Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I L- _ _ - - - . , _ - _ 1'nj O : tAJIA DAILY l1Eg I : ' 1Vh1Z n.A I Y , N ov .i t B flit . 1Sn .
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = -
- - . -
I ffi1 Ofke , 12 : Jenrl Streot.-II W , TUtottl Muuaer aall LCaJlleo I
I , _ JJm.lim r _ @J@lll1@lJ1QJ' [ ]
' !
, -
- . J Chry@nnthemtlOis. J. \tePheron. . Tel 211 $ '
Mr. and Mr9. I , . Harris mourn the IrJ'9 01
\1\elr \ ) \ lIaughter I.'cllce , aged G yr.u. : Croup wa
the cause at her elca.h.
The IIIgh Rchool qt'vLet Is laYIII plans
to make a comA t 'crlp through wester ,
Iowa In the nI r future.
51. ' ' 'I'\III' \ gttlhl , , ,111 meet with Miss nutts.
' ern lIrst 1 avenue , 'fuN-Iay afternoon at 4
o'clock. Imp rtlnt : buslMU . tJ he trawl-
. Itl Bowman has ohl 9GO acres of Kansas
1 farm land , locatcl IIrIIr ' .opeka , to .l Connell -
ell Bluffs Innn for 2.SGO inure thar. hI ! paid
for ti. I just a year agn.
The Hehellah Relief ! nRPoclalion will meet
Wtdnesday , November G , with Mrs. George
If \V. Smilie , TOt Stuhmm " .treet. All memberll
' requested to b ! presen t.
t marriage tlcenp was hRued yesterdays
s to Wllllal1l Jacobs , aged 22 , runt 1.lell I.
Pavey aged 18 l , both 0 ; 1lncolll , Neb. They
wr married by Justice Codl
mctfon , returns will h wch'ed ; lit the
Young 'len'lI Christian alloclaUon rooms
this evening. Secretary Bnlll ( delre 'fhe
lice to extend II cordial Invitation to every
one to visit the rooms.
Tlla funeral of Wllllo Jones took place
; yesterday forenoon nt Uw residence of ilg
mother , 11'10. Jennie Joiic . 13S0 Sixth nv- !
rue. 11ev. W. H. Gable of the Filth ! Avenue
rlethc.odlst church ofllclating Services were
. ) held at the grave.
A free mucal : ! and elocutionary entertain-
C merit and an evening , of Mclal enjoyment
await the ! men'bers and friends or the I'mh
Avenue MethodIst Epl'copal church tonight ,
bCRlnnng ! at 7:30 : o'cluck. Geol music , choice
rC lllns. ! All arc welcome.
E. . . . . Clark lia' sta'teil 1 : . cafe attachment
to t'o Orand I.otel. Short orders are pre-
I.and and stTVClI In the ordinary from 7 a.
01 , to 8:30 : : p. 111. , lIe has also malic a change
In the time of serving ; ; regular meals Lunch
will be lIervPl1 ( every tiny from 12 to 2
o'clock and dinner from fj to S.
"Ir. Wilcox the florist , Ii receiving many
vIsits at the present tlm6. For the benefit
01 the pUblic nnd the lover or fluwers he
Is giving ! a free chrysanthemum show every
afternooll. lie has over 9,000 square feet of
bl9 green 1.0' se ! levot'd to the cultUlO ! or thm
loyal / allli popular 1I0\\r8. ( !
Harry King , who recently es-
capcel from tile county Jail and
WIIK recaptured the next day. IB no more
a trusty , but has the freedom of tile corridor
111113 the other prisonerI' It Is stated that
he line served time In three penltentiarleB
that at Leavenworth , Port Madison und
Herman & nrow'B carpenter : shop , west 01
\ , tile court house , on Fifth avenue , was set
on lire yesterday morning about Ii o'clock
nnd ( was nearly demolished before the flames
' could be gotten , ; under control The building
was or little value . but several hundred dol-
lars' worth 01 finished sturt and tools was
( eleJtru'ed.
Manager : , Alton has secured a star nllrac-
tlon for next Friday night at lohany'Ll ,
Ienn H. allsbury's orchestra , aSl'lsted hy
Miss : Abbie Wood , prIma ! donna , will give a
comlllete musleal program. This organization -
tion Is one of the bept known and most
popular In the west , and llr. : Alton deserves
a crowded hous ? .
- . JOllIes & Haverstock secured a writ of
attachment In Justice Cook's court against
J. II , HUl'ell to secure a claim of $23 : ! : ! for
gOJels bought. They also garnished Kim-
ball nros. , for whom he had been working.
Colstable Alberti made a quick trip to the
lilacs and found IIr. : Kimball just In the
oct or drawing up a checlt to pay Hussell
off. H served the notice or garnishment
jut In time.
- John Johnson who had Homo trouble with
I" him E. booa'n Cady a . short t _ . . , time . " U"- ago . . and . " " " - assaulted " i-sn . ,
brought before Justice Cook yesterday
wall tile charge of assault with
hearing on
for a
I I . Cady with-
I Intent to cia gredt bodily Injury.
drew the charge and filed 1 a new Information
t and ballery.
Johnson with assault
, II found gullly
I He was tried on that charge
anti fined $1 anti costs.
I I Farm loans made In Western Iowa nt low-
t fEt rates. No delay In closing loans. Fire \
I and tornado Insurance written In best or com-
I 1 1anles. nargalns In real estate. LOUOEB
& TOWLE 235 Pearl St.
I I farms.
Money : to loan on Improved Iowa
I Large loans n specialty. I. W. Tulleys , 102
and 3.
\ Main street. rooms 2
\ Ii This weather Suggests worm anti comfortable -
fortablo things. 'fhoso "Colorndo Ehll'r
nown" bed comforts nt the Council muffs
Carpet company's and the big line of fur
rugs meet these sugRestlonB. They are
cheap , durable , beautiful.
Cluitilge In 1'111I" Cllrl1.
nurllngton route. Note changes. effective
Sunday , NovEmber 3. O. M. Drown , ticket
I Nicest line or overcoats in town. Metca ! !
