Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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f'lIE ' } ( I.AIIA . J.JULY ! . 1J.S1JNIAY : . . , NO\r.\Inl : ; n , 10. 189.
_ tlona were aent btMIICI't , to ItolInn , cIty Iien i
u w,11 , IIA . tll entlem11 prnrnln'nt III 1'nlIsh : !
8flCL,1 RIIII 1IOIIIIcal Ufo hul th" ) guot ! Irelent ,
were cOlpuntvely nbctir. One of th ! only
two leading banker , IJreS"nl W3" Ir. Cllrle"
n. loAI the lale ( cholenKer for Amerlcn'l
cup Thl Jrlt majority of thMe who IC'
ceptetl ' % 'ro . Ilia pll"lnl to note men Iten-
tl-,1 , only with the I < alr " eciiIatIon.
The opinion IA l growing thaI the I < alr
crash h nl1 at h3nd. In spIte , or the des
perate etort ! ! to 11aln : the market. Out
of the 22 , ; movelent ! recorded ( In mlnlnl
"blues yeert1iy not one \a 1 rle. The
I cnornlll of today Illnl" oUI that ' the market -
ket II'ols conclusive Ihal nelthpr reneh I
nor 1'IIllh : honl 1,11 , permanent Investor"
lO holder . , of thele /harel ; that the \'alt
maJori ) or the dealnJs hare IJen eteetel ,
hy IIJecuLtor 0111 Inlclal : Inltllutonl alone.
The trouble In the Iml.Nlal Oltolan links
I ( rlflh,1 . , 10 I'XC S'C ' Iral13ctonl , In K I 'P.
womm TIAN 70\8 WOHST.
I.rle : 701 hal II , rIJ 1 hit hy pointing
Out that Ihl rl\'elatonM or thl :111''uls de
Nay\'c trial show " , 'anlls , anti dplased con
duet In real I.'rench l > rovlnllal life worse
than anything lold ( In hl novels. The Jlt e.
after Ihl allullal or the mar'lil. loU1ht
rurtwr t'\lnle by holhnr , hll over en 8
charl ) of malrpatnv his sona. 'ublc opin- )
Ion In I'ranlo , has been 1IIInslIy snrret
by ) the current proof or the barharly of the
prescnt jnllllal ysteni al notet In my , last
Siinilny's cahle. aWl thee II a declared In.
tenton 10 roforl It. ThNtfore the marquis
Is BUl' to he Illrafcl forthwith. , \hbc Hol-
8tlot has bllo Inlervlell'I,1 , In Paris. lnt Sd1
lila Ihlll(1 ( hag JlnD no sign of , lsa\Iro\'al ,
of his 1011Ult II t I lie lp Nayvp houspholil
Mrs rralvie "John ( Oils ' r Inhes" ) salted
. _ . " 1mlanl , today for a short visit In
. - " . " been aWJY from !
" "al s Inn1
IHr 1 for l e Io/I ; / ; 'e' 'hcr Ihat shl' fl"ls allost ;
, . '
lanl. 10'Jks
10 a str Hle lut hl 1
fOr\'H,1 lke 101n1 . Iasure to r'newlnr nIl \ ,
\ vrlal
. I ' "W
. . . . . -'ftondstufiis , and pos8Ib\ \ . ' m. Olt , : I
Ipr literary Ilollarl ( ) ' Is ( Irlalnl ) ' Irl ' . !
- Ihan that of any oilier wom\ : . II'rhap'
. greater titan that of any other wr\t here.
whIle her lauty , social qualities and \llalh
have given her an exceptional lositInhI I In
ha\e ! I\en . exctonal
London soclet ) . She Is IhOl1 to Ilblllh ) a
new nove\
Allplall Hstorl ( time : lrqulse ( allrnla
del ( Irlo ) has attracted public attention
anew hy 1 graiuil r ( eplon In Paris to Intro-
duce Ino : society her beautful iitiuthter.
Ihlanea. A I.'rench wrier today recalls an
epieolu In Hstorl' ( " eareer. In which she se-
curNI thl Ilardon of Nicolas ! ( ha\aflo. a IU- !
tnous Spanish 011l cOlulemne,1 10 dcath.
The Ihummig herself hLr knees In
netres' tipon
otres. lunK herstl u\on
her dresleng room before the , llkl or Valentn
sod the sof-hearted Queen Isabella. Cha-
paula , II now a Ilroslic green Iroll In ladrh1
lie never fal to spn da basket of orailgea
each year to tie larlul 'e.
g'anora Dlse will Publish thl winter a
romano ( healing with the Italian itage.
' \'U'I,1 Iii , : 01.\1 ( 'I'U \1(1\1 \\.n
) ten Ie . ) . . . \nlh.rIU. t . " 1..1. , . . ' . .Ir.1 t.
; . "t " " 1"'IIIU. . g""lt" .
( foiyrtgiiech : ) t . 13. t ) ' Ihl' ' .udat , II 1 I , . " . )
LONDON. No\ ' . -Tho henley authorities
L - - are eagerly anticipating the coinIng or a crew
' , from VaIn to comlete , at the next regatta.
All parties on this stile , or the water who are
In any way interested In the aquatic contests
to he decided nexI year at Hcnley-on-Thames.
would 10st cordially welcome the entry of
a crew from Yale. Veiling In Ihil. the Brlish
oarSlen . woull be Illeasel , 10 . see a crew
from nui- other AmerIcan university. Secre-
tary Cooper of the henley regatta I'ommlt-
tee . when questioned on the subject hy a
representative of tuessttciated jress . said
ho woull ho glail to Hel Yale have another
. trial at henley with Iho ( oarsmen or the
P. gnlsh uiuuversities.
The IJlblcJton by the London Times. of a L
, three amid a half coluln extract from the
pamphlet which Ionl Unnraven Is l just Issuing -
suing tot a reply to the report of the Amerl-
ca's CUIJ cotitiflIttee . a synopsis or which L
was cabled , to the Associated presa last nigh ,
\res I
has cause.1 a , olowal nit tIme an I-American
talk In all ( cIrcles which hlJan after th (
withdrawal of Valkyrlo II ! from the contesls
for the Alerica's cup this year. Time \amphlel
Is regarded hy time BritIsh press \ hieln :
a complete vlnlcaton , of I.orfl Dunravel. anl ,
us al nnal8wernhlo hlletmell of thin Amerl-
ot.flg . Time serious part of the itumitilcatiot
II that Lord DUllvel. . .ftttr _ I Jlhicalol '
alderation. records hIs deliberate opinion that
ho \Ias IheIetm I cf foul pIa ) ' , for this I I 4
the essence or his Itaterell rl arllnl thl'
movements. Naturally. thererore the lines
commclls this afternoon are very t
reading to Amnenicaits . Thc ( hobo . for In-
stance. says It trusts time Aiiieric'ansvli
lever agaIn Itefent the nut against an Eng
Ish IOrtsmal "until they more fully ap-
prrelale time ethics or sport. "
The Pal :111. Gazette say : "I there Is i
over to 1m any more InternatIonal yacht rae
lug . the New i'orle Yarht climb must con
. vince the world beyond mimsptciomt > or carless-
ICSS of hirtitiilt3' : . that Lord 1)umnnaven's a-
cusatol ef foul play are not founded Oi m
fact. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GISSI' 0' l.n'IIS 1'1.\ nIOt'SI' ( : .
l'ttiiIir C"'IU.I 'I'i.nula.reil , h ) . 11 (1.
Ihl"I"I.1'1..1" I . . . .
I.ONDO ; ov. 9.-The theatrical Interest t
of the week centers In time first ( erforlalc '
at the CrIterion theater on Tuesday last of
"The Squire of Daies. " an Emmgiishm vrlol
of limnias' ' 'L'AmtiI ties , I.'emlls , " II which
i-'ay Iivta l of Boston malle so hmistamit a sue -
ees.e. Int1e,1 It Is i salll to be 1 rarl' oe-
Clrrel"'C for till actress to spring ! so sUddelly
into l"I'ul.II ) ' . As hue rlul or this sue
cesfuii l > rnlluclon Charles Wyntham seems
likely to have a good share of the genera
hoom 1 i hut gnJlhh I thea ! rica lii which ar : a
now . II progress hrc.
The revival of "Liberty hail" at St
.Tames' theater emu Thursday 1'\'I'llnl hy Mr .
George . \exJI\lcr ' , who was rcty unwarrantably -
rantably arrested , hy the poleo for talkllg
to a nOlan In the street . wa9 the oca-
Slol for d acetic of excitement prldom wi-
nsslefl II a 1,011101 t iteater. II'.IS a
I > retest aallst too much zeal Ipon the lurt
of th ( , ' Police . chit : \rx.llrr's Iltran" "
Illon the fld1 waE thl plJnal for eh"II'nJ !
which lasted , for se\'crJI imilnui ' es. II adult :
thou oople stood on their spats anti frantic
al ) ' wawfl their hats IUII imamitlkorchifu'fs : .
Mr. AlexJllllr was m affected that tear , .
ran down his eliceics. Mrs. Ah'xallier Slt u
In a box with Sir l Francis Jeimmu' . a Judge of
the high court of justice. ali Lady Jtmmie
one Df the recollzell leaders of [ . ! llion
society. anti , their ulatmghuter. . \1 the
acton'e friends evhl"lty desired 1 to tetlfy to
their hicitpt In his Imummocemice.
l"lf IlnoCce.
. _ _ _ m _ _
AI'PIO\.I\ : 1.1'11Iau's Iti.iJr'i'mflN .
Miiis'iu ! , SI'e1s4' iiiaii.-'i . . . II Ih.1.1" . "
1'.h..llh. I
LONDO ; 0\ ' , 9.Thto'ienna corespoll-
enl or tutu ( hronlcle rcorls , a . stormy sHtn !
of the Iol'hsralh on the r.JI".ton ! ) ' the 11.
perol of the election or lr ) Iuer I ) tb C
ant I -scm ites. al htirguiuia . ten \'I'IH The
prtnmter' extI.\ltul gave rise to 101Ire'I-
denletl ' ' . . and , ,
sl'"nes. I.ucer : Prince Itu'hsten [ -
stein male \'Iolont Ind IIuolvo spoo'hes
against the ! Iwrnmell Time public ! : ller ) ; ; '
\ \ lS crowdl',1 with antsell.s. whu Joins :
In Ihi noihy demonslratons which weru 111\1 \
and who \'ere l'jelet for that t reasomi. The
house Inal ) ' approved time rljlctlol of [ r.
LUC1er's 11'(111 ! ) ' 1 mn.ijonity of flfty-fout.
- - - - - - -
Sir 4'liiii-Lts II" I . . " " ' ' / . , / " 'If. . :
LOnO No\ fl-TIme marriage of Sir
Charles htivrs'iiaon , presllclt of the
Grant Trunk rlwq' : or Canada . to lion
ItItrlu Most-n. tool 111(0 today At TrinH y
church : . Chelel. ant tracte.1 i large and
fashionable Clowd of vteple.
- -
- -
Cn" . . Il" " 1"1 I ' " " 111 n..I.I..I.
