- - , _ _ _ t , - - - THE OMAITADATT4Y : BEE : SUNDAY , XOYEUngn 17 , 1801' ' ) In - - - - - - - - - - - - - N I _ WOMAN'S - DOMAIN. I - - - - - - = - - - - = - - = = = = = - = - men TOI.n'rTIS , , \'unlel" and " . 'h.cC" , Cn , fT IRCC nlll Jet 'rrlltllll' , . NgW YOHK , Nov , 1.-Tli chic gown at the ENIBon way ho recognizd by Ita velvet trImmIngs. Indeed , this can be called wlb truth a ri- nt winter , everything ahowlng somewhere a touch at thl , becoming garniture : beRlles Is use on tracks , most or the cloth jackets and capes are running to velvet colart : whole bonnts and hats are being mode or it. White to own a velvet 10uls XVI coat , to ho ) worn on dressy occaslom' with a plain alk 01 satin skirt , Is to announce oneself at once at the very highest notch or fahlon. In the imported model the gown textures employed with velvet trimming are either rough wool or plain cloth. Those In wool are commonly natty street altairs , at blanket serge , hairy zlbelne or elEe one or the st- Ish little cheeled lames In blue or blclt and white. Cloth Is used for the more elegant whie. conteclon , thEre havIng been a tremendous revival of Interet In all smooth surface weaves : and when this Is In I Pale , tone. ' besides th3 veh'et , bits or white satin will appear with telling effect. SNO\VY SATIN : , White satin , In fact , plays an Important part In almost all at the season's trlnmlns , , , i . , , . . & t4 4 \ . . w pL QL1tb , A GRACEFUL TEA GOWN. though It Is usually confined to the bodlcc There It wi bo used sometimes merely as a background on which to aPlllquo the cloth -or as a lining showing through perforations - I tons : or there may be a vest , epaulettes and cur pieces at I. and , In turn , these may bo covered with thick lace , or else bo splen- i dfdly embroidere with jot or tnael thread I ' One very stylish method at employing , the white satin Is to web It over with black Eoutache braid after UH manner shown In the street gown , Iustrated , The vllvet Is used In many sliapea with the satIn or alone , and on skirt as well as badlce. Hero Is I an evidence of how much these combinations are In favor In a batch at fIve stunning street gowns just Imported for a wealthy Nol York woman three were at broadcloth , two were smartened up with 'hle . satin , and all were trimmed with SOMV GOOD GOWNS The walklg costume shown Is ana of the fine quartet and lI I a Paquin creation , In pall brown broadcloth and mauve velvet , with mauve taffeta bow. The other two cloth frocks were respec- tvely , one In al black and a hunter's green with garnlshlnss at a satin and velvet tex- I . Q7\ ' ! . . - / , ' : CLOTH AND VELVET STREET SUIT. . ) ture . In narrow black anti white stripes , Over the cloth body this stripe stuff was Ilut on In a snug rrt of corset fashion , blsqucs of the green , topped . by shorter ones of the stripe , faing smartly over the hips Time black frock was exquisie , To the white-skinned , gray-eyed young woman who wa9 showing It off-its happy owner-It was becoming beyond compare Also It must be adnmttteml . time memory ot It doles anything like adequate tescrlpton , To begin , then this ravlohlng black co- tunic consisted of a lllaln skirt and tight fitting - ting jacket , time only trimming at which were turn-back curs of black velvet , edged with black fox fur and a tight neck band of time same. The skirt was simal)2l In umbrela gores and flared at the bottom to within an " Inch at its life . At the waist , all around , time gores entEred /fr I ' \ - AN EVENING GOWN the band without fulntu , a single slight reed acres the foot of the front breadth-and one- llalt a yard high or upholding It out there wih a big box.pleat el < t. A feature of the jacket , which was cut at the back with the ltSniies center piece now only 11 modIsh favor , w. 1 narrow box pleat that covered the butt . . buloa. at the Blngle.brenth front Al at which sounds very Ilmplu to red = = = = = - - - - - about , doesn't I 1 Dut the air or this rig I was the thing , Indpcrlbahlc air as eu8h'c ! as a wl.'o-the-\ , but which between our- slves , was entirely a mtcr or cut I FFECTI'J ACCESSOH ' S. nesldes there were accoIorlE9 , not to be picked every day from the tree at fashion , anti whIch alone would han made wou\ any gown ravlshlni ) One , a rich magenta sik , shmmuloweI . with black rOles , lined It from neck to toe , and there were 'wo ' separate neck flings , each ot which altered entirely the look at the costume. , . A short , full shoulder cape of black velvet vl1s for and wal arranged trImmed-up moments , thq high collar of this was lined with a white silk ruche put In so full that It gave the laok of a wreath ot close massed roses . A black fox , anll certainly the biggest black fox ever mUlderell , or that muffled the chin ot woman , lent his royal body for the other throat 1xlng , A bla9 magenta velvet strangled him about his middle , and ImolI ) ul1ler the lady's left car In a vast rosette : and so long was the splendid beast that his brush-a sIght to manmi a hunter's blood dancing-liming below time waist like a trophy at Limo belt. The fourth dress of the quartet men- tonell WIS at black nnd whlo checked wool , time skirt of which was dl'\Ii maly at the knee Into an entire upper Portion , at black velvet. With this modish morning rig was a delightful Imat a low round turban of black velvet , wIth a rolled brim at braided chenille and felt. In front at each side of the fore- hent , this was held In with two great bulls- eyes of Hhlno stones and jet : and from the center at theae , a captivating detail , there wro two slender eagle feathers that slanted backward ! at the tllS , ARTIFICIAl4 I.OWERS. In the evening toilet pictured Is shown the present fad for using artificial flowers as a trimmIng Not 1 many moons ago It was considered LImo height of bad taste to use anything but God's posies on your evening frock hut now scarcely a pale gown la to bo