I lIardman anti Siamlard pianos 113 N. 16t\\ \
I 1111 : Tllt'nlrlt'1I1't'nlllr. I . . .
The Notional Amuuulllent company Is tIme
whIch filed articles
name of nn organizatIon
01 incorporation yEsterday with the county
reeonler. The capItal stock 19 fixed at $300-
000 , divided Into 6,000 shares or $0 each. ,
Two thousand arc preferred stock , and or the
t remaInIng 4,000 sharefl , denominated common
I1toclc. 2,000 are to be distributed , shar for
I IoJhare. as bonus among those purchasing
preferred stoelt. 'fho remaining 2,000 9hares
are to be given the promoters 01 tlw en-
tel'1rl.,3 08 compensation for their services.
The holders or preferred stock lire to receive
6 per cent on their money Invested before any
IIvhlemls are declared on the common stoclc.
C 'ounell muffs Is nl11l10d as the principal place
' If , f doing business but branches may be
' tarted at St. Jospeh lute . 'ropeka Kan. .
I ( anoo9 City . : ' 10. . St. Louis Chicago , New
'orlc , Boston ] ) C'nver. San Francisco and .
I .nn,1nn. The object 01 the company Ic
! uyseil , leas . an,1 , operate theater . . p3rks.
I Icloglcal arden9. , and amusements of nil
t ids The board of dIrectors conslets of L.
. Crawford. Richard Wright Arnold Shank-
; , Lewis Sells and Clarence lIurr. nCc1ltl9
( ese . E. n. Powell. O. F. Mariner and C. : ' 1.
lllanlfon ' ire named ns Interested parUes.
t hI' fact that Manager Alton of lohany'
v theater formerly was with Crawford Ice !
' , that the filing I
the belief In sonic quarters
the IIrticles here might mean that Craw-
,1 was about to gain control 01 Dohany's
I would nuke It a part of his circuit.
I Alton wae seen and denied that there
negotiations ' between them
. been any ! :
I that ho had heard of the move blng on
j . lie said that he supped that the
los were filed ! hero merely because the
. or Iowa deal morl tenderly with cor-
_ _ _ _ tlonn than K3nsns , Nebraska , or a good
y othcr state ! ' .
- -
rysanth mum display ; largest variety ;
. t plants ; lowest prices. J. F. \\'lIco\ : \ :
e lIolrlluan 1Iano Improves with use.
have fold 3.000 hotbed sash In Iowa
Nebraska and never had a kick. Wo now '
reatly for Immediate delivery 1.000 more
rock prices. Wrlle for prices on all
glazed sash sian. paints , oils etc. ,
g i Quantity ee1lretl. ! Council Bluffs
& Oil Co. _ _ _ _ _
plant thoroughly equIpped with the
t machinery , the beat work by skilled
anti fair treat-
. 'e9. prompt ! \ deliveries {
makes the
F are among the timings that
I "that good laundry. " Telephone 157.
iant NoVoltyafld F.lmhuut stoves for
most economical stoVe
coal ale the
I-- ' Sold only by Charles SWlllno. 740
' 11) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' 4 eat people are beginning 10 think about
. goods . and tbey're noting the great
the DUl'foe Furniture cumpan"s.
Iber ! ' dancIng academy now open for
Call after 10 a . m. Circulus.
3 ) OU seen the neW gas heating dOTC'
4 comllany's _ office 1
at line overcG\ts : In town Ietcalr
S. trou
house & Co. . blank books and bIndIng.
taul1ud piano neJtt to the IIardlI11'J.
I ,
: J
- - - - - . - - . . - - .
III'I'III.\ : . % IU 1tXi n J'fS g\II : : < ! .
UulIL I'nrtlc" ' \ .lltl.lIIlCii - ; ; ; : the nullllt
lION III I ( , ' 111' 1111 t'IICt' .
'hs-e has seen so Illti ! excitement over
the campaign In Council 1IIUlr9 that : E\Jme
peomule , , ! ( ! ' my overlook the tact that today Is
election da ) ' It I lnelr attentlorj Is not eppeclally
Clllell { 1 to It. The county candidates hay ! ' done
considerable 1JIIet hustling , but the campaign
Ilas ! been abfolntely HI of the sensational
leatur/1t' / ttat. ! have marked some 01 Its
iredsceIsors .
It Is conceded on hoth sides that the election -
tion \\111 lIe close , \ prominent democrat
stute'u' yesterday afternoon that In his opinion
there ( would not Le a dlCerene ! 0. ' 200 votes
between any 01 the calldlcJate . Doth parties
rlm \ everything , howe\'er. Thu democrats
profes ! to feel mOle certainty of the election
or John Stuhr as sheriff , William D. I Hanlin
as treasurer , A. J. Burton as uperlnlendent
of the rchoolll , and S. II. Wadsworth as mem- ,
her of the 110:11'11 : of Super.vlllvr9 than any 01 ,
time other candidates The repuLllcanr claim I ,
their whole ticket will bo elected { allli that
N. M. PUSy for swator and William Arnel
for treasurer will outstrip \ all the rest In
time fOze ! 01 their majorilles.
In addition tu the election of candidates {
a proposition \ to authorize the hoard or
SupervIsors to e'13bllh ! a poor farm and to
purchase real Estate at a cost of not more
than 20.000 Is to Le voted upon The prop-
o1lIon \ also Is that In adlllllon to paying
$20.000 $ for time larm thc board shall be
authorIzed to erect buildings nnd equip \ them
nt an eXllen of not more than $20,000 , and
borrow $10,000 with which 10 pay the bilk' .
The bonds are to be In denominations of
$1.00' ' ) each , drawing Interest . nt the rate
or fj per cent per annum. 'fen of them come
clue In fourteen years from date , tn ! In six-
teen years ten In eIghteen years and the
rel11alnlng ten In twenty yeus. A tax oC
one-fourlh of a milt on the dollar Is to be
levied for the purpose or paying interest and
one mill Iler nnnum to pay the prlnepal ! , interest -
terest and accruing ! interest as fast as due
The following are time polling places : '
First Wnrd-I . precinct Hoop building / , :
li20 East Broadway : Second precinct , C01l1s-
tel' bulltlln , , 123 East lJroalway .
