- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - . 1 p . 1 " . V . . . ' , - , 4 ' - \ I THE OMAJLA DAILY B.E1t' UnSOAY. : OYJThtLIIR 12. 1805. , _ _ _ _ _ . : THE OMAHA DAILY BEI . . ' , . . - . . . - - - - - E. nOUWATlm. : Editor. , rUnLts1tiT ) EVCftT 1'lOflNtflO. . _ Tlm : ! 'I ' OF UflSCfltPTO ? . I . Pnr n. . ( Wlhul Sunday ) . Oni TtIt . . . . I 0 I . vlnr lie. .nd 8und. . On. Tnt . . . . . . . 100 I HIl "tn'h ' , . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7hr. . Month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 & 0 " HundA l't. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . J C RaludB fle . . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 I , : wky ) Uu. On. Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . ! 01'PICE. , Omnh& . Th U. fluilding. fe"lh OmAln. Ilns.r Duldln . . ComlT N and tlh 8tl. . . r.uncl 13Iutp . ! I'url Fttl. ChlClo Omee. 317 Clamber of Cnmm.rct. t ? 4w York. Itonni. U. 1 and U. Trluoe fluildinE. I Viahngton. 11 It 0tret. N. W. ' . I' cnnESI'ovrcr. AiI cmmunIctInua rrliitlng to n. . and edi. 1 . tl emmunltltou. m.ter IbOllt I. rlltnK < 11 To the Idlor. : DIfIERS : l.l'rnS. . An huInei 1Iter. nnd r.mllaltt Ihouit b. ; .dGruser 10 'he Uee Pullshln ! Company. Omaha . Itol , . chetks ! and .tolte ord.ra tl be mode f.oahlo In the order 01 jh . company. ' 11 ) : Ice ! JUI.IHINU COMI'JtNY. - . _ - - - = - - _ : : = - . - = = : STATI : mNT OF CIItCULAT1O. . ' . . . of The Ie Pub- George I. 'Fistliticlc . ficcrctary l.e Ilh. 111lng compnv. bolng duly .worn. SYS thai the ertilil I nlll" , 01 full and cITIpIete cn"lel o the Daly MornIng . I\nl : ! , and tun , < a ) ' I. . rlnt.t I , . \ luI'1 : ' the month or October tS , : . \as R rol. I. ' . . . . . . . I p HI 1. . . . . . . . . t9.269 2. . . . . . . . 19,432 1 9 . . . . . . . . . . 19.212 S . . . . . . . . . " . .42 : 19. . . . . . . . . . n.2.J7 . 4..1.1 20 . . . . . . . . 2' ' ) . Il S . . . . . . . . 19.4OI 21. . . . . . . . . 19.21 t. . . . . . . . 21,19 22. . . . . . . . . . )9.2i)7 7. . . . . . . . 2J.19 . : 23. . . . . . . . . 19.192 S . . . . . . . . 19.21. . 21. . . . . . . . . 2'J21 ' ) 9. . . . . . . 19.2J& 2 : . . . . . . . . 19,331 10 . . . . . . . . . 19,191 2& ' . . . . . . . . . 19.231 II . . . . . . . . 19.1&7 27. . . . . . . . 2lOS 0 ) ! 1. . . . . . . . . . 19.21 2 . . . . . . . 19,103 1 : ' . . . . . . . . . 2IO 29 . . . . . . . . - . 1. . . . . . . 1.71 : 3.1. . . . . . . . . . 19.2.9 1 : . . . . . . . . 19,230 1. . . . . . . . 19.176 IC. . . . . . . . . 19,176 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G1.9IG 1'e . dec1titlon for unenlii ont , returned I.F. cup'e. ' Iellnrlono . . . . . . . . . unooll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 N.t .RI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.92.76 . Inl ) ' aVetng' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.121 : cmoitc11 11. TZ'1ttTtC. ; RIIICI < rOIO : I. Sworn i tn trore , toe In.1 I.uI'ct ) , ' i I.ed In I ) ' prr1" this let day of No\.mlr. IS9 . < ' . < . ' . ' . . ' PublIc. ISIII. ( ) N. 1. . I'I'IL. Notary Publc - - ' AIt(1 ( I hI four $ : ( -n 111 ' t'.III'I'I ! In tie city l'puRI'el"s : olce tr' still ut H. At thp rule til ( 'olnt IIOCt'Cd14 ) In Nlhlllm ) : the I olcial l'pllrn of one elect lou an' lot ! 1'e of II'IIIn ) Ilfore the Cl Ill \ I ) t lgii for Ihe ( IlXt plltllon t be- , Ius. l'hlROlI ole ( un IXlllaln ) wl , ' the goverl1ot"4 'l'hlll1iNgIvll1g : ( lIly PrOc. 11101 tlo go\erlll" ! 'l'hanls/I'ln/ < Iumllinn I I I 1 ! IRstl I < for iii Ill hr I IhL' I 1111'1" - tnry of ! In . II' . If thll' ever wus itity rllROI lot' Ihls lRplps ! fOIIIIII ' It (11 tnllly does not exist how. . lust what IHI.t : Ihl' Inllsirial I Lplon nlll the I Ulloll'a\1 i I 11'1'IIL'111' I I ! of in eli- he'shlll. " \I.'I t I y (111h I 10 t I hunli . I Inr IlrIO' " \la 'I'11 ( In hOst w..l.s .llctons WI' hle hot _ 'LI lJel I hII ) 10 Illcovel' . Cln 11 ' 0111' 111llel lS' ; ! - - - - - - - - - Sell li I \ Shll'IIIU I I ity4 II' I I Imo\j 1 I of . no Fegitll Ill Ihl wOllel lllOI' ( ' Il\Hhle of , Im lnlnlll I delse Illllltol Iht the HIlIN ! 01' 10\1 111 N1)V11Sk11. ) 'Ill ue\I ' : ' 1'111 ( Inlll I . I I I'llt ! IwIII dIrect hlmselt . 10 tilt fertile Helis of these two ailtes. . Gult\lu Ihe XI11'nsln011 hells holds out lesS hope of reward tUt cllh'ntll Nebraska com fu'ltIs. ' [ 'II INSIY on tile gold Imlws . It qlertoulble t wheher Ih ( ' prol1m.t wi IIY ) : for Illdll : I out of lie ( /\0111. ) whlh ! Ihl ISII ' OIl the corl 1tSMtlt'CH fair rettirns oil tile ill- VestiUeiit. Sons of the Amel'lcnn Hl\ulutol IIYe . hl'gll to express rl- Iltl ) ' for tile Cuha)1 re\'oll' - ' tIOlltSts. I Is expt'cletl that by - Ihe tIne coigrcsi 11'LI IllhlL' seutt- tle COI/I'eSH tlnt- lelt fU\'OI'lhll' ) I ro ( 'Ill Ill II 1IIIepLIIIIICl' I I I ) . . wi I hm'L' 1(111 ( whllSII'lull ) : L'XII'lslol Ihl'UIholt lie t PIII1 Hlalc : : . The only men who ltvo heen of any value to the people among Iho a who are to roUT from the counci January 1 are Bechel and I losvoil.-\\'orII-l ! I lerahl. 'Fills Ilsl hL' gl'1ttlfyhllt7 Ion onlol , JlcohSl1 alil EllwIU'lls , wlol . tile \Vorld-1 hl.9'1t1l ( SIIIUllell ( ( lh'ItI . ' or Iii- dl ' In I I In' I ' ililil I bits for ' Ih'lcty It Ilh' : lhltols pro 1110- lon 10 tllgilt'l' olce at the 1'IlcUOI IlsI weel Several Ilsllsh Iowa tl I's 111 Ile pa t't ictila ny hllll'esl'(1 I t I In I hlVII/ I I I Sell- nlor t Alsol I I luIle lIe I 1'llllhleal I II 0111- hHe I for Ihl' t II'L'sIIIL'II' i ) . ( ' II I ISso ! ( ; Ihll t t t1 s' l1t . ' t'tltt'r . tile IRls for tlit' place : which lie 10W hohls its s'iinttirlitl 1p1)- ! ' reseittat h t' of Ihal stttt' ; . t k't : Allison i Dlel ! 011 t ( It' Ihl' I . 