- - - - - - - - : - - - - _ -w - - - - - - - , _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - . - - - . - - . - . - - _ I . 3 T1IFI OMAHA DAILY _ lJE gl VVESPAY , NOVEM81R I ) . 1S9. ! ) ' - . usually ataYI ! up vary lateaM that It was a very unusual thing for him to retire ao ca ri y. Mrl OHkl1l states that ho II t positve that Martin Booker had nothing to do with the murder , aa hl hall always been kind to Loth Ida aid ! herlelf during their acqualn. tance. . She uys she hll known Booker for ' over a month. Sanford . Iorgan's rcommate . Is still lodged at the stalon but 1 I not thought by the police that he ta i Imrlicatld In I thb matter. I MORGAN : IA11 A IENA. [ Dr. Uebert made ni examlnalon of thp 1,01y , of Ida Oulll yesterday and founti unmistakable evidence that the girl had been criminaly outragerl before .he wat' murdeed. ' 'hl underclothing found by the Officers also was covered In places by large spots of clotted blood and parts or thEm were torn Into shreds by thE murderer. The Inquest 18 set for today at 10:30. : Morgan was taken Into the ofce of Ofcer HazE at tile 8taton iiorthy . after 1 o'clock ) 'eatertla ) ' and cloly questoue [ ! lie was ex- trmely nerVOUl throughout the examinatIon an'l his face was deathly pale Ho Bald ! In answer'to questlors Bakerl him "No , I ( lilt not 1o . thla thing I was drunk yest2r- dy afternoon , I admit. 1 dunl : cnslll- cably . during the day . and I don't remom- her anything that happened during tim e\'en. I og. " When asked , again regarding the bloody clothes , he said that he had worked [ for a butcher In South Omaha some tIme ago and that the clothes found wrr ! those ho had worn at the tme , After hal an hour ot cross-examining , In which Morgan merely repeated hln former statements , he was removed - moved to the county jail. In the larl < middle rom Dr the gloomy morluo , all yesterday forenoon lay the body of Innocelt , chubby . 11-year.old Ida Gaskil , Piteous and pitiful sight which fled the eyes of the behohles with tears The body reterl on I stretcher and was covered entirely wIth a white sheet with the exception or the head ani ( throat. The blonde hair fell In waves 01 er the head of the boarrl The Innocent race , as whIte as the sheet which was below I , wal' unmarred , hut for a single blood stain from an abrasion In the cnlcr ot the forehend. The throat. too was cover.d with the black marks or tile murderous fn/ers which had ] torn the tender skIll and showed the flesh beneath , The body wag vlo\ed by thousands of men , women and chlhlrcu. : Firly I ] In the morning . as soon aa the papera hail [ given out their information of the terrible crIme , a crowd was about the doors of th' inorgui' . I was found Impossl- ! blo to allow them to go Into the Iasement hero the body had been placed , and consequently - qlenty I was taken to the ground floor and then almlll lon was granted to al , From , that early hour until a little after noon when I was thought al1'lsablE to shut the doors and refuse further admittance , the morgue was thlonged A steady line of peopll ) poured In . each person stopping a moment to gaza wlth , welng ] eyes upon that Innocent raco. Those who have been witnesses of lynch- Inls remarked ] that thEre was an ominous look ] upon the outgoing faces. There was little morbid curiosity heft In the features when the little hOly was viewed. There was not much talk eIther . As the observers passl' out one by enl the t only remark they made was "The brute ought to be hung. . " I"YNCI TALK hlIAIU > . I was estimated that before noon 5,000 people had hooked upon the dEul body. They were men of all classes , biiiness men abor- ] erf and men of no OcelilUtlon. There "ere many women , ale or all classes. among them evidenty many mothers , whose fenturoJ , while helewEr [ with tears , expressed a force some- thing whIch canserl tim men's races to harden more. Finally there were many children . too Innocent 011 young to comprehend the fiend- Ishness which brought that little body there who wept as they gazed on the marks made by the cruel fingers. DurIng the forenoon a crowd hung about the doors or the morgue I was not dlm- cult to understalHt ( what kept the members there Ther , ) was , howe\'er. no attempt to form an orgarlzed mob t lynch the prlson r , against whom cIrcumstances poInt so strongly But the opinion so strongly expressed - pressed that he ought to be hung IndIcated . that I would take but little to create such a _ mob , gnu ant ' ! uLwa.-rllnled al' . . became \ poss rso1 , pt l ; ts"ldly , notilng'b t-a mIracle ' could save him. Therefore , early In the . rorl yery morning. although - _ _ _ _ though there was no crowd about the police polce . staton. the IJolco authorities began prepara- Hens to remove Morgan. He was allowed to remain at the staten until noon , when he ws taken to the county Jail . hut It was only for a short time that hI remained there , . IHSONlm ! T.\KFN TO LU4COL4. lie WBl' taken from the county Jill at 2:35 : In the afternoon , and accomralned by United Statet nputy Marshals Boehml anti flee- musen and Sheri Drex-I was rapidly ] driven to the Union depot In a covered carrlnge. Shortly after the ma.hal , and theIr Ilrloner arrived at the depot a crowd quIckly con- gregatd and got as close to Morgan as pee- silile. One party shouted "I"yneh the lur.1 I deter " and It looked for a few mlnlte ! an I I If I might fare bally for the man under 111 I rest. The ofeet ' , with the assistance of the I depot policemen , formed around the man . When Morgan wal at length placed lon thc I. train the crowd trred closely ] after him. Men chambered upon the platforms and Ileered through the wlllows , and In none of the gazers' I"ll apPeared a particle of compas- eon ! fur the wretched man who cowered In his sest Morgan maintained a stolid plenco throughout the ordeal . lie refused to talk to the officers and IKnrd all questions put to him by the reporters Occallonaly ! ho would glance Ull when a person ) entered the car , but for the mot part appeared dazed anll seemed only conscious that he was being hunte by his fellow beingi' lIke a wild be11. When at length thin train began to move slowly ont of the station he glanced up with an expression or relief Ind a mighty load appeared [ to be lifted from his mind. At : o'clock a crowd gathered at the southeast corner or the county court house square Captain Cox announced to the men tint Morgan hall been removed from the jail and edit to Lincoln ] , but this statement waD not fully accepted. A \ , slender man , rouehy ] dressed . demanded that n committee ot fvo men tic allowed to search the jai , anti this was granted The character of the committee selected to investigate the mater gives n good Idea of the compositIon or the crowd whIch surrounded - rounded the jail . Two of thE five men who came In to search the jai were recognized hy Jailer Joe Miler as old hoarders of the .county , One was a negro who had served time for burglary . whie another was white man who once stele a cow. Thee men searched the jail . with which they were all I too familiar , but they coul1 [ not find the SlP- posed murderer , of Ida Gaskiil. They returned - ' turned to the crowd which hall sent them on the errand and announced that Morgan was not there. Although a number appeared Incredulous - credulous regarding thIs report , It was grn- orally accepted as true. The crowd gradually dlperee1 [ ISI WAS BADLY FRGlTE FD , There was no more worrIed man durIng the visIt or this crowd than .James Ish. I was reported that Ir the crowd once bean operatons ! I woulll never stop its work until Judge Lynch had lussed sentence upon all the murderers now awaiting trial Ih heard that a committee was cemlng to Investigate I the mater and grew extremely nervous. His I race became deathly pale , ! nd his delIcate hands trembred conslderabl I was a fact that Ish's name had been mentioned In the I crowd , as had also that or some members of the IcCuty gang and the murderers Dr Scl- jan. lint Morgan could not be found , thc committee wHhdrew , the crowd followed suit anti the men confined for capital offenses breathed casler. The county jai was surrounded for about two hours In the evening by a crolII made lip for the most part of Idle curiosity seEkers , - ers , not a few or whom were boys so small that they could not have wielded any weapons had there been any there. The crowd was a good.natured one , and although I succeeded In worryIng the police until after 9 o'clock , no harm waa (10110 When ChIef Sigwart found the numbers swelling at 7:30 : o'clock ho ordered the reserve squad or PolIcemen to surround [ the county buIldings. The day shift was retained for duty , and wIth the entire night force and a corps of detectives and special olilcers took possession Dr the block between larney and Farnnm and Sev- entoenthi and Eighteenth streets. Some or the o cors were stationed near the entrance to the Jai proper , while the rest or the 100 wearers of the star were placc'i on the four streets. In less than tel minutes the crowd hind been pushed back and the streets surrounding - rounding [ the Jai closed to everything except legitimate trafc. , . SwrLmen who refused JD" TlThViT"Wre : 'promPt Late4- ' crwti wOlld generally closq In and dcia.k the officers ) In making the arrest as much as possible ] , but In no case were the ofcrs assaulted whlo making arrests. Patrol Conductor Kirk was hit on the head a couple of times by stones thrown at the - HarDEN' ' We have certainly demonstra- . S ted that wa ard the lowest priced i for the highest l quality-but we . : ; ws to add just 0fl9 rab u ; HIMDEN our l 't and tomorrow wa give r' . T " . S you this . - . Silk and Dress Goods Sale. IF l. Is a question of merit , ot' of OURS is the .Iargost and most Silk ) I complete DopartmoJ in " ' of ' In Silks ' style , 0' ( hiL'ICO , Si.s , , here ' )1'100 , , thuVcst , CUI'j'.ylng at ull times Is the dopat tmont mv1ut'o It can hoI al tllCS decided oO'rently nt onco. : $ ,0,00 ( ) Ivol'th uf 51 lB , gives you an I I assol'tmont to select fl'om. lemiqullbrs for High Class Si.s' . Now Styles . Uecelvod lIei'c Daily. No Holes of Past Ages in This 1)cpai'tuicut. . Why 'Vc Lead Them An in Silks. Some IleOllll do things much better than others ; they do It so naturally , so taste- ful ) " , so cirgatitly and so dIscreetly that you say they have a knack for the blslues3. Our Sik buyer had In ardent love for the Silk business , oU ludefatgatl energy' and a deep rooted [ ddermlnaton to establish a gre.lt Silk busIness . Rnd by always pleslng forcible our customers refoCus hotter why than they could be pleased alywhel' , else arc n few . . or the \any Our Silk Doings Always Lead Evettitg Silks More really artIstIc and beautiful gnyenlng Silks here than In all the other stores comblne ; at Itat that's what . lots or our customers say , and we . have gel reason to believe I , rOl' wit have over 100 btyle In rich Brcades , 1 lbl.olllrld Strlp . fine Warp I'rlnts , Pompadours , Satin nJma1 , IrocadC1 'l'affetas and Gro Grains-designs exclusive to hue house-nt such prices as Ge . SIc 9Se $125 $ l.0 $175 and $2.00 yard - - - - - - - - Worth $1.00 $1.15 $1.25 1.75 ' $ 2.0O $2.75 and $ ; . ; yard Rare Novelty Silks Remarkable as.ortment In rich Warp Irtnte < ' effects , . the latest and most beautiful tles In this exclusive Cftects In < beautful varieties country ; Solon erfets dress or wRist eugths : no two Iat- terns alike , amI at lower prices thal you c u buy geMs of the same quality In any other retell house In the country. ItIehm . el ran t goods at merely nominal prIces. Q9c ( 85e 9.e $1.25 $ l.0 $175 $2,00 yard - - - - - - - Worth 03e $1.15 $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 yard Black Silk Doiugs. . filch lel\n StrIped Satin Ores Gralus , extra tine earhmere finish Brocaded Cro , , Gr.hls. beautiful . ! tn hglres , late designs . e111151e black Satin hirocades , largo Ilg- urei ecilsh.o d'signs : smal designs In extra heavy alt black . figured Taffeta Silks . black SatIn Ihichmesso. 