- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - r. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1'HJ OMAhA ) ) A IT , Y 111m. ' .r. . , f ) A n Y _ _ _ , _ : NOVfltllEfl 12 , 189t. _ _ 7 8PBCIAL NOTIGBS. - : ; ; i ; ; Allyrrll"rlllrlll" for Ihf"r COhill" ' " , ,111 IIr IlIlu'lI 1111111 1:1:11I : $ : II. 1110 for , - . - - - - tI.e C"f'lIll1" 111111 ulltil $ , p. 111. for Ihe _ ! ; - IIIOrlllll" n nil Siutiihty ' edit . . " . Alh'crll"fr. , 1 , rrlllf'"UIK I n 111"- ri 1'rrll ehrel" , elll hn"f' nll"rr nil- Irr""cll 10 I 1IIIwrf.,1 If'lh'r II clrc or 'I'hr If'n AI"'f'r" , " 0 Illrr" " , " , 11 i. 11'lh'f'rl..1 11111 . lr""I'lIlltOI fr Ihr f'hl'f'l , fli , . IIziteii , I I-e n ufr.1 unit 11"I'rtflll h ! n nerd Icrinftr. Xolllll I hllu'l for I. " . Ihlll Lu : ; for UrHI " I "Hr I f II. 'I''ne ! nlh'f'rt"f'II'II" luII he r1 CfliieCI- fl.I , . . . l 'VtNlIt-3ltI.t I I-.I' . WA'IT11)-T.tVI. : 1TrTJ.Tl1NT AOrNT ! tN Omnhn ! t , fratiZo iiuh of 'hrp. to nl'p rirni. lp" of n'Jr f11011 Ordlr,1 , lomPI 10nl. In centrnl Mk1III1)I. TuG thle < C Immtgrton I" I Iolnl " "lh. whprp thcr . Dr. nn hn wlndp. no r.wlnlpf. na 1lzzlrd" , . no cl fiIIure. . Whrn Iwo or three crops rln h" raIl , roch ) 'eor. \\'h-r. Iher II i no lurh Ihlnl n" failure IC n mon will work .np-hn" 11 until n " hp do" 'n ' this rfunlt . . (0,1 .ummer" . 11,1 , wlnl.r" . Sur" pmyini erip.i o fruit In.1 . Inrlpn , trlcle nlchp.t wii on cnrth . " " "t railway fnelle" . Omaha flio. \V. Arne . general nient Icn I'nmnm ! lt. . I-a IM.M TO $ r.M ! AI.\l PAm 1\.r IS for ehlr , ; experlpnr , not nerr""r : 'Xlrn In. rueempnl" 10 cujitomrL II.hop & iItnt' . St 1.11" * . Mo. 1lgl.S ! r' 1 r.1 TO $0. ( ) I J1 iIONTIiHT.tI'U ! Til I : flIlr lotilI nelntl Oil 0. ibntwr ; ran hr n.r Ioul.lp 01 lun.r . . 1'lnr.1 l In tinY eel or ) ieattn " ' 1" ' or Curn..ro Ipnlnl I lrdtw . . n perf''t naturnl inr nr ; hrtrr "n.1 rhelprr I huh i'rril or woo4. I.-nr l"t" " nllrpq , Ia ) ' City SOI'ely ( . . 'otk" . 11' ( 'Iv. llrh. ) ' n--Mc I 1 m' - - - - - - rMlr.O\MI'ST : OI'I.N TO 01.1 An YOINO. rail itt lint.i KnrlnrIi. ttIt 1 nn,1 , Jown.t from 9 a. m. JoI.1 : p. iii. reIflaIfller , of w."k. - 181.I rl ' ni f ' : . 1181.I WASTI'I. : : ! , \S 1.01 IIAII'II1:1'tT : : - trnl ; IU.1 Ie I 100,1 .h.lo tnaher nn.l iianiPr ; al ! { lpalrleJe.Jlrh Iry ( kdi Co. . liilcotol , ' , 0,1 : tnr. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It : : WOIKISO mN 01' ISTI.I.IINI. : OUT ( ) NnlloYlel1 nn.1 . oOI.lhln" to itO Iy rlllnl nt 431 In.lnn 1.lo'k. 1-r-13 TO , ' \ 011fl1tt4 ! ' An : rot.- \ : TO,1 On\I Iiet 1. $ y.I ) ltui " .1 lgne.l . ly I hu.lne- , firm re- 'IUI , .1 I ; o'c1Ill % ' " Ipllor ) ' ; S2.O ) In $ : ,1 ' 0' ' ) \r'kl ' I'"r "artllular" 1111. 1. O. \J ' 13M N"w York 'Ily. lI-MSI . 12 I . ' - - - - - - - WAS'I'In. : noon ( Ho.I'nOI 101 Ti' : mwr cllenl , nnl , .Irk I.'nenl .ldrly itt Ainirlea. , .1. I Vtt I. I .n.1 II.nl. 100/ 33 : . I'H'I.ot I 1 Troth' IlulItling . Onnitn. _ _ _ . ll-MS9) ' I. ' WANTiI , ( ' Tl\'l YOITSO MAS WIT ! ! $ : .J ( ) 1' ) . to Ilko ( hat Inlrre.1 I II I n hll I".yll' liiqiiti ; nl.o 10 travel II N"hr.k.1 ; Bllelr loan tre ' C.rr.l.tM , ' " F G. Itee. I-MS' U WANTI' ) . ( OM1ITINT : OtHH ( onH ANO cloak , "le" ( " " . . \I'Ily ' Kiipatrk'k-Kch Ir ) ' nno,1 , ( o. . 15 % 'nrnam tReL. 1t-M79 U itit.i'VANTII : ) . MAI. : H ; ; InOmsl : " ea.t.r Ilnlfurlurer oC , 'hewlnK gout , Ie.ln' . In local IIg.I1 ( ' ' wllh hrI'uarle ) , , . I.r. ot 1UnRII ( 'Ity. Apply ' to 9 I' 1. C"r 2 .Ia . ) . . II. Iriflith Murray hlt"1 IIsn I ' - - - - - - WtNTFIA itFTAlf ; , CItfllflltV S. tl.S- CIO'Klmy H. man. A'ldr. with retrcttce enl ) I' I M , . ' . ll-MS9 : 13 WANTflD , A flOOt ) OYOUT I TO WOnK : 0001OY \\OUT : In olore. Altiretot , , with refetetue enl ) F 9. I. " oflIc. 1-- : IM'r ' 13 \I'1I-I'II.t.I . II It.t' . II.IaANT CAll1NIT l'IIOTOS. . ) DOZ. r.InANT ( AINIT IIOTO $ .0) Icm 107- en. "VI.9. 113-115 South 1Clh ot. C-i4 WANTII.OIILI. : l'nltmNIIl101 ( : r. wont < ; 6 In Cnml ) Cal nl 101 : Inrl < , ttuti. --MI I : 12' 1.'OI 1tlVI-IIOISI4. . - - - - iiot'SES-I' . K. IAItLINIi. IAIOI : I.0Ir" ; . I-H - - - - - - - - - - - 1lOUSLS : IN AI.T. pAITH O TIm C\- . TlI1 . : IOl . 1)aviaOtnpiifly . 1O3Farntim. D- FUItNISI1ID llOUS1FOU 11'NT : : IIflAUTIFU : ! . FUINIHI FOt mAtTIFU. . hotite . tin rO'I' . .1.llnt fittattc1 , , hol wlipr brat . laundry . Btll.le , carriage elc. TIto3 _ F. hail. GIG n 11.101 tjlocI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-11 ' ( 'litCl.l COTTAOIR. G ROOMS t RTANI'ot IICI.n all moh'r. , ( . . Cuel. ApplY I 'I on Itetl. Cent - t _ ! . "Y . 212 . ! - . - hut - - ot. 1)-477 3IOUSE8-lI1NA\ ' & CO. , 103 N. I5TI ST. n-4 ; . itouStS-ci. : 0 W.\I.I.ACt. ! 31 UtWN 1.1 : . 1-79 2 MODlmN R.nOOM 100H"S : 6 1IN\Tr ! S I wDle C'OI CoUrt hou.e. Room 2S. U.lk.r LI . D-SO flUAtTTIFUl . 101'STI'N 1OO IS. m.I- gantly futnIited . hot water h.t launlr . annly .tall. . entriage. etc. T1t03. I' . hail . GIG 1'.tx : - Ion - block. - _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-131 _ _ _ 101 mNTNH'I'IFI'nSISIED IOmH' : 01" , eight room bpoliel alcove tutu , bathroom Rulh front. wllh nit eonl'ell.neeB , Inlullu 2tflS ' : lalr. lo\a.1 - .1. - - - - - - - - - 1)-2.tl . 1C21 I NO. 13TU ST. . 8.ItOOM MOIIIN : mlCK : " lUt barn. Omnho l.al 1.llle & 'I'rut Co. . 21 So. ISth .t . \-2 ; - - - - - - - - rout mN'r -IIOL'SES IS.1. . 1'.flTS OP Till : rOi mN'rIO'SI'H \.1. 1.\ITS 01 Ti el ) Brennan. Love & CO. . 430 II.tnn i,1rnk. , ( _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1- 12CI.N2 . ) : 1lOtSlS-Nl. ' . . . . MOmnN 10'SI'H-NI\ 7.nOO DWIT.L ings near Inn.rum 1111 < . 275-17 \opplelon , ave. : ; /olrn 1"le . . Glr ! lulh : lh. 6U0 North 21.1 : 01. ant 1 2 Sherwoul nl'e. C. , \ . Hlarr. 61 : ' N. \ I.l' . _ I-671-N30 O ) 8 21H'r AVINI'l. : NINI.nOOM MOl1tt lOIIN hotth'e ) lrJ 30.IC ; Ceet. J. N. Fr.nz.r. "Ilpoole : 1os'olflce. , DI.S , I'on LIINT. 5-ROOM IOUM ! G I H. DI 17111 I _ AV1 S3 : . , - BTI "M. SO IQUAl. . WmT"n Oil St'MM1It l . F' central. IOIr : or 6-rool lal . Tizitril. 22 N. 24th. D-CS9.113' 1"01 IN'I CI\ : . mHIt\t.n STOIII5 - . A1OU'H. flats . tOOIh ) . . elC. J. J. Kendall. G2' ' ) R. 161h St : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - D-713-1)I _ FOlt RlNT-llQIIT-flOOM ulOUSr. 1l5.li ) 1lf JOUH. IFI $51 $ tiIoitt ' It ; cenlll ( I I"cllon. Inclu Ire : ) O ( p. n\e. D-7J1.12' l'At.OI. ITI'N. : utl0000M. wiTI try. eltinit. del he. . waler cictset n'HI olnl , . eitott' . ST.Ot ! . 2lO I.'nrnam HI. I-732 - : : - C-IOO I 1.1.\1. 413 A. 111 HTBm . Ni1 : -P ! lowln1 I .11. wlnlow. : n. . Iart " 0"1. ; SI\I .O. In'luln' ' 31 ) I 1"lrl Nalulal bank tutlting. , $ , . - _ . . Dm I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ron tN'I'T- : 22i)1 . ) IP\I \ . ' I lT.-A llltlCl 010. . 2I'1 ' ft. . nt ) 'olr non telttht. JUCJ 1 Ilrla to , I nlne.ro"l loler hOloo In spltnl , ; r"I"II' , In.1 e'up. Inquire al 61. S. \ 1IenI1 " . . . "I.ln/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-iC-1 ? 'li 'riN.ltOoM : lte' : lll4T : . , \ : lon I\ \ Omaha : . lot tiiltei ' \ bilk mS1 I.OC\- . W. 1' . < llrl < . 22) ' ) : I I , ugt.i I . 01.11 ) - t6' I. ' . - - - . it 1 : : ' 1'ltM.ON1Mil.lv1lOMcITY ; 1 l : - . II. II. In.der & Co.lleo ' ' builhitnt. ' D- S'-I : ' - I"I'INIStm ; HOPAI : 1"01'ms , ' CMNTfli ( 1 lull AOllh 31e1 . 