Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1895, Page 8, Image 9

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_ _ _ _ 8 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tnl OMAIIA DAILY nEE : l.'UIESDAY , 1\OygMH.Bn 5 , 1895. I
Citlzons' nUll Domocmtlo Mass Meeting nt
South Omnhn.
Hrn""II" , , 'h ) ' the JJIII'I , 1.l1l1t'rll
CI'II".I ! 0II\11111.1 I lie ! J1I"'II..1
. \KIIIII I Mtllh..I-MIIIII < . Ci , its pit r-
1"11" 41f CIIII.II"lIte" .
The CItizens' leastle nn4 , } democrats held
the last rnlly at the campaign nt Ioutsky's
hall ) last evening. Fully 300 voters were
JUllge ( 3. 3. Breen was charrnaii Those
occupying seats un the platform were J-J.
ltosewater , J. Iloslcky , Judge Levy , Henry
1.lIes. J. J. Maly , Morgan lIealTy and Thomas
Julo ! : Breen as an Introducllon a1l1 that
the meeting harl been called to enlighten the
voters on the sUbject ot reform , and every
honest man should bo Intereste,1 , In seeing
business men elected , to olflce The tact that
& :1,000' : pieces oC property In Douglas county
harl been offered fur sale by the county treas-
urer showed that something was radically !
wrong ! . and unlcss vital questions were at
Issue the people would never have seen the
combination or parties , fighting ! to down the.
greatest blight on the face ot the earth , the
American Protective association
lIIr. Hoslcky spoke to the assemblage In
Bohemian. lie IrnlJressed upon his hearers
the Importance oC the coming election. The
questions to be ) met today were In the first
place whether the people should govern
or be governed by a tar chamber combine
that had brought mlsrulo upon them ;
whether they shoul have a clean , houet !
an.l ( eemomlcal : government , tlr continue
unler the misrule oC a dnrlc lantern. order.
Before this order came Into prominence the
IHlople ) enjoyed thin liberty that was assorted
In the Declaration oC Irlllepemence ] Now
they COUIII ] themselves confronted with a secret -
erctlnfluerce which was ostracizIng' a certain
class or citizens because oC their religious
lallet. It this Influence were allowed to
gro\\ , what woultl become ot liberty ?
The spcatler Pointed out how the Judiciary
Is controlled lIy thIs pernicious Influence
and ] recalled many acts or injustice on the
part oC Judge Scott. lie also mentioned
the dirty I\ork oC Scott's henchmen. Tine
Judicial nomlmes on the nonpartisan ticket
wcro commCllllcd and every voter was urged
to cast his ballot for the reform tlclwt.
Mr. Hosewater salt that today the people
would ! have the opportunity to free them-
elves rrom the reign ot that secret organiza-
tion which had ruled Omaha for the pu't
Ionic 'Clrs. It devolved upon the voters to
strike the blow whIch would ! liberate them
from the rule or Judge Scott and hlH Ilk.
. ,
"I am not In the habit oC kicking corpses , "
. saltl Mr HO ' 3water , "cspeclally Ilolltical )
corp e3. I consider Scott dead , politically
especially In Douglas county , and we 11'111
lass ' him lIy for tine time lJelng "
In connection with the county commls-
soner's ! Chico the epeaker saId that every
nun eletcer ( ] to that office wall obligated to
_ o,3 . who , ! elected him , and asked , who Jim
WalSI ! 1I'0Ulrl be unllcr olJIIgatlonEl to If
electedVIny ] thc A. 1' , A. or course. \\'alh
woultl ( certainly be obliged to support and
Ilstaln that same crowd IC elected , and would ]
naturally keep such heeler" as George Str'ker
In OIllC
You do not want that kind ot man In
ofilce " saul Mr. Hosewater , "so vote for
Tom Hooter The Board ! or County Com-
1I1lsJlonel'l : ! needs new blood Let us Infu
a little life Into the bom : by electing Tom
Hector " ( Cheer ) .
Coming down to tine JudIcial ticket Mr.
Hosell'ater stated that Judge Baxter was
elected , ] two years ago as a nonpartisan. lIe
defeated Eller , who was sulJSl'IIUontly ar-
rested ! for rOblllng widows and orphamne but
who was turned loose by Scott because he
dill not steal nil oC the money In one lump.
" \'et today we see Baxter and Eller walking
down thC\ street hand In hand "
Every voter should support Points. Sntton
the present county conumlesioner had trIed
while a member oC the last legislature to
. have the salary oC the county Judge ! Increased
to ' 3.000 a year , because ins ' owed ! his appointment -
pointment to Baxter Tine salary or county
Judge was $ ,000. : : . anll 1\ Ith tine perquisites
such as marriage licenses etc. . he made
fully $300 [ ; a year Baxter before he was
eletell was a cheap lawyer amid could not
have made over $ t,2OO a year. ,
"It Is very important " continued the
speaker. "to re-elect John Drexel shultt. I
will ask the question , will YOU llcople ot
South Omaha better 'ollrs..lves IC you make
a change ? Droll all perEonal feeling ! anll
vote for Drexel , ns he Is opposed to this A
P. A. crowII and will not pack Juries with
nnenubera oC that order.
"It John McDonall ] Is elected , what chalIce
have you H you are not an A. p A. You want :
a sheriff who Is honest atlll , Is not associated
with , a lot oC cutthroats and trIcksters.
" l say you ollght to vote the entire Citi-
zens' tlclcet Every nl3n should have the i I
same right and opportunity to promotion In
public scrvIce regardlNS oC religion. What
message are you going to send out from
South Omaha ? I hope yon hav $ the manhoOtI
and courage to protect each man and see
1I11t each man has equl rights before tine
101 % ' . "
Thomas iloctor candidate for county com-
mluloner , spoke for a few mcments and
asked tine voters while makIng a cross after
his name on the ballet not to forget Judge
llreen who was a candidate , for the short
Judge Levy candidate : for Justice oC the
Ieaco , made a fv remarks
nxcuJtslOX 'I' ( ) C.tLll'JINI.i .
