. - - L- . . I ' . . I s r'IIE OMAflA \ DAILY nEE : &VDAY NOVEMBER 17 , 1895. I . , ' ' { CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP \ The Continental ClothIng House to Go Into Ntw Hands January 1. TilE REDUCTION SALE BEGINS SATURDAY Frirnnu1 1.0011I111 .t Co. 1I1"'e Sol.I Out CC1l1l1lllo1I1I1 I t 11llOn the ! HfIIk II'IIIA' Itrclllec.t * 1jI'iOIIUII : , ) Jlrlorc thc 'rrlllllller ' 1'ukell 1'llIce. I : : I AN EX'1'1tAOItDIARY = SAI-E. I The anMuncemcnt last rlday that the Continental clothIng hallwoul ! < l chang ! hands withIn n few weeks , and that the terms of 8'.1le required a reduction of $50,000 In the slack , was sufficent ! cnuro for the bIg rush at the store Saturday. To reduce raplllly 1big stock of clothing thesc times mll\nll ! Malic prIce cutting. The Continental management know this , and the Omaha public knows what Continental cloth- Ing ( cut prIces mean. The Bulls selling at $5 , $ G and $8 are the most unulOual values eaen In Omaha for many t day and , though this demoralization of prices rIght In the early part of the seaoon may bo a thing to be regretted In the cloth- log trade circles It Is a mighty ! ; good thLng for the thousands who will take advantage ) r the break In the market. Io'reeland , Loomlns & Co. have sohl out . and : bo new proprletorll take pos"esslon ! January I. The $ iOOOO reduction take place between 10W and ChrIstmas ! , Just five weeks. The men'lI , boys' and chlhlren's hats and ! urnlshLngs of every description are Included n tbls sale , which continues every day wLlh- tut Interruption at the old location , 'lfteenth and Douglas streets S ChllnA'e of Tlllle-hnllrove,1 Srr'ler. Commencing Sunday , Nov. 17th , the St. Paul limited via the Sioux City Haute wll ! eave Omaha Webster strlet depot 5:45 : p. m. , Irrlve Sioux City 9:25 : p. moo nrrlvo St. Paul f:25 a. m. , Minneapolis 8:00 : a. m. Supper will \ be served In the popular Northwestern lining car between California Junction and Ioux City. Southbound , train leaving St. Paul In the ! venlng will \ pae 3 Sioux City 5:50 a. m. , nr- rive Omaha Webster street depot 9:10 : a. m. Oreakfast sen'ed between Sioux CIty and CallCornla Junction In dining cars. Pullman palace sleepers daily between Omn- a antI St. Paul- lInnl'llpolis. Also through Pullman sleepen' from Kansas City via Coun- all Bluffs apd hlisiouri ! Valley. Derths reserved and full Information given "t City TIcket Office , 1401 Farnam st. , Omaha. . ThC' Mercer IIntr. Corner Twelfth and Howard. Rates re- iuced. Rooms , with bath $2.50 per day. Rooms , without bath , $2.00 per day. All rooms heated with steam and lighted with Ilectrie lights. No extra charge for fire or Iteam heat In rooms. Special rates for loarders by the week or month. ThOMAS SWODE lI1anager . EXCUnslOX 1'U OALurOIl'iI.\ : ' I'hl'oo"h Totll'llIt Sle"ltlg Car to Lo. Augc'le" . Leaves Omaha EVERY FItIDAY at 1:40 p. 111. , via the ChICAGO , HOCK ISLAN1J . . & PACIPIC RY. , and runs THROUGH WITHOUT - OUT CHANGE to LOS ANGELES. These Ixcurslon are PERSONALI.Y CONDUCTED by a repres r.tatlve or the PIULLU'S ROCl : ISLAND Excursion Co. , and run via Coloradb 'prlngs ' , Pueblo , Lealv\l1e ! \ , OIenwood SaH Lake. Ogden afll ! Sacramento. For rates or : sleeping . reservations call at "IlOCK IS- , t.AND" Ticket , Office , 1602 Farnam st. , or ad- ! ' Iress Jno. Sebastian Chas. Kennedy ; J. T. & P. - \ . , Chicago G. N-W. P. A. , Omaha . Columbia Metal Polish. Cross Gun Ce S PHIl'burg nut , fancy , $ 1.OO a ton. Plttsburg lump , fancy , $4.50 a ton. 1614 Irarnam , American Fuel Co. - II.hol'n Chllgell ' ' ) ) 1'llIIr. To take effect Sunday , Nov. 17th , the following - lowIng changes ( : : of time will occur 10 time of trains on F. , E. & M. V. R. R. : Black Hills Express will \ leave Omaha 2:35 : p. m. lally Arrive Hot Springs 8:05 : a. n : . , Deadwood 11:00 : a. m. next morning , connect- Ing at Fremont for LIncoln dally and for Superior , perlaI' and Hastings lines dally except Sun- ! ny , at ScrIbner with Albion line dally ex- Sept Sunday , and at Chadron with the WyO- IDlng line except Sunday. Norfolk local ! will \ leave Omaha 7:50 : a. m. lally except Sunday , connecting at FTl'mont with Lincoln line , and at Norfolk Junction with Verdlre ( : : line. Black hills Express will \ arrive nt 5:20 : p. m. Norfolk local will \ arrive 10:25 : a. m. . Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and magnetic - netic physician ; specIal attention to diseases of women and children and all obscure and long standing dlEeases. 119 N. 16th street room 2. Du. Nichols & Nichols , speelal attention to ! seacs of women and ehlldrl.'n. 1408 Farnain . IIOMIItlEflS' : EXCUItSIOX. No , ' . 18th . No , ' . :7'th antI D..c. . I1tb. On the above dales the Missouri I'aclfio railway will sell round trip tickets to points In Texas , Arkansas and Louisiana at one faro ( plus $2.00) ) . For particulars , maps , etc. , call or address depot , 15th and Webster , or N. F. corner 131h und I'arnam streets , Omaha , Nrb. Thomas Jo' . Godfrey P. and T . A. J. 0 Philhlpl A. G. F. and P. A. .t - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ U. U. harder offers . some bargaIns : , page H. IIUUI.IXn'I'ox ItOUTE. Alloth..1' ChllnA'I' - 01 'rhll.