'H'ar Ilno"om . "rk. half " 1.rIC Cn.m ' car In ! , . _ _ _ _ _ l--MS-16 ' ' NlPI.V : J1-NISIJD 101 N 01' I I100MS - . fut . ' . go H . hol Inl , 'ohl % y 1r. wlh goo .I ) bnrn. . . on- i'jtttln. . ' ; , 'orer Ild.ory nnl I'ork nI. . " " \.lo Ilrk ) ; t'nl. 1 $3'.oI ' ) per , monlh. J. II. 1'iiiotte . 1olgluo ' k. 161h all , l.Ige. _ I-- ISJ IG - 3 on G IOO IS. tM.OSlTV.tTlIt. : : . rli S. 13. : _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - II-S I-\I' ) ' 'MofltltN. : nlCI - : 13-1tiJt 1 'I OI' - , . 1'I'r ) Ihlnl n1t-ela. ; i , , I barti . .lrll"e hou. , ' . de. . 219 ' I . I ( 'hlllo SIeel. In'ulrl \V. I . . _ ' (111th. I Iitbolt h"tpl. " 1J--Ms \ 12' I C01T.\D , 1J'I : IOO I \U IIATII.ul : North 2ttt . I'orn'r .lblrles rll : 'e. IA11 . 316th ) . - W it. ( littlitit. Hlrha.h : hOlel. t-M ) I g 12 ' - - - I.'on ltlNT-llJ11NlSIlUl ) 110011S. - - - - - - } 'UJSISIUO lioo.l n MONTh . 191 PAJ- thtn . E193 ' A 11111' : 01 , ' IOml SUtT.lil.U ron I'OI _ iefltlehtten. \19 toIge. 1-67 l'OH ItiNT. NlClIx 1'1ltNIItfll I ) flOO2.l I . . l terms Il".onnhle , ( 'nl at 21'J ' lolglR ot. 1-70 N36 : F1iliIStlUI ) lOO IS AXI ) ulo . tItn. i8iIiiIr.t . : Fl'INIHIr1 ROOMS AT TIll Capital , Flu ( ap. aye : tran.lent accornmoJat _ _ _ - - - - 1'- MC 1)2 , - ROOM . WITh UOAIIL ) . % SOUTI 25'1 RT. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . y.M2'G I Nla . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'I ' S\ - N\ : : \ I'I.JNISlm : nee : 1 VITII11OAI1t ' mlcs n',1able , The Ioo ' ; ) lhtnry . .troel : - - M5t U I.'on 1tINT. : : IOUN INUNISIIID .ItOOt anl Lord , iTu ) l'aIC"rhl rNnNISID )00)18 11.V.(1.NT Ut'ItNlSlIID ROOMS I . STFA : - hiat bath an,1 Irat .1. " 1 arl. U.O per week . " Websler hotel 1513 10wnrI II. 1"IS 16' 2lc1Ix 'PISlm : D JIOST IOOU FOR Iwo getttlcntcn . with or \ Uhout boaud. wltbi five . mlnule.llk oC fstoltt. boal. wlhln ' In1"lro 102 I.'aral btreci. . ' -:56 UNI"l'nNIHImD 1"HON' ROOMS , 1'IlIVAT fAinilS' . 261h. 8. ot ' 1OOIH I'R\ATD QUlrB4. Allreu I' 4 . Ileit. . - 1.-75-1 - NlCIl.Y FUnNISl ROOMS AND DOARt ) ; ! .IUII - _ 2et. 204 8. 2tlt Ilreel - : tO.\RD I. p.- VO1tllrsroiws AND OrFICE1 , . ; FOI1RIIN .t ' . ? . Tit CITOIY thlIcK IWILINO - gOtuthi 1.nll 'Inst. Tbll . butilirug tutu .trel. an" ' buldlnc ba roof In lay nwb .mtnl , OfltpliI. otfDI hea ; : r z . uie. wa ur on LII , , . flouti. . IU. tlo. , ply at thu om. OTnhllnlOOl . . 1-10 "p - - , UUS11 \ \ ' . \ : IU. % 'ANT1I ) . t'IUIT.'I\ MI"N UI. ' I11R41'l'.CT. nblly . nn,1 , rlel'.r nul.Ireu . In city nn.1 . state 10 ; rr"r..nl unhlu" hfli".ul' ' nl CflulOWtttnt ( 'iflfl - . 1-n""I' .nto\lent < , I- ponl' 1I.o.lonnl\ : . g.I and prmonpnt Thoul. Inl.ddru 1lhl"II : ! ulunlId " "I I ) ' , : JeMI.rn Bttlet , t1u1'aco. . .1M1 U' i tivtnt : , 110l.llAY 8lCI. i.T115 ' ' . In\lm.I IO H.t\.TIt 01 ? I'N. , louhl"1 Iprl , nlnpl..1 , 11 city tool cuntr ) ' Irutuli' . , 'onlpnlpnl tn 'atr ) ' . quick , 1 < ticfl 'lpll- , - log large telurl" fl CnuaIl "ula : ' . UtupIIii h ) ' TI4P IIlhl\.N"rl"uII 'lul l' , Bural" UIIt . , Y. : write for IUlh (1110 . . -MMII 1 U' vt'I'zI-Tt ) nl % 'r. W\NTIO. I'AIUIS TO nrST IS 001\8 find , . n'IJolnln enufltipA . for the beet 0. ( , R\.I.h tcnnhtlu In the coullt ) ' . a. \ V. Cnrlnek 1' I'nrnnl BI. K-32 N2' Wit I tOfl. - 6TOI.Or FIAS" twIn : - 4. 1m I Il.lt1V. 1-4U : - - - - - - - - I 'ACIUTC STOItAflfl : ANt ) WAItTlIOIt CO . IACWIC ATonAO ANI Co. W.I.lOI' r DOS-Mo JooeL O"neml strn . nll foronr.Ittuu. 1-4S3 _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " \I'I.n-'I'U ' ( ) ll' " . S MAl,1 , A : ( OD-l : N-I ) r , iistT Oltfl\N IN In"1 onler. g.ve , I..rlptnn $ and Illce. . \t.I""J . " J 1 n. Bpe. S-6H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Ul ! . \ I'IUII'SSU ! ' .V.t(0S. 0001 "I .Ut 01' r'All1tI.Ol' : lIOItSflS ANI ! IOIAI'A luatnoti , for .nle. A. MUID'd. COnm' rrlnl : n. l.nnl , I'ank. ' . P-tG-1I' - - - - - - - I > UI S.\t - ' 'Sf'l.aI\ l f1 , _ h _ _ _ _ _ ImSH (3U01)8 CI.O t15. CA1lt'lTS . I ! I. (10.A. ( AI'IT . tll . etc. . on paynu.ntu. Oro" I"tll In,1 , wi Call wlh BIIIC. ) l. : Ilirub. off. flu " . il ho'el. ' - _ _ H _ _ , _ Q- I ; N'O I tAltDWoop.4ANt'ooT I'IN : ( P IA 10 1'1(1 101 COt 0 ctlhhll . ; C. It. I.r. 901 Iouglau. Q--132 . I I .0. WANT " V 0 lt01 : SlLT. A OeD Pe..ltI.ltItfll , , hlel. gui to Omaha Brec Co. . ! ) : 2J N. 1tit streel. IIles r.lalr.,1 , ) . Q- I . ng - - - - - - 1.01.I : . LOT IN 1IANCOM pI.\CI' : ,1' ' io-t. I : :9 , Br ( QiSI , 'ti i : 1-lno IM IO'H : ; : . rUT. ! . UI ItiT ' eIDS" boardcuL In'lul' ( II store Q 521 -M6I-1 14. 16th. ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IISCIIb.NIOI. ; A.TOI1I1tINTIN'I " OFFII > WANTI.:0Ir. : ate itt OUI i sl.rn.,1 Unl In,1 , pn ) rent In I.rlllng.r. . B. J. 1ay I'leal (0. (2) ' H. 161h stied. 1- : ISjO 1. . ' CI . tIItYi'i'VS. . ? tItS. Oil. II. \ InrN . CI.\ t YOY AST . fll - lahle buutncss medium ; Silt 'ear nt 19 N. H-4S4 16th. - - - - - - - - - - - - IIIASS.t612. I A 'I I ! , l2'l'C. M.\ ) I : SMITIIN. r : . ( ' on. 10TH ANti 1ouglao : reel I hiiatge and balh ; _ SJ 16' -I lbtI' : , Ii\v . : il ; ! Im - -r.I.C.IC : Latlu. FII'ot parlors In cl ) . 31g-3 t:1d'l : i I m. A mH. FO1MFflLY 01" ST. I.OTTIf'.MAS - .n . l ths. FOI So 131h .trecl. 2u11ohjr.lounl ! ! 10. 'l-MSGO 16' - - I'iltS.iL. VIA VI ( ' 0. . 316 I : : m.oo. IrAI.'lt HOOK C.'ee ; hem Ir.nlment ; lady - utttnlttt.U-48 : _ l 1AT1N . i \lr. l ! : . 1'O1T. 319v S15l1. U-46 I'ISI 1.IVII1Y RIOS C1L"t' ! FD IAt I.IY. lah 11.1 HI. Maryu n.enue. TelePI\ne'J ' ) i ! NOS IS YOUR TIM1 TO I'Y I : mnOIIlm\ ernt"I"lr""I : lpautCul ; come and uie. . Mte . Allen. P2' ' } R. 31s1 , tr. ' et. U-tS30 16' : IIS 1- ' 1 l.O.tN-IIItL ES''A''g. ANThONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 3U N.Y. II , ' . l.nan.1 ' ) ' rates fut choice . .rlrlr In NiIuuola & Iowa fatutu' Omnna cll ' ' . N.I"nl" & C"I' or city proper \ ! IIW TO LOAN AT LOWJAT IAT ! . TIt1 ! Tit O. I" I . Oa\ls Co. . I" : Fnram 6. \-g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cTiit CINT MONtYTO LOAN ON OMAhA 11 : CI'I IINIY'TO real e.latc " Neb. fatins. \ . B. 1tteiltle . OMAIA W-430 , Mmmy TO I.OAN as I lnO\'I ) O \ lruIet-ly. Fidelity Tlsl Co. , 1O2 I.'aram : L\I W. n MOI : Y TO LOAN ON IMPIO\'I.n : OMAhA teal sIn Ie. ljrennan . Love & Co. . Plxlon hlk. w-n CITY 1.OANS. C. A. 5T.11I1 :1 : S. Y. I.II . W493 MOIITOAGES. G. a. W.\.L.\CE. BROWN 11. . 'v-I. " LOANS ON . 1 IPIO\'I 1 & UNIMI'IIOVIU CITY propert W. "otum Hmlh & Co. . 132J I'ornttn. MOITO\GI : LOANS : I.OW HATIH. : . J. I ) . ZIttle . IGth and Dougiutut . Omaha. W-36 . ' I I.OASS DOVGL.SNI sitt'y. 1 TO I.'AI 10 yeaRs ; luw rates. Oars In Uro. . 210 N. . Y. L. \V-13 - - - :11 : EY ' 0 LOAN-Cl1t'I"1'UL3. oIY 'a LOAN 0 : FU1tNtTU1t1 : . 1'IANOu4 . : : FLHNITVI I" . " , . . \ 1101. . etc . at lowest rates II.\SOS. 1) . no removal oC goods ; .Irlcly onftenl"l ; you nmounl. l'nn Ily the 100n oc al any tune or In any flIfloUttt.OMAIIA : IOI1G.\Ot I.O.CO. . :06 S. 161h .1. X-97 MOSIY TO I.OAS. 30. 60. 30 DAYS ; FUINI- ture. 1lan03. elC. Duff Green room S , narlel hlook. X-93 . ' ULSIXSS CI\XCES , UOI1TL'NU IADD BY l'IIEHtiNT , AOV.\NCI : InII. ! . ' . hut nowhere 00 quickly us by our 11,1 oC su-r".Cul , pcllllon In ginin. J ti I tilt best methol In uoe Our book eaplain , p.ulllnn h ) ' mall fully. ( Sent tree. ) Ileh.1 hlnk reCerpne.D Act quickly. Pall.on & Co. . 