. - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ - - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' _ ' _ _ _ _ _ . --w-w--- - - - - - - - : - - . - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - . . - . - - , _ , _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - - THE U1\IAHA i11Y JHC I I SIAy ' . NOVEMiUlt 10. 181HJ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'i 1 - - - - - - - . JURY nI1SSION SELECTED I , ! - Latest Feature of the Litigation to Recover Bttlto Fnmts , . . . , I ' - VENIRE or FORTY TO BE SECURED COile Allnl".t . -'I'rl'IIIIlIrl'r 11111 , .II ) lie II I'l r.1 lt 1lltul. 11'1111111 I u.lh..r : -lllu'r ) CIIIIII I City ) UUII . II" . . - LINCaN , Nov. C.-Spcclal.-ln ( ) regard to the trial of ex.State Treasurer J. F. ll , which Is eet for December 2 , the su' ' . J promo court has IS lell the following order : "Whrreas " , there arc Ire8"utell In this : 1 : auso IBUes of fact whIch should be tried I by a jury , It Is ordered thlt lion. C. J. I Phelps at COtlX county and Iloti. J. W. I Hawes of Saline county , be appointed jury : ommlssoners ! , and that said commissioners I Ihal , on or before November 19 , 1895 , elet I forty persons from the body of [ the stale ! avlnr , the lualncntons ot jurors In the dls- I trlct court , and report the names of the 111- I Ions RO selected ICCOlllnnle < by their eel tlncto to H'o clerk who shall Inlellatel ) ' issue a v'nlro reqnlring such I rClllrln persons to uII- pear ( nt 12 o'clock , noon , on the 211 day of December , 1895 , and serve as jurors until the further order of the court : IINCON ( JAMl3IflItS' HAHD IUCK. The gambling fraternity ot Lincoln has Itruck a run ot hard ! Inck. No one has suc- ceelled In breaking any banks , but Alex Jetes one or the prominent m < lbelR of the guild , waR today compelled to execute a chat- tel mortrnre to Edwin l M I. Iamh to secure an Inoehteolls of $155. 1 was fed with the cOllly clerk , and covers one roulette whiei . ono poker tahile . one crap table , 200 chips atid twenty chairs , besides the gas and electric - trio light flxtures This properly ot Jetls Is located In the front room at the second story of the hulllnc known as 210 North Tenth .trAPt -:11 : ' jury In the OeorHe ( Washington Davis murder case spent the day and wi JlkewlEe PMS Sunday In a room at th" Capital holel One of the jurors Is J. H. Clall { . lie Is a Seventh Day Advenlst ali Iledlnell to do any work today of n legal nature. The trial wil he opened Monday morning before Judge I Holmes. 'rho defense will Inmclalely at- , temlll 10 nx the crime of wrecking the Hoek' ' Island train , hy which eleven hives were lust on Davis. At the last examlnalon Into the' ' affair , resulting In a mistrial , the railroad company first attempted to show that the employee of the roal\ were In nowise to blame for the accident. Today the cases brought by the administrators of the families of g. H. Zerecke and J. H. Matthews . two ot the vllllS of the wreck , were dismissed In district court by the Illalntls without projilihlen. I Is not known whether a settlement - mont has been reached . or whether It Is the intention 10 bring the cases In another county. _ d r , A chattel mortgage was today . executed by : the Helbany Ianltacturlng company for ΒΆ $5,070 throl h I ) . 1. DunHan lreslilout. and J. C. Meredith . , secretary , 10 J. C. and C. S. Meredith and C. Owhngs. The mortgage I cover the whole Illant and Is given to secure ! I 11 Indebtedness ot the above amount I NFV rInAHY HUIDNG ACCf PTlm. I The 10arll ot University 'HegentR has formally accepted the new library building from the conlractors. In time construction of the edifice Iho entire legislative appropria- ton ot $73,000 was consumed. The date for the cfcl.11 opening ot the library has not yet been fixed , but It Is ald II Is not far 41ff. Professors now compclh' 10 occupy the fourth floor of the main building are quite anxious for the opening of the new struclure. Today Acting Mayor Webster fed In time 1lco ot the city clerk his veto ot the rlSO- II1ons by which the council sell to Elmer : tephenson thin $ / : i4,600 Hold refunding bonds. The council has been counel engaged nearly a year In trying 10 dispose ot these bonds whIle Sir In the vIcInity of Lincoln has been filled with rumors ot crookedness anll bolerlsm In this connection. Al present their sale would appear as tar ofT os ever were It not : Ialmed that Mayor Grahatmm . on his return from ? Inver , would undo all the veto work pertornwll hyVehsler. . ant hand the bonds I over 10 Slepheneon. The mayor did relurl this : afternoon . but sale that not until Monday would he be prepared to say what he would 30 In tIme premises. He Is uf the opinion that I .Vebster had no right to file the 'eto. This I remark Indicates thaI Mayor Graham would not have vetoed the resolution. I REQUISITION FOlt WAITlm 1"AY Detectve lempsey of Omaha arrived II Governor Ilolconmb's oOee today and sl'ure1 requisition papers on the governor ut "lnne- Iota for Walter C. I aye , the ex-Omaha saloon keeper now unter arrest at Moorimend. ! Inn. , I charged with disposing ot a foret bond for $ .000. I was a Cook county , Illinois . school bond , which he lassEI on time Omaha Irlw- log associatioli. lempsey heft today for Minnesota. Faye dealt In I number of sln- Hal bonds . to the amount of several thousand 10lars. A large delegation at Lbncolnites . accompanIed - panIed hy 100 torches , let for Ilckman tonight - night 10 celebrate time victory of John rromllen , repuhlcan candidate for sheriff. A : onllilce came UI' rrom that Place today an.1 la.lo . ul necessary arrngoments a 111 11Irchased a large quantity ot fIreworks. . Omaha PeoPle In i 1.lncoln : At lie LInd.ll-- - - . P. \ Shaw. Miss Wesl , Mlsa Johnson , W. G. 10un ! , Ir. O. f . Ilckllson ) , George I' . Moore , gll Kerna , , . Iyman D. Ellwar.18. . At the Capllal- Coady 11 F. Demllsey. At limo 1.lucoln-John T. Break , J. 1 Morrlscy , George S. WedHewood. I.IN(4)I.N'S S'IAI ( . S"I' . LINCON , Nov. 9.SpeclalOnVeclimes ( ) - day o\enln last sev'rl hUllre.1 . PeoPle Iled the Imarhors of the Lincoln holel. Thl occa- . , o. . shi of thIs ( lslugllshell absemblae was I piano recital hy Irs. P.V. . Plank before the memhers of the Matinee Musical an.1 . Cen- lury club and other trlends. The mIming room hall Ien arrne.1 . for time concert. All the rooms were hallsomel ) ' decorated. The ( Irorram emhracet seven mmtmmiibers. They Wlrl : hluch's "Prelu.le . and Imigue In U I Minor , " Chopin's "Prelu.lo . In D I \lat Major , " the "Nocturne , II G ! aJor . " ltaff' $ 'htig.iudon " Slmrwenka's "Tht.ine alYarla \ - lions . " time " ' ( ollolera ; " and . closing with "Hhapsodle No. 2. " Thom who hearillrs . . Plank two unite In saying that shit' l'llnl. years ago unle 1 > ) shl . has Imllrvell i vonderfulIy ami won a high Illace nmon time musicians ot 1.lncoln. Time Stale university comes 10 the front thla week with a coul.le . of mid sensations , and tIme university Is R mOil Imporlant a.lunct to 1lncoln aoclety. Iltween the sexes time Iumors ] are equally dl'llell. for the masculine lenient mU6t bear time brunt of time thratenet Il'rl procecdimmgs for tearll ! UII time sidewalk crossings for bonfire material lu celebrate a foot bali vlelor ) ' . whlo one ot I > eo-eds Is ! ccusll ot having lmroclmred thin publcatou ot her plclure In time ( ollnns ot time Slandad , aNew Now York illustrated sheet of .1lltldly . 