Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1895, Page 5, Image 6

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Hottest Oampalgn In the Stata aiuco the
Oloso of the War .
BOTh SIDES CONFIDENT OF VICTORY"'llIc the Ntorm Ciftr fr tl
ftll'-ft'JI"llllrc Slrl 10 the
Iemut1 unt'cuunt
or lIuldDYt'rN .
LOUISVILLT , ICy. , Nor. 4.-0ne oC thp
Iltest lampalHn lowl 11 this state for
many ) ar h3 cloEcti , Iml IC tim weather Is
fair Kentucky will tomorrow poll the lalcst
vote ever given. The fight , though there are
four tickets In the field. I between the re-
publc"ls nnll democrats for the Stlto offices ,
brglnnlng with governor and running down :
to district railroad commlslonel' . 1or n time
It looked UI though the Ilopultl would poll
n large vote but the old pates luvc whippet
the would be deserters Lack into line . and
' now. at the close ot the hat royal the
finish 10 between Ilardin . democrat . and
13radloy republican , for frt honor-the oIce
oC governol' The leoderH 10me ( ] have be n
on the stump for two mnoiith . while all others
oC thc respct1ve tickets have beel doing
lore or Itu publc sllaklng , and 1011' , nt
the fnl h , each side clalll thp 'lctol'Y.
: Hardin's partisans and managers claim that
he will cOle to this city with 1ilo maJority .
while the friend oC Bradley claim that this
city wIll bc II their fa\or. but the chanc' '
are that the Imckers oC lrcll will be die-
appointed it I [ they arc 11 earliest In their
clalns ,
All cities In the state will elect municipal
ofcers , and In many cases the local contest
are bally fluxed. , 11 this city there are
three tlkets , republican , democrat and cit- !
zens The A. I' . A. vote , said to bI about
1.00Q. wilt bo cast for the republicans. The
A. I' . AK have taken this stand because the
democratic platform denounces the
democratc platorm organiza-
tion. The democrats claim that they will
carry l.oulsvlle , without nlmllg fgurl On
the other hand . the republicans and A. I' . A.s
put their majority lt from 8,000 to 12,000.
The prohabltes are that the city will go
republican by perhaps 4,000
In addition to state old city ofcers , nIne-
teen senators and 101 members of the house
are to bo elected , and this legislature In turn
wIll elect a United St1tes senator to succocil
J. C. S. Blackburn. In this hotly the succeC
crts wIll have the Idvuntage oC nineteen
hohlovers. There Is little doubt that the
denocruts will have a majority large enough
to elect the senator without trouble.
cIosn ( tH" A 1101' C\n"AHIN.
luHt" " Hnll. 'I'wn iTiiisjir IClluh-
IleniL ' .
Icu" : h'ItUJH.
BOSTON , Nov. 4.-The republicans oC the
Pr - city and state brought the campaign to a
. clmre with two grand mass meetings held at
. .
. noon today , , one under the auspLes DC tile
Marketnien's Uepublcan club In Fanell hal ,
and the other In charge DC the republican
state committee at Music hall. At the
former meetng George F. hoar oC Worcester
dIvide honJrs with Governor Greenhalge.
As the senator male his appearance on the
platform for the first time In this campaign
he was accordll an enthusiastic greetIng.
le said In put :
"Undoubtedly , times are better than they
were durIng the days oC the democratic I'e-
belon In 1861. Undoubtedly the tme9 are
- bettor than they were during the fret eighteen -
teen months oC President Cle\'eland's prelent
administration , a perIod which cost this coun-
try-I do not speak oC loss oC life and health
-but whIch COlt this country measured In
money , more than the rebellion Itself. But
to whom Is It due that the times arc better
than they were when the democratic rebellion
was flourishing . or during the Cleveland tmee
oC the frst years oC this ! : adminIstration ?
They . attribUte It to the present tarlfr. And
whtoso work Is the existing tariff ? I Is the
wor of Mr. Gorman of Maryland , for whom
the democratic leadets an,1 , the press of
lasrchusets can hardly find language to
express their dislike. The present tariff
cxpres dislke tarlt , according -
cording to the president Is a measure of dll
honor and perfidy. I there be anyone thing
more than another to which the honor of the
. president anti his democratic Impporters In
New England Is pledged It Is to the revision
oC the present tariff whenever they get the
lJwer , alI } the overthrow ot so much protec-
ton as Is left In It. They must either use '
all their efforts for the immediate and nbi'o.
lute overthrow oC the German tarif they
must acknowledge that they have been mll :
taken and are now converted to the repub-
lcan doctrine , or they mUlt admit themselves
. "
perjured and mansworn.
So peaceful Is the situation to all outward
appearances In the political gubernatorial bat-
tie to be decided tomorrow that I Is hardly
possible to believe this Is the election eve
Activity Is confined to the headquarters of the
two big partes , The democrate cloiied their
campaign Saturday. anti the republicans followed -
lowed suit tonight \\Ith little local sltrmlshef
on the country town platforms and a final
buoy of campaign arguments In the home
DC the republican gubernatorial candllate
Lowell. From the lack of confidence ( on the
, _ lemocrtc side anti the Jubilant expressions
of the republicans the outcome Il' predicted
Governor Greenhalge Is expected to be a
lecond tIme re-elected with a decreased
majoriy , the difference being accentuated
moro or les9 by general apathy with an "ofT
year " The entire republcan state ticket ,
IS customary , wIlt Colow the lealer , whie
, . In senatorial and reproseqtatve fights on
tocal Isues there promiiisev to be little change
fhe prlnclpll local llressuro has hen 11re-
elplated h ) the recent crlsus bulletIns , for
the increase In Population calls for an entire
r I rethietrlctlng oC the I'tate ne't year The
largest 11osllble majority In the legislature Is
accordingly an object worth fighting for In
the opinion of controlling powers In both
partlemi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.UIX1 n IIN : Alt \I\ n.
IsMmit's 'I' . . "n'o",1 ' '
1.llt. . ' 00 " to Inf'llJt'uty
Irt.t let ht' Outeonme .
AI.T110111 , No\ 4.-Tho eve of a cri-
Ical polItical battle finds the Issue enshrouded !
In doubt. Both sides are claimIng victory
but the tones II which they make their boasts
al' the figures they cite as a basis for theIr
aleged belief do not carry conviction to the
mind oC an unprejudiced onlooker. The fact
la that everybody Is at sea , because In the
present contest the silent voter Is a greater
etor than ho has ever been In the history of
Maryland Iioltcs , The fierce attacks made
Dn German anti the outcry against what his
DPponeut term "gerrymanderlamu" luis un-
ouhtelly Inluenced many who hare hereto-
tore voted the democratic ticket and will In-
duce them to vote against hurst . who Is
known as ; lr. Gorman's candidate. Upon the
Dlher hand . the very bitterness or the attack
has brought :11 Gorman's friends closer to
him Iban ever before anti they will get out
every vote lt their comman.I . , Then , too , the
color lne has been dravmi for all I Is worth :
all every Ilown device has hcn taken nil-
I'antae or to lead the voters of Maryland
to beleYb that time republican victory meals
aegro tupremac ) With such arguments as
these ns time sole issues In the campaign I
would be 1119 tu Ilredict a result . 011 alt that
, : al be said of It Is that It looks anybody's
rletor ) ' . The ofcers to Il' elected are : Qos'-
rnor . comptroller of time state treasury , at-
torey general , a legislature which wilt elect
L successor to UnIted States Senator Gibson
rIUSI'gCl' 1"11 , \ 11O'I . I
ilotii I'mlrtieM Cuimipiete. 'l'helr Ar-
nutl l'u.I"M . , 'lht'l. - ,
rlIPIil'Ilii'titM In Nt' " York .