1 way : am il whll I I a Ilt'r I ( 'l'ihIlblC for the Iowa ! I'lntol'shlll ( : we OVOtlill hnn' 'he C11l1(1ilitt's ( for the honor wOlhl be thicker than tiles II I II Ill tiler. Ole of Ihl' COlltlhlill'lIlilH that are o'aIt- lug for Hoiltol IsViiy Is I I t that XI'- blslw'lntln ) stlgltt' Is lint soul Iii XI'I I Liti SkIt 10 I hUle ( )1I ) still II. ' 1 ' $ ? ! XIII'IRlw I . . ' beet IHII ' Is II every l'cSlld 111111 10' the heRt tllmll > ' of Ilpo\II'11 . h1'L'1 ) stigar , hit r''etn'askt sit ga t lauulult'CI'1 : i t are ro Ill 111 ltl 10 I RhlJ I I almost I al I IIIll I I II'olluct into oilIer SlcttUS of tile COUII- h' y , alholh I t . Nd to skit IOISIIII flol Ihl'ec 10 four Umls as Ullh igar al It Produced. One of tl greatest dlvilit's ui tl Catholic cllch wi hL' I JIL'11 of 0 inn lIlt Ills I WI'I'k Ftl < 1'lllh ( f ! 'II'I' lug I , Ihetll I I I 3' ( \'I.\\'t . ulII t'UII' hlILI- I t ectuul [ I . tilIlillielIts A 1'1'1 hlRlol1 I'Lln I ; uII Is Just ( 'lllllt I t In I IhL' t I ( ' 011111 of his . ClitIrcil. Ils iet'tiir' In all ( f ( lilt' of the t most wOllhr I lhl'lh'l t II Ihl' t city wi be tlc e\llt or tll IVC'k. Willie his nlll'e ( 10 Ihl' ulltl vct'ralls wi for obvious IIUSOIS ( ) he I 101 Ihe t I less hut e- worthy : t this tiule. I'illlk' 111/11101 , holh lit this city nlil II itt'lY ) coull ' , his Ihuu In t high tl I'e over the escape of \'ti' Ie- On'l ) from the DonJlus rtllir jll Sat- lrtn11 I I/ 'l'hl' l'ase Is all'a1 : l.tl ( I . Ir the 111'11111 Ch''llilauL"'s 1111.1 whll1 tl ( sl'UIJe wns ( n''I.t..1 It Ihllll ho mndo thl' Rlhjl'L'1 tr a st'lircil. Ilig Inn'tgnUul lt tht' hllls of thL' county ( 'ommlslolll'l. . ( If hut at thin Ilt(11 of thl' court \ vhlereinlcCarty was eOI'lel'll or n foul critiie. elme. Xo harts hits n majority In Ihl' IlrRent Ultiteti States setiults anti it Is ) ) Ullrli Htut's Slnnll' 11tl I.Is Ilolslhle ' that tw ( I'IUI1ts laity hi' pel'mllld to 1"111 the orgauizatloii. . Tht t"'llhl111 ' are Isst'l'l l'ltrol or the 11'Uul after Iillrcll , l1 I' , whlU thIn 11t'xt batt'li or ' ' ( 'k'etc'Ii senators t Is l1IllItte . tlwl 11(111 1111 011 1llltl(1. : " 'lh this IH'sIH'ct Ill 'Iew It wi not ho ) 8lr\rllln , II the ( I'Jocrtl make ; I I tlt'si'rute I'lfort to I'l'hlll Ih" 11''I'Ut < cmo'rute tmcI' ot the seliate. I Is their lust Ihul'o ut the sl'uul' lntti'tllugt' and tht ' may be r lcd upou t luke to most or It _ , _ _ _ _ _ - - . nrn < lNO I. " 1A lW. I I Amhnsa1tor laFnrl' ' takes tl trouble to keep blmR.M . Informed RS to : Amorlnn Illblc oiliulou ho his Irll'ned that the portion or hlH Edinburgh 1 oti. dress In which he c1enouneel1 protectIon h widely ccndenmct In this country So 11111n and direct nn Imputlon against the intelligence or thl' Aiiierl . can pet)1)I& ) ) ' , wlo Ill thl'l'O successive elections had tieciltrell . their electons hnc declu'c.t preerenco for Ihl proll'clve ) ( loley , was Elclhlng mote tlt In lullrollrlelYi ; I vas , ns Helnlol ( Chnller or New Inlllhlre sniti . nfl otItrilge , for \hlell the nlhas- Indol' i olJht 10 be recalled. "It was n d0s'lit'Igilt / partisan political I speech . " said 1' . Cilanthier. "Xo one represent- big thus o\'lrnlell . Ib10:11 ( Is IlllJoset In in the to lulllge partisan polics II CoIllitlV _ ht' Is nccrcdlet to. ills course Is wlholt ll'ecedelt BUd I 8hol11 not go ull'bllCII" g\'rl some of lie ( more candid of tie nglil livvsjlapt'r.c e- . 11'ISSI't surprise at :1 r. nn 'lll" : tt't. . nncl , for no JI'lt h tiiulissiidor , could , lilltke . slch lull at tack 1110n ) thl' 111"\ .tof . I 1lllm : 11:11 : " Ii Iln t'otititi' ' iltiti 1..1111 nt his host , wlllhl' that 1I'I'a In PO\\'II' ) 01' nol \\'l'e Sir .lllnn I lnll'lfnll I tl t 1lllsh t nlht : a. dot' tt tVSl slil ugh lol , 10 I ( tellOullIce In n Illhl I ( ' fl i Ii l'i'ss n poll ) i ( % ' of Ihl t Ihl'l'nl I I I Ilu'lr , ttl'rt' . ( ' 1111 lie no doubt he wotlit he I'rolllt ' rllulh't unl II'ohuhl ' 111'1' lallltr I t l'llh'lll I fl'OI tl ti Iplo Ill It tic service' . IbIt wilIltever ' ' ' . . RII'\'II'L' Jlt whul'n'l' l'lhll" \lr. 1iiy- : 1'11 sil ! ' ' ; wi eo Ill I' rml lie I Aml'l'leal i IH'I ( s Ilel I I I I Illhll' i . II I I wi lIen \ ii ot ii lug frol tll IIIIIIIRII 1101 , whleh . 1 ! till- tolhlllly ) ( In hearty . rrl\ntl wih )11 lit I ( 'I'a I ( I. 31t . Iilyiurt1 wi he per- 111111 ( 10 rlluln . nt his post Itlrlnthe ( tll'l ofl It. l . CII\'cland , nt thl' ( lnll of whleh hl ( ' wi lCtIlt'it 10 hlR colilitry utlI ever thll'enfer 1'llnll In political oh- Hllllr , 10 be rOllllhllL'II ( , Rn far nf ltls tlJlolnte rnl'I'I' Is ; com'II'nlll. IH ill ! nhjL.t ) Virslliii1'L ' at : thc ( Shit'Ille of Blllsh ft'c tl'ude J11 r l'/W/'I.nX . itn. It1flT ) . I If HIIIISI'11 that ' iii. H'clt lay Ibid Ihl tusk of laldnl : tJ IhL ( clilullIlt- tees of lie ( 10lSI' 111' ( ' Ihan ( : ollhml'l ' iitriilexitig , oving 10 tilt' iacgt' iiiitiihter 1I'I'lllxlnowll : tl 1'/1' IllhLI or 111Illhleln ( Ilmhll'R. hill ) ny of % 'ilOili . I I I 11 ahl , wi I i 11111111 ( 'OISlllc- 10n ( l'ILOIIItol. I I 'l'll ' l'hOlsl I COIlS tlllS 1 2 II I I 1'llhlL'al I Illh.I'S. I ) ( of I I whol JO ( I' , . 11\\ ' . :1 lId tl' I 1 I Inler I I 1'l 1'110'1'11 10 t I h 1 it' JlltlIlslh'ss t I i ) I hl'II1SI In I all tilt' olslll i 1111 I I I I lal t , l'IIU'III/ I I I OIU I Iii- zallol : or I Ihl I I It iti 51' 1111 I tl t ii iiiu , I ii t- . IL'I't ' of I " ' 011111'1 i t t dmh'lll I I 111' t I 11\\ Ilmh'I's : ,10 hut ! l'll to t hI 1 rOlsI'n'll So lilt' or I Ihlse t I lilt' sal ii to ha\'l' I i hlLI ( cOI \ 1II10llhll' wlh I11 \ \ ' of tic- 11Ulellrecolltol ( I a tIll la\'I' I I hl'oul111 I ) tile sl/lslon that If :1' . Hl'ell pro- ) uses 10 ( foiltis' tritlitloli In forlulug tiit' } foi 11II1ton fo'mil/ conlnllelR Hll ( lulll ! hit' ehul'len ( hey lur hut ro'wl'll I cailthitlute for slJulwnllp ago ilIst him. 'Ihll mnr hL' Idle ' iiiitl 'et tlll'l' ' Is iioth- mere Itle 1110' 11t yet thel'l luth- lug Inherlnt > ' IICI'Cllhl1 Ihult : ) it , but In Ilr e\'ent oI II' . Heed ml ' hI' ( it'- ) eml.t1 lon 10 mumlI' thl' I w'ork thai wi IL'volIlln him so Ihat ( Ihl' lt'lMt ) posslhh' (11 llsrlltul ; Nlml : result. ' 1'lttt hI wi hot he ltilt' to satisfy everylitidy Is I . of enU"SI. I 101'I'/01 101 clusioii. All the Illhll'S of lie I housl Wi hll' ( ' coiniiilt tee lhices . hut It Is hot 10 hI ( 'Xit'dtetl } tlu I Il wi hI (1111111 wil i Ihll' t I ! uR"I IIIIIN. i t wilI tIl II'plll'IIt1 I ) of I ) Hnll ) fol III I I mUI' , ' Ilesllhl ( i , Jnllolf I t wil I I I 11110Ihllc1 I ) I t ( ( i ' IIH\llntL' Ii t Ii e 15. Blt 1 I t Vhiu t C t''P jt't'pit'x ' ! - HI.1 I :1' . IIL'II I t Inr IXIIII'ill'l (11'I'IX-1 I fnlmhlthl tusk. I I Is Nlfl 10 Nar : Ihal whll I 1 1011111'cl ( It I wi I I I hL' I Ilrlly I t ; Ii 111.