- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ " - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ . - - - - . - - , Ir------7------ : i---- : I . . . . . 10 J'JI.1 ! OMAhIA nAl.hY ; , > qi ? ; SUNDAY NOVm\BJaIt : 10. 180 ; ) . " ; r. _ - - ' - @ ] ! Ji m llffi ! [ @ ! r@l ! @ ! roolW. : r@onrm1I@ ! : ! @ r@ ! , @ ) \rmrr \ , J Ii : Professor Vin Wagener's Eye. il . . E , , l lr'r : : \\T. L ALUI N. ! ( f [ J , I , [ Q'ffill@j ) ! mJ JWJr Jr iJ @ 1J@fiJfiJJWIiNII@@JJ'@J ! [ JI@ @ ] , - L - - - c------- ( ( ' ' ' gnrbhI , . . 1" " , Iy W. r. Alhnr ' " . " said , the colonel a8 " . "TI'lr ' It I "III' ' lhI1I : \ ire acre wsikhg ; ) : airing Ih' Irlllll one even lug , "In whirl L adnn ' II bellln.1 the age , and l that 1M In thp matter "t 1.lpcltl lI { Ighting.l , , ; I lIer\nopolll\'lI1e \ : I Tekp my 01'011 town or New . It hnsn't lI1"rp than tiO/QO ) Inhabitant , but I three ISl1't n MftS lamp In thl' whole plan " . E'C'j : Cl'pt In 1t"w hlU8PI Theo streets and , IIIfJst . ot thl' hOIJPe are nil lighted / with electricity ! nlll , 1 Iholll < ln't be surprised to find , when I I got home again that our people were doing' j nil thnlr coJoklng and house warming ! / by 11''rlc ' hl'at. Why you IIrlll8hers etlll slick tlu Is something that I can't to gas as you ncunl for. "IJI I e\'p tel you about old I'rot. Van \VapPner au.1 hs : electric 11'lnlions ? Well . this looks like a respectable barroom aid , I you say so wp'l stop In and have : o Ille' ' soh1Pthing , and I ' 1 I I tel you nhout the pro' IImlthln0 . was ono ot our most ret arbahle I j Into , and . though the general public dntsn't . I knew II , hI did flint' for thp Nlupe of else- . tl' city thou t almost any man In , \merlca. cx- ctpt Edison ! "Ahoul two years ago . " began the colonel ) and tried In as hI sipped ' his hot Scotch a 111 trle.1 'air : to tit back ] on Its Imaginary hind 111:3 the Mora al whlh we were eltting . "Iror. , most folks went ns Val Wlt nlr crazy ' , ln- thought , on the subject of ellltrlcl ) laIHlp"II1 , lalli ' wlr" his partlllal style ot IUlolr , unit , hr node lp hH mlUI that he f : wouldn't h.V , any other sort ot light In his house. You 1no his eight WO beginning to get a Ilttli' dim . \10lh made , h1 ; tlssatsnCI with gas . and then hI had . Imoclld over his ! kl'rop"II lauqparatfin. . I believe you Ial It I . , - - u , = . t TILE IIOI"HOlt [ LLI'mNATS . [ : TiE SEI\ANT. - - - - - - - - - over here , thought I Iion't sec what right you have to Invent new naiI : for things that \1'0 Americans have natiiel-half a do + Pf times Amlrllals hJ' ! IHII"I-halt I to..n tme3 and , hat rune so hear to seltng thin hOlso on , . . lire that lie was anxious to g 't r,1 ! , or hero' , 6 ne ( 'Ito oh r. Then rigiln , he believed that rlctrlfly : would \e a good , deal ehHIH than gis . provided I was properly lalaglr ; and , "IR. 1'1 ( InrHIt to think that hl" was rlghl. AnYIIY , he tolll Mrs . \ 'alaglllr that he was golll : to furnish h the house with In- Iallh'depnt IIht3 acid llut phI mlht sell her , kerosene lamps and her gas fxtures for what Miry " would bring. "Nits' this hycr professor WI3 not only 3n Inelfols man , hut he was I II'ncleal I luau which Is something that a professor very seldom is lie saw that I was all I nihs- talI to have lights fixed lit one place , as gall : burners are . or to have them carried about hy halHI hike ordinary lamps or candles , . 'Peripatetic lamps are what we want . ' said he . whlcb , I SIpeEe. leans lamps fastened Oi the tOil of our heads , though I admit that I don't know any German . man ta apeak at. So the professor lS soon as he hud taken the gas fixture out oC the front hal , tlcd on Incamlesccll light al the lop at the head ot the housemaid , and sl'lplt > It from a ! torge battery . which was concealed under thc glrl's back hair. . When there was 10 need for a light In the front hall it left in darkness . but whenever - r trolt bnl I was II tlrimess. hit whel- over anyhelly rang nt the front door the , . - mall just tined II her light and answered L the bell She was a rather pretty girl and she male n flue erect with her lamp glowing - I Ing al the tOil at her head and lighting II , tier face II a IIY that world have made al ugly lace pretty hard to bear. When she showed visitors tote the parlor she wOllld wile In trent oC them lhllnl the way , _ , all , everybody , declared ! that she was along way superior tu the best hall light that hal ever bC11 previously ) known. "Then the professor fitted a light II the Inside of his silk hot and cut openings II the hal 10 let the light shine ! thrOIh , II front oC thp hat wn n wIndow , oC plain glass ; Oi the right side wa one oC green glass and on the left sod' nor of red [ las8 , You see the Ilrot'ssol"s , lieu ' las that hIs lhts would show which way he was heading when he went out ni the streets after dark. 'Any 1.1 who knows the rule ot Ihe ( road ' said he 'wi know by the color ot sty lights which lay I nm heading . and can keep out of 1)ay . ' 'hls was very cOlvellent for thp old Ieltlelal , fur as I have said , his sight was rather ! 111 , lelll alone the fact that hI had one glass eye ; and this being the case , he utter ran Into II'ople. and hiorses . III thlnl9 , when le was ant after dark . lie lalo , I good , deal oC I sensation the trsl time he appeared 01 Our Broadway with his headlight anti his nllolgllts burning their brightest , all , lS WIS natural . he had a pretty Ill : croll',1 following him. 