NF'i' YOltK. No\ 4-'ho forecast for this
! ate tomorrow Is for clear weather In the
eastern . part of the state and ! hewer In the
. " eestertm. TheN conditions are favorable to
1 large vote . and all Ihl patel expect to
poll twlr full strength In In or yeu. The
campaign In this city and state clod Satur-
day mmight anti little was done today be-
yond the dstrlbuton ! ot sample balotf and
lime issuing of final instructions hy the leaders ,
Aim Important detail was the dhtrlbuton
today oC the last Installments for the ex-
ielwes oC watcimers and other . ' '
11en1 watcher neCNNl' uses
to which the money will be put lomorrow ,
\n \ New York City . 110ltcal Interelt center
. - In the contest for clerk
Y.b- county and register
rIn to , democrats amid the Cuslonlsts claim
. ' the ro , ,1 11 thIs city Very elaborate ar-
I a 'Utllf have been " . :110 hy Limo police
4 , l.tmrnt , to Iccep crt \ % r Its thla ( clt ) Two
i'l't'hlll ' , h'l'o ' hn oltgnf1 to each oC the
I.'i : : Ilullng : hthuIei'I , . . anti Ihc' ulh the roe
.cr'r It li I timotmgimt will bo smith , to pro-
vomit I 11(1 rh"III. The Pails ) In New York
City open at C a. I" , and ciaJ at 4 p. In
Iu.h ! interest I taken In the result of the
frhnelt with the blanket ballot , which
hac never been used In this state belore.
11'laII.\'I'I."U i , I : lAJ ( ) II I'I'i fl.
Illt t ( , 1.II.Olhr.'c on the He-
.ni In Uhl"
CINCINNATI , 0. , Nov. .1-0 ; the eve oC
time election the betting here Is on the extent
oC the reduction oC the democratic plurality
In Kentucky ant of [ the republican plural ) '
In Ohio rather than on the result In either
state. In Ohio the republicans have had , phe-
Irnelal Pluralities for two year , ald cllm
101 a better organization than e\er. They
Ield , un early state convention arid went to
work Imnrmledldtely. The democrats held a
laIc conventol , but claim Limo miggrcssivencss
and PoPularity of ex-Gol'ernor ealllbel wil I
set omit thl full clelocratc " 010 amid show n I
cloie contet. While both 10Irtes , have paid :
p.lal attention to the I ' JI I'ltrl , which se-
lectl a successor to Senator Ilriee : , It Is COl-
ceded that the rcplblcans hn\e au advantage
In time ' apportiormmncnt , \1 hlch stand ti after
time census of 1900.
Senator Shermun ) has hall democratic colleagues -
leagues by the state going democratic every
six yearn silco Alel 3. T1Jrlnn was chosen
senator by time legislature elected In lSGi
Thurman sed twelve years , Intleton ,
l'a9'ne amid Brice each six years. 'I'ime Mmo-
crata state ticket mhht bo elected by a de
clsh'o plurality an(1 ( the legIslature he relHb-
ilcaim. I I cuncede that the republicans can
control time legislature without Inlllon
county In which Cincinnati Is I loatll , but
that the democrabl must have the fourteen
Icmbers Crol lamllon county II order , to
get 1 legislative imiajority. As ex-Clovermior
Ioraker . \ ho lves hero I a clnldate , for
Dl'lo'l place , great interest Is taken In time
rtHul In lamlton county
The betting at odds Is on It going repub-
hlcan. Time lrohllltonlsts claim the usual
\ote. General Coxey eltmates 40,000 votes
fol himself as the populist candidate for go v-
ermlor. I I not believed either time third or
fourth party will affect the contest between
General Ilshnel amid ex-Govermior Campbel
or the legislative tIckets. There Is Indication
oC rain lu Ohio tomorrow.
1ASSILI.O . 0. , Nov. 4.-Goverol Mc-
Kinley remnrked this afternoon that the state
ticket ought to go through with no less than
GOOOO pinrality. "I.ast year the republicans
carried time mutate by 137,000 , " Bart he , "but
time vote was about 60,00 short. Now , figuring -
Ing liberally , I don't see how Mr. Campbell
can possibly get more than 36,000otes this
year . Last year his party roiled only 276,902
votes , 80 you see I Ila\e treatell him well In
my calculatons , Lst year the republicans
poled 43:89'otes , so that IC we can only
hohl our own wc will retain a comfortable
margin. Since 18:2 we have poled over
400,000otes each year , anti we rarely drop
much below that. I anticipate a reaIrma-
ton oC time verdIct thnt Ohio has registered
every year sh.ce the inauguration oC the
present administration and its meanIng this
year wil he that a second thought confrms
the beleC that was so firmly felt In 1892 anll
1893. I will mean that Ohio Is determined
that the policy under whIch we prospered
for a quarter oC a century shal be restored. "
CII\XCBS J. ' . "Oi ' 111 itIL'UiIiiCANS.
: Inn , . Uuuhtul I"Muc" In the Utnh
SALT I.Alm CITY U T" , Nov , 4.-0n the
eve of the political battle all parties are lined
up ready to cast a large vote The snow-
storm which has raged all day lay interfere
with the votlg In country districts Both
parties are closing the campaign ' with rallies
al nil the principal points II the terriory ,
In this city the democrats clos with ad-
drespes by Judge Powers and others at the
Continental marllct. The republicans close
their campaIgn at Salt Lake theater with
Sela tor Shoup of Mlho a the principal
speaker An Impartal observation leadt to I
the conclusion that the republican ticket will
ba elected by a safe majority alhuugh there
are many Issue" of doubtful efect , Hobarl ,
democrat , for congress ; wi probably run
ahead of his ticket.
Chairman Cannon of the republican : central -
tral committee says the state ticket will be
elected by a safe majority ant that the
legIslature will be republican without ques-
tlon. Chairman Powers of the demccratc
committee claims time democrats wIll elect
the state ticket by from GO to 800 maJoriy ,
and that they wilt elect thirty-two out or
the forty-five members of the legislature. lie
adds : "Tho only clement of uncertainty Is
whether the Iormon people dare to vote ftc !
democratic ticket when I Is manifest : that
the leaders oC the church desire the election
of the republican tcket , " . I
I ) . I. Lmnon , manager of the Tribune I
"The state ticket will be
says : republican tcllet wi i
elected by from 2,000 to 4,000 majority. The
leglllature wi be overwhelmingly repub-
Ican , and the constitution whit bo adopted by
a majort ) of 15,000. "
General Young , manager oC the Herald ,
says : "The church quelton being novel may
upset all calculations. Indications point to a
very close vote We will not win nor lose
more than I thousand votes Roberts , for
congress , will be elected "
eXI'gCT A LIGII'i' ' 0'1'1 IX JInsln'
Ullh I'url , ' " Clnl" th , ' Sti , . h" About
. .
th" Smi iii i. UI ! i''M .
JEHSEY CITY , N. J" , Nov -New Jersey
wilt tomorrow vote for a governor to succeed
George Werts , time present democratic Incumbent -
cumbent , seven members of the state venate
and a full houl ? oC assembl ) Time dem-
ocratc candidate , for governor IE Alexander
McGi , time IJresent chancellor oC the state ,
Ills opponent Is John W , GrlggE The elec-
ton 1 cllhled b ) both partes hy between
2.000 and 5,000. The voting wilt probably
bo light throughout time state , except In
Isolate,1 cOlntCJ , where local fght ! as to
assemhly ticket have added , Interest to time
campaign. In the Jlrge : countion . the regIstration -
IDtrton I light and In favor oC the repub-
hIcans . , The state campaign hus been fought
UIJOn time same issue upon which the re-
pUblcdns carried the state In the last elec-
tons , The race track and adminIstration
of state alalrs by the democrats during the
ten years preceding 189 were the losues
raised by the republicans.
