Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    TITI2 OMAHA DAILY ttKti : VHIHAY , NOVI3M.KKK i32 , 1803.
ttiMm nin\Tiir MTHT PT ( MTP
Ecal EstAte Eicnango Discusses New Union
Depot Proposition
Committee IN Appointed < < > llrliiK III
Mittli-r llrtoritlio Mnlr lloiiril
nf 'rriiiiHiHirtiitlon lleiuarlid
or ,1. It. WcliMcr.
The subject of the location of the nnlo
depot proposed by the Omaha Hrldgc an
Ttrmlnol company at th& foot of Runan
street was conildtrcd at a special meetln
of the Real IXate exchange , which vsa
held at the Commercial club rooms at
o'clock jesterday afternoon. The meetln
vvts larg'ly attJtiJcd nnd the Karnnm itree
proportion wis unanimously and cnthuslaa
tlcally supported.
I're&Idcnt Chris Hartmnn called the mem
bers to order , and In the absence of tli
regular recrctary , Mr. I ) . C. Patterson \va
named to act In that capacity. Mr. Ilarlmai
stcted the object of the meeting , and re
marked that although theexrlmrge had no
bton leading an nctl\e existence for som
time , It was always ready to come to th
front to aid In nny movement that promise
h"iieflt to Omaha. HP then called on Mr
John II. Webster to Rlvo the meeting th
benefit of his Information relative to th
lirojict. .
Mr. AVcb'ter fahl tlmt the reason why
the Omaha Urldge and Terminal corniuny had
undertaken this matter was that It had be
come convinced tlmt the present depo
facilities In Omaha were wholly Inailequat
nnd that the proposed structure on th
Mason Hreet site could n ver be completed
In that case there were entanglements o
title and difficulties with the railroad com
panics which would not be wived In years , I
Mr. Webster briefly referred to the work
which hnd already besn accomplished by th
terminal company In the way of preliminary
surveys anl the preparation of plans. It hai
established the fact that there was but one
site available for tuch n depot as It proposed
to build , and that was at the foot of I'ur
nam street. The surveys had shown that the
plan propound was not only practicable , bu
that It would give Omaha one of the fines
union depots In the United States. With the
exception cf New York , Chicago nnd St. Loul
there was no city In the United States whlcl
could boast of tuch a depot as was con'em
plated in the plans , which could be ex
amlned by any citizen.
Tht advantages of grade , etc. , possessed by
the site proposed wore enlarged on and thci
Mi. Webster brlelly sketched the prlnclpa
features of the proposed building. II ? stntee
that ihj plnn involved an c\pcnd ture of $700 ,
000 at the outset for real estate , which was
now a drug on the market. Such a purchast
would have a tendency to bear the rea
estate market and would be nn tin
portnnt factor In Increasing the value of other
real estate In the city. This could not be
said of the Mason street plan , as In that cato
not a single dollar would be expended for
real estate. He then explained the position
of the Hock Island nnd the Milwaukee rail
roads In refusing to enter into contract for
the Una of the depot nnd showed that their
objections were without any basis of fact
Referring to the assertion that It wouli
nmko the through lines lose a half hour In
time by coming Into ths depot lie declarei
that tills statement , wa an exaggerate
and lie showed how even the least delay
mlsht be counteracted by making Omaha a
division point.
The following resolution then adoptci
by a unanimous vote :
Whereaw The present depot facilities o
the city of Omnhu are now , ami have been
for several ycui , cnllrly Inadequate to uc
commodate the traveling public , nml
Wheienx. The biilldliiK now Known at the
Om.ilw union depot , nnd mUnt.iliiid bv th >
Chicago , Uurllnglon < k Qiilicy railroad am
the union I'ucllle rnllroad companies , is a
disgrace to our city ami u constant menace
to the health and safety of people ti.ivellnff
Wlieieus , The name and reputation of the
city of Omaha Is belnK Injured on nccoim
of the Chicago , Milwaukee X , St. Paul , the
Chicago , Itoek Island & Pacific and Chi
cugo , JJurllngton A : Qulncy Hallway com
panics Hlamllnir In the way of and lefua
Ing to cntei Into lulr and I'uultublc con
tracts to furnish adequate depot ncconuno
datlons , and
Whereas , The Omaha Bridge and Tormina
Railway company , a corporation which has
already expended over $2,000,000 In purcli.ue
of land nnd construction of a bridge acioss
thu Mlbiiaiul rlvei , and the building1 o
terminal connections In Omaha. Councl
Bluffs and Hast Oinuhii , now stands lead }
to furnish Omaha vslth u metropolitan de
pot at Ninth and Farmim Ftieets that wll
cost , Including land , buildings , and lailroac
eonncctlons' . about $2,000,000 , u depot that wll
furnish suitable and adequate depot fuclll-
tles for nil railroads entering Omaha nt
present , and for ruch other railroads us
may wish to enivr Umaha In the future
and fluch a depot as will reflect cicdlt on
thn good name of our city , nnd
WhPieas , The State Hoard of Transporta
tion Is Moon to meet to llHten to the com-
p'alntH cif numerous Omaha citizens rc-
Kurdlng our i > oor Otpot facilities ; now
thorpfnie. hi * it
Itosolvcd , Tlmt the Real Hstntc exchange
and the real entitle dealers of Omaha most
earnestly requont llio Hlute Houid yf Trans
portation to InclHt upon the , inllrond com
panies entering o city of Omuhu
Ing proper and adequate depot facilities and
to icport In favoi of nnd recommend the
location chosen by the Fnld Omnh.i llrldst
and Terminal Itullwuy company , and be II
He-solved , Thn ( the Renl Hslntc evchange
nnd i pul ostnto dciilers of Omnlm do heieb/
< lecliio In favor of thu depot site nt Ninth
and Kiiimnn stioot ? , and lieroby pledge
themu'lvpJ lo vvork unltully nnd earnestly
for the election f n depot on biild site.