- . On and after Sunday , November 17 , Burlington - IIngton Haute trains will leave the Union lepot : , as follows : I For Peoria and Chicago , 9:48 : a. m. , 5:00 : I and 7:50 : p. m. For Denver ( Colorado , Utah and California ) 1:30 : a. m. , and 4:35 : p. m. For Nebraska City , St. Joseph , Atchison , Ll'avenworth and Kansas City , 8:55 : a. m. , and 9:45 : p. m. For hot Springs and Deadwooo , 4:35 : p. m. Foi' ShelldalJ , RJIII\a \ ' . , iiute , 'Ielena , 3poknne , Seattle Tacoma a.nd Portland 4:35 : , . m. For Lincoln , 8:30 : a. m. , 2:45 : p. m. , 4:35 : p. m. , and 7:05 : p. 111. . For Beatrice , Grand Island and local Nebraska - braska poi nts . 8:30 : a. In . , and 4:3G : P. m. A change In the arriving time or several I trains has aha ben made , notably In that ! of No. 5 , from Clttcdgo , which ' now reaches Omaha at 8:00 : a. III. This train under the new scedule Is more than an hour faster than heretofore Tickets at 1324 Farnam street. p To Alt Conerl'lI.1 . Are you going to California ? Do you want to go cheaply and In comfort - fort T Upholstered Pullman Colonist Sleepers leave Omaha every day vIa UnIon Pacific "The Overland Haute , " for San Francisco , with uniformed Pullman porter In charge. All the comforts of home , while traveling on fait express trains. U you want to knew more abont these cars call on A. C. DUNN , City Passenger antI TIcket Agent , 1302 Farnam street . The IIl1rlllllton' RII'II'I ' ' A. :11. : Train Is faster -II great deal futer-than any train or any other line to 6t. Joseph , Atchison Lenenworth and Kansas City. Dlner- ll per-chalr car. TIckets at 13U Farnalll St. - - - - - . - A. SUIIIH Lad 1Jienkfi.t. t ' 1. > . .f A La Carte . Patrons of th9 loux City Route wIll \ be pleased to lear ; th\ supper will be served In Northwestern dining carlen northbound St I'aul Limited dally train between Missouri Valley and Sioux City and on the southbound train due Omaha 9:10 : a. m , breakfast will be erved > > betwecZl Sioux City and MISlJourl Val- : er. . N.mn.lC.snon ! ! nouse. Ill il ; 1J01I"lnll H' . 'l'hrrC' Enn..o" . Hhoc ltoekll 'rhrn"'n Info 0111' . Olin IIUYlm hAS SI'ItEAD J1I ISEI.F. IN FACT , nOl'GlIT GOOnS AT illS OWN I I'ItICI lie has purchased the entire slack of the Omaha Wholesale and Retail ! Shoe house , and Oo Oa lso the Immense ttck ! of 11. E. Wallace of Sturge3 , Mlch" , 39G cues of boots and hoes , for men , hdLes and children , comprisIng - Ing i everything conceivable ] In the line of footwear. Thc1e geode will be placed on sale regardle3 ! of their value Tuesday morning , November 19 , at 8 a m harp Everything will be marllel ] In plain figures anll we will be able to walt on everyone , as we have engaged an extra force or salesmen - men for thl9 great slaughter ae. ] The fol- lowing l will give you a faint Idea of how these Roods will be sold : 15C WI1\ \ buy II child's .Iongola button shoe , sod ] everywhere for Oc. 2SC Will buy a Indies' too clIpper , good quality t ind workmanship combined In this slipper ; worth $1.00 anywhere 950 Will buy 1\ lallles' 1I0ngola rohou , button or halM. , patent leather tip s'iuaro or pointed toe , a nell , IIresJY street shoe , reglllarly sold for $2.00. 45C \\111 buy a boy's heavy chool shoe , snow and . . .aterproot , a good sheo fur $1.2. : ; 79C Will buy a ml-sm longola ] , button or blIcherelle ] , square or pointed toes , nobhy tyles " , , worth $1.50 everywhere. $1.19 WI1\ \ buy a lIIan's kangaroo ( : : ( soft finish ) stylish lhoe , In congress , an extra fine shoe for $2.50. $1.25 WI1\ \ buy a man's 1'1t1n calf shoe , In can- gref3 or balD. , In glob , Yale or razor toe , a staple $3.00 shoe. N. B. These goods will not be on sale. until Tuesday " "mornln ( : : , November 19. THE NEBRASKA : SIIOE hOUSE , 1415 1)ollglas street. . X. . " ' 'l'luiu. Cn.,1 In 1'ffrC't. Sea tlms table cDlumn on another page for time or Burlington Route trains Improved sr\'lc ! : between Omaha and Chicago , Omaha and Kam'.1s Clt ) . . Tickets at 1324 'arnam St. -p Some real estate snaps arc . offered by 11. ! U. Harder on page H. 1 lIonl'lI Sln'ell to. Commencing Sunday , the 17th InlOt. , the UNION PACIFIC will \ shorten the time to Salt Lake City and San Francisco over seven hours , and to Los Angeles sixteen hourl. The new train , "THE OVERLAND LIMITED , " will leave Omaha dally at ! i:10 : a. III. , with through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers to San Francisco and through Pullman Sleeper to Los Angele ! The Overland route Is certainly wIthout a rIval. For tickets or Pullman reservation . call on A. C. DUNN , City Pai'sengor and Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam St. - Sam' I Durn" Is ceiling a beautiful white and gold toilet cat called "lrlrst Empire. " Twelve pieces , Including jar for $6.75 , for- many $10. _ _ _ . _ _ _ - "TilE XOltTI"'gS'rgnX IJSIL" New Titite Cn..I. Two new local trains east dally. 