_ _ : - _ _ - - - - - - I w I- 2 'rJlB OMAHA DAUJY .HRI : WUgSDAY , N\rm\rngn : 12. 1RUij. ) . - . _ - _ _ _ . e. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 00- IAIIER DEFEATS ) O'DONNEL ' I IrIsh Ohnmplon Puls n Chock on the Aus- - traHau's ' AspiratIons. ONLY NEEDED ONE BRIEF ROUND lug . I..r . 1111.111 flue 1I'lh'r IIf tlit' UII f..ulII t Iii. MIiti ' t unit \\11" . \llIIu14t uN lie l'It'"I. MPml' ' ; A TIII.I ) TIC CLUB , 1/\SI'fTII. ! . ( L i' 1. , I. , No\ II.-Never 1 SInce the opening of IIi : Uio Empire . Ihletlc club has lIt arena been 1' . 1\0 \ dentlcly ( cruwe ( ! ! as lonhht ; As early a' ; : 7 j'clock there were hlll1lreH ! of people out ! llde the club house , Incilldlnl roprelltnldlh'es f , of the ! ll'orthu ; element from 1I0r'on ' , Chicago and Pbllnll.'Irhla , , drawli hy the long IlromlMed J mill between Peler Matier the Irlrh chain- ' . 1)ion and SI..ve O'Donnel ) of AutrilIa , who : had heell so long usoiated with Jim Corhelt tt 81 the chamllon's ; , sparring p3rlnPr. In the betting or which there Wdl' a good i deal , Iaher.as the favorite al 2 to I. I \ \ hue there lIore /lame- bets iitiapp.ii tip at 100 10 GO and 100 10 70 un the Irishman a soon as 1 the ) ' were offered hy Ihuse who were lal.lng the O'Dolinel end tlf II. The IJrlmary built was a slx.round go ! between . I , Iween CUIHlr I.'oll of New York und hilly 1 South of Philadelphia al catch weihts. ! . I While the boys were helng prel'all" " In thl' ring a big ! ; hout lIent UII as Corhelt wall seen ! Ilushing ) his way through the crpwI" ( 'Iule , I \Vhtltc II ho trained 1"lIzslmmons for lIe ; $ mill which did not come oft W'lS huey handling - . ' 1 ling Caspar Leon when Corbell look his sl'at ; . 1 II 1 ) a box at the ringside , and he greeted the If champion warmly. 1. Tim hurst was announced as relerpe. and ] \j the hOYII shook hands at 9 ! J o'clocl In the -1 first 111'0 I rounds Leon conlcnled himself by , h ; tirIng alit his man hut 111 the third he sent. his right ulld left Into I the I'hlldllt'lphlo1l1' I . .fgco lIeavll ) ' . In the fourth each lIIade ( lie olller's 11050 bleed. Smith rectlved UII O\'cr- cut and was weak at the close of the rcn111. ; I 4 Leon banged the visItor badly In the firth I swinging twice heavily on the head and jabbing him with both hands nn lie ( bud ) aud face. Smith landed a good ! ailE w lIh Ills right on the head and body and wa" remarkably - ably strong III the final round , hut he was . no mulch fur the New York boy , and the ref . ? ' e declared Leon the wlnuer. GlUlW Fait JIM COltI3lFT. As soon as the boys leU the ring 10u:1 : c'les were ! made for CorlJett to make n speech. Some one callPII "Three cheers fur Fltzatnt- lflOflH " allli they were given IIlIh a will by' Lanky 1I0b'/I partlesna many of \ \ horn well' alllong the sIHclalors. Corbl'lt cll I 111 bell ( th..ough . the I ropes and from lie ring lie. addreseed ! the audlPllce lIS well as he could alultl the cries cud cheers. Ill' said : "Geutlehiteli I tunic you wry lIIuch ; you have nil the repre-be-ntallve r.'ws- \10 \ per llleU hero 10llight , anti all I can usy II If I were In ugllIId l or AusltJlla and acted ns Io'itzslmmolls 11Id In this : uach I wOllld 1J0 cJlsed ! : out ot the country. " I' : iie.r- leg ) . . O'Donnel wall the first to enter the rhlS after Corbetl hall concluded. lie WUI ( attended - tended by thhlly elllncy. I lila iralner Jimmie McCahe and lIenny 1'1IIrlh , It Willi then fih5 ! ) : : o'cloek. J\lahcf \ followed n IIl1nute later. lie Willi llulrell ( lJy Peter 1.0\\1'0) , Peter Burns and < l IIuclt Curnellull of I'JlIshur ! Jack McAuliffe sal at the ringside rtJht behind Muhuer and Billy Brady wall cioce behind i walchlnl everything ! , 110 did not hnto i walt long as lie bell got together and ' Mahier IJlAick liS lIhtnJng ! smushed 1119 right i . on O'Donnol's jaw O'lonnel fell lIke a log but regained ! his fpet liS the referee counted Ijf \'ell. Maher gave him 110 quarter and floored the AUlllrallall with another blow on the jaw with hIs rJght. ThIs lime O'Don- nel laId < l down for nine seconds. The moment he got tip5 lIIaher held him In the same I cotner and Eelll his left with sledgehammer - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - force on the right Ja w. O'Uonnel fell flat I on his hack and ! after bring counted Ollt harl 10 hI' carded to hll. corner whlll' the rl'Ierfl' announced llIher the wlnnf'r Time , 63 IIfC' onuhii Men threw 1111 their lusts anti yelled like il'inotis . Many of them succeeded In Kelting Inlo the ring end htiggeit Iahrr. Corheoll JUll1\1el1 \ ( hun the rlnl ( . IJI"bed ; his way 10 Ih" vIctor and graspeul / : him hiy the hind anti congratulated hlll1 , III' I lIalI : I , " Iaher , you have fought 8 good fight. " It was rumored Ihlll Corbell had IlreJented l\laher with the heavyweight champIonship ( j hut this rumor was dpnll.,1 , laler. The actual 111110 lint holh men were on their feet was IhlrU'-se\'cl' seconds . The Cretin wall nol cleared for fully thirty minutes alter the fiht'ns ! onr. O'Danumol'a party had1U excuse to offer for the Austrllllan's Poor ( IIhowlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \\\1'\1. : : JlIIUig 1'111"111'11':1) : . - 1:111. : . ut tI" . l.guhIIeV4IrIlI I'll 1hisi- hlll..11 III I1IIIIIMIIII S'I"nl' " ' to uIm'Ill'II. , NI.W YOln. No \ ' . H.