Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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l . , _ . TJIE 01\AIIA \ DAIJ..IY UJCE : SAI'L'UHDAY , NOVmB.En 10. 180 : ; .
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_ _ . , -0- _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ - - _ _
! THE LOST . WALLET. 1 J , ,
II - - - ,
, , ,
! ASTOUY " 1lIIt . IUlYi ( ) @
I ! 1 I - . - . ( Written ! rot : Th" II. ' e L ) " Li.V n'a"k' : _ _ - I :
John CCllo'a heart heat high with antcIpa- '
tlon when the mornmarrlvul , / that he ahould !
lene his hO/llc / In the \'lIIage antI go cut ; to
a lIstnnt cattle range to begin the Ilutle'S ut
a real CO\\ boy , thc tro ! and rollicking 1lfu at
ulMh had : [ been th envy of nil 1113 boyIh
rears True he hal never been much away
tram home ) , alll when the moment at parting
8rJ"h'cd , amltl many kind admtlllitlona tram
hla ) mother and liter , Hattie , he Ioulll : ollly
retires a tear by thinking at the Kay tlnlls
he shoulll soon IHIVe In rhllng his pony
hither and thither over the boundlul fila Ins.
On his arrival at the ranch he was soon
Initiated by Mr. Jlratlen , hla employer , Intp
hla ) new dUlles , which consisted In trlvlng ]
out tram the corral every dRY a large ani
apparently turbulent herd of cattle and keep.
log them trum goring the Itack and from
Invading the corn fields of the daring but
.cattered hoinbtLaders ] who had been bold
Enough to penetrate Into the "cattle belt , "
as the range country was called. This work ,
of course , had to b" done on horsebac , hut
John wal full ot pluck , and by tbe time ho
had been on the range two weeks he could
ride like a Comanche warrior.
When he was given perml93lon to go
home and visit his mother and sister his
place was filled by Willie nraden , the eon
at his employer , who was about two years
. \lIs \ , senior , and whose IItudlts-so his par.
ent thoucht-were too Important to be
often interrupted , but one lay 1\lr. Drlllt'n !
informed , WHIle that he was nut to go tu
' school that day , ns his old friend , Mr. King ! ,
'a cattle dealer , would be' there that atter- I
"noun , anll his services would be needed In
rielplllg John tb "roulld up" the cattle anti
"cut out" such as he should wish to sell
Mr. King arrived and was gladly welcomed
to dinner by Mr. Ilrad3fl , after which the
dealer , acCOmlJanled by Willie and his father ,
rode out on the range and soon , with the
aid otJohn , were bUlJly ! engaged In separating -
Ing such cattle as Mr. King Jeslred from the ,
remainder of the herd. ,
They were at times dashing hither anti
thither quite close together and at other
times widely separated and both the cattle
and their pursuers were occasIonally almost
' "nveIOIJed In a blinding cloud at dust. On
one occasion John and Wllilo were rIding
within a few yards of one another when the
latter I.IdcJ.enly ) turned hIs pony , slipped to
the ground , picked up something brown and
rapidly concealed It In his clothing. John's
curiosity was aroused , but he held his
peace , affecting not to have at all noticed
, . the jnchent and was soon dashing away
after a fine hut wild animal that Mr. Icing
, was especially ' anxious to secure. At length
the selection wall made Mr. King explaining
. that he had some cash , but preferred havIng -
Ing Mr. Dr3den draw on him at the bank at
Ogallala , the nearest railroad town , and the
father anll son assisted him In driving the
ncwly-purchased herd off the premises
John could hardly walt until be had an Ope
llrtunlty with Willie In private thInking
that he would probably explain to him what
ho had tound-he would never ask him ; he
was sure of that-but so great ' sas his curl-
oslty that he rode over and over the spot
where WIllie had dismounted , thinking to find
s ° ' that would explain the mystery ,
out In \'aln. Time wore on. John anti Wlllio
were together repeatedly but , so far from any
secret being disclosed
, Wlllio appeared cross
and uncommunicative and hardly answered
the necEssary questions about the work with
. passaUe grace. Ills face seemed to grow
careworn and unhappy , while John , on seve
eral occasIons thought he Eaw him shrInk
sudllenly as It In tear and glance about him
In a startled manner whenEver he or Mr , Braden -
don came upon him unexpectedly. John despised -
spised playing the detective but he felt cere
lain that there was something bearIng heavily
upon _ , . . the _ : . . _ mind . Willie . and It _ required a
. . . .UII ! > "liun on illS part , to avoid going out
ot his way to learn wllab It was
Some limo after the visit at the cattle !
dealer at the Braden ranch Willie brought I
borne a considerable package ot mall on his 1
return from school one evening and It was :
brought ! out fr examination just as the !
faintly were seating for SUpper. Among the
rest was a letter hearing the Omaha post-
mark and addressed In a familiar hand and
1111' Braden hurriedly tore It open and read
aloud :
Dear Old Friend : The flaw 1 visited your
ranch to get the cattle I had ! with IIII' u ,
large leather wallet containing about $3,200.
mostly In large hills. whIch I regret tu N.I ) '
wall lost , anti I have no doubt that It tell
from my clothing while cutting out the
cattle on the range 'outh oC your corral.
Pressing business compelled me to gu to
. Chicago with a shllHl1ent at cattle or I
wouh ! have returned nt once to look It up.
Kindly examine the ground carefully , 119 I
tin not think I could have host It any'here
ell/e. Yours In haste , JAMES : h.ING.
John could scarcely conceal his surprise
while this letter was being read and before
the first sentence had been completed Willie
excused himself on some slight pretense and
. left the table. Mr , Braden , while showing
n dee ; > Interest In Its contents merely said
that they would go out and look carefully
over all the ground where the dealer had
rldllpn , but he expresad a tear that , If It had
been lost there. the chances were that the
herd hall trodden upon It until Its contents
would probably be ruined If nut scattered and
. The next mqrnlng all three repaired to the
itable . mounted and rode out as nearly as
pOSl'ble ! over the same route as that taken
by llr. : King the
on day when the cattle were
fdected.- Mr. Draden wa9 perhaps the only
one who searched with any Interest. Though
they rode back and forth by course over lines
far longer than was necessary to cover the
proper locality , It was all to no purpose
I. ' The BUbjecf the lest wallet was , of COUTf'C ' ,
tully discussed at the dInner table that day
. antI when Mrt' . Braden turned sUddenly to
John and asked him It he hall not round It , he
felt as It hehould , tall from his chair ! and lila .
