Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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Local Business Situation Shows Little
> " Ohangc for the Better.
Ciilili-r Wonllior llnil n llcnpflplnl
feet I'limi Trnili' In .Mint AH
MUCH i < iiii <
In Value * .
/no pist week clo0'i with Uic Jobbers In
more cheerful pplrlts. The drop In the
temperature nnil the inorc Reasonable
weather lire Jim what they 1m vo been
longlnK for , and under their Influence a de
cided revival of business Is looked for. If
there could only bo n Rood gnaw storm now
to help out the cold weather , It would be
Snow Is an Important factor In burincs * ,
nml especially no when It Is seasonable.
There has been very little snow In the
west In recent poasons , and It Is probibly
titia that trade would be Improved by an
early and more persistent fall of "the beau
tiful" than has been experienced In Into
years. Snow makes buslnrm In "unow"
lines and Rives a snap to trade at thlt cea-
son of tliu year ( lint nothliiB else can.
liiislncsH with the wholesale grocers re-
inalnn In about the tame condition tut noted
one week ago. The demand continues fair
iind goo-Is arc gains Into consumption an
fast ns could bo expected under the cir
cumstances. Home chnrwes arc reported In
the markft. Cut lonf and powdered miiriirn
nro U cent lower , l.lmn IXMIIS arc easier.
All advices from California coiillrin the
lirevlous reports that the liberal -hlpments
of ralHlns , A\hlch huvo had such n dl -
aulotliiK effect upon the eastern markets
Imve ceased , and the feelliiR among holdeis
there la very llrm. The tlrst crop , thnuith
n Rood one , ID Bald to have been smaller
than was expected , and ns there was piac-
tlcolly no second ciop this year , It would
seem that thcie will not be an excessive
supply , when It Is considered Unit Imported
MuliiBii and Valencia raisins have come for
ward In eompaiallvcly small nuantlLy and
Imve not cut much of a llsuro In the calcu
lations of the trade. , .
AccordlnR to the previous undcmtanulnc
nmorw the Maine packers of wmllnes all
the fnctoilrs shut down for the season
during the past week several weeks In nil-
viinco of the usual tlmo for stopping work.
A variety of causes induced the packers to
cut the season short , prominent among
which was the scarcltv of fresh tlsh , the
low pi Ices obtained for packed Rooda and
the illKiatlsfactlon of the workers In the
factories with wages.
For weeks there Imvo been complaints
that the mild , dry weather prevented retail
doulfr.s fiom selling winter Rood , hut the
coM wave the latter part of the pat week
was all that the most exacting could have
desired , though a snow storm would have
answered the purpose better.
Despite the talk of hard times and dull
trade , the fchoe business Is In very fair
condition. Seasonable Roods are In demand
undj pi Ing orders are beginning to come In
nt a satisfactory rate. An nr ! of cheerful
ness pervades the tiade and every jobber
speaks hopefully of the outlook.
It Is too early for spring goods to sell ,
nml ns retail stocks of winter Roods are not
is yet broken to any extent. A heavy tiade
f n the dry Roods line could hardly be ex
pected Just now. Still there Is a fair busi
ness for tills He.xson of the year , and local
representatives of the trade are not com
The course of the colton market the past
week was against flrmncaa In thn price of
staple cotton goods. Most leading makes
are still In limited supply , however , nntl
many of them still well sold ahead , and In
these there have been little , 1C any , glvlns
In 'the woolen and worsted goods dcpart-
Tronts , now heavy weight coalings and
c'.ay worsteds nro Felling nt advanced prices
where such wore named. In other direc
tions there had been but little change.
Trade In the hardware line is penerally
reported Improved during the past week , duj
hugely td the Increased demand for season
able goods Incident to tno- change In 'the
As to the market , some goods show a little
weakness. Galvanized Iron Is oft about 5
per cent , and plain wire Is a trlllo easier.
On the other hand , wire nails arc firmer.
During the past week or two the market on
nails has been In a rather unsettled condi
tion. There wore n few mills outside of
the association that wore not making many
nails , but a good deal of trouble , and at last
representatives of the association gave
them the option of coming into the associa
tion or meeting a cut of $1 on the price.
The Independent mills chose the former
and the result Is a llrmer market.
The recent excursion of the Jobbers and
manufacturers of the city over the Omaha
& St. Ixmli railroad line bids fair to icsutt
In no small amount of business being se
cured In ( he section of country visited.
While very little effort was made to effect
actual sales of goods several orders were
booked and negotiations opened which must
In the future lead to n largo business.
/ . T. I < indney , who bus been .selling goods
In the aectlon of the country covered by
the Omaha & St. Louis road , as far south
ns Chllllcothe , Mo. , n.iyn that there Is no
better territory for Omaha jobbers. "It is
surprising , " said Mr. Llndbcy , "to look up
the rating of thu merchants and see how
many of them nro iiuoted worth J100.000 or
moie. They nro prompt about meeting
their obligations , and If a jobber once
makes their acquaintance , and treats them
right , he can hold their tiado for years.
All of us send traveling men Into distant
sections of the
tant and out-of-the-way
west , where towns 010 far apart and the
population scattering , and neglect the
ilcher and more populous country close at
hand. If we would do less woik In terri
tory like New Mexico , where It costs to
much to keep men on the rend , and do more
work In the near-by sections of Iowa and
Mlrsourl It would pay us all better. He-
Hides supplying the country with merchan
dise Oiunlui ought to handle all the live
stock In northern MlMtouil and southern
Iowa along the line of the road in ques
tion. Thousands of carloads of cattle and
hogs mo hhlppcd to Chicago , St. l.ouls
ami oilier points ought to como heie ,
nnd It would Fcem us If every one Inter
ested In the slock yards at South Omaha
ought to make a stiunu pull for that busl-
A. II. I.eo , who represented the Union
Block Yards company on the excursion ,
says : "Thero Is any quantity of llvo
Mock in Houthein Iowa and northein MIs-
soiitl , nnd vvhllo very lltlla of It Is coming
Iifru at piobcnt , the tlmo will como when
Oinuli.i will get u good bharo of it. Just
at inoscnt the tialn service Is very poor
nrd tlieie Is no tinln Unit can bo depended
unon to deliver slock fiojn that section In
Smith Omaha In tlmo for ( ho day's ninr-
K , II , llrnmih. president -of the local
blanch of the National Longue of Commls-
ulon Men , rvpoily that the fourth annual
meeting of that organlratloi will bo held
In St. I.oulH on J n n mm u. Theio are
fdMean cllloj icpre ented In the league.
wlili'h has for Its object the Improvement
of the character ot the ( Inns engaged In
tlio business , ns well ns the adoption of the
best methods for handling produce of all
kinds. No commission llrm can become n
member of the nni.oclR.tlon that does not
have a Mrst clnst standing In tha city where
located , nii'l In that \vny It Is attempted
to piotrct country shippers. Omiilia has
eight ilrms that are memlnrs of the nsso-
elation , and they all expect to have a
nt tha St. l.ouls uicutliitr.
St. Lou In OeniTHl Market ,
KT. 1.01'IS. Nov. J3-l I.C > im-r > ulI ami easier
on ln to HID il.'cllne la wheat ; | ntenlH , f3.19tf3.tO ;
cxtiu fancy. JS.Wj3.irtj f.ini'y. ! G5B2.70.
\VlIiAT--in'iliT : : il the molt , but with lota
fur sale , an 1 the nuikrt gradually been me
clronecr , la imrt dun to tliu curly ntreiutth In
corn ; ( hv Ihmnepa did not last , hovvever , Ilir
ilcikii | IPII | win ! : nml = ; flU0 under jeatoruav'i
Iliiul ; Ni > . 3 i i-l , cash , die ; llpoomher , JJ'.itflOo ;
May. d fiGOJtc.
ruilrvOn.'ii i slroiiRcr , with n totter Inquiry.
tint Ilia market cu ul ulY unil clmm ] vtriilc about
Ihu o.uilj \rnitfliJ.i ) ; No. ? mixed , mail , 54' . o :
Pfcpinlx-r. ; , ( ; Jamiaiy , Stu : May. S Hc.
OATH-Blr r.tor . future * . but wlrhcryllsht
tmdln ; Ki"idcn aim rir < > iiBrr ; No. 2 cnali.
U' o : Diceindrr. li'it ) May , ! ) ' , Jc.
ItVlI-lllKlicr ; NJ ; , SS. % ,
lllt.v.N'-On tatU < : nil rail rate , 46o oblaln-
Wo at trntK.
I'OI'I.THV- Kit unchanged ; ItiiUeyr , 7c ;
clilikrliB. tyce ; duck * . lUliSc ; terse , tc.
llUTTI.'lt Matket ntcady ; cifjinery. It0ie ;
dairy. I2l/lo.
1'I.AX Sl'.nn-Ileller ; S7'to ' bid.
TIMOrilV HiKO-M.W 350.
HAY-Klnn-i : prnlrlr , J4.OOS.H ; timothy , 110.00
OIO.CU. tllU 5.1,1 f.
I.iAD-StlUr aik tM > r'.j , Lilt nn laic * pualLIe
_ . -Dull ; on car old at H.
PltOVISloNS Pork , standard me . jobblns. ,
JS.37H , J.aid. prlmo t'.oniu , U.30 ; choice , UK.