'porty Proclivities. ) ot conrse. thin fJlr ( o- d ia ) hdVO been the victim ot some malelons person. Certainly alto deserves time benefit ot the doubt , and the apP"'lrnco of her hand- sOln face In this 11per does no Ilscn lt to UIO cllus of 1lncoln girls for ph'slcal charms. limit the boys who tore up time side- walks have hardly R leg I"f to stan.t tipoim. They arc utterly whim- out cxcme. Aside frcm the Illcunl- ary llama e 10 the lunlclllall ) ' , time rcmoval ot limit croulus ellbngerel life amid 1mb of } lelstrlJUI au' mlark unit altogether I was a rather reprehensIble pleco ot foolshueis totally unwarranted by tIme claims of lal , lowo'en nlHht. Somethln ulso In th way lt sensational aHnostclm hat developed \ this Week In the unlverl ) ' . I has heen the oc- tiion of clnshlerlhll comment In social & 'im- cles. An article enlle1 "Wa.hlo I.'ancles" In the leslerlan Is ma.lo . the subject ot at- tacle. I lakes hljh Ilhelstcal grouml I Iltnlls the l'dsllneo of God and can see no good In pra'l'r. The hiesimerian Is a college lisPer. and as such Is , ot course . ohmen to time , 'lew8 of all classes ot students upon ali rla8es of SlbJldJ. Ths ! attack emi rcljlon Is by no means I new thin unter the sun. for sileo time lays of Shel ) ' and his notorious Ilaller on "The Necessity of Alhelsm , " lul- varsity mimen-espectahly ) 'uung len-havl tIe- lIghted to 8Ullrls , :11 possibly agitate pro- ' fpsaor with literary fuslatls aimed al the religion ot their fathers and muothmers. In time Nebraska Slate unl'ersly this latest outbreak - break Is only an Insignifcant el180to , not a momentous e\'enl Senator anll Mrs. Thurslon were In town this week. Irs. Ilwlngs has gone to Dcn\'er to See If Schlater can cure her lung trouble. ! Charles Conner has gone to l'erryville , Ill. , . - - temnmnary Intern hum . v I alerll school itt a ( 'athmollc I. h ) Van ICoor Is visiting In IOWA. In. hlemity Oilvm'r Is In . lenty OIVfr II Denver. 'l'I.I I ( M CI'I'C I I n.Slr"t : i CII'I'rlur Iltilt'ttiiihp lssiii. lime . \1111" , , , ' , - , , , , , . ' IrIIIIIIIU.I If Ihl' I"I'I I , IINCOIN , No\ ' . ' . -Hp ( ' cL'I-Totay ) Oov ernor 10'comb IS"1 I h s Thank ! . , .Ing proela. motion . nl , follow ' : In hlrlon ) ' with I custom n" oM ns our rOVPlllnt amid cOlrulnlng 10 time Iroehmi- 11 101 ot the hrnsliietmt of time 1111.,1 , Hlllll , I , Summit A. I lult'otimb , governor of time II ! or Nchirmmskmt . hy , 'Irtll ro\lrnor nimthnr- ly i II I lt "rllc,1 by t him \ 110 hl'llh\ ' ' 111111111' anti . set impart Thmmmm-smlmty. . tlmm' 3tIm day of NO\'I'lhlr. ullal . . , 1S5. . UI I timmy . or leln 111 immi hue Ihlnkl t I'II i S to .111hl I ty ( II ( for 11M I hlt'siiing 10 1 ' mia I lmnoPle n State Inl , a flatlomm . tutu I enrcMt : lelUc 1 thnl on that (11) ( ' nil 1111wr of s cullr work 111 ' hI h lit iii IIIIt mm nil 011 PeOlmIe' n""llhlc 10rlthcr In thin usual hmlmciM oC lmiillhm' . wor- elm I p. nlll In I tl'lr hommi \ . H mid . In . \ Much mmmmm ii- tier 19 II ' be Ollplo\'e.1 , ) tiieii' , 'mmml- Ilell'e. I en.IP thlnk ' to our 1 Ilell ) I.'nther , . . for thl' 1111folI hlt".1111 Iljo ) 'e.1 homIer tll hI"I""nl InIU'nrc" of the "n- IhhtPII,1 I i mimmy. ' , I Cii net I aim ( i viliza thou or the 111 < 9- The 1'101.1t ' . of N"I.rnllla . hl"1 1IIIe'I' ' Illal l"nFfn 10 r",1 n deep ! "nol ff HIIIIIII I I 10 the Giver of all 00. \ In the mllll of un 1- 'nrsmml I 11lrl''slon ! In the hllllorld thin PooDle of Nebroaka ' ' 'e,1 , limit \eollll Nl'hlska hl1' emmjuycd U fiiI l'llo iii'grne of Pro9Iot'ity ' thu hog Ihl' ) " ( 'lr iltJ % % ' ii rim vi ng to n e1o. I 'm / ott . l'fl'C liii . mm gal n 1111.1 . Illon our fair 11.1. hlcllJ thin tel o Ihe hi hal mm tmml run mm wih I I ( 'moltS 11111 I < 11 tn 111'1 t 11 I I oIJlnnl' I ) Wil Is , ali 11'll'l HIII con. tpnlnwll t t \r"\nl ! I I Ihrouhnut I m thin Immimd. JPt I mimi also Oi thll ! , ln' remember thl 11001' ii nI imnlort ii to , not h ' 11,1 Infortunall' Ilion g . ! . ) rll ) 'CrS . 11"1. . IHI h ) all" m ) ! < 11 ( ) nlll beimi' voi.im'n lallCe"tl,1 I , hi sleh Iul"llllal , t I Innn" , ' Its \ I lakl 1.1 I 1''II\lentt t\reof 1011 I hll'I' ) a mil , 'onllll".I. t \ 11 I tnstimmmuny whom oof I hl1 hlleunto luh- etc riled ' ' iimi mill ' I to be Iii nil lime 1 < 11'111 1) nnle nli l'II III nlxld Ile great 11'11 of tl stnll "r Nphmraskn. Don lt 11101Ih , ' " ' 11,111 , f ( the "In II , Ihls Ulh dii- . of Novnmnb'r. In time 'cal of fiI I.onl I , One i'hmoimsanml I higim I t lu\111111 I I ! . nn.1 . Nlnpt ' -lvc ; of the Rtnl' . time ' \.nt ) - tilimthi . ant o th. 111" < llllnl'l of time 1nl"11 Alatl' , the One Junlln'd I anti 'wcn- tit't ii. 1811) ) . 81S . \ . HOI. O m. fly thmteovnmnor : , 10"101 J. ) A. II'I.n. : Secretar ) ' of State. Vildi : IHIi'l' IS ( II\I' NOV. : : UI'II.Jnl' . tl fhi.'i'rzi - iisilsslspiiiiii . CUIrr , ' .mps . \1111111'11 II ' \1 th' " , LINCOLN Nov. 9.-Speclal.-Time { ) follow- hog were appo\nlcl \ by Governor Iolomi 10 repn'Rent Nelraska lt tIme elhth convention ot the trnsllHslsslppl commercial congress at Ommiaima Monday. No\e'mber 2 : : 110mm. W. J. Br'an , 1.lnroln ; lion. I ) . D. Greury . Olaha ; ilomm. 'r. I.'ulon ( .amitt . North Plato ; lion. Jamls C. Iahmiimman Chadron ; Iloti. E. K Brown , Iinccn : llommV. . A. Poymiter . Al- luau ; I ion. E. H. Penney. r-xlngton ; I lou. \ \ ' . II. Thoiimpson . Grnd Jsllnd : llomm. g. O. ICretzhimger. Beatrice. CIg\I NNg. Nov. -(8pcclal ( Teleram. ) -Go\'clnor Ichard3 today appointed time (01- loving delegates to the elhth conventon of the trnimsmmiissiemshppi commercial congress whleh leets at Omall November 2 : : J. C. Iavls Hawllls ; George \V. Fox Laramie : : Jay L. Tummy 1 lbr : .Iamos Terri , Ban- ncr ; g. J. Morrli , Green HveI ; Chlrles \ 'mV. ' Ithimer. Cheyenne ; g. II. Simmuok . Buralu ; C. C. lImrmmiin. Hock Springs ; (1. K. 1 hluckmmummm. Cas- I.er. . 111 L. II. Brooks Sheridan. All ot the delegates wi atteiid. l'mtitem' ( I , . Ir.III' . . . I'AWNiE CITY Neb. . No\ 9.-Spcial. ( ) -Slneo the bnrlnr ot O. A. Cooper's . large ncurlnH mill lt lumboldt last .Sunday II has heen reported that Mr. Cooper would erect a mi here Inbleal\ of at humboldt. ' By 10catnH here ho would have a larger nell to work upon , besides haVing t\O rail- roads as aim onto ! A. Litt's resimlence southwest of the city . "as destroyed by fire Tuesday afterimoomm. emitaihimig a loss of about $1,500. Insurance - ance , $ GOO on house and $400 on content CauHht (101 a defectIve tu . W. S. Taylor an old and esteemed citiZen - Zen . tlell at his Iomo Thursday nlht at 9:30 : o'clock tram neuralHla ot the heart. The deceasell had been In poor health for I the past few years from kidmmey troubles. I , A wire , two daughters ant three sons mour his Iemlse. Funeral services oc- i .lp1'p. currell this afternoon frol the faml ) real- , ' The marrlJge of Miss Mary C. Irion to ChariI' A. Talcolt Is announced 10 take place at the hOle of the bride In DuBois. this counly. Thursday imlgimt . o\emhe 11 A recelllon was tendered Rev. Mr. Con- ncr ant tam I ) ' of the Baptsl cllurch at the 1010 of Mrs. G. 1 Humphre ) Monday mmIimt. One of the most enjoyable parties was the surprise perpetrated upon MIls Iaud Nichols ! at her home In this city Friday nlHht. . A splellll rain \isle.l thle County Wedne day mmtlmt. nllht. Olncral D. I Ielick ot Los Angel , Cal. . is here lookIng after lila Interests , belnH one at the directors of the First National . lie Is the ot hank of this cl ) 10 guest Cashier J. C. n.llrd. llli Ieana 'imerry dauHhler of J. n. Wherry , Is home for a visit over the hol- Ilaya. : mhiiisVlmemry has just grduale.1 . front time Illinois traIning school for nurses. Dstric court will com'pne IOllllY , wllh Jude Bush oCcullylng the bench. Several interesting cases will be helrt , alonH them belnH a breach ot promise smmit whercln ls ! Lillian Dehblt Is IIulng E. E. Gray of Dulols for $10.000. which amonnt she claims It wi take to patch imp time wounds made by Imims taln ! 10 keep his promise ot marrlar" . Another Is wherein Thomas Gison ot Burhard Is snlng Pawne county for $0.000 for tlmaHe . to his health while In the count jail. Imprisoned . ' _ . . _ . . . . . . , _ _ ) Jai. . . _ _ OM' _ _ H thiS Oeen 'Vl11 . ICCCO 'U J 'U c. ru ' ni addition to the city I.ower . Imotmee and the Eame Is now under good headway . under the manngenlnt ot F' . J. Goodridge. JIJ ( 'rolls tim Slllnh'r. ( llnl , . . A IIANNeb. . , -Spoeial.