21. 21 nn'l 30 Inches wIde : an extensive stocl ne\r hero ! so at. tmctl'o : mnl never filth . wo show befOre Pich remarkable bagans ! In really fn3 Silks and SaUnx. Ynu nl.l\ cordially invIted to Inspect our nugnilceat nssortment of Uack Silks at such I't Ices IU , . :9c ) 50c G9c 75c ! Sc $1.26 $1lO and $2.00 - - - - - - - - - - Worth ' ' 51 7u 9Sc $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 $ 2.50 amid , $3,00 S.UU'I.ES CHEERFULLY M.UL1D ' 0 OU'.OI -'OW CUSTOME1t. - , . , . . Dress Goods Black : Dress roods . ' 10 soc all thlt'/ COI'I'Qet :00 / \ ( I'O Itluj 10 lalm a speclil OO.t To /cc : ni that' " 110W- . 01 Black. Scs'ges Ihlck. . 111 wo olTol' ' 10 Hot pdees , ' ; hleh tWO al''I : " thu the 1"OLE.O\VJG . GU.\RAN'l'Im : lowcst- 101.r.OW1:0 Visit OUR D'os , Ooo1u ) ! . ALL " ; at ' ' , Gootr nlpat.tIUlt ALT. geode bwht ocut' 1110cs . "locs : . lt UII' 'I'IIISVEEI' . svhtcli ' not LOWEH thinti Ihu LOW- 'lnl"JiK \h 61'0 thll LOWIniI itt itli : the now on\'ds. . . . EST I \ Wi will , 'oh\utt his wcol mind 'Ol . { . IniI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : mc , i.ic , 81.00 koch ) thld\w . Nm'dtni In EXCLUJ\.J. I'L' - 15-11cl nil woM ' hIIOt itoi'go . . Iu 'i'El HtS III 011.co"l n In 311.11ch al0'1 . hnl\rtml eUI'Jn . . 25c Omuahi i . ' ? llIJ ( : , H.lO. ilI4flu . to $ ; : : .0 5 I-1flt'h nfl \u.1 fuapo'tt'd ; .101're\ Ri - in. IH wool iios'oIti't , Iti'i1dcd us H\ch mpo'tl'l oxtl' ! : ni . qti \ . . . . " . . . . . . . . . , : lu bm'rgnIu 1 I auu , ( 'mtt' ptic. , . . . . eclf . . . . . : .3l' ! 'i.lnoh ' tO.1 $ Ct'L' , ( lUSt II.our. . . . 500 83-in. : 111 E ICIII ) 'clto' 11t01. ' ! rh 111l h ( actual nca"II'c ) , ( , h'a tl , qualt'j thl ven' . . . . . . . . . . I : , and CXU'IIe ht. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . iO. , Z''Il. ' ! . ni L wool luco WCIC ; $ tl.Iim. 52IIh : stl'l crge , l'gLlnt' % SI.\ . 1:1)1 = td , Iii 11 clillo $ : \I'll'\\ ; ' . _ b000IltI oIIol. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . : . . i5 , : : 'I.Itt ' EngIhlt J CtU"i to , ' tall I' . 'O.7 18 , neb ' 111'0 Iuulr surgc \ ' : - mlll : ; thl ' \.ook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Je 1Inl \ (01' : W ; C's. . . . . . . . . . . . $10 ; 13.ln.1 { k 111 . " ( 1 uto''eliitis ' . l'onln. ' SICiLIANS- ' 1.00 ) llualIty _ ; bltCi8l 'lota " . . . . ! : SICIJI. ) , ' ' \ 'aIile 1.00 , 1 .2. , I.tl.i , ' An cml' . I.I'O , l. j , I.au : lit 0" ) ltj ; _ _ rO-lnrh 'h'l'Ill ; . ' l : - ' : ttl ) W'00C. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ' ' ) ' Lili I \ VINTFRVEIGTIT ' .J\'l'- ( { -In. mill wnul ehitck $ , k't' ( tailor . ( v O'IO Jot Ut Inlnonh IUIor ox- I bultn al : ; . l'ctny ! clclt . . . . . . . . tuiur . . . 5 olut1vo JtCt.os from 7tc ' . \ to . . .tU ; ( ( -1n. all WOli ] hll'tc ii 11'1 iutt. . . 1 - _ - patrol wagon while It was coming up liar- ney street , but was not badly hurt Then men arrested were rank 1rogln. Chris Thrane , Charles McCarty , J. L. Cooper , l'ote Nicholson and Thomas fi. Gerln All " ore ehargCI with disorderly conduct and Inciting riot BroJln gave \oro trouble than any of the others . a he persisted In making a speech to the crolrl , Judge lerka hell nn evening session for the no- commoaton of the len nrrstCI , all most of them were hal d out h ) ' their frlendD. Their eases will be heard on Wednesla ) ' . . \ fli0 : Captain laze ordered his men to clear Har y street , amid In fifteen loin- utes the several hunrred lovers of curl031ty who hal formed n ' 011 [ line along the east side of Seventeenth street were well scat- tered. There was nothing especially at- tractlvo to hell the crowd together and I crowl adjourned ! lnl die . Somali groups ' gathered on the principal street corners afterward and discussed the brutal murder of little lila , Oasklll . and tle local political situation . The day shift Dr Police was allowed to go home about 10:30 : , and the harmless mob was n thing of the past SAFEI.\ IN [ 'H IENITENTIAIY , I.INCOl.N. Nov 4.-Speclal ( 'I'eiegramn- DeputIes 1oehle and Ha.mussen arrived this afternoon on tIme .1 1 o'clock ' afernoon the flyer from Omaha havlnl In custody George Morgan , the aI- IEge11 slayer oC little Ida Garkili. ! They took a hack and were Immediately driven out to th penItentiary . where Morgan was turned over \'ardeim l.ehlgh for larl keepIng Deputy Boelune saW that Morgan was very retIcent emi tIme train anti also excecilimigly nervous. Bitt In the hmacic going over to the PenitentIary he talked quite freely although givIng out nothIng In the nature or a con- resslon. According to Morgan's story he hail known the Gaski girl two or thrE months. lie says she was Inclined to he tough and was n high Ilckel' . lie admitted that he went Into a saloon last nIght and Inquired for Martin Booker the coal hauler. Morgan said he was by trade a collar maIlEr anti had been "batchlng" I lately wih another luau lie appeared very much releved when he found [ himself safe In time penitentiary and his nervousness - vousness deserter him. lIe will bo taken back to Omala as ron as the excitement dies down , Doehme and Hasmussen returned tori lglmt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CUIltul ( "nIHhn"11 Ex " . h. . While the talk of I'nchlnl was prevalent on the streets there seemed to he n wIdespread - spread Impression that the bill abolshing capital punishment beamo a law ] at the lat session or the legIslature. This was a mIs- take , ns the bill Introduced by Senator Dick South 51mply contemplated removing the place of execution from the various counUes to the penitentiary at Lincoln The bill was afterwards amended to abolish capital punlsh- trmt , but It faIled to pass the senate. The present law leaves It to the jury to 11etermlne whether the pumulsiment Dr a mur- deNr shal bo de\th Dr Imprisonment for lIfe. . ! n etxn 'l'lt Li I . t. Hgtlta lAVIS A 11'/,1 ' .11011 'I'rlll".r'elu'r I At- . t'nethSom I ( ' Atl&'nt iou. LINCOLN , NO\ 4-Special-'edflesday ( ) morning the secant ! trial or George Washington - ton Davis , charged with having wrecked a Itoek Island train In August 1894 , by which eleven lives . wee lest , wIll be commence 11 district court before Judges Holmes. The first attempt by the county attorney ) ' at conviction - tion resulted In a mIstrial A special venire of : ! 