7:05 : a. m. , to Carroll , and 45 : p. moo to l3oono. The OVERLAND EAST at 4:45 : p. m. , and the CHICAGO SPECIAL nt 5:45 : p. m. , arrive at Chicago , , 7:45 : a. m. , and 8:4G : a. m. , dally , respectl\ely. Some new Ideas In equipment at these trains , although their make.u ! has always been or the highest excellence. Berths , Information , baggage checks at 1401 Farnam street. -0 XuUl'e to JlII..lnrNH : llen The Durilley Printing Co. . has just added to Its printing plant a complete binder , and Is now prepared to manufacture blank books or all kinds p The lil.rorm : llo"cmrnt Is comIng to the front everywhere. Tha latest Is In the determination or the traveler to always U'O the Union PacIfic , the shorle line to Portland , antI the route offering superior accommodations to pal,13engers fa : Portland , Tacoma , Seattle ottO other Puget Sound ponts. ! A. C. DUNN , City Pas9Cnger anti Ticket Agent. 1302 Farnam street. 5- "In lice IInrllnA'tun. Four daily trains to 1.llIcoln-8:30 : a. m. , 2:45 : p. m. , 4:35 p. m. , 7:05 : p. m. - Jloml'"ec.I.C'rll' ExcurSIon Soot Ii. VIA THE ADASH R. R. On November l'i : 27 and December 11 , the Wabash will sell tickets to Arlmnsas Leuls- vllle and Texas at hair fare with $2,00 adde < : , For tickets and further Information , or a copy ot the Uomesee'ers' : Guide , call nt Wabash office , 1415 } < 'arnam street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. p Read Harder's ad. on page 14. A 1'rIviieed Character . Is one who enjoys privileges not granted to others. Such Is every traveler vIa the Union Pacific "Overland Route" to Colorado , Utah and California. A few of the privileges ( : : : You get there quicker. You have no change or can. Through ( : : Pullman Sleepers and DIning Cars. Trains heated by steam and lighted with Plntsch Light. A. C. DUNN , City Pass. & Ticket Agt. , 1302 Farnam St. - . -5- The fltirlington'ss "eMUh..I..11 . FI'cl' Which now leaves the UnIon depot at 5:00 : p. m. , still maintains Its reputation as the most comfortable train to Chicago and all poInts ea9t. Thro' chair cars-thro' dlner- thro' sleepers. Tickets at 1324 Farnam St. ldsery . UU ) ' . Doubl , dally service to San Francisco and all California points via Union I'aclflc. Through Pullman I'alace Sleepers , Pullman ColonlH Sleepers , Pullman Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Carf' The shortest line ; the quickest lime. A. C. DUNN , City Pass. & Ticket Agt. , 1302 Farnarn St. p Sees II Very HeIght Future . When questioned regarding business revival ! Isaac lIarrlf' , president or the Tacoma Match company , now at the Millard , said : "Yes , I have been traveling east west and south dur- Ing the 11ast six month : and during that time I have been unable to form any other estimate or the country at large than that there Is a revival In business. You see It Is this war : TI'o years of lethargy leads to years of pro perlty. The people lost faith and began to live upon what they had saTed , to wear out their clothes and their Improvements - ' ments began to decay . As a result , 'n"ow they arc obliged to replace the things worn out and are employIng men and women In this work. The result or all this Is a dawn or an era of prosperity , which promises to bo permanent The American people are not all excitable nB the EuropealU ! They may at times go to extremes but In a short time their good sense prevails and they begin living In their same old manner "The wholesale housts are picking up. New buildings are being ereclM and were It not for the fact that agriculturists had a bad year there Is' no doubt but that this would have been one of the greatest years the United States has ever seen. But even tOday rOil take It down In Ohio and Penn- sylvania where property Interests are stable In value , and there Is no such cry of hard times as there Is In the west where prop- ertlee fluctuate according to the whims of the real estate men and the prosperIty of the farmer. " . Miss Cuh..rra II" . IIcl' " 'ne1i. The gold watch and chain lost by Miss Carrie Calvern at DOYll' theater during Bishop Ireland's lecture has been receovered. It was found by Mrs. Smith of 1401 North Eighteenth street on the stairs leading to the balcony of tllo thea er. It was turned over to the poUco 4utbotitil ! and returned to the owner . & ' Threw himself Dllcr :1- $ llo 'Vhceb. ? .IEMVI1S , NO'fJ l . -R. 11. Talley formerly - merly ticket { agen of the C. O. A : B. W. railroad at thIs point attempted 5ulclA this morning by throwing himself In front of a swItch engine on the leve . liii \ skull was fractured and he will die Despondency over business reverses : 18 thought to be the CaUle. CALLED INTO TilE COURTS Three Electrio LIghting Oompanies Parties to Two Snits , CIIARGES AND COUNTER CHARGES MADE Anclrnt history ' CnnCrrnlllA' lrcll'lc Light ' ) lntt"rII In Olllnh'l " 'UI ConlltJtnte Mttit ) . 