TICS OMAHA DAILY J 8J2 'F1UDAY , NOVJ3MH1CU 22 , 1805. CLOTHING HOUSE 'THr. ' NORTHEAST CORNER IS DOUGLAS STSL the new owners , This is a bona fide sale to reduce the stock $50,000 within the next four weeks. MEN'S SUITS- Big Day Saturday for Men's Overcoats MEN'S ULSTERS SATURDAY. BOYS' CLOTHING ' In blnelc melton , double-bieasted , wide Men's black beaver or ui'a.v and Oxford $ 6.75 collar , cloth , lined , at 50 styles of high grade suits will be arranged mixed or black diagonal Overcoats , $6.50 on tables z and 3 at $10.00 , $12. 50 and Two Dollars for One Will Be the Order. worth double In Ki-ay ehlnelilla , plaiil worsted linings , $ 8o50 an elegant coat for $15.00. It you want the best that is made--- Men's line black melton T'lsters. with In black frieze , well lined , a jrood , this is what ought to see. Two- piece Cheviot Suit * you pay J5.00 for . wide collars , double-breasted and $6.75 $ 9.50 you the suits wo olter nt thin mile nt J2 50. $2.50 cloth lined warm , serviceable coat lirown. diagonal , Cheviot , double-breasloil , . . wool In black Imported frle/.e , the most perfect As index to what be expected absolutely ( .75 an as may ' ' fect ireat coat In the house , for ' Men's - rhlnchllla 1'kters , with ; 200 boys' evtru lienvy brown checked Cheviot Kt-ay ed in Men's Suit viet Sult , which we would not hesitate $3.45 plaid worsted lining , an elegant , serviceable $8.50 Bargains . , . , to chaige JiJ.OU for icguliuly go to your iceable- coat ' boy at Boys' Ulsters we offer : The choicest lot of b'.uo nnj gray Cheviot ' SullH the kind that ulwuys ell for $8.00 $3.95 Boys' Overcoats will be tilted for . Hoys' IMsters Black Pin Check Worsted Sacks , 34 ' A lies 8 to t-I years , at to 46 , at . Boys'Long Pants'Suits Ages 14 to 19 years , HALF PRICE. Ulsters $5-$6-$7 11 to 10 years , at Men's Basket Blue Worsted and Black Suits Diagonal at ! . and $5.00 , $6.OO , $7.00 $8.00 , Regular price 88.00 Fly , $10.00 Front and Overcoats $1:2.00 : , now , sizes 14 to 10 years , former Children's Cape Coats Sold this season for $10 , ยง 12 , $14 and $18. $3 50 , $4.OO and $5.00 A genuine widter weight Corkscrew Children's Cape Coats- .75 $3OO Suit for . . . Cut in Half Prices Capo Ovcrnoat , former price $0.00 , $7.00 and $8.00 , now Fancy Unions , ill Kilt Overcoats AJJCS lto \ 7 years , at $3.45 $4.50 and $5.00 Blue Chtviot About Suits to sell Saturday at T , Black Cheviot Suits , : 75 $3 00 , $3.95 , $4.5O Diagonal Suits at the very low .00 $3.50 - $4.00 - $4.50 ; Boys * Reefers , $4.35 3 piece High Grade Suits which have sold for Blue Chinchilla , up to 10 years. Blue and Black Cheviot Suits' worth $7.00 , $8 oo and $10.00. ' Men's Pantaloons $3.95 all of $ i3 , goat . ' , Boys' Headwear Almost Given Away. You never bought such Boys' Suits for so little 500 pairs of high grade Fancy Worsted Trousers on Saturday Fancy worsted Sack suits the till O _ nrl money. The biggest values ever produced by- $3.95 Winter Caps , iac , 230 and 250. best that money can buy. . 41 and any one , Men's Caps , 25C , 28c and 3sc , wners BOLD DASH FOR LIBERTY Kansas Pugitivo Makes His Escape from Officers at Lincoln. STARTLING EVIDENCE AGAINST DAVIS Ilorli iHliuiil Trnlii Wrcclior SllllI ( O HlttC C'tlllffHNCll III < iu I It < < > it Cti in IHIII I oil lii - fore Arri-Nt. LINCOLN , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Yesterday Frank Myrlck and Charles Hate were ar rested at the i > o9tomce for grand larceny committed at Tcpeka , Kan. Today Myrlck es caped from a second-story window anil is still at large. This mornliiK the marshal of Topelta arrived and was preparing to take the men back to Kansas. Myrlck asked to BOO his attorney. C. K. Magoon. Chlet Mcllck accompanied him to Magoon's olllce. Mellck end Magoon stepped outside the door Into the ball to talk over the matter privately , and Myrlck bolted. It Is not known how ho got to thn ground. Some lather startling evidence was brought out this morning In the Davis murder trial. According to KA Cralghead , a new witness , Davis nrndo a proposition to him a few days before the wreck to aid him In throwing a train off the track. Crnlgheid said that on tbo Fourth of July , Just preceding the date of the wreck , ho had driven