0 names will be sifted In the effort ot securIng a jury to try him. This will occupy a number of days and t Is thought the trial proper will occupy some ten days. . Correspondence has opene between owners or the golr bearIng gravel beds with refer- once to sInking the artesIan wels recom- mended by Prof. Bartet In his recent remarkable - markable report The professor has been re- talnell by the owners to prosecute this wor ] . . They express great confidence In him and arc promptr footing all bills. Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Ltnden- :1 Meyer . W. G. House. At the Capital- Fred I' . StuDier . 11 Coady E. A. Hamiton , At the Llneoln-I L Ilextabhe John W. lloslor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Two SII.ln ) ' FIres. FAlnUH - uv , --ipeclaCj ( : The opera house was badly damaged by fire about 1 o'clock this mornIng. The fire broke out under the stage footlights , and It Is supposed to have been caused by 'pon- taneous combustIon. Dy hard work thl fire was confined to the stage , but the water flooded the offices , stores and First National bank rooms so that time damage will be $2.000 , besIdes damage to stocks of goods. TECUISEU. Nb , No\ d.-Spc.cal- ( ! Wind destroyed the amphitheate at the ball I park yesterday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. . Jh.tlolIHt Con''r'lh'C nt X'oln' ! NEOLA la" , Nov. 4.-Special.--.The ( ) for y- thIrd sessIon of the Atlantic distrIct confer- ence Is to be held here Novobmer 5 , 6 ali 7 In the Methodist Episcopal church About 150 mInisters are expected , among them the most promtnent being : D. C. Franklin , L. D , Wickersham , Atlantic : W. M. Dudley , Audubon : William Stephenson , Shelby : R. T. Heaves , Harlan : I Ii. Reese , Cincinnati : C. J. Ilidist . Dexter : lenjamln Shlnn Euthum ; 0.V. . O'I.uppln , MacedonIa : H. H. Smith of Oakland and others. Ih'lth or In Otot' COlnt ) " Vsmrmumer . NlmnASKA CITY , Neb. , Nov 4.-Spe- ( ciah.-Word ) was received here thus ! mornIng or the death of Lawson Cook , who was atone ono time one . of the wealthiest farmers of Ote county. \rrlvJng here In 1856 , he Immediately - mediately purchas a large farm some mles below the city , Where he resided until December - cember 1 , 1893 , when he was pronounced In- sane and taken to the hospital at Lincoln , wiiro ho has been confined until the tIme of his death. Cook was horn In Cumberland county , England , July 25 , 1818. n..IH ( " or G/ , f. . Mt-i' . WAHOO , Neb. , Nov 4.-Special.-Yester- ( ) day at lmis residence In this cIty occurred thie death of George I. Meyer . The deceased - ceased was bookkeeper at time First National hank of this place , 10 leaves a wife to whom he has been married only four months. Ho was , j ; years old. The funeral servIces will be conducted tomorrow afternoon - noon tinder the an Jlces of the lu50n9 and Modern Woo men of America. s'J" ' " , or Ilntt""olll " ' 0 I ( 'n. II.A T1SllUTH. Nd , . , Noy. 4.-Speclal ( ) -Tho women of the Chrlbtan ! churth will wi serve dinner In Whte's opera house here elEcton day . giving free lunch to all voters who vote the prohibitIon ticket. CII".1 I th ( ' MI 1 ( ' lLet'om'd. . I.OtHS\1 I.J.g. Ky. , Nov. 4.-The worhlr , .ecJrr for omit , mie , paced , with H.lng starts , \ nit \rolon tw Arthur lanller at Fonn- taln Ferry trallc tod.l. Cam dIner 10'le the dlstan In 1:125. . 'hls bmcalc's'lndie' , . record or 1 :4 : \ 1-5 mu'le at hartford , anti , 010 anti our-Oflhs mic'commil fasler lmn John- iiOfl'14 professional mecurd. C. H. Couiter Couler aip.o mnle I worltl'tm mt'cord for the 'hree- ' qlartl'IS , paIr. n'lt1 "tllt HI rode time .tsl\c In 1 : iS 1'rhl lsvcts Johm.nn' Iconl ot 1 :21 : on the WII track In No- vemcr. 1891 . XI..t I " ' .IN"I S""lt'1 1""tH. 'VEST : SIU'FItIOlt , Wk. . Nov. 4-Jlm , Tullhy ) ot ChIcago tonight knocked out Tom Norton of the lall roast II the sev- cnl'enlh 10\111 Th mEI ( ollht at catch "tights rind [ Norton was ten pounds the hea : , ! , . 'he lht wa. ) eimfllC. Norton beln ; IOOf.1 Ilx tImes. Murphy la the man who ' fouHht . If"prOI'ds to I _ lrw w 'ithm 1011) n .ln , The light was for $20 ) a side amid the entrt gate - l'eel\1 , 11'1.1"11. CI ) ( 'rltnrH. I \VASiIINITON. No' , , W.\SII ( ; \ 4-The comptroler ef the currency hma.s declared I dlvldlndJ In f\'ol' or the eredlm'b or Insol.&nt n tn31 banks as follows : Ten per rSlr on the Buf- fain Coultr National bank or Iearey. Nd ; 10 per cent First ! atolal hank of San Ilr Ucrmmardiuo . Cal ; 10 iE r cent Uolcr City Notional bank ot Ulkcr City , , Ore. - - - - fh'HH ,111 1 , , ) y . I us t Iii' Y'nl' . LONION. No\ " . - 'l'hE 'h'lmimtms Slr that the Irooltl1 Chl' 1 club \I' IS the Drltsh chub match wm probably \JI' Played , carl ) ' In isg , on eight ! probLI' C ) . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . QUAKER OATS - " The ChiI tOYs U. Time ty4)pIa lcllmls It. 'ho Bplcli Dotc 11 It. DO YOU EAT IT' , 11'1' n 11 )1 ) I ) ' . \ ' ) 'I U ! . .1111 ( ) I""hl"-h. I ( ' .II.lnl Iii th. . ( 'ii , , " . ,1' 1.1 html r ) . , IITTSUUfO. NQ ! . 