THE OMAHA DAILY HUH : W lilTv K DAV , JU\r HMBliJR 20 , 1805. COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. Oftlcr , 12 rcnrlStfMt-ll. W. Tlltnn , Mnnnner and Lci co. .MINOR MUVriOV. 'I i = nium3 J II McPhtrfon Tel 241 Th lll h RrhoM will hp rmn ned this morn rg filter hiving b ? n clo - > d ten days for purposes of fumigation It man Linden , charged with pnisnnlns Jamr < Andrrnon's < log , will Invo a h".irlng In police court tomorrow rooming The Ladles Aid society of St. John's nn- llsh I.uthcrn church meets Thursday Hffr- nonn at the lesldcncc of Mrs. N. J. Swan- ton , G20 Prjnklln avenue The r'-E'drnc ' of C. A Tlbbltts , III North Scverth Klreet was entered by thieves a few nights ago Operations were confined to the c Ihr and about twenty-five cans of fruit wire stolen. \ \ 55ent7 , charged with slfnllng a. chicken from 52 W. Colt , has taken a change of venue to Justice Conk' * court , and will have .1 If-nrlng ns POOH no the Justice Is well enough to give It. The Ho'ckel nuirtpt will slrg "Th Chnpol ' by Kroiitzcr. next Sunday evening nt 8t Paul's church The quartet It nndo up nn follows rirst tenor , T P. Treynor second end tenor , W S. tllgdon , nrit 1ms Perry Dadollet , rcrcnil bis1 ! , 0. I ) Altchhon loa Scott falltd to appear yestcrdiy mnrn- Ing whr-n his dame \\.i ! > callul In pollcf court In the ris' In which ho Is charged with dis turbing tlu pence Ills bond was Oecltrod forfpllrd and the otllcers were ordered to bring him In as soon as he could be found. Mrs Wnrner I , Welsh , Mr C. U Alien- Ison nnd Air I M Treynor have cunrcntcd to sing for Miss llowj's Sunday school clas' , In SI Paul's church , nt their sociable , to bo given tonight nt the homo of Mm Duquette un Tourth strrct. at S o'clock. All arc cor dially InvllPd. WllfonlVhllmor - - aid II H Cody , who had a fight Sunday mornlni ; river the poe- pchslon of the umlleH of n Kill , wcro dls- thT"ced by Judge1 McCleo yesterdiv mornIng - Ing finch claimed tin- other was the at- priTBor ind tint he was m lely dpfendinp ; lilmni'lf It was Impoi-ellili' to toll which. If either , wis telling the tiuth John \V Snethen , city street RiipDrvhor was drlvlrg his horse and buguy near the KrounlR of the School for the Daif Monday when his horse took fright at n v\ater tank nnd ilillcil up hill The bilKKy was tlpprd over ami Sncthen fell out The uugsy Ompged lilni Konio little distance and In flicted some bad bruisjy all over his frame Clinrlrs McDonald , son of C W McDon ald of the Sandwich Manufacturing com pany , was badly burned Monday night. He went down the cellar with nn oil can to come to nn understanding with the furnace , which was somewhat unruly. He poured the oil on the coal , and a phcet of flame darted out , cooking the cuticle on several sipjaic Inches of his face. Tarm loans made In western Iowa at lowest rate . No delay In closing loans , rlru and tornado Insurance written In best of compa nies. Bargains In real estate. LOUOfiC fi. TOWLE. 235 Pearl street. Money to loan on Improved Iowa farm" Large loans a specialty. L W. Tulleys , 102 Miiln B'rcet , upstairs , rooms 2 and 3. IMHISONVI. I'VIt VCHM'IIS. Born , to Mr and Mrs Henry C. Scheldt * * , a ten-pound daughter. Mrs John Watts has returned from n visit of several months In California. Mr and Mis II \ \ * Tllton and daughter , Marion , returned la t evening from a visit of s > days to Leavenworlh , Kun. Mw Simon filscman , who has been the Kiiest of Mrs T. 13 Cavln for several days , hau left for her homo In Salt Lake , Utah. John Schocntgen , who has bnen tiavcllng for sl\ months In fiuropc , leaves South imp- ton , England , today to tome home Ills family will remain In Paris during the win ter Den J Austin , vOio returned recently from Drnvcr , where he went In the hope of hav ing .a cnso of bronchitis , benefited by Schl li ter , says that If he Improves us much In the next six weeks In proportion as h has In the last six days he will be well. He Is a firm believer In the genuineness of Schlat- tcr'.H gift , nnd thinks nothing more will be heard of Schlatter until he- has fasted forty days. TIujMllBt lie Sotil. Not being able to attend to the piano biis- li ess nnd needing the room for my higa line of holiday goods that will soon be In , I will sell my remaining stock ot pianos at ACTUVL COST and on terms as low as $10 per monlh This Is a rare chance to buy a good piano. Picture framing a specialty. W. W. CHAPMAN. 