4 Omahn . bluig. , , Chl.ago. III. \-M.Ol 30' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jon mNT. : rO.th \\ln. 31STtVU. . AND i'.autluIittgV. . I. . Irith ) 'md : eh.al' . with traekul' P. II. lal'ls. 1"lrst NaIl. hunl \ i-13 Foil SA1.lOllOClflY . CONFIeTIONlmy. 1.01.F nnoCIY. tliit .tun,1 nn.1 t'slnlrnnt ciniulnei. , In No. I cnser Neb. lown. Address I : 6S. I. . . Y-MSI 1.12' FOIl . . \ : - nHTOe" IN SO. 1 1.0\ , . lion . $3tI.elo ) 4npeetIun. I ! : S. 1ttu. l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -872-13' A 1.\10 : TYJ'I : FOINtHY 18 D1'SIRO1'SOP . .elhl.hlng nn alene ) ' for the tnle oC I. 1)0,11"0 In title sect Iofl : with n teolnn.lbl. 1.1"ln , " $ " house Iherl I i Irrne'mnel. w ii i . mu.I. . \lor.s , h'ytuune Type I"uuncr ) ' \ . 731-74 I h. ) , .I.m , street. - - Ihlalelphln. I'a. % - IS8 iz , 1'01 " H.\.t CLOThING II'SINgSS IN A noel . tOWn In Iowa : g'nera1 merehnnll.e ( ull bo , Idl c. AdcrrM P 7. In care The n'e. l : . Y - li5 IS' II I I FOR EXCH.\XCE. I IQeIT\ IN I.AIGE TRACT OF f.ANI ) NI1AR I.\NI ( ) inahut. 'hat hn\'o you 10 otter ? 'F.I . . Ittiley . 91 ) S. Y. I. . bllg. Z- 2.tAhCI \ OFFIn I'on $ .iO . NOTD ; I ALSO . have te.ttn onJ bUg to trade for piano. P. F. 1001 ( Omaha Uu. Col. . llh and 'urnm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z-JUi roll TItAII. 11.Nlh4OMI . 'VVi'Ll. STOCEEI ) tlrug .Ioro In City oC I.O. will trnde for auod wi lrle led Cottage In Omaha or Council Uluffu. AddrpS IJ ( ) . lIce. lur. I2 I : ' G'ItOOM COTT.\m . JINIIY 1i11.T ! C3 ' lull ' homr. 10 Ilul. for cl.urnelnt 101. 1" . K. DnrlnM. l rkr block. Z- ? 1&3 18 EQUITY IS FINE Thl.tCKAOIG 1'flOl'1ItTY . cpnler oC tOlyn ; I'n\'el ! oere.t ; 1101 entUnl' bron.p : 10 tr.de for cl "r residence lot Dr hOUSI and 101. F. K. Darling , Barl.er Llok.ZIS6S hOUI Z-IS6S 16 W.STI0 TH.\I : CLEAR nu.IO\'lm \ CITY property for Impol'w C.lm ; will assume In. cutiubrtincv ur pay lf.r.n o. Apply Al Ir.mloe , or write 1.'rel 101."n , 1 APlly . Ulh lreel. Z- n4'-U' 'on S.tL.I-ItIAI. I'ST.TL. : 1.\ 1 A . SALE ( .18 TRADE IS CITY PRO. crUe alit farnu . John N. I"genzer opp. Ino1. RE-601 , , UIIIOVDD FARMS-O. W. CARLOC1. th ) l'.Rl80. . CAnLC I"aram .t. 1 I-G1.J lt UO ItS ON EASY YMESTS. 1)AROAINS In 101. O. U. Wallace , Brown AIOAINS . block.IE - I.'OR . SALE PIt 1XCIIANat. ELCOANT "ROI' . city II eoulh..t corner Ulh and Do4gb II , . on easy ternis . or will taie San 1'ranclc prp : ely In exchange . Fidelty TrUSt company .01. I utent . ITO ! Farnam st . nEsi.l DARGAINS. UOUBES LOTS AND FAn 19. .10 or ttad. F Ie Darling . Irker bl"ek. HEJ AUSTIAC-'UE BYRON RCCD COMI'ANt. 1E-5J FARM L DS. C. 1' . HARIII6ON. m 1 - N. Y. L UE-141 N2' Fill 1\I -UI\ 1T t1'I. - ( ( 'unlnuel. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA mA fiSTATWllICII : 11AM COST ' WI(1 I COI1' the owner nS\.OI ) ; CI\'omI ) ' In.81"I , tree from Inllm"tRnre , nll , l.r.luolnl . lt Ihe.nl tittie In Ineumq oC 3)1)1 . IB lut't'etuy \.nl lmp 1 .O.O - hRIC Citih . bolance itt on . ) er nt 6 per cell ! . AdtteB B I ; . Care DC lice "nke. 1tE-ti1 lii I AT Iml I0J 111'n. LOT 21. BLOC' ! I : , - \1 Unl. - , _ J. .M. . ! Mntolon. 11MS1 j 9' - - - - - - - - - - - S ? 1) } OSO ! $ .O I'lltVllT " I'YA A $ : fi.t , ) hI 'arr farm In New .Ie. . . ) . . near rRI- I tutiul. sul halite Cn , \'llltnlle Crul An,1 I.ult ) . Inl.ln I , ; tt" I I I rlMr. Wlle I ion full I nfot tuiuit Ion , CII ( I Ille ) " " Heal I.lnll Oltlce. Iii A. 1'1h ' ) I "treel. I'hllnleiphla. , IE-M92 ! 1I _ _ _ 1'01 BAI.t : . 10 IEr.T : ON IAT SOt'TlI Oh' Ot'TI 0' 1.lnl'enwoth. nt your . own lunlee ; call ( ' 1 own. C. C. lnKh ) I.o ton lIntel. ltl-M6'3I : 1 U' OUAT : I\I'II'ICI ! ! : ( 'lIOI'E PIWIIT\ : hear l1nnc nil 1'111 Ic. Wlh two c"lnl"ur ; - Ihn..r can itt uI' $ II' Inl I tIlt other \ur- I"r ; cent i n ll . otO.O : $ & ) 1.1) for I"nllr , I I r. : ; ; . Il.'o utllcn , . . 1t1-M361 : I 12' - - - - - - - - - - - - - II A'ItT6 . : ChOICE < \UJ'S I.\SI mi IT In lulvel pined nuhJolnIrui , % vebelfl , hart of city . 111..1 ! I.ar cl ell ) ' $ . ! ! ( I. . \lltl'8 , \ 3 . lice 1t-I 0111.0. o 12' , - - - - - - - - - - n N ' .CI'OI'NT 01' ! t : \ \ \ "lt 1 ( 'trY wi 0.1 9'1'01 CO1tnie l.p"r lal"loll ! "ark " rut great u".llr . . Wtlp J. I. l' . " , ] : 1. tl ' hn. Il : . - : ,3 U' :1.\ : 'II.S. ( lt.t'l'l2S A6I ) 'FIl.l.S. woon ASTIt.A. : OnATI' TIgg 1'01 Ilnepiacci . , 'polhuI5 nn,1 lange flooni ; wrIte for ' , rIcou. : lllol lIngers & Son , Onralta. 'G05 )11. : nIC\I. e PtLIH CIJIIEI ) . UA IINI.I : . I'AINI.hSS ( rca tuluent : I , chill I ng ; no 1)'lnl : : no Claflul , : no CI"II rnulc. , lednl rhteuu'es n ep..lal . In'lon Il , . Cure Co. . 3O New Yorl Life buliling. 9CP hi' h qt.ls : ( ' 1'1:1. : IY A AISOI' : t'.lNLESS : tr. lit Utint . Ito , 'ulln I I I . no 1)lnl ; no ( 'rlml' : nn ( 'lu.tr . Ipn ) ii , ] I .pnlp" ! n ) "I'rlal\ I ' . 1".lnn I 1'11' Curl l' J. . 3'Ji ' New Vat It Life lntillltug. 873 IS' : llSIC , A It' ! ' , \:1 itNfl ILt ( 12. OonG : : I , ' O LUNIC" ! BANJO AND guitar leach.r. 191 CUtS .Irpet. 109 K" l'lO'V'M . 12V1' , Ua : % CI S. - - - - - - - ' - - - - - 1"01 JIHT-I.\IS Iml.1. HOTILS AND Pril. \alo C"mlle. ; cal Clladian Olee , 15"I lns. GI 1)2 hUILnlG AU LOAN ASSOtiIATIO. HIAIUH IN MUTUAL I , . & n. ASS'N IAY 6. 7. 8 per cent when I , 2. 3 ) 'PR. 011 always rcdeemahle. 104 I.'nrnm st. Nattlnger . See. 63 IOW TO om' A Hmm ( on OCCUI1E GOOD Interest 01 .n\ln ! . . API\ 10 Omaha I , . & D. AB.'n. 1701 flee bldg. O. lit. Nattlnger . Hec. 51 1'\ " 'XIIOln I ! . i i. M.\nO\ITZ LOANS MOS Y. 43 N. 10 HT. 621 l - SIUU'llJ\U ANI ) ' 1'\'lg"'UI'I'IXG. A. C. VAN SAST'S SCIOOI" , 61 N. Y. 1.111. : . OMAHA Ut.'SIISS COLI.IOk ! lT ! I'AnNA1 57 - - - - - hfl1'I1.S. tlTNA hlOt'512 ( IIJI00 t'lL % ' . \FTNA HOlSI mUlOII.un. N. W. con. 131h alt ) DIe ltoomsby.Jtyor week. 61 T\SO TI'I.CjQ.13TH : sTi mT. Bleam heat. table board. $3.0er week. - l-513 - - - - - I)12N'h'IS'I'S. 1)1t.1'AUL.DlNTISfiii1CItT ST. 61 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eUA I. USE SI JOAN COM.-TIm Lh1ST SOFT .oal i'enn hnr" coal price guaranteed. Victor Iuaranteed.IPor 'V\'luite. Tel. 1 127. . . ICO , I'arnnm. \IPor - - - - - - - - - - - - JUSIXI SS XO'I'1C12 DAMAGED 11lOlH msl.\mm. 713 N51J6. . - - - - - - - - - - - UNlI2It'1'.tIi12ItS ANI ) 123111A1.'VII2ItS. n. 1. 1iL'hth1ltT.UUNFI1AL UIICTOnND : cintialuner 161S Chicago .1. . lelrphonu 9. 51 SWANSON & " . .Lmi "u-ins . TCL. 10. M. O. MAm ; ; j ; UNDfi1rrAIltR AND 122.1. ; l'ND-TAI"n - baliner. 1117 h'nrnain ut. . " . lnlmer. 11 I"lrnam 81. telephone 225. 619 1.Y ANt ) ( Ht.tIN. hWY YOUR IA \ IS TON on CAll LOTS. WB : buy hay. A 11. ' ' . 1\1 . ' I. SI'lul' 1:1 : UUII Bt. Tol. n17. - - I.UST , u- _ _ LORT. Si' OItT1NAI1D O1TC1I. ItETCR7 : $ TO ImnN.\ : IITCH. IU'nS 112) S. 1h sIred nit , ! I'eceh'e reward. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lost-Mull ! ' _ I.OAT-I.\D\"S GOI.I W.\T'\ .r S-9. ! heween h1 I th rutri , Illco ; .I"J \ IJlh CHAI . . n wl.1 IC r'tuarne.j 10 1614 Chicago. Fiat F . 161 . J Christine Olson 1.rst-.MSS7 . 13' WHITE STAB LINI l'nl..1 . Statc . aOl Royal MiIt Steamers. Mal . Sailing Cr. New York WIDNtln.\ ns follo's , AInlatic . 2' ' ) Nov. H:3t amJ'feutonle. 4 Uec. folow. . ( terinanle. 