IO\'iI.\n. :1' . . ; "v. t.-Jud/e I'utram
Qf th , ' I tiited Stte Im lilt court hunnile d
th.11,0 HIIIlS In llt COlrt hfll\
. to semi I ,1'1J : today il I the 1.HUGU" I'nSt' of
time A Iii'ltttit tmiiihiit . . i'tmii : ( ' timluimami )
1"111 1
agaio ( hi- I.wlanI" ! / 11\ Il \ IJ (0 1'011"11) m .1) .
ord'rhmig thl' imu'mmmissih ' of . (
tht "a" ; wIt
onl'rll ! thl
. .11..1
io ls. 'Jut' . . , wih
' ( I. " hllc,1 111)1 miiiegt'ii Ii t-
1rlullllnt "r icmtt'nts i.lil Ihht'tt by . til
Suit 1dm Ite i'nmuu h1.tmY \ , h I ' (1 . A. .mI11..1 Ihl..el. , ma : u tlP
of the How nll , I' i ills t'olum'any . amid nJ"I'
ais "OII'ln
, ul\el 0\1' $1.I. , . ) . 'fhl' e.u' ha l'I'.n II I
the oolr sll.'O - t x .
. \1"1 n. : 'I'hurlli I. 1".I. . , . .
Cut.UMfluS. 0 . ; 0\ ' . t.-\II'1 W. Tliui
man UI of ex-euator Thurrminmi" Iiineam m :
' ) ) eatn Thurlol' , Ilnl'.s
"f''Fhcr IS very nch : Letter. I Ib i lerrINI ) ' .
.ulcnll . ) tn e hl imumprovmuicnt. I h C !
ttoei. nol he a rehapsi , I wouIl -
toe hI I relapJ" wOII.I not Le situ -
IIi tn mie hint get up. IIL . vxnrcl9 ! con I-
.meton gtva UI all uauo tu fed I'pr" I bjis -
( W'edmucsday. iii. " M : ' . TburUil : . wIll w S2 'PU" ! I nIt :
- - - -
' ; ' \1'1 I J urla , I 'Immll ii.
NEW nHH . Nq ; . -knru.1 i ' 1"1.l L i
Zut . \lun , C x.comifed"iutc ! emdt'r I , .Inklng
blowlY , 1'1 It Is thouht he ' : mmtjI iI \ ' 0 I
. 1\
10/I'1 than a day 01' 1"0
- -
British Feet Near Turkey ] Greatly
! lItimiliiii I" . \ r"'Iln UII ) ' I , . . . . . , . "
- -"I' ' t'rIlm'ii ( nl.1 & III".I"I"
11'r , ' lnuiu-mI fmmlit
"n , . .iipiit'ii I.
. COS'rANTroitI.E . , ; " \ ' . 9.-1 Is under-
iooit that the nrltl'h fleet hn blen rein-
forcel f by a nUlher or tiattleahilpa and that
It i Is intended to bnitg I up In Ilolnt of
stren/th to lime fighting powu of any combl-
nalol of fleets \ s hlch can hI forlll In the
Mediterranean , 'fhe Irlt h litet . I Is alE
eported wil . shortly he reinforced hy say-
IrJI Italian \ l' shIp
Time mml' front the pro\'lnc today Is ito-
cllel ) ' bid. Advlces rrol 81\89 tel or
the las acri all pillage of Arlenian vii-
lageR l In that provlnco anti the lecll of 11.
tar ) ' renforcellnts : Is being strongly felt .
Shakir Idsha hal ! one to Ihnouss In order
to t arrest the Icimrd muuovcmnent lucre.
Ilrd 10\lent thcrl.
The ! s from SyrIa Is alarimming. A
r ising uf the Urnses Is reported , from lJauimtms-
pus and all ( hue redls of the Arlcnia corps
statoned at ) JlaSCU3 and rzlnJan 'are
h iel mug tmuobliizcd. !
News of l.e Ilportance comes from other
polnll and e\'erythlll temids 10 conlrl .the
' , . . . : mt anarchy prevails throughout
A siatic ; Turkey ;
The 111\ Turkish eal : , pt Is being 10st
a ad\'ersel crllelsel , on al . ' d. " he/e. I
Is I regarded ai a retrograde L l Ilnhters as
Ik h ly 10 lead 10 the most COnS'lenes ,
: cmii hers of the diplolatc ! 101' , Ihls imuormi-
Inv l who were questioned rearllhl he po-
! !
, h ttc'ai ( s\tuaUon. \ cxprlssl the helof al
Itdlrs hal , now reachel a point whel muo mm-
lep l relaln.,1 , blt to c,11 1 conference of the (
power I to decide UIII what was 10 he done
to t I tore order at th Tullsh empire.
lIIIECT ; Ul TO NO.A ; [
rime oleial Gazette announces that
Bahrl h I'aSiua . who was dlsllslml from
his h i Qlcialo.lton II' puualet to
ttt rlpreseutaltons or the BrltEh
mmniassaulor u , Sir IhlCurie. . owlnl to his
I I treatmenl ! If Armenlaus , hues been deo-
ratell wlh the ! r8111 corlon , of time OSlanlan
order "as a reward for lila ! loll services. "
This step upon the part of Ihu sulan Is
comhler.d most sl/nlllonl I Is nol only
an open aDd ( histluuct marl or approval or lie (
I I I tea u mnemu t of A rum en ha us . hut I Is I I de-
liberate snuh to Great iiritaimt. partlularl '
as In alllton ( to the decoraton bestowed
upon ha tint Iaaha. t hme Olcial i ( azelc tmh ,
Ishes 1 long list or uames of Tukish 01-
clals In Armenln who have been deortl,1 ,
hy the ( SUIAI for t.hllr "Rd st'rvieoa. " In
fact . It almosl seems as If the sulan Is
openly defnv ! the power
I Is understood that time vaIl of Altp'o ( ' ,
who Is to bp lueee"led , hy the ox-grand
vizher. Klaml l'astta was , lsmlssed'ln come-
quence of time reresentalons ( , of the United
States mllisler to Ti key . : Ir. Alexander .
Terrell. becamise the vail refuse,1 , to I > erlit the
UnIted States cOlsular agent ft Aleppo to
visit 1 latumllzed American citizemu. Gut-
elllam ofImenlan urllln , who hail been
Ilprlsonel , ff r life , : Ir , Terrel ! obtained per-
mlsalon from two gramud bcers for Ihp I
grJl111ers con u-
lar leut ; to vIsIt Guerlljlal , but Ihp val
Ierslsted , lu his refusal to I > .rmlt the prisoner
tl be u5itii. The eveuUul result was that : Ir.
Terrel mmuade the strongest represlutanons 10
time Iortt' and succeeded II obt1lnln the dismissal -
missal of thl val I /nti Ou.ndjlal Is now 11
his war to Conltantuople to he tried before
: Ir. Terrell.
1 lo\en Kurds charged wlh the murler of
P'rank G. Inz of Pltlhurg. Ia.1 ho started
10 rile arOUII the world on a hll'ce anfl tile-
appeared lu Armeula. have been arrested and
taken to Erzeroum In ohllr 10 br' nIjh iuere
i th ' U "C' e.A .f . . . . . ! I . rtIPJII u n thin i
! bsh'a uro\p- \ \ mumonhcami consul their arrest
bolmig to a certain degree due to time search
which : Ir. ! Wllal A. Saehtehln made for
the mlsslnl rller. , who reprtsente,1 , a New
York iuhttcatIon.
: : IAY AIUmNIANS A1titESTFl ) .
O\'er 100 Armenians were arrested yesterday -
day at Stamboul amid all the Inquiries made
lS to the cause of their Ilprlsonment have
failed to obtain a satisfactory amuawer It Is
presumed. however. thut they are char ' d
with having taken part In some cOllllrdey !
against time eult n.
I transpires today Illat tht , , or
1lamll I'usiia from the post of grand vizier
nns duo to the pullau obje
dog 10 his policy
of conllalon toward Armnit lie left
( lie. cabmet c-uncl on \\'elnlsll.l. , last lef
fore the conclusion of the meelu anll the
iuneshIOIICY I > was thpi abnh11ell by lal H I
lpol ! arri vi / at his I on' e . Klaml Pasha
wis taken I , hut on the folowing day
Thnrsdar , ho was ordered to hnl''lateir '
tal.1 imp the Valshlp of Aleppo , alll a special ]
sleamer was prepared 10 convey him to his
po t Ihl' ame dlY. Tl'q Kimmmil. h"wlver.
rcfUSOI to go on bonu1 lime steaiuuer tIe- :
cluing he was too etch to trd\el 'h '
eOlmJnder of the steamlr then went to thin
ex-grmmmd vlzler's resiulemuct' amid '
exrnd reshlenct ald slrong !
turged limo 10 VO 01 boarmi . thrrtenln to
remove him hty rorc Ir he dlo not do ! ro
Klaml thelupon sent miueseengens to the
representatives of the Ilowen all olherwlse
prleste.1 so stronKly thaI th Turkish commi-
mal1ler , or the sh'qmera ! afrall to carry
out his threat amid Klaml to his hp,1 ] ,
anfl 11,1 , not start for \leppo. (
- - - ,
1111. .r 1..11. . . . . -"rllr Ii'slgmmm. . , '
LONDON . Nov. 9.-\ , Ilhpatch to the ,
Stanlart from PKris says I Is rUlorel , , ant L i
Is not Immuprohable . that : [ . ! lagnll , ! overOI' I '
of the Bauk of 'rancc , ant a semiatcr wi ] 'I
resign the governorship of time hanl. I Is u
stiluuioSeti that : Iagnln Is aClnat"1 b ) tie m ,110 t
mol\'ls as those which led to time reslnatol L
ofi. . hl'lslophle lS go\rncr or the ( relt
Fonclel' 05111(1) I ' . on trw grtmuut1 of tIme pro
jeeell ! il annulwel bv Ib > new mlnlEtr )
whichi wi prohlhlt of the Legisha-
tune from becollno directors of fInancial or
( olmeri,11 uIHlertakln havll ; amiy transac-
tiomus with the
tons 10\lrment
- - - - - -
1 1"1",1 "A. I h. A 1-geuut I tie Ih.hl.
Il'EOS A YI S. Nov. 9.-The secret sit -
tns of the legislature contllle anl , II Is ex-
lctt'ml the deputes will approve the bIll tu ! O
bet mmmilfy It. time debt hut that . the t el.te wi 1'- :
.m .t m IUI nl "t.SIC ; 'U )11:1 . i I
itmiu'm'r Cmmsi' 'iVliIi'h ( 'miits' 1'1' I" .
imimatm' . ( 'nui'I.
\ICHn'A. Kon. . No\ 9-Wililanm Meyer ,
hoolkllper for Ih , Ammlmuumser-Iiuschi ; a
In this city . \vam commumnltteml In jai for Ils-
obeying time orde of Jlll/e Tucker who reo
quitted him to dtlnlc benr In order to glvi ( I'
expelt testimony as. 10 whelhe I I
was ber tlr iuot. I us-as Iu tue C3 , ' : uf
Ih. ( state atalnll ilenroum . tinder the prolnh-
Itory law. that the teinuuny .
lor 111. th.1 1.'Jtmony vai emiumired u
The Iqlo\ hail , heen [ lzc,1 front lien-on all
( hue ilefense elaimmind tint It '
tle .I'fene dahlnl tnt wa' ncu-nl'-I- !
eating hop ale. . It'Jmi 10 solve this questlun -
that Ieyr \.us n"III'c.1 by TntI' 10 1Ikc
a ilrimmk. Ihbeaa COIIU vro I ( 'dings wpr C
commenclt . el the ground tut a judge has
no authorl ) 10 coumipmtl anybody to Irlnl ; in .
toxleiilntr liquor. L.mwyers , , , there , ;
toxl tnp Hqlor. 1.II.rl \ 'iy Is no
sImIlar Jo ( lie' If , ' , '
simiar ( .s ! ! htslory Am"'lan jur-
leprumdcmtcs. I _ _ _ _ _ . _
l'uiiuI " . Ul 1 Sliii'L I"IIIT" ' .
