THE OMATIA DAILY BFE : W KRHJ'NHAY , NOVMMIJRR 20 , 18 5. C01I3IERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Briskness of Trailing in Oasli Wheat Swung Futures Into Lino. FLUCTUATIONS WERE NARROW UP TO NOON In Hie Corn I'lt Hie PrliMWIIN I'lrni mi Account f Wet Weather Hlorlin mill HllllllH. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. The briskness of trading In cnnh whent for a tlmo today Hwunif the futures into line , Cleveland , Toledo , Uuffalo nnd OsdonsburK. besides many places In the Interior of Ohio , Michi gan nnd Indiana , were buying red winter wheat hero today nt 3e premium over the December price. In all , nbout MO.OOO bit. wore tnkcn In round loin. That enured n linn closing to a previously heavy mar ket. Corn was firm , but very dull ; rats Blond stork still , nnd the provision market had scarcely more motion than tbu oats. In the wheat pit up to noon fluctuations were narrow. The news was ccnonlly bearish , but shorts seemed disposed to tnko up their prollts quickly , and tills , with the large purchases of cash wheat and cables about declines In consols , hail it tendency to check any decline. Thu opening for De cember was u",4p ' , down to D7c. TraJIng was brisk for n time , with a downward tendency. Prices I'oon firmed up , however , nnd In the nfternoon heavy buying brought December up to the high figure of the day , u7',4i' . There It closed , the feeling belli ! ; Complete dullness pervaded the corn pit once more , but the price was firm on < ic- cutint of the wet wenthor. The speciil-itlvo trade In the article lias dwImlU'd uwiy to the point of illsnppcnrnnce. May ranged from iMlie 1 ° 'Hi ' nm' ' cl"s ° d ill EC-ie , Keller ? . Theru was no Improvement In the oats maikct. Trading was fully n < 5 devoid of nativity as ever , and there was absolutely nothing of Interest to report. May opened nt from L'OU.c to iM o , and that constituted tlio entire range of the day. At the close It was Wc bid. Hog products were nulet , under the In fluence of heavy receipts and lower prices nt the yards. There was no Impoitnnt fea ture to the trading , .latunny pork kept at from JS.OT.i to $ ' . ' , .January lard nt from J.r.2'i to $ "i.rir > fi5.iii. ( split nnd January rllin at from Sl.ttiU to JI.Ki. The market closed Btcady til JS.'j'1 . for January pork , $5.53 $ for lurd , nnd ? I.Bj for ribs. Kstlmnlod tecelpts for tomorrow : Hogs , 2.1.001 } head ; wheat , 410 cars ; corn , 32J cars ; oalH , 110 cars. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Cash quotatlrvm wore as follows : n.Ol'H Steady : winter patents. $3.15T3.r,0 : winter slralKhts , $2.fiOi3.2isprlnf { ; _ ( patents. ' 2.30. WII HAT No. 2 spring. r.G'JJGItf.Hc ; No. 3 sprlnK , 6Gi57c : No. 2 red , HUSiCO c. COIIN NJ. 2 , 2Sc. OATS-No. 2. ISc ; No. 2 white , ISliWlS c ; No. a white , IS'idl'Jc. ' KVB-No. 2. 3 < ! c. 11AHM3Y No. 2 , no sales ; No. 3 , 2Gfl3Ie ; No. 4 , mi salcn. FI.AX SISHI ) No. 1. 91'iliJ91Hc. TIMOTHY SiniJ Prime , J3.COf3.C3. , ? I'HOVISIONS Mess pork. PIT bbl. , J5.0"iS.10. Ijinl. per 1W lb . , J.I.Ci'.i. ' Short ribs Bides ( loose ) t4.43U4.Ui. Dty salted shiiuldcrMlioxvd ) , J4.25W 4.f,0. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , ; i.7.VJI 87'- . WHISKY Distillers' finished seeds , per sal. , II 22. POIH.THY Steady ; turkeys , 7f7V4c ; chickens. 6ir7c ; ducks , 9@9iic. The following were the receipts and shipments today : 82,000 bbls. ; exports , 3,200 bbls. ; very cjulet , with rprlnu brands weak nml wl/i- tern fairly steady and In moderate demand ; city mill P.IUJHU , Jl.lOff l.2r , ; winter pat- iln , 3.50W3.70 ; city mill clears , $1.0031.10 ; winter ptralKhls , > 3.ofT3.40 ; MlniK-EOta patents , t3.455i3.CO ; winter extins. J2.70fi3.10 ; Minnesota bakeiH , t2.753.10. | llye Hour , Hteady ; fancy , J2.8D C3.00. lluekwheat llniir. dull at 11 35. HfCIiWHIIAT Wiak nt 41 > i4lc. | COIIN MKAI-lullj yellow , coarse , 70S73e ; llrainlywliie , } 2.u5i2.K ( ) . IlltAN Dull nt I2.CO. HYU Nominal ; No. 2 western. 42c. 1IAIILKV Weak ; weatern , 41ii4Sc. | riAUI.MV MALT Weak ; wealein , SOffBOo. NVHIJAT KecelptH , S2S.200 bu. ; rxpurtn. 110,300 liu. Spot market quiet ; No. 2 , CS'c ; No. 1 hanl , 67'dc. Oillniis | opened dull nnd lie loner on weak cullies , nnd ruled very quiet all day , ndvaneliiK % o on war talk , llKht muvement , Mi.ner closlns cablt s and bl cash demand west , and elosl. * ) Uc net hlKher ; necember. CI\fCIie , eloped Cl'ic. COItN llerelpls , 121.100 bu , ; exports , lai.iOO bu. Spit inaiket qulel ; Nn. 3 , SCc. Options upened llrmer on Hlouny weather weht. capcd off nn near months and cloxeil dull and unehaiifted nil around ; November. 35iW2Ce , closed 33 ic ; lc- ccinber , 33Uf3.Hc , closed 33'.4c. OATS-lteeelpts. 4S.OOi ) bu. ; exports. 2.00. ) bu. Hput maikct dull. No. 2 , 23 < i23Uc. Options ruled iiulet and sli'iidy with wheat ; closed unehanned ; NoveinLcr closeil at 23e ; December closed at ' 23X.C. 23X.C.WOOI WOOICjulet ; domestic lleece. lCG23c ; pulled , 19 f22e. HAY Enny ; ehlpplnu , $7.00B7.M ; good to choice. S00 > i5c HOPS Steady ; slate , common to choice , 1S9I crop , 3fj7c ; 1W5 crop , TfilOc ; 1'ucino coast. 1S04 crop , 3ic ! ; 1VI5 crop , SWIOc. IHIlW--l > ull ; California. 21 to 25 His. , ISRlSHc ; Oalvestiwi , 20 to 25 Ilia. , ICc ; lluenos Ayies. dry. 20 to 21 Ibs. . 2le ; Texas , dry. 24 to 30 Its. , 12ffl3c. LiATHUIl-O.ulet : ; hemliick s de , lluenos Ayres , HKht lo heavy , 24c ; ncld , 2l'4W24e. ' I'UOVlSIONS-lleef. steaily ; fnmlly. 111. CO ; beef liams , (15.0 < iil5.M , Cut meats steaily ; pickled liellles , r'.Wilti. ' * ; pickled IK ) ins , ( s.75fil. ! < . Laid , Rteaily ; western stenni closed nt IS.fcO ; NJ\cmher , 15.KO , nominal. 1'oik , dull and easy ; old mcpn , Jit.DOfllO.00. lIlTITUIt-HecelptH , 8,151 pkRS. j mnrkct steady ; \vcHlein crenmery , 151i2Jo ; KlKlns , 23c. id lS HeeelplB , S.1I45 pkKs. ; market sternly ; Hlati ) and Pennsylvania , 2'ff2Cc ; western , 21 ® 2.1 ' .it * . fllKKSII Ilecplpln. 3.813 iikgo. Market larKP , " ' , / UK1 ; enuill , 7iJfllc : ) ; part eltlms , ma : full eklins. 2'j3i.\ ' ( Active nnd hlKher ; tTnlted closed nt 1159 bid ; lellneil , New Yolk , IS.W ; Phlladel. phln and llalllmoic , JS.45 , TAI.LOW Quiet ; city. 4',4c ; country , 4'lc. HOS1N Firm : strained , common to L-ooJ. | 1.U Cfl.70. MOLAHSKK Dull ; New Orleans , open kettle , frond 13 ehnkv. 2Uf32c. TI'ltPIINTlNi : Quiet ; 28If2S'ic. ' llli'K-Qnlet ; domestic , fair to extra , STiffC'le. MKTALSPlff Iron M idy ; miuthcrn. I12.00O 14.00 ; lurlhein. JI2.O ) II > W. Copper. dull ; brokers' prlci' , Jll. ? " > ; excluiiiKe price , ( ll.15fril.25. Lend , dull ; brukriH * price 31e ; exrhanK" price , | 3.:5r3.f5. Tin. easy ; stralls. Jll.31tni.IO. plates , weaker. Spelter , weak ; domestic , > 3 OOfJ(1.00. ( COTTON HHii : > OIL-lnactl . , umlertono llrm ; prime cruile , 25iff2Ce ; butter Krades , SOIfJlc ; prime summer yellow , ! 