27 SOV. . 2 pm . , Itnitannic . 1 nee. 2 ion urn Saloon paasae $ : ' ) anti tipwrinI. 1'1 Ipwnrd. Second cabin $ JI ) ant tiparirt. Steerage l'no.nK. SC and UPWIII , . 1)rafta IuI'atrle ) on lmnn,1 el'or'where In Great Hrlaln ant , Ireland soil al lowest rates . ' rnt. 1'or In'pecUon ot . . 1.01 plans oC slesmis anti ' .1lnl'r any further r"et 10 ; Information al'JI ' to local agents or dl- H. IAITr\ND ERRSE'V'O'I . \ . ' "rnSEY.O'1 29 ll'way. N.Y. . . 2a N. \ NIi'2ItSON. 1'1 W'N .gt. . ) 21 AOl'TU ( ' 1.\11 H1J : : . tIIC.\GO. t. RAILWAY TIME ' CARD t.eav.'s IIlt'IIIASOTON & - MO. , " 1tlV1tiXfl" I.elIll'I.ING'OS : \ J \1 h'c , hul Union . . OtrialtaitJnluuDuput. Ol V'I'ol. 10lh & 2.IjaoiiSts , i Omaha 10.1."n. . . . . . . -.len\er Ix"ress. : : : - " : Olal" 617am 4 : iriui 111k. 1 I I lIe . tent . ' . 7:0 4 : :3:11.11 : pI.S.bla.kn . . . . . . . . \ Local :101. ( B.tl. & exeel.1 Iul.t . . . Sod . . . . 1x . . . . 4:1"11 4.05\1 : ) ? . . . . 8undl " ) 8IuU..I.ln."ln ; . . Localxcoit ( Sundity ; . . 7.1lm : I'-hl 2.ltt ( ii f . I' oILr ( 1.1 a eo _ driti _ Lejves Il l i'fo. . 1.lncol - . . \ ' Olohullnl"n V'"I , 10lh & . . 2.lasonslLjonuutlra _ 4 : I.pm. . . . . Veetlbuie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chlcnloe.tLul . . . . 9 ; 9:4ttut : . . .Chlculo I2xpreas . . . . . . . 4 ; : Oal ' . . . . . , . ilnn..C.Ihugu : ) & SI. 1.ouli Ixprc.s. . t. 15pU ltMatt ; , . . , . .P eilic . . . . ; lal Uutction . . . Local . . . 1 - - - U..laellc - . . . . . . . .I.(8t Jun.ton : lal. I.oeal. . . . . . . . . 2tpI : :3"lm : : " Loaves l i.'IIICAOO. lulL. & R" ' . PAUl , . nh.e. Omaha _ ynloel'OI. 10th lu _ Maaon StrijOtiuatra ! : . . . . . . . ' : LImied. . . . . . . : ' ) . . . . . 9:3'al 11 :3).htn. : : . 1:3 I..Ch ! ( ex. na ) ) . . 6 ; pm LUI'O ICIAOO & . \ % ' ; ' . . \ Olnhn Union Depot hilt & la.on 5ts / Omaha 10:1'Jalil. ' ) . . . . . : : : . . : Omlha : . Enstenl Express. . . . . . . . . .7 l'iOptn..estibuled . Llmild. . . . . . . . : :3)PI : ) 6am. : . . . . . . . . . . . \ I" . \'ulIey . . 1.lml o. . . . . . : : OJm " 6.5I' . . .OmaiiaCli I .ugo Sp clal. . . . 111 : I.en\ . . CILICAI3O . . . 1. & " ' . ' . Imaha _ Union 0011. 10lh k Inon 51sF / Omaha _ _ _ _ _ EAST. _ _ _ _ 1l2am . , \tnntloExl.re. . ( ix. Sunday ) . . . . . ; U : 12pm..Night IXptes . . . . . . ) . . 63'PI ; 4 .4)phi..lric.1oVt5tlbuilei1.lmlrnI . 1 _ . . . ; - .n : . ! \'est.b I I.lmll. . I :3prti ; lln : . _ _ HT. _ _ _ _ _ _ 6Epm.OJtlationlR . f 'l Ur Ex . ( ex. Sun..o:1i : . : : : . .L ' \ ! ! nI. " . " . " . " . . ) . . . . t : Olpm f.eeve I I _ C. . ST. 1' . . : .f. & O. , \rrh' . " QmaLCpO1. 16th WeberSis. ' I Omaha 5I ' fl. ) ' . .SI pot l51 Qd We'er \ Sr. . . . O'a : l2isphIl : .i310ux / I s ' Lxpfu h\9alon. . . :15pI . . GI : ( : . . . . . h'amLJfled. , . Sun.\ . : ; ' 301 5ar el . & MO. " . . . , ipa . \rrh' QI.iol D. t. ISIL 4 W .I.li\ : . ' O/nnhA / ( 2Wphu. : : . . . ( ex ' ' , ' SaL ' ) ' ' 1n l' ( . J1It ( . 2.lvn. ' . . ) . . . . 4i : : " pin ' \ e. 9:03nt. : . .Nortopc EprJ . ' . . 4"PI ) fe. ( Sufuda . ) ) . .lO:3)ans l : O ; t..Nortol' ! . 1'al : ' 8ula.IO:33ar . . . . . . 9.am iJ8e t JnJJxlreu L- . ; rnahaUnJQr _ . Depot . _ , & Mppn St. , Olaha I.I s a ' : ; ' Lania City ! Int ExpIii. . . . : 547ih.1. ; . - ' - C NIght ) . : x. VIa U , 1' . Tran. . : :3Jpm O ; LOl" . I3S0l'iL I' 'U'IC. Omaha _ . MIS801'I ! " bll.r HIs . Omaha IOtn. : ; E..OI Se. . I.ula ' .x e..6 Omahl : 'j ,9i3Dln. . .HI. Louis Ialrp. . . . . . . : ' al S.3ol..n NeLrnska Lcea ( CX. Sun . ) . . . 9:0Dm GO'PI : Le.ivts f'OUX CITY & PACiFIC. .tni.s Omaha nel ' ; _ Jii arid IVebuter HIs. _ Omaha iThm..th.tf : l I.lmt ! I. . . . . j:2.1Im : L.a e S J I4Th IJX Afr' & . \ . . . omuhaUnion 1I I , 1011 f. 1.\cT C. tajoniaha rrl. 855m. ; I.n City . I.a..nl.r. . . . Oma' : ' 4:20pm : . . . . t. , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :3lnl ! - Olm. _ - " _ ' 7. J : Paul ---s.----- Limited _ . _ . . _ .12IJlm ; ve UNION ' . PACIFIC' ' 11tptjSUnion _ Depot.1 PACIFIC. , Sis JArrll' OmAha la'l & Masn . . ; t5al. . . . . . . 'OI , . . . . . . . IOpl. : , . . .Onrland l1)er. . . . . . . . . .U:3Im : : ! :0Qpm1teaC : , & Strom.l. ' ) . . 5:30pl lopm.Ipat'eo ex. cx . Sun 12:37pm ' : 1 : LII. . . . & .1arllo Strom.'J . . . . . . . . .lI'pm : 5:1511. : . . . . . .I.a.t Jlpeas. Mal. . . . . . . IOpm : Lei"IuA' Alt5v Y. - ' - JAini . . . . QmuiugtYn Depot. 10th &MttjnSts.lOnuaha . ; Jpl..II. LouiWianon 'I Dal..122:11 ; A SliORT CURE - . A 180U'I'Oht'S aXI'I : tJ la " 1'1 A 111 l'AI ( 19n - ' IlSI.tMI2. Slut rngu " " Id "I"1'11. . I't'rtfrl I CoiiiI.'t' , ( : lrl ! 11 . I I Shurl , 'l'liuii' . - 1 , 11,1111" ft 1\lln. , ' lllsvtisu''i . 1111 " ' 1 , . 'I' I l' " . \rt. JIII'UI" , Dr. T. 1. I JO'CE or Lynn. :13S . . a ! rallulE ar the : V unl\r I ) 'S : . uses Dr. labb'5 81'11'1111ltlH ! Pils In his Practice. I Is un'al' regular ph'slclsns 10 use Ilrollrietary lncdiciiie but many Ue Dr lobb'B Sputagus iCidiley iIIts. They do because they knew that the pnili- C1111 ! IngrElllt Is a sPecIal exlrdct 13,11 ( tout the rot or Aspar3gus. containing all Its \'Irtues In a concentrated larm. They da be- CJUSO they know thai DI' Ilobb's SI1ragus ! -llney Pis are PurelY vegetable a 11 Ilcr. recty himles ; , . They do t most or all beausl they hJ\1 round Dr. Iioltb's Spargus Kllne ) ' Pills will rute. In c.cs where the lnlgs or thl l.harmacololla have bee unable even 10 afford relief. Dr. Joyce writes : LYNN . Mass. . Aug ! . . IS ! ; 10bb's Medicine Ca. . Chicago Ill. Geutemen : Wheu my attentIon ras first calel , to Dr labb's Spatagus Jdue ) ' Pis. anti their coin- rluenr II.rls , made known 10 rue I was forcibly Impressd with the < omblnlton as hclug auI ar great \alul Car kidney disenSl5 and all other aiments arising IherErrom. I Caund In aue particular case which had Inled all my previous efforts , that they I'lr- formed a remarlmhlo and complete dire In a very short time , anti ever since I have used them In lIly practice with tile 1ost pllaslng results In all cases. Very truly yours . T. ) . JOYCE . : t D , Drlhl's Dslae Is a tangHaus disease or Ihe khhlc's. I Is causld b ) over wOlle , . . WOI'Y. o\erlalng. etc. . a 11 other excesses I Is dangelolJ because It has few ar no well Imown slillltol1)S. ) You do not think YOII are sick unt I Is often too late ta cure. Thl 8)'mptals or kidney disease In general I lre pain In the sides and back. heHlnche. ner\ousness. rrequent thirst evil lorebolln ! . . shortness al breath on slight exertion. chilly sensations. sloeplessneas . punncss al the eyelids - lids . swellng or the feet ant ankles loss or ilesli . etc. An ' ar all ar these symptoms may ho the proof or kidney , lsease. but the are scldom laid to their Irue cause. Ta prevent utistakes they shouhl he treated . as soon as they appear with Dr. Ilolth's Sparagus ICldney Pills. This1 cur the kIdneys amI rclevo the symptoms In a very short tiliie. The cure made will be permanent. and the . s'mptols1 nl\ come back unllss ycu overwork your killne 's. Your helh depends on your kililleys. The ) tiller our blact cansequenc When they tioli't ) .ou . fall slcl : s a natuml Falling sick Is llply the poleon In your blood utialcing Itself felt. . 