Ilncou , hould r , IJ M : IO.IIE * . 13 114 ; rtb , J5. i ;
uliort * . U JUi. Dr > ' "It meati ) . l > ov (1 ( ! ioulder > ,
llU't : longj. 14.7 $ ; rlta. 1417HJ vliurti , ( .Vllli.
HhlcniJTS V'lour. 4Ml l.tli. ; wheat , tJOvVl > c. ;
corn. 41000 bu. ; a t . ? 9,000 bu.
. HIIP\ | B.WO hl-U : wheat , 10.000
tu i coin , . < XK ) Ull. ; cml . 17.000 bu.
Clly TTurLutN.
Xii. i ltd. r. Snal ! (4/ ! < ! c ; Nu. '
2 cprlnir. UWOIToi No. S firr ! < f , UflMc ;
nomlnslly JKirt * ' .
COIIN-dnurt n ik nn-J UfltHe lower ; No. t
mlxnl. ItHOnUi * ; No. 2 whit * . 224Q2JIK.
OATS -Htmdyj No. 2 mixed , iH llo ; No. 2
wlille. Htjftiv.
UYi : Slemlj , No. 2. nnmlnnlly 31c.
IMY Weak , timothy , > S ROtt 00 ; rralrlc , J8.M
IlI'TTKI * . Crenmorj' nlow ; dairy , firm ? cream
ery. ITOMc : ilnlry. > IOI > .
KClOH-Bleaily ; freth. He.
Condllloii of Trndo nml QtintnMon *
on .Slnplc nnil I'nnrr I'roilticc.
Thf > week clofM with ( i stenily matKei. The
[ ml wt-ek hai cxp rlenr < l n Rowt trinle In moil
linn. Th ? tenilency of eggs hm been lilcaer.
1'oultry hai not shonn iucli ( ! clmngc , iirlces re
maining nlwut teail > . Quolntlons :
IXltlS-.Sttlctly ftesh stock. ISc.
IilrTTiit Pncklnic eluik , 9H10c ; fair to ( jooJ
country , )2014c ) ; choice to fancy country , 1401Eo ;
creamer ) , ITUISc ; ici'.uutur trcnnicry ,
VKAL-Cholce fat. 70 to 100 tba , nro quoted at
CU'c ; larxe and coarre , 48 < c.
CIlIJKSI Domestlo brick , ll'ic ! Edam , per
doz. , ( ID , Club House , 1-lb. Jars , per Joi. . 13 M ;
LltnburRer , fancy , per lb. , ItHc ; Hoqueforl , ' ,4-lb.
jars , for doz. , S3. CO ; YOIIUB America * , lOHc ;
Tnlnii , fancy , lie.
I'OflVlltY-Mte-tlenii , per lb. . Cc ; chick-
eni , per Mi , , Do ; roostern. 3 le ; iliicltn , "Hi'Sc ,
turkpj , 7'4 ? Se : ceei-e , tffSo. trcs d Chickens ,
Cc ; iltickn. k'iffiiV ; tuike > , 9fIOc ; cce e. 8 lc.
HAY Uplnml , JGEO ! mlillnml. > C ; lanlnnd. ? S60 :
pc mrnw , JI.M ; color makm Ilia prlco on hay ;
Unlit bales sell the bent. Only top grades bring
top prices.
1IUOOM COHN-New crop , delivered on track
In country , lulC9 prceo Belf-worklng carpet , per
Ib. , ! ' , ; c ; ciiolce green running to hurl , ZVlc ;
conmun , 14e.
OAMK I'ralrlo ehlekena. younc , per doz. lit
nunll , H.'UffSO ) : Jack snipe , 73c ; Boiilen plo\cr ,
ll..1 ; lick inblills. per Uor. . . J2 ! mnall
rnlibllB , } 1 ; mallnnl ducl.s , 13 ; rcillieads. (3 ; can-
vnibuck ducks. jr.0in7.00 ; tc-al , blue lnT. ) J1.75 ;
teal , sreen lnf ( , tl.SO ; mixed tlucki , l.MM.75 :
Canad.i Rpeae , ; tnall Reese , Jt.50 ; branti , $3.V ) ;
doer aildp | . f.Riee ! deer earcasses , 12'4913c ' ; elk
saddle * . lUfllc ; elk rnica e , SSTlOe ; nntclopo
saddled , lltfllc ; nnlpn-i | | > carcasses , UUllc.
I'OTATOirg-On tlack , car lots , 23c ; tmall
lots from store , ,10c.
ONIONS l-er bu. . ! 330c ; Importcil Spanish
onions , per crate , COfTWc ; home KIO II Spanish.
per bbl. . II. CO , .1 in . tots. tl..13.
1IHANMllnndplcked navy , per bu. , t.C3ifl.75.
SWCIJT I'OTATOr.S-Cluilce stock. S2 per bbl.
CAIIllAan-On orders , crated , per 100 Ibs .
CIJt.nilY Kaiicy larce Toloradi. f.rK Oc : choice
stork , large No. 1 , 40fMc ; large No. 2 , Kc ; small.
MM A HHANS-Pcr lb . BVJe
WATKIl CIIUSS Per 16-qt. case , J1.C091.7J.
OIUXIUN PHAIIS Per cane. $2.23.
CUANIIiiiniiS-Cholco : : Block , per bbl. , JIM.
AI.MmtlA HHAI is-per : CO-lb. bbl. , 6 ; per CS
to 70 lln. gross , | 7.
HASTnilN ailAPHS New York Concords , pe. '
bapket. 23f24c.
CAMI'onNIA GnAPES-Tokais. per double
cas" . J3.00T3.23.
APPLIES Jonathans , t3.K03.CO ; choice ship
ping stock. Tien Davis , Oenlton , Wlnesap , etc. ,
nhls . 12 2W 50 ; cooklnB applci , J2 2303.50 ; Cali
fornia apples , per box. J1.50.
OUANdnS Mexicans , per box , $3.73 ; Jumalcas ,
pcibox. . J3.75.
MMONS California , per box. } 1 5034.73.
ItAN'ANAS Choice latge stock , per bunch , 12.00
(72.23 : medium .ulz'd bunches. 11.75.
The market on country hides has slumped ngaln
under the depressing iicvvs fiom all the lltinnclal
nnd comiiiprclal click's , says thu Chicago Shot-
and Leather Review. The dealers on Kln/le and
Michigan atics-ls nre nlv.aj.s Impressionable nnd
a very little bear talk causes u Reneinl scramble
to soil. At thli writing the markel appeals com
pletely demorallied. but the undoubted scarcity
of hides will aealn luevrnr continued decline.
Tlicru Is tome diversity uf opinion and the dealera
do not agioo upon quotitluns. Tnc most pio.
nounccd beai factor Is the almost complete nb-
since of biiM-rs , ulther In putnui or u-piesented
by Lids. Ihe dc.ilers can eland an ) thing bettet
than neglect. Theio Is a Keneral feeling tint
Iic tanners will lusli lliuy think the
maiket lias struck Lottom , but the fcclieis do
not rate to bank on conjectures. One iiisiomoi
who means business Is to them worth more than
) nrds of aiMimtnt tu piovu that the statistical
pusltlnn of hides waitantM higher pilccs.
The tallow linn kit has developed a somewhat
( Inner undeitonu and the packers nru holding
stronger on aicount ot tha heavy decie.isu In
uilllo rcceluls hint week , being nbout 40.0i > > heail
short In the Inteo cltlts of thu west. Stocks
mi ! dlmlnlshlni ; nnd the uic begin
ning lo lake hold. Quotations :
IIIUIIS No. 1 , green hides , 4Xc : No. 2 preen
hide * , 3 ? c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 5"ic ; No. 2
green salted hldcuTic ; No. 2 Blouii baited hides
J3 to 40 Ibs. , 4le > : No. 3 grueil salted hides , si tu
4J Ibs. , 4 > ic : No. 1cal calf , 8 to 13 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 calf , S to 13 Ibs. . DC : No. 1 dry Hint hides
7fllOo ; No. 2 diy Hint hides. d7c ; No. 1 div
salted tildes. Cc ; part cured hides , He per lb. lets
than fully cuicd.
SHiiP PiLTS Green salted , each 2noOe.
jreen salted shearlings ( short woolcd early skins ) ,
each ICc ! dry shearunca ( short wooled earl >
nklns ) . No. 1. each. lOc ; dry shearlings ( uhori
wooled eaily skins ) . No. X. encn. Cc :
dry Hint Kansas ana Nebraska butcber wool
pelts , per lb. . actuil welxht. COCc ; dry ninl
Kansas and Nebraska Murialn wool pelts. u r
lb. . actual weight , 43o ; dry nint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 4@cUc.
dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. .
actual weight. 4i3c : dry plercs and bucks , nctur.l
u eight , 2U3c. Hava fe l cut oil , aa It Is use-
leu to pay ficluht on tlieir.
TALLOW AND QIinASn Tallow No. T , SVJc ;
( allow No. 2 , 3c ; grease , white A. SJ4c ; sreasc.