A commlttPo consisting of A. I * . Tukey , I' .
L. I'crrlnc nnd A. U Heed UHB then appointed
to present the i evolution to the State Hoard
of Transportation
Tlio builders and contractors of the city
will inert In the rooms of the Builders and
Traders exchange lu the Ne\\ York Llfo
building nt ! ! o'clock this afternoon to
consider steps for hecurliig union depot at
the foot of l'.uiurn street.
Th& following immcd parties have con
sented to udiiress the meeting : A. B. rotter ,
vice president of th < Omaha Ilrldge and Ter
minal lUlluay company ; John U. Webster ,
A. H. Uufrrnp , K , Hsncdlct. Charles H.
Squires , H. W. Richardson , 13. Hosewaler
and 0. M. Hitchcock ,
, \ Riiiiii
The ploatant ( laver , gentle action and sooth
Ing effects of Syrup of Klgs , when In used of
n la\athc , and If the father or mother he
costlvo or billions , the mo t gratifying re
uultu follou It * * ui > c ; so that It U the best
family remedy known , and ovir > family
should have a bottle on hand.
KlUlioru AKiilu Oliiinprt'N Tliiir.
To lake effect Sunday , Nov. 24 , the fol
lowing changes of tlmo vvlll occur lu tlmo of
trains on K , 13. & M. V. It. H. :
Illack Hills nxpresH vvlll leave Omaha 2:10 :
p. m , dally. Airlve Hot Springs 805 a. m. ,
Deaduood 11.00 a. m. next morning , connect
ing at Fremont for Lincoln dally und for Su
perior and Hastings lines dully except Sun
day , nt Sciluner vUth Albion line dally ex
cept Sunday , and at Children vUtb the ' \Yo- \
mlng line except Sunduy.
Norfolk local vvlll leave Omaha 7.50 a. m
ilally exc nt Sunday , connecting at Fremont
with I/iicoln line , uud ut Norfolk Junction
with Vcrdlgre line.
Illack Hills Hxprcs ? nlll arilvo at 6,30 p. m.
Norfolk local will arrive 10:25 : a m.
\o\fiiiln-r U7Ui nml Dfi-i-inlicr 11 Hi.
On the above drfteg the Missouri I'arlHc
railway wilt sell round trip tickets to pnlnla
In Texas , Arkansas and Louisiana at one
fare ( plus $200) ) . Tor particulars , maps , etc. ,
call or address dtpot , IMh and Webster , or
K , I ) , corner 13th and Pumam street ) . ,
Omaha , Neb. Thomas P. Oodfrey. I' , nnd T.
A , J. O. rhllllpl , A. 0. ! ' , and 1' . A.
A rinii
Ma tha NOHTHWKSTKHN. gets before
starting ra t at CMS P. m , llut U because
It la a coinplct- OMAHA train from UNION
PACIK10 Iii'OT ) , OMAHA. Cl-y
cfllce , HOI Firnam street.
JIavJcu Ires ) , ' i ] l oil page 2 ,
limn < * cno ( i , C.\IIIT tiiAM ; ns
I.loiilcnnnl Prim , { 'iinittuinillnir Of
fer , iRntirM I ho Olllclnt Order.
Lieutenant I'cnn , commanding officer of thf
High Scheol Cadets , had Issued the follow
ing order :
All appointments of cadet officers and noncommissioned -
commissioned officers arc hereby revoked.
The following appointments are announced
to take effect this date :
To be cadet captains Ilalph S. Connell
Joel 11. Stcbbins , nay C. Wagner , Austin
Collett , Karl ConnMl ! to be cadet lieutenant
and ndjutant , Hans C. Hans'en ; quartermas
ter , Kenneth Evans ; to bo cadet lieutenants
Prod C. Dale , David Small , Will Godso , Hob-
crt Townc. Uuy Hois , John 13. Dolan , Harry
A. WlRton , Anthony Osantnerj to bo cadet
sergeant major , Lewis Clarke ; quartermaster
sergeant , Horace C. Hurr ; color sergeant ,
John Holmes , drum major , Werile True ; to
be cadet flrit sergeants , Chester II Sumner ,
O Alex Young , Valdemar S. Jensen , Itobert
Cuicaden ; to 1 > 3 cadet sergeants , How en ,
Hunltr , Doane , Humphrey , Tukey , Wclshans ,
Sweet , Leonard , Yatcs. Hems , IVufold , Tcb-
blnj , Kcnlston , Sadler , Fondn , Thurstonj to
he cadet corporals , Carter , Goetz , Shaw , G.
Morton , Krcllo , I'ngel , Stoney , Sholes , G.