1aldn , Itsel rEt. H \.ou cal lalm I I . nut h thf I unison " 01 wi I I I h , _ _ on . _ . - ' - - . - - . . . . celi. : This Is for the kIdneys 10 do. They wi do It I they arc vell. I they are sick ' can euro them with Dr. ilobti's Sprgus i'cu Ilney Pills. The diseases and 5)nllloms ) that Dr Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pils dl etire by curing the hlneys. I are : ltiieuluatism. CoOt Aliaeliila Clihorosis Depression ar Spirits . Lack or Ambition . Neuralgia. Pale and Sal- law l Complexion General , Muscular Weakness , and al skill diseases. Al these arc caused by poorness of . or Poison In , the blaod. , The ' cal only le ) perinanentl3' cured with Or. Ilohib's Sp1agus Kidney I'llls. ir Hobh's Spargus Kidney Pis are salll by all drtiggltS or sent - prel.ald. to ally ad- dress for 50 cents per bo' Write for valuable medical pamphlet "A Filter for Your Blood . " maied free on request - quest hiohib's Medicine Co. . Chlcaga , or San Francisco. _ _ _ AS CUSTOMARY HOBB SPARAGUS PILLS wi be sold II Omaha bj' the Sherman & McConnell Drill Co I.ita - : Daio street . second dnor tvt't . nC I' . 0 tc l .Ythe : Jh ) } Air $ oci cnnot The opero . - , 41 . ) Wi1hOUt cinjn / fl , , , , ; ) ) ; whif 1-of 44pfllAL (1owN : % 'Jt ' TUf FASHIOI1AOLE PERFUME. flowery , re1rethinc , d&icTo nd lcsrirug. o Per sle by drugcisrs only. IMPERIAL CROWN PEflFUMEIW CO. , I SAINT l.OUIS. , IIEYER DROThER DRUG CO.ACEtIT3 ALSOTRY ( WEDDING 6ELLTwo new ' ' \ PEACh BLOW. J odors. I - - - - - - - Monthly Pains i\t anxIeties can be relIeved to n cer. \alutr l ' using Dr. Chevalier's Female , .j Pills Price $1.00 per ox I 'Ol are tmlt ( and In doubt ns to whnt w\ relieve 'oti , setuil for these 1)1115. Sent sealeti ' ) ' hy ulall 1\S. Sel sealel securely Uai on ' rccelpt of thrice. 8lerll'Iffl'l ( & M MoillelI l Dr m Ci a 1513 Dodge St. OMAIIA , NEI3. ( afotlU1c ) Wo aeir1 th murvehan. Feh , M f - - - - - - - - - IOtSI : 'V'1X'I'l2IIl2IL \'ANTID-lOflSE5 ! TOW'INTfl : IIU.ST OF wmTCI nrST care ; leIs reasonable . ' . ' . ! A. VS' l'helpa & Son. 27 2. . 1. LICe " "Ig. Telephone 10:4. Ihell : 3SS2. ' IIOflSES W1NTCflfiU nEHT ' ' . , AND 10nSER WINTInW ; 01' C'MIC attentions . ; best stables In the c.ii ; . . stall ; no Bht1. . BIII. Omaha Vale and Speed auso. elation. 000. M. SwleDrl. Ialr . , teirpiuons ass. UI - . IINO HOIlmS II.n horses. Vb'INTIItItD both winter ; IIEST ant lumm.r. 01" CAI8I ' dress II. J. Welch ( lr.tna. Neb 156 3 ' 101SFS WINTEIII ; ! . flEST OF CAItI7. FOIl 130 per mnnth Address Hopper fires I . 'V\'aler. . . _ . 10. ! Neb. 21631-16' U' YOU WANT A GOOD 11018513 TO il2I2l' far I' feed tlti. winter .ldre. I0ISU G. . . 1":1 - . ' : .7-1' EDSONS ! PATENT - IS VALD ) Sawyor-Mall Oalms ! Finally Set Aside by the Court. Suprme Oont. COVERED A DIFFERENT PRINCPLE ! 'hnl'll fr " "lln I'nvh 5eiires ( 'reilil for lii , . 11\'llfl fl I" . II _ ( 'lIihhli'Mi'i'iIt 1.1111 , \ rh' ( I.tlll lttIgait llfl. "ASIGTO : Nav. 1 1.-The Unlell Stales Mlllreme court today tlehlNI the 1m. porlant case ar the Consolidated Jleclrl" Light company lalnSI the Icle"port 1.Iht cor pan ) In favor ar lie ( derllllanls , The conrt hoils the Snvyer-Manli palenl Inmlhl. The decision was hamllll down by Justce throw ii. The cae or the ConsalhlatcII leclrlc I Light caml.an . agaInst 1 the llclcesport Light Cml.Jny In\'ol\cs the caim or Sawyer nun , . Ianl nun Thomas i' . . 1 , lson to prl. orl ) 10 apPlication ar tilt principle al In- cal1escent carbon conluctors made . or fibrous or textile substances 10 electric light- lull : , In ISSi the plalntl Coinliflhl ) ' filed a bill In the Unle,1 Slates conrt for the western distrIct or Pelnsyl\nla fur nn Injuncton to prevent tits lcleoport corporation from using the Edison I lights . on the ground that thc ) ' were Interrerence with the Slw'er. 1Innl palenls. JIIIIO Iratte ) ' . In In oplnlol delivered October 5. ISS . refused 10 grant the restraining , order. The ( onsaltallll ElectrIc 1 company claims that the Impro\emelts utilized by Its system and covered by its palen Is. consist 01 the combination In a lamp chambr or glass al an Incnllleselng conductor al carbon malle rrom Vegetable fibrous material ( hittlhstinc- ton rrom minerai ur gas carbon ) ; also In tp form or the cantuetor combined In the ilgitt. trig circuit wihin the exhausted chamber 01 the lamp. On ( lie other halll I Is contended , by the Edison Inlerest that the Sw'er-lann patent an which the suit hllge,1 , Is not valid for such a broall claim ; that no such ! 1'eltlon was set forth II the ( original application . blt that the most vital priuclple or I was In- lralucell , four 'eara after thl application had been placed on 10 In the lalent amce fluid after hue same device substantially aul hat heen used by EIJn , and claimed by him In another applcaton ; that gtl on WI" tile first inventor or the Ibrous incandescent contitictor . ali that Ir lie were not Its fIrst In- Senior I was an old device and nelhcr aC the parties to tlte suIt were entitled to control It JtlptlCe IraIt ) . . In his opinion In the 10wIr Colirt which the teclslon today alflmnts . Said that Sa'yel ' and lann rolawld a wrong principia In their work upon the IncandeEcenl light-that ar small resistance In the e01duclar and . a strong current The great dlxo\I' . ho uleclareul. was time adoption or high re- .Istanco 1n the COnllelor with a sitiahl ii- I smal i- luminating surraeo and . a corresponding dlmlnutan nr the ( strength or the clrrenl The son. crel , for thIs discovery ' ho gave ta 1 11- son.The case ot the Winona & St. I'eter Land conIJn : ) agJlnst tile stall or Mlnitesota. which W,1S decided , today h ) the lnll:1 : States sl'rerl ) cottnt . involves Ihe iittestiOn whllher Ihat slate has In tlhsregard or 'thl ( cOlsttU- ton or the UnIted , States passed any law impaIring the obligation of contracts. reo ferllp 10 a law providing for buck taxes 01 land \ Inch has escaped laxaton , The df . cis Ion was relllel',1 , by Justice Brewer who held the law 10 be valid . Justice Irown delivered the alnlon In tie ease 01 0.V. . Paten It al against ( lie Unlel , States construing tll tariff law of lSS as 10 whether wool tops broken tip lute ( artfcial wlsle ennui be Illnltel , nt tll rate ar Inty Ilro\II.1 In the law Car woolen waslc. lIt ? hell that they eoulll not be anti that they must the ( pay hIgher duly Ilro\lll on wool taps. The court decided onelaly that beans arc \egetable . 'he quston arose In the I case cr Hyman Sons anti others against the collector - lector or the port al Nlw Yorle. The plain- tiffs sought la recover ditties pall upon beans IUIIer the velelahle ciassificatlon. caimIng that they shoull bl admitted free as sepuls Chief Justice Fuller read lie oPinion or Ihe ( court hohlng lint as beans are repanlPll as vegetables h ) commun utsage usape they should be sa cansldered by customs officio is. ) Tlw ChenYuen.Slng case . Involving the Chinese exclusion act . was ah'anced anti set for arument on time first Monday In arch. In the case or John D. Shl'er against the Umhiteth Slal's , the Unlel States sll.remp court IfIJIt11 , II an ojtl n Ion ha mill , SI , ! dawl hy i ) Justice Irown that lands entered under ( the ( homeslea,1 laws are nat by the mere act or entry so segregated ( remit the public 110- maIn as to givcu I ' the homcsteal' I right to sell timber from his entry al11 that In doIng so lie rentcra hImself liable to criminal pros- ccitt Ion. e With two little chidren subJect to croup we da not rest easy without a bolo or ( ham. berlaln's Cough ( Jiemuedy Iii the house . for the mast severe attacks quIckly succumb to a feu ( Iose ar 11.