( . ice reddened with a feeling akin to conscious '
guilt. lie managed to control himself suf-
, flclently to give a proper and truthful answer
but whether or not his manner had betrayed
his recret he was not so sure , and ha felt a
sense or great relief when the meal was over
and the members of the family separated to
go about theIr various dutlelJ.
John was Indeed In a quandary and he
knew not what to do lie had little doubt
In his own mind as to what had become of
the wallet and he thought ho could see the
reason at Willie's strange deportment for the
past several days. lie knew nothing positive -
tive , however , and his mind was becoming so I
distressed by the dread secet that he heartily
wished ht' knew nothIng whatever In regard I
to It. Since the arrival at the letter be had I
felt almost as ill at ease as WIllie appeared L
to be.
Mrs. Braden thought a great deal sbout I
the lost wallet that afternoon Her quick :
eyes hall not tailed to notice the effect ot her
sudden Query on John's face , and she could I
not tell , for her life , why she had asked him i
the Ques'lon , for she had never had the i
slightest occasion to doubt his' honesty , but L
she could not now dismiss the Idea that he i
knew something about It that ho did not
ear to reveal and that evening she confided I
her suspIcIons to Mr. Braden , giving \ her rca
sons thierefor
"Oh Maria , " he replied , "John just fell L
taken down to have you suspicion blm. Why
he's as honest as the day Is long. I've sent him
to town to trade several limes and he always
makes returns to the last penny. John's all I
right ; I tell sorry that you asked him thai
way. Maybe Mr ICing lost the wallet betore
ho ever came here , " and so the subject was
then dhm1ss .
A few days later Mr. l\ng \ appeared on the
scene and was much disappointed when In-
formed ot their fruitless eearch. To satisfy
his mind to the utlllost , Mr. BUllen went out I
with him over the ground a Sn . but without I
avail. t a J" ase
JUlphl : her darling boy. John felt a sense I
of relief after , having IInburdenell his mind ,
but le I : thought that 110 injustice would be
done i by kespllll ( on the alert for anything
unusual about the Braden ranch
Willie continued his dally rides ] to school
and John his dally drives to leIs cropped but
incite dls' ant pastures as the early frosts and
cloudless skIes at autUmn began to clothe the
Iralrles with a coat at waving brown , which
huon became as dry as tinder 1\lr. Draden
had employed , an extra force of men to plow
and burn out fire guards across the more
vulnerable points along the border of his
congo aud around such hay as had been put
UI for the ponies on the and so tar as
known , all was snug for the winter
John had yet seen nothing of any apparent
Importance to keep alIve his suspIcions. True ,
he had , on several occasions , seen Willie
furtIvely passing to anti from ( a large : hay
flack which stood ! alone south at the corral ,
but a trip he had made to the ' same place
later had revealed nothing and he almost
felt it.iiiied uf having taken this Initiatory
step III the role of a detective.
As time ptucd : on Willie appeared to grow
more and more morose. Ills appetite tailed :
hn grew thin and nervous and iale and hal-
low-e'ed , and his mother finally compelled
him to remain home from school , thinking
that perhaps his nervous condition resulted
tram tuo close cn application to his studies ,
and John pltlecl him from the bottom of hIs
heart as he saw him moping about the ranch
as It burdened with a load his now emaclateJ
shculders could scarcely bear
One evening when John was returning
homeward with the cattle . just liS he passed
over the top at a knoll and came In sight ot
the south hay stack , he saw Willie hurriedlY
rise front his knees at the southwest corner
allli pass behind the ( stack. In a short line
ho reappeared at the other end end walked
slowly off toward home , apparently without
seeing ! John , .
There could be no mistake this time ; John
had seen the exact spot where WillIe had
risen from the ground anti he now felt almost
certain that he knew why he had been
there. As soon as the cattle were safely cor-
railed and supper was over John determined
to gratify hIs curiosity. With a cauton ! born
of his long-concealed , but lately waning sus-
plclon , he took a wIde circuit over the now
lIIuonllt prairie , at length approaching the
l'JUth haYltack. lie occasionally stopped to
lsten : but no sound broke the stillness save
the cry of 11 solitary coyote In a distant
tanyon. The full moon cast her brilliant
rays directly on the southwest corner of tha
stack and lighted It up with a weIrd and uncanny -
canny light allll R number ot backless fence
posts , which had been tJwung across the
stack to weIght , down the hay , looked to
John , as they glittered with frost , IIka. a row
of frozen corpses As he approached , his
heart leaped Into his throat when a startled
bird flew out of Its snug sheller In the hay
and alenotit struck him In the face , and he
turned to run Then , summoning all his
courage , he knell down anti carefully examined -
amined the hay. Sore enough , In the smooth
edges at the stack where the wilted blades
had clung closely together In curing , was a
faint trace at an op nlng. lie care tully
slipped hIs hand Into the space and It came
In contact , Ilh a cold and clammy olly-teel.
Ing leather I He shrank from It and press.11
down the hay as If to tilde It from hIs very
mind ! Just then a monster owl flew down
upon the top of the stack with a piercIng
scream and John leaped to hili' feet and
bounded away over the iu'arie !
John slept but little that night. On the
day following he was tortured by a medley
at unworthy thoughts. Thlrt-two hundred
d llars ! What great thIngs he could do with
that amount for mother I lIow eaf'lIy might
sister Hattie have an organ take music lessons -
sons , and perhaps go to college. His head
swam as he tolerate the alluring thought.
But nol ! It was not his ; he would never go
near It again ! Neither cCHIId he tell Mr.
Braden about It. lIe 'could not-at leaE he
wculd not-disgrace and dishonor his employer -
ployer ! and hIs family by making known the
NOtwltllslantllng Ills respite tram school
I duties and his mother's kindly care , Willie
frew ; worse and worse und a few mornings
after John's moonlight visit to the south
stack he was found tot'Slng with fever , not
dangerous , perhaps but at least alarming.