Hhlte U , 3a : gieasc , ji-lo\v. ! 2ic ! ; grease , daik
Zo : old butter. 2S2',4c ; beeswax , prime. UQUC ,
rough tallow. l < 5c.
nONES-In car lots weighed and delivered In
ChlrnKo : Dry buffalo , pi.r ton , tl2.00dll.00 ; drv
country , bleached , sitr tea. ; i00081-.00 : dij
country , damp and meaty , ucr ton , to OOQ3 OJ
WOO ! * Unwashwl. nno heavy , C@7c ; line light
8fic ; quaiter tilood , 105J12c ; rwdy , buriy nnd
chaffy , Sf3c ; catted and bioken. coarse , 7guc ,
enttcd and broken , fine. CWS * " . Fleece washed
Mrillnm , loRISc ; fine. HfflCc ; tub washed , ICfl
18c : lilack. He ; bucks. Cc : lac locks. JiJ3c ; dead
nulled , CQCc.
nncssr-D MHATS.
DCiF Light western stcris , 400 to COO Ibs. . 4U
f/Ic ; goud cowa nnd hclfors , 4 O3c ; medium
cows and helfeie , 4Vil'ic ; good foreciuarters cows
and heifers , SViQto ; good hindquarters cows and
heifers. G'i37c ; fair hindquarters cur/s and
heifers. Co ; cow rounds. 4(4@3o ( ; cow chucks
SffJVio ; steer chucksZtS4c : > ie f tenderloins ,
flesh , ISVic : btcf rolls , boncles , SWc ; sirloin butts
bimclcss , S' . c ; loin baiks , boneless , 8lie ; loin
backs , CVic ; cow ribs. No. 3 , C'.ie ; cow loins. No.
3 , 7i4c ! steer ribs. TJc ; steer loins , 9c.
MUTTON niepEfd multon , C c ; racks mutton ,
S'.ic ; legs mutton , 7c ; saddles mutlon , 7o ; slews.
TonK 1'oilc loins , 7c ; snare ribs. Cc : pork
nliaulders. Cc : pork choulderx , skinned , CMc ;
tenderloins , 13e : pics' feet , cleaned , per doz. , JSc.
New Peralaji dales will soon be on tha maiKet
navr , f.a the llrsl atenmer Is expected lo airliu
In New York In u vei ) fuw da > s. Quolatlons :
OYSTUltS Mediums. 15c : hulscshoes. 2 c ; extra
standards , 2".c ; extra &elcct , 23u ; Iiranch & Cu.
seli'cln , 27c : New Yotlc counts , SOc ; standard bulk
per gal . 11.10.
C1W2H Pure Juice , per half bbl. . | 2.60 ; per
bbl . $4.50.
BAUiR KRAUT Per bbl. . fS.SO ; half bbl. . J2.
MAPLi : SVHUP-rive-gal. cans , each , 12.73 ;
per do/ . , J12igal. ; . cons , Jii.23 ; quart cans.
ibs New crop , California , 10-Ib. boxes , per
Ib. , lie ; common California figs , CO-lh. boxes ,
Cc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , iGc ; choice , 10-
lli. boxes , IJ- . ' .
DATHS Peislan , CO-lb. boxes , per lb. , GJlc ;
fimlsi. 10-Ib. boxes , per lb. , 8c.
MAPLH SUOAn-Cholce. per lb. , 8@10c.
Pnr.SHUVKS Afsortcd. 20-lb. palls , each $1.40
rnrn\NlJT8 Per 100. J5.
NUTS Almonds. Cullfornla , per Hi. , medium
size , lOe ; T iranona almonds , per Ib. . laige , 13c ;
llrazlls , per lu. , Uc : Kngllsh wahmt , per lb. .
fancy soft fehe',1 , 12jfl3c ! ; slandards. llOllVy. ;
Illlierls. PT Ih. , 10c ; pecans , polished medlnni.
lOc ; In i HP. 12c ; peanuts , raw , C'ic ; toasted , 70
7V4 > - ; chestnuts. K.c : hickory nuts , sni.ill , prr liu. ,
11.75 ; black walnuts , per luirel , J2oo ; cotcu-
nuts , &c ; cocoanuts , per 100 , { 1,50 ,
| No. llNo. § IJNo. 1
IJUcIc $20023 t IS 00 I EtflO J10P12 I KOO
Illatk Yearllngt 1000 7 00 oo 300
Illack Cubs . Ctf 6U 0 4 00 600 200
lllark Montana &
Mountain _ 1S022 1400 1000 1000 403
Dlack Montana
Yenillngs . 12 00 100 100 500 2 W
ntack Montana
Cubi . 6 COte 4 CO see 400 2 00
Shxer Tip . to o > > 12 no 800 900 4 00
KlUer Tip Yrlgs. 11 00 8 00 500 too 2 M
Hllvcr Tip Cub , . 6 00 4 5 00 300 1 CO
Ilroun . It 1200 1200 i 00
Yearlings . 1001 : 8 00 6 00 SOO 4 00
Cubs . 7 00 6 00 J 00M 400 3 00
llndgcr . 101 50 ( > M so 00CO
Klsher . 800 t 00 400 400 200
SIher ( accordlnt
to bnuty ) . 100 00 CO 00 4000 3000 10 00
Silver Pala ( ao-
conl'r to 000 : o oo 2)00 1300 0 00
Cro 700 s oo 200 1 CO 100
1 CO 1 00 23
a ray . . . . . 75to 40V 15 IS
Kit . to 40 V > 31 10
Link . . . . 2 00 300 1 I K 10CO
Marten . 2 00 1 64 1 00 I 00u COCO
Mink . 60 45 u 19
Mink Dark- . 65 45 24 10
Mountain Lion
( perfect hcnd
and feell . > 1O 2
Otter . (00 COtoo BOO 400 300
Otter Pa ! . T too 400 300 150
Itarcoon . . 60810 (0 to 10
ItiKX'oon , Ulack ,
( us to beMitj' ) . . MO ! toSO
tllack , cnitj. , . , , . 1 25 75 (0 SO 25
Short striped . 1 00U 7 45 40 24
Narrow stilvfj. . . U 40 23 20 10
lliuad Mrlped. , , , 20O25
WoUeilna . . . 400 SOI I 00 200 100
Wolf Mountain , { 100to i y > 40
Wolf Prairie . to 40 20 10
IJeavcr , ptr kln , 4 10 aoo 400 too
Iliuxer Kiln . 1 W ' 5 to 13
Spring . . . . . .
Wlnttr .
rail .
Kits .
Buccnr Market.
NKW YORK. Nov. M.-St'OAH-IUw. qulttf
fair reflnliicv 3o : ccntrlfui : * ! , M tot. 3Hc ; relined -
lined , dull ; stsndant A , fUo ; canftcilonrrk' A.
c : rut loaf. MJc ; crushii ] , 6 lie ; i > on'utit < I , tTc ;
. Nov.8UlARCiin > , IIUU
c < ntrlfunl Java. Its Cd : Muioovado. fnilr in
10s U ; Iwit tuaur. rather atl t ; Navemt r ,
Sd ; Dtctml-tr , Ui Bd
Dullness Was tha Ohlof Feature of the
Speculative Trade.
Oiitn Wore Dull ntul
AVbllc llnic I'roitnclx Were
I'lintioil Donii but Hnllleil
Tuunril hc Cliiio.
CHICAGO , Xov. 13. Dullness wn < ? tbe
clilcf fenturc of the speculntlvc trade loduy.
There nre only small fractional illfterenccs
between yesterday's nnd today's closing
pilcci. Wbcnt nnd provisions show no
clinnRc whatever , nnd corn Is He lower
for November , l-16c loner for December
and May fts before. The demand for cash
wheat was confined to carloads to go to
country mllla In contlRitoua states , nnd
those fooled up n considerable total , prob-
nbly 60,000 bu. ; some claimed 100,000 bu.
Much of that \vns through-billed sprlns
wheat , which Is belnu wanted In Increasing
quantities week by week by millers In the
Winter wheat districts. New York reported
Imvlnir a Rood many export ordcts from the
United Kingdom for spring wheat , but
limited below current pi Ices. An Increase
of from 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 bu. In the visible
supply wai the range of the guesses on that
Chicago receipts for the day were 250 cars ,
against 399 cars n week ago , nnd 117 cars on
the parallel day of the year before. De
cember wheat opened at from ECc to 5G'.8c ,
Impioved to B6Hc , nnd held nround that
for the greater portion of the remainder of
tin * ilny. 31 ny worked laboriously up to
GO'NC Horn CO'lo nt the opening , nnd the
hulk of the subsequent transactions was nt
The liuttncso < 1onn In the corn pit wn *
Insignificant. The damp weather was the
chief Influencing factor in the market , but
Iti limited effect is seen in the fixity of the
prices. November wa- still inclined to sag ,
and in the end lostc. . December lost
1-lCc , and May shows no change. The
day's recelptH were Sifi.ooi ) bu , , nnd the
Inspection out of store 257,000 bu.
O.Us were dull nnd featureless. May
opened nt fiom 20c to ZOHe , sold nt 20',4e.
declined to from 20c to 20',4c , nnd closed
there. A Mile of B.OOO bu. was mnde nt
20J c , but nt the s.inio time from 20 } c to
20vic was bid , and that quotation wns net
The hog products were pushed a little
over the chalk mark drawn at the close
yrstorday , but were pulled gently back
again , and nt the close pork , lard nnd ribs
were all straddlng the same line ns on
the dnv before. Closing quotations for two
days nre identical.
