Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    Til 15 OMjMIA DAILY HKE : I U1D \SJ'N ( ) V ISALIU3K till.
> , 12 rrarlSlreit Hi W. Tllton , Mnnnger i\tld Lc < mcei
Chrjrattiumtimi. J II. Mel'htr n. Tel 2H
John H-sanvn nnd Minnie JobMon , fojth
of Or.T.ha vvrt mairl d yesterday by J -
tlco V.en ,
At Trinity MiihwllRt elunch thl < evening
thfTp will bo a sfreontlcon entertainment by
llev Mr Coksr.
Mi II Moiitor has been arrested on the
the buMr-css of a
elian , " of carrying on
tni i ifo nlttiaiit a permit from the Slate
1 ird of Hrailli.
IJtnlh BireVtr In "Our rial" Is the next
o tr ction b-okwl for the new Dotiany by
Mniti'T Alton. She will appear on Wednes
day evmirg , the 27th.
T\o cap's of tontasloas dlsoiie were re-
ror-cd jesl-rdaj-nmnion * Uunljar. 12u
1'otir h st'cpt , Eoirli-t fever ; and \\llliam
VitiMiit Joy , 1015 Stcond avenue , mem-
branou * croup.
Mrs .I'bn T Madden , nfslsted by Mrs.
Addle Kaln and Mrs. C. W. Walt * , entcr-
lam d the I'tnty guild nnd friends nt n no
dal Wednesday night , which was financially
nnd socially a GUCCCM.
Tlr/ro wilt be a special meeting of Lily
camp No 1 , lloynl Neighbors of America ,
Kjiurda > evening at 7 30 sharp nt the
Kn glus of t'ytlihi hall. All lloyal Nclgh-
bms are rerittesled to be present , as there
nra Inl-latlon p.nd other buMnesa.
The sjstem of ventilation , for which Mnr-
tbal Canning has bo"n kicking ever since a
ycr ngo , Is now being put In at the city
Jail Galvanised lion pip H will conduct the
Impute qlr out of the cells , the pipe fiom the
fttive ninnlng Inslda the ventilating plpss , so
aa tn crento a cm rent.
The Sunday livening leigup of the First
CwtprJgatlonal church whose mPinbert'hlp Is
contlncd to the men folk , this excnln de
parts from Its usual custom of having a
"coffea chat" with the Lull's excluded , nnd
will enturtnln this time the fair BOX. Th3
social gathering will be In the church pai-
lors , nnd It IH undeistcod that the men are
t superintend nil the details , doing their
own cooking and waiting upon tits tables.
Farm loans made In western Iowa al lowest
rati" . No delay In closing loans. Klre and
tornado Insurance written In best of compa
nies. Bargains In real estate. LOUGCL2 &
TOWLn , 235 I'carl street.
MONI2V to loan on Improved Iowa farms.
Largo loans a sp ° clnlty Fire ln uiance. L.
W. Tulleys , 102 .Main St , rooms 2 nnd 3.
The Hardman plnno wins many friends.
Your Thanksgiving ttirKey will not be ten
der nnd Juicily cooked unless you us } one of
Do Vol'u roast pain COc to Jl GO Then cut
It up with one ot De-Vol's carving sets , and
you will have cause to glvo thanks.
Ilardmnn nnd Standard Pianos. 113 N. Ifith.
tSciI'U'tiire Krittm-N.
Wo ha\o n laigo line of now frames In
nil the latest styles. Remember wo mount
the linen frames to your ord r.
Roduccd prices on slightly used pianos at
Hourlclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer ,
11C Stutsman s'reet , near M n. church.
The Standard piano next to the Hardman.
MIs % ntta Maxwell Is In Des Molnes.
diaries Fox Is nursing a bully sprained
nrm .u a result of practicing amateur
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McGee are the parents
of a nine pound boy , born yesterday morning
at their home In Mornlngylde.
Ed N. llro\\n left list evening for I'eorla ,
III. , where ho IB about to go Into the wholesale -
sale grocery business. His family Is visiting
In Colfax , and will remain a short time
before going on to their new home.
General A. Snow , manager of the Con
solidated Implement company of Salt Lake ,
was In the city ycsterdiy the guest of C.
W. McDonald of the Sandwich. He reports
the business to be the btst nt the present
tlmo since 1892 , and fully 50 per cent better
than last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ste\ens have been
called to GaUsburg , 111. , by a telegram an
nouncing the death of his father , 11. A.
Stevens , of that city. He has been In poor
health since last May , when IIP had a second
stroke of paralysis , from which he never
recovered. It resulted In his death early
jesterday morning.
Father Litlnl of St. Bernard's hospital had
a narrow escape from lockjaw n few days
ngo , nnd was out yesterday for the first
time. He was walking about the new part
of the building In his slippers and stepped on
a board containing a couple of rusty nails.
Sjmptoms of lockjaw follow ed shortly after-
wnrd , and for two days his life was con
sidered to be In serious danger.
Jarvls , 1877 brandy ; purest , safest , best.
Theto Is a comfort nnd elegance In wearing
work done by our new collar shaping device ,
not found elsewhere. Higlo Laundry com
pany , 724 Broadway. Telephone. 157.
The Bluff City laundry for fine woik ; 34
North Main street ; telephone , 314.
Have you seen the now gas heating stoves
at the company's ofllco ? _
Stephan Bros. , plumbers. Quick work and
reasonable prices. 529 Broadway.
Lots of new and pretty things nt the Durfee
Furniture company's , 33G and 338 Broadway.
Fit i * liollnrM IN llii > Amount Mm. .Inek-
HOII IM Hnlil o lluti AffcpU'il.