Second Wanl-I Jrst precimmct I.eutzlnger
building ! , . 330 Broadway ; Second precinct , Ser-
vis btJlhllnJ1 ; . 734 West Broaclway
Third \\'urel-I.'jrst precinct Keellne huld- !
log , W : South Maui t'treet ; Second precinct ,
n\3xslm \ bumilding 807 South Main : street
Fourth Ward-First precinct lUng ! ; barn
li02 Pearl street : Second precinct llcl'eek's :
shop , 612 TWElfth avenue
Fifth Vi'ard-First precinct Arcade building -
lng , 1633 West Broadway ; Second preclmmct
New = building , llill South Thirteenth street.
Sixth Wnrd-I jrst precinct Midway build-
InJ : , 020 : ! West Broadway ; Second precinct
Theodore Johnson't" liO ; ; Locust avenue.
Kane-Outside city , packing housa Oreen-
The poll9 will open at S n. m. , and re-
main open until 6 p. m. , unless announcement
to the contrary Is mode In the morning.
- ' -
"II , ' Itt''rt'II. "
An amusing : Incident happened Saturday
afternoon In the Second precinct of the Third
ward. An enthusIastic voter who had neg-
lectecl to glster came up town , antI seeing
u crowd filing In and out of a store on Main
street near Tenth avenue , supposed It was
the place to register. Well , It was ; and the
store referred to was 9H1. and the crowd
was reglDterlng n purchaoo or theIr wInter
underwear caps gloves , mittens amid shoes.
Ho also registered and 11'11vote \ T. n.
Hughes' the cheapest place In the city to
trade. Ir you haven't registered there Is
alllple lime to do so ; yet for our line Is complete -
plate and full of bargains.
uy starling 'y 6ur"1Iia coal burner yet : Get
one or Swnlne's airtight stoves or oil heatCrs.
Cheapest and best In the city i40 Droadway.
Looking , for fuel savers and hard limes
stoves don't overlook DeVol's new airtight
coal heaters. They do the work and don't
cost you much. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nicest line of ovmrcoats In tOIVn. Metcall
tires _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Iallies' Aid society will mix religion
with mince meat this weel The ohl reliable '
kind. Get your order In early. 715 Fourth I'
street. Will \ nnnounce later.
For fine work we are strIctly up to date.
muff City laundry . 'phone 311.
" ' 11111" th ' ' l'el t'lilllllt' Cllm mum 11) 10
'It ' . . Light 11111.
l'muy ' u I'urt nC tht < ) ;
'fhe regular meeting of the city council was
held last l'venlng but owing to the proximity
or election or some other cause It was
hnrrled ) through In short meter. Mayor
Cleaver and A\t1ermen \ llarstoW. Drewlcl ,
Brown , Grahi Greenshlehls , Ttishton Shn-
bert and Spetman wro ! In their accustomed
places. , . . , .u . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . .
Alderman Drown slale1 tIIat nnllay 1II-IIC ! ;
the lights were ordered ! turned on nt 6 o'cloclt
ami the police tried to order them off at
12:11i. : hut It was nn hour and ten minutes
before the central telephone station could be
gotten to respond. lIe thought the Nebraska =
Telephone cOmlany ought to be made to pay
for the extra hour's gas wimich for all the
lights In the city. would amount to flulte a
' referred to the
lIttle sum The matter was
lire committee.
A petition from 'Irs. Druns asking for the
remission of her taxes on the round , 01 poverty -
erty was referred to the Judiciary commit-
tee.City F.1cdrlelan Jllmes nraelley stated that
the Western
he hall received II proposItion from -
ern Telephone company of Chicago to sell
time city three telephones for the patrol
boxes nt $7.liO each The city now rents
three machines from the Nebraska Telephone
company , one for the patrol box at the corner
of Bayllss park , another for the box at the
corner or Broalway { and First street and ! a
third for time police headql\arters. An nnnual
rental 01 $45 has been charged during
each of the machines , but
the post year for . _ , . _ _ n' AM. . . . , Ion
the company \ lias areell ! lU11 < "un" " 'U
rental to $15 for the coming year. Bradley
suggested that as the mllchlne-s could be pur-
chased outright for hair what they could be
rented for , It would be a stroke or economy
to bur them , Ills suggestion was referred to
the committee emu police and health and time'
electrician with power to oct. The contract
under which the telephone company now
furnishes the Instruments expires today.
A remonstrance from resIdents the north
side of Story street between Blulr and 'ourth
streets against the laying of a sidewalk on
that street on the ground that none but the
residents of the street would use It , nllli none
01 them wanted It , was referred to the com-
millee on streets allli alleys.
T. I. Smith was granted a license to do
public weighing.
A petition asking for the location of an
electric light at the corner 01 Broadway anti
Oak street was referred to the committee on
fire and IIhsts.
'fhe bids of S. Bolin John M : . Ilardin . I"
13. Ithodes , W. L. : Marsh Bert Stimson and
_ _ _ _ _ . _ -
.h _ = = = = _
J J lilJlthes for layIng sIdewalk were
opened lIardln's bId was time lowest on
grading , ; { . four. foot brick and six. loot plank ,
whlllJ 1Il1ghs' ! bill was the 10\\ est on four.
foot brick The bids were referred to the
cIty engineer , ; for tabulation anti will \ be acted
upon at the next council mnrttlng.
The next meeting of the council will be
held Monday e\'ellllll
_ S
The ladles or the Christian church will
serve dinner and supper In the mseman
building on Broadway , opposite Pearl street ,
today. COllie and eat chIcken pie.
'I't' : " ' " 1I1I1'r Corveti
During a democratic assembly > at the Metropolitan -
ropolitan hotel last night "Texas" Baker was
seriously hurt and ! John and VIe Webster
1Ihtly , ; wounded. Just how the row started : {
III n dllllcult matter to tell There was free
beer and this when mingled with time drInks
of red lIquor which ha1 { already bee imbibed
produced among , nil hands n longing for a
flJht : It was n tree for all fight , and when
the casualties were reckoned { imp It was
founel that Baker had bcn ! stabbed III the
back of the head that there was another cut
In the back of his neck anti stilt nnother on
his nose The two Webster boys were beaten
abollt the head The knife which Inflicted
naker's wounds was fduntl alterward lie
was removed to the \\'oml'n's : Christian asso-
clatlon hoslltnl ) shortly alter mhlnlsht
Nothing like it . The famous Crown planJ
with orchestral attachment leails l them all.