The democratic leader claim they wi
control the assembiy but to do thl9 they wi
have to carry Essex county , which they con-
cede to be republican on the state tclle ! Of
the sixty melbers DC the tat house fifty- '
four were republcans , This maJorIty , It Ie
expected , will b' largely cut down , and which-
over Party controls the house next session
will not have a very large margin. Close
observers prldlct that the majority In the
house wi not be more than live either wa ) '
Time senators to bE electEd will not affect the
political camplexlon oC that body 1"I't re-
IJblcane anti two democrat retre , Time
republcnn9 claim thl ) ' will undoubtedly carry
the five seats from whIch republcan ! retire ,
and tIle demnoci-ats the ' vlil
democrat pay they wil carry one
of theirs , with a good chance of capturing the
other Natonal Issues havE not entered bite
the fight In this state to any great extent
10th skies ! COl tented themselves with state
nalrs ,
ttnlt.t Cnmllllu Iu VlrAlnln.
I1ICIIMOND " , No , ' , 4.-Virginia Is not
a storm celter this year as 10 Important issues -
sues are In\ol'ed al" no state omcer are
to he elected ( , The campaign has ben ilatloas .
ant a light vote Is expected , tomorrow half
of the memhers oC the state senate anti the
entlr house oC delegates will be chosen , but
I as the leplslature does lot select a Unl II
States selaler the legislative contest has
not been animated , The main IssuE Is on the
revision of the - election laws
ih'miioerimts " 'II lnn' I InM5- ,
JACSO . Miss . Nov. 4.-The state can-
vass was closl' ] In : lsllslppl today by lon ,
A. J. McLaurin tlemocratc candidate for 10"-
ernor . who male his last speech at Morton .
whole demnocratic state tIcket will
Time democratc tcket wi be
elected by an onrwhelmllg imiajurity . as I Is
safe to say that the 110ll1811 wIll not
carry a hal dozen counties In limo state . I
II doubtful 1 Clptaln Frank flurkett . the
PoPulist nLmlneo for governor carries hIs
own count of Chlekasaw .
I'lmmkerons . II Iht. 1'011.
UTICA N. Y. . Ncv . 4-Piimkertomms have arrIved -
rIved In thIs city for the purpose oC bolting
after any irregularities at the polls tomor-
row The detectives declnt to state by who I
they were engaged.
- - - - -
JU11an's ' Attitude Toward Ooren Turthor Ex-
plalnelt by1lnltcr Kurino .
Hi'.timm'liei CUlltnu oC hit' ComiimtrY
ii . IInucc tu lulh Iife unti
, .
l'rUIItI-lIull. ! uln for a
let"r Cuntltun. I
WAsmOTO : No- 4-The telegram
frOm the Jupnnese go\ernmelt to its mlnl9
ter at Wnehlngton announcing authoritatively -
t\'ely the policy oC Japan In Corra has I
create a great deal oC interest In dlplo :
mate circies The Japanese nminlster when
Olllroche,1 , UPOI the subject , saul very
Cralld ) ' that this announcement oC Japan's
attitude tOILrd Corea could only be COl-
alruNI In one way , mmmmmmieiy os an Inllca- I
ton oC the earnest desIre of the Japanese
goverlnrnt to remo"e oil possible cause Cur
mlsapprehelslop upon the subject ,
"Recent events In Corea , ' said : r. Ku-
rinD , "ha\'p unfortulatel' gl\en time hnpres-
sian In som quarters that Japan II seeltug
tO exercise exclusive control over that
country ; II other words , to ostablsh a pro-
tectorJte. Nothing could bo further from
the truth than this suppo"lton. In deallg
with Corea , Japan has but one object , the
establlsimmuent and maintenance of the independence -
dependence of the Corean klmmgdomn. In
holding to this purpose the Japanese KO"lrn-
ment Is 10t actuated by ammy wih to control
Corea , or b ) any motive of purely altruistic
benovoiemice. leI own Interests demand
that Corea shal be Inlellendent , antI that
the Corean government shal be strong
enough to maintain orler within time king-
dom all to protect foreigners rlsldllg there
"Eighty per cent of Corea's trade 1 ! with
Japan ; the regular lnes oC commulicaton
between Cores and other countrIes are en-
trely under Japanese control , whie large
number of Japanese reside In Corea for the
pUrlJose oC business Throlgh the weak policy
oC the Corean government , largely due for-
merly to time mischIevous Inluence exerted
by Chinese aimts , all oC these Interests
were constantly endangerel. Interal diD-
Order became the rule rather thal the ex-
cepton In Core and at every fresh
outbreak It was Japanese subjects that suf-
ferd most I can be seen from this that
Japan had a strong mot\e , entirely different
Crom anything like an ambitous desIgn , to
control the political destlies of Corm , anti In
assuming und maintaining time attitude she
took. Corean affairs are still In a most
unhappy condition and the best meant eC-
forts to Improve the condition oC the gov-
erment and the people are beset with ob-
stncles which seem wel nigh Insurmount-
oble Consequently there has boel some
misunderstanding II I U'op anti America
concerning time real situation In Co.ea amid
the real designs oC Japan.
"All doubts should be removed by the
statements contained In time telegraln from
my government , whIch 19 a clear and succinct -
cinct and at time samE time very frank
statement of Its true designs. The Ilres-
euco oC a large force of Japanese troops In
Corea hau doubtless been one reason why
tha Impres910n has gained ground that the
Japanese go'ernnment desires to establish a
protectorate there. The declaration of Japan
does not mean that all oC the Japanese
troops wilt ba withdrawn Crom Corea wben
Port Arthur Is evacuated , for the retention
ot a vultable Corce wIll probably still be nec-
essary for the protection oC Japanese subjects -
jects anti the legaton amid consulates But
the maintenance oC e"c such a force oC men
Is clearly regard ns temporary , as Is
bown by the statement that the Japanese
government hopes that the work oC reform
having been set In motion will progress , '
and that consequently Corea will shortly be
able to maintain order and protect foreigners -
eigners In whIch event the troops still retained -
tamed for those purposes will be recoiled . I
Thet' deelal't\lons should serve to etectu- I
ally set al rest the rumors regarding
Japan's \ design upon Corea , whIch have
gained some degree oC credence , nad vlmiehm
If not contradicted arc calculated to lead to
mot.t mischievous and InjurIous consequences -
quences The attitude oC Japan bas been
consistent from the beglnnln At the out-
set she declared that her sole object was
the maintenance of Corean Independence. "
IH1Cf\U S " 'Al O ? , 'VIIii GOIII.UI.
"I'cHI"'nt Ch.'t'h".l IeieliI'M thc
' 'hu nklld , 'In/ Vro&'luimntioii.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4.-Presldcnt Cleveland -
land today 113ue,1 a proclamaton designating
Thursday , November 28 , a9 Thanksgiving dl ) ' ,
The Proclamation folows : I
The constant goodness alI rorebearance' '
or Almlght God which have been vouch- ,
sated 10 the American people during the
year which Is just past cal for their sincere -
core acknowledgment ot devout gratitude.