Raymond , Williams , r. Cuscaden , Roblton ,
SwartzIandT , Harrows , Coburn , Lelimcr.
Cadet Captain Ralph S Connell Is , at his
own request , placed nn the uiiHSslgned list ,
and will be given such duty front tlmo to
time aa tlit > battalion commander may deem
The battalion commander takes this op
portunity to expre Mi appreciation of the
efficient manner In which Cndet Captain
Ralph S. Connell has performed his duties ,
and especially while In command of the
cadet battalion duilug September and Oc
The following assignment to companies Is
announced To company A , cadet captain , J.
II. Stebhlns ; cadet lieutenants , 1) . Small and
A. Gsantner ; cadet tlrst sergeant , V. S. Jen
sen ; cadet pergeantp , Hunter , Tukey , Tenfold
and Kensington , cadet corporals , Morton O.
Stoney , Williams and Coburn , To company H
cadet captain , A. Collett , cadet lieutenants ,
W Godso am1 O. Ro s ; cadet first sergeants ,
C. H. Sumner ; cadet sergeants , Uowen ,
Welshans. Yatei , Tcbblns ; cadet corporals ,
Goetz , Sholes , Raymond and Swartzlnnder.
To compiny C , cadet captain , K. Connell ;
cadet lieutenants , R. Towne and H. A. Wlg-
ttn ; cadet first sergeant , G. Alex Young ;
cadet sergeants , Doaue , Sweet , Deans and
Kcnlston ; cadet corporals , Carter , Kngcl , F.
Cuscaden and Harrows. To company D ,
cadet captain , R. C. Wagner ; cadet lieuten
ants , T. nile and J. 13. Dolan ; cadet first
sergeant , Robert Cuscaden ; cadet sergeants ,
Humphrey , Leonard , Sadler and Fonda ;
cadet corporals , Shaw , Krelle , Manchester
and Lehiner.
Cadet Lieutenant W. Godso Is placed In
temporary command of tho1 unasslgned de-
The following named cadets \vlll report to
Cadet Lieutenant Godso for temporary duty
with the unasslgned detachment , vly. : Cadet
Lieutenant Gsantner , Cadet Sergeants Hun
ter and Fonda , Cadet Corporals Morton G.
Swartzlamler , Harrows , Coburn and Lehmer
Cadet Drum Major W. True vvlll take
charge ot the drum corps.
Hereafter a list of these cadets who Invt
been abssnt from drill vvlll bo posted upon
the- bulletin board Immediately after drill.
Explanation In writing , in the same form as
these required last jear , must bo submitted
through the company commander to the cadet
adjutant b'foro the next drill.
Cadet Captain Ralph S. Connell ; Quarter
master Seigeant Uurr and Color Sergeant
Holmes vvlll report to the military Instruc
tor for special duty In connection with the
enrollment of cadets.
The Increased sire of the battalion this
year renders necessary a sttlcter obseivance
of milltaiy requirements In discipline and
drill , anil It h hoped that the Individual
effort of every cadet will be directed toward
BEcurlng Improvement In both drill and disci
pline , and more Justly meriting the commen
dation of the cltlrens of Onnha.
A IlL-nrtj "Welcome
To returning peace bj day nnd tranquility at
night Is extended by the rheumatic patient
who owes tlieso blessings to Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters. Don't delay tli ? u e of
this fine anodyne for pain and purltler of
the blood an Instant beyond the point when
the disease manifests Itself. Kidney trouble ,
dyspesln , liver complaint , la grippe and Ir-
teguldrlt > of tl'e bowels are relieved and
cured by the Hitters.
Tiirl. y to HP niMiiioinl
Friday and Saturday of tills week at Y. M.
C. A. rooms Dinner 35c. Served by ladles
of Illllsldo Congregational church. Supper
( Saturday night only ) 25o.
Wlfh tliu KcKiiIiirlt > of II .Mill * tie ,
And nearly as , swift , the trains of the Lake
Share & Michigan Southein R'y n ake ihelr
trips between Chicago and New York , weav
ing closer and closer day by day the many
mutual lnteie"ts of these great commeiclal
cantors of the United States. Departing
from the Van Huron htriel station , located in
the heart of tha buslnes * disttlct of Chicago
and ai riving In New Yoik at Hie Grand Cen
tral station , 43 < l street , the popularity of this
llro In point of lime and convenience Is read
ily undei stood. It s ° ems almost impsrfluous
to add that for this service the equipment
embodies all that Is new and modern in ( he
art of car building ; apparently nothing that
would give one a fo'Ilug of safety , comfort
and luxury hits been overlooked. The sched
ule provides morning , aftemoop. and evening
trains. Latest time table , with all Informa
tion dealied , will be momntlv rnrninhiwi or ,
H. P. HUMPHREY , T. P. A. .
KP nuts City , Mo.
C. 1C. WILHER , W. P. A. .
I'LTNOlllllIy ClIIKlllclOll nitiltrNloilH tO
From Omaha oveiy Thursday morning
thiough to Lo * Angeles without change
everything first-class but tickets.
Fast time jou re.ich San rrancl ro Sunday
evening ; Los Angeles Monday morning. ix-
peilenced excursion conductor accompanies
each exclusion uniformed Pullman portei
with etch cai. Only personally conducted
excursions to the Pacific coast which pass
through Denver.
