THE O7UAIIA DAILY JEE ; SATUllDAY , NOVJflAIBJSR 30 , 18.05. COJ1IERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Showed Strength All Day and Closed at an Advance , OLD TIME BEARS WERE ACTIVE Corn \Vni SI on unit Stun it- but AVn Ill-Ill Pnlrly Firm ! > ' the SlrrtiKtli In Win-til. CHICAGO , Nov. 20. Wheat showed fitretiKlli nearly nil day , nnd nt one time was fully Ic hlRher than It closed Wednes day. The news wns not Important , but the sentiment wns decidedly bullish. Cable * were a slmdo better , and all domestic mar kets showed Improvement. There wns al. o n fecllnB that too much welsh ! had been Riven the report of Armour's contemplated deliveries , nnd the result wns that many of those who Bold Wednesday under the Influence of that rumor were disposed to buy It Imrk today , but found that there wns little for sale. Some of the old time bears wore ncllve buyers , and the feelliiB was Improved by rumors that the troubles with Turkey were Kcltlng more serious nnd there was more apprchensloil at wnr. I.oiun was an active buyer of December most of the session , while Scbwnrtz-Dupee , llaldwlu & Fnrmim , l.lnn and their followers wcro also on the buying side. Armour's brokers supplied the demand for n time , hut when they drew out thn market showoJ nddltlonnl strength. Humors of IHTRC Kold shipments tomorrow nnd free selling at the mlvnncf , partly In the way of taking prollts anil by early buy ers , caused some weakness later In the day. May sold early as low as from GOo to GQUc. up to from W4c ! to ( Wtic , oft to GO'ic ' , then up to from C0c to Cle split , and at noon was 00 > ic. December soln nt from DrJ4c to 5rin to G5c , nnd lit noon wns f.fiVic. The market sold oft some ilui-lnn the last hour on liberal rcallzlnti and some short selllns. Jlny Bold to from UOJte to G0c , and Decem ber to CfiWc. The market held Its strength to the clo e , and December cloved at 'Ac nnd May Ric over AVcilncBJay's closliiK prices. The spread at the close was W-c. Corn was slow and stt-iidy , but was held fairly firm by the strength In wheat. Spec ulation wns slow nnd nut row , with price changes s'.lKht. May sold at from 2Sfc to Etc , nnd from 29c to 2 V4c. and wns ZJC at noon. There was but little dolnp during the closing hour , nnd prices held fairly firm. May kept nt 23c nnd from 2Dc to 29'c. ( Oats were slow , but hclil steady , without material ehaiiKC. May sold early ns low as from 20'4c to 10e and at from 20Vc , to 2H4c. Trudlni ? was slow during the last hour , but prices wen- well sustained. May sold nt 20'Ac ' and nt from -'O c to 20'ic. Hoi ? products wcro slow nnd nominally unchntiK'-d ' early. The market pot weaker during the last hour , and May pork sold to JD.15 , May lard to J3.CT , Jlay ribs to from Sl.fio to Jl.fiT'.i. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , fine cars ; corn , CIO cars ; oats , "GO cars ; hosrs , 2T..OOO head. The lending fulures rnnged as follows : Cash quotations were ns follows : FLOUIl--lull : winter pa enls , (3.1 173.50 ; wln- tir stralKhts , J2.50SI3.tO : spn , : = ; -aients , J3.13 3.50 ; spilnff stinlKlits , J2.C5j2.99 ; bakers , Jl.SS'tf 2 10 10WIII5AT No. J sprint : , W 'Hfi7c ! ; No. 3 spring , 63i,7iiCj No. 2 iwl , ' 60Vii6We. OOJtN-Nn. 2. CTi6 ; No. 2 yellow. 2It ; J27if. DATS No 2. ISc : No. 2 while , "f. o. b. , 1S& lS > Jo ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , IStf'OHc. 11YK No. 2. SCO. IlAllLI.Y No. 2. nominal. FLAX Siii : ) No. I , il2HC. TIMOTHY HI-3I3D rillilP , (3.CO. PHOVISIONS Mesa pork , per libl. , (7.SOiff7.90. Lard , per 100 dlia. , (3.40. Shnit rllis sides ( loose ) . (4 40Q4.60. Shouldc'iH ( hoxeil ) , (1.6001.75. Short clear sides ( boxed ) . (4.02',4i4.75. WHISKY DIstllleis' finished goods , per gal. , SI 22 J'OULTHY Klrni ; tuikeys , 7if9c ; cblckens , 6i ? CVtc ; ducks. SUlOc. The following HCIO the iccelpls nnd shipments today. On the I'roJiiaj evenania toiliy the buttar mar ket wai tlrm : creamery. 10j23c ; dairy 11W 'JOc. Fti'sllrni ; llia'-'le. XKW YOUIC CliXHKAIi JIAHKET. ClOMllli ; ( llHlllltlollM ( III ( I'rlllC-lllllI CiiiiiiuiiillflcN mill SlniilcN. NKW YOUIC , Nov. 29.-FLOUn-Ilccelpts , 4,79 < ) bbls. ; cxpoits , 18,300 bbU. ; innrlict steady , with n better demand ; tiuslneHS chocked by smaller otTerlriKB , advances In wheat helping Hour. City mill patents , (4.101/4.25 ; winter patents , J3.60fj3.70 ; city mill clears. (1.0094.10 ; win ter strnlKhls , J : ! . 01j3.40 ; Mlnnenjla patentK , (3.453.CO ; winter extras , t2.70ff.1.10 ; Mlnnt'Sitn bakers , (2.75OT.IO , Ityo Hour , sxeaily ; fancy , J2.JO 4J3.00. Ituckwhent IKiiir. dull nt (1.25. lll'CJCNVIir.AT-milet nt 4lViiS43c. 1I11AN Dllil at (2.00. HYI3Nominal : No. 2 western. 42c. HAHLHY--We.ak ; western , S9iH e. 1IAIC.13Y MALT-Dull ; wcstein. 50ffr.Sc. ( CHIN MHAL-Dull ; yellow wesli-N ) , coarse , 73fiS.1clhanit > -r-lne , (2,15. AVHI3ATlltcelpts. . 7WOiM bu. : exports , 43.1,400 tin. f-'pot Him ; business checked by hlKher views nf linltli-r * ; No. 2 red , C7'XiC ' ; No. 1 hard , C7'ie. OptloriH oi-ni-tl | stronner and actl\e. sellltig lip on Kuotl coveilnix nnd sleady cables. leaded n little , but later rveovered nnd elosetl firm nl 1&ftic net ndvnneP. D cemb-r , CSIWlG.'i'U' , closed C3c. CDItN-Uvcclptu , 'M.'M bu. : cxpiits , ill,100 bu. Upot maiket steady. NJ. 2. SH'sf , Options opened 111 in nnd ruled Kcneinlly Him but quiet , Mippmtol by wheat , eloslris ttenily ; Xovrmbur cloaed at 35\to ; Di'ceml closed 34 ic. OATS It'i-elpls , 204,000 bu. : exports , 10 } bu. Spot market quiet : No. 5 , 2242ie. : . Options In- m'tlvi ; tbroMRbout Ibo session , clohlni ; dull bin nt rally ; November closed at 23o ; December , 22itf ! 23i\ closed 2o : ! , WOOIQulil ; domestic fierce , JCWJJc ; pulled , ItStSle HAY Quiet ; shipping , $7.0097.69 ; { food clinliv. WSSe. HOI'S l isy : state , common to choice , 1894 crop , 3tr7ci 1MO crop , " { IlOcj raolllo const , 1S3I cron. 3'ie ; 181)3 ) ciop , SOlOe. lllI > is Nomliial : C.illfomla. II In 23 Ibs. , 181 ? ISHcrinlvesloji , 20 lo : ' , Ibs. , ICc ; lluenoa Ayres , ilry. 20 to 24 U.K. , 2lc ; TCXUM , Oiy , 21 to 30 Its. , "jjK VTIIMIlSleady ; bcmloelc sole , Ducnos AvreH. lleht In heavy. 2lo ; acid , JHi t24e. 1'llOVIrtlONS lleef , sleuJy ; family , I11.SO ; beef hams , 113.0)015.50. Ctrl ments. cnry : plekled licllifK. i5.r > ' ) { | 5.75 ; plekled nil lUblerH. $5.50(15.75 ; idckli-il hnma , 1S.301fS.7i. I.tird rliwcd wrnk nt thi ! low'fKt pi Ice < m rccoiil for iwenly-eliiht yearn ; ensturn Bteam closed nt J3.70ffl5.73 ; western Htcam closed nt K-.70 usknl : November , 13.80 , nominal ; if lined , iiulet ; continent , { 0.20 ; South Ameiican. IC.tO , 1'ork , dull , steadyj old mess. . nil'-rbni : weslern eieamery , ISffllc ; ita ; lecclpls , 3W5 pltgn. ; wuHle i dairy , . TALLOW Klrmer ; rlt } ' , 4 3-Ifro ; country , HtlOriItecelpls , 0,492 pkRs , : ste > idy ; istato and ronniiylvnnla. iifl'X * : ; western. 2IH-3c\ CHI'iSI'3-ltecelpt : . 3,6)9 ) pkgs. ; quiet ; largo , 7UTI9c ; rrnall , 6QIOiu ; iwitt hklrns , ViQvc ; full ( .kiiiiH. H 3e. I'irntOLI'U'JI ' Aellvn nnd hlitlier ; United closed Hi (1.17 bid ; refined , New YoiU. ( S.50j 1'hlladel- l > hln nnd ILiltlmoie , J8.45. llpSIX 1'irm ; vtiulncd , coinmoit to cooJ , ( I.U Triu'KNTiNK-nuii. :7i rsc. HICi : QuIH ; iluini-vllp , fair to c tin. a'tflCUo MiTAI-S-lopier : | , Heady ; hrnHeiV price , ( J | ; exelmnmprlee. . IIO.STiii/ Lead , llrtn : bttdiers' prlCtf. | XOj OKI lintiK lirle * . ( J.21R3 2,14. Tin , steady ; stint ! * , ( l1.22 > 3 < M4.27ii. 1'lulea. n-.aikct quiet. Spelter , quiet ; dome lir , (1.60if3.5V COTTON SPlII ) OM tJuIct ana moiior li-si nominal nt uneb.-uiKixl prlros , dnslne dull : prime ciuile , ' TIHbutler Krades. 