'he policemen - men were a little doubtful about the thing 1 the start fur a 10111111 always thlllls that anything that Is new must be Inlaw- fill , however. the Ilraf.ssor was 10 gen - eraly respected that overt Lhe Ilolcenl'n hesitated , to club their Ideas Inlo his he:11 : "Prot. \ 'anVagener hail , I daughter who was mhhlng pa IHlar wih the young ran . although she did : :101 : al awful lot of mathematics and , cheI181' ) ' . or course her fattier tt.tl her ! , as he did every body , else II the hmist' , with In electric headlight . but the girl wasn't very wl'l plcasEI wilh It , 'hen I young mal canto 10 see ' her she would turn her.elr on , a 111 lht 'hll Into the ball parlor . , where they would sit to- rether and talk , flat sOlehul the young mini 111'1 b'e 1 bl ( tl make mach progress . after Miss gllieas lighted , h ) elertrlcl ) ' , Whethpr It was thai no telcw likes to have on - 11"'llr lilhl , .tng oil . _ his sltolders . or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 'r r r . T fry / .t _ t 1iA f sl l I II . PitOFN Vi,1GF.NIhIt . , - - - - - - - - - - - - \helhH Ihrrc star no waS of turrmg 1 tl light dawn until It wcud ! burn II a easy subdued svay like gut when I I' I turned II.H'I b ) at IntrllKPt rlrl t c'at' ( Bar , but th : . . Icult of the thing teat that S.llc didn't , " : a alnKlo oft.r front the day b "I father III her 111 with the tucaeOl'rfen' . ' . high' ' \t [ . " rite begged hll to I t 1. r ha' : a 11'10-11' Ilhl , il.,1'hen tL' ) svoutda' : \ " . It chi ( : " 1 a good , drat amid snld that hI \ > rated , hen to eUI 11 old , mal.1 Thst's what would Ilro\ Ibl ) ' ha\1 happened , It I haln't , kern for the . , , rat I " : at n young man who ramp 10 sae ter I before the \ inter \as qUil' over and , brought a candle with him l very I 1 P. Snl Ile 100,1 lIht tine ran-II anti tlen turn herself . self dC the I rpt of the e\ ' ( > nln/ rain , she Iall.r"r ! in that young man the very p lol(1 ( time he called . hI calId at the houpe. "Prot. \ 'un'ag"111 ha.1 . a cat which he ( ollt rfd 10 bp In 1111.11 at consllerabln taste for science , In,1 , lotlln would satisfy' lulu 11tl 1,1 , had prodded , the eat Ilth 11 ) electric . henllghl , fie he,1 , considerable . ,1m. , ( lul ) lit fesleulug the I'gltt ' upon the cHI's head , for altlllllh , she hal always seemed te take a good , deal ot Interest lit walchlnl hilt e"llerlment wlh different . sorts at things In his chemical laboratory she drew the flue at clorLrlc\y cud objected 10 being [ fghted I : I'll ' 11,1 ( lie rent ot the people In the hO'lse. Ifow ever . the prufessor . ) wouldn't Istm to lie r . and the frt night thai the lamp \1'nR II working rder II put the cat In the kitchen and l told her tu lay for 111 ( 'hey lu say that the next 10rllll when the lommll11 C'IO lOw u stairs site found 6,000 mice 1)llg 01 the kitchen : door too frightened to think or runnilp away. The rat was silting . ting UI In thiI' Ihlle , "t the roost . wlh her headlht ! : hlazllg aw.1. and slie paying tint the least attention to the 1111. but just licking hll' Ihop and saying to herself that after all three was considerable ! good In electri I ) She never malI the least l attempt . tempt to catch the mice , consderlng ! that I wculdn'I , ht sportsmanlike 10 take ' 1011In' sllorlsranlke :1I'altl" : ( " of lhicir comidilloi. The Irl . ' th"I' cOlllllon. girl , she Just gave one scream RII then site got out ot thaI kitchen nail fainted dead away on the hal nool' . breaking her Ilallght In her fall unll creating a good deal ot excitement In the hom' ' The professor came down and swept UII Iha mice and carried then ( out In n basket t. They do ) that Niece was pretty near a bushel of them , hut I don't doubt that the thil : was cxaggeratl'tl Anyhow the house wns "olll'lel ( ) cleared , ot nice , anti , whether ho I professor drowned his basketful or just lei then ( loose sOlcwhrrp In the street I never kilI suspect he let thpr loose ( u' that Is what a selenlnc matt w'ould have been middling sure to do " 'rltere was one person In the protessol"s fondly wino Ilhln't like the electric light hIWlne ! ± . That \ vas Mrs . Van \\'Jener. Hh" ; was a woman ut a great deal of rhtarac- ter . people Mil , and ot COI' , , , \0 nit know that tvhu woman Is cold 10 have a great teal at character . what Is menu Is that she can make herself mlghly disagreeable . and generally lees It. 1,11's. Van Wagenel' al ways disliked her hllsbal\8 ! l ntlfc habl ! . She used . 10 say that some men were kept tip ' late at night by wbfeky and some by eclence , but of the two she preferred the mon who - - - Ilghl title worlIng order his wtln ! n't I < h"mp " , having gel alit 10 t'etitl { Ihe dt aunt , this I.ellnfe l h hlmlelt lp early In ( lie ' rvcning . ant , keeplhg ; In hits rUOl , he \lsn.t I' seen h ) on'ho'\ . \\'hll night came nn he went 10 bet earl ) ' , so a 10 thJuy the hlxnr ot reeti nK In bed. Its took the storage battery real out ot his pocket and , (111 I under the pllkw . sti , t when he had stretched hlmselt fIlI pl0w. ant wih A book II hits hand and his ' blazing nwa ' 'It ii six , endle power . he rye \lazln\ 01wih : slxc1nlln Ilwer. was abort the hlll'piel ' 1.11 In all New /HInopol.vle. : lie read , and rend until he begin to get steep ) ' . and then he unit dews , his book aid , thught over a lot oC scientific things . till Ii' scchdcntally tel A.llel' . I lord you hI could , ( lore the lid over the 1ll1llnale.1 . rye I he wanted to but its n rule he Ihll't rlose that ltd . but slept with I OPI. rOll Mr. \'no ' 1 WA ( nCr 1111 hOle in the Iollre of llI and naturally went tilt . to her bedrootu. , Sho,1 a slrong- IlnI1 , wonl.ln , whoas about us likely to steal a sheep ns 10 taint away , hut Iklto ( . she almilel afterward thin ( when she entered tNP,1 , thl reel and saw the Ilrotcssor's eye hlazhll at its level bell she came : hearer dropping on the floor than she hal , ever dune betore. 