- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - ---f -fl - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - r . - - - - - - - - - - U - - ' - - - , . , ' - 18 . frJIJ O\IAJlA : ! DAILY JJE1 : : ' : ffiNDA Y , NOViuia \ ' 10. 1S9. - _ _ _ f - . S1 M ] JJ 1'L ' 1EiFl ! 'j U21 . . I"1 I tl1 . . " I r ± . A Woman terVe11eS. ' i _ _ --fl----- ; j BY IOnmrr { UAUU , rj Author of ' 'I'he Inco nnd the Mtzk ! , ' : " 111 the Midst \ of Alnrllls , " Etc. i I r. l. . . , ? " t &X 1flIG1rfl C 7 mz j , " - ( CI''rlght , I , 1895. L ) ' Hobert 1Iur. ) t C11APT1It XI ' ACer nil , It ml"t bo almltell that Ocorle , Wentworth was a man or somewhat change- ' able character. For the last two or three ( days he h11 bon moping around lke one who f l meditated sllcllej ( ; nol he sUlhlenly became ' the brllhtest Inrl\hJl11 on board , when every \ 01e elo was wondering what wag going to , happen to the ship. J.'or a man to be moody and dlstraoght WhIle lanKer Wil Impelllnl woe not at nit slrprlslnJj but that I man : , , right In the mllst or gloom . ' should uddenly blnom out Into I smllnl coUntoflance ' and a : general hilarity ot manner , was something . extraortHnary. , Ieoille thought It Inlst Ill a 'ase ot brain trouble. They watched the f . ) " ) unl man with Interest Of he walked with a 8rlnIH' atoll UI [ amL down deck. Every , , now and then a bright smlo Ilulinatel hl9 fuie and then be seemed to be ashamed that , people "hou\l notice he woe feeling hlarlou ' . When le was alone with hlmll he had a habit ot smiting his thigh and bun'tnE out tlto a laugh that waR long and low rather than loue ( and bolsterou8. No one was more I tonlshel at this change than I.'lemlng. the pttclan , George met hll on deck , and to tIl great surrrlM , ot that worthy gentleman , SlotO hll on the back and , salt ! : . " 'tly dear sir , I am afraid , the other day. . $ \ \ hell you l'polo to mo , I anwerel a little gruifly. I beg to apologlzo. Come and have a drink with inc. " "Oh , don't lenten I , " said Fleming . jO- oucly ; " \\0 all or lS have our lIttle down tU11 ) now and then. 'tVliy , I have inysolt when liquor Is baIler Hcarce. You mightn't believe I , hut some days I tee I awn ) dO\1 In \ the mouth. I Is l true , I have a recipe for getting nil again , which I always Iseall t ! I iiit rcmllb ine Do ) 'OU remember what Ilt the governor ot North Carolina s\ll to the governor ot South Carolina ? " " ' ' " ait1 \Ventworth "you 1'1 sure I don't , sallVentworth ; ' I'm ' vo1l versed In United States . H'e 11 lot very wel enol p. 1IolitiCl. . " ' thero'aan't much politics about his "Wel , there \ % poltcs , \ remark. lie merely all , 'I'l n long tIme be- . tweel drlnls ; conic In and have somethIng r \lllh me ' I scorns to me YOU haven't tasted ; anything , In my company ' since the voyage be- , gan. " "I believe. " said \Veutworth. "that lit a , , . true Itatelent Let us amend It as l1on as . 110"Jble. ! Wily In title cabO let inc pay for thc k .11 . iliks I Invited you to drink with me. " "Not at all , not at all , " cried Fleming : "not while Im lucre. Thl9 Is tuty treat and It Is funtuy to think that a man should sp,11 a I' , uelt with another man without Imowlng him Really , " . you set I haven't known you till /UW Anl so tl two t'ortiiy gentlemen disap- , pcalee Into the moldng room and rang the electric bell hut It was II hIs own stateroom that Ceorge \\'entworth's jocularity came out lt Itl IH'bl lie would grl81 [ John 1enon hy the Ihouhler all liaho that solemn mal , over , \'h050 face a grim mle would . appear when II noticed the exuberant Jolty of hll' com- rade. Nlt. . "John , " \Ventwortlu cried , "why dun't . ) laugh ? " "h " " 'cl. It Icms to me , " replIed , hIs comrade - rade , "that your Ire doing laughing enough for us both I Is necersary to have one mpmlwr of tile unit solid and substantial. - . Im trying to keel the average about right When you were . In the lumps I 11rI to be chiel'fttl for two. Now that you feel so funny , I take I l\ml ot melunhcolyaca - r - cheertulness tiolt , to Ie&t " I ! . after my hard , efforts at I"\\'el , John It seems to mo too good to ho . _ a lIe. \\'hnt n plucky girl she \as to do - , " 'h a thlig ! 10w did Nho know hut that . -t't- , thr little \lx 1 hall ! a revolver with her , and - " / m ght have idiot hel ? "I 1 SUllpose she didn't think about the mat- tP lt nil ? " "la\'e you seen her since the Ilramate In- I c1llell ? " "Seel whom ? " Miss Drewster ? " " :0 , no ; I mean Miss Longworth ? " " :0 ; she hasn't appeared yet I SUPPOS she fears there wt be a scene , and she Is alxloll to avoid It. " . "Vry likely that II the case . " salll Went- worth. " \\'en. rf you get ; to see her , you can tel her there Is , no hanger. Our genial rleml Fleming has harl I talk with limo nowapapel' , wolulan so he tells utue ald the way lie describes It Is exceedingly pctnr- ! (8'IU : . He has IhreatenEd her wIth gl'lnl U\I ) ' the 'snail , ' DS he calls I. to the other New York pallels , , and It scenic that the only thing on rar'th Miss Brewster Is afrlld of Is tile oppositon prl s , 80 she has Ilromlse.1 . to say lothlng moro whatever about the . " lncilent "Then " , you have been talkIng wIth FlemIng - lag ? "Certain I have ; I jovial good teloI he Is , too. I have been doing somuthln more than I lal.lng I wih him ; I have bee ii d el nh ; lug with him . ' ' " , \IIJ yet a day or two ago I understand yell threatened to btrlct him. " " . \ day or two ago John ! I was age ! ant ages ngo. 4 \ lay or two Isn't 10 It. That \ as years and centuries since , hut not h ) tlm ! 1 was nu old man then ; now I hah \ . becouttu youlig again , anll all on account or " " . \ I . . , . ' . " " . . ' ' . ' . \ . j' . . . . . , 1/ , . . . \ l c'k , : 1L\ " 1 l ' , - : . - - - \ . - - - - ' I' , - - - I'I I I I I I . I I. J , t ! j i I t ) } I I RIClS1' ! : WI'SnmSTm , : , Y. ; , the 1lucl. , acton o t that angel of a githof ' ' ' . 1 otul. ) 'olr . . . Net ot mine . " & 1 Icnyol , , seriously : "I V. bit site wcre " " \ I. chrir(1. ( . \'P.thlng I will como . 