-Morrison. . Cob. . Iltid. G ( ) DI > ( SO'l - Ni IJG SI'I' , . 1'1111 l'nf'llh. h IiI'4'HIM 11\'fh'l',1 Iii XI' ' Cuiuuu Ill Ii ' zi tlnius. SPOKANE No\ n.-The lay State Trust company or 10slon has cammenced foreclosure . closure proceedings In lie United Stales court against the Oregon Halway ExtensIon company ant all ( lie anlalng corporations. The amounts involved aggregate $ 2iOOOOOO. The principal defendant Is the Oregon Hal- way gxtenslon COlflpafly wIth . Incldental ) ' , the Oregon itahiway and NavigatIon . Halway : a\laton company tha FarmcrR Loan and Trlt company time Union Pacifc Halway coml'an the , \merlcan Loan and Trust company all time receivers or the ( Union Pacifc nun Edwin McNeil . receiver or tile Oleon Halway ant Ind NavIgatIon campany. The lay Stale Trust company. In conclusion , represents that the mortgage given by the Oregon Halway Ex- h'nslon company , conaltutlS aald first motlgall len on all the I praper : mentonel ! I therefore IlfttanR for an lecounlng ar all Iho amaunts lawruly title unter lie trust anti for foreclosure or the mortgage. - - - - - - - - MUNYON'S LIFE WORKI I"'f'H ( Iii. Il'II' ' Ill Menus ft Curl sug ( lii' -lfHI St"hllrl IIst.tiKeui vI I haul the 12N111.iiNi. : fl I 1)uetor. One hl.uuu.dy . for 1lt. " llsi'ulMi- , Iroresor lunyon'8 system or curing dhs. ease Is now recognized everywhero. Catarnlu HJ.eumatsm. 1)yspepsla Ner\ousne s. Fe. male Comlalntl , Deb1) ! and every form or dbeae cured promptly and 11ermanenty by luuon'5 ImproY)1 Iomolopathlc itelnethles . mostly 2 ; cnls a bal . to h hail rrom any druggIst . who wi give 1'OU a copy or Iun- co\ 'on's Oulte to ilsaitlu . rrce. Personal letters 10 Pror. Munyon . } rQ5 Arch slreet Phiadelphia. Pa. , answered wIth free medical advice for aity dlseaso. - - - - - - - - - n 1.\'I'1 :1V.CO VI 1'0 n ' 1' I XG. EPPS'S COCOA IIIU P\S'I'-SUI'I'In "I ) ' n thorough knowledge oC the natural law. which govun Iho operal" " . oC dlgethoi and nu- . trluiun. nnl , by a careful . npl.llatul . of the line lurollerute. oC Well nletl Cocoa . 11.11 hi providel for breakfast , . pro\lder our ant 8ul'1 mu deli. cutely la\'ore,1 l\.rage which may save lel. many heavy dolors' bIll. . I I. by the jurli- . cl"'J. use < such nrtcle" oC dIet that I eanstitu. eon'llu. ton hilly be gradually built up until lucerne unll enough tu resist every tendency 10 dLeabe. Hun. dret. ot .uititle ' . l"tb lun. del. 'Ible hnI.mdiea are noatnc around u. ready to attack wherever there I. a weak polnl. \e m.y . .11. 101) ' I fatal shaft by k"vplne ourselves , well I'I fortified . u illi lura blu4 nn1 a pr)1eniy uiounlt.tie.,1 Ironic.Civil : I a'rean'ha * . Zette. , Male stoutly With 1.llnl witer or milk. Soil thu. only In half i' und tins . by g'oeers Ilbcltd .J . \ ' ' I Hl'l'S & ( ' 0. , I.t.1. . 10moeopathlo Chemist . .ndoD , Cncland , 1.1.ISI11 1'1:11'1,11' : ' 1'llf 1'UI. I.nrlr : l I 11 ( fl ' 1'111 In'nl'rl I - rnll'll In . \llltn. ATI.l.Ua. . , : \ ' . H.-The c.pttrl ar Oeoqla hy time Invading army rrom Iluol Was COliiltltt'tt \ this morning when the First re/lnent rrar Citirago ! head.1) \ Oo\rnor AIell and start on horeback and \ Ncortel\ \ by t Iletachment Irom the 1.'llh relnenl Georgia volunteers . Inatcheel out Peach , Tree street alit ! took possession or the cxpo.lton , roimnuIs. The 10rnll uvas ralmiy and 101.1 . tilt ( the unra\'arable wlllh < r ) nol seni- tiusiy I tal\en the enlhlslam or < either guests or hioets . and there woe a large crO\1 In time Aue\lorlll at th' fair groumitis whln the formal exercises or IllInoIs day began at noon. The feature was the speech al Go\-ernor .lt- gelul . In rlSlansl 10 tIle address or wel ale. . ( lou'ernor .11111 mll : "Our IleolhJ hal cOle upon a Ilsslon or goad rpIOIHhll' , Tire \'lo\le \ ar the soul hi have In\.Ie1 Us wihin their gates . an.1 . \ e hmavo ; nClellleel Ilulr invitation. They liuvt' : Ilhl Cult a rrleldl ) halli amid \1 have eoml , ! O\ n to ehak < II Our People leel ( that lie ( line bas . ame when rh'ers shautd nn lonl be < h.llng lilies blwpen civilizations . nr betWeeft different lpolll In this country ; Illl whether I lan stlHI upou the north honker or Ih t e otth hank ar lie Ohla I h ( ! houll he surround.1 by the saute Instutans Ihl ( Mie civIlizatIon and the same spirit : hIt Mt 0111) ) ! wull lie t ci vii Izat ioiis or Ihls en - tire r"llblc stand under one hag , hit that the ) hald ! hI altu.lt < ,1 , by time simIle mot\ alHI time ! ale high 11m atid slrumgle toward the Ranl cliii . Our \eOIIII ale Snbuell \ ih the Ited tlat : lila contiuiemit should be imt- habltel by a great IntdlgtI ! . Iherl-lo\'ln . Justce.la\lnA law-abiding. hrothlrhoo ! memi . That Is tl Fplrlt thaI has tiroughit < our ! people ! tutU 'our uiuiuhst. ! and ( lucy \ \ ill 10rl than rcelprac.tn your every act or rrlell.hlp ! auth your cuery expnesion or rrdttrlal erul- menl Amid ns olporlunlr , offers the ) wi mcleo Oven ) soulhel lan feel that there Is . a u elcaml' for lmluii In hue b ' \ hSn city by the great ! lakes. " " ' . \1'1:1 111 ( ' 11 : 11fa : S'I'O'K. 1I.hfl'l "unll ' 1',1"1 1'11' In . \IHI \ iiiu1ui I ( 'IttIl. ' imu-i , . CAS1'F211.'yo. . . Nov. H.- ( leela1)-Thl ) elliot eligliteer or Iha Fremoiit . 1 I\hurn & MIssouri Yale ) railway wih a parI ) ' 01 Sln'e'or lee here ) 'esllrlla ) ta locate a number or reslr\olr 'ies II the west , north tumid northwest or this 1lucl. After the laca- tons are made the mlrl,1 campan w1 hlid large dams la store water for the ac' cammodaton or slack ln In nnuklng long thrIves ar slock to muturket. The plan , lois Ilroven 9.tsr.ctory In Ihe lel { 'ourche ( reo glomi . wlelc ) It was Inalglrated b ) the ( lIon- Ilngton ' . lullan com pan' ; The flock masters ar Com'on' Natrona and , ant I'remont counties let hero Wednesday and ) ant organlzni themselves into the Central WyOming - ming Wool Growers assocIatIon. Ialrlek Sullvan WIS elected presIdent ; Del > e\e91 ltichiards . vIce prlllent. and \ . P. Dunn. secretary and treasurer . A commitee cOlsh'l- Ing or I I. 1 ! Brooks , Kenneth . lcDonall auth J. B hIggins was appointed to Im'estatl ane futIly and report nt the larch fll anl : mlllll on ( tie proposition to huld a bonded wool Wlle- ! I , hous of Casper. whereIn to store wool. Ilsure I. receive ath'lnco pament and , holll the \\001 clll' for advance In market price. Hl'alllons : were adopted revIewing the wool marleel tar lie r.ast Iwo ) 'earf and concluding with Iho folowlug : hit solvcul. That W" . Ihl l1rher. of Ihl Central \ \ omlnVorl Or.wOt9 ussoehuttion . rlpn'slntatll 30.0) : ( Ihee ) . t'mirnestly ic- lnrltsl Ie- 'Ullt oil i' t'lle,1 t I , States senit tome . 