DOllrlelus Music house 116 ftutsman ! street
The lIardman piano wins lVany friends
'I'OOIC A SIIO'I'1' illS l - tN.
CIIIIIII/r I , , , oC till' GII""I'IIIIIt'nt St . 'nmimer
11I1I.llIn Co III' Iiivt'stigmtl.ii .
SIOUX CITY , Xov 4.-Speelal ( Telegram. )
-W1I1lam Ol\1am \ , employed on the govern. .
ment steamer ! , 'Iallllan , now In wInter quarters
here , has preferred charges against Captains I
Todd anti Leeds anti Mate Newman con- 1
cornIng the manner In which order Is maln-
tamed on the steamer , which promise to
lead to an Investigation ! by the War de-
partment According , to 01l1am'9 story , he
became involved last Friday In n ell pute
with the mate over some minor maltOl' or
disciplIne , during which the latter drew his
revolver and fired several shots at his subordinate -
ordinate , by way of emphasizing his vlew
Giilamn 'rutslmetl to the pilot ) \ house , where he
found Todd and Lesds , and on begging for
protection says he was assaulted anti ! terribly
beaten by the cnptnlm' lie docs not thlnlt
the case warranted such drastIc ! ! treatment ,
and proposes to make a test of the matter
before the proper authorities.
Si'nmutor IIl1lon COII lh'nt.
DUDUQUE No\ 4.-lSpeclal ( Telegram.- )
Senator Allison has returned home confident
01 an overwhelming republIcan vIctory to-
morrow. lie said today : "The republicans
wl1\ \ have n majority of from forty to fifty
on Joint ballot In the next legislature. "
Chilli SI'IIIlell 10 B"nlh.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la" Nov. I.-Speclal ( T'e.
gram.-Near ) 'Ionllcello the 2.year-old con of
\Tcen n German farmer fell Into a pan of
boiling water and was terribly burned , dying
a few 110urs later In terrible agony , .
BOlllt..lh' 'l'roulIu' Ht..uH" St'rloJI..I ,
JEI " 'EnSON , Ia. , = -OY. 4.-SpecI31 ( T.le-
gram.-Albert ) lrorland : shot hlmsell with
suicidal Intent tonight , but not fatally. It
19 attributed to domestic troubles.
- Co - -
, , 'g'\'l'lIgll FOil BII C'l'fI1 : UA Y.
Sh ' _ _ . , : ; : I. y J-.21'M ! : ! ) ; o' ' : \ t 'I
. . u _ _ _ _ _ -
In the
the weather forecast for tomorrow
states In which elections will be lucid :
For Nebraska nml Kansas - Partly
' local rains
cloudy weather ; probably
ami snows In the western portions ; winds
shifting to north and much collier.
For Missouri-Fair In the morn In ! ; ' ; increasing -
and probably showers In
creasing ! ; cloudiness
the evening or night : cooler Tuesday night ;
' winds. shirting to
lowa-Increllslng cloudiness and lIrob-
' ' uternoon or IIlght ;
ablocal rains Tuesday :
ably \
to northerlY and much coller
wind ! shirting
1'uesl1W nigh
For North and South Dal.ota-Showera ;
collier. ,
For Utah-Fall' l decidedly
Ohio-Fair during , 1'ue'da and wnrm.
IllCllana and Illinois-Fair during the
greater For portion of ' 1'ueIIprotmblY ; followed - (
lowed local ruins during the nlJht.
hy fair but with
For hentucIC ' -Genernlly .
increasing c10111 Iness.
For Lower \lIehlgan-I : during the
dmiy followed br showers at night.
For Upper IlIchlgan-1.ocut : : rains
snow anti collier.
. . \ ' fnlr ,
For l'enn'yl\'l1nla-General\ )
Western l'ennsylynnll1.-Generall rail' .
' fair and
1"01' gnstern New - >
warmC'r ' \ York-Generally rnlr.
For 'eRIC'rn New
For New Jersey-FaIr. followed hy cloudy
and , threatening weather on the coaRt.
For Ilu'sachusclls-Fnlr : : Ilurlng Tuesday J
hut tony be cloudy . . anti titreatening : : . on th
BOlltheast : COIlst In tI1e eyel1lll ,
' ' ' fair In thp In
For Ilnr'lan'I-I'l'obahl : : ' -
tenor during flue grealer part of the da
anti showers on' the coa9t.
For Vlrglnln.-Generally fl\lr. ,
North anti South Carolina. and . Georgia-
Generally \ fair ; local showers on the coast.
Eastern Florhlu-I.ocal rains.
For : : I1I8slsslppl-1"alr. followed by showel
on the coast
1.111'111 n t''nrll.
O\IAI1A. : No\ 4.-0ml1hn. record of ten
alUre anti rainfall ! compared with the carl" I
spending day of the past fonr years :
189j. 1891. 1893. 1S
Maximum tempernhlre. . . . 72 f5 GI : I
Minimum tellll'.ralme. . . . . fjl 41 28
Average temperature. . . . . . r.J . : r.o 46 '
Precipitation " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I' 1' .00 I'
Condition of temperature anti . preelpltat
at Omaha for the day and slnco Marchi
1 Normal 9 : tem ernture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fxcess for time day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j
Accumulated eXCI'SII since March : 1. . . . . . . .
Normal precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .011 I
Detlclencfor the Ilay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .011 i *
Total precipitation slnc\ March I. 19,1:0 : Inc
Dellclenc since March 1. . . . . . . . . 10,14 inc
1t"lllIrtN trout SllIlIolI" nt _ M II. I
. , : : ' I
"I' > ! i . .
S B ! 'l ' .