The Omaha and Council Bluffi
Street Railway company filed Us
answer In the district court yesterday In the
Biilt , which was brought recently by Mary
Jackson to collect $10,000 damages for per
sonal Injuries on the night of July 20 , by be
ing thrown from n car nsa. . consequenceof
the motorman'u starting his train before she
was safely off. The answer alleges that two
days nfter the accident occurred a re-rosenU-
tlvo called at the house of Mrs. Jackson nnd
secured her consent to n settlement In full
for $5. This amount wn paid over , nnd she
Blgncd a receipt In full , exonerating the
company and Its employes from any blame
In thf matter , nnd releasing the company
from all actions she had ever had up to that
time. A copy of the receipt Is filed along
the answer.
Tno More
Grand Harvest Uxcurslons , via the Burling
ton route , November 27 nnd December 11 , to
various points southeast , youth and southwest ,
Hutef , ono fare , plus $2,00 , for round trip.
0. M. BHOWN.
Ticket Agent. Council Bluffs.
13(5 ( B'd'y ; Nicholson ; moats ; telephone 345.
TlujMiixt He Solil.
Not being able to attend to the piano bus-
Iress and needing the room for my largo
line of holiday goods thai will soon be in ,
I will sell m > remaining stock of pianos nt
ACTUAL COST and on terms as low
as $10 per month , Thla IB a rare chance to
buy a good piano.
I'lcture framing a specialty.
W. W. CHAPMAN. 17 Main St.
Chambers' dancing academy now open ( or
pupils. Call after 10 a. in. Circular ! .
The Hardman piano Improves with use.
I'lRooii Mi noting.
John Doohla and William Mlechler , two
youiiK men living at Mlnden , In the eastern
part of the county , are engaged Just now In
n legal battle In the superior court as the
consequence of a little Informal pigeon shoot ,
uhlch they had u year ago on ( lection day.
They were In a barn In Mlnden , using the
barn and some pigeons as targeti. Whll :
Mlsctilcr had the gun In his hands It went
off , Cither accidentally or otherwise , and the
shot penetrated Doelila's right leg Just above
the ankle. Doehla claims that the pain he
has suffered It worth (5,000 to him , and that
ho hasi been damaged to the amount of $410
by having to lose employment and pay doc
tor blllt and hospital charges. Ho accord
ingly wants Judgment for (5,410 ( damages. A
part of the evidence wan heard by Judge
McGee yenttrday , and the rot will be In
troduced today ,
\\ii.ii ft T now > rrr\
Mnj or rii'iMcr' * SnuKcxtlnn iif KiM -rnt
U > cl < n \liniil to llcnr Pi nil.
Almu * a ago Mayor Cl a\er matt * a
report to the city coun'ii m which he nd-
\lsed the culling down of cliy < Tpcnsw , nnd
flfKed the co-operation of the council In bring
ing nbout a more pccno'iileal administration.
To this end a commute was appointed , con
sisting of Aldermen J. H. Gre n hlelds. r
W. Sp'tnian and L M. Shtibert , which waste
to consult with HP mnyor and decide how
itptns'H rould best bD curtailed. Not very
much has been heard of this comrnlttto
since that lime , but II Is nov , announced
that at Hi" meeting of th council next Mon-
diy evening there will bo n report made. In
\\lilth all torts of good ad\lc ? will be given
U la l ) l cvcd that a be lit (900 per month
can b wucd th city by a llttl" Judicious
use of the pruning knife. In the engineer' * '
oilier there are now employed thro ? men bc-
sld R Kiglnecr ntnyre. It Is claimed that
all the nork nce.U.l . . to be done , at least In
cold wathcr nnd hard times , can be easll >
done by half the fnrce The sltcets and
allcjs , which hav > tpent n large amount of
money dur ng the t-ummer , and now lias
under HA control the dirtiest set of strecty
tnnt Council HltifT has Ind for five years , Is
to have Us st p ml gaatly reduced during
cold weather. Ths chief of the fire depart
ment will be asked to cut nbout two men off
the pay roll , nnd n corresponding reduction
will bo mads In the police force. The ap
pointment of OlDcer Cousins to a position as
deputy sheriff will crntp -\aeancy , nnd
another will he mad ? by the retirement of
DelcctUo Wclr , It Is said , partly on political
grounds , but principally because one man
en do all the detecting thai Is necesi'iry In
n town whose morals an- above reproach.
A good deal of tlnp has been s-pent by the
commutes In looking over the posslbllllles of
the case , and It Is probable that the abo\o
plnn. with more details , will be followed out
by the admlnlbtiallon
Million Hull Poison.
Herman Linden hud a partial hearing In
police court yesterday on the charge of poi
soning Jnmea Anderson's dog. L. C. B em
nas the principal witness against him. He
testltUd that he stood In hl window anJ
saw Linden call the dog up to his bade door
and give him something to eat The dog
ale It nnd then Linden dro\e him awny from
the house The nnlunl came o\er Into
Boem's yard and died a f w minutes lat r ,
with all the symptoms of strychnine ptifrn-
Ing. George Davis testified thai Linden had
purchased some slrychnlno al his drug slore.
Linden , ns wel ! as his father and nnotliT ,
had previously denied having any poison In
the hoiiEC , but after they ncard Davis' story
they admitted they had. Another whirl will
bo given the case this morning , when Linden
will bring In his evidence In d'tcnsc.
The Y. .M. C. A. i\lilliltlon.
Th' first annual exhibition of Iho Young
Men's Christian a' oclatlon , In connection
with the ladles' phjslcal culture classes will
be held at the opera house November 29
Tlier ? w'll ' also bj Instrumental and vocal
music. One of the novel features of the
evening v. Ill bo a foot ball game Council
Bluffs Field club ngalnst Hie Young Men's
Christian association.