To time cmiii thereCorc , that we may with
thankful hearts unite In extolling time loving
care or our Heavenly Father , I. Grover
Cleveland presllelt of the Unl,1 States ,
do hereby appoInt and set aPart Thursday ,
the 28th day ot the present month of November -
vember , as ( day or thanlsgl\ll anti ,
\lf'er \ , to be kept and observed by all our
On that day let us forego our uSual occu-
11tons and In our accustomed places of
worship Join In -
rendering thanks 10 the
Giver oC evergood and perfect gir for
the hounteou returns that IUI' " rewardr,1
our labors In the field and In the bmmmey marts
or trade , , for the peace mind ordcr that have
prevatiemi throughout the land \ , for our protection -
tceton from pestilence anti , dire calamity
amid for the other hlesslnls that have been
showered Ullon us fm nn open hmantl And
s'itim our thanksgiving let us humbly be-
seech the 1,010 to so Inclle the imeamts of
OUI' people unto Him that lie wi not lea\'e
I nor forsake \ us as n naton , but will con-
tnue to us His mercy mind \lroteetn \ care ,
guiding lS In the path ot nfton 1 prosperity -
perity and ha\I\lnesr \ \ , "ntowlng tS witim ,
rectItude and virtue amid keeping nl\e wih
wihin us 1 } 1 trio tc love for the free In-
sttutons \vlmich hnvo been given to us as
our national heriage ,
And let us also on the day or our thanks-
giving eSJeclal ' rempmber the poor and
needy antI hy lleads or charity let us show
the sincerity or our Ir.tule , ,
II wltnoR whereof I have here set my
hanll and causeti ) the senior the United
Slates to he ulxed , Unied
DOle at the city oC 'ashlngton , this
fourth mlay or November In the year or our
Lord me thousand eight hunlred , and nine-
ty-five. anti In time enl hunlred , amid tuventi-
otis year of the independence oC time United
Ily the president :
RICHARD OLNEY Secretary oC State
, l I Si STL IL I ) I ) LI mt'i's ' 'nl ' ' '
:1 IS''BI JOUI'S ' II S'l' ( ) mtl' .
1.I"t , 't"oh'M't..t' hint i'reslsl'iit
LIrlliimm'ii " 'IH Not St'rluuMI" I II .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4-Senor Domlnuez ,
charge II' affaires oC the Arleltne Republic ,
Is inclined to doubt the report from Duenou
Ayres , ) lublshC In : New York paler today
that the illness of PresIdent Urlburu I" so
serious that he will not retur to power
lie N'S that his latest Id\lc s were to the
effect that the president was suffering from
an attack of Influenza , hut tbat the dlsoas8.
whli sUlclent ) serious to Inconvenience hln
In the discharge of his duties , did hot
threaten to become serious Iresdent ! Urlburu
Is about GO years old and Is oC too strong a
constitution t ( uccumb to an orlluary at-
tack of Influenza . Senor Domlngulz IJ ) !
In case of tie prlanent , lsablelent oC
Senor Urlburu , Senor Hoca , who Is pre31dent oC
the Argentine Senate , would succeed hll , so
that there would be no break In the succes
elan ; consequently there Is no cause for alarm
lit time tlltuaton. e\en I as serious as ro-
ported. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
111.77. . ArreHtt-L In ifomsimmrni.
W\SIINOTON , No , ' , 4- ews ha reached
here of the arrest In Teucgalpa. the capital
oC HOlduras , oC A. } < Ward the Monspisis
Termms . . embezzler , lhouh this government
ims ho extradition treaty with Honduras
ha 10 extraditon wih , the I
officials of that country have voluntarily oC- '
Cere to aurrender the prisoner to the omcer
who will be sent Crom Tennessee to bring 11m
to the United States.
Cliii imsei. In Xuntl o lIlm'ers ,
lhnuKeM lt. . 1'
WASI GTON , 4.-Lleutenants D. L.
Wilson . N , J. ilaipine . 10Ultol Bdndge and
Chief 1 lglneer E. A. Magee have been Illaced
on the retired list oC the mmawy.
Time following promotions II the navy have
been male , br time president : Comlodoro S
0 Selrldge to b\ rear admiral : Commander
'ranels A. Cooke to be captain ; Llcutunalt
- - d -
- -
relrrlck l , Singer to ho lieutenant coma-
mRncler , nlgnR l 1 I' JOIlS suit W , 0 ,
luhno to be 1ltelnts. Surgeon Dwight :
Dixon to bo ledl"a h\sllettor nn(1 Aulltant
l nglnrer A. S , lal'l ; a,1 , anti W. n. 1ay to
be panell aulslant hglrmeem's.
, " , "
1.0t :1. : " 'f l Jf' % TI' : ! ll JJ'I'IS.
t'h..I"I'J flmC1't1 :1" , . Yet It'1 time
% 1111,1 1111 l'u"I.ltll.
WASIINOTO : Nov. 4.-Sprdal ( Tlle-
grmsmn.-\'itimi.n ) -el1. . or two at best , I 19 ,
expetltl l'ruhlrnt , , Cle\'ell,1 will alllnt ;
n United State MIl comliuloner to stmc-
ctcll the late : lart I . 1 lcDonal , I'rom en-
trely trustworthy sqrCeS \ Time Bee corro-
Rllontnt learell today that the IJreehlent
imail , ] llehlet to go 'dubde ! the present com-
mission to fn,1 : ammitable ' succeesor to the
dead .mnmmsisciomser . This tecL lon narrows
thE field of ollpltanls anti It Is thought here
" increases 1.ou lay's chances of al'polntmelt
"very consillerbl' . The president hae been
toll , oral ) ' as well a Ihrough petton DC
: Ir. Ias \neu for the place , and Is
thought to look favorably ems his aisimlication
) ulclon
for the place \hlth 1. becoming lore ant
niece an Import tnt adjunct oC the govern-
melt as fsh 11rotucts grow In volume anti
varIety. The I.resldent . , I was learned , Is
anxious to have this matter or his table ,
but In the press of much more Important
baslness of Etate bas not hat tme to take
imp the claims oC the \arlous candidates
for time place . which pays $ : ,000 a year : ,
May has the enthusiastc support oC J. Ster-
lng Morton , who Is i Irglng his appoiltment
with much ardor , and the atmmsorislmere around
the white house has a lay tinge , miotwitim-
standing the frosts oC November.
Secretary Morton , who 1\1 remain at his
desk herE Insead oC adding. one more vote
to time 5uld money democrutLc nomlneo for
the supreme court , will renew his efforts
to have the fah commleslon attached to the
Department of Agriculture during the com-
Ilg session oC congr S. There Is no de-
pkrtment , according to the secretary , which
has the uplmimildimig and developllg oC the country -
try so much at heart as time Department of
Agriculture , and for that reason he desires
10 see all eUbdeparlmelts Intereste L fos-
terln/ the Ilroducts of the countr ulder
the direct supervision of the secretary of
agricuitimre .
President Cleveland will not go to New
York to vote , but instead ( will receive news
oC electons throughout thE country at lmk
suburhan imomame , \'oodiey. Secretary Morton
I emi the anxlQua Hat . , having selt a number
oC telegrams recent ) to representatives of
his wIng or de/ocrJc ) ' In the slate urging
that a big vott be goten out Tuesday In the
Interest ot timepresident's financial polcy ,
The comptroller oC the currency has approved -
proved the folowlll reserve agents for
Iowa national banks : hanover National ,
New York anti Atlas National , ChIcago , for
Lire Stock Natonal of Sioux City ; AmerIcan -
lean Exchange National , New York , for
First National of lirltt.
Al'arado C. BrlU11 was today commit-
cloned ' , ' .
postmaster at Pearl , Neb ; Georg W.
Horn at DeJn , la" , and George B. MaIn at
Wrstfel , Ia , ,
Colonel W ' 3. Worth nail Irs. Worth of
Governor's Islilll , N. Y. , wih their guest ,
Miss gmlr WBlwle of Omaha arc In the
city at the Eljbitt , having nrlved from Now
York today wih Major General Ile < ' and
wife In their private , car
Blnl"T ' n' . \ \ COM3I mssios.
fH to Act , .itb I Slml"I' Itcl"11 _
Ilolnt.t h" Cii , msiisi.