6TJ.TION9. ' 4 , a : , ? i p wa.t.T :1 :
l : :
B 3
. " . 0
i : 2
Omaha ; - : : = : : : . - ffi 7 ; ! Ji ( pm ; ci li
North I'lallo" . . . . . 60 Uti . 1' ParI : cl4
Huron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lei : 44 .011 ) Clondy ,
Lblcaio . . . . . . . . . . . . sal lId .nu CIa u i . I
SI. Lonili. . . . . . . . . . . Uti ( 7. ! .un ( Clear.
SI. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . CII ) IIlI ( .00 ClolIly
Davenport. . . . . . . . . . lit ( ' :0 (10 CleAr ,
KanNa Clly. . . . . . . ( Is = 1 7.1 .uu CI'Jull ' }
itolelia : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 24 ! ,21' ! Snowl1
lIavre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ! I 24 ! .T Snowll
Salt Lutce . . . . . . :311 : 40 .5ti1cloudy
. g
itistimarets. , . . . . : : : : : : . . 3 18 ) .00 : ! Cia tmtt i
St. Vlncen\ . . . . . . . : in :1 : ut , ; .001'l\mlls (
Cheyenno. . . . . . . . . . . . : t' I 0111 .II : ! I Snowl1
\\'lIl1ston. . . . . . . . . . . . a : m I : i ' .00 I Cloutlu
UuhlCllY ) , . . . . . . . . . all $ : ! A .UIICIOlllh ) (
Galveston. . . . . . . . . . . I 70 ) 72 , ClOUdy ' !
L. A. WCI.Sli Obser'
"T" Indicates trace DC I'reclpllntlon. \
- -
- - - - -
- - _ . _ j- jS
r , . ' .
.4t4 /
: H , ; S
t . .
\.t \ ' : -
. . - : _
5 .
-.5- -5 -
< d--- ,
- - - - . : , - - - . - -
II. . it ,
Telmer IBId Rodgers : vr , ; I Jt in Record-
DrcnkinsTime ,
1I11'II'nr 111111 Ito hit's QUnll1l1'11 for time < <
I. ' hIlt I" I" Iht' hllllt' ! SI.'III/- /
1'1IJJ ) ' " ' 11" tlil'l'4.iis , " ; Suite
Chnllllllml111 iii .
AUSTIN , Tex , Nov. = 4. There was nn extra
large altelHlance vresenj today at the open-
log or the great Inter alonal ! regatta anti
they were fa\ore-d : with I fine round or sport ,
though there were only three races entered
for today . The first re was trial heats ,
three miles with three " urns over a three-
Quarter mill' course , pa Iclpateel In by Eng-
IIshmen ) ' . ntrlc I Hubear Darr '
only. : , Barry ,
Haines and Wlngatc. lubear was In fIne
shape and won the race y five boat longtime
pulling on easy stroke of twent-elght.
lIalnes pushed him t'Om In the last quarter
by spurting with a stroke of twenty-mime.
Barry came In a fair tiirtl but Wingate
was not In the race at any lime , falling away I
behind from the start. ilJbear and Haines , '
having won the race In one . two order , will \
now row In the final against two Amerlcnns
for the championship or the world The
two Americans are to be selected tomorrow.
Time of race 1:18. :
The second ! race , one anti onehalf miles.
with tumrmu for the amatEur ehamplonghlp 01
Texa3. was won by Ed 1'0sg of Austin , his
only contestant being J. IJrtln or Galveston.
Time , 11 :4i. :
The third race was n trial heat double
scull , first crew In to row In time fiml against
England's best crew for the championship
or the world and a puree of U.OOO , three
miles with turn. I'etnreon and liammiomi
Oaue\3ur \ brothers and Teomer and Hogers
started Tills wae a beautirul race all boats
being : hunched to the mile nud n half lIag
The lalldallrs got ! , away from the flag first ,
but Teemer and Hogers , pulling long , steady :
strokes of thlrty-fivc. soon pulled lip with
them and forging ahead passed over the line
with a 1I'eboat lengths leal. , 'i'imne 1i.17'h : ,
The last race was a magnlflccnt one and
lowered the worhl's record for three-mile
double scull racing.
Tomorrow's program Is Interesting and
lengthy and the sports are betting heavily
tonight on the great , hair mile dah which
will be participated In by all the oarsmmuemu
Jake Gaudaur and Teenier being the la\'orltes.
" Ills ltt1N'l'S.l.tN ' JlISlU\I.IIo'II U.
IIl1lh OWIIt'r tutmililorse Ut't'I"I'cll (0
il ( . 0 III hi WIt.
CIXCI- : = -ATI. No\ 4-The judges or the
I.atonla races after a thorough InYestlga-
tlon , whIch Included a trip to St LouIs by
Presiding judge Carter rendered 1\ decision -
cision In the " 'lId Hllntsmnn cage today ,
The hone is dlequllllfied and the three
moneys are awardeti to ihC' ( ' second third
nnd fourth horses-Silurla , . ; llomlls and Clin-
ton. No further entrIes ' , vill be received
from A. J. Stafford In whose name Wild
Hllnlsman ran. It has been shown that
Bill Brannon who has jbeell outiaved hall
been interested In the horse within time
last two monlh . Ir he' I. not his present
owner A horse ownc,1 all or In part by a
turf outlaw Is barred from a turf congress :
track . no matter Ir he tmfuu been Bolli to an
Innocent parly. All evlc1enc obtained br
the jlmtiges \ point to Slarrorl'I" ! connection
with Bill Drannon. Hc ma ) . however , be
the ( dUle ( or otherI' CnrrlJfg or Council
Bluffs , who formerly o\'rINI the horse , and
who testllle1 { that Bmnnol1 stole hinm evl-
dNt- ) gave \'stlmohr \ to get even with
Brannon belcvlng : that the latter owned
the hor'e. He evttlcntl3' ! thought he was
lettln Brannon have him when he made
the bill or sale to Stafford. The latter
e"r ! "' : w"J11.fnT t' " ' ; . . " .
put In goo sUlumg. I ' 13R maumes' Ilay at
Iatonla today . mind tha'cstoniinnce.svaa ' Im-
mense. The weather was line and
the track : dead nn'l rather slow. Summaries -
First mce. selling , one mile : Miss Gallop
(8 ( to 1 won , Sandoval (20 ( to 1 secone ,
Bpgue (5 ( to 1) ) third Time : IH : .