34irilr ; prlmo lunimor y llow30c / ; off Biimmor ye\l \ w. JS. * \Voul MarUct , HOSTON. Nov. W. Tlie lloston C < inuuercUI HulMIn will say louK'irow of thu woo ) maikct. The wcoli locally hni b en unlntiritl.iir , nnd the nle ale i-niall. Ohio delaine bus even weakened to ) c , though ton.e . lioMern mill cllnc to 2U < Thetc U no Efr.cuil I'li.anjic In quulatlouii. how. ever , and luwnitl ( he cbi > Uieic wiu a Jlnu mote cnrouraKt-inint. us th London nurtlonii opened > -ci > - nearly on a par n-llli the last ulca Initruil at kbowlng a mailtd dfdlne. .luJe iJtnrcnfK , pretldrnt of tlie Null jul A oclallon ofyool Uranrm. dniounren even u duly nf fr uit AiiK-rlrun metlno an Inudrqiiute. The kjlo "t the week ure Mtli.OAO | bi , domeillc and C1I.OOO Its fortlun , iiRalnit 1.173,000 lb , Jain iH and 1,931 , . 009 | T , forek-n la.tffk and J.S'JCO Its. do- inrstlo and TIS.OM | l > . forelKti for II. ' name wcrk Uit > ear. Th nte to Jale kbow an lncrca c c-f U.SIS.IS'J It * , dom < lle and 47.9I9.CO ) | b > . foiflcn fioio the l j to Hi * tame dle In IESJ. The recelpli tu < moiv n Crm-ana o ( S:4J tnln domotlo and 1111 Ineteaia of IJO.JI ! bait. fotclKn. LONDON. Nov . At > b wo.-l action li today 1UJ Laic * nere ofteied , ef which liX < were wltMruwn. A firm tendency ff Mp cl lly for l it mfnno . Hevr , burry clips vrfff 1nw , Amfrlran pnrrh s ( i ntwmntfil to nlraut MO txil's. rnllnnrlnn arc th * sales In rt " t.ill : New Smith Mnlfs , 1,199 bnlei ; scouml , . Vlitnrm. J,8 > bnle ; scmirrrt , 7'4 < Krs M ; ftrttry. ffiond. South Austrnlln , 73 IHIPS | ; Rreavy , BM. New S > nlnnd , 2 , 7 bales ; ncoureil , 7Hd ftl ! < t l ; nre.i y , t Wlld. Cape of Good Hop * and Nntal , 1.254 bale * ; scouml , CUdtils gtusy , S'AJJ7'.id. _ OMAHA < ; I.MHAI , .MAIIICIVT. Conillllon > f Triulr nml < in .Sliiplr unit Knni-y rroilni-f , There wns very little poultry In the market yeMenlny and of some kinds not enouRh to mnko n market. Quite n few Reese were left over from the holiday trade , but aside from Hint the supply of nil kinds of poultry wns atioul clmncil up. There wns sonic little Inquiry for chickens nnd the market - s n little tinner , owlni ? to the small supply. Other kinds of iioultry were In very poor demand ns uiunt Immediately after a holiday. The snow brought In a Rood many rabbits nnd th' * market Is not quite so strong on tlmt kind of game. An nmusuiB tnlstnkc by one of the oliUst com mission men on the street cnuscd n K"od denl of fun In th < ! pr.niuce district yesterday. The i-ommlsslon man In question received n ship ment of pheasants , a bird that It exceedingly rare In this market , nnd wauld be worth (1.60 or C , per dozen , but mistook them for KIRS bens. The commission man called In n nicked twullry dresser nnd sold the blids nt sage-hen prices , (1.23 per dm. , then , as In bis custom , sal tli n nnd wrote his shipper nil nl mt Ihe sale. InelnsliiK ti draft for the nmount nnd soliciting future e mtlKnments. The letter uhlch the shipper wroli * In return was n scalp llfler , nnd wininil up with this pnrtlnR shot : "Throe or four dlffcient pnitles told mo that you were trleky. nnd now I know that they were telling me the truth. " KKKS nnd lutter remain about stead- . Quota tions : IHU1S Httlctly frfah stock. ISc. 1IUTTI5H I'acklns st.'CK . , tfllOc : fair to Rood country , 12QI4c ; choice to fancy country , 14u5c ! ; Katheied creamery , 170 ISc ; separator creamery , fnt. 70 to 100 Ibs. . are quoted at 7c : tare ? nnd coarre , 4JJOC. CHKISSK Domestic brick , tl c : Cdam , per do ? . , (10 : Club House. 1-lb. Jars , per dox. , (3.SO- I.lmburKer , fancy , per 11) . . IHic ; Hoiiuefort , M-Ib. Jars per doz. , J.CO : ! ; Young Americas , lO'.ic ; Tw'ns. fancy , lie. 1'Ori/rilY Dres < ed-Chlekens , C 77c ; ducks. { ( Relurkcjs. ; . choice , ! iJ10c ; ceese , 7J8c. HAY t'f.lanil. ( C.60 ; midland , ( C ; lowland. C 60 ; rye straw , Jl.f.o . ; color tnnkr-a the prlco nn hay ; llKht bntrs tell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. I1HOOM COUN New crop , delivered on track In country , clialo creen sclf-worklnit cnrpet , per Ib. , 2UC ; choice creen running to hurl , 2'ic : common. I'.lc. OASin 1'inlrle chickens , young , per doz. . ( C ; quail , tl.7o-32 00 , Jack snipe , 75o ; golden plover , (1.25 ; Jark rabbits , per doz. , (1.75 ; small rabbits , (1 ; mallard ducks. (3.60 ; rcdhtads , (3,60 ; canvasback ducks , ( S.OOii S.OO ; teal , blue wing , J1.73ii2.00 ( ; teal , green wing , (1.73 ; mixed ducks. (1.7JIJ2.00 : Canada gewo. ( B : unill geese , (4.60 ; bmnts. (3.60 ; deer - < adillcs. l.'viTICc ; iler-r carcasses , li mso ; elk paddles , llfll.le ; elk carcasses. SJIIOc ; antelope saddles , 12M4c ; nntclopa car- cnsfes , 00 lie. VKOnTADLES. A ear of California celery Is exported to arrive on the matket t > lay and Iwo inoru cars mo reported on the road. Quotations : IOTATOKS On track , car lots , choice stock , 2SST30C ; small lots from sloie , 30U.)3c. ) ONIONS I'er bu. . J3ffSOe ; Imported Spanish crate , COfiG5c ; home grown Spanish , per bbl. . (1.60 ; 3 to 6-bbl. lols. ( I 35. UKAN Hantl-pleked navy , per bu. , J1.fi57fl.75. mvEUT POTATO KS Choice stock , $2.23 per bbl. bbl.CAUI1AOK CAUI1AOK On eiders , crated , per 100 Ibs. , (1.00 t.25. CK1.KUY I-'nnry larce Colorado , CnflCOc ; choice stock , large No. 1 , 40f45c ; largo No. 2 , 35c ; small , 25 < fZiOr : . LIMA HKANS-Per Ib. . 6c. WATEU CHRSS Per IC-nt. case , Sl.COffl.7S. FUUITiJ. The Tlinnksglvlni ; trade In the line of fruits was about the dullest ever experienced by the trade. There did not seem to bo liny demand either from the country or city. At the same time commission merchants did not have very much to sell cx'cept apples and Malaga grapes In the way of fresh fruit. K. H. Skelley of Illverslde , Cal. , sends the fol lowing ( o Itia.-irh & Co. ; The scare tv of rintigis , resulilng from the shoilnue In Die Ktorlda crop , Is causing a demand for Ihe California fruit for unusually early shipment , and some pakers are preparing to begin shipping nt once , nolwlth- stnndlnR the fact that Itlverslde navel oranges ( the eatllest variety we have ) will Jiot bo any thing like ripe before February 1. They arc col oring up sinu-wbat sooner lhan usual , so thai by December 15 n few carloads may be found which are fairly yellow , hut tiugh , woody , nnd but for the acid , tasteless. The same icmarkH will apply to seedlings. The navel orange crop nt Itlverslda Is large this senson , which should have thu effecl ot causing Ibo frull to run Mnallcr In size than last season. The California orange crop Is generally believed to be one-fouith larger than that of last year , or abcut 3.000 , OW boxes In all. Tho- critical time here , as regards frost. Is between December 20 and January 10. If the orange Wop escapt-s Injury from freezing up 'to January 13. It Is safe to say 11 will e'scapo ulto- gcthi-r. Quutnllons : ( JALiroilNIA QITJNCRS None. OIIKUO.V I'EAUS 1'er case. (2.23. CIlANHEHllIKS Jersey , (8.60 ; Cnpe Cod , J9. 7HALAGA OKAPKS-l'er 60-lb. bbl. , ( C ; per CS lo 70 Ibs. gross. (7. KASTHUN C1UAPKS No shipping slock. APPLHS JonnllmnB. (3.25CT3.50 ; choice ship ping slock. Hen Dax'ls , Genlton , Wlncsap , etc. , bbls. , (2.23'52.50 ' ; cooking apples , (2.23(82.50 ( ; Cali fornia apples , per box , (1.50. TKOPICAL L'HUITS. GUANOES .Mexicans , per box , ( J.OOS4.50 ; Ja- malcas , practically none. LICMONS California , per box , (1.604.7u > ; Mes- slnas. size 3i , (4.60 ; size 300 , 55.0) . II ANANAS Choice large slock , pej bunch , (2.00 22.25 : medium sized hunches. (1.75. DHESSKD SIEATS. IIEEF Light western steers. 400 to GOO Ibs. . 4V- , flic ; good cows und helfura , 4if5c ; medium cows and holfera , 4U@4 c ; good foiequartt-rs cuWd nnd hclfriv , 3V4S'4c ' ; good hlndquailers cows and helfcri , G45J7i. ! ; fair hindquarters cows and heifers , c ; cuw rounds , 6c ; cow chucks , 3H3Vic ; steer chucks. 