17 Main St. To llco SiiliNC'rllit-rM. Alt subscribers of The Heo who neglected or failed to complete their series of Amer ican Hncydopedla Dictionary parts can bo supplied by calling at 'Iho Dee ofllco this week. Drown , Paunders , Miller , Teller , James & Haver tock , Gimnomle & SColl'r they handle the mincemeat for Trinity Say ! Have you got In your order for Thanksgiving day' The Hose has been proven the best 5c cigar made , and 0111 New HxceUlor Is the best lOc smoke In the state. Pair & Weber , The HarAmnn piano wins many friends. Tor stfiillitKr lloi-U Island Coiil. fiver since cool weather started th ° - Itock Island Hallway company officials have been complaining that bomo one has been stealing the coal off their cars In the southern part of the city. The same thing has be-on done every winter , and they claim to have lost any where from ten to thirty tons a month Monday night they put a guard out by the earn , anil early yesterday morning John ThacKcr was caught In the act of filling a gunny sack with black diamonds. He was turned or to Olllcer Char , who took him to me city jail atnl unoueo lilni wan nrceny Thackcr admitted to Judge Mcflrc that he took It , but raid In dpfon ° o that his family were cold and ho needed It He was lined $10 and managed , to dig up } 5. He was nllnwed to go free on his promise Hint he woiihl bring In the balance of the money as boon as ho could get It. T Morr Orand Harvest i\cui along , via the Ilurllng- ton route , November " 1 and December 11 , to various points wuthcast , muth and southwest. Katef , one faie , plus $ . ' 00 , for round trip. O. M UHOWX. Ticket Agpnt. Council Bluffs , \ < -vv I'lrturt * rrnnu-H. Wo have n lirgo line of new frames In all the latest styles. Uemombur wo mount the linen frames to your order H L SMITH & CO. Heducrd prices on bllghlly used pianos at IlmirlcliiH1 , the orchestral crown pluno dealer , Hfl Stutsman alreet , near M IS. church. Steplun Hroplumbertj. . Quick work and riatonablA prices. C39 llroaduay. Go to the \V. 0V. . ball Thursday night. The Standard piano next to the , Sunilnj * . .cliooliiiKtrN , Tlio Sunday School Workers' union hold Its annual meeting Uet evening at the First Pii'sliyttrlan church and rUcted the follnw- Ing olllcora for the ciiBiiliiff year 1'realiUnt , A A Hurt. vlo president , ( J J McNltt ; secretary nnd treasurer , M t > s Sue lladollot Mrt" . I' . J. Mortgomery read an InterestlnB paper on the "Means of Making One't In- flutnce 1'elt Among Hie Children " A A Hart nlso read a paper , and the matters con tained In the two pipers were made the cubjccts of discussion by thu other members. Music was furnished by the Tulleys quartet Tlieio Is a comfort and elegance In wearing work done by o'lr now collar shaping device , not found t > hewhere Uagto Laundry com pany , 721 HroaJway Telephone , 157. The Illuff City laundry for fine work ; 3i North Muln bticot ; telephone , 3H. you teen the new gas bcatinu stovei ot the company's oltlco ? 110 Il'd'y. Nlcliulmn ; meata ; li'lephono 315. Tbo Hanlman pUno Improves with use. JarvU , JS7T brmdyj purest , lafcit , beat , MOUfJAN AI'IMH\'I , IMS DIJIH Tin * . Urnn lilrtil thi > Slii'rin'i Olllc. J S MniRii Iho newly elec"-d republican sh rlff of Pi aWBttamli * county has been In the city for the pa l day or two , putting the flushing touch ? * on a slate which has b ° en In course of preparation ever since about the middle of the campaign Ho an nounced hlo choice of deputies yesterday afternoon J C. Hiker , at present constable In Kane township , takes the position of chief deputy , now held bj Nick 0 Hrlen. and Prank M Compton nnd 1 \Vclghtman will have Iho places now held by A. 1) Hooker and Mock Goodwin. L II Cou ln , now a mem ber of the police force , will bo court ballff , to slice cd Jamen Nlcoll , nnd J II. Armstrong succeeds \Valhee JlcPaddon ns bailiff of the grand Jury room Mr Morgan and family will occupy the jail building , and his K > II , A. A Morgan , will be turnkey. The announcement of thcso selections wll picas' thf five men principally Interested , nm aiD regal ded as about the bet t tint conk hfvo been made , all around , by the genera public , but It disappoints something llko pv nty-flve men who were applicants for one or all of the position11 , and who fondly hoped tint hy doing a little hustling they could win the plums The now men will tike their pos lions January 1 Hy Iho old jury law Iho iherlff received a slnlcd salary , nllhough a small one , and all iho feei vvhlih were fal down by law , to gether with CO cents a day for the keeping of nnch prisoner All these perquisites made the ofllca ,1 very profitable one for the Incumbent In the four jenrs In which John Hazen has hel 1 the olllcp he has had rich picking Jusl ho\v much he has made Is not known , as ho had to make no report to any one For every nala en foreclosure or execution he receives a " per tout fee , and the failure of ttit Klmball-rhiinip Investment company , the Iiild-WclU company nnd other concerns brought u Inrge amount of business Into his hands I'.ir llic salp of the Grand hole ) alone ho iccejved a fee of $1,700 ' Ho p'robably nude more out of Ihe oHiro than any ona ever did , or ever will , for lf > o passage of n law nt Ihe last CEsloii of the legl'Oaturt- off nil fees from the sheriff olllce excepting those under $3,000 , In counties having a population of more than 15000. It also gives the sheriff IS'-i cents for each meal given each prisoner , not more than three meaU a day , and 12' cents for keeping each pilsoner over night This may add $100 a month or i < o to his Income , and , to Huron says , will mak ? the new sheriff's com pensation eriutl to his own last year , that being an exceptionally poor year from a financial standpoint The salary of each deputy Is fixed by the board of uperv | per * nt not to exceed $1000 n yeai The board Hho decides the number of deputies to ho employed. The Ancient Order of Ihbernlans will give their annual ball this evening nt Wood men of the World hall. Au enjoyable tlmo Is promised. TinII L-II I I-iii-I Are the Oak Garlands , air tight , magazine for hard coal , the Peerless Garland Surface llurncrs nnd the Art G irlnnd , the queen of beauty , at T C. DeVols _ John Schlcketani' . sr. , has removed his barber shop to fil2 Main street , south and nearly opposite the Kiel hotel. \\ii.i , sni.i. TIII : i > fI > IIOIMIIT\ . OlNlrlot Court Di-rlilou In 11 I'orc- ( liiMiire Case I'rlNiiiici H IMfiul. In the district court yesterday a decree was handed down in the case of Jane Ann Dunn against Ihe Portsmouth Savings bank , mention of which has already been made 111 the dally papers. Mrs. Dunn Is given .1 dower interest In the property Involved , and H. G. McGee Is appointed icfereu with instructla-is to sell it for not less than Its appraised value. W. S Cooper , C. H. Odell and J. P. Hess are appointed appraisers The propeity Involved Is a lions- and lot on Fifth avenue between eighth and Ninth streets. The prisoners Indicted by the last grand Jury wcro analgned before Judge Smith and .ill entered pleas of not guilty. Money was scarce ainom ; them , and all of them had to have their attorneys hired at the expense of the county. Geirgc Hoper , John Webster and Frank Jarkson , charged with murder , rreil Stone , the daiky who tried to kill Conductor Hughey , and 1) ) O Dane , charged w Ith parsing a forged express order at Wes- lon , were given Colonel Dalley. John Limit will defend Hob Scott , charged with as saulting Hill Kcrney with Intent to do great bodily Injury , and Tom Drown and Al Itach- wltz , charged with stealing a fiih net. W C. Hendrlck will defend Moe Ilrown , Josie Long nnd Jeff Grten , and G H. Gable v\lli defend David Anderson The defendants In the $40 000 damage suits of Harry Rvnns and his son , Arthur against r C Keed and Ihe Lak Manawa Hallway company filed n motion for a more specific statement The burden of their prayer Is that they may kno.v whether Heed nnd the motor company were operating the resort Jointly or fcevorally , and who Is the proprlotoi of the switchback on which Ar thur was hurl. They also want to know several things about the method of construct ing the switchback. The St Anr's Aid society of St Trancls church will furnish supper for A O II. party this evening at Woodmen of the World hall. Ilardman and Standard Piano * . 113 N. ICth. Prizes awarded to the best and pooreat costumed at W. O. W. ball , Thursday night. Chamb"rs' dancing academy now open for pupils. Call after 10 a in. Circulars. W O. W masquerade ball Thursday night , Nov umber 21. Cllliilroil Social I : CIIM. CHAimON. Neb , Nov. 19 ( Sp-Jclal ) The social event of the past week was the re ception and dance given by the I ki _ club A short program was rendered at the com mencement , afer which dancing was In dulged In. finishing with a , light lunch served In the hall. A delightful reception was given Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. 13. Mead by Mrs Cockerlll and Mrs Mead to a few friends. The house was beautifully decora ted with palmw nnd flowers , and the luncheon was a thing of delight Chadron held a chrysanthemum show at the greenhouse of William Coley The af fair was a success , tno beautiful Mower In all Its varieties bring shown In profusion. Mrs O U Spangler of Minneapolis , who haj been visiting lu-r sister , .Mrs S-nator Owens , left fo- her homo Tuesday night Mrs. Wheatland of Tilford , S I ) , left for her homo this week , after spending a most enjoy able visit with Mrs Dr Warrlck Dr. J S Honilno left last night for Chi- rage to accompli- ) his wife home. She has passed the summer at the TII Simn llf | > i > rl < T from Prlxim. DiS MOINiS. Nov 19 ( Special Tele gram ) Strong pressure Is bflng brought to Induce the Eiispenslon of the sentence of Charles ) II Data of the Ottumwa Courier , who was convicted In the federal court of Impersonating a fuhral ctllccr A W Lee , owner of the Courier , has sent out n large number of letters about thu state , designed to Interest people In petitioning Judg ; Wool. son to lUbppnd , or , at least , mltlgato ( ho sentence , which has not yet b ° en pronounced. Tin ) U'ttirw ar meeting a hearty response and It Is understood a large number of let ters are being addreisd to the judge , t'onllilt'iii'i'il a .Vlionl lli > ) . CRDAIl HAIMDS , la . Nov 19 ( Special ) John Grorz , a boy about 18 years old from Kulen , N 1) , whllo patulng through this city last I'rlday on his way to Wilton Junc tion to attend college , was worked for $100 , A confidence man had tnino baggage ho could not get , and he let him have a $100 bill until he could get It changed. Ho did not Know he wis conlldenced until he reached hlj destination William llrulnerd was au-'aulted by three men In the railroad yards last night and ( tripped ot overcoat , vest , coat , and shoes. ri no > . MNnoiirlS I.nlinr OrKiutlritflolllll Induce HoMllr I.cntMnllon. ST JOSIU'II , Nov. 19.