11 I 'thl ' ; you see . : : a 11 , ) ' does. NothIng , , , . . luol\e,1 \ 11\lwr : .h.11 this mltlr about the I ' ldl'Krol u few la's ego anti lee how bau- 11.1) ( . ' it hah tur'riI , out. " t hem'oul 1111 & iw.titIng Ito liil not desire to ,1" IR the twitter . even with hIs heat i' Irl-nll 'Iho t\'l went \1 [ tt deck together I al,1 took a few tllll ulonl the praimeutie , . 7 dil I ) \ Lld1101 , tiade tie e'el G Ken'l'n , \ t'I' Ilrctell In the 0" , upant at the dock I h.lr . but he dii ' not t e the person 110cc : , h IUght. . ' 1.111 Wlltlorth that h wl"ll , I g" < I I g ilt-ta tlt. . 1011'11. t he loll it hut tl . eoimtnu. . hil1. . 11,11t. 0111 ( n rtchlnl lie ' .1 sai.on . I\non polh' ' 10 Il ! Itewar 'N. , . Do ) "J hlow II "In Wentworth II In ; her It.tlfol ? " " . " \1. : I think site Is , " \8 the 315W. : . . : \il ) JU take th " ' rotl te hlr' ? : " " or ' , rtauly. ! " ; ' J hum It , Il \n tJ I 1\,11 for al . nawr The' , I' " wer .1 I , I 1"t rl. , . I \ tht' b. . , lot 1 I ho Ilr : i Ite,3LsJ 1.t1 : he 0 't ( t ' , h'rJIlj' E'2r ' , I into the saloon , anl , seeing Ien'on alOI ! , ' ventured In. He sprang up to meet her. "I vas afraId , " ho saul , "that you hal been II " , " :0 ; , not exactly , hut almost , " she an Awere , ! "Oh Mr. ICenyon . I have done the most tlrrlble thIng ! You could not Imagine that I was so holt uIII vtcked . " anti tears gathered , Into the eyes of the girl. Ken'on stretched out hIs hand to her . anti Ahe took it. "I am afraid to stay lucre \ Ith you , " "he said . "for fear- " "Oh , I know nil about I , " said Kenyon. "You cannot know ahout I ; yell surely do not know ] what I have (1003 ? " "Yes I know exactly what 'ou'\'e done , all wo all \ery much ulmlr , ) 'ou pluck ' ' "I hasn't , surely , been the talk at , the ship ? " "No ; It has not ; but lss Brewster charge,1 , ins with being an accomplce . " "Anll you toll her you , were not , ot course ? " "I coul < n't trl her anythlnl for the sImple reason I hadn't thp faintest Ilea what she was talking about ; but tltit's how I came to know what had ] happenel , , alt 1 came Itown to thank you . Miss lottgworthu , for what you have < onl. 1 really believe you have 8a\01 the sanity ot my friend Wentwortli. lie Is a different man since the Incident wo are apaking ot occurreI , " "And yeti have 'euuIiss nrewster since ? " " ' telling ' . she met "Oh , yes . ns I was tellnl you toe 01 the Ilerlc. U'al lute . how thoughtess at time , I hal , ! forgotten . you were standing. \\'on't you Kit ( hoWl ) ? " "No , no , 1 have been In my room so long that I am glll to stalli an'I\ here ' ' " ' ' deck with "Thei WOI't you como UII on me ? IO ' " Mid. "I afraid "Oh , 11 afraid . site am of a public scene and I ant sure , by the last look I caught ot tnt girl' eyes , Iho wIll stop nt no scandal to have her revenge. I am - - _ - , . - - - - , m------- . I \ - j S\i'i'i \ ' ' " ' ' t ' - Ij L',1' , ' - j I ' ' ' - I k\ \ . ) D/ ' 1' ' jPL -Z \ ' . _ itf ! ? r I Lr - . J - _ , _ , . - - . . : "I OW . AItE YOU . MIt. KI'.O : . SAID "DTI LONG\'OEtTII D tIGITI- HOLDING I OUT lE" IIANI ) 10 TIE . YOUNG MAN. I sorry to say that I am too much ot a coward to meet her. Of course , from her point ot vlow , I have done hel eternal wrong. Per- hal13 It was wrong rrom 3n'bodY'9 Point ot vi ow , " " :15s Lonlworth , " mil John Ken'on cor- dlahly . " ) 'ou 10lI have no fear whatever of meotng her. She wi say nothing , " "Iow 110 you know Ihat ? " "Oh It Is a long stur ) She wont to the captain wih her complaint and received very little comfort there I will tel you nit about " It on deck. Get a wrap , and come with me l\S Ken'on gave ths ! peremptory order he realized that he W.\ ' taltnl I liberty ho hall no right to take , alli his taco flushed as ho . wOllerel1 I 1dlh would resent tile ( amllarl ) ot his tones ; but l'he melely looked UI [ at him with a bright smie ami sall : "I I ! :11 : do . 111 as you cOlmanl , " "No , no , " saId I\enyon , "It was not a CO\- mand , although It sounderl Ito 0110. I was a very humble ! request ; at least , I Intended It to be uch. " " \\'el. I wi get my wrap. " As 'JIO loft for her stateroom a rousIng cheer wan heard Crom up oa deel. She stO(11101 ( uII lookell at ICenyon. "What docs that lean ? " bho saId. "I don't IOI'w , ' ' was the anvcr . "Please see get " your thllg3 , on and \ e will go lp and When the ) ' nachell the deck they saw < ) everybody lt the forward part ot the ship. Just becoming visible In the CiStern : horizon wcro three traIls or black stumoke , apparently coming toward them. TIle word was whlsperell trom ono to the worl'as ethel : "It Is I the tug hoats. I Is relief. " I.'iw people on board the steamer Imlw that tlcr ! very existence dcpendd entirely In the good weather. The lilcei4"atlt pumping showed o\trybody who gave a thought to tim mater that the leak ] hal bo'n serious but as the sub"llencp or tlue vessel was Imperceptble to all SO okpe'rts no one but the otcer ! really . knew ] the thattger they were In. Bail , as the lmas'engcrs wuro to see these three boats approach - preach the one who mOlt rejoIced , was the ono Iho ktucw ] most about the dlsast and Its effcets-the captain. Edith I LOlworth all John 1en'n ' paced tile deck together , In.1 did not form tFo ot the crowd who coulll not tear then'l'es away tram the flont of the 9hlp watching the gradually approaching . ! boats. I'ttrpoe.dy John lonyon brought tito girl who was wIth hIm vat 13 Jennlo Blewster , anti alhough ttlSt pet'sou gh\c \llth a goat ! deal of anger at glll. who IIUbhld to her temples with rear anti con1uIon yet nothIng was said ; anti Feli'otl kflew that alerwar,1 his companion \oulil , foci easier II her mInt ! about meetnl the woman with whol she had had such a 'ltorl ) ' five mlnlte : The tug boat speedily tool the big steamer In tow and slow ly I tht- blur 'Jf them made IJrole5s to\\ard Queeno- to\n. It having been rGI'ul to lanll all the pJdengers there anll to allow the disabled V 'esP1 tu bo towed to Ilverpool. It an exatnl' n tou of the hull showel such a couro to be a blfo one. The pasoengsi's hade each other Iocllhy after the ) left the tender , and mal ) ' that were on board that shl1 [ never saw each other agaIn. One , it beast , had row regrets : : ld ito soodbp to utake CIIAPTlm Xli. Alhough MIss : Jennie Dre\ster arrived In Jndon .ngry Wth hue world In general , and wIth several of Is Inhsb\anl In partIcular , site lon leQI \'e\'olln the delights et the : reat cl ) ' . I Wa3 so oM that It vas new to hr , anti she vIsited Westminster abbey and . other at IU Ilelent laudmuk ! rapid ; IUI'c sllon. The cheallues1 ot the hRIsIS dellhhd tier ali alma spent no.t of her tIme dashing around In n cab. Site put up at ole of lie big hotels awl ordered lany dresses at 1 piece , In Headnt Itlet She bought utmost ot the Ue\Mp11Ierj , m rnlnl : Mud evenIng , ant Ihrlred ! , I\ , , could Iot lInt ! an tn1erulng ill ttiie 11 tie whole liJrlnt. Venom hcr 111)1' l Of \lcW th. ) ' \ < ro StUIll / .d Un. utter- I . 