Til Hep > itlicrll > eri.
Only two days more -emaln In which to com-
plelo your Kncyclopedln Dictionary. This Is the
last chance fur all who have mlbslng parts.
Lea\o your address at The Bee offlce.
The following nmirlago licenses were It-
sued by the county clerk jcstcrduy :
Name nnil Address Age.
Amo4 Hi'lmcr 1'lepcr. Mlndcn , In . 32
Minnie Krohn. .Mlmk'n , In. . . 17
John HiiR.uimui , Omnlm . 27
Minnie Johnson , Omaha . 2.
J. H. O. Kelly , Council Bluffs. . . . , . C2
Jennlo H. Hett , Council Blurts . IS
Rev. II. W. Abb rlcy will gi\e a magic lan-
lern enlcrtalnment at the Christian tabernacle -
naclo tcnlght. A trip to the British Isles will
be Illustrated.
Jury Pln.lH ( hut the luita AVoiiiau
\VaN Murilered.
CKDAH UAP1DS , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) The dealh of Mrs. Lally Is sllll
surrounded by a good deal of myslery. Tom
Lally , her son. who te under nrrest , says
she fell down stairs nnd received the Injuries
which caused her death. An ln\estlgallon of
Ihe premises would Indicate this to bo un
true , nnd that she was struck n number of
times while In the kitchen , as the walls are
spatlered wllh blood The coroner's Jury
loday relumed a verdict that she came to
her death by a fracture of the skull Ijy a
severe blow Inflicted In 11 manner to the Jury
IOIMI .Mlm > I'M Disagree.
OTTUMWA , la. . Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram ) The proceedings of the miners' con
vention here took an unexpected turn today ,
and Mine Workers of America , district No.
13 , broke away from the national oiganiza-
tlon nnd reorganized the entire state under
the name of the Iowa Mine Workers' I'ro-
lecllvo association , leaving out of Iho dls-
Irlcl the Missouri miners formerly attached
The new organization will have a benevolent
fund attachment , providing for death bene
fits. The ne\v organization will alllllato with
the Mine Workers of America and the Amer
ican Federation of Labor , bul will ba dis
tinct. The officers elected are : President ,
J. W. Reynolds , Beacon ; vice president ,
Hlljah Holland , Whatcheer ; secretary and
treasurer , Julius Frohm , Seymour.
town State Plreiueii'N ANMoelnlloii.
ATLANTIC , In. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Stale Firemen's association ,
which has been In session here yesterday
and today , closed this afternoon. The of
ficers elected today for the ensuing year arc
F. A. Wood , Traer , president ; C. G. War
ren , Ilarlan , first \lcs president ; C. Hacker ,
Mtscallno , second vice president ; G. T. Ash-
ton , Lyon , third vice president ; J. H. John
son , Marslmlltuwn , treasurer ; A. S. Tiffany ,
MarshalltovMi , recording secretary ; F , H ,
Dot'dore , Iowa City , financial njcretary. MUR-
catli.o was selected for the next winter Hirel
ing , and the tournament will be In Marshall-
town next June A fine bamju't was held
at Odd Fellows' hall last night In honor rl
visiting firemen.
Drnfli of Iila Allen of hluuv City.
SIOUX CITY , Nov , 21. ( Special Telegram. )
Ida Allen , one of the wealthiest residents
of Sioux City , died al the Samaritans' hos
pital today at the age of CO , Mlsj Allen
came hero from St. Louis In 1877 , opened a
resort In the city and i-pccdlly nccumulaled
a fortune , the bulk of which she Invented
In real estate. During the boom days she
disposed of her property , nnd , retiring from
business , devoted liertclf to charity and
cl iiich work. During her last > carg Mm
Is paid to have done more to relieve distress
than any organized charity In the city ,
Otliiiimn .Mail Coiumlln Snlelile ,
OTTUMWA , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John West fearing he would not re
cover from l > phold fever shot himself through
the heart. Ills wife , who wao convalescing
from typhoid fever , Is In a critical erudi
tion , . _
Siieelal Kleolluii ill MIsNourl Valley ,
MISSOURI VALLUY , la , , Nov. 21. ( Spe
cial. ) This city will hold a special election
December 23 , toote upon the question of
annexation of a considerable amount of con-
tiguouu territory.
Srlilutter mi H Gray llorne.
DINVKR , Nov. 21. A special to the Nowa
from Duties , Colo. , near Pueblo , ta > s that
Francis Schlatter "The Healer "
, , who left
Denver mysteriously and unexpectedly last
\\oek , pas.'jd through that town jcsterday ,
riding south on a gray horse ,
KIIIINIIII Plonileil > tlih Iliul Money ,
ATCHISON , Kan. , Nov , 21. This section
of Kansas Is being flooded with (1 bills raised
to (10. The specimen * are almost perfect
and the bills 1'ave been tmccts fully passed
both here and at Leavenworth. There ls no
clew to the counUrfeUert.
DeWltt'n Little Early Risers cur * indlges
tlon and bad
Ornolty of the Jnpanoso in Ooroa Almost
Surpasses Belief ,
Chi nit fonie * Porunril itllh n Tale lit
ItetollliiK Cruellj i\crcilliiK the
ItepiirtM iif the Mii
at Port Arthur.