\ 1 ' 11111''I1 I I ) As In ( I tIl' ( IIIIl. : If It lie t'titCi'IliilI'tl. ( of 11111 : : tii'ithit'r ' 1''llhlcll allllst : hill i rut 11' ( 1IIIIIU'I'hlll. II Is lalil''sllr oh- "U'II 'l'l it' It' wi I I hL' 1 ) In . oppositul I I 10 ( ( \I II' . HIIII I t , hll'II 1 ' 4 ( ' Ihll. I I i " Is I 10 1'11111- lell I mllhlt' of Ihl' I I I IIW I ltIiul4 ( ' who I cUIII ( I II' I Ilhll'lll I ( I 10 I i 1\'I'I'llt I fltllulal I 111111101 ( for sitki'l. ) AI " 011 wlo I Silo iii ii 110 ! O WOIIII I II ! Ill est eCI'lllllr. I . thll'lhr hilt In .111 In his iiullilleal . I sti : lId In g I ! I r'llhl I L'I I. for Ihl I I I IHI.tr t'V4'1''ViIt'it' _ IXIIL'L'IS ) auth Ih'sl'li : III t Illllol or 'I'hmuus It. HL'I'II. I 'lillllii- ( ( ) PI 1.tl rl\lhlcnls or ( ) Ihl' 111.1' . whll IIIS"llhll' I I II I l'nl'I" . wil I I I aL'eOIII hl1 ; tilt' eXt'CiItiOlilll dillilIillit'lit I or I nom 111 ton ) h > ' 1tla 11 tol. ( 'i'IlI ; " "I''f.0'1.1 ; TfS ; sirt ; i's ' ; , 'I'i it' 1'lllhll'll I I IHI"wi I I I I collie Inlo I Ihollll ( t'Iilitrll ( or Ihl 1110lUI : SllUl' ( Ill : Iuldl .1. . 1597 l . alli wil JI'ohahlhll'l' ) a It.0Ii .1 I I y II I I I Ihll t I . I hCllr I whl'h I I wi I I I 11111 I ill t'oiitttil for SOIII yt'iit'S. Iasl : 'l'ili's- : tlity's IlldlulS t I II"U'L' I l'I'lllhlh11 ) I 111- alols fl'OI Ohio 1111(1IltryllIlll1 10 she- ct't'd 1111. I . Itel I Hlhson I I ) ) , II'ohlhlr I I : I I 1t'- I ilit'a ' ' ' ' Iu I I I I ii fl' Xt'\\ Illhll'ul SI'I'"Ot' o 111 flol \ \ YO'I , . Iwo t 1''llhIIIU t1lmtO'S t 111 I-tah I 1111 Ilo"slll I ' oil e 11'01 111 l I Il\ ' . ' it' (11'1111IIIS I I of III I I I l'llhleals I \\1 I hi' I fi iii t' , wllll ii titled 10 t 1111' I I iu.'s- Lnt stl'II/II. 111t'hl011 DIIOII or It'l- ) IWII'I .VllISt' Illtou ! Is ( 'nII'llel. wi give . t h.1 ( fort ' -llx VOIIR. t m' 011 iii u- .o.ir I In I I . R'lltll' I of 1111Ir I 1I'II"'I'S. Ihl' llullIllil'r I wi eouutaln'li1l : nlh I hit ' ctiiuit's U sttlt' : . " 'lh ( lie H'ullg of DIIIIUII. I I t wllt.1 I Is Iit ' ( ' 1)0 ) lilt' . . 11111' I I 1 II'l'lol t ( it' I'Llllhlh11 I SIl I IUII t 11'0'1 Xp\\ York 111 1t'lltu1ehy. Iill'r . , wOlll hI' I I 1'llllhll'UI : IljO'I t y II I tl t " 11 a It' of foU' whlll may hI 11'I'ease.1 . Iu live h I i.t' Ihl t vole ) I of I'laIO' I .Ioils ( i of 1 I XI'vllla : on 11 I I u Ill est lolis IX 1'1 I I Ihl I I I eti rl't'Iicy. HI'lllhll'll I { (10111 I Ii U11tt' II I thL' I I 1'111(1 i I i t ( Statls RI'lmI' liI't'lliurt'li .1 . 1 ; . Is . . thici't'ioru' aIU'p,1 ) u Ilel h i is' _ I Inj\ I I y Ihlt ( I : wi I I I 11110Ihlpll ' cuin hi t' II t i Ill rt y 10 t \'ltln I : t I t'IIII'ol . t * of III t 1)IJt. hl.llh t i I of t'Oui grt'ss 11 .n11 ( II I II'ISt' I I ( 'lnIIIY. I 'hls , Is lint 111' ( least Imlll'ltll of tl Ilsnls I t SII'I'1 i hr I IhL' t I 1 I : t I. I ph'l'lols. t I . \1 liiiutethlatt' mallr of intt ' i'est Is Ihl Illslol of l'IUI'gHzIIg tile slnal or tl' ( 1"lrr.folllh ( 'Ollgr'S5. COlldt'Vll- lug whldl Ihll't t his hll'n I some tltI'lla- tltuii. 'I'lit' \/.hll/lol ( , I'I'e"llollh'nt ) of t he PIililttlt'liilia 11.tllll' , wlole rumlhll I I I y wih I t I i such ' 11111'1 t I lakes hhl 11 1IIIorl ' . says : lint ( whnIL"-II' - nrritligt'uuucilt Is iluittit' . wlllhl'l' I hI lie- tV'ehu tl' t rt'puihlit'aus filth Iht' 11111' ( 'rll (1 tl ( r\uhl'lus lll III IHIII- lists . Ih I ( ' 1''llhl'IUH l wi bL' obliged In Insist ( lint their RIIIllor mnnhl'I'Rhnl ho it'dOgtIl7.ed allul Ihal thl' ' t'0g1111' < mil IIIIII : coun- iiilttt'es shall he ' ' Iu thicit' ' ' Ilh'L'i hul pllt'(11 : Ilh' tll'gl' . I Ic POIIiIS out Ihat ut tile4'l ' ' 10 pollti \11' > OllNlt Ihl' st'ltate wi bl confronted wih 11 ( ! II'slol of onullzntnu , ht'elusl ) of IhL' Iluhll' or'ncancll , 11 the \.U'lml l'ltlll'L'S , nnt ( liSt lie ( two /1'.lt VllrtJl' wi have to determine ulon 11 ! \ L . . , . . . - - . - - - - - - - I rh'tlton or the rommltcc" troro 1tjIHtn ton cun b ( ' prnL''llldlh. . 'l'hue cml'cton of the cullltce 18 not n merely IIC'CuncorJ' Ict , Imlcll to the UsitIgtllflulIt ot the new sc'lltitorio. I 1M ( f the ( highest peronlllmportnuC to ni the tlnntors anti or great concel'n to the people , for thc reason that the char. nctr ot Iclolnton In tch'I'llue < 1y these slbordlulte budle. iteorgiuliizit- tOI being Impernth'e , says thl Ledger COI"CNlI11cn t , and ( lie n'llhlcll hlng tln dominant party , nlholg1 lacking three of n mojority . tie rl'llhlcnns will bo hUIllet to meet this ( IUeHtol nlli to Insist Umt they shall bo rccognI7.(1 lS tie domluaut party nlt given control or thc leading comiiuittt'es. He ' lelltl conuultl'I'S. Hef:1'R hIlt ( they caulot m'IHle tier slititik froth nRSllluj lie ( 1eSIJOnHlhll ' for Iegisiit- tiotu. tou. SOle repuhlenn senators 11l ( ' eXpressed ! . pressed ( n hike \ll'W , whie nlhll' ! have RIIII that ( It would he tililiiViSltlit' ( ) for , the republicans 10 cater Inlo any m'- mngcn1It or coalition Innkhl/ 10 the ( reol'gttuizatloli of the seIlfltt' , but I II'olmhlr ) ) CU ii hot hi' I < 11'1'llul ( I > 11 ( tvhi lull \1\\ ' \ t ' \ 11'\'ul IUt tl l'I'llhIL'nu MPillttI'd ( , get 10ltlr ( hi rid etausitlt'r Ihl' II ( Iui's ( I io IL We 1111 VI' Ihuuht t tint Ihl' butter IllLr ) ) wO111 hL' to 11'1 tile 0 : nUI1ltul Vt'liiihltl In lie ( coulrol uf tile tl'morl'als t uut I t I I tl ( l'llhIIIIS oh i- . luhl'll I l i I Injol'lt of Iho t I 111111. t Ihus t h'l'hl I ! III t l'I'Sllou si lhll 1 I I I y 10 Il'llsll- lon ( wlh the tlt'uiiot'rtts. IL'I'IIIII lit\V- 1'\1'1 fl'om Ihl ( 11011111 0' IIH'I : ' 11111 ( orIL' \ " It wi I a la' little tllt'ft'rt'uuee whleh COUI'SL' IR ndtiiitt'l. , I'JO51'(1' ( f' ' 1/11',11. ( 11''OI.\ Atuti how WI' nn' assured by Ihl' ( O'jal thlt chums 10 Sllllk t. ' authority that WI' nle ou the eve of all era . of IllullL' 1uIIlIIII rlfO'1 In tile city uf Omaha. : ' 11111 is . nH lie ( orgtil : of 111 ( lucomln luulrllll : comhlue Un\ admits . 