Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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2 - 'rIfE O.1\IAIIA DAILY J3Em-SUNDAY. OVBMIflIt 3 , ISO ; ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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- - - - - - - - - -
, DECEPTION AND ) COERCION : Plans of Dervish Orowd for
Election Day
, 1'lulI" . )1..1"111',1 tu Ch'C , ' 4It ( . " h )
'l'rlel" " nJ11 t. . Ir..wltnt
1' lcet"r" ut th"
rILe big guns of the campaign have been
fred , the registration has been completed ,
the poltcal fences havu been stakel and
. rhlere' , antI Herythlng Is In readiness for
the election that takes place ( lay after to .
of ( lie ' city have
morrow. : tel of the voters
taken sides In the polllc11 struggle that has
almost reached an end. feEIng a/ Intense Interest
tcest In the Issues that have been discussed
tram the rostrum and ullon th street corer ,
the CitizEns' league olHI all
Members of CiizEs' ali
th lntcut of
who have been working Inlr2t I
municipal and county reform In local polItIcs
feel conMenl that their e/ortS arc to be
and that they ar
crowned with Ilcees
slnal'Ictory. . 'fhosl of the
about to win a slnal \
Wi ! lot . Itb the
who cast their \
rcpubhlcn party CISt
tiervish element put en a holll front
lervlsh ' dnclnre that they svhhi
u"on the Itreu's they delare wl
of their com-
. but In the quIet thir
elect their men lul Iulet .
recl they acknolwede one to another
mittea rooms
other that the outlook Is l Ioomy They
OStbh0 to ave a
be lloulble
adrOit that It will only
Ilmlt wi with the
of their men at the most ,
chauces In favor of nil of them going 10wn
tOJethrr In the history of the city of Omaha
Ihere boon a campaign that could CJmpare
has bIen !
with the one that will close tomorrow nlrht ,
Herelofore the Issues have been fought out
psrty lines. Thl time , however politics
In n } measure have been lost Ighl ) of The
silver Ilemocrats and republicans have lost
. sight of the IG 10 1 advocacy ; the gold men
the most
their ;
have given up preferenCes
rampant : lnJorR men have he'n fighting sile
voters ' s ho In the ( last elec-
with the
by OIiC ( tbl votlrs 110
. Dile Orst 10 last.
liolcomb from
ticot were for 10lomb last
tOIwcro who have
few days the men
Wmlln thin last
been fighting under the reform bnner have
had their ranls sh'IngthenIl1 anl : enforced
hal staunch relJubleanR as Jmgc ] lerb rt
II . Davis , floury D I , Istabrook'tlliam I F' ,
Ourley and many others , mel who until thIs
anl . ropubiicaI % ticket Old
never scratched r. republcan 011
year scralchel
moss.bacled deiiioCr8t' vIio have been dyell-
) wlo
" In-the-wool , those of the Jim \Vinspeir . L :1
Anllerson. Covell and Churchill larkel' stripe .
have been working for Scott and Breath : and
.the rest bEcn of the dervish rellublcans , I'vel : that
g.dvanlzcd old democrat , Pee BirkhIau3er.
has knelt at their shrine , pledging his sup-
port to the dervish tcket , But I'le last and
moqt edifying pectaci was thin IlreaencI of
ellrying ppectaco
lonzo I hltint . a demorat who was rocked )
In n .Iefersonlan cradle . seated upon the stage
, ' during a recent dErvish re-
lit ' lioyd's theater recpntlervish .
lt'loyl's meeting and there applaUlhlF cvcry-
thing sall meetlg tyVelster and Cornlsb. denouncIng -
Ing the nominees of the county and Judicial
democratic conventions.
In this fierce contest that has brought out
. the sectarIan and politIcal Issls and foalzel
attention the city hail and court
jiubhic upon cl hal
IJlblc atenton
house thorn has been a steady and rapid
. .crytahtziiig of public sentiment In favor or
the . movemrnt Inauguate'l 11hio ' by the Citizens'
league , and I all signs 10 nol Fail there will
bu a landslide next Tuesday . such lS has
seldom lanldile , I eVIr been witnessed In any city
'In , \ho United States.