111.\\1':1111.\ ( ! \ ' . tl. -'I'ime Phl'llel-
i'hmia St.'ek "xchun ! ' '
" " to"a
\lia " ) was mugahmi Ihe
H''n. Or : n . extll"I\ ' tumhl In time markel t
\,1(1' or ' \.hll mime . Inwwl a. lit' ( ' Ilml Iii , : .
Iu.llal , 9M'i't.iitI.'t . la\II'I : ' 1hp : han' uf
. , ,
thu' 1:11111 : Stoi.igt' imzLttem'y. Welshach m
LIght . 'nlt'1 ( juts nUtl l'emlmi" > 1\lln I Teal .
1.Iht mind I'W'I' "UIOI"11" ( u' . 11' ! rnlrl
mmi'ttetl ' I awn ) . amid 1".f"I' Ih. ' IMl ! two ;
hour tumulimmg hal etmml'ij : ' ' ' '
> t'u.ln Iie. t'1' ) mmrtu ur :
Ihl > mtom'le' lunch ' ' 'Ihl ' 110 tommmul thl
IIJwl'st level rent l.i'tl Int'u 11.1 : ! the rr-
olIt xeml'I'alk. .
- - - - - -
1'11.11'1 ( lit ( himi : Purrlll" ' ' .
1111'11.111..1' ' l INon.1
Iul/urton-'rolcr ) / tttmippauintz gun ccii
. !
mimire . "I-.t.1 : ' .s'm xorhncnl. wuxh'f"1
to.I& ) ' nut mlmi'eii t'am ' 1 ftm CretmtI . ship ) 'ur.1 , ,
p Hal I"Id , e' , ' 1' 16 n1111"tO' - ' u. 71"1 ( II' .
rlajo ha l ' 1111(11111 : In I I I 1 < \'ln1ll. I ' 'hI I a
01'1.1"1 Iv u sy - tll of IIUt"1 : w ihh' . ,
, \n ittu&'r tilsauilu' mtnluumr . ' .
IHlr ,1 a"p'lrjll . JU.I l'IIIf ' not \
l"lnlul togctiit'r lit Crmsmuupi . sr.-ttttt sue "
r Illthllel' , lit \1 ( lout. 1hh. .t..II1 latl.r I \ _
. ' mnalh' 11 I. mmm'ttomu. and I I tpldrl as ,
11.1' e'.mnpotut'r ' e to the lhuiIincu.4'xzIer ; eon
. " . \I'II 'I'Nt ' : lit \ % : ( :11 : . ' 1'1'1'11.
1"1111 I , .r NI' ' ' " 1,1 lilu ( ' 'IInlll' , '
. . Ih' 11,111"I'r'I.
rlOo. ; ov. 9.-A ' local lisper Myl :
Thl hOIe of the anarehilt imamigemi for the
[ I a'larket ma'Pcre arc not to rest II
pI' eace. The hldlu of Atmgust Shies . Albert
I'G arsouis . Lotus 1\III , 'Iollh , Fischer ant
OeOrK ! I' nlel , no\ lying In Walhclm cemp-
tmu t ory . wil b exhllt.1 amid CrCllte(1 ( The
aRlts muk \ s Ill be teiltern'i sOlewher . I II not
klown where but In I sol ; at which those
who hol the memory or lhese men lieu
ma ) ' visit when the ) ' tvlil. This was the SUi-
lston mole , at a leeln or socIalist sod- .
o ties and , trades mmm'Iomms of ChIcago tOllAht
oa mid which was cheered , with storm ) vehe-
mi ier.ce. A score or slJaklrs took It tip amid
Iach In lila lur ( was reet,1 with cries or
appro\'al. There was not a Ilssent\lK : I ( t.
The Ilea or such action wits the oltcomt or
the t decision or time omer Wallhelm ,
cemetery In rlfuslnl to "erlit " the a IHI\ I
tlelonllratol this year at the graves of time
il , leal , anrhlsls on the nnnh'ersr ) ' or their
e xecmmtiomm . The Ilel1l8raton hat heen ar-
rrllltl 10 take place I tomorrow mtftermioomm. At
the cOIluslon of the meelnl It'as an-
Illced there \oul,1 , he J demonstraton
rm evertlmsiess. I will be htll In a hal 011
Vest Twelfh 8treet. Johann Most amid Lucy
Parsons l II I be the star atttaothotis.
All atel1ts 10 hell n parade In honor of
thp t executed anarchists were ahandonel this
afernoon , whcn the olce rerU81'I to I.sue
a pernmlt. herr Most luau heen Inrormed that
no criicisms on the latonnl t and iii mm mu id pal (
g o\enlents mire wanted frol him anll thaI
I It I he any speeeh tomorow , It wi he
to his Illprest - 10 make . It tuolite.
SI\S 1.01 ' 1'lgn % I" .
< \III. , , II tl' n"IIIIr , S'r . . . us
" I tuiumuiuumma'eal .
It'ei'uit ) \11"11.
WSHGTO ; No' . -Speclal ( TII-
! nammm.-Cmuptmiimu ) George ' A. Drew Third cay-
air ) ' . Is rnted leave or absence unll further .
ollers on sumrgeomm'a ceftlc.lte or 11 ahlt ) .
Leave [ of absence granted E. S. Chaplu ,
Plftpenth Infanlr . has heon extendctl a
im mont Ii.
Captain Samuel [ \'oowanl. Tent 1 ca'-
al ! . DellHlment ) or lakota . secures a two
monlhl' leave of ahsence.
. Leave for four months Is gnammteul Captain
.J I A. Johnson , EIhth cavalr )
Co,1IIISar ) ' S.rgeant GeorK" :1 , ltrkel
now at ' Port Stamutomm N. :1. Is ordered to
Kansas ( ; 01 abanllonment or Fort l .Stmumiton.
By 11Ieci 1 or the secretary " of war the
f oliowlmmg nmummud second leutfnantl ( prcmoted
from miomucommnisThncd officers ) are aslgned 10
t' I'phnents as folow , , ( Laureno 1 , Slmuudl
appointed to rclk Oltcf ) 31. 18I15 ( ( rom cur
Ilornl I , company H. Twemmty-finmtt Infantry ) . to
Ihe 1 Irhlh Infauitny . comlll ) n. Fort D. A.
Ius I el. \Vym. Hohert Ii. Aliemi . \olntll to
\ank October : \ I95 ( front corpcrl. troop ; D I ,
Flrhth cavalry ) . to the Fonrteenth Infantr .
com\alY I , \'ancouver larraels.'lb' \
' . 10 rank Noveni-
)11ht \ Iyther , appointed !
her 1. 1 1S95 ( from quartermaster sergeant.
. ' time Second immfamutry vomn-
Sixth Inf.1tr ) ) . 10 Iom-
P aflY I. lcnt I Omaha.
1:1.,11' : itt liii' ; - Niatinuuuil - CmuiuItiuI.
\\'ASIGTON. I I No\ ! -StJcal ( ! Tele-
gram.-Frank ) lamlon of Iowa has been
promotet l from clerk at $1.200 In the . pensIon
o fhlce to ppeca1 ( xamlne at $1.300. amid Or-
lal\lo l U. Tells of low has becn \ulnllll 1 >
from f a $1.200 to a $1.300 clerl.shl(1 ( In the
same oe.
Gencrl ! 1lderson. with Irs. Mamutiorson
tomuigiut to spend Sumuutlay ,
lef l for Phiadelphia 8unl1
wlh his alet 11arents. Ito wil leave for
Omaha Sum mutiny night , .
Time folowing .towa postmasterl were ap-
pOlntct today : flehtada , . Lucas county. :1 N ,
1)lrs . vice J. P. Sidicen. reslnl , ; l'au8Ier.
GUlhrie county. Irs. I , . :1 Lewis . \111 VI \ .
B. Levis dead ; \Vimusiov Bacl , I l\w I
county , \ \ ' . I , . Iule.Ic : C. F' . Back , re-
slgnef _ _ _ _ _
uv't'It4)r 111. . . . n"IIOI.t s.h"ilt. .
\\'ASHINGTON. No\ 9.-The ! annual report
of Ge.'eral . Miles . con1uanlhlJ , time munmmy and
of the Iencrals In the commanl , or the various
departumients . art now In the hands tot See -
retary T.3mont , who Is availing llmself em'I
them to secure matter fcr Inc'uslon In his 0n m
. . . . . . .l ' . . "rl Iater 1n\1 thin secretary hia.u . flit .
( she.1 . time work . none of these reports will he :
! 1\n to the public. : Ieaulmt / Is stutml by
General Miles thlt al pullatons Intrlell ,
10 outlne his report In nulvance are purel ) r
speculatIve anti , 00 l cesarly Innccurale.
- - - - - -
I..nrl'nt 1'f11 Cam. . ml rimmiul.
\\\SHINOTON. Nov. -The Spanish mln-
Ipter has rlceh'el an official dispatch from
CUbl conlrmlng the reports of an engage
ment between the ! ovcrment forces and the
Ineiurgeuits. Thlrty.slx Insurgent dead C
left I on the field . a heavy loss In
1.led and wound , Time dispatch adds that
time NJaem.nt had an Imporlant moral effect -
fect In Insulnl the people lhat the Insur-
genls woulfl nol he able to cross UP river
ttfld enter the atanzas district.
anl : ,
1 .t imo I 'I' J':11PI -'s . " ' 1'1.\11. :
11"1 ht' ( t'r . 'tihal , . . , , . . . I. I ) 'r.r.
) , nnrhll uam' Cult-zig. I.
ChICAGO ; ov. 9.-The followIng C'en letter -
ler to [ 'ref. I.aughln ! of the Inlverslly of
Cimicago from ' Ipnry U. I Lloyd , wi a\plal' In
lomorrow's Chicago IJpers :
"CIIICAGO. Nov. 9. ISj.-To Prot Laugh
11mm . Unl\erslt ) ' of C'mlcago : You are reportll
II time press to ha\e salt ! at a puhlc ummeetiui ' .
NonmlJr 5. In Ientham unl\erl ) ' of Chi-
cage . to time students tutu others presemut I . that
whatl\el mmmighmt he charJ(1 aalnst one of th !
founlers , of the cl monopol' , no oUe hal , sall (
that hI acnmulatc,1 , his milons In any way :
that Interferefl with Ihe I accumulallon of
otherd. In 189 t'me sUIre"e clurt or Ohio
foumud . as reportel In \olume 43 of the Ohio
State neponts that the mcnopol hal , a frelht
contract with tim Like Shore ruutiro II ! 0
I.tell time Ilrlle Ilown for thc f.lorell cuslumer m :
anll imp for ni others , ' a 11 the court all :
'The tno\ltlble tenllenc amid effect of this
contract was to enable this crml > any to ruin !
al other operators amid drive them out of
hushle" . : anti ! the court annulId I'e , contmcl
us 'mmmuiawfuii. '
" 'tVitiu ' the . help of buch unlawful ( ontracts
th" capital of time oil Ilnolcly ( has Incre3seJ
In thirty years trout mmotlmimig 10 hun.lnls . or u
mmtiilioums of mlohiam'mu. I this were nol a puhlc
lulel you would not have Ilscus . } I at a
IJbl1 Iletu ! Alow flue . thmonefonc' . to asl nS
a queston of ) 'ou. as the heal , or ono of tim S
most noted delarlnHnts of pollcal eonolY
In hue country : I this wa ) of al'umulalnA yg
milons h ) the llp c nnldwful contracts to
ruin all other operators Is 10t an Interference
with the accumulatons of otherG , what Is
time 'scieimtitlc' lame for It and 11 klli of
Ilollcal eonolY which commellis It for Iun I-
taton to the youuuug men and 1010n of the
country ? II NlY I ) . LLOYD. "
' \ " , 'It"h. . " . , . In I I"mr.
