Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1895, Page 3, Image 4

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    - I - _ _ - - - - - - - - . -
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- I L-- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . - - - 1'nJ OMAhA DAILY nEB 1 : 'l'rN.I t ; - A Y , NOY.m [ nmIt i , 1S 9 ! . :1 :
I : ' rnJ IIIW. : ( _ _ . _ . @lr _ o _ _ jJf2 ! { - WJ fr. .I ; : , ! f w : - - : : - - - m - ( fgL rm . . . _ 1r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ illU@D _ . _
- 1
\mJI \ Ofhe . : , 12 Ponrl Streot.-II. ) W. Tlltolf , l\Ist10ller flULI ! L08seo.
' ' = : : _ . f@1Fritifr ! fl'f2 ] frffrr2 frill Fr2I tr2iffij ! fi llra lffiJ 1'f2 ] Iffifr.lft2Il ! 1 tEl'
- - 0 U
--0 _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . - . " 'O _ O' _ _ _ _ _ '
" : IIN0IL II I " " SON.
- ,
Chryanthemurn : , J. \tcI'herpon. : . Tel 211 :
Mr. and Mrs. I. Harrl ! mourn thc ( lo' 01
heft ! daughter r"cllce , AShl G t yrars , Croup wa9
lho cause of her llealh ,
The IIIgh school 1IIIIutet Is l layhlR ptaii
to make a concert trio through we tern
Iowa In Iho nltr futurc'
St. 1'IUI's : gullll will meet with MISs : ' fltitts
Crl First avenue , 'fue/wIay afternoon al 1 I
o'cloek Imp'3rlant bUllln'Ju to he tra1u.
It 1IOIVIII.111 has aold 901) ) acres otanAus
farm land , located hear Topeka , 10 d. Coun-
cil Dlurts Innn for U,800 In"re than he paid
for It just 1\ year ago.
The Hehelloh Hellef nHoclalion will meet
" 'Hluslay.ovemher - ' : G , with Mre aeorge
" ' . SmilIe , 701 Stulsmau slrC'Jt. All membe'rll
Questell to b ! prespnt. ,
A marriage IIcenpt was hAued yeslerday
to William Jacobs , aged 22 , 1\1111 Liell E.
Pavey , aged 18 , both of 1lncolll , Neb They
WrlJ married by Justleo Cadit.
lecllon 1 returna will he recclred at Ihe
Young Men's Chrstlan : aaoclatlon roorne
this evening. Secretary Baker Ilet'lrell The
lice to extend II cordial Invitation to every
One 10 visIt the rooms. .
Till funeral ot Wlllio Jones tool place I
yesterday forenoon nt tile residence of his I
mother , : llr. . . Jennie Jones , 13S0 Sixth aye-
rue , Hev. W. 11. Cable of the Fifth Avenue
Methodist church oiilciatlimg Slrvlces ! were
heM at the grn\'e.
A free mUf.eal ! and elocutionary enlertaln-
merit Ilnd an evelllng of 1Oelal enjoyment
await the memhers and friends ot the Fifth
Avenue Methodist : Episcopal church tonight ,
beginning at 7:30 : o'clocl Good musIc , choice
readings. All are welcome. I
E. P. Clark ha , ' started : tocafe attachment
to the Grand hiotci Short orllers are pre-
"and and served In the ordinary from 7 a. ;
m. 10 8:30 : p. 111. lie Ius ahll made a change
In the time of serving regular meals. Lunch I
will he served ) every day from 12 to 2
o'clock and dinner from 5 to S.
"Ir. Wilcox , the florist , III receiving many
, 'Islts at the present limo. For the benefit
of the public allli the loverii ot flowers he
Is HIving a free chrysanthemum 1o'1Ioever ) '
aftelnoon. lie has over 9.000 square feet ot
1119 green ho' se devot'll to the cultulo of thz/'O
royal and popular fio\\'ers.
harry King , who recently es-
cap 11 tram the county jail nnll
was recaptured the next day , Is no more
a trusty , but has the freedom ot the corridor
IIlle the other prlsonerll. It Is stated that
he has sep'cd time In three penitentiarIes ,
that at Lcavenworth Fort Madison und
Herman & Drow's carpenter : shop , west of
. ' the court house on Fifth avenue , was set
- on lire yesterday morning about 6 o'clock
and was nearly demolished before the flames
. ' coulll be gotten under control. The bulllling
was ot little yalue but several hundred dol-
lars' worth of finished stuff and tools was
Manager Alton has secured a star allrac-
lion for next Friday night at Dohan"L' . ' .
1.rnn lI. Rallsbury's orchestra , assisted " , by
Miss Abbie \\0011 , prma ! donna. will give a
complete musical program. This organization -
tion Is one of the beet known and most
) popular ) In the west , and Mr. Alton lIeJeryes
a crowded helm ? .
f ; James & lIaversloclt secured a writ ot
attachment In Justice Cook's court against
. . J. II. I ! Hm'ell to secure a. claim of $23 : ! for
gOJds bought. They also garnished KIm-
( ball Dros. , for whom he hall been working.
Co.lstable Alberti made a quick trip 10 the '
place and found Mr. Kimball : just In the
act ot drawing / : up a chtcl to pay llussell
ort. lIe served the notice ot garnIshment
just In time.
John Johnson , who bad some trouble with '
L. E. Cally a short time ago and assaulted
him becaliso 01 1\ \1p.roemeJt about rent. . .
was brought before Justice Cool yesterday
for a hearing on the charge of assault with
. Intent 10 do greit / : bodily Ilijury. Cady wIth-
drew the charge and flied a new Information
\ charging Johnson with assault and battery.
lie was tried all that charge , found guilty
and 1I11C11 $1 and costs.
Farm loans made In western Iowa at low-
est rates. No delay In closing loans. FLre
" and tornado Insurance written In best of com.
t3 panles. Dargalns In real estate. LOUOEJ- :
& TOWI..E , 236 Pearl St.
I Money to loan on Improved Iowa farm
t4 Large loans a specially. L. W. Tulleys , 102
Main street rooms 2 and 3.