VANCOUVnit , B. C. , Nov. 21. Chinese
papers receded here by the steamer Kmpress
of China are bltlcr In their atlacks on Ihe
Japanese nuthorlt'e ' in Corea , whom they
blame for the murder of the queen. They
assert that Japin Is a nation pretending lo
bo civilized , but Is the most barbarous on
earth The queen was hung up by the hair
nnd , after being otherwise nbused , tied hand
nnd foot , sonkul In oil and burned In the
rear of the pahce , her remains belnc reduced
to ashes that nil trace might be lost. Thirty
attendants of the queen , It Is alleged , were
butchered , thlr corpses being left nbout
the pilace. When the palace was nttncked ,
ot some 1,500 guards on duty only sK re-
nnlncd nt their postn nnd they were quickly
dispatched. According to Chlnesj reports
there wro fifteen women of title In the
court , the queen , her mother nnd 130 ladles
In waiting. They were nearly all snaked In
oil nnd burned , \\hllo the men's throats were
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 21. The steamer
Rio de Janeiro arrl\ed today from Yokohama
nnd Hong Kong. No confirmation could bo
obtained of the stories brought to Victoria
by the "learner I'mpress of China , Unit th
queen of Corea had been burned In oil.
The Japan Mall ( newspaper ) , under the date
of November 6 , says "Before Ihe coup
d'elot took place the queen of Corea was
secretly maturing a political scheme , Invok
ing the murder of not less than 120 persons
of the opposite faction. A list of Ihe In-
lended victims had been drawn up. After
the wholesale nia" acre of her opponents It
v. as her purpo'e tti reject the Japanese friendly
assistance and Imoko that ot Russia The
discovery of this scheme led the Tal-Wom-
Kun and his followers to take a sudden and
decisive step to prevent the Intended revolu
tion being carried out.
The Corean minister of the household has
Issued a proclamation announcing the In
tended selection of a new consorl for the
king , and , according to a time-honored cus
tom , the Issue ot tills proclamation has the
effect of prohibiting for the time being the
marriage of all girls between 13 nnd 17 ,
thrdughoul Ihe counlry. Thirty or forly girls
are lo be nominated and from among them
will be first selected three and on one of
the three the final choice will fall.
Addlllonal advices were as follows : Ar-
resls sllil conlimie among Ihose suspeclod of
being Implicated In the murder of the Corean
queen. These arrests comprise Vl otint
Mlura , the late Japanese minister to thai
courl , and all members of Die legation , lo-
G"ther with other Japanese officials In Seoul ,
besides a number of private Individuals. The
preliminary Investlgallons have been com
menced In Hiroshima , where Ihe accused are
Imprisoned. Count Inouje Is still in
Corea , but Is expected back shortly and the
opinion Is expressed that the- Japanese are
about to abandon their attempt to control the
homo and foreign policy of that country.
Arrangements are in progress for the with
drawal of the Japanese troops. Iji fact , In
the face of Russia's opposition , Japan has no
option but to clear out.
His Imperial highness , Kltashlrakawano-
Mlya , who wab in command of the Imperial
guards In Formosa , died on the 28th of
Oriental papers do not seem to be settled
on the question of a possible conflict be
tween Russia and Cngland. There is some
pretly serious war lalk by some , while oilier *
scout Ihe Idea ot trouble. However , a. letler
from a corresponded In Valdlvoslock reports
thai the Russian military authorllles have
conslrucled no less than twelve forts there
since August last. These are , so far , im
perfect nnd only suitable for of
temporary defense , but ns a large number of
Chinese are now employed In completing the
work In two or three years time the forts
will become strong , permanent defense"
At the present time there are fifteen vessels
of war belonging lo Russia on the Pacific
slnllon , all of which have been palnled gray ,
and are In readiness for acllon. The num
ber of troops on shore has been largely In
creased during the past year , anJ barracks
have been built In several localities at a
heavy cost. _
Kentucky Man Arrexleil fur 11 Ue\oH-
Inj ; Crime.
LOUISVILLE , Nov. 21. A special to the
Evening Post from Ashland , Ky , , bays. : The
dead body of Mrs. James De Witt was found
In the woods six miles beyond Grayson lai't
night with a shiwl tied tlghlly around her
Ihroat and fac' , and marks of choking and
healing plainly visible.
She disappeared last Thursday evening
after visiting her husband at his boarding
house , near her mother's home. The couple
have been living apart for some time. Her
husband assisted In Iho search for her and
was wllh the party thai found her body.
Just before the discovery he complained of
having a chill , nnd shook so thai the search
was delayed for some time.
Do AVItt has been arrested , charged with
the murder. He protests his Innocence , and
claims his wife committed suicide. Excite
ment Is intense , and for the crime be may
be lynched. _
Xetv CoiiNtltutloiiearly Coniileteil | ,
COLUMBIA , S. C. , Nov. 21. The constitu
tional convention today disposed of Ihe home
stead exemption mailer , which had been left
over for about a month. The exemption IB
(1,000 In land nnd (500 In personal property
and after It Is set off U cannot bo moitgagel.
Three hundred dollars worth of personal
property and wearing apparel Is exempted to
unmarried persons also. The section on
miscegenation , which was also left over , was
bt ought up. The convention had practically
agreed on prohibiting marriages where there
Is more than one-eighth negro blood , but an
other fight was made to prohibit them when
any negro blood whatever existed , but no
vote was arrived at.
firle Mre n with
DETROIT , Nov. 21. A special to the News
from Charl volx , Mich. , says : The shore
four miles north of here Is strewn with
wreckage , Among It is u quantity of ceiling
and other cabin work , part of a door and
quantities of three-Inch pine planking , evi
dently torn from dccka of n boat. The wreck
age has n mixed appearance , as though some
of It U from n schooner and tome from a
steamer. The only thing found toward Identi
fication Is an old life preserver bearing the
name "Lycomlng " The Lycomlng , however ,
Is safe , having reached Milwaukee this morning - /
ing , and lefl for Chicago ,
Arrewteil fur ICIIIIiiK Three People.