Second race , selling , live and II half fur-
lorgs : Crell (1 ( to fj ) won First Purchase '
(8 ( to 1) ) Second Oswego (20 ( 10 1) ) third.
Time ; : 1:01U. :
Third race. purse six furlongs : Llnllol-
lele ( ( to 2) ) won : 'Iodeso (10 ( to 1) sec-
onll , Gateway (50 ( to 1 ) third. Time : 1:16. :
Fourth r.ce , purse five rurlongs : Fron-
tier 17 10 1 ) won letrrch (30 ( 10 1) second
Sir VasSr : (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:03. :
( " 'ifthm race sC'lng mill and a furong : :
r i"jrll Silk ( ( 10 fj i ) won . SlaII (3 ( to 1) see-
t'ttti . , I.'a'ette Dele (12 ( to J ) third. Time
" ; ; 7.
10 Yt'II1J Ill ) ' " Flh/nlll' -
ifYS if\ I r" ll' 1t't'1 I"IIIIIIII "II.
NEW YOIIK Nnv. 4.-Three or the Hot
prlngs fighting contIngent Josaph H. Ven-
.1g. . mannger oC the iil-fate'tl Florida . \ -
.etic club ; James Kenned ) ' , manager of the
' gmplre Athletic cub , and "Charle > ' " White.
one oC Fltzsimmnons' trainers , arrived In
New York tonIght. All DC them were greatly
disgusted wih t theIr western experiences ,
anti \.Ilg ! ! laid the blame tor time fiasco
upon . JUlan , who , he slll , hae ! mranmmgetl ,
I"Itzsimmimons' affairs from the mlulge,1
Ho nqsertcd his hAllef thal Fitzsinimona
was not afraid to meet Corbett 111 that
the light would have taken Illace hut tor I
Julan's 1'001 work. lie blamed Julln fOl' I
the failure or Fizsimmons 10 take a special
train for hot Springs amid thUH evade the
o I ce r ! C'Ilg said there was yet hope
that the light may bo pUlled elf mat m Paso ,
where Slunrt has gone to malt arrange-
menls. Forfeits for the original maleh wIll
not he paid _ _ _ _ _ orlllal wi
haul I ii w 'It'llll CnlllllJ i , , , , , t.
4.-A Illcke'l ! bowling
team of live men with three substutes ,
Crom the Linden ! Grove Bowling climb which
holds the championship at New York and
iirookiyn ! will go west at the latter end (1 ( or
this season , under the mnnagement or Sam
Karp arrangements having been made for
them In meet the Rochester Howling league's
selected team In Hochesler on March : : for
; ? SIGN. and STREHGTH of
t4r " BAY STATE"
mIq ZITHERS , and
tp 'tI.-q - are Elal ' 1 ly no other . \mel ,
H1 . cafllmuslrm'memV. LI..tln prtca
LJi , oC any arlcUy htglm ! . erale instru.
. iit - menu. ' ' AWAI"'S. Sent for
u , ii Cabilogues.
tt & JOHN C UA'NES & CO. , 4a T3a03WA.HInOT0NST. , ' ,
. _ ta DOSTON.
--Ol ,
Counci Bluffs - , . ' Iowa
CAPITAL , . . " , ft. $100.000 )
\ v n . ! ) I , ! CIT YOUR IStISINIISS
OXI1 Ol ? 'VILE ( HUES'rIAI\S IN 10"\
5' l'Illt ClIN'l' ' ) ' ' . ' '
1) IOI'I' !
CALI : , A.\l ) SEN US OU " 'IU'I'N.
- - -
pec/al / Notces-Counci Iufs
- -
- - -
A FIftST.'fAss 5.fl5J5 IIOIYSII . GOOD LO.
calon , felr f&o.OO. . como end see it. , C. 11
Nlcholaon , t3iJ Broadway. II
'Ot EN1' . MY nESIIlCE , 316 PI.ATNEI1
Street . after November I 88 11 .
convnlvlcu. Ireet. Novmber : tight rooms ; modera
Also . Ih'e-room houle , No. 32) Platner street :
Possession at any time. Jacob SIma.
Etititirke . lt CLEAlrD . S lomerl , it CLIANEU. aI
N AI S. : AnOF- 1 NI'
trade for , Council Bluffs pr perty. C. n. Nich-
Olson 1,5914 \ . '
II0adWIY. _ _ _ _
c. n. Nicholson , l'AmiPEO m
. OR ItLNT , SLiVN.flOOf'.hItNCB ' . U2
Sib street ; BEvio . i' ! mSIENC 1t
. ; . GOOD Glm. Foil - ORNIn\L
housework airs . J. Mueller . i : Willow avenue
- - - - -
$250 n I'IIl. , and ht nuffnll the Ally club
on the followIng day. No reply hap nl yet
been received to the challenges sent 10
Cleveland and Detroit club , which cities
the eastern bowlers propose to'I lt on
llnrch ; 2 : anti 26.
They will roll against I\n nl.Chln o 1\0
for n $2 cup on ! llnrch : 27 , and will pi ,
Cnlo' ! team at Milwaukee for n slmlnr
Amount on March 29. II the event of their
not playing 11 CI\'clalhl or Del'olt Innn-
/er Knrpr says that he will arrange for
extra gaines In Chicago anti Milwaukee. :
'he nRmel of the Icn selclC for the
trip are : Th'nne cmuimtain'm'ingenfleli. ; .
Mennimmger Silver , i'nul.on anll slbstttes ,
SteIn i'pm1ng : . - jr.amid - . - \'ilIkene I .