01 the b- .n"'N In the lght. Dy reason of the two Slllts which were filed In the district court yesterday the relations hitherto exist- Ing l between thc Northwestern mec- rio t Light and I'ower company , the Omaha Illuminating company and the New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light company are to be thoroughly aired One suit Is against the Omaha Illuminating company for 45,5W and the other agaln the t 'rhom on-l1ouston company for $10,000 , the plaintiffs In each beIng the Northwestern Electric Light allli I'ower company. These are ' the parties named as plaintiff and defendants In the suit , but It Is under- stood that the fight will be squarely between the Clarles of title city and the offIcers of the present electric light company. The lF3uo In the cases , stated briefly , will he a fight for damages over the absorption of three electric light companies which had a foothold In Omaha a nllmb of years ago and whIch became merged Into tile present New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric LIght company. As detalle In the suit , for a number 'of years the Omaha Illuminating company was furnishing the city and residents with electric light. l It was unable 10 obtain a charter and therefore It operated under a charter granted the Northwestern Electric Light anti Power compan The company at first obtained - tained Its power from tHe Woodman LlnseeJ Oil works building ( : : , but In course of time Its mAchinery \ \ as removed to the building of thl ) Thon1Fon-1I0u9ton company , from whence Its i power was obtained From this time on It Is charged that officers or the company and others or the Thom ' ) n- Houston company conspired to absorb boil that company and the Northwestern Electric LIght company and In course of time suc- ceeded. The suit against the Omaha IIIulrfl- natlng company Is therefore to recover for failure to fulllll the contract under the charter granted by the Northwestern ElectrIc LIght and Power company and for conversion or property owned by both companies. The suit against the Thomson-Houston Electric \ Light company Is to recover consequential damages , It being alleged that It conspired with certain olllcers or the other companies to divert the customers or the Omaha illuminating - nating company to itself , and succeeded. The ! ' question of the conversion or thl' property of the latter company also enters Into the suit. suit.The The plaintiffs allege ( : : that the suIts are expected - pected to b amicably settled and therefore r are not willing to speak about them. Pret'L- ' dent Wiley of the New Omaha Thomson- ' HouDon : ElectrIc Light company says , however - ever , that ro far as his company Is concerned the suits wIll \ be fought to a finish. He 'aYS : that his ! company In course of time did succeed - ceed In obtaining ) the majority 01 the customers - tomers or the Omah a illuminating company , but that It got them from the fact that It furnished better light and not through any : conspiracy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIIO\\'UgU COXUI'I'IOX OP TUn .1\11. ' ) llIu ) . I'rlNnuI'rll Intlie County . .Iull Non' An'IIIHnA' 'I'rlz.l ' There are more prisoners awaiting trial In the county jail on the charges or murder , robbery and grand larceny than at any other time In Its history. They number In , all thIrty. Of thIs nllmber , however , there are thirteen who are members or the ' so- called Druton gang , who are charged with grand larceny and robbery It Is exp cte1 that the trials or these wl1\ \ be disposed of In a week. The charge of burglary against two mem- hers or this gang ' , James Smith and Druton , has beefl withdrawn and the men will be reo arraigned on the charge or granll larceny alone. The trial or these men wl1\ \ probably occur after the Coming murder trial . which Is to be called on Mondaymorning. _ ' .tMksftir - - : - II 11..1' . The Lee Chamberlain company of Columbus , 0. , has brought a suit against the Davis & Cowgill Iron works and the mortg3g of the company to recover on a judgment for $191. The plaintiff makes the allegation that the mortgages on the property were given to secure certain preferred creditors and to leave others out In the cold anti therefore an application - plication Is made for the appointment of a receiver for the property , In order that It may be divided pro rata among all the creditors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I0nthA' for Cite Cn"h. Hobart Williams has confel.lSed a judgment - ment for $200 In favor of the Steele-Smith Grocery compan The company Is preparing to begin garnishment proceedings to obtain possession of money to satisfy the Judgment , Irom the Omaha National bank , In which It Is alleged Williams hats funds. . - , li nor llIttrr" lu Court Mrs. Hilda Swanson has been appointed administratrix' of the estate or John Swan- son , deceasl.tJ. Herman Kountze has Mgun foreclosure proceedings against some property belonging to the Charles F. G odman est te. on which a mortgage ( : : was given by