-'fIll. " : uvt ' nth an- nual her e ! 'how. ' whll'h began todimy lit hulll'oll ' ' Imur' garden . IJhl fall' to I.'Xf'1 nil its ; redccoI ! all UII exhibit of the ( > I quatlrupecls of time c'lulul' ' race nlll the IJlpel , ! of 'J ) ' lpl } ' . l'uIll'r the mal1a el11f'l1t I I of tIme -Oullolllll IJorl'l' ' Show aseoclatlon UI. . fete has hwttumi on" " o t Ihe ( greatest ! In811tu- lIon8 of thin year , ' 1'hl' ss 01'1. of preparing . 1'01' u rhoor this IIIUIIII1I11II' Is t l'IIOr010U9 when It Is f'onl'lJt'f'd ' , that I IOO her r" have to be > III'O\'l ) < ll' " ( rOI' . half n mUIIh , , 'tiCI'II und JruolII 1111,1 II r'gulai uuriny of rlllg at- t"IIt1l1nl ti. ul'hl' ' rn ' ' . cal lets 111111 spec ta lit-I \ cer. ' \11 curly tie ' S 0\101 I. hIM mornIng < the t IIckl'l I ) . IW'ullltUI'I t w"n' UII hallt , dot ii : llUslnl'I ' 1111I1 before lie rla ? hunt ! 'ult'.1 . IIII' . I 1111IIUUIll'"lIIelit niade that nil 1'0.1.1'\,1 , ' ) ft'Rtt ) for 1111' 11'1'1 : had 1Jt''n llllolI,1 , of. I Among 1110 noted prlz , . wlnner'4 un 'xhl"i- i thou are such holed ! hJr'l's n Imported hnon1 II gnuII , Jllllrt. . : Morrow SII\'l'r , Chlllll'lI ililda'llkes , floattie I 'hln1l'M. Oscar . . car \VhlItumim \ ! , I.l'OIHtUM , Martha " 'lIk..M. 1':111011'111' : I , l'tlll11hrlllU I I tetlei ay llovcr. \Jr. \ . I 'a t ki' , . "III.hlp I ! ! ! ! of l.orHI.ho..oUfrh. . h'I re- . \ \ UI ks Ol11p.I ( ) , I'rlrll'p,1' , ' Dagneir ! GlItter . hoil . ! Hallll'r ( Imp. 1. ) l'ad't allll Hl'x BIII- nonl. During thin II frrn'Joll ! 1111,1 , evening her t'I uf ? ' 1'\'l'r,11 of the easmes : entered wert' pa- rallt'll about the ring hy their owners or their traIners ' for the lnmpet1ouk of IIIP judget4 1'0,111) , s\'el'lIl her " " were . drIven . by wonwlI. A new rule thk yeir : 1l'lJlllrell u that before a Prize Is awarded to II hurge It must first pas \'I"rlnary l'xnrnlnatlon. . Arcnrllll1I live ! hors's III every claslI are plcll..rl hy the Judges for l'Xllmhloltion . and out or that t t Ih' , ' the thrN' I II..iz . loners nllll time hIghly l'omllll'l1l1r < l IIm'sl'I nn' lIelt'et\ ! \ Among lie 0'I'U\lanI8 \ of the boxes which MurruullIJ"11 the uremia were IImnor time 'arlfrl' ' oC fmu'hlon the WOIl11I dls\lllIyln \ ! elegant ! toilets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1\\1.1 ( : 01" ' HNt'l1.IlSi : IH'U.g : . 1'II.r. .r th , ' : 'W \ . . . . \'ht Cluh 1..1 ul II . ( 'Iiuirges. Nl\V YUHIOo \ ' . H.-There Is much talk nmOI ! ; lemlJers of the New York Yacht club of "xlleling Lord Dunravtll from the club , of which he 1 : ni honorary ineniber. for his course II 11llnl ( kumowl- edge of fraud 10 : leM'rs lellll and Smith In the mater of the oHllul measurement of time yacht 1)c'fender prior to the recent rllces for lie Aml'rla'l clip. Among thioe who have ! txln'Fs11 thrms'e'4 III favor of charges beIng 111'fO'rl.'l agaInst Lord Dun- ra\'ell Ir he ! dOL'S not immedIately resIgn II\ J. \ ' . Bouvll'r. P. H. } lllst"III. Mr. Doremu . :11' . Clark of Clark. 1)odge & ( ' 0. ( who was I lemher of n former 'acht ! ) 'I- 11'at. ) and N 1 NlchuhlM. Conllolor Smith sai ) lint he did , not ] " .ow whothl'r :1' . IFl'ln had dt'mnitiuled that the regatta and cup eommltees of the New York Yacht ( 'Iul should make an investIgatIon of Lord Itiimravens charges . hut h. had no doubt Ito woud : tnlt ueh action. 2i1 . lsehln not In town tolla ' . acton. 11r. Iseln wal lot II today. 1'Iemherl uf the New York . Yacht club say II Is not necessary to prefer . charges uJalnt Lord DUI'lvell In order to e\rl him from his hOllorr ) ' lIIembr hlp. They say that Illel' chapter 20 of the by-lao's he can hI 81'mmnlly droPII..d from time rolls. I Is lulertowl that a meeting of the Aml'rlra'9 cup f'ummlll'e wi he held In a few dn's to conldei ' the cast of Lord Dun- ra\'pn's . \ charges. . There . WI8 a rlemolstr lion of feelIng Oi the 1001 or the Stock exchange 10lay. ! Ex- Commodore Smith was eneerell and when hroltl'lI 3'eled'hnt's ! : the matter wIth , Ifeln' ? " there were 10ld CheCR , but Lord 1)imnraven's nnnw Wil hlsPI\ \ I The wugiuig of time contest over the International - national lets IJR passed out of the Illdi. vilual hUllls of ( ' . OlIver I elll and Lorl lunraven. A fpeclal meeting of the club I hal been called iy Commodore . F . 1'\ Brown for 9 ii. m. next Monday to consider time - - - - - - - - - - " . HAYDEN Agents for Butierick's P.attarnS Great Special Sale in i . Ladies' Ready-to : wear arrnents. A special drive ill skit.ts. F . ' . : ) : s't ; A : tOn t- . . On sole now 350 Black Chevot Skirts , new cut , full svee , , all lIned aiid worth In any other store. $75O , our 1)11CC. $1.2. Ihndreulu of other skIrts at equally close ' prlces . Street Dresses for the cost of iiiukiiig . 