seen-amI certainly none In an airy texture-but Is trhumed In soma way 1\'lth \ artificial flowers . In this case the roses are at a monster sIze , one In deep pink , one pale tea-color , alil are provided wIth long stems and thorns to boot 'Cho other materials of this bewlchng gown are white satin , chlton and Venetian lace I. has just been made by I'elx. es- pecialy designed for this particular buyer , and It may bo interesting to know that no other gown In , time whole world Is trimmed In this big-rosa way. At least this Is what Felix says , And I wo are not to believe people sometimes there would never be auy joy In time world A tr ! own In white corded silk , a mere Doucet Se-dlsh with wonderful tucked sleeves demonstrates In a splendlll collar with stole ends one use to which guipure over satIn can bo ) ut , Lastly there arc two odd bodies . kept ever slnco the sight of them In affectionate memory - ory , that are worthy to bo chronicled They were also Imported , though are not hero shown , but a search In any at the best shops will renal others nerly like them , Both were In plaid wools one In brave Scotch groans and blue9 for traveling wear , time other a smooth surface rep , In brilliant rlds and greens for more gala moments Over time bodice portion of this last was a blouse of black velvet trImmed with gilt buttons : a great slashed collar . ending In long strIps that fastened Into time belt , the plain showing through. A gayer or happier bit at toggery could not bo Imaglnedl These wool bodies are nol being advanced , instead at the sIlk . ones so long In favor , for winter use They are as wm as toast , and can be made easily at imomne , so may all who read learn NINA FITCh. PI.O\'I J UI'COJA''JS , Dining Ullh'r UlhreJn nf l'lnk and I.lIiic OrchldH The art at feral decoration Is an elaborate one In these end of time century daI I Is Ikewls ! a C09ty one. I For tnstance . ono grand dame recently spent $ IOOO for flowers to decorate her table , dining and drawing rooms for a dinner party. "Not less than time graces and no more than the muses" Is no longer the rule as to the number of guests bidden to the modern dInner , and thIs hospitable hostoss-rs Jvemeyer. by tim way-entertained eighty guet They were seated at the tables : over each table was a huge umbrella , covere with orchids from the edges hung delicate trailing - Ing garlands , and time lights were charmingly arranged to shol oft time 1owers to perfec- ton , One umbrela was a mass of palo pink orchids , the other was covered with the pur- plo catteya , Aa 1mo at the orchids cost $2 each , ono can understand that such elaborate decorations must bo backed by a long puree , A pretty center picco of roses or vIolets and mlgnonote may bo Ilurchase for $15 or $20 : It Is more frequently , however . tie case that $50 Is paid for the center piece. J one Insists upon having an orchid table , cue must pay anywhere from $400 to $700 $00 and upward , especially upward for it. For a house wedding , the flowers , palms and foliage plants usually cost $500 to $1,00 as much as the bridal gown or more. F'or time bride's bouquet. $15. $76. $175 and upward and onward , whatever the happy Interested - terested ones cheer to expnd , A rose bunch given is 4 favor at a luncheon - I eon or dance Is worth from $2 to $15 , whie a box of cut flowers costs from U to $10. At coming out teas , the votive offering of bouquets Is ana of the features of the func- Lion . and the pride with which time debutante dlrplays her trophies Is only equaled by tIme satisfaction the Indian chief takes In the scalps which adorn his abode Thlrty.elght bouquets . Is an extremely mod- est number for a young gIrl to receive at her coming out tea : sixty-eight Is a more correct approximaton , Mls9 Gertrndo Vanderbilt received ninety-seven rare and costly nose- gays upon tim occasion at her debut. and each was ted with at least six yards of rare end costly satin rlhbon-al "very , very ex- pensh' " as lrs , Carlyle's maid woUld re- mark The Vanderbll probably pay $ ,000 a month to their florists , even during the "dimli season : " 'wImen ; teas altl dinners and lunrl- eons and reoeptlons are In full swing It Is too great a tax upon the Imagination even to try to estimate the amount at their bill for flowers , Time Plants and 1owers for ) Ir William Astor and lrs , Jack Astor's use are sent down four times weakly from time green- houses at Fernclre , always accompanied by a bi. which Is paid In due course by the As- tor estate This Is a case at taking money out of one pocket anti putting I In another but the Astor family Is \ry methodical and systematic In its buslnes modes. Although corsage bouquets are no longer worn , I Is quite the proper thing to carry a bouquet to time opera or theater : the design Is a perfectly round maS9 at flowers , with a delicate border at maiden hair ferns , I takes a true artist to construct an affair like this ' No tightly arrangt1 mass of flowers crowded together will suit a fal.tdtous taste . A green bouquet Is considered most chic for an opera or , Indeed . almost any occasion Mignonete , orchids of a pale , green shade. and ferns are m' d to form a green bouquet Mrs. Gebhard carrIed one to a I'atrlarcbs' bal last winter. The fair matron hall 3 small battery dlspot d somewhere about her costume and by its means the bouquet was Illuminated with tiny electric lights. - - CIE.