'tn , Unlell ; of nnblc sentmcnt a socaled
republicanconventlon ; . insulted the voters of
. this Judicial district ly placing In nomination
Cunningliaiii n , Scolt for , a positIon uIon , the
bench. ! One week later another so-called re- .
. pubilcan repeated the Insult by naiii
lagV . J. Jroatch as Its candidate -
' ' . at the same time condoning
date for 11)'or. tme
the recent looting of the city treasury by
I endorsing the present council combine and .
I naming Its tools for places In the city COUTI-
cli , arMing to the list some ur the worst
, , roustabouts and ward heelers ot the city .
. commencing with Jim Alan and ellng with
I te c YateS.
t/ Intrusion of Drontch at the head of the
cfty ticket was the signal for a movement
ly along the line to hrowbeat and coerc ' the
voters with policemen's cubs and threats ; 10
_ caJole the credulous dupes who were willing
. tl accept Droatch's profuse promises as legal
- tender .
I " , tenter. has been aroused , on all
- Whie Indignation beel al
methods of Droatch
sIdes ! by the disreputable
anll his ganK of wart heelers and political
, of indignation and
strikers , the hIghest Illtch Indignaton
excitement was reached when the IJlot was
discovered that has for its object tie sup.
I ' pressl n of the 1l0luiar vote b ) pacln the
pi election l beards and the Intimidation or voters
I electon ' police. The manner 11 which
t ! , _ I It Omnha. Is proposed h well known to the citizens of
\ \ \ Omnha.r , \r since this became a city of the metro.
k\ polttaitclass. the mayor hal named the silo-
t IL clal police for duty on election ta ) ' . I has
of the chief execu-
I , been one of the functons
1 th'o of the city . The other lay Mayor
\ t I Delis lotOell Iroatch and YSldervoort
I at the fire and police commission that he was
I ready to lame the special ofcers for polce
\ \ , duty on election day Imalne his surprise '
, \ ' . when word Wits sent back to him by roatch's
secretary that all of the Ipeclals lad been
' \ IPllollte ) ( das before nt 0 meeting of the
l I 1 cOnlIllisSiO.fl. ) I Is well known that the meetIng - .
( Ing to which Uroatch referred II his coinniu-
! <
: I iiiatioii to the mayor waR heit . \ that
I t Ilatul . however the question of 111Intnl
r \ " specials \'n not dlsrustd , yet the next day
. ; the records showed that lel hUll been so-
I' \ I lectell anti detailed for dut ) ' .
r ? I 'I ' PL.\N TO PACK TI flO1tDS. ,
' One of thl most brazen acts or the dervIsh
j' 1 '
I \ cmblno was perpelratell In the council last
! - ' At tlhtt tune the list of
i Tuesday nIght th.t lmo lst
I , , \ Judges and clerks of election . lamed by the
I Inaor , was presented for confirmation.
I I Instead of confirming the dervish pirates ,
I ed Councilman Satinders and ably as-
i lell by Counci mal Salllers ant lS'
I ) I ' telhy Edwards , the combine candidate for
CIty treablrer , rejected seventy.slx of the
I 1ppolnt.l. insisting that they were imicomn-
I , ietent notwithstanding the fact that more
Ihan two-thirds of them were business men
I tad cUrks In oiilces . This combine turned
Ilfm down In order to allow clerks and
. fudges uf their own kind to be selected by
I mbe mobs that have blon instruCted to bo at
chIts polling places electIon morning.