-l'rob- ( ) - ot Sanuders ably never bdore In the history count ) ha\e Ihere heen such great exlremes In the crops at this ) 'ear. Soml rarmers have practically nothing , while In other localities time crop Is enormous. Alex YuieI recenl ) ' husll.1 . out six acres ot cOln on time AISUI Smlh placi that turlo out 10 bushels 10 the acre. Misses Slsle alll f la Shtllarl hl\'e Kone to Ansley on a visit. n. ) D. Cody , formerly ot time Ashland N.1- lonal bank , now 10CJtl,1 at Houston , Tex. , Is vls\ln i II I town. Vill Pkkel or W aimee Is , 'lsllnH In town. \ sparring mat < came off In Ashlant last night btwfen time colored man , "Illuck " Harrison of Mimmmmeaimoiis. l'eimrl Pearl , antI lnneallls. 11111 and Ilammimomm 214. weights Ibout 13G pounds anI larrlbol 21. Pearl knocked him complelel out In the third round. Ihicycle races will comne o lt the race Iccle wi core or truck ) Ixt Satnrda I'our , ot time champlol , riders ot the l'nlet States wi hue here. Sonic thief slole 1 waHon 1011lell with I appl18 trom A. f : . ennard. lie was tracll to GrpelWol1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ih',1 : uh' If Nm-mci. , OHD , = eb. . Nov. . -Special.-J. ( ) 1 _ . Pope of henanHo count , New York. Is In the cl ) hooking after his IJropert ) Intere9ls. lnl. F. I 10eppner of Omaha Is 'tsitimmg her .rents. Mr. amid Mrs. George F. Sikr. . In ( Ur. ) J. I , ' . hloltiemi's ollo tottay an explosion - plosion occnrrcll , In which lJs hall Iml eyebrows were prel ) ' hall ) IlnHed. Aim ellilemic ot whopng : cough has b2en raging In Ord for sOle timmme . which has gi cathy reduced time altl1lance lt school twenly-se\'en being ahlent from one roommi. Miss l.ee ot Central City Is visiting at the . \ ) -ros resldencc. 11" 1.11mm . " ' 11" Oim- Case . hiEATitI'E. Nov. -Sperlal ( Telemamn.- ) I George E. laIllns. . the Ieposed water coni- Ilulonlr , had a helrlng In county court today UI'OI ' I charge of fral1ulenl ) oblaln- Ills time signature of Mayor Shulz 10 I city warrant A jury ot l\e hmrt the cast and after bplng out about five hour returned a verdict of not Iult ) hawkins wi have an- other hearln lonta ) ' upon 1 simiar charHe In justice eourt. 1 Is expected that both the water commissioner anti city clerk will he tried for forgery at the session of district court which con\en ' No\'ember 18. - - - - - - - - - 1.1'1'11 I smut S'hr".I.1 ( 'urn . Sit IUNlb. . , No\ D.-Speclal.-Le5 ( ) . cor will hl shtppct from this vicinity this ' usual owing to time cattle year thou range catte which will bl fed. Temple Reid . who own a l.rJe stock farm near ltre , arrived ) 'es- terla . from Sheridan W'o. , wih a > special train ) of twenty-two cars of natl' & steers . ) Thlald his second \ shlplent In here lately. The cattle Ire distributed 10 farmers , who are paid for IlcreoSlul their weicht , I . - - FEW COUNTES TO HEAR FIW l Back Precincts Sti Delay the Official Count , ELECTION RETURNS NEARLY ALL RECEIVE - . \,1.11.1 . l'hgmi re-i. 11 Nut lltl.rtlt * ) . Alter tu' 1'llrlllr.'ut ) lIe - curIt'il fur 11'1.lIhlh'nl Cln- ,1tnh' rlr lllrl'\ " . 'llll' . Ofcial return ha\'e been received from ' all but nine of the counties In Nebraska , Frol the e nine counties thc Ilarlal ) retrns are ! mmeal'i ) ' cotplete that even whim their figures added Limo totals would harlly be areclll Jnde Not'val'ms plurality still hmovcr . aboll time ,000 ' ) iaIll , amid the o\cal COllt \ Ill hardly 111 I to SOOO The rettmrlis . both cOllllelo anti Iucollliete , are tabllatet he- low : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ' - - - 0' t : : f . - " a- it . t 2 COUNTiiS : g ! . g I -m ' f . : : . : . S . : : : : " . . I : . : . . . . .tiiatn , . . . . . . . .1 2f31 131 ; tfl - hI 1' ' ) AI'elu/le 'II ' I / , . . . _ . . . 81 u i i21 : ' ) G1 , itaommnr . . . . . . . . I. 1')1 ' 16i 1 r laller . . . . . . . . . 26 ] f6 11 f 3 lalt" . . . . . . . . . . .11 lfll 762 3f GI tlr,1 lol" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10) ) 111 :1' t ' ) GO . . . Burt . . . . . . . . . . . . .h 11 7S4 G 1202 HI G litmtIr . . . . . . . . . . . 3r 13U C2 313 ) . t03 l'/'s lull'r . . . . . . . . . . : mI : l 1.2 :020 t.I 1 101 e"lar / . . . . . . . . . . 2. ' 733 S 12 13 : "lllr . . . . . . . . . . \ . . I : H 4' IlK 1 I ( 'ti.clmmme . . . . . . . ' .d 32 . 4 % 12 1 : ( 't.my .nl . . . . . . . . . . 1'1 1312 13" ) 81 70 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 ? 3 ( 'nttut " . . . . . . ) ; : r2 ; ; . . 3' ( 'unmimig . . . . . . . . . r. ' t ! ,1 ! t1 1 . . . 1'ums'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)i ) 1224 : : a 5 ! lmakoma : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . M 1m . 1m 130 5 , D.w . . . . . . . . . . . . .L' , 2)I ) / mum ; : U 22 law.on . . . . . . . 12i 811 3 , 41 I 1\"on . . . . . . . . . .7 7 1r1 W Z. H ; Dixomm . . . . . . . . . . 81 ) 6.i to ) 62 t hedge . . . . . . . . . . 21 1710 1157 3.2. $ . . DOOKII . . . . . . . . . f31 t1rI"01 ) 3$2. . : I I IiiTmi3' . . . . . . . . . 21 ) 312 2i _ i . ! I . Friunkitmi . . . . . . . . . 1.1 . ; : I Gal " i "I : , no I.'rankln " . . . . . . . . . . 2 53 62 : ! IQI 21 I .r.nl.r . . . . . . . . . . , .42 ; lof 1110 81 6f , n/Ke urnl . . . . . . . . . . 832 131 : :03 2)1 ' Li' ) ( Ou.r , . . . . . . . . . ; Gil 3U 13 1 Giant . . . . . . . . . . 13 . 61 79 1 4 ( ir.'elcy . . . . . . . . . . .13 . rS ' 211 4 . . . . ituil . . . . . . . . . . . / . . 2LS . : 132 161 . 48 1/1 , ; . . . . . . . . . . 'J > sjl . i H ) . 3f 104 1.lul m i I . . . . . . . . . . . . " .0)0 " 1,1 : , . . . . . . . 1Idloek . . . . . . . . . .1.\ . \ 17 1 .81 61 13 lul . . . . . . . . . . : ' 1 I : I.kr . . . . . . . . . : 1 R3'J 62\1 \ 11 :1 Iowlml . . . . . . . : ' ) 1:1 ; 1611 88 . 61 Jee.IKUI } . . . . . . . . . .I : m emo i m. : ' : 162 101 K.nr" . . . . . . . . . 1:11 lOll H11 liT 46 Keith " . ) . . . . . . . . . . . \2 21 ; : IIi 1 18 6 K.lh m'mmim.L . . . . . . f ) 2l 19 11 6 K"YI iCnmir : Iah" . . . . . . . . . .4) 11I 91 ! Th 70 HII1 . " " ' . . . . . . . G40 \ 2t6 rn3 6131 H2 1.1"1"01 . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ( 'r.ll ' 3' : , 41 I Jllc . . . . . . . . . . . .M 92 MI l 9 I lolnn 1"1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ( 15. . . . . . M.rrlrk " " . . . . . . . . . . 1(1 ( 81 G 1.1 . 48 Nttnct' . . . . . . . . . . . Gf (06) ) 115. . 27 . 2f : .llhu 1 . . . . . . . . .4 10 ' . ) 1'215 11 72 Nimckutls . . . . . . . . . .w7 10:3 : sI . . . 35. . . . . . Nucklla ' . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 III" ' 1..1 272 .1 III 1'.iwttee . . . . . . . 113 4t , 16 I : ( St I.IW" . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1013 j 18 r0 Phip . . . . . . . . . . . 2\9 \ 49't E9 92 : : Ilen' . . . . . . . . . 62 12 : SIS 43. . . . 11110 . . . . . . . . . . 41 121i r.H 33 . G Itt-il , 'm'Iliow . . . . . . r,8 bl ! O' r. 3 : , 1",1 Wluw , " . . . . . . . .Is r.O I ) 1992 .96 100 Ito'k " . . . . . . . . . It ISO 312 23 r Im'k " . . . . . . . . . . 435 ! li5 , 111 21 121 Har 111" . . . . . . . . . . 3(0 ; 12 322 1281 36 $ autnters . . . . . . . 267 1'86 ' \ 14r 13GI 80 HCOUR lllmmmt . . . . . . 311 12 255 22 I - wlr\ , Bur . . . . . . . . . . 167 94 138 :2\ \ 38 Hherhlun . . . . . . . . 102 76 : ' 405 : 3 ; . uth.l 11ltii ( . . . . . . . . . 46 629 33m 1 R 10 IhOllUII . . . . . . . . . .41 1.2 1:2 : 27. . . . Hlunton . . . . . . . . 255 31 538 131 I 'Tholls . . . . . . . . . .25 : 21 4 : 7 2 Ttiurstofl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 245 IS ? 25. ? . 12 'tmIk ) ' . . : : : : : : : : : . : : . TIC m 20 21 I .hlnston . . . . . . .47 . 61 91 lr.l 39 I WU\I" . . . . . . . . :46 40i nt 12. ' . . . \Vebstnr . . . . . . . . . 162 912 9i6 55 54 I Wo\.tpr . . . . . . . .1 . . 