3HZT4S : beer tenderlulna , fresh , ICc ; beef rolls , boneless , SVjr ; sirloin butts , boncle a , S c ; loin backs , bancle&s , Sl c ; loin b.icks , Ci4c ; cow ribs , N6. 3. C',4c ; cow loins , No. 3 , 7 'C ; t-teer ribs , 7i c ; steer loins , 9c , MUTTON Dressed mutton , 5 ? c ; rucks , Sfcc ! , legs , 7c : baddies , 7ci .Mows , 2VjC. rOHK Pork loins , C'/te ' ; spire rlbp. 6c ; park'rs. 6c : pork tbouldeis , skinned , I. lie ; tenderloins , 13e ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per floz. , S5c. U M.AI.L.UW. . . . . 1IIDBS No 1 , green ludm , 4iac ; No. 2 hldeu , 3iio ! ; No. 1 green salted hides , 5'X.c ; No. 2 KU-i-ii salted hides , 4'ic ; No. 2 green sailed hides. 25 lo 40 Ibs. , 4'-e. ; No. 2 green falltd hides. 23 lo salted hides , Oc : part cu.ied hides , ! : c per Ib. than fully cured. . PELTS Green Baited , each 238COC ; creen called shearlings ( short.vooioj carl skins ) , each ICc ; dry tlieulllnss ( short waoli early fklns ) . No. , 1 , -each , , , , lOc ; - , dry BhearllnE > ( short wooled c.irly skins ) . No. I. eucn. 6c ; dry flint ICunsan nnd Nebraiua butcher wool uelH , per Ib. . actual weight , COCc ; dry Him Kansas and Nebraska Murrain wool pells , ptr Ib. . actual weliilit , 4JTic ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , nclual weight , 45(6Hc , dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4ii5c ; dry pleeca and bucks , actual JUSCELIJINEOUB. OVSTinS--lf [ > lluini . ISc ; bonestioei , tOc ; extra slanilirds , 23e ; xiia selects , 23o ; llrsnch & Co. fleets. S7c : New Yotk counlt , : oc ; stunuard bulk , u r cal. , 11.10 , ClUiil-l'ui * Juice , per half Ib ] . , | 2.tM ; per it ; . , n.eo , SAJKIl KHAUT-IVr bbl. . I3.J3. l.Rlf bbl. . U. MAI'I.B HVniJP nve. nl. cans , c.iell. t2.7Ji i' ' r o i. , US ; U-fi l. cans , i6.29j ( juart cans , l-'IUB-NtTr iiop , CnllfornU , 13-11) . bones , | itr Ib. , lie ; common California flfs , 60-lb. boxes , 6oj Imported fancy , JO-lb. boxes , ISc ; choice , 10- Ib. ixr . 12c. PATHS Persian. CO-lb. boxes , per Ib. , EUc ; fards. 10-lb. t > exes , per Ib. , sc. MAPLK PfOAn Choice , per Ib. , ! > fHOc. rnRsrnvrai AMorti-a. so-ib. rails , each ti.40. roroANt'TS rer in" . J5. Nt'TS Almonds , California , per Ib. , m dlum size , lOc ; Tarrnponn almond" , per 1b. , Lirce , 13c ; llruxll' . per In. , fc ; T7nRll ! > h walnut * , per Ib. , fancy * oft shell , ISHUUc ; stnnJsnls , UUlUljC ; tlltwrt' . per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished medium. lOc ; IfirRe , IJcj peanuts , raw , B'ic ; rousted , 7M 7Hc ; chestnuts , ISr ; hlckor- nuts , small , per bu. , tl.75 ; black walnuts , per Imrrel , J2.00 ; cocoa * nuts , Cc ; cocoanuts. per 100 , (4.50. Liverpool Mnrki-li. LIVnni'OOL , Nov. . WIIKAT Spot , steady ; oVmntid modctnle ; No. S Til winter. 52d ; No. 2 nil spring , stocks cxhnmted ; No. 1 hard. Mani toba. 5s Id : No. 1 Cnllf.rnla. 5s 3d. Tulures opened firm nl unchanRetl prices , but later srenRthened nnd closed firm , with November itd higher nml other months ' , i1 hlRher ; business about equally distributed ; November , ts JVirf ; December. f,9 ! ' d ; January. Cs 3d ; IVbruary. 5s 3' ' d ; March , 5s 4',4d ; April. 5s 4M. COUN Spot , stendy : Atn-rlrnn mixed , 3s 4'ld. Futures opened sic-mly nt unchanged prtiTJi ; closeil vltaily with near and distant positions unchanKM to 'id lower ; , business heaviest on middle ! tlons ; November. 3s SV1 ; December. 3s 3 1 ; January , Ss 2'id ; Kebiuary , 5s 2V41 ; Mnrch. 3s 2'4d ; April , 3s 2Jd. KlXll'lt Steady ; demnnd moderate ; St. Louis Tnncy winter. 7s. PHOVISIONS Ilacnn. quiet : detnnnd moderate ; Cumlierhiml rut. 2S to So Ihs. , 31s ; short ribs , 28 llrt. , J2n ; lonir clear , light. 3S to 45 lhs. . 28s Cd ; lanjr clear , heavy , 65 Ibs. . 27s W ; short clear b.icks , light , IS Ibs. , 2Ss ; short clear middles , heavy , K Ibs. , 27s ; clear bellies , 14 to K Ihs. , 31s. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 33s. Hams , Rhort cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 41s. Tallow , tine North American , nominal. Ileef , extra India mess. r."sil ; prime mess , C7s fi < l. Pork prime mess , line western , Ms 9d ; western medium , 4f.s 3d. Lard , dull ; prlmo weslern , 27 9d ; rrllned , In palls. 2 ! > s fid. ( MIIJI2S413 Quiet but sternly : demand moderate ; finest American , white. 4I < ; finest American , col ored , 45 . llfTTKll-l-'Inmt UnlleJ Slates , Ks ; BMd. COS. Tt'liriNTINK-Splrlls : , 20 3d. 11OS4IN Common. 4s 7'4d. COTTONHii-i : : ) 011-Lherpool rcflned , 17 3,1. 1.INHHHI ) Ollr-20s Cd. PKTIIOLKI'M Itellned. f , < \ . HMKItlOKUATOIl linni' ' Korequnrlcrs , 5'4d : lilndnunrterti. fiTd. ( , JILI2ACUINO I'OWDHIl Hanlwood , f. o. b. . Llvertniol , I" . HOI'S At (1'ncinc coast ) , 2 10s. HI SCRIPTS When ! , three dnys , 83.001 centals , Includlm ; f.S.tioO centiil.s American ; American corn , 105.BO ) centals. Weathir warm and ehowery. St. Loiiln Gi-iicrnl Mnrkcl. ST. LOt'lH , Nov. 20. KLOril Dull nnd easier , owing to the decline In wheat ; patents , J3.10ij3.20 ; uxtra fane ) , J2.00ij3.00 ; fancy , > 2.CJ5f2.70. \VHKAT-A slronRer feellm ; developed nt the opening on hlfiher cnbles nnd Ihe bulls bad It their own wny all day , the market rloslni ; at nn advance of } jMlSc over tbi > final llcures of Wednesday ; No. 2 nil , cash , C3c ; December , 56ff DOJc ; Mny. ClBCl ( ic. COUN Strong nnd hlRher , dim to the ndvn.-ice In wheat , under unfavorable wealher , pmall rc- eelplH and political news from ICurope , the clntse. belnif ' .WHO al > eve Wedmsday's closing : No. 2 mixed , cnih. 24 > Jc ; December , 24Hc ; January , 21Vte : Mny , 2llc. OATS Firm and nctlve for futures , ftpot Krniles quiet , steady ; No. 2 , cash , 177lc ; December , ISc ; May , 20V4Q. JIY13 Dull ; none offered on cull , where 33o was bid. 1IIIAN OfTerliiRS mnu'i ; demnnd light , though one bid of 4Rc made for east Hack. KLAX SHKIV-I-'irm. 87140. TIMOTHY Hl-ii ) S3.00$73.CO. HAY Ac-live ; Btronu nnJ hlRher : prairie , jr.r.0iff 10.00. llt'TTnil Quiet ; fnncy Inblc j-radeB. lilRher ; ceparutor creamery , 21i"22e ; fancy Klgln , 23c ; KOOS Klrin. 1SV5C WHISKY J1.22. LIIAD HtronR1 and In demand ; twenty cars chemical sold nt J3.03 nnd t.1 bIJ for otlivr descilp- tlons. Speller. * higher , wllh better demand : two cam s.ild nt J3.17U. und 150 tons nt $3.22' : . . I'HOVISIQNS 1'ork , r.tandard mep.s. " JobblriB , J8.2r fi8.27V4. Lard , prime steam. t < > .20 : cho'ce. J5.50. lliicon. boxed shoulders , J'l.fiO : IPIIRS , J3.12'i.i ' ribJ3J3 ; BhnilK , J3.37UDry salt meats , bo\e"d shouldeis , J4.S7'i ; IOIIRH , T4.73 ; ribs , J4.S7" . ; shorts. J3.12'i. HIK'KIl'TS I'lour. 3,000 bbls.j wheat. 31,00) bu. ; corn. 44.COIm. ) . ; oats , G 1,000 bu. SHII'MHNTS Klour , 3.01)0 ) bblH. ; wheat , 7,00) ) bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ; nuls , 2,000 bu. coir < - .iiin-u i. NKW YOIIIC , Nov. 20. COPFMn-Options opened b.irely steady nt 10fj2i ) points de cline , ruled falily uetlvc nnd wtal ; under local pressure , followlne weak Brazil m-ws and lower spot coffee market , rallying partially , but closlnii at the lowest point ; closed barely sleady nt a net decllno of 10T/20 points ; sales. 21,750 bans. Spot coffee , Hlo , dull ; Vic lower ; No. 7. J17.73 ; mild , dull nnd easier : Cordova , J18.00S1S.30 ; sales , 3 * ) biiKs Hlo. No. 7 , nt $13.75. nnd 100 bac * spot jit 414.75 : 000 bans Mnnicnlbo , p. t. ; warehouse de liveries from New York yesterday. 11,803 II.IBS ; Now York stock today. 258.BSD baR * : United Slates Hock , 35QC ! > 7 bai.M ; nlloat for the I'nli'ed Slate ? , 189,000 baRs ; totnl visible for the United Stales , 41V.C97 lags , airalnsl 431,831 bags last year. SANTOS , Nov. 2.1. Quiet : KDod nvernirc Santos , 15 ; reci-lplH. IS.OflO boss ; stoe | ; 414.1W ) baBH. IIAMItl'HO. Nov. 20.