Goodman to secure contracts aggregating $2,000. Frank Gallagher has 'been ' acquitted by a jury or the charge or highway robbery , for which he was on trial on Thursday and Friday . lie , , together . with Pat Ford , jr. , and F. J. Jjerou , was accusell or holding up August VoItel' on the night or September 20 and robbing him of $20. Ford and Pjeroll were found gUilty. p CrlllIe stud the Grn.C" . The following births and deaths were reported - ported at the health 0111cc ' ( luring the t\\enty- four hours ending at noon yesterday : Dlrths-Howard Thatcher , 814 South Twen- ty-third street , boy ; Joseph D. Waring , 539 South Thirty-third girl ; John Nl1\s. \ 2706 Seward , boy ; Thomas White , Fort Omaha , girl ; Frank Ellis 4147 rsklne , girl ; Fritz Hansen , 3817 Missouri , boy ; W. W. Wells , ! G04 North Seventeenth , hay ; George lrltz- gerald , 1813 North Fortieth , girl ; W. 11. Adams 4238 Maple boy ; John Aiperson 3420 Leavenworth , boy ; Charles Alexander- son , 1903 Center girl ; George Kranmyre , 1151 North Eighteenth , boy ; Andrew Olsen , 1326 North Twenty-thIrd , girl . Deaths- Iaggll. Dougherty 1 , year Thirty- first avenue and Half Howard , pneumonIa ; St. Mary's cemetery. D. F. Angus , 54 , 1314 Hickory ; Forest Lawn Belle C. Oatley , 55 , 2430 Parker , dropsy ; Interment at Doane- yule \ Ind. -p SILTS lieI' lIuNbllnl1 Tried to Shoot lieI' SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. IG.-A specIal to the Examiner tram Great Falls , Mont , says : . Mrs. J. K. Emmett.'ho Is playing here with lbs Stocltwell-Coghlan company , says that through relatives , who are Denver attorneys she has COmmenced divorce proceedings against her husband , J. 1 { . Emmett. The case will \ be tried at San ! ' Francisco , but the papers have not been / served , as Emmett Is traveling In the south with hIs company Mra. Emmett says the divorce Is the result or the trouble she had with her husband In f1n Francisco last summer when he attempted - tempted to shoot her. - p - Life Built Itcllcurl the Crcav PLYMOUTH , Npv 16.-The bark reported ashore during the gale at Wembury bay turns out to he the Augu t Smith a Nann- gip ! vessel , Captain Florenaess , from Buenos Are8 on September 2 for Rotterdam. The crew took the rigging and were eventually rescued. by a tug and a lItetloat after they had tried for hours to ach the stranded barj. ' barj.Took 100 Took Potion With Suicidal Intent. SAN FRANCISCO NQvl 18.-.jra. . W. D. Shirk , the wife of a Itopias Ojt1 hat dealer died this morning at \h& \ hous\ of Br Eddy 822 Geary street. 51rs. Shirk came here two weeks ago and hal < been boarding at Dr EddY'8 hotise. It 18 thought that she took poison with suicidal intent , COUXT\ ' COMMISNIONEIIM' : ! : : ! ! 3llIdTlO . Port Crania flon.ILtguin II SuhJrct fur 1)lsoi.iutm . The gular meeting of the Board : of County Commissioners , helll yesterday The feature of the meeting was the seating of J , J. Drel.'n of .south Omaha , who hall been elected ! as comrolst > loner or the Fourth distrIct to serve unlll January 1. Ira fills the place occupied 'by hL. . Sutton , whose term of omce expired l the mldlo or this month. Mr. Dreen was Introduced by Commissioner Jenkins and In response spoke briefly He aId that he hoped that he would be able to fill the office as well ae It had been fillel ] by his predecessor. As the first act of his official career In the board , Commissioner Dreen brough up the matter of the South Thirteenth street grailI. This provoked cono1llerable ! ! dis- cussion. IIreen salll that manY' South Omaha citizens hall asked him to try and persuade the board to cut the road through to Fort Crook thl" % winter and before doing so to have a culvert put In ollposlt ) South Omaha , 200 feet In length and ] at a point on the road at where It Is crossed by the creek. Ho said that the work would furnish employment for the unemplond durIng the winter. Chairman \\1I1Ial1l11 explain that the board intended to do nothIng on the rood to the Douglas cOllllty I1ne. This was In accordance - corhnce with n resolution passed last win- ter , which was before the Sarp county commissIoners , but upon which they had taken no action. Williams mid that Douglas county was willing to grade the road as soon as Sarpy county agreed to do Its share of the work. This did not satisfy I1reen and he said that at the meeting 01 the board next Saturday - day there would be a delegation of South Omaha citizens pruent to address the board upon the subject. ThIs brnllJ'ht ' Stenberg to hits ! feet with tia statellJellt that he did not think the board wanted to have another public meeting on the matter : , because It had decIded upon Its attitude Other memo bel's ' or the board were of time same opinion , and no action was taken on thc matter , but Mr , Drem said that the South Omaha Iele- gatlon woulll be present , nevertheless. In response to a letter from County Treas- urer-elect Irelmrtd , hIs bond was fixed at $500,000 by the board. Ir < y'll bond Is iOO- 000 , but this amount Is considered exces- sive. sive.A A communication received from the jlllllclal commIttee of the city council to the 'effect that the city would not payer remit the taxes on the property or J. L. Drltton. BrItton sold come properly to Creighton college , but could not give a clear title be- caUb of $ .100 taxes slandlng against It. He surd for the amount antI obtained a jUdgment - ment , which has been : satisfied by the county , but It was considered that the city ought to IJay It. County Treasurer Irey was authorized to employ two extra men to make out tax certlficatcu , unlll December 3 at $3 a day each C I I I C.tG O.tNS "ISIT TIC PAltIC. 