-Special ( ) Labor orcanlratlons all over the state wilt take active measures during the next year to secure legislation against penitentiary con tract labor The first step has bon token by the central labor council of ihls city , composed of all the different labor organlra- tlons Candidates for the legislature who will not pledge themcclves to vole for a measure destroy Irg p'nltenllary competition will not be supported by any of Ihe labor organization : , It is claimed , The movement was Inaugurated by the cnddlo and harnessmakers' unions , upon which the compe'ltlon ot penitentiary made gooJi fall ? most heavily. Out of the 1,200 convict ? In the Missouri penitentiary , 925 are engaged In the manufacture of harness nnd saddles and boots and shoes , nnd the rapid Increase In the ales of goods made by contract labor has caused apprehcn lon on the part ot free skilled laborers , who be lieve the tlmo for action bis arrived One nl the largest harness and saddle manufactories In the state , that of the Wyeth Manufaclur- Ing company In this city , went out ot busi ness a few months ago , and It Is ? atd that on ? of the caii os was th strong competition of the penitentiary manufactory The labor unions of the state , It Is claimed , will unite In the end ° ivor to havp a mrasire passed by Ihe next general ns'finbly nboll hlng the syslem of contracl labor at the penitentiary wiM.rrniM Tim POSITION. Will TnKc Ills \Vlilc ; flllnllj Him lii s \ li/crlniiil. KANSAS C1TV , Nov. 10 John L Peak was first Informed of his appointment to Swlt7crland by a repres'ntallve of the As- social * d prcrs "I cannot nay n iich , " said he , "except that I shall accept the appoint ment and nwalt the president's Instruction. I will not be able to leave before January 1. I highly appreciate the honor the president has done me , and wilt go to my duties gladly " V * I'e k w111 tak < > hls entire fam ily with him lo his new home and will place Ms threw daughters In foreign school * John L. P'ak It one of the moet distinguished members of the .MKsoiirl bar He graduated from the law school In 1SCO at Louisville , Ky. , In which state ho was born In 1819 He came to Missouri In 1S6S and has continu ously practiced law since then , being asso ciated at different tlmei with John H Hedgers , now ot Chicago , Caldwell Y'atnan , late member of the Elate judiciary ot Colo- lade , H i : Hall nnd U L Yeager. He seived three terms as prosecuting attorney ol this county _ _ mm STvitTnn \ KIiiri i. TVMC. MIIIIVmKiiicii Injured \Vlitlc Sii\- IllMT Thi-lr Onii IIt CM. NEW YOUK. Nov. 19 Plrs In the s > ' \ - story factory building at 98 Clinton street today caused a panic among the working people , who numbeied about 200. One person Is known to have perished , and there may have ben others who shared a similar fate. The basement In which the flames btarlcd was occupied as a candle factory , and the tallow caused the fire to spread rapidly , cut ting off egressi by way of tha stairs Several men jump ° d from the roof , and from windows to the tops of adjoining buildings After the building had been gutted the n re in en set about searching for bodies. On ° which has not been identified was found The search is still being prosecuted. Of those-who Jumped from the building , one at least will die , and two others. If thay survive their Injuries will b crippled. The man fatally Injured Is Meyer Llpschltz , an employ Ing tailor ; Joseph Llpschltz , sustained injuries of an Internal character , as well as a hurt of th1 * back , which may result In death. The name of the other Injured has not been reported. \m\ifAM9 iiANcnn uvrih ) . oriM'N vliM-t .lusllce t < lu > I'.inl of n lto | > < : . SANTA Pi : , N. M , Nov. 19 Jesus Vlal- pando and Tellciano Chaver , convicted ol' murdering Thomas Martinez , a ranchman , January i , 1S93 , were executed here this morning In the presence of 1,000 people. The scaffold was erected In a valley three blocks north of the Palace hotel and at dawn a crowd b"gan to assemble there. Vlalpando was taken from jail to the gal lows at E-unrlse. He was very much excited and prayed continually. Ills neck was broken by the fall when the trap was sprung Chavez addressed the crowd twenty min utes , saying evil associates had cost him his honor and his life. He stepped briskly to the trap and died almost without a tremor , his neck also being broken by th ? fall. VlRlpando and Chnvea killed Martinez be cause ho detected them stealing his catlle , and burned his body. .vrs ivnm MAIMJ CA.SH Out * of ( lie 1'roscctitlnfT AVI < IKHMCN lliikcN n Coiifi-HHlnii of IVrJnrj. LOS ANGnLHS , Cal , Nov. 19 A sensa tion was sprung in the case against Clifton n Mavne , formerly a real estat" dealer in Omaha and In San rranch'co ' , by his attorney today Mayno is accused of feloniously as saulting his wards , two girls named Shlpton , who came from San Francisco with htm Delia Shlpton , the eldest girl , now makes an allldavlt that the whole story nf the crime Is iintrus and part of a conspiracy against Mcyne. She swears now that lur tnytlmony during the- trial was false anil the words put Into her mouth