BROWNSVILLE , Ore. , Nov. 21. Lloyd
Montgomery , 18 jeara old , ran of John Mont
gomery , Is under arrest , charged by the core
ner's Jury with the murder of his father and
mother and D. S , McKeecher , who were found
snot to death In Montgomer > 's house yester
day. Young Montgomery admitted ho was In
the house ten minutes before the ghootlng. A
rifle was found against the wall covered with
blood and an air gun Identified as Lloyd
Montgomery's was on the floor.
I.akp VeHHelH lit Hard I , I lien.
CASnVILLE , Mich. , Nov. 21. The barge
Superior Is ashore ncir a point three miles
from Cayovllle. The scow Tycoon If also
stranded six miles beyond. The crew a ore
safe. The tug Saugatuck hid In tow the
Mikado , Superior , Tycoon and Lilly May ,
bound for St. Ignace , When half way .icroxw
Saglnaw bay , during the severe rortheaK
gale , the line of the T > coon parted a'd lot
the Tycoon , Superior and Lilly May adrift.
The Saugatuck mid Mikado reached Alpena
and the Lilly May was toned to Auiable.
Poll ml ( Jullt ) ( Caiinterfelllutf ,
AUBURN , N. Y. . Nov. 21. The Jury In the
United States district court today found Mrs.
Mary T. McMillan , alias Mrs. Mack , guilty
of counterfeiting portage stamps , and Judge
Coxe sentenced her to one year and six
months In the penitentiary ,
< H v\ iis \ no ni OP U.H ouv
KojMonc I'll I riot stinn | > rt ' 1 ti.r 1'rcil-
ilftillnl \ . | ilrntloitf 4 i
CHICAGO. Xov 21 The 'Dally News'
Washington spvlnl SKJS. I'ollUrhns who
hold elope political relations with Senator
Quay declare that his ev ry m6VcMtnt Indi
cates a purpo to secure Instructing ol the
Keys one stale delegation to Hie republican
national convention for himself. '
Whether this moveIs n buna 'tide Quay
presidential boom to be puilied 'along In
earnest to success or merely ri cheme to
seeitie absolute control of tha Terms ) Ivanlit
delrgatlon and at the sumo ilmei blot out
Governor Hastings' boom , Is a. matter of
doubt. Pew poo-Mo of experience In politics
bellevo Hint Senator Quay , with his record
nnd ll t of republican on mles , would serl-
ou ly sJi-k the presidency. Hut 'he ' motive
I attributed to him Is to emphasize his own
j popularity with Keystone republicans by securing -
. curing nn Instructed d'legation , which will
I not only bo a rebuke to his republican ene-
j I ml s In the sta'e , but give him a firm hold
I upon the dclegitlon , and n bMter basis for
j / political barter In the next convention.
393900239930 399
Faoosssoa AH A NEWS §
cccoccccccceccco scecccoeceo
The boJy of August Kroderickson was found
hanging from the limb of a tree In the woods
near Albright yesterday afternoon Krcd-
erlckson was n carpenter , cmplo > ed nt the
Omaha Packing company plant , and had been
missing for just a week. JOB Reed , colored ,
was passing through the vvooJs hunting rnb-
bltu when he came upon the body , llrcwer
& Sloan were notified nnd went down , and
nftcr cutting down the body discovered tlmt
the spot Is In Sarpy county , being about thirty
roli over the line. However , the rennlns
were taken to the South Omaha morgue , and
the coroner of Sarpy county notified.
Kredoi Ickson had evidently stood on n
t-hort stump , which was by the tree , and after
fastening a leather strap around his neck In
slip-knot fashion , and tying the other end
to the limb , Jumped off the stump The strap
stretched a little , nml the left foot nlmo t
touched the ground. H ls thought he tried
to save himself , for both hauls were tightly
clasped to small blanches of the tree. Ap
pearances indicated Hint the man had been
rteid ravoral dajs.
Kredcrickson lived nt Twentieth nnd
Wyniih streets , and n widow and tlneo chil
dren nro left. He was a member of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen , the Mod
ern Woodmen nnd the North Stnr. 12ver
ruico Sunday the members of these lodge'
had thought seriously of malting a hunt
through the river bottoms ami in the woods
nbout Albright , and an ejipedltlon would have
ptarted tomoitow had not the body-been
found. Two or three jeara ago _ Frcderlckson
took the cure for dlpaDinanla nud afterward
commenced drinking ngnln. Of late he had
been 111 , nnd his friends thought tint Ms
mind was unbalanced. Thursday afternoon
of last week ho spent a couple of hours sit
ting In n saloon in Albright. He hid nothing
to suy , and was unusually morosu. Upon
leaving the place no one noticed where he
Up to 9 o'clock last night the coroner of
Sarpy county had not been heird from , and
it Is not known when the Inquest will be
I.rlU-r Curriers' Atyitnul Hull.
South Omaha division , branch No. G , of the
National Association of Letter Carriers , will
give Its fifth anitial ball Thursday evening
ne\t ut Sanger hall. The prlnt'd programs
nre pretty and unique. On the first page
Is a picture of Ironmaster McMillan and the
five mall carriers. A dance hqs b = on dedi
cated to each newspaper represented In the
city , and to the picking houses , banks nnd
stock yards. The committee on arrangements
consists of C. W. MIIl r , W. J. Mangan , H.
G. Hozzelle , J. C. Gimintll and M. A. Martin.
Already enough tickets hae been sold tea
a good attendance. ' ,
VlHlU'il Iii1 Uiirulnrn.