10111\'cr. she 11ulel herself together and , woke the professor up. She Ever said Just how ( she did It , hut Its lY Idea that hn was wall"i tip ' sultlener , than a lan WUI ever wak',1 , betol'e. Stir told , him tl'at ' this tIme he hal , grate too tar , that his lullnnte,1 , eye \as olll'hlasphelous ! lord that she \ouhln't sta ) ' In time ( louse , touch less In the same room , with I. 'I's bad enough Ccr n lan 10 sl'el' with I glass eye while open , ' says she , 'hut milieu n I cones lO In Inmlnate.1 eye I II more thl any ' 1M railed to bear , ' Christian \olon ( 'alell bear. " 'Il professor wan ordered , to . turn his eye out lt incr. \hlch ho naturally did , bell ! I smal , as \01 as n peaceful . usaii . and he has told that he IISt mover wear In II- lumlnatel , eye agal11 ! This didn't suit id m . for he was proud , at his nIl eye all there IR no denylnl that \ was n \r ' convenient ! thing. So hi' said that he real ) onhln'l alert tu give 11 ( one at tl.lost Important . InVntonR at the age just because at a \C. ulan'u whim antI he stuck w this view at the ( cuss al tlrou h the nlhl The next morning Mrs . Van N'agener went home to murln [ : \an WIlener . her mother and brought a suit for : divorce , against thin I professor on the ground ot creel amid m Inhunln u treatment \S'hch the case camp on lu he tried the professor was cony pelted , to sholl' the practical working of his 1111,1 ! illuminated eye to the Jury , and , they found I verdict for the plaintf without leaving 'helr ' seals. "The professor didn't ' seem to care very much about Buis for the oily thing hD did care much abort wan science , and now that ho hail his house to biuieelt he had nobody to interrupt him In his experiments But ( he never could [ 0 lute the street with his eye lit up without causing a crowd to follow him I II [ tolow amid present ) there was an InJllncton gut out against hilni tor\hlding ! him to wear his ) In ) lblc on the round that It con- stule,1 , I nuisance and led to breaches ot the 11eae. The poor gentleman got nlgr ) at thin and said he wouldn'l go Into the street either by day or night , and the consequence wilt tint not leaving any exercl e. he took _ sck : awl dletl. Wel. he was a mighty brlght , t , ' ' ! 'IjIl/yIli ' / ! \ , 1'ial , fl 1 1 , , li , s\ , rt fi r „ ' ; El l'I ' I i I , i ty r 1 ' Ii { II ) II' ' hul . . . ' r . + , t ,1 t. , v / , f , , I , , ) d t' , . 11 it . I „ it 1 } Il't\ ' 1 sl , I , MRS , VAN \VAGisNElt OIIJiCTS TO TIII : ELECTRIC ESE , i I went In for whisk . Mrs , Waterman , who lived , next door to lrs. Van \\'I ener. hal , I hu"ban,1 , who drank considerable wltsky , and , Mrs . Van \\'agener used , to say 10 her. ' My dear don't you grieve'hen ! Water- man gets drunk . )01 know where he is . but when m ) ' hlshan,1 , gets : to work In his laboratory - \ tory I never know frm ! II minute to another - other whether hI tE alive . and : l In one piece , or hether he has hewn ! himself up ant Is scattered , all over the country In uuorna- I milon hits. ' YUI see . thin professor . had , blown ldumself lp a nUlhel' of time ! witch ! made his wife alie prejudiced alalnt ehentletry , though he hall never done Idnt self any very great harm except when Il lost his eye. "Weil . UP I was Il'lnl. lr8. Van \Vagener waR Ihhty opposed , 10 the electric light . and nothing could buttes tier to wear one on tier hld'1 ' She coml1tmlsell hy wparln a I IIghl fastened to her wal t-bel , hit she cont- plainIll that It wai ot S'ery' little use when ! le .wante,1 , to reel , 0' sew' 'Glmme nn old-fashioned kerosene lamp every tomes , ' site heal to SO ) ' , 'Some lay , this h"r electricity will blow ' UII and 111 the whole of I , ' by the \1' ( ) did you ever notice that WOlln al- ways believe that electricity Is liable to ex- Illolo , ? I rout eiiuber \1 hen we tad ( , elect rio I hells put Into our lion so In Nest llorinopnlis- ! wills . I ) ' aunt who kept house for 11 > . rated I to warn the servants never 10 bring a lighted candle anwhere near the wlrl' " for tear at , setting thin electricity on tire 1111 blowing II the house. Say what you will for women. I tifc you cln't (1dnds. hOlesty EJ ) that they have scion- " hero was one thing that ( \'olh't'.1 the 11Ite.or , Ito hal , his electric light rigged II In the top at his hat as I beleI I tel you.'Flits was all right when he took his walks l\roal. but I w J'n't quite no con- \lll'lt In the house ! : very tme the professor - tl'ssr wanted , a light he hall either to cal ( tie maid , or his daughter . 