WASHINGTON No\ .I-The Ilreshient
has made time Colol"ln ! appointments : James
n 1. Algel oC Michigan , John E Russell of
Massachusetts and 'Lman E. Cooley oC liii-
nois to be commlsloners to make Inquiry
and report upon the feasibility of a deep
water canal between the lakes and the At-
lantc ocean under the act approved March
last ; Claude N. Bennett oC Atlanta . Ga" , to
he agent to make allotments to the IndIans ;
Patrick Ilernan of Olivia , 1lnn , . to bo cur-
\e'or gen ral of MIimimesota ; K. W Perry
has been appointed first leutenant In the
revenue cuter servlcel
Time Deep Water commIssion Is required
to meet and cnferwih a similar com mls-
don yet to bo Plilnted by Great Britain
or the Dominion o4 Canoda wih reference
to the creation ot ) deep water connection
between the lake ) the Atantc , and I
any Part oC' . tm.iS.aharmnel ( shall fail within
Canallan lnes they are to determine what
treaty stpulatols are necessary to secure
the free use of the channel to citizens of
the Wilted States on equal terms with the
Caladlans , No salary Is atachcd to the
positon of commissioner , although expenses
ore provided Cor The commission as con-
Dtuted ranks hlg/ In the estimation or
engineer oIcers , Mr. Angel , who nego-
taled the Chinese treaty , Is regarded as
peculiarly fitted to treat the diplomatc
questions Involved ; lr , Cooley Is by pro-
resslon able to pass upon the engineering
features oC the work , and ex-Itepresemitative
Rlssel oC Massachusetts Ie believed to be
equipped to deal whim the enterprise a a
commerctal project
In- At.t.t'llt tIR- Intnhlin.
WAShINGTON , No\ . 4-'he Inllcatons
are that the Kotahdln will not be rejected ,
, lotwlthstantlng her failure to accomplsh all
that was requlrel of her In the nsatter of
speed As the veseel , which Is otherwIsE per-
feet , male several hun < re < horse power more
than she was originally < CIled for , It Is
now clllto apparent that the difculy lies In
time Iecular morel of the ship , which the Bath
Iron \orlts lid not desIgn or alter In an' \vay ,
'Pie ) ' arc not pressing for another trial he-
levlng that all that Is posnlble has been
gotten out of the boat , As the law unlhr
which the KatallUr was hul Imposes no re-
qulrment a3 to speed . amid the only stpulaton
on that point Is contaIned In the contract , It
Is probable that Secretary Hlrbert may de-
cide , In view oC the fact that there was no bid
In competton with that oC the Bath Iron
Works , to arrange for l'le acceptancE oC the
vessel , with perhaps a alight reducten from
the contract 11rlce ,
Ni'sva for tht.rm , ' .
WASHINGTON , No , . , 4-Slleclal ( Tlle-
gram.-Leave ) oC abselce for tuemsty days , on
surgeon's certificate of disability , Is granted
Calltaln Stephen H. Stafford . 1 leenth In-
fantr ) ' ,
The leave o abscnee granted Captain Alyn
Capron , First artlery , Departmenl oC the
Missouri , Is extend one month and uifteemi
das ffeen
By direction oC the secretary oC war , the
extension oC leave of absence granted Ftrst
Lieutnant Garland N Whister , FIfth art-
iery , Is still further extended six months.
Ht'I"t.t'cl ut " 'IHhllJtol.
WASHINGTON , Nov 4-The onnounce-
ment of the sudden death of Eugene Field
proved a great shock to his numerous Crlend"
here Mr. Field had vIsied Washington
often , and was koWI personally by a large
number of public , Iuen , and newspaper writers
al the natolal capital , by whom he was
not only admired Mr hi" ski as I writer
oC prose and lerse.lut ! highly esteemed for
his genial social guattIes.
Ht'"omm"ntl < h-I' I St'I'.ICI I1t'nHlln.
W.SINGTON , , lo ' . 4.-S cretaIY Smih
wi recommend ; 0 , the president the placing
or time law clerks ot fhe Interior depatment
ald generdl land olco uldur the cl'1 servIce -
Ice rules lie wlll Q suggest that oil members -
beta oC the clerical 1 force of the Indian office .
not under the civiiisI'vice be Included In the
. I' , . !
- .
Onl , . Onto .hdull'Hhll lu Uunht.
PhIILADEL1'1hi'floy , 4.-Lttle : Interest
atached to the electlon In i'ommnsylvania. The
only state be voted for are a
state treasurer to serve for two years , and
seven jUdges oC the new superior court to
serve for ten years . The candidates for
treasurer are : Republican . Ilenjamin laYIcoJ ;
democrat , ex-Commgresinman Iyeu , Mr Hay-
woo't election 19 regdrded by his party as
a foregone conclusion , the only question being
time extent oC hIs mmmajority . 'he only contest
will bo probably for enl oC the Illaces on the
superior b nch. Time republicans have nomInated -
mated the six men oC that faith who are at
presnt member Thelo are smite to be elected ,
1 on'thlng like the usual vote Is polled . 1"01
the seventh place there are six democratc
asplnnt8 The facl'here are so malY peji' '
for time vacant hole wil encourage tradIng
and cuttng all over the a1t , . Time CamlJlgu
In the city has len oven quieter than In
the state
The republcan managers claIm there h
little doubt oC the hole republcan city ticket
being elected by about 50,000 nsajorhty. ODly
hummer city olees ate to be Ole <
Was Actively Engaged in Work No JI.uIer
Ago Than Sntudny ,
UI"lhl"uIJht.l . . .lulrunIJt.ulho. . IU'
1'm.'t SUt't'l"hl lu uu "IH''IItctt11
, \tntt ut uu 1.1" hour
\ 'ee.crminy ( ' lu.n"'J.
MILWAlEU. No\ 4.-A private telegram
Crol Buena ParI" , ill . , says gugenl 1'jell , the
hoot , llcl snlldenly at G o'clock this murnlng
after aim Ilnl6 oC but a few days.
For sOle lays Mr. Field hat been : llng ,
but It was suppose ] he WIS suIHlng frol
acute stolach troubles anti no serious
turn was antcipated , Dr. Frank Reilly . who
las summoned thIs morning , prononnee the
death to hO\'e been caused by the formaton
oC a clot of blood In time hearl.
Alhough :1' . Field was feellg so ill that
he telegrallhel to Kansas City cancellnK un
enlngenlnt which he hal ( there for tonIght ,
he Sat UII until a late hour cbtln ! wih
Mr. Yenowlno oC the Mlwaullee Illustrated
News. :11 Yenowlne was to have Iccom-
panlll ( : Ir , Field 10 Kansas City amid hnl
come from Milwaukee for that pmmrpose. The
deceased wns "cry ellErful amid , the two sat
up untl u late hour tliscussing future plls ,
Shorty before midnight : Ir. Field had n
telegram sent to ICans"s " City sa'lnl that he
would not be able to come until later In the
week , . unt
Upon going to bed ; ll Field did not COl-
1laln , bnt durllg time nllht Fred FIeld . the
14-yoar-olti son o the mleceasetl , heard his
father groanllg In his slcell ThE lad thought
nothing of tbls until near imsurmilmig . \ helm
the slleplng man groanld more hO.vly than
quiet before and thou became llrcfecty still and
When the Camly leached time bedsIde they
fOllml , l nrele F'Ieitl was no mor Ills boil )
was lying In an cas , natural posiion , the
heat of life hal hot yet died out and a
tranqui , peaceful expression on his face gave
him the appearance of 11\llg dropped Into a
gentle slumber
: Ir. Field was born In St Louis \ Septembel'
2 , 18GO , and was therefore 4G years 011
ut the tme oC his demmtim Ic was the son
of Hoswel : Iartl and I'rances ( bLeed ) Field .