( Not content with trying to secure complete
. . 'ut.olule control d the election boards ,
I p I ateb' and his henchmen had ordered car-
' la for their police nlul Instructed them
10 go tram both to booth to "prcsere prder. "
Their plans are to . arrest "oter who wi not
Collie to their terms and throw them Into Jai
In order to pTvent them from exercising
their rights of franchise The report Is current .
rent that pins have been matured to prevent
thu voters from carrying Into the booths the
sample , allots by which they may mark their
ofcal ballots. thus depriving them of a right
guarantael ( by the Australian ballot law They
llrpso througll the ali of the polce to pro-
voko'dlatlrbsncea around the , pola and then
arrest voters on the merest pretextl. In tact ,
lIt I there Is any deviltry that the liroaich-Van-
Ien'oort gang will not commit , It I ! lecause
'n oio'in the Infernal regions IIIS thcugbt of
\ I. . . '
Droltch hhusolf during the lai't t two weeks
has made a tQm' of the saloons , going from
I one end of the city to the other , exhIbiting
, the , hqrdl2ili-ittmsseIi letters , to show that
fb\rehl.Ruuel one course of relIef ,
and that b , by electing him to office. lIe has
Ilea guaranteed to i'everal Politicians that
they will succeed him on the police COl'
mission. ODe of the most prominent men
10 receiva' the promise Is Phi Andres who
' I been flush with Iroalch boothie , all who
. mails 1 canvass among the saloons for
. retch , leaving the pledge from him that he
would surely be made a member of the
police commission after the frt of next I
1 ; - ; lluay , It the liquor dealers would only
use their . ! orts In the direction of securing
Itroatch's -.cuon ' ,
Inasmuch a three other IleU.ns have the
_ sme pledge from Iro.tch. a 111 a one of
thont II working the church people with the
I nlo racket. An < ra' appointment II not so
sur , . This man who Is working the church
graft knows that Andres clahU a distant
relationship to Rusael , but tu offset I this
scond mail tells the law and order people
- - -
that If ho Is appolntnl , he wi rigidly enforce . !
force the Sunday law , even more so than
hal Iroatch , lie also tel ! them that ho I I
will enforce the midnight closIng ordinance
to the letter , so the liquor men are left between .
tween time devil amid the deel' blue sea
N1tII. 11"S UI ' 1'1" ( 'iIIiltIit : .
U"I"lll'II" 'Vrti , lull I 3Ieit lila
I t I lit- Cul " 1'1 I.
The audence ! that faced the spakere at the
republican moss meeting at the Coliseum last
night was con\ost1 of men antI women and
children , with the children largely In evideace ;
lack of the Ileakers' stali there was 0
multitude of these ) 'ounlslerl who made the
I of each
welin ring with the announcement
Person who delh' red al address , anti Iii fact
they furnished most of the all ph use of the
ChUrl e\'ellng , When Alvin Saunders called
limo ( meeting to order at 8:0 : , the big build-
11mg looked deserted as compared to the vast
concourse that fle,1 , Il the evening previous
. \rel' a short introductory speech , Mr. Sall'
tiers Inl'ollced , Lee glel . who Immediately
started into a long tirade of abuse or the
Citizens' movement lie sold : "Wht 13
time strength of thin reform ! : Is It all
consuming ? We Ire to' that I hal
s\llowed Ull the democratic lurt ) ,
:116t we nol admit that I hao
hlket ' , iso hll taken Into Its fells the repub-
Icln party ? No , 0 thousand tImes no Anll
le mullet use thl Slme word at the Iols , If
le ( II.h . to preserve our identity as a pari ) ' ,
lie then added that he thought republIcans
\e beet adapted to hell , othlce . and that
he . for ( one would vote the straight ticket
:1' , 1 ! lcle pall n complment to Charle I
llrown h ' he first
Iroln ) saying that when frst cnme
to Omaha rown's name was upon every
nile's lips as being the brhtest ! and mot
! !
entcpiriolng young lawyer of the territory.