'r.'n ' ! 1.1 > la r. , h".t to rU11 (1 'wn tle I elt'r ' ! of l'Ut of tto hli ! . .tIIUoln she ! J : I . tIme IntervIew tim , Inll dIscover Ilow he to get out r'lonrled It \ Lth hiA conscience Ilt so dull a sheet Herr < ay , She < wrote to her editor In New York that 'rotS edior London , , thought 1.Iuw town , was ful 01 good immaterial anti that nobody hall touehed It In the wriing line since Dickens' tlm : therefore she jtraosd ; to wrIte a serIes of articles 01 the metropolis that woull wale them up a bi , The edItor cabled her to ! o ahettul , and site went. ler adventures will form thS subject ot some future chaptcr 1en'on anti Wentworth havln settled to the satIsfaction ot alt concerned the business that hall taken them to Canada , now turned their attention to the mine on which they I hall a atenton uumontbs' option ot purch se. , Kenyon estmatel that the property worked as a mica mlno alone wouhl p.'y ) I handeome dl\hlen(1 on l50OOO , whlo If I a gOOI mallet was to bl hal for the spar In which this mica was ( tull tht Ilne woulll be cheap nt l200.000. lie sid to V'entwcrth however . that as thley Wlro to PaY only l20.000 for tin property It seemell harlly fair to inhale tiiiies that amount. the ( prlc ? to ten tmes "Not a bit ot It . John , " s:11 Wentworth , who was a Ilractcal mnn. "If the mine wi then . pay a good dlm'itiettd , on that amount dl\Ihnd that I Is the right price for It. Now , wo hawn't any ! to lose , E we must get to worlc. The first thing to 10 Is to take these who Iwows Speclittens at spar tu Jme man sper I I ubolt cit I an utu a ott to ! ctitre . alll fnl W hat Ilemall al there Is for I In this country , and at what prlct. That I wIll attend to. The next thlrg Is to get some good man who nnder- thlr/ all about tile tormaton ot companlts to jell Us . You spoke about the mine to young In worth on hoarll the sluip . and ilLs J1me wOlld , be a great bell to tIe In tile city. ( hlhl In hue You go and see' him allI Interest rrojEct If you ran. When these two tasks are occornphleiieuh. we slush have outdo an ex- " . celent beginning Wentworth was , an energetIc man , who < ll the to \ ' under Iul eet. not alow grass Iroundlr ) hiI 10 Bpely discovered that a Mr. lel\Ue was manaler and part owner of one of the largest china establishments In the country , mm lIlt olces In Ionlol. and this man he I sought an interview with , taking wIth him . tome specimens ot spar. "I walt to 1(00W " he sold to : lel\ll "Lt you le this materlnl In the maltng ot chila , I there mich oC a market for I , and at v hat price ? " Melville turncd tie speclmcn over ald over In hIs hand examining It critically . Ills gl'eat knowledge of his business enabled him to Instanl ) ' recognize tile yalue or the mln- oral , but ills taco showed ! no eagerness or en- thmuslasin. When he spoke It was not to answer questions , but to ask some on hIs { ' account ? " "Wilere does this como from ? " "I"rom a mine In Atmuerica " "Is there much of It there ? " "I control a mountain ot It . " "Really. You are canvassing , for orden , perhaps ) ? " ' " :0 , I Inland to tOlm a company for the \oriilng oC that mIne " " ' , "What . price are you asl.lnl for the prop- erty ? Is the mIne In operatIon , or Is It merc ) ' projecterl ? " "I Is In operation ; that is . I Is being oper- , ate,1 as a mica mine but my partnsr , Ken- yon . who Is I mlnlll engineer . says this Is more vllahle than the mIca. We are asking l200OOO for the mllc , " " , "Tht Is a very large sum , " said MelvIlle . : lel\le. placing the slecnen [ on the desk before him. "I doubt It you will get It. " "Wel. wo expect to get It. Kenyol Is at this moment wIth Mr. Lonworth , who spoke ! of Joining us. Longworth's lS objection was that tile sum asked was too smal . " " , "Olrl John Longworth Is , a good man to be aSEoclatCl wltl In a schema or this klnrl , " "I am speaking of his ' , nepbew , \'Illlam " Wiiam I.onlworth . "AIm that Is no" qlie the same tlulng. I know both undo ] ali nepltem' Did you wish me to take stock In the eomllany ? " ) bitt "I bhuld he del/ht d to have you 110 so . blt what r called for was to hlutui out s'hiat fnd ) thought ot this } il'clmen , a 11 to get whlt an Ida ot the demand there Is for it. " "Wel , candIdly . I don't think I. much or It. YOI see this I\nd ot spar Is one ot the most com mOi things In natnro. " "But not In that state of purity , surely ? " "Perhaps lot , but still IHlre enolsh for our PurPoses. I you wi heave tillS specimen ' wih mo I vlIl consult tile wi consul manager or our works I am merely I giving ' olr . glvlnl YOI my own 1m- pre.slon ho will be ; able wi to offer you a more deilnito opinion. Jt you will leave your ad- dress with tue I will ask him to \rlte to you. ' wrie 'hat will be more satsactory. " ) This was somewhat disappoInting , but Wentworth had to tlale the best or It , and the letter rrom the manager , when I ititi- ult- utatohy came , was even mora disconufortlng. ' llscomtortng. The manager of tile works DESlrted that the spclmen submitted to him ' snhmltcd was ot no com- ttmerclul'altle . so tar as he was able to judge. MeanwhIle Ienyol had fared no bettor with young Longworth l.onll\'olh beter some difficulty In recollectIng that ho had over met Ken'on on shIpboard or anywhere else , anti he had no Iemembranco ot the mine at all . 