LI I ' This weather suggests warm and comfortable -
I fortablo things. 'fhoso "ColoratIo Eider
Down" bed comforts at the Council nlufh
Carpet company's and the big IIno at fur
rugs meet these suggestions. They are
cheap , durable , beautiful.
Chllne ! lii 'I'lint' Cllr.l.
BurlIngton route. Nato changes. effective
. Sunday , November 3. O. M. Brown ticket
I agent. , '
Nicest line ot overcoats In townS Ietcal
l3ros. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hardman and Standard I'lan08. 113 N. lGt\ \
. .
rL. .
& 1iII ! ; Th"lIlrl"1I1 Venture
I The National Ammmllent company Is the '
t name of nn organIzation which filed articles ]
Jot Incorporation ytstortIay with the county
iI/i recorder. The capital stocl Is fixed at $300-
000. divided into 6,000 shares of $30 each.
. ' Two thousand : arc preferred stock , anti ot the
-'remnlnln/1 / : 4,000 shareE' . denominated ommon
. ; : - , \t'locll , 2,000 are to bo dIstributed , shar < for
. .ire , RS bonus among those purchasing
: ilt 1teferroLl stocl The remaining 2.000 ! : Ihares
y i- are to bo given the promoters ' at the en-
1 terprl as commipensatiomm : for their services.
, I The holllers of preferred stock lIre to receive
, r. npr I'l'nt on their money Invested before any
I \ \ dlvi , e ds'ar.e lleclarCtI on time common sloek.
; Council Dlnrta Is named as the principal place
' \ at doing business , but branches may be
\ started at St. JOEpeh , Mo. , Topeka , Kan ,
, ( Kanma City , :110. : , St. Louis , Chleago , New !
York , Boston , Denver , San Francisco and
1 Lomlon. The object of the company II'
I buy , sell , 11':1(03. : and operate the3terl' , parks ,
I zocloglcal gardens , and amusemonh ot all
Idlllls. Time board of directors conslsta ot L.
M. Crawford , IlIchanl Wright , Arnold Shank-
IIn , Lewia Sells amid Clarence Burr. Deslda' '
these , E. I ) . Powell , O. 1. ' . Mariner and C. M.
WillIamson 'Ire nallled as Interested parties.
C The bct that Manager Alton at Dohany'
ri llew theater formerly was with Crawford led
to the belief In soma quarters that the filing
at the artleles here might mean that Craw-
tonI was about to gain control ot Dohany's
allll would \ make It a part of his circuli.
Mr. Alton was seen and denied that there
had been ammy negotiations between thom
nor that ho hall heard ot the move b.lng on
foot. lie said that ho supposed that the
articles were filed hero merely because the
laws at Iowa deal marl' tenderly with cor'
F pONtloml than K:1nsas : , Nebraska , or a good
many other state
Chrysanthemum display : ; largest variety ;
finest plants ; lowest prices. J. F. Wilcox.
The Ilardinanpiano Improves with use
We have sold 3,000 hotbed sash In Iowa
and Nebraska and never had a kick. Wo now
have ready for Immediate delivery 1.000 mere
at bedrock prices. Write for prices ' on all
kinds glazed sash , glass paints , oils , etc. .
stating quantity derlred. ! Council Bluffs
Paint & Oil Co. _ _ _ _ _ _
A plant thoroughly equIpped wIth the
nowtst machinery , the best work by skilled
and fair treat-
employee , prompt deliverIes (
meat lire among the timings that makes the
Eagle "that good laundry. " Telephone 157.
adlanl. Novelty and mmhurst stoves for
llarol coal ale the 1II0st economical stoves
made. Sold only by Charles Swaine , 7(0
Drealllvay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Prudent people are beginning to think about
holiday goods and they're noting the great
line at the tJurfee Furniture company's ,
Chambers' dancing academy new open for
. pupils. Call after 10 a. m. Circulars.
Ihvo you seen the new gas heating stoTe
at the comnpany's ' office ?
NIcest line of overcoats In town 'Ietcalf
Draa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
! 'lorehouN & Co. , blank books and bInding.
Time StAndArd plane next to the IIari3na.a.
. :
. - - - " = . . , . " . . . . , . - ! - -
JI.II'I'WX : : , U\ \ . . \XU ITS -'IIci. 1 ! .
IJllh I'girtIv " . tpmruiielm - ; ; , \ the liii 111)1
IlliN III I ( : mmm Ildenee ' .
There has been i'o little excitement over
the cunpatKn In Council Blurts that : rome
peolll may overlook the fact that today Is
election day It their attenllol } Is not especIally
called ) UI It. The county candlilates have done
considerable : quiet hustling , Jut ! time campaign
ha9 been absolutely ! void of the sensational
leatur that have marked some of Its
prellecp > ! ! ors.
1\ \ Is conceded on both sides that the elee-
tlon will Ic , close. A prominent democrat
stated yesterday afternoon that In hIs opinion
there would not lie a : dlfrerenc of 200 voles
between any ot the c:1Udfllat ' , BolIl parties
cl1ll11 evor.thln , howe\'lr. The democrats
IIJroft'5s to feel lIIel'C certainty of the election
ot John Stuhr as m'imeriffS'lIUamn D. lIarllln
au treatmrer , A. J. Horton us uperlntendent
of the 'chooll' , anti S. Wadsworth as memo
her ot the Hoard of Super.vhwrit than any of
the other eantllllates. The republicans claim
their whole ticket will be elected , and that
N. M. : 1'us'y for nutor and \\1IIIal1l Arnd
for treasurer will outstrip all the rust In
tIme cze ! of their majorities
In additIon . to the election at candidates
n proposition to authorize the Board of
Supervisors to t3bJls1 ! a poor farm and to
purchase real estate at a cost of not more
than $20,000 Is to ho voted upon. The I'rop-
oUlon also Is that In addition to paying
$20.000 for the farlll the board hall be
authorIzed 10 erect buildings and equip them
at on expense of not more than $20.000 , and
borrow $10,000 with which to pay the bllll'
The bonds are to he In denominations of
$1.000 each , drawlrl/1 / : Intere at the rate
of Ii per cent per annul11. Ten at them come
due In fourleen years from date , ten In sixteen .
teen years ten In eighteen years , antI the
remaining ten In twenty yeJrs. A lax of
one-Iourth at a null \ on the dollar Is to be
levied for the purpose ot paying Interest , and
one ml1I \ ver I > annum Ie pay the princpal ! lu-
teret and accruing Interept as fast as due.