I ) isgrt'eal 111 ( l' llmmei mig 1.1" ' .
rYanK. . r\ov. I.-Juliges Ulseluoff
anti { Oeigerlch , In general term of the court
of common pleas , hlYo disagreed II the
stilt broulht by Henry Jlmtit'omu ngmuinst time
Flushing Jockey club. I Wit t'xpC'ctC1 { thllt
time IIC'cIFloI of time /enerl term . would . haYo
decitletl the / time ' ' ,
Ileclled cOlstlutonnllt ) of lerc )
Gray ) ' racing lau'
The suit wns originally brought before
Justice I.'nl II the flrm4 district jllleial
court In I stilt brought by JIlsol to recover
I I'wC'elstnkcl' , from the jockey ' cliii JIS-
: lice I.ynn decided flint a sweepstakes was
I n lottery atHl threw out the cnse. Judge
Bschol holll thlt Justice hymuma's decl ' leI
rholl Ito alllrmued . JIlge { GehtC'rleh holds
that It sholid be reversed.
\11 UII ) ' ( limit l'iglitimii A.
: llIIIIS. : . r\0\ . 4.-JlIle9 .J Corbelt
leaves tonight for New York lie says ho
wl 11) mme lore atenton to I Jzsllmons
nnll It conlellllntlng n Inal retlemelt from
the ring. ( 'ol'het hns In his posses lon I
letter from Superlnleudent Hose' or the Iron
Iountnln railway 10 General lMsenger
Agent ' 1ownsell , In which the statement Is
mlnle that 11 mlroal people ouhl enlI ) ,
hn\'e gotten F'itzsitnmnons Into hot Springs '
If Fltzsimiumnomms : hall nol Inslsle1 { on rlnnlng
Into the arms or Governor Clllrlle's oiIiclnl .
. 't'1I1.11I' I ' lomuliie Cen S lii'y . A llnuueui.
CHICAGO . r\OY. 4-The following road
records have been nlowed br the Century
Head club of Amerlcl : H. A. Scwnller , five
miles , 15:51. : Alh'lst 22 state record : C. E.
. .lenklns 200 mlC's , OleO : : Scptlmber j unci
8 , lowl state m-ecorti . : ' 1 W. Mcclure : ! ,
twemuty-hl'e miles. 1:28. : Se\'telber 2S : ! , Texas
stlte reorll ; g J. \\'imiteh . Ilty mIles . : : :2 : : ;
tOO mieI i:32. : September : ' , Nehrslm state
record ; ; I' . ' 1' . Mack , Krie-Ittiffuuio century
course , 1i6. : : ! October G. New York state and
Amerlcun reconls.
I \'ur..I ) ' Il"t'l " ' 11 Not Gn SlIlth.
NE\ \ ' IAgN , r\OY. I.-I Is evident Urt
time University or Georgia nt Athens . In
hInt stnlel lbs been misled Inlo the belIef
that the ) ale ' \arslt ' fet 111 Icam woulel
gO south. The Yale alhletc nuthorltes
deny thut there Is to he any \I"nc
Northern l'lwlle spt't'iimi tiuunt'r.
: lUI.\\'A UKgI' , r\ov. . i.-J umilge { Jenkins
this IIfternoon Issue an artier allpolnUn
Alfred , I. ' . Gary pecllll master In Northern
Ilcle cases , with power 10 examine Into
the receivers' reports and to hen objec-
tions filed ugaln8 claims. . _ -
lit''miMl' Grnll't Ihl' i'Iuilleo 'l'rllt'I.
NFi' YOHK , r\ov. 4.-'fhe stewards of 1
the Jockey cuh have grnted a license to
the Saratoga association 10 conduct a race
time I'lmnlieo track November 11
meeting to No\ember lt the . Phnlco tmcl r\o\ember 1
> ) =
r : ; : ; : : m '
t : : : " : -
_ . "
! .
- -
' - : ; ; ,
, 1. , if
\ '
/ '
' ' if
\ . , . ' . 0 . '
j t &r" v , r r
. " . . "l'J' '
. .
. .
11"1 111cc " "Tlllcr.
Probably that's the reason so many
! ladles turned out In answer to our
advertisement that wo made plc- }
ture frames to order at the cost of } !
I" , mouldln alone-Some of them \
! they order -they must lave 0- <
le\'ed-r else they had money to
burn Same prIce timis week. .
li : : : : : ;
A. HOSI5E , Jr. .
) i 11usic al : Art , !
m 1513 Jougia'i , l
_ . . . - . _ . , -
= _ . _ . _ - - - - ' - - . - . . . _ - . I
- - - - - -
' 'l. ' 1".lflclt I J'rl'llh..1 . for ( . 'hl'llll Sn lTrt'i'pt (0 1 II 1'1 Ih.,1 ( I till ? Coni-
miututil ' I , ' ' 'i'ei'lmi- tu tilti I I I't.t' , _ ,
1Iulll I ) 11 , 'r ) lrolll " . s 111111 for g'llr ( St"'h'l ,
All 1'll.III ! I sst'lItltI. / ,
nlttll with asthma. bmhltl , ! or ( hl"M
throat clgase. anti who 1 : IOW 1'1'lllte,1 ' LI '
thl first warnIng chili or viiitel' to Iee \ I
Irpt wnllnl chi
good , nuemiloni came can apply to Ors
Ice11 cal
100,1 ! ! np\h
Cop'lald I le IheJ.1te todmaY , toroI -
, ' ' con'eliietmce ,
row 01' wh'ne\'H It dUls hip cOI\'elllel'e
and rceel\'o what 11 now \'CgIU1CI1 nl the
lto't : nOd lost lrccHrll trentlelt l < oWI
IHI trtloticetl for those. imartlcuilmum' maltlle .
11lrtcNI Iw"
Under time spiel < f 1'1 ' 11'0slol ' Inlle by these
physicians time total cost nf the teatlenl
will be limmmltemi to mu mate or t : IOlthl\ ' , all
wi Illetl I .
umetlie I mice . rNledial I Ilhllalt" . et. t . . \rlng
pruYllled whatever. or ndmlnlstered without tummy chlrc
I : \\.11 \O.tlS.
' '
" ' , 'nl. " ' 1111'hl ; 'j ; ; " ' 1111 tl < t.t
Stroliur Siuitilil ltt'ituI 'this .
Irlll : ! hlll,1 HI'III 1'11.