Burglars were at work < n Ihe vicinity o
eighteenth and Missouri avenue Wednesday
night. The residence of George Thurlow v\ns
broken Into and quite a number of trinket
slolen. Nothing of great value was taksn.
The thieves then tried lo get In'o the resi
dence of Charles Eoff. They broke a glass
in Hie fronl door In order to get at the
night lock , but were frightened away. Mrs.
Coff awoke when the noise of falling glass
was heard nnd screamed.
MiiKltt City < ! I HM ! | | .
Nathan Cockrell Is very low with tjphold
The slock yards will b ? closed Thanksgiv
ing day.
Several cases of diphtheria are reported In
the city.
S. A. Ferguson Intends to move to Chicago
In n few dajs.
Dr. Schlndel has returned form a trip to
Cumberland , la.
Charles Hnmm of Hermosa , S. D , , was n
v'sltor In the city jesterday.
Prod Clements of Ordwa a visitor at the
stock yards yesterday afternoon.
J. II. Butler of Crescent , la. , was visiting
friends In Hie city yesterday afternoon.
James H. Perry of Meadow Grove was a
guest at the Exchange hotel yesterday.
Charley Morris , a bookkeeper ot Cudahy's ,
has been transferred to the Sioux City offic"
of the firm.
A missionary tea was given nt the resi
dence of Mrs. Charles Mullen , Twenty-Ural
and I streets , yesterday afternoon.
lloiiKht ail AhnnilDiicil Mine.
IRON MOUNTAIN , Mich , , Nov. 21. The
largest and most Important mining deal In
the history of Hie upper peninsula was closed
here loday , whereby Hie Chnpln Mining com
pany oecurcJ conlrol of flic Ludlnglon and
Hamilton. The Ludlngton and Hamilton
were Hooded four years ngo by the bursting
of n large vugs and have rlnco been Idle.
When active they employ 1,500 men and can
send lo market several hundred thousand ton'j
of ore each. With the Chap'n mine and Us
other big properties the company can easily
produce more than 1,000,000 tons of ore In
1S9G. The work ot unwaterlng the properties
will begin In a few weeks and mining will be
icsumeil as teen as this work Is accom
plished. _
After ( lie Convention.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 21. The commit
tee. which will present the claims ot Fan
Franclnco for Iho national republican con
vention has been named and will teen start
for Washington on Us mission. The com-
mlttee was selected as follows : General R.
F. Fredericks. George" A. 'Knight , A. G.
Booth , all of San Franthxjflj N. P. Chlpman ,
Red Bluff , and II. Z. CfsbOj-rie , Los Angeles.
M. H. Do Young was m ey/jx-olllclo / member
of Iho committee. ( , 1 ,
Piles of pEople have pile" , but DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve will caroitheni.
Clean Lasting CHEW
Cool Sweet SMOKE
< iit\M > ioiHiiN : I.I.IM r orrii ints.
Illltiolw 0.1.1 IVIlim * Tlielr
\ \ iit-k 'I III- . iciiltiH. : .
SPIUN'Onin.T ) 111 NfV 21The tlllnol *
grand 1-uln * ot Odd rpllows transacted only
routine' work tills morning ( ? mnd officers
wprc lnt.illed. nnil the grand m st r made
Hi" following appointments
Grand innrshnl , Major C. M Lytlf , DP-
citur ; praml guardian. J.V. . Whoatlry. lu >
quoin ; grand conductor , Uoufrt Strlppe , Chi-
capo ; grand herald. II. II. 1'opppr , Seaton ;
Brand chaplain , IlevV. . T llemHcss , Gibson
Cliy. Th ? rank of chlvnlrj will \ > t conferred
upon a law Class this evening. The grand
IcdRe adjourns tonight.
The Daughters of Hcbekah elected Mrs
Kato A. Troxell of Canton n member of thy
board cf directors of the orphans' homo at
Lincoln Salaries of the presld nt nnd pecre-
tary vverp lncieas ° d. nnd thos olllcers al-
lovvtd cxiitnp's while Inspecting suboidlnate
lodges The session concludes tonight.
Will Ili > I'riixci-iitcil for
Vliiliitliig ; ( lie
litiUN of 4'olorit < tt > .
DENVER. Nov. 21. If the report of Dcput >
Game \ VnrdenVhlto of Houtt county Is cor
rect Lieutenant li M Kocalcr of the Ninth
cavnliy has \olateil ! the game laws of the
Mite. The lieutenant VVIM sent out from
Port Uuchesno to round up the Indian hunter ?
and return them to the reservation In Utah
Warden \Vhlte reports that he found the
army olllccr nnd a p-uty of soldiers 1m Ing
three bucks , t\\o docs and two fawns In their
pos'epilon Tlio warden attempted to arrest
the olllcer , but Koehlcr phoned an order from
the commander of the post and stated that
when ho nas wanted the civil authorities
would know where to find him.
Adjutant General Ward * a > 3 that If Lieu
tenant Koehlcr broke the la\v of the state
ho will be tried by court marUnl after the
state Is through with him ,
Murderer UIK-N In Mot-it llcxhlc tin *
Slo l > Stllfi'iilnu C'lirpsc.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21 Charles Mo-3 Is under
arrest , clnrgfd with murdering his mis
tress , Anna Anderson , some time last night
It appears that while the woman slept he
tied a rope around her neck , passed It over
the gas Jut , and with a million pull dmv her
body up He sat calmly by while the woman
slowly strangled to death ; then he by down
on the bed and slept tin'II morning , \\MMI ho
arose and left the hotis ° , announcing to the
proprietress that his mistress had died dur
ing the night and ho was going to notify the
police. Ho disappeared , however , but was
soon arres'ed. Moo. shot nt the- woman a
short time ago because she refused to fur
nish him money for drink.