Time following are the polling places : :
First Wnrd-Flrt ! precinct , Hoop building \
120 East Broadway : Second precinct , CollIs-
IeI' building / : , 123 East : Broadwa ) : , .
Second Ward-1 Jrst precinct Leutzlnger
building / : . :130 : BroatIway ; Second precinct , Ser-
vis Mlldlng , 73t West Broadwa
Third Ward-First precinct Keellne buihil- ! !
log 29 South raln treet : Second precinct ,
Dhxslm building / : , 807 Sonth Main street.
ourth \\'ard-Flrct precInct , lUng barn ,
li02 Pearl street : Second precinct , McPeck's
simop 612 Tweltth avenue.
I.'lfth 'Ward-First precinct , Arcade build-
log 1033 West Broadway ; Second precinct ,
New : huilding 1511 South ThIrteenth street.
Sixth \VardFlrst precinct Midway building .
lng , 2020 West Broadway : Second precinct ,
Theodero Johnson' , Ci03 Locust a\'enue.
Kane-Outsldo city , packing houge , Green-
Time polio will open at 8 a. m. , and re-
main open nntll 6 p. m. , unless announcement
to the contrary 15 mode In the morning.
"lie - ltemrip4tre4I. - . "
An amusing Incident happened Saturday
afternoon In the Second precinct ot the Third !
ward. An enthusiastic voter who had neg-
lected 10 register came up town , and , seeing
a crowd filing In and out at n store on llliln :
street , near Tenth avenue supposed It was
time place to rpglster. 'Veil , It was ; and the
store referred to'as 919 ! ) . and the crowd
was regluterln/1 / : a purcha ! of their winter
underwear , caps gloves mittens and shoes.
'Ho also regIstered and will vote T. n.
lIughes' lImo cheapest place In the city to
trade. If yon hl1von't registered there Is
amllle time to do so yet for our line Is com-
I'lete ' and full of bargains.
Uou't ' .VsmMte Fit'I
Dy startlng'yo : ' bard coal ; , burner yel. , Get
'nne of SwaIne's airtight stoves or oil heaters.
Cheapest and best In the city. 740 Droadway.
Looking for fuel savers and hard times
stoves don't overlook DeVol's new airtight
coal heaters. They do the work and 1I0n't
COt ! you much.
Nicest line of onrcoals In tOIVn. Ielealf
IIros _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The I.adle8' Aid society will mix religion
with mince meat this weell. The old reliable
kind. Gel your order In early. 715 Fourth
street. Will announce later.
For fine work wo are strictly up to date.
Bluff City laundrr , 'pllOne 311.
IIItOWX I I :11.\IJ : lS A SUGGI S'rlO'J. :
" 'ml U I 'm th. . 'l't'i m'iImumma Coin man II ) ' 10
I'u , ' II I'urt mat the CIt , . ' " Light 11111.
'rho regular meeting of the city council was
helll last evening , but owing to the proximity
ot election or some other cause It was
hurried through In short meter. Mayor
Cleavel' mend A\t1ermeu \ l1arstow , Drewle1" ,
lIrowlI Grahl , Greenshle\lls \ , nlshlon , Shim- ,
bert and Spetman were In their accustomed
Alderman Brown stated that Sunday night
time lights were ordered turned on at G o'clocl
and the police tried to order them art at !
12:11i : , but It was an hour and ten mInutes' '
before the central telephone station could be
gotten to rellOntI. lie thought the Nebraska - ' :
Telephone company ought to be made to pay
for the extra hour's gas , which , for all the
lights In the city would amount to quite a
little sum. The matter was referred to the
lire committee.
A petition from llrs. : Druns asking / : for the
remissIon of her taxes on the ground ot POy-
orty was referred to the judicIary commit-
tee.City Electrician James Bradley staled that
he had reeeivell a proposition from the Western -
ern Telephone company ot Chicago to sell
the city three lelelhones for time patrol
. O each. The city now rents
boxes . . at . $7.50 , . " . _ . . . . _ _ _ .u _ ' _ _ L _ _ _
three maCUlne8 Jrom time ! ' eurasaa lC'I"um
company. one for the patrol box at the corner
of Bayllss parlt another for the box at the
corner nt Broadway and First street and a
third for time police headlillarters. An annual
rental ot $45 has been charged during
the past year for each ot time machInes , but
the cOIIIIany has agreed 10 cut down the
rental to $15 for tIme coming year. Bradley
suggested that as the machines could be purchased -
chased outrIght for halt what they could be
rented for , It would bo n stroke ot economy
to buy thelll , Ills suggestion : \ was referred to
the committee on police and health and the
electrician , with power to act. The contract
under which the telephone company now
. furnishes time Instruments expIres today.
A remonstrance tram reshlenls 'If the north
side ef Story street between Dluff and Fourth
streets against the laying of a sidewalk on
that : street on the ground : \ that none but the
residents ot the street would < use It . and none
ot them wanted It , was referred to the committee -
mittee on streets and alleys. 1
T. T. . Smith was granted a license 10 110 '
public weighing.
A petition asking for the location at an
electric light at tIme corner ot Broadway anti
Oak street was referred to the committee on
fire and IIltsts.
TIme bills of S. nolln , Jolm M : . I1ardln , I. .
D. Hltodes , W. L. . Marsh , Bert Stimson and
" - = " ' ' ' ' 1I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ J
J. J HIHtlies for laying sIdewalk were
open ell. lIardln's bid was the lowest on
grallln , four. foot brIck and slx.foot plank ,
while III\ghcs' bid was the lowest on four-
foot brick. The bids were referred 10 the
city engineer for Inhulallon antI wilt be acted
upon at the next council meeting
The next meeting ot time council will \ bo
held Monday evening. _ .
The ladles of time Christian church wilt I
serve dinner and , supper In the lseman 1
building on Broadway opposite Pearl street ,
today COIIIO and eat chicken pie.