John learned of this tact with dread antI 1119- I
m ay. What It Willie should die and leave '
him the sole possessor at the fearful secret ? 'I
lie l passed the time until noon drearily
enough and wall greatly relieved at that
time by the appearancq of Mr. Braden ,
who rode out to request him to go
without Ilelay to the village for II physician ,
as he feared that Willie was felling ; worse.
Jchn dashed off In haste ; learned that the
phYlllclan was absent In the country , but he I
Rrranged for hIs attendance at the ranch at ,
imo l earliest possIble moment , and John had '
fully made up his mind now that when the
doctor came he would confide to him all
about the hltltlen wllllet and he would be
able te ( properly advise him what to do
A grant bank at dark brown clouds shaded
the t western sky as John started on his reo
turn t trip. There was a burnt cdor In the
air and little fragments ! at ash and char tell
out ct the sky and clung to hIs clothing. As
ho l neared home and lie hour grew later : ! he
could see a rEddish glue far along the horizon -
zoo anti he was startled to see thal the
flame had leaped or stolen through the fire.
guards and were now sweeping dbwn In
serrIed array over the blurts In 1\lr. Braden's
lange ! No limO was to be lost ; the hay , It
not the very buildings , was In danger ! John
dashed up to the corral , jerked oft his coat ,
dipped t It In a pall of water and bounded ort
with them In the fire light to where be could
dImly distinguish Mr. Braden fighting alone
near the south stack The wind had arisen
and long flames like demon's tongues shot
by them on every hand Soon the rushing
line or flame struck U.I ! staclc. Still they
struggled The wet clothes came down
"thwack thwack , " with telling effect , but
all without avail. It was soon seen that the
hay was doomed and just as the smoked and
sweating toilers were giving up time unequal
struggle they were startled by an object In
white whIch came leaping through the roilIng -
lag smoke 'ul1d the horrid , licking , seething ,
curling flames , like an apparition from the
nether worlel. . . "Oh , don't let It burn , " It
shrieked , .tor GOtl's sake don't let II burn ; "
anti with all the mysterious strength of wild
delirium Willie clawed and tore Into the
fiery hay and snatched out the smoking
leather wallet ! "Take II , Pa , " he shrieked ,
"It burns my hands I never ftole It , Pa ;
Imleell 1 didn't I toum It. It's all there
yet , every penny " and the poor over-
wrought creature would have I fallen Into tire
fire had not his father and John caught him
In their arms
There was but little more fighting tire that
night. It was diverted from the buildings
and the remainder of the hay by a broad
driveway , and , when left to Itself , rolled cit
across the \ralrle \ with a sullen roar Willie
was carried back to his couch and his poor ;
scorch fingers and snagged anti bleeding
feet bathed and dressed with the tenderest
touch of a loving mother's heart. Mr. Braden
had hurriedly whispered a few words and
had thrust the smoked and sooty wallet Into
her trembling hands. In a moment she un- I
deutood It all ! For this her noble boy had i
bartred his honor and hall Imperiled his
life ! Could he ever speak rationally to her
again ? She stooped and kissed his hot and
throbbing brow. lie started as It tn mortal
feal' . stared wildly around the room and
struggled to rise. "Yes , " he cried , "we
saved III ! I'a has It ; It'l be all right now.
I'm so glad I never spant a cent of It , " and
he tell back upon his pillow with an exhausted -
h&usted : sigh The burden at bls guilty secret
and the crushing remorse of the put few
days had utterly sapped the very fountains
ot life and when the morning sun struggled
through the smoky atmosphere and lightened
up the blackened I'ralrles around the Braden
ranch his lurid rays fell through the eastern
window on a shrunken and stiffened form
that had met its last temptation
_ . _ _
It Troubled with Itiaeusiirttisiu heath
ThIs .
roLls , Md. , April 16 , 169.-1 have
' - -rIa In's I'aln Dalm for rheuma.
'p to be all that Is claimed
n the but preparation
- 1ted muscular
" . recona.
I STon" ) ! ! 01' 'r"l 1'11(11' : IiiS.
Isehitrigl ' .am ( c.f' ; ; ; : : : : 'i rll , nn.l Urnh on
I ire IIII"lu or the It"lll"h""n. . " ' ' ' ' .
The ttappahannock river II narrow anti
deep for some distance below Fredericksburg ,
VII. , says the Chicago Tlrl1es.neraltl. l'lckets
could visit with east' 10 far as conversation
\\Ent , while stalldlng or sitting on their respective .
sllectlve posts when once they hall ! made n
bargain to do no firing : and such a bargain
became a common thing a year after the war
began and the men hal ! learned that in . tie
main the two armies were made up of humane
beings allli not hyenas or something equally :
teroclous. But talking at long range soon
became tiresome It has always been so ,
whether In war or pe.ce11I the city or on the
prairie. Farmers may talk for a lime at long !
range , but they soon come together and rest
their elbows on the top rail and n. toot on
the t second rail Women may begin conversa-
ion l standing In their respective loorwaya
but they arc not long In getting their heads
close together. lIaven't you noticed that ?
That was the way with the pickets on the
Happahannock. After they had talke for II
time with the deep narrow ! , black , sluggish ,
Ihpp3hannock dividing them ' they sought all I
carder : . a more convenient , a more soclRbl !
way. The pickets of General .Culler's unlolt'
brIgade managed with the In '
- men gray .UII
the opposite side of the river lifter this
fashion :
"I say , Yank ! "
"What Is II. Johnny ? "
" \Vo uns like the smell of you all's real
coffee mighty well. " .
"Do you want some ot It , Johnny ? " .