4-The great colection of paintings In ( hr lalerlc9 at the new Cineglo Llbra\)1bul.lnr : was openel today , nnl will remain on exhlbltlcn for one month Critics , coliectSre , apl connolsours , who were present frm aU uhr the country , pronounc It to bl the lost rEnlarlable general assemblage - bla"e of iunpurtatmt , , paintings Her seen In this counttexcptitig , only the loan col- Icton at th ? . ) Vrhs fair Many of the . same canv3se , p , 'rn the wals , and the ox- Imibition . whIch comprises 231 paintlflgL' . has the mcrlt of being ! not only representatve of the American ; painters , but of all the greet gurOIJE masters ' Many palntlgs 0:1 : exhibitIon have never hithero been eeen outside of prlmte gJI- Ierle , BII this group Includes DJuhlgue's l\pelb "The :111 of Ciobehes , " loaned by Wilam I" Elkln9 or I'imihmmielphia. [ It Is vahlEd at $50,000. JuIcE Breton's remarl able IJalllnl "The Last GleanIngs . " exhibited at the last salon , Il geen here for the first tmE since Its success In Paris Jame W. Imoworth of Chicago loans Remnbroimdt't4 [ " 101 trait or a Man , " time Insurance on which ' alone amountE' ' to $100.00. Henry O. Iar- qtmammd . presIdent of the Metropolitan museumum . New York loans L. . Alma Talenu's [ "A ReadIng Front hionmer " Joseh Jeler'son. Contributes Manve's largest ali helt Imlnllg , "The Flock " J. C. Casln , . the famous painter personally contributes a painting , and there are no loss than nIne of hIs works on the hum. Claude Monet . the leader of the Impressionists , Is represented by two and his followers by a score of examples. In the ex- hibiton art' eight inasterplles by Caret , three by Jules Breton , five by Jerome , eIght by i Das , three by Baldwin , four by hemmer and rrm one to five works each by lc :2- yule , Detalhie . Hosa Honheur , George Innes , Bastan Lepage Bouguereau , Alexander . Cablal : , Carolus , Duramm luvl9 le Citarvan- nEs , enjamln Constant , Dagnan , Bouveret , Daublgny , DeCamps , Domingo , Dupre , Fie- mang , I.'ertunl , Galnesborough , Constable Hacquete , habe , Israels , .iacque , Jacquel , : Ludwig , Knaus Baron I.eys , Sir Edwin I"andseer , I.erole. 1adrazo , Gabriel tax , Milieu' . Munkaczy , I'asinl Paredes , Perraul. lilco Scnhreyer . Alfred Stevens. Treyon , Van etc. Marcime Meyer von Iremcn , Vibat , Selm , etc.Tho American paInters are represented In strIking cxamples by WIlliam M. Chase , F. S. Church Themas S. Carte ] , Wlnam A. Coffin , Winslow homer C. S. Helnhart , Will H. Lowe , Ienry 1osler , Walter Simiriaw Irving U. Wiles , H. 0 Walker , Toby Hesenthal , I , \v. Hanger , William H. Iticimards . Ii. Dolton Joule5 , R. S. Gifford and many others. The American colonies or painters In Paris and London are represented In the collection < II examples by Edwin A. Abbey , John " ' . Alexander J. McNei Whister , W. T. lJatmmmot Hdgeway lnillt : , Guy Maynarl and many more The galleries are six In number , and the aggregate wall space Is 1GOOO square feet To these galleries ! r. CarnegIe has just given the mngnlfceut endowment ot $1.000,000 , the Intercst on which Is annually to be expended for works ot art. . O DO OOO G C SOUTH OMAHA NEWS } 1 cCCCI',2cccCDc Cetct Yesterday ar\eroon \ County CommissIoner Sutton malic time following changes In the location - caton of the .llect5n booths : First Ward-First precInct from 210 N street to the Mrlck block , Twemmty-fourthm and I lit streets. Second precinct from Tombrlnk's , Twenty-fourtl anti L streets , to the Roberts block , Twei\y rourth and J strects. Second , Ward.Flr.t precnct. from Sebwartz's paint stop to the southeast corner of Twenty.fourth and N streets. Second 'lire- clnet , from Twentieth alr ! ' QSreets to 'rwenty-nrst stre et\ \ b'n Rand S stroets. Albrlght- 'rol' Kraus' grocery to Irs. Kennedy's buIldIng across the street. . l : IJrfcu ! : , 'appointed tIme folowlg named special . lce to.ervo itt the electIon booths today : , : &l Keelan , John ltyburn , Den Tarmgetnan Jo _ Conroy. _ John 1on < on. Liv , ' st.ei ; Bxel"J ( . ; \ ( , ( , t h , , President W. , . Stephens presided nt the regular monthly meeting of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange yesterday afternoon. After some routine business Ab Waggonlr , J. A. hake . M. R Murphy . F. Chitenden and J. G. lartn were elected delegates to the transmbslsslp1 congress to be held In Omahn November 25. [ J. O. Martin . D. L. Campbell , J. S. Knox. T. B. McPherson , W. I. Stephens . nil J. A. hake were elected delegates to the nember meetng of time National LIve Stock ox h ? WhfC wIll be lucid In Chicago. The ex'barmgo.Oecided to chose th yards on Thanksgiving anI -Chrlstmas. . , : III" ' ' . Gosslt . Owing to no quorum 'f city munch did not leet last night. . Clnt Morgan returned yesterday from a two tflOmmthls' trIp through the ivest. The Board or Education met tn regular monthly cession last nIght and elected 0. E. BrIce to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation or g. D Gideon , Th ! . women of the Christian church will serve a chicken pie dinner today at 2G02 N street Women In charge of the South Omaha hospItal will gIve a dinner at Burnett's old stero on Twenty.rourth street , near N street. The proceeds \1 go to\ur buying bedding amid medicines . at the hospial S.'rl""H 1'lr' : t lt't'mitimi' . I II. DECA'rUH Ill . No\ 4.-Power't Grand operj. house burned tonight. C. Yo Vtol "s ' tailor store 11. H. Whlteh"s drug store and lsk's furniture store were ( lamnaged. Llnu & Scrlm 's dry gooda store was badly ; Icorched , help was Isled from SIJrlnglel . The Im' Is OC. The hla\lest losers are : Orlando 10\er3. opera hOlse , $ SOOO : Insurance. $20 OthJ. LInn & Scru3 , dry goods ! stock , $ t90.0O ; Inlul- ! ! . ' owned ! th7 once , $1 .500. Orlando Powers owne [ entire block o buildIngs. 't'ho los 01 these Is p21,009 , with Insurance of $1,0 Somali losses aggregate $ tOJ ( , covered br insurance. At 1'1" n. m. the lime broke 1. lre Insurnce. out afre.oim In time St. Nicholas hotel hut' ' was confned to the servants' quarters. Time hotel loss i'i I smmtaii. 'Theme was no excite- ment among the guests. . _ ( JI.I Stou.1 t t lie i'um rail e. GLOUCF1STEII. iiimsi' . , No\ 4.