'e"n" Itnl.'r CzureaI
During a de.nocratlc . assembly at the Metropolitan -
ropollian hotel last night "Texas" Baker was
seriously hurt and John and VIe Webster
slightly wounded Just how the row started
Is a dlll1cult matter to tell. There was free
beer , and this , when IIIlngled with time drinks
of red liquor which hall already been Imbibed ,
produced among : all hands a longing for a
flglmt. It was a free for all fight , and when
the casualties were reckoned up It was
f01ll1lI that Baker had heen stabbed In the
back ot time heatl , that there was another cut
In the hack of his neck , anti still another on
his nose Thp two Webster boys were beaten
abollt the head. The knife which Inlllclel ,
Baker's wounds was fdtm" afterward. lie
was removed 10 the Women's Christian aso-
elation hospital shorlly after midnight.
Nothing like It. The famous Crown plan I
with orchestral attachment leads I them all. ,
lIourldus Music house llG ftutsman : ! street
The Hardman piano wins wany frIends.
'l'OOle A SIIO'I'1' illS :11.\X. : i
CUI.tnlu" I of * I.e GO""IIIIIC'III SII'ulII'r
"ullllull 10 II. . " " . . ' "tI A" II t.I.
SIOUX CITY , -ov. - ' : 4.-(8peclal ( Telegram. )
-William Gillam , employed on the government
mont Ieamer ! Mandan : , now In wInter quarters
here , has preferred charges against Captains
Todd and Leeds and Mate Newman - ' : , concerning .
corning time manner In which order Js mimatn-
tamed on the steamer : , whIch promise 10
lead 10 an investigation by the War de-
partrnent According 10 0lllam'9 story , he
became Involved last FrIday In a dispute " ,
with the mate over some minor mattoc of
dlclplln ! , during which the latter drew his
revolver and fired several shots at his subordinate -
ordinate , by way of emphasizing his views.
Giliam 'rushed to the pilot house where he
found Todd and Leeds , antI , on begging for
protection , says / he was assaulted and terribly
beaten by the co.plalm' lie does not thln11
the case warranted such drastic treatment ,
anti proposes to make a test of the matter
before the proper authorIties.
S"lIlItllrlII"on COllfi.ll'nt.
DUBUQUE , No\ 4.-Speelal { Telegram.- )
Senator Allison has returned home confident
of an overwhelming republican victory to-
morrow. lIe said today : "The .republlcans
will have : a majority of from forty to fifty
on joint ballot In the next legislature. "
Clii Iii Selll.lcl to D'nth.
CEDAR RAPIDS , 13. , Nov. I.-Speiai ( 'f. : ! ' e.
gram.-Near ) llontlcello : time 2-year-old con or
'Veen , a German farmer , fell \ ) Into a pan of
boiling water and was terribly bmmrned dying
a few hours later In terrible agon ) ' .
U'"I1..tlr ' 1'ruuhh' H"ult" Serlo"I , . .
JEFFERSON , Ia. , Nov. 4.-(8peelal ( Tle- ; !
gram.-Alberl ) Morland shot himself \ with
suicidal Intent tonight , but not tata\y. \ ) It
Is attributed to domestic troubles.
- c.
" 'E\'I'IiEIl I FOil U I.E C'L' I 0 S UA ' .
Shower" I'rtal It'edIim :111111) : ' I'iii'aa . of
the COUlllr .
\SlIINGTON , Nov. I.-The following Is
the weather forecast for tomorrow In the
states In which elections will be held : .
For Nebraska and Kansas - Partly
cloudy weather : probably local raIns
and snows In the western portions : winds
shifting to north and much .colller.
For lllssourl-Falr : In the morning : increasing -
creasing cloudiness _ tend probably _ showers , , .I in ,
the evening or night : cOOler TUeSlIU ) ' . III"L ,
southerly winds shIrting to southwesterl
For IowaIncreastngeloUlInesR and 1)rob-
' ' , afternoon or night :
ably local rains Tuesday
wind ! shifting / : to northerly and much colder
Tuesday night.
For North - ' : and South Dakota-Showcm :
For Ulnh-I alr : decIdedly colder
Ohio-FaIr during Tuesday and warm.
For Indiana and Illinois-Full' during the
greater portion of 'l'uesllI\Y : probably followed - (
lowed lay local rains during the nliht.
For hentuc-Generall ! fair , but with
Increasing cioulllness.
For Lower tlchhan-Falr during the
tiny followed by showers at nIght.
For Upper lIchlgan-LoclIl rains and
snow anti colder.
For Pennsylvania-Generally fnlr.
" 'uslel n 1'0I1ns'I\'anla-Generall fair.
For Eastern New York-Probably ) l faIr anti
For " ' . . ! .ll'rn New York-Generally filII'
For New Jerse > ' -Falr. followed hy cloudy
and threatening weather on the coqt.
For llassachusetts-Fnlr : durIng Tuesday
hut may be cloudy and threatenIng on Ih
wutheast coast In the evening. .
For lar'lallll-PI'QbahIY fair In th . . . In
tenor during the greater / : part ot time da
and showers on ' the coast.
For Vtrglnla-Generall fntr. ,
North nod Soulh Carol1l11 and GeorgIa
Generally fair ; local showers on the coact
1'aRtprn : Florhlll-l.ocnl rains.
For M lIsslsslppl-Falr , followed by showe ]
on time coast.
1,01 11 e'or.l.
O\IAHA. No\ 4.-0malm record ot ten
ature amId rainfall compared with the eorr
spo\llllng tIny ot the past four years : '
I&13. : ; 1631. 1593. 1St
Maximum temperature . . 7 C G
Minimum tempera lure. . . . . ii 41 28
Average temperature. . . . . (3 ( . G I ; ; 46
Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'r 'r ,0 .
CondItion of temperature anti Ilreclplnt
at Omaha for time day and since Lurch
1S95 : ; : I
Normal tempernlure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excess for time day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accumulated eXCeSS slnco MarcIa : 1. . . . .1
Normal preclpltntlon. . . . . . . . . . . .01 I
1)eilcieocy for the dll" . . . . . . . . . .01 14 I
Total precipitation since March 1 19.W Inc }
Defclenc ) ' sInce Marcia 1. . . . . 10.l Inl
n"I'O'I. trout Station " , nt S I' , .