1 .5 : We have the larg"sl stok of dresses west of Chicago. We wIll only give one Quola. i lon today : Heavy Diagonal Cord Cheviot 'I lox Coat . full skIrt all lIned , cheap 4t I $1,6 now only 895. Jackets at 50c 01 the dollar. ,4 I , : i I I . I . . t . . N. t ; ! "i Our Ladles :6 and 2S-lnch Jacket In plain Ileaver . with Black or Pearl lulons , and Boucle , with French Horn Bltons at $4.h5 Is equal to any Jacket being sold II Ihlb city at nearly double lie ( price. Other Jackets and Cloaks In every style every color amid every qualIty , all about 50c on the dollar of their actual value. Ladies' Hcadwear The great mIllInery ' centers have no secrets front us. Judge us by the display of Walk- Ing hats , Ilgh Crowns , Low Crowns ; flat . large and small brims and a feather bow of rosette. Prlcr are Jlst ai right a8 the h318. SpecIal for two days : We offer Black Felt Walking lists. daIntIly trinimned at $1.00 ; regular $1.50 valees. Sailor lists have all times as their own. Nothing about them to hurt. A special lot now selllg at 45e ; they arc In fine black felt , neatly Irlmml" " , and sell : I regularly for $1.50. While they last the Ilrlco will bl 15c. There I nOlhleg In Trimmed hats wc , do not show. 0 I 'fhe PrIces range from 95e up to that of the finest Parisian models. ror hue ( lext two days \1 will show a largO line of lists. beautIfully trimmed with alhic ribbons , ostrIch tips . fancy wings and bows. at 95e. These hall cannot bl bought In a regular way for 11' than U.75. i UAVDENSHAVDEN , ' . - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ . _ _ - . L . - . - , . . - . ' - . .c - . - latfl statements Innlle b ) ' J.ord iulnra'efl In thin l.n.lun . FIeld. , 'tt this IfftlIK n ot ( .0111110 . wi probe hy : I.f 1111'011".1 lu art 8M I ( out of InQllr ) ' . All tile persons who 11111 11)'lh1AI to do wIth l'cfeller nut- ! Inl I thl t tle I I of thf cup l'ICI' wi ho .UI' n.onl'll OM Wlttte"i's , anti time chtarges 111,11 by the Ilf"oll'll 1'IK\ ; lchlslll wt ho ) thoruulhl ) ' 1.rchl"1 . I P. OlIver 1fln ( ' ! ied itt the club hOI.e thIs nfernuol , lie , tl'I'la Mhort tle In the I 5eeretnry'M oll'p 11,1 then went Ilown to cIrPIIt. II Wil generally fnll , , wIth B. : D. ' ? .loran. Shortly after hIs dejnartluti ! the " thurth' 101(11. 1 lfer 11 ! dp\altlro notIce laIIIih ! , ' special le..Unl wm ! Pot'.el un the hllll.'tln hoar ! I II /en. I I emily cOlwelId that he uped ! for nn ox' plnuntlulI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ { IO'OI'I'1 ( ! : 1.\1 1'0 h.l l'fl. 1.h'd 11' " ' " . . ,1. 11.1 ( " ' ( ' 1 ( lit' . : ' H.I.I , " lIlt ii . .111. llAirhio1ti. )1,1. , No\ 11.-George 00,1. , frey Oil ( . Chocolate ) ol the Ileclllon fl UI I hIlly \\'ooll un I f'Jul ' 11 thin' ninth rotund ; It thl' FrOnt Street thl.'ater. "Voting Grlf.1 fo" V.19'ornls' , Ieroll\ \ . " . .101' \'enullg waM the ) , ' ' ' fought at DIOI ! . "prtulors 'hl' II'n fOI lt ITO 11011111. . \\101. ! a"p"lr.,1 to tIC badly out or l' ndltun nlll Llf light h" PUt lit ) Was a II'llolntment to hits fl'llld . . Oo'J- frey 1111t'r1 him Ihht t aol 'eft ! ! from tIme Mil , ) t. 11 h time nInth rotinulVnods , 1ll'lh'red tll'l'r foul 11 tmuecesIout mind Godrre wal gvel , tie nloetloii. Iacl Warl. , Newark . I pn.1 . r.ewls ( ' 0111. ! who called ! hImself the chmmmiplon r.alh'n\l'hht of thl' I / "llh.'r" I lo hlfoulht t"1 ) rOIIHI ! lt HI poullds an a ' relI ' I ' , hut tVin t I'd 'hi Is I 1''I'II'nar ) Wlld Illt ' 111 mnl to cheep II thl' "P'OII ! - - - - ' - 1I"h'I-II1 ( ' 11 n I'IiM ( IANSAS CITY , Nov. 11.-The mill III ( \1'1 I'arllh' Ilrlll and Jack Inll I , the AI"tralill.'hlrh \ \\'IM : to have lak"l Place ! itet I' h'r" tOIIghl. ) I jlron.,1 I mIzzle. ' 'here \\'IS Ito litirimfl alrl the n I'111.1ce vas so srnll that the l'n refused 10 light. ( ' 01'1'I"I"ISSW'I : : tilt S : " WI' . Snl , " ItelIr ' ' ' frinuii 01. " . I" lIe Suit ' . "I.t,1 h ) ' 1..1. A. L. Sutton retIred from the BOJrl1 of County COlmnLoners ! yesterday afternoon. JUSt before lie meeting clo ! ' 11 he \\at. rl.- Ilnlled thaI lie I\ns about to I'tep ' d.wl and mit . and \\as InvIted 10 mal.e I rrwel spech lie responded brIefly , 8)ln ! that hs ! kl'Joclallon with the other melLers during his tem of l'rvlee had been of the lO t 111e3sanl Commissioners JOIJdns amid Live- E'&Y repled , mylng that the board was sorry 10 Part with : lr. Suto : . and vishiemi him all klimmls of Joy In the fulure. Sutton was al'polntcd last spring ! by County Judge Baxter , Count/ Treasurer Irey atl County Clerk Sackett . lie ( llpolnl\'o board . 