-\Vhiie n parade hel 11111 the auspice of tIme A. P. A. was being Corm Ill tonIght stones ant heavy missiles were thrown and /evera : m18sl"3 ' . ' uerons were Injured 'rhe mo..t sorlously IIer30n/ were AllJhonse Davis and FtcdS . CrlslJn , Jr. . hoth ot whol were struck on the Imeati 'fho 'mrumIe Ilrlcle1 [ 1 lecture . on "Inmmnigratlont' delivered In the city hall hy 18ev. Scot F hershey , D.D. . pastor of the Columus 'Ayenue i'resbyterlaum church of Boston. Six hundred members anti [ sym- Ilathlzers wcrp . In line and these people cl'owllerl wcrt. . , ( . A large detai or polce were IIuty \ , Ut trouble Was I'X- Imecteti but , .tuiy \ , were unable to pre\"er t lie distumbalieti , r. . S SlaM F111 mm Him I 1i"'H' U" . . A false "u1 tt tire was rung In from th' boJ at Slxtcnt1 iand Capitol avenue lt 1:15 : this morlnk . ' 'rhu - lire dlpartmcnt would like . to have5 ; the per.on who rings In the frequent fale aarms from this box ar- rLster ! Thl riorning after turning . time handle of thHkeyiess nlrm ! bax the yotuimr ! Ian wus seen to run tl' Capitol nvenue and ( then north 0' Seventeenth strpet. A , I'sertpton orJ111 was gIven to time polIo 10 is I supos. tb be the same Ierson , who reason. has imulied ' this box beroro without goc I . 1IHtll'hl',1 I 1 ( ' l'm'uset' . About thfte'hmiminutes .after midnight last night a cmowii'- tou'h gathered Ihout tIme drug stoic ot/ io.v , I.unll & Co . Slxto\nth and Farnammi ' 'I ' , ipts. Several ot tIme men hurt heen 'WI I g , antI I was not 10" . before a fiimt WI\S on. The dlsturhanc' fght lstell ten mlnules an1 [ no policeman hut In an appeIUnCL\ . A telerhone message wits' : n'nt tJ thpo.lc ; ( stat 0t ' . and the par ' I % vmlgorm Ilsndlll. : 01 its nrrl\al the trouble remu'ai ansi . no arrests were mmia.l. . Stm It' U.I.IIH c I 1'c'h.'r. ST I.OUIS Nov. 4-Roceiverelmip lro- cedlnj1 wte begun tda1 hr State ' 11 < .1- . Ulel' SU'lshmena agaInst ! the Western fluliti- nr mmd Loami asaoc'Iatl-.ti , which lule an all 1.0.\ as.celat"n . t"sknuIcnt ! , on October : 10 thp St. I.oul : 'rruat company The a310(1'lon his a q'aimttai ' /'tod er fWO. und its assets are att / J to 1. I w.llh time -a same amount. " " 11"'h ' Iln' ' In I 1 lrzmsl Ic (1 ulmmt'r ) ' , HOCKI.\NI . Ma. . No\ 4-Tho trale . t 'aat : ever Ir"r In this 'e ron ot tIme eJun- . , . . ' on : this vfternootm . 'ihmam CYt 'ry WIS tort lernoon. whel . t { ' ; ag : 'j oC powder Inll a , arge Iluanttor ' rnaml ! were o ' "lorIJ at the I.on : C1 : rate Iuurv Tm" IIIlon cost th ompnyi.04Y1. . mind Wil sac I'S'fll mum " IMsr , : 'J , " t lS < f l granmie. DUIE ) CENTER OF ATTRACTIN Prospective Groom and Brito Subjected to ( Great Deal of Annoyance . I VULGAR NEW YORK SHOWS ITS CURIOSITY 1'111'1"1 is mush J.I ( th.t'N I , . < uti lo'ol Iii tl It'o'hl : hhiit'tC tl ( ' heath " 'II.h JIIit'I.M th ( ' i41 reels In 1I'IIt t or the "II\'rhlt I ; iii ussluum. NEW YOH , No\ .I.-The luke of Marlborough . borough cut hIs vh'l short at Washington and was back again b : fore daybreak this morning , Se\'erl hnportanl consIderatons hastened . his r tur from the natonal capital . one of which was the rehearsal or the vcti- ding , which was set down for some time this afternoomm. I Is also rUmorc1 thal the rutura duches Is suffering from slght Indisposition , owing to the worry ant anxiety attendant ' upon titus preparatonf for the grand wed- ding \Vedmmesday . and the tltmke hearing ot this , could not remain away from Miss Consuela any longer. In addition to this , his lawyer and adviser , ; tr. t\all. wlslll to see hunt Iii regard to sOle Inlortant Ilat- ters connected with time marriage settlement . The duke hal Intended to pay his respects to President Clevelanl nt the white housE today . but his sudden departure IJre\'entel It. Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt's mansion In Madison a\'enul Is nol lore than ever a center of Interest to people of leIsure who have tnstncts of curiosity . and the crowd II time street has bcome a perlanent fixture or that locality. Detectives arc on duty at the corner of Seventr-second street eontnuout.I ) ' to IJre- vemit so far as they arc able , any annoy- anca to time family from thIs source But they cannot keep the people away so bug as there Is any chance Dr getting a glimpse of the duke or his future bride , or In .fact , any member of the Vanderbilt taml ) ' . When Mist Conslclo and hel' mother go out for a drive . detectives , I Is said , follow theIr car- riage , whim two brawny polcemen have to mount guard on time sidewalk to keep thie te crowd at curiosity seekers at a distance. ) According to time program scheduled for today , the brlday party , after the rehearsal - ) sal , will repaIr to the house of : r. Vanderbilt - derbi , where they will look over the wed- dine presents , and then later on , will at- tend a dinner given by Irs. Drockholst Cut- tnl to the bridesmaids. Tim dulcet of Marlborough , with his best man , 110mm . Ivor C. Gle.t , and the usher . will be amonl the guests , The duke will present souvenirs to the brIdesmalta In time shape of dlamon and turquoise brooches . The bridesmaids and ushers who wi assIst at the wedding or the duke or Marlborough and Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt held a private rehearsal thIs afernoon at St. Thomas' church. Mrs. Vanderbilt and MIss Consuelo were present and snperlntended the rehearsal The duke of Tarlboroog'l was not there , for he does not heleve In the rehearsal , , 'llch. to his Idea Is not becoming to the solemn I of time ceremon ) The bridesmaids , eIght ) In lumber , rehearsed their 11arts once They larehed from the vestibule to the chancel rail In the following order : MIss Catherine Duer and Miss Elsa Bronson led the bridal procession ; then came Miss Mar Ooelet , Miss I.aura Jar , MIss Daisy Post , Miss Evelyn Burden , Miss Martin and MIsS Wluthrop. The bridesmaIds were Instructerl at the chancel rai alll grouped In the correct order by Dr. Drown , the rector or the church. The ushers were also instructed In their dutIes . dutes. and hnmedlatey ] after their rehrarsat the JJrl'J < ; : d" accompanied Miss Vanderbilt to her 'honmo . where they enjoyed aferoon tea In the evening they atended a dinner gIven In theIr honor by Mrs. lirockhmolst Cutting at her home on Fifth avenue. TIme duke spent the day with his cotmsimm Hon. .vor Gust , and Sir Julan Jauneerot , the BrItish ambasalor and remained In his reoms at time Plaza hotel during the evening , attending to busIness mat- tore pertaining to his forthcoming . marriage. flew : lnhHH ' Vsmtt'r -"rl.H Sold. DES MOINES . NaY. 4.