-Qulet nnd unchanged ; Hales. 11.000 IHIRS. HAVHU. Nov. 20. Opened steady , unchanged to ' .if decline ; nt noon , Hf decllno ; nt 3 p. in. , steady , Hf net decline ; closed quiet nt V > GHif net decline ; sales. 51,000 bntts. 11IO DH .IAN121HO. Nov. 23. Dull ; No. 7 Hlo. J13.95 ; exehnmje , 97-10d : cleared for thn United SlaleH , l.O-JO bags ; for Htirope. 3,000 bags ; slock , 206.000 bass ; recelpls , 13,00i ) bags. Sim I'rinic-lsco jMlnliiK QliotlllloiiM. SAN KUANC1SCO. Nov.- " . ) . The omclal clonlni ; anolnllons for niltiln ? Block 4 tu J iy wera at fol- lowa : Alia 17 .TllHtlCO (1 AInlmCuii 1 KentnekvCon n AiuleH 'JO Ladv WilHti. Con. . I Ilolchcr 1M4 Mexican 4(1 ( llOHtJfc Helcher. . . . fiS Mono 10 IlloduCon un Mount Diablo 1.1 Itniliou il Occidental Con. . . . 7(1 ( Caledonia 7 Ophlr. Kir Ohallcuve Con 2a Overman 11 Chollar -Mi I'otosl 01 Coullilenei : 7. , Snvniro 4:1 : Con. ( Jill .V Va 223 Scorpion < a Con. Imix-rlal U Sierra NavitiU 04 Crown Point ' 'f Sliver Knur at ) I'XclK-qui-r 7 Union Con oil Rould .V CumHI ) IJIahL'on n Hnle.v Koioroas. . lor , Yellow Jacket. . . 21 Julia it Silver bars. (17Wc. Mexicin dolbir , OUjK.'i.'ic. b , HtitniJ ! c : loleiraiinlo. 02. Cotton NiW OHLUANS , Nov. 29. COTTON-Qulet ; middling. 8 5-IGc ; low middling , li 1-ICc ; good or- dlnnry , 7ie ; net iccelpls , 10.076 bales : Rros , 11.331 bales ; expuitH to France , 1,069 bales ; nale , 3,000 bales ; Block , 372,37 $ b.ilej. NGW YOHK , Nov. 29. COTTON Hull ; mid dling , Siic ; nut reeelpla , 800 bait-it ; gross , 7.CM bales ; exporls lo Great llrllnln , 4 , ! > C'.i balen ; to thn continent. 3,517 bales ; forwarded , 3,518 bales ; sales , 1,075 bales ; spinners , 175 b.ilcs ; Muck , 182.50' ' ) hnloti. Futures closed meiidy : K.iles , 1S7.50) bales ; January. J8.39 ; I-'cbruury. 8.44 ; March. J8.43 ; April , (8.53 ; May. 18.57 : June , S8.CQ ; July , J8.C1 ; AiiKUBt , 18.62 ; Oelober , JS.13 ; November , nominal ; December , { 8.1(5. ST. LOl'IS , Nov. 29. COTTON Klrm ; mid dling , 8 fJ-ICo ; fates. 200 bales ; rcrelplx , 5,257 balee ; shipments , 5,237 balca ; Hock , 50,735 bales. \ < w York MlnliiK lnolntloiiN. NEW YOHK. Nov. „ ' ! ) . Tlu following arJ tha cloalu ? mtiilriff quotations ! liulwer it Onhlr 100 Con. Cal. A. Va 210 Plymouth 25 Di-adwood 70 QiilcitHllvur ' 'HO Gould X Curry 'J.1 ! OnlckBllvor iifd. . . . 1050 llahiiV Noreroas. . 11)1) ) hlerra NiivauiiJO Honiebtaku 20(10 ( Mandard Ifil ) Iron Silver ' . ' ( ) Union Con CO Mexican 40 Yellow JaeKet ' . ' 4 Ontario BOO asked , I't-orlu .lliirlictN. PEOniA , Nov. 23. CORN-Miuket Blendy : new No. 2. 27ic ! ; new No , 3 , 27c. OATS-Market steady ; No , 2 white , 19'lc ; No. 3 white , 17ltftl7iic. HYK Maikel dull , nominal. WHISKY Market steady ; finished goods on the basin nf JI.22 far high wines * UUCnilTS Corn. C5.250 bu. ; oats , 47,000 bu.j rye. 600 bu. ; wheat , 3,1.0) liu. HlIII'MiNTrt : Com , 22.500 bu.j oats , C5.000 bu.j rye , 4,200 bu , ; whisky , 784 gals. ; wheat , C.COO bu. l IMOIOM. BOSTON. Nov. 20-CIearliigs , (10,802,5:1 ; bal ances , C,023tJ4S ! , HALTIMOllH. Nov. 29. Clearliib'H , (2.245.09S , balances , (2SO.W , NK\V YOUIC , Nov. 29. Clearings , (111,248,817 , ; balances , (5.2W.SOI. PHILADKLPHIA , Nov , M.-Clcarlngs , (1J.C03 , . 637 ; baluncea. (1,010,940 , 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 29. Clearings , (3.0:7.007 ; bal. nncea. (498,2aiJ. Money , 5B7 per cent. New York exchange. 2Sc premluni bid. CIIICACJO , Nov. 29-Clearlngs , ( I9OS1. ( ) . ' Mcney , etcady at CliC'.i per ( t-nt on call ; 6Cli ( 'l > * r cent for commercial paper. TSVw York exchange - change , 7Jo premium. SterlliiK , potiu.1 rates , JI.W on demand und (4.69 for elxty days. WASIIINtlTON , Nov. 29. Today's statement of the condition of the treasury bhow * ; Available - able cabh balance , (179,015.129 ; gold rreerve. (81- CSJ.fSS. The treasury today lo t (1,230,000 tn gold for export , which leaves the true amount ot tlie gold rberve (79.330.355. KiirelK" Fliiiuii'lnl A IT u Irs , DEIH-IN. Nov. V ) . Kxchange on London , eight days' klL-lit. 20 marks 461j pig , PAItia , Nov. , Three | r cent rentes , IMf tl''fo ' for the account , Exchange on London , (3f IJlJu for checks. LONDON. Nov. 19. 7ho smount of bullion withdrawn from tlio Hank cf England on balanop Icduy wuc 119,000. Gold Is auotfd ut lluenos Ayu-s today ut 2U ; Madrid , 17.C ! ; Lisbon , 0 ; St. JVtenbure , CO ; Athens , TI ; Home , 107.12 ! * ; Vienna , 103. Bwl TAT Crops Being Held Baei in Hopes of Higher nPnccs. IRON MARKET S DECIDEDLY WEAKER Snip * nf Wont , I.nrurly Spi-onlntlvr , ArtLnrKcr "Vlinn lit Cor- rpxpomllnir M n-U * of I'rc- ' * % IOII'M vi-nr.H. XE\V YOKK. Nov. IO.-U. Q. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Kevlew of Trade , which Issues to morrow , will snyi IJtislncss lias not Im proved , though there Is very little change except In the slirlnknRe of price ? , which n period of Inaction nnturally causes. After the extraordinary buying of tlie summer nnd early fall a marked decrease was In evitable. nnd It Is yet too early In most brandies of business to JudRe how far the future wns anticipated In purchases , llctalt stocks are still reported rti'.l In nearly all brunches- , with delayed distribution In mnny. on iiccoiint of unfavorable weather. The movement of crops Js only fair , both cotton and wheat belns largely kept back In th hope of higher prices , and there Is n prev alent feeling that foreign Imports -will fa'.l erf. The woolen business makes scarcely tiny gain , although clay worsteds arc largely sold nt the advanced prices recently mmle , nml some dress Bonds and overcoat ings nt prices partly higher nnd partly IOW'IT , The wales ot wool , which to n large extent , tepresent speculation nnd supplies for the future rather than present con sumption , have been nt the three chief markets during the past four weeks L'UK.IOTi pounds , ngnlnst lfi.129,100 lust year , and 24.S7I.S21 In 1MU , und 21.137.0'W ' In Ihe Fame week of 1832. The Iron market Is decidedly weaker asnln. nnd while lli-jfemer plK bus dirtlnnl tn (12.85 at 1'lttn buiB and ereforse to (12 ( 2:1 , nnd plates to (1'J at Philadelphia , m that nveraRC of ciuotn- llons Is about ! i per cent lower than last week. the market * are really intirh weaker than the quotations , ns culicolon ntc generally ulven bj manufac urets In order to nccuie business. . \ shaip decline Is noted In barbed wire , attributed to the failure to complete nn cxpecled conibltui. tlon. The bar linn unoclatlon urn ! the two null nssoclnllons refuse to reduce prices of their products. nllhoilKh the demand 1ms been surprls- IriRly reduced alnce the Renerul adx'nnce two or three montlia ago , nnJ there were rumors In Ihe innlket that una cf the great combines bad Kone to pieces because of untie ! Helling by nu-mbers. The coke combination holds prices firmly , but It lias been obliged to retiucu lln output to live days In the week , no that a decline of 10,350 tons fir the week Is recorded. OITerlnRs of "copper are less urgent at 11 eentp for lake , but tin IK weaker nt (14.23 , because of heavy biipplles , while lend la n shade stronger nt (3.37. The western receipts of wheat continue larger than last > ear. Vor the wefk , 4.r > 05,2)l bushels , ngnlnst .1.603. 4HI huphcls n > ear ago , and for four weeks of November , 2-J.Snj.321 bus'icls , against l.'i.SSO.OTS busbelH lart year. AH before. Allantle exporls ale relatively rmall , nnd for fcurvr < * kr have been only S.2 > ' > 7,10C bushels. Hour Includi-d. ngalnst 0,742. 