lie hail Iwown Brown Intimately In hater
years , but from what he had heard of him
In poliical speeches at various republcl
cilbe he Ild not now think so munch of him. ,
At thio jlncture an amusing incident oc-
curred The crowd thinking that the speaker . i
was talking favorably of a replbBcan can-
rldate , cheered butt ) the echo anti , only
dlsco\'erll their mlstoke when Mr 1 "lele
executed an impromptu war dance on the
platform and denounced Mr. Brown In round
After a song rendered by the North Enl
Gee club Mr W J. Celnel was introduced
to time audience Mr. Connel commented
severely upon ! r , henry l'stabrook's speech
which was delivered In the same building the
night before and expressed surpri that ! r.
slabroolt should denounce the American
Proteclve association. He stated that he dlrl
not belong 10 the association himself . thought
he OlmlrFI Ihe reforms accomplished hy It
very mich , lie did nit " like the Catholic
church . however , and regamded nil who bo- ,
10n/ll / 10 I as mlsguldII ! mortals lie car
nod his opinion con.ldembl furlher. arid
roundly abused the churcn ali its folower ,
After stating that "Catholicism was
crrated by a ruthless moh In olden times , "
and that II the present ISHu ! "al must
meet mil down It at the polls , " he con-
eluded with short complimentary skeleheA of
the republican city candIdates . forgetting ,
however 10 mention Westberg , Edwards ant
a few other lie seellI to lORe . track of
time canllhlate , us he frequently referred to
n list In his hand , and was not posltre of
them even when ho announced their names
Ir , Connel was followed by I H Andrews ,
who repeated sUbslanlu1y all that : Ir. Connell .
nell had saId , with the exception that he an-
nouuced himself as n rml-hot A. 1 A. tie
mate frequent references to the "lIttle red '
school house on the hilil . " and allllc (
that Judge Rcutt's temper "wns nol as placid
as n mi l'tream at all times , " but advised
those prm.ent to be sure and vote for him
In spite of the fact that he had fined a
woman S 27 for contemnt of court when he
rnighit " have been niistai on.
' \ ' . j. Droatch oddrlsspd the meeting for a
few minutes and the meeting then adjourned
" ' . n. ' ' 'oonT liiCiliT'S : : ItALI. ,
" lint . . U"llulrl'IJ 'l'hm'l ( iyIiig
nUll Ulr"l.tul * Imistrimettomi.
Mr. W. D. Wool , the Citlaens' candidate
for county superintendent. addressed a meet-
log of voters at flockot's hal on South Thirteenth -
teclh street last evening. lIe dlscI\sId the
Infuence of the schools as a factor In the
Preservation of constutonal liberty anti
declared that sectarIanism. as wel as par-
tsal\shlp \ , must bo eliminated from their
management. Said he : "Under tIme delusIve
Plea ot patrIotsm our local schools are
being used not only for partIsan ends , , hut 10
perpetuate In office a political ring whose
patrlolsl consists really In an InsatIable
thirst . for pnble ofce . " Ito believed that 1
was the business of the teacher to content
hImself with giving the best Instrncton pos-
slblI and culpable In him to use his posiIon
for politIcal onl3. ]
In concluding : Ir , Wood read the following :
O.IAl-tA . June 18 , 1S91.To'ltoin It ,
Ma ) ' Concern : Mr \ \ ' , 11.Vcod has heln I
l'ngalel ] In the schoob of Douglas ! county
for 8PVel'I1 'I'nr , anti during this time
there inns been nu 011111'10 ' that he should
not he ito eflIlIhoydli . I1 ' work Inns been
satisfactory to those under whom he his
beeil emplo'ctl I would cheerfully rerom-
mend him to tine con-Ilprtlon ! of school
boards ! ns competent to 11 tiny position tii- I
deler 111111. ( ii'OTIGEV. : , 11,1 , .
. Count ' .Superirmtemideut.
Ir , Wood also read testimonials ae to his
rapacity : S a teacher from members of school
hoards at Calhoun Valley . directors of schbol
ditricts In Douglas county and trom A.