\NINU CAnl'ETS A Preparation Iteimilt'ring lrlln'nl Irom the Plour Unnccr.anr ) A clean barrel which will hold twelve gal- ions Is required Put Into the barrel three gallons at luke warm water ( soft water Is beet ) , then add hal a pint ot ammonia Take an Iron kettle and put In three pints of water and six ounces of SOp bark which you will find at a druggist's : boil twenty minutes , then strain Into time barrel. Shave very thin five bars ot good soap , and put In a boier with one galen of water and boll until soap ts all dimsolved . then one pound of pulver- Iud borax and boll ten minutes , stirring alt the time , then pour It Into the boier and add eight gallons at sal water , stir well anti let It stand until cool , and then It Is ready for use I3rusals carpets can be cleaned nicely with thIs rap , ale Ingrain carpets whlcl are soiled , I they have DO dust under them. TakE two pals of water : with a brush jut on a little ofAhis Nap , and scrub with warm water , onlbreadth , not over one yard In length , at Qh. Ume ; then with another . - - . - . . . - brush and the clean water , scrub It over to rinse I , then proceed whim the rest until you have cleaned the wimole I should be done on a sunny day , unless you have heat In the room , An excelent scheme for cleaning IngraIn carpets and art squares Is to shake time car- pete free tram dust , then spread them on the bare floor , make a good suds with this SOp , and with a stiff brush scrub thG carpet , ono breadth nt I time . After you have cleaned a picce , have a pal of clean water and scrub It well to get the suds out ThIs takes out grease and ) dirt. I I equally Rood for ' ' , cleaning chllen's amid men's clothing Lay Limo Rumeut on a clean baud and scrub with a small brush , which you can purchase for a dime , then rlnmo. 'Iln SI111'\'S ; : " 'I'rS , C.rrllnh' " Oh'wrn..1 \\'h.1 thc Hlh'r ut ' 1'mirle' ClIiiNIM I ; l'W " 's'Ife. Time sultan , who has come before the public In such an unenviable manner of late , need not be lonely whie hiding In lila palce I Is not generally known that this poten- tate Is obliged to mary many women against hi ! will . yet this I true Time law ot Turkey forces him to take a new wife every year This law ID about 170 years old , dating from the time at the "ulan Scum . who , wishing to abolish polygamy had but one wife but the high ; dignitaries at Turkey decided that the ancient laws should be matntained On the prophet's birthday , beginning at sunset anti lastng till sunrise , n holiday Is kept , on the 18th at lama7.n , a national antireligious religious feasts , anti It Is at this time the selection at a malden , out at the 101 who have entered the lists , Is m1de The omclls wll have the mater In charge rarely allow any of the poorer clafJes to compote . and accepting bribes. presents and promises of diplomatic aId , gather the young gIrls together and give them instructions regarding - garding dress and the etiquette at the occa- sion. The dress consists ot a large white linen sheet , thrown over time shoulders In Roman fashion , rndals on their feet , hair hangLn- loosely , and no gems or ornaments . On the Important night the sultan mounts a fine horse anti Is accompanied by all of the palace ministers at state , pashas and aides- de-camp In their gala uniforms representing all the states over which the sulan wields his scepter Military bands make loud and ' wild music , and the hundreds and hundreds of soldiers who line the streets carryon telr bayonets Chinese lanterns to Illuminate time procession of their rulor. At length time sultan arrives at Sulelmanlch mosque overlooking the Golden Her and Is conducted to the holy carpet , or prayer rug Here ho stands white n sermon Is preached to him , and then he goes to the great square This Is crowded wIth persons of distinction and In the center Is place a pavilion at scarlet velvet , richly embroidered and deco- rated wIth time sultan'a monogram , the official embrem at Turkey These draperies are festooned Upon silver pales , and within them now are seen the high priest and the heir to time throne Around this stand the ana hundred and one maidens attired In time whlo toga , each holing a towel In her ham and making a complete circle around the sulan , A prayer Is made , the heir approaches his father , and , kneeling . offers him two pigeons The sultan . kneeling also , takes a knife from his belt , Invokes the aid at time prophet In the selection of a new wife , sacrifices , rises , washes his hands In a golden basin held by the priest , and dries them upon the towel at the young glrlo ho selects. Fortunately for her comfort she has noth- Ing to 110 with housekeeping for time sultan's household consisting of 6,000 persons ro- qures ! no little executive ability In running the machInery. The treasurer at the house- hold attends to this , Not less than ten tons I ot fish are bought a week : 18,000 pounds at : bread are eaten daily , baked In enormous ovens near the palace : one ton at Ice Is bough every day for the Inevitable plal : COO pounds of sugar , ana ton ot veal an- other of beef , to say nothing ot coffee , veg- etabies trult , sweetmeats . nuts and confectionery - tionery . Alogether his annual hoummehoid expenses - penses amount to nearly $42,000,000 . A GI OHGI\ AIlI n , nor XlmrM 1M nl'nnIN , She 1M SIngle 1111 lulII.nmc nlll hIIH' , 3Iiie' . One of the finest exhibits at farm products at time Atlanta exposition comes from the farm of Miss Annie Dennis , who Is pronounced - nounced by tIme Atlanta Constitution . "a remarkable - I.arkable woman , a true southern woman , who has done as mch , It not more , to de- \elop the resources at her section and state , and to teach other women the capabilities with which they were endowed , than any one we know. " Miss Dennis and her brother run a large farm , 2,000 acres. They plant very little cot- ton They have a few tenants who plant cot- ton , but they plant mostly grain of all sorts They maleo a specialty of hogs , and she super- I Intends anti directs all time hog killing . dry- I Ing up lard etc. She rises never later than 5 o'clock and retires at ! o'clock and Is on her feet all day. 