1'IIIc ( lit' First HII tilt Chic 1.lIolont : llollu'nln Cuhlc- CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Nov. 1G.-A per- feet November days with brIght sunshine and blue skies , greeted thl' Chicago hosts on their arrival here this morning. This was very different from the pouring rain which marred the day at Nashville last Satllrday. The first section or the 1raltls arrived at 9 u'clock and contained seven .companles or soldiers. Th next section dill not arrive until after 11 o'clock , anti the others were still later. A large receptlcn committee met the visitors at the depot . Special 'r.ars were In wRIting to convey them to Lookout mountain and Chlcamau:8 ( : : National Military : park , MissIonary - ary RIdge and other place . Most of the vIsItors - Itors went to the mountain , from which a fine view IR to be had today on account or the bright weather The new double cable Incline lip Lcokout mountain , which the projectors Intended to have had runnIng . , mng the Chfckamaua ( : : National park delllcttlon : , was put In opera- tlcn for the first time tOllay. It Is the steep- e1' luellno In the world : having a gradlant or 75 per cent ell one Ilortlon. The Chhcagrans were delighted \vflheltheir ride over It. The trains of the party w1ll leave tonight for Cincinnati. The TImes gave , \1 \ e visitors an agreeable surprise , 1ls..firrL3' /e / this morning cont3ln- Ing cny ) Chicago hocj I news , received In spe- cl&is last night. The Information from home was eagerly read , and 1\11' Adolph Ochs , the proprietor was warmly thanked for his Ihoughtfulnets , and praised for hIs enter- prise. , The ClevelandO. , Chamber of Commerce also Is spending the day her ! ' . . It arrIved - rIved early this morning and went to Lookout - out Inn for breakf3.st. 1'"IGII'rISG I'll USSL\X COMI'ASIIiS : hlI1Ul'une. : l1e'n Aliemitit to Shut Tht'nl Out III AIII..nn lIu"lneN" . N11\\ ' YORK , Nov. 16.-Many life Insur- ance company officials from dlllerent states were at the Fifth .Avenue hotel to dls- cuss the advisabIlity of takIng measures to exclude Prussian Insurance companies from doing business In this country. This step Is taken as a result or the action of the German - man government , which about a year ago notified the New York Life and tlu.- Equitable and the Mutual Insurance companies that It had changed Its requirements for foreign companle.s. The EquItable soon after withdrew - drew from Germany. The action begun by the American companies today was precipItated - tated by an application made about three weeks ago by the lIambl\rg- ladgeburg company - party asking Insurance Superintendent Pcrae for permission to do business In this state. There are about six German fire Insurance companies doing bllslness In thIs city. After ito meeting , which was an Informal one , Stuart Drown made a statement that an understanding had been arrived at that since the American companies had been forced to withdraw from Prussia , they would make every effort by asking legislation ] and otherwise , to see to It that Pruss Ian companies - panies were granted no privileges here. In some states , he said , the autllorltles' had power to refuse to rellcense the companies. The fight was to be made , he said , only on' concerns having their beads In the kingdom or Prussia , as that power and not the entire German government , had discriminated against the American institutions p - PB\\ l'nO'I'ES'r ! OX ASSCSS'tI EN'l'B. luellon" In Yulllnllonll Slicy Ih'c lI..en . the Caimse The Board of Equalization on the general tax at'3essment was In session yesterday. Chairman Kennanl says ! that an effort will be made to finish It as rapidly as possIble and the board will probably finish Its work In about ten days frolD't1le date or beginning There are comparatively very few protests being receIved. The valuation had been reduced - duced nearly $1,500000. ; So many property owners have had theIr ! assessments reduced that there Is more than ! . a usual tendency to refrain from protellts..The assessment rolls present the usual inconsistent features and are severely criticisM , by some or the Loard. One member of the council said this morning that he had noticed one case In which a local busness : house had turned In the value of Its stock at. $10,000. To his posItive knowledge the seine stock was Insured for $250,000 under the 80 per cent clause , thus Indicating that Its actual value was not1lelS titan $310,000. The work or considering pateats has been relegated to a special comrolltee-Kcnnard , Lemly Taylor and Gordolhwhl.ch will meet at 2 wi o'clock Monday afternoon . . . " 'ILl. nE.