'JU30c ; off summer yelluw , tMlfii. _ Cotton Murkrt. Ni\Y OIIL1IANS , Nov. -COTTON Knsy : nitddllnt : , S l-16o ; low lulddllni ; . 713-lCc ; KJOU unllnaiy , 7fic ; net mvliXH , 17 , UO bnleN : eios , I'J.CKiJ luileu ; exiKirlH to Fniniv. 17.20 < ) bales ; lo llu > continent , 6,023 bales ; sales , B.Ooo liales ; clock , I3 ! > .r.C > i linlex. NKW VOIIK , Nov. 19.-COTTON Qulet ; ml.l- illliik' , 8\e ; net receipts , none ; Kro , J.k'jO bales ; exKiils | in flri'ut llrllaln. 2.043 bali > j ; to thu ron- tlment. 200 bales ; forwardid , l.K'i bales ; sales , 1S , bales , all spinners ; slock , 174.95J bnlt'H ; total today , net receipts , 5S..MO Imles ; enpiitH to Great llrilnln. 12.491 balei ; France. 17.2 > l Imlei ; ciiTitl- iicnl , 13.1C5 bales ; stiKk , ! > ,27S bales , Futureu cloned very steady ; sales , Sll.fcOO bales ; January , 18.12 ; Februnry , JS.17 : March , ; April , 18.26 ; May. ! $ . > : June. Is. 33 ; July , 18.33 ; Autust. IS. 37 ; Octoler. I7.DS ; November , JS.OS ; December. Ik.OS. KT. LOt'lrt. ' Nov. COTTON-Qulel ; l-16o lower ; mlddllni ; . b'ic ; rales , 25 bales : receipts. - ltf.111 bales ; shipments , 8,448 bales ; block , 4V , 935 bale * . _ _ _ _ _ _ Dry ( ionilH > lnrki > t. NUW YOHK. Nov. 19. There wbn. as usual , no mall from Important Interior and more dis tant nmikvH , mid ordi'iM were wantlntr , exceplliiK n few teleKrnms for upvelnl requlremenls. The new demand was very moderate for cunrni wants , but for iprlnir M > eclaltle there were very ( air eitKiiKemenls phiced by joblxri and the iiuuiutiielurliiK I rude. 1'ilntliiK cblhs were dull nnd immlnul at 3 5-lCc. FALL 1I1VK11 , Ma . . Nov , 19-PrUit cloths quiet ul JUe. MANCIIKHTKH.- . 19.-Clolhs una yarns lulet. with very little jmilnfM Cuffre NUW YO11K. Nov. IU . dull ; No. 7 , I15.37H ; "I1J , quid ; Cortlavu , . p. . ; tr . p. I ; tVKrcrimiK ilrllrrrK'ii frnm New Y"tk ywilenllil' , H.JW Intjis ; Nw Yjilf nwk tr.iny. tfl.twKfi \ Vnltwi Htntrs fto lt .1.f . S bn ; nflndt fnr Ihe 8lt ( . \V \ > bnu ; Intnl rlslblr tiff Itlf fnllrtl Btatm , < 17 , ( ! lmg , DRUInrt ( .72 Imini 1 M ymr. HANT , Nov. -Active ; R-wil fivernRO fnn1iii , II . . # : ifrdpis. two days , K , < W bngs moelc. 421.1 * * ) I.HV . * . IIAMIU'U'1 NIV. -Flrm l ; ni-fir mnnlhn ml vanrcil l4fl'i ' pft. fur month * nrtMine l 1 pfir. KIO im JANKIlin Nov. 19.-Jul't : No. 1 lllo JH.Oi ) : crrlinnife , > S'I. receipts , Iwo dAVs , S6 , ( > linrn ; tli > nml f.r , the 1 'rilled Stntm , 7 , WO bng < for UiiroiM' , t.WWmw stock , Sfl..O'iO I IKS. HAVItH , N..v. la.-Oi neil firm , Hfflf ndvflnre nt n inn. ' 4f decline ; nt 3 p. in. . IrreRiilnr , Hff4j lorifeic ; cln nl irrrKiilHr nt net 'if decline to U advance ; cnlfs , 2lnoo baK . _ _ IIMAIIA ( li.MJIAf < MAUKIiT. CnnilKInn nf Trnitr nnd Qiuifntloti * on Slnplc nml Knnoy I'roiliicc. While pnullry Is low to what It was n shot time DRO , It Is higher tlnin It wns n yenr ago II Is In fael too hlRh as compared with elbe nier.t . llt.R * ate itellln nl only nbout 3V4c PC pound nnd fancy pointed ttecrs At 4',4c ' per pound while cow be f nml mutt n Hie ctlll lower. 11 > the ride of these IlKUtes even So for chicken looks high. Quolallonn : iiUlS-Strlctly fresh stock. 17c. 1II"1TIU ; I'uikliiK > tk , SKloc ; fair to KOOI country , 12fHc ( ; choice tu fancy country , 14i(15o Kat'ieied crruinery , ICfllSa ; ttparatur cieamery 19 20c. VCAICholce fat , 70 to 100 Its. , are quoted a Cj7c ; Inrge nnd coarre , 4i/Cc. CIIMlISi : DomeMIc lulck. ll C ! Kdam , pe doz. , J10 ; Club llousf. l-lli. Jars , per < loz. , J3.CO Llmbtir cr , fancy , per lb. , 11 > 4CJ llonuefort , 54-lb Jnrs. tier dnz. . Jj.O ) ; YOUIIK Americas , luVjC Twins , fnncy , lie. POl'LTllY-LI\p HKIB. per lb. , Cc ; chick ens. per lb. , r.e ; ino. tfrs. 3 (4c ; ilucki" . 7TSc tiirke > s. T'iliXr ; Reorp , 7i4S7Sp. DrptstM Chicken * Ce ; diieks , SCIS ( ( ; turkeys.Rfltic ; B e < io. SHOP. 1IAY t'lilnnd. JC.W ; midland , } C ; 1 iwland. J5.M rye straw. } | r.o , culor makes the pflc-j on liny IlKlit bales sell the best. Only top urndes brlni , top prices. ' HItOOM COHN New crop , dillvcreil on track In counliy , choice ureen telf-workltiK carpet , pe IK , 2'lc ' ; choice green lunnlnK to hull , 2'4c ' common , IHc * OAMIJ 1'rnlrle chlrkNis , youtiB , per doz. . 15 qunll , J1.7.fi2 1 ; jaik snipe , 75c ; gulden plover > 1.25 : jii'k labblls. tier d"Z. . > 2 : smal rnl.bim , II ; mallard ducks , K ; redhead * , 13 ; cnn vnsbaek ducls. } 5.0iiSi7.00 : teal , blue wlni ? . $1.73 teal , Krcrn wine , II.M ; ml\ed ducks. Jl.WfJ1.75 Canada Reese. } r ; umill Reepe , J4.30 ; brants. I3.CO deer saddle. * . I.lfflGr : ileer carcnssen. 12'iif13c ' } ; elk caddies , llmsc ; elk carcasses. ! > j10e ; nntclope saddles , I2f)14o. ) nntelolio carcasses , iiifllc. VKOKTAIJLIJS. . POTATOES -On Hack , car lots , 23o ; smal lots from store , 30c. ONIONS I'er bu. . 2JSOc ; Imiwrtcd Ppnnlsl onloi-s , per ciate , cO'iiC3c ; home Km n Spanish per bbl. , 11 50 ; 3 lo B-bbl. lots , J1.35. IllIANS-lland-pleked imvy. per bu , , ll.lufrl.7li SWKKT POTATOKS riiolec stock. $2 per bbl. CAIIllAOK-On orders , crated , per 100 Ibs. 7tcOJ1.09. CKLKHY Knney larRe Coloindi. WiOTc ; choice stock , large No. 1. 40l/43c ; large No. 2 , 33c ; small 25fi3ik\ LIMA I113ANS-P r lb. , 5'c WATER JI.50Sll.75. CKKSS-Per 1C-qt. case. FHIHTS. CALIFORNIA QUINCES Per box. , 11.50. OREC1UN PEARS Per ease , J2.23. CHANHnuillliS-aiolce stoclt. per bbl. , 58.0 ALMERIA ORAI US per GO-lb. bbl. , JO ; per GS to 70 ll.s. Krusii. J7. HASTiniN GRAPES-Ncw York f.'oncords , pe. basket , 23i24r > . CALIFORNIA ORAPns Tokays , per double cas . J3.00H3.I3. APPLES Jiinatlian * , } 3.25fl3.50 ; choice ship pine stock , Hen Davis. CJenlton , WlnvMii | , etc. bblp. . } 2.25J2.r { , ' ) ; cnnklnK apples , J2.23'Q2. ' [ > 0. CALIFORNIA PEACHKS None. TROPICAL FRUITS. Commission m n who hnvc been accustomei to handling n good many Florida ornnices arc likely to miss that feaiuio of their business this season. Floilda farmers , accoidlng lo nil it porlihae put In a linger acreage of vegetables than ever b-fore. The killing of the oiange groves by frost during December and Janunr > last seems to have tuim-il the ptoduceis of Elate to the cultivation of vegetables. It Is IMI that In some sections of Florida the ncrenec o tomatoes , btans , peas cabbage , lelluce , etc. , is unprecwlented , while in other tecllons produeeis hiive been leslilcted In their cultivation by the refusal uf the manufnctuiers of fertilizers to tiust them another year. Quotations : ORANGES Mexican * , per box , J3.73 ; Jamaica * pe"- box , S3. 