"Just homesick for some real colTee. "
"lIow's your tobacco supply ? "
"Plenty of It. " ,
They were nearly always long on lllug
tobacco , but short on coffee real coffee , and :
our boys were often short on tobacco , but
seldom so omcoffee . -
"I.ts dicker , Johnny. "
"That's us , honey ; how shall we . deliver
the goals ? "
"Make a raft tram boards on yon harnund I
caIne over. " ,
"Mean It , Yank ? \\'on't sneak us ? "
"On honor , Johnny ; on honor Ceme over "
Within an hour a confederate craft , laden
with one jinarme ! ! Johnny and a liberal supply -
ply at Virginia plug and long TOIII , rant Its
jagged nose agRlllst the northerb bank at thQ
"No shenanigan , Yanks. " ,
"Not a bit. You'll go.back as soon's the
goods are exchanged and you get retdy. : "
That complete'd the treaty , with IL rec- :
proclty attachment , and the gOJtI-natllred
VirginIan dd ! not ned a second invitation 10
partake ot Coffee , triEd pork and hard-taclc.
I wonder It Mr. BlaIne dltln't get his recIprocity -
procity Idea from these deals bHween p ! k-
When the chip salld back : to the can-
fEderac and the captain displayed his stock
ot coffee and told at the banqu tendered
him by the enemr , coo of his brethren calld !
over : .
"Dully for you , Yanks ! The war Is over
until they change pickets. " "
Anti It. . was. There was not an hour In the
day when the raft was not engaged .In brln ;
Ing the pickell ! together far social and corn
merclal Intercourse. They swapped goods
played cards , dlscusfld battles and had al
good a. time as the same men would have
tcdllY were they to come together , for with
such as they the war had been over evu
slnc Grant and I.Ee came together and
sheok hantle' at Appomattox.
It made no difference what officer was In
charge at the plckt. One day the lieutenant -
ant who had winked at or turned his back
upon these 'socll'ty and commercial enter-
prises was suddenly prcstratEd , returned tc
camp and a new lieutenant took his place
Anti he \\'al' ' new , brand new. lie was r
political pull officer. He had been corumnis'
soned ! by thE ! governor at the requEst of hlg
father who had the pull , and assigned to a
regIment ot New Yorkers who had SEen hard
n'lcs and hail plenty at good material cl
Its own for olllcers. Of COI\I'L' the whOle
regiment felt imisuited but what could It do
Papa had drawn on the governor for a pair
of shoulder straps for his son before be had
' earnEd them. By honorIng ' : tha draft hQ had
'phased one man and another temporal"a .
The young lieutenant was pleased until he
nn upon the Ice arid 1'Oow19 of the vetQ6.
New YorJers. Then he was salt. I dlsllk' :
te think von now , that there was much of
that Ilind of wnrc tlonl' _ nrt Alnnp hv tin , . , . . _
croor of New York - ' - but - by - ' all i { th ; : ' gd ' :
e rnors . anti In both armies It seldom
worlcl'd well. There were excptlons , to be
Sllrl' . This fellow
young all' , who wanted te
fight for hlH country If he could begin as al1
olllcer the third year of the war . was sent U t
l1ke the place at the prostrated oflicer lii
reached the picket line In tnn ; to sea a VII"
g ' : inlan land and shake hands with our inert
: r'tlat . was . . tIcI fist rebel he hsd seen What
was ne tIIere ror nut to 1,11I anti capture
rebell' ? "Yon are a prlfOmr. : Sergeant talc-
this man to General Cutler with my comp1l'
ment . and tell him he Wtfl : taken lit Fitzhugh
Crossing. " It matUred : not that our bO'l
lIud thC1 confederate protested ; th2 lcuten'lII ! I
knew his business and dId net want prlvat !
solders ! ! tll I.ntertere.
'The prisoner WM sharply questioned by Ih !
g ruff old general. Whtn Cutler ascert3ln
the facts In the caw-th ! hb bars had en-
tererl t Into an arrangement to exchange cour-
tEt'le1-he stormed like an enraged alJeman
"SrgI.'Jnt , return with thli' soldier to the ,
lieutenant l and tell him to let him go back '
to t his friends across the rl\'er and then reo
pnt to me . at once. " When the lieutenant
r'Portetl : , the general said to him : "Young' '
man , , you hays teen gulty ! ot a mean 2ct. I
do not say that the men did right to make :
the t bargain they did but after It was made
It i was Infamous to violate It by making e
prisoner l of that soldier. You may 1':0 ' : bach
to your reglmcnt. I will ask tire adjutant
to send me a soldier to tak' ! charge ot the
picket. "
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Jests at once , never fails , One Minute
Ctugh Cure. A remedy for asthma and that
feverish condition whIch accompanies a se-
yore colti The only harmless remedy that
produces lnrnrediate re-atmlts.
'l'htt' 'I'rnlu 1.1t.
At a small railway station , In the billy
part of Alabama an old man . carrying a
carpet hag and accompanied by his wife ,
boarded the train. They took the first ceat
the old lady silting next tire window. It was
apparent that this was their first railway
journey. The train l'srted ' : , anti thy both
looked eagerly out ot the window , and as
the sped Increased. a look ; at keenest I anxIety -
Iety gathered on the old Isdy's face She
grasped her busbml's : arm and said In a
voice plainly audible to those about her :
"J021. we b3 Koln' awful quick. I know
'taln't ute. " A few mlnl1te later the train
ran on to a long trestle. With a Illtll"
shriek of terrer the od ] lady sprung to her
fEet and seized the back .at tha sell In front
of ber. There she stood trembling from
head to toot , starIng front the s'indoiv Mean-
time the train sped onward , and was once
more on tJlId earth. The old lady was Quick i
to note the change' lIeI' features relaxed
rind she sunk Into her seat with the fervent
exclamation : "Thank goodness ! Sbe's III
again ! " _ _ _ _ _
I hike my wife to use Pozzonl's Complexion
Powder l because It Improves her looks anti is I
as fragrlllt as violets.
- .
hums nil n N""InIH'r ' Coulrlhnlor.
The Dumtrles Standard recently lIubllnhed
tram the Dumtrles Journal ot July , 1795. a
verse which It believes was written by Burns ,
who was then an occasional contrIbutor to the
Journal In this paper appeared "Does
haughty Gaul Invasion threat ? " Initialed R.
n. , and the oonnet on the death at Mr. Rid-
dell ot Glenrlddell. The verse refers to the
tax which Pitt placed upon hair powder :
Long have the learned sought without success -
To find what you alone 0 , Pitt possess !