11el Ilm- irons of congn'ss 10 tt'r' tlieim- utmost Pn- theavors ' 10 hl\e I lultnh' tarlT duty hduuced ullon wool hull \ 001 suhsttlle ! Jlegl Jay I , . Torrey reached here Thursday evening anti hlllled four train loads or cattle calte to market on Frlla ( ) On time way from his ranch 10 this place hI dlsco\'lred ) 0\1. , Ience or ito theft or 1\t cal\rs by two cattle rustlers . Jake Snider and AI l.tlnel' . The Iln wera arrested at JIHI1 Terre "s ' lustauee and are held In Jai at . Ian.ler . for tral ! " , " , I'H IH " 'fIIII'rlll. No less thou wOlller11 arc Ihl cures aI- camplshed b ) liomi's Saueapanllha . even alter oIlier IJreparatans ; amid physIcians' prescrip- tons have faiieul . The reason . however h slmplc. Whel the bloa.1 . Is clrleho,1 arid inirltleri . dIsease disappears anl good hellh nuttumrnls . and hood's Sarsaparila Is the ono true blood pum'Ificr. Hoad's Pis arc prampt amid elclent and 110 not purge pain or . rlpe. 25C. 11t11 ( l'IIUI'IIII'I'.UI ! . ! , ' I " I. ( omiuuuulttei If''I' ' tf I/I n Its I I " 1' " I A' I tl. IIIAD IIIINo \ ' . H.-The senate In' \eslgatng cammltee appoinlell to Inqlirc Inlo thc workings ar the locai I mnllellal go\- ernment Ilder the prcEent charter met In tha Hotel Ielrapale loday antI began what 19 expected to Prove a teai'ehilitg as wel as a sensatanal InvestigatIon. The members hires- ent were : Sen.itora W' . II. Andrews 01 Crawford - ford county. chairman ; P. Il. Hard nbergh. \a'nl ; Althlr Kennedy. Allegheny county : SJmlel J. : lcCarrol , 1.1phln. and John C. Grauly . Phmhiadlphiia . the only absentee being Senator C. W. Thomas aC i'tullatlelphla. Lawyer - yer Angelo I'reedl' was prent , representIng the CItizens' Mlnlclpal association thraugh ito ( efforts or which organl71110n the Ilsolu- ton was Intraducell anti pushed In lie Illl nenilte. The Iflqlalure failed la I.rovlle for thc expeme ar Ihe Investg Itng coinmultici' . hut time Citlaeiis' MunIcipal alo.oclatioml CII lns' : ap"lclaton came forward with an offer or $20,000 for the use ar the ( coniiniii ( ( e . whleh was accepted. ( Slaa \ Petit . who IE cxpectl.1 . 10 oCCIPy a positIon similar . 10 that or : lr. loft In Ihe New York II'esllaton. Is counsel for the Northern Pacific ralro . anti Is at present - ent In tim scest , During hIs aitsemice the Iuiihc of ( hue iirobhng work vill fall to Mr. Freoully. I f 'l'rouilleuI ivi I Ii It lieninmit IMIII Itt-mimI 'iii is. ANNAI'OLiS. Mul. , April 16 , 1891.-I have ttsed Chamubei'lalmis l'alu Ilaloi for rlteuutut. Llsiii uinul foflini it to be all that Is clalmiiei for It. I 1)511010 It to be ( lie host preparation for rhietinuattslti amid deep seated niuscimlar paIns eu tIme market amid cheerfully recoin- nitetmul It to the lttlithie. JOhN (1. IhItOOlS , dealer In boots , shoes , etc. No. 1S Math St. ALSO ItEAl ) TIllS. MECIIANICSVILLE , St. Mary County. Mn. -1 sold a bottle of Clianmberialn's I'atut Ilalni to a man wimo had been suffering with i lieu' unatlain Cur several years , It iimauie hihniu a well lihan. A. J. I.'GlLb. Nut .tuitluui.s lii St.iI. Thiomnas Kllpatrlclc of ( lie Kllpatrtck-Koch iry Coeds coinpau- received a telegramn yesterday frommi ( tie ( trio of llradley , Mc. Cluro & Co. of flnvor. as follows : Deliver , November 1l.-iilpatrtchc-iCoehi Co. : advance wIll Y0t4 tall ) ( or ( he Falcomicr stork ? " The fciloning aiissver was lmtinie- dlately eflt by ( he Omaha firm : "Bradley , McClure' & Co. : Telegram received. At presemit nothIng wouild Indtica timi to sell. liumluensu ! I rado today. Gives PromIse of permilanent business. " Tim store 3'estenuldy was crowded 'Ith people anxious to sectlre earl ) ' hiuirchiauea from the expemislvo stock on sale , anti hard tImes itet'liiPEI 11 thIng of time Ileetimig lttst at ( ho i4oro presitleti over by ( lie umen them. - The DarlingtomiVitu. . , .Iotmrnai says editor. laity of a ltoptllar Patent medIcine : " \\'o know from e2qerlenco that Chaniljenlaimi'a ( 'olle , Cholera anti Diarrhoea fleliledy is all that Is cialmimeul for It , as on two occasions It stOltlied excrucIatIng uaths amlul pussllily sa'ed UI fronu an untimely grave , \Ve. would nio rest easy over iiighit without it in tue house. " 'rh I s u'eni edy uiiitloubterl ly saves in ore ira Imu and sufferhiig ( Iran any other iihedinlne In the V. orlul. Every faiiiIly should keep it Id ( lie hOUSe , for It is sum'o to be neederi sooner oi' lIter. hlnm'y Sm liii Ii Is Ii Uric , Harry Fischer , lIving at Thirtieth and Jaciwon streets , hid with an accIdent last lriday ovoiiIng that camno near costing hun lit. life.S'JiIlo leading a horse out of the barn ( ho animal turned , aol , before he could get out of Its way , It kicked him In the mouth. Several teeth were knocuienl out , a deep cut. maulo over Uie left eye , and other lnjuinhes sustained about the fece. Fischer was rendered ulnconscloutt for a Limo , but was finally stile to walk to the housi , where Lis injuries were dressed by a phy.shciari , . . - De&erving Comlfidence.-TJleruj Is no artlcI4 whlcii so richly deiervi ( lie duties confIdence of ( lie commuitity a , iirowgu'a Bronchial Trochieg , Tbose stuttering from Aitbiiiatic amid Bronchial Ulleasca , Coughs anti Colds , sliomild try them. Price 2. cents. CuBANS hAVE A NE\V \ SCIIE1E Propose to A31c the Uiiited Stato3 to Itltor- vono hI Their Bebalf SENOR PALMA TO GO TO WASUNGTON itI'it of htt't'igsuhlluuui of Ilelligecent Itiglit. .tluimuuiuutt.ii uuuuul it , , 'tv 1'1hh1. ' ' Ilromutt'hui III' thut' h.t.uidi.r. at tlii .ItuuiIit , \.Slil NG'i'ON , Nov. 1i.-Pr.hdemt3 Thiemnmas hstrinint : t'aimnu : , ( lie heart of I ti ) Culnami revoltltlohuitry party , wIll contie to \'asiuingtomi u Ii lilmi ( lii' 11051 few days. it Is O'lt'CIt'ti that luhi vIsIt vihi restili In .i uiuero dcii mi I Ic' I Inn' of ltd Icy rega rd I rig us ii , i t , Cubanis vili suggest or lIrgul tipumi cr'mgress as the Itiost desirable course for ( lie ljiiitul St At es to iluintlit. Mr. I'aliua lit not onily lircahuleuit of thin Alimerlealu branch of ( lit' CuiLi.uii nrgamiiztutiomi , but hia recently receivetl mu couuilmtumilcatltimu frouii tiio Ilistirgelit governutnmemit Of Ctib.i. iuiak- I hg hi I iii its ofllcial reprt'scml tilt I'n I Ii t hiti IJnI t t it Stati's , U moler tieao ci reuliumstii nee'i it liiO'tltlut'lit ( S Oil COOt to : Mr. i'ttltii r - 11101'C lila hmeauhhtuarlers fromii Nt'w York ( a W'ushiiiigton , to be ne.ir ( lie sett of govuriu- iii i'il ( Ii I ho t lie tIll tst Ion t.lf Ctmlt.umi freeulnmti i s ui Ii let I lil. Thu Is moat tt r. luc.we 'er , is it nia t icr icr fuituro' comiuklt'ruttloui. attn his coin- I hg % 'ls I I % I I I ho t emit itora ry. TItus fr the PolicY of the ( 'utbatii tins been toward ecetirimig train the l'mmlteui States nec- ogmuitlitit of the behligercuit rlgitta of the Imi- suIrgu lits. Now. hionever , thit're Itt 5)111 to tie a in huh umemtt hal ulemttemt I mu gal mu et ti Is t'oum reu , . They soy It would furo'e ulisuietrunis to , 'tiuicrl- cutli siuIppiiig. as It uu'otuid liermuht Spain to eI/.e , uuierlt'rumm increhtauut shills stisliCti'rj nit can y1 cnntralt2niul goouluu oh tue hilghu seits , whuereas these st'Izuuremu catumlut hue iiiiti ; at ( Ii c iren t ( Intl 11 Cii (5 ( lute t It e I hi ree.uni it' I liii it at tile ( 'tibumm : coast. llmaleaul of recoguuitiuii or time lumsuirgemits , it Is lielmig urged ( lust ( huts Uiiitetl Slntei tthuotilui ( aki' ihtClO to lult lull emiul to ( liii struggle iii Cmibt : , by frcIbie iii- ( ervclltloml It miecessary , as u'us ; Itrohtoserl uS' l'resirleuit ( Iniumlt In 1S ? , , uluinhiug tlm inst Cuba ii uu p. I slug. rltis quei. ( to , . v , ' hi be ii moo ' g imOse to conic lonlora l'rcuhuloni ( l'nhuiia when lie reaches \'asluiuigtomu. TIme rqiort thia ( Gemlertul Macso had been coin mnhssio uiml to coin e to'iush lii gtcn I uu me- half of thin iti.stirgniits Is reguntiirrt : as timitruns my thioso best Iimfoniiuu'nl of the course of ( lie Cubami leaders. Ittieliii'it Ariiii'n Sitlve , The host save ha th' tuorlul for cuts , bruIses , sores , ulcers , baIt rlucuin , fever sores , totter , chapped haunts , chilblaIns , corlIa , and all skin Cruittiont , au.nl positIvely cures ltlit7S , or no uiay retlulired , It is guaranteed Ia glva per- feet saIsfaa'Ion or ironicy refunded , Priu'.o 23 Cent. per tie-c. For silo by Ktihn & Co. SitN.t'l'h ) It 1)1 lIt ) IS : ti A it 125 A 'i'.t i.i ( , 'Liii uuLa liii' ltt'iutilutlt'uiiis 'Via v 't's.t Or- gituuli iii , ' Semnt , . SALT LAtCH , Nov. 11.