. ' " i . , , : ; 1 I
. 8 " ; . . . '
; v 'i " i STATS
a ' E 3 :
3 ' g
: ' 1 :
( ; ; . . . . = - ( it 7 ) p lj
North Platte..5(1 : . ( til .T Part clJ
Huron. . . . . . . . . : Il 44 .01 ) l ) eondy ,
Lhtalo . . . . . . tin 18 .ou CIOI ,
SI. Lonla. . . . . . t8 7 : .09 Clear
SI.PaU. . . . . . . l 10 , IU CloUly ,
Davt'iiiori. . , . . . . . . all 70 .00 Clear.
Kal"a City. . . . 18 7t .OIm Cljttd )
iiememmi. : . Cly. . . . . . . . W : :4 . : $ fnowh
uavro. . . . . . . . . : 1 : t .T Snowll
Salt r.alto : City. . . . . 30 to .Ctl Cloudy
\ Sil larl , Ciy. . . . . : : : ,10 .00 Cion" )
\'lnccm . . . . . l :1,1 : , .00 1 ( 'lQimtl )
: .OU11\11)
Chcycnlo , . . . . . , .8 . . ill .02 Snowh
i'Illtaatomm. . . , . . . . . : :1 : : : I .ou , Cioud , )
la)11 ) City , . . . . . . . 31 ! : s , UIIClolll )
- IVOKIOI . . . . . 70 7 : TICOUI)1
L. A. WrlS11 Obscr'
" 1" Indicates trace at precipitation. \
_ -
r1I1r1iiIifo1vicJIJJA ( (
. .
.4 r1la.i a
fr ----a-
- - - - -
I. ' I'
. .
- . ,
Tclmcr nnd Rodgers vo Jt , in Record-
Breaking 'ime ¶ ,
lulllr 111.1 11mm liii's ( tHai I I1&'al for d tie
1111' in the ! liille Seimlis-
l'uAA ' " ' ,1 flit' " 'I'eximN ; Sllte
Chl"Ilul"h I IIi. I I
AUSTIN - ' : , Tex. . Nov 4-There was nn extra
large alemlanco present today at the al'en-
lug of the great International regatta and
they were fa\ori : wih a. fine round at sport ,
though there were only three races entered
for today . Time first race was trial heal
three miles with three turn , over a three-
cluarter mile course , participated In by I ng-
Iishmen only . Entries : hlimbear . harry .
lIalnes antI WIngate. Bubear was In fine
shalle and won time race by five boat : lenglhs ,
puling an easy : stroke at twenty-eight
131ne , pushell him some In the last Quarter
by spurting with a stroke of twenty-nine.
Barry came In a. fair third , but Wingate
was not In the race at any time , falling / : away
behind from time start , Dubear anti lIalnes ,
having won time race In one , two order , will
now 1'01 In the filial against two Americans
for the championship ot the world. The
two Amerleans are to be selected tomorrow ,
TIme at race , 1:18. :
The mecond race , one and one.hal miles ,
wllh tmmrn , for the amateur championship of
Texas , was won by Ed 1Ogg ) ' of Austin , his
only contestant being J. Martin ot Galveston.
Time , 11:47. :
The third race was a trial heat , double
scull , first crew In to row In the final against
ngland's I best crew for the ehamplomhlp
ot the world and a 11rso ot $1.000 , three
miles with lurn. Peterson and I.mlon ,
Oandur brothers and Teemer and HogerK
starled. This was a beautiful race , all boats
bel nIt hunchet to the mile nod a holt hag.
The Oaudaurs got away from the lag first ,
but Teemcr amid Rogers , I'ulllg long , steaty
strokes ot thlrty.five , soon pulled up with
them and rorglng ahead passed over the line
ant lne
wih a fiye.boat lengths leal. Time , 17 :47 : {
The last race was a magnificent one and
lowered time world's record for tlmree-mnhle
double scull racIng.
Tomorrow's program Is interesting amid
lengthy and the sports are betting / : heavily
tonight on the great hal mile dash which
will be putlclpatet In by all the oarmen ,
Jake Gaudlur and Teenier being the tavorltes.
" ' I 1.1) 1 1 UNTSM . \ I ) S QUALI 1"I 101) .
lIuh O"I.'r 111.1 horse neellre.1 tf
ittOaiiztvs .
CINCINNATI Nov. 4.-The judges of the
Lltonla races , after a thorough Investigation -
thou , which Included 1 trip to St. Louis by
Presiding Jadge Carter , rendered a. decision -
cision In the Wild Huntsman case today.
The hOMe Is dlefua\fied and the three
moneyn are awarded to the second , third
and fourth horsesSlurla , MQI1US and Cln-
ton. No further entries : will bo recelvell
from A. J. Stafford II whoo name Wild
1unlsmnn ran. I has been shown that
Bll Jmrnnnon who has , been Outlawed , hal
been interested In the horse within the
last two month9. If imo ' I. not hue present
owner. A horse owned all or In part by a
turf outlaw Is barred from a turf congress
Ire ) " , no mater It he has been soh congress
Innocent parI ) ' . All evhdenga obtained by
the judges point to S aforfs' connection
with Bi tirannon . He ma ; ) , however , be
the dupe of others. Carrllg of Council
\uff9 ; who , formerly o\'nei the horse und
who testified that Brnnon stole him , ovl-
denti ) - gave his testlmoh to get even wIth
Brannon belevlng : that time latter owned
the horFe. He evidently thought heI'a ! !
letting Brannon have hIm when he made
the bill ot solo to Stafford. 'rho latter
still protests his Innocene ' a. ! any connection -
ton with Tiraimnon . . and. 11 < ho bl able
10 show this ta he.true li ot couro . be
put In good standing ; , as. ladles' day '
Latonia todny nnd thait ' " 1m-
men e. The weather \as fne anti
the track dead and rather slow. Summaries -
maries :
First race . selling , one mile : Miss Galio
(8 ( to 1 won Sandoval (20 to 1) secant ,
BIguo (5 ( to 1) ) third Time : : 1 % .