15 160 ' ) ) 8 5) ) 3 York . . . . . . . . . . . . -1---- .15 1312 1474 G9 76 Totals . . . . . . .IIlml 63025 .08911 9i99 , 3121 INCOM1'LL'TH I t1U I N ! 1rwI . . . . . . . . . . 33 10 ' maim 101. . . Iurulo . . . . . . . . . . .33 lOll lil 11. . . I'hl' . . . . . . . . . . . . I' 11 19 21 s 1"lllon' . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 li2 . . . . . . . : mtnmntmtotm . . . . . . . . 61 126' 1163 4 : 54 TII'r IllUlon . . . . . . . . . .SI .1277 h4 ) . . , . 5 . Gmirmii'lil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19G 1172. . . . 173. ; . . . . . . Olrl.11 Klhll . . . . . . . . . .3 .156 \ 125. . 12. . . . . : : M"II.m ' . . . . . . . . . ---1-1- 391 8) . ) IIJ 19. . . . . 22al. . . = . ! . .I I _ SOJI.6j6' , ) ' _ 62131 _ . 6521 IGI - - - ' ' ' , ' ; " ' ' 'S. Cot :1'\ 1I,1'"I'IOS nn'I'1 Iux limit te n"llhll'II.'In . t6m-r I 11 rt ! t " 1111 , ' . 1r t = GFOlt Neb. , No\ 9.-Speclnl.-- ( ) lox lule county wenl meputicami. Itesuls : Count trcasurer , , \ . 1 Miller ; couuty judge , James Ii. Ii. lewel ; sheriff . Edwin I' . Sweene ; sUl'eor. Charles Braun ; coroner \ . K. Miller : superitmtendant . Anna E. Nec- . Ian" Total vote In flex Bute county , 1.186. Every republcan was elected except David Eherl ) lie WIS defeated hy a woman. "H I'r. Nov. 9.-Speclal.-The ( ) can- vast of time votes for the coumity officers has not yet heen completed. The b031 I"Jourued last evemmlimg untIl : Ion < l ) ' morln . The Iwo precincts of North Hent and Hdgeley sealed the 1101 books up with time ballots Ind time canvassers are uncertain what to do alont it. With lhb nnolcial vole of these two Ilrel'nets ! Manvie ( rell. ) Is elected county clerk by eleven Imlurality. I Is posalbie that the queston whether the boud c can- vassers has the rIght 10 'open the Maled ! packages of halols and take out he I pail books will he tested b ) a wrIt of landamu . Therl Is some talk of a contest whichever way time board lay decide the election , hut It does nol come from either Mnl'le or Iegro. irregularitIes Ire rumored 10 exist In time vote of olher precimmcts but 10 what dent and whether sumclent 10 change Ihe I ( rp",1 , h l nut known _ _ n _ _ _ . _ _ . KlAitNl1Y , No\ 9.-Special.-Tle ( ) : official retuns sho\ that the popnlsts In this county have elected I.yman Car ) treaurer ; it. \'cr. . , shturlIT : Peler O'UrIP. clerk ot the district sll'rll coull : Dr. F' . A. lachld , coroner , anti J. r g3sh'rlnl. commnty jUlge. . The repuleans get Sltney S. . Stumithm . county clerk ; F. P. Wtsey , count ) buperlnll > nlll'nt , Inll i . N. Porterileid. cumrveyor. Georga O\'ermlcr , me- publcan , nmnlnec for ehmerhif . lost hy only eltven votes. 'he republicans elected timeR lo\n3hlp tcl.at In time city of Kcarcy as follows : SUllen'lsors. Phi llssor antI W. Ii. Roe ; assessor , H. Webbcrt ; Justices of the peace f . Frank Brown ant John iloge. The board of supervisors will be five I.OIUlsIS and two repuitcans. repulcans. f'A\VNEE CITY , Neh. , = 0\ ' . 9.-Sp9ciai.t ( ) -Election Passed off very 'Iulety In this cty ; amid county. with time republcans carr- img ) e\'er'lhlng with aUout the usual ma- jorlty orOO. . The county officers are : Clerk of distrIct court , J. B. Iroolls ; jumige , Cerk . . UeldlnH ; sthmeriff . M. o. Anderson : coroner C. C. Bird ; treasurer. e. F. Ne ; clerk. J. H. Little ; snrvlyor , S. II. 'anno- iiil ; superlntelulent IHblc hlslructon , J. hi . Comhs ; commimtaSOm1er : Secont 11lrlct. \ . M. pylc. All but four arc reelectell 10 ohilce. . A LIttON , : eb. , No\ 9.-Spcchnl.-hioonme ( ) county electell the whole iouiist county ticket. wlh tIme cHel.lon . ut the su- IIHlntentent ant commmmissioner who are re- Pu bhicaim S. Ilblcans. . NELSON . Neb. . No\ -Speclal.-Tho ( folowlnH \ time resul ot the election In Nuckolla counly : Clerk of the district courl. Nuckol9 1' . 1.'laherl ; county clerk N. A. Clark ; ) treasurer , G. A. Iaft ; county judge . . George T. lutchlnsol > ; sheriff . James lo.t ; sur- \'or , A. W. ! lclp'nolls : eoronr , A. C. Alcs ; snperlntendent IHhlc Instruction I ) . S. Dusenber All are populsts but the ' ' who Is republican. ourve'or , a reJblcan. } AlIUlt : = eb. , Nov. D.-Speclal.- ( ) maba eounly olcer are elected as follows : Albert n. Gimore ( rep. ) . clerk district court ; H. It Iecr ) ' ( pop. ) , county clerk ; A. M. nHll's ( I'OP. ) . trea"ure ; H. A. Iunbert : ( pop. ) , counl jude ; S. P. GlasgoW ( rep. ) , sheriff : J. 1 lacker ( rop. ) , surveyor ; W. ' r Dal ) ' ( n'p. ) . COlonel ; r H. Canaan ( tell. ) , superlnlcntent of schools. flEEING . Neb. , No\ ! -Speclal.-Thl ( re- . publcans make a clean sweep of the count ) I ; for the first tlle In several years losing only one man. the sun"e'or. C. W. Ford Is elected clerk : George W. ICing county Jnde ; n. 'r. Wpslernl. sheriff ; C. U. \\'hmilmhmle. . treasurer ; L. I. . Raymond. superintendent ; McCloskey . surveyor ; J. H. ! ier , roner. CilAl'PlLL : Nph. . No\ 9.-Speeial.--The ( ) omclal can\'ass of the \ote at leuel county bhoWI the folowing otcers to h" elected : Treasurer. Abel Carlson ; clerk K. A. Mc- Cal ; simemiff. G. i . TJlolllon ; sUIItrlntend- ent Hosl DOlt8 ; judge , Isaac \\'oolt : cor- I oner. Hosea hudson : surveyor. W. P. Idrsh.I I All are republicans but clerk and judge , who are democrats. DA'I CITY. = eh. , Nov . 9.-Spechal.- ( ) The republicans tll't C. C. Gelwlck Irlal- ( urer : I . W. liaie. county judge ; C. W. Doby , sheriff ; C. H. ! urln , superltendt'nt ant l. W. Lester , coroner , while the demo : - crate o\PII \ I'rmn elet lhefcntlorf ) county I lerk , nail the PmlFuiiL'ugo elect 1.111 RlrRka clerk ot tIme dl8trlcc iIt ' . tu. \ \ imy ) eleven imimujority \alll City tOwnmhmlm . 'Iels \ George 1. IIJoriy Hhlls- icy , reimmlhhte.tn , ai 8UlpIIsor , the board ot e\1 heiimg threpltld"Jenlltnts ) , , two , h'lo- crate al.1 . two rplnI"ans : , thrt repuhlcan C311111ate8 In ommteIdtrIets : belndcrete.1 : . hy IhY'111 an.1 . eetmit ta\ttlcts \ , beln/ resj.eclvel : ) ' . hihtOiCfN iiOV. . . 'eit Nov. : , , 1101U 10W. 'el. No\ 9-Slleclal- ( ) The oleal C3n\'iM 1 time vote In Culer county was lomlllht % ) 'lsterlay eveimtimg. Time popul8ts elected al the county officers \ Ih majoriies rdngtn trom thirty-eight to 415. The officers ; t" _ ' ! Jl . H. lal thirty.ellht superiti- tenMnt ; itimods , 'llt ) jllle , Leisure sheriff : . \ . W. la\1 \ . county clerk ; James Stockham. 11strll ' cij'rk ; ( 'hmase coroner : Lortmox treasurer ; ( ' 'crk . surveyor. IA IIATTI . eb.1 nov. 9-18plelnl-1,1 ( ) Piatte prerlnc ell III the following candidates - dates til local ofcts : Treasurer . Wiiam hke ( rcp. ) : justices of the Imeace S. ii. lachehler ( denm.1 , at'l ' las Shirley Ircp.l ( : constables John Copol ( tielmi. ) . and George Iawson Irell. ( ' : road.miperm'isors. W. I I Swan ( dem. ) , and 1 McGuo ( pop. , ) . hii'Iim.c lit' IIrm'vit In I " . B IIIl'I : , Neh" , No\ . P.-SPecial.- ( ) A "litemar ) " ' parts' Wa given Sat tirmlmty . e\cnlnH at lwlna imahi. The charcter ! 1m- IIer80natell were all taken rrom American authmors and SOle ot the IIJ rsonatons were very slrlklnl and tmmmique. Rev. J. S. iferr I severs his connecton wIth time Pre@blclan church here after a paslorale of four years . amid has accppte,1 a cal to time ( 'hlfton II chlrch , Ommiaima lpssrK. Over . Abhlemme , Kan. and L. I l Gate ) ' . \'mmImco. : eb. , were visitors In lown this ceek . 1)r. ! D. I H. 1ilrr anll HeJ. . n. Kerr 1 attended , tended lreb'ter at Ommmahma lol\IIY. I t'Iiluii't'IIir " Itim'iiii Si-iuI' " II \ I" , 'rl , \\'AVEItLV , el , . . :0\ ' . 9.-Spr.clmmi [ ( Tele- grani.