Thou enl ! ) ' hast the magic power to draw
A guinea tram a head not worth n. straw.
- . at TOKE , JlEAUTY ot DE-
.3 - SIGN , and STRElfGTH 01
; si.
h'1 ZITHER $ , and
FLUTES are MasHed by no other Amer
tnalnuIIPnr. Loarit In price
01 anystrlctmy hl.h-lf1'I1de Inalro-
- wenr. :6 : : AWALIII . Seoul for
C..lAlo\Ue. . \ .
411 so 11111 WAuisOVOu5 . .
. .
. 4j It
. \ . . . - -
" , - if " c'x ' -
, !
. .f - - . ' f \ / / \ \ . -
- - - . ' 0ED
: - ITf1i . J'ro ' puuCJ
- 10 CENTS I
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
_ - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -w
Look Long
. I , VR ' ' ' , Trade.Mark. . IThrs
, , 'I . Photograph it on
) 'our memory. It
fto ' ' : stan s for all that is
a efficient , economical
- cleanly and durable
. in heaters an cook-
. . '
. , ' - , I ' , I ers. With it as 11
' , - - JZO. . - gllidc ) 'ou will get
; what will satisfy you.
W I. YLE DICKEY & CO. , Omo.ho.
A. C. RA'MER \ , South Omaha
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- - - -
- -
- - - - -
- -
. : 'j
: ' ' ; : ; l
* -
_ -
° - : '
ThIs extra . -
Ordiintfl'y Ihr : Constipation ,
juvenator Is ; ' ,
the most , Palling Son'
. . ; sationms1Ncry.
.vondl.'rfut 1 , !
' , onstvlchln
discovery ; .01 '
of the '
the age . . eyes
has been ' . and otitor
tt. A
11011'\'d ' by Gao pal Is.
ieadtnign-Icn- ] . Strengthens ,
tfio ! nlen ot * invigorates
Europe and ' ' ' anlt toneR the
AmerlrR. ' : , i enlre : rbtl'm.
. , HUdyan Is . , Huayan cures
r.urely "ege. U e bill 1 1 t y ,
C able. Nervousness ,
lIudy&n : stons ' mlll8lons ,
Pfematurenes.\ \ , and develop
of the ella. ( t and restores
weak cor"ans
charco In 20
days . Cures Pains I 1. h. I
.f I1OST ' t..t , ) bock by day , torte or ,
MANHOOD nlgbt5topped
r . , ( . . t 1 f1 - ' I. " . { I
. ' ( ' ) ,5 " * . , , t 11.-t. : i , . . , 7 ' > : I
qulckv. ] : Over 2,000 private endo'scment !
I'rematurencus means imootenl'Y III tire first
Stage It Is a symptom : otscmll1s1veakncss
and barrellnes' . It can bo stoppel1ll1 20 days
by the use or Uudran. .
The new discovery was mad by the Special'
Ist.softbe old famolJs Hudson Medical Inilltule.
It is the strongest : vllattzcr It is very
powerful , bin haimlees Sold for 81.00 a paok.
aleor61"aekages ( .OOplalnsoaled , ( boxes : ) .
Written guarantee glvenfora cure It you buy
six boxe and are Dot entirely curedsfc more
,1 08cnt to you freeof all charges ,
Send for rtrlan .nd tti4imonrsis. .ddl
Junction stocktouJaarkct& : .
.uDcUon HtocUou,1Iur"ot EihtStg.
. tan .rancbco. GiLl lUl. - se r
( ( ( ? iir : q _ , -r it- H
.1 '
_ _ _ -
( Mr mama usf Wool Soap ) II wish mine & )
IfOOLENSwlnothrlnk I -
b I. I used In the laundry .
Wool Soap II delcata refrobIaieforbamb per.
Doses. Tie best clcanaer. hut , a hint at your pur ,
I br .
Two ilseattotleLsart Iaudry . 4111r
Rwor b , Scbo4e " Co. , Makers Chicags. I
a \ oatbani 141. . nOat .1 Lt,00artl Chc.
Ncw York , m Chestnut 8L,8L Louis ,
ORDEN Grand Cruise
'Y , u - ! "II ! Ibe Poet T"ln.
i , I Screw lpr. 6tmer
Iino of the ) (3otnpaanje Leeves ? ' Oonorl Traneatl5ntjqo tt'rnch
Jo" York } 'obruarr' Irf.tft' CO dA '
. , , ,
ernie In 1" MEDITRRRASEAl. tgypt : . Pol..Une
Tnrkel , Greece , elo n.peUUon or m.t ae' . .
I : nr.nd
. 1.1
tJr. z'rogr-am rree. . . e
r.m 1'0 II un limited 10 one-half
robIn rro' . Apply early , tn 1AuRrCF W. on.h.1
Oenerl \ e.lern A\onl. ltd Ioldolpb SI . Uhl."O.
c1 to Harry r Moore , . 115 Faram street ,
O maha , Neb.
Unled States and Royal Maui Stenmers.
Salln fr. New York WEINWUA : YS as foiiows :
A trfatic . 20 NOI' 8:30 . rolows
Adrlalc. : amJweutonmc , 4 Uec. . 7 am
G ermanic . 27 Nov. . 2 Oi'hitrttnnrtlc / . 1 lace . 2 pm 1m
Saloon passage . $50 and upwln ! .
S.cond cabin f30 and upward ,
Steerage nassage . $6 and uuwnrd
Drafts paynhle on demand everywhere In Great
Drllaln . ant Ir.lnn'l ' sol at 10nsi rnle.
For Inspecton uf plans or steamers and any
f urlher InrormaUon npply to local agents or died -
'eel tn :
I i. MAITI.AND l1flY.Q'i list 2 U'way , N.Y.
N ANDgltsON G'I W'N Agt. .
L eaves IIUnLIOTON & 110.'rH.Arrlves
Omaha Union Depot 10th & Mason Sis. / Omaha
l O:1am. : , . . . . . . Denver Expree. . . . . . . 9:4 : am
4:3.ipm.IJlk : . Stills , Mont & I'uget Sail . .