Into the city with Davis from Lonsdale'g farm , where both were working. On their way they passed a railroad trestle , similar to one where the accident occurred. Davis remarked that "It vould be a h 1 of a good place to throw a train off. " Then witness related that a few- days before the wreck Davla came to him and wanted him to go In with him , displace a rail , flag the train and get a reward. Davis told him ho was d A fool If he did not go In on the deal , as it would bo a dead easy way of making money , Subsrwoit ; ! to the wreck , a half hour before Defective Malone arrested Davis , the latter told witness , In answer to H direct question , that he had wrecked the train , but had failed In his flculy removed to the house of a neighbor. Loss on house estimated at * j. < WO , fully Insured. The contents of the building will be nearly a complete loss , but are well Insured. _ _ TO SIFT Tim I-L'IIXAS COl'XTV COl'XT Charge or Fraud 1" niertlon to He IiivestlKiitrtl. LINCOLN , Nov. 21. ( Spclal. ) Another stage was reached today In the supreme court In the Welly-Norrls contest case over the judgeshlp of the Fourteenth Judicial dis trict. The court made an order appointing John F. Conical of McCook referee to take testimony and eviilenca In writing concerning the contention of the opposing parties. In tbo consulting room of the court quite an animated argument developed between coun sel. A. J. RUtennouEc appeared for Judge Welty , and John F. 'McClure for Norrls. On behalf of the latter claimant Mr. McClura urged that the issues before the refere ? be made broad enough to take in the entire judicial district. Attorney Rlttenhouso asked that inquiry b ? restricted to Union precinct of Fumas county. The court showed coun sel that the referee would bs compelled to abide by the pleadings and take evidence only so far as was offered by tha petitioner , Judge Welty , and opposed by Judge Norrls , This arrangement seemed satisfactory to all parties after an understanding had bean ar rived at. The tltlo of the case Is the State of Ne braska , ex rol. D. T. Welty against II. W. McFadden , county clerk of Pumas county , David 13. McClelhn and T. II. Frances , mem bers of the county canvassing board of Fur- nas county , respondents. The taking of tes timony Is to bo had at Heaver City. The re port tj the Btiprsrve court Is to be made by 10 o'clock a. m. , November 23. The referee Is empowered to compel the attendance of witnesses. The only point really at Isiuie is tbo canvass of Union precinct , Furnas county , where fraud to the extent of six votes Is alleged against representatives of Judge Norrls. Bsfore the supreme court this morning arguments and brlefo were presented In the penitentiary muddle and the controversy sub mitted to the court. In the opening para graph of the brief of Attorney General Chur chill , In referring to the brief of Attorney Klrkpatrlck , lie Bays ; The argument , If such It may be called , was evidently pioparcd In the odlco of the governor , and not In that of counsel whose name Is. ulgned thereto. This IH evident to any one who Is nt nil familiar with com munications therefrom. Wo will cndcni/or to answer the icsp.1 argument therein , but will not Mop to .ilUcuss the politics , belntf content with tlio verdlrt recently rendered by the only forum clotheU under the con- PELM FIOTUREie Si : AUK UNIM.UCKEI1 Today wo cull your attention to teal skills wool soul capos that means un- plucked soul the seal as It naturally is except that tbo fur la London dyed. Wo offer a wool soul capo , 33 Inehcu long and 100 Inches swoop , trimmed with JnpanobO niarton and lined with the finest satin , at $20.73 the ordinary prlco is IMO. Our price $20.75 and it's eeal mind you $29.75. Mall orders. G. E. Shukert , Furrier , 15th nod Harncy. scheme to flag It , as the train came along sootier than he had expected. Cross-examination of Cralghead was long. When as > ked why ho had , not testified to this before witness replied that ho wanted to first hear what others had to pay about the case. Had talked to Hock Isbud people about a reward and had been told that It was Imma terial to them who got the regard. It had been Intimated to him that he might get some of the reward If his evidence was "natisfac- tory. " He told the attorney for the defense that it was no more than right that ho should get some of it. Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Llndell Lyman Drown , Vance Lane. At the Capital H. Lloyd. At the Lincoln John H. Horberg , Walker Molse. FIMOI ) FOIl COVIMSMI'T OF COUUT. I.unyor I.cliuiic of Hi-ntrlce Sent < o .lull. BEATRICE , Nov. 21. ( Sp2cal. ! ) Judge Bush passed sentence this afternoon upon Attorney W. C. Lchane , against whom a suit had been docketed for contempt of court. The judgment of the court was that Lhano pay a tine of $100 and be confined In a cell of the Oago county jail for a period of ten days , and that ho pay the costH of the suit. At the request of H. W. Sabln , who appeared for the defendant , the court granted a stay of the Jail sentence until tomorrow morning to give time for th defens- decide upon a line for further ac'lon. Lehano was chair man of the republican county convention , and caused tp be Issued a supplement to several papers attacking the personal and public record of Judge Bush , who wax the populist candidate for re-election. In seeking a change of venue In a cas > Tuesday , Lehane attuchcd to his motion a copy of the objec tionable supplement , and stated that the court , knowing that he , Lehnne , was th ? author of the tmme , he would be unable to secure an Impartial hearing In Bush's court. In passing sentence the court gave It as his opinion that It ho should Impose a floe of $1,000 and a jail sentence of twelve month * the supreme court would sustain him therein. The bar Is somewhat divided In opinion re garding the matter , and no little bad feeling Is growing out of It , from Kr i * in nut. FREMONT , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Ths Fre mont flre department gave its annual ball at Masonic hall last evening. Music was fur nished by the Dorsoy Hose company orches tra. About 200 wcro In attendance. Th ; pro ceeds of the ball go to the- fund for nick and dls-ibled flrcmen , The beet question still ccntlnucs to create A STIIICTI.V SIIIK IS8IIK Some people do without thoin ; seine ilou'l ; that's the reason they're culled hlilelioanls. Thero's nothing that so completely sets off n illnlni ; room , as n handsome sideboard , and everybody will think you paid $ lfi.OO at least for our $7.75 creation that's elegant In ap pearance and neat. Others at higher prlees , uml yet Hie prlco Is the btronj ; attraction. Hedgcock & Odell , 208-210 N. 16th North of Now P. 0 < considerable talk among the farmers' . This week several men have received orders for cars whoso beets Ind previously been re jected. Whether they w 111 receive the contract price for them or not Is uncertain. C. W. Shel don has nearly 1,200 tons , mostly siloed , for which he has not received an order. A for mer agent of the Norfolk company , who was In the city this morning , says that tha fac tory Is receiving more beets than It can pos sibly take care of or has facilities for un loading , though running at full capacity. DKMISI3 OF ItnV. S. S. STHWAUT. Mlnlxtcr of Murray 1)1 ex of I'lictiiuoillii After n llrlcf lllm-Nx. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. . Nov. 21. ( Special. ) This afternoon Intelligence reached this city from Murray , eight miles south , to the effect that Hev. S. S. Stewart had died of pneumonia after a few weeks' Ill ness. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 : at the Presbyterian church of that place , of which Mr. Stewart was pastor. The willows , covering nearly GOO acres of sandbar directly In front of this city in the Mlisourl river , which have grown to be near two inches in diameter In the last two years , are being cut and made use of by Plattsmouth'B poor for fuel. Daniel H. Llnton and Miss Ella Louise Light were married last evening at the home of the bride's parents. Last evening at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gutsche of this city , occurred the marriage of their daughter , Miss Amelia , to W. F. McFadden , Hev. II. B. Burges of the Episcopal church oniclating. Frank Hawksworth and bride , nee Miss Oraco Dobblson of McCook , who have been visiting relations of the former In this city for the past few days , returned home this morning. Stephen Wiles died at an early hour this morning at the age of 73 , after an Illness of two weeks , from nervous debility. Mr. Wiles came to Nebraska In 185S and has resided since on the same farm , located one mile south of this city , from which he has accumulated an estate valued at $120,000. _ IoiiNf lliimoil. FREMONT. Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram. ) A flro broke out at 9 o'clock tonight In n lioi'Ge owned by Otto Huette and occupied by C. C. Pollard , corner of Twelfth and F streets. The roof and upper story were con sumed. Mrs. Pollard , who Is an Invalid and partly helpless , was with tome dlf- A MAX OMJK S.\II > - Ho'd never invest a dollar in a piano be cause ho could buy an organ 30 much cheaper. lie , no doubt had in mind our | great organ bale of &Hghtly used organs that wo are belling at from $13 to $59. , All of them In first class condition and all worth nuarly the original price , which was in-jro than double , A. Hospe , jr. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas St. IT I'MUSUS VOlI.Vc I'KOPI.n-- And it pleahes the old folks , too They nay their troubles are over on the shoo buying business , because our ripeelal Him of boys' ami misses , shoes that we've started ut l.tX ) fills the bill exactly. Kor wear , fit anil style It has never been equalled , and at the price U Is the best bhoo over brought to this city , Heavy holiw and t > olld as it rock , at S1.50. Drexel Shoe Company. 1419 Faruatu Street. Htltutlon with power or determining that question. Quite a number of eminent attorneys In Lincoln are making1 considerable sport this evening ovpr this Interjection of a stump fpeech Into the brief of the attorney general. But some of them say It Is no more than Is to be expected from the office of the attorney general , since It has so palpibly degenerated from a legal workshop Into an A. P. A. an nex. Attorney Klrkpatrlck said that there Is not a line nor a sentence In the brief he filed orf behalf of Leldlgh that was not writ ten and prompted by himself. Mr. Kirkpat- rlck is a republican. During the forenoon closing arguments were hoard concerning the validity of the transfer unitch law. The case was sub mitted. _ SUIT AOAI.VST JOSICIMI ( iAH.VUAU. Jit. Worlil'n Knlr CoinnilNMioiirr'H Arcoimtit to He .Alroil Itcfori- < Iii > Courtis. LINCOLN , Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram. ) Deputy Attorney General Day will leave for Omaha tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. His object Is to file suit In the district court of Douglas county against Joseph Garncau , Jr. , as principal and W. A. Paxton and J. A. Crelghton , his bondsmen , for $5,942. Gar ncau was World's fair commissioner for Ne braska , and the suit Is brought by the state In accordance with the report of the legis lative committee last winter to the effect that Garncau was short In his accounts with the btate. In the petition It will be alleged , among other things , that the commissioner purchased some $3.000 worth of furniture , of which only about $200 Is accounted for. There ara a number of other Items which , Mr. Day says , are not yet run down , but which may appear In time to Incorporate th m In this suit. While In Omaha Mr. Day will also try to collect the judgment of $800 which the state secured agalnot County Treasurer Irey some time since. One Baldwin sued the county treasuier for money said to bo due him , and th : sta'c intervened and was granted a Judgment on Its claim of above amouii' , Injured Willie IMnyliiK Hull. FAIRMONT , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) Karl Henry , while playing a game of base ball hero this morning , met with a ser ious accident. A foul ball flew from the bat and struck him over the left eye , cutting a gash an Inch long and knocking him down. Ho was unconscious for faomo time , and the doctor thinks the cyo may bo Injured. NEHAWKA , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Vesterday afternoon while the family of O. Baler , a merchant of this place , was ab- ii' IT'S < ; AMS cm U.MIIIUIIA.H Wo'll Bell you a fine cauo with solid silver trimming * ; as low as $1.50 , or a steel rod silk umbrella for $ l.no or more. .Silver trimmed