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-I ) was announced this evening that the Des Moines water works property , the principal owner or which has been F. H. Hub- bell , has been purchase by a Boston company - pany , represented In the negotiations by Charles S. Park of Boston The prIce Is not given . but It Is sIpposed to be In the vicinity ot $1,000,000. The company representel ! by Mr. J2rk already owns 1,400 somalI water works plants In the United States the larg- est of which Is at Knoxville , Tenn. The old company has imeemm Involve In ltgaton with the city and the bona dde character of the sale today Is questioned In some quar- ters. n'nth uf 11 Jomim I'rht't. DAVENPORT , La. , No\ 4.-Speclnl.- ( ) Rev. A. Trevis vicar general ot the Catholic diocese of Iavenlort , died In Mercy [ hospial , near this city , Sunday 10rln , aged 70 years. le came to Dnbuque from Fraucr with several other ) 'oulg priests . of that country In 18rO , Later Ito served as priest la this city and In Keokuk. lIe made l'J\- ' oral voyages to Europe For a number of years past he has held . the post indicated under Bishop Cosgro\.e or' this clt ) TimF funeral ] from the cathedral of the Sacred heart will bl heM Tuesday at 9 o'clock anti wi be ImposIng In its S cermonte . Cm'ectomm I'nstsr Jtt'sigmms . ( t'I'Htn. l'IHIur H'NI/IH. CHES1'O , la. . Nov. 4.-(8IJeclal ( Tele. gram-Rev. ) Alan J. Van \Vagner pastor of the Conrregltonal ChllTCh for eIght years surprised hIs congregation Sunday moring by tendering bls resigmiatloum. ills charge I one of the most Important In southweser Iowa. _ _ _ _ , _ _ Ulmluii'is 11/1 l'nlHUI . Fglruml'l' . PAN , Ill. , Nov. I-I'armer Joseph Vincent - . cent , nelr thIs city . Is relJOrter1 In a dangerols condition from poisoumiumg , taken Into hIs system by eating buckwheat cakes , In which chinch bugs were ground up In thc nm en I. meal.Doctors' Doctors' Mistakes. TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. HOlY Jorge bills arc run up without benefit to the sufferer. Manf tunes women call on their famiy physiins , sufcrlng. lS they Imaginc , one front dyspcpaa ! , another flm ncn'ous (115. case , another from liver or kidney disease , another with pain her and there , nnd in this way thcy all present alike to thcm- selves Ind their easy.goitig mumdulteremmt . or over-busy doctors , separte amid distinct d15- ca'tes , for which they prescrbe their hills mal poton' , agsnming them to be such , when , in realty , they nre all only s'vpIomns c:1ned : h'lolc womh disease 'he piu3'si- ciamm Ignornt of the cause of suferng , encourages . courages his practice Intl large hills arc mnde. TIme snferlng Imtlent gets iio better , but probably worse , by reason of the delay , wrong trcattmtgitt and conscqnent coummimlica- tions. A proper mmmediciumc like Dr I'lerce's Favorite Prescription , direclcd II llt cause wOlld hay entirely relovl the 11ase. thereby dimpailluig all those dstrehslng ! ymptOl5 , and instutng comfor Instcnd of lroiommgcl 11 cr. I has lecn wel said , ' " " disease is that" : kno\lls half t cured Dr. Plelee'K Ia\orte Prescripton Is a scientifc mcdlcine , carefully compolndcd by an eperlenced 1t ! skIllful ph'Illan , maladapted to woman's delicate organiza. tion. It clues all tlcrnmmgcmmments . ircgl' hrtbs atl wenknesses of the womanly organ , I h purely vegetable In Its conm- IHuition amid perfectly harmless il Its of- f.cta il auu' ( oldiiol o/Ile Si's/em. Pot torlnl clckncs5 , or nansea , dne to prg- milumey weak /tolach , amid . kindred symp. ih uvihl ' , beumeficial. It tonic . use , wi prvc .cr hcncfcl. ho makes chidbirth easy by preparllg th'stcm for partmirltioum . limos assIsting Nature amid shortenll " labor . " 'fhe period of confnc\tnt uni 15 also greatly mmhiomtemtcd . tle ! mmtotimr Itrengthencll amid hnlt up , anti an ahulhnt S ( f.tOI ojluishlcnt fur I al the chlhllJ 'rOtCti . S , , 1 hy all 11paJers. . - -1P' , . \ y i-4 - ( , , At ' 2- : , : - . 7 - - ( V - . AYAI LPM . 'MJ3TERYouvE ' ! DROPPED YOUR RLLJG AGREAT bIG PiECE FOR .IOCENT3'- ' , , .IOCENT3'I . - - - - - - - - - - = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > I 1 look long . J. ' " t A ti , . h This vW Trdo.llnrk. Photograph It on 't 4F m ' , your memory. It . a . , stal s for all that i5 4 - efficient , economial , cleanly and dumuic . ' - - in heaters and coo1- . cool- S ' . . . I . C % , . ers. With it as a , \k - - 4' ? guide' ' - - . : ' . , - I- - what Wl satisfy you JLARGESTSTOVEPL4NFINTflEWouj AI YourDalcrs. WM. LYLE DICKEY & CO. , Omaha. W.I. _ A. C. RAYMER , South Omaha ; - - - ' : : : : _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . A Few Adva11tages Ofered by the Chicago , Milwaukee . & SI. Paul U9lh\ay , the short line to Chlc iU A ciean I. " made up and started from Omaha. XClTY H IC'1GO Ehi . Tar t . CEDAR RPIDS ! 12 .I ! 8ll.DlS , 1On -v. , _ , Uaggag ( checked trnl residence to d"bloUo' . . mcanl lain clvlce amid COUleOu3. tiim' pions Intire - . ; In every be : lit. 1' immeil nlre Huln Igbted by e1ccLllclly. wit it elechlc rending lamps 1bclh'J 1 dnlng : car service In the west with mmmeals wlb a la carte , or , In other womds . . order . wimsil I you want mind . pay . for what you ! eI. Flyer leaves union d(10t daily al GUQ : ' I m. , anl Inl al Chicago at 9 a. m. , city ' I'kel Oflice . 