1'hrOt1Kh 'J'lInrl,1 SI""IIII1 CIII' to 1.11" ,
Leaves Omaha I-\EIlY FHID.\ at 1 : .10 p.
m. , via the CmCAGO ROCK ISLAND &
I'ACWIC HY , . allli runs TIIItOUGIVITII -
excurblons arc I'lmSO-lAI.I.Y : CONDUCTED
by n rellresr.tatlve or the PHllUI'S nOCK
ISLA- ExcursIon Co. . nod ! run via Colorado I
Springs Pueblo Leah'lIIl' , Gll'nwoorl. Salt
Lake Ogden anti Sa'ramento For cabs or
sleepIng reservations call at "HOCK IS-
I.ANO" Ticket Olllce , IGO : : Farnam st. . or ad-
Jno. Sl'bastlan. Chas. Kenncll ' .
O. T. & 1' . A. . ChIcago. G , N-W. 1' . A" , Omaha.
'I' . . . \11 COlu''r'I I
Are you going to California ?
Do you want to go cheaply antI In com-
Cart ?
UIholsfercll Pullman Colunlst Sleepers leave
Omaha every day via Union Pacific , "Tho
Overland Haute. " for Sln : Francisco wIth a
unltormcd l'nlltnan porter In charge
All thc comforts ot menlo while tral'ellus
bn Cast express tralu:1 : ,
It you want to Imow more about these
cars call on A. C. DUNN ,
City I'aseoingen ' amId TIcket Agent ,
130 Farnijrn street.
. -
: lllIrl'lnlt. . l.h"'I1" .
The following marrIage IIccnse : were Is-
Rued yesterday : .
Name nl'll HeRhlenc . . \gc.
Prank' Ohkmlnrf , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1
Dorn. Bers'r , 80llth Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'O
Gl'rlfe ) Graves , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S
MInnie ( reen . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
John 1' . C"rlllrl.J\lank \ , ChuTibus , 0. . . . . . . . 29
\ ) live Iloiden ] evlon. Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2' !
Blzll' E. ( 'hnmber ICttnsas Clt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . :2
Loretta \\'lIIlnI11Q. Dougills COUllt ) ' . . . . . . . . I'
\\'lIlIn\11 Erllest johnson , Ol11oh:1 : . . . . . . . . . . Z1
PI.-.rn. . Louise heIhtngne \ ! > , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Arthur n. "Itht . . remont county , 10wn 23
lalJo.'l C. Kline ! , Inlvern , 1:1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'
- - - -
( irucu'ry ' Stun' CIII..1 my ' c'r"I1II1I' I .
'fhe grocery ! store . of llolJal't \\'lIIhl1n , at
HOT 110uglas Street Willt closed ) 'cstcrda
Inurhln hy 'r'111Itor . ' 1'h" stock was ' mtort-
gagLl 1 for over $1,000. ) ( ) 'I'hc chief 1I\0I'age , ,
III tine Omllha Nlitl.HIIII l'lInk.'lth a nuos t-
iniio ot $3,3 : ' ) , by wholl1 the store was
. ; hsrl.
\'e5t'l'l1a nCtl'rn"on thc'f' ' et Point
CNumer ) ' compan began stilt In the county
court against Williams for t03 : ; un a nok
nnll nn ! account.'Iihiame connfeenett JlIl.- !
e -
A. n. fltrtiey oC Magic . I'a. , vrLtos ! ; " 'I
feel It n duty aC mille to "Irorm you aol , the
N bite that I > ' Wltt'l Witch lIne ! Salve : cured
me- of a \ 'ory bail : ] ( , ! 11.tit CClelllO It nJsIo
\urell my boy oC a rllnulu ( : lore In his leg I .
- . -
IlayIen I3rou. ' .dd I. on patte t.
1"llrrh'lI\"r Ilearli is 'l'.pitI nIPny.
I came here about seven years ago. I left
Iowa on account ot my inealtii 1 would
break down at times and have a spell ot
lIckness ! , generally ! rheumatism. Since cOoling .
Ing here 1 have 111ne,1 , In health and Strength
every year , and 'nol. . . at the aRe oC & 7 1 feel
like a boy. We can grow almo everything
that you can In the north. 'Even wheat can
be grown hcrl' Oats , corn , rIce , IrIsh pota-
toe , sweet potatoes , beans , lIeu , cow peH ; ,
cabbage , turnips , tomatoes , and everything In
the vegetable 1mb. Cabbuc , turnips , spInach ,
etc. , grow all wlnler. Cotton Is the staple
among the native tarmers. Fruit growl In
great abundance Strall berries come In about
April 1 and 11lot until Juno 1. Plulns ripen In
Iay. Blackberries arc abundant Grapes
ripen about July 10. Louisiana sugar cane
docs well , and sorghum grows finely l'ea-
nut 110 well. ThIs Is a n good country to
' ' lindb ' como old
raise stock 'fhl'Y can grow /
without winter feeding , but 10 much better
IC they have a little may and dry sheller duro
log thte winter rains Stock Is getting to
pay , too Sonic oC the live merchants arc
buying them In large numbQr and fattenljng
them on cotton seed meal anti cotton seed
hntiiis One firm inane from 300 to 500 feeding
noli' Cattle Ret very ht on grass , IC the
pastures arc not over-tocked. Horses can be
raised ] very cheapl Hogs often grow up In
the wood I and get fat on the toast They
are orten brought tot Own and acid for meat
II Ithout any feeding This Is a great country
for flolI'l'rs. At this late our front yard Jnnn't
sparkles wIth rocs or all colors cape jonsa-
mines tube roses , morning glories , verbenas ,
zen las , n1ainiia . ete I came near forgetting
tIne lovely chryi.nnthemllms , In every shade
from pure white to dark rpd They arc just
In their glory now and will lat ! for weeks
'fhe more I so ot this country the better
I like It. It Is auch a comfortable country
to live In. gven In July and August there I
are ro man ) ' cool cloudy aeternoons. The !
nights are almost cold Some winters we do
nol SEe any snow. The wInters do not deserve -
servo the name oC' winter ; It Is only a little
Call lI'eather. We IIIe the people. Wo were
never treated more kind I ) ' .