Second race , selling . five and a halt fur-
lorgs : Crel (1 ( to Ci ) won , FIrst Purchnse
(8 ( to 1) ) second , Oswego (20 ( to I ) third
' '
1'jme : 1:0IH. :
Third mc , ? . purse , six furlongs : Lintlol-
lette (1 ( to 2) ) . Jlnllol-
lete ( won Iodesso (10 ( 10 1) sec-
end ) . Gateway ( C to 1) ) third. Time : 1:16. :
Fourth race , purse five furlongs : I renter -
tier (7 ( to 1 ) won , Ietrarch (30 ( to 1) second ,
Sir Vassar (20 ( to I ) third. Time : 1O3. :
' "
' " ; 'Ifh race , ceilIng . mile and a furong :
rack . ' Silk ( ( 10 I ) won . Stafa (3 ( to I ) seer -
, t'/iml , I.'n'ette Belie (2 ( to I ) third TIme
57.tYs - - -
. \ , AI.f , 'J'l1t IU\:1IE : OX , fUII' .
lao YeimalIg SII , ' " FII"III'f. .
fulrH I IIii'e'e 1..n IHI.I.UA".l.
NEW YOHK , Nov. .
10\ 4.-Three of the Hot
prln/1s / : fighting contingent Jossph H. Von-
ig I , mannger of the ill-fated Florida Ath-
.etle club ; James Kennethy
} enneJ' , manager of the
I'mplre A thJete club and "Charley" White
one of Fitzslmmons'
FlzslmmonR' trainer arrived In
New York tonight , All of them were greatly
dlslsled with their western experiences .
wester experience"
and 1'11) laid the blame for time flame
upon F'itzsirnmnons' Jimlian who he said , had . Ihl mannge"
I..lz.fmnons' affairs from the
lie n.serte his helet thE Flzlmmons blglnnlllg
Was not afraId 10
meet Corbutt . and that
the tight ' would have taken place hit for
Julian' 1100r vork lie blamed ! Julian for
the faluro of Fizsimmons to take a special
omcns. train for hot Springs and' thus eva < e the
Vendlg saId there ' '
wns yet hope
where that time Stuart fight may hna be pulled ar at E I'aso
gone to make
mntH. Forfeits for time origInal match will
not he paid wi
1.nluA" 'I'efllILCftmj "A" " ' . . "t.
I NEW YORK , Nov. 4.-A IJlcled bowling
team of five men , wih three substitute ,
frm the Linden ) Grove Bowling club , which
holds time championship of New York anti
liroolilyn wi go west at the latter cOil of
this season , under time management of Sam
Klrpf , armdngenment5 having been made for
them to meet time having league's
selected team In Hoehester on March : for
, SIGN . and STREIiGTU of
. ,
' , BANJOS ,
m 1t1 ' ZITHERS , and
are "uaJ ) ; .1 . by 10 oIlier .tmerh.
pJ .
C.n Ilsln'mer , L".6ln muse ' .
. 01 atmmystrtclly h ! IIrade Instru.
. ment. ' . ' MYa&Ds. Seal tot
.i , t Catloge. SCUl
. 4 3 TO 11 . w5stNayoN s. ,
- DOSON. :
----OF---I ,
Couuci luffs ' Iowa
CAPITAL , . : . . r. $109,001)
\ \ ' I ,
\1' : UI SIIP'nun. . t01t.IOC'VIONS
OXg . ' ' '
01. 'rug OLlti' ' .
titxiCs ix un\\
. I'IOlt CtN'1' I'AIU ( IS ' . IAICS ' '
I CIX'I' IX' 11l10 1)fll'OSiT
. T'I UII'oI'r :
¶ A.\1 EN us 01\ % 'Itl'1'J3.
pBcial Notces-Counci Iufs
A ' . ' .
cation . , fur 1&0.0 ; come end see it , C. n.
, ' Icho\on , Sa9 1 1roadla ) ' . nnl _ _ _ _ _ I _
l'oit Street after T. MY 1tL0SID10C . 816 IIATNCn
conl'enlencel. November 1 ; Igbl rooms ; maitre
Ala . lIve-loom house , No.8 ? ) l'iatner street :
: Ilntner .Iret
105t.lon al any time . Jacob Slm.
Eu Unite . al im ' , , .
, < \ I Uomerl SIt Bro.Jla )
N ACIttOS I . iAlto ; lN uMJnX c'- FOIl "
trade f'Jr COUnCIl Biutf . . . . .
Olern . 53\ \ Broadway property . C. n. Nicim-
'T-ACItIO . f1lIT FARM - : SPECIAL - nAnaAI - -
. EI. NtChOhIGn,53) L'redwmiy.
.on ht1NT . .
tthm nJNT. ; IS.U SCVION.itOQlI C. A. i3anchard. ll nmiiilFm'Cio . J :
, % 'ANTED , COOD GlItL ' .
! ) ! rS. J. Mueller . : Wiow'enuc. O NCI. .
- , , _ _ ' _
- - - - -
- ; . ; _ _
. - - - -
$250 : ; n silt . end nt Burnlo the' A 11) ' club I
all the following lu ) -:0 - ' : reid ) ' hm' ni yet
been recel'e < 10 time challenges sent to
Cleveland and Detroit cub ! whhh : cities
the eastern bowlers propose to visit on
Inrch 25 nl1 2. !
They will roll against nn n1.Chlcn o five
for n ' $2 cup 011 March 27 , nllll will IIIY Ivo
Colo' " team at llwnulo for n stmulinr
amount 01 March 28. II the \'l'nt ot their
10t Playing Clp\'elan.t or Detroit Mann-
gor Kmirpr ' says that he will nrmnge fur
extra gnlls In Chicago all Milwaukee.
The nume ot the men Selectti fur the
trip are : 'fh'nnl' . captain ; Wingenfleld ,
Irnnlnler\ Silver , 1'niilon anti lubstltutes ,
Stein , lpphig : ' \ , - jr . nntl Wilikemme .
UI"Ar..1 - oim list' - timid mig ttv . .