43" bushels laft year. It Is evident Hint with such movemcnis higher pi lees con baldly be expected , nor can the exchange situ ation be favorably nffected. During the past Week failures have been 271' In tin ; t'nlted Slates , against 2 < 0 last > ear and 47 In Canada , against CO lust year. WISIiMC'S CI.KAHItfr. IKMISI. : TOTALS. iit" of Itiinliit-NS TrniiMiu-leil liy tic AH NIJW YOIIK , Nov. ' 29. The folIowIriB table , compiled by UrndElreel'M ; ' shown the total cleui- imccK nt the principal elites nnd the percentage of Increase or decrease , ns compared wllh the cor responding wcelc la t.jwr : CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York . ( 470,046.802 S. ' ChlcitRO : . . C.H58.320 " O.I Itiston .Y.I "sis Philadelphia : . . . 00,370 , 14.4 St. LouU ' , . . 18.551,053 1.0 13.9 Ilaltlmore . ' . . . . . . > . . 4.S PIltbubrK 13.371.W7 On u. n Clnelrinatl , . , . " 10.701 , 730 u.s.s Kansas , City ' - . . . 10nr > ! ) , S13 51.2 New Orleans . " * , ' , ' , 10,149,335 2.S ItuffalA r..pi 3,801.012 , 9.D : v ' ' ' 10. : ; iciroit . . . . . . . . , " . ! , , . { ' ! . 8.1 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . .I. : . ' } : ' 11.4 MlnneaiMlls J. . . 7 , ! ' 04. 1,7 13. Si OMAHA 2.D50 C93 11.5 : Providence J. . . 5,133,200 Clevt'laud 5,704,243 llouslrn ; . . St. I'a ul 5.120.090 Denver i 2.340,176 1S.1I Indianapolis 24.4 ! ttduinhus , O 3.233.2SO 11.2 Ilnrtfoid 1,807.243 51.2 HlchmoiKl 2.0S7.S32 20.2 1,4,10,376 2.1 Davenport 1.017,610 Dallas 2.9S4.U31 St. Joseph 1,194,090 ic.s 1'eorla 1,775.917 Mtrniphl- i.151,195 II.f Portland , Ore 96.1.SM ( 14.8 Hochei'ter 1,272.463 i.c New Haven 1.210.0110 18.0 Savannah . , 3,012.618 , J.Ol Springfield , Mass , . . . ; . . . J,2 < 4.7Gi 11.21 Worcester 1.203,308 24.4 Portland , Me 1.02S.6S3 2.0 Atlaifn 1,214,704 6.1 Kort Wortti . ; . . , 1.137,2S3 | Waco . - . . . 2.037.9SS Syiacuse SC7,43i ! 27.5 DfH Molne . . , , J59 13.4 ! ! Hi a ml ItHplds . . ' . Seattle 45c52ii ! : 10 Salt Lake 1.C26.537J 2.0 511,785 4.5 Wilmington , Del tea. 471 ' ' Ncifnllc ' 14.9 . . . . . . Klouic City 'f,22c33 ! ! Los Ant ! Taconia Lincoln New l ! Wichita lllrmlng Topeka Lexlngl Itliighni Dayton , Hay C Knll II Akron , Spring Clinton Sioux Nashville Oalveslon Helena Kcranlon Knlnmazo I lock ford Toledo AiiBuala DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal . , 12S70.941 C.0 | . Toronto 12.ill. Halifax . . . 1,871.705 18.l | . Hamilton 731.764 Winnipeg . , 1,917.3.9 2 LSJ ! _ 23,37i.493J 10.4 | . Not Included In totil. IIKTTKIl SI'KCUII.ATIVn ! > > ' Dt-i-Hlipf'lii ICxtliiiiijiianil llelli-r I-'cirliuir Aliroinl. NKW YOHK , NoJ , br-rollowlns U Brnd- utrcet'B weekly revluyjjlf the New York stock market ; Three catslir Vonlrlbuted to u. belter tpeculatlve feellntr thls'W-ek ' , wltli n partial re covery In Block prlu'i Tiiey were , giving them nroordlng to the InllUrnee they exerted , the In creased short Interest . | le ) decided decline In ex. change and compa'raUVrTy ' small gold exports , nnd the recoveiy inlWTnrelgn maiket. The two latter flrcuiimliince. iHMii ) tu have affecled the Imagination of the liiolirs who bad been selllnK Blocks for short nidiiit ilurlnt' thu premium fortnight , and In tV 'imrrow ' u speculation , In * trrrupli'd ns U wiia by the Thanksgiving holi day , tha lendency fPm-Monday ? \Vedneeday aeeniM to be strongly. l < uvurd coveilng euch con tracts. The kum 9)ltt3g iscemed to prevail on Krlilay , though the market wucry Inuellve , and for that reason Incl i-k to cug of Us own weight , without bearUli reslbtonrc , Conildcrable telling presEiiro nan noU-d In sume of the InJiiBltlals , particularly ftUKar .T/ihACCu and United Leather preferred , but Ihlg-n'Mfi'J ' to be partly for ( be purpose of fncllluAJiltf Abe purchase of other stocks. ' i On Friday tie market was tllghtly dIMurhcd by a new leca ! attuclc en another leadlnu In. duitilol Chicago ( lu the proccedlngii thU llmo taking the form ofn altempt to enjoin the Central Truit company from acting as the de- ponltory of the prenrnt certlllcales under tlio pro. posed plan of reorganization. On th whole the railway share list ha been linn and at Mine * strong. At Ihe tiiine lime Ihe market was a very narrow , jnofej-jlonal affair. The public keeps out , and the better feeling abroad , while uffcctlni ; Americana In London sympathetically , docs not pioduce foreign purclmeeu except Id cover eborte. The iiroxlinlty of the ufi lon ofcongrex and the fact that the currency and llnancen will be nccexarlly the chief > ubjectn before It , create uncertainty and tend to restrict speculative activity. There U a further dl po ltlon to await the preddenl'n annual menace and to note | li effect on congreia. The reduction nt the treasury gold reserve to well nigh ( MOuOQOO hai been partially ( iffaal br the decline In excliaptt iutr und the fact that the sold exports for the week have amounted to only (2,900,000 In place of a sum equal to the fthlumenU of last week , as was at first expected. The result appears to. be due In part to the Im provement In both the political and financial nil- uatlon aboiad , which checks lu tendency there In rail In debt balances fp tn fits nMc of the ormn. AmoiiK th IncMentK of the week wa the p pearanee of ome nctlvlty In mlnlnu * h re . pumlier of long dormant stocks of th t kind belnc nguln the objects of n certain atmnml of trmllni ; . ltnllnni.1 enrnlnRs have generally been favorable , nnd apart from the belief that hurlneti conditions , as nttVcllnir nomf of the Industrial companies , ntc not what i-ontd be de lrcnl , the news of the week bus been on the whole fairly Rood. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ isTin.lonunit.s txuxivin.i , . Incri-iiMi-il -tl\lt > lli-iirti-il | 1i > - Thorn In Ni-vprnl lilnoM , NI\V YOnK , Nov. 29. Ilradstreet's tomorrow will say : The volume of general trade shnvs n falling off , compared with the iirrrmllne week , largely mvInK to the Intervention of the Thanks- glvlmr In UJay. but In p.irt to the cmillnued ef fect of mild \\eather east nnd soulli , storms In the central west nsid the tnunl disinclination of buyers to add stx-ks during the closing month * of the yoar. AVestern Jibhfrs report nctl > lty notlceablo In clothlnK , woolen goiKls. rubbin. . shoes and holiday specialties , with snmn In- eiensed demand for coiil nnd light bnnl\\an- . ( leneral trade remains iinehnnKeil nt the snnih , wlili mrrrantllo ridlectlccis In s.nno Inslanrrs Im * pr.ivlnp. The lindency of coinn Is to move slonly , and the movement of nipfehandliie Is smaller than In October. On the I'aclllo const n smaller volume of bus- ltuIs reporKvl from Sun Kranelseo. with ship ments east of wheat , which strengthened the local ginln malkrt. CVmslderable merchandlje continues to go ta Alaska from feattle. nnd nt Portland complaints are made that the passen ger rate wnr N-tween that city and San Trim- Cisco threatens tn hurt local trade. Kxports of uhiMt , Hour Included as wheat , from both coasts of the I'nlted States and from Montreal , nmount to 2.4C'WO ( bushels , as nin- p.ired with 2U6.t ! W bushels last week , 2.G17.000 bushels In corresponding vu-ck n yenr ag > i , 2,410.000 bushels two > i-ars ago , nnd 4,633.000 bushels In the same Week three years ago. Thorn were 2SS business failure * reported throughout the t'nllfj Slnles this week , n notice- nblo falling off from the total one week before , 323 , nnd even when compared wllh HIP tJtal one year ngo. 3-17. In the last week of November. 1W , there were 298 failures , and In Ihe cor responding week of 1EI2 , the total wns 26S. STOCKS AM ) 1IOMIS. li-1-fKiilin-H.v WIIN tlir CIilcT -iitnrr of Vi-NU-rilny'M Stuck SiiiM-iilntlon. Nl.