2 Jrlut field for Jlluluo n.rm'l lu thl ( atllluiulis- ! ( ration or city tffilrs. " \1 bellevt' . . It coittltuties . "that Cnlltalu lloaldl ( , 10 fur a ! Is wlhln tIlL marOI"1 ) o\\'el' . wi i Ilw tllVel'tlV _ 10 ( I ( lit' line of the tltx- 11 'L'I'S' Ilt'l'r tR , a 11 we belIeve thlt : ho will L'Xl'l.t hhlsllf 10 give Omnla Ihl' ( hlst Itmlulstmlou ) lu its hIstory. 'uI : far lS I he council 1 ! eouret'll11 ( lii'i't' Is good l'paROI 10 bt'lieve ( hIlt tmt hOly wl I ICHlpll'ate t wlh t lie t lililyor on til t I Ihls of t'dilillly , anti ( elll'll 11111 " ' . ititei'est. Ilh'I'st" 'Fhls ltSNtii'llIidl' would he wIlotcl1 1 ' 11 I 1 fIIt'litls ) of t 10lelt I ( gO'cl'utlll t , ulcl lIlil' ( ( ' Part it'uiinrly h ) tlL' ( titxpayers . If It hatl a slh llltal 1)11515. ) (01111 nH It I 1101S from t 11051' who 1 I a \1' I IL' I' t'iilsetl I01 ( ' l allst 1'IIzlel'H. ) job. , hll'l ulII ( tlXl'1 let's II 11 hil' ofilce . . hut Oil ( lit' . cOlitt'ltly 10 ( whul llhlc 111\1 , , deret's . :11 cOUllnes huvl neVe' luoke ' II.lln for all and comfm't. It wi lie Ilkl1 ollr for what I II worth. : Genulue 1'lfm'l cLltalulr cannot be 1001.1 < for fl'oU men IlenUlet wlh lie ( spoIls srslet unt men wloRe course Iii Ilhlc life IiIiS II'o\'ed tWt , to bc un- Uludll of their obligatIons nl ( thl' Ilub- ' lIt' itlterest. 'fhll'L Is UI old GCIUIU lulugl' to Ih ( ' pn'plt ( lint whlt Is to Iw- collie V II'gu I' wl tuna sour \'et'r soon. If I Captain Bi'OIttdll hOleHlr ( l'Sirttl ( " 10 ( I , hew (1Ieel ' to the iliie , " why . dhln't , he hlgln hewilwlel he was made IssiOlic ' ? " ' hus li POl leo cOlllsslouet' ' 'hr s II iilk'tt UII leelleCXIII18LI ) UOI thl' , ( liXIUVt'u's ) . iiy IWL'pln/ tIle 11111 IIY \l for O\\ I wo mOllls lie ( special olkllN who WIII 111111ul'll ) ) for extr thiit.t' Ilmll/ state fah' \\'l'pk' ? I CaIJ- ' lall t I Bloallh I I I ) I ) lollwS In t Iw10 I I t I the I 111 II Ih. ( . , hlL'lest II Inxplls. . vliy hus I Il 1'01\1/1111 / Ihe t h\11 I I t ( ! I t'ict 1110 I .L 11'11 oun' fo' Rodal vl ( ' alcl loaded : oIl Ihl t ! IIXlla I i ) yt'i's a lIe\V 1111'1 I tlat t wl rngl' II'om $ l .OOO to $ lOO ( ( I 'Ial ? ! \'IlN hIs t lit tilt' IlItt't'est of lhulihlt . Iwrls ( ? ( ' 1111111 > ' hot. I I Is Illhll , , : Ili)11' ) 111' less Ihal a contrilitu- 101 I ( 10 I tlL' t ( I tVll l't's al < I 1 1,1111lIS . of . ti Is- orti t'rly I'L O'IH , a ltd I hil I i ftir thl'l. po- ltcal favor. Umlt ; , If 'ou ilietist' : . tlat Call1aiu Bl'oalch hlilsily Illellls Iu luru lIver a lew 1(1 I whll I he hllOll'S I Ill U 'O' t 111 . grlllit I that Il would lRI his veto fo. Ihl t I i 1"01'1101 ( i If i IUXplrl'I'S t t : as' : lLa\- ImHlr as his tItyor Iteiiuis-vliicli he t.tU (10 olir iy rlII111uIII I : t t I 11 I I Is : poltlll I I I I il1)L' t gag ( s 10 I WIII I It'elt'rs : u ll i et irpira- ( 1llls-whal t 'ii a uu et' wOlld I i I his VllOeH I t huve : 11 hl'hll Slit4tlillIt'i ( hiy Ihl ( lew t. 'oludl' ( I . II I It I uot . ahululllr I t l'I'I'lalu t Ihnt I I I'II'111 I 01 i this I I I Ihamlet' t wull be IISHet 0'11 luis 1111l' 011 of thl' lit ulu iovt'rs lu i 11' t 1 i 1111'111 t con hull just I \\0 ( hilly Il' I ( 'ollh'll t I 01 oll'asiollly Whl'l tilt y hl\1 uul 11111 ( "I' ' wlh the ( 'omhhl' on 1011 Rdl'IL' of 11I' I 1\\1. \ I lt'll ( oldol ) ( ( t'lslgls hi" SUC'HoOI' wl II'ohhl.hl' ( IIH' I Iasctll : . CII of II ( I I' liSt : 118 . lige 1(1 tIN mel th1 : t las 1\11' Ol'- ( 'HIIILII a "Clt Ill IIY l'OUldl Of tie Ihl I Ul\\ ' ( 'Olldhlll I I two ha \ I it't'll " I 1"11 1111 II'o-lcl ) titie. 'Fl I t'te tar u 105- silly hI' two 0' Ihl'll olll's ( who wl sIt tIll II t o'lllal I :111 : i I I la'lp i Ihll' I slI'11 I dlal floUt Ilall:1 : of bootlk' . ibutvlt'ul } It I . t'OIIS I 10 t i II ' 1IIIstoI l ( I ( whel'L' II ( iii . h.t'lsls t ( : . of II' I I i IIXpar.I'1 t dash : wlh t IISL' ( I or Ihl' I II'aulhlll'll I i t c0111'a101S : t uot 1 010 of Ihce t , He\'el ( ' 1111 hL' ) 11111111 IIJOU ) 10 ( 111111 ( lp aUII ' ( he cotutitt'tl for ( I I I' ' it e . FI'L'L' l I 'as , ( ' ' ' II' Jlollll. gas . fl'le wa h'l. I ( tee S lt'll I t 11' t lilt N'O's : . free I ci t'i ulioii ( 's . ( ito IIII'IL' ( t 1/lls I I lu(1 111:11 I I : ilsst's ) fm' t Itt' llislS''S . fa 11 i IIs i i ulII ( I 1lllltls 1 tviieui - 1\11' they \alt ( 10 10 out I jUIIH.t w1 hI' I Il'I'lllllhl' i I . 1111 tllSL' ( RI/ur-eoal'll t I ui I it's wi I I 1J Jmlllul I I ' 1"'I'III'ocalecl t tt titi' ( IX\I'ISI ) of tl tIXJI : 't'I'S anti Ihe Illhl ) ( ' J1111'11 ' . \VItit ( In' \ ' ' ' ' ht's ( Itltclithill5 Wih II'II' Il'st 1IIlItols CUliiain I BI'OIIl1 ) wi IH' 11uhle to (10 11 'lhll/ i ii Ihl' t . ( lh'I'llol I I ot gllllw lullclpal I ' I''fuillit. HI' 111 11 thl' I ulhll' I 111\ t ' till- ! daIs ( h'I'1111 UI t Ihe I IklH.t t wil t hj1 i ; i a t'ul shUIII ' tI hmllits ( 1''llsll'lllg the ( llklH t uf I ( ' 1111 I I : ; . 'lhal t iioily , a : IIII I I tiu'oiughi I pXllulh'o cOliuluilt I tee' , wi ti ict it I t' 11 I 111\olllll'nls ) ) t I unll orllall ( 'Vt'I' > ' nltal l : 1 I'I t of i 1IPOI'III'e I I uf Ihl t Illh' ( ' Uthllilihlst ! ratloui. COlnII 12i uito's lot 11'111111 to hi' ol'/allzct for /1'llhl returuii. Is I ( highest 111'HIStt ) ) ( 1l the Ilnrt'ellnt of IlIacIs Ol the ( I Ilhle Ilr 1 oIl for its luenuhiet's 1111 tIle I thistt'lhuloIl of ) lble ) ltllel' ullns tilt ? elcct. This [ Is tl t tl\'II'nlhllt Ilro"lllclut ( for th ( ( rl'll ISPtJ . and all Ih , ' aMSt'lees or geliulilit' 1'fu'l lu th , cIty hll art' m : lusll 10 l'OIIUI 11111 I'nel. I i It " tVl'lt tIhi'St lilt' vhie ( III'r ' I tS 10 I I hi wllthll' WI' 1111 I I hu itiiit' 10 tirIng Ilr Ilhle thlf ( 10 JItl'l ( If I he shnuhl hI ( 'II\ht wlh I t hit hnld I In tltt' ' ' ' ' ' tl' 1l'lil' 11 'l'iit'se' 11'1 lUIllu. titblt , tl'UIs. Hut there . lullu ! II one you- - - . , ' . ' . . . _ ; - - "I v . - ' .1. _ I r . solnton ( : People who expect nOlhlng wIll not be tiiiapioituteth. One oC ( lie otecrs of lie ( A. I' . A. 1mB venturlt into Ilrlnt with the stntelrnt that all members or thl ( order were In- stlnctOt ( to Tote solidly for the ( repubhi- eln cnuttllnte for governor of one or the states where Uhcrnntorlnl electIons ! ! eectons Were hclt last week Ttuesdny. Accord- lug to his assertion , ( Lieu . republicans and temorrls alIke were cOlllelct to Vote for the fnlC 1111111. I tile tl'IO' crtc A. P. A.'s 10111 be forced to vote for n repuhlcln of cOI'e the 1'1'1 I b. lenu A. P. A.s l'JI he fo'ced Iii lie ( MUle 1IIIer In vote for u deuiiticrnt I. 