by others. A ndv trial will be asked for. Stimiliiril 4)11 I.ONC * / > > rirc. CHICAGO. Nov. 19 The fire at the Stand ard OH compmy's works at Whiting , Ind. , was brought under control this morning. No lives were lost , according to the company's report , and the damage- amounts to about $ r > 0,000. The tank In which It stalled con tained about 35,000 bands of naphtha. lly attaching three pumps to the tank and titlll/ . Ing every available hose , Iho employes were able to get out a large portion of the naphtha , After this their offoils were directed solely to confining tie flro to the tank In which It originated and In tlilsj they were succesHfiil. The ( Ire , It Is thought , was caused by the accumulation of gas In thetank. . It was at ( list supposjd that three men weie killed , but this the company odlclals deny. IWirro C'ut IIlN AVIft-'M 'I'll roil I. NASHVILLE , Nov. 19 At an early hour today John Phillips , colored , cut his wife's throat from ear to ear and perhaps fatally wounded Joe Snltor , colored. The woman died Instantly. Sailer l In Ihe city hospital with his neck nearly cut In two Phillip ) and | IH | wife had separated and she was spending the night with neighbors when attacked by him Sailer wan In thii room occupied by [ 'hllllpR * wife. Phillips made his escape. I > ctcniil < 'H tn | lii > Oniiilin M DENVRH , Nov 19 Governor Mclntyrehns lamed Ihe following delegates to the Trans- nlfcslsslppl congress Aha Adams , T M. Ion en , Irving Stanton of Pueblo , C. H , rimrlow of Colorado Springs , A. H Kennedy of Cripple Cieok , J. W McCrecry of Grecly , Dr John Grant of Trinidad , Walter Sullli-uii of Grand Junction , Plait Hogprs , r C Goudy of Deliver and the senators and representa tives In congress ex-offclo TinIiiM Collide mi llrooUljn llrldKc. NEW YOHK. Nov 19 During a dense fog which hung over tbo river early today a DrooUlyn bridge train ran Into the one ahead of It Thomas Cooper , a conductor on ono of the trains , lost both feet , and may die from thu shock. George Grannit , a student , was so badly Injured that he died u tow hours later. Alleged imhi > zicli'r Under ArrrNt. LOS ANGELBS , Nov. 19 Michael H. Maher , who U wanted at Ltadvllle , Colo. , for Iho alleged embezzlement cf about $1,000 from the Dold Packing company of Denver last February , was arrested hero last night , Ho will be taken back to Lfadvllle today , CrulNiT lloHlon llcad > fur Service. VALLEJO , Cal , Nov 19. The United States steamship Hoston was put Into com mission today. The- Boston will go to the China station to relieve Ihe Concord , but the exact date of calling lias not yet been de termined on , _ nolil Shl | > niciitM fur Tomorrow , NEW YOHK. Nov. 19. hazard Frereswlll ship $1,250,000 gold by tomorrow's steamer. L. Von Hoffman & Co. will forward $ .500- 000 told by tomorrow's steamer , ROBBERS ATVOfiON \ IOWA Small Towns Overrun by 'Vf ous Gangs ol Mon , , PROFESSIONALS BLOWING SAFES NIGHTLY CIM AiifliorKIc * Dclli'il unit MluliMii- mrii Si < | i > t-t 'I liflr VtiMlniM lit rsM < if tin * I' nf roller. OTTUMWA , li , Nov. 19. ( Special Tele gram ) The small towns In southern Iowa nre Infected with a vicious chss of robbsrs At Hentonport the bank building and safe owned by Julius Greet were blown open by professional tnnk burglars. Powder and nltro-glyccrlne being used made n terrlllc explosion rinding no money , they fired the building , but the flro was discovered am extinguished Immediately Two young men returning from a dance wcie forced to throw up their hands am await the explosion One resisting VMS knocked down three times. They were thei compelled to cross the bridge and Her. for their lives. The burglars escaped At Slgonrncy last night the marshal vvn sandbagged , one revolver tnle-ii away am fired nt him , the ball passing through his coat In two places. The sandhngger thei skipped , while the marshal made stre-mious but futile attempts to fire another revolver by pulling the trigger guard Instead of the trigger At Pnlrfleld , P S Stapleton. a clerk , li Risk it Hufstead's store , wls held up by three footinds as he was returning home They flourished u revolver nnd demanded his money , which ho quickly gave Tiny rc- coivcJ about $1 for their1 trouble The safe .it the postofllca nt New Sharon was blown open last night and $100 worth of stamps taken The Jewelry store of W P. IHmmond was also robbed of fifteen or twenty gold watch cases , valued at ? . ! 