01 his wife or else he hal 10 put on his hat. Nuw hp hal , a tlshlon . oC reading In bed . anti , ho fond I ntighty awkward to go 10 he,1 , with hIs hit ob which was what tin ball to .10 I he wanted a light to ra,1y. , . One day u happy thought struck hhn and tie tel his wife that he had , 01\1 the problem of his beallht at last " _ \ ' Isn't ol ' much , ' . glass eye very ml'1 use except for show and ( Its tvar 1 relation thot hail , ' alll ) ' annoyed the professor ever suite he . began to wear a glaE I'e. lie now Fa 1\ ' his way 10 make that eye useful and , to give I. himself the most convenient ! light hat ( I mln ever hl'l ' lilt Idea was to make I glass eye I wih an Incandescent fibre . In the middle at I amid 10 run It ly .1 lorIK ( battery In his waistcoat 110cet ; , Su hl went 10 worll. and . being a very IIIN11ols workman . al well as a mal \rlmll oC science , he turned out ' glass Cit that ennlthi't be Ilstngulshe(1 tram a , naillral one . 10 fat as appearances ( tent . and that hall al electric light at hlx-caIUe : poser In the Illll ot t. "It wa the hlrt SI'rl8 ( that the pro' ! : po. feesor lad , ever hal , \\'herev..r hI went after dark , that eye was blazing t\\a ) ' anti 1llltn lp the path , When ho WIII'11 l 10 t cad here \ns his lht ( In just the hUldrsl ! place I couhl possibly have been. ' 'ht tnr : Ill'S that . run tlOI i ola\n to Itt itafateotl ! 110ftct ! WO'P ronclole I under ids hnlr . so that : harlir an'IIly wotIJ notice them and when , h" . lunlltl to pct hs ! light out . or 10 turn It oe . I 11 hI hid to do was to put Ida . finger anl I thumb In hlt pocket . ' 'hon , alu. . the . ! ! thin ! lpt-t..1 like a dark l\tlrl. fur wbcu- i ' Pvtr the professor wnntrd 10 turn IIR lit . id I ; i ' tuff In 1 hurry , ant , without ( iuubling tar the h't'utteu : In Ira ocklt. all be hat 10 do was to ( LD t I . . . :1 ids ry' The Ight ! wouhl hunoli Oi burnt . t Ink l'el.I"d the enll. but I wuubin't , \ - tr'At ; "n:1 10 attract attealloa. I "lh . ) Ila ) the profener got bus new eye light oC science , and it's 1) ' opinion that soma one else will tale 1J his scheme of iuminatil servant girls and the hike. and make a turtune out at I , through I'm willing to nil nilt that I don't believe lumllatetl glass ' will become popular. " e'ef wil ever . berou1 fplllar , SOLIAI.tD SI.I' : : ' 1' . The " "rrllJI' of 'l'wO . . nl'lf1" : ' " \'r 'l'wO tt atr' ( OI'I"hll" . The quietest couple In Iarlehl [ . says the New York'orhl. . male , : \\'orhl. were man nnd wife yesterday afternoon In the parlor oC Sol Preop's tint Xo. 20 I'ast : One hundred and Ninth street , b ) a rd \ \ I. During the cere- mOIY a young man b ) the side ot the cler- gymll kept snapping his nnlers In the air and waving his right halll The eyes or the quietest couple iii.Iltrlent were nol cast upon the ra\bl. hul lon the ) 'OUII man Whel Ufl the rabbi asked llem It they lock- each other for hm'\an,1 , and , wife lie ( young mal trade some cabnliste . the ' ) , cahalsUr waves they shoal their lingers / before the rahbl's face and bowel their II'a,11 , and stoiled. 'hl solemn swords ot the clergyman cou- Irastrl ( , strangely with the apparent Iltppattt slrale\ Ilp.nt conduct uf the candidates for malrlmol ) ' . ) but the ice ) 10 tie situation . lay II the tact thaI they were deaf mutes. Until tba young man with the eloquent fingers put the words ot the rabbi Into the sign laugnage . what he hal , said teas as much a mystery tu then as the cabalistic waves In Ihe air were to him. him.Max Max Miller . the bridegroom . Is 26 years old and a handsune , Inllgat ! man. Ho hue never spoken or heard u word In his life. lie went when quite young to the New York Inatltuto for the Deaf and Uumb and graduated - , u.ted high np Itt the printers class. A deaf anti , dumb mun i Is parlulal'I ) ' well nle.1 to . lhP bllslneE' ot sating typo. The angry yulce of the foreman who ha i putting the paper to press ten mlnulcs late ant the shrill . hlstlrlca ( ! slrle ] ; rC the eJiorl1 seller whose eloquencl ha" been stullel , by a printer's error 11141(11) him not He just goes on Eellnl ; t11C. Miller bicame 1 101- pu.lor. and made a hot at I , He works for Punk k WajlaI9. and ho lives at 352 Ist : I : , ht-fecoul slreet. Two years ago Miller was at a IleaC mile 'I receptica . when ho bcgau to snap hia tnlrri excitedly In the face . e ) .10 oC R friend tie was I asking who a certdln pretty girl wai' , with brown eyes , dark Ihllr and rosy cheek8. Presently he was presented , to r03) . The girl was : Ios Clara Davis . who yeterdny because hlu wife . Site II 23 ) 'ealold , and lives with her mother . sister anti brothers In the house In witch the wedding was clebrale.1 All the fancily speak anti hear perfectly . except Oinra. 'flue I'Helon ) was perfumed b ) ' Hov. Or. tirauskcpt ot the Eighty-second : street syna- [ ) sYla. gogue. He road , the ordinary Hehrew servIce , which , Included the breaking oC a glass. The bride's brother . . \hxallhr D. D.1 Is , trans- IJtet It. He and the rest oC the ( entity l nl\'t ( lie sign language years ago to ea- alts then 1 to communicate wih bra. Dr. Kr.I"hnpC UI , not hate thl :1.terpreIC : sworn. He said that the evident willingness at the parties to II married , and the lock of Iltl'lllnce upon their faces' shuwe.1 that they knew what . they - were dong. Acts . at Olf . never faIn : . One AID1ute cugh _ Lure A remel ) ' fur . ailhla , and that . inrlh oeudlttots wlicn endltol : wlll : accompanIes : 61 foe cdd The anI hamlets renrdy that t prcdccrr Illu.Ile ! retvltc. - - - - - - Re\ James vita , , the ohlezt Cathr , . ! rler- In'man on the l'aclc ! coast , hu just tlfI , at Santa ta barn , Cal 11 life ' . .1 a lung rec- 01 of l r.nl mta2 'JDHlnsh service , . - - - . , ' . . - - - - - - - - - FA l IUS BETS ,1111)131 ) SPORTS Tote Able to Resi'st the faclnatous of n Tempting hazard , r EXTRAORDINARY ' ; THROWS WITH DICE I'oi'lune 111..1 art the 'J'I"I Ir the 1'111.