Matthews , ex-county 8uperlntendent.
- - - - - -
1'1-1.1. VO'i'Fi IS llXI'IlC'i'li n.
tii'glsiitIoit ( Pul" Littli' Short tf l.n't
"ll r , I ; \ iI ) ' .
I was impossible 10 determine last night
Iho full registration of the city . but It Is bo-
leved that It docs not lack 10 per cent of
cqlalnl ; the registration or last year . I I
fails &hert at alt
\t noon yesterday In many precincts only
twenty naries WEre lacking according to the
hooks of last ) year antI It WIS thought that
this Dlu ton was general throughout the
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 I. . \lItthlr Hr. I'rUItI.
Dr C. G. Sprague wants his Irlenll to
know that he Is not the Dr. C. D Sprague
who Is running for the city council on the
populist ticket.
Ur Sprague Is enthusiastic for the cItIzens'
tickets , and hIs friends , instead at conferrIng
I favor by voting for the Sprague on the
ballot , will le doing just - . ' the reverse.
J"'III'III fnr ( h , ' S""IaerCl.t.
Germunln hail was lilieti to its utmost
capacity last evening witht nn enthusiastIc
ca\aclr \ ! wll enthusiastc
audlenco ot Scandinavian-Anterlcans. hear-
log songs by their favorite sInging cluls ,
This was the fut of the public exhibItions
In prcparaton for the slenKerfest to beheld
held here next 'enr. anl , bpll ; cinch , was
untnstmahly Welt atendNl , The openIng song ,
"thor 059 , 8\10 , " by the Jorthwestorn
8ca1113\'lal Slner a soclltol , was en.
cored , as Wl9 , Taeohson's solo , "Tho Ye-
mail's Wedding Hong " Following these encores .
cores cents the jO'OU9 "Song of the Stu-
dents' Jallp ) ' 1a'I " Mr. Julius Festler
played zither solo to the encore . The sing-
log clubs contemplating c'llettun are :
The Swedl6h Ilu111 society ) ' Norden . A.
Olel. dh'letor : OnUha Haelerhulll , Prof
Petersen. director : SClllnu\lnn Oleo chnmb .
Irnost I Nordin. dll.tor : Omaha 1.leler.
Icram : . Hans Albert , director. Throughoul
the mUllc was the quality better known
In the Swedish l urOI'lan singing soclotel
t1an 1Amfrlc ! , amid ! was 10 appreciated
that there was 10 escape from repetitIon.
'fhe close was I dance _ , In which al joined
HI"fOll'nIHt Slol ( I t ) ' 10111" .
SIOUX ' CITY , Nov. --Specal ( : Telegram. )
-E .T . Stafon of this place . whose name appears - ,
pears on the state ticket " a populist
cllIl ate for raIlroad c01ml9 loner , II an
article In the local papers today denies that
ho Is a : member at the populist part , and
explains that he has requested the removal
of lila name from the ticket . blt that his
demand has been diargarded. IHason was
a populIst candidate for local oWce I rear
ago and the m8mbor of time party are greatly
disconcerted br hits present . action .
- -
( .loltn" " " ' 11 U.JC.t limo l'rnpiisilinn
IIAR'L'SIIOiIN , I. T" Nov. -Tho Choc.
taw council itL'POIUttid threE timouubers of the
senlte and four of the house to meet the
Uawes commissIon and rcehe their propo-
slton tl writing. I Is n foregone contUlon
that thc ( Propozais l wIll be reJecled. ,
, , r
- - - - - - - - - - -
Judge Dickinson Took Up the Role of ( I
tradd1er I
Strddler ,
11,1 t lye I , : , III , . " . . . . thud ilt' ! ttiglmt
n XIII"llln lt tiI . . Inlll" If I
thc 111111.1" "C 'l'hiis
II"u..t. I I
Judge Charles Dickinson , running mate
of Judge Scot , \ oil tine \ dervish JUllclal tfclet.