1.00 hulA ; ( ' ' I ; J. . ; 0\ ' . ( ' -Shorty
before : o't'oc'i : , this afternoon limo te'lmpr
lrwl\1 of ( limumtgow , from South Americi :
wlh Iflel ras.eng" , . , n e\lw of thft ) . -
1\ men 11 I cargo or 2.0 101' of
aeptmcmlt I > , ( 'amI ashore Oi time bar h-Iweln :
Thlrt and 1.'nullh 1\lnll . aOI now 100 In I
ni easy \osltlol 11 nfl"o'n feet of wal'r
\ \'urtt has \ htln Rlt 10 New 't'orlc for "nl ;
of time conup.mny's ttig' . mind , I I" I h'le\et
the t"amer wi he ihtaata'tt , wltholt ttamm m-
aI't time ( line 11mm' \ ' _ l'l caml' IShO'
there . was I tieose fg Ilrcvllhn 'rt it :
if' saving crew sva' . . but al :
tl pa."enK.rl imttt one II..r'r'd 10 ! 'luh ;
on hoall the \ , ! ( 'I. Tlu' lift' savimmg t re . \
.1\'lul rl.\
hrouht a.hor. : tr. Thm'llr. .I'lan , 'r :
1.1' 'rlnldllisllhalt ! " ' 01111) ' . who ( slatlo (
t'lt they hat ! .en lost In time fotr for eight
( Says tnl , tiltS - not know - - where ( lucy were.
Cul ( 'list' , \111 1'.tlll"I.
lBO\'IDI1CI' : . H. I. I .N 0\ 9.-JtuiI ! o
fHlnt today l'osllonlI ' Ilocl-dlng" in t1
Colt , I\'oree ( I. until ; u\pmlr 2 ! . A t-
ton\ .s . for Irs. Colt had ask"II for ontlet I : '
10 takt te'stimnmony In ' ( :
l"I I 101) e\lral cItIes In:1
( 'tuhuni'l Colt'R couuui.e'h immati . ' llll'
l'oIJn,1 11 IUII opl.o.'t the nit 3-
ton on tl ( gitmrmtl , , time immtnie'mm of Iho wi t-
uueses houl,1 hl' mmpc'm'Ilmu. ( 'ulomiel '
II'Se. \In Cllonll Colt 14
coummisol ' . ' Coi' !
cOlnspl vt'r. nol Present .
( 11'slnl. 10 t 11lpoue-
: .I 10f til' hparl - on that moton was or-
I"I" ' " ' " .llr ) . t Ilhl. . 1.Ir. i . ' , ' '
I.IXIOTO : . 'tirz. , Nov. . ' ' 'In
; ; :10. No\ -'ho Jury lii
time ease of Jtmstice of the l'euco , ' .
I JUstce I.a ( ( 0. V \ c
Krueger of lamaR City . ( hlrg.,1 wlh
elettl frauds II I"ullaH CIty , relorll,1 t a-
night that .
II "cmmlml _
nllht not
"clil agree upomi a 'e I.-
diet . amid JUt . " 'lall ' aKrto tiscimmingemi It \1. .
' ; 1 'lsllunet Tt 'h.
jll' ) suns out t\\.IIour hours * ii '
. ii'
[ hourI thl
ot"ll Illre w . \ . 'I"\'en for emunvietbmo : ' : mit iti
mutmelot' I 1llllal. * The . last lol\'etln halot ( ) nno
'II' "II'II" .r 1..ln \ " ' " " , ' 1. . SUn. I .
Ilallur .t Now ! Y..rl-\rlnI-Colullla. C : : ;
.H New \tl ' -\rrlvPtl-pw torlc , fro mi
C - Cut\nlpl.or : Eli minIm . rrol I.lverllol .
AI Sai I' -neUJted-Aultrla : . for
I ! m'.otuitt. !
ANC1EN' ' tCLOUES UEn\'En \ ' )
, -
Lord Mayor ! ; Olobmted in Lenten
. with Great POlp.
(1 J -
. \h' flu ( 'oua' - aultim , \I ) ' I. ' . . . tn ( iii'
1'11"-I.\tJ' . ' 1\.rlllhl ly ( ' "lh..1 I I . '
I" I 'l'r'lt.t .
- uf 'l'.rl. ) .
I' i , ' .
' , - -
' -
10DON. Nov , DA or late years It has
hecomo somewhat ' 'imJ rashlon to cheery time
ancient amid tnle' hon > rell spectacle or I.Qrd
Ia'or's tlay. 'Fhtes--armummui parate front
: lan lon hmotwe to the Ilw commrts whee
the new lord mnayor I tales the oath or oiilmte.
hal for several years teAenerated as 1\
mageammt l amid the puhl 11\0 coml to re-
gard It 10re In the ihghmt of a Joke than 19
n cnltom having the prestige or ceturle
however . cllser\at\oulon will not I10w
any old ! functol .IQlly die out amid , \ ) '
ushll extra erorl ! , as to deco mations or the
streets the cerelon ) of today was the m08t
Ilterestng or a decade. The line or mar'h
was much' as mm'titl. The procession left I
Guit hal at noel ant IJlcelel1 by way '
or Gresham Street t , lrlucesR street . to the
: : Ianslon i imoli so . t henCe through Conimim I Ii.
I.eadenhal street St. ary's ! 0\1'111 ,
Hound' I " Ileh I , St , Paum l's church ) 'Itt. Lumul-
of gate Justice. Diii timid J'lee , ' the royal courts
After the miw lord mayor Sir WtlH
IlemmryVlikhim , ba"1Ien the olth. the Ilro-
cession reformed aTrelurhed 10 the Omlilti ,
hal by way of the Strand Northumberland
avemummo'ictonia emumbankunent . Queen Victoria -
toria Street and ! , , , _ King street
In time processlml -was aer ) flume rellre-
[ ( ntatlol of St Oed o and time dnmugoui . the
Iwlht clad In armor. Thn there wtrl
the lnlJhts of theft und ; Tlhle attired Iii
the ancient CoMtu3mfle.-umf - llnArthur's fol-
lowers anll groups rClrcsenthl / lord maors
! )
of the oven great \erlolls 0 English his-
tory , all these partcIpatng In the grouplnls
being In the cOltumel portrayed. Thee
were also cars representing South Africa
and the Britsh cololles : cars showing the
ancient rItes or the "ulhl of farrhers . tIme
Huld of leather ' iciicrs . the guild of vohl-
smummtmms . mercers. 1tllnongers , grocers , ! kln
muons merchant tailors , Iron hmuongers cloth
\'orkerl. vlntaers , saiters . immtherdasimers elc.
Also present w'exe rellresentatl\eE of the
ancient guilds of bowycra ecnivemmers. gird-
lens . borderlri' ! te. and Ilny other re-
mlllers of the Iuatnt 0111 l.ndon of time
past ; last but , not least beimmg time lorll
muyor's coach 'of kohl Hnd glass . drawn
hy Its mal ) horscE1 alHI ' wih Its luch bewigged -
wigged coachman footmmien hut \ their
! foollen 1their gor-
Leous livery . I r , ;
Time moterl f lturel ot the proccsslon on-
81steI , In the turnout of several good iookimmg
rethnents of volunteers. foot and artillery ! :
nrlous .uburba ali countr lire brigauies ;
time bOYR frcm"o training shill \lrsple.
headed hy ttmplr ! all ! : boys front the Gordon
hoys' home thplr I0\I ng tIme squeakln of time
It. I i I I I igit Ia mid pipers of that I I must I tim tlmmmi . and
limo boys frommu.tte ) . Uu.e ) of Ycrk's school , t'ithm
l'elr ( hanf " i
Sir \altlr ' leur ' WIln , the new 101,1 , !
mmiayor Is Im ! hsllJ ppula\ all the electors .
of his WIlI s ( red nelhtr tme nor eXllense
In maklug hi ' In
indmctiomm Into omCI'
, lcton ' today a
umiernorabluoccamtldmm. . Throughout the entre
ward nil the streets In the 11 of time Ilro-
ceslion iurcsumt'ed a Qc ! umreeqtua and thlrouhl ) '
effectIve secne. Tub great feature of the duty
however , was ( ito annuallorl mayer' imcmumqumot
! I\E as usuat 1t 'the Guid hail. 'he ( scene
was a brllan one. The cabinet ministers
came In ofcld'JIIHt10rm all l'io ' jmuulges wore
their scarlet J'vns. \ wigs timid square black
caps. SOII ct le.puble functonaries were ,
In court t1rI55. , : Consplcuo\ aUJO ] the i
guaHts were tiee.prcl ' elanctlor , time recorder.
the IHII ! " . ' ' 1owoe . Lord Jqmes Ilqns- I
Iqrd , . _ . It ! of the exchequer . tIme
prcsldent ( .0'd of Trade alil time lines ! .
dent of the oie ( 'of grleullur , .
\ The mart ' of Slsbury was among the
last to arrive. .audlkts time prime minister Is ,
Usually considr''tZme gumemet of imoumor . attout
Juest 8t0n
after 2ils mimi-i ' - ( "e "
afer arl'l 1,0 rum\ets souldefl and
time march 10 .o' cut . spread In the Guild
luau . began. Pass mug Into the hail . the Ould pro-
cessiomi htale.1 imp the lort mayor and lal '
maY reas. rmarche , , around the north side ) ,
time huge room mtfl-oited when the mayor's
set. In the 000tell ) of the apartment on Ute i
South side . facing ho \elln tel mnommuumiueumt . .
was reached. IondlSaltsbumny anmi
lord Salsbur ) Ind the cabinet
mlnlslers sat at t mayor's right . the Jumulges
and junior sheriffs at hil left The foreign
ammmlaatwaulors mind mbnherl of the overnment
sat at the main taie to the right of thl cab-
Inet ministers. wh Ie thl olcial visitors sat
to the left of . Che jmutior almenifs. Time alIer-
len aim attU at tI' mall table fdclng the
maor , wih their hlehs to the other guests.
The feature of tumnthanciuot waM the cumtlmmmsl-
a lc manner wih which the marquIs of
Salsbury was reeel"\ When the Ilrelier
arose to speak time
ieerlmmg lasted for
erln ! lastld severn
mnitmuutes He began cia address by s tng ( that
wl.en he last sppi' , I. I l.ollon It was Just
mutter the general bit iloum. al which time
electors had expnes4'ul their ( opinion on time
subject of hOle rul' , { nd he spoke after /
stii more decisive j tlresslou of ollinion
given concerning thai II Ih I " The electors
had spokln II term * 'hi iti nol ho m18-
taken and al could pst h n'ed thaI no ills- ,
melberment of thut empire' woull , he eoun-
telance , } The pos Ion of thl Ilmhers of
time ilomuse of I.ordl
10usl haul also ben mnom' ex-
acty defmmmemi. " lor ;
Time only passa whlh coull he construed -
strued lute ogressi t were his alusions to
the . oast.j J1\ , 1 f rl 'clng to time reeent
reports i reganum ' iimmssia time premier
sa\l : "We C3n equal \ thy proposal t1lt miuay
he mude a'm regards \1 r or eommlrlo In that
uhinectioum ' . and we jima . look wih " 'uanlmlty
upon an ) person who hllll . he can exclude
lS from that fertile 11 Ion. "
Turnlnl to a dbcu , Ion or the Armenian !
ettmestlon . Lord Salbh y l"urte,1 , that the
( > resent ' gO\rnment I 'I ' added nothing to
Ihe'ITolnr of'f 7e Ilowers male , In
Ma ) ' , anll which wor" 'cepte,1 , hy the suitaum.