'I'he melhol ! of the Mlur.clnl er outt In loenl iiolIjlc b - Thin lIce leI ) ni e Joselt by He' ' l'l the . Sl tO eYl' 'wht'e. They ! cal for IUrt IU . 'II ' whie tl ' l'e tlsl'Ulllu/ ni ltlttIeN. 'j'hernHllt / on I flrllglt ticket voting while eOllleluIllbtl'l to bolt their own pal'I Iy uoiuiltiees. A 11 . yet tl ( > ' tiilk or 'xlelllutllr vork Into tl ( Il'hl OfUllloIIIIIOllcH. ) In tl ( lit'oshiet'tuls of tIle 'l'I'lnllssls. : slJpl lOIgI'St Ihll'L' ( I 1 ! uu Inllllliol I t I I t lint ( 10111 ( shttt' tOlllc wi lie ! RLllwell lhjl''IH to hi' h'l'all'll ( I'l' nf a 1'Itral I , tuiitulrt' , enllII'nhll1l1'1 11111' ( "tf of htuupoi'tuuiuct' 10 n whll' IXIIUSI , of teri'l- , tot. . 'll'IIRllortntol I I l t , 1,1 , 11'1 t I Isl I I , 1 1U I Ilcl ! . I 11/1 I lUl. WUtllWI 'H , Illal ' acultlles. : hUII'1111 t 1:1\1 : 111 t ! 11111/111" - lairs 111 Rlll : 10 he ! ui1)jl'dts In line of ' d Iscusslo n. 'l'llcrt' II 11 VCU Soil wh i ' Xl'- hl'ISIult . l1 ii lit ) I IUIL'I' lulo I t I u i'st' MU Ii- jels wllh zest :11 lui'ollt .0 . 1II1'ln' ( 'i IUI yll hi ! ( lt'l'gltes. ( 'll lret conulnlssloner Ils : opened varfii r ( ' lpnl ) Inllu \\'oHII'1 sitlt'vnlhs. lie wi 111 his hallil full. 'l'hll'l uro 1111nl . ; wils wlllil ( Ivo f hlnes of tie lOl.t 101sl. II I fl'Olt or i inn tiso lii e 1111- Ilnl'lS Ilt In I 111olhl t \ Sec t louIs of . the cIty Iblt ( arc' a'llnlCO In ( Pt'ties- II"IIIS Inl n IISll'lee 10 ( lie cIty. Re- paIls . . Irt eheallI' thll Illagl' stilts "hnle jUlhmcl II 11'1 hI L' \ I I hII. 'i'lit' srt'ct. ( cnmllsloll'l Is 1'lglgll : II n 10st IIUl11hll' 1'lltll\'Ol. Hut In this I'lno\'alol nf Hhlewllkt tlle Ilst be no 1Irtlall ( > ' MiliW'ti. Cmh'llm ! Hnllr of the < lloelle IItulll COIIII1L'I' Is the latest I'CCI'11 lu tile runks or tilost' whn ) 11I' ( ' com- IJlllet II t I Rhorl 11lIRhl'11 t inl i I Il u i 111:1 : lgut. The In ls ! font the g1.tl t CUI'II tel ! ill List 11'lslarl ' _ Lit' 11111L'lll'nt niort' O\ 1Lts 1110n 011 unolhll' . \\'liiehievt'r Is ( 'llct 11'.11 wIl t lll/ hL' I 01 hll' Hot bug itt'ttqif botltjletiiticrns ( uuuid lfli. Plwcrnls aut reluiullI- calls get 1110 Ile In 1a\0' of I sh.t cnlal/I neIther . wi ho ahle 10 hibaiiie 'Ihe otl'r for forcIng an early com'l'n- ( lou. Our guliaiit : tlttet'tls'e force ( ' Ourulnlt t1'lellh'e ro.cl 1ll'olu , the strelts In thl' hOle tat the IscnlU'I1 tlslrato , VIe ) IcCart3- , wi walk ill to them nlli Introlhte llmself Is I sight \lll'I'fnl 10 hl'hold. - - , - - - - Another 1''I.ellldnl 1)iie Louls\"m. Courier-Journal. The welt has beln considered the stronghold - hold of the free shverltca. but In Nebraaka young Mr. Br3n's 01)1 ) stKte. the democrats ba1 two con\'ontlonland .1vldpt 00 th" IUlo. and the electIon gave them an opportunIty to count lloses. The , rIlnIlt 1101(1 ; Cour.ffhs oC the , democrats for sound money 10 one-ffh Cor free slver. : I Isuow In order for young Mr. Bryan to leave the democratic ' . ) democratc . party agnln. Af'al.1 ur gn'h ! ( lii-r. l'iillatlt-ipli tt I nlu ' Irer. . There was a tme when flurotie 1 was not hal IS wel prparct ( for war as It Is now. t'nd yet If there had been Ihen only halt the provoc3ton ; thaI there Is nt present a great ; struggle would have been Irlelpltate < . : Every nation has a larger and more corn- plete armament than ever but each ole [ lmows that hIs nelghhor Is equally as veIl prepared ali , that \'e ) ' knowledge holds him in restraint . , Jljnl.mlnl I Chicago Thncs.ll'ohl :1'lu. SiiiIet Ii Iii. What conrtlnle. a vigorous foreign polIcy ? OpInIons vary b twer ! Mr. Cleveland and 'ilr. Chandler but V'e are bound 10 say there never was a policy more vigorous and in- vlgoratng than that of the French minister at Cunstntinople . A rnlor came Crol Armenia that I.'rench re ldlnts had been butchered. . \'hcreUIJI the amba&sador's lnesseiiger tiitundor.d at the door al Gllis In the mille of the night and time "Ehadow oC Gol" read this note : "If Frenchmen have been murdered In Armenia I shall demand shal the head oC the oo'ernor of the lrovnce " There's vigor. ' Io\'cror If the same course I ad been followed a rear ago European bourse . would not no\ be In a panic over the i Turkish loan a l'UI.I'lIC.H , SX.I Si ! O'l'S. Wathluton Volt : Mr. McKinley thInks Mr. 131'lson woul,1 , be very Coolsh to give UI' a ltig . lucrative low practice to run for a mere IJreshlencr. Gobe.l moelt : Secretary Morton ha been hnvinj lIIilItlt Interviewed again , but finch ( oily Is pl3etcaly harmnlct 10 his pat ) . in Is IJrt'cnt contlItfoll . Washington 105t : Secretary Iorton's sarcastic - castc aluElon to the Ohio lesull would he all right If I were not for the fact that lion . James E. Campbell . that steadfast friend oC Iho adnuInIstrition . occlpl.8 a most unpleasant - ant position beneath the debris Cincinnati Emntu'ror : Really . brethron. this landEldo ts no worse than the one which dIrtied the republican party In 1892. ICon- tuck ) ' and Maryland have "acteti up" rather badly , It Is true ; bit think of what Illinois and VLsonsIn did thrEe years aHo. Think of Oho ! too A Juml1 of 100.000 Is nothing for III' . People COoct how big the state b georaphical1y. and-Whal . an enormous popu- 1.lon It has. , L : lnneapolE JdIiru1ttl : New Jersey must be counted amont rie reteeme1 etates. for I has hen ) about tr\I\ \ ! years since the repub- lcans elcted a , bvbllor there. Bet\een 1'7 1886 . anti [ they el t1d leglsldture . hut the demoer31n have iad it Pirlbtent grip on the stto governlnenah , [ the leglslalure the last ten years. Wh:1 : overthrew them was the I corrul110u of the prty : alit ! the tinkering oC the tariff. New tJercy Is a great manufac- lulng 'talo ' and' . \ 11 . not tolerate democratic ; democratc free trade. " ' f ( I CoUrItr-Jourluaj' \ , . ' \'lshllgtol dLlntch says that "Ihe reiptileami l Victory II Maryland lell Is l not near I drCsttng \ 10 Senator Gorman as It will be to p."rlaI ) < 1.000 good mocrats alit ! poor len 1fhl , towing 10 lila Inluenc , were Pr\'ldod wittl , places to mal a living for lhlISeh'e ! q.WI , , ( f3rllliIes. " Poor < lving ' devis' I Is too bd that any Ofliceholtier should Le compelled to go .10 work "to make a livIng Cor Ihimselves and , falmitlies . " These lvIng sand good democrals anJ " men" poor are In- deed frlendles ' I they h1o no better friend than the m3n who Irlt secured them Illaces on the public pay rolls. POSTAL BUSINESS IN OMAnA ! Less Tban Half the Revenue Required t Oondnct the BusIness. I - SOME FIGURES FOR TiE LAST FISCAL YEAR I n.III' lt ( itt' l'O.tofe. 11 Ctiii- I1nr.o 'lh the 1.'IJure. 