f l out with a card In r.o of the Burt COUlt )
PaPers demiylng that he solicited the populist
nomilatol for judge ot the district court.
lie says :
"I went to Omaha September 19 to at-
teml time , state fair and wlness time Ak-
Sar.Ben parade , and on Friday e\nilg. time
20lh , I met Mr. Bowes of Oakland nt lime
Delole holel. Ie I asked me If I hal any
engagemelt for that e\'enlng I told him I
had not. lie thel aSKed toe to take a walk
over to Itmfllo's cIgar store , ns he wanted to
see a gentllnn there , arid I lld so. The I
gentemal I.e desired to see wn not therc I
Mr Uufe said he might be at Ieaver's
omce across the street . We cros&el the !
street and entered : Ir. Deaver's office. I
was Introduced to Mr Denver uld : [ r.
Bowes stated to : lr , Dla\'er that I was the
gelteman who defl'atel Judge 10pewel II
Burt connty , and ns the populsts hall no
candidate on the oltslde he ( Mr. Bowe )
would like to see me nominated. This was
nil that was sold on tile subject We then
heft : Ir. Deaver's ofce , and I afterward told
Mr. Bees not to use 1) lal ! In connection -
ton wih the mnonuination. I never asked
any delegate to thot convention . Inelldln
Mr. Dlaver. for support or for the nomln-
tion . neither did I exnress a desire 10 Mr.
Ueaver for tine nominaton , My name vent
before time cOlvenlon wihout m ) knowledge
or consent "
Judge Dlcklnson's denial wil , however .
pass only for what It 19 worth 1/ the face
of the witnesses tu the fact that he did seek
a 10mlnatol nt the hands of the Ilopul8ts ,
The letter of n , Clem Deaver to Judge
10pewlI , to which Dickinson takes slch
vehemelt ox eptol , Is corroborated II
alother letter voluntarily wrlten more thal
ten days ago by W R O'Shaughlessy. who
was one of the parties to the incidenit
The Denver letter I Is as follows :
OIAIA , Sept 2G.-lien. :1 It 10pewel ,
, Judgl of the Dstrict Court : Dear Sir-I trust
that you will see your way char to accept
the lonp3lsal ncmlnaton for re-electlonn as
one o the jlll13 of this ju,1clal , Ilstrlcl , I
thInk tltera were flfty.sevemt or fltty-elglmt
fty-seven 01 ff-elght
delealfS out of a total ot f'lxty-one who
voted for your nominaton , which Is vry
near unaninmiotus. Jnlge Dickinson c11e I at
1) office Friday e\'enlnp. September 20. and
among other things stated that you 'I ere
hot a candidate for r.cleton ami expressed
a wlph that he hE nominated by our con-
vInton as one of Ihe nonpartisan 10minees ,
There ere probably a half-dozen delegates
favorable to his nomination . but the over-
whelming majority were favorable to you .
bIle\I : that best , though you were not a
candidate for re-electIon 11 the sense of
seeking the ethics 'Vhle there was /othlng
norsonal mentioned Omlnst Judo Dcklnson !
stl lie had nQt bcel trIed ; whileyou l - have
been a Judge a number o years and always ,
so far a ! we know , you ha\ given satisfac-
tO'l 10 the people of Ihls 11strlct , regardless
of party amlatlon : consequently the delegates -
gates belevell you by fal' the strongest
Trusting that you will be one of the seven
judges elected on November 6 . I emit . yours
truly , D CE : [ D A YEn. ,
lows The : letter of : [ r. O'Shaughnel ) ' Is as fol-
OMAHA , OcL 22.-lion. MelvIlle n. hope-
wel : Dear Sir-hlavlrng heard that Judge
DickInson Is making a peed deal of "cam-
11lgn thunder" In Burt and Washington
count s hy cIrculating among the voter the
fact that you accepted the populst nomina-
tion . I wish to Inform ) 'on that he sought
that nominatIon himself and tailed to receive -
colvo It. -
Time night before tie populist convention
he I'pl'ted to mo the cent st In your home
precinct anti sold he would have the en-
dor'ment of his cOlnt ) for Judge anti that
ho would like to get the populst nomination
He requestf.1 . me to Introdlce him 10 :11
[ eaver . as bo thou ! ' t Dearer could help
,11m at the populist convention. I went
to : lr , Deaver's ofce and complel } with
his rellet ,
JoIn the spirit of fair play I can see
good reason why he should censure 'OU
no :001 Ilason shoul clnsure you
for accEpting a 10milalon whIch he sought
and failed to obtall , neppecluly yours .