Call at ttie city ticket office , 1024 Farnam
street , and get full Informstlon , 01 write J.
Francis , general pabsengtr agent , Omaha.
.Snipper n ml Il
A La Carte ,
rations of the Sioux City Iioiite will bs
ileared to learn Hut supper will be served In
Northwestern dining cars oil northbound St.
I'aul Limited dally train between Missouri
Valley and Slou f Clly , and on the sotillibound
train duo Omaha 9:10 : a. in breakfast will bo
between Sioux City and Missouri Val-
Omnlm ( ! I > ( N u > IM > Train.
Th-e Overhml Limited , via Union Paclflc-
Nortliwettern , lhat formerly took an Omaha
sleeper east dally at M ! > [ > , m , now leaves
an hour Earlier , and In Its place , at a quar-
er to C every evening , the NORTHWEST-
3RN line Htntts a new complete train In
OMAHA , from OMAHA and for OMAHA , ar-
Ivlng In Chicago at 8:15 : o'clock next morn-
ng , A clean veHtlbuled gas 111 Ak-Sur-
3cn 11 } cr wllli fleepors ( bupeib ) chair
cars free and dining car ( Norlhwettern ,
City ticket olllcc , 1401 Furnam street ,
r.iir. i > . M.
a quarter to six ,
The new "Onialm-ClilcaKO Special , "
via the Northwestern line ,
an him ; at Chicago next morning
a quarter to nine ,
SMS a. m. .
City ticket olllce , 1101 1'arnam street ,
iiKTliltiUM limit. "
N'o. G , Omalu , C 4D p. in , Chicago , S-)5 : ) a , m ,
'o. " , Omaha , -I 45 p. m. , Chicago , 7.45 a , in ,
\'o. 1 , ChliMgo , t00 ! ; p m , Qnxiha , S'10 a m ,
s'o. : i , ChkMgo , 10-4ip ! m. , Omaha , 3 3r p , in ,
Co , S , Omaha , 10. 0 a. m. , Chicago , 7 00 a. m ,
s'o. S , Chicago , 4:20 : p. m. , Omalu , 9 20 a , m.
City Ticket olllce , 1401 1'arnam street ,
Snlfl , Very Sr.lft.
Leave Omaha today , arrive Salt Lake to-
lorrow , San Francisco next day and I/os
Angeles morning of the third day. That Is
vlmt ycu can do via the Union Pacific , but
ot via any other line.
Huy jour tickets via "The Overland Route. "
A. 0. DUNN.
City Pass , nml Ticket Agent.
1 OJ Farnam Street.
lUyden Uros , ' ad 1 ou page 3.
nltli TrnilliiK n TorKPtl Cook
'iuiiiVnrrntit ,
Walter C Taye , charged with forglns and
telling a Cook county , Illinois , fdiool bond for
$1.000 $ , hid a preliminary before Judge
Uorka yesterday afternoon. Assistant Super
intendent Haublns of the Omaha Hrewlng
association first took the stand and testified
as to the transaction between the brewing
company and Faye , by which It came Into
possession of thfs bond. Faye had purchased
a saloon belonging lo the company , located
at Fourteenth and Capitol avenue , for $2,000 ,
half cash. Faye turned over the bond In
II > u of money , the rest of fhe payments be
ing secured by notes for various amounts
Faje conducted the business for a period of
three months , when It was turned over to
Ed Leed'r , Fa > c retiring Faje then went
to Chicago. The bond remained In the pos-
scsD.on of the brewing association tor a short
time , and vvas turned over to the First Na
tional bank of this city , which forwarded Ute
to the First National bink of Chicago for
collection. The Chicago bank pronounced the
bond a forgery. The brewing compiny was
obliged to make good llio amount of the bond
and accrued Inlerest to the- home bank. G
Storr , president of the brewing association ,
corroborated the stil'ments of Mr. Haublns1
and Mr P. G. Gardener , one of the school
trustees of Cook county was called.
Ho stated that the names on the bond
sold by Faye were forgeries and placed In
evidence the genuine paper Issued by th ?
pioper oniclals comprising himself , W. H
Wlckersham and Robert Vile * , all of Lyons
School district , Cook county.
A comparison of the two bonds showed a
great dlspailty In the handwriting , and also
In mtny other details. The name of John R.
Naylor wa slgiml to the forged paper as
Ireasurcr , Instead of that of Robert Vlles ,
who was at the time the bonds were ( railed ,
and Is at the present time treasurer of lliu
board of trustees.
After several other witnesses had been ex
amined , the case \vas > submitted to the Judge ,
who bound Faye to appear before the dis
trict court , the amount of his bond being
placed al $1SOO.
Faye stoutly maintains his Innocence In
the case , but keeps a studied silence when
asked as to the- manner In which he came
Into possession of the bond. Several letters
in the hands of Mr. Gardner , however , throw
considerable light upon the subject , seeming
to show that Faye , If not the actual forger ,
Is badly mixed up In Ihe mailer. One of
Ihese was written by him to th' First Na
tional bank ot Chicago. In which he states
that he purchased the bond on the Chicago
Stock exchange. The slock exchange does nol
deal In Ihls form of securllles. rl Is alto
said that Faye told another party , when
questioned ns to the former ownership of the
bond , that he did not know , as he had found
It in an envelop on a street In Chicago.