'Fnrimeul II 'rum 1.lleoll 1111 Oilier ClleN uf thl' SImile , WAShINGTON , Nov. l1.-Speclal-The ( ) annual report or the auditor or the 10stofcc depnrlment to the secretary of the treasury and the postmaster ! eu'al hns Just been Issued. Alhough It dealt entIrely wih figures . ures It Is , le\rthellss. interesting reading lu the student oC lslofce niatter. . Particularly In the contrsts oC earnings and expenses In different offices. According tu the report Omnha's gross h'e- celpts last year were $262,014.13. The Postmaster - master receives $3,700 , I cost the Omnha office for clerk hire $43.888.3 ; l rE delivery cost thIs omce $73.136.35. : the total expeuses amountng to $123,061.71 , the net revenue being $138.H9.42. ! 1.lnco1n , the second city In the slate , Is ae- erelul \ u Ih having received during the flnal year $ SG.G6l,62. The postmaster was IJald $3.300. For clerk hIre t6.7&8.70 wus paid and for tree deli.er ) ' $20.29.76. total ex- pensos I ImountnJ to $ H , t89.34. leaving a net I revenue of $4.172.28. or 18 ( 11cr , cent oC the I exp nie to gross receipts , Olnaha showing 1 per cent less. Suuth Omaha's gross receipts amonnted to $29.611.ttO. the total expends to $2.77.71. i lca\'lng a net revenue oC $16.93G.16. ) The gross earnings of the nlnely-four nresi- [ Iontal offices In Nebraska luounted to $726.280.1 Total salary pall to postmasleu , $138.675. Cost oC free rel\'er ) ' In the state $ 12.923i7. Total expense $379./181. time total net . . 52 revenue being $346.868.70. or per cent expense to gross reeIpt ! Sioux Falls leads South Dakota ofces ingress gross receipts . $24.rSO.94. with a total net revenue oC $1.69.86. : Aberdeen comes next to Sioux Falls . leh.1 third , then Yankton. Alt'xarmdria shows the smnll'st gross receipts of the offices lu South Dakota. the 110stmas. ter's ( salary of $1,100 amid Ineltntal expenses leaving a net 'e\nue of $525.PO. ' ' ' . ' . ' ' t'I' II'\'I' : ' ' . : IUS'l'1' ) . ' ! A 0lON'I'hi. CnJJ'r111 CiIuI'ziMe Not i.Ikel' tn lit ! Itt",1 S.un. WAShINGTON , Nov . -SpecIai ( Tele- granu.-Comnmiilesioner } Yeomans of the inter- state Commerce 'onlnL ! $ lon Is anthorlty ( br ( lie 'talement that the decisIon In tie Commercial - mercial club cases need not be expected Inede ! of a month al least Attorney : Ic- Hugh , representing the club has been granted two weeks In which to prepare his dual brief and the same length of tme has been given the respondents and interveners after ilahiltIff's brief has been received. It Is thought that ( upon time return of JnllJ [ Veazey Crol the ruth on Thursday an aEsLnment of a commissioner to prepare the opinion will be made. Private Secretary Thurber stated today that the possibility oC tie president taking up the vacancy In the United States Fish comlission before the meeting oC congress was very slight. : tr. Clvllant being en- his . whIch t requiring all gagc on les a/e. If al his time. The uneesage wi b. leuglhy. J. " ' . Water of Omaha Is In attendance upon the national convention of the Brotherhood - hood oC Electrical Workers . whIch convened loday. An evening paper. IndulgIng In presidential ticket making. among thl Reel comblna' tioris has Reed and ? Manderron and says : "The bIg giant of the cast and time lIttle giant of the wcst. Pluck and brains at both ende . Americans to the backbone and republicans all over. Beat them I you can. " 'I'ILOUIII.I3 IS UXCUI'S IIOCI'SB. Ir. ! ltnJ1 ClenriA'n'sm y SIII ( ' nr th e : II I ' 'I ijilrstntid I iig . WAShINGTON . No\ 11.-Mgr. Satulsent werd today In response to Inquiries that he knew nothing ef the contentions In Bishop Oonaenm's Nehraka diocese and could give no information which could clear up the niis- understandings whIch have arisen. From sourc oltside time delegation I was learned that the disagreement between ' the Nebraska priest and the del2gatiomm-th for- mer claiming that Igr. S1toll has official recognizance oC the subJC1 antI thaI time latter stating that time delegation has no cognizance or Inlormollen-s ! doubtless clime to time fact that each Is referrIng to ,1rrent , things. Some tme ago there ws trolhlo between Bishop ( Oenacum and some of his priests . at whllh tme the prIests appealed td Washington. Mgr. Satoill's answer to them In suhstance stated thaI the hlshop's action acton was final exCept so far as the c'i courts allcted It. the opinion here helnH that the rnln s of time court were Just. The trouble's . I was supposed were clnsed. Now a ne\ trouble has arisen as time resul oC an eccleelastcal cuurt at Lincoln . condemning time priests 10 penance amid other 1l1nS of IC- pairing time dlmeul ) J Is this lost phase of the trouhle that has not reuched hue delegation her end 10 whIch the officials here refrr while his t assertion oC the Nebraska authorities that time dele llon huts acted refers - fers to the old contelmtiun. GCISH"I'g \ . \ : 1'II . /.LEIt. :111 : ' 'hn Inhh"ll : \'IIhl" In 1 ( ' lie- Ilrll' " fur ' ) 'rlli. WAShINGTON :0\ ' . 11.