'When not flt al attending to her own affairs she Is doing something for oth3rs . She runs a dairy of forty cows , and although - though there Is a creamery In tie town at Talboton , fho finds ready sale for alt her milk . and sells butter against the creamery- could sell every pound of It In Macon , but there Is such a demand for It at home she gives that the preerenco She raises beau- ttul celery and plants from fifteen to twenty acres In tomatoes . She has no regular can- nery , but a large house with boiler and evaporator - orator , In whIch the vegetable and fruit can- ning I done. She cans In glass and tin. She ships fruit In its natural state to Boston , New York and other places , and when the shipping season Is over the canning commences As yet she only supplies her own state with her canned gOOd9 such a corn , tomatoes and okra , and these three vegetables combined for BOUp. Her wines and jell need no comment The premiums speak for them. She raises sugar cane and finds ready silo for the best Georgia syrup Mia Dennis shows how much can bo lane where there Is knowledge and wIlling hands , Added to her knowledge and constant employment - ployment In her farm and housekeeping de. partment this very busy woman finds time ) tme skirt and coat her brother wear , and on for plain aDd fancy sewIng , making every S an averag four I"zen Rhlrt I year , anti with this Ilaln ae\lnl she combines the ornamental - namental , doing line imeedIetfJi ' embroidery and lace sketching from uiue ant painting - ing In oil . ' } 01. For her charities she li i t.love4 by all. Each week alma sends to , he cOlmtl3r1 and hal socks of sugar , toffee . cons of I tomatoes , ete" , distributed Lu those less for- funate , : From ISSa to 189 the ; rducls of Miss Deunls were awarded prizes ' aggregating $1,655 at various state anll county talrs. ' ' " . ( ' ' . , 'IIN : HW (1Ud.m Styles Uen'lnll- the I."hlnl ' 1.lu'rN 41 Ijl'rl , Since the days or the "Sar and Garter" In King George's time , when , I woman lost her garter and a knight 1IIel ) 'It up and were It on his arm , the kartr buckle has played an _ important role nniong gewgaws lear to tho' feminine heart Plough lot even In the days of time Renaissance anti the Ro- occo today , have there been seen such gems as For the last ten rears garter buckles have flourished even more than before , all one eastern firm has imported In that llpaco at tmo more than 2,000 different styles and patterns. . The styles at the present time arc ex- quisttc , anti like belt buckles mind bulons , have taken on a most artistic turn. Time oh shield paterl Is not much used except In time cheap makes , Sold gold ant sterling sliver buckles at course , hold their own , but tIme daluteJt things core In gold and silver filigree . In sunfower and daisy palerns , A b . aulul checkerboard pattern cares In dainty silver or gold with blue enamel , or white squares , alll a scroll design also In gold and silver , and enameled lu blue and whlo , Is exceed- Ingly artistic. The clover leaf pattern Is unique In the way I Is worked out. Whie the clover lea has always been a favorite design , In the new time leans In silver garter buckles come slver or gold filigree , ant the heart at the leaf has u blue enamel center There are some charming Rococo styles , 'A metalon shapet buckle Is regal and a nor- cIty . ant a gold crescent enameled In white with a gold star In the center looks real Oriental I ' an.shaled buckles are much liked . amI have almost driven out the ohl shel patern , Some of the heraldic designs denote an art in . buckle making that Is surprising , especially when Ils known that all the hand- ; , ¶ _ , \ ! , ( I . i.i. . , _ _ _ , 0 /J / -t' - " - ( _ . ; 4. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ; , . . . : i . _ _ _ _ _ 1 " ' I - _ ; , -I Lzi : ; . .t , ' ; 4' : : N , - ' L , I I $ ' 4 _ \ t e j' , to 4 . . , , i / , , ' \ ' , t I ' ' , , ( , \ , . ' - \ . a . ' ; , , " ' \ \ \ 0 4 , .4.- ; : , , , " " I /1- . ' b t , . . I . I' , , , . - - NOVEL hOUSE GOWNS ' ! some buckles are made In Paris by whole famies , TI : designs for the buckles are gotten up In various ways , In some cases three or four belt buckles are copied Into one tetchlng design. Works ot art , old gems , old laces ore used In Imitation er designs that are striking and unique There Is a lad about buckles as there Is about everything else For example , time la- vorle design for the society rosebud Is time clover leaf just now. Delicate silk elastic at pink or blue Is used for time garter , and fin- Ished off with a bow much larger than for- merly , and a pair of cute little tassels be- sides , , Drldes choose the sunflower design with preference and always wear these buckles on white silk elastic garters whie the matron's taste runs to heraldic designs In rich enamel wlh cardinal black or yellow garters. All tim best elastics are made In France , but this country produce now some medium grades that arc very good Fortunes may bo expended upon garter buckles , and there Is a pall of garters In this cIty that a wealthy 1 brewer gave to a woman at his acquaintance about three ) ors ago Time buckles are sold : gold Inlaid with diamonds forming the AmerIcan - lean cagle The trinket cost the handsome sum of $750. The New York girls are wearing their sweethearts' pictures on tholr garter buckles , enameled and painted In miniature , but this fad bas not yet come wesl ' JIAIUCEU Sly UNIL 3IAXXEns The Iloomor GIrIImuy Ic En.l ) 11" . tlomgmmlnlmed . Some envious writer In the St Louis Re public hurls these shafts at the devotees ot the bifurcated garment : The bloomer girl wears the brlt at Cain Not that sue Is a murderer , but her passion for the bicycle has set / mark upon her. Ot course , she Is a wanderer on time taco of time earth , but theri are other reasons Astride her wheel , with Tam O'Shanter cap , her dainty waist and Inry breeches . she Is the most grceful creature Imaginable , but when she descends to mother earth anti perambulates - ambulates Instead of pedaling , the stigma at her now habit Is strongly evident In her bearIng - Ing Ing.In In the parlor or on the street she carries the evidence at her devotion to the wheel , Time