Fajo's atlorney made an attempt to reduce -
duce the amount of the bond on which he
was held , but as he could not secure signers
for any considerable amount , the original flg-
urey were maintained , and Faye vvlll prob
ably tarry In ths county jail until the date
of his trial.
An audience sufficlcn'ly large to furnish
effectual refutation of the oft repelled state
ment that the people do not care for Shakes
pearian tragedy nowada > s greeted Walker
Whlteside lnst night at the Crelghton.
Mr. Whlteslde's Hamlet Is not unfamiliar
to our theater-goers , having been seen and
liked here last season. It has gained much
In the Interval In point of breadth and depth
and by means of a pruning away of many
of the excrescences In the shape of manner
isms and Infelicitous readings which were
formerly Its most apparent faults. Certain
of these evil growths are still a blemish upon
the generally fair fabric of Mr. Whlteslde's
work. He not left oft yaylng "nobul"
and "sabul , " and "horrlbul , " and he seems
fatally attached to tliohe Incontinent gaspings
between emphatic words which Hamlet must
have had In mind when he prayed the plajers
to speak the speech "trippingly en the
tongue. " These , however , are minor fallings ,
and would not call for special mention did
they not persist obstinately trom year to
year and belong to a hateful class which
threatens to delay the admission of this am
bitious young tragedian to that circle of pre
eminence to which he aspires and In which
some of his most ? ealous admirers would have
us believe he Is already firmly fixed. There
are many truly admirable things about this
Hamlet , and so little that is not good that
ona fears to be accused of hypercrltidsm In
calling attention to It.
The company Is peihaps the best that has
ever supported Mr. Whlteside. Miss Leila
Wolstan , the charming wife of the star , was
cordially received as Ophelia , and good old
John Saphore pleased as hcre'ofore as good
old Polonlus , nnd as the First Gravedlger
after th0 death In the former character.
John Sturgeon was a manly and forcsful
Laertes , and Robert T. Halnes as the king
deserved the applause which he received after
the remorseful soliloquy In the closet.
"Hamlet" will be repsa'cd at the matinee
Saturday , "Illchslleu" being the bill for Fri
day , and "Illchard III" for Satuiday night.
Tompltlns' "UlacU Ciook , " with Its wealth
of gorgeous scenery , magnificent costumes ,
grand ballets and startling effects , will be
the attraction at the Cielghton for four
nights , opening with a matinee Sunday , No
vember 24.
Mr. J. K. Emmett's comedy , "Fritz In a
Mad Hoiibo , " will be presented at Doyd's
theater next Sunday night. Among those In
cluded In the cast are Miss Laura Howe ,
Kite Retort , Kitty Trancls , Emyllno liarr ,
L P. HIcUs , Wlllard Newell , Gilbert Ilralth-
wait , Charles Stewart , George Hernandet ,
Chailes A. Prince and precocious Baby Spsu-
cer Slnnot. The sale of teats will open at 9
o'clock tomonow morning ,
William II , Crane's tour this season has
icon one of his most prosperous , and the
claim Is made that the volume of his suc
cess so far this year Is greater than that of
any other star. Ho was In Detroit during
a time that two conventions were being held
n the city , and the added crowds materially
milled to the size of his audiences. In Cleve-
and the carriage makers were In convention
luring the week that ho was there , and they
iiado the largest theater party on record ,
mylng every seat In the house for one of
ho comedian's performances of "Ills
Vlfe's Father. " It was acknowledge * ! In
'incinnut ! that ho did the best business of
he season there , and the receipts for his
seek in St. Louis nearly reached $13,000 ,
The actor's new play , "Ills Wife's Father , "
s said to he a big success , and the theater
goers of this city are to have an opportunity
of judging of Its merits on Monday and
Tuesday , when It Is to be given at Uo > d'n
theater. The sale of seats will open at 9
o'clock toman ow morning , and the free list
hat. . been "chopped. "
nmlly Bancker and her company of come
dians play an engagement of three days at
Hoytl's theater , opening with a matinee on
Thanksgiving afternoon , presenting the En
glish musical comedy , "Our Flat. "
No attraction of the present theatrical
season bids fair to give the public a fairer
return for Its money than E. R , Nice's
" 1492. " which will bo seen at the Crelghton ,
opening with a matinee on Thanksgiving
clay. Thursday , November 28 , the engage
ment being for three nights.
Ton Mourn Sat > < ! .
Second class passengers for San Francisco
via llio Union Pacific now save 10 hours'
tlmo "Tlmo Is money , " IJuy > our tickets
via "The Overland Houte. "
A , 0. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Ticket Agent ,
1302 Farnam Street.
CuiiNiillulloii Prep ,
Consult your best Interests and go east via
the evening Northwestern line , OMAHA-
CHICAGO SPECIAL , at "a quarter to six , "
arriving at Chicago at 8:10 : o'clock the next
City tlcXft ofilce , 1101 Farnam street.
The exceedingly fast time to Colorado ,
Utah , Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California
now being made by tha Union Pacific places
that line In the lead for both first and second
clasi travel. For tickets , tlmo tables or any
Information , call on A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Ticket Agent ,
1303 Farnam Street ,
Dining cars on all trains to ami from
Omaha on Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul
n'y. Meals served "a la carte.1
Citv ticket olilwu 1501 Faruam St.
t.v i.oour.n
Over HIP Iniu1 < tnil AVn * 1'lonnpil.