-Attorney General - oral : . S. latet on oC Teimmeee . accom- IJnlld hy Senator harris , cal1t , upon Sec- retaI ) Obey at the Slate depaltment today respecting the extradition of A. K Ward who Is wanted In lemphls alt a chuge 01 forging and embezzling to the exlpnt of about $300.COO , Ward Is now hell under arrest by the Ito 1rluras ' ! goverlment , which hns courteou81) consentell to surrender him to the United Stale . alhough there Is ne extramlitton treal ) In lorc aUI Attorney General - eral Paterson'f visit 10 the State deplrl- ment was made with the Illrpos of tatis- tying hlmselC that all iuecessary precautonn hat been tllen to ensnre time safe delivery 01 the IJrlsoner 10 the Tennessee ohik-ers. Ho found that the department had taken aU neceSFry steps anti thal time president' warrant - rant for 'ard's arrest would b2 delivered to time omcers here or sent to t hI : templls po- lice offlears , now In Honduras , wIthin a day I or lWo. - - - - - - Yhl.I. i' ( ' 1' I' ) ' 1'IU ( ! ) un\ : . 11.lnr ) ' ur \1'11':11'111 Affair tn 1 , . I'IIiiiiNIItuI. WASHTGON. No\ . -Miniaer ( An. drade Is ahout to pUblsh a 30'-llnge ' pamphlet giving exhaustvl Informaton al time Ilritishm- Ventzullan boun.lnr contention. In whldl the United [ States has laken a 11101(1. The pamphlet : Is IntcnI [ for usa 11 the Unltell Stales and [ wi male its appcarance about Iho end oC Iho present month. a day or two btforo congress meels. The book how Is In press lt Atlanta. Ga . wllHe the contractor Cor awarded. It u'l1l contaiui or prInting was awarde. I 11 contin the ecmplee omclal corre-spomutlence on the 3ubJect. with all the historical maps anti complEo data from tile Inception oC the controversy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sunit' " ' , ' stern l'ni.tui ( hIIJ "N. WAShINGTON Nov. 1i.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Fourth-clau } potmsterl were ap- polnlet In Iowa and South Dakota today l follows : lowa-Slney. llymouth county . LIt- tletiim' iilsrcii vice C. A. Rodoll. reflgned ; Tuskca , Decatur county , ii. " ' . McCandless. vice 1. S. Tennanut relo\'ed. South Dakota- - - - - - Highest of al in Leavening Power.- Latest U S. Gov't Report Ioyal Bzkin * V Powder dAOLVTELY PWE . flrlgiit SJrln1 count ) O. W. OaniO , vice Iola Evarts . removed : Indepondoncl , Day county , , I.uls W1ckro , vie. hitirtha Wlckre , rtshncd , , The comptroller of the currency 11 lp- IlrO\'N the Metropolitan National bank 01 Chicago al reprvt Agent for the PInt Na- tonl bank of Clark , S. D CI..U : AOAIN'l' C1I1N. . & Si1'1'i,1W. Jlllnn Oehu 30,000Tachs fur i6rncunl- Ila gut' I.IRO ' 'nl8 l'enhiisuitui. wAshitNaToN . Nov. n-The Japanese minister has tlh'co A telegram to l lhe effect that A convention has been algcc at Peking pro'ldlnCor the payment of at additional Inlemnll by Cbtl for the evacuation oC the Line Tong lIen Insula. The amount Is 30,000' 000 taeis and II to be paL Nu\mber 1Q 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stimmiftiril Cnst' Ach-r"II' on' 'Uneket. WAShINGTON , No\ H.-The melon 10 advance the Sllnforl , case was marlo by Attorney . lorI ) General Harmon for the United Stales nnll concurred In by JI"ph ' Ciioate a the representative oC Mrs. Stanford. General Harmof In making tine moton saul the case involved n large amount of moneT and would nleet ( itt' Unltcd Stales because ot the gOY' rnment's Interest In the Pnclnc railroads . for the honls oC which the Stnnford estate was hehl liable. He asked that the argument be set for Ihl first Monday In Jalimiary titter time case now on the 10cket for that day shall be disposed of. lie nlso Akcl for extra time for time nrument After 'mo exiulana- luls as to ( time crowded condition oC the duckel for that timiue . made by time chief justice . the court granted time motion to ad- \'anCp , anti alC.lel to the Iug eton that I he Eel for the fIrst ? lonta ) ' In Januar . giving each aide an extra hour fur pre ! ntalon , or three hours to time side. 1.llt nrlll VImuIuhiCommllrmit',1. . WAShINGTON , No\ H.-The United States supreme court loa ) ' rendered its first decision on merits In cases appealed from time court of PrIvate land claIms In confirm- 11mg a Nw Mexican hnl grant In the ca of the ( United States against Juan Chaveot amid othcrs. The case involves eleven quare leagues of land In Valencia coUnl . New Mexico - , ice . comprlsln limo "Cnhoro granl. " Time ' lower court confirmed the grant to Chsvelet and this decision Ihe supreme court amrms. l'm gui tIl , 'eorul II11 I n"I'lrtl"-Ut. \\'ASIGTON. No\ H.-The record of the court.murtal case of Lieutenant S. S. Paguue . Fifteenth Inlantr . who was tried for assaulting Colonel Crlon at Fort Simerliiutn hnE lenched time \\'ar dopartuument . thus giving ! rise to time inference that the officer has been found guilt- and sentenced . to dtt'tumiasal. 11.1" tn ! IIJI' I ( ut 1.'n'h Irn" Cm.UMBA. S. C. . No\ 11.-The conven- ton took . further action today toward pre- venting I.nehlnl by pro\'Ilng that any count ) lit which a Inchlng occnred or whre a prisoner Is taken from ofcers fluid suffered bodily Injury shall be liable 10 damages In a sum not less than $1,000 to time person so Injured or 10 his legal repro- sentat\'es IC he Is killed. 1 The article on corporations was taken up and a provllon was Ilserll'l whch lakel cars oC the I'uiii- man company running In this stale liable to taxation , . Af\'r thlltuulI rll'utou. CHICAGO , No\ 11.-Arrangonments are making for a meetng early next week to take steps to secure the national republican convention. I Is proposed to cal together 200 representative business men and raise $75.000 'llh whIch to par off the old debt of the national committee and the expenses oC the caimventlon. A suitable building with a seating capacity of ' :0.000 will be available. I'EIISON.tL . AlOTlhititWiSiL The sick man oC Europe II suffering from another prmising spell. Time mayor-lcd of Brooklyn Is l minted Wmlrsteri. ( That describes lila opponent's feelings. . Senator Gorman has emerged from time debris In Maryland and considerately agrees 10 take the rest the majority of voter de- creed. creed.I Is saul that In Arizona , which has an 1mm- dlan populntnn of 6.000. not a single white man has been 1let b ) an Indian durIng time last ' . 