NI'YOHK , Nov , i-Jtmdges Biscimoff
nnll Gelgerlch , In general term of the court
ot OOlmon 1leuf hnvo dlFareell In the
stilt brought hr Henry Jtmdsoim against time
1"lushlng Jockey climb I wait expected thnt
time tlechsiomm of time general term . wouhl have
decided the constltutonnl ) of the Percr-
Grimy rncllll law.
The suit wn ! originally brought before
. orlglna\
Jtmstiee I'nl In the first dl.lrlet jUllclal
court In I stIlt brought by Jittlson tl recover
n 81\101Istnke ! from the jockey eluh. JUI'
tcu Lynn decided tmt n sweepstakes was
a lottery antI threw out the case lulge ,
n I'hor hells thlt Justice l.ynn'l doclslon
rhould ho ) mtiiirimmed . JUdge Gelgerlch holds
that It shoulll be reversed
" 'II 0111 , . 1II Plglithmmg .
1 : lllHIS , No\ . 4.-Jllme9 .1 Corbel
leave tonight for New York lie says he
wil pa ) ' no more attention to I.'ltzslnlnonl
nod Is contcn111tn a final retirement from
the ring . { 'orhet has Innl his pOSlof"loli I
letter from Superintendent Hose of time Iron
Ioultaln railway to G'neml IMsenger
. \glnt 'lownseul , In which time slat..ment Is
mllle that tim . ralh'oad Ileollle cotmlti eas\ ) '
hn'e gotten l'ttzsiniinong Inlo Hot Sprlng/J
If Fitzsimuinon h:11 not Insl tel on rnnnlng
Into the arms of Governor Clallle's oiilcialq.
.It'mmkl , ' loimllt' ( 'ott I ury A\I\.I.
CHICAGO , No\ . 4.-Tho following road
records have been allowed by the Coull' ) '
Honll club at America : H. A. Sowammer lIve
miles , lCi:51. : AU"lst 22 state reool'd ; C. E.
Jenkins , :10 mil' ! ! ' , ' :1/:0. : / : Soptllbl'l' 7 Inll
S. Iowa state reeonl : : It W. McClmmre .
twentv-nve miles . 1:28. : September : S. ' 1'xas
Rtate record : E. J. Whitsel , Ify mile , :1:2. : : : ; ,
tO imiiIe . 7:32. : Septeimmbi'r : V , Nebraska : state
record : 'I' . ' 1' Mack , I rle.nufrlio cemitmmry
course , 5:26 : . October G , New York state antI
American records.
" 'lIr"t , . lOhi' " 111 Not 11 South .
NI'\ HAVEN , No\ t.-I Is cvldent that
time University of Georgia , at Athens In
that tate , has been IIIed ! Into the ( belllf
that the Yall 'var ltr fet ball team : would
gO south. 'he Yale athletic luthorlties
denr that there 19 to be any ame.
Nurtiia'ri 1"llle St't'hml :11. : "f'r.
MI L\'AUKl0l0 No\ . .
11.\'AUKEg. NoJudge Jenkins
this afternoon Issued fn order al'\ollltlng-
Alfred , F' . Gary special master In Northern
IPaelc cases wIth lower to exnmlne Into
the r..celver reports alld to hear objec-
tons led against claims
1.1"1" , ' Grnnf.o th. . l'lmlh' " 'Irncl , .
NEW YOIIIC Nov. 4.-'he stewards of
the Jockey climb hnve grnted n license to
the Saratoga association to conl1uct I rare
meeting nt the Ilmlleo track November 1
10 Noveniber 30.
- - - - - - - -
ih'emi IIe . . .mler.
Probably that's time reason so many
j ladles turned out In answer to our ,
advertisement that wo made plc-
tore frames to order at time cost of
time moulding alone-Some of them \
didn't believe It till they , camo-
they ordered-they must have b-
Je\ed-r else they had money 10
burn. Same price thIs week. {
U . , t A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
l htlicat : Art , !
II 1513 .oulos.
i . . ; : - = ) ) ) ) : - - - ' : 1 I
. .
TPiEE gicis. I
- - - - - -
'l'Ii " 'i't'on I I I'rus Iii t'al for ( 'Ii ia , him S flt'ri'm's ' , , . .
' 1. 'r'entll11 " 1,1..l flr 'h"llIlo ln"r'I' " ( ( II''III.1 tu I lit' Co em-
uumtimI 1 * ' In I ' ' Stro 'i'eru , , -l'ht a' m 01mm I t ic
11111) cry ! Irlll 1'lI'lIIo-'h. . NUIIIIII ( fur I0 1 'II'rl Si't' I'e ,
, \ I 1..I'hc. 11'lllle.l. i
flirted with asthma , blo:1hHs Ir ' ( hI 1.111
throat dheease , nlHI who I : IOW 1'lllltoll ' b ) '
the fIrst wnrlnl chi at wlntel' to Cl\ ] I
good imiedical cnlo can niII to Un'
meclc1 .
Copclnnd amid fhcl1rd tUlar , tamer-
row "I' whc'ne\'el' I cults hiM coii'titliemic'C ,
and rcct'ivo what II nol legl\ICI at time
heat t alHI Inost s'teccmsfiml Ircatmett known
UIHI lrllclcll for tnrlcllnr mnIAllle
Ulder time pllldll t\ IJ'oIol / mllie 1) ' thee
pimi'slchnns lime total cost of the tentmelit
will he IIlltelI to n late of 15 : ; immoImtlmi' , nil
le'lklnes , rlnedlal I Inhulnlt is. el ( , lopinG
prc\hlel , or admlnl"lered without unr clulrgl
whatever .
lI'ti.ii 1 WO.IIX. (
' \11 , " " "HI' " 'hl "a'ummut t to ( let
Slrlll ! Shul,1 1'I.1 'I'ls i'd.