10 fill a vacancy occasioned by th ! death of Major Paddock. Ills lerm hsu , optred . und his place whit be- filled by I. J. hircen . who 'Va" elected at the laIc election 10 11 the \'acnnc ) ' . The regular ! sessIon was tmniuiterestlng . wIth the exception of one unatter. This was reo ganllng the taxation of the Bel line prop- et ) ' , the 1.ln of which has been In the pO- EIsalon ' of Iho fnnnce commllte- for a con- Hlder3ble length of tiimmo. Calml8Slonl'r JenkIns - kIns moved that the muter be taken away from the cOllltl'e anti brouht ! before time hoard. Although ( hero was conic opposition by Chairman Wilam be-calle Stenberg the chairman of the con1nttee. was nol present lie moton prevltl\ \ . The Mlbolrl Pacific Railway company the oWller or tIme Bel line . desired that the local aem'esimmuent on the Irollerty for 1892 bl can- celled . because the propert hat ! alw ben mmstumseui hy time stall board amid bccause the taxe on that u s < " , mont had : been 1111 According - cording . to the tate RIge "lent. the taxIs we..o . something over $4,000. time amount turnel over amid aconllnr to the county assessment the tax's wee $ SO0 mnore. I Ib l this $800 that the rllroall company les'lrs < remll CII JenkIns IleE'lred the excess tax ituiilttei . but WlhlH' and Livesey dill nol. I dfvel- oped that time report recommciuullng time re- miNion of the lax had heem I : wrItten by a rJllroad and was vague. I reCOllenJe ] that the $ ,000 b ? accepted as the legal tax without Ilrejlllclng the $800 that I" In ques- tlon. Llvesey and WUlam8 thouhl thaI If . ! I the r..port was adopted the courts \\'oull hold tlt by NO doing time board h311 remitted the dlflHlled tax . and , therefore the ) ' wished ( lit report to be fir.'t submItted to the county attorney. Although Jenkins was Ileclledl ) ' op- I pored to It . this plan was adopted and the report wa laid over. - . 4..tNtSS IIY'i'IIH { ' \ cotCI. Iti . ( iiriis frulII I.ulMt''rei's , I'h.t'tlu'n ( iuulI : . Ih"'l' UldnJ ) ' . The city council met as n canvassing board I last nIght ! to canvass the vote cast for city I officers at the rcent election. ThfY put In i Ihl'e hours of hard work and succeellell In g"tlng through the returns from the 1'lrul. ' Second and Third wards after which n re- cons was taken until ! o'cloclt this morning. The . results of lIme ofelnl canvass thus far do not Indicate that there w1 be any change In ( lit list of succRslul candlatl's ] , aD pre\'l- ously announced. Irnalch gained one votE In the First 1911. two In time Secolll and six In the Third. Browl Jlnell len votes In lime lrst. I Ihlrty-five- Ihe acond ! and one In : time 1hlr.\ \ . Gordon's yore was Increased b ) nIne In the three wards hUI lIelsley gaIned ' tlmitty-u2ven. Cohur gained thlrl.fve In lie Scent , imut lost Ihlrty-lwo of Ihem In the Third while 1gb ) ' gained ! twenty-lvl yates. glwnrds and Swobe hoth lost silghitly. Most of lie counchlnmanlc candilat" Kaine-II slllhll but the chamuges ! ; wer not sumclent to mn- tonally affect their rEative positions. Dun- can gllupd twenloleb I time Ninth dls- net of the Second ward but this was par- ta0121 ' b ) several small gems ! scoret by Lemly. There \\'erl. svCal districts In which Iho officIal count dIffered from that of time election bosrds on nearly every 0111cc. This was especIally notIceable In time Third dIstrict < of the Second ward where time citizens' candl" dates gained from twenty to thirty votes all arund In I Ihl I omclal con itt. The crnvassers who are FCllnnlng Iho re- turns are Major : 1) . II. \Vimeoler Ioulf I'I.ut all Oscar Venle-s. . . \ ! I ) Ol flit ( ' . ' ' ' . . . , 11.\11 01 lt'I'WX IWI.t.U : : . \1 .r the Niiiiiin'es . . . th , ' 1"1. . 'l'h'I1 h''I"II. The Board of gLurJllon met last night and can\'IIsl.'ll the vote of last Tuesday' > electIon. lavidson ) Graton and Jord.I memmmbers- elect , were present and pIcked omit their seats for the eumbuing ! ) 'eu. The can\'asslns board appolntel by Chairman : Akin consisted of I' . \\'Innlng and ! Ii. A. Sno\ The following h. . the , ate all bhown by the omclal canvass on which Davldsoll , Unllls Gratoll , Ire ) ' nnll Jordan \ t pre elected : J. " ' . lIurgess ! 8 21 ; e. H. Davidson 10,401 ; G. I. Uennls 9.607 ; Charles II Gratton , th.O5 [ ; ; G. G. ! rer. ! J.77 ; n. J. Jonln , ! J.li ; howard Kenned ) 8,401 ; J. ii. lclnt09h , 7,786 ; gdson Itlch . j , G20 ; F. E , Thomas j .13 , . Mr. J.rll. . . . . Ihnis . . IIirtIi.Ium. Yesterday was Ihl ( fortY- ecoll ann\'l.'r- SlUT of George Prlmrose's birthday . and whl'l ho returned ' to the Murray hotel after lest evenIng's performallee he c\'lnlng's was sur- \lriled \ 10 find n Ilrlhda ( ) ' banquet waitIng lor him. The affair had been quiet arranged - ranged by his wife and Proved to be a most l'njo'ahle occasion. Them wel'l eats for twelve . , those who Iled them hclng George PrImrose . . 1'Ir'4. Prlmro . " 'llal 11. , Vest John " 'eat and Meen'rs.Vllson , ( IIUu , ! Itmtitm . Davis , Garlnnc , Windom amid H"aell ! of the mm- trl'l troul.e and 1'11. 11o Chlcuo. The Inlcr'IS a red and whit onl. lie table Ilen belnl Prettily uramenll' ' wIth slshcs ot red satin. The floi'al decoraIonq ( consisted - blsled of paints nail rCI of red and loses of'hl ( . . The pretty . menu , which eon- talnell nine courses , WIS headeni "Happy Brtlll ) " Holo\\ the last course . 