-Cimamicehlor ) Id.ean ot the Slale : mmmli- versity delivered un alhlris here this e\2n- Il ; . Time effort was Ihorouhl al'llreclaled ' by all In'e lnl lie chose for his suhJeet "The Syateimi of 1'oucalon : of Nebraska , " alli showed that whie he has beln here limit 0 shell tme he has become wel aCllualnteo wih time syst.2ii lollI all its defects ano suggested the remel1s , for their removal Cemummmty SuperImitenmieimt flmter arrived mltmrimmg the cimmmnmcehlor'aiectuira. - . laer arrl\e.1 olrlnK l'rl'lllrlnr Iur n 11J I ) rmmmii. , , IiCA'rUlt. : ob : , No\ . -ISpectal.- ( ) Thlrt-se\'cn thulsanl gallants of cider ha\e heen hailed on tht. reservation b ) the way ot 1OIS to he acid to thin IndIans In anllcl- Ilation ot the coring payment ot $30.000. ' Time pa'ment has heen P9slponeo unll Jalury I and time har.1 . cider traffic amen ! time recerva- thou boot-leggers w1 ! now he a trIfle slow for r. whl , ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'mmnlizisn.t n 1.lrAI' I'im rIo. I FItEmiONT . = ov. P.-SPeclal-F. ( ) SII- I\/n ! & Co. have ptmrchmaed , of George GOII- I ' ' frey his ( arm' of G O icres situated about elHht mie ! ' cast of remont on the Omaha road. Tim price paid Is Hlven as $45 per . acre. SIII\'al & Co. arc sheep feeders. TIme ) will pul up shplls and racks antI reed a large hlnch of sheep : here 1lls ] wlnler. SII'U ' ! S'I'Ii ; tillIlt II'SHlll \n. J 11""I'IA"r" 1I'II.1 In I 4ii . . nnt S lie Iunl 'II' him ' Mmmv 'I'II. NEI0NiON. : . ( lommum. . No\ ' -The slean1 Purlan ot time I.'al River Iimme. with 250 passengers anti . a large quantIty 01 height. % vent I ashore . Tt Big Gull Islauo this morning. Informatl , . \ , \eas \ broughl 10 New Iolion b ) the mimut' who rowed over [ rom the stealer with a bat's ' . crew The wrecker Scott proceeded at o'nc 10 the steanmer's as- slslanee \ Ih Iwo II s. Time Ilrlan was olnH at her ordinary rate ot speC all took the Kroln.1 . with 0 rush. The great Iron plates 01 her botom WHe stove for a con- sldemble distance , but no water Penetrated time Inner shell ot the . vessel There was mme } lnlc. The o"lce-tor.tte , 'e\sel soon quieted tIme fears ot time passemmgers . anll when the Ilsssenrers. male and crew hal'/let time boat to rol Ie this port for assist'ince all settled down qulely to await tht rescllnH tugs. The la9engerS 'W.ll' ' ' landed here at 4 o'clecll this 'arlrnol an.1 . . I'roceolell ' to their .Iestnllons . br tral . The stelimmcr Is still slck harl 01 Greai Gull Islinll ant Is being lhttlct In hopes sh . will be floated at the next high title. The ' Jteamer ls II an easy positIon - , wIth ' Jbut i'0 feel forward out III water and Ii In ti rtoeni feet of water aft amid under no apparent etraimm. The weal her Is mid , but if I a northwest slorm bhout : .prlug UI It would give the vessel a tmmlglm eXerlec' . The Ilrlan wen ashore he. ot time In3 of those bomrd cause immaiIity on boarl : to hear the roghorn. There are smell Imown atmosphelr conditions pre\aIIH ; In that \'Iclnlt ) that moke the sou nIl uncerlaln. ) t- a- ( \'I II\XI I\nl' c0CmISM1ON $ . . \1 Chlll'I' " "f mltl'nli , 01 . l'llh 11.1- II' " " ImimmAccsi' \ . . CHICAGO , = 0\ ' . -The tansllssourl roads adjolred thel meetIng today until , Ilext ' \ednesda ) The first timing 10' comc 111 for sellement today was the dispute over : , Utah anti Issolrl river business , to which time l'nlon Pac.tc and tIme Rio Grande West-rn were imartics. The maier nas finally adjusted by some conces1ons made hy the \nion Paeilc , whlcb will do rwa with an ) ' chancc 10 sclp the husnefs ! of time Rio Grande We31- er btn'eomm 1 Utah aol the lssolrl river. This was all th.t the 1C Grande was con- tending for , and the I matter was droPled : front tiiecuson. : oil parties being Ealsnell The meetlnH : then look up the question or raIls anti silent the halance or the timmy wih tlmemn .N o rh3ngp welt mate imp to the time ot adjourment The opinIon Is growimmg that tl Iansmlseourl : hines will come bite the Wcslern Iassengn association ns full memhers helore the meelngs arc Inal ) ' con- chmiled. . ii.NdI : ) A \111' ; alt'itiiliIilit. : : : t 1 'i'ali.nd 'I' " . "I'h or t'iiiIii \imt IIzmc'm' . . , , . 11"1 1"11'1'I. LiTTLE HOCK. :0\ ' . 'J.-Vm'ihliamim Ne'n - tim a mm . a whie I lan , and onr a promlnenl I I larimuer , was imangeul at ClInton , Van lul'el I county ; ) 'c lerl"y for thc mUller ot his l 1 wl ' . tra. = ewmal was murtere.\ \ Aural 18 last , ant the bcmy thrown into a creek. I At the wife'u' funelal , withIn standing by time grave , surrounded by mourners , Newman Ixclalmel : "Before God. I never murderc m ) ' wife. " This led 10 his arrest and con- victon , on clrcumslantal e\'ltencl. It being shown that Newman wanted to get rid of , her In order 10 marl ) anolhlr . woimisim. When sentence was ; masced mama l.lreamcd douc n [ 3s8et tOn his cheeks anti he Ixclalmed : "Goll be I ) ' Judse , I ne\e saw amy wlo , after leaving home on Slmtar , until I saw her In the c creel " Newman maUl no attempt to secure a trial or executive clemenc ) ' . . , II'mIHI' uf " ft.mI.r ,1I""llnll , 1'ritmk . . RAPID CITY. St D. , ' No\ 9.-Spectai.- ( ) Wurt was recplnr htrp last e\'enIIH oe time death otllam \1. \ : i'rJlkln at Ieslone. Time deceased s'mme Inl\ among the old- timers ot time IIJ ' es ' "Heck Mountain l"rammlc. " He wa 'b'ncc , sbtll prospeclor , having followed thaI' , 'o < alol In Color.ldo , Utah . Nevada , CalUornla , 1.laho . all Montana before comln" to time .Ulac hills. 1 ( Cdle to this s clon In 1874. , ln.1 . shlrt ) afterward rslablshp.1 . his honle otl hattie creek , where the Keystone mlnfni lamn Is now located. Some ot time best 'mlnln proprlls In the southen Ills were discovered h ) Franklin. lie wa the locatol' lt the ramons holy Ter- mmmtmme . of tho"lchest gold mimint's ever rr mile. one o " , , olt minIs evr discovered. For teJa t year he has taken life "lb ) ' , ant hmmm41.but recent ) returned home rrom an extOie I ) eastern trIp. 9. : IIH""I'hl"l'H.'II 11' I' I 11 , ' . 10STO = No\ 9. - , \rraleI nle for Mas'a- I chusels day : o\ember 15 at time Atlanta expellee - polloo have been completed and Governor Grelnhalge amid arty , who arc 10 bl guests of tii . man gemcnt al Atlanta. will heave los10n November I : at 10 o'clock a. m. In the . gubtrna1u-11 iiart ) ' , bealdos h's fxrel'ency , w1 be the llmber or the executive star amid several olheD connected \ Ih the state df'parnenl ! A spel31 car w1 be provided for the Use ot the delegation. going amid corn- tug. Governor Grecnhalge will deliver an ad- dre ! on ! as3achls.l" ' day at the exposlt\n aM will le tendered a reception by the oiicials. ! _ _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ _ \'uol ( ; rumvI'rs " 'uut Irull'I./ul. I SAN ANGELO . 1 : , = o\ 9.-The annual ltetng of the Texas Wool Growers' assocla- , tion vas held here last nlgbt. Slrong reso lutioims. declaring for a protective tariff 01 wool , were adopted unaninmously. The Ilresl- I dent's address principally devoted Itself to the at\'anlage of a protective tarlI ! . . - - - - : . - _ _ _ ' ' : - - - - - - - - - - - - - \'UI Cult eOllt flit Your Ihu\1 , All the leading high gr.ld Iianos ) , but when ) 'ou got thmrougii lhere's oUlthe llmmmball-thiat cover thenl al-al their good qualities merge Into It- ls lone I sweetest t , Its action Is quickest , Its . finish Is nnest , I. Price : s lowest , Its lerms are easiest. A. Hospe , jr. Iuslc nUt AI.t , 151,1 Douglas St PI ESTS--UEPLY TO ROOKER l 1 Oriticisms of Mgr , Satol's ' SdcratIJ Vlg- O1'Oti3y Resented , FACTS CITED BY FITZGERALD AND MURPHY n I.IC f'ul . iiIsttmmtI L'm'rMnm'IitIui n " ' 11'1 h'II , I'roimlse.I 1.11 I.'IIII\ Jur/ , ulh'-'I'h. 4 'I'rulh. it I it S , ' 1lll'lll Il"'I''I' . One ot the most luteleslnH of all contrlhu- , lens 10 the documentar ) ' history of [ the I troubles \ In time .luee . , o of 1.lncoln of the I Catholc church wi h2 found In thl' follow- Ing letter frol two ot the priests who have borne thc brunt of time tght : TECU1mISE11 . Neh. . Nov. t.