ills parelts were both natives of \Inlhum , I
county , \ermont. Ills father graduate,1
from : ltdlehury college when only 15 ] ) 'ells
old , became a lawyer timid Introdlced a bill
In the Vermont legIslature permiting
atheists to testify In courts oC law. lie
las Drell Scott's first attorney In the cast
which resuled In the fUl0us Dre,1 Scot
decision by time United States supreme
court ,
Time frEt American ancestor of the name of
Field , clme 10 this country between IG30
and 1610 , whie on the paternal grand-
mother's sIde the original American ancestor
II as Jumes SmIth , who settled at Plymouth
In 1626 Eugene Field's mother died 11
18:7. lie was then , Jt under the care of
his cousin , Miss Mary Field French , at Am-
henlt , Mass . and for thlrtEen years she
superintended hum education amid was his
foster mothcr lie attended Wilams college -
lege In 1868 , Knox college In 1860 and time
State University oC Missouri In 181 , After
fnishing his education 1m adopted the pro-
' 1'JI EI'I.'I'C'I' ANt ) II iiA1.iNC. I'ItOl'ldit-
TIES 01. AiL'.t1tAGtJS. ,
AIII.I ! " , time Great Henlt'r . or mind
'ruulc Cur Ihc 1ChmhImCI4-tleml lu
- the Most lIi.mlim.'Imt
I rnnct . 11'the "Iult f'"h'ut
I'h.HItIIIHIh ( "ut Stmceeeem .
55'imijmtoimiM uutl 1ft'tM or Sick fll- -
1H.-lhluJ'rnn. Not lu Cure ' 11"ul
-Spimm'iglIK 1\lt\ , " I'hiIs Cure
l\duI" 'Froumbicum.
\sus:1ragtis : Is enc ot thc common lilants
ASJa1ngts valnnhlo for isiedlelise ni-
though lloilic 110n't gClelalr Imow it.
Did you e\er cat ASIHraU8 : ?
Of COU'C ?
" ' 1'\ , what wer tlc effects 01 your
Idhl ( 's ?
, palus : has thc hest hcnln nnl
tOllc , en'cI't8 Oi the kidmmeys of ) ( I'u :
Imowl , !
' mllscos'c'i'eml . this I
Ft'clcl physlclals ) .1co'c(1 ( ;
' ' ) multi immure uIl It ( 'vem' Incp
yelt'S : ago nll hl\e : ( \PI'
But thc best IJ'OIJ'I'IIS or tIme Illllt
are to lie got In DI' hlobb'u HJII : uS
Klmiile3' \ 11 ,
Khl\c :
' 1'imt'i't : Is I rC1801 f111 tils , anl that Is ,
that tIme extract of Aspargls : U8111 II
' ' ] ' Pills Is
DI' Iohh's HIHlgus KIllr Pis
IJ'l'plrell : from the roots , 1111 hot the
stale ,
staloJo , that It I Is prllJu'll ] hr 1 Riltlal
IJ'occs : , whll'l t'xli'it'l : 11 tlm' virtues of
' ' ' ,
w'itimont wnI (
hit' plant ) Wllolt :
11' thlt OIC DI' Ibmbb's HI\rgls : 1\1(1. (
Ilr Pi Is ns good lS pct'hals : tl'l dlshcs
' ,
of ASIHu'alUS
' ' ' ItltMll'imsI's for this nail ] tlrmigs
'rhll'c lre IPI1IIS tils 11lllns
Cor that , ole COl' Iheumntsm , another
for gout . Ilothpl for Bright's disease ,
0' ittimui' , 1 dozel ot' molc for each : sick-
I ( : S ,
" 111 , mull time tll t , Di' Ilobb's 511am-
gus Kidney Pills wou11 cure 11 ' ole of
ll m ,
AIII the cure smite \oul11lal a 1mev-
fed cure , 11 ] slot Iwl'I ' I simoi't relief .
For thc truth Is thlt thc kllne 'R mile
the real fHu'e.Plough enuse of I 111Je
iiiimiihiei' of our IJ'IIIIHI ) ) 11sCISS ,
Tlmey mire fHIJJOsc(1 ( to filter tIme blood ,
alll whcl t1r don't we fail Sl1 . . I
' ' ' don't Is because :
'rhe emily reason thc(101't
time ) ' are sick themsPCR , 111 the ollr
tIming that wi cum lucia Is Dl' llobb's
' Kitimmey I'liiu , -
Spai'mgus Klller Pls-
'I'lme blood iieeu1 comitlnutsl purifying
'Ihe hlo01 leels cOltlual p\IC 'llg
or Itrln .
IIIJU'I hloo.1 . Is P01801018. Polsol Iii
time hloocl is 1 IlsPlse ,
'rhC diseases eatmseul . 1 ' 11\1 blood ( ira
sOletnws called , "blood 11 sense : , " A
Cew of thm mite rhcumatsm , gout . mum-
11mla : , pale amid snlow comlI'xlon. ,
lllorosl : at' gl'cen slelmess , len'ousle8s ,
IC\nl II , lJtC.
Al thesl , 1111 all 0111 hlool111seaRcs ,
cal ice caret ! by CIllg thC 1.llIC .R ,
'l' it Is Is I time h'nl t . mlllllg : t of "lhllg I
limit hirO. " AlI 1C. to tllOW off 8lclmeB
1 ' 1111111 tIme sick ; 1 > IIIP'S ,
, l\h1ncy disemist's . 01' all I.huls I'C cIel1
1) ) DI' , Iohh'/ Spmii'mmgtms Khlle ) Pis ,
'l'itey wi cure BI'lght's dlsemtst' " Nephm-
rlt : . CongestIon . Dlalll's , Pain II the
Iimi'k , Sleeplessness . ptc.
Iomm't o\II'work your Id,1np , 'R. 'l'ake
care of thcm. Don't worl ; too Ileh ,
WO'I'r too lueh , elt too luch , mli'lnk too I
I 'Ol 10 % 'Ohll' Idl11PYR wi suifi'e'm' . 1111
slckless S'Oillill , sulrm' from thc effects of thei'
Dt' . 1IOii's Sllragls Kh11PY Pills will
CU'C sick 111Iw ' : . ' 11 ' wi also IH'C-
'pnt 'OU' klmimit'ys ( getting sick If
talwn In tulle wlln thc first S 'llltols
of the siekmtess ' ' .
RlewPsR I I Illt'm'
' 1'11'wi cure 11sel I'r whlll doctors .
aI1 ( h'iigs arc OfPI unahle to Veii't5.
A few 1118 wi relieve. A few boxes
'iIi ctim't' .
wi l'\'l' .
Fat' ale . ly ) all druggists , or 1) ) mal ;
IJ'PIHl1 tot' r. cents I hnx ,
\\'m'ite , . for \nluahlo Ja IlhlIt : "A PI-
' Ymimit' BlooI , " free ' ' . ,
tlI' Pal' ) cl' ( fl'IH ou 1'IUIt
Prim I [ ohmic's tielsen. \ lpllclw Co. , Chicago , Ol' HII
wi be sold Iii Omuha : hy the
lG13 Dodge street second door wet oC I' , 0
. . .