10 questoled John Iln he learned alt the engIneer knew about the matter. and then toM his \Isltor abruptly that the scheme Ind did not commend Itself to him. John Kenyon walked along Cheapslle teel- lag very much doa nitcarted over his rebtttf with I.olgworth. The , prceldcd forgetfulness or the ) 'OUII man , ot course ho took at Its plopel' \'alut. lie . nevertheless , felt \'ory sorry the Interview had been so futile . and Instfall o going back to Wentworth and tell- tel- lag him his experience ho thought It best to I m'ahlc off a little ot his IllsapPolntment first. lie wa' soluevhat startled frst. le Ililewlat started" len n man ac- costell bint . anti , glancing up , ho saw stand- 11mg th@ro a tall fooutman : ! tal arra'c,1 , tn I gray coat that came down to his ht"h. "I beg your panlon , sir , " Raid the rotman , you 'bitt , ' ' Miss Longworth woult like to speak : to )01 , 11rs 'Miss ! : "whore Iong\orlh ts she " ? " saId I\enyol lit slr- "She Is here In her carriage . sIr. " The carrIage had drawn up beside the \\118It , anll John I\en'on looked round , In contullon ta ace that Mists I.ongwarlh vau , Ilglrlng I islet 411(1 , the footman v lilt wal an aml ! 'II air. An elderly \OUlln ul In the carri.gs opposite h r , "hila a grave and J a'fle1 coacbutiatt ' , attired gra\e . l.nll ( oacb'IJI attrcli svll\\hal stunl- lady ! to the fcttnan kept huts place like a Mated slatue to trot . John KIon took off his hat as li ) ' or hil a : hi approached the young woman , whom lie . ; 111 not seen since 'ounl lat day on the " totner . "low are i/ti / , ! t. ICpnyon ? " Mill I.llth Lonlworth brlkbtli , hollln OUt her hlnll to time young mar by ; he carriage.'Iil you not step In 1 I \lt to talk with you . anti I am afraid tim Ilolco will not allow us to block euch a ctbwle < thoroughfare as Citeap- lS side "I As she sal < tItle lie Ilnbl ! footman threw opr the door ot Ito carriage while John , 10t knowing what tl t say , stepped Inside anti look him' seat " I "hlolborn , " said tao young woman to the I coathman : then tUI11nl ) to Ken\'on , clue con tnneI , , "Wi ' II Utt tel me where : you are golutg . so that 1 hrre ! olll. 10 ma know where to set you down ? " ( "To toll he trutl' ' , " tel trutl" saIl Joitn "I tie not think I was going IJIwhere. I nm arnhl I have not yet got 01 , ) the delight ot belnl back In Land uuu allln , so I soemtme ! is'alk alon the streets In rather n Iurposelcl'3 manner. " , " \Veii , ) ' 01 tll i.t ionIc very dslghtel , wbel I fIrst lJlght 11ght at you I thought you were Ilnst ( ejeHed , and that ga\'o me couragl' enol/h to.II ( you to cOle anti talk to I . I said tu" 'self , there Is sOlethlng wrong with the utIca ' unllte , nuai . with a votuian's ctuuioety : t , II wantEI to know all about . " It. Now tell time. tel le "There Is really k'ery , little to toll. We ha\'e harlly begun ret. Wentworth Is today lookIng over time fturts 1 ga\ ' ! him , and 1 have ben mnkln/ : a beglnnll by seeing some 11roplp \ \ 110 . Itbought , mlgbt be Inter- esipli In the ittltte. ' ' , "Amtti \ero the ) . ? " " ' " "No they . : tlY were Mt. "Theut that was th'c reason you ) were loolt- Ing so dIstressd . " "I FUlpose I l. wat. " "Vehi. tlOW . : lr. ' 'Ken'on , I you get die- couralt1 after an Interview with the just , person you ththuml 1 < 1 b3 lntc'rested In the Ilne , 1 \ hat wIll yotu ,10 , when . I dozen 01 10ro with It ltpoplo ? " refuse to have an.tbll ! to do "Im sure I don't 10\ . .1 am utrall I am not the right person to feat a mine on the London market. 1 al real ) a stllent , ynu see anti \ man ot science. I know whit ' - 4 1)\ ' helm I um In amine mine mies away from . cl\llzaton ; but when , I gt amonI men I .teel bomehow at a lose. I ,10 , not understaol them , When a man tells tels tIme one thing tOI" . and tomorrow ealll ) ruses forgets lute. all ' ' about I. 1 confess It-well-con- "Then the lan you h1e seen tOla ) has torloten what ho told you yesterday . hI that tile cast ? " . "Y R ; that Is part ) the ase. " "lint : Ir. Kemuyout . the /Uccss or your 11rlject Is not goiru . to delelul upon what one man t'JS , or t. or three , is I ? " "No ; I don't SUIIIISt It ts. " "Then It I were you I would not feel dls- < eouiragetl because otto lan has Ptrgotten I wish I were aequalntlL with ) our one man 1111 I I woull . make him ashalel of hlmse1. Kenyon fushed all sio said this , but laden Itt \ repl ) ' . The coachman lool.el around as he came to 10lhorn , anti Miss l.onllorth entitled to him. sn he trent ott . wllo.ut 10ppg , UI ( Into Oxford street. "Now I talw a gl cut Interest In your mine , Mr. Kll'on. amid hope to see you ettcZeett , with It. I wish I roull helll yotu , 01' , rather , I wish you woull he frank wih tIlt' . anti let le know how I . can help you . I know I good , dal about city len anl their warl' , 011 I thmlhummay be able to give you Fome good al\ ' ltf I least It you will hav the couulescensl'M consult me " , \galn 1enon fluitetl . "You are mal < nl gamt ot mo now , Miss Longmvoith. or course as you said on shipboard . It Is but avery . " " very > mal maUcr. "I nevet' " sid any . .uch thing. When dId I .ay that ? "You said timaLO4OG was a small matter. " "Diti I ? \VPltLauIi " hike your man who ha1 forgotten ; I have { orgJtten that I renlmbor s3)'lng soulmetlulng . abomt ; Its helng too slal un amount for my ( ab11t to deal with 'Was no\ \ that what 1 said ? " "Yes , I thln't that ' w4s It - I con\'e'et the Idea to m ) 1111 thfOU : \ tholght 50,000 a very trilng sum.n' 0\ , . dlth I Lo\gwor ) : . . "What a terrible - ble unetnoi'y 3' do not wu-ior tt lemol'Y ) 10 \t your city umlaut tOI .ng- - Art ) ' 11 sure what yestcda you told ) ' hll ? d11 not hall\en longer ago than "Ye , It happenell some time ttefnre. " "Ah , I thought 0 I am atrald ! It Is your own terrible lemOr ) ' anti not his torgetul , ness that 10 to btalo . ' ' I ' 'Oh , I am not blantuug , him n , all. A lan has every right to change hmi. umuiutd , I he hl111nd wants to " I "I thought only a woman . Iud that prl\l- loge. I " I "No ; for mr part I trely accord I to pressing. everybody " ; only vmelmes , I t Is a little de- "I can Imnlne that. In act , I think no ! one could ba a morl' Illeslrahle acqnlintance than a man who forget today what ho prom- heed yesterday , e ecaly It nnthlng partcu , lar depended upon It Now wimy cannot you como to our house Jme evening and have a talk about the mine wih my cousin or immy father ? My father could give you much valu- ahle advIce In reference to I , and I am anxious that m ) cousin shoull help to carry tlmis project on to snccess. I Is better to talk with them there thau at their ofce , becau the hoth hus ' the that I titey are so inlay dnrlng day am afraid they uniglib . not he able to give the lme necessary to its dlscn ! 