-To time Editor of The lice : In your issue or NO\'lmber I , Hev. ir. Itmxmicer luri'ate secretary of time apostolic deltlton , ( limelIght ) 'our corme- Sllndent at \u8hlnHtol. atell.ts . atm ex- planalon Ihal 1 dols not explal hut rather en\'elops In deeper mysterh the conlllonH surrounding the apostolic mtelr.atiomi. . "I.'or time first time we arc iimformed hy lr. ) Itooker that no olcial Inrormaton about tIme Ion ! contnuell IUI\ wl.espreall e'cclc.siastical reached the ' ' - troubles In Nebraska has rrllrl- ) senlall\'o In America of Leo XII Wil Dr. Ronke explain to an anxious public wlmy this Is so ? Numeron letters have h'eu snnl by 11rlests ot Nebraska 10 time apostolic dele gale. have they been Inlereepll'll ? lave they never heen received ? Mummy of those letters have heen relslero. others have been sent by express anti receipts therefor returmied bearll . commme the slgnatnre of Dl' . Hooke ; others , that or time apostolic . delegate - gale hmlmseif'hat does all Ihls mean ? Those letters contained . public maleIs of great importance , ot whlh It was thl limit ) of the delegation to take cogimizanmce. Were not those olclal ) ' convyed 10 the .Iele . al' ? I hot wiiy not ? I0w has he then hem able to send forth documenls Intmalcl ' affecting the civil 3nll religIous interests of the peo- pIe of Nebraska , mind , through ! e l'.lska. of all America. las his naiI been forged 10 these grave documenls ? Who his forged I ? Wi Ho\ . II. Hooker please answer these inquiries , and thus set at i'eat aim anxious public ? Dr. Hooker says that ot these grave mat- lers "nothlnH Is olcllly Imown lt the miole- galen . " What then Is thl delegation In America for ? \1 , twelve In imumiubor nearl ) ' three years ago . met tIme dllcaton , In Omaha , miami received 1 Iroml os of rl ress. aud Impels to that ! effect were signed , amI assurances - surances were thfe Ilvn that no imorsecus- ton against us by the bishop of Llimcohmm. ) enolnH time setlement of the conlrovlrsles , would receive countenance or sanctiomi rrom sanclun him unt the .IUeultl8 . wte fuly and faith ) ' heard al\l adJII1ealell AntI yet Or. Hooker ) that "the delegaton knows nothing olcialy or these maiers . " Ant . " . " , Ir Hooker "Is an honorable man. Several or us met the .leleHale . In Chicago , during the Columhlan lxp031lon. at the me- eepon given him II the Columbus club ot thaI city. Anll even there rcmemberhl to ! havc met us In Oimmaima time leieg.mto turned aside to whIsper as'tances that time malrrs were receiving his atenton 111 would bOOU ha rIghted. Vet Dr. Hoolcr says we are "obslreperous aud rel'alclrant. " and . nt only 10 be .tlslojret , like renters who have not paid tlelr rent. " \1 wish to tel lr Hooker that even renters In America are respected all psleemed citizens . aUII trom some ot the renled homes ot Nebraska mone's have ben gt'neromiel l ) remiled to ) urch.sl the palatial residence In Washllllon \ her'ln Dr. Hooker priest Is now ! "lodged. " Arid ) 'et lie Is a charitable mm FACTS " PIml flECOltlS. The bl hop ot Omaha was commlloned ly the dcleHaton 10 ohtlin Inormaton con- crlnH time difculle > In the covelt nt hue- tiimgs between time hlshuJI ut Lincoln and the sl I"rs. He Isl.ed time I resident priest of lastnls to furnish 1111 time t.lcls ot the case 1.01 commm3mi'inmg wIh this reqmmest flint worlh1 urlesl IncU ted time anl r ot the blshOli or 1.lncolu. was thn'llonci with sue- pommaloim amid nnalr driven rrol his Jarl h amid IIluatel I I I ) ' trol Ihe t miiocese A commm mmml tee - tee of honorahle etztus front Hastns went all time war to'ashlnIOn to reimmommutrate al \'ashlnIOn relontrale with , and were received hy , the mlthegate. : \11 yet Ir Hooker says "nulhlng ot all these troubles Is officially kno\n at the dehgJtlon " Dul DI' ) . Hooller Is 1 truthful prlesl ! , Over I year : ago the archbishop ot Duhullue wa'm directed by thin delegate 'to give his solcIullo anti apply his aulhorlly to the Lincoln mliihlcmmlties. " ( These are time exact weds or time deleato 10 our at\'oCle. Dr. Simmitim. ) , \ time same tlnl the arehblsholl of ] ubulu ( was Instrlclet by the cardinal pre- feet of time lropagandn I.'llp al Homo to pro- cecil at once to the investigation. Time arch- bishop . kied tmo br unnecessar mlelaymi as I , being a well known trlend or time bishop ot Lincoln , ho wlshell thereby to kill or mIle- perS2 the winess Il In the case anl thus res'roy ' the ovidemmce. Time delegale , InHerl1 by Ihose delays relnled his directions to proceed Ille.latply . to ( . immeolmm. The archbishop - bishop Ilela'ell imlim ceimming . limit when ho did cr me , refusell 10 cOle further than Omnaima whro he helJ a shnl trial , amid . lien ( returned - turned 10 his hOle In lubuqmme. Our coin- plaint ot this COIHluCI 10\'et time delegate 10 renew his instructions to time archhlshop to IJrOceed 10 Ilncoln. AI iengthm I he calo 10 time city ot 1.lncoln , where In time face ot time Inlell ent alt cultured peolle , ot that Cit ) ' . I city ot schools and colleges . the seat or one or the h'adlll unl\rsIle/ of All'rlra. a city bO baulul ) ' called time "Queen ot the Irallle . " he dared 10 carry arm a slar- chamber proceedings. oue-sldl'l amid partisan. Yet Dr. Hooller sars tlal nothing Is officially known lt time delegation ot these Ilfcultls , and he Is the private secretary ot the apostolic delegate. What then hal become ot time 11- porls wimlcim time archbishop slioulul Imave ren- tIered of time proceedings lucid in Omnaima amid Lincolim , and to wimicim report time apostolic delegate referred iii .t letter to us ? \\'m ) imave received niammy letters froumi the delegate reversing sentences umglimmst us by time litsimol ) of Lincoln. These letters bear , to all appearances , time coal and signature of the apostolIc delegate. Are time seal and eign.mtmmre genuine or forged ? it they are genuine , hon is It timat ir. itooker enys t'miotiming is known olliclaily at time .leiegattomt about these mat- hems ? " If forged , wimat are time conditions surrounding time delegstion at Vasimiimgtomm , by whmich such contimict lii made PO'.iibiO ? 1iiml yet Dr. Itooker is an imonest lurtest. IliSliOl' IIONACUM iiI ) I1EA ItT ) . In time petition for sit limjmmnctlon agalimet lix , brought by the bsimop ! of 1incolmm , In the commrt of time First jmmdlotai district yesterday. when time question of a tiecisloui fm'omn time highest trIbunal known to thus Catholic church was hroaeimed time bishop of Lincoln immime- dlatoiy Imroduced null a nmanifeetationm of glee , anti was about to put in evimleimee a mlocummicrlt from time delegation at WashIngton. Amid yet Dr. Itooker e.i'lt "imotimimig Is oftictally knos'n at time delegmttiosm ahommt time Lincoln difficulties. " In timts Irelimninam'y bearing time i'ii ( ' , . Siiiiit 'Itimiimmt MIiItlii All you iim'c : to do is to thu nun old rag iii comnmomm every mimmy c ii once a iiintutim aim. ! immi , time' ehoC-etti lion' litany smlnes ! you c.iui save eu an lzmuimmel lmoe. 