Estimates : Wheat , 350 cars ; corn , U10
cars ; oats , 155 cars ; hogs , 22,000 hend.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Cosh quotations were ns follows :
ri.OUIt null : winter patents. J3.1ji3.r,0 ; winter - ,
ter straights , (2.50f(3.20 : spring patents , (3 I55T
3M- spring straights , (2.C3C2.90 ; baker * , fl.&S
R2.30. '
WHUAT No. 2 spring. f.3 . { ? 5G'lc ; No. 3 spring.
54 { CV4c ; No. 2 led , GCVC30ic.
COIlN-No. 2. 27'ie : No. 3 > ellow. 27'ic.
OATS No. 2. 18c ; No. 2 white , 20V&J1C ; No. 3
\\hlle. 17'iiiflSSc.
IIYI2 No. 2 , 30o.
UAHI-nY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3. nomlnaf : , Xo.
4 , nomlnall '
FLAX SKEU No. 1. 92S92JSC.
1'HOVISIONS Mesa pnrk. per bbl. . (7.10S 00 ;
lard , per 1W Ibs , Ci.42t ! < f3.45 : short ribs , sides
( loose ) , JMOffl.M ; dry Halted bhouldpm ( bnxedl ,
(4 UYit.Tshort \ clear sides ( boxed ) . (4.75 < f4 871' .
WHISKY Olstlllcis' llnlshed good * , per gal. ,
StlOAlt Cut loaf , nominal.
I'OULTHY Mraket easlci ; turles , C83c ;
chickens. CW7c ; ducks. lOc.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the Pralnoi oxohinee tolly the butter ninr-
Hrt was llrm : creamery , 14U22Hc ; dairy ,11 ®
lUu. ligfe. tlrm ; ! Ri320e.
iitr Q.uo < n < loiiM ou tlttI'rliiclim )
Coniiiinilltlt'H nml StnploM.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23. rLOUR-ltecelpts , 19.300
bble. : exports , 23.7W bbls. ; market Inactive ; hold-
era tolerably steady. Some sales at lOo lower
on the week ; clofcil dull : flour , nominal ; cltj
mill patents , (4.1001,35 ; winter ii.ur.its ,
JJ.50fl3.70 ; city mill clears. (4.00JT4.10 ; win.
ler ulr.ilghls. (3.3003.40 ; Minnesota patent * ,
43.4503.00 ; winter cxtias. (2.70J3.10 ( ; Minnesota
bakers , (2.73@.UO. Rje Hour , steady ; fancy , (2.SO
Cf 3 00. HuckwhHnt Hour , dull at (1.35.
DUCKWIIKAT Weak nt 41'/4043c.
CORN MEAL Dull ; yellow , caarse , 70S73c ;
Brand > wine , 12.438255.
IlllAN Dull at 12.60.
RYU Nomlnil : No. 2 western , 42c.
IIARI.iY Weak ; wcBtern. 40 M8c.
HARLEY MALT Weak : western , COffC'c.
WHHAT Receipts , 285,500 bu. ; exports , 140.700
bu. Spot market , quiet ; No. 2 led. C7c ; No. 1
hard , GCi r. OptlonH opened stead1 , ndvanelng
subsequently on lighter recelpU west , which
caused local covering , nnd closed steady : De
cember. G45ti4Ue | , closed C4J c.
CORN Receipm , 97,600 bu. : exports. 38,500 bu.
Spot market , imlct , closing steady : No. 2 , 3Cc.
Options closed steady , hut generally llrm with
wheat , cloning steady : No. I , 33iQ33c. closed
35c : December , closed 33c.
OATH Receipts. 182 , 400 bu. ; exporta , 20,000 1m.
Spot , Inactive : No. 2. 22'ic , Options Inacthe
and nominal : December , closed J'ic. '
WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece , JG023c : nulled.
19 22c.
HAY Quiet : shipping , (7.00if7.CO ; good lo
choice , EOiftSSc
HOI'S Easy : state , common to choice , 1W4
crop , 3J7c ; ls 3 crop , 7R10c ; Pacific coast , U9I
crop. 3Uc ; 1K)5 crop , S010o.
HIDES Nominal : California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , 180
IS'.ic ; tliihcattvii. 2 > ti > 2.1 Ibs. , ICe ; lluenoH A > r < ,
dry. 20 to 24 Iba. , 21c ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. .
12 13c.
LHATHER Steady ; hemlock tole. liucnoi
AyreH , light In heavy. 24c ; acid. 21UB2IC- .
PROVISIONS Ui-ef , steady ; family , (11.50 : 'wet
hams. ( IS.OOil ? 15 50. Cut meats steady ; nlekltd
bellies. 5Ufi6iM ; plikled hams , (8.7r.5iu.X ) Laid ,
steady ; wi-slem ulcam cloned ut ( J.SOS5.S5 ; No-
vember. (5 SO , nominal , Pork , dull and easr :
old mess. ( I.TOfllO 00.
llUTTER-Recelntii , 3,011 pkgs. ; market xleady ;
western dairy. 10iiQ25c ; uevtern creamery. 150
S3c : EUlns , 23c.
EOOS Reccliits , C.C50 pkgs. : market steady :
platu and I'ciuiayhanla , 2Jij2Cc ; western , Slit
CHKESE-RecclnU. 3.51J pkgs. ; quid : large.
7U | 10c : email. 6fllO ic ; part skims , 314U7iOj !
full iklms , IMffJe.
I'lrrilOI.IJUM Active and higher : United closed
at ( l.W hid ; rollned , New York , | 8.DO ; Philadel
phia and Ilalllniore , (8.49.
TALI.OW-Ou'.et : clly , 4Uc : country , < UP.
HO31N rirm : stialncd , common to good , (1.C5
OTlJRPENTINE-Uiill. ! 7 028c.
RICE Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra ,
r. weak : rtomeiitlc. ( J.5'i&3 ) 53.
TOTTON SE15D OUInactUe ; undertone nun ;
prime ciude , 2SHUGc : butter grades , M ? lc ;
prlnm luinmar > ellow , : y30c ; off aunimcr jillow ,
I. o ml on Or nl 11 Itcvluir.
LONDON , Nuv. 23. Heavy rains uiul frosts
have prevalUJ In tome placoajn the United
KlnzJom diiilnu the wteic. In the irnuket wheat
nus Imtii > low lu oneralois , lacked animus , and
the cuniumen bouxht eporlngly. Speculator !
were ldl nud auinillek were lulllclent , although
not overly heavy. Price * weie from > d to Cd down.
ParcoUvut * quiet. Dulutli wheat , January de
livery , wn quoted at 25 > 3d. SM | > t was dull.
I'lour w i In midrrate demand and fairly rteady.
Mulie vvu dull. Itunalnn rhlppcn were r ierv l.
Mixed American vva cheaper on spot. Parcels
aftornard quoled al ISa 3d , Jtiileywas firm at Cd
und lu good demand. Oati were nun and Inactive.
1'i'iirlii "Marked.
PEORIA. Nov JJ.-CORN-Markel easy ; No. S.
lie ; ntw No. 9. ! u:7f.
OATS-Mark t Uady ; No. t white , WieiSc ;
No. S white , HUW17 ic.
RYE-Markut dull , r.cmlnal.
WHISKY M tk l tteady nnlthed
; coodj on Ihe
UK * of (1.S2 for hlcli vvlntn.
llECKIPTS-fom. H. W bu. : call , 45,000 bu. ;
uliUky. none : \vheat , I.8W Lu.
8HIPMKNT - Corn. Z7.7M bo. ; oat , 74.950 bu , :
y. "W giil. ; tvhtat , nor.e ,
Mtn icupulU Wbcnt Jliirkut ,
MINNUAI'OI.ia , Nov.PIXUIISteai1y ;
firm imtenti , ( L0083.4J : domecllo tiaWera' Kood > .
tt ; : for l n liaktrv. II.UO13U.
KAT-Flrmrr. clojei He hither ; Novembtr
nml necemher. 3UeyMl > y , B6c. On trnek : N'a.
1 hard. M' e , No. 1 northern , M' c , No. 3 north
ern , 5ISc , rctelptu414 c r .
Duel UK tlio % Vplc Irrcnii-
Inr ltlt n Hiiti'litrnril Ten toiioj- .
NKW YOIlK , Nov'7Thc Mock market today
opened dull nntt liK-.fiilnr. with exchange * In
prices unimportant. A mid on the Industries h )
the trad'rn re ulteil.j1n , nnly fractional declines ,
except In Tobacco unJ- Leather preferred , which
lo l Hi and 1 ncr cent > t > pe-tlvely. The railway
shares were unaffe W liy the heaviness In the
foregoing stocks nnl' ( tulcil slightly nboVjj last
nlghf ? niuil prlcess In lh late dealings lh
movement cf prices o-nnv-rratle nnd the close was
Irregular. There was no special news bearing
upon prices , tmt trn > firmness of the exc.iang'
market nas considered Indlratlve of furher : heavy
exports of gold next week. The supply of commer
cial bills Is Mill very light. Speculation during
thp week was Imgulnt , with n downward trend.
I'avornblc n ws , such , for Instance , ns the rail-
llcnllon of the trunk line presidents' ugreem-nl
nnd the announcement of heavy Imreuses In the
earnings of the northwestern rnllMul , with mod-
crate but f-atlsfactoij gains on olher lines failed
to stimulate nn advance In securities. On the
olher hand , unfavorable news , ns for example
the decision of the United States suprtin * court
ndverso to the \VesUrn I'nlon Telegraph roim
pnnj , and the hostile altitude of the attorney
general uf this stale toward the American To-
bncci > company , afier canning sharp declines left
the market exceedingly dull.