00 The act vsaa commit ted by three men , who are headed for Ot- tumw.i on horseback. MMUPV ItlHMIHTb OP A S\VI.MIn. ItMtit i\mltlic Council C'litiHlilcrn DBS MOINHS , Nov. 10 ( Special Tele gram ) The Bt-vto executive council today held a meeting for the discussion of the icccnt revelations that states adjoining lown have been systematically sending their pau per Itmne indents into low.i and getting them cired for nt the expense of this state At the conclusion of the meeting Secretary of State McParland stated that the councl was s tUfled that fully 300 Insane people were being supported In Iowa , who had been xpnt into the state from llllno's. ' Nebraska and Missouri. The plan Is to bend them Into an Iowa county , from which they are sen ; to the asylum as nonresident patients am tiie state is compenc i to pay lor tneir sup port , at the rate of $14 pftr month. The council determined that hereafter the state will charge rich county with the ex- psnse of supporting all patients sent from it to btatu Institutions , whether they be res idents of the county or not. The county officers , It Is charge J , have been In the habit of allowing themselves to bo made parties of the scheme to swindle the state , because they nrp allowed fees for all pitlents they take to the asylums. The now arrangement will put an end to the practice. Slil | > irs Want He tire ICntoN. DCS MOINHS. Nov. 19 ( Spec'al ) Shlri' ° ra of Iowa and planning to demand ot the next legislature some Important legisla tion on the railroad rate question. The movement Ins originated with the jobbers of the Inland Iowa towns , and Is spreading to the 'manufacturers and all lines of bus iness. ' . The shippers willJ mnnd the pissage of n law tint will compel all roads In the state to put In joint rates. > The Interstate roads all grant such rates , but many of the Iowa roads have stejdfastly refused to do so , and the resjlt Is that Iowa jobbers are kept out of a large part of their own state , while houses In Chicago , I'corla and St. Louis are able to do the business. ADen Don Molnes jobber , for Instance , In making a shipment to a point in southeast Iowa finds that he must send It part of the dis tance over the Hock Island and then turn It over to the Iowa Central or some oilier line. The Rock Island charges Its full local rate to the junct on point , and the other road makes a like charge over Its line. The jobbers claim that they should bo given n single through rate lower thin the sum of the locals. The Interstate traffic Is based on such through rajes , and Iowa deal ers , have found It Impossible- compete against the advantage which this arrange- " "ment gives to points outfclde the state. The towns on the western border of the state , which do a largo volume of their business west of the state's borders , have not suf fered from this so seriously as have those In the interior and on the eastern boundary. It is expected a meeting of the shippers 01 the state will be held here some time before the opening of the session to make arrange ments for advocating such a iiioisure ns is desired , and to raise funds to push It. A lobby will be maintained at the capital till the measure la acted on. UniUc Itnii Hi-hind ( lie Tlt'Kot. DHS M01NRS , Nov. 19 ( Special Tele gram ) All the county returns on the late election are no'v In the hinds of the sccrc- taiy of btJto , and the official result Is an nounced as to governor and lieutenant governor It Is shown that the \oto stood as follows : Tor Governoi Dinko ( i < M > ) 200720 Haiti ) ( ilom ) lAMI Crane ( pop ) 32 , n I IJacon ( pro ) n.o.'j Drake's plurality CO.L'SO Tor Lieutenant Ooveinoi 1'nrrott ( rep ) 212,100 Bestow ( dem ) 110,010 Stnrrett ( pop ) S1.9W Atwood ( pro ) 10,2-il I'nrrott's plurality Secretary of State McKnrHnd tnys both Drake and 1'arrott ran behind the rest of the republican ticket. He saya the figures will show that Drake was about 0,000 be hind I'.irrott and 12,000 behind the rest of the ticket. Favor * Di'iiiiimlcil fur Culm. DiS MOINKS , Nov. 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hilly 1,000 people attended the Cuban liberation meetlnipit the Young Men's Christian association auditorium this evenIng - Ing , tailed by Mayor Hlllls , It wan very en thusiastic. The entire | gathering Joined In singing several patriotic S9ligs , and resolu tions wera adopted. Addresses were made by Mayor Hlllls , I ) 0 , , Edumndson , Dr. II , O. Aylesworth Jttlne J , C. Carr , Ilabbl Ilootllghelmcr Julintqji Urlgham , II. L. Stotbon , Jmne II Weaver and Ituac Ilrandt , KSFORflfl m TOBACCO CUCH No Chemicals Nicotine Neutralized No Nerves Quaking No Heart Palpitating No Dyspeptic Aoiiing AMTI-NERVOUS I - I I The resolutions dcmnnd of conRres' , as OHB of Its first nclp , to recognize the belllRor- cncy of llic Cubans , anil to rfcoRiilzc tin If Independence as soon as It can possibly be done CoinlHIoti nt Inwn'ft Crop * . Dts MOINKS , Xov 19 ( Special ) J. 11. Sase , director of the Ion \\oathor crop sen- Ice. h prcparlnp tlic matter for the Decem ber number of tils bulletin. ly ) the time for Its Issmnce he exec's to ha.c the state c"n- sns figures on the acreage of various crops In the state the pa t jcar. nnd from this will bs > able to make the most accurate cstlmatfs on > lelds p r acre that lia\e been mido In sex oral years Since the federal COIIMIS of 1890 cs'lmateg of > lclds hive b'en based on the acreage shown In that jear , when the isso figurfs were taken Sape says the f\K- \ urcs will show that the nxeraR * productive ness of Iowa farms has greatly Increased In the last few } oar . He attribute this to two ciu es the lmpro\ed methods of fiirm- Ini ; that have been comlnfi Into \ORUP , anil the adoption of the system of rotation of crops More than all thK ho lays the s'n'e s farming Is being diversified