symptoms are various Their maniesta- tons are In time arms , the shoulders , time back , the feet , and In her modI of carrlago. They' are least apparent when time I seated but thoroughly accentuated wlin she Is walking , and while hardly visible In front , plainly obtrude - trudo themselves when alI gets a rear vIew Time next time you sea one of your bloomer girl friends walking down time street In front of you watch time stooP.or her shoulders and the bend of her armsl The entire torso Is projected forward as tholh pushing ahead In a strong wind , though time day bo calm and the sky serene. The \rms are held out from the bOdy at the /ibow with as much crook In them as thoughthey were akimbo , Ot course , the forward bend ot the body Is time direct result of the /I'lslhle stoop , the In\'arlable posture of the bicyclist. The crook of the arms Is just the natural bend that these membars must aleQi from being constantly - Itanly kept In that p maiqon while grasping the handle bus , p\llon Now for the feet : Tnslad ot a graceful glide so usual to dlsnJl d ! repose , that the dancing master strove so 'pard to Impart In days gone by , wo imavJ a1mort , jerky walk. The entire foot Is I le I directly off the ground and planted firmly down In heel and too tasimion - Where do you SUppose . this comes from 1 Nothing but the incessaij t manipulation of the pedalsl I Is just fuch a walk a con- victs get from their season on the treadmill , Now combine this stoop at the shoulder this crook at the arms , this jerky locomotion and you have the symptoms of the bloomer fever. ls erects on the bicycle girl are as evident for the time being a time aftermath of typhus I A FOlt'1'JNl - IS FIO'EhLS. Mimgniflcommce nr the Floral Display nt time nlcnl " 'edllll There has never , perhaps , ben a more magnificent feral display at any wedding In this city than that which marked the Marl- borough-Vanderbit wedding at St. Thonmas' church , says Leshie'a Weekly , The Interior at tie edifice rese'mble a great garden ot flowers and plats ot every hue and "arlet ) . . - - - - " _ , _ :25 _ ' - . 't Forests of tropical plants were grouped at either side of the tall Gothic windows of the chancel : a floral arch thirty feet hhh ; , Gothic In design , fannld time opening at the ellan- eel rail , which was itself f I ell In with a trellis of lilies of the valley and ) terns , time opening hnlng two gate of white orchids , which closed after time officIating eiergynien entered it. The alcoves at time north anti south sides ot the chancel , In which the two great church organs are placed , were filled with tropIcal plants , one row rIsing above tht 01 her to time tops or the organs , slimmest ! concealing time organ pipes . Growing , appar- coil ) ' , flonl this wealh 01 foliage were white and ) pink chr'santhemuts , which also ' decorated the front of tbo stalls facing time . pews , An Immlnse palm stood In time pulpit , which was hung also with baslttts at orchiis , From the Gothic tome of time church , rising nlnet.1vo feet above the chancel , 13Ven ropes at asparagus IJlumona and whie and plnlt chrysanthemums and lilies wore stretched to Limo crown at the rear of [ time chancel , to the tops at time organ alcoves , to the' north antI oulh transepts , anti to the ends ot the galerls , Time columns near the organs were decorated ) with vines or white anti pink chrysanthemums , clmbing up from a thick growth of tropical Plants at the bases of the colulns , whlt time ) columns supporting time galleries were wounti ) with noral ropes , Pendant - ant from , time outer edge ot the galleries . all around the church , were baskets at white , maU\'o green anti Pink orcbld , 'pended by ropes at aspargus hilumnona . One at t\o most unlquo effects was oh- tamed by placing at irregular Intn'all , nt the pew entrances of the main alsl I , floral torches lade of Iron rods covered wltb as- paragu9 In which res were thickly entwined . twined Time house decorations were on tIm same scab of regal magnlfeenco as those hero described . Jn.llnn Nuh' ' Black and changeable chenIlle trimmings are much used this season In fine Illnlr ) ' . For traveling , walking anti other utility coats the simple turn-down collar still Ilre- rails. , A hanlsome ) addition to a simple corsage at satin or silk Is a yoke or silt musln with a border at lenalssanco lace Wldo bows at sheerest white mousleHne de solo edged with lace , are beginning to find women their way , Into the ateetons of 10dlsh Fur trImmings , which were so popular last year , are In greater demand than ever , all sable , chinchila and I'ersiamm lamb are eqtmahiy fashionable Box coats In fashionable shades button In doublo-hrlasted fashion across the front anti soma imave capes , all In other cases a hood , the ends at which term olnts In front Velvet gowns with voluminous skirts and elaborately trimmed waists stand first among those for dressy occasions anti dark green and black seem to be the favorite colors I Heavy guipure lace , In cream or string : color , with or without tracings ot gold or jet seqmmins Is very much used to cover revers , collars and form yolk elects over Ilk above a low-cut waist Black chen 10 lace-patterned galoons art male Into small prlncesso bonnets trimmed with chenille pom.pons , amid ddlnty Marlborough . borough hats that are trImmed with rich velvet wall flowers , shaded nasturtums or deep crimson velvet roses , Basket-woven plaIds are In great vogue Soma of time evening bonnets and toques worn by lashlonablo people at the theaters this season are a blaze of French briiants , lace , gem-set crowns , with galleon edgings , and ornaments forming the adornments. Artificial lowers are used on fall anti winter hats , Velvet they must be , to bo considered Iulte "smart , " and they must bo roses or poppies Whto velvet poppIes streaked with green are no\elt s from Paris and arc much worR with evening bonnets "Dress" wraps