The fallent feature of the week has lieen the
heavy outward movement of gold. $7,393,203.
being close to the heaviest shipments of nny
single week on tecord this was nil drawn from
the treasury reserve. It Is obvious Ihat the rinm
built liy the great indicate bankers lo protect
the gold reforve has given nwny because ot Ihe
Inlense. pressure for remittances , and consequently
n Hood of cold pours forth. Secretatv Carlisle's
after dinner speech at the banquet of the Chamber
of Commerce , advocating the retirement of Hie
greenbacks , had redirected atlenllon to that ques
tion. In the Judgment of many cxpeiltnced limn-
clers tiie real underlying cause uf the persistent
export movement of gold was Ignored. It was .1
simple pioposltlon , that Hie American people owe
the money to llurope and can only pny It by
sending gold. Our lm | > orts ot mciclmndlse nre
very law , while our expjrlK arc relatively quite
small , livery jear at least 100,000 American clll-
ze'is vl lt llmcipe , spending there nn aggregate
of at lea t llOT.000.09i > . When theje drafts upon
the producM of the farm , Ihi ! mines nnd factor >
ute added to Iho minis necessary to iny Interctl
nnd dividends on our sccutltles held abroad , and
at times to take luck such part of the iccuiltles
themselves as the foreign holders wish to re
sell to us. as , for Irulnnce , tecenlly on account of
Uie Knlllr slump. It Is nol sttango that we arc
losing iruld to Kutopcv To reiterate at this time
the Unllul Staler owes imre money to I
tlian the value ot our exported merchandise will
snnice to piy. .
The net results of the week's operations were
losses generally , the. more noteworthy of which
nra : Tobacco , 6 per cent ; Tobacco preferred , 3t
per cent : Leithcr. 2'4 ptr cent ; Leather piefened ,
4 per cent , nnd Western Union , 3 p r cent. La-
clede Oas preferred was conspicuous by a il e ot
4 per cent. The aggregate sales were 1,012,500
Trailing In bonds today was light and upon a
declining tendency of prices. . The net losses ate
headed by Western Union collateral trust 5s , Hi
per cent , and Lehlgh Valley terminal Ista and
Oregon Short Line consols [ at , mist receipts , 1
per cent. The dealings amounted to $3S4.0i . The
movement of bond prices during the week was
dominated by speculation. The Oregon Short
Line Issuer were prominent In the trading and
advanced slmrplyi with n subsequent paitlal re
cession. The aggregate sales were JR.936,00' ' ) . De
clines were general. Tinmoie Important losses
weto : International & Greut Northern 3d * . 5 per
cent ; Protln & IJantcrn Incomes nnd Union Pn-
clflo collateral trust s , 3Vi per cent , and At
lantic & Pnelllo guaranteed 4s. There wa an In-
I'teaBo In the trading In governments at thu ex
pense of values. The new 4s made n sharp frac
tional decline. Tlic fcnlcs wcro 118 Oft ) . State
bonds \vi-ro dormant with sales of only j:3,000.
Thi > New York Financier sajs this week : Ai Is
usually the case when heavy gold expoits nre
Iwlng made the statement of the New Yoik clear
ing bunks docH not rctlect existing condi
tions. As shipments of-gold during the lrtav *
covered by the report' aggiegalcd over > 7.l * , t)00 )
the banks , dfsplte the fact that they lecelved
moru cunency from the Inlet lor than the >
shipped , must have'lbSt hugely In legal tendeis ,
which \\cro withdrawn for the exchange f gold
nt the subtieasuiy" . l r six weeks past the
specie Item In thi-'Wntenient has been showing
iv Ftendy gain. Th gftlh reporteil bv the com
bined banks for the week was $3111.700 , bringing
Iho total specie Hern1 to fC6,2'4 ' ! COO. or nn In
crease of ncnily $5,500.009 slnco October 12 List.
This regular Increase , lias given rise to a mniai
that the New York tanks were propailng foi
[ mother bond Issue , but 'as the banks have bi > cn
loylni ; gold slnco Juno 1 until recently nnd now
hold less than was. reported Immediately nfler
they liml nbtoibcd .11 , b,5nd lavue , the small In-
cieasa do < not 8eyn to posse > i much Im
portance. It Is doubtful , too , whether the recent
expansion of the spoclft. Item means that the
banks possess Hint niuchtmoro gold. si\we \ silver
certlllcates lire also counted as specie.
The following " \veio tllo closing quotations on
the leadUitr stocks ot tHe New York exchange
today : 3
The total i-ales of stocks today were 01,341
shares , Includlnc : Ameilean Sugar , 11.900 ; Ameri
can Tobacco. 10 800 ; llurllneton , 2.COO : Chicago
Clan , 3'JOO : United States Leather preferred , 5,300) )
Western Union , 3,100.
IVeiv Yorlc MOIICJMarket. .
NKW Y011K , Nov. 23.-MONHY ON CALL-
Kasy at 2 per rent : last loan. 2 : closed , 2.
STnnLINO nXCHANQi : Firm , with actual
business In hnnki > rn , hills nt J4.8U'/iff-I.S9ll for de
mand , and at J.57'/4O4.S7i for sixty days ; posted
rates , 14.S8V4 and (4ia ; commercial bills , (1 8G > i.
aOVKUNMUNT I1ONDS Steady : state bonds ,
Inactive : railroad IjonJs , easier : nw. 4s , leer. ,
12)54 ) ; coupon , 12iJ ; Us , reft. , 112'i ; 5s , coupon-
114 % : 4s. lop. , lllVi : coupon , 11U1 ; Zs. rei ; . , 97 ;
Paclllo 6s of 'OC , 102.
CloslnR quotations on bonds were as follows :
HAH 8ILViil 30id per oi.
MONBV 1 ner cent.
Tha rate of discount In Ihe open market for
both short and three months' bills Is IVi per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
K vr York AVcekljr llunk Stutcmviit.
NKW YOHIC. Nov. 23t-The weekly bank state-
m nt Issued today showa III * followlnir chancon :
H er\e , decrease. ISW.IK ) : loam , decrrat * . $2:1-
800 ; specie. Increase , $51,700 ; legal tender , de
crease , $1. ( > .300 : dfpsslls. decrease , $1.03.0 0 ;
clrouUtlon. decrease1208,000. . The banlu now
hold $ lt,684,850 In exceu of the K far cent rule ,
Sau Vranolfca Hluluar Quotntlonn.
SAN FUANCIbCO , Nov. VS.-Tlia official cloilotr
> quolAltons for mlnlnr stoaki taltr vvora a fol-
llALTIMOItn. Nov. 23.-ClcarltiR ! .
balances , | 2J7,4G2.
l'IllLAIiLPinA. Nov. 13-Clcarlngs , $12.010-
' '
ST , LOUIS. Nov.23.-ClearlHRs , $2,571,135 ; hi I-
nnces , $214 113. Money , CfT7 p-r cent. New York
exchange. 6007."c premium bid.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. Today's statement of
the condition of the treasury shows : Available
cash balance , $177,756.6'J : gold loserve , $ ! ,32 * > ,4IG.
CIIICAOO. Nov. 2J.-Cleirlng . $11 023.0M.
Money , llrm ; SW5H per cent on call : 6jG',4 per
cent on tliti" . New York exchange sold nt 40o
premium. Sterling , on demand , $1.90 ; on CO dajs ,
NKW YOHK. Nov. 21 The pxports of specie
fiom the po t of New Yoik for the wee't amounted
to $7,593,259 In gold an ! $701,235 In silver. The
Imports were : Gold , $ liV)5 ; i-llver , fS78 ) : dry
goods. $2,023.SS1 : general inorclinll.ll'o , $8,139,25.1.
Clearings. $ . ' 1,34 ! > ,271) ) : balance * . $10tJ7SIl. !
Kon'Iicn I'MinitioInt ' AtTnlrH.
IiniU.l.V. Nov. 23. Exchange on London , eight
days' sight , 20 m.irks 47 pfg.
PARIS , Nov. 23. Three per cent renlr ! " . lOOf
2iUo for thu account , i\clutnge : ivn Ixindon , 23f
23to ! for checks. The bouise was dull ,
LONDON , Nov. 21. Gold Is quoted nt Iluenos
Avrco today nt 233.50 : Madrid. 17.51 ; I.lrljon. 26 ;
Athens , 77 : Homo , 108.10 ; Vienna. 103. Stock
markets quiet , pending settlement of mines com
mencing on Monday. The amount of bullion gone
Into the Hunk of England on balance loday wan
Liverpool MurUetn.
LIVI2HPOOL , Nov. 23. 1.0 : p. in. close :
WHEAT Spot , quiet : demand poor ; No. 2 red
winter , 5s 1'Jd : No. 2 spring , piocks cxh.-u.sted ;
No. 1 haid. Manitoba , Cs 2il ; No. 1 California.
5s 24d. Fuluros closed easy , with mar nnd
distant positions unchanged to Vid lower : business
about equally dlstilbuted ; November , Cs 1'id.