'lon , " John Kenon shook his head. "I am ) afraid , " Ito said "that wonld do no good. I do not , think your cOlsln canes to have an- thing to do with the mile . ' ' 10 , " 110w can you say that ? ml , he not dls- dusts tile mater wRit you on hoanl ship ? " "Y\S ; we hal mme convrsaton about It there , hnt I Im1glne that-I really do not I thlnl , , , ho ) would care to go any farther . with "Ah , I see , ' ' Dalt Eilth Lougworth. "My I cousIn Is the , lan who 'rorgot today what ho saltl ' . ' " sall 'esterday " \hat am , to say Miss Longworth I do not \\unt to say ' ) 'es , ' and I cannel truthful - fully say 'muo. ' . - , "You neell . sa ) ttothlng. 1 know exactly how I has heen. So he does not want to have any thin ! to dO\lh I ? What reason diti , he give ? " . ( . ' "You will not say anything to him about thin Inter ? I should boer ) ' sorry I he thought that I talked .p any one else tn roter- ) ence to It. " "Oh , certainly not ; I wIlt say nothing to him at al . " "Well , he gave no partcUlar reason ; he Almply seE utmeut , 10 have changed his mind. . nut I must say this , he did not appear to be 'ery enthusiastc about It when I talkel with him on board ship. " "Wel. you see : . Kon'on , It rests with mo now to maintain the honor ot the Long- . worth famIly. Do you want to make all the profit there Is to be made In the Ilca mlne- that Is yourself and your friend Mr. Went- worth ? " - "How do you mean 'alt the profit ? ' . " \tI , I mean-would , you share the profit ' " with anybody ! , "Certainly , I that . person could help us to form . tile company. " _ "Very well ; I was on that basis ) ' 01 were going to take In . hyiousiui as n partner , was I not ? " J' - " ' noteA . " I I ' "Then I shoulll .lcQ to share In the profits ot the mine If h uoe $ not take an interest In It. I you wi let me pay the Ilrelminary expenses - penses Qf tormlnl thIs compan , and It you wIll then give moo I z share . of what you make I shall be glad to tUfnl3h . the money you need nt the outset. " John Ienon 100itcII at Miss Longworth with a auntie. "You jro very Ingenious Miss I.ongworth. but 1 C3n see In spite ot your way ot putting I. that what you propos Is merlly I form or.chariy. . Suppose we dll not succeed In 'forming our company , how could wo repay yott the money ? " "You woull not need to repay the monoy. I would take that rIsk , I Is , In a way a sort of specitlatloum. I you form the company , then 1 allah expect a very large reward for furnishIng the funds. I Is purely selfishness . ness on uiiy ' * ' . -I .iclil'm'e I have a head for buslMss. Wumen In this Ountry do not get ElCh chances of < developing their busIness talents as they seem to ha\o In AmerIca In that country tlero Ire women \ho have made torlunes for themsel\es. I beil&ve In your mine , and 1 \le\o you wilt succee beltve In forming your comp n ) ' . I you , or It : Ir , \\'entworth , were capitalists , ot course Ihero would bo no need of my assistance. I I were alone I could not form a company. 101\ and ! . Wentworth can do what I cannot do. You can appear before the publIc and attend atend to all I'rlmlnarll ' On the other hand I be- hove I can do \ \ ha' neIther or you Cn do ; that Is , I can supply a certaIn IIOnt 10 money each week to pay the expenses ot tormlng the company ; because n company Is nat formed In I.vndon for nothing . I assure _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - . , - 1& 'ou. Perhaps you think you h.l 8Impl to go onll see a 8unclent number er people und get your compan term < d. I fancy you wIll fnrt It not 80 easy as all tlat 1esldes this business In'erest I have In It , 1 ha\o a very friendly Interest In Mm' : Wentworth " Ae she said this she bnt over toward John ICen'on anti spoke In 1 lower tOll of voice. " 1les ! do IOt tel him so , because I thlnle that he I 1 young man who hu II0slbltes or being conreltel . "I shall say nothing about I. " said ICcn ) 'on , doetul ] ) "Please do not. the I wish ' not 1y way , \Ish you would give mute : lr. Wcntworth's altos , so that I la ) ' cmmunlcato wih him If a good hlelstrlces mtie , or I flHI out . something ot \'alue In rOrnlng 1 compan . lenyon took out a curd , wrote thom all. dices or Weltworth npoi\ It , and hanlell I to her . " 1hanl. you , " she said "Yon see I )01 deejuhy [ lmpathlzOI with : Ir. Wntworth for what ho had to 1138 through on tile steamer. . ! "Ito was very gratetul for all yeti did for him on that occasion , " reple1 Kenyoum. "I am gall ] of that. People , as I generl thing are 10t grateful for what their { rletls do for titcium I am gad : . therefore , that Mc Wentworth Is an exceptiomi. Wel , suppose you talk wih him about what I have salt ! before you lal.o ill 3Oti 1111 I shall ito quie content with \ hatt\'er share ot the prolts yotm alow hue. " "Ah , that Is lot bm'lnes Miss Long- \vort Iu. ' ' 'No . . It Is not ; but I am dealing wih you -thtat. . is . with Mr. Wentworth-In this mat- ter and I am slre both of )01 vIiI do what Is right . Perhaps It woull bo batter not to tel him who Is to rurnlsh the mone ) ' . Just say you have met a ( rlcll today who offers , for I rtasonabll share at the Ilrols , to sUllply all the 10ney imecossary for tile pro- lluutiutary expense You wl consult with hm : about it . will you not ? " "Yes , It It Is ) 'olr wish " "Certnlnl It Is my wish ; , unrl I also wish you to do I so Ilcel ) ' that you will conceal m ) minute trom It 10re sucessuly than you concealed - cealed noon. " my cousin's name trom mite this after- "I am afraid 1 am very awln\ard. " said JOhl , biutsiltulg "No , yeti are \ 'ory honEst , that Is nil. You ha\'e not berome accm'tomc,1 to the art or tellnl what Is not true. Now , this Is where wo live.Vlil you come lit ? " "Thanl , you no ; I'm afraid not , " sold Jolt11. "I I lust real ) ho going uoa' , ' "Let the coachmau take you to ) 'our sta- Lion. " "No It Is 'not wOIh the trouble : It Is only a step ( rom here. " "It Is 10 trouble . \hlch Is your sta- tioti. South 1ensllgton ? " "Yes. " " "cr ) ' well. Drl'e to South Ken lngton station . 