\V YOUIC. Nov. 29. Irregularity was Ihe chief fen me of today's stock speculation. The Volume of business was somewhat lighter than on Wednesday and the distribution of traii'actlons. which were almost entirely professional In char acter , was \ery narrow. forged to the front as the leader of the market , b > th In point uf activity and strength. Tobacco came next In extent of finding , followed by Chicago U.u , HI. Paul , Weslein Vnlon mid llurllngton. In only one Flock llock Island did tie ! business come anywhere near the 10,000 shale limit. Prices moved shaiply and In an eiralic fashion , but ns a , result uf the day's opciallons only one nctho slock Susar left off at u noicworthy gain. The lost closed nenr the best of the day , and at n net advance of 15 > per cent. Tne was chiefly due to covering of short contracts on favorable news from Insiders as to the statistical position of the American Sugar Itellnlng company nnd to anticipation of the Impending declaration uf the regular quarterly dividends. Tnc. Industrials , as a mailer of fact , completely overshadowed lhv general llsl In point of nctlvlly , American To bacco sold off nearly 1 per cent on inldlng by the bears , but milled to .vlthln n fraclluii of the closing on Wednesday nnd wound up ut an extreme net decline of ! ' , & per cent. The IIR- gresslon of the tindeis was credited to the le- l rt that HIP Aniprlc.ui Tobacco was ttlll losing money heavily desplle the advance In Us plug lohacco to a figure not absolutely rujiious , as herelofore , In Ihe fight with the outside inanii- faclureis. Chicago lias dropped 1 per cent on news of new proceedings to restrain Ihe consol idation of the various propeitles , but tallied sub sequently to within Vi per cent of the opening Hgurc and left off nt u net loss of u small fraction. The general market opened fairly active and steady for Ihe railroads , while Ihe Industrials , as noled. were quickly subjecled to effective ham mering , l-'ri'fli liquidation luoke out In Leather prefeired , causing an early drop of u point. Later on an additional lots of " per cent oc curred. Coverlutr late in the day caused a rally of 1 per cent fiom the exlreme low figure , but the llnal sale showed n net decline of per cent. The weakness was due to a icpotted cut of 4c per Ib. Ill belting. After tlie tlrst hour the market ex hibited n lallylng tendency , wiileh was In tunt cheeked by the publication of thu llurllngton's statement for October , showing u disappoint ingly small Increase In net earnings. This caused a. loss of a point In the sock ; to S3 , and quenlly It touched S2'H. ' The do-dug was prac tically nt the lowest and sluwed a net decline of 1 per cenl. On the other band. Sugar was ad vanced from S8i to lOOVs. The engagements of gold for shipment tomorrow , aggregating , up to the cluse of business. (1.730.000. ( l.oiJO.OOO in bats and (7SO. Ofl In coin , were much lighter lhan b.icl licen cxpecled. Quite late In the day n somewhat easier lundency In exchange rates was explained by the nuns of the. salu of (1.000,000 of exchange against Georgia Central bonds for foreign nc- -ount. In Ihe lasl hour themiuket was , us a whole , Inegular and unsetlled unlll just before Ihe close , when Sugar was worked up lo 101V1 , the highest of the day. Tim granger/ ! were wrnk , with the exception of St. Paul , which eloped nl 70 , Die high point , on Ihe publication of the com pany s October slatemenl , B.iowlnsr an Increase ; Ingress gross earnings of 1S60.0S2 , and an Increase In net earnings of JCC9.H54. The market ended Irregular. The net loss leferred to wns In Manhattan rail way , which finished 1 per cent lower. The bond market was as a rule slronger today. The trail ! ! , actions In governments reached (4S.500 , Including { 40,000 new 4s coupon of 1825 nt 121 and ( S.900 U-K- Islered 4s of lSd7 ut 111 % . In silver cerllflcateg (20.000 were dealt In at G7'.4. The Evening Posl'a London financial cablegram says : Th < < sleek markets were Idle and fealure. IMS today , with rather nn easier tone. The closing was dull. Americans were neglected arid Irregular , closing weak , except for Delivers. Opinions heie still favor further lietvy gold ship ments from America lo Kurrpe. Of Hie Increase of 1,0t ,000 in the coin and hullon In the Hank of Bnuland this week , 17711,000 was gold Imported ind Ihe rest came from Internal circulation. The details of the gold movement for the week tire : C873.000 In I'nlled Klntcs coin and bar gold IwugM : 57,0)0 bar gold bought ; 0,010 imported from Paris and 10).000 ) exported to the Cupe and 80.000 to a declination not pla-ed. Tin- Paris iHiurse cpened llrm. but eloped weaker. The Paris jcttlement begins tomorrow. The IJeilln maikets eUsed under the best after a firm opening. The following were the closing quotailons on Ihe leading slocks of the New York cxchance today : bid. I om-nHl. The lolul sales nf slocks today were -13,010 idiarcj , Including : American Sugar. 60.8')0 ' ) ; Amer ican Tobacco , 38.700 ; Atchlson , 3,10) ; llurllngton , 13.0JO , ' Chicago < las , 20,7V ) ; Hock Island , C.tirul ; St. Paul , 17,400 ; silver certllle.ites , 20.0)0 ; 1'nlted States Leather piuferrfd , 10,000 ; Wittcm Union , 15W4. _ _ \i-iv York Moiu-y .Mnrkrt , NKW YOIIK , Nov. 2J.-11ONMV ON CALL nnsy at 2fT3 per cent ; lust loan , 2 per cent ; cloml.'fCli per cent. PUIMi : MUIICANTILK I'AI'in-3lQ3 tier cent. KTIIULINO n.vrilANOK-Oull. with actual biiHlness In bankem' bills at ( I.Siil.S'J'i ' for de mand and (4. WEN. 88 for sixty days ; posted lateo ,'.iWI.W ; cammeicbil blllH , , , , 1IAU SILVMH Slc. OOVKIINMKNT HONDH-Hleady ; tate bonds , Innetlvc ; railroad l > ondK , firmer , Cloning quotations on bonds were na follows ; Dry ( Joixlii .Market , NEW YOIIK , Nov. 23. The market has been txctedlngly quiet In all departments of trade , and aside fiom fur urdlngi on old tuduris. the new sales were unimportant In any respect , I'rtntlne clatlm very dull at unchaoned rales. FALL ItlVKIt , Nov , * ' ) . J'rlnt cfotlis dull at OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Conditions in tlio Ofittlo Trade Very Satis factory to Sellers , LIBCRAL RECEIPTS MEET GOOD DEMAND At'tlvo llu lm < * nt Stcnilj' t i StroiiM. I'rli-ri tin AH ( trniU-w 1I K * I'lcntnml lllnluT I uilor Nov. . IJecelptp nml shipments for the past twenty-four hours , ns compared with the previous slx'tlays , nrt ns follows : IIKCUII'TS. Cattle. Hos . Sheep. Horses. November : ? 220 1.100 . . . . 17 November 3,700 M.31I November 8,015 November l.lliS i.rvtr. November 2.1 . . . J.SW November : : r.nio C..MW 201 Novcmbr 21 1,010 fi.y ; roe Stlll'MHNTS. Cuttle. HOKA Sheep. Horses. November 1.091 42 November 2rt 1,2'JS ' ' November 23 40- 1.9S ) . 28 November Kl -Kit i.S'-'j HO November 22 1.2111 478 November 21. 1.2HJ . November 20 . 1.7J 1,393 . CATThlJ Mbernl recelnto. irood demnnd and u consequent active market was , In brief , the situation In the cattle yards this morning. The market n a whole wns active nnd generally satisfactory from n seller's point of view. Quite n few dressed beef Htccrs were offer , d for sale , thouuh there were not many of them that could be called good. The market wns JtiM about sli-ady with Wednes day's market , there being no change of any consequence In values. About twenty-live loads of cows and heif ers were offered on Hi ? market nnd met with prompt sale. The demnnd on the part of local killers wns good , nnd they were not long In clearing up the pens at stiong prices. lu the stoekor nnd feeder division the cuttle mi't with n fairly good reception nl the hands of buyers. The deslrnble light entile cold nt strong pi-Ires , nnd were In active demand. The ICSH deslrnble stuff did not move off quite so freely , nnd nt no moro than steady prices , llepresentntlvo sales : IIKKV STKKllS. Av. IT. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. . 