December. 6s 1'id ; .Tannarv. 6s l\d ; February ,
5s 2V4d : March , 5s S'id ; April , Ei J jd.
COI1N Spot , quiet ; Ameilean mixed new , 3s
41Jd. Putin es closed steady with Januiry nnd
February lid lower and oilier months unchanged
from jesterday's closing prhcs ; November , 3s 4d ;
December. 3s 3id ; January. Ss 2' < d ; I'cbruar } ' .
3s 3'ld : March , as 2'id. April. "s 2d.
I'LOUH Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy
winter. 7s 3d.
PROVISIONS Hacon , firm ; demand poor : Cum.
boilnnd cut. 2 ! ) to 30 lh . . 31 : Bhort rib" . 2S Ibs. ,
35s. long clear , Unlit. 30 to 43 Ibs. , 30s ; long ,
heavy. 5 * > Ibs. , 2i > .s Gd ; nhort clear , backs , light.
IS Ibs. , 2Ss Sd ; short clear mlildles , hp.ivy. 65
Ibs , 27s G.I : clear bellies. 11 lo 1C Ibs. , * iU ; shoul.
deiB , .squaro , 12 lo 1 $ lln. . 3ls ! Od ; hams , flioit
cut. 11 lo 18 Ibn. 42s. Tallow. line Nc-ith Ameri
can , nominal , lleef. extni India mess. 75s ; prime
mess , 5s ! M. Pork , inline Hies. " , line woslcin ,
65s M : inline medium , 47s Cd. Lard , quid ; ] Hlni9
western. 2Ss M ; lellned , In pills , 3'ls. '
CIliiSi : : : Quid but flrnly : deniind moderate ;
llne. t American white. 41 ; llncst Ann-ilcan col
ored. 43 .
Ilt'TTnU-rinest United S'ales. 93s ; good , COs.
Tl'lU'UNTINi : Pplills , 20s 3d.
HOS1N Common , 4s 7'ld.
COTTON SiiD OIL Liverpool flnnl , 17s Cd.
LINSIID : oii 20s M.
PETIlOLitIM-Henni-d. ' 4d.
nnKIliailllATOU lllinr rorcquartcrs. Slid ;
hlndquartcrM fi'id.
HLIJACIIINO POWDL'n-IIanlwood , f. o. b.
Llveipool. 11.
IIOPS-At London ( PaclHc coast ) , 2 10J.
Cottcu SlurUct.
NP.W Yonic , NOV. 23 coprnn options
opened steady , with pilc.'s urn-hanged to 10 points
higher , ruled moderately active on loral cover-
I KS , following thi > ullght advance nt Havre , lost
tlrmness oil dull spot niniket nnd closed barely
Steady at C pnlnto advance to 51 points decline ;
rales. .1.000 bags ; Including : November , 514 3i ) ;
December. $14 40 ; January , $14.13 : Febriiaty , $14.10 ;
March. $13.f > i > iT13 93 : June. IU.WQ13.M : Julv ,
( US' : Seiitember. $12.65. Spot coffee , Itlo , dull ;
No. 7. $1525. 1IIIU. dull ; Cordova , flS.OOHlS.7r. ;
no sales.
Warehouse deliveries from New York jestcrday ,
C.4SO bags : New York stock today , 2S6.C3 bags ;
United States stock. 340.573 hags ; afloat for the
United States. 197.00. ) hags ; total visible for the
United Stales , 37,573 bags , against 501,129 bags
lai t year.
SANTOS. Nov. 23 Sleady ; good average Santos.
$1530 : receipts , 13,000 l < gs : stock , 429,000 bags.
IIAMIlUlta. Nov , 23. Steady and unchanged ;
sales. 20.000 bags.
HAVIin. Nov. 23. Opened quiet. Uf advance ;
clnsed unchanged : sales , 42000 bagn.
UIO DH JANIHUO. Nov. SI. Dull : No. 7 , $14.50 ;
exchange , OVid ; cleared for Ihe United States ,
C.0 3 bags : for Kurope. 4,000 bags ; block , 187,000
bags ; receipts , 8,000 bags.
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 23. COTTON-Steadv ; mid
dling , 8 3-lGc ; pales. 20 bales ; receipts , 5,5)7 biles ;
shipments. 4 f.G' ) bales ; stock. 47 " ( .3 bales.
NnW YOniC. Nov. 23 COTTON rmurcs closed
firm ; sales , 134SOO bales ; Jnnuaiy. $ s 37 ; IVbiu-
nry. $ S.42 : Mnich , $847 ; April , $ S.U : May. $8.54.
Jimp , * srG ; July , $ S.CS ; August. 58 GO ; November.
$813 , December , $8.31. Spot clnsiM quiet ; nild-
illlni , ' . uplatids , 8 0-lGc ; middling , gulf , 8 13-lCc ;
sales , none.
Middling , 8 0-lCc ; net rocclp'B , none ; forwarded.
4G9 bales : sales , none ; stock , ISI.OVi Imlrs ; lotal
today nnd consolidated , net n-cclptH , 23.327 bales ;
cxpotta to IJrllnin , II.IM bales ; forwaidcd ,
13.4S3 bales ; continent , 10,119 bales ; stock , 928,737
NI3W OHLnANS. Nov. 23. COTTON Futures
steady ; sales , f.4.400 bales : November. $8.10 bid ;
December. $8.13fl8.14 ; Jnnuaiy. $8.1838.1" ) : Feb
ruary. $8.220321 : March , $3 2GWS.27 ; April. $830
( T831 : good middling , 8c ; middling. Se ; low
middling. 'Tic ; gocd o'dlnary , 7 9-lGc ; n t receipts ,
9.213 bales : gloss , 9,921 bales ; oxivirtH to Oreut
Tlrltaln , G,43rt bales ; to Trance , 13.4J2 ; to the con
tinent. 10,119 hales ; coastvrlFP , 311 bales ; Bales ,
5,800 bales ; stock , 31G.833 bales.
'FrlHeo Wheat ( liiotudons.
SAN TIlANCISro , Nov. 23. WIIDAT Steady ;
December , 97Tic ; May , $1.01 % .
Operntloii uf tin * AVIneoiiNlu Crntrnl
KxpliiliKMl In Full Dt'tall.
JIIMVAUKEB , Nov. 23. The receivers of
the Wisconsin Central lines today filed In
the United States court a complete statement
of their administration of the property from
the time of their appointment on Septem
ber 13 , 1893 , to Juno 30 of the current year.
Dut very llttlo is raid of the physical condi
tion of tha property , simply that it was not
good when the receivers took possession ,
necessitating the expenditure of Urge eums
of mouey , The present condition Is not
The financial operations of the receivers
are quite fully nt forth In a general resume ,
while the detail Is presented In statistical
reports covering every branch of the linen.
Some attention la given to the future pros
pects , and It the views of the receivers are
correct , the property Is hound to Improve
and soon become a paying Investment.
The total earnings of the property during
the tlmo covered by the report , according
to the tables presented , were $7,140,489 , and
the operating expenwa $4,829,669.90 , the. net
earnings being $2,310,819.10. The total as
sets of the companies amount to $2,133-
975.41 , and tbe liabilities are $2G21S69.92.
Hume KleMlt Sold for Food.
SAN FUANCISCO , Nov. 23. Horse flesu
IB being wld In this city for food. Who Is
soiling It or who Is buying It Is not yet
definitely known , although the ffuthorltlcs
have suspicions which may become some
thing mora substantial In a few day * . Chief
Market Inspector Davis has begun his In
vestigations by raiding two establishments
where horses are killed and prepared as If
for the market. Ho has found the dead ani
mals killed , quaitered and hung on hooks
ready for tale , or ready for what disposition
their owners cared to make. He has fol
lowed his Inquiry Into places reeking with
filth , and will swear to complaints agalnct
two of the offenders , \\hoso offense has been
.Vcv CoiiNlltullouraiIy FlnlNlieil.
COLUMBIA , S. C. , Nov. 23. The conven
tion today wan engaged In reading articles
of constitution the third lime. Senator Tlll-
inan tried to have the section on lynching
amended BO'that those engaging In U should
b ) fined | 5,000 , and Imprisoned until It was
paid , but his motion failed. Tbe constitu
tion provides that counties bere lynchlngs
occur shall bs subject to damages In $2,000
to tbe legal representatives of the lynched
person , and may recover tbe amount by
civil process from thote engaged In ( lie
Delegate Sprott of Clarendon county died
today , making the third death which has
occurred among the members ot the cou-
Week Closed with a Light Run of Cattle
and Liberal Hog Receipts.
nclitliti Do Not AlMirnr to lie lit
tlu I'Miul Kiit or IJuj Inn Orders
frtitit Clileimo llnlneil HOK
1'rlri'N 3 Cents.
SATUUDAY , Kov. 23.
Receipts anil shipments for the past
twenty-four hours , ns compared \vlth the
ptcvlous live tlnyp , nre ns follows :
Cattle. Hop1' . Sheep. Horses.
November 13 M9 ftsi 1.2CO
November 22 2.2)6 ) 6KW Ml . . . .
November 21 1,910 C.o WO 2
November 20 8.2S7 GH3 ! 75 18
November 19 2,510 9,41:1 : . . . . 70
November 18 2,12 ! ) SM 316
Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
November 22 1,216 . . . . 4TS
November 21 2,517 1.211 !