-1.1"11' : aem'a -II. ! by Jil.I' , \ . : I" . , 111 ( Stieedy' - 1111' .1"u.r 1I"rt. . . \slle from the ta@clnnlon or betting . thee : I' n leglllnte interest fit the theory ef chance and th . laws of luck ! says the 10s- Ion lern ! ! Perha'J the most rem3rl\bl ! \llel on record Is that In which I certain Mr. Ogden ! ventured 1.000 gnllt ! to omit that "seven" would not he thrown whit a pair of dice len succeeslvi limes. Thc wager was acellte,1 , ( through It was ! ' egregiously unfair ) . anti Ilralle to say , his' opponent threw " 'ew'er'tine ( hues run- ! hing. . \ tlds t 110lnt Mr. Ogden , areteliO , \ guineas to be off Ina I bet Bnl his opponent declined ( through he I price offered was far beyond the real value at his Imncl ) fie cant yet once more , amid threw " ( tine . " so thai Mr. Ogden won his guinea. Nol here \0 have an Instance oC ! moat ! 'traertlnar ) ' sells at Ihrols , says Hchlrd , \ . Procter , the like oC which has never been recorded before or since . 1' tOle those throws hat been made I might have be"1 asserted that the throll:1 : of nine successive - sh't' "sevetis" with n pair ot dice was I ( Irlumstalc ! which chance could never bring abotit . for l'Icrlfnee wits , as much against t suet an event S I would scent to \I again . r the turning lp at : certain number len su- cesslva ( lutes at roulette . Yet expelonc" 101 shows that the thing Is possible : and It we are 10 Iml ! ! the action ot chance we mut tw Icton assert that the throwing of "seven" tel ( tines In succession I s an event which \1 never happen. Set such I conclusJn ! obviously - vlousl resl' on as unstnbin a basis as h- I totner ) , of which expEience I.as .lsposl.1 Obeei ye . how'er. how three Iallcrs ; : 1'1-\1 I tutu very cvenluatity. Nine sncclslvl "sevens" hall been Ihro\1 . amid It there wer : 'n ) truth In the tbtory that the power of chancy was II mill I Illhl have been regarded - Iart\tl ns all but certain that . the next thins " " would not b" "sevel , TIm 'HWIY 01' CILINCE. But n run oC had fortune had so shaken ' : : lr. Oglen's faith In his luck ( ns well as In t',1 theory ot the "mIl urly c the I chanl " I tint ho las ready 10 nay 40 [ llne.ls ( near ! thrice the mnlhelnal'eal'alue ' of his oppo- uent's chance ) In or ler t" save his endangered - erct 1,000. and so cOltlcnt was his opponent - Iionent that the rnn at luck wcul l continue that he declined , Ills very favorable offer. Ex- perlcnce had . In t.ct shown bath the 1lny.rd that , , altpoug'i / "sevetis" could be thrown forever yet there was 10 saying ss'hn ) [ thc throw world cllane. Both reasyneI , probably . that as al efghb ( thrown had tol- lowed seven succe , aite thrOls ot "seven" (1 ( wonderful chahical . 1:1 , ns a Ilnth hint followed - lowed eight sllcce , : ' e throws , an 1 I 11t.l- dented ! event , ni : tlh \ might Neil tolol' the ninth ( though . lil herto no such serle of throws hall el.tr been heard of. ) They were forced lS It were , ty , the run eC . events to reason Justly : S to Lit possibility ot a tenth thlol of "s vel"-tl ) ' . tu exaggerate that [ oeslhll ) lute . praabiltty . antI I l Ollpar" from thin narrative that the strange series of throws 'Iule , checked til betting prt- penslles of the byniuuders . and that nol out ' was led to 1 aler ! ( which . according , 10 or- dinay gnlblhll superstitions . would have been a safe lone t ) that the tenth I I rOIl 11111 no give "Streit.Ve hay spoken or , the uufairnost of 'lie oll1lnalagel. . It nay hitc cst the ( render to know exactly haw mich J\ull ) have been wagered ag\nH ! P sllle guinea t1. tie "sp\'lns" would not he . thrown. With a pall at dice there are Ihlrt- pix possible throw's and six ut there give "sevcn : : as the tot l.Thug the chancy ot throw "F.e\'en" lb I one-sixth and the chance oC throwing "ee\'en" ten times running Is oh- talned b ) lultpl'hll six Into itself ten ( in s , and placlug lho resulting number under ' Inly 10 reI1t' Pnt the minute fractional : ' chance rNIUlred ( 'it will be found that the' \ I , number thins obtaJpe.i.e 00,466li6. and instead . stead at 1,000 gllineas fairness required that 60.466.18 guineas shollll have been wagered against one Iulne. s enormous are the chances alalust the occurrence at ten suc- cessive throws oC " 5evl'n. " Even agalust nine successive throws the fair odds would , have been IO,078.ti9 10 I , or about 40,000 guineas 10 n farthing. Bllt when the nln throws ot even" had been mate time chance of a tenth throw of "s < I'en"as simply one- sixth , aM nt the first trial r there were any truth In the theory ot chI "maturity of the chances" the chance ot such a throw would . at course \e greatly diminished , 1u even takitig Iho mathplatcal value at the chance : lr. Ogtn need lu fairness Duly' have offered l a sixth part of 1,001 gulne.li ( tic UIOlnt oC the stules ) , or 166 guineas , i shillings . 