75. LKMONK- California , per box , 14 30Q4.75. IIANANAS Choice bilge stock , per bunch , J2.00 ( T2.25 : medium sized bunches. J1.75. , HIDCS AND TALLOW. HlDES-No. 1 , gteen hides , 4iic ; No. 2 gieei hides , S-'JiC ; No. 1 green salted hides , 5Jic ; No. 2 salted hides. Cc ; part cuied hide ? , than fully cuied. SHEKP I'ELTS Gicen tailed , each 2J0Mc green sailed shearlings ( short wooiod early Kklns ) cacti Uc ; dry chearllnes ( short wooletl earl\ rklns ) . No , 1 , each , lOc ; dry chcarllngs ( sheri wooled early skins ) . No. V eacn ftu dry Hint Kansas and N'cbrasiui butcher \vou pelts , per lb. . nclunl weight , CIJCc ; dry Din Kansas and Nebraska Murrain uool pelts , pel lb. . actual weight. 4S5c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 4Ciic dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per ! b. , actual weight. 4 5c ; dry pieces and bucks , actua weight , 25f3c. Have J t cut elf , aa It Is use- lebs to pay ftelght on then ? TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow No. 1 , 3itc ; lallow No. 2 , 3c ; gicase , while A , S'.ic ' ; grease while 11 , 3c ; grease , jeilov. ' , 2ic ! ; Biease. dark , 2c : old butter , 2 2' c ; beeswax , prime , 15fl22c' rough tallow , l',5c. ' HONES In car lots weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.OOiil4.oO ; dry country , bleached , per Ion. J10.00in2.00 ; dry counlry. damp and mealy , per tun , 3G.OO&3.00 WOOL Umvaslurt fine heavy , CiJ7c ; tine light SSfOc ; quaitcr olood , 10S12c ; s Uy , burry nnd chaffy , SilDc ; celled and broken , coanc , 7ft9c. celled nnd broken , fine. GffS" . Fleece washeil Medium , ISftUc : fine , 143ICc ; tub washed , ICiJ 15e : black. Re ; bucks , 6c ; lac locks , 2Q3c ; dead . DRESSED MEATS. I1EEF Light western steers , 400' to COO Ibs. . 44 C5e ; good cows and helfors , 4iJ5c ? : medium cows and heifers. 4'i4'Sc ' ; K0oa foitquarters cows and lielfers. 3\iUtc \ ; good hindquarters cons and heifers , C'/4C7c ' ; fair hindquarters cowa nnd heifers , Cc ; cow rounds , 4'j'ff5e ; cow chucks , 2&3V4c : atecr chucks. 3V4ST4c : ' > eef lenderlolns , ficsh. 15Vic ; beef lolls , bonelesSi e ; sirloin butts buiieleis , Sijc , loin backs , boneless. SVfcc ; lolri backs , C'.ic ' ; cow libs , No. 3 , CV c ; cow loins. No 3 , 7'ic ; iteer ribs , 7',4c ; sleer loins. 9c. MUTTON Diexml mutton , 5-c ; racks mutton S'ic ' ; legs mutton , 7c ; saddles mutton , 7c : Mews ! ' < .c. PORK Pork lolin , 7c ; jpare ribs. 5c ; pork slnulders. He ; poik shoulders , fklnneil. 6Jc ; tcndcrlolni. 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz ZZc , MISCELLANEOUS. New I'crbla i dates will teen be on the market now , t.s thB llrht Hteamer Is expected to arrive In New Yolk In a veiy few days. Quotations : OYSTERS Mediums , ISc ; horseshoes , 20c ; extra etand.uds , 23c ; extra telects , 25e ; llianeh & Co. selects , 27c ; New York counts , SOc ; Etandaid bulk per Kul. , $1.10. CIUER-Pure Juice , per half bbl. , J2.CO ; per bbl. , $4.50. SAtlER KRAUT Per bbl. , I3.CO ; half bbl. , | 2. NUTS Callfi.inla . almonds , lOc ; Englliih wal nuts , eott shelled , ! - ! ' . < ; stamiaids , lOc : filberts , lOe ; Ilrazll nuts. 94T10e ; pecans. 10ffl2c ; pennuls. raw , C'.Jc ; roasted , 774c ! ; chestnuts , HUlCoj black walnuts , per bu. , 75c ; small hickory nuts , per bu. . J1.75. MAPLE SYRl'P Flve-gal. cans , each , J2.75JJ )3,00 ; per doz. . J12 ; Ual. . cans , JC.25 ; quart cans , J3.75. FIGS New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per lb , . He ; common California figs , 60-1 li. boxes , Ce ; Imported fnncy , 30-lb. boxes , ICc ; choice , 10- lb. Itoxep , I2c. DATES Pei Ian , CO-lb. boxes , per lb. . C'.ic ; faids. 10-lb. boxes , per lb , , Sc. MAPLE SUOAR-Chnlee , per lb. , SITlOe. PRESKRVnS Affoited. 20-lb. palls , each 11.40. COCOANUT8 Per ion. J5. FURS. Mliinriipnllu Wlirnt MarK' ' ( . MINNKAI'OI.IS , Nov. ) . WIIKAT Kulurei llrm , but In the rash market DIP prtmlum nvrr lifrvmlwr ilrcpppd back to lo for No. 1 northern ; Nn. 1 northern raid at Utiu principally , and No , 2 northein ul M'ic. l-'I.OUU-Steady ; the xeneral trade la taking frufly nt price * nrlllUK U.OS tu 13.49 at the mlll for IIrut paltnui ; dometllo bukcr coodt , | ; .GOiI > 2.69 ; export bukcrV. tl.9Sij2.30. Sulfur Market. NiW YOH1C , Nuv. 16.-Sl'aAU-llaw. ' quiet ! fair rrllnliiK. 3a ; rrntrlfuiml. W Uj l. 3Hc ; rr- IImil , dull ; niHJidard A. 4He ; ccnfrctlonerii' A , 4Hc ; cut Mc ; rrunheil , SUc ; powclercj , 4Tic ; tiruiuiluled jUr. LONDON , Nor. U.-8UOAn-C nc , dull ; little rtnlnu ; cfnlririiBol , .tAVn , IJo Ml Muncnvndo , fixlr rrflnlnK , 10 ( M ; bp t , ilull nnd h nvyt N"vembr , 10 4 < U Dtxtmber , 10s W. .STOCKS AMI IIO.MIS. VnrloCjf Iiiflin-npi-H 1 i-iri- iMl flip Mwiirll.Mnrki't YcntiTilny. NKW YOIUC , Nov. 10. \nrlety ft Inllutncpi depressed the stock market tml y. In some In- iitnnces the reiteration of old ycnr nrRiiments operated effectively. I/jmlnn wns uniileasnntly ncllvo an n seller of most of the International stocks nml foreign mlvlccs In relation to the po litical situation renewed uneasiness. Heading was not particularly nffecti-il by publlcallon of n seml-oinclai synopsis of some of the fealures of the proposed rorganlzntlon plan ns they now stand. HumorR of possible ncllve defensive nellnn by Home of. the junior security Interests were- circulated , but did not commnnd much nt- tentlnn , owlni ; to Hie ri dlcally unfavorable pin- illtlnn of the property nnd lack of prncltcal oqnliy In the stock. The decision nf Justice Harlnti In the We lern t'nlon-l'nlon Pnelllc case wns nKaln useil wllh ileclded effect nKalnst the slock. None of Ihe counsel of the company had received HIP lext of HIP decision today , and there wns consequently no olllclnl sialeinenl fiom Us standnlnt nn tu the full effect of the opinion. The dcelplnn of Allomey ileneral llartcoek In the Tobacco trust wn also Improved ns far ns pinctlcnble by thp lioars. Onl.l ciiKaRtrnenls for lomorrow's steamer nK- BreB.itlnc $1.7.V.Oi > l , nnd a well ilenneil expectation of the ehlpment of nt least $ liw,000 nddllliinal on Thursday , consllluted nnolher bear pntd. The nllatks on Alanhallan were lenewed , and Ihe de cision In the Tobacco case Induced rnlds on nil nf the oilier Industrial thaics. The- news that the presidents of the trunk line and conneclInK mails had ratified the plan for the establishment of profitable rales nnd malnleimncc of tint ninny was not made public until Home lime after the close of business. Thp maiket was more acllxo than on Monday , with the bulk of the dealing * distributed In half n dozen stocks , nctlvlly belnK noted In Western tlnlnti , Trmllnis wns laiBC nt the upenlnir alul a weak lone pre vailed. The selllnp pressure was Btncral and wns di rected npilnst the Industrials and International shales. The dealing * during the last half of Ihe day werp upon nn Irresularly