1'Iumm's extra dr ) ' , wits hllII" " . "there's to Old , \'ualntllnel. . ' There were songs nnd speeches anti the genial ! mlnMtrel was con- 1lltulatt'd mall ) ' ( mien before the Irst lntll of dawn ( 'ul.d upon the happy ufsl'mbaJe : 10 ( adJourn. Di lug the nitty Mi' . Primrose received I umher ot beautiful PresentS from different . members of tIme COmlln ) ' . as well . as frm friends outside of the clrclo. - SI .nr' .t . ! h'I , ) , 'nl. A ) 'ounl stock merchant amed His ! related a tale of woe to the union depot olcerl yesterday afternoon . , He said that he hut ] como 10 the city anti while at the toclt 'al'dll hlld 11urchase a lot ot lIve stock for $11 ( rom C. O. Strlcklanll An. other peron forced him to gIve \II his 101' Fem'sioui of his ilurehiase la'lng that Strlcl" land < l hind not puld for he lIve stock When he figured I all out lilies concluded lie was the one who was out the $ O1. Nothing was re\ortc ( to . the Ilulce statIon concerning . mater. . lit Neis' 11111.1. . The many friends of John Morris wIll be pleased 10 know that hue has taken charge of the bar and billIard parlors of Ibe Murray hotel , The event wIll bo celebrated by a formal opening Saturday e\nlnl. at whIch I' tIme a fine lunch wIll be served to all comner2 . _ - , _ . , " ; , -a--- . " . . " - ' - ' -o 1 - - - - - - 11'II\n : : 11' ! 1.m ! 11.nlI i ! , iirs . . Inl" f ti" n..lh ( iI''n I " 'eh'niui1'b , ) ' ' th , ' ' lh'lt"I. I i " , Mrs. nallnt pl 1'Ilmiothi , one of the leaders of Ihe ( S h'.t'1 ' nrry In thl eQuate ) ' , war , Iv@n nn Irprbrpln reception at the unIon depot as Iho lotd throljh hue cIty on the Overland 1.'J'er ' ot the Union PacIfIc al & :30 : yesterday 8ferhoo . Mr ; ' , Both was on her way across the Mntlnert , havIng been cii- gage , ] In hielpflt' / ( hue good cal e on the Pa- clfie cant. Site 1 S reurning lu her hieaui- qtiartori In Ne'Ibrl' Cl ) ' . . " The local c6rll"or the army was there In full fore , . .l , its mcmber wl.'re treated fa a surprIse Mien they P ' tIme trllin rOlld Ihe curve , with Mrs. loth sitting 11 the cab alollgslde 01 the engineer. They cheered her nI after the train had come to n full sloll ( escorted thi'it' honored leader to Ihl' ! II-II back platorm of the rl.J car. After time slllng ! uf a hymn Mrtu. Boolh bllolte a9 follow : " : Iy Dar Comrade ] : Ths ! Is Ihe brightest and 1051 sUII.sllrrlJII slbt ! I have ssfl since 1e-3\lg ! the Pacific coast.ts I looked out 01 tlP cab wlHlul I \\11' rOl11lllelel ) amurlrkel ) ( 10 see ! such a gatherIng ! lo welrom' me. J ! had tholghl : that Ilerhaps one BOller : mlhl ! hl' hmero 10 E'ele , I brIng you 1:00,1 cheer from Ihe brothers amid , Ilste-rE' ' ensgeth In the glorious work alonr time PacIfic COlt "The S3h'ston am ) ' today II more loyal - before. I have all mar ! fallhhll than ever made I jonrnr of 8.000 mmmiies . limit the eVI- , denc9 of Ih , ' good ! ; work doue by time Sal- \'alon arm ) ' line refreshed ml. amid I now I feel limore enthused In the wOll : for time Master - ler than over hoforc. There Is more . & Ias'l lon ( today among time members 01 time church I or the black Ibeep ! titan ever II'for. more ' are reaching doa n to help till tIme bet ones I' than the world has ever Imown. I hid ) 'UI K(118Plod. brplherR ad eh'here. : and I Ilroll' ! ! ) ' 01 that wh'n I coml to Omaha the next tIme It wi lJe 10 s\rnd Sunday wIth you. I 8h31 not come In tIme cah of I locotimotl'e and cam. . go ! out on ( lie rear lmiatforifl \ of the last Dlllng ( liii' brief alhres many travelers from other trauma joihll the atent\'e crowd that listened 10 Irs. llooth. All were at- tracled by her Illall worlls nail sweet volc. . nlll above all the Incerl ) with wllch she slloke. Irobnbly 100 spectators ! Itooll wIth ulovered heallH whlo this ( woman hi'l her fellow workers to be of gooll cheer. AI' ' the train pal ( out time soldiers sang , "lioimte . el Sweet hlonmo . " and even the busy trainmen paueetl In their work long Enough 10 wave farewell 10 time good , woman , In COI'e"FRton with I Bee reporter . whom she greeted ! hearlll when he mentioned In ) Incident of n few years ago 'lrs BOth lall that she had been \\'orkln ! along the llal western coaet for the pasl five 1I10nlhs. When slit went there 300 soldier uelungel to the Sal\lon army In thnl sectIon.'hemt she left the ranks had hel'n increased to over 1.00. BesIde time regular arl ' , there were n large number of members of the aux- Inry leaue. ! She mid thaI she- had rlhlen tIme last 500 mies In thin' cab of time nlne and haul enjoed the experIence ! iinmmmr.'mueely. She was ture thaI sine knew mort boul rail- rcadhll that she ever dil befur" Mrs. Booth said she had been wel r'celvel 111 California. and especially enjoYEd her visit to I.elanll Slanforil. Jr. . universty where she held several ml'ellns. Sits will now ro- Inr 10 her \ ark In $ the alumna of New YOlk CllY , - - - 'l'lnA1.1. . 1:1 ' 1'11'lt HI'II' , \1'1) ' .r 1'.1"0"1' ( jii I It'.h Illu ( ' 111- I InlCuu1 , t. 11"1.1. A portion of Ihe ( line of the criminal sccton of time Ilslrlct court yesterday was taken up wltb .tl arraltnellt ! of three prisoners chlrg\d wIth miloI offenses. One of them was hauls CasFlda , who has prob- ably given the Ilolc 1 of tIme city more trouble amid slipped thruFh'thelr fingers moore Ime5 than any other . man : CanIda was arraigned on the charge at malclols lestrlclon ; of property III himauhemI . not gulll He I eharel ! wIth elltulnr a house bniongium to Lienry W. Yates and do- lonlil Ienry straying the vatermtmud ' gas conntcmlomms. The damage amou'lted 'to $ 25. - Jack WIllqal \ t.10l , guilt ! ) ' to lie charge II of netting fire . 