For I all plrtlculars : as to Orchard 1I0me ! !
prices , location and terlns e2e George W.
Ames , general agent , IGl Farnam street ,
Omaha : < eb ,
. . .
'l'III'1t3'I'OX ' 1'\ I.IIU ! CAhtI3F1'Il.Y.
hljth..1 Out X. C lIn.IIllIh' fur \\'hllm
1I"I.llhll'II.II. hlllll,1.C. . . .
The announcement that Senator John M.
'I'hurJton was to speak and tine rumor that
there might lOSiblY ) be a mob demonstratIon
at the count jail drew to Washington hall
latt ' evenIng a few hundred people.
Senator Thurston was introduced by Chair-
man Surborough lie was announced to speak \
on the local situation hint ho handlell tIne
subject very careCnll lie avoided mention-
log any candidates' nannes but urged repub-
licans to vote the straight ticket , becaus :
Ir they did not they coulr1 not expect a re-
pullilcan state convention to give to Donglas
county any more senatorl.hlps. Then , too , he
mid that he would not bo attic to ask
President McKinley to do anything for
Douglas county Ir ho had to eon'es ! ! that
Dought. county was not strictly In line. If
on the other hand , they voted the ticket
atraighit Douglas county might / expect to
mayo both from the state and the United
State : anything In lght.
Judge Scott was announced as the next
E'pea\er. \ It tool Sl'natpr Thurston twenty
minutes to make his speech. It took Scott
an hour 10 make his.
"They say , " said he " that this Is an A.
1' , A. fight. Then there are nine out ot every
ten oC the citizens In Omaha II'ho arc A. 1' .
A's. ( Ilisros ) . This Is no religious fight.
But when a certain church Is arrayed agalnslo
tine republican party , then we republican !
must .tand shoulder to shoulder agaInst that
church and It will bo settled tomorrow which
will come out on top "
Iii Cornish filled up a good cleat oC time
with a good many words During his speech
the audience began to crowd out and when
lJaler and 11II'cett were annoinneod they had
few Ia talk to They tried to keep the
crowd by saying that they would make their
spl'cch short , but they finally gave It up
and the meeting adjourned
Its delicious bouquet and purity Is " , hat
sells Cook' Extra Dry Imperial Champagne
It ill the standard American wine.
- a.
'I'h. . : * foliroe U..h'llir.
AflCIIER , Neb" , Ort. 23.-To : : the Editor
or Th , . Bee : Please give us a short and
plain history or explanation DC the Monroe
110ctrlne. Ahio a short statement oC the
trouble or I1I'puto between the United
States and gngland over the Venezuela
bmnnnlury < lines C. D , CItAI'MAN.
The Monroe doctrine was first rommunl-
clltc,1 , In II measnge to congrl'S delivered
In 1823 by I'reslilcnt Jllmes Ionroe It
was embraced In the statement since that
time accepted and enforced IW our govern-
ment to the effect that nil further ntequisi-
than or territory upon this continent by
foreign powers woulll bo construed by tine
United States lIS II menace to our peace
and Rafet ' ,
1'he VenpIIl'la affair aries from a dispute
over the bOlll1llllry line between Venezuela
allli Drltlsh (1uinna Great 111'ltuln. charged
with extending the boundary to acquire
more territory . refuses lJalHlfi * for 1\ set-
tlel11l'nt of the dispute b h ) , ' arbitration arlll
tlll'roh vlrtuall challenges tine Monroe
At 110)1' 'l'h"III ter X''IIlI'r 1.1. .
Archbishop Ireland's lecture , "Our
Country " Boxes anti special reerved ! seats
at 'peclal prices arc for sale at the box
ofllco oC Do'd's theater. Those holding regular
a.lmlsslon . ! tickets may obtain a special ! re-
served scat at the box office by exchanging
their tickets for a special ' reserved seat tIcket
and paying the extra. Those holdIng regular
allml , lon ticket may obtain regular reserved -
served seats at the box omco or the theater
after 9 ! J o'cloclt November 13. ,
. ,
'l'hc Itl'flll'lIlIO'IIl..lIt :
Is coming to the front e\'erywhere. The latest
Is III the determInatIon or the traveler to
alII aye use the Union Pacific , the shortest
line to Portland , and the route offering
superior accommodations to paN engel's for ,
1'0rtlaml , Tacoma , Seattle and other Puget
Sound points A. C. DUNN ,
City Paseonger anti Ticket Agent.
1302 Farnani stn'et.
't''II" fir Crl'ljthCIIII' . . I 11"11 lilt , . .
In the Creighton case Dr. Shelby the hu&-
band oC Cr lghton's daughter , who Is seek-
tug to break ; Crelghton's will , was on the
stand yesterday mornltl ! He related a
lIumhzr at IncIdents ' durlllg Crelghton'ij lICe
tm ! tl'om which he arrived at the conclusIon
that the' deceased was or unsound mind He
woe closely cross-examlnc.l.
DeWitt's Little ouly Risers cure IndigestIon -
gestlon and bad hreath
Columbia Metal Polish. Cress Gun Co.
l'I.nsoX.\I. 1'\It.\GH.U'IIS. I
.2 . M. Flomlng oC Iloldrege , : < eb. , Is at the !
President S. H. H. Clark returned to the
city last evening .
.1. H. Warren and wlCo ChIcago , are qual'-
toted at tIne Harlcer.