-CI ' " UItT1 TI1OUSAND . I'rTJOUSAXD , \\'ork of Checldnt VI' Hohin's Hooks Nearly ) ' Coiumlcteti . I Is now promised that the task of check- lag up the book of ex.Clly Treasurer folio , whIch has been In progress since June , will bo completed some tie next week Two of the experts have been dismised , as theIr services could no longer be qtilized , and the other two are now checking up the bonda and coupons. This will require twp or three days longer and It Is pecttd that the final re port will be submitted to the city council one week from next T\eay nIght I Wi stated this morning that the report would substantially verLy the tlurl.'s that \ previously beth published relative to the shortage. They will show that the , city ii nearly $ ! OOQO put , exclusIve of th ; ioooo deposit In the Midland State bank. $0,00 _ _ _ _ _ p 'l'he ' hJurIiIi&rou's ' 4m .13 . P. 51. Train I faster than any train of any other line to Llncolq and Denver. Iner-chair can- sieeperL Tickets at lSU Farnm St _ . . _ J. . - ' I ' 0tO' TO SgT'I'I.I IllS 1ii111.S. Several J'roille Who Mourn the De- ' Iln..tnl'e of )1. . . liii ? . E. M. 111ff , a prominent light In the late dervish campaign . left town sUddenly a row days ago , and In the haste of his departure forgot to leave his address , ne leaves sev- eral friends who mourn his ablence for various amounts . Mr. Iif posed al manager of a local paper for nine day , and In the rush of business due to his Political speeches failed to liquidate - ate the expenses Incidental to carrying on the buslnes Coal bills and other items are coming In for Payment to the paper , and the shortage promises to rum : UI' to a goodly amount IIf state 1 to some friends that he intended to go to Montana , but It I said . that he purchased 1 ticket for ! 'AetmiP CrirMn1ee Trnmc ARI''C'I"ntll ; ST. PAUL , Nov , 1O-Jtmdge Kelly today nlM his decision In the Important else of the state of Minnesota against the Great North- era Hallway company antI the state win. The Great Northern antI Northern Pacific may not enter Into their traffic arrangemnent and JUdge Kelly grants the writ of InJunc- tons a prnyed nrlll'e"rntnlh'e Carroll , " C".r,1 Itealgimp . FHANIC'OHT , K ) ' . , Nov. 1G.-'ho resigna- ton of A. J. Carroll , representatl\'e-elect from the Loulsvll district , has bee I received at the executive office p Trlrt to Scare Claims eiIIreck.la SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 16.-Claus Spreck- . _ u _ - - - : : When. - r \Ve make n statement it means literally what it sys-there is no loophole left to escape from the consequences-thel'e is none DCCCS- sary-everything is open and above board here We take the peopc ! into our confidence-we put the facts before them as they are 1 we make mistakes , as all men are liable to . we promptly correct them , and are always thankful to those who give us the opportunity of doing so- --but to advertise one thing and mean another or to overstate or highly color exiting conditions with a view to deceiving the people is i a practice entirety for- cign to our methods. Fllowing are some interesting bargains for next week's sale Jewelry- Willow Ware- Sold gold baby 'ini' . . . . . 10.1 . Bon : Bm : baskots. . . . . . . . . 5e Sold Iold misses' rlnj < . . . . . lH. ) Lunch baskotq. . , . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 25e Hulled gold cuT ! blttons" . . . . . 25. Hcrnp ) baskets , ( anoy , . . . . . . . . . 4.ge n lcd gold . Link butons. . . IW : Clothes hacnpot's. . . . . . . . . 7He Trilby hearts , white metal. . . 25c Covered wrk stands. . , . . . . . . . 9Ue . Side : combs new , time pit ! : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .10. 15e. 25e Fancy Frames and Silverware- Pictures- . Extra plate teaspoons , sot. . . . 25e Cabinet size celluloid frames . So . 'i'tiblespooims , extra plated set . 49. Fancy scalloped edge. . . . . . 10. 5. Coin silver tlple knives , sot 99a . Tribune plcturo ( odjo" rIICs. . . . 25. . . . . Silver fricmnos ( , brlht ! cut. 25e . Sivor Jmnltntioe jimastehe 10x20 panel : Nut picks , per FOt. . . . . . . . . . . . HHe ¶ ) framed In a 3-lnch : moulding 9Hc ) Nut.cl'uekorl , triple plato . . . 7ge Chinaware- Dolls and Toys- Kid bdy doll . worth dOe , at. . 25e Decorated PlettCS , worth 23e , , Jointed dol. , curly hair , at. . 25e Deeoratcl lt. . . . . . . plutoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c . . . . 10e . ols heads nt. ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decorated sauce dishes , worth ! . . . . . , . . . . . 5 . lOa . 15e to ¶ )9a ) 5. 10. Hn. . . . . . . lce . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c. nt. . . . . . . . . . 1O : Gamc . . . 5e. 10 . : , t fe to 99 : Decorated crcumol's , worth II"on , bigarlet ' .25e to $1.98 Decolte 2c ; , at. . . . . . . . . . . . 