10 a frl.'lght car load d \ \ lth huay , He ! Is suspe ted of bellR'3 member of a gang whllll made lIfe miserable for railroad cClpanles (1iJ the monlh of July. Dnrlng ; the mnomitiu.harur .t.day passed without II car tot hay bellll discovered 'on firo. After Wis ' \'as calltured the d" " structoll stOIP I1 Atmdrev" 1. JaUfrlllali was charged wil perjury amid also pleade not guilty. lie Is accused of swearing that lie was the oWler of a certain bread box which was In dispute In a JustIce court case btvoen hlmseI and another - other parly. I Is alleged that the box did not belong to him. . . nI.J. . 1\"I'WI'ln.\'I'J : \11 ' 1' . . ) . tl 11".1 out " 'h. Cr1'o. , ) 3IIs . % VIiit'u4 li'ttli. : \Iay Wlnn , nomhl ! at 622 South Sixlelllh street , dIal } . , .teday alteriioomm. The pro- prietor of time flat where she \ sas rooming stated that she had engaged the room same two weeks ago Ind hud beemu confined 10 hEr bed slnc that , \J \ [ . Sundny night sIte was taken suddenlyorse \ and Dr. Hosleter was called. Cpon niakhuug : an examination he foull the woman : In a imtate of complete ph'sllal . collaitso amid after urcrlblmmg ! loft imer . somewhat - what beler , YeNllrday the doctor was again called aim ] fonllll his p3lont rapidly sinking. She refnsed 10 "h'e the name of any rela- ( lye or where she had rormerre1llel. . Aim inquest wi be hell . 'and the case Invesllgut ( J MIss Wlnll was elployed at tl Brulswlck ' ' for some lme nlhl Is said 10 havt an annl Ivlllg In the southern part of the city on , 'c'nlh slreet a- 1'111 I. . . . . ( timlt ' 1'1.11 .1 uh. . . lITTSB . nO. 1U\ ' . 11.-A general strike of plumbers WJ Inaugurated here today for a resloratlon ( of time 10 Iler cent llken off their woes ! 1a t years ago About 400 niemu are omit and all tt" shops ore Idle. D < WLtls Little Early Hslrs , the pills that cure con91allI and bliloutnees. 141'111 .t I11 i : : ml Ih. t : "Irt. I ; simi 1'.t"1 l'"III..lo. 11" I , , " ' l's . 'lt' lt t ise ! 11'1 I 1',1"1'1. At time Illeetnr or lie oarll of l'lro 1 And Pol ' e ( 'ollnlsloner. held list night Wlllm \ lclrnth , Noah Thomns , S. I. . MorrIs , AnIon ) Hln , W , It Admitmus . J. M. 'l'aibot l. : 0 Oustnhen , W. A. ICIng , \ 0. Price , John I. , Well , Tenr \'Itotiehi and George . Ieck I ere ! rtI\'ell ( remit dul ) ' . I.'oster ( lnt mo\'ed that the len he 11 ! ' mhO cd. "Shall I move that they ( be dIeeharged 1" he aslle-II of ! rOi tch. "No " answered roatch. " Io\'e- that they he relle\'CI from Ilt ) " Thereloreaccordlll ; to time reolllon which Uroatch hils-If trEw tIme twelve lel cue not dlchared. hut relieved ' fron miuity . be" calms , time polee fund II nol 91ele\l ( to 1lnlsln , the pre e\t force for the balance ut time year. The IWI \ \ Ill he Placed aim hue ( l'sen'I' lIst , Thl'Ee all twelve of tIme t'Ighi- eta len who "a' ! ' . ' 11 thl' ! 'Ivl s'llci I'xnn l\alOH alll \ \ ere detaIled ni Ihp ( force on SelltenlJer : IS. Sllce thaI tm time ) ' la\ bctm ' patroiuuuemi , atm ] tlraw- hfn acting as l'oGullll palrnhlen all I\ sularll 8 ! eic'im. The ) ' were liH I'll the force chlenv on account of theIr Ianpal n H.rvl'e allil hal , outlIved their \sefullleA . The followIJ Iremen vera ! ; rantel leaves ; . of absence- : .iameez' SibIl' , t\\ent ) days ; 10nry \Vlhon len days alHI 11 .1 hIuteom ) : . tea thays. Palrollan : I. II. 101chls ! ' \\'db aimia allowed Itlen das' leave 1 of aiteenci , I. " . fl. I C. Barr uf 112 houighae ) atmeet ' who for ( hue pall y.r . bas bel'l In charge uf the Young W'ntnnmu's imoune filch an ollplc.I.n Hltlomm of malron 11cr appiI- for the II1llon 1)011p ) ! alllll. cIOI : was accomlnnlet by rndoiselllent frol : a large ! lumler uf cllzel ( ! A rl. elution was IJIssld 10 time effect that I wIll lJo the > Illc } of the llarll I.n time fllure 10 grant no more transfers of liquor Icenp : s from one location 10 anolhl'r. II time fJle connectun t he board cxpr03sell the 01111101 that the Woriml-llerald . hal a larger crculJ- ton In the cIty th31 The lre , amid recom- IEnllel that nollee for lIquor Iccn ! s be puhlshell In that paper. The reslnalon ! of Special 101ceman : lch- nel Lutz was accepled. I vIIis'I'lDtc : I'tSi4)cS. 'n't ci's ) us Ir the' H'h'llll i Ihn'mimt'mn- \'h'I'I..1 1"I" . ' " I" . til' , ' Ii cr11 I ( : , n''rlm.I. WASIInTU : Nov. hI.-Speclnl.-Peim- ( ) sions ; Irantelj Issue of October 2) ) . 181' ' ; , were : : -Oebr lt-Ollglnal : George ! \'hmitlocic , ( ) mimahumt . lotmelas ; George Lewis , Goth"I- burg Davson. Adliional : . 11r' ' ) ' S. Xure ton , lohtr. Knux. H.Je\\.1 ama ] Inci emuse : In'oh Simlmimmatmit. Glide Bock Wcl lel' . H- Ilrl' : , Iohnstol 1' . Huherls , rcctmmimeeli. I J Dli 05 On. lo\\'a-nel" : Dlyll Iukgahier IOllllt Ill.'aslll. lenr ) ' ; ChrlHlan \\'ore : , Felllna , \Vhrmmmeshuln'k ; John Jor ' . flIwoil 1 . Story : Slns " ' .Mitt' hell , Nevada , , thor ) ' : W'rl'tk . ' , . ' Flirlimirdt ' . Sihll' ' . ( Imlrlbl' Hory : : ghlhlrdt Kelm'er Sibley. Orcueola. \Viu1oV . Inliln110 ; : : 'llrtm ; S. Cu'mtwftirmh"viUeVmusimimmgton . 