of fur arc this season very frequently lined with a whie or very lght fur Astrakhnn capes hsvo chinchia linings , otter Is finished with gray tax , and luxurious and very high-priced garments of seal and otter have ermine linings wih muff and huge standing collar lned to match , ' The most noticeable feature at time new bodice Is the coat effect , whtch Is given by an added basque from six to twelve Inches deep , which falls below a very narrow belt I ts usually cut comewhat circular In simape so the edge hangs In fluted folds , or plaIted In full box plaits at the back , The bodice of fancy material to be worn wlh satin skirts has not lost , its pOP41arly , The latest wrinkle Is to have these corsage made with short ' ripple ruffles , falling below the belt. The art velvets In dull oriental cOlorlngu , are nmuch used by stylish dress- tress- malter for this purpos Fancy stripes and Dresden erects , of ana ort or other are quito as great favorites for woolens and mixed dret's fabrics as they are for silks , In the woolen materials they very often appear In the form of heavy knotted threads of silk mohair set about a third of an Inch apart or even less , the knots occurr- log at regular Interval9 Skirts have lot nothing of their summer fullness , but time absence of stiffening , ex- capt. at the bottom . makes them much more gracetul Anti although the sleeves have the appearance of being somewhat Imller because at the different arrangement and less stiffening In the lining , there Is no diminuton In the actual size. Crepe s exquisitely beaded are Imported to usa for sleeve puffs , colaretes , fichus and vest fronts on elegant gowns These como In soft chamois color doled with spangles anti ruby beads : II l.walow blue with bronze and gohl beats , In rose color ant old rosa with jet and garnet beads , and vivid poppy red with jet spangles and cut bronze beads The prevailing fashion In buttons Is sl- nale by the large round shapes that appear on freshly Imported costumes , Buttons of gold mother-of-pearl and buffalo born . large l'ersian buttons with filigree : gilt edges doled wIth spangles , and oval beads In various colors , whlto mother-of-pearl buttons with richly carved herders and very dark pearl centers , colored pearl buttons with rln1 In sliver fretwork or cut steel , are among the noveWes The lovely and lustrous faille silks brought to view for wear the coming season are l' soft and beautiful , falling In such lllmer- Ing folds when lightly draped on bodice or sleeves , that they need but little extraneous additions , Ils claimneti Lust tIme finely ribbed qualtell wear better than time hevler corded slkl For dinner gowns or wedding dresses Semite at time pale half tints are delicious , the lustre of their delicate surface being greatly enhanced by artificial light . Ilirdu' wings that have very long sharp points : immimense aigrettes . so thick anti full that thty often look ridiculous on the top at a diminutive toy bonnet : jeweled hernia anti ornaments : very rich looking plain and spangled chenille trhnmlngs In white , black and chameleon tints : black and glosl' quills , spangled ecrue silk guipure laces covered \lh paletes of ever possible color : crease buckles , nahres and wings that buckle rbres glitter like verltab'o ' diamonds : RhInestone brooches , vel- vet' \'ers. plaided velvet ribbons , Dresden rib ! .1" , gauze rlbbonsl coverell with orIental spans : L'hort ' black and whlto ostrich tips tps artistically combined-these anti artstcaly combine-these ane many mora accessories yet to be enumerated . are among the elegancies that have been devised for the adorning at my lady's dress bonnets to wear this winter. _ _ _ _ _ _ P4'uiiimiiime ; oCe , Mrs Gladstone owns three acres of land In the vicinity at Niagara falls , said to be worth $5,000 Miss Thereslna Labriola has graduated from the University of Rome and been admitted - mlted to the bar Miss Martha Carey Thomas , president of Dryn Mawr c leg has been elected a trustee at Cornel university. Rose Hartwick Thorpe wrote "Curfew Must Not Ring 'fonlght" when she was only 16 years of age , or before she was old enough to know better. Prof. ewcomb of time United ) States naval observatory at \'ashlngton has for his assistant - sistant a woman , Miss Hannah 1" , ' . Mace , a graduate at Vassar. Mrs. Carldad Agero de Richards , a widow at a prominent Cuban pimyician . bought the first gun used In the Cuban warfare and car- ned the cartridges to Camaguey , Miss mM Eachelson has obtained Jrmls- sian of King Oscar of Sweden to plead at the University of UpSI : , She wIll be time first woman 11. , D In that country , Miss Susan F. Swift , one of the mot bell- lant at Vassar college women , Is a major In time Salvation army In London , She Is the only Amerloo woman balding such a position . Mr Cornela A. Atwl has given $ GOOO to Columbia college for the foundation at two scholarships In the school of arts to be known as the Stuart scholarship . The gift Is In memory of two grandsons , The manager of the Chicago orchestra ot which Theodore Thomas Is conductor II a woman , Miss Anna Miar , She managed the necessary buslnfl Dr the orchestra sa , . tc. eersfully last season that she Ins bl.n reengaged - engaged . Miss Mary W , Cmtlking , Sllh cole l. 'S5 , nUll for seven ) 'lar on time faculty at Welles- Ic ) college , recently passed Limo moat brilliant eXlnlnton : for the degree ot Ih , U. I known ot Jan'uI ) ummiu'crsity. Miss Calklnl bu the glory , but not the dl ree. Clarelt Avery , the 10-'lar-oh negro girl who has hall such a SUCCl ! ns a revlnlist In the south , Is sall to be a sweet t , artless chlhl , w ho Is fond or her delis anti has no growlHll1 pecularites except lice mar\lou" gifts of persuasive flltech anti religious fervor The musical worh II looking ror\arl with Interest to the debut at Jenny Ilnd'l granddaughter . daughter . Sue has de\'elopell I fine Ollrano voIce whose ponlbllils are lnthlslatcal ) ' talked of anti ) Is 1stuJylng for the operatic tne wih \i mime. Marcimesl . 