Ii p. -
. , -
- - -
CrUIOI Of nOlnllper 1 titer , 'gmnnimg , wl'l ' I
tht St Louis JOltllll II t ' : : I I I I" 'm II"xt '
conlectllas with the 81 , j ' ' I.h . , 1i. ,
( limzotte its IS1 . after \h"h I , . rtII..1 I'J"I
Ht , 1.1U18 to take 11 editorIal li'irtriio on
the t Tlle -JlJlrlll , II I I SSO hu \loS oil th , '
Jtir .f tha lal8a9 CIty TIIII , but I.f
that IIRllr II IS8t to heeoll 111IKIII cdi.
tor of the J.II' r " 'nIbmimm , ' , lie talc to , \I'U t 13 , ISS3 10 accept a liosI.
tlLI on the editorial 1 star Dr the Chicago (
MornIng Noire ( non' time I.l'rlt nlll his eon-
neeton wih that IJallp centnlh,1 110lt
Interrlltl'l tmmmtll hmt death.
Mr. Piehml'n last eommli'Ibmmtlomm to his de-
hart mmmcmi t aim ttml l'ahme r , ' 'Sli.smpe aim it Fiat a , ' '
ll'ns immilui isimetl Sa tumrda9' mmsornlng ml mmmi i ii it
was mu chmarmuetenistic dt'femmse of 11111 Nyn
amid a rt'fmmsai to accept time immmptmttmtiomms
as to time ctmmmse of the recent assault omm tIme
imummmonict at l'atersoms , N , 3.
lit atitiltlomi to his mmouspaper work Mr.
Field imas foummid timiuc to lmerformn mistmchm extra
Iatmor imi the literary field amid imuus establielmeti
a repuumutiomm mule a Imowertumi amid clever writer
of stories amid verse. ills iimt poemmi of
irotoimsiomi ueae "irenmn Simips , " wnittemm fou
timid Primited 1mm time October l.atiics' hlumsmc Jour.
nd , lie sus C5heCI8ll ) atiehmt ims time iuoemuis
tmimti ttories of clmiid life muimi hmts prirmto.i
books mion' mummmmsber mu , lmmmif dozems voltmtmmes.
lie immas also mmmauio imimimseif f.smmiomma to time
litiiiiio as um meatier of lmis calm stories amid
verses , hmavimmg at tiifteremmt timmmes npeareti ,
joiistlyVltim itigar'ilsomi Nyc auth Jamimea
\\'imitcomishm Riley. , mmmommg hula better kmmowmi
11(01(5 mire time "Dommver Tribimmme I'ritimer , ' '
ISS2 ; ' 'C'mmlture's Gariititl : , " ISS ? ; "Little
hook of \ \ 'eiterms'ermmes , " 18S9 ; "Little hook
of Profitable Tales , " 18S9 ; ' 'Secommul hook a !
Verse , ' 1892' " 'itim 'rrummmmlmot amid hirummu , "
1S92 ; "Echoes frons time Sabimmu Ymsrmmi , "
Mr. Field mmmarrleti Miss Julia Commistock of
St. JomihIhm , Mo , , October 16 , 1S7'J , mmmiii hmati
seven uimiiiiren , liosewehi Martimm , Mary
Premmels , .uielvims Gray , flmmgomie , jr. , irederlck
Skiff , Julia anti htoaweli Vrammcies , 1mm Jimmie ,
1S93 , Kisox college conform-oil upomm Mr. Field
time lmohmormmr9' degree of A. ? it.
CIiim'GO , Nor. 4.-Time fmmmieral service
ivili take idace at time iommrtim i'resbyteriamm
cimumr'hm , Itimsit anti Superior streets , Vcdnes-
mla ) , at 2 p. mu. 11ev. Ir , Frammk A , Gmmn-
caulus vilI ailiciato , rtsisteti by lies' . Dr.
Prammk M , Bristol , amid appropriate mmtitiress
will ii mnamlo by 11ev. Dr. M.V. . Stryker anti
110mm. Limthmer Lmmihimm Miiimm ,
Time following gentiemmsrxm have booms selected
as active lull bearers : Mr. Hart Taylor , Mr.
E , I ) . Wimmsiouv , Mr. Charles ? il , Fayc , Collins
Slunckehfortl , C. A. Mmmelommalti ) amiti Mr. 3. W.
Iilltmssan. Time following gemstlt.mmuemm lmrvo beemm
eiectetI as imomsorary hall b' : Messrs ,
Victor F. Lawsomm , ii , Ii. Kohmisaat , F , ii.
head , 11. (1. Seifridge , it. A. W'alier , Miluvari
, tharns , P. Vi'illis Itice , Ii. N. liiggimsbotimammm ,
1' ' . J. V. Skiff. M. I' . hlammuly , Ii. C. Chmatfield
Taylor ammti M. 5 , Stommo ,
rime intermmsomit vili be rut Gracslatmd cemmme-
tcry amid will be private' ,
DoVi'itt's LIttle Early Risers , time pills
that cure comistipatiomu and blllousisess ,
Apollinctr ! s' '
Received the HIGHEST AWARD
at the WORLD'S PAIR , and at the
ms Tlm ONLY
Weakneu & Disorder oh
20 Years Experience.
9 Years In Omaha.
' hook Free , Conuimtation
miti Exatniaation Free ,
- 14th and Farnamn Sts. ,
OMAhA frifl.
LIi'I'1UN'it1s ( ( )1 SUI.'LIUlNG.
1 ii ) . ' I Ii r i mI im I , ' .i S.'vm'mm I i ii iiii ri-mi I ) nihi r teA
A t t . .amm lit I ii I , Cmmi' ,
'I'hmo fohhous'immg is a letter we recelveti I
imimart timmme ago frommm Mrs. M. C. Ilinkley ,
m02 ; Nortim iIssisvippi street , Immdiaimnimolis ,
In'l :
( lemmtinmmmcmm-Vi'imik : e.uttterimmg lmitcncely from
lilies , I becanue Immterm'atemi in ) 'otmr isdvor.
tlscmmment Imi omme of ( stir tinily imapers , nail
lmrceimreui a package of ) 'otmu' l'yrammmitt I'lhmi
Ctmre Imummum ommr dnmiegtst , Column ) ' to lmmy
rxll 'ctatioms : , time relief ivas Irustamatammeotma ,
I umsed tu o baxt's of the h'lie Ctmre munti omm
of time L'hiis , mmml simm eoumvimicetl ( list they
: mro the tiisiy cafe ctmro for Ililca on timt
immariEct , I lmt'e teemi a stmT.rer ( fm-omit isiles
for Iift'emm ) emrs , ami1 have imeen conllmmetl Is
hlmy boil .bmmt on.iiait of time tinie , expect-
11mg antI ti hahmimig for miectlm , for time hem was
0(1 meat. i w'mit to time college lmero nmmd
tiio thotors said lily case Was ml muew one to
tiit'mmi , time ham ha'imig brommitlt omm is
10160 rmhpttmre , iV1&itii tile ) ' wamiteti $700 del-
hats La out ommt , I s'ac rem y mmmumcii afraid
that titalim wouit m'esmmit frommu lmiooii i'olson'
lug , it'imleh the ) ' akl is Otilil m'eeumit fromsi timd
operation. 1 fe1 as though I can't prait'i
tlmti i'l'rfimnltl I'hio Ctmre amid time h'ym'ammmid
I'hiis too highly , as i msmmm'hmmectl that thmey
sas'cml mimy life. lh&'tcre tmsimmg ) 'tumr cure I
wolgimed ommiy imimmety poummmtis , amid now I
weIgh 150 nntl feel as weii an I vver uild in
may life , Youmr at liberty to umse this tea.
thmnonini in atmy nlamlma'r youm mmma m5 fIt ,
as I emit nil sumffi'rers frommu thmi tertIlmia
disease to know that timerci has at last
bem : CummmhmuUntlf'd a remisetiy that will ctmre
lilies. ? illt. M. C. IhlNiCh.IY.