November 20 1,779 1,393
November 19 1,737 1,615 . . . . Cl
Nove.nbor IS 1,107 1
November 16 M5S 87 1,3.11 21
The receipts for the \vcok with compatl-
sons are :
Cnttlo. Hops. Sheep.
Itccelpts tills week 12.788 34,617 4.450
Receipts Inst week Ki.nt 2B.C7S s.130
Same week last year..19,290 Gl > , CI4 2,223
Slime week 1S91 22,451 1S.12 ! ) 7,1-01
Some week 1S9J 16.019 30,97.2 G.S07
The following will show the receipts of
the ycnr up to date , toscther with the tie-
crenso as compared with the con cppomlltiE
period of lust year :
Receipts. Decrease.
Cntetlo R32.327 213,912
Hoga 1,007.2911 717,701
Sheep 183.517 37 , tr.
Horses 6,290 , 3,616
It will bo noted from UKUICS given nbovc
that theio has been n decrease In entile
receipts , but n large gnlnjn thu arrival of
UATTL-E-Tho week clo = eil with n light
run of cattle even for n Satin day , only
eighteen fresh lend being In sight. There
wcro not enough or nny one klnil of cnttlc
lo make much of n test of tbe market.
The buyers took what there weio nt cool
strong prices * nnd the trnde was BOOH over.
It Is remaiked that buyers do not nppenr to
take to heavy beeves this fall and theio nre
some vvlio nre. free to predict that big ,
heavy cattle will nol commnml the pre
mium over light entile Hint they hnvc in
past years. Thu demand has called for
cntt'.o of medium \\elglit but of good llnlsh ,
whllo heavy welphts have been ncKiected so
seriously that they have been extremely
hard to sell , even In eastern markets , nl
nnylhlng like sallsfnclory prices. This Is
generally the rule during a season when
feed l.s plenty and cheap. Stockmen me
apt to feed longer , because that Is the best
Investment they can make or their coin.
The result Is Hint lee many heavy callle
nre thrown on the maiket. Hcpicsentntlve
sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..12bO $3 35
1. . . . 010 1 M
1..10V ) 1 73
1. . . . 870 1 80
C. . ,100-i 1 ! > 0
7. . .1017 1 ( II
1G..100S 1 111
2.,10.1 2 00
Cl" ! SIG 2 01
2..1IS1 201
2..1270 2 10
1. . . . U30 2 10
1. . . . 510 1 50
1. . . . CIO 2 21
1. . . . CIO 2 35
1..1130 1 M
1..1470 1 W
1..14IO 1 ! )5 )
1..1330 2 00
1. . . . S10 2 25
1..1450 200
C , . . , ; ( j a 00
1. . . . S < - > 2 50
2. . . . CO 3 00
2..1100 1 71
1. . . . 750 1 75
2. . . . $40 1 75
2. . . . 840 200
1. . . . fiOil 240
1. . . . 790 2 40
1. . . . 401) ) 2 40
No. Pr.
1 cow nnd calf $33 00
1 cow nnd calf SI 00
1 cow and calf 41 (0
1 milker 43 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow C30 $1 60 24 sirs. Tex..1155 $3 2)
127 cows HCl ! 2 5
4 cows 927 220 21 steers 847 253
lldGS In the hog1 division there was n good
liberal run , though receipts showed a falling
off of alxut 700 head as compared with last
Saturday. The maiKct us a whole was fairly
actlvo nt pi Ices thai averaged a little higher
than jesteiday.
The liberal receipts of the past few d.i > have
placed locil packet H In a position of Independence
and It looked veiy much ns If they were pre
pared to bear thu market n little , or nt least
to pay no 11131 c than ntcady prices. A liberal
order , however , from P. U. Armour of Chicago
changed the situation very miteilally. The buy
ers concluded that they all wanted hogs and
the matltet In consequence opened n little
stronger. The trade wim quite active until the
shipping orders weia tilled and then It caned
off and for n time wan rather dull. Armour ,
however , came In with n. second order nnd the
market recovered and closed pretly clofce lo 5c
higher. Most cverjthing fold Inside the range of
$3.40 3.45. us against $3.35fr3.40 yesterday. The
popular price today wns J3 40 , but the piopor-
tlon of the fialeH at Ihat price wan not ncnily
HI great us yesterday. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
C4 231 SO $3 20 CO 29 ] 120 13 42VS
63 13 > i . . . 35l > 63 33S 123 3 42Vj
72 2HJ SO 3 3 * 40 C7 . . . 3 42'4 '
34 241 40 335 73 211 40 3 < 24
23 , .1S7 . . . 333 CO 3 12) ) 3 4J'A '
09 2JO SO 331 61 347 . . . 3 4M
51 191 SO 33a 51 2S3 40 3 42V4
25 . . .ISO . . . 3 tli 75 231 ! SO 3 42 > ,4
70 275 0 337'i ' CO 27G 40 3 42VJ
57 2GI 40 340 C9 210 100 3 42',4
71 231 120 340 Cl ( 313 . . . 3 42'4 '
14 341 . . . 3 40 Cl 253 SO 3 42' $
16 25) ) CO 341 3i 29 * . . . 3 4" '
C2 2SO SO 340 C7 212 fO 3
68 294 f > 0 340 69 270 4) 3 . _
60 252 . . . 340 ffi 32) 241 342
77 262 ICQ 340 Cl 2i4 120 .1 424 *
74 214 40 34) Cl 317 40 345
C9 211 SO 340 IB 2W . . . 343
CO 2S2 2C0 340 61 27J 10) ) 343
49 311 SO 340 9 373 . . . 345
70 2C4 40 340 CO 2J3 . . . 341
Cl , 301 SO 3 4) 73 215 ] 00 3 41
C2 297 40 340 C ) 3Vi KO 341
64 283 200 340 50 320 80 345
57 285 . . . 340 I'll 291 160 345
C3 251 80 340 7. 251 41) ) 345
Ci ) S09 80 3 40 fin 313 120 341
7C 262 12) 340 Dl 312 . . . 341
61 233 M 341 40 320 UO 341
67 218 40 340 M 321 200 345
61 813 . . . 340 65 HOB . . . 341
67 2S < 1 . . . 3 40 M 283 160 3 45
70 214 160 340 64 US . . . 341
Cl 218 40 340 Ca 251 . . . 341
72 202 . . . 340 Cl 2S9 SO 341
41 223 80 340 f.1) ) 2IS 40 341
70 219 40 340 77 233 100 343
C5 21C 80 340 M 25T 120 345
78 260 240 3 42V6 71 233 KO 3 41
C5 261 12) ) 3 42',5 W 3"3 SO 341
70 299 10 3 4214 63 2 ; 40 3 47'i
3 163 . . . 183 01 131 . . . 323
1 200 . . . 200 3 173 . . . 323
1 , 270 . . . 200 . . . , , . . . ) . . . 330
1 270 . . . 25D 4 2W 84 330
2J KG . . . 325 1 170 . . . 340
SIII'EP The market was active ut good nitons
prices and lh offerings vveru picked up early.
Representative fealea :
No , . Av. Pr.
10 Mexican jenrllnes . , 7.1 $200
C8 Mexican > uirlliig , . , 75 2 CS
493 Mexican > cvillngH . , , , . . 7C 2 t > 1
CX8 Mexican jc.irllngs . , , , 75 2 f 1
72 nallvn Iambs , C9 3 00
CHICAGO i.ivi : .vrocrc.
Native Ilcuf Cnitlit Sold nt Jlciliioeii
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. Native beef cnltlo nro now
Relluig at from $1.25 to II. 5 , thlcily at from
$3.73 to JI.M , n few fitlllng ns low n $3.10 , There
In nol much rirtwpcct for higher prices , as until
after the ChrUtmu * holidays | hq large con
sumption of poultry will ( -jrlonnly curtail the
consumption of beef. Uxpoilera nre taking me
dium weight catllR nt from $3.75 to $1.21. and ( hi *
clam hon hlKhoi In | > ropillon wlili oilier *
than n week ug } . This week's run of ToxunM \
about 0.500 lii'ad , ns against H/iQO Insl week. About
7,000 weMern rangers arrived during thu wetk ,
compared with 13w ) last vteuk and S.OOU the cor-
rotpunJIiiL' wfelt of U&4. The kcaKon'H tun of
wctUTUK U about 413.0'M ' the taigeit tun
nn record , excepting l- t > tar , \ > Y 47,000 , , end 1W3
by 160.000.
Tradt In hogs wan active at an u-lvance of a
nlcl ; l , with vales Urcely at J3.W. Common to
cholcs droves sold at fiom $3.1) to 15 W , iiculiul
from $3.40 to $3 73 n wcrk ayn. from tJ.75 to Jl.S )
u. year * Eo nnd from $ .1.10 In $3 74 two years nuo.
fiom JVJS to f > thie Jfllln gq ana ficiln $ J.J
to $4.21 four > car ag3. Hruty Urd hum me
now In Iielter demand than Unlit wclglitH. Pigs
are scarce and active Hi from $3 93 lo $ J.W for
good to rholce.
Trade In shttp vt i slow at jcitcrday' * pilres.
Inftilor to cholct ontlvo shetp Mug talublo ut
from | I.DO to 13.15 , with prlmo heavy ewes
I pretty much nominal at from ( l.t In ( ISA. Wet >
ern theep wer * qulri t trim ( J 49 lo ( J , nml
Inmlit were Mlsl < l At from (3 to (40.