Mr. and Mrs. [ George Tholllpson oC Dunlap
Ia . are Millard gusts .
Dr. W. ' \Y. Grant and Mrs . Grant oC Dcii-
\'er arc at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mra \ \ ' . II. Wheaton oC De.\dl.ood .
are guests lIt ' \Ie \ ! nellonf'
Mr. allli Mrs. C. M. Hinsdale anti daughter
oC Chicago are at the Mlllart
Mr. anti IIrs. John A. Walker oC Jersey
City arc ghosts at the Paxton.
John C. Sprechor editor oC thl' Schu'ler
Quill , was In the city 'Csterday.
Judge ! Maxwell [ \ of I.'remont Is In the clt ) ' .
Ho will return tu hla home tills even lli/ ; .
Charles g , Pcniberton advance agent ( : ; for
"Coloncl's WI\ ' < 1I\ " conupuny Is 1\ Barker
patron ,
Samuel lnxwl'lI. candIdate tar supreme
judge and ex.chleC justice was 111 the ! city
yesterday . .
At Ito Merl'Cor : D. , \ . VihkIns M. Rosen-
fit'hl W. n. Clark , W. H. 1.'lslc , Chicign ; ; ; W
D. Savyer C' . H. Gaudy ] . Mi-c. H. IIryr.nt
\111 ; fiarhllr,1 , New York ; U. 1' . Eagan Nebraska -
braska City ; J.P. Murph . SI. Louis ; O. C.
\'tnrnoy , Chicago : ! ; H. S. O'Donnell , New York ;
Thee Frank . Terre Haute. Inll.
- -
X'lIrlll < I.lIl1. . lit thc t lIotel/ /
\t the DO\1l \ ue - H. II. GRmmol , 'fekntr.nh ;
I' : . n ) , Smith , AIHance.
At the. "r'l\.lt'-John Hehnrlcl1. , IIoerl'r ;
A. 1 > . Il'eer. . nine 11111.
At tIme 11I1.JrlI-.J. 0 , lIam:1t"l1. : Norfolk ;
C'lIarlps n l ? .Iacoon . 'IV C' It : , . . Lincoln ;
M P Iihnafer Uenller"on ; Jamcu i. Ihigiwn .
COV ? ' 1'\ . 'rIClCt1T.
Clerk fit lhlelIMtrIilt Conrt !
ChllrleN . \ . Cue
S ii e rl Ifs
John C. Hre1cl.
' 7. N. lI.n"
SlIllerllltCI1.h'lIt 1'lIhllo Instructions
' \ " . II. \\'fllI'l'
County jiilZes .
J. . , . l'lIll1tM.
) ) t' . .1. I. ' . 1.111'111,1' .
CfllIl1i 'I'r'o"nrrrl
1"1'1111 k .1 . 1.1l111t. ? .
Cllllllh' CI'rl"
0. C. Cii iiiibeli.
COllnh' CIIIIIIIII""lollerMI
Srefllll ) )1..Cr"'C.111111111 I. ICler" .
F''II'th JJhtrlet , 'l'hlllllll" IIl1ct.r.
.In"tlel' fir dine l'ellccl
( i iO rgi' C. C.wlr'lI.
George' liohsites , .11'
Citmsrles II . lenhllt.
SIIII" Itllhhhl" .
\111111111 X. ' \'IIIIIIIIIN. _
11. IC. Ynitt's.
- -
It ci , rose ii tn th'CNI
, \ . . II. IICJ."I'III1..e.
COII"tllh" I
.IlIhll Aiulrlt
J. Y. 1.111) .
Join 11 ( ) 'Connt'hl.
J. H. ItIl"tllI.
' \ " . I' . SIUViiIeli .
1'h.IIII1" \\11"011. .
. \"c""r" I
FII'"t111'.1. . Ie. \ \ ' . IIl1rtoN.
! ' ; . . . . .III1.1.111. mi . . .11Ilh 1''rch'lIl.
Thlr.1'ur. . . ' 11011I11111' C.I'.I\ hi \111,1 , Art hilI' .JoiI ICc.
lfth ' VIs ml . C. 111111"11 ,
Sixth \ \ 'iirI . I , ' . \ \ ' . : \lIIII\'lIlc.
8'nlh111'.1. . II. I It. : % . . \ S ' ( ' l ' hilt .
EI hlh.111. . . . . I , ' . \"nll..r. .
J'hlth,11',1 , J. I ? . 1It1IIII..r.
- ' . _ - - . - - - - -
! : JOg. .JO O ; ) .D :
2NJO n USEl\iENTS \ \ 3J1
Neither the impnndinng election nor tie
tllreatcnel lynching had any preclallle cr-
feet last night upon tIne size oC tIne audience
at Boyd's , which comCortably filled the house
on the occasIon oC the oNnlng oC the engage-
ment or the Trocadero Vaudevilles. It'as )
an audience whIch knew what It lilted and
liked what It saw , for tie company Is com-
posel ot artists each oC whom Is at the top oC
hIs class
Tine I.uclfers who came first on the bill ,
would appear to have lost none oC the friends
whom they made by their cats oC agility last
year , their act being substantially the same
as beCore Then KauCmann , the trIck bIcy-
clist came on from the M. M. side , careering
about the stage on a fOrt ot step-ladder on
vhceIs his breast a dazzling expanse oC
medals. A small boy on a lesser ve'nlcl oC
ordinary make accompanle , the star , and
though but a single medal adorned his bosom ,
ho showed abilities whIch 11'11I Infallibly win
him many decorations In ruture. Tine senior ,
after performing all the feats done by other
masters oC hIs art , went about the accomplishment - i
plishment oC still greater wonders , and set
gravity at naught and confuted all the known
prlnclpll'-s oC statics. Ito was followed , when
the audience would let hIm go , by Miss
Josephine Sable In gorgeous apparel who
sang songs , suggestive and sentimental , wIth
a vivacity quite extraordinary.