1J tai Caimme . a pfler ! of [ the novelist , Is to bo married In December , 1111 a feature of [ Interest to time rellcr : of "Tho IJnxman" Is that the CHeiOn ) ' will take place In the church In the isle ot Ian In which , accord- Ing to time book , Veto and l\o were marrlcl Mmime . Melbt 15 never nervous on time slag , end attributes her Ilmlnly from the mi- fortune which nlicts 10St opera sIngers to her simple diet She hohls that indigestion , brought on by Irregular alt self-induigemmt hnbls of eating , I ! the great caumsa , of nu\'ous hess and worry among actors and singers. The erecto ot ) Ir ! IJrnlI , mother at Charles Stewart Parnel , welo solI at DUe- lon time other la ) ' . An old Piano which hall been In the family for sixty years wa ! ' bought tor a mere 501mg Mrs , Parnel shedJlng tears beauso she was torcel ) to port wih It. Five hundrell dollars was time eaie's receipts , 1'0 be the motber at greatness 19 email compeUEJ- lon for loss anti rrroAnd now the mother sees a people forgetting that she over had a son , The Itory about Susan 13. AntImony settling lown to a quiet life In a cottage with her sister Mary anti taking I easy front uow on Is exploded by SU1 herself , who declares that lhe never fainted but once In her life , that fho la perfectly well anti that she expects to keep lP the war for the emancipation or women uut Ihe goes mull to \IEces like the wonderful one.llr8 shay. 11sglnl Sumsamm J Anthony dropping Into lobe ) ' work and swap- ping tea with her neighbors. Time prIncess at WaleJ anti ) datmghmters . wll have been In Denmare ! , lead au cxceetltngly quiet life with tIme anlsh royal famiy nt Berstort caste , At 8 o'cloclt all time party meet at breakfast In time queen of Denmarl's apartinemite , after which the princess of Wale generally palntl'hlo the 'oung 11eollo plmmy tennis Lunch Is at 1 o'clock alHI In the afternoon the party drive or walk time prlncel and the dowager empress of Hussl\ strolling together , ant often taldng a chancc carriage b.tck to the caste In thll for afternoon - noon tea at 6 , Dinner follows at 7 , time oven- lug o'clock being enlvened by music and cards till 11 . Don't think you ha\'o drank time ne pIus Ilr of wines until you have tried Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne A " ' 'I'll t. ( lie " 'I"l' , Dalmy wlnls make Limo winters IlelshIul , cool breezes render the summers comtortable anti pleasant Prodnclvo grounl and kindly nature combine to give time garden tarmer and fruit grower time finest plaw emi larth to make a living anti have a surplus of mony In time bank In two or three years' tme , Ycur family gets all possible llucalonal advantages - vantages I Is not n frontier country When you have seen Orchard Homes and [ yourself ascertained time generous relur for labor that this wondeful sol anti clmato gives , you will appreciate time fact that now Is the tmo to secure a localon In such a favored rlglon , Two hunMed to $300 an acre and e\'en more Is what crops can pay and do par In time Orchard lom1 region H theEe statements a'O not bore out by your visit and Investgaton of time region In question , YOI will not buy there , The chances nrc however , that I you want to better your comm- diLlon and make n certainty at success In life , you will join the next personally conducted - ducted Orchard Homes party anti locate In this favored spot. Seeing It will cal vince you of its merls , Orchard lomes sells on Its own merits and nothing else , All Intor- maton on application to George ' \ ' . Ames , general agent , 1617 Farnam street , Omahn , Neb. . _ - _ , - I 1JUI . \SONIXG , Somerville JounQl , I Isn't trt she's pretty . Though truly she Is fair I Isn't that he's wit ) ' , Though brains sue hat to spare I Isn't tmt shc's wealh ) ' , For site Is not I knots'- Then what can be time reason That makes mo love her 50 ? Ah , that I cannot t 1 you , For that I do not know. I Isn't reason , surely , That Inles me love her so , For when 1 seek the reason , No reason cnn I 5le , I love her e'ont reason , And 50 she , too , loves mel UUCATION.\I. NN\V YCHl ( , N. Y. , 11 W'est fHlh se ' 'II .JOCO'I'O'I' SCIUOr ( ntJ , enlrl Park ) Otters 1 DILIGHTI"UL HOm AD CHAPen- ONAG to young ladles desirous ot taking .OUOI lalio/ sleclnl , courses Thorough collegiate prcpartmtmon / , Music , Art . LQngun/e eOle/lnte , Jromelt preparUon ( or. utterly wih Mm-s. ltl3'vanus Heed ) . Mrs , Chns Ieale Morgan , Prloclpals % ' .10 - , . the . . , ' - . : : : / Air "C i1 .socitt . ft Occ8iOns : . 1 \u CtflflOI' - : ' -r 1 Theopert I ' wi1hotj gc'.inin I , ( mt ? , whirfof II pJ1AL s _ ( nowt1 t ThE FASI-IIONAGLE PERFUME. Flowery , refreshin , delicro nti iaGtin' , Forsbieby ' druqi8ts only. 1MPERIALCflG'WN PEPFUHEI1YCO . , , SAINT LQUmS. MEYER UROTt-ICRS DRUG CO.AGEtIT3 ALSOTRY ( wEDDING ELL5Two new IMpRmAL , PEACH BLOW. J odor5 , . THE DOCTOl5 COLUML ' A. E I. Pt. l'aul-1 . eem 10 be losing what little hnlr I have , I Is t tilling out 100101 - ties , Is very dry and brittle , What cnl I1U811- tor I 7 lisa Pett'oicine ! directed , amid twlco 1 weel cleanse tIme scalp with Ingu ten. 1 A , (1. . Omnha-lllDI give me n good rem. , IOOt et v tor eczpma , Take tht'eo ( Ih'OII of ' 'h 'I'ollnc , extract - tract ot limo thrt'ohl gIIHI , tht'cu tmNI dll ' . AIII ) EC1cmlclr lt directed. 'j'wlco n wCII , n tcufIIOOiful of XI t'o- 1hle SUIR In half tumblel' hot water before break fast. Mrs R-IClodly tiita what will help brnchial enllrh ot long .lnnlnl 'L'mmko Cmutimnrrhimmt mtccordiimg to tlIi'ec- 'j'llto CI tll'hw Iccortng Ill'ce- ton ! -'l'elitloOlluil : ) lulmoluo three tlUCH tul ' , , J. c. I. Cimicago-liave a weak back , nervou. anll Burer wIth hpnlnehe , nerous Alerlte Ccrein'iime , extract of the brain , wih Jllulhw , extract of time Hllluul cord , lu Ih'o'llroJ ( ) doses , three tmes dllr ou tIme tobigue. Wheu your head aches take one F'hrlclle " ) ( pjfl . Hals.C. ] ! /ulate time howelH with Natt'ohltimlc C. PAliNG DROWN A. M. , M. I ) . Mcd Dept" , Col , Chem. Co. Washington , D. C. All letters of inquiry answered free TI ANIMAL EXTIUCTS c nEIIUSI , Irrum ( Ito lIruli , . Inn- "I.LISI , , Irum thn Slllnnl ( 'ord. ( IA It- , C'urt. II.bo , trout time 1.'nrt. 