15& Flrnm titreet. C. S ClitRttfl. CItY flcl.e Alent _ _ - - - - - - ' ' . LSTS iGOR - i4 41 ' .t s sn In , , , , , , tit In t . . toy N'ervou . fletittv. , , Ls of Seuai . , . . , \h.n 11 d"1 ,1" " ' N..ou. " . Sxual r" ( I. eiti'u " .1" . - , . " ' , , , , . . . . ' . , . . , . , . . . , . . , . , - te\ ' " ' AlOI.hr."locele "d utter " s'akmeci Iron any nasa . U . . , , , Ih'IV"'I. , . . , , , olhe".l" . . , . . , , , u. , 0. , . . Si ,1" I IlL tiraini die k.i and { "nI inr mutc.iy ) rttucri. I r " < KII".I. ick ale .10.0. . . . , . . , . , . . , . . . . . "le.ly , . . . . o"rl , trUutm.teuit ? uauu " sem.i lru"k",1 fa.nr. Mol.o any.bere .le.I Cv i''om 6l.on. Cur 15 no. Wt Result In 4 woeks. . vcr , 15,0 0,0" "Ihe a 1..1 garanmeo lu corn 0' . .1 .C.n" 610" I. unnncy . 0. , WIll SHERMAN . \ McCONi'EtL DUtO no ; _ 1r1R notL.ltr"nt ( ) ) nn" " . ! Zeh. RAILWAY \ - -'I CARD I ' - - - - . - - - - I.cu'esUl.HLI"OTO : . & Mi ) . mlLVlit.jmrIues ; Olaha \Ul.HLI"OTO \ IVlh - & IlasuI HI' , 0111 ; . 10 : , . . . . . . : .1cn\e" , " - 1xmmess. - . . . . . . . . : : 4C1immmImIi. : 1110. abut. & i'tmCet : , . : -I : ipimu 4 :3pl. : . . , . . . . .1cn\cl' g''IC.d. ' ! Hnl . . . I . . . . 4 : U5pl : iOpm.rcbru8Im : 1.oetml ( except Hue 1tmj . . 7 :4t'mmm : Sllaai. : .Lincoln Local ( i.cert Humiday ) ) . i:4:111 : 2:4pmim. : .Fast 11.1 ( for Llmicoin ) . daily. . . 1.1esIIC.OO. . lUILINOTON & Q ' Arrlve.m Omaha \IIC.OO. \ , , 10lh & lason1 _ , Omnhn . : : . . . . . . . . . . \e.Uuu e. . . . . . 'j'aiim : ' ) 9:4 : Irn1 . . . . . .Chlca u IXpl'I'8S. . . . . . 4 J51m ir.pl..Chlcao : & HI. I.OUI3 151resb. . SUOammm : ii :35.immm..acillu : Junction I.ocal. . . . . . SIO.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'.mntialI - . - . . . . . . . - . - . . 2:4')1'1 : Ojl ' ) ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.oa'esCIIC.GO. \ . MH. . & ST. l'AUL i.mrivca OUlha Unlormleput , 10lh & atusonl3ts.I ! Omatma COIm. : : . : : : : . . . .ChIDIO Limmmlted. . . : . : . . . - O:2izmnm : I : C0anm. . - - . .Chlca - - Jcprcss - - ( 'mx. i'umtiay ) - , . . 5:2jl : I.ea.esCltC.GU \ / lOlTnll STN. 'AII ' , OmimzmtimmjUnionbeput , 1111 * & amnsoim tilts. Omimzmtma 10:40am..Easuem : n flxpmetia. . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . ' Limliel. . . . . . . . . . 6:55anm..Me. : \'atley . . . . . . . . . . : & : llmmmm..Omaha ChIcago SiedlLti. . . . . . . 1iluimn i.ecves CIIlC.iO. Ii. I , & I'AUlFlC.lArrlme , Omaha tjniozm ielut , iJtlm & Iasoti Sm-al ( flmmthtt ; _ _ _ EAST. II :2'iam : ' , . .AtIanuIe mxpreoa : ( cx. $ tmn1y ) . . . iminm : . . . . . . . . . . . . ixpre'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:25am : 'I :411,1mm : . . . . .Clitcagu'etIbuls'ti i.imtm itel , . , . 1:3Spmim : CtCpm.Okialmoma : & Texas Ec. ( ox thmn..1O:3tnm : I ; 4Opm..Coinrtmlo , i.tmnlts'd. . . . . . . . . . 4 : Oipnm Iet.vea C. . Si' . P. at , .1 0. Jrrlees Ommmamn Dept , lIlt , umei'eiatem' Sta , i Ormm.mlma 8lamn. : . Sioux City Accommmocmmtlon , . . . tlpmmi : iCZ5pmmm. : . .suoux t'I'y 1Xlesi ( 'ix. mmsm. ) , . .I1S'iaumm : 6 ; lOp'um. . . . . . . . .Bt.I'iiui j ° ! ! : . . .o:2i.imm : I.eaue I P. . F : . . ' : ito.'AI.IiY. . .rrIvcs onmaiai pelot. 1thm outd W''miat'i' 5' , . j Omym4ha :1lmim. : . . . . . . least Mall ani Emri' ' , . . . . . . . . 4:55tm-m : , 2iOlnm. : . ( t. . tuat , ) " 1,0. 1 : 'c. ( ct. inn ) 1 :1.mmtmm : 9Omm : . . . tmmJ'ik I : xmreee ( ( 'K. 'tmn'ia ) . ma 8 G:1Ot'um _ . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . a Ieaves K. C. , ST. 3. & C , t Omnatmn IJnIar , 1) , lot. limit & At.sum ; : * a Otmm.Ima Dltammm..Kmmngn,4 : , 4 'Ity lmy 115p1-ot'C. . . . . . . a : llpmui.K. a. . ' .N icier Us.'lu U. I' . 'I'm aims. 7oflamm : , Ie4tvea i 3itSSIt'fl ! l'AI'i1C. hAiuit''s Onmaital Iehlul. 15im omml'd'ertims. L9ipimmm i'ooro : . . . . . .I. T.otutim icirs : , . . . . . . . . . . Gfltnm : 9:30pm..t. : Loula Uxtrev , . . . . . . . . . GOpumm I : lOpm. . . . .Nebm aka ' -'L ( e'.ttun. I , . . . . I : t ) ) , iii 1i1 siOu' CiTY & P.CIL'w , IArmi Omnnmai Is'Iut , tIlls anti i'eieoter Ht'm. Ommlut Gioprrm..t. ; I''ui T.Imnits.t. . . . . . . . . Leaves i-iiorx ( 'IT's' . ' 1 l'A'll'lt' tn iv"t Omaha Unuoum Iti'mt. lommi & aiIEtm Sli , onui : Crlanm..io'i ; mma l'ab.'ns"- . . . . . . . . 11:1. : . , , , , 4 :2.mo.t : . ! L , 1 'a UI i4nmiu ci . . . . . . . . . . I . i' ' ' , I.avea I UNION Pt'iVtt' . , tri Iv't Ormialitmiunlon l'iot , I'Juim & ? .t'ta'oim t'm. Oniim.-m 9:45.umn : . . . , , , . , , , hlCUarny Eapre . . . . . . . . . lC4ii'ii : ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . . " l'lycr . . . . . . . . . 2Oopumtflemt'ce : , Stu..nmsI'g cx lx ; 4tmn ) .l:541o's 7Oepmtm. : . . . . . . . . . . . i'Uetfl. ' 1iprPa . . . . . . . . . . . .1:5 : in , i4eLIxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E0st . ! L. . . . . . . . . . . 1 'iou ' : ; ; ; ; ' -WAISAnIS ltAit.'AY iu'ra. OmsltaUnlon fl'p.e. 1)t : & taoma Itt.o naiIt , I : ' ) ' . . . . . . . . , Lm'sii C'an'n 10.11 , , , , IC i'r , - - - - - - - - - . , i al I'S 1i11 F5 N'L'S. Boyd's ( lulest mmmiii ) Iaso ( % iullio'mitlo' IBt''lioui IIt'tuirmms Itemimi fa'oms Iii , . SIitgt' 'iu mug lit. Matinee Totiiort'ov. Spechni liigiigc- incuit CIocs Toniom'row NIgItt. Stt-low'a I'arctchi. L'mre'-t traits limo Auas 0- I immni , ( 'ui ago lila Trocadero Vafflavillas Llrcction of I. a7IE1'ILL' , Jr lhed AWpOW 'i'lio ivoril's Utirivatel .miImite timid a commgmesi of fmmtmmus Eumupeatm am hats' . I iviuY IEATUIThAN [ ) IIA1' NI\V l'itu''rsImrt : floor , lOc. 7zt' ant 11 00 , ham- Comm ) tit aol 73e . Mmmulr'o iriee lirat fl'om' . 'hi : and 76c ; tatcommy , 2e cud Oe , OTTrilE11TRE Tel , lCiS 1-l'ft.XTON&huiIitti IhSS , Mr.o , 'roNlahlT A'I' 8:15 , \rARD \ & VOKI3S arid ii rf limo beat farce corn , dy aitiimte In AmerIca In A RUN ON THE BAN ( ' 1,0 I esi Hi eel Ion it ci tum'misa mm imumo simu' , lt'auiu the cinge ( Ii iso vv.'itl IU.t , UsiJ.I. [ 1flICISMA'rIrllI W fii 'l'u ! , 1 i3 1 i.N'l'ot1e : _ _ hiLTllhIhS4 , t - 'l'llJ'e ( % hI,5imIM , ( 'omiuisu'seiusa , 'i'Jm mu radii - , , ' % n cmii Ier THE PAY TRAIN.