4:3pmllk. 1-tx 4:0pm :
4 :3 : IJn. . . . Utle . .Ienve" " . letross. . . . . . . OSpm :
7:0m'rir : ' .Ntbraeka I.'al ( Sunday ) . 3:43pm :
8:15am..Llnco1n : Lcal ( xcept Sunday.ImIlam ) : Mat ( COl" Llneon : Sundny.1:2Sam ) daly.
Omnha Union DelI ! . bIb & Isn Sis. / Omaha
4:45pm..Chicago : vestmbule. . . . . . 9:00am :
9:4al. : . . . . . .Chlogo Express. . . . . . : 4tfpm :
7 : Opm..C1Iclgo ; & Ht. Louis ISipress . . 8:00am :
t:35am..I.ocOc : . Junction Local . . . . . 8:010 : pm
. . . . . . . Fast Mail. . . rrus. . 2tGpm :
Love ( 'IIICASIO . MIt . & ST. I'AUL.iArrives
Omaha Union Depot , lath & Ma"n , Sis. / Omaha
COOptn : . . . . . . Chicago 1.lmlle. . : : . : : : 9:30'0 :
l 1IOam..Chleago Ipreol : ( ex Sunday ) . . 5:23pm
Leans ciiThXa & NO1tTiOWEST'NiArruvo
Omaha . Union , Dppol. 101:1 : & Maoon 51. . / ( Omaha :
1 0:43am..Eastern . Repress. . . . : . . . 1:30pm :
tIOpm..Veetliuled 1.lmled. . . . . 5:3pm :
6:5Sam. : . . . . Mo. Valey . . . . . 9:2010 :
5:45m"n : . . . . Omaha Chicago Spectal . . . . 1:4Spm :
Leaves CIIICAGO,1t. I. & PACIFIC. Arrive.
ommra Union Depot 10lh & Meson Sis. Omaha
lr:2lam.AtlantIcxprep : l . ( , x , Sunchij5'7Thaspm :
G : % 10. . . . . . . . Fxprua % eX . . . . . 9:25am :
- 4tOpm..ChlcagoVestibuled : - - . - - Ltmmted. - . . . 1:35pm : -
" .EST.---- - _ _ _ _ _ _
6:45pmOklahoma : & Texas L'x. ( ox Sun..10Z5am ) :
1:40pm..Colorado : _ Limied. Ix. . . . . . . . .010 :
Leaves f C. . 51-1- . - & O. Arh'u-
Omaha I Depot 1.lh and Webster StJ9maha
s:10om..Sloux : City Accommoda lon. . . 8:15pm :
12oSpm..SIoux : City Repress ( ex. ttun,31S3am ) :
! . . . . . . StPauiLlmited. . 8un..1:5.m . . . . :
I.lm. ,
' F , . . . . . 9.
Lea\'e f . E. & 10. ALLEY. Arrlv&
Omaha _ Depot , ISlh and Webster Sis. _ Omaha
' 2:30pm : , , . , , . . " Math I ant Express. . . . . . . 4:55pm :
2:10pm.f. : ( Sat. ) \'yo. . lIz. ( sx. Mon. ) . 4 : i
9Olsm..Nortelk : fpre. ( .x. SundaY.10:3am ) : ,
6:10pm. : . . . . . tot. I'aul . Epr. . . . . . . , . , . 912 : am
Loaves / - IC : : ; : , & - C. n- ! lArrive.
Omaha Union Depol , 10lh & Masn 51. . Omaha
98am..Ka : sa CIty " Day - Express : , , . 1:30pm
9:4SpmK. : C. Night 1r'r'ia _ U . _ P. _ : . 5:3pm :
I..ave I MISSOURI l'ACIFIC. . . !
OmahalDepot. _ ltthandWebater 81s. Omaha i
IO.eam..31. : . Jouls -n' Express . . . . . . , :
9:3pm..81. : l.ull Fepree. . . . . . . 6:0am :
3:3Opm..hl.Nebraika Local ( ex 8un. ) . . . 9:0am :
L.i-T 8tour CITY & PACIII'IC. Arrle , -
1avel . Dct I. 1)lh and \\'eb.t.r _ Sta. Omaha .
: ! . . . . . . : Paul Limit" . . . . . . 9:25am :
r.a\s SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. iAriti'
Omaha Union Depot , 10lh & Mason SI. . , Omaha
1:55am..ilious : . . City lulenger.IOISpm : :
-a- . : . . . . . . ! . ! .St. _ I'aul Llmtted..19Ctpm - ! _ :
I.avet'NION ' I'ACIP'IC. Arrive.
Omaha Union Dpl. 1011 & MasonSta . Omaha
9'Sam. : . . - . .Kearney . . : . ; :
ZO0pnr..Overland f'.er. . . . . . U:3Om :
2OOpm.Ileat'ce : & Siromlb' ex u. Sun .12S0prn :
2opm.leat'c. : . . . . . . pacific Uxpress . . . . . . . . . . .l:30pm
7:0m..laelnc : . Mail. . . . . . . . . JOpm : .
[ eav.rW - RAILWAY . - / JArrWes'
Omahal Union D'lol , 10th I Masn 81. Omah.
'op ; tLout3 Canon - Ball . . . : : :
- - - - = 'i----- - - _ . - , . -
- - - - . - - - - - - - - -
- _ . _ _ _ _ -
Great Bankrupt Sale -
8. , p. Morse Dry Goods Co
16th utd Fnttutt 8ts.
NC\'ct' \CI't Relable Goods sn tiaitiacjolfttlI' - 6a'I' The
only uhJc.t-to ttii'it the l'cut Mth31 ( . Into Cash E\'I'.rthln lihlist
' lust
gu , I'cscl'\'cd. .thl mu'l.elnt '
nuthilg \1 : at t'ldlctlutsl ' lo\ l urcs.
- -
Utdcr'wenr Dept.