'l'50S'i'iIO , VAI- ItIlO 'I'IiYutOl5)lll . N.'I'ltl.I'l'IJlO SAIIIS fur Comstipiition. ( miS'i'jt % for ) ' ' , . VA'I'A CI\S'I'IISB , _ 1)'lll'IINII. J.t'l'AltItIIIJ : , 1'CB MICUIIIO iuuitI tbtcr " I'IIIICICN or the IICVII 11t utur I''lnlleM CI.l lllCII bELt I. . CO. Now at aU Druggists , Send for Lbterature . For salt by KUhN A CO. . 15t and Dou.lu , . - - - ' " : - . f THE IDNEY ! COME PLEXION , - A \I' X.UI : I.'un 'ril COiiI'h.10x104 C.U'SI ) 1\ ' Sllt hChLi1V5 , I'nlr , Sllnw , lii nail Iea I'.utllc fn" " % 'limi t 111.l' " 'i'lti'jmu Innk Su . . Inw 'I'hl' . " ' Comm lie * lllo Ihlllt ) 1111 Ciit'erfimi , J - When 'Ol. blood 1 ! nil whie nnd thin Instlnd of being 1111 111 rich you set lie I "Ic ' " "lthhHr COIlI Plex iou . You cal set' It fm' 3'otiu'elf : , You ltntc color ntHI mibuliiimttioti . YOl get salow tll 1m ! . Is't'iu 'oul hits nrl ! not Icd u s I Imey houhl hI' , 'I'hl Is I thl' Ihlll' ' cOIl'xlol , ) 1 Ii I ! 10 t'nllt'd . IICCanSl ! I Is tIme fault of 3'oilt' kidumu's'i , . . 'Ol' lilh\ 'l.I..r Immure mint II'oIIN'I ' fill L'm'ei ( your blood . 'I'hl'Ilt'o I tll.t'cll I I olt t 100 I nun cit . t'etl imtmuttot' 111 left iii too niutelt vlmIto iiimitlt'r. 'i'il'y lmas'o tlltcred ouit lime life : iibt.1 time Ii flU risim bmi t'ii I . 'i'imi viil lle't'm' do. \'tuti imu list not let i t go on , \uli lutist ( 'tli'm.flj hltille3'u4 flilti ntnlco tlmcimi Iiiit'm' youu' lltiml , 'i'lmls you cmlii do s'Itim lii' . iloimb's Spuragmms : Fidtiey Pills. Pills..s .s sooii its ' kiulime'S yoni' $ imeglu to Iii- Icr your blomti lmOlh'l'13' 3'Oliu' Lulooti w'iih gt't m'otl uuiul imttm'e uigalu , I t w'ihl get ilu'im it imul llOubt'lshIiitg , Color anti hifo bringing. I t sili bmiiki' : you feel hll' a omew Imliutu or voiminum , 1)m' . I lolib's Slmlb'liglis Flmimioy Pilia nm'o 0. S t eel ig I itt'im I mm r , lien I I iug I oh Ic for time kltlitt'vs , , 'riml'3' s'ill cum'e youui' sick kId- 1103's. A mmd viic'u I lii' l Id mioys a rI' s'm'hl they s'iil .ihiler 3'Oul' blood , ico'p 11 iuuiu'e , clemu mm , i'ool a mud Ii en I t 113' , Fou' iiuoiu youmm' luluoul ( h'itt'imd nearly t.ll , t I u'el3' 3'Out m' het : I t ii o m' si el it i'sa. \\'lmt'im it is in'tuin'r13' flItt'etl it will 11mm id 13' he lIOSSI I I ( ' for ymu t a i'mI I I sIck. \Vl memu I t Is ii mm II I t ei'u1 , I mu ie , ii ii. lmoaht 113' , 3'OlI cmlii imumu'dly exln'et to keep svehl , . ' d Im' . I lmhb'i ' 1'ithllt'y Pihlut imi' I mm ti o I i'i mU' I I Ill I ly , no t ( mama I I mt st iii k s , hut fu'ommm time m'oots at' tIme mmsmau'agmms lulamm t , Fioimi mu special extruet made 1)3' ) 11. ShloelmIl lltO1'ess vlmk'lm ( 'Xtr8VtS mubuui coluceiitrmutes mIll I ime 'it'tiie alud imcul- iimg hmropem't Ii's of time iululmi t. 'i'hmolu' tut'tlout omt time iclthiit''s Is outmost limmimmetilmutu' , 'l'lmey gently tulle tlmeimm tip mumiti heal : ull liujiiu'le's em' disou'ilei' , 'l'lm'y si limmiulmute tbeimm to ht'altlm3' action mibid mituike tlmemu do titeR' vork of ihlteilmmg time bltnmtl. Im' . I imlml'S ) ial'fltla ) 1'lthmmt'y 1'llls \v I I I ii i'I hg lmu : dc ( 'ala 1' 8 miii 1 I ( a t o ito he kltlmiO3' eommmllm'xioims , , mevls'c' Iimmgglmmg cml- orgy , St i'Cil g t Imemi t ii e mmmii mmcl es mm mm ml cii ro mmii khlmmey mumuti blood troubles aimd elis- 'i'lmC3' viii i'ehle'oaimul cuito Bmiglit's Ihitleumso , tliniuelt's , ( 'olmgesi of tim kid. lut3'14 ? , ilmt'it mmiu : I I slit , liii I us I mm I imo ml tu I me , limmubs , shIes ziiiul back , muimn'immlml , clmloi'o- sis , gout , sleeplessimess , tlein't'sslomu of ' Siii'lti4. blOi'S'OUsume $ , lmemutluclme : , dixximmess , lm3'sti'l'imm , etc. ¶ I'impy will do it shmmiiuly emmoumglm ity sllmmpl3' lmiulklflg time kidmmeys 1111cr limo blood , uuu1 timelt' suiccegs commmes frommm i'ecog- mmlzlug time tm'uilhs , tlmut : lmume blooti immenimi hmenitlm , that immuhnit'e lilootl Immemimma dlii- ( 'uSE' , tlmumt 01113' t1mt klltie3'S cau filter mmiii ntmmify time blood. A fes' t1ose of 1)r , I1olilu' Spuu'nguis : Khumie , ' Pills will u'ehie'o. A I'ev boxes i'ilh cure , Sold by mull druggists , or mitahlod vre- haiti to 11113' : itltli'ess for co ; et'iuts a box. \al mm I jim' imoemi i'lu I pa mmm liii le t , ' ' ' . Fl I Icr for You r 11100(1 , " 1 Il ust umt t cml , 111mm I lemI free film " ( 'quest , Address lIOil5 ) ? mledlclno (2o. ( , Chicago or Scum Fm'anclst'o , - AS CLJSTOMA1Y FIOBB SPARAGUS PILLS will be sold 1mm Omaha by Limo Shermaii & NcConncll Drul Co. 1531 Dodge street , seconti door svest of I' . 0 ------w---- I - - - - - - - - - _ THE MURRAY. Ommmnliga's Lending Hotel. -o- I New Eqomipimmcmit , FIRST-CLASS AND MOlI1RN , Special Ilmutos by time Mouth for time Wiitcr , B , SILI.OWAY , I'res. nnd Mgr. , 14th antI iimmrncy Sts. , Omaimmi. _ _ , ' TRADE-MAfig BR1AKFASTSUPPER EPPS'S ' CRATEFUL-COMFojTINC COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. : c1wu 'xjjJ ( My maine used Wool Soap ) I with maine had ) I'O ! OLEiVS will not emlirink If WOOL SOAP 0 i mused in the laundry , Wed Soap is clolicate and refreImiimg torbati , ; ur- Doses. 'rite tieu cleauscr , 11a a btmrat amour dealers , Two btzemitoibotanct ; laundry. Rawortb , Schodde & Co. , Makers , Chicago. 3L'nathanm it , . Iloiton , iii Leommartb iii. , flow YorkV2T Chestnut tfb.iIt. Louis , Wh1.CO COOhI'OiJND ANSY. PILLS SateandSilItE , Alwsyarellable , 'Zak. umosubatitump , } 'orssle by .11 druegm.IL $2.00. Iteiut 40. for JIbmmn' , SajuirS. V. ' ! CCCX 3i'ECZ FlU co , : u bOUTU IitlUTU by.I'UILAUa. , I'A. . . . . - , . . - - - - - - - - - - . - , ' - - - - _ . _ J