1'looro Crwrorl \ 'le'I"hlllJton. ( 'oorauho-Om'Iglmimil ! : Edward J. Ft'pihnger , l'mmebio , puchlo. J\luntunn-llIr f : ( leorgo Lmummsinger Lamiseigmue . Tl'fT. Custer. _ leslie I of October 25 , P0. , : Neljrm.kmuOrigImlnlViIhimumn : irwlmm Tr'w- II'r. I h uimt Rut' . I teIm4nume : Ohall's ! Illtoll I t , Onmmmhn . lotmglrus. hova-Stuiiui1'iflt'Imttil : Oliver C. I U1OI , Fort $ nlndlsoit . I.el' HeNtlltO1 111 achuli- , lonul : ,1011 : 'la.ton , deceased . 1'lonona. CIa y to Ii. Coiurmulo-OrlgIminl : Normau It. \in'doimn ! , . . DCI\'er , A t mi \ hoe ; .1 Iull' Hompf , lue"lo I , l'ueilo. , Iuehlo. heemum' I of O"loh"r ' , 18ji : : ebraekaOrlginmii ' : Geol1. , Yo Stair . \Ie. eoolt HpII \'llow ; Jum's ii. Ilammncy . Ommmhmui noula . Iowa-Or1gitii . : : lallll'l Ir 'ul. Little Slu-ux. ' Harrlsol ; hahn I. IO ) ' . 1"ioyul. 110) ' ] . IIlea . : ( hl'eh Foltimt'rVmtvt'rly . Diviner. Hllrmc : : Wcsll' ) ' 1'lallsfell. Ccii- ten'le. . \ IllltnOos ! ' . : -Oolth 1)alcota-Om'iglnal : ( harles0. . " 'hleler. Grand RapIds , La Mouirm' . Colormtdo-Om Igimmal : David S. ( imIIlhthm . nurn a. 1.1 h'lmttzt'atson : Ihomteiu . Jml's- town , Jtoumidn'r. . ColumbIa Mttai Polsh , Crn : Gun Co. - - - - - 'Jgl.I CHt' I'IIC 11 IN" ' I , 'he : Iexlan go"e.nment line purhnsed 110 cavalry hol'sl' ( II hCmursas. ) . , Dall' & DI\is , tunlfacturlnr \ . " of Tr"nton0. . J. . mnde un asl"gnment 1'lun. I\ ' . y.Claims . Claims l Sp..eel"l" . announces hI' wi build three comllg heel ! Inllll . umictories 11 CalCornlu the John \ . Iimbrehi . chief teleJrllh edItor lor the LouIsvIlle Coulel'.Jourllal. , led Ion- day or Ilelmonla , Josh JciTeu'on . tie \l.'leran nelor. Moo- da ) ' delivered an Iddl' 1 on time IHagl' to the Vassar student/ Dlt Siuea . eUlvlet.,1 , oC ummuriler In nominee- tloll with the Tuo ' election riot.'as lon- 'l'OY electon rIot was : - day sentenced to be executed. Don CUOSDI' 1'Iorcno humus been lelltl'lced to ninety days < In jail for libeling Baron i 1'1\1. the Ialnn jai IIh'lng . henry Holdell , a ) 'Otl ! ; Gelman or Laveil . : 'imtes. . 2uioumtlny shot mind ltmthcui 1.1\11. ; IUFi. : Iondl Inll ItII'11 I young ! , wtman who had ejected his mtteniiomms. I l'residemmt Clo\'eland and SI'f'retrleR Ht'I'- bert arid 1.:1010nt wi at.nll the \\'elldln of , , da Miss ) ' , I'atmllmut'Viultiuey itt New You It 'Fumes- Couneel for 11I' ' . Gouglr 11 her damage 'sui ' a1alnst fx-Oongrt3mnn M'r.mn' t POI- ! meuc"1 the clo"lug augunuent lu the ease M ' . 11'gum ( : lollla ) 'hl' decomposed hOlles of D boy all girl } , lamed l'erkinmi \\'rl fOlllul il the 1\001. neiI 1ldolllo , AII ( . The eh'c'llstalleB ' i clearly . Indicate miiumrder. h'lummder 10 the value of 12)001) ' ' ' Ilund r the'a111. .O was i'ccov- er"1 " In loston Moruuhmty . whkh reprcetnted ( % 'OOt3' 'ears' 81t111I1 of a lan H'r\'ln a life ! enll'ncf 11 the pultl.'ntnry. ; ! 'ho shl'l'll Is In char ! of thit' bllnr ! of Daiiel I I. Hobprts. glass nlemih'r mimi ] liii- porter or New Yorll. .Atmicimiman'ns for I I.OO have hl'l'n levIed emi the stoek. Actng 1'11)01' Faude of Ashlammul . \ \ . , hues been arrested emu the chll't of \'Iolnth hIs om' tim or olce In 1'lln ! ; ama order to allow the lalOOl9 to Iomulu open SUIn ! } AI'ehllillhoSllpolnte of Santa F. has gone to I'rno nllli Madrid , tu look throllh hlstelcal archIves for the earl ) ' hIstory of the chlreh In Arizona alld l'w 1 ' ] u'xico. ( Gl'ol'e V. ( iotuitl's atiormmeys have mmothiied ; \ Goul\1 ntlolnl'11 hn\1' lIolled I Zela IleollUI lint < l'\ollols II ) tin' diumo- ego . llt IIgallsl hll wil hI 1111'1 In Clii- cage melmUtlit ult . elewlieu'e to lm'ove lieu' 1"'c\loI5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / J REPORT OF THE ACADEMIE DE MEDECINE OF FRANCE AJo hum r/is I ' , " THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS TJE RESULTS OF TIlE RECENT IlTVESf.Q/l TIOIVS IV PARIS AND TIlE REPORT'.OF ' TIlE A CADEMIE DE A1 . DECIlTE (1 ' " OF FR1VCE JIAVE PLACED A POLL INARIS rVA TEJ. : A T THE HEAD OF ALL THE ' WA TER 'i _ EXAMINED FOR PURITY AND FREELQM % FROM DISEASE GERAiS. FREE9i I _ - - AMUSIDIEN'I's , OREIGIITON THEATRE Tel l53t-l'AXTONiIUIt1uhSS . 'lr . LAST PERFORMANCE. , TONHIT AT 8:16. : PRIMROSE AND WEST'S BIG MINSTRELS See the Strlel I'nruide ! Todut ) " lt Nu , " . 3-MILITARY BANDS-3 J GRAND CAKE WALK TONIGHT I J'lft Entries trom 1\1 Colored Elite ot the CI ) ' . GRANt ) I'IIIZE5 nOXA'I'BU 1 \ ' A. MANDF.LhlLflG-T5 bid . 1\ : IANDFLIEnO-J5 Wiich. itOiuMtTaON BROS.-Un. 11\'ona l1jas PCOI'LE'S I'URNIl'L'ltU : , ' ' HQcker , lURNl"'JC COMPANY-h'ltishi' D\lol.I.1h'e pound. Del Confectuonery . IiAIitli'1'-Two Elei5mm ( C.kes 1 1.1t 'I-T\o Ee.ant IL T. MOCNT-Ommu . Tun Wear Nut Coal , \ MOLNT-ul NCOLI.I'alr ! 'ruiior-fude Trouser. . Cal hi. I. , h'iAF.-Usnts' l'url"hlnc cloo4. . - - - AMtSHiI IlN'l'S. : OREUHt N HALL. l'\X''O . \ JUIGI SS , lg"H. TONUHT AT 8:15. 