Then Amann . his mobile face as seen be-
tween his Impersonations looking moro than
ever IIIle James Whitcomb Riley entertained
a Ill1e with his clever specialty whIch dlC-
fore little from former efforls , except by way I
oC tine reception accorded the nation's chleC
magistrate , who was not hissed this tinne I
proballly because he was shown In the guIse :
or fisherman , wielding a landing net and I
crowned with a double-peaked mat. Three
were loud demands for pictures oC local celebritIes -
lebritIes , whom It would appear that not even
Amann's skill' avails to portray. And Mons.
O'Gust ( thero's a name for you ! ) was very
amusln" with his inultathonis and more amusIng -
Ing still with his attempts at gngll8'1 Ipeech.
The first part closed with tine turn or tine
Jordans.Ir. ! . ZlegCeh having asked ] on the bill i
the Indulgence oC the audience for the delay
caused br the sprealllng oC the net , whIch I
wa seheerCullr granted , the occupants oC the I
parquet ) teats plainly showing that they would '
rather have the not than not Tine eider I
Jordans launched each other through space I
with their accustonlCll lightness alHI freedom ,
whllo the children spun and gyrated on
trapeze UI aloft , and the baby moved by
mysterIous and eccentric impulses ] whlrlet
weh'llly In t'IO dome. There were accIdents
and narrow escapes enough to preserve thc
keen edge of enjoyment , and the curtain Cell
to tIne accompaniment oC a general gasp oC
. Then It rose again and Sandow appeared
displaying his mighty muscles under the
limo-light. a picture oC vast strength In a
red velvet Crome. And he played with great
weights and , handled men aunt horses and
enormous dumhbells wIth such ease and grace
as to make his phenomenal achlvements
seem t'llngs oC small account. The entertainment .
mont a thoroughly good one In every way
el1llell with the blonde Prtuslan glant's feat
ot upholding three horses and a massive IIlat-
Corm on his bridged hotly
The engagement terminates Wednesday
night , n special ladles' and children's matinee
beIng announced COI' that afternoon
Ward & Vows ! contInue to amuse good
Sized audIences at tine Creightton . the engagement -
gagement closing ! wllh two performances tomorrow -
morrow . Complete election returnD will be
announced from the stage this evening.
At lloyd's theater Friday and Saturday
next Herrmann will give tIne theater goers
oC this city another opportunity or seeing his
l11uslonR and marvols. Tine claim Is made
for 'Herrmann's .entertainment whIch he
will produce here that It Is the most elah-
orate one ho has ever given. Mme. lIerr-
mann's dances will complete the entertain-
in en t .
Arrangements ! ha\'e beni made to get the
latest and most authentic election returns
and ! have them read from the stage oC
11oYll's ( theater ( durln , ; the pertormance oC
Sandow toni , the Trocadero Vaudevilles this
IenlnPersons \ / attending DO'II's theater
tonight will get I'eliahlo returns even
qUicler than people on the streots.
Many times since Its organization the
1'I'Imrose & West Minstrel company has
vIsited Omaha and founll ubstantlnl veh-
comc. Their entertaInment this season Is
said , to be especially ( attractive In songs , In-
troductlons original find entertaining. This
organization opEns a three nlghls' engagement -
ment at the Ci'eighnton commencIng with
Sunday mathle , NO\'l'mber 10.
On Sunday anti Monday next Sedhey
nrown' comcdlans , under the management
ot Mr. Cluttavo rr'Jhman , will give two per-
Corl11anc ot the delightful three-act corn-
cdy entItled ] "The Colonel's \Vlves. " The
nl'lI'spapen' oC thin Pacific coast spoke In
great praIse both oC the play and the com-
pan ' . llr. : Charles : 1Pemberton , repre-
sentatl\'e oC Mr. J.'rehmun , Is now In the
- - . .
110)-Ocr. : Urfls ' ' [ ; 11,1 , Is 0:1 : page 2.
. .
i.OG.\I. itnti , : \ ' h'I'h ! : ! ! .
Election returns will Ie fl'oelved ; : tonight !
at th. . Omaha club )1011' )
The Young Peopl"s society oC Unity church
wllll11P t wIth . Ir' ! . F. J. SarKett , 1233 North
I"e\'t'litcenth " street , \ \ ' ( Inesd : ) ) ' e\'enln : : .
The Board ot Fre ! anti Police Commission _
ore hail night approvcd the appoIntment ot
I'p'el\1 Olfteer 'Iarllnnlerlon ] for night
duty I'j guardIng the coal yards ! oC the Ne-
braa ) Fuh 1 I\Ql11pany \ , .
A rllaht fire In limo J.dtfhen ot the Model
restaurant 1&05 lIowar ] strell , called . out
the fiN 11l'llIIrtmcnt about 10 o'clock last
night , Thl lie \ orlgln&le,1 from a gasoline
stove > and tlh' ,1dm:1gallount , : < 1 to IpH than
1O" l.IJI1pr IIrus. are the ProPrietors ) ) ot the
r , .ta\lrant did 'no .uiJt"nl' . ! ! la owned by C.
IaVrIEnt. .
- - I
JUIIJr" fir the : JJI"trlrt Courts
1'h'\"n\11 'H. JJIIJlle.
A. N. lH."II""I1. .
:11. : H. Unlle" .II.
, \ ' , , \ . . .hCc-snr :
George . \ . , ) IIIjtIH' " ,
, \ . . . \ . Hlldlel'
EI..nzer'IIIelc .
CITY 'h'lCltT.
:1111)111'1 :
Charles II. 111'11\\11.
City Tr..II..lIr..rl .
'I'h II 11111 s SWllh. . .
City Cllllllltrllll..rl
GII ) ' H. 11111111. .
City CIt'rl"
\111111111 Cllllllrll.
. l'ilc ! . iuulgel
Lee Ilelsicy.