'i'ime ) ' ale n .iterproof , ciarmu timmul neat- alt 51)1cc. Iamltcs' sices , 5.0t ) : mmmcmi's lurico $ i.00megumiar $6.01) shoe timougiu. Tie ! mmmost styles in ton mm. Drexel Shoe Co. 1-19 l1tsriimamn St , .cpimtles imnnor of an tmmcorrumhitible juidge , a defendi r eveim of time riglmts of memmtem'um , re- fuei'd to ImicC iii time imammmls of time hilitmp of Limietmimi time climb of time crmtel tyrmmnt---.uim ut' jmimuct cii. iic.uteii in lute aiteiiipt to grasp time' t3' rmm ii t's clmmlm. tim e tmmj mm ii ct iou , Ito mit t hue rmt II- w3) ' station mut Stmlt ii Aubmirim , uI time pros- emice of t hic t r.mvel I mu g lmmiihic. ) t Imre.m tm ned In etrike mm tmext treek with time terrible cliii , of , , imumimhic excommimilti mica t , ' ' ml mmml si gn I ii cml t ha we nuigiut to be iii imhi , Amid ) 'm't ir. Itooker cami see mm other solUtiomi of timumLimmeolmt dltflcmmlttps timnim the imm''ocation of time clvii power "to dislodge timose recalcitrant anmi elm- strehierouls iriu-stn. ' ' 1 iive : time iuitimiemicee of time bishop of l.iiicohfl , cvlmicii a year ego inn- huStled an mm 1)110mm 1 to t hI C ilti mmemmme court of t hm is nate front time nmmmjumi't mi'i'ilotm rendered iii time district coumrt at Nebrau'kmt City , reaclmemi time portals of time' delegation ? lees ) ir. ) itooker k muon' t ii.m t t lu I mmt'ol'rui Pt Ible Iteohulim of Nobr.mmmicmt row' imp in their mimhgimt omm time 5th mlmy of this mmmouitiu and immirleti frommm tlmelr sacred tribmmiul of justice time "toot of a immttmghty itoimiaii Catimoiie ItreIote' ? ' ' hot Ir. ) Itooke r collie cv itim itt t imcm laiti mmikm rice o f ) 'oui mm g and ( vu I t fmm I a mmml beau t I full N eiumaslt a , mm mmmi ttmero altemmilut to enforce hmi huariiormtiis decree ' 'to mliatmdge timoso recaicitrmmmit tmmmml obatrelmnur- out' ' hurle'ets. jtmut as I woimbi I brow out of imiy house a remmtcr n'Imo haiti hot ismid inc iii ) ' remit. " Yours respt'ctfmmily , I ) , FITZGEILALI ) , w' , Muiti'ilY. - SOUTH OMAHA NIWS Timere was a lIvely timime on N street near Tcvemmty-fommrtim yesterday afternoomm. Time trommbits was all caused by 1111 Ii. Iowl trylmig to eject Judge Levy arid fammuiiy ( ruin time house timey cs'crt' occuim'iiig , loumml was aetimmg for time South Ommiahma Numttommal bank , wlmleim comirerim lie alleged hail a. deed to tIme property - erty aimul hiatT lucid ) for six mmuummtli ummitil mm ilay or two ago , wimen a tenmaimt immovimi omit anti Levy mmioved iii without herimilssmomm froimi tile bank Aiommg n tthm Rube Forsythe , 1)0th went miown to time house , amid fimmmilimg time , ioor Otiemi , walked in. lie tutu Mrs. hew ) ' thumt hue had comno to take iosscssioml 1mm time minnie of time bank , as foreclosure proceedimugs imami beemi commimuenced. Mrs. Levy prommmptiy lammuied mm righit-hmamulor on 1)oud's Jan' , bumt it never imimaceti time attormiey. lie imhi'ktl time cs'ommman imp amid carried her to time mtocmr and lmlt ) her outmulule , after wimicim lie barricatied the door.Vhmile timtsc'as goimig omm c'ord immd : beerm uucimt to .ltmilgo heY ) ' , who Imastemmed to tlmo sc nue , his first mmct after trying time door ammd flmmdimmg it locked wits to hurl a brick timremmgh time cc'immdow at houmd , Time brick immissetl its immarlc anti otimers foilowd In quIck stmceesslomm. As imiost of Domiti's timmme vau , takemu imp Iii imoimlimug time door mihmumt , Lvy grasiteit a Piece of gas pipe amid ieanmimmg 1mm time wimmdow mmeumr time door stmmmek time ottorimey several good maims emi time hands , bruisimmg one of timemmi badly. Fimmuiummg timat ime could not get immto time house , Levy left , sa'immg timat lie was goimig to get a pistol , immmt all lie brought back naum a brickbat. Time mmoiso of time comiflict mlrew quite a crowd. ChIef llremm- miami aiim ! Oflicer Council caimme alommg , hilt when timey built ! out tvhmmtt time row was uboumt time ) ' left ammd let time mmttormmey mind thin judge fight It omit , Fimmali y J mmmi ge Levy a mmmi his fa mully gained entrance by time back way , wimile Doud trims reinforced ii ) ' three omen. c'hmo ehimmibetl 1mm tIme frommt winmiow , Time relmuforcemmmemmts miii ) riot renmmmmlmm long , as they % 'ere ousted timrougim mm m'ear wimmdow iii a mnommment , leaving time at- tormuey antI Foraytlme and time Levy tammiily mm bus I ii t lie bum I I ii lug. 'l'imn mhoors anmi c' I a - don's were aecmmreiy fmustt'mmed amid Levy amid Iouid stmmrteti In to mum'gmie time mimietutiomm. At last. accotimits both siuhes were cmiii uI P05305- siomi. eacim tryiimg to freeze time other omit. Jmmdgo hevy ciahimis timat lie still has amm interest - terest tim time PropertY , altimomughu hue midimmits imuic I mm g bo rro wed mmm mimic ) ' frtmmmm t ii e In ilk 0mm It. Oiilcermm of time imamik , however. say that Levy deeded ilmo part imot covered by time mortgage to bile lurotimer. anal thmmmt lie luas mm interest whatever iii time luremimisca. Ilmisi iim.s. , ( muf f . ' ( , mmmii. Montlay night time city coumucil will mmmot muud opemm bIds for repmmirs 0mm time two vladtmeta. 'I'hiis cvork litmus beemm mleiayoml so long that it is ( eared that wimmter inlay moot iii before time vork can hue couumpleted. It is supposed tlmat Commtracor ! Canmmpbehl of Council iiimmffs will get time job.Vimemm bluls fom' this work were first I mmvl I cii Cammm Pbi'li bhl a mmmi lumit tii ) U certi- Ileti ciueck for $300 for thmo faithful herformmm- ance of the contract.'hien lie fotmmmd that lie would have to wait tmmmtil time rmtiiroamls cc omiiml PaY imlimi for time vorIc ito backed omit. Time coummcih , teaiizimmg timat it wouid be a long timmie before tiuo rmmllreauis would agree to do time nork , mmmamle arraimgemmiommts with a bammk for timc mimoney , and mmow , under time immivertise. mmmemit for mmccv bitis , time city stmimmuis good for timt , bills. As Campbell was tIme Ion eat 1dm- ! tIer , it is supposed that ime will imiti low again emumi get time commtract. lIe is ready to go to work at once amid as soon as thm contract is algmmed. Ammotlmer mmmatter of iimnportanuco that wIll comic before time cotmtmcil is time mmmoving of time city offices. Timm lease emi time I'ivommka block is aimout Imp , amid J. I' . Finley is ammxiimus that Limo city Immove immto his block on Twemuty-sixtim , betwe it N saul 0 streets. This Is what wits kmuowmt tie time old lton'iey b. Mr. Ftmmhey jmiommmlses tIme council nil time roomim it % 'ants , aiim ! says that lie cciii mmmmmke mmli immmhrove- ) mmmemmts Imecessary. The Fimiley imlock lies mme emt2tmimi imet arid i'ivommka bias emily recently cammpleteml a stemtmmi pipe arrmmmgememmt cs'hmereby time court roommi can be kept immoderately warimi. however. Flimley says lie cmiii limit in steammi imeat if time coummcil iimsimmts , providimmg a lease for a imtmmmmber of years iKmmmatie. list ii IsIm Mum-it'S ' ( ) llIm''i's , Time iamulsim ) society , t'lJannuebrog , " has elected time follon'inmg otlicers for time emmsuiiimg year : Itri'sitiemmt , F. 0. Olsen ; 'ice lmrelimhent , M. Jensen ; secretary. 0. ( ' . Kuntisemm ; cashmier , C , Nielsen ; guittie , ii. Amudersemi ; guards. L. Sorcmmsemm alum ) M. Mlckeisemm : foremmman of sick commnittee , I' . i'eterseim , Time otficers are very promnhtmemmt 1mm lanisim circles. armd are earnest workers for time society , cc'hicim Is in ml fioumrishimmg condition. "t'mim'lmm IleI. . " tIm. ' .1 , , ) , . A petition was beiimg circtmlatemi about time city yesterday requesting time governor to appoint Iticharui Carpenter of Sarpy county superinmtemmdent of fisheries. Last nigimt time petltiomm imaml over 500 etgmmermm. Mr. Carpenter , or "Uncle llck , " as everybody calls himn , has beert a resluleot of Sarpy county uiimce h85S , amid has lived omt one farm Inco 1861. lie is one of time best known amen in easterml No- bramka , and is highly resimeeti-tI. _ % t Slim' ( 'Iiumrelica ' 1'iIim' . Time Endeavor eociet ) will mmmeet at 6 :30 : timis evening. Miss Mary himirlocs' , leader. Iluler 0. i. liruce will imave charge of time Fourth \Varmi immissloim this aftemnoomi , "Steadfastmimmss of i'urimose" is lr. W'lmueier'e topIc at time First I'reibyiemiaim church. There will lie a Young Men's Christian as- sociatioit rally at the F'irst Metimotlie' 4 = I" Is 4. ) ' it hr 11 ' : 5 , * 9' ' - ' - . * ; . ; . : . : . ' ' dm (1 tI I , - ml - - _ _ - _ C 0 , . ; . Siii'mmhliltm , , C ttio mm'- If Everybody tells mis te tire mmmakmig the Immim eat uuiOi 0 I'rleea in ton nand a hat ' c Cl ) 'lmOd ) ' says Imummst lie true. It is true. fur m'u e'amm't bum ) ' a cook stove like ( muIr omit' for less I tmlm $10.00 , muor a imemiter bke omim $ 'I 00 cue for less 2 timami $35.00-Try. Hedgcock & Odell , 203 si'tit I 6th Street , ilmism'nhual cimmureim thIs aftcrmiomm at I o'clock. F. P. rim rmi t imm're amid I I . ( ' . I