770 J2 GO I. .IHO 3.1 R7.No. . . . . ! $3 IM .1070 300 1. . .I050 3 35 R7. .IMS a 62 > 4 3 00 21. . .11.SS S 33 .13-15 3 03 . . S70 .1 00 . . iisij a- : , .1(00 ( 3 ! H ) . .1020 300 . .110,3 a3 40 .1112 4 0) ) . . 980 3 2" > 10. . .104 ! ) 345 is. .143S 4 05 . .1138 3 30 cows. , . 900 1 50 4. . , ( .02 . 2 ' 2..1010 2 SOno , . 700 1 50 0. . .1101 ; 2 : 9. . no , . S30 I 50 ] . . . S30 2 ! i. . . 920 noM noM , . S73 1 00 1. . .1110 2 : 20. . , . S97 M . .11SO 1 75 ' , .1035 2 ! 3. . , .1033 nero , . 1)30 1 75 ! ! , .1033 2 1. . , .nr.o . ro , .1085 1 73 i. . 11. . , .nw > roM . .1010 1 75 i. . . 9SO S. . ' K- . . 950 1 75 i. . , .1130 14. . I'.IOOS KM . .1000 1 75 10. . , .1093 8. . 00 . . 770 1 85 i. . , .1030 2 35 1 ! ssi 00 . . 9SI i r- ) n. . .10IH " , . 9S3 CO . . 730 1 90 ] . . , .1210 To 50. . . . 1173 05 2 ( K ) i. . , .1210 40 1. . , .116. ) 05 ! ! l020 2 00 i. . .11115 10 4. . . . 955 05C5 ' ' 200 13. . . 9u ; 10 4. . , .1212 C5 . . ! UO 2 00 1 ! ) . . . 932 40 17. . . .1036 05 . .IftfiO 2 00 .1115 40 4. . . S' ' > 0 70 . .1020 200 .low 40 1. . . 970 70 . . 970 2 0) , . 1D25 49 9. . , .1030 70 . . 9 < "K > 200 3. . 19 .112.1 . . SCO 2 10 1. . 40 li ! .1030 . .104S 2 10 5. . 10 11. . . S35 . . 810 2 10 ID. . 45 .1015 , .1110 2 10 < ; . . .100J 2 45 .1070 , . CSS 2 111 3. . . S9.I 2 45 . fl'.C S3 t- li > G. . . .1010 2 r.o .1218 85 1. . . . 040 2 15 1..10W 2 r.o .1350 00 IlEITOKS. ] . . . 430 2 00 . . 520 2 TO 42 ! CO 1. . . ( ! 20 2 23 . . 511' ' ) 2 25 555 CO . KO 2 25 . . 510 2 IT , 1. . . MO 00 . 690 2 25 . . MO 2 : T. 3. . . ( .00 70 . 870 . . BUI 2 31 1. . . 710 2 73 . 580 2 iio . . CIO 2 40 4. . .1077 3 25 . 580 2 20 . . 430 2 50 .1215 3 S3 . C30 2 30 . . 623 2 50 BULLS. .1020 1 SO . .1273 2 : . .105) .1320 2 00 . .124' ' ) 223 .1SW 2 EOM 2 CO . . 5SO 2 27 .143) M .1530 2 00 . .1435 .1110 50 . 710 2 00 . .1J70 2 SO .1:30 : ro .1320 2 ( ) . .1410 230 ' 60 .1150 2 II ) . .1410 2 35 . wa 60 . ( "SO 2 10 . .1090 235 .1350 65 2 10 . .1033 233 . 710 75 .1130 2 15 . .11) JO 2 40 .1(150 ( S5 .1170 . .1270 2 60 3 00 STAGS. 1. . . . EGO 2 uO STOCKURS AND FEEDERS. L. . . 790 2 M 1. . . . CSO 300 1..COO 310 2. . . . 523 250 1. . . . COO SCO 19. . . . CI3 310 > . . . . t30 2 f,0 , 7. . . . 725 300 IS. . . . 514 310 3. . . . WO 250 5. . . . C'.G 300 17..779 310 1. . . . 750 255 ! ) . . . . 070 300 4. . . . S15 310 14 , . . . 519 2 CO 25. . . . 8113 303 4..IW3 .110 C. . . . BC3 273 13. . . . 677 3 3 7..437 315 4. . . . 843 275 1..1050 303 10..SOO 315 1 , . . . 600 290 22. . . . 974 305 1..S50 320 8. . . . 737 295 1. . . . 400 310 . ) . . . . 4SC 320 20..1028 3 W 12. . . . 4W 8 10 . . . . 030 3 25 CALVES. 1 . . . 820 1 75 1. . . . 370 2 75 3. . . . 260 3 23 " . . .370 22. 1. . . . 230 273 1..300 450 L. . . 200 223 1. . . . 140 300 1. . . . 210 460 5. .343 223 1. . . . 300 300 1..110 475 1 . . . 230 230 1 370 SIM 1. . . . 2UO 500 4 . . . 290 233 7. . . . 344 300 1. . . . 120 523 1 . . . 340 250 L. . . 300 310 1..160 523 3 ' .386 265 L. . . S50 313 L. . . 230 525 4' . . . 353 263 12. . . . 315 315 1. . . , 190 525 WKSTEIINS. IDAHO. C ! . Curtwrlght. V0 Av 1'r. Na. Av. Pr. 7 hulls 125S II DO 12 COW3 1029 J2 60 3 steers 1183 250 25 sti.-e.rH 105 ? 30" ) I sleer H70 250 1 steer 1150 300 1 cow 9'JO 2 CO .1. Sutherland. 19 feeders..1133 3 15 1 feeder SOO 2 50 I COW 1180 260 2 cows 1030 300 H , W. AdnniH. 1 cow 920 250 43 cnw.1 10C2 260 Itf ft-eilpm..lO'lJ ' 3 30- 5 feeders. . . . 900 3 10 hulls 145i ) 200 2 bulls 1073 200 j bull 1010 200 0 cows 1081 213 UTAH. George Leinp. B cows 1034 175 4 sleera 1019 275 g hulls 1410 205 97 BteoiH 10J9 323 53 COWB UXX ) 2 75 It. C. Ilrownell. 41 feeders. . . . 95S 305 51 feeders. . . . 703 303 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1) . Anderson. 3 bulls 1333 200 1 Bteer 950 275 7 cows 792 2 10 2 calves 335 3 00 j bulls 1120 2 2'i 5 feeders. . . . 770 350 COLOHADO. 2 bulls 500 150 10 bulls 1021 200 11. Ileckaid. Scows 1011 200 3'J cows fC2 2 C3 W. V , Duke. 1 cow 870 270 3 feeders. . . . SKI 320 29 cows 895 270 1 feeiU-r 1030 320 1 btr , UK..1200 3 00 10 feedelB. . . . 9S"i 3 20 1 feeder 1010 a 20 26 feeders..1007 a 20 2 feeders. . . . 0 ! > 5 3 20 NKBHASICA , ICniiihe llros , 1 fleer 1230 22' , 15 steers 330 330 i steer 1050 2 23 NKW MEXICO. 1 str , tin. . . . 920 1 35 C oil , Uf..1053 235 CO cgws 723 2 15 15WYOMING. WYOMING. J. W. CliiUtninnn. 3 sir * . HB. . . 1223 250 111 feeder.10ST 3 OS C feedeij < . . . .102l 3 05 HOOS-In pplte of the fact that yesterday was a holliluy. the yards weio full of hens today. JudKlni ; fiom the size of Ihe receipts , the ciiun- try nmvt huvtf Klven more attention to loading hogs than to eallilK lurkey. The IIUKS weru Kood , tnu , there being plenty of rlKht cholcu heavy loads , with the Kent-nil average high , With lar i ! recelplH nml Clilcnuo reported 5o to lOc lower. It was hardly pustlbltto prut cut a break In prlcru ut this point. The buyem started out bidding 5c to lOc lower and fume uf Ibern un- nuunclHH thut they would have a tihiK nt I'l.SJ or tiiey would not buy any. While the maiu > t was nt no lime very nctlve , ( ho IIUKD I'.ept chant- InK buiidx sleudlly Hi 13.35 lo 53.40 , at which riinue the bulk ol ( lie lions Hold , us UKuinut J3.41) to 13.43 mi Wednesday , lleprescntatlve nalcs ; No. Av. Sh. IT. 3 410 8' ' . ) 13 30 U 270 . . . 380 1CA 295 1GO 330 3 30 3 30 3 SO 130 S 30 W 3 32 > , i 120 40 240 fc' ' ) 2 > 280 fcO 80 ICO , . . . : < J , . . . 2 _ . - , . . .250 49 :43 02 2 5 K 210 72. , 2SJ 68 2J7 CS Ml W Z3S (7 Kit i : 340 ! W 1M SM IK Ill MO S SS. . . J7S 1(1 ( SK M : < 7 . . . S 44 M 2 > V > 1M .IK . . III- , , . J 40 on. . . . . . .r4 TO SSS S ? 3K 1M ) 3ii5 SM SSS M Ml < 0 84) M * tt . . . S36 Cl * l 1W 3 40 S02 . . . S3T. 1 ! W 1301 34) W W . . . 3 M l 40 .14) 45 Z71 SOSK 70 Sl 4)14 , ) 71 1-U 40 ,1JS S ? Ill 4) S 4) M ! * Ml ) R > ! 1S S' ' ) S 4) 71 SCS . . . S3B 67 1M 1 ) 840 M Kl . . . 33S 7 SM V ) 340 71 7 < KM .IK W * s J4) < a w * i * > 3 7ii aw 40 S4) 0 31 41 3 * DO Jl ! , SO S ( ) ftW 43 3 IK 70 313 11. ) 3 40 l } 20 SO 3 JS 71 10 1W S 40 SjM 1 * ' f4 MS SO 3 4 > > K ITS 1W S SS , 77 t M 50 * 5 * 'l ' . . . 3SR 216 S > ) S ) JJ 2Sfl . . . 3K1 76 JIS M .14) 2J ! IN 3 SS M Sit 1 ) 310 f'l Sit 49 3 US W MS iM ( 341 K I" 4W SSft fll J2 | . . . 34) M4 . . . a V 4 * ) SO 340 S5 7 S 2 SS Ttl SHSO S 4) 5'1 12i' S8S 71 Ill . . . 911 ( SI Sl ! M ) 3 X r 27 < i . . . s II > l 271 . . . 3W. I 7C SIN . . . 3 4) Cl 270 . . . 3 .V 7 rt . . . 34 , > fil 501 . . . 3 SS SO 3SO 160 S 40 72 24 2iX1 3 3f. IS ? JU . . . 84) M SSK 40 3 JS | 1 MS . . . S 40 74 231 40 3 3.1 M * 4I . . . S 40 46 2ia 40 S35 2 ! SSS . . . 340 30 13.1 . . . 3 SR Oil 5iM 200 343 61 2M ICO 335 C1 SIO 120 340 S1IKH1 * There WOIP no hppp In the ynnl * tr > niakin innrkt-1. Tlir ( MilniRU Drovers' Jnuntnl snys tlmt Inillratlnni nro that plMity of 1ien\v fl l sheep lll be iimrkptiil nftcr Ihe Hist of the > eiir. Tlii rhmpiirs * of feed will liuluee fet-deit In finish thi'lr sheep l > etler than ttstinl , so tlint Iherw Is likely to be iv surplus of | IR | linivy i-heep nnd a scut-city of KIMI ! tlsht handy welcliti. Ieal denlers prefer sho-p of medium xvelRht , nnd n * most of tlie demnnd Is from this soiut-i > It looks ns If Ibis particular olnsnlll bo nt 11 piemluin during the winter months. Many of HIP blc ferdcis expect to exp.iit their sheep dl- recf , Imt sn many will Iniraity nlniut thn snniK tlnm that It Is doubtful If they can ( -et rid of moil of them this \\iiy. , It Is thoiiKht by many that the nxriaRp ucltlit of sheep this cotillllk- wlnter will bi > the beavlrst ever known , but oC course this Is only n proKtiostlentlon. CIMC.V < ; O i.ivi : .S Cut tilllnvc Sli.MMi l.lltlc . \ < -tl\lly DlirlllK' Ilii' AV < M-U , C1UCAOO. Nov. 23. An beef bad In Klvo wiiy to imullrv this week , the rnttln supply proved ample for shippers nnd