10e toys \arlet $19S Decorated calplatos. . wO.tn : _ Etc.- 8 IIC , nt. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . , Stationery , . - Decorated \s\llv 50e CUllS , ) at. . . and . . . saucers . . . . . , 25. Ink Tablets worth , lOc , at. . . . . 3e ' . . . . . . ' . . . 3 I-'I'onch ChIna croahncrs 25. Penci Tablets , wOth lOc nt. : Pencils , rtmbbnt' tipped , dozon. . 5e . S Best PenB rlbbm' pO' (10/en. . . . . . . . . . . 2. Ko itchen Emavelocs ) . XXX , 151or. . . . . . 3. Goods- Tinware- Cake Tiu'ncra , IOu Icind.1' . . . : : 2-qual.t Dippers. . . . . . . . . . 5. I lie Knlvcs Tm'nc. , woc'tl , : Itnd. Hil. . . . "I 3c . Largu Dppers. . ! . . . . . . . . . 5e Meat Forks. lOc zttod . . . . . . . . 'Ia Large Milk Palls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5e s. : Ule . CUI'\'ino knives , 1\I.th lOc . . . : Coffee Potl. bct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I Cnn Oienor . tuuciliy ( 100. . . . . . 3a 3. I3io l'itmla. 2 lor. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c S1oo ' : \3\aly . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3a Corn PopporB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5e I Slooll' Knl'eR. Bealtr . . : . . . . . . . 3o BI'cud Pans : . . . . . . . . . 5. 1c1 : ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'Vu'e Potato Mushol's . . . . . . . . . 3e BI'IHs Tcu 1I'nys. 5e The \c _ _ _ I . "Q .3.9 9g.Cettt 3.XUW9) ) Farnum Store. Street. . - . _ _ _ , _ - - -p-- - - - - , , - - - - t 1VIRSI J. BENSON. Big Cut in Prices -OF- IiJII2lijr Children's . : - - C1oaks. T Our stock is new and - Jl ct-yT handsome but is too large. : Hi V'le must sell them so have decided to cut the Se price on any cloak in the store from lG to GO Fh Be cents on every dollar. 22 Ages from I to 6 years ; jackets 6 to 10 years , Br I'n Don't fail to come in and see our stock before buyin Sale on new Neckwear--See west show window. , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! * m STERLING , ! . , .iM STRLNG T I VENTILATOR i = The greatest heat- : . ing stove on earth. . a Heats 50 per cent : = , more space than . , . = a , any other base : I I ? burner . U N Prices lowest in . I - 'I. LI IL - o the CLLa . . . LI fl Uu4warcStovuQ house Flrl18bll. floods . P WM lVlE [ DICVEV 0 & u01 o , I 1 I u , 1403 Douglas St. . I . I . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOI els , the sugar king , was visIted . by .n Inan 18n today , who demanded $500,000 In gG , The man , , who gave the name 01 O. Lckland , called at Spreckel onlce and " mantled that the money bo given him In r ( - - . -a- ' turn for damages sustained while woring ! ot $ a railroad of which Spreckele Is 1'or prealdent ly ! subterfuge he was induced to heave thf .1' reel and was 1I101atoly arrested . l.cM land 19 a well drrued man and ' yotmng wel YOln ! and0 guest nt the l'alace hotel I I I A . , I ( ji , j . . t I , . 4 I' I'I I \ . I. . . sfeir ; c I The Royal Acorn. t This stove has become so iloptmlar that 1 we have been unable to keep them In ' , . sl tock . 'Ve have Just received another \ lot l find . , ot all can now make prompt delvery. Don't make , I ml tlke. OIlier sl\'u may be good one , but there are none . 1Ie l thc BOY AL ACO1LN Iono { Jonn J Hussie Har war CO" " , , t 2407 Cmu' ' " St. Solo Agoutit . . ' . , HOT . . . W A TEl } AG } ( VAItRAN'FED . ) , SOc Each. ' j t , 1l , 2-Qunrt Capacity. - . . . m e1fflOII nJ. & MCCOIIIIeII ! Droll C0 . ' J Dodge St. , Sccotid Door I West P. O. + t + + t. I : .l Full Set , : . I ! Teeth for $5. : Al work done In the . . best proteulonl1 man- f ncr and guaranteed ds ' represented - ) ( - t : Dn. WITHERS , 4th foot' , Brown nock. : 16th and Douglas ! 8tS' ' , Telephone lnG ( " + . "H _ r E' ' ± ) J WILL CURL RlIEUMATISM : i : ! These dump , chilly dayB are very , con ucivo to : _ - RHEUMATIC - PAINS - ) Do not continue to suiTor . but pur- I r chuso u bottle of ( E1BERSA from , , your drugjIet und you will obtaIn Imcody relief. I 1S the bOit , remedy on earth to lmber up stit joInts. ' . : NO GAS. NO PAIN. t eth Extl'uct.1 " .lhoot I'nln br Local Application to the G.nu. . I Dr. Bailey , Baiey . , ; Floor ) . ' 01" ' I . . " 3r Flool 1).uto' l6th&Fareinm . . , [ Tel. 1081 Igh Class WOr at RClsonalc Prlos , t Teetim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " : i.OG . ed ' 1''ctl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5T.5O : .Oo I , JJn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.OO 11'1' ( J kt. Gold Crovcms. . . . tO.OO to 'S.Oo ' ! . . . . . . . , . I'hlg" Teeth IICI' tooth ' \.O lu1.i . . Iditructimag . . . . . . . . . . . . \ CO. " ,11 i. , n'eh'e VCnrll Experience Eitb. liaised Eight Veun In OU1Ib" r.h&1. . : p YOU are going to buy n pair or Spco tacies or Eye Glasses come an4 gJo anl tacCS will : us , It wi coat OU at n cent and wuy 10 10 [ dollars. . 1\ I . . UOc ) ctfold CO. , LeadhugScientiflo Optoln8 1408 Ferl , Street - . . . ' - - - - - " -