I ol liii git a mat It cvi Ii deliver atltlmesse , mlr. II. C. ilolhimmgm.nortim cm ill speak timis evemmlmmg at I him' l'irst l'rm'shiymt'i aiim m'hitmrt'im iii t hit' i ii t e roe I of time oummg ) l cmi's Clmi'iumt in mm its. socim I iou At time ll.iptist climircim time pastor , 11ev. C. C' , Simmithi , cc ill speak itt ii a. tim. omm ' 'Somimo ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l'imeologie'ni 'i'emmtle'iucles of 'l'oiimm ) ' . The , 've imummg semmnmomm Vii I I hue 10 r ) 'mflhil g vm1mmunn ( 'ahmecimilly , tmmmul time topic will be ' 'iiumktmmg a ml i tiie. ' ' TIme i evi'aI immeetimugs mmow behmmg carried oni iii Grace Methmumllst I'ilscopumi clmumrcim , 'rumirmy- timlril , between J mmiutl IC streets , mire iimeetiiug sc i t it mimum rkemi sume'c'ees , am ti mm rut I mmci'e.mmti ii g Ill I mitemeet mu mmil mm t t eimda mmcm' cmi cm evt'mm I n g. I''ery nine is i mic' I t ed , Tim're' is gotmd si ii gi mug ever ) ' C , t't'mi ut g. Immghm' SI l Umm'.i ' . George hostel of Ielghm is spe'tmilimmg Sutmmdmy : tim town , itev , hr. \'hmeeler m'etttrmmeml last evemmimig frommmVahmco. . Mrs , it. Jtmsiimm of Chicago Is time gumost of Mrs. iltmwartl Meyers , Mrs. H. Ii. lomiil left Inst evening for ltonmie. Ta. , to 'isit frie'muml. S. Smmmithm of itetl lotige , Mommt , , was : t via. item itt time ) 'mmrmts yestermiay. Mrs. H. J. Seylcora imas gnmmmt to Jmmimes. toc mm , Neb , , to 'imtlt imutr fatluer. Lommimm Montec' of'mmluoo caummu' ump yesterday aftemmuoomm mtmmti visited tiun stock 3'lrds. Time iiommme' Circle I high Five clImb immet 1,1st evening witlm Colommi'i amid Mrs. A. h. Lott. ilemmjmtmimiii l''hmroemler of Ithmica wmmm about towti yestcrmiay shmaking imammtlms cc'ithm his frlt'mmuis. llct'chiwood camimli , \\OiiIimi'im ( of the W'orld , a hI glve mm immuteuitmermudo cmmrmmivmml lmextVeulimouu - day ovm'mmtmmo , 'h'h tlremmmeim are scilhimg a large imtmmmmber of t I do t'ts to t itch r se vomIt im a ii mmmiii I bmii I , w ii 1dm c'ihl be held at Sac.mmger's . immll : on time evemilag of lecenmmImor ) I. Omit of live ltes mmffered Uncle Smmmim for a iiostolihce time ( limusgow site , Tmvcmmty-timiril mmmi M streets , is thmo only cue that complies witim time aieciticatlomms In nIh imarticuiars. This cite is centrally amid cuilvemmientiy located amid of stmltabie dinmeimstone. 3IIO'I'IlIlS'V'IIiIt'Il ) J1N'I'l1SltiN , . % i'm.'mi'mci of A ' 'mlsl I imi , (4)Mt I ) ' 4 'imiireiim'i iii. .t teim I list MiISII I I ( I mmm's. CHICAGO. Nov. 11-The mmmmttilmg of time Metimodiumt Chmtmrch ltemmuion society was elm- livemued by tmmmotlu r mvarmim debate today. It n'as etmrteti by time report whIch will be pro. semmtetl to time gemmermml commfnrence at Clove' . latiul in May , i8t6. Time foatture wimicim starlet ! time tromibims % c'as as io time propriety of reconmm iii emmdtmm g a. himmi Ibm I lou cia use , lire. vomiting assistaimee to chmiireimes cumtlmmg mumoro timamm $10,000. fly tIme mmmemmmtmermm mm ? tIme l'huilm. dolphin board , and imy hr. kymmelt , fouummmler or time society , It was mmmalntaimiemi that time origimmal lammimoso of tIme society is itetmmg rapidly mieparteti frommm. The society ca forimmed for time imtirlose t.f assistiimg muecmfy cimmurchmes 1mm poor iocmmiltiemm , mmmmml lmarticemlariy Olt hits frmmmmtier. Itt the report it. wait as- sertetl that limatead mmf title laudable work , several very costly cimtit'cimes Imavu bmtm milmtemi miUriimg time Past fomir years , restuitimmg lit it great decrease itt time tmtmmmmber of mmeedy chmui'cimes wimicil himt'm3 receivemi imehp. Also. 1mm mmmammy imlaces ceimere a great field s'otmiti be opened mmii for citurehi cc ork by planting anmutil cimtmi'cimea , a deimleted treasury hits COti- frommteml tIme Liard. Consequently tIme boajmt recommmnmemmde to time gemmermi commfereiuca that a strIct Ihmmiit be plmmcetl , so that mm church costimmg over $10,000 shall receive multI excpt iii tile inmost extraurmilmiary cases , Dr. Neoiey of luimliadeiphmia stumrtmmi time tIe- bate , lie anti otlmermm muuaIntaimmlng hiatt aid wouhmi imot be asitemi by any chmmmrcii timileSe umrg 'atly neembed , uiuui urghmmg tbm' gre-at in- j tI cii cc of re.umsi mm g a hi to a elm tircii cv hiomm itt Imed , iimemeiy iimctt40 ! It was a costly chmmirchm. Dhmmlmoim Fo's of i'ililmuileiiiimlti. iresitlvmmt of time Sudietf , spoke i'amuee ! hi : favor of tlme I mum I to tI mm n hitshloim hurst u'pokm' agaimmst thin ilimilt , and otimm'ms 're heart ! lee amtmi against. Dr. Kymmett mmiamie a vigorous tqueeeii for hula simI. aseertliug that in 1891 tIme society dropped mlmmwmm In time mmtimmmber of clmurciimi anisted 21 , mmml 1mm a grm'at imue.Isumr be. cammse it had beemm giving mmmommey for large chmmircimes to get oil thmeit fei , "rimis very timing , ' ' stuitl hue , ttimas mnauie tie Imeam' the rattle of time mmmmdt'rtaker's wagomm awl the extstemmce of tIme imocietd as U potemit force itt tlmreate'ned. " This m'eeCil brought forth greumt ahihmiamlse. him. ShmimcPr said lii part : ' 'flvel'y large church cvt' assist mmmakmut mmmi mmmi emmemmmy effort fort ) ' smmmallt'r ommes , wimicim we are mumble to aeest , " Thia dIscussion contimmumed for a bug timmme aiim ! tIme report % 'aH tlmmtmily retumimemi to time cmmmmmnittee for rovimmloim. A recess wits thmemi taken. 'Fimo fimmal sesslomi was hmelti tlmia aftommmoomi , , It was mieciticul titat. all mmmot'tlmmgs of time Cimumrchm Extemmsiomm society stall ha imehi in i'imilatieliuimia imemeafter. IS'N.tMl'I'li W'itll'JCM A SII''uII.'i'OII. I''m'millilr l'lmtim ii,3luirmlnr ii % ' omimimig liii it tm'iu r Slimi'Iimlim. SilEitilAN , Wyo. , No' , 9.-ipecinl.-An ( ) mmttemmmpt to mmmmmrdm'r jimmi Scrlvmmem' mcmii. made Friday at time 1' 'Croes-T r.mnclm , wimi're ime' was emigageti iii timmoshimmg grmiimm. 'flue atteimmmt was mnamie by placing m'svcral sticks of gimsmmt powder - dor Iii a mmhmeaf of grain. When time cylinder teeth of time timmesimliig mmmicimimme i'lrmmck time giant powder it eXImiOtied , hulon mug the tail off of time immachimme amid time barmul emitter ( mona time Platfommim. 'flue exhmhosimlt igmmlieml time nraw and grain. i'mommmpt uctfomm eavemi time mmma'iitn- I cry. hut all of ttm grain , teltim time exception of about 160 bushels timat imami mmireatly beemm thmrosimm'ti omit , v'as himmrmmeml , Time mmmcmi workiimg about time place were nut Injured , htmL timelu' escape us conslmloreui immirmicuiuuis , i : . J. Simmmmnomms. assessor of Johmmmi'omm county , anti Miss Carrie 11 , Stocka of timia city , nero mmmarrieti Thurstiay , hte' . C. ii. ( im'aritai't offl- cia timmg. lr. V. 0. (1. lemuebmlnmk antI Miss Myrtle Comnpton , iaitim of this place' , nero mmmmmrrleii Tumesday. Time ceremmmony was performumed by itev , Arnul' ) Luittomi atttmelpiscopal ctmuircb , ii'm'mIhiis % % ' oimiluii.r Slomni. , IOUGLAS ) , W)0. , No' . 9.-SiectsI.-Timu ( ) rancimmmtcmi of this vicinity will , mimiring time present winter , engage extensively lit thue bummIness of feetiuimg ahtmmifa amid grain to simeep , wimicim tummy wiil ship to time castorim nmarketni for niuttoti. Five timouimand imemtml of Imttmmbs and ycarlimmg wtmuhmema were muolml miurlmmg the imast week to rancimmimen scho look on an average of 500 Imeaul aplte. Time DariingtonVis. . . Jommrnii says editor. tally of a ltohiulsr latent mmmomiiclmme : "We kmmoW fmomn eXhueriemmce that Cimamimberlsinm's Colic , Chuoiera amid iarrhmoe3 itemnedy Is all timmit is claimed for It. as emi two oceasiomma it stolulmed excrueiatimmg lUllms amid lmOCCihiY sas'm-mi mis frommm an ummtlummely grave. We woumid mmot rest easy over imigimt witimouit it in time imtmuse. " Timis romumemly ummmiomtbie.liy . bates mmmore paIn aiim ) suffering than ammy otimmir immodicimme mu the world. Every fatmmiiy mihmould keep it ut the imommee , for it is sure tt.m be imeeded soutmer or later.