dressed beef Ilrms ttoltif ? moderate liuyers of common to choicena * lUo steers t-ot them at from $3.10 to JI.S5 , wltli sales chletly nt fiom $3.73 to J4.60. A few cliolt-o Christmas rattle were leeelved inirt sab-ji were made of 102 Itrad Ihnt'nveinKiHl frum 1.1C4 In 1.17) HIK. nt from $5 to tS.20. Such nalea lire iiultn ex- ceptlonal , ns blc rattle liuvo to bo extra linn In biliiR hlh | prices , nnd even then n few lire Mitll- clent to meet nil demands. As n tide nimlU.f rather limn \\elKht Is wanted , nnd lieavy catlla lire not so salable nn medium wvlKhM. lluteheis' nml rumors' KtnIT was not any tuj plentiful nnd cow sales occurred nt from > 2 to J2.1H ) , whllo fat cows fold at from $3 to J3.60. nnd occasion , ally nt fiom * 3.7C. to > 4. Hulls sold at from tl.SO to (3.CO. and calves nt from 1.1..10 to JG. KCWOI- cattle adaptinl to the requirements of feeders bavi % licen olTercd slneo wentorn rutiK iiloek cease * ! arriving freely , and stoekerH and fei-ders lira nihiuirliiK. wiles lanKlng fioin ? l'.2."i to 13.73 , Trade In IIOKS was tlower than usual nnd fates were nt a decline of lOc from Wednesday' * flumes. Common to prime droves sold ut from J330 to 3.f,0. with stiles largely nl M.60. Inferior to choleo sheep sold nl from tt.35 to J.l.W , tb tiulk selllni ; nl from > 2 to (3 , ullh very few really choice Mocks offered. l imlii found buyers at from $3 to $4.60. Kxportcrs nrn not doliiK rmreb , niul there Is very llltlo Inqtrlry for blK ewes. Kceder sold fairly at from $2.4 } to J2.SO. The pnivlflon market was oppressed by the usual Incubus of lifavy heR leeelpis and thft packers were th" sellers. l'rlc-ia at the close , compared with \Ve-lnem.'ay's llnal , showo.1 laid from 2M'e to r > . lo r , libs 2Vic lower und polk uuclraiiKeil. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICiniKiiH City lilvi * Si ( i-h. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 2 % CATTI.K llecelpts , S.tlOO head ; shipments , 4,000 bend ; best Krade * * tendy ; others \\enk ; Texas steers ranged J2..OJi' 3.6"i ; represL-ntallvo pales , $ : t.3 < ) ; Texas cows. $1.70 Uti.fa ; lepreHcnlutlvtmles , J2.K ; beef utters , ? : > 0 ; repicseirtntlvu siilrs , $1 : unlive coivs , Sl.50ii3.20 : lepresenlatlvc Males , 13.20 ; mockers inn ! feeders. 12.60 3.60 ; reprejcntallviHiles. . J3.5' ' ) ; COWH , $1.7"l3.2i ) ; representative sales. $2.65 , IIOO.S Itecelpls. 18,001) head : uhlpmcnts. 690 bead ; maikel 6MOe lower ; bulk of sales , JIU.ViO 3.60 ; beavlcs , ? : ! .orir3.65 ; packers. $3.35 3 6.1 ; mixed , jfj3.,0 : ! ( ) ; IlKlits , ; 3.2ij3.45 ) ; Yolkeis , SJ.Sfi tf3.45 : plRS , t2.OUST3.40. Kl I IJUr Itecelpls. 2,100 head ; shipments , SOO head ; market Hteady ; Iambi" , $3.00Q4.35 ; muttons , J2.60fc3.25. St. I.oirlf. I.lvc Stcn-l.- . ST. I.OL-1B. Nov. 29. OATTL15 Ite.-elptn. C.OO ) head ; maiket steady to Htrnmr ; mvilve iitei-rs , (3.00174.iTi ; eows nnd heifers , mostly } 2.00lff3')0 ; Texas and Indian steels. } ; .3)3j3.M ) ; cows und heifers , rhk-lly J1.S5S2.75. HOOK Hecclpls , 10.UOO bead ; market lower ; lieavy , I3.30tr3.tt0 ; mixed , J3.23fi3.60 ; Unlit. } J.30i7J 3.65. 3.65.SI1I3KI1 SI1I3KI1 llecelpts , 3,000 bead ; market nun nallve , J2.roji3.60 ; lumba , 3.Wijt.oi ) ; noutbe.rr ehcep , J2.004J3.00. rV - MVnrk I.lvc Stool ; . NRW YOU1C , Nov. 29. HMUVn.S llcetlpts , 3,201 , head ; nftlve and linn ; native ntecru , poor to prime , M.73JJ4.60 ; oxen. J2 50Sr3.60 ; bulls , J2.30jj > 2.75 ; tlry CO\\M , $1.22 1/2.83 ; ICuropt-an cables qui > lo American sleors at 'J'rflO'.ic ' , dressed weight ; ie- frltferntor beef. SiC. [ S1II3UI' AND I.AMnS-ItecolptB , 4.2G7 bead ; uulet , but Ri-nernlly steady ; sheep , poor to prime , } 2.00ii'3.K ( ) : birnbs , conmnn to choice , } -.Mi74.rr. . IIOOS Ueculpts , 3,3i > 9 head ; Bteady nl (4.009 1.25. Stoulc 111 liecoiil of receipts nt the four principal marked for Pilduy , November 29 : Caltle. HORS. Sheep. South Omaha 2.250 1.100 . , CblcSBo 12.000 57,0) ) ) If.Ou ) City 8.00) ) 18,000 2.KIO St. Louis 0,000 10iO ) 3.000 Totals 2J.230 SC.100 19,100 ICuiiMiiM City .MIII-UI-IN. KANSAS CITY. Nov. i9. WHHAT Active , fllfhlly hlKlior : No. 2 hurd , 57 < f3Sc : No. 2 led , nominally ( .Co ; No. 2 fpilus , C0f.r57c ; No. 3 pprlnrf , M&MUc ; rejeeleil , nomlunlly 45@50c. COUN Active , cenerally We lower ; No. 2 miked , SM.fuW-c' ; No. 2 while , 22 Ti23V4c. OATS Slow , lower ; No. 2 white. 17'i < u"18i ; ; 2\0. 2 > white , ISl&frlVc. HYM Steady ; No. 2. 33c. HAY Steady ; timothy , $8.50fll.OO ; prairie , ' 'I l-'lrni ; crenmery , 17I20o ; dairy , II , HO OS Not co firm ; fresh. 15'-c. ' NI3W YOHK , Nov. 2 . HIJUAK Haw , quiet ; fair relluliiK , : ie ; cvnlrltiiKiil , to test , 3e ; le- llnml , dull ; standard A , t\v : confectioners' A , 4c ; cut loaf , 6'i ; crushed , 6Uc ; pjwdered , 4T e ; granulated , t\'jc. \ LONDON , Nov. 20. SlIOAll Cano , very Millet ; emtrlfURiil , Java , 12 3d ; Museovado , fair relln- Inu , lOsid ; iMt-t suunr , quiet ; November and De cember , 10s 3d , _ M'YlNI-ll IVIll-Ilt ( lllllllltlllllH. SAN IMIANCISCO , Nov. 2J.VIIKAT Quiet : December , 9S'ic ' ; Jlay , { 1.03 ; cleaud , 47.507 ceil- .u\s. \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r -\lllrH. MANCIin.STtnt , Nov. Clollm and yarnn btendy , with llitle dolntr. JAMES E. BOYB & CO Telephone 1030. OMAHA , NKIJ. COMMISSION Grain Provisions &Sloeks , Hoom 11JV6 Board of Trade , Direct wires to Chlcairo nnd New York. Correspondciitai John A. Warren ft Co , ii p tiMl'l'll ( let. 13J6) ) li. M. oT.tNl > 'OttO F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PRO VIS JON 9 Room 4. N. Y. Llfo Hide. , Omaha. Branch oftlces at Fremont and Columbus. AU urdcri placed on the Chicago Hoard of 'ln'.a . Carreepondrnti : Schwartz. Dupn 4 Co. , Chi- cuu ; Bchrcliier , Flack & Co. , Ut. Loult. H f f lo Pint N tlon l Uanlc , Omaha. "OUR FREE LETTER" Ilevluwlntr the sruln untl uloclc .narliclii , will b * sent you dully on ifijutist , In tinhnua of deeerv- IHK part of your Imnlness , Oidcra xullcltej fur rusli cr on three to five point muruln ; , J , R , Members Chicago 11'jurO of Triiui , ; ; .r.v Yorlt I'roducti Kicchunce. New Yolk Cons. Hlock Kx * chance. 17 lluuid Trade , Chlcaeo , 41 llroadwuy , Wew Yotk. ' 1IWICIAT10N I3OND HAL.U. Notice In hereby elvun that uualetl pro- iiobalu will bo reccivcj by the baurtl ot 'Jlrrctorti of thu Ord IrrlKutlun Olatrict of Valley county. Nebruaka , ut their olllco In Ord In fold district , up tu 2 o'clock n. in. of the 2d day of December , 1893. for JM.OOO of the bonds Issued by Ha Id Irrigation ills * trlct , nil of said bonds being bond * of } W ) i > Hch and drawing InloreHt ut thn ralo nf i pur cent pt-r unniim , luyable nnniially : thu principal " ' "I tnlereiit of xuld bonds pay. able at the olllco of the state treuHiirnr of llio Blato of Nrbnifka , raid bonds belmr iiaynlile in Inglullmcntx ns follovvn ; f,5'W Ihertof iiayniYo In t-leven yt-urs from the date thereof ; $3,000 payablu In twelve years from the dulo thereof ; N.500 payiibla In thirteen years from the dutu Ilierc-of ; j-I.OW payable ) In fourteen years fioin lliu ilato thereof ; Jl.nCKi payable In fifteen years fiom the datethursor ; r-,000 puyabln In nlxl c-u yearn from the date tlR-ri-ufi fi.Mi puvnbld in seventeen years from Ihe tlnto tlnra-f ! } 0.ioO ! p.tyab'.p In eiuhli-een yrur < fr'nit lliu date tliervvif ; $7.r > ' . ) tiayntiie In nineteen years from the 'Into thPicof : JS.tXW p.iyahla In twenty yearn fiom thr dale lliert-of. The Hoard of Dltcctorn reserve the rlglit to icJcct any nnd all lilJs. AilJict-H .ill bldi lu Jp. ; . Cicaient * cro- tary , On ) , Nebraska , lly order of the Hoard of Directors , mad * this 7th day of November , 1895. J. A. I'ATTON , Pretldent , E. P. CLEMENTS , Secretary. NW d20t