w.ak ramte of prices. Tobacco declined lo Sfisi. a loss nf 2 per cenl fiom yeslenlay , with an ImllfTcmil recoveiy. Leather pieferred dropped an extieme 2' < per cenl. Western V'nlon. 2 per cent , with n HKht fracllonal rnlly. Ixniltvlllp & Nashville and Den ver * i Itln Hrnnil" prifen.Ml on futi'lKii si'llInK icorcil deHlnes of 2' anil S'/j ' pe' cent rcspe.t.vcly , Thp clrsp was nulet nnd su-ady nt lmpn > \ < mint from Ihe loueil polnls extending lo 1 per c nl In SuKar , but at general net losses , whlrli weie material In some cases. The I'ouiso of Ihe bond market was attain mainly toward a lower level. although Irregularity was noted , and the volume of buslni'SM showed an Increase over thai of the previous day. The dralliiKH In Koveinni'nl fo < itril up Jl'.OOO. Theip was a ( 'cneial s'.iadlng of iirlces on the last call. The Ilvenlm ; 1'isl'a I.'intloti cableRrnm says The slock maikel * weie Hat today , with vlrtimll ) no recovery at the close. The ilettiepslnt ; Inllu eneiH were the Arab uprising In Turkey ani further forced Iliiuldatlons here and tit Paris where a law speculative ncrount was taken over from the last selllemeiit , which clused loday This especially affected American" , lar i- block of Louisville and mlier slocks lielnir thrown out Mines weie Hat .n the Ihiuldallon , and also on uncunllrmed leporlt Ihnt tlie llrst crntihtiiK re luin frnm one of the Wllwaler's deep level mine arc dlFappnlnllliR. Tht ; Kineial llnnnctal outlook Is uncerluln. If It were not for weaknt'SX elsewheie Americans would not beleved un favoiably. It Is believed Ihere will be n 3 pe cent bond Ismo by Ihe Unlled Stales Rovcrnmen before lonif. The following were the closlne quotations on the IcadliiB stocks of the New York uxchange today : Xi-iv YurU Moin > y .llnrkc-l. NHW YOIUC , Nov. 19. MONK Y ON CALIv- ICimy nl I'i:5l2 : per ci-n. ; hitt loan , 2 per cent ; clowil nt 2 per cent. IMMMK MKIICANTILB PAPiil-4i(5'i pel cent. STHIU.INO KXCHANOE-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bills lit J4.83'iff4.6Hi ! for rte- m.ind nnd l4.S74i&4.fS for M days ; putted rales , 11 fc8Vji4.1'0 ' ; commercial bills , { 4.87. SILVKIl CKUTIFICATKS 67te/07Kc. / GOV13HNMI3NT I1ONDS Weak. State bonds. Inactive. Hnllrond bonds. lower. Closlnt ; tjuotatlans on bonds were nH follows : offered. IlciHtoii Sliick ( tunintloiiN. liOSTON. Nov. Iti.-Call loans. Hrtli per cent ! line loanH. KH < 13 per cunt. Cloilnpriori for BlocltH. bonds nnd mlnlni ; HHir..M : A. T. JiS. F 17 W. Ulee. ofd 04 Am. Siii-ar 1IIH'4VH | , 44 Am. S.nrarpfd. . . . H71B Kiltbdii Klt'C. IllB. . 145 llnv Slati ) Han 11 ( liMi. Klcc. lifil 111 ! Hell Ti'lin'lionu. . . . llOHtoii.t Albany. . .NIK AlclilHon 4u 7H Iloston < V Malno. , 177 N'ew Knrlanil UN. . . 11R H.'i ? ( WlH. Cl'llt. iHttt. . . . fi4 Fltciihiirir Ul : Alloup ? MlnlmrCo BO : : ilnolH Sleel 71) ) Atlantic 10 Mexican Central. , 1 Hi HoHtim A Moiitan.T. ( Ill Olil Colony 170 UttlliIIOHton. . . . . 15H Ore. Short Line. . . , 0 Oalinnet .t Ili'cl.l. . ,100 ItuhbiT 311 Franklin 11 Oleiro II Kparxarfi ) IMS Union 1'jicinu West Run ( ! ( > ! < luillney. . . , ! i" ! ! ! ! ! ! 1'JO \\Vsl Kiul nfd Oi4 ! Tamarack 13ft Wi'Mlni-h. Kli'ii. . . . : t4 iWolverlnu OH Sim | . 'riint < lHifi AIluliiK ( InotiitloiiH. SAN KUANCISCO. Nov. lll.-Tho oniclal cloalnif quotallons for mliiln ; utoc'.i-t toliy were ai fol- OWHl . Hllvor bam , 111 lie. Mexican ilollun , 65i'5tc. ! ! irnlis , "l.-nt. ' . 'v u : luleiraptilo. Oc. \t-\v York 311 n I MI ; ( liuiditloiiM. NEW YOKK. Nov. lU.-Tliu following ara the lOHinir intnlnir quotntloim' askeil. I , on ilu 11 .Slou LONDON. NOV. 1U.-J 1 > . in. clOHlng ; _ Ian. I'acllic OoHiSl. ' Paul com . 7114 : rlu ll .V. Y. . HUH . . 73' il > iniibylvaiiU . " " ' II. Onlral . UH iHcailliit- . Ipxlcan enl Inary. 18.Mux. | Ccn. nuvv 4B. llAH"Hir.ViU-30 7-16U per oz. MONHY-1 | i r cent. The rnli' of illncount In the open market for hnrt MUD , lMll % IHT cent ; fur Ihrce inonths' bills , 1H per crnl. ( Mix Miirkrtn. KANSAS CITY , Nov. IS.-WHUAT-Httadyi manj fair ; No. 2 bard , norulnully , ST3UCJ Nu. rnl n fnlnnll > . Cl > ttr No Z Mirlnpr. WWSTr . t Nirln * . f.4 fi.v.i | | ifitc < 1 , n-tnlnnlly , ( TW-Sp OIlN-Actlvc ; Nol'nHlxrt. H 3 c ; No. while , OATS Slow utiil ' < * ktr : No , ! tnlxril , 1" No. 1 wrill * . llmo.liy. 01 iirTTIill-StMitly ; r mfry. HfllJc. Uilff " " " * " - ; strictly fresh , I7 < io. I.UnilPOOl , , Nov. PlJi-WHKAT-Spot quiet ! ilPtnnnd p r ; No. 2 red winter { 2.1 ; No. 2 rpd sprlnc. stocks cxtmiisteJ ; No. 1 hard Manllolfl. slocks exlinitstp.1. No. 1 Cnllfornla , 5s 3.1 ; ftilures opened sleady , with , tu-8.t and dlslnnt positions ' ( d lower , but later rencleil and close * ! Hrm , with March nnd April Hit'higher nnd other month * - ' . ' from yestenviy's closing prices ; ncn nlK.ut pqunlly iifstni'ir < ; NovemtM-r , 6 Id December , t 2'id ' : Jnliniry , Ks 2' < d ; Tcbrunrj Cs 3'id ; March , Is 4d ; APIII , 0 * U'I. ' COIIN Spat dull ; Amcrlcnn mlxeil new 3s 4Hd futtire i cpfneil quiet at unehnnRrd prices ; closet slondy , with November nnd December 'id hlKhe nnd other inonlhs unchanged from yc lerd > rlo. lrn. prices ; business nbout equally distributed November , 3 4'sd ' ; December , 3a 4il ; Janu.irj 3s 2 < id ; Februnty , 3s 2\d , Match , 39 2id ; April 3s 2\d. PlAJL'tl Mniket dull ; demand | ioor ! St. Loul fancy winter , 7a rd. riinVISIONS Ilnonn , quiet ; demon. . ! poor rumberland cut , 2 < t 30 itu. , Sis ; short ribs. 2 Ibs. , 35s ; long clear , llxht. S8 lo 43 Ibs. . 31s ; Ion c-K'nr , heavy , 63 Ibs. . 2's ! ; short clear backs , llK'.it 1S Ibs. , 30s Gil ; Khort cli-nr middles , heavy. K > Ibs- ! Sis : clear bellies , 14 in 10 lb . , 37s ; fhoulders squnrt12 to 18 lb . , "Ss ; liAins , short cut , II I IS Ibs. . 43s. Tallow , linn North American , nom Inal. lli'i'f , extta Indln me s , Tf.s ; prime me * ? rRs M , I'ork , prime mess , fine western , Ms primp medium. 4Ts fd. I.nrd , dull ; prime wcsl ein. 2S * M ; ri'lhied. In palls , 31s. IMIHnsi : Quiet ; deimnd moilerate ; flne Atnerlrnri while. 41s ; llncfl American colored , 4.'c llfTTKIl KlnBl fulled Hlnle , 03 ? ; Rood , COS. Tt'lll'KNTINK Spirits , 20s 3d. ItOSIN Poiiimon , 4s TUd. POTTON SIIHD OilI.tMTprol tcflnod , ITs G.1 , l.INSlIKn 01121 ? . 1'HTHnl.KrM llenneil. S'Jd. IliPIH5lvHATOll ! IIKUI. ' KorcqiiArtprs , Slid hlildqunrters , ti'td. lU.KArillNd I'OWPEU Itardwoml , f. o. b I.IVl'tponl , C7. IIOI'S At 1-nndon ( Pnrlllc const ) , i : 10s. Tin ? reeelpls of wheat dtirlliE the past Hire days \vvre 147,300 renlals. \V nlher cold nnd clear. HI. I.oulH Criii-rnl .tlnrUct. ST. I.OUIS. Nov , 15.V1IUAT Opened de pK'ssed nnd lower in heavy ri-ceipls In mirtlmps nnd lower cables nnd ruled easier nil any. clorliiK otmily for May nnd ' , iiil'c off for December , com puled with M-sterdiiy ; Nt > . 