These rl orms. I Cfru led out woull give
time Armenians every safeguard Ihat the na-
tIomm could .Ieslre. html ( vtli the '
lon lu wil they be carried
out ? " he asliem ) . .I limp sultan has not himself -
self alcte-immiumetl to glre them
tetennlned ! Jmmstlmie. no
constitution wllel can he , devIed Ian give
this. I must confess at the news trout
Constantnopl tndlc.l ( ! I thaI the sulal Is
not Inclned to edl' . ' ' out these reforms. I
cannot say at iti'eaentbt4t I the sulall re-
flll we lay point t\It 10 him that the
pwers jf fifty y am'c deterllned , as a
sa1eguamJ. , , t IJ1tV14ci' of I ' urope , Ihat time
lutegrly of the olcmal , empire shoul1 be
imreseru1 , and I f.r as I know the power3
are of time sam qbl1aioui I sti ,
' '
"All \ hroulh'bu' I tpese ne01310ns I ha\1
bpen intresseml \\lti ! the profound desire of thl
ptweranll e\e orthose generally reardetl
as among the mumut . * : \owerl. . to act together -
gtlhrr with 0 ' 't non ucmimni looltng tOI\arll
th ( peace of tbe worid and I am hopeful
Ihat thi unanjhll } ) of atlon may In lmo
lessen the hya' udeus of an armed pear
whIch ha\1 ' ' lens . " (
nw Itres'drOI our Illustrlos.
The qther sti''ffis of the onnlng were
Illmporanl , TM"pfarqull of 1.3nsdolne r .
llonlle - ' for Ihiqrnl ) navy . time SPlnlh
anubimssllor fo . ? " c-il ; ? I mluldlers and
Ittflhst1 [ , . . 1erhut u1geJ.
. t.i )1'lr'JF9u1gN. -
. - , " '
, Eid : .r h' ? " , " . . ' . . CI""t' .
GRAND RAi'n ? Mmcli. , Nov. 9.-Colorel
BenjamIn \ S'mait. \\'bo WIR enlene(1 to hl'
hangel for pi't'i1kutlfl In the Cuum-.uiian
relelion or nt , . . \r whole enl'nct Cunatlul \IS !
cOlllle,1 , 10 Imnlshrelt : 10 ( \ 1 an Dlemul !
lanll ' wh"lce he IIUI.1 ul'ltl ' 1 CUII t.J time
i 'nhted Slale , till tHlar In ( ha' 11101 I
pnevolonl imuetpitai. ag",1 , 8 2 ) ' ' "rl. lie out-
[ llar 1f Pi-
tlll hl,1 the orlhwulcrn 1llh.rmln II
1S7 ? lah'r rilo\'ell them 1111111101 10 ulums-
1(1"n nnl then 10 Chkl o. whlre he : lost !
'ontrol of I 11,1 died pn'nnhlea. ,
.11"1" ' 'I'hlrlnl H""II"T lltu' .
' . ' . No9 -It
C'OlI'.uhltTS , No\ -
COI.lIITS \ -I was stal"1 at
Judge Tiimmrmtihm'S rm'ldCumcC ! nl umuidmmlgumt that
he W"S resting easy In.J that 1 ( Oltnle I
Imllrovement lu his Cqlll\I.JI \ . WII nOle"1 : -
Mmtn' lelemms w"rp r&el..t . ! nt the n"I- In'ulrlll as to Ju.hrc 'thurmamn's eon.
million. immumomig time number being one
lmon ! elnJ tncmmm
ciion. : ( ' ; \ ehutd. p frc'l
1"/,1 Trlln I Slr'lk n ( 'a rrlmigi. .
omti'EN 1.Y. . Wil" No\ U.-'he t'imiea . ,
. fast Ira1' from
& Not tiisypter.i ! t the OUlh (
mtrnut'ing me mi'.ahm' ' . I-k a t'arniag. ' '
, ' mt vesm
Rrrh'lol I i' . C'rrlaf' li'e 1
. .
lleimd. I s' i' ' , 'I "wa.,1 , , n"rl" mini . wit"
. ' nidi'm" iti ' e'riaru sa : iIh "I ,
wpr. ' ' anti
rll'l'i' \1.1' IH,1',1 Mr
, IJi'nsii ! cci . . t 1 , 'e , :
: : _ - "
( i \ ' : . 1 Et'Ii' : WI'I'I A 1.'II'I" ( ) I : .
11I h . I. . % Vm.raia'mt . ii ' , IC..I' t IUI
I. ( .a is . 11' .
: m\ ' "Oiov. . (1.TIme'nnhu1 ( tOlo-
rol wil say : Whplr. . Orlallio E. I Br.ll-
f ord . time cOllterreler amI leallr or time old '
1c 1111 1 Iroekwa ) ' gumuig. gets ; out of time KImugs .
COUlt ) Ilenleltlary he 1II ht COI\ar.ltl'ol1
a rich ia I. Blforl lie put on nrlsol ganim ,
ypstertlay ho luretl over 10 Wa\IINl 111)'es
Ilalolll mlo s . calh anll secti ni t los to tht mu mimemum itt
of $10.000 all tled9 10 seven 1'llls of
larlem hl h property to hell Intl hb release.
\etldl\s l ) el\lo'ed 01 lhl' raMP hall bern
tmzzled , to ilmuti , . . . '
IJzzle,1 fll Olt whtr ( Dr. Ir.JHorfl'l
101e ) wns IJt away. lie hall nu hank rio-
caUlt that they (01111 Ilslo\'er. Inl , tIme
amolnt or cash he hal , In I Irlson did IOt al'-
lu nar to exceed 2Od. The mstly was vu.-
Illnll.1 lul l I whpn BroMoIllas ) takll to time i
l CImmg's cOllly Illn\entar ) ' In Brook1 1"1'1-
Ila ) ' e\enlnv. lie halll.1 the \\arllen n
rormillableasleboard en\'llo\l. i'ecimrely
sw eaiemi . anti askltl hll to ctmre for I nltl lie
was rele.ISlfl ( 'arefumily wrappll lit eOUon
were el\'el heautfll illiset thiaaimcuids. , : In
olltton there were title uremia and mort- .
g ages 01 I > roptrly 11 this cIty . mostly In
h lmmrlemu. 1'here were also other small jew
cll alll cash. t'uelmmsive : of the meal estate
the \r"llty was estlntel , as worth $ OOOO. .
and I was easily mmegotlaimle.
) . . _ -
S.\ " II.uon tIN I \ IS' (1.II'lns.
1'1111'1 I 'i't'stIimuuim' . Immtruahu'a-ul I ,
lieu'ruuss'i .
TOi1ONTO. NoS' . 9.-StarWn new cvi-
denee.1 hitch time crdwn clJlms will cOI1lrt
the II'als I hrother of time lurder of \\'clls. ,
was prOllc.d 01 the trIal this aftermmoomm.
when . the 1 > 10(111 ( swore to S'elnp a w ounll on
\.1 I s' forehelll that t coull not ha\'o hcel
I.Jle u b ) ' the elevator. Inl II u t have heen
lutctCI I its We cellar b ) sle lstrulent ,
U. Johns. an unciI or time dead bo ) ' . tolll hol
nCKotatons u had heen eltercil upon whlreb ) '
\'ells WU to Illrchase a farl frol 111 ,
An nKreelnt signed Jammuimury 16 . 18 ! . thc
day of death , suns 11lt In evhlene I shows
the summit uf $1 .000 si us to he 11311 down thaI
morning. m Time wltll' testlol was In-
ended to shol a , immotive' for the cnlumme.
James I.a\'ele. the cab driver who .Iro\e enc
of time H'als frol time warehouse to the
l atter's homo on time 10rnlnJ after tht acci-
demmt swore hu noticed ! (018 or dark red
which looked like Imalmut ems his fare's trousers .
juot below time knee. Eliza i'mumigeliy . I erv-
ant at the iiyammms' . toll that larry Ipls
askel , her to svaeii a pair of drab trousers ems
which site thoughl were hloollstalns.
11' : I SI : : . \ 1'.tlttC.It.ti'IiS I .
I" Conn1 or Denisomi Ia. . Is stollllng at
time Arcade.
g : . Thompson Is registered at time Barker
1'01 Chicago.
JIlle Ucklnson Ril famnuiy of Tekamah
are registered , at the lcliorue ) .
. Ii. H. iowmmor a huslne man or Ilt.llo.
\.yo. . Is stouiuimig 01 the Paxton.
) ( (
M. C. Kehtim . a ranch owne of North
Plate. Is stoplng at the l'axteumm.
I. ' . l' I . Crowel. a ' romlnent poltlan of
Coloralo. Is relstfed at the : llall
lel\l ( D , Iqngdol , 0lh21Ise known atm
' 'Eli Perkins. " Is '
"gl Illatered at the Paxton.
I. it. \Vnlghmt a wlalhy stoklan of Emit-
luoria . iamm. . Is reglHered al the Ierchants.
A. Itomnami . real estate maim anti Ilrnert ; ) .
Oller of Orut Is relsterc at time Delonl.
A. W. Smith , a catteman antI ranch owner
of Bt ; Plume Wyo" , Is quartel'ed at the Ar-
E. I 7. hoed . a promlneiJ buslne man anll
merchant cade. or DeO'er , Is registered at time Ar-
C. C. Gondniclm caphler or the Cedar Hall-
his himly , this state Is stopping at time Ier-
C ii a mu ts.
D. B. \Ilpton , w slern aent for the
Royal Inburance conspammy' 10 stopping at the
Iaxlo , ! .
Seiley Irol I and MIst' Knot of the Colo-
nel's \I'es company are reglateneti 11 the
\V . C. : lassP ) ' . a prmlnelt merhant of
Geneva. Is In the city amid Is IIUarlerl at
the Iercr
Miss Grce Burkle princIpal of the public -
lic school at : lssurl Valley . 10. . IR stop-
mlmmg at the Arcade.
J. P. flanret travlln ! ale.nt for tIme Bs-
sour ! Idnltc. from Comucorutla Kan. . Is stop-
Illng at the Millmrtl.
George S. Wotgewoot of . the Amerlcal
Book commupaim ) . Is II the city uld II regis- (
tered at the Millartl.
Thomas Gossmuumimm Thom Clalk. Fraumle
Iiaumuiiey. I tarry landle ) ' . Fox anti Dlrwll
are Chlcao arrl\ls lt the Barker.
C. C 1Ier , a delegate to the Younl
! en'l Christan association cOI\'enlol In
this City . Is registered at thus Iurray.
Anna McOregor , Charle Suhiivamm . II. n.
lucks , Charles tdier . H. g. \ leAllster , Harry
J. lynes are registered from New York at
the lalkH ,
Irs. F' . g. Adams , a former rel.Ilent , of
this city . thoulh now of \ashll tol. Is 11
Omaha vlsllnl friends amud Is Iuarteretl at
this Iercer.
: Ir. anti , Irs. L. I J. Drake and Miss Drutke .
who hu\c spcnt the last monlh II time eaet.
the geests of Mrs [ . .A.l"tIilar. . returnel ]
home on Tuesda ) ' . -
L. I A. Cook and Irestol Miller , ,1legate. , '
to thE 'm'oumuug Ien's Chrlltan association
conventon from western Nehraskl. are 'Ulr-
, .
brett at the lellmmmie.