as never before crops that a few years age * were almost un known In the state nre now cnltlvn'od li'peh These new crops rmo been generally ur cessfnl , and have done much to help th ° firmers thloiiKh the seasons of drouth Impure \Vtifcr itl tin \ > oliiiii. URS MO1NHS Nov 19 ( Special Tele gram ) The Stite A < jlnm for Tceble Minded Children at Gl-nwood Is In serious trouble on account of Its water supplj fnllttiK A f'aort time ngo the ARrlcul'ural college nt Amos cks1 on account of failure of water The Olenwood Institution ha almcit no vsater. The town of Olcnvvood constructed a sewer ulilch empties all thr owerase of the town Into the creek from which part of the supply Is drivvn and Ins ruined It Th wells from which the rest of the supply H taken hive been exhausted The cauncll will authorl/e a small expenditure for making a connection with the water works of Olcnvvood and the legislature will bo askel to appropriate monej to build a water system for the Institution CliiiiiucM on ( lit * Illinois Oiilriil. cnniioicnu , i , NOV in ( Sp ciai ) Quito n number of Important changes hnvo taken place among the officials of the Illinois Central on the Cherokee division. John Sul livan , who for a number of yeirs has served as rondmistcr , residing nt this place , has liEen transferred to the New Orients district , a more Important position , nnd one that piys $500 more a yenr salary On his departure he was pres ntoil with a lovely gold watch by his brother olllclnb at this place , whom he has labored v.lth for the past fifteen years. MliilNtcr'H Sister ConiiaHN .s 111 c I it < - . OTTUMWA. la. , Nov. 19 ( Special Tele gram ) Miss Mary Dudley , sibter of Ilev Charles Dudley of Itoitrlco , Neb , one ol the best known Mcthodlbt preachers of that Btatc , nnd a relative of Major LiKorco of this city , committed suicide nt Agency this morning by cutting her thro-vt with a butcher knife. She was temporallly Insane. Ono before she attempted to commit suicide by drowning. WoeU f l'rn > iT In limn. MALVERN , la. , Nov. 1'J. ( Special ) The week of prayer for young men , as appointee and observed by the Young Men's Christian association throughout the world , closed last evening with a union gospel service at the Haptlst church. The meetings during the week were conducted by Henry DeLong of Council muffs * . Arclililnhoii lIcMiiii > Nrif > ( Soliiwr lo Hump DUBUQUn , la , Nov. 10 ( Special Tele gram ) Archbishop Hennessey Icives for Home tomoirow , bearing the recommenda tions respecting the bishopric of Cheyenne made by the recant archdloccian council here. iieeciiam's pil.s . are for biliousness - ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz- zinesssick headachebad raste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite.sallow skinetc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills IDC and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's onvrite B. F , Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. * Annual sales more thin 6 000 000 EMP.RH. . . The change to secure such an old fash ioned suit as Ihls may recur lo you two or three times in the future. Hut can you afford to wait and take the clmnees' Never have wo seen a more attractive bit of Empire history than this unique btdstead. The most Important consideration Is the wood , which Is old , richly veined Honduras mahogany , with a wonderful wealth of ser pentine gralnlngs. H takes a very high Mulsh. In addition to Ihe above suit we are offerIng - Ing this season some exact copies of famous old pieces of furnllure at marvelously low prices. CHARLES SIIIVERICK & CO , , Furniture and Draperies , TWELFTH AND DOUGLAS STS. NOTE--Tlio History of Kurnl'ure" II- liiHtrutul , iicently published by U" ) , will be moiled to any person upon nppllcatKr- . THE MURRAY. Omuliu'H Leading Hotel , )0 ) ( New l'iiilpiuctlt | FlIlST-CLAhh AMI MODERN Special Rateby the Montli for I lie Winter. B. SILLOWAY , Pros , mid Mill nud Hartley htH , Onmlia A Hollow Tooth Is oo tiltc If it'h filled witli 2 It won't hurl a bit A I'llII 8DK. WITH KKS . set of Teeth . , $5.00 > c cocccoroccccoccconcccco& ; SPECIAL NOTICE. 'A VINT decided to nnvko rvchnnjfo In our buslncf , wo1H ( onuncnco to loll tit COST pi Ices from and after Saturday * NovemberTtf nny of our jjooilsiTioIiY nml Silver \V ATCHiiSj DIAMONIV * . fSoitl KinI'lm. , . linn Injr-i , Silver Ware , Tnbla and I'ookel rutlot v < ? "lil I'ens and ToneUs Gold Headed A rp i fuutall of our extensive stock. rl A You will pleao not regard this a * au nnlinnrj advertising no- - . . - . , - , - . tlco , for Wo will do as wo s av , sull at COST price * , am ) take tbis iiiodo of lotting' ' our ut toincts and the inibllo know It. O. B. JACQUEMIN & CO. , 27 .Main Street , Council UlnllV , lown. Orilcrs by .Mall vvill receive prompt attention. . . _ _ . _ _ rr = - r - : - genuine Sandwich "Adams" G , Sheller JSSSg Powers fiom 1 to ( 10 lioise I , Keed Oiltulois , , laels ; , Clialn , Hand Catts nnd last but not least , SOUTllWICK IIOUSI ) AND ST13AM POW13U HAY PUHSS. Branch House Council Bluffs COUNCIL , BLUFFS. STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In