Mrs. J. P. Moody , Friend . XI'b. . a iuislmly ) .
respected elderly lnl ) ' In 11cr commumummity .
wrl\ " .
wrl"I suffered from Itenerl ill health for
years without Ilntllmmg out what really dIl
nil 1 ( ' . I mamas \ Ceebl , nimble to sleep nl11
couiitin't rat cli moiishu fool' ' uty
cOlhll't ! tel lor 1.I \ ) :1)
ktiineys were sore IIHI ulisemaitoti mind their
IIIlne\'K en."cc
immuperfect actiomu lilleti amy blooll with
II/C'rfeet nclol 11e1 1
lmoisons. / II short , I was man invalid WOlal
hrolh anti tlmroumgii . After treating wih
' elfclt .Ioctors for two ) 'eal with emily
'I 111' sl'els ' or relief . I took I course of
' ' . amid
Hom" Treatment with D18. Copelanll Iml
Sheparll. 'h'y gtralghlC'net me out 11 I
WiY that gave \e splcmlhl healh anti I
11 pCrlllell ) ' cured. I InlFhetl with
these phslelans two years ago ancl I have
been mull ) rIght ever since. I will hot le
11 .
al : oiiiuortuimlty Itass when I cal FpNlk a
good o\Iortull In."s . Copelant ; amid Shep-
ard. " _ _ _ _ _
\Vuiimi'ii III uuui' ht'lIlh "hllll1 iiemiti
Clr ( lit' ! 11.t.11I1 ! ) 'lIIt.11I1 111111. fun '
\1111I..11. 'I'ht' 11111' i ' 1'11111111 II
this elmts'i , Ir t'iINt's I" li'iit'lltiiig ' nlli
t'lrll Ii nod i'els . "hl iiiis't' Il.t'l , , "C-
fevers fat' ) 't'ilu.,4. .
- - - - - -
IHn.\\n IW .
. \ t"1 IC ClimatIc Cnlll"I'h 1"
Siit.'e Cii iiul lutuii.
ltr. : \ \ ' , II. Jones of 1012 Plcile street Is
a swltclmmnafl for Ihe. B. & : ' 1 rairoad , BeIng -
log an 011 elllo'o or the road this sta te-
ment will bo read wih interest by humn-
dreds of railroad len who klow him veli .
Mr. Jones says :
"You SC'C' , I have ! been trolblNI wih ca-
turrh as long us I cal remmuenuber-for fifteen
yelul'4 at leit : , Everyitody icnows comae-
hung of the nastiness anti nimsory of thuS
dit-mtso amid of' its deeply imijurlous effects
upon the system , lii mumy emuse the coni-
ltlt'tO StOmimigtj of thmt : hose caused a steady
drIp of 'iIo muintter iimtt the throat , Iliac
o'cmusiommhmug thaf imicessamut flervotus imaa it-
; , - ; :4 :
w , . I. Joimce . 1012 Pacific St.
log and ! llln t t I g th.\t t 1 I lie ! Iho t bl'cel of
1tinltOtfls tel by vlctls Ilt which almost
wor the life 0th of mmmc .
ou le.
" 'I'h1 sOIC'how or other the luoisons
geC'lell 10 worIt their \l Into the omnh
anti tubes Iii the liver , brllglnl on blllo s
S\els. \ , At Ihese lI1'S I would haye lmorri-
blo naU"I'1 1111 hcndacheF , wlh'ollln
of 1 sour amid biter II'chlrgC' ' . For " years
I hnll these rcllnr oltl.fiumtlmiomueti , ' sick hl'lIll.
tIdies , with ! IIC'rlng amid iigony alogether
ton horrible tl belt 11 ' 1101)
" : \iy ollnlon ( Is tl \ t when I filet went to
Drs Copelilul nlul Shellrll may ' whoe : sb's-
11'11 Was glYllg 11) ' tinder the \olsols 1)1-
cntnrriu. limit antler tlmit' \'ltl\lt \ I be-
In pick ' rigimt ' . and I
' 11 tip rlJht IIl ) ant kept 01
\rllrn\'ln ! ; unllI \ got I hi fr the whole
Irouhle I can't relC'lher when I have
hind po good health lS I nol enjoy , alitl for
IhCo 1:111'11 : nnt gcnulnl results I gIve ' all
time crel to.E ' ' ( 'olmeltimid _ amid Shuepard. "
noo'ls 312 AND 313 NEW YORK LWf
IUIDr\O. O I"lIl. NED.
nings-Wednesdays Ind Baturdn's anI ,
e to 8 Suinuiny-lO to 12 mu.
Office llourmt-3 to 1 a. m. : C to G p. I. Eve
Genuine Sandwich - - "Adarns"01 Sheller '
W % . ' . 4.
N& .
7jc.s % . .
1/ /
, f %
. _ _
asr. --a
Powers flolmi 1 to 10 iiom'se , F'ced G m'ltutlors , JIleks , Climmin , lInmimI Carts anti
last bitt not least , SOUTII\VICIC 110 11SF ) AND STE4I PO\\'Ii LAY [
I'll ESS.
Branch I-louse - - - - Council Bluffs
COUNCi - . "
- . B.UI"FS
Al kinds or Dyeln
L and Cleanln ! ; ' done In
the highest style at
_ the arl lndcl and
10 - -
lS good as
done an , ' promply
In all parts or the
country. Send for
'S. Si . . . . . . . S _ _ _ I'rolinletos' .
. ' _
- S - - S = S
S . ; , . ' -a- - = . . - - - - . . tmlurr. . Iowa. ' ) Tt. 322.
- - - - S
; ,
Guaranteed . K' Guaranteed
to Heat toHeat
' 3 . S. '
. 3 Ja !
. : Laige Rooms wiLh only large Roams with ony . .
.5. 5 2 : . 1'
, Tons 01 Qoal. Tons of CoaL . t
To New Beginners in Housekeeping. ;
. S . . , w Furnish Your erne Thmpte ' . I
V. S
JfWIf not Convenient to
, ,
S cash will fflake
pay we
. .
5 S suit. 'X
4 . terms to
, S. , - \
: . t I
' ° .
, . : is
' :
: . . , " I
, .
. ; , zii-12/3FA .
. . . N4M Sr11
_ _ _ 14r _ - - - - , - - d -s _ _ _ _ _ .4 _ _
- -