1rl.er , " she saId , to the couchman : anll theut Il lnin11 / the steps , slio wa\'et her halHI In goolll ) ' as the carriage turnell AI\l so John Kenon , wlholt the price of the carriage anti horses to his nautie drove In tilts gorgeotle equtipago to the tInder- t11 ! IOr ! rqlipa/o Intr- grottunt staten ant ! took time train for tl cl ) ' . As he stellpell front the carriage at South Kcnslnton , YOUIl 10nlworth came out ot the staten on hIs s'ay home , oUII wa simply tlmtountell to see Kel'ol In tile Long- worth's crla e. John pas ' ' 11 him without notcln ! wht It am'as Inll just IS the coaehman was 'going to start again , Longworth salt to him : "Parler. ha\o YOU heen 111cdng up Cares In the street ? " "Oh. no , sIr , " replrll the respectable Iarle r. "the 'oung gelteman as just left tS came 111 Crom tile city with Miss Long- Wort it. " "Dll lie . ( JlpCIhlre did you pick him up , lnrl.pr ? " "Wo lllclced him lp In Cimeapsldo sir. " "Ah.ery ! ood. I will just step Inslte , " aHI wIth that , muterlnl some Imprecatons on the cheek of 1elon , ho steppe Into the carriage ali drove homo. ( To ho Coumtiiiueui. ) . 'I'II Id Iln ( 1\'ICliT ) 11"I , . Captain J.V. . Crwfold , "Tho Poet scout : " In Itecreatton. Iecrca Lon. 1 11 nar crowdi'u' the cloo email . tu eighty , gt I I' mighty :1) hair it 1 > whie nn' scatlcl an' my back hal got a beutti. I i : am phal , ' un m ) ' trotters , an' 1) ' eyes hus got su ,1m r I : kin acltreehy see you 10nntaln that s oC'on r have clint. I\e gallrl,1 , UII S0l0 treasures that I \nluo uriglity htigit , At' thull ono whkh all the mOle ) ' o' time talth could never In ) ' . . \mong m ) ' l o,19 , an' chattels hero I prize I I 1010 thal nil 'l'hat . 01' Ki'mmtuclty rUle hangln' Ilal' ag'ln tile wall . wal. Is stock Is ! earlc't ' un' battered , an' Its hm"1 Is full o' nlcln' ; Its lock Is worn wih 8arvlce till I scarce kin hear Its clplt ! It's bet tile shtiutin' beauty 'at It hal whrn I wml young . . But wlH'n I sPeaks I ltasuu't lost the sltarp- ICSS of Its tonglle. Itvniu ummy lonc eon1ullon when this country - try was a wili , I 10'e,1 I dear U ! father ever loved a favored eltlld. Ca\oled chid. \n' le,1 , IWIW skeery moments wiuu'ti to mc 'twas . all II nil , 'hat 01' Kenttuchty mule Iiauugia' thaI a'ln the avail. Lots o' deer has fell hefole I ; } 'l' : n' man ) ' a panthtor . too , An' II early days some Injul9 Imowtd about what It could , do An' n sqllr'f eye peejtlut' at mo CIOI thr \er ) ' tallest tree I coulll hu'sl ni Into hit an' brIng the critter Ilown to uimc' \n' tile Chrl'ma hootln' latlhe " , tans- tel' mile ! hut wa'n't they fun ? An' I reclwn I RIII'lsed 'em wih the houtln' 'at I done . < Ever turkey 'at I llrwcll emi caught the vengealwo oC mm luau , 1 hal I'rom that 01' Kelutuclty rlfo ItaumgIut' thaI ug'ln the wal I have seoul tIle now Inventons tltcy are ' ) maldn' nOv-a-.la1 An' I 0' OWI 11)10 ; mlghl ( ) elicit In 1 variety They ate limuit'somflo CUI to hook nt , . you can load 'emma wih I snap . An' you never ha\t to bother smith n flintlock - loci om' n cap : You kin shoot 'em mlht ' ' whcn ' ! ) lively ) 01 brIng 'cmii to II ( seu'titcii , Xe\'el' ha\e to rm ) 'el' hulet8 , never havt to Clt 1 patlh. Blt fill' close an' halr-hrclHh shtootiti' I pould 01 ( day 10wI 'em all \Vitii that ot' Kltley rlo hanuln' thar ag'ln the a'uuhi. Thals one thtlng mal.es mo love Il n I nO\r did atoru- . \\'hen I heeled < tile rlngln' smmOl9 callima' lo'al men to war ; All the nn that 111'cll my daddy In the re\ol u lon < a1 : Got u-8urgln' In Ilay bosom till 1) ' heart ' was all abltuze . Then I sholilierell that 01' rifle , filled may : bullet pouch wIth heath , , Put that 01 warm clii ) o' coonskin sort 0' Ittclles ! on mmty head , An' I offered them the utarvlce or a mighty keen-t'el mann Fur to do : mt fancy shootn' under glorious old Derdatu . Im IQt Inchineth long ago to : braggln'-qult that busl- Blt wlll I nun t'nhled to answer fur m ) statl1tlts lucre below I Idl face the J'at Commall ( with n ' ' conscience clam' an' linigltt . ' Arter sxtyin' that ( 01' cilIa ' done her shal" In naaity a lhltt. Ius'n't It ' Icht. surprlsln' , when n re : thought he was 11111 Fur tl glt a Slal(1 ( I'emcmbl'ance ( as n many ot 'em Ulti ) . . That hue optics ' or I Yank was penetrtn al a Iwk' ! " 'hel a 'urchln' Cur a gra'coat hil up In the trees 01' roiks. Through tile II0od } ' war 1 parked her , and hroulht her homo ag'ln Prowl an' sassy o' the lecord that I tult her In to win ; . \n' \Ion ago \U ; creep In' on me nn I coutdn't shoot no moore \Vitlt m ) ' Ihnk ) ' hnn.ls . I hung hCI' up to rest ) above the door. 'hon title 01' an' worn-ant body under tlls neuth tile ground time ) ' hldl. 1\0 asked 'em II0unl lay It sort o' lovin' mide. . hy my /ide. An' when Gahr'el hlowt his trumpet Il mnareht up'urd at time call . hlangin' on to that 01' rlfo over thar ag'n ! 1110 avaIl . tle1. . 