6 pence to \ off hIs wner. So that his opponent acc = pted In the first instance - stance an utterly unfair offer , and refused , In the ( second Instnnce a sum exceeding , b ) store than 3M guineas the real value ot huts chance. PAT 511EEDI"S nmfRKAn.g : : RECOIL : In the history oC betting Pat Speedy Is ertle,1 , Ih having broken more banks than any lau In the couhlr . One oC his most ( animus . 10Us coups tool place In John Dals Tllcn- t-nlnth street game , when It was 1'lnnlul ) some years ago. Sheerly Is n believer In "huling yuir Inck" when wnnln [ . and hE hal , a winning streak on that nlht He lu- dllee1 the hCllse to remove the itntt . and In- sloe cf half nn houl stool I $2S.000 aho' Every play hc made brought hll 10re money his lurk being truly miraclious , Pat was In nmlghly line humor and whenever he made a bet he world say to lll players a\out It Ima . "Now , boys . all get aboard and \0'1 copper the lce . " Men who were just In the place Mlghlsetlug , were so Ilpresse,1 , with his hick ( lint they ri.kel [ ely , runts . 1Iaying , Just as he llael. ) , ,1 the rrulan were In his wake amid , eon the whole ! hOlse were playing hiM rar < . This trade , the proprietor mad. They gave Shred ) ' a very hal < call-down 01.1 told hint 10 bike his wlnnls ! and leave. Almost tearfully they said to him : "You're lot satFfe,1 , to win yourself , hut ) 'Ul want t see every onE else win too " As seen as Speedy loft the bank begun to get hack Eome or Its money trol the other players . who store all at sea without their header. A bet that will long he rememberol by racing 1'lenas that lah , by Mike \1)11 In the summer oC 181. when "Old hones" Hacelanll ran a mil and a slxtl nth against Trlslan. It was tin first race ot the season far the later horM. , anll for weeks previous . Hocllant had hit cu I'unnlng i true to the hIglu Cst Ithll ! ct form , ' anti was rla\letl ae a suit winner le' ( 'wus . held at a prohlblll'e rate In the hoOk . .1 10 12 being the best price o\talnahle , The public and nearly all the regulars .IH i the race alone. A few men , to pick up same sure money put 1 ( $1,2000 \ win $ Iw ! . or $600 to wil $50. Thl mis Is the I , kind oC bat . - . that ' : lke Dwyer tncea VENDIG , AND D\\'YEII. "Circular Jo11 < 11. his betting man mate several ( olr ' ' ' Of the ring alhl nt post tme hal plncet1. IIIOOO ) to win $3,000. I seemed tike c l.phi mmictiey . ali when the homes got oft atul bn evenly' for the first Half mile the t \yu \ . I 11 agreed that Old Bones would walk in. ' I Hounding tl tt t = etcb , Hacelanl , forget ahead , and people t rncd away as I the race were o\'er Iljl : d , the last slxleen' ' h aIc Tristan Iame ilgl j' I under whip and , spur , caught II with and bEat the ( old horse at the wire I short Iled. ' - 'flits was one oC the moat sensational bets Iii turf history . owlug to lie Inluelse 8um put up against a COlparal" el ) ' smith l rate . Alike Dwyer way the partner In another bet at d stupendous , nature . I was Miring , ( hit Cle\'elalll.Han'130n campaign at 1802 . wh'1 Ichnr,1 Crlwr made his last political coup. l Iwyer IHt I up the money tint t l lrolter COlI. lutormutlon to the tuna at $ OOOO , and , 15 they gave olds , their winnings aggregated ifJO.IOO , 'fhey bv al a Clel'elol,1 , plurality II NIl York slate eC ' 10,000 , and male , bet or I.OUO to $300 ) hal he mould carry the atala. Every night for two weeks prior to [ .llcllon \\ul& visited Ihe ( Hofman ! house cafe . whel'o all the betting was lone. One night hI plJceJ $3S,0'IO II various bels In ( the afernol btoH th"rlng beget he and : \r. \ lrokI' would have a talk II the little back room et 'T3InmRIY hail , and there the c'llltoll : "JI I 'I\ ' ) hlil rite , lfuro II helen on ( ' , r the : II"l IIO' people have often aslt'rl the fl'le-'l. ' ' I' " a 1 r. did Croker eel the lne 'U buy . j ll . : able ? " ' He got , . - - - - - . - - ' , . . . - - - -I " - ' ' ' . ' . . , - . . - - - - . . 't - , I I , . t . . . "d t' . ' , . " ' . THE . , > . : \ . t . ' .f4 . i.z . r . " . , , . ' l".t.I. POPUI AR .A\1 , " < } , : ; 1 + Y ; ' . .n m 1)r ' _ . ' , f . " . 'nJ 't . , : . : . , { , : . . . t.tl „ tr r , HOUSE FURf i8HER8 _ \ ' ' AND UP PTOTE ' ; \'WRELABlE d g SERVIABlE . TOaDAT ' / IN EVERY DEPAHTMENT ! 9 , POPULAR PRICES. f PAlAC RGAl . ' PAlAC REGAL VENTilAIOR - t VENI'lATUR ' Guaranteed : 1P . ; . 11 c Guaranteed Ito I j 1 .im to Heat ! . . t'f ' > ti4t ! - to Heat ' v , - , " . . . 1 . 4 . . , , , ; ' ( , . . + at4't 't1 t td I" " " , ' \ [ o ' ' : . i . - i. fV" f- ' ; i ; 'll ' . . . ' " t1 ' r Iwi l rg RtHHH w1h Gn y I F large Rooms wil on'y , ( ; " m ) " , , . . . .pt ' " :7 - ' 2 : -7 _ \ J Y K W r 2 , tt " 117 . ' : , .l ill ; ? . . p : ( ' 'ans 01 00a1. " Tons of Co1. , ' , ' INDUCEMENTS Y f' er SPECIAL 9 ; f I. ' m New Beginners lIl Housekeeping. , -tit , S r d w Fmh td , qi . ' . , t4 9W : Y , t r/ / H h .Y 1 , . 