2 red , cash , G3c ; DC ccmbrr. 37ir ; May , C2'to. COIIN llcoume MrotiRer early nn prospe-ls o lulu and piobubly coldfr , stormy went her , m ! ciiccnlatlon wns llghl nnd prices did mil shon much chance , eloping ulthln n rniiire of > > c cu pltliiT slib" > f yeslenlaclosi ) ; ; No. 2 mixed cns'i , S'.iie ; Deceml , : i iH24c ; Miiy , 20.Jc. ' OATS futures quiet. ttionKi-r ; spot imchaiiKed N < i. 2 , push , IS'.ic ' ; Decemler. He ; May. 2ty > 82iXr 11YK Dull nnd lunvy ; .14c bid. COIIN Mt-AI < -l.33ffl.lO. 11HAN HnMo-n buyers bid 4Te for easl track sacked. KI.AX Slir.O-I.ower at ? C',4c. TIMOTHY\ : HAY Choice pra'ie ? , llnmthy nnd prairie , fcirc and llrm ; prairie. j.Oii riO. ( > > , till * side. Ul'.OS Higher ; 17c IOM off. WHISKY J1.I2. LEAD Dull : holders nuking } 2.97'4 , but no bids Hl'KM'UK Still decllnlni ; ; selleis now at $3.3' ) and pome als reported at lhal titlce. I'OtlLTUY Market Pleady ; tuikpyn , C'i5T7c chlckvtiH. f.QGifcr ; ducks , 7Vic ! ; iteose , C'.ic. ' nt'TTKH Market steady ; creami-iy. isji20o. 1MIOV1S1ONS I'ork , utan.lard mpm. Jobhlnc JS.37. lntd. prime flrnm. Jj.ST'i ; cholc . J5.45 liacon , boxed HI. ! uldera , J5.23 ; IOIIRS , t.12iit ; ribs J5.S.1 ; shoils. J5.37'i. ' HHCKIPTS Flnur , l.Pn ) bbls. ; wheat , 57.00) bu. coin. 24.000 bu. ; oats. M.OM bu. SHIPMBNTS Klour , 10,00-1 bbls. ; wheat , 8,000 , bu. ; corn , 20,000 bu. ; oats. 10,000 bu. AVool Market. I1OSTON , Nov. 13. Although tha wool maikel IH riulet for this FenFon , > et theie has been i milllclvnt number of nmnufncturcis needlns wool lo keep ovnslderable sloclc moving. Prices are sleady jind dealers are nol nnxlous to force sale * . Australian wool Is , In ( rood demand , with prices rullm , ' llrm. Ohio and IVnnsylvnnla MeecM. X nnd nliovo , IT'ASJISe : XX nnd iib.w , 195il9Uc ; No. 1 comb'lnu. Zlc ; No. 2 combing , 23c ; dellnne , 20'.4i821c ' ; Mlsa mrl quarter-blood comb- Int ; . ISHWl''c ' ; Missouri three-clshths-blooil coinb- Inp , ISiilSHc ; Texas wool , yprlnc medium ( twelve months ) , i ; < u4c ! ; keoured , 31)32e ) ; spring. Una ( twelve months ) , ISiiflBc ; scouri'd , 33ff3.-c ; fprlnu , medium ( sis In .elKht minthx ) , r.iillc ; scoured , 301i31c ; pprlnK , fine ( six to I'lKhl mintlm ) , Wile ; scoured , 32fI33c ; territory wool. Montana ( Vie. medium antl nnc , ltllc ; scoureil. 3."iW37c ; t'lah , WyoinliiK , 'etc. , tine medium nnd line. lOiTUc ; scmircil. 3MfJ.r.e ; Austnillnn , scoured basis , camblnR , PiipeilliU' , 43W47P ; nimlilnir , K'Od ' , 10Ji42c ; combine , aVerat'e , 40g41c ( ; Queensland combine , 40ff4ic. ) . \ciiiiitilntlim of Rrnlii Stoi-kn. NHW YOHK. Nov. ll Special cable and tele- Kraphlc dl palchcs tl > llnldslreet's. covering the principal points of accumulation In detail , sh iw HIH fell > niiiK chanKen ll ) available slocks lasl Saturday. a compared'with HIP ptPcedlniT Sal- iininy : A'vallablR supplied , wlipnt , Wnlled Slales and Canada , east of the Itncky mountain ! ! . In- crcape. 4,3.'i3.fl')0 bit. : nllo.1t for and' In Europe. Increase , 450.000 bu. Corn , United States nnd Canada , cast of the Ilnclcy mountain" , decrease. 440 000 bu. Oats. Unlle.l Stales nnd Canada , east of tlu % Hocky mnuntnlnH , Increase , 1,043WO bu. Th principal I : crease not Include , ! In the visible supply report this werlt Includes f,13,000 bu. of wheat at norlhweslem Interior elevators. 2,7m,00 , ) bu. at Kort William and Kecwalln , ( M.OOO tin. In Milwaukee private eb'Vators , 53,000 bu. In Minneapolis prlvnlp elevalors. The heaviest de crease Is thai reported at rillHbun ? , 74,000 bu. Tolcilo < ; I'll I ii Alnrli < - ( . TOM3DO , Nov. 19. WHICAT Riill ; No. 2 , cash and November , C4' c ; December. C4'ic. COIIN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2S'4e. ' ; No. 3 mixed. 2ic ; No. 3 jell w , 28'ic. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , lU'XiC ' ; No , 2 white , HYK 1'Uli : r < o. i , rain , vn : . CLOVHH SRED Slei.dy . ; prime , cash , Novem ber nnd Dicembtr. M.SI'.i. 11ECEIPTS Fl'Hir. ! M bbls. : wheat. II. TOO bu. ; corn 36 000 bu. ; r\v , TO ) bu. ; clover seed. 320 lines. SHIPMENTS Flour. B.OW bbls. ; wheat , 7.MO bu. ; corn , 19,000 bu. ; clover feed , 320 bat's. 1'oorlii Market * . I'nOIlIA. Nov. 19. COUN Mailtet steady ; No. 2 , 2X'ic ; No. 3 , 2Sc ; new No. 2 , 27V c ; new No. ATS Market steady ; Na. 2 while , IS'.tiffinc ' ; No. 3 while. 17'/c. ' IlYH Noihlnu lining. WHISKY Matkft sleady ; nnlshed Roods on Ihe basis of J1.22 for high wines . HECEII'TS-rorn. 101.00. ) bu. ; onls , C3.750 bu. ; whiskey , none ; wheat , 1 200 tu. HIUI'MENTS Coin. 13.f.nO bu. : oals , Cl 2T,0 , bu. ; rye , GOO bu. ; whiskey. 1.173 gnl . ; wheat , l.soo bu. 'KrlMtMiVIunt ( HiotniloiiM. SAN KHANCISCO , Nov. 19. WI 1 15 AT Firm ; December. ! > 9c ; May. } l.l'3'j. ' ' 6ll llnrkot. nilEMEN , Nov. 19. I'ETnOI.nUM 7 maiks 83 \ > ( K. _ Kori-lK-n Plniiiu-lal AfTnlrM. HFIIL1N Nov. 19. lixchnnito on Luidon , elKhl lays' BlKht , 20 marks 45 pfn. The markelB today wprr "lull nnd Hat. PAItIS Nav. 19. Three per cent rentes. lOOf 10o for tinaccount. . Uxclmnffp on l < endon. 23f "IHe for checks. The bourse was Hat , a larce iceount was closed , and t'.ieic were many forced salcH. I ONDON Nov. 19. Closing Consols for both money and the nccount. 106. Oold Is nuoteil at lluenos Ayrt-s today nt 233.M ; Madrid , 17.30 : 'inn "p. i : St. Petersburg. W ; Alhens. 77 : KIIIIP. 073"41'VUnnn , 103. Tin1 amount of bullion K ne into'thV Hank of Ennland on balance today Is 103,000. _ _ _ _ FliuiiK'llil A'oK-n. liOSTON Nov. 19.-C-lfarlliKS , J16,012,000 ; bal ances. N.fcTS.liOO. IIAI.TIMOUE. Nov. 19.-Clearlng . J2.74G.GS9 ; lalances , JIS0.1SO. NEW YOItlv. Nov. 19. Clearing * , JI1G,421,69G ; jalnnees. J7 , 143,000. PHII.ADKI.PIIIA. Nov. 19. Clearings , J15t02- , 45G ; balances , II. 981,780. ST LOUIS. Nov. 19. Clearings , } 4G02C73 ; bal- lic-es , J52G.405. Money , tS7 per cent. New Yolk pxchanKP , Ma premium. WASHINfJTON , Nov. 19. Today's slatement of hn condition of the treasury rhowii : Available cash babmcp , $117,231 , S7 : Bold reserve , $ M,4GS.210. CHICAGO , Nov. ' ISf.-Cle.arliiKs. ' J16.030.000. Money , steady at OtiSVfr per cent for call loans and SSiG'.i per rent fiir commercial paper. New Turk cxcaanKC , Ma premium. Hankers' ( Uoiulon ) ' slerlliiB , t4.tUgl.8S't. ' 'J ' WIlHuu Tnolc n Ill-nil IT. H. W. Wilson , an' employe of the Western Newtnaper union , vfns griding a blcyclo near Twelfth anil Howari ) utreetu at noon ycEter- lay when ho was run Into by A. Sklnllnslcy , an expressman. Wilson was thrown violently to he pavement anil hte'wlicel badly demolished. ) n ? wheel of t'.io wagon' ' passeil over him , but vlth Hi ecxceptlon ofin few cuts and lirulsca IB was uninjured. J Jj j Tlio following nuirrluco Ilceii8evcru ta nned yestcrdny : "U - - fame nml Address.1 ' ' Ajje. ) avll ( IleiiilcryonOmnhn . 