costs you # 1.00 , Gold trimmed ennes are ? : i.50 , and gold trim med umbrellas arc f 1.00. UeblUes , wo are the only housu In Omaha showing a complete line of elegant miniature pins , the very latest novelty In the Jew * clry world. Matidelberg , Ji-WiUER , N , H , Cor. IGth&Purtintu sent from home , sneak thieves entered the house through a window and ransacked trunks and bureau drawers , securing $53. The stone company Is compelled to run the crusher night and day to (111 ( the con tracts before the cold weather. The lime company is burning lime for the sugar refineries at Norfolk and Grand Island. The creeks and wells have never been so low In the forty years this county has been settled. The Weeping Water has been dry for three months. This week will almost finish the corn husk ing. The average yield is about thlrty-flvo bushels per acre. AM , I3YKS All 15 NOW OX SIUXKY. I'ro | > OHi > il Irrigation CouttMitloii At- triii'dnpr ( iuiK'ral Attention. SIDNEY" , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) The state Irrigation convention com mittee Is deluged with letters from all over the United States relative to the coming convention , to be held December 18 and 19. A stenographer and two clerks are employed by Colonel Charles CalUhan , the local secretary , who are mailing Immense quantities of advertising matter. Official no tices were sent today to the press of Ne braska , Wyoming and Colorado. The pump and windmill manufacturers are writing for space In order to display all kinds of ma chinery for Irrigation purposes. Improving 'lYciiniMfli'H IVntor AVorkx , TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Tccumseh's water worku bystem Is to be Improved. The new well on tha Flanagan property , noithwcst of town , has been tested and found to yield the coveted quantity ot water and now the ditches are being dug from the well to the nearest point on the mains , a distance of about four blocks. Plpv connections will be made with the mains and a temporary pumping station erected at thn new well. The water from the old wells at the present pumping station will bo used first and then when the supply from these Is short the product of the new well will bo used. A letter from Auburn conveys the IIOWD that diphtheria is prevalent In that town. Twenty-four cas.cs with three deaths last week are reported. The schools are closed and public gatherings are dispensed with. Mr. D. J. McCarty and Mlbs Adi Dow were married at St. Andrew's church at 12:30 : yesterday , Ilev. William Murphy of ficiating. Both are residents of this com munity. A royal company of card players wcro entertained last evening by Mr. and Mrs , P , A , Hrundago at their hoina on Lincoln Ktreet. The Young Men's Chrlfctlan atsoclatlon was ( Jiitcrtalncd by Messrs. William and Nye Hassett at their homo last Saturday evening. _ ( ili'iitvooil'H GLI3NWOOD , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Through the enterprise of ir. Hvcmhatn , Jr. , proprietor of the Commercial hotel of this city , Glenwood will have a sewerage Hystem early in 1800. A few weeks ago Evrrnham went to work to ascertain the feasibility of conducting a sewer from his hotel to Keg creek , a distance of nearly 1,800 feet. The line taken to reach the creek was tmcli that It passed the Mills county court house and most of the business lioures of the city , to It was suggested that the town In general tulio the matter up and put In a good city system , which plan at a iimua meeting wan duly adopted on the subscription order. Iti'il Mm Mrrl at Aurorn. AURORA. Nov. 21. ( Special. ) The great council of the Independent Order of Red Men of Nebraska met In this city Tuesday. Prominent Red Men from all parts of the Btate were present. Tim session lasted ten hours , The officers elected for the ensuing year are- Great prophet , K. II. Warm , North Plattc ; great sachem , M. It , Levy , Hasting ! , senior sachem , 12. B , Finch , Grand Int.ml ! ; Junior sachem , G. W , Iiukec-p , Falls City ; G. C , of R. , O. 0. Bparks , Lincoln ; keeper of wampum , P. I ) . Denny , Fremont ; 0 , H , , A. O , Wood , Fort Omaha ; G. M. , J. R Ronerta , Tecumieh ; great representative , K. J. Dennis. _ \Vnlioii SOIIH of VHrruiiM liiNirH | < > < l. WAHOO , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) C . L. Olds camu from Fremont Uit night to In- pt-ct Lyons camp No , 12 , Sons of Veterans , and with him came Meturi , Weld , Forney , Cunningham , Rogers , Brown , BalduII , liana and Wllcov. After the customary buslnes * a banquet wcs given In the lodge room. Hurt County IloillNtrlrlcil. TCKAMAH , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) In accordance with the. township organl/atloii law , which the people of this county voted upon themselves at the late election , thu county commissioners met this week and ycslwday completed the division of thu 1 .1 county Into tevc.n supervisor districts and appointed the following Mipervlsors : Joseph Hall of Riverside , P. L. Rork of Tekamnh , C. A. Wetherell of Slher Cieelc. J. L. Knollln of Decatur , A. J. Whlto of Everett , C. J. Wallerstodt of Oakland , P. S. Glhhs of Bell deck. Tekamah City has sulllclent population tr > make a district by Itself. The district attorney Is nt work today on the Lydlck-Deavcr accretion land case. .Snotr HI or m ill II In : HprliiKM. BIO SPRINGS , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram. ) A cold wave struck this locality thlo afternoon at 2 o'clock. The sky IH over cast with clouds , and snow Is falling. Con ditions arc In good trim for a storm. LANDER , Wyo. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) There was a decided change In tem perature at noon today here. The weather had been blight and beautiful for several days , when It suJdenly turned cold this after noon , and at 2 o'clock a flno , dry snow storm sec In , which Increased in violence as thn afternoon advanced , and by C o'clock several Inches of KIIOW had fallen , with every pros pect of a continuance of Urn storii ) , Wrx. t'lilllinort * of lleatrlrc Knliilly III. BEATRICE , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Mrs. Cul- llii ore , mother of Dr. Grant Culllmore of this city , received n paralytic stroke yester day which It Is feared will terminate fatally. The lady has been In feeble- health for tome time pa&t. Mra. W. J. Ankcncy , residing Just noulii of the city , died last evening after n week's Illness. Mr. Frank Miller , an attache of the Dally Express , and Miss Nelllo Robblns , one of the leading young ladles of the city , were married last evening , Rev. G , W. Crofla of ficiating. Kinrrlfil nt ftVliriixku ( 'Ity. NRIUtASKA CITY. Nov. 21. ( Special.- ) Lemuel C. Day of Lincoln and Miss Con Green , daughter of Hev , J. B. Green of thli city , were married yesterday. The rase of Sarah L. Miller against Bcckei & Tangcmann occupied the attention of tin district court tulay. Albion MiTHinnt liijuri-il. ALBION , Nov. 21 , ( Special. ) J. J , Bump , ono of the leading merchanti of this place , fell from a ladder today , striking on his head and face , It Is not known at present how severe his Injuries art. Kuiii-riil of C. I , . .Scott. WESTERN , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Tha remains of C. L. Scott , who fell dead laot Sunday evening from heart disease at his homo , four miles west of town , \fero burled yesterday. lfil Upon TOPBKA , Nov. 21. William Illddy baa been arrested at Mount Ayr , la. , on muplclon of being tbo murderer of Albert Applet-ate , a well-to-do Norton county farmer , who wai found dead In his cornfield three woelts ago wl'tli two bullets In his heucl. Ai ofllcer , armed with a requisition , has left to bring Illddy to Kansas , Kuiiuil HIM lloily In tinIliiy. . NBW YORK , Nov. 21. The body of Cal- ve.'t Vaux , the landscape gardener , who dis appeared from the homo of his on Tuesday night , was found In the bay near llfjison- liurst today. Mr. Vaux had ben Buffering for some time from nervous prostration , Munlrr KnilM H ( iiiinlilcr'N ( ( uiirrul. OKLAHOMA CITY , Okl , , Nov. 21. Farrls Cox , ii faro dealer , shot and fatally wounded Al Wagner , a well known sporting man , In the Turf saloon In thin city Into last night. Wagner had been drinking , and threatened to kill Cox. _ Acts at once , never fails , One Minute Cough Jure. A remedy for asthma , and that fevcr- h condition which accompanies a uevtre cold , Die only liurmlebu remedy that produce * I tu rned late results.