LAll'S' : nfACK001 ( o ml N.'l'ION i1T i'i'-Ahl
sizes , fniut culm' , Ileel ' 1IIIe nlHI vaimmm , \mth tT'AI . , 1 50
S. g. OLSON cU'S PHI'I ( O ( I.\ . . . . . . \ . . . . . . , . : . , . . :
I\DmS' .i'I'(3ltAlj ( WOO (2OMII1NA'I'lON ( SCI'I'S-
Al Si'/.t'S 1 , ver , ' nice , wnl'l guotIt4 . Ilcel ' ilirisit SCI'I'S00 ?
$ t , o , H. ; l. I OLHn co's l'ftl'i' : O I.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
fu\DmS' gnI''ICO ( \ ( ' ' SUl'l'S-llet'ee
Ilwlt I I , "thlln" ) hUll ia' , slghtr t hllll'fet'I i i , 'ott I u $ I . 'h , 6 9
S. 1. OLSON cO'S [ 'ltl'L'i O I.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 . . . : . : :
IAnmH' lLACK C'TO ( ) Hmm-WII I L'OiOl'k'h tOIlS ,
touile leels neil tots , 'olthi 2u e , K l. ) ( . ) lSN ( CU'S ( 11
IHH'I' ( : , I'Ahl { . . . . . . . . . : . . . . ( . ! . : l . . . . . 0
I\Dn ) : ; ItiAFOIj IlOSE-Itibbeel goothit , 'itll
Jell wih
110uile I leels I 111 I O'S. sof Ikl' good s , mc : , S. 1 0
1. l OI.SO CO'S I'lt1Cl' ) , 1.\11. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ;
I.AVmS' HAOK CAHIDmlm llOSl-El&'gnmtt : : , Ihmno
gUllls , iGe quality , S. B. OLSON ( JO'S lHWI O Il :8 0
- IAIH . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 4
Lace Dept. .
IM POlt'l'lJIS ( SAM [ 'IJI'1 ! An li'ul ( A N'I'S 01" " rACE-
LO'l' l-'s\'lmitu amid hlk intt's , 1 to .1 ima'lu's vith' , 1
! 0.
CHOICE BACH UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wih' . . : .
LO'I' i-\S'htitu amid block , lacls , 2 10 ( I im1cllt9 s'ide , 50
UIOICB ) EACH ONI4Y . . . . . . . . : . . . . . ( . . . Inels . . . . . . . . wite . . . .
10' :1- " ' 1 le mil black Ince , whle nmnti lrrtrn'ov , 90
CHOICI' ) 1'At'l ) hlne. IY. . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . fi . . . , . . nl'OW . . . . . . .
i-ICI S'iK BltHHI'IH ) 'I-J'P-Ligiit ) . colors or' evcn-
InJ nlil ( Jarl : ' 1'ISSl' : il't'tty ) ! t4lilileS ? Iol e's evcn50 0
$ tiO , S. E. OLSON CO'S i'IIEtJi'J ) , YARD . . . . . . . .
nfAK CJII.tN'L'i LiA LAC1-
a to i Ilches wide , worth hi ) to 80c , S. E. OLSON CO'S 10 0
IHItI , YAIID . . . . . tl . . . . . . . . . 01S0N . . . . . . .
( to I Ilchel wlte , wOI'lh up to ( Oc , S. E. OLSON CO'S 250
IHltI , YAIID . . . . . . . . tl . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
Handkerchief Dept. .
Also whll' i I t ( 1111) ) m'okh.'i'i'tl goods , flume Hh ( I l' I\alt I I ty ,
1)l''hIY culm'H1lh hOe to thk' , S. E. OLSOX uU'S ( 5 C
lHICI' ( ) O LEACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . .
rr4uN hVII i'i'i iiAxiiiciitciII IJFS-Geirls' stinti lamhli's' '
IfuWfl'lB IAXPKI.CIUg'f-Gclls' n11 lall18'
goorls hlllsttllll I Ilel 11'IIell I ho i'd ens . \ m't Ii lSe all 10' C
Oc. H B. ; ( IHO ( 'U'S- I'ItI'E ONLY . lt1Il . . . . . . .
LAIIFJS' SWISS E ? IHUlmHm [ OKlmtlml"S { "
-Elegant lInt , slmet'i' goods , wOlth ( Tie . H. l'J. : OLSON 37 0
-JI : I11l1 Ile O I.l jools . . . . . . . . iic. . . . . . . . . 01SUN . . . .
- : -
' hliuti , worth . , lKEHCIIWSI'x59 '
tr qtmrrhity $1.00 S. E. OLSON CO'S C
IHltE Ile Iitalt , . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
love Dept. .
1Ai DI ES' KID ? I I'l"l'ENS-Fui' toil , real Ill , fleece hued '
nil sizes . In truis . hl'o\\'ns nnll block , lorHe'8 mice 1111'1 . 28
S. E. OLSON CO'S PHII ' , hlac" IAIL. I . . . . Illc$1i . . . . . . : . I
GE 'S' IIIA\'Y ) GLOVFJS--Iogskhim gOO(133 ( . ! iiglbelm red , 87 C .z'
all sizes , Moi'se's price $ i.iho H g OLSON co' lHIO
GE 'H' MoChA G iAVES-l lertvy Wlllpl' ljlls , II hutS
: \11 ( ( lflL'k bl'OWI , 't1om'se'S : price ii2.O ( , S. I. O145N ) 1 78
CU'H PltICl . ) , PAIH . ; . . . plll . . . . : . : . .O . . . . N . OIS . . . . . '
LADms' Oum iF WOOf M 1'I'I S-II'III. ' heavy
gootls , Illull nun , fllCr hmult . ' IO'se's lril'o ) 50t' , S. E. 2 9 0
101. iOc
OLSON CO'S PHCHE , PAI . . . . . prce . . . . . . . . . .
Gent's F"rnishil Dept.
( ' , EN''S' [ I1OE-Fitst irlack 111 Hoxfoll goods , sl'nmless
goutis , worth 1Sc arid 15e , S. E. OLSON CO'S l'IIICE 25 C
a PlAItS FOIl . . . . . . . . . : . . . . UIO . . . . . . lHIE . . .
rln ' "ChlI'I'Elt" i'N'rI'NIEltlD [ SIIH'S - GOOlt (
ianisiiri , Ilen bosom , reilfol'cell front anal hack , wel
1111e antI stibstitutirti goonis , worth ( i3e , S. E. OLSON 89 C
CO'S IICI' : O L1 tlntnl . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . . . ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GE 'S' CA I I'H IAlt SlIiit'I'S-Alrd DI'nwcl'l , Him
ttultr soft , nice gooli-t ( . helwlltm' w'elghitlor'so's 98 C
I Ilk$1iO ; , S. E. OLSON CO'S pmCI' OXIl IACIt.