5 MnsKlo K , iluy. Omnhn . . . . . IS tlclmnl R O'HrlPn , 6iimliu . 32 ilia lirenimn , Oinulm. . . n One Minute Cough Cure la harmless , pro- ducea Immedlato results. TIIR IIHAI/1'V MAIIICI3T. NSTHUMBNTS placwl on record November la. 1895 : WAimANTY DKROS. O C WnRtier et nl to Slury Uelchcn- liorj ; , lot 4 , blk 7. Orchard Hill . J 2,600 luenozer Cain a ml wife to N W Uyan. w ' ,4 lot C , bile , I'arker's add . l.COO M I , O'Donahoo and Inisbaiul to Curl Knnechelt , lot 13 , bllj n , Hunt-coin I'lacc . 2.SOO QUIT CLAIM DKKD3 , K F Hay to J M. Chupln , lot 1 , blk 9 , lledford J'lacu . . . 1 UEKDS. Sheriff to Samuel I'ruyn. rnld % lot 1 , blk 3. KoBter'B add . CC7 Spoclnl muster to Omaha Ixian and Trim Company Savlncs bank , a tract In to s > w 10-15-13 . . . . . 1.S5Q Total amount of tracsferu . ( 6.C18 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Moderate Run of Oattlo Finds Fair Demand and Steady Prices. MORE HOGS THAN FOR MANY MONTHS l.lliernl Itccelpln of ( Joint Avernne Uu'itHy Come In Conflict Tilth Ilrlnk Trtulc nt Vnliif.i. TUESDAY , Nov. 19. Receipts nnd shipments tor the past twenty-four hours , ns compared with the previous four days , are ns follows : IUJCK1PTS. Cattle. Hog' ' . Sheep , llorser. November 19 2MO 9,413 . . . . 70 November IS 2,12 SM 316 . . . . November It ! M7 6GWi 1,749 21 November IB 2362 6,303 l.TO November II 2.4SD 3.I.V ) 252 71 BIllfMKNTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. November 18 1,107 1 November Hi 1.4.1S 87 1,391 21 November 15 9It . . . . . . . . . . . . November II 1,462 19 November in 712 171 . . . . 74 CATTU : The market opened with n mod erate run of cattle In sight niul with a trainer or two reported back. A good many of tlio cattle were nn lives , nnd there were more cornfed steers than have been seen In the yards for n long time. Some of Ihcm were very good heavy nnd well finished cnltlc. Asldo from tlio cornfed natives there was not much In the way of beef steers. The market did not show any inn- tcrlnl change In prices. The supply of cow stuff was very meager , only ten or fifteen loads being offered for sale. The demand wnst ns good ns usual and the pens were cleared nt about yester day's prices. The fresh recclptH of ptockcrs and feeders were not large , nnd under the Inlluence of a good demand the cnttlo In llrst bands were noon all sold. The prices paid were about the same as those prevailing on yesterday's market. Itepre. entntlve rales : IIKI2P STKKllrf. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IV. 12. . . .1149 J.I 1.1 41) . . . .11112 M 40 IS. . . .11(14 ( $3 ! H 1. . . . ! I7D 323 M. . . . 12.12 "SO 21..1)17 400 21 12T.S 34) 40..IE > G 185 SG..1I3I 415 NIU1RASICA. O. C. Powell. 1 bull . 1100 1 73 10 feeders. . . . 1091 3 20 C cows . 1010 210 31 feedeis. . . . 770 325 10 cows . 101C 2 M Chailes Follies. 1 sir , tig. . . . 720 150 1 bull . 1030 240 4 cows . ! > 25 1 M 3 cows . ] 02u 2 CO 4 C3WR . 1015 16" ) 3 cows . 11)13 ) 2 CO 2 nxell . ICIO 240 5 fced.-ls. . . . SL'C 30" " ) 1 bull . 1UCO 2 10 2 feeders. . . . 1123 3 23 HOGS Today wns a rccoid breaker In the mat er of hog receipts , Ihe lull being Ihe largest of any day In u number of months. Thu < | iial- ly of the hogs aveiaged very fair , but there vcre inoio light mixed loads , than uiiinl of late. Th hogs ai riving on the market at the piesent line are much belter lhan Ihey were a year igj ami ab9ut on a par with the average of irevliius years when crops were good nnd feed ilenly. In spile of the large urn the maikel wan In air hluipe , the demand on the part of local mckers being good. In addition to n fair shlp- ilng Irade. but values were lower. The great itillv of tin- sales weio fi@10c lower lhan Saturday. The most of Ihe sales repot led veiu Inside the range of $3.304/3.45. wjlh f310 the hipular price , as against J3.45 on Saturday. The niyei-s took hold nnd bought Cicely , the most of ho hogs changing hands icasonably early. Rep- esenlnllve Hales : Av. Sli. 1'r. 2S7 M J3 40 274 40 340 3'9 " 200 340 . . . 310 . . . 340 40 40 120 5 , 8HEEP There were no sheep hero to make a larket , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .St. I.oulH l.lvii Siorlt. ST. IXJUIS. Nov. 19-C.ATTLE-RecclplH. C.001 lead ; market sleady ; native merm , J3.MJl3.75 ; iw and heifers , I1.75U3 25 ; bulk , t2.00fi3.00 ; eias and Indian ! < , 12.IOS3.CO ; cows , J1.72V to. HOGS Receipt ! , 8,000 head ; markit active and Min.o > lower ; hmvy , Jl.30ft.IM ; inltml IS IMI" 'Si' ' ' , llnlil. 1 .1 I * . HHKnP-IKcrlptf , 1.000 lirnd , mmke : * ' ndyi nntlvf.i , t : . < vfM | ; southern. O > ! .fV UIIICACO I.IVi : STOCK. Coiiillllim or the Wrntlu-r .Mnilr llnyofK Slinv 't'lironuliiiiit. riUCAno. Nov. 19.-Only nliout i.0" ! lifnd of cntllo were received todny. Inehnllnt ; l.HO west erns nntl COO Texann. The condition of 111 * weather here made the buyirs § low In venturing out. Prices were Imrely stendy , t.n 111 * b fl of from 1.1 to S1.JS for Inferior tip to frnm 14 to Jl to for Rood to choice tlf-mn ! beef end ( hlptnim tmtlvi- fleers , with exlm clinic * l ves nl Horn II 70 to | S. IVw of Ihe callle now c > mlng rotwnrO pell ni lilRh ns Jl 30 nnd steers cell laigely nt from 13.0) lo J4.40. There Is not tmieh in oncouniRn exporter" In the foreign ndvlers. Ptin.keis nnd feeders range nt from J2.M to J3 1 ; cnnners' cattle somenlmt lilRher ; cows and helfets fmm 12 to J.1.50 ; bulls from Jl.W to $3.W. ! riiolcc calve ? brine from J3 to | 8. Wcslein langeis steady. few rellltig nb.ivc M.OO. Te\am hovv no chniiKe , Hog receipts urrc about 36 00) ) h'-nd , nndltn 7.00 , ) left over the market linikr again. PncKeis' hogi stild chlelly at from J3 so to J3.5fi nnd ulilp- plnic lots frnm J3.M to Jrc3. Sales weie nt an exlienic range of from JS 35 to J3.1 f , > r IIOKS. while plRR fvld chlelly nt flnln JJ.3 ) to J.I. CO. Sheep lecelpM were 20.000 bend , nnd Ibis heavy supply , combined with Hi * sloini , made n bad mntkol. Infetlor to choice natives \vcic dull nt frnm J1.40 lo f3.40. WfMcmt were slow nt from J2.40 to J.1 , nnd lambs him ! lo sell at fiom J3 to J4.IO. _ _ KniiHim City l.lvi.stork. . KANSAS P1TV , Nov. 19. I'ATTLM-Rccrlpts , S.KW brad ; shipments , 1,300 head ; best grades strong to NV higher , olheis steadv ; Texas callle , J2.25fi3.,0 , : Texas conn , J1.7."ifT2.70 ; I eef Bleers , J2.C5f7l.l' ' ) : unlive cnws , H.2"fi3.25 ; Htockers nnd feodeis. J2.COW3.C5 ; bulls , JI.7 : . i2.G3. HO(1S Receipts , 13.000 head : thlpmenls. ; market Weak niul r.c 1 mvr ; bulk of sales. J3.40tf 3.60 ; lieavle" , J3.lon3.CO ; packets , J3.4lli3 ( ft ) ; mixed. , llKhts , J3.23M3.40 ; Yolkets. J3..in340 ; lilgs , I3.23jr3.30 , RHiiP Recelpl ! " , ! , ( * ) head ; shipments , none ; mntkct steady nnd unchanged. \ MV Vorlt lilv < > Sdii'k. NKW YORK , Nov. 19. liniCVICS-Recelpts , 423 bond. Kurnpeaii cables tuiole sleets ill SillO'ie ' , dtcssetl wclKht ; lefrlgeintor beef nt 7-i ; fiii'ic. SHFKP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts. 2.1SI head ; iiulot and n trllle eak ; shtcp , pnor to goo < 1 , J2.00- ( if3.25 : lambs. c.'lniiHUl to chulce. J3.COUI.CO. HOdS Receipts , 1,925 head ; dull , with general sales nt J3.MHf 1.20. SIlM-lC III Recoid of receipts at the four principal markets for Tui'sdaj. November 19. 