: II" . J. F' . Moody , Friend , Net , . , a highly .
rosl'l'cte.I elderly \ lady In hel' comlunlt ) .
wrue" ,
" 1 Anrrrel from /eneml / ill hellth for
years without Inlln/ out what really did
mill me. I was feeble . Innblo to sleep amid
commidn't , ell mcllm'h food. '
eelhln't rat \el nor 1''lsh may ; 1'
Ilhlne/J were sore a 11 11pelsel 0111 their
II/erfect / , action illlti I 1) ' hlooll with
poisons . In short , I WaS nn invalid wOlnn
through anti tlmrotmghm. After treatln with
tiliTert'mmt .Ioctol a for two 'ears with onh'
little spel , of Iellof. I tool It COl'SO of
10le lreltnent with DI mm . CO\elnll nlll1
She\arI1. They etmlghllnlll moo out In u
11) \ tim t gave . me sltndhl health anti I
nm permnllelt ) curel1. I InlFhel ) with
these ph'slclans two years ago al1 I have
been 11 rlJht . OVOI' ilnce. 1 will not let
aim opporttimmhty imass when I can spc'itk n
good nrd " word for Dr. ClllelalI 111 8hll-
" " 11"1 II 1111' helith "h.,1.1 . " " ' 1,1
fur tim. ' Sin'eiiat ' S"II.lul , Ilul" fu , '
" ' 1 I. . U. 'l'tae lIamme' 'l'rematiimemmt . II
his ehii't'a uf ( 'mmsa's I. 1u'mma'iltlmmg ' .111
1" ,
. 11'1'llu
"lrlllA" hll.I..I" " tin lmmt' . . 11"1 sumf-
. . .
fererH f.I' ' . .1. . .
- - - - - - - - -
lhltl0tiGilovN .
. \ n..HII If lhrll' ( , agum'm'ii ( g"l"tlu
Shiit'i' Ih 11.1 I hOllt.
MrV. . 1. Jones ot 1012 Pacific street Is
a wlehlnn for the. H. & M. rnilroad . lIe-
In/1 / : an ohl olloyo or the road thll sinte-
mmmemmt will ho read with Int'Jrost by hundredS .
dred of railroad men who know hIm well.
Mr. Jones save :
"You see , I have been tronbled wIth Ca-
tarh as long lS 1 can remimeniber-for IHteen
) 'PII'j nt least. E\'l'r'ho ! knows omt-
timIng ot the laslno 8 antI limleery of the
dlu'180 anti of its tIerphy InjUrlol effects
1\ ! erecl9
upon Limo system . II m ) ' case time com-
Ipitito ' 5IO"I'I'IU of time 11050 cnl"ell a steady
thrum or s'ila " malll' Into thc Ihroat slelt
ol'cnsloling Ihat IICe ! alt ; 111'\'OI. hawk-
. : .
; ,
" . . <
c- ; . . " , ' . . "
. " "
cj - :
/j- . . ,
- , - ;
. '
" " - ' . " .
. '
, ; \s
" , 1 \ , ' : '
'w , I Jones 1012 Pacific SI.
In/ amid splln mlles tIme t111n or
su rlllms told by vletrs 111 \ \ hllh almost
wor time life omit of mime
" 'hl'n sommmeiiov or other time Poisons
seeml'll 10 mvork theirI'n '
\\011 way Into time " Onnch
In.1 tubes In the lver , iimiiighmig on lmlllious
! ! I'el" . At these tlms 1 wotill . have hllou9
Ime nausea alil hlalachcs , witim 'uimmitimmg
of a sour aul bitter tiimeimmargc' . For years
1 hlll these recuhmir 01I.fn9hlol1l , ) sick hiemid.
nl'119. wih smmiteriimg amid mmgomiy
sufC'ln. Iltogether
. unl
too horrlblo to he hilt ' In \ voitls. )
' 'My I opinion is I > Imt Wh(11 I llm'st wen I 10
Drs. COlwlnnl1 nlil Shepnrl : mmmi ' whoo : rs-
tcr was giving way unler the 11019un9 of
cntah. Hut \uh'r Ihlll' I I \rlltm"lt t t I be-
gimii to pick ' right ' ' . mtntl I
! Ilek imp 1\1'1) 111 kept on
hllro\'lng ulltl I got 111 If time whole
trouhle. I can't remmiemmibem' when 1 ha\'o
hal ! FO good healh mis I now enjo . anti for
thieso i'iLii'fli and Acnulno r'sul I give all
the credi 10 - hms. - Copelntl - anti - - Simepard "
lUl.D1lG. OlIAlA. NI D.
imlngs-Wednesijays and Saturdays only.
6 to S Sunday-mO 10 12 m. ,
Office hiours-9 to 1 a. I. : z to G p. m. Eve
Genuine Si ldwich - "Adams' " fat 0 - Sheller -
= .
Powers fmotmm 1 to 10 horse , Feed G riimtlcrs , Jmmcks , Chain , himmipi Cnt'ts nnt
Inst ' but . not least , SOUTIIWICK 110 ltSF AND STEAM PO\\'Eht hAY
Branch I-louse - - - - Council Bluffs
- , . -
. .2 I.
- -
- . . - = _ i _ _ _ -7.--c.-e- : UiuTa. : Iowa. m1r Tel. 522. ;
- - - - - _ - - = - 7
- _ _
. -
_ _ . , _ Ii . , . .
1I 1
. ' _ - 'A "
. '
Guaranteed ' ; : f. \ Guaranteed
to Heat f\ \ " to Heat
_ t 3 JiS' ' 3 , :
Large Rooms wih only i ' , Large Rooms wih on'y
. T - ' 2 f"r'a7il. . . . " ] I ' " .
. h ! Ii . J
1 , f'
; :
. . .
Tons ot Coal Tons of Ooah
. I " .
, To New Beginners in Housekeeping.
- . I :
. . . . We Furnish Your Home Complete . C' , ' ' l
. .
. . W rIf not Convenient to .
4 , . . pay . cash , ve , vil111ale
terms to 811it.
. , . 'I
, : - . '
: , . . . i' 1 Q -
, ' r ,
. . . .
0 ' , e . ' . .
4 ) .i' ; .1'
_ k
' . . ! : r' ' ; IzI-I2/3FAfj',4 ST.
_ _ - _ _ - - _ ' . -i- . . f- . - - - - - _ . _ _ _ ; _ _ _ : _ . . . -