GI'JN'l'S' St'SPENIJI'JitSLight ) 111 lark colors , good ends ,
stt'olig 111 reliable , Morse's 1"'lce 'hOe , S. E. OLSON 25 C
strolJ Pit ' relah , fit . . ; . . . . . .le . . . . . . . . . . .
1'ECI S'CAItFS-flh'glmhmt : gnarls light nntt . Ilm'l : colors ;
Also butch . : both sIlk 1111 satimi gOIIH , 75e , S. E. 89 C
OLSON CO'S PRiCE ; . tl . . . . ( . . . . . . . ; . . 1 . . . . .
Ribbon Dept.
ALT , SILK : IIBB ( ( S-GI.os gmll , wih satin edge . rind
satl t I . Hbhol I I s , wih 5 10 t W 1 ( 'r , II Iso in mm'y ttl Ige Hhhol : , 5 C : : , UII ) 10 : lSt . CHOWI' ) ONLY , VA 1(1) . . . . . . . I
l'ANy ; It I littON ! -AI silk cJls , Illallls , Ilolm ; clots nltl
8h'IIIS , 2 to 4 Ilches whit. hnllO'lcd goods ! , WO'lh up 9c
to lre , CHOCE ( ONiY - , . y.HV. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Triumitg Dept. .
FUR DGnS-In [ ( blacks amid colors , forse'H Ilrlce 10c ,
GOc , anti : e , OUI lHO [ nnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15e 25'c .39c
1'AXW BIIAID TiInIMINl--A hli lot , Mor'se's twice UII 1 C
to 2e : , ChOICE ) OF 'In : 10' , VAlID . . . . . . . .
DRESS Fill mS-nst ( hIrsch . nut ! colors , Ii silk Inll.
cimemilhit' gootim" , IOI'8e's lrlCti up to $ UiO 'nll , ClOlC 5 e
01" " , 'JII ! ( LO' ( ) , lAHD prle . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . .
nIu\CK - Large anal snlalhii sizes . Ie
Ilr lmn ls.
Morse's 1I'Ice lOu to 1 15" , ChOICE ONI4Y EACh . . . . .
Moi'ses 11'lcc 20c to ac $ , ChOICE : O I.l EACh . . . . . 5e
Boys' Clothing
" 'e IU1'1 Just l'cCIlvtl ! Crom nn o't't'stockei1 lultfactur n lot ot
first class , Wll lulle , hl'UY dl1l , colol'el BO ' 8' tlothln . WI hotJht
these goods nt nlout - o0 . I Iht' 10111' . 'l'imey will be Holt wih
the hnlnnce of thl S. 1' . sIot' 0 stuck of Clothing nt about half mtol- ;
ufactthr'er's cost.
BOYS' IEA Yl S iYITS-DoubIe'brea8ted ( Inrk ( colored ,
couhll Heat nt tel . knee 11111 : , \\1 Inte : nul Wll'm , 2 2 5
all sizes , wO'th I4K ( ) (0 ( . tiO ( CIOICE 01" " ' 1'I1F ) 1.0'
BOYS' COM HI NA TION St ' ' ' ' ' ' nh wool goods
dai'k . colors ( cont. 2 Imh's IUIIIH Ile ] CUll ) , 11 gOOIIH'2 95 $ G.O to $ i.OO , CItOl'fl ( 01. ' 11n ) La' O I.l.
noys' OVIItCOATS-Datk colors. all sizes , worth i2.5O 1 50
nols' $ :100 : OVImCOA'rS-Da'l , CIOI C Ol 111' ( (101s. : . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . .r .
BOYS UAPE OVmt'OAlS-AI wuol goods , 1111. col- . '
OrH , nicely tel iminied vitim sIlk bt'rtid , all sizes , ' cO'.3 60
5OO to ; i.OO trllllll , CIOg wih 0:1,1 Ilk blll . . . . 11 . . . . . . . .
nOYS' hEAVY U I.H'I'I.mS-Closl haitI 1 mlxll color , chin-
chla cloth , hlll' ' . soft goolH , Wlrl 1111 Ilumhll
wel lined Inll well mule , all sizes , wOllh U.O to 4 3 9
$ 80 CIOICE O f.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
nOlS' itJI-Ji'EIt : .T\'ln 'S-Dlrk colors , hcavly 1)111- ) !
tIed nntl I wel lii a itt' . mm iec'ly Irlmllll I i , l'hllhlil I m I I I 111.2 m 75
cel . )
. . . . AND . . . .
I $5.0 to lO.OO , CHOICE ONI.Y $ : .G A D.
Notion Department.
Sewln fnchlne Oil , per bottle , Morse's 11'lce Be , OUI
J IIIC ) . . . 01 . . ( . eI . . 10te . . . . . . . . . . . . OUI . . . 4 C
Linen Paiier 'l'ablets , 100 sheet , lot'se'H 1I'Ice 12r , OIJit
1'u1Iets 1U !
t PHI 1IIIer < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUI . . ' C
W'Iteis Hazel , large bottles , MOl'se'8 Irlce ( 12c , OUR
Wich PI Ilze . . . . . . . . . bOltel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUI . . . . ' C
2.1 sheet l'aper and 24 I n"lloIICt , In boxes , lor'H irelco
ISe , OlI Inper PIt ( 'E . . . . . . . 1oxel . . . . . . . . Ilrlo . . 12 C
Chcsebrough Vas ailne , In bottles , Morse's irkt ) lie , OUR
PIICE . . . . alne . . . . . 1ottes . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . 3 C
heal French BrIstle 'j'ooth Brushcs , Morse's II'leo 25c ,
Icll OUI IIUCE lrll . te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . ! . . . . . . . . t t C