1SS3 : Cat tie. II , gs. Slierp. South Omnh.i . 2.1l 'J 413 31D I'hlcago . c.iMO 3C.O'K ) 20.001 Kansas City . fV)0 ) ' 3.IMO l 0 St. Umls . C.OCk ) S.OoO 3 , > iOO Totals . . . 19.COO Cfl.413 54,310 SOUTH OMAHA NEWS The qiicsllon ns to whether tlio city of South Omaha cotilil Kusrantco the payment of the bill for the repairs on the two vlailuc'r was one of th ° Important questions troubling the councllinon yesterday. About three months ago complaints reuclicil the council that the lj street and the Q street viaducts were badly In need of repair , and n resolu tion way passed by the council ordering iho railroads whose tracks lay under the viaducts to proceed nt once to make the necessary re pairs. Th ? managers of the reads were all sent n copy of the resolution by registered letter , and they only laughed and did noth ing. Shortly afterwards bids were advertised for and Campbell , a Council UlufTs contractor , was awarded the contract. Ho put up tli * necessary 5300 forfeit check , but backed out when he found that he would have to depend upon the railways for his pay. The $300 was eventually relumed to Campbell , lllds were then'ndvertlsd for again , and at the meetIng - Ing November 11 the contract was awarded to Hubo Korsythe , who" appeared as the repre sentative of tlie Martin Lumber company. IJeattlo of Dial- bid $143 under Korsythe. but the council thought a home bidder shou'.d have tli9 preference , even If It rest tlio tax payers a little more money. The contract was ready to sign when the Martin Lumber company balked and wanted lepal advice aa to whether the city council could bind the city to pay th& bill if the railroads refused to do so. A conference of the committee on viaducts , streets and alleyu was callei' for , nnd the committee met at the mayor's olllco. The attorney for the Martin L-imber company , H. II. Haldrldge , did no' ' appear , as per agreement , and the mcctlr.g went over until afternoon , when the mayor and ths- councilmen - men met Mr. Baldrldge , and the whole mat ter was KOIIO over thorojghly. After looking over the city clnrter and reading up on law a little Mr. IJaldrldgo gave It us his opinion that the- council had a right to guarantee the payment of the bill. Some of the coun- cllmen are not satisfied with the decision of this one attorney and will request other law yers to look Into the matter before th ? meet ing tonight. In all probability the contract will bo approved and signed nt the meeting of the council this evening. The members of the firm repiesentcd In Ihe deal have stated that they will sign the contract this morn ing. 1C this Is done the council will approve It at once. Should the Martins decline a' the last moment bids would have to be ad vertised for again. Krror Coii < MrnliiK Sir. Strickland. SOUTH OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 19. To the Editor of The Dee ; I ask space In your esteemed columns to correct a statement which appeared In your edition of the 12th. one that was erroneous and did C. O. Strick land n. great Injustice. I wish to say to the public that I have never lost a cent through Mr. Strickland , but , on the contrary , have always found him fair and honorable , In his dealings. JOHN BLISS. MiiKlu Cify CiiMsli. | J. L- , Paxton has returned from Wellsvllle , Mo. Mo.E. E. D. Gould of Fullerton spent a few hours In town ycstc'day. Harry Dennis and wife will celebrate their wooden wedding tonight. The A. N. club will give n parly at Knights of 1'ythlas hall this evening. IJd Gates , ono of the employes of the Packers' Natlcnal bank , Is sick. The Hoyal Arcanum gave n card party hst night , which was well attended. Iturke & Praznr , commission merchants at the stock yards , uro going to dissolve part- nenihlp. John Korhfs of Hyannls wns In town yes terday nfternoon and bpcnt a couple of hours at the stock yards. Mayor Johnston has prepared his. semi annual statement of the cxpenseo of the city from April 1 to October 1 , and will present It to the council tonight , The statement shows the amount of money In each fund , except the "emergency" fOnd , of which no mention Is made. Heal estate dealers nnd property owners who sent In bids for postofllc ? sites are get ting anxious. The bids were openfd and tab ulated November fi , Slnco then nothing has been heard about the matter. Several of tlio bidders Intend writing Suialor Thurston and Congressman Mercer , urglrg them to take Homo action and hurry the matter up If pos- Wonder. LINCOLN , Nov. 19 , ( Special. ) Consider able speculation Is Indulged In among several of tlio Etato house departments In regard to tbo attitude of the Hoard of Public Lands and Hulldlngs. Several week * ago Governor Holcomb wrote the board , denying that he or Warden Leldlgli objected lo the letting of the labor of convict * . Bhortly after this ! ' board Informed tbo warden that It could let the labor of 100 men If the prison plant was In shape. Leldlgh replied that he had put It In good shape and was ready for the con tractor , Nothing mora was board from HID board. It now devclopy that Contractor Welch has been ready to take the labjr of a number of convicts , but the board refuses to let him have them. It transplrea that the Nebrnelia A. r. A. guild has never yet paid for the printing of the ritual of H order. The work was donii by the Mlckel-Fassctt 1'rlntlng company of Lincoln some two yearn ago and amounts lo several hundred dollars. The printing com pany moved out to the Polytechnic Institute a short time Blnco ami would bo pleased to have Secretary W. K. Jones make uomo ar rangements looking toward liquidation. I like my ulfo to uee Pozzunl'u Complexion I'owder hccauso It Improves her looks and U as fragrant as vlolots. OonfiTi'iio' of Calliollii At Bt. I'hllomena'a cathedral this inorn- Inif will bo held the annual confrrencu of the Junior llomnn PuthoMc clergy of No- linifka. About twenty iirlfxlH will l" > ITCH- i > nt. Among those In Iho clly uro I'alherB J 1C. Ilurko of Lexington , J. KlUimtrlck of Ktarnoy. Wlllluin Hehback of How Valley and ( J. Homier of DeWitfs Little Karl/ Hikers , the pills that cure couBtlpatlon and bllllouunoi. \VKEChEI \ ) THE FAST MAIL Unnccoui'.tnblo Oriino