Owing to the fact that Miss Banrof re-
( elvellu teleram Ihat her brother was mlyimmg , ,
she was unable to fulfill her elavenlent 11
the recital Wednt1da ) ' evnln !
\ \ ' . A. lcKcy and J. Ii. liammey . rrpre-
sentimug ! a lange adllfY firm of liastimigs . are
In the city . lookimig for a locaton to start
n relal stars In their line. They are regis-
111111 al time Mercer.
Irs. J.V. . Cutnmm has talcum ch31re of this
\'oell departlent or the ( Omaha Consen'a-
tory of Mmusie . She wil relJln her own
classes at home. : Ir. Jones ie I 10 lie con-
gratulatl'll In securln ( men on his starr.
Miami Margaret Pratt and hE utummt Irs.
I.'errl of iemsver , Fpelt lond3) II Omaha.
A thor a mmmontlu's nest /t Colonel Pratt'a ranch
Muss Pratt anti , her futher will pelll thl'
wlntel' crulsln ahout time :1 Hterralpan ,
C. P. Alctmtm . or llrisbzmne Quelslalll. Is
rellslered at time Mmmrray .Mr. Vlcmmtt was
ferimuerl ) ' comiumected wIth time Anmmuommr l'.ick-
log eamummuammyof Chicago. mind is iueraa 1mm-
c'pecttng tim t lulant of time ( 'udahy coumupany.
The fnieotls of Mrs. Frances Mummummigh will
be juieased to ieanmm timat a copy of one of lion
pitunes imuis been raprotlumced in the Novemmu-
bet Art' Anmatetur , pmmhiltmimsd iii New York.
\Ve ( meat that Mrs. Mmmmmmammgum is to give aim
ecimtbttion of hen palntimigs soon.
Time Omumuima Guards wIll gis-o their secoumtl
dancimmg panty mit time Anrimmiry ohm Thmumrstiiy
evenhmmg. time I ithm Inst. It goH ttithmout 50)-
lug that it will tie an emujoyahile' eccasiomm , for
timoso stun mmtteimuleul time lust party of time
tories , given October 2 I , Iromuoulwt'ul It omme
of tliu' immost mi.'iiglmtfuml of theft' reeotiectlemi.
At time' Mmmrray : C. T. Alctitt. Brisbane.
Qumt.cumslammd : E. A. Alcmmtt , lcmummscms City ; C. C' .
Mielt'nerV. , . 1Vest 1 , N. H. Viicox , New
York ; ii. Mom , , Lammeasten , lea. ; \i' 5 Mmmr-
dock , i'ittsbumrg. la. ; I ) . S. W'uliiammms , Nest'
\crk ; V' . Mayimew , Ietrottlicht. ) . ; I" . .1.
iieimtie ) ' , Gnanui Island ; l. A , ( jail , Limmeolum ,
Nob. ; I ) . .1. ilirshm. Chicago. ; A. J. Hopkins ,
Aurora. Ill. ; Vraumk Bradley , Commmmeii illmmiftu.
Ia. ; C' . E. Ibirul , W. W. llarntmmgton , iiotomt ,
Mass , ; \V. L. l'ammi. St. l'aui , ' ! Immum. ; 'l'imomumam
S. Snmltim amid V. ife. Mommtan , ; Miss N'ott
Smmlhey Brown. New York ; J. ii. M uymuarul , St.
Lcumis , Mo. ; VI. ' . A. Mageu' . Des Moines , Ta. :
Edward L. hiioouum aimut wife. New York ; J. S.
Elliott. Cimicago.
, 'iui'iisIi , n.e mit t ii , ' Ihuei.'la ,
At time i'mmxtomm-it. .1. Timmmmc ) ' , Atisicy ; M.
( . leltim , North l'iatte.
At tIme' : itmnrmP'reui .1. Homitley , Grummi
iiuimuti ; F' . A. O.tic' , i.tneoimm ,
At the . .ru'ate'-\ I : : . Auiuirews , Hastings ;
A. It. imoattv. Beatrice ; V. Stimmtafer , Tika-
mEmo hi.
At time Mc'rt't'rSV. . C. Mn' sc' s' , ( lt'mmeycm
'ii : M. iumttemu. .itastirmgs ; J. H. iImum.y ,
\V. . , . . Alt-Key. itustiumgu' .
A C time Milimurtl--I. I. . Jitymmea , irrtimuummt
F : . Vihiuuamna ( J'Ncuil ; U. F' . I inmiltomu. Nor-
fo'k ; J. ii. Vmuterommimm , l4ncohmm ; J. A.'in. .
( or , AUimum'n.
At time htarker-i. A. Seers , Oranui iaaumth ! ;
' ' ( 'tiiumtmmus ( ' E
'illtam It. ( 'mulmlil , c'orgo
itaim.i. FCt'mcrney ; I" , F. Mi'tJinmiis. ilmistluiga ;
it , 11. hhehimunmy , Arapaimoe.
At tIme tellmiuie-A. Itowumi. Onti ; ( 'itnriett
I' . jieklnaun , Tekarmiak ; I' . 'I' . I'osterem ,
( I , I. . loekt'tt. Chmauhnofl ; E. F. lltia. Scitu ) -
Icr ; J. E. i'rkins , 'e'eeimhumg'cmtcr. .
At thu' Ma.relumnt-M. H. Duff. Nchmraslca
u 'Ity' ; ! % lmitt Jaumghttrtv. ( ) gmmiumlium ; Ii. 'ti.
Uemmrvsmi Nonlhm Platte'V. ; . ii. i.eve , 'Fe-ha-
mmmciiV. ; . \ ' .N cimitit , 'i't'kamfluhi ; N. S.
\'ycnt ! , ii. F' . l'lhrmt. Tttkmmitmiim ; 1.utimc'r i
I .sml I t ohm , I , taieohim , .A . I . J uhmhut4tii. Ileatitet'
\'iilicumut 'eleVammut amid wife , J. L. Ihown ,
1.tneolim ; Prof. A. M. l'ollsn Vmiyne ; .1 , V.
lauigherty. Ut'onge C. 'miItanua. J. t. u
bhmea , Lincoln.
Gravity of the Situation for England Ad-
ntlttoti. ols All Skies.
'I'rumtiiuia. lie ( uuumum'ailuue i IOu i'aui'Ia'
ihelltttt'ui in lie I mmc's limmIhe' a mii
Iei'lumu ni I louis Ii. Iii iiuaht' ( sir
ii'i'tlui I lie Emii'rge'uum'm.
( t'.ipvrtgitmr'd , 1st : , . Ity time 5sss'uamel , Pta 'si
IANlON , Nos , 9.-Time diplommiats of l'tm-
ropa anti stIll toseimmg tipomt time sea of mmmmc'er-
taimm t ) , 'l'imrotmglmoumt t iii it cek t hue iuculiu iemti
oumtiook imas beemm mmummrky amid mhmneatemtimmg to a
degree muot experienced for simeim a lengtht of
t I mmmc' I mm years i'.i t . Timeum , a gut 1mm , I Ime a t immus-
iuherhc eommtiitiumns si hmlcim hmmcse htrev.Slletl imere.
Comitiiiiiouis fogs ammti raips , have amiulmid to time
feelimmg of deitressiomm , gls'immg i.omuulummm time week rticonded for a bug timime ,
Amuti , tIC if It tt'Cte umot enough to gIve anybody -
body the' imlues , limo speeches \vimichm sevenmmi
of t ii p call umt't iii I nis t ens immmve ummumdo d mm r I mmg
tIme week him various uants of time coumutry ,
hums-c muot becum cmticmmiumted to cmmllvemm thmt ,
atrocmdig spirIts ci ( lie average ttrltlslmer. Time
imm ml storm i ii t t era mmccc immivo I emm Pes I mum lam hi
irs tittu oxtretmie , mme gltimt of smimmligiit havlmug
strc'ulimui timnomugum I he clouds. 'Fhme gnmusit ) 01
time itolltical shttmatioum Is recogmmizeti cmi nil
sities , a nd therefore ( hue SiteeCh which time
mmurquile of Saliebmmry Is to alm.'liven at tile lord
mum uuyor's hi ittiumet a t I he tl 'uumin mm hmolmse tim is
evemmiumg is awaited ts'ithm time. gre cleat mmmixlety.
Thus fee'iimmg or nlIunehmeumsimm is tint tie-
creased by thus fact that it 1mm kmmoss mm tlmat time'
mmviii estimmmates whicim still lie iurcscmmteui to
time' house of ( 'ommmmmmomms whmcmm thutmt hmomly no-
mtsscmmmhies scill t of ummmimnecetiemmted mmmagmtt-
Hide mint ! imnportaumce' .
Time Timumes 1mm mu. Icadtumg munticltu ems thus
subject yestertlay. wlmk'im is attractimmg immtmetm
attemmtiomm , said : 'Emigiammd calm brook mio ri-
S'alr ) ' iii imaval hmrummajmuents. "
Time altos's remmiar , to a certaumi tue'gre.
Summims Up it siummatiuuum s'lmictm , for Great linitumin.
is penpieclmmg , amid ( immiugeroums beyvmmd aim ) ' t'\-
a ggoratioum.
Thmo apimaremmtiy ratimor Indiscreet mmpeechm
svimlch 110mm. George N. Cmmnzon. umntlen scene-
tmtry of tIme foretgm 0111CC , delivered at ierby ) ,
lit ss'lmicim tue mmlimmdeml to time inevitable break-tilt
of Turkey , uris created much of a nensatioum
tibnitui. esti'citully 1mm Ilenihum , svtmcro as mmmucim
slgnificammue imami beemu mtttlmciucd to It as if It
hiatt iteen delivered by tIme mmmanqmmis of Sails-
buiry imimimseif. That sammuetimlng viii snomu imtsve
Lui be done it ) ' Turkey or for Ttmrkey lit e.t'tly'r
to re'tore order in Armmmemuha , no
omme doumbts. lietween this and the
imanthttomuimmg of time Tumrkislm aumiomig
time Powers there itt a wide gap. Time Turk is
i miuloiemm t , cruel aim ci imoor. a hid fomiti a f pit u I mm g
one powen mugmthmist ammotimer white camrylmig omm
its aiiegetl ltoiicy ; tmUt time Turk is Caltaimle of
thohmug sauna' hand ulglmting agaInst time heat
troops of Euuropc if time reihgmntus fnmuaticiaimm
of Limo Molmamnuumedcuns is ancuumseui.
King icumamna of Summmthmcmn Africa. after sup-
mlammtumig Nuirumila kimami of Afghmaumtstmimu. who i'
time liomm of time huotuu' , lmtms 1mm tumrmm taken a
itac'k seat anti Iimmg Canoe of i'om'tmmgai muow
has the loath Iii attractiomu Iii royal and otimsu'
circlec. ilium mmmcmJesty was hue guest euf time
pnimmc amiul imnmncess of'ates at Sammuinumig-
imanu , wimere tIme ) ' ane emutertainimug a lange
tuarty sluice ni'rlrlmug iii Lontlums frommm ( len-
mimammy on 'rmmcsuiay last , ttmmtii yesuem tity evomu-
mug wlmen , afteu' oumjoyimmg a day's tthmootlmmg on
'l'lmuu redo y , Khmig Ca ml Os stantemi 10 r ilum immu ( tm'a I
imu artier to viu'lt time tpmeeii.