'fhere Is no netmi of time dammger , imaimm amid
expemise of a 'mmrgicai operatiomm for ammy
ftirnm of lmilt's. 'Time i'yummummiti Pile tune ( lees
time work li lthotmt lain , anti Is time cafesi
nmmti tImeh' at. iiemmsommmlcr also that thm
h'ymmiarhl I'ihi are a certain euro for comu.
ctipatiohm , acting svitimotmt gnimimsg , amid ro.
metorimmg mmattmral maclIon to thus tunnels.
Time 1''nmariti l'llo ( 'mIre Iii solti by drug.
gimmts at 50 route anti $1.00 , amid time Pymmmarid
' b ' mail frommi l'ymmiarid
i'ills at 25 cents. or )
Co. , Aibim.mmm , hitch.
. , . , - . - , - , iv. , cm mil hit. mnrviniii , Fre.em )
- - . CALTH 0 6 i'rO , ,
lti'mt.ti &imil i
; ai E N lt' gmmannmmmeo tutu CAm.TimCi .i III
' iI..murgt.tiint.mnn. .
\c'I , tiit ume.-momtc : : i.o.u VIc.'r ,
\I . 'l\t \ , ( * Use ii aStas ( J'saIifieI.
.t4 AdmviVOU MOI1L CO. ,
, , _ _ , . : r.j Ailan 1p.m. , ( inlrn.Ii , ( ibl ,
't'f f
Ij ' _ H
f , I
( I
( M mama usqd Wool Soap ) ii wieim limbo imMi )
1VOOLEjVSwIII iuot shrink If
is used in lime laundry.
Wool Pont , is delIcate mind rofnesimimm torhtammm mum'-
r osca. 'l'ho beL cmeuitmsor. limO , a bar Ut mjummr tlraicra.
i'wO sIren : toilet mine iatmmitlry ,
Raworth , Schodde & Ce , , Makers , Chicago.
a L'litthuani St. . Iiotomm , ma l.iwmiarii Mt. ,
2ew York,1T21 Cisoatnut St.Nt. Louis.
- - -
. , , ' ,
. _
- - - - -
. .
- - -
- - - - - - - -
Great Bankrupt Sale
of1h e
' : Morse Dry Goods Co.
16th and Farnam Sts.
Good rclitubio flt'st-class imsoreimandiso going a about halt cost
of imtmummufaetui'e.
Drapery Departmeiit
'Ve have Just received 2,500 ImaIms raeo Curtalmis , iaoiigitt for spot
caulm to ( 'i'ar imp muu immmportt'r's stock. 'i'lmey ium'e miii mmel % ' pattet'ii ttmutl
boummuti elgt's.Ve wIll sell titemmi itt HANiCItUP'L' PiLitU' . ' .
LA'E ( 'Ult'i'AiNSyards : ; Ioimg , worthm $ L50 , SPECIAL , ,4 ( ) c
PAIR , ONiY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'z'
I.4AC'E ( ' ( 'it'i'\INS---'i yards Iommg , w'ortlm 1.5O , SPiClAL , c
i'Alit. ( ) NI4Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IJJi ( E C I I ti'4 I NS.813is. . bug , 'omtIt ; 1.7r , S1EC IA I ,
h'AJU , ONI4Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14A'E C1'lt'L'AlNS-8 yds. long , woi'thu $2JO , . Sl'ECIATe , (
l'AIlt , ONtY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rri CUIt'I'AlNSim/ . lomig , w'om'tht $2.50 , SI'ECIAIA , I .
l'Mht , ONI4Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
] j.Cld CUiVP.1NS-3l/ . long , voi'tli $3.O ( ) , SI'ECIAii , Q
P4I1t , ONJY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' P
ShAM IIOLDEItS-Wortli 2c , OUR PILICE ONLY . . . . . .
Uiiclerwear Department
LADiES' VESTS 4ND PAN'I'S-Fieece lined , 1mm ct'ennm or
gm'iiy , nil sizes , \Loi'se's imi'lce 50c , BANEILIJP'L' SALE
ONLY , FLO1I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
goomls , mull wool , flume qumulity , Morse's 75e gi'ade ,
IIANICIIIJPT sii ONIjY , lACiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LADlES' COMIINA'i'ON SUITS-Nmmtutai s'otmi , very
limit' , soft quality , Mom'se's lu'lce S.OO IIANKRUI"J '
SAIj. ONI4Y , IeIi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FoYs , BICYCLE hOSE-heavy , dmii'mulmle goods , Sizes (3 ( 5
to 9 , ILtNKILUP'l' SA.LH ONLY , 1'AIht ' - '
Mqsliii Departrneiit
r4AIi lS' (1i\\'NS-liest eihinit3' lIhIlsIlit , ( lime gmls , imt'u-
fectly flimisimed , hIot'sc's irlce hi3\NKltUI"i' SALE (
Oxily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rtII ES' ( iOVNS.Extru : qiimthity , uimli w'hhtii a mmd lm'migt Im , , ' '
tuielcemi mmmmd i'ulhlm'd yokes , ulom'se's immice 7'ic , BANIC- , _ ) (
It'i"L' ( SALE ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CA hi lilt I C ( iO\VNS--J'iso t'cti'it hue umiuslimm goomis , hmmumuml-
Sm mumely I ml i ii ma ed I mm ii m'w' , mm en t mm mm ml boa mm I I fumi pa t I em'im H , m
hIot'se's mIce imp to $1.OS , IIANKILUP' ! ' SAI4E , UNIX. .
Glove Department .
DOt'i1IF w'oor i 1'i"rlNS-1mi' imdies : , good , s'muu'imm
gmOds , Morse's price 7c , IIANKiLL'P'Ii' SAii' , I'AIlt . . ,
' 1-111 " 1" . ' ON AND i.h1OIC ( lLOVIS-Fimme kid , itt bhmmvk , )
brovms , tmsmm mmml time mutest slmmudt's , full s1'.es , , 'miOm'8t."S
1)11cc $1.50 , IIANlClti'I"l' SALi 0N14l'Ahit . . . . . . . .
EX'I'ILA QI'AT4ITY 5-1100K GLOVES-Vem'y fimme , soft"y /
goods , lit blmicic , tamu mmmmmi in'ovimiot'se's l.T5 grade , [ _ [ J
' ' '
Corset Department
SA'L'EEN S'l'htiP C'OitSETS-Ioiig ivaist , perft'ct llttlmhg ,
mmcmii aim ml drimleIorse's immico 75c , BA N K it I T I ' 1' SAIifl , .
roe ODD ( . 'OhtS1'1'S-Ail slamudmird mitmukes , rt'hImtlde goods ,
'm1orst"s $ I a mmml 1.50 goollm , t a close timemmi ( , umt ipi ick ,
IIANKILPI"I' SAlfl 1'IthCfl ONI4Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14A1)l hS' CJItSl'I'VAI.S'I'Shtediuiiu mmmi . 'xti'a long , hilt-
toll iitmmi clasp f rants , nil sizes , iioilhi' 01' lImo best goomlmm
in time imummm'km't , ? mloi'su's lurlee 1.OO mmmi 1.2Z , 1iANl'-
ILIYI'T SAI4I ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linen Department
JiLEAOhIlfl ( 'OT'i'ON Clt'uSII-'l'ivIhiu1 goods , Morse's i
vrk'e Ge , IIANIC RUI"I' SA li ONI4Y , YAhti ) . . . . . . . . . . . .2C
t/e NA I'KINS-Puli bleaciue'ii , mmssortemi ptttermis : , uiot'se's
price 8:3c , RAN Kit I 'l"I' SA Il ON 14Y , 1R/lN . . . . . . . . .9t c
53.IN'Ii 'I'PILKEY Itli ) IAMASE-Pmmst colors , ims.'uoetemt
iItt.'rhls : , Morse 'a vrice :15c : , HANEILIIJ"I' SALE ONI4Y ,
YAILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. -z-- - - 1 - - -