of a Putty of Small Hoys , UNABLE TO TELL JUST WHY THEY DID IT Trill 11 iti HIP \ MV YoflC C < -nil-ill Tliriuvii Into ( lie Ditch mill Three .Men Art * In- liiutl } ' Kllli-tl. SYUACUSI2 , Nf. Y , , Nov. IP. A dellbcrato nttcmpt was successfully made n few miles west of Homo tlilg morning to wreck trnln Xo. G nn the Now York Central rallruml , tlio etiHiuc alul all of the cars on I ho tmlii being illlclied nml completely wreckcJ. Tlio engineer of the trnln , Nate llager of Albany , anil ono tramp were killed. .The fireman , Chris Wnmier- Albany , nml Mall Clerks Porter ami M. J. Marthy were Injured. This U the second attempt within thrca weeks to wreck the ? < iwo train near the snino spot , which Is an Ideal ono for the commis sion of such a crime. It l on a-heavy down Km do niul trains usually run down It at tlio r.Uo of slxty-rivo tulles nn hour. This train , not stopping at Homo , generally goes down the Knul ? at a great rate of speed and It la beloved here that today It must have t > en funning close to fcventy-flvo miles nn hour In order to make up n tew minutes lost time. There Is not a house within half a mile of the place. The wrecker * broke Into the section tool house and stole som tools with which they removed the fish plates'which fasten the rails to the ties and pulled out the spikes. The train left this city at 3:30. : U consisted of four mall cars unit three sUvpcrs. There were eleven postal clerks and fourteen pas sengers aboard , besides the members of the crew. When the crash canio tno cnglno was thrown from the track Into the ditch and completely submerged In the mud , only the driving wheels on tlio left side belnp ; above the earth. The forward mall car was thrown two car lengths ahead of the cnglno and rolled down the bank so It lay length wise toward the rails. The second car. In which the mall clerks were working , was thrown on the tenner of the engine and badly demolished. The third and fourth cam were also wrecked , the ends of both beliiK broken. The first one of th sleeperc > vaa thrown from the rail ? , completely rolling- over so that the trucks were a distance from the rails. The second car was simply turned on Its side , while the rear sleeper did not leave the tracks at all. Engineer Hagcr went down with his englno and must have been Instantly killed. The fireman , Chris Wagner , was badly Injured about the head and U Is feared that he Is In ternally hurt. The two trumps who were found dead are supposed to have been steallnR a ride on the forward end of the first mall car , directly In the rear of the engine. CONFESSED TUB CHIME. John Hlldrt'th and Frederick Urlstol , two boys , have beui arrested by the Central Hud son detectives , charged with wrecking tho. train. After the arreut young Ulldrelh broke down and confessed that ho and Bristol , In company with two other boys named Herbert Plato and Theodore Illbbard , had broken open the tool house , and with the aid of tools thus secured had removed the fish plntos from the rails. No cause Is given for the ' deed. The body of the tramp who was killed has been Identified as that of Hilly Horn ! of this city. Ills companion , whose left foot Is cut off , was .John Macey , also of Syracuse. The city hall , In which the police station In located , Is surrounded by a large crowd tonight , who express freely the opinion that tlio train wreckers should be lynched. The. night and day police force Is on duty to prevent trouble. Severn ! witnesses have been taken Into custody for examination , including : a young woman with whom Hubbard kept company , and whom he told the story of how he and his chums had wrecked the train. The Imiuost over the bodies of I lager and Ilonil was commenced tonight. The. princi pal witness was Miss Cella Perryn. She testified that Illldreth canio to her homo this morning and ate breakfast. He told her all , acknowledging that ho took part In wrecking the train. When they parted ho told her she would probably not hue him again , for ho expected ( o be arrested , as ho had lost his bat containing his name. Ho asked her to telegraph to his father , J. H. Hlldroth In New York , and tell him ho wan In trouble and to come Immediately , and she said she did as directed. When Hlldroth left her lie said ho was going to BO ? the wreck , and he told her she ought to go for It was a sight. Ho told her also that they did It to rob the panson- gers. Ho said all he did was to lead the boys to the place. A. ( I. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , write ? : "I feel It a duty of mine to Inform you and the public that HcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve cured mo of a very bad case of ce/ema. It also cured my boy of a running tore on his leg. l.'OUHtJAST. . I'll I r and Slowly HlNliiK Ti > niMriiliire In \fhriil n WASHINGTON , Nov. 19.-Tliu forecast for Wednesday is : For Nebraska , Missouri , Iowa nnd Knnsn ! Fair ! slowly rising temperature' ! north erly winds , chlftlntto routlierly. For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; south erly winds. IiiM'iil He-cord. OFFICK OF TUB WKATHBIl ItURBAU. OMAHA , Nov. 19. Omaha record of lurn- perxturu and rainfall , compared with the jorrpsponrtlnji Oay of the past four years : 189 : ; . 1MM. ISM. 1892. Maximum temperature. . . 2fi 4H V : Mliflmnm temperature. . . . 18 8 25 23 AveniKH tuinpernturo . " - 2' ' > .10 1'iurlpltiltlon . T .00 .00 .00 Condition of tcmperntnre and precipitation nt Omaha for the day and since March 1 : Normal temperature . 37 Deficiency for the day . . . If. ArcuinulutPd oxcc'Ps Hliirc March 1 . . 402 Normal precipitation . 01 ncli Dellrlency for. the day . . . . . . . . .01 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 20.31 Inchea Deficiency since March 1 . 9.93 Inclivfl lli-i rfi from rttntlniiN ill H p. in , "T" Indicate * trace of precipitation U A. WKJ.HI1 , Obiervtr. JAMES E. BOYB & CO Tclophono 10'J. OMAII.V , NKB. COMMISSION Gruin , Provisions &Slook3 Room 111VS Hoard of Traile , Direct wlreu to Clilcnj ; " anil Now York. Correspondents : John A , Warren & Co. If r BM1TH ( Tel. ISO ! ) 8. U. fcTANii'OUa F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PHOVI3JONB Room 4. N. Y. Life Hldg.i Otuahti. llrmnch olHce * at Kremont and Coluinbuii. All order * placed on Iht CIilcnKO Iloara jl * ' ! ' . ? * ' i""rc"iren"r. ; ! ! KUck * * ' < % . . St. lault. " * { * to Klr t National lUnk. Omaha. MAIIlJIN BCI'd lor our cuic ltl * DMH x * liiailulll iiiutninv MAHOIN TKAUlNU aoil TIJihlHf IiKI'ININQ AI.l. MAltKKT fX 1 lift f 111 U I'HICSHIONH. Aluo bur dally mao L'YDf A IMfl lcel lell r nuvic ; < tiuK wlien iind Iq tiAl LfllilljU. wliat to trade , lloth rrcc. lUnlc reference ! tumlnned. AUUOUAHT & CO. . MKMUKIIH CHICAdO Ol'UR I1UAKD OB IRADB , m Tt dtJ Uulldlflt