Countici 1 iii en-mu t-I.II rjte I
, \ ' . C. 111111111..1.
Pro iuI , .1 . Iluri it ) . .
_ \II..I..t Cllhll.
111. F. 1..11"1.:1".1' .
, I , . , \ . 1111 ruII.
Joint 1"11I1) .
A. ' 1' . H..Cllr.
Jllmc/l ' \ \'lIh.h"II"I
. -
1\1"lIIl1cr" IIr t h. chlllll ! ' lIonr.lI
J. F. ltivgt'ss
1111\\111.,1 I"IIII..I . Jr.
' J. 11. : IL'hhittMhi
"Mlln HI..h.
I' : . g. 'J'hlllllllj.
1I0AHU 01 gnUC\'I'IOX : l1I ! O'I'IXn.
: \ hi nor htouitl Ii , ' llItt"r" ( ) t'esIp ) . thc
, \III'IIt11111 .r 1t'lIIhl'I' .
At Die meeting ot the Board oC Education
last nIght SuperIntendent Pearse reported
that the total attendance at the end oC the
second month oC school was 13.GOJ. ThIs
Is an Increase ot 338 over tine total on the
canine date a year ago.
Thin list oC judges and clerks oC election
ns selected by the city and county authorities -
ties was appro\'Cd.
The contract for constructing anti repaIr-
Ing blackboards In the schools was let to
henry lcEl\'ln. The expense involved will
approxImate $1G,000.
The teachers' pay roll for October , amount-
lag to $2 ,30l.85. : anti that of the Janitors ,
amounting to $ , DOO. were allowed.
At this stage In the proceetiinigs tIne members -
bers Imulged ] In theIr cllstomary pastime oC
gossiping for a couple of hours over coal
Th9 committee on supplies recommenled ]
that all hlds be rejected and that the secre-
tary be tiircted to ask for new bids. Hhoades
obJec&ni on the ground that several or the
bids received were very low. He said that
coal rates were b 111 ell to nsa : November
15 [ ; , and the board would lose money by re-
advertising. Several members had his views ,
and after a tedious discussion the whole
coal mudll1e was referred to the committees
on heating and ventilation and supplies and
the attorney
City Treasurer Dumont notllled the board
that a large amount of specIal taxes some
oC whIch had been delinquent for several
yeare'as due the city Croon the board.
The principal Items ' wore ' these on account
oC pavIng and sidewilhka adjoining the HIGh
school grounds for which tine city has previously -
vleusly refused to pay on the ground that
tine property was technically the property
ot the city. Tine matter was referred to
the commIttee on judiciary
I'rogress or lhieIoezil C"III\11ltt..e In
: llnldll 1'lnliM.
Arrangements are progressing at a rapId
rat for holding the transmisesippl : ! commercial -
mercial congress. Mr. [ Henry H. Whltmoro
Is Cast working toward a conclusion at' to
whaL the program shall Inclintie Already at
the hotels rooms mayo been engaged , and
the landlords are wIshing they had larger
accommodallons. Many oC tine officers of the
congress believe that the number whIch will
bo present will bo greater than at any other
congreSJ helt vest of tIne lIs"ls"l(1pl ( Many
delegates have been appointed ; but to further
hasten tine nomination or delegates a ch'cular
has Just been Iued ; ! , which earnestly requests -
quests that every state. county , city and
business organIzation within the territory Included -
eluded In the notice appoint the full number
or delegates to which It ID entitled 'I'he
time seams opportune , " contmueiJ the circular
"and the condition of busIness seems to war-
rant a gltherln ! oC thoce ! representing Its I
various Interests for consultation and for
dIscussIon oC those questions affecting the I
welfare and development oC this section or
the country anti for effort to Increase
reciprocal trade among ! Its people. By well
consldow1 and Judicious action such a hotly '
oC men can , without doubt exercise a power.
CuI Influence toward securIng such : legislation -
lion as these Interests demand.
"It Is expected that at thlD sslon some
plan oC permanent organization will be ct-
Ceeted , by which tine work oC the congres9 will
be so carried on , after the adjournmEnt of
each session as to secure the ohjects at whIch
It alms , anl1 without which It Is useless to
expect the best practical n&UIl . "
. \ II"I"I Sin ) tier 1111.1 . IIl1nI"II.'II.
The clvU suit against Adam Snyder to re-
cover $ G.lOO : , the amount ot alleged shortage
In his accounts when he left tIme afllce oC the
count treasurer , was completed yesterday
and clvtn to tine jury
After being out a short time the jury re-
turnoni finding a verdict In favor or the
county and fixing the amount at $ S,300 : : beIng
principal and Interest.
II :
X.'hrn..l.n . ( ' , ul..rn'rlt"I' " Meet .
At the Mercer IhJtl.l ! last evening ! Il
monthl meeting oC the obrnslca Life Pn-
lIerwrlterR' association \I'aR held . twent-
six members being present , most of wholll
are local IIgents After Il hanl\Uet a number
or matters pertalnlnl to the \ life InsuranctJ ,
business were die lnesed.
Plies oC peoplohll'o [ Illes , - bullfoWltt's
Witch hazel 1 St'e'III ! euro them.
Drs Nichols & Nichols , specIal attention to
dIseases ot women nnenti ] children. 1108 IJ'arnam
IJ ILI ) .
DO\'E-Joeph. :00\ 3. )095. ngpl C6 years . 9
1I11nlh. , I'unerol at 2 o'cloCk 'ruesdny nrter-
nll/ , NoG. . lItton lila late resndent-e < , IGI2 Cass
Street (0 PrOFllecl huh cemel.r
DI.UIOND-MoIlY. belo\'t. < WIC" ot I h . 1)namoni
sIster or 11'8. J. SIIDenlJerg anti C I..ahn. In-
tennenl trom)13 : : ) WeL.ler Street
Highest Honors-\VorJd's Fair ,
. DR. :
, liCit
CR ? l
A pure Grare Cream of Tartar Powder Fr2 .
acm Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
! ; pp " fF Q
¶ .L . l " . .