Dc-atliH of n li- .
ULIZAI1KTH , N. J. , Nov. 21. Rev. J. S
Ladil.t a retired Baptist clergyman , died nt
his home In this city , aged 84 jears. Ho was
a graduate of Hamilton colleg ? , and has been
a minister over forty ycara
COWCS , Isle of Wight , Nov. 21 Sir
Henry 1'onsonby , formerly private secretary
to Queen Victoria nnd Keeper of the prhy
purrjj , died at S o'clock this morning uf
DALLAS , Tex. , Nov. 21. 1'rlvato tele
grams from Houston announce that II. II
Hobblns , tra\cling passenger agent of the
llouuton K. To\as Cent'al railroad , illcJ there
today. He was tnKen sick suddenly In T'allab
two weeks ago. Ho was one of the best
Known rnllnnd men In the coun'ry. He had
been with the Hotuton & Texis C ntral for
twelve jears , coming to Te\is from St. Louis.
Dull * Iliillotltl iif < ; < > lil SIilinu'll | < M.
NKW YORK , Nov. 21. flaring , Magoun
R. Co. luxe- ordered 5500,000 gold at th
uiibtrcasurj for shipment on Satuuliy. They
say thej will probably Increase the engage
ment to $1,000,000 Tile gold Is for the ac
count of .Messrs. Klddcr , I'eabody & Co. of
Muller , Schalle & Co. , slate that they will
forward gold on Saturday uiiless they can
secure bills. The amount Is not expected
to exceed $500,000.
Lyons & Co. , commission merchants , have
withdrawn $1G,000 from the subtrcasury foi
shipment on the steamer Alps , sailing today.
IJarlnK , Magoun & Co. have Increased
their gold engagements for Saturday to
Heldlbach , Ickelhclmer & Co. expect to
ship $500,000 on Sa urday.
TJII > | IIK Out Temperance AVorlf.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. .Miss Frances H. Wll-
lard and Mlbs Anna Gordon left Chicago last
night for Lexington , Ky. They will b ? the
guests of Mrs. l < 1ranc ° K. Beachamp , assist
ant recording secretary of the national union ,
and from th-ie will formulate their plans
for the n Inter campaign In the south. The
national union Is to follow up this work of
Miss Wlllard by S3ndlng organizers nt once
to all points visited.
in your Back , your Mus
cles , your Joitilb , your
Head , and all diseases of
Impure Blood , arc cauted
by sick kidneys.
Sick kidneys can be
cured , btrengihencd , re
vitalized by
[ US
'ills '
They relieve the pains ,
purify the blood , cure all
diseases of which side kid
neys arc the cause. At all
drugg-ibts , for SOc. per box ,
or mailed postpaid on re
ceipt of price.
Write for pamphlet ,
will bo sold In Oinnlm by the
1513 Dotlgu street , second door west ot I' . 0.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , - . . $100,00
Special Notices-Council
Uj liurkc , at W. 8. Homer'a. EiSBroadway.
of Nebraska land. C. II. Nicholson , C.39',4 liroad-
uy. Council llluftu. la.
_ _ _
to exchange ( or Ntl'iueka land , C. H. Nlcliol-
m > n , MiiH UroKdway.
uvcnue and Till street , modem lmi > roveimnl ,
hot and cold water , both. Inquire C. K. Klin-
Imll , tlvvator workH , or 71C H , Ctli utrtet.
now rnrmed by W. 1 * . Gardner. V4 w U.
Bi'Cliun Z7 , towimhip 77 , r a litre 42 : I miles west
of Neolu , In Ilia twst farmlnit district of I'ot.
tanattumle county , Jo u. I'rrsrnt price , 139 W
per cr . Appl ) to Leonard Uvtrett , attorney
at law , Council HI u flu , la.
i uMS nu : < nsi.s i ION.
ort KutofM ( he CiimiiHtllim
TV lfli tlilcitmi.
NK\V YOHK. N'o\ . ' 1 - The campaign f r
srriirlnft for ( Ms rliy lli rmtlcmitl poUltcM
nnd other convention ! of npxt jpnr ami rn-
MilnR jcnrs vvns InntiKiiratnl toUy when Ih *
convention rnnimlttre of the Ilonnl nt Truilo
mot to elect It * ofilceis nhtl perfect Its scheme
of opfMtlrtK. OvvliiR to thefnct that a Hrge
proportion of the committee linil Ktnrteil for
Atlanta to Ink ? purl In the M.inlnttnn tit )
tlrmonstrntlons nt the fair , tin- Election of
officers v\ns po poneil until the luvt niect-
Inp , which will lie held cnily In December
UnJcr temporary orRanUntlon , however , the
convention committee appointed n coinmlttoo
eonMs'tliiR ot IiulR ? Wllllnm II. Arnoiiv C. 0.
Shnyne. H H llrockvvny , Oeorpe S SMbnry
nnd Dr. Jones to vvnlt upon members ot the
republican tiitlonal committee who nre now in
tills city nnd to urge upon them the nd-
vnntuRfs of N'evv York ns n convention city.
It W.IR nl > o mndc known thnt Brooklyn Is co-
opeintliiK with New York In Hie matter.