1al1'll'l'lHS' Father O'hlahioran had a telephone put Into the parsonage In connection with lao church ald Jar elill schol , relates the 10iton Transcript. Patrick ? Icl.'ee. his rev- orenca's handy man , was Instructed In thD Ull ot the Instrument . aut I was only the next day when Pat , dustlg out the church horJ the ' rllln" ot the telephone 1)11 Tklldown Ithe ' u-eeolver' I'JtrldtJ8 pleased to hear Father O'II.tlloran'a tamilA voIce akln ! him somethll or other about hIs work In esayIng to answer be remcm. brrf ( that his reverence was I long way off ald therefore he IhoulNl Into the transmiter at the top of his "Ilre. "I 'loti't ' unllerstal\l you , PatrIck " sahl the telephone , telp\hol Pat tried again wih no better Illress. On hIs third trial ho came Mar ( splitting the telephone , but again . cll' I.'athe O'llalbor. an's a'nlce , "I can.t hear what ) 'ou'r amy- ) hug , Plrlclc. " Pat had II this lme lost sOlethlnl ot hIs 11atence , a,1 : as ha stood gathering breath for a fourth blast ho couldn't bllst eoulln't rttrall from sollolUlzl itt n low tone : ' 'Aim . Iay the dl\1 ly \ ny avid the oull tool ! " hilt Pat dropped the ( telephone ikII hot potato anti fell to lila knees In Islayhen ho heard ' ' ' Pathcr O'hlalloran'u' voice once again : "Now I hear ' ' , " ) 'ou perfectly , Patrick , Dr. lacknight , a Scotch cler'luu , wn ! \\as tIme author at seeraloults npon re- Igleus subjects , lInt , ! along his pnrlshlonrrs a blaclcslih as ho thou ht thl doctor's smrlt- lug learned books was 1 great Illstnke , anll a sad'uste at tlmue. One ( III ) ' this blncltsmlh was asle1 h ) a stranger It Ur. Iaeknl/ht was then lt the utannee. ' 'Na . 11 , " replied , the blacksmith , wih a simko ot his shutiggy heal , " ( lie tiloul'S gone to l llnbro 01 > u Wf tImeless job " The doctor hall gone nIT to the lmniilters wih his eurnoll ] allialuable work called "The larmon ) ' ot the Four ( los- 1)015. " The stranlcr Ilqulred curiously what , ' " " ' ' ' ) the . "lstIlS joh" was. .wl I , " 111 Iho blaekstnlthu . looking at his 'Iuestoler . sharpl to see It his anSWlr met with time apprecta- lon It macriled . "he's HOlO to . utiale' lour mel all ce whu ulcer cast out I" "Johnn , " harl' cal ! < out Deacon Iron- side "get up ! It's t t ; o'cloclc. " .Iohnn ) ' cattle tumblng down the ltalrwa ' . relatee 1 the Chicago Tnibumue . In exactly three unlumutes fully drcssed. "You'ro luprovhll " siiti the deacon grlll ) "This Ic I the first SUIlar mornlll 1 ever knew yeti tu conl < o\n In less than an hour I won't ha\o to staUII over you with a club this tlno to get you read ) ' for church . "l.'or church ? " ecloll Johnn ) "I guess not. WhM are you talkln' about , rather ? IluumkImms Bros. ' circus Itt goln' to lUlkll" 110 : , II pas our hOUN II abolt half al hour on their asny out to Jiuuttoavn. I was awtuly atralll I' ) miss ll ) . . . eollt' It. 'fhls uln't Sunday . It's Satur. "Er-I : gless 'ol'rl nigitt Johnny . . teehlr clmln rejoilell tl good ilencout . rubbIng . his , Gauizook-I see that : l clergman who was runling for th" I legl I lahlro t Itt Ohio has lupeum canght alemllllg to extort II bllb ! ' his is I I sad 11slraton or the clerg'mnu In ioiittcs. 7uittis-Ott. no It i iilustra- poltcs. ZUUHIsOh 10 : I II 11 lustr- lon , rithter . or politics In a clel'gl1an. - - - ' 677 SS rOI COLDS Griley Colds. Colds m'o epldomlc and quite g Ilppey. Mark that nearly every person you meet Is coughing , sneezIng or' wheezing , and yet il Is so easy to be "cold ploor" by using " 77. " I nets directly out the mucous nlenlblnno-stops the cough , 10- stories the voIce , clears the throat and head , dlsp21s the Innguo , and the cold Is gone , not to return - turn Ir you keep ! " 77" handy " 77" cures Colds , Gt'lppe , In- flucnza Catni'r'h Pains and Soreness fuonza , CnlnIIh , SOTE- ness In the Head arid Chest , Coug , Sore Throat , General Prostration and Fave . 77" will I " 'break " stub- 'i "brenk up" 0 - born cold that "hangs on " Dr. 1ulphI0)8 pute up a Hpeclt0 rt'cry dlpAQse. 'he ) are described In his \anuol , which Is sent ( too. Smul bottles of plpasant ttemlet5-llt 'our vest IIII"I ; , olll II lrttggtot'u 01 sent on oellt I o l > le. 25c , or itt e for $111) . 1111,110) , ' ' ' \ tpl- , 'tue (0. Ht . . and 13 William 8t. New \011 , . Be euro to g"t H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y-S' I1DII1St LDDIPJJ ] . ' APEi'i ' 1 A . PECIAI r. Y0005T7 enTer. tmurybyphtiltamiermanerttiy cured In 16 to 35 dnY8. You cnn botreateent homo for S thosamepniceiuntiorsanjoguarammty . I YOU prctor to C0l0 hero wo will contract to pny raIlroad Zero and hotel bills , and no anl an charge . If we fall to Cure I YOU have tken miter- cury , Iodide potush , anti still have ache , anti palns.1ucous'utchl'.ln ( moutiuHorOTIlnoat . 1'llplcs. CIJper Colored : Sllot8 , Ulcers ' on any Illrtof tiac DOily Hair II Ey.browl fl Inl out , It latbtst43'phtiitlo uruun l'OISON tle tee guarantee to cure Wo / lclt the mot ohst- late Clh' " lul chaleno the , orll for 1 (1"00 < nlnot curt' 'l'hts dloa8a hna nlwnys baled till Skill \ of time m".t emInent phYII- ( I.UH. IIUHULU ) capltnl behind our uneondi' lIOnel l guaranty. AbiohiltO protilit sent 8011e < 1 on srimlic'ition. Address tOOlt ) ItEM ) CO. . 301 lueonlo Temple , CflICM.0 , l ' \1 teach , Ih' , mnrt'1otms French I " 1' UomeJy $ CALT } , 00,1 , R I , . NI 1 f ( legal gimaraulteotatit lALTICS , \,1 01 , lTO I' nmunrge. J , " , . n' , i ( : i9:1E : . ttTRC Spt'riuutorhriS nrlcohe "I lJb''OIC 1"1 Vigor _ r . " ' ( ' ' lS t a lid ia ) ' tfa1isd . arJati.t. ) t" 1 A " . VON MOIL CO. " ! aol , Jutl'l * " MOlL . . O ) I. " - . = = - 4c:1-H GREaTIHUDYAN $ eiosI . -p ; . ! : This extra- Conatl , ritlon , otdittiiry lte ' " Conltlaton juyontor Ii , Failing Sea- Cite most . stationuNerv- * ' flton Ner. wondoru' ouistwlciiing : OiS twlchlnI discovery of , ot limo eyes the age. I. and other has been en- pauts . pall. danced bytho .e' Strengtllcns , ieamlluigcelen' Btrenrthens Invlgorates t 11110 snout of J oriies and , and toncs the Europe , cotirosyatem . America . ) be ' . Iudyan cures punchy Iludyan vega : ; . , . lelJ lIt I 1 t1 , table. Nervousness , Hutlian steps , PmlutolD , Preiflaturtiess ' and restorts of tile ( I I a- weak organs , citargo ho 20 , , l'aiums lii tllt days , ( 'Itreti hack totaca 1 , 0 ST ' by ay or iMU1OOD . Ightstopped I 'j" , , . . , quIckly. Over 2,000 private eatlorcerncnts . 2.0 prvale < l'rernaturenCS meaLY Imlltenoy tlho first etaco. H Is a eYrploU ohcmlunl WCnkDe ali Lam , le 1 . I can bo topped In O liars byIho neW 1i0 dl5covef ( ' ) ' . , mode tJY Iho Splrlal. het-uoftho ( old C.il0l ) ludson Ms41Cl Inatiluto . 