' '
' ( rnM , : . ' I
AG : \ ! ; ; . _ I. > , . " \I , I
Both tJll methOll I1IHI results ' \11Ct ]
B'l'Up of Figs is i taken ; it is plcmmnt :
. 'tld reft'eHhillg to tilt htste , tIlll : ( acts
: ; : 11Ur yet promptly on tile I\it1l1eYEl ,
"yer alltl Bowels , cleanses : the Bj'S.
t2lii clfectul1l1r. dispc l eolas , hcad.
aches aud foycl'S amI CIthC linYitimal
vl1stipatioll. ' ; Syrup of Figs if the
only rCl1Icdy ( of its killd ever pro.
dllccd , vlea'liug to the taste ana ae
eptablo ) to the 8tOhaeh : , prolllpt ) in
its actioCl and truly bencHcir.l Ill its
effects , Prciiai'etl ( } only from the most
healthy aill agreeable suhstances , ito
many excc'Ilcllt qualities cOlllmclHl it
tc all amid have made it the JUOS' '
opulal' } ) remcdy known.
Syl'IIP ) of Figs ill ; for sale in GO
edit hottIes lIy 1 all leadlllg drug.
glHts Any rcliahlo ( h-llgaist who
lIIay not have it on hand ; \'ill \ pro.
mill-c It promptly for any one who
\'hIcs : to try it. Do not accept any
tthlS'tittltc : .
. . . . , lJJ8VIUE , ICY. .VEW ( . . . .IlK N.r.
I I $ ' \ . - , 1a
: .
a $ &
Thia extra"i'
ordinary 11e , ' Constipntlon lJizznnoe , ,
jtiveumitor Is Fa1lIng Sen.
tito most .
, % 'ohl 0 e rfut : , , satlomns1Nerv.
' ' onns twLclnfng
dlrcovery the age , of' k. of anti line other eyes
inas been en. e .
dorseti by thio .
leatltngeclen. Streimgthnens ,
titic mcii of C I n v I g OrateS
Europe and ' and tones tito
America , ' emntlrctystenn.
Hudyaru is Huniysi cures
' , ] b I 1
pmnrely vega- - I t y ,
table. Nervousuens ,
Hudyani stops ' ' - Emisslonne ,
Preniatureness ? anildevelopta
'J i and restores
of tIne (115- VCflk .
charge Iii 20 I'nIns Inn tha
days , Cures buck mocees
LOST ' byayor
MANHOOD A , 'i , rnlgintsbfppcd
quickly. On'er 2,000 private enlorsemcmnts.
l'remntihrenesa means Imootenc'y mi time first
stage. it It a symptom ofenmniuni wcaknesmn
anti barrennnes. . It can be stopped in 20 days
by tine use ofllindyan ,
Thenew u3tseorcrywas ninda lr the Soecial.
Ist.softino old fannausliudson Medical Instituto.
It is tine strongest vitalizer InadO. it is very
powerful , but hnanmlcss. Soid for 51.00 a pack-
flee orti pact-ages for 5MO ( plain sealed boxes ) .
Written guarantee givenforacure. Ifyounbuy
Fixboxesand are nnnt ntIrciy curedsix morn
will t'osenat to you free ofahi char s.
Semnti ftc eircuiarsanti teetImoiifihs. Atidress
.Juiiclltiit SockIoflTDirlL't & Elh1St't.
Ccnis icraneisco. Cnl ,
'J'ceth 1t1'nct..1'Hh..ut I'nln 11 ,
1,1)01(1 . \IIIIII"lItilln to the { ; lulls
Dr. Bailey
3d Floor I'I\\tO'l : filk
6th ; & Farnam.
Tci 108 ; ; .
- - -
High Cass : Wor'at Reasonable Pric3s.
Set ' 1'.lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fl5.(1 ) (
IIl."t ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f\7.r.O
1'lIlh.jt. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I .oo UI' \\11 1'.1
2i 1,1. ( old Crowu" . . . .1111I.1111 . ) to * s.on )
' ' . . . . . . III.on !
lirluige 'r'cth , 1' " ' ' both ; !
I'lIlnl"H" ELlrlletltlJ : . . . . . . " . " . " . " . liOe
' ' . . ' , . . . . . . . ,
'I'w..h'e Y'lIr" Hipericuice I "tll"-
Ilhhe.1 flight Y"III'H 111 Oninhunu
. ' 'm , ! ' ; I , ;
' ; c.c ' ' '
: - - - - '
4 : L
Pithit & 1injtjla
Ilentltli , Stregtii ninul 's Jgc
Tine alas of youthful ignnoranc , tine dienipr.tlon ,
tine wc1cmn u Lint lirVC1 a barrier to znarriegu
-these see tine tItIns that sra eatny pitningirta
tbenannda of mi-ni tutu a ctmnctltt'mi or imnier ruin. .
-Thu wasted parts ern.t 'onu , nervousness and
physical deblully mdt reanmitinug from abunn-a amid
etceesea , conntl'.uo In e'pthe hire away ihnnpiy
btcausu 'he sails : er Iii his inrnorarmcots too baste-
( U. , tel ftc game lit a rnnrt.L4nn ; f.terordiscovery
to make known i' c'cnn'ttttoml Cr t' seek out r.
f feintS , It 5 thu ' 3 i.c n 01 COur0. ( Itla binghntlug ,
InackwrJ fear ttn.tL'5 r. .mni"ed I ii tomae
ktiean I'l OVOnY ruri , ( . .tc anti n or.i out from
titIsp.tno ; m or s 'r.t 1.0 ! . tI I there Is en ctS'ic0 '
tor3ou , I'.In on.temntty v.nereby you hflniybo
lifted out : Ilnat state of drenn5 ad ci55aIr ml ?
ltnttl , ' cotaiitkon e'tst.I ( roweznnmn ; ; l'anttyctuf.
ita. I , too , imal s.'crptiY suli-erei C , ' but
tnurotm'uthsn p . "ncyotaremt'rkbir"i e ' Tarn
low ii ) ) ' , % ' . ) elan amn'lnI. iut'lu' . uilet
ineemetnro 1110 t.'sujig3 s't ; rvtne ' . thtatouui/
eompate ! can Letonv. .f lull
erh.4l ti'tj Ce 'e ( t this we , ierful rianetly
ceerh.4l 10 ar : ' sutf"ter % vi'n tnlwrito , 10 hiS.