Knimnn Ollr l.lvo Stock.
10 > ) hendi lowest for > ei > t , i > hl | < mrnts , ! lt hend ,
MAtket iiumlnally utronR , Texas Mrrrs. ( t4V { >
3.41 , Texs * cows. (1 754rX13 ; tieef sleer , ' .
4 M : native * cott i ( l.wttl 49 ; utotkers nnJ feed
ers. (2 Uftltt ; i > ls . ( t tOVS W.
IIOHSReceipt" . 4fX ) hesd : shlpmonts , MO
head Market utroni ; . Bo higher ; Im'.k of nalrs ,
(1 > .Mil4) . heavy , ( tnoflSM , i > 1 < 'r" J.r.H ) 41 ?
mKo.1 , (130ff3l6j llRhts , tJ.Si'US.IO ; Yoikoi * , ( .1.3 }
( JOOffS.9 > ) .
SIIUIIP Receipts 4 ! Wi > head : shipment * , none.
Market steady , minks. H.COfH.5 * .
SI. I.olllN ll\f > Mix-k.
ST. LOPf , Nov , -OATTL1 ; Rec'lpls , fOJ
head. The usual SnUmlio's scant supply nnd
plow movemenl prevail , btil there In no cliango
In prlcen. Native stoem range front $3 lo $4.73
and Texas steer * nt $24)N3 < > 1.
HO(1S-Receipt ( * , 2 W liradl market utradv tr >
utrolig ; hpnvle , $3.30f3.60 , mixed , $3.25 3 50 !
light. $1.30.1 & 3.
SHUliP -celpti ! , J'JO henili market iinchanceJi
natives , $22303.50 ; pouthein , $2.COtf3.00.
Stock III Sl ll .
lleconl of rfcelpts nt tlu- tour iiilnolpAl mnrkcli
for Saturday , November 13 , IW :
Cattle. Hoe * . Sheep.
South Omaha
Chlragi ) x > liwn ilov )
Kannas flty , . 1W 44X ) 4.SKO
St. Ixnils . . . . . 600 2,001) 200
Totals . iK9 Te
soiiTiinux nnt'CAToiis TO JIIIT.
l'i Dinlnciit .school Icti AVIU
1'roitnrc Spoclul Pnpcrn.
: , HOCK , Nov. 23. The program for
tlic iiioctlnK of the Southern IMncalloiirtl no-
soclallun nt Hot SprliiRt , lc inbcr 31 , lint
Just been Issued , U contains tlip imiucs cf
some ot the country's greatest oJuc.itors , who
will participate. U is estimated that 1,000
ilclpgntes will be present. Dr. William T.
Harris or Washington. 0. 0. , tlm Unltoa
States commissioner of education , will de
liver nn nildrcaa ns will also Bitch tllstln *
Kiilslicd educators ns Dr. William Harper ot
the University of Chicago. President It. H.
Jesse ot the University of Missouri , Chan
cellor J. II. KlrUand of Vamlcrbllt university
of Nashville , Dr. W. S. Oarrett of 1'eaboily
Normal school , Nashville ; Dr. Ilrovvn Ayres
ot Tularc university , New Orleans : General
S. 1) . Lee , president of the Mississippi colle e :
Hon. J. K. Mnssay of VlrRliila , 1) . H. Hall
ot North Cnrollna , J. W. Merwln of St. Louis
nnd many others.
The imperliitcmlcnt of public Instruction of.
o\try southern state will be In attendance.
Will He Dlvorcoil from All TraiiNoon-
tllKMltlll N > Ht 'lllM.
SKATTLC , Nov. 23. The decree of fore
closure against the Seattle , Lnlco Shore &a
Bastern Hallway company has finally been
signed by Judge Hnnford , nnd February C ,
1S9G , Ilxed as the date ot redemption. Thirty
days niter ndvertl lng the snlo by Master In
Chancery Ebon Smith , no redemption can bo
made. The matter has been pending some
time on the foreclosure of mortgage bonds to
the amount of ) ,4SSSO ! ) ot principal nnil
Interest. The Union Tru t company of New
York Is the trustee for the bondholders anil
the complainant. The bonds wcro
Issued In ISSfi for the purpose ot construction
to the number of fiC75 In denominations ot
$1,000 , and all but 254 are held on deposits
by the Manhattan Trust company ot New
York. This finally fixes the destiny ot tha
Lake Shore road , frees It from tha North
ern Pacific nnd from nil alliance with any
ot the three transcontinental systems cen
tering In Seattle or connecting with It. H'l
i : OK A ni.iicTin r.ovnit.
Stalls mill ShnulH u AVoiunii Mini Oiitn
HIM Own Throat.
AMSTERDAM , N. Y. , Nov. 23. Fred
Danker , aged 23 , went to the hnu < > 3 of Miss
Cora Harrison on Mechanic street in this
city today and called her to the door and
Blabbed her In tlic throat with a knife. Miss
Harrlron wrested the knife from him , where
upon he drew a revolver anil Phot her twice
In the head and once In the shoulder , Inflict
ing fatal wounds. The Infuriated man then
picked up the knife and drew It across his
own throat , Inflicting a tcrrlblo gash , from
the effects of which he will probably die.
Miss Harrison Is 20 year ? of age. Danker
had been keeping company with her for some
time , but she became tired of tils attentions1
and was endeavoring to rid herself of htm.
He became Infuriated on tlita account and
shot her.
IrT > M Got'H to Terre IlniUc.
CHICAGO , Nov. 23. The reception ac
corded Eugene V. Debs by his Chicago sym
pathizers last night did not alter his deter
mination to leave th'e ' city for bis homo ot
Terre Haute. Ind. The labor lender left on
an early train. It is Mr. Dibs' intention to
spend several days In Terre Haute , vvhcro
ho will devote himself to the business ot the
American HalLvay union , nnd to the editorial
work on ths Hallway Times. After that ho
proposes to visit the leading cities of the
country and llnlsh the work of completing
reorganising the organization.
rtcvlevslnir the urn In nnd B'ock markets , will ha
Rent you dally on request. In thu Impo nt ilrserv-
IIIK patt of jour huslnecx. Orders solicited for
cash or on three to llvo point margins.
Jlemhers ChlcaRo lloaid of Trnde , New Yorle
Produce Kxthnnice. New Yurie Cons. Stock I3x-
c'.miiKP. 17 llo.uil Trade , Chicago. 41 Droadvvny , , t
New York.
Can he nmdo hy my plan of Co-operative Specula I'
tion In Wall street on Investment of (100. Sums
from (10 upvvnida m-clvcd Nut one of my cllcnti
has evir lei > l n dollar on my plan. Send for pron.
pcctus and market letter ; nulled free. Hlghcut
icfi.icnrt furnltihi'd ,
i : . niouTmnii PIM ; ,
HimUrr & llrokcr. 111 * llromlvvnr , \ . Y.
Ily c-nrrfiil Hiicciiliilliin In urrnlii Itjr
mull tliroiiRrh a reMioiiHllili > llrm of
larKc pxiierlciii'o mill Hi-rat HIUMTHN.
AVIII HIn itoii iinrlliMilnrn frcr , nlion-
Inu liotv a niiiiill iiiuouiil of in D ii tiy
can InI'liNlly iiinllliilli'il liy HIIUUCNH *
fill Hiifciiliillun. HlKlioMt liu n Ic rc-f-
I'ntllNon & Co , . IlanliiTH nnil
Ill Oinuliu liiillUlnur , Clilc-iiHU.
As many complalnli are coming to Ilio ChlcoKo
Hoard of Trade nliowliiK that pcreomi Inleiullr.i'to
deal In uruln und provleluns Ihruugii iiK-mliriii of
Ilio Uoard and subject tu Its luleti and iPKUla-
tlonn lira nilelocj Into deallne with peisir.u or
Ilrms who Imve no connection with lhl llnanl ,
the publlo I * taulloncd agalnut dnalhu' with tuh
iiirnonn or Ilinib , ori'l ' It notined that ( IKOIKIi ;
r , BTONi ; . Secretary , will uniwer nny liniulile *
us to whether nny partlculai pctnun or Him li
a member uf tuch llourd.
nionai : r. STONH ,
OB.D2H3 ran
> OLICiT7U. oil it cur otllc * nr wrllt for prlrutt
Jlpbcr O'odfor Ulilppors Oraln llcsocctt ,
nialtoBulldlnc. CHICAGO.
000.910-911 Royal Insurance Building ,
In Grain and Provisions.
Order * executed ClilitRO Ilotrd of TiaUe-ln c h n4
oi > tlou Xdrancei niuut on i'0n lffiimnt. hruvuwn
vv arehuu . Union Block V rdl. Utter lu any CliUmKO
BMiklnit liutlluUon or UomiutrcUl Avoiwy. Uui/
IUrkctUtUrtiniiUc tIoa. Corrtii | > niltn < > olloU iI <
testers and Speculators ,
Tlrrt edition ready , It plainly Indicate ! th
maul prolltable mrlhodii of oi > rallilK In ( Iralo
und Stucks. Mailed fr e.
iiAiiriui.v r. THOMAS A co. ,
( li-ulii , Hlock und llnuil llruUcn ,
ot Vumuiurvr ,