'rimere lots imceui mumumehm aulverso cniticismum
ovem. ( hut dinner wimlchm tue retlrlmmg hond
umuayor. Sir Joa'talttt lteymiatt' Ilant , gave iii his
officIal capacity at tlmut Mammalon imimumse oem
Timumrsulay last. itt Imomuor of Iiau'mmy Iiam'nato ,
so-called ' 'Iciumg of time' ICaihirs' ' thin luidk ) '
ex-circti mmusim , st'imo is Jmmst muow rmmnmmhmug a
tlmmanciai cinctmcm of lila osvuu with time bus
anti bemtrmm of time' Lommutomm Stock exchange amm
his ' 'leauiiumg attractiomm. ' ' Time lnvitatioiumm of
Sir Joseph iteytuaumt' banquet 'retmti that tie
was aumxiolis to felicitate time Kitifir hug on
"his necent. cotirageouie. aitui stmccessfuhl efforts
to avert whit mmmlght have been a sem'iommmi
titmancial tiammic. " As Barney's efforts comu-
sistd lii hulstenhiug imp his own securIties ,
diffcneumt gratteut of "Kaffirs" ( SomuthIrictmm
ummimmimug and bammkummg shares ) . time fonummer lent
mayor's action was naturally geumerauly ne-
semited , and the prouuminent rmmnmmmbens of time
hammkimmg and mumereammthlc comimumimunity stun
svero lmmvitetl to time feast politely eleclimmed
for t'umniOUs reasons to tie pnesent. Tim'
Tlmmies and other leauitng PaPer muevenely
critIcize time rethring lord mmmayor. wimose comu-
nectiouu whim ptmbiiti comnpamuies nmotmseti mimucim
a slothS of imrotcst w'imemi hue was elected , alit !
who. it lit uttmpposetl , still conthmimme hits u'pecum-
iattons whmeuc re'llevett frmum olilce.
Time \Vestmumlnster Gazette yeatsrtliy aften-
noomm tievoted its Pniiuellmai leather to time stub-
ject. and satti : ' 'Timene Is omme lIimgllt'iiuii'tmi
thmmu sumceessfimili' conitmimit's in hits osvmm per-
scum time attractiomitl wimiehi almiteal ( hue strongest -
est to l3nuuishmen" dollars and time peerage
antI seimeim mite .lmmke of Marlbonoumgim retumnems.
bni mmgi mu g Im h s suucavea st I t it Ii I imm , ( lit' mmcmv I orti
ummumyor simoti Iii Iimmbl tel ) ' rcei s e Im I in h mm t ii i
sti'eets of Iomitiomu. "
mmim I ; ( 'll'E.t i EI0 oi 'I' Si m ! , 'i'Uit IS.
DI tmi'efrnuis Emm ri ' Iirmmi uui , . ' iii
Itot'If.s.'eI , Ill.
ItOCEFOItI ) , lii. . Ncv. 10.-lire Imnoke out
iii time I lt'mmry block at 'J:30 : timis evemuimmg. Aim
exlulosiomi ocemmrreti iii time basemnemmt of harper
& Jmuitn's hialmmt room. b'h'c stones ammd contents
rime mu total loss , It. S. itnummimaugim. laundry ,
loss svlii hue $2,000 , immsumramuce. $5500Vlhliauim ;
lummhmnmmm , jmimiumtber , loss. $ : u.000. lim'murammce.
$ LOut ) ) ; ilanimer & J ( itmms. decorators , loss ,
$6,001) ) , immmmmnaiict' . $5,001) ) ; Ii. M. ( 'imalmmuenmm ,
gu'occr. loss. $1,000. imm'mmnamuce. p.200 : iiiimuouut
Ant mtcmooh , loss. $ .LOOO. Iiustmmummiet' , $ ii01) ) ; C' ,
Ii. llemmry , atsu'mmer of hock , loss , $ ,01u0 , immsmmn-
mmmmce , $ S,0I)0. ) It 5501 iimtiOSsihiO to control time
ilnee iii titis block , as thmert' usere umo tire stalls
a itti t Ime hi no siuneatl q mm hck ly. I t looketi I ike
t It em cii I I mit ) block svoum lul immi rim , i nclumd i mug I ime
lit'er3' hmuitim. utluoe factor ) ' amid opera iiouist .
Time' fire watt svithmtmm hunt a block of thme gas
eomnumaumy"s plimmit , anti grave appreimemmsioums
ss'ene felt at cat , tlumme. All dammgem' ss as lmasaet
amid tIme firt. ' mmmmtier cootmol at 2 a. mit.
.taim ui'u ; ; ( su.'i'aflii'S ! .t''IISSaIt
aig r. ii e'e mui'I i Smi Iii I 0 lii' I tie' i'i'r.
'tuism S.'I , 'e'tii.
ChICAGO. Notu. . - special to ( lie Times-
lit raIl fnommm Vauaumimugtomi says : Not
tmiuice time annival of Mgn. Sauumihi
iminmutelf imat'e hiigu ofticial Catholic em-
chic beemm so stinneuh ama they are totla' at ( hue
receilmt of a himessage train Itoumme immtiuiuitlng
that not onhy is Sumtoihi to imave mu. smmccessnr.
itut that the sumcce'ssor imas umineetiy htt'emm ap-
liomntalti. i'or sommie re.msOum or mimmotiter efforts
tmas'au tmc'emu rmmamhe lii ammiuprees ( lie iuews of thin
rum mmmoreuh a itimoi ii I mim P ii t , bum t I Ice Ta u't mit mutti mi thin I
a Immesctmige lmas hmeerm rpt'eivcmi by a tlimttin.
gum'she I ecclesiastic lii to wI it'b sumya tim ml Mgr.
Lauuromtzell , itt present ar'rving as immtenmmmmumcui
cml 'Fime iisgtmc. is to prot'eti to t ito L'miteml
States sitortiy before Mgr. B'ttoIll takes miua
leave \'ashmIimgtcim. . iiaumrerizoii Is mualul tim
him vi , beemi ita nmmmo ii ioumsiy assoela t 'ml 'i-I t Ii So-
toili iii itommue ( mimi ummamiy years. mini lmelongs to
exactly ( lit ? same ee'limslof thlftiommi'mit.
'iiM Si Ii' I' I .e a' is nuii'ui ,
NEVOit ! . Nov. -Tiienu Was Picked
iii ) imu the i'ast : 't'tvcnty'-necoumul mttl'eet Eta.
110mm tI yoUng ennui svho mmtimnumi ( ito is .lohn
Victor iuangstnommu of St. i'aeii , tmumti that hue
ii ; ii iltufamtitt'r tim time e'tttt-'fl ( of 410.5) ' ) fm-urn
time (1. a'.i t N.trtime'rim rttlss'uu ) , lhtmm'giatrctnm
tint' a , 'lt'rk iii time' nilk-a' of time rutUtvay mit
St. i'dUh. ( Jo dhm'cmpp.eirt'ti cmi (4 ( 'ptoumsber
last , amid tyims toemmiel t't hueSlttuJtJt ) shunt
ut hilts imet'oUnts. At O''tO3 ( last mmIghmt
i'amroimncmui T.utmlma Qutnn stow ii rnamt
ge't ( II ? Hfl aleyatt'ti trmimm. Imituuut lIed hum
mmmi itargm.tromn , air. ete ) him at mimi.
umipiut. Itargstl ciii mmtiummlttoml lila Id'tnulty ,
, tmmtl smith thmmit ime haul amily yt'stem'iuuy mnfJnn-
( iii ; ii sm'lse. I ho S w'etla'im.
.tssltitIuj tlmi' iamamiIls.i air him. ' % 'it tiumimi ,
DE'FIuut'r. ? .lielt. , Nov. 9.At mm immastu
mflee't in g at f ' ' LI i . , usa hmeiti Iii I 1mm' A _ uul i t.cri tim
tesnighit time u 'il'C I mmmml startttil to give em-
eitmiiimmt'u. to itcr amud b rema b-sit remaulves of
tim" victlnmia of the Jutmrmmal bmul.himmg liopter
watt Immu'me'ascml to ii I , -si ( , t'x'luss ( ci UI vnmui'
imuilt'iteniient sUim4'riItioi , , Iu' ta. 'j'it'iiilti' s-he.
timum of time esitioeinn ss i've' tummies ! today.
( 'isis rm.u.-si us I ii I"Igmtim.utu . ,
.Tolim Itomr.n'r su. m' a a rru''m e-l It. i uuIiiit , lie
l.a suippu.o-t to lie ' :0' : 01' I m - p'mu I cli , i flia
in time mti I 'cltact luim di'u.a.i , cc a I i4I' ( , nflt Ii
m-nd Viiii'emns streetS imm W'ln"st' ' uuigiim
durIng wiii.'li ho ; . or 5' U I v , .me m J mrctl
mibomut tIme he-ti I ait tri"It -us' ' t'uil's
. " ' .1 lie Pu itutptl , itt'd 1mm lime emotta' : .
I l'l' ( 'it II It EMI 'tIES SttMiiti. (
lIrNI i.'u'tlimp ) ( ' 'enr Siuae 'a lii.
a'rl'nse' I ii . 0 I 'umuiuimua' , ' mm mmml I .e ( cresI ,
Time first mumactimug of time season of time.
t'mmlt ) ' cltmhm oeetim'netl in immi oitl mitmrmnters in time _ _ _ _ _ _
harlots of time' First t'uuitantamm clmttrit last
imigimi. Thmorme we're 1mm aitetmuianc'e a mmmimmmter
of time olti umiemutimenmi of time ci lit , , nmmul i mm multi I.
( ion is eommshtienaimlu lmtmuumbOr of miew lusemiuho
snimo ihiti umot milmimemir out thin rolls of Item year.
Great lmmterest was gh'eum time Iiamtena reel , a
teas ima r I lctuim t I ' at t'itl imct'tl by t ii ii full ti imi-
'miss helm tt'hm hilt falhti ts'eti I imeun ,
'time luapers ss'crs on tlm civic imisiory of
Emm gla umti , mm mmmi ii cmi I t st I tim t lie so ? t it'emm ; cmi I ml uiti
tmmmilleritiaum auf time. cotmumi ny Time hirsi hialitur
tt.Ss Ohi t ii t' ' ' , I mug In-Sum xnmm .l ignit I htu it mu umtl ( 'cmi -
miiie'mtt. ' ' it ) ' ahimie llmmummiitaua. ThIs ss'mms tel-
iuitvtt ii ) ' Omit' ( itt time' ' 'Smmrviv.ui of ! 're'-Sanmi
l'temmue' mmt 5 I it Eu giimaim ( 'i s' I I I sm t iomm , ' ' by yi r.
) lnu'mm , mmmiii mimic aim time ' ' Ethic Orgimmulzmstiomm of
I Ii ii A mm m.d n-Scm xomms , ' ' ii ) ' lr. ir.m uml I iii . Time
itlitirmi tt'Ctt' cxirumstt'eIy I ra'ata'tl : tumid tmmtiieatod
I hmarmmuguu mm cqmmul I umttmumet' st I t ii i im t' sum Lmjee Is.
'rime mmmcci 11mg umiglut of time e'lumb huts lmt'eui
eimiitmgeel to Smitumechmsy evt'milutg. Us ct'y' iii-
t'rimmtit' itme'etiimg .migimt . still b dm'sot to
uii Item's nut I imt ci v i ii isu ory am f E mm glum utml amid
time' ntluer umigimts to time' iite'nmiry seetloum , St hmlclm
ss'iui 'oiusitier lImo itfe mmmmti st'onis of MolIere.