1 u tt e r t , i' St r U a - - - - - $15,000 oC I In . , IIlon bets . and nun atcr ' the close ot that campaign ' he began to no- cumulate a flue stnble. . . -I In the t.ltl8r "How to IIIY \Vhl t. n case la ! cited In which a certain mal oC title used tu offer freely .OOO to ( against 1 he occurrence . rence or a whist hand containing n" care above a nine-a most unfair wager. OIls , , c 0.000 to ( nl'l vry tlptJIJ to 'h" Inex- perlelce,1 , "I risk my potuu . such a one will say , "hnt no more , and I may win a thousand , " That Is the chance ; and vita Is the certainly ? The certainly Is that II the long run such ( bets' wi involve the lass at nS2S for each ,000 gained . or a net loss If (828 , As certain to all intents [ ns that two ant two are four , a large number ot wagers made on this plan wOllld meal for the clever layer oC the otls a very large Ialn. Yet I.orl Yarborough would nrohabl have been Inlglalt , tl a Ilrgre It he hall beet told that lit taking ( 1 for each hand al which he wagered 'I hlch did not prove to be a "Yar- boruugli' he was fn trllth defrauding the holler , o the hand at 95 % s < . notwithstanding ! the 11rellnilary agreement , slmpl because time pr llllary agreement was al Infalr one As 10 his bell told that oven It he lied wagered ( ' agahJt : ( 1 the transacllon \10111 wal have been Iltrlnslcaly immoral , Iouht- less he . and his opponent would cqllly have scouted the Idea. ' \lgers oletles take ral'er I gllm term I Is recorded that In the last century a wager was Illtl for one ot a party of gay revelers to enter WI'slmllste abbey at ( lie heur ot mhlllht ! lie waR to enter ogre at the vaults beneath the abbey . and , In proof ' oC his havhll been there he was to elicit a fork Into n coln which had been recently deposited . IN therc. lie lcomplsho,1 , his object , and , was returning In triumph \cn he felt hhu- self suddenly caught . and was so overpow crC1 I ) ' terror that he fell hit , a swoon. Ills cnntpanhotis . not bell [ able to account for his 10nit absence . found him In this conditloi. The i fcrll witch he had fastened Into tl" collie had call,1 ' and pinned hs ! 10nK cloak and , so occasioned fatal n ft oC terror which nearly proved i ALI. SORTS 01' [ ' nETS. , \1 amusing wager was arranged , between two hl'n-sphrlte'l ' young men who being cous- phteiy . Ilqse and , at a loss for a novely , de- 'clled to "rln their fathers thp ono against the other . over two furlongs / for ( tiOO a sl < le. " \t Ihl ( time thin agreement was elte ,1 , Into neither ot tune fond parents vas aware ot the compact bring made . and , when the I0WS was : suddenly , breleen to them one oC the fathers instantly tel down In I lit and ,111 and In , spite oC his great ago-70 years-he hlppel < I . 10 he favorite for the race. 'nil Ighl-hlartel. , though shrwd bay , whose parent was still I "gollg strong . " promptly brought 111 action Ialnst his friend In order te recover the studie , aleging , as his ceCnse. that though he had not been consulted , his Crlenls , I starter maul , beets struck out at his egagemetut. Time cab was dismissed. A tileer wager 13 said , to have \eel won hy : Sir Waler Hllelh from Queen 1'lz.lhelh : on ! the delJtdhle question ot how much [ smoke Is I' ' contained , In n ponltl oC tobacco. A pound ot the article was weighed l. burned , and , then I weighed again In ashes , and the question was held to be satisfactorily settled by deterntin- lug the weight ot the smole : lS exactly hat ( oC the tobacco before being burned , minus the ashes. Tire tact at the ashes 1I\Inl received - cell'ell UI 1.1ltonal , weight hy combilalll with the oxen ot thc Itmosphrp was un- thougbt ot \ ) 1lzJbeth and the Imlgol. Early In the century a bet for the small sour of ti shllllgs waS laid II the caste ) 'uII , York between Thomns 10dlfOl and Samuel Whltehlll. as to wllch shoull SIC' seed In a aumllg the most original character ' l decorated with 10gulnea , ilatigson appeared lccorntPI Iodeon ( ( 5-ulnea anti guilea notes all over his coat and waistcoat , and a \ at ti-gulnea notes I around , his hat whole to his bark was I fastened l lle words John ( lull.VIdleheail appeared , like a woman on ono , side . one-halt ( i Ida taco painted , one Elk stocking and slipper . whhlo the other side represented a negro In a Ihlo ' dress with boot and spllr. John ( lull wal lho wager. TJm I\ W AS TO I TTG [ , Al old English law torced . betters t' pay tlteur debts. A remarkable acton was brought tll' 11 tebs. He\ n. Gilbert against Sir Mark . ' baronet at a dhuter party In . IUulel' : I. Sykt 'hearolet . his own house lit the course at a converse- lion Ln the hazard to which the life of n la- parse was Ixpo'll , offered al rel.I'lng IHO a' to : ) ' a guln a I ta ) ' a ! 1 loug us Napoleon lytiould remallalve. Mr. ( filbert closed , with Slr Mark and Rent the 10 guineas anti the latter ronln\1 to pay the guinea n day for nearly thrl ) yearl. At last he declined - longer and an action W.I clined to pay any , brought to enforce the payment. I was contended bro\ \ > the P1 , m ( he hnl , bot'l tended by Istpllan tul , I cmrprlred Into the bet mby ) the 1'1t'man's : Gtr.rIHI at anti that thc tran- hasty t acceptance I lrr . ' wan un illegal one , seing that Ir. Gi. actlo' Iegal I bert having a nendal Interest In the le of ' " havlnl . mlht. in aYnt oC an Invasion. - - , . . , . - - - - - _ _ . _ = ' c - - - - _ _ - I TH E ' . ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET COMPANY , Some November ho"vil1gS -iirni t" ' "e 111lulcreIO"I. , /ici > lie Uockcr Ju. . 1J 11 tbcaa :1)le. : . $2.50 e lch. A Ioclct.SOJIf OAK OAK \1'1 connlm SAT [ , CUItLY Ill ltCllS'I1'Fi CIHI.lm SEAT . ' SOLID IiIRCIi . MAIOGANY 1"ISI. [ Ti IiSSl' CII\18 AHE \\'OI'IY W ( ' , \ TEN'fiON . TgTIX. I " SPECIAL IND1'CEMENTS TilS IOTH. arpe t s- SOSiE PNrFHXS nfiNG CLOSED [ ; WII AND WI'IOUT ! HOWlmH. 'I [ : Y AH UNUSUAL.\'ALLJES. 