the highest Btylo ot the art. reeled and ctulncd fabrics made to look ns good as new. Work promptly dona nni * delivered In all purls of the country Send for price list. C. A. MACHAIJ , I'roprlrtor. Brondnay , nenr North- vrelern Depot , Council lJluff lovsa. Tel. 8A : . . . - > DtFlESTHE KING. " THEN JS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. I' nipan'a Tabulef. Sola by iliiigglsti. or by mail If the price ( M ccnls a box ) Is fccnt to the III- pans Chemical Company , No. 10 ivuce t , N. Y. > - - < - - Q SPECIALIST. Hating fully demonstrated by yearn of MI. < t-sfiil practice and expcrlenco [ lint lie Is nlilo to i uie multitudes of dlpcnsps which fo ifllc the nklll of onlln iry physlclanf , ho fepN It his ilutto innku known to buffering humanity tlml lie ilejli < > n hl.i whole tlmo mil ciicrui to this piitlctilni of the iiiofesflon , anil will piipaiu nnd fumlHh iiudlclno nt hl ollleeor \Hlt Unite en-son * A IiMi in ly rocpil-o pcrwmiil examination I'a- tlints nt a distance may consult li Moshi i by litKr , gMwr.i cire-fully wiUten lilstoiy of their cases , ile crlbliiK their FyinptoniM mlniilply as pojHlblu , which will inihlo him to make cnricet illiiKiicnls , nnil ludRucry aceuralfly of the curability of tht dlHtaH % und tea a nlv niopnr runicdlcx. Aluiflclto lor\\anld elthei by mail 01 uxpiesc * . anil all iiieMllcinu nieKcilbtd bv UrIouhfr Is pn pared under his own personal Hiipci vision Hi tit-alt ) all HSIMIUPM ulihnut mercuiy 01 ntiiiT poisons ' , uii'ch ' en ate llspa e of tlie-mn t l\c" Ti . uoeioV by iiiB iie'w tns-ioitA'nvi : TUIVIMINT ; cures ail en ' ( llfc'iison , and treats with KUCICHS nil ant-ctloiis ol the hlvei , ' 1 hi out anil UIIIRS. cntnrrli , ipllt'isy ) ( Ujhne-nsln . . , Ilcnit . Dlse.iso. . . . . Jllicumatlun , , NuiiralKl" , "I" , ' , " Ninoim UlsciisPB cnusod liyr oiiiuuik , the Indiscretion of youth , or Hit- IXPIBMJS of riper yiar , nndliiitccr i may tend to lowpr the lalinl force or thp tonp of llfp'Hltnllty , cuuslnt , ' physical iltblllty , nervous oxhiiusllon. lnaiilt } , and premature di cay Consult personally , 01 by Later , free anil fitilctly confidential. Address , Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , In. A Few Advantages Offered by tha Chicago , Milwaukee & SL I'aul 11 tllnay. thr < short line to A dun trtl * made up and stalled from Omaha. CEDAR BAPID3 f PE3 MOI.VE3 checked from reulilcnce ID dtmuu tio'i Illcsanl ruin Mivlce an l courteous m cloyca Lnllre tiuln llgbitd by electricity , wllli tledrlc readlnir lamp * In every bettli I Ineik Jlnlntf car tcrvlce In the t. Kith mi ils served a la carle , or , la ether wordx , oidrr what ) ou want and pay for Mliut you uet. Flyer leave * unlun depot dully at C.OO p. m. , arrlvlnc al atfo at B u. rn. City Ticket OfHce 1G04 Tanum 8lr eL C. CMlIHKtt. CUV Ticket AeenU L DAf -or- Coniicil Bluffs , Iowa. CA1MTAI $100,001) ) wi ; SOLICIT VOUH IIUSIMSSH. wij nnsiun VOUH < < > s. OMJ 01'THU ( ) l.liST IIAMCb I > IOWA r. run OU.NT i'Aii > ON' TIVII : UAI.L , AMI HII : UH on Special Notices-Cooncil Bluffs a ci.KANin , VAULTS CUANUI > . ja llurke , at W H Homer's , CM Ilroadway IXST AT THU I'lKI.D CI.UI1 OIlOt'NPH , oil ti t een tliirv und Council UluT ( brown Ifatliir card elite , containing riirJ end inunvy , a re. v.urd will bt > raid fur Its return lo Mrs II U. MtntEomery COS Tlilid tircct. | j " i jiA\ : > TciAhii ci < HTOMiit : roii no ACHCH of Ki-lJiuuku lunJ. O , It , Nicholson , US'i llr < aU ( MU ) I'ouncll llluns , In fjiAVJ : 'I'NiNf iTiiEiu : ! ) pinf rnoruiirv to tJtliani , ' ) for KeLraiku Und , C , H. Nlihol * con , W.i',4 ' Uroadway , IltUIQATION HOND SAM : Nolli-e Is hcrtby el > cti that 0taleJ pro- liOHdls will bu received by thu buaru ot iJInctors of the Ord Irrlcutlon district or Vulluy county. NLbraekt , at tlicli otllto In Unl In raid illalrlcl , up to 2 o'clock n in. of tlio 2d day of IKteinber. lt& . for JWOOO af the bomlR iHMijed by Hulil Irrigation illu- trlcl , all of tmlU bondti btlnn bonds of JV/ > cadi und ilrauliiK Intiicxt ul thu ratu of t > per cent per annum , p.iyab'ii annually ; Ilin principal anil inti ri > t uf xald bunds pay able at the olllcu of thu Btalo tri'JHurcr of thu Htatii of Nebraska , b.ild buiulH bvliiK payublu In lnntallincntH n follnusM tliHieof payub u In tlcvvn ycaiH from thu date thufof , $ JW > J paynblo In iwulve years from Iho date thereof ; JWJ piyublo In thirteen jeara from the date thtKof , Jl.Ort payable In foiirteun ydirs from ttio date theicuf ; (1,1/00 payable In IlflicniarM from thu dale IheiL-of , $ r > , UO < j puyublo In rlxttnim yuilB from the Uuto thereof , $5GOvl payablu In Hnvuntien yearn from the ilatu Ihtruof ; JG.tX/J payub'u in ilKlitti ; jeaiH from the dite thereof , IT.D'XJ ' pu .blo In nlnutccii ycurB from thu datu llurtof ; tS.OOO payable In tucnty yi-aiH from the date thereof. Thu Huanl ot Ulrictorn reserve the right to ri-jfct imy anil all bldn Addr < ' all I'ldH to I' . I' Clenu ntH , Btcre- l.iry , Orel , Ntbraska Iy ! ordci af the Hoard of Olrettoru , inads this 7th day of November , IKiS , J A TATION. 1'rcsldcnt , c p. CMMINTB , Bctrttarj. N10 d 0