Itcu' 1 mottereve"thitgeiiobtJ taI1CdOO %
It Will cure yen. /tC.rC. ' .
C. U. Muller. Ziox , hnnnazooMichi.
- . - . - - - . - . - . - . - - . - , . ' - . - - . - . _ _ _ _
- - -
- - -
- -
. -
, . - . . . " . _ . " " . ' , ' ; t . . ; . _ - -1 . . . _ . . . . 'U . _ ,
A Contented WOlnano , - .
Ill Hoyt's farce , "A Conlcnte } .oman , " n certain ward ] inocior a person
of a somewhat tough character , III I llecoratel } with a pretty black eye hy one
oC the ollleers oC the Law allli Or tier League , who , as lie claims , struck him
with brass kintnckles It Is .11111 cult to realize that our present mooted clec-
lion campaign Is Cought on I1llTero lit principles
May tine most sincere Cactlo n riin .
hunt there are oilier things worth fiRMIng for bC'shC'1 } economy In public
nllmlllistrotion-A wage earners savings Is by far a greater factor than the
rIch mali's taxes
1'0 save ' 8.00 on a tiaihy necc srltr-\ stilt ot clothes Precisely what
\ \ 'O are at just now. Sclllllg th ( c but IIOllslble ' :0,00 : : suit
For Twelve Dollars
A till loall ! ot 'em to pick fro m. Every ! IIlessell one \\1.11 tallorel1 and
flnlshell elaboratc1) Direct tt 0111 the hautls oC the tailor , trcsh-ne\\-
prctty-st'lIsh-anll o\'erythlrl ! el se.
Bought them allvantageollsly a fortnight ago It was a Crulttul catch
anti ] a Ceather III the call ot our b u'er.
AmI we most emphatically gu arllltee that 20,00 bU's , In majority of
stores a poorer article , allll th c itninnority co1l1t1 lIut posslhmly \ alTer a better
suit for tine :0.00 : : , lC It Is not true-one oC the sJlta shan't cost you n
pelln-'Tls yours for the provln g.
There are 11 I patterns III all- mostl ot worstell and che\'lots. Some
casslmeres anti tsvcids . Hemem wr , a saving oC 'S.OD. COllie and Ionic ]
. L2gni&&t i
j\ ! \ . . ' . . ; , ' . .
- . . . . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
_ 4
The lowest prices ever touched on the favorite
cooking utensils.
4p T':1111nts. / PI'CSCr\1111t
_ , s , licttlcH ,
I' ' 'I I. 2 'It. \
: ,9" 4Su : ) ( It. ] 3,111. : 4qt. , G 'It. ' 10'11 : \
C 3 'It. ' 4 qt n.'c 4e .4e He UU !
_ _ _ _ 5/jJ / : G e
'uu- \
If'uu Coffee Pots. Dish Paus.
1'.ql. 2 itt Ollt. ( 14 III , lilt ; (
: rle iso rot'lJ ' tile ( bile
ittAi ; 1 'It. 4 'It
&Snl the
, Wash UnSII1H.
# . . , , i Ten licttlcsl : 1st sin' 2ti < 1 SilO. : ; 11 l Sl70
tr , . . . . , - 23e 2'Je : Jlo :
. " \ u.7 , No. B ,
' bile
: . .
- - ltddl JIg
_ dI- Tipped ,
SIIJlCC 1nuiS . 1 ) aus.
2tit : ] . 8 : tnt. ' J'It.fJ'It im . ' it. 2qt. 3qt. lilt . i qL
24e : ' ' 'Jo ale ' 4u 1Oe 1\10 \ 2 le 2.1e :140 :
The ' ' ' 'I 1319
99CeutU F arun11t " ,
Store / ' Str et ,
. . . . . . , . _ _ . . . . . ' " 1If' : . . tw"--a ' ; ; - . ; , , m , _
o . IJ
Q . U
One Gives Re1i'e0 I .
. Li
8 . It is so easy to be I 111 istake.n about CJ
J indigestion , and think there is ol11e
o other trouble , The cure is h..1pans 0
rl . . .
ITILI Tabules. One tabule gIves relief1 \ - J
n Ask any dr , ggist. ,
o 0 [ J'
J 0
nlpan's Tabules Sol < by druggists or by malt
It the price C. ( oj cents a ba ) I. sent . to the itt- D
D cans ChemIcal Company _ Na 10 Sr.uce 61. . N. Y.
JDDL . . 'IDD1LijDLJDIrn-1I ' I
DoubeI I ' , .
. . . ,
the satisfactIon
, '
' . obtained from
ordinary soap
fld only half tile expense ,
5- _ : . : and bother. ' .L1liat's s'hmy
. - thousands of thoughtful ,
I thrifty women use Santa
; Claus Soap. 'I'hey have
learned by practical , thorough
"er' tests that for .
a > washday or every.
-a : . - day use there is no soap in the , I
- . - world that
nearly equals I
Sold c\"crywltcrc. Made only by
The N. It Fairbank Company , _ . _ Chic 90.
.J. .l L t Pt'JJ. . ' ' ' < ; .l'\li ,
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - n _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ - - "
Sec That the Word
Is Stniiiped oti tIle Wrapper of Each Cigar.