Whlltf my flrtt Impression ! of the country
wore favorable , stilt nftor remaining there
nnd very carefully R | BB over the Orchard
Homes lands ottered" for sale , my good Im
pressions were not only confirmed , but I muil
In strict Justice tay.I was forced to admit
that the advantages of Orchard Homes for
the Intelligent purthaser were really more
than they had been represented to be. 1 was
astonished to find crops of corn , and In many
cases of potatoes , prowlng ipon land from
which there had already been hnrveitcd this
season first crops of'tomatoes , beans nnd
other vegetables. This convinced me that
the raising of two or more crops on the same
land each year was plainly an absolute fact.
I think also , that by Intelligent and careful
working of the land three or four crops can
bo grown each jear Just as laslly as two
crops , The native grasses nro nutritious ,
produce welt and keep green during all the
jear , and I understand from reliable- Informa
tion tlmt alfalfa has been known to give as
high as five to eight cuttings annually.
I found the land to bo > gently rolling , with
Jurt enough timber scattered over It to meet
the wants of fuel , fence posts nnd other
ordinary uses. The roads were In excellent
condition. Wnte-r was plenty , such as run
ning creeks nnd wells , the latter would
average from thirty to sixty feet In depth.
The water Is pure nnd wholesome , 1 found
the weather tomewhat different from what I
evpectod. In the middle of the day the ther
mometer did not run near as high ns It does
hero and the nights nnd mornings wore al
ways cool and pleasant.
Orchard Homes Information on application
to dco. W. Ames , gen. agt. , 1C17 Farnam
streat , Omaha , Neb.
Tnke th electric lighted , solid vestlbuled
limited train of ths C , M. & St. P. H'y.
which leivey the union depot , Omaha , dally
at 6 00 p. in. for Chicago and all points east.
City ticket ofllce , 1504 Par nam St.
Chief Justice Norval Is In the'city. .
F. J. Dolsen of Minneapolis Is at the
State Oil Inspector J. H. Rdmlston is in
the city.
Rx-Congressman G. W. R. Dorsey Is at
the Milliard.
W. L. Pitcher , U. S. A. , Fort Dougtaa , Is a
Paxton guest.
Major Clarkson came In from the west
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor of Fort Nlobrara
are at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hamilton of Lincoln
are at the Dellone.
W. A. Neal , a merchant of Cedar Bluffs ,
Kan. , Is at the Barker.
Hiram Chase , the Indian attorney of Pen-
dor , Is an Arcade guest.
Charles S. Dome , stockman , Montrose ,
Colo. , Is at tlio Arcade.
R. C. Lowe of the Norfolk beet sugar fac
tory Is a guest at the Mlllard ,
Ilev. n. W. Oliver and J. J. Sherlock of
Krarney are registered at the Paxton.
Mrs Co ? , wife of Colonel I aac Coe of
Nebraska City , is a guest at the Murray.
William R. Chancellor , head of the Poly
technic Institute at Lincoln , is In the city.
R. M. Thompson and J. H. "Warren nnd
wife are registered at the Barker from Chi
Walker Whlteside. Mrs. Walker Whiteslde
and Miss T. C. Whiteslde have rooms at the
Juan Boyle , Juan Ashton Bojle , Juniiis I
Boyle and R. W. Tlllson of Kearney are. at
the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Spear of Norfolk
arc guests at the Mlllard. Mr. Spear is pro-
prlc'or of the Oxnard hotel.
Goneial Manager Jeffries ot the Denver &
Hlo Grande railroad passed through Omaha
In his private car yesterday afternoon on his
way west.
Miss Alice Richards , daughter and private
secretary of the governor of Wyoming , Is
visiting Mrs. George P . Stebbtnsat , 2707
Dodge street.
Mr. 'and Mrs. McCulla. Miss Hnmblln , W
B. Stonei E. Tanner , E. Fowler , Jerome
Anthony , J. F. Palmt-r and George Rlchlele
are quartered at the Barker.
J. F. Aglar , general agent of the Union
Pacific at St. Louis , and Leslie Aglar came
to the city last evening to attend the Dick
inson reception , and are at the Millard.
Major W. H. Clapp of the Sixteenth In
fantry , Fort Douglas. , and Mrs. Clapp are
guests at the Puxton. The major is on his
way to Pine TUdge , where he has an assign
ment as Indian agent.
At the Murray : L. F. Brooks , Boston ;
V. M. Vlckery , New York ; John Clianln ,
Cheyenne ; George L. Dicks , Baltimore ; Mrs.
Isaac Coe. Nebraska City ; Max Abraham ,
A. Samuel , Chicago ; R. J. Snjder , New
York ; Robert T. Halnes , Kansas City ; J.
L. Saphone , John Sturgeon , New York ; Jose
phine Morse. Boston ; Maud Dudley , M. Les
ser , New York ; L. L. Weaver , Shelton , Neb. ;
C. R. Latshaw , H. II. Loughildgo , Chicago ;
R. G. Marsh , Minneapolis ; G. A. Doro , Cairo ;
R. J. Goldsmith. Cincinnati ; C. De Wolff ,
Connecticut ; H. C. Neblung , New York.
ill the HolrlN.