-Senator Dhlbola of lrlaiio stopputul here tuula' . 'flue seiiuor : is on hIs way to W'aahilmugtonu. \\'licni asited lilt. vIews on time' reorganiza- ( bit of tluo Senate , lie saInt : f Utah eleet two reptiblicami senators , ( lit' relnmbhlc.lmit ( 15111 reorga ii li.c t lutt' senna t t . I ii o ii' t an t id pa I e any attemuupt touvutril reorgniIzatlumi umntti thin ( usa Utah collator ; , are elected onul reach \Vrusli. illgtOil. Iii tiulilition to tills hILl t'iighi. ir Semi- ritor Jolt05 of Nevaula , anti Senator thither of Soti tit Ca cal I Ira uvl I I go I n to I lie reluum hI lcuui : C ) ticuis , It WI II I iii itlC'uI lately litit t lit' reptib. hems Ill a. hIOSItIOlu ttu ongruimize the' senate , I f nd t her of I hienii shioullni go svi I ii ( huts no- Phill lcati s , I I Is iii y oph illo n t lieu I hat a ii lur. rangemiment uvuli lie cuttereul betweemi ( hue re- ittubhtcali anti tlsiiiocriIc semmatorn uvlucrehy ( ho semiate will be organized amid ( lie iiatrnhu. ago dlstnibtited. Of one tlulitg I iuiii cert'almi , aitul that is ( list tim'ithier itartSusihl eihter Iiito ali5' conmbimistion vItlm ( lie lioptulisti , " 'hiouv do you tiuhmulc they uu'ilh go iuimut It . to raise reu'enunel for the ( reaelmu'y uieiIits ? ' ' 'fitroti gii II ti t I it linuI t an If leghula t lo nu . T lua republicans will , of eommrt'e , tine their uitig. nie mit as to whiut : tariff legIslatIon should bui enacted to raIse tIme nicceasry mooney for ( lie govnminitent exptmtseun. 'l'he semlators ( coin thIs &iCtloli uslhl lmushst ( lint there shall hue us uhtity on us cal , as a conditioiu of aml5' sumluluout that imias ho given eastern memlators ( or amiy tariff legIslatIon affectIng ( lint section. iui lii ) ' Juiulgiuient there usIhi bs Ito tariff leglala. thou at this aesslomi of conhgrcss ( hat does not carry a duty on wool. " " \'Iuat action do 'oti ( hilmilc i'ronhu1emut Cievel.-unui wIll ( ulce as to ( lie Irrochaniatloli declurlng : Utah a state ? " ' 'il uvIll Issue tue Iiroelaluiatlon byonil i dotmb ( . hits uvill have ito solid cxctiso for ulohnig otherwise , nuid besides. uitmchu nit action uvoulut be tuiiluleceuiemited. ' ' p Acts at once , never fails , Onle Mtniie ( Cetiglu Cuire. A remuiedy for asllunia , and that fevc'nhudm conditIon tsliiclu accoiiihuanles a se- yore cold. The omuly iuaninless reinculy that produces ininieihiate rc"'uuhts. a- i.iutlus ( If It iii. SAN Fit/sNOISCO. No' . 11.-Dr. Basil Norris , a reIreui ( iuniii5 utuurgcomu , vhuo resluleul for iiiun' years \Vasiuliigtoni , 0. C. , tiled in ( his city last night. Dr. Norris served tiurotmgli thu war iuiuil atteliulcil General ( Iramit Iii several engageiiiomits. lIe retlreul wIth ( lie ramik of colonel. I 2.IANCIIESTEIt. N. 11. , Nov. 11.-CaptaIn Syhs'amuia ii. l1uitnauii. for fifte'emi years cIty treasurer of Manchester , then today. lie suaui Go year. of ago ilniut a veterami of ( lie late war. ith2 llNO , l'a. , Nov. 1 t.JoiinVuiiuclu , fonmuetly graiiui luu3icu' of ( lie grand lorlgo of Odd Felloss's or l'eilmiuuyhvallha. then mere today , aged 5S. Ito uvas wIndy lruIhiuu'nu ( htrotigluorit ( lie etae ( aruI at ( lit' timuiu' of liii. ilttiuht ( su .us Ott ) of ( hue coiilnuiiHhlonrc'rs of Ii rks couiuity , lJtiANON , l'iu. , Nov. 1 1.-Major Gralit \\'e'lulntiami ulteth liric' Ifldy of lrralYols. agoit 56 yciuri' . lie uu'.is ii grurhuiato ; of l'rtttce.tnii , a nuueiniiucr of tIle Lniranon cunmny ( tar and a prolmilnent hletnioc't-ut. ) 2i 1211 % ' ( II SXISM is , ' llorsti'sI's ' .iImh i'Iumusimhuiihe. lr. T. C. Cottistou'k , nttetiuhltig lIIYBIClaIu ) at Goon Samaritan hospital. St. Ioults. Mo. , Says : % e have umiml it mi thia hiospitll. in ulysirlut'la , utervuns ( nuifittbohiti fluid hiu7rs'OtI'4 ' uhisrassi' . It hu3a ( Ito uiltumuilrimiUs : approval of ( lie uuimtdtu'al shalt of this hmoSinttal. ' ' 'I'iu.l ) Mcii 'V4-I4' ( , to A fiuii.u. MIIAVAIICEF2. ( Nou. 11.-A slueclai to ( li ' 1trCOIl5hiI ( rein Mmiruluiette , Allehi. , says tue Mnrqtiettt' i'euwder comiipany'ui iiulll , uultlatai about si , utile. tronu ( lie city , explorleul this nhormling. Tue entire utruictmtre suns tieumutI. islled and two imiemu blisyn to atolmus , _ _ - - - One Minute (1oujgli Cmire is hiturmiesti , tire' duces lnmniuedlalo rceults. rceults.p 'i'll I : lti'2A I.'I'3i.t It IC i : i' . INS'flUMENTS Inured Oh record Nos'enibr 11 , 1S5 : \'AltiANTY lEEIS. 'Vtctropolitiuui 1aitd nitul 'fruit eouiuIans' to Johuui't'ihurjrclc , lot io : , huhcvk I , ii i'hia's It tuthi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 223 Sumi _ ' to Jiucohi l'u'tsiioii , lot 210 , block : j. u'itflht' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ( ' 'ihliiuiiui itiuri us Ito Iu l'resliy. I er I ; . mi 'I'lu cu ltjutieiu I soul I liii ry , lul t 12 , lrlcrn'k I 4. Otnnthinu'hi ss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 'I'luotuuus : 855 out ti ut.l us' I fi' tel I" C (1 Ilihiht' , , tmnnliv ' - hot 0. ( . 'oiuvu'ilt I 'Irma' . . . . . . . . . . 2.iL ) Ii V I I uu II it md itu aba iitl (0 iii une , U id iv 1'4 , t4iiiu)0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1(4) ( V \lIlianii nuimul us itt. in ) iiuitiiC , HOlite. , 1,101) Elsvai d Noixumi to I' J 2.lu'Oovci n , lot 6 , block I , lesti-r's told. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Margaret ( 'leutry to V 52 'r'in , lot 'J , liho k 6 , 1 I tu lIe. ' ni I ' I a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J I. ; Ouvisius ii liii sv 4 Ic ( ci u mimni hi iu I .Oii mi anti Trust ( uIuIiioinv , lutri S 111111 II , Scltheuu'H stuhruliv Imu IV.'st Oiniuuiua. . . . . . 5,000 juhifl 'rle'OoiumhI runt wife to 0 Alc - iuirilieIl , ml i. tie 3I-lt-l2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hattie to ( ' I ) ? tlnhunuiell , us' 54) at'ros of s elf till' 31-16-12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Ii L.ytitlt ( rumd suite to .1 Ii Hte'wuurt , Ii 40 feet of lot :27 : , lihock 1 , Arm. strong's list add ; lot 10 , blro'k 2 , ( Jr. churn I lilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1fOG QUIT CLAIM i)1iiS , J A Smiie' ntini uvIfo to Freniouit , i'lk- horn & Missouri Yuuhley Itallsvay company , tax lots 7 to 32 in ac 5-15.13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarmio to seine , s 750 feet of sw ume 2.15-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j J A l'attorson to Michinel J"hitvln , tot 3. liloclc 16 , liuutuscorn 1'Isee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 J II Stewart anti uvifo to Central 1oaru uttid Trust cotnicuny , lotus 6 and 7 , blochc 3 , Iloggum & Il'is 2nd add , , , , , , , , 1 Total Anlount of transfer.