r , : ) lot
ClilviiRi > . 1,01V ) JP.OftJ 2.DW
Kniisui City . 3,400 ! > .COO .
St. himls . 700 .1.0)0 Mi )
Totals . . C.M 35,190 3.104
St. I.oult l.lvr St. > cl.- .
ST. I.Ol'IS , Nov. 3rt. OATTI.K-Ucei'lpln. 700
head ; market slow nnd quiet ; native steer * . $3.09
4T4.75 ; rows nnd helfet * . innMly $'fl3.2Tcxaa !
steern. $2r ii3.7i | ! ; Krnssfed cows , Jl.761f2.7."i.
HO(1S Itecelpls , 3.0i > l head ; mniUet nc'.lve ;
heavy , J3.Wii3.UO ; mixed , $3.5(3.CJ ; lllit | , $ J. iJ >
3. Tu.
Tu.HHKKI' Heceliits. MS head : maiket firm ; na
tives , < J.i3g3.5i BOIltlietn. > i.OOU3.0l ) .
1'KOUIA. Nov. 30. COHN Klrm nnd ( richer ;
new No. 2 , 274e ! ; new Xo. 3. 27Uc.
OATS-Steaily ; No. 2 white , 19jI19Uc ; No. 3
while. 17MP17'ic. '
11Y13 Diill ; nominal.
WHISKY Steady ; llnlshed Roods , mi the batl
of tl i'2 for hlKh wines.
1U5C13I1TS Corn , 7S.7.V ) liu. ; oals , 5S.7W bu. ;
\vlil ky , .none ; client , 3.000 bu.
SIIII'JIUNTS Corn , 9,000 Int. ; ontx. DS.7IO bu. ;
whlrky. l,12.i Rnl. ; wheat , l.SOO bu.
NKW YOIIK. Nov. 3. ) . SUOAIl-Ilnw. quiet ;
fair rcflnlnp , 3c ; ccnlrlfitKul , 20 test , 3Ac ; IT *
lined , quiet , standard A , 4He ; coiifectloneri * ' A ,
4-Sc : cut lonf , fi'.ic ; irar.ulnlc.l. 4'.fcc. "
LONDON , Nov. 3D. SUOAIl Cano , quiet , but
Htendy ; eivitrlfURiil. Java. 12s 3d ; Muscovado , fair
rellnliiK , 10s 3d. llert , llrm nnd rather dearer ;
November nnd December , 10s 4 ( fed.
'KrlNco AVlicat 4t < iotlitloiiN ,
tive ; December , Hi > ! 4c ; May , ' $1.0Ji ; cleared , C4.U9
Itiiiiior ( lint lli'llUli Spfoitlu4orn Will
4 > iirrii4 < > lit CrliM'lc Crci-k.
CIlII'PMi GUKKIC. Colo. , Nov. 30.
Humors Imvo been rife for same time that
a party ot British speculators who have
mailo several fortunes In the South African
gold stocks nro preparing to make a raid
on the Btoclcs ot Crlpplo Creek , to buy up a
number of claims , stock them for largo
amounts anil after trading the stock back
nnd forth among themselves tending prices
skyward and creating public Interest and
demand , letting go nt the top wave , leaving
the purchaser with stock worth absolutely
nothing. These rumors have been hoard In
Cripple Creek and naturally enough people
hava been anxious to learn who Is nt the
hood of the syndicate propoalng to carry ou
this gigantic swindle , for so It is called.
It la known that none of the companies
now operating are concerned In the deal.
A vast number of companies have been In
corporated In the past rlxty days , so many
that It 1ms been almost Impossible ) to keep
track of them , and claims have been sold
all over the district , sometimes to local
parties and sometimes to foreigners.
Whether this block Is to be floated In the
United States or only In London Is Jiot
known , but It Is presumed for the present ,
or at least.In the Inclplency of the scheme-
they will sell their stocks In England or on
the continent , soaking the men who think
they know all about Investing money , and
after milking the old world dry will turu
their attention to the United States.
Ili'iir Ailnilrnl Clirpcillcr Hi-llcvcil ,
SAN FUANCISCO , Nov. 30. Hear Ad
miral C. C , Carpenter , lute commander ot the
Asiatic squadron , arrived on the steamship
Gaelic. Ho Is hastening homeward to th ?
bedside- his wife , who Is very 111 nt Ports
mouth , N. H. Ho took the first castbound
express ho could get. The admiral In to retire -
tire from the navy In Ftbnmry as ho will
then bo Cl yearn of age. It was not the In
tention of Secretary Herbert to relieve him
ititll then. However , his wife , who has been
In falling health for some time , bicamo worse
recently nnd when the news was cabled to
Admiral Carpenter he axked for Immediate
relief on thatscore. . Secretary Herbert
; ranted the request and at once ordered
Jommorlore McLaln to relltvo him. That
gentlemqn arrived here a few days ago ac
companied by Lieutenants Reamy and Logan
and sailed today on the City of Hlo da
As many complaints are coming to the Chicago
lounl of Trade showing thnt portons'lnicndhiB t
leal In grain nnd provisions Ihrougu members ( if
ho Boa 11 ] and subject lo Its rules and regula-
lens arc misled Inln dealing with peisons o , '
Inns who have no connection with this Hoard ,
ho public Is cautioned .ifiitnst dealing with cucli
arsons or linns , und la no tilled Hut ( inoituij
. ' . HTONK , Hecreliuy , will answer any Inciulrles
an to whether nny particular peison or llrm In
a member of such Hoard ,
; P. BTONI3 , Secretary.
OOLICITED. Call tt our ollloo or write lor prlvit *
ulpher Coclo or Uhlppora Drain KtcorUi.
nialtoOuildlnc , CHICAOO.
009.910-011 Royal Insurance Uulldlnj ; ,
In Grain and Provisions.
Onlcra oztruUd ( 'ulr if o lloanl of Trade-In eoh and
optloni ) . Advitncv * marie nn runvlgnnient. 1'iuvulun
vvauhouka , Union Stock Yanti. llufer to anjr Chl Ku
D nklnir lontllutlon or Commercial Agency. l > Mly
Bcukcllettcrnuap | > llctlou. Oorr i | > ondcncosoIlclUid >
Itevlewlne the irraln and ( loci : .riarUtti , will b *
cnt you dally on remiext. In thr hops of deserv-
ne part of your buslnecs. Ordets. solicited fur
a li cr on thrie lo five point mart-Ins.
J , R. WILUR J ft GO ,
Members Chicago Hoard of Trad * , Nor York
roduiu Kxchanve. New York Cons. KtocU i : -
ihange. 17 Doarcl Tiade , Clilcaso , 44 Ilrondway ,
Jew Yoilt , _ _ _ _
Can l < a made by my plan of Co-opeiatlve Hjiecula-
Ion In Wall tro ( on Invenlnirnt of 1104. Huma
rom 110 upwaida received. Not nn of my clients
mil ever lot ! u < lullir on in ) ' plan. Hend for pro-
icclui nnd market lellei ; mailed free' , lllglicit
cfeiencea furnlihed ,
I mil ; IT A llroki-r. ? U ) UrouUwuy , ST. Y.
Investors and Speculators.
I'lrrt edition ready. It plainly Indicate * th.
lozl piuDiabld mrthodf of operatlnc In Qrala
ivl Storks. Mailed free.
IJrnlii. Mliiok niul lluuil llruUcm ,
I'JK ( Jliiiniliur ut Commerce.
Pure Food :
WRIGHT'S HIILI-8 , Berlin , Wl .