10 ulISI''lT CArlLTH , ALL SIZES AND KINDS , TlS'0.1'1lIRD9 , ' . . ' IOXIS T\O-TIHDS An mm.UAI.I" " It EGULAIt I'it1CE . Sit AIES ; . POLES : AND I t the USCftel1 t - ' ( . \nl PHGI . SIAms. 1011'S ( COI.-OITmS , $1.00 1'H. PFA'HIn II.I.OWS , 8GV A PAlil. t ; . r. A xcTAlESTI \ 10RTI.I' $12.50 , . . . " IN SIIWIAI , LINK : OIe ( 'OLORS 'I't D r 6 . 'c : - w 6IA'CI OUR gXCI.U'B f'JOr : ANI ' ) _ perl . : 11'Sll : . llL. t./Y l.j ' . , :1 , ' f ' COLORINGS 01' CAIP1TS. [ I\CI ( ( TI- TAINS . SIIADES AND SILICS ' . " TArS. . SIII'S AXL SI.KS AIm I.\l" { (00 lS. DOWN IH.LOVS , CfC IUCI. use all means for the preservation ot the life of an enemy ot his cOlntr ) The Jury brought II a verlict tal' thin teteldalt , A gentleman of the last century laid a wager to t great 110Ult ( list ho could stand I for I whole day on Lontol bridge with a truly ( till oC sovereigns fresh from the mini anl his I ratable 10 fluid a purchaser tor them nt 1 penny apiece. Not one was disposed . ot. A ) lan named : Corl t. a member of I .Ib- fondly . bet that tnllsh t tllly near Shrewsbury his leg was the handsomest In the country o klnltm. , ! qnd , flakrll estates worth 8.00u on thin "bJect. 10 10n the wager . and , a picture lE still preserved II the tmly nian- sian , representn ; the process oC Ilasurlll the legs oC the different contstanls. Most people have heard ) at the two troll. : ! ( wel. bred gamesters . whio wilds Inll ! lazily out ut the wlHlow upon I .lslul. wet after- noun slII"nly , noticed , two drops of rain sllliaueollly tnrtlll to run down the pans at glass. QuIck ail thouht A het $6.000 , that the drop , nearest 10 hint would coin" i In first. Instantly tutu wager was accepted . ! and amid Intense exellent the race ended lit I I dead heat . Of tie queer recent wagers one has Just como to light oC n New York IJElnlS8 man who made a hot sixteen : years ago that he would not bolt nt hlmaelt II a mirror for twenty year the liar thus tar kept II hi" end oC the het which has still tour years tot Iln. t - - - a - - Iln.I I 'I'rouhled vvllh 'I'hl. Hhl'I""III" . . Bend \ ANXAIOLS [ , Md. , . \Ill 16 . 1891.-1 leave used Chialulbel'laiii'a Pain Baum for rheulo' ( ism and , hound It [ to he all that Is clalmel tsm 11. I believe I to he the beat preparation for rheumatism and dap eatrd Illscllar pains on the I market and , ( hertlly 11101 , in' IHI I 10 the public. , JOIN (1. nnoo" . dale 1' In boots . shoes , otc , . No 18 Main : H , . \.SO iE\D''ilIS. : MECIIANICS\'i/.LE / : , St. May ( County , ll -I cold a bottle oC Ohautherlahi's Ialn Balm to : lan who had been IUrlrll ; with rtien 'latbl for several years. I made , 111 a w.1 man. . A. J. M'UII.L. Telegraph cOllllnlcatlon with : \lotl. N. Y. , was rut rift far tour hour" tltr ether day by a tame lunar whir-hi. after clmbll ; a telegraph Bole . tore down the wlru. 1 - - - - - ' 1'111 : II'atSfClnt'S 'I'll' . .t ( 'I tll ( ; " ' :111/1) ' II't'I.I/J Ino . . lornntluunl'ulanuee. . TIl tplll system has reud''reli "xlst"urt lu ParIs ! and , J.oudou marl at a palm than it I p'easuro , says thin Boston leralI , hits In ( In.'s . ( hues thin I'xpeclatol of those who ire II tits hull ' oC receiving gratultlt'a are al least 1 wlllu aeoderaliot. gl''n the harpies ! In te , . tliepo oC the old wcmen with Insist tin tnhll ! rlargo at I man's t vrrcoal or stck -IW'I- volts veils 'Iehotashel' . 10ublrlr , " Is I tl"r ' " lit olotonous chant-nn' got rid , "t I\th n r..1 anus , hit 1"11' Yorl Is a glare or grrucr . I exp < fatoua. where , the lowest gratuity is I in ' i refer . and , a quarter at I dollar . the " > " 11 rOlhldcraron expected for anything lee I'i , . t Itbtaie al'ntol ( 'rout' n til b y ' n . tner 11 bow I The cabluan ho alts hupusai'e the cabmal wlo His hlilasll. . un thl Inv ot lhr COII ) and , has no Ilra of gelllg dlWI to attend tn Ito higgsgo or Ilal"'l , . the porter ) olio brings the baggage or parcels , thr al"l' " \ ho serves the lhghcsl rotec'1 or even drinks . the harper who shaves one . iho hay who hrshc8 coat all hat- each . end , all ore Inspired ! hy terlntunJ fo > t.l hy i I their omployes . who rely 11.01 the Imblc to help them pay waie ! . 'he barber shop nuisance I IIUI'"llulv oXt'serntl [ and ought to bs a\Ih,1 , . through the adoption oC 1111 Such , pbn . " , l obtaIns lu certain olll.'Slllblshrd . hll ' : ( , I I the haulevard . such lS Francois' , 'rite 'l , . i toml'r produces a franc , or S rotllo" : , 0 halt franc (0 ( cents ) . The easbitr kCj" " t cents (21 ( centimes ) fur hlls" ! ail , I plaroa . the I qual amour ( oC chang" : n the tit hk , triers' II Iv approprleled by clip barber. 'no I I the shop gets I 5 pale and the barber : eplt'j I , -share and share alike. 'be tlamo : curt 'oC ' organized system ot "tipping" Is adopted . I at , ' ( tuln hotels In Ifir Is . ( ull'ulorl I ! ) lo'I , , ) patrenzed ! rather \y protinciala . tl.unv ril I clrnls.hpn the 1,1 , Is IlreRent ' d I 1.0 " 0- : I temuiana" IK charged in the a''euut , b.u' ; ertaln fCtIIUIO h added , 10 I : . rum total 1 and , this ( money placed on thl IIHk i. squally , lstrl\ulct among the " IErVlnU , French n'Inee Itas coneeiv'ed the litter- r A Frnch I1llerr ha cOIreh'l.t Ilp hIlI : Itll'a ot reproducing thu 11011"0 I : whl I .1 Napollon lived II St Helena 11 01 attn t'Ilon ' turlnK > the eXIslton oC 1900. I The itoluen wi ! I bit nfl exact ropy ot the orlglnal . nlrnullPI hy IIJnlramlc CIIV318 representing the na . turl urruuldIIK : .