CHICAGO. N'ov 21 A Dillv News \Vnsh-
Inston special s.ijr : i\ery effort of the ml-
mlnlstr.itlon will b ? directed townrd sccurlliB
the location of the nr\t democratic national
convention In N'ow York City Tlio annonnec-
incnt that ex-Secretnry Whitney had dccldml
to tikp up the flKht for New York Is said
to be speclitly sl | > nlllcint Mr Cleveland's
fi lends nre said to feel Hint the Inlluenco
upon the democratic parly It the
convention wns hold In New York
City would tend to advance the
cnuso of sound money Insldo the pirty
ranks. Such was the sentiment expressed by
administration men Interviewed on the sub
ject Democratic shouters of the Timmany
t > pe take the view tlmt lh presencp of the
convention would arouse enthti lnm among
the rank nnd Ills In New York City , re-
KJlvanlzc the corps of Tammany and Improve
the clnnrea for ciroliiR the doubtful Ktate
of New York. Tim la t demoeiatlc COIIMMI-
tlon held In New York nonilnttcd Horatio
Sejmour. Despite the fntc of populir sub
scription schemes In Hotham heretofore , a
piper will be circulated to obtain pledges for
$250.000 to secure the com en.Ion for New
York City.
MI.I tsi. t . run 'i HI ( iiii.nnv UATI : .
} lriu iif IlKltct lt < ( oniitclpi1
n ( snti I'rniK-lfiiMi ,
S\\ \NTISCO. . N.IV SIThe battery
of ilvnsmlto guns whUh strrtchrs along thn
bluffs Miith of Tor I'olnt for neiitly mile.
Is now teady to d'nl doslrnellon lo nnj In
vading ny that ma ) appar wltlilit ihrco
miles of the OoMrn Hate , The sreat Kiif"
stare up at thp blue ( .k ) from behind steep.
bulwarks They look not unlike great frogs
ready to fprliiR Into the ocean.
Lieutenant Mllroy , who has charge of thn
Inttery. si > s tint this battery , which ilc
ft nil * the ehlcf harbor of the I'-iclfle eo ! t , Is
the largest bil'ery In the world. Thcro la
another , located nt Snnd > Hook , near the en
trance to New York harbor , but It contains
only one eight and two IH ren-lnch guns.
During th" past two da > g experiments jjvo
been mndc with the guns Xo jliclU imo f
been fired , only n limited nmnunt of powder i
In order to test the air compr ttsing plant by
which the projectiles me hurled from tha
During the nr t week In December nn offl
clnl test will bo made of the guns beforn
dcnem ! Graham nnd nil the ollle rs stationed
nt the 1'resldlo nnd the neighboring military
poMs Shell * will bo n oil and Iho guns will
bf > tested as If In nctunl warfare.
i , \\ciinn A nut T vi , MI
\cnru 'I'llUrn from .lull nnil llittiltrtl
to nn ( Ink TriM' .
NASHVlM.i : . Nov. 21 A Knoxvllle. Tcnn. .
t'peclal to the llanner , sa > sCtnrles Hiird , a
negro , who murdered Jasper D. Kelley , a
joiing white man near here ten dn ) ago ,
wns taken from the Jail \VnrtburR , thn
county seat of Morgan county , and l > nched
at midnight Inst night. A mob of 00 masked
men gathered nt n point three mllcB from
the Jail ami marched In force to the prison.
A deniind was mndp on Jall-r KinRlry to
op n up. This lu rcfus.d to do nnil the door
was litukcn open with a slcdgt1 Inmmer.
When the mob was on the ln ldp the Jntlet
was placed under tli ? point of pIKols anil
guns , and finally gavtj up the kcps. Th
ii'gro was tiken fiom his cell nnd n ropa
placed nround his neck Ilr was drnugetl
to nn oak tree , 100 yards distant , vvhero ha t
was swung up. ,
r * rfi rfi ? A rr. . * A tt. rA rA r A rA rA r * rA rft ry. rA rA f A FA rftfA fA ? A FA rAjr.TAr ? _ rnro j
* ;
- , , rUiopriM.ilik
tlouof n famouirri-nch pli > Mtlannlil qultkh euro j uii nf all nor-
In ss of discharge , tt hich II not chei Icnl lends to Hpernintorrhir'u ani
BEFORc. AND AFTER nil iijncysahd'tlioVrVrinfy'orBniisoittlfinijiurfUea. the horrors of Impotcncy. < 'I'IIl > ifticli.uu : : > i.stbo liver , tut
CUI'IIJENi ; ntretiKttiensnnil restores nmall w enle orcang.
i'lio r-aton nnncrrrs nro not cured by Doctors Is heciiuso ninety per cent nro troubled wit *
pKj 's illl . CUl'IDCNC Is the only known remedy to euro without mi operation. ttxioicntlmonC
K A written Kuiunnteo Blven anil money returned U elx boxes does notciTocl o | icnimncat llttt
' ox,8lxiors.00hy mull , bond for jntEUclrcularnni ! testimonials.
v Jlfdiaia UAYOI * 5IKntCINB CO. , 1' . O. Box a.TG.Suu rranckco.Cal b-j
BAI.K JJY GOODMAN ORUO OCX. 1110 Farrnun OL. OraA'a * .
Do You Know Its Cause ?
Indigestion ! Do you know when i
you have it ? Do. you know its
cause and cure ? Ask your drug 4
i gist for Ripans Tabules , One
Genuine Sandwich "Adams' ' G , She He
Powers fiom 1 to 10 Lorso. Feed Grlmlera , Jucks , Clialn , IJana Gnrts and
Branch House - - - - Council Bluffs
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cleaning dona la
the highest style ot
the art. Faded ana
stained fabrics mad *
to look as good ni
new. Work promptly
done anA delivered
In ull parts of tha
country. Bund for
price llvt.
Vroadwgy , near North *
wcitern Dtixit , Council
Uluff * . Iowa. Ttl. Ui
t <