At the Mcrcei W. H. Johnson , N. L.
Ta > lor , Norfolk.
At the Dellone Robert Weldensall , Yutnn
II. K. Babcock , Ord.
At the Paxton George Havvke , Nebrafkn
City ; John Hc-Imors , Grand Island ; W. W.
Pool , Ravenna ; M. B. Thompson , Albion.
At the Merchants W. F. Black , Gothen
burg ; J. A McLaughlln. Butte ; Georr-e
Berry , Mrs. George S. Hurford , Mrs. Rd
Tanner , Miss Helen Tanner , Battle Creek ;
William Lister , Louis Freyermuth , Hay
Spllnss ; J. S. West , Benkelman ; L. 11.
Bluckledgp , Culbertpon
At the Arcade J. A. Ollls , J. F. Rogers ,
Ord ; J. W. Stotter , Valentine ; John II.
Share , N. 8. Howley , Kennedy ; John II.
Dlciks. KwliiK ! Kd Stout , J. A. Tuckei ,
Waterloo ; George Mason , Chndion ; G V.
Rubsell , Pullman ; John Graff. Tecumseh ;
1 1 Albright , Uecmer ; A. C. Abbott , T. R
Lleper , Pcnder ; H. J. Welly , Dakota
Plttsburg nut , fancy , J4.00 a ton.
Plttsbiirg lump , fancy , 14.50 a ton.
Ifill Farnam , American Fuel Co.
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream bf Tartar Powder. Fiee
tiom Ammonia , Alurroorany other adulterant ,
Y , II. C. A.flk * to Hn p lid A
inrnt Stricken Off.
The Hoard of KqunllMtlon on the general
city tax Is still In session nnd the chances
nro that It will not complete the hearing of
protests this week. Chairman Kcnnnrd had
expected to finish Wednesday , but a largo
number of additional protests have been pre
sented and thf work materially Increased. H
Is now stated that the board will positively
adjourn on Monday next ,
Among the protests heard yesterday was
that of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion against the asses ment of Its property.
The property has always been exempted under
the clause exempting property which Is
used for religious , charitable or benevolent
purpo'cs , but this jear the as e"Hor returned
an assessment of $8,000. Yesterday A. P.
Tukey , C. A. Starr and Attorney floss up-
peired before the board and presented their
objections , supported by an opinion from
Judge Lake , The case was taken under ad
visement. _ _
MNN | Cnrliu'U n * n Deleft ! VP.
Miss Anna Oarlock of South Omaha , re
siding at the Rxchango hotel , lost a gold
watch and chain and a gold Iccket from her
room several weeks ago The lees was at
once reported to the police but they wore
unable to locate the thief or the plunder.
Wednesday Miss Garlock struck n new clew
which led her to believe that a colored boy
who formerly worked at the Exchange build
ing , but who since removed to this city , had
takfn the Jewelry. The boy has been located
by the detectives nml n search warrant will
bo Issued , ns It Is thought the boy stilt has
the articles In his possession.
'I'Iic Clilcnuti , MllunuUuc \ SI , 1'iuil
Chicago limited leaves the union depot dally
at G.OO p. in , arriving union depot , Chicago ,
at 9:00 : n. m.
Past express for Chicago , Sioux City and
Dakota Ieav s union depot at 10-45 n. m.
and arrives at Chicago at 7 15 a. m.
Omaha Limited Express leaves Chicago
dallj at C.OO p. m. , arrives Omalu union dspot
at S 00 a. m.
Dakoti , Omalu nnd Denver Rxpress leaves
Chicago at 10.23 p. m. , arrives at Omaha
3-25 p. in.
City ticket ofilce , 1504 Farnam St.
Itaydcn Bros ' ad ! on pagei 2.
Charles Mclntyre of Marlon , Iml , , while
aslctp In Loss * saloon jesterday , was robbed
of $18.
Next Sunday evening the Omaha Lledcr-
< ranz will give an entertainment in the
hall at Tenth and Farnam streets.
A challenge by the Omaha High school
to the Denver High school for a contest In
lebate , declamation , etsay and oratory has
jeen declined.
In the federal court yesterday the suit
'or personal Injuries of Fitzgerald against
ho Cudahy Packing company v\as remanded
.0 the state court on account of a technical
Mrs. L. R. Reuse , living on North Twentj'-
second street , reported to the police yester-
lay afternoon that while shopping In a store
icr pocket was picked and n purse contaln-
ng $40 taken.
George B. Collier has begun suit against
he city to restrain It from selling a con
siderable amount of property for delinquent
special taxes. The taxes were levied for
grading the land and lemoving an alleged
uilsanco In the shape of a pond of watei
Collier alleges that he was not given notice
hat the work was to be done , and there
fore had no tlmo to mak ? objections. He
sajs , too , thai If ho had caused the worK
o be done himself It would luvc cost him
ess than the special taxes amount to.
The Nebraska Clothing company has asked
or another restraining order against L
Loeivy of South Omaha. Loevy was selling
under the name of the Nebraska Clothing
company , alleging that hla store was a
branch of the Omaha store. Ho was en
joined from using the name , and .since then
his stoic has sailed under the name of "The
Nebraska. " It is alleged that he Is still
claiming to run a branch of the Omaha store ,
and therefore a restialnlng order has > been
asked to enjoin him from using that name.