1 et the ( strongest vhalzlr mMe. I 1 very powerfhl , but ha.ml'l. ' 8111 ( fur 81,0 n pack. ago orO Iakages : Cor 5.OOilain ( , IcaIM boxes ) . Written guarantee girsuiforaCure. Irol bur ! six lioO.i arnteo Irl mirth 3nlrrly cured , st'x moore 1 ilI : sent to you free ofll ChlrK K end tr chrcm2lam'l1nii teatimorliale. Adlrcu < ' ' ' lIthIt3ON MlUIOAL JH1'ITU'r. , "uDoHll Htcltol , Market . Cal. & ) > 11. S&I. , Pau . . - ' . . ARE YOU THIN ? . I - Do You Want to Be. come Fleshy ? A FEW SIMPLE RULES - 11'.h ali Nut Ilt I Whlt Is l NCl'"INt What thin people want Is flesh anlol \ fat . To bo e'metlcal and properly poportoned every person Ihould ha\'o a certain amount ot Ilesit. To bo Illulp does not necessarIly mltaul to bo tat. Pat Is undesirable . It clog ant retards the acton or every lucle , Il' tertrros wIth the healthy acUou ot limo heart and lungs , amid when excess Ion vrethlspoces 11rol of fatty degeneration or vital Orhat , to say ! nothing ot thl dlscomtort moro or less result- Inl ( rol excessl\e adipose tisetie. lot\lon sense woull suggest thai It cute wishes to become fleshy ant plump the thing most ttedell wouhl bo Jesh torllt1 foods ; In other svords albuminous toods , like eggs , beet , oatmutemal ctc. 'flue Ilnds ot IOitI that lalo Jtsh are the foods torml1 thu greater hart or our daily bill ot tare r Now tile ani ' ' , outly ) reason so many people roe main thll Is bcllsl thlr stolncns do hot properly atd com lclel ) ' digest atmd assImIlate thto iiesii forlutlrtg beef steak auud eggs sa'o eat every day. There are titoiusapds of simelt ptople , and tIte , are really dyspeptics , altllotugil thtey tutcy not stIffer auty tarmIcuIar vaIn or Incons'enienco front ( ltmir Stotumacius , f such versons would take with their uneals soumto lmraparat ion like Iuart's Dyspepsta Tablets tile food would ho quickly digested amId hue proper degree of piiututpuuess very soon sectire'ti , 1mecnuus these Tablets are hireltared exactly for that pur. hose , They will digest every variety of Ilesim foriumlumg tooti , Wiliolt Is tue solo reasomu athy 11103' 50 quickly butliti up anti strengthen thip , dyspeptic mulemu and wrnnumm , Stuart'a 1)3'speJsla Tablets cure dyspepsla iiumti every forimi of luttilgeelion on this commuon 501150 plaum , ti.tt they digest ( hue food ltromnphl3' , gIs'ltug stremtgtim to every uten'o and orgaut Ill tlio hotly , shmil at time' sante tIme tile stQlutacit line a cllatmea tO rest clad recover its utittural vIgor. Notiilmtg further Is ma- ( htilrCi to cure any sloumunelu trouble or to omako tltiut , dyaeptIc jicoplo strolug , luiiitp anti well. ThIs e'chlouit pr paration I naanttfumcitirotl hy tile Stuart Cheutatal eouilpauuy , Marsitnhl , Micli. , and sold by druggists cvcrysvhuoro at 60o imor package. , " , , ' , , i ' , ' . IliI.Vi'IU\t 1 , Ytltlt , N , Y , , ii W''il Stills St. 'I'll i , H't'I'l' ( SC1IIil , ( ruiJ ( 'enrai i'alk ) trr.'rs a IiLtu1ima'h'1I hioMfl tNt ) cmfl'flR- ( ) ( ; fl t' ) 3Oilt iatlic's tlesIr'iti , of titkimu5 suteial course , , Tttnrotughu cotiegiae ( itreparatIon. at ist , ' , \ , t . Ltmlgta.tg , . 3m I to. Fruttettt , ( for- ulierl a % Itti alms Sivtiitiii heed ) , aura , Cluas , Leslie 1tu'rgaut , t'nluictpais. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purchasing goods made at the following Nebraska factories. If you can not and what You want communicate wIth ( h manttfuic. turers as to what deamera handle their oods. JI.IGS , .IiUlfL.t1' rIJ'i'i : , BEMIS OMAhA BAG 00 , MenUfacturere of nil kind. . of cotton apti bun. itup bags , cotton ( tour eack. anti twine spec. tally. CIh.616.6I8 3 11th-Si , - - - - - - . flUflP'flIfi'IC.S ( , - - - - - - - - OI1IIA BIE1V1NG ASSOCIATION , Ca. ' load sitipunent. mastic In our own refrig. . rater cars. lilue Ittbl.ton , L'lite Iczport , Vlenua txport , and I'amIiy Esport , delivered to till Parts of cIty. = = _ _ = _ _ _ : : : : _ : : = - _ _ - - . - . . . . - . - OIflflLIjS .ts'1) ir.iao.'s. A , J , SUIPSON , 1409-11 Dodge-st. Tile best and eiaeapett pac ! to buy a good hiuggy , Carriage orS'agoh , Age. for the best rubber ( Ire In use. DRUMIOD CARRIAGE 00 , put rubber tires and ball bearing axle. on tileiC osa uuuake vehicles , and cell a top buggy ( or l&.0o bedlcs. Write theun. itihu anihlarticy. ( Ol'I'IEf1'1UI.S , 11.1 ICI.\I VU iJ1)11t , - - - - - - - - - -------7-- C0SJ11DAT ) ! ) GJPF ) , Coffee Roaster , , aplea Grinders , ? danufactur. crc ( leltilal , iahcing VoWdor and Oenmuaan Dni hop Yeast , 2414 and 1(10 hlarney'et. , OntiuitFi. Uob I'IoUlt , , S , F. GILIAN. Manufacturer of Cotti Medal I'hour , C , E , niacucltmnnger. Omshi J.UR.vITLJu , ; r.lUTUlfIt.S. - - - - O\IAllA \ UPHOLSTERING CO. ! ttanufaciurers of I'arior 1'urntture , moung a , DinIng 'rabmes and 1'oidiitg lied. . 2SlIt Mve. , i'I to Stualer Hue , 1CC .1. ' , ! ) ( J.II , SOU'FIIOIAIIA ) ICE ANDCOAL 00 , Douneotfo and fiteam Coal. We ns. the 05,1. Otitco 1601 Farnain-aL Tetephone : Olitce 373 , ! : . , . .1. A. floe. Oenerai Manager. - IIf(1. _ it'lIIO. ' , . IDUSTItIAL IRON WORKS. a.nufaeturn ( anti itepairing of .ti kind , at maitiiuuory , engines , pumps , ste. . atur. prtntIn presea , hangers , shafting anti couplIngs 1405 antIllOOIjoward-st. , Omalia PAXTON & VIEIILINU IRON WORICS , Xdaaufncurers ( of ArchItectural Iron Work , Oeuuerai Foundry , MachIne end hllactcamlth 5'erk. Enginceus and Contractor. for l'Ir. i'roof Iiull'tingl 010cc saul WorkS ; U , I' . Itr , ofl'l Ho. tutu . .treet , Omaha , - - - - . ; _ _ _ = _ - : : : - - - - JLI 'r'rl.5s , COl'CItUt. ' , - - D0 Manufacturer Llattresaea , Spring fleda Jobber Feathers and l'iliowL N. 14th anti Nichoma. 5(5 ( , . Omaha , - - = . . ' , 'III'J' IV.I'l'UII , J'IIIi , SICI'LC1 , A1ERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect protection to property. F.xam. Inc it. flest thing oo eariu.i Itetiucea Iuasur. mince rat , , lIiI Douglas-at , = - - . - . - . - - - - - = = - = - - - _ _ _ _ _ : - _ - . ( ) I'ItIt.hI.I , i'.lJ'OItI1. ' , Ii 1'Z-NEVINSCO , Manufacturers of lIen' . and h3o'a' Clothing , rants , Himlrts and Overalls , I)21l2 5 , 11th 31 , - : - - = = = = - - : - I'41.f jsuXi. ' , . - TIlE OAI1A PAPER BOX 00 , Manufacturer. of all klnhi of Paper Box , . , ghelf lOose. , Hampia Coca. , Mailing 'hiuties eta. Yeddlng cake an'S fancy candy boxes , druggist and jewelry boxes , 3O8-1O Jjuaea-at , Omaha , - - - - - - - - - - - - ti,1I1CI' P.tU1iICIl , JHEVAllSIEllRASKA SIIIRT 00 , IJacluliva CuatOun ahtirt tailor. . IZl Faraam - - - -