'rime fmsnmmmru' this'iioum is mmmmdt'r time' dinectioum of
( 'imumnI S. Loitlumghe'r , svhmo lmreeitieti iaat
mmtgimt , tmmiui thu. otimer (0 Mr. Mamma. It Is rise
iuttcmuelt'ti tim give. mi lecture ( 'ommm'mit' at Uiuit ) '
cit mm rchm ii mm ri mm g t ii. ' ts' I mm t en ummoimt his.
ihi'I IiItu'V. UItI. ItV.\Ei ) liflI.
Ohm' iii liii' ( 'elvi.riulrm IliuM ii , , ( it er-
aintet' auf Iiuju.i muu.'mmt ,
Ati tltt' it tnaule of ( ii ? Jumbhlimimu. nt'immmitiit'ummms
wtts ttdmmg aiunmg icmumgimus ci neu't kusi mtighmt
thta spectatom's Sm Cii' ti'euate'mi to mu stunts umiut
tutu tue itnogrmmum , 'rime bulk ( if I hit' elmoumi 'r
imaui luaSsoth lty Tu'el It ii t ree't it Imemu a iii um g
i'.t hut' I it mit a mm se ca rrleml I lie Itummiti mm c's mm-
thi aitti ohmcr tlrt'wouks. I li ovint'it
itocit e t mm St e'rO fill cci sd t ii I lie uiy rut t eeiu mm tee ,
timid svimat steno heft over su nrc imm m sack
Sc hu icim 5'mus ( 'ii nnit'ui ot'er im i it shuommici or. I mm
etomule ti mmk umowim ummmtmmmmem II no I gmm I te'uh t it ta em mu -
dies nmmtt they mmii hwgtuum to imoturmth for linotiteli
at once. taireumirks caumue II ) thug ommt of time.
left Pocket. time' t gut pocket , u ime mmpten
bocketmi , aiud timemm. tie , mum euicoro , those itt
time macie bzgmumm to simoot Into tim" cnoal. Time
mumami's commmnuuthes fought simy of iuhuim , time duet'-
tatons tub time lutms'emitent Imneferred to see time
Ii ne'wonhs fmu ni hmer mm mm I mm t tue mm I r , tumid t ime lioatr
rejoicer was left 1mm a elneaulful fix. lie tried
it ) got hmi mmvoreouut off , tmumt time strap imoldimug
time sack ss'as mmroumumti it , so ite u'otmltl umot.
'rhmemm ime trieti to tear tIme coat olt , timid that
wmmy tvommiuiii't work , I Ic s'atm waving ( lit'
coat over bttm hemt protectimmg Itis face atmd
ltouumlg timuit m lieu gutnuumemm ! svotmid Iciest' itimim ,
tt'twim time last c.immdie s'emmt it 2 imist bali across
tIme street , anti time band itlii'ett omm.
"ii ! H SOI' ( ui'i' ; IS imaItlhI ) i
l i-tm. li'hliu rim's 'l'vuemII"e l i'i' aums Her
i I liii Si'rl.uti.mi' .
istectivcs last mmtgimt amresteti a Mrs.
O'iimmnum. w hum seas emutii'avmmnimmg ttm thud cotmea.
ituthomi for imu.r tnouuidemm Iii mummunluimimuc . 'iit.
ii rut v isi I eti FCii hm mu 'a 0 numg store I n sea micim of
lime stluumtiiamut , bitt it was rttftmsetl Imen. 'l'lmt'tt
uthu C' t nieml t ii t' ulma ruts t'v of S ii ass' . Lmumutt : Cam. ,
ss'iuichu hiatt licemi umotilhuiti luot tip sell ime'r ammy
mlitrluhmine. anti agmhuu chic eoumiut not immur-
eimmte tIme mirlmg alc'slretl. Timems slit' hmcmti ne-
ctutmree. to thus mmmorc' easily otitalmucat red ii-
iimmor. \'lmeuu arnestc'ti iii itmnneily'ui ) smIttimt
clue. was consiiiermmhuhy mmum.len time tumihumt'uuee or
limutmomA s i t , scums lea mcml she wotmiul mm t t emimpu
to take lien life' . shut , wmmme luhaceth mmmutir arrest
Last mmigiut , it is umiti , Mrs. O'llmmra ftttmmuti
tutu lien htutshuatmui wits ss'itit muiuotlmt'r sr unmmit
hum tIme' State hotel. 'rimis so emmraged hmn
tiiimt sime' ti tumiteth to forget tilt cmimommt tue C' it'S !
of this svorlul by tlm' effect of mmmorlthmiime' .
tIm''m'i Scum. Ia' I . Suit'iii I.
Omme of time enjoyable ummehsia of ( lit' past
work was time ommo gis'eum iuy tIme miiomuutmu'rmt of
ivy ltehuekumim lodge. , No. t3 , lmmde'itemitleuut
Order of Olul lceiirttvs , , ut time rettltleumi'e of
Mrs Melhislu , 1621) ) Burt street , Tlmumrehtiy
es'eimuuug. l'rogrcssit'o high live fmrimueti , m hm
ltrummm'h ( tO I fem tim re' of t ii e evemmh img' ' c C te.r taUt -
mimeti t. I im t ime friettul iy comm I cc I , trim helm I a et 'ui
ebomit ttto Imoumm'me , good ftmrtummie , atuleth lv
skill , secumnc'ti to Mrs. .laummce V. ' , ilomuk anti
.tlr. 'oumIt'y time lmoumom-s of time. evetmimug Cii'
whimimlng mimi' largest imummiben mit g'mummes. Datmmty
refm'eshuimuemmtii wore rt'cei. Time mirtl'n exlum'e-ts
to ghse suummiicmi' erutcntatnmumemmts t't'er ) ' few
stocks. Time. hmext ouma still iii' glvt'mm at time
hattie. of J. 5' , ilnumhe. m'urnmmu I 7 , ( 'reigimu mm
block , ttext ovemmlmug. Auumtmmig u ii'
uummmumy isnemi'mut % vere' Mr. ammil Mrs. Voola'y ,
Mt , amid Mrs , \iaiimts. Mr. anti Mrs. J V. ' .
thuimk , ti I St. : ula a oh mug , ) l ismt Suut I I It , M m ts
Timachmer , Mrs. tint ! Mites latlt' i'tmrk n , Mn.
itmurnhtige Mu' . lts'ium. ltauumsey , Mm-mm ,
Jeftrhemt , Mrs. Gmmy. Mrts. LtziI Cniutd t It ,
Gottle'mi Rout Grove , W'oodmuuemm of time \nntd ,
g.mva a'Cr ) ' lth 'att'mmmt hmighi hive iiart minul
saeah ! Timmmrsuimty evemuiumg , Nms'etmuhuer 7 , at time
hiali , Cotmtimtentah black. Ammmeung tiuoe imnt'SCflt
st.c rl' . , 'tim- . anti Mi's , \ \ ' . 0. ltoulger.e , Mu' . anti
) ira. George Ctutt , Mr. ammd Mrs. I ! . Wmmlkt'r ,
It , r. cm iuui t mis. A mmmlersomm , ti r. ut mmml ti m's' 0. 1' .
hliack , Mr. nntl Mrs. Stimme , Mr. anti Mns
ICoiusar , t hue Misses lumnauati , ! ti Pta Votmm 'e\'eg.
Miss ilaichm , Mrs , Sw tuhuouii. Mitts Noru Ifatta-
fmun ammO uliahmy otimens , 'lIme ' 'Jolly F'oumr' '
were timeno auth fumrimteheul tIme. t'ocal ,
i"uim' mm ( 'auiiei'rI iii fuel , ' .
A m'nmumiti e'omuCent will hue. given by Iltyd's
Timeatt'r orclmcstna , tummuler the dincetlut of
Mr. i"rammz Atlehimmaumum. umuailsteul Imy Mum-s
Myrtle. B. Coomi. sopm-ano , Fritiay ov.'ummimg.
Neivemmutuer 15 , at S o'clock , in Genummamuia
luau , at lUau r. Thus i mi ttu Iirogrt mu
( ) si'nttmi'e.-\itmi'httmuiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( 'ianiiie't Stltt , 'i'imt'umme mmumuimmu'hmmtiotus
: si r. ( l. a _ ' . I iuue.Itumem' .
\'tmiti.-5 Sumuumummon i's'e'imhmmg. . . . . . . \'allteumte'l
Suium'mmimo Snit-'i'im. ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
M lute 'ti ) 'rttt' i : ( 'tiomi.
Seit'c I houm--'i'ti mu m m ima iist'm' . . . . . . . . . . . . . I tVmt g tier
ts't'rtmmr.Me'rnyVive's ) or % 'Imiutsou' . Nm , o'et
Vitmte' 5o0-St'ie'i'tioim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. olaf I'etiereemm.
\Vmmltz-Ntgiitiitgmmie'.A. ( 'yulttmiit e
\'hoiitm Solo -t'ummmmtmteit' lttmiiu't . . _ .t' , uP' ilt'm'utt
: i m' . im'utiuz , Itlt'iiuitiim ii.
Strhmmg aummmmt.'t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I iii u 'tim
Stqti'utumo tiltu- /.tIiiutm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\iitt't Myrtle ( 'oomm ,
: si mt m'clm-F'ta ra'ss t' I I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iiuilie lii i'ii , thu ii. l'emli ,
l'iti'IiSVILIE , ii. , Nov. 9V. . ii.
'i'imtini Puim , I tm-es id cult t of thin l"murmmmors' miti
: tT ei'c'lmut um ( mm' I to mm It , iiie'I n tl tie I cit asmeigmi u , me-mm I
titimi , ' . i I. lit mimi Id chop tel t om me v. Ill mitt m I 'u"a '
Beauty and Puilty
Go Itanti in hand.
'I'hey arc the fotinda-
tioli of health anti ' y , .
happiiics.s. '
health , luccause of . .
P' ' ' blood ; -
i1.ip1uincs ; , because of clear skin ,
i'homhsand of u5cutll lives have been
emlittered by cIiitressing hutnors.
: , : icui t Rl'.salA'Eh'l'
is the greatest of skin purifiers
\i ; svell ct 1)100(1 ( Ptirifier3.
iiecatie.e 01 its Peculiar action ofl
the pores ,
t is succcssftul in jrevCfltiflg )
\itI curing all ( en'zn.5 of
' ; kin , Scalp , aisti J1ooI hutors ,
IVlicn , the best physicians fail ,
f'iltirely vegetable , safe , amid pala-
t CSJICCbIIY aipeaI3 to mothers and
ChiIIrCn ,
flecatie it acts o geiitl.y , yet eufec-
Upon the skin an' ! hIot1 , ai wei' '
as the
lAyer , kidneys , antI IowcI. ,
I ts misc at all tiunca
IflItli'Cil a clear skin and Pt1EC blooti ,
Ai wefl as Sotifld bodily health.
i.I ; CtCl7WitCC. i'rke. $ r. reTriEs I.vo
A'ni C uu..ez. C. as. , t0e ! b"i' ' hioion.
.5 I I e mi ( tuic Skiu ni hiioj.l I I usher. , " ( rye.
. . . Vati ml ) iiOuniSisE , rsuntzg u
; .l baby , a..hyi [ ' ( ( etatid ty C.itlcurs Soap , - .
Ncrvotis ir.&uitit'y yctcsea ; by a ( "ult.
eemr.e l'lasImmr , l'ccauie I
ltins tinmt mz ttt ercferces , aa.l itcac
eurvs micceucs Iie.Las.