Two affidavits have been filed In the case
of Richard Weaine and others against the
Davis & Covvgill Iron works. The allegi-
tlons aie repeated that the stock of the
bankrupt firm was mortgaged for the pur
pose of securing certain prefeircd creditors
and freezing out the rest. It Is also charged
that the two head members of the firm ,
Davis and Cowglll , have been collecting ,
through agents , valuable book accounts , and
either appropriating them or d strlbutlng
them among creJItors who are their personal
Beecliam's pills are for bilious *
ness , bilious headache , dyspep
sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz-
ziness. sick headachebad taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss of appetite.sallow skinetc. ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent cause of all of them.
Go by the book. Pills IDC
and 250 a box. Book free at
your druggist's orwrite B. F.
Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. ,
New York.
f Wl 1)00 ) boi.n
( My mama us d Wool Soap ) ( I with mine had )
WOOLENS will not shrink If
Is med In the laundry.
Wool Poap U delicate and refrushlmr for lint li pur-
? owcs. Ttio boM ck'uust'r. lluunburut j/our Urultn.
wo bites : toilet and laundrr.
Rnworth , Schodde k Co. . Makers , Chicago.
ai'nalhiim t-t . Jloiton , ( .1 Ioonanl Hi. ,
Kow York.lCT CUeetimt Louis.
Attention , Unions
E hereby desire to inform all Union Men that NonUnion -
Union Musicians have been engaged to play for
S the Liberty Ball given by the A. R. U. , at Washington
8 Hall , tonight , Friday , November 22.
I Local No , 22 , Kat'tml Leigue of Musicians of U. S ,
n The only Musicians' Union recognized by the Central Labor
n Union of Omnlm.
President. Rec. Secretary.
20O I I
Classed as the best $12.00 garment
this planet ever produced at -
And the fun begins Saturday morning.
Dress Overcoats Patent Beaver Velvet Collar Ital
ian and Wool linings Fly Front and well ! you had
better find out.
Samples in Douglas Street Window.
Black or Blue as you like.
Equity Quitting |
Here's the sort of tactics we use to get quit of our bfw ; ! j
* *
Stock of Fine Furnishings , Hats and fj
Just a cut a long , deep , wide cut LIKE THIS :
Fine English kersey Overcoats , fly
fiont , silk velvet collar , latebt length ,
cut to only
Heavy filczo , beaver nnd
never bold for less than $10.00 , cut now
to only
8,000 pairs men's Pants , nil colors ,
hair lines , neat stilpcs and bolid color ,
all go at 7oc to
Heavy fine threaded mciiuo Under
wear , 75c quality for
All our 50c and 75c Leather Mitlcns ,
warm lined , go In one lot at , choice
AVlIson Bros. ' Hue $1.25 White Shirts ,
what are left go at
Suits for Men
At the thinucst prices ever known la
Suits for short , stout men big , stout
men-anil all betts of heavy built fuU
lows Suits In sacks and cutaways
Suits that sold uj ) to Slioou. and not ono
for It-hh than iii.r : ( ) , all In three lots at
$7.25 , $8.5O
"H. S. & M. "
All our rORiilar line of Hart , SvhalT *
nor & Mark line Men's Snlt.s BO In till *
t > ale tit less than half ( he old price.
Fine cutaway and I'linco Albert Suits , .
in fancy woibted , clay worsted , trimmed
and tailored equal to llnent merchant
tailored garments. All KO every suit
In the store choice of any Milt in three
lots woi tli ui ) to $10.00 ! ,
$7.OO , $8.0O
All our ? and $2.00 Fedora and
Stiff Hats go now for , choice
Fixtures for sale.
Six fine Show discs.10 blue walnut Counters.
Ono line tailors' Sewing Machine , Singer Pattern !
Thrco dibplay euics. A lot o' window fixtures.
All for bale very ohoap. Call at store ,
13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha ,
The Orchard & Wilhelm
Your choice of ( iO jMltoniH , Me a ymd and up ; IJnihHulB nnjj
Velvet , foniioily $1 IS PIT rani.
made fioin i-einimntH nno-thlid to one-half IL HH than
valueKrliiKO Cliuiilllc CovcinISc , worth ; KiliiKc Clio-
nllle I'oillt'ii'H , ? -.r > 0 , woitli $ : t.50 ; Coinfortu , $1.00oitli $ l. ! > 0j
lull bide Feather I'lllinvw ' , T.le pur pulr.
Specliil wilt1 on Luref'u rtnlns for positively one week only- *
Irlnli PolntH , Il'/j ' ynriln hint ? , $ U,18 , icKiihir pi Ice if.'l.'J.'i ; UniBHulH ,
U' yiiKlH loiiKi p-fiU , icKiilnr pMco Vr . - - " > . Hveiy pulr of Lace
Curtains In our Mock fur nno week ut oue-thlid lef.s thun regu
lar prlcu. No extra cliaiw lor
The newest , diolcest stud ; In Omaha , Our holiday stock In
the most unique nnd complete ever Keen heie. Keroenu , Tea
Tables , Tahototts , Ladles' Desks , ( Jnrd Tablec , everything oho
can wlhh , .Make eaily aeleetlous uml wo will ifburvu the
for future delivery.