8:5. ANNA EVA FAY ' 111 1..UI : \ \ . \ ' I\ . PresentIng leI Latest Oriental SensatIon "SOMNOLENCY. " "SOllNOLENCY. . The most marvelous , mysterious and bevIiu1er. . lag or all I'chologlcal phenomena ever pra. sented to ( lie world Popular prl.-5c. ac , &c , OMAHA DIME MUSEE 1309 Douglao Street , A FAMILY RESORT. CONTINUOUS ShOWS fret 2 10 / p. Id. IUle ' 1:0 t" 10130 , p. iii. Alul\slon , hoc Ie.onud opera olJllr : , hOe us ( cmi . . oxra . LI. Ulautfui'ut , Mgi' OeD. Mitchcll , Prop . A. UIlthlo9 : : Iir f . 1z 4. , t : ½ 1'I /1 , , . , s ' * ( z . - , . - " C : ; . : ' ' : : : : : ' \\i' ) ' .6 A -Hioff rLgR 1 THE LARGEST'P'ECE ! gF GOOD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FORe o CET . - - - - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ " -Jr II S' I GOING IN FULL BLAST The Gats Banuupt ! Sale on ecord . Elegant High " Crade e erchandise THE SUPEUB STOOl OJ' THE S. P. MORSE \ DRY GOODS CO Must be turned into cash. The prices wc have made is doing this quick. Compare our goods , our values , our reductions ; your decision wil be in our favor. 83 E. OLSON CO. . . 16TH AND FARNAM. Real Line Scrim 1"01 curtaIns , 'ream color 40 tnehe wide . worth 12' . r. H. 5 E. OLSON CO.'S l'ItICB C ONLY ) CO.S . . . . . . . lHl'I . . . . Art Linen Good colors rpal 1'lsh "oods. 30 : ! lmmchmes wide . worth [ Oc nail ' . . K OLSON "n"250 7 ; 3c 8. CO.S 11ICI : 0-01.1 Y.\HD. . . . . . Linoleum Stalllr gouuhs ; : . 6c lJual ) ' , 8. g. OLSON CO.'S 1'lttt'i' ; 4 5 C YAHD . . . . . Cl.S . . . . . PHlll' . . . . i n Black Silt Velvet \Yorth 7 : ; " . S. B. : OLSON I co.s 11l1 ; . YA1tD. . . . . . 290 Colored Silt Velvets ; All elmades , Momsc"s $ I.3 and shldes 1'Iorsfs I : y Al . H. g. and1 , 0 9 $2.00 good co.s 2.0 I'lthB ; S , VAItI ) UISO . . . . . Black Beaver Clon1dng I Heavy , \111 goods . 5\uolh and duimahle , Morhe's jriee $2.W. H. B. I OLSON ( Irllti 4 5 11UCE ! A , YAIti . . . . . . lO.S . . . ' Fibre Chamois 60 : mmcheme wide. nil colors ! \11 ( ni MOrFI1 price 35e . S. K 01.- 19 C Irleo SON CO.S PICg , Y.\Hl. Silesia and POl'calues . lot ot Waist LInings a big remnants In colors and fast hdmmcic ) . be Ind 2c' gooula 8. t . . CO.'S PItICl ' ; 7 n. ONLY OLSON ! , YAP ! co. . . . ! . . . l'HCI' . . . . nO . Cotton BnttB Elegant mmice . soft goods , will opell omit smooth , mme vitste' . tin ) dirt , worlh IOn . S. K 5 C OLSON CO.S IHCE , I AJ R-4 Sheeting Iea\ goods . nicely woven , Itrong \ mind heavy . \ol'lh Pc. t S. B. OLSON CO'S ' 181"12 " C YARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bleached Hitch Towels Bxtro large . hiemnmimemh goethe , ra hemled Ioolh. sIze 20x15. cimemi ' nl : :0" : , S J .4 Ol.SON ( ' elelln ( ' ON I. y , 190 I ACl (0. . . . : . . I\HH' . . . . . . . . ) Bcd Spreads Extra . size , \'pry hpavy and durable . a ! lrt'd 'nlmimsm'Ilieim patterns . : 'IO" " ' Ilrll' $1 m , pilern . m.SON ) , 890 J.CH . . . . . CO.8 . . . . . IHll . . . . . All Linen Napkins 3.4 : sIze 1s.lrll'd pa Irns. fua blenched Morse'i' I.rlr" Germli S17 ! S I KUlt . . - ' 1 . 1 0 HON IHICI . lOiI' . . . . . Ribbons Value } ' all silk loo1 . IIIal1 and met rI ptil ' , mErlum I Inll I wlll' , goouume , vortIm 10 Cit. \orlh up r" IOI < > \ I S. E. I Oh.SON CO.'S Pltl'l 9 ONLY u1SO-O . . . LO.H . . . . . . . . . IHII . . . . . . . . C Handkerchiefs ; Ladies' mmli \\'hlll' and coiomed I ladlpI' 11'hlll' 10IuI' . 11 < . .mhrnl''rr,1 , goods . hlnlllole " ' . desIgns , IH'ellrel \ ) nuods . ' Mjtie'im Prime ! 20 ull 2 ; e . S. ! K .PH1CB122C : O ; OISO . . . . . CO.H . . . . . PHll' . . . . . " . Dress Fringes .1 Amid Moss Trlunmlmlngue . In . black Inl colors , Morsn"te Price Ut' tn $10 ) 'ari . ( 'ihOiCl ' : OF TilE 5 CloCI' . 1A1D O . T1E . . . . . . LOT . . C Umbrellas . , Flll' ' handlcl' ' , glorIa allli . 'I 21-lnch ; size , 1'Iorllo' mulct , $1.50. S. K OLSON l lllco9 8 l'ltiCF ONLY . . . . . . . " " " 0.8 " " 0 \ I " ; : :10 : : : ' Wool Mittens I' r1 I.ndle PlaIn and duuIlo wool l'fltell" , . bll'k , Mors"s J 600 goods , H. K lorll"'R3 5 C CO.S ; PHICE , PAIH . . . . , Ladies' Fast Black Hose ' \'IIt. . f.ol , \.y fine quality . slightly Imflhuit'mI'Ct SOn goods s. B. I OLSON CO.'S ! ( ool"25 PAUt . ' . . . . . . . cu.s . . . . . IHf . . . C L ' (1105' Combination Suits F'leee Iltied . Ilgyptlmun goods , - Flelc g'plhl I'Iorueo's price 7ht' . s. Ioodl . . 4 7 IfJIKO' ! "r.o 7if. - 0 SON (0.8 11W'lL. . . . . . _ _ _ _ - - . - - u- " - - - - , . - , i- . t - - - - . \ A Few Advaiitages Offered by Ihl Chicago , MI ! , & B t. raul Italiway 1 , the short lbs to Clul . 0 chess tram. amid. up and it&tted Scorn Omaha . I , \OU \ , CIT 7A 3 I D18 _ _ _ - _ _ , _ _ Vgge checked from resldenc. 10 deitlo. lion. r11ant : rain llvlco 1..1 courteousi em , DII trln lhle by electrIciy. wit lu electric "dlnc lamps In every berth . J'llea' In aN ct ? ) tr ' tn the weal. with mfal. airy ed a la carte . or . II other words . order what Claicito lnlnl sfl at ( and e . . pay iii. for what you jet. Flyer It vs ummic.n deot daIly lt 1:0 : p. m. . arriving at tblcaco II. Ciy Ticket Omce , lr V'rnam Sirtet C. I. C ! En. Clt Tickec'nt , ' -