'oar. Ex-Senator Thurman's Ine ! ! . fortunately not vel ) ' serious was the mean of .Iemon- strtng how strong Is puhlc esteem and affection for Ohlo's "noblet . " afectol ! \onln. A liner example of Amerlca's "grand ell men" W011d be Illeult to thud. The great charm 01 thus queen of Madagascar - car Is slid to be her unconventionalIty . She chew tobacco Irlnks chaumupagne. uses palm oil on hel hair Wlars $ 5,000'cirth costume . at the same lme going hnrefooteml and Is a memher of the Orthodox Congregational church. Major Moses P. handy declares hue would. If ime had $250,000.000 at his command . es- tablsh a home for tIred and retired new - paper men , to which mission would be n matr of right. All right , major ; just fix up the draft and draw on the gooll wi of the ho's. JaleR G. illaine . jr . L once more a familiar fgut In time fashionable promenades of the capital. lie lois grown Iomewhat stouter In person , [ Ircsls In excellent lat ! and has evidently settled clo\n Into a steamly-golmmg young fellow . with a good deal of possible "go" In hmiom. Johannesburg South Africa Is to hold an international Industrial rhlhilon In May amid Jnne of 18 % . President CI\'eland has received a hotter from Charles n. de Garno. - - - : director genera ) , Inviting Americans 10 .n4 Gxblbla to Johannesburg. 10 Inlmals that South Africa II opening up a great market for all kInd of rrcduele. The venerable JUcb.rc' ' W. Thompson of Indiana. who wu secretary or time navy under 1 l'relent hayes . rpole Senator Sherman' , charge of treachery agaInst ( harfinith . and . ) I' ' Oarlel ! was thoroughly loyal 10 Shwnl In . r 1so. but Garfield was nomlnale after the ' Calure to renomlnnle OfRnt simply "ttIPO the man. convention felt that he was the ( tronges . ' 'l.USII.'ol.n. : . Detroit Fo PressTenriuer-hlaro : i'OU learned vet to use Ihl fxclalatot l.olnl Smnl 'upl-Wel , I should renuaikl ! omen'll Journal : Sometmes It tnkci nine tailors to make 1 man Ind n lawyer to malco him . pa ) - - Chlcno TI'lhune : " 1 cannot unlllrslnnl\ zo lutnugunge . " 8Rld the lltslmlrlng l rcl\h. huumiti . ' 1 learn how 10 prnun ze wort [ , 'h.Iro\hohll' 111 zen 1 heat n sat I El' doc- , bra ( oletmls \ pronounce I fala ! " , Clnclnnal gnqnlrrr : " \ ' ( . pah. h\ gal ' , Mh' ' " sit ItI the cola : nd . "I hI : tI li'als . ltl , us. RI.h ; hit 101 iulmi9ilotiec thlt WI an' hot hiking wa'tal to nn ) ' eXtent. ) tithIl' ! Atlanta Cnnstlllon I " ] 0 vouu thlnl ) out 1"01 cal r111 I ) Iln,11" , nsked time 'oulh. "Not tiiilu'ati 501110 0110 dIscovers it for lr.u' , " u'ar iler flliS'Cr. Cimlcmmgcu ltt'eortl : "Your ( aloud eot'ins to hu tIm trouble ? ' ' "lie is. " " 'hmutts tiuc mnttel' ? ' 'lltI caine in to collect $10 ( lint I ows imlumi. ' ' : l'umck : 'iiruve , to smuv iuefnu o eflt'mit'e , Is lroltuumnmet'tl against yeti ? ' ' tilt' huutign. 'Tlun only thuimtg I'mn klckin' nbount , ' an- svt'rt'd t lIe ( 'omuvIct cii loin gim r , ' 'is ite Iii' itlt'umtIlll'd imy ut Imitn : tinit kt'llt imI imond mtimtlor tile lieu cluthmvs time w'imoio t timmu' That's wrong. " Nt'w York Weekly : Mr. Bhlnhot-I ) 'itiI to get CtiU ( ' imutlr plums tOt' ni9' vife , ( u't'mtt Mercilalit'I'hmts is it 'hoIusnlo hmoi"i- . sIr , Mr. hunks--Of course You don't stuppose I'hfl fool emmougit to go 011 liiuimig haIr luilmu at retail , do 3'OmI ? I vaumt rt barrel. Somerville Journal : Farmer Ilaysec'd- Are ) 'otu time man that answers questlommiu ? ( 'lork-Yo. 1"nrnmer Iimi3'seod-Houy mccii do you get , a week ? TilE SCI1IIIE'SSAD I'LIaIIT. 1nnemu , City Journal. I wrote utmy story of time hail , I said sue was 'au uutit" I imopt'tl timtmt 1 mumtgiit 'IIm imer heart And ruth her mine one day , Aiasi that beastly printer man , I le umiamlo mute say "ull feet. " Anti now iie wIll riot speak to mne Whmene''r we cimanco to muit-et. SS'OtIXG thY i'IIOXY. ltaru'er'ps Ilazar. 'i.ovcra s'ots by u'r' 1mm Jmulitn-luily I'arer. or miii tiit' cumutormus hmurbmirotms rtt imonie ci o'er tIme semis. Time worst of all is one that's said to be ultlite Jnluulmuese , _ _ a , And till the Jiulot reforuuu Iii ( ills respeci they certullimly \'Ihl lull , Ito mnuuttt'r how they try , In cut. thug ice 'itim nu ( ' . I It in Time Simmtuiay hoe , anti so of course It so- Tlmmtt jotirumol aiwimys teil thm truth , or trIes In , you lutist know- Tiltt whunn it Jiuupy loves U. multi so numcln hue vnumts to t'eti , lie hits to court by ltuxy-semmd nmtotiier in his stead Now that 'woumid never do for mute : I tiihuitu I'tl draw time Jute At sending tutu a iurox for to woo a girl oh fitiune , Arid timotigh I have great imel-commtroi , I don't think I could stand Time ilotlon thlutt iii nmy behalf ammutilem-'d squeeze her hianti. Nor does it strIke lime plemuiuauitiy to tiulnk through hove of inn. My J'hmyilla would consent to sit upon an- other's knee. Aitil If I titouugitt my Irox ever dared to take aTe To itring Inc 'hmen returning to couttributa to nmy bliss , i : think I'd wring hi proxy mmock , and pull : lila proxy imosi' , Until . he'd h'IIOW to be freed from umIl his lu.oxy ) woeti , Thin only imse that I can see mu this queer .irmituiy fad Is whmenm it comes to calling oim a mmumssy fussy dad ; A father olti atul ( ought nnmi cross wIth im obmia lied , tJmhck-solt'mi boo t a , \'iio calls lila citutmgiulor's lovers either milk- 501)5 or guiootiu , For tills a uuroxl"d ite a joy , but otherwise lIly sviilm I'routmltu' 1110 to woo noyself , mumid give time marble hleart to hunt. VfccYEt ? Fatty food is a 1ife-pe- server in consurnjtjon. Cod-liver oil in the fol-rn of Scott's Emulsion is fat can be. . Ii Lots of people Make just as good overcoats as we do-there's the tailor for : - . F'le'll sr , instanco. make you a splendid Kersey overcoat for 35-but the same cloth , the same / trim , the SaLT1C style , the same fine wearing dualities - ities , vi11 cost but $20 1tirjrD,1'at Browning-King's. ( p And for $10 , $12 or $15 you can get a most elegant Beaver , Mclton L . , ' 01 Cheviot winter over- . coat-latest cut fly front .1 \ like illustration. Mcii's Suits lot- any price you wish from $7.50 up to $25-it's not necessary to tell how good they are-most everybody - 1 body knows all alOut that. Browning , King & Co. Sotitluwest Corner IIftcont1t niid Dotuglus , OMAHA , S