. . ' .
' -'II' lS ) I\Y ugn nY 'I'IN I'I. .
3mm , ' ' im ' " ' lm'Im it it efti In I Id'it I
Inll'r 1) 'hl'h I II'Curl ii 1'11
J'oillleii 3iii1k . H'nl'-
OMAHA , No , ' . -To the EditOr of The
Bee : Uusilss men of Omaha favor bust-
len methods In city afolr .
We believe that every citizen of Omlha
will agree that there I something wrong
In tine management or our lunlclpal affaIrs
rind that reform Is necessary , also thut sOle
mfllS shoul be devised to reach the serv-
ants of the PeoPle who lID not to their
duty . There Is In thiS city today a quiet
but wltiepreaU , , feeling . among our test . clU :
zels al tile SUUJet . at local povernment am
a general bel f that the management oC city
and county affairs should be placed 01 a
business basis and absolutely ! divorced from
partisannsiniil. To this end the citizens' 10ve.
ment was inaugurated . and we believe It wIll
bring ubout this much needed r-rorm.
The people have the remedy In their own
hands It they wIll only lay asIde politics . ,
come out tram under time control of ! lart ) ,
so far as our municipal election Is concerned ,
do their own thiking and acting and see to
It that no man Is elected to an office of trust
who would not be trusted In private a/alrs ,
As a republcan I smut not ! fatsfed with the
party lanagemelt of our local government ,
and there arc thouFands of republIcans In
this cIty who will agree with mt that some-
thing Inst be done to brillp about a better
state of things . The citizens' ticket , regardless -
gardles of part , compose of honest and
capable men pledged to reduce expense and
run our et ) ali ] county on a business basis ,
or at least use ordinary economy as busInessmen
men are oblIged to do In their private affairS ,
and who wi consider public office as a
sacred trust and nol 0 prh'ate cusp , was be-
levcl by tH ' , busll f men of Omaba to be
time remedy Such a ticket lisa been noml.
nated and Is i nol pra3enteni for your support ,
and If the voters of title city are thoroughly
In earnest In a miesire for good overnment
polIticians will haw 10 Manll to one side and
wo can secure cool men Inn every depart-
ment of our city gO\'ernlpnt.
Politics have never done onythlng but
corrupt city and cOllty affdlrs. No better
e\'ldence or this I needed that : the condItIon
of our own cIty tota ) Mmn elected to office
have been chosen wihout regJrd to their
business qualicalons , and many times were
men whom the very men that voted for them
would not trust with tine management at
their own business affairs. Tickets / In the
past have ben lint up b ) the manipulator
of parties anti IUd not represent to any extent -
tent the wLhes of the pcplt but merely
offered the voter a choice of evil , .
Nominating conventions ba\'o been packed
or controlled In tine interest of politicians or
Santo one \'Iom ) they might 18mI. and the
voter has the only alternative at votIng tht
toket or staying at home Corporations
hVQ been Instrumental and hnE used their
intImnel2ce and mono ) ' tn cntrel nominations .
'hay should be clmpeled to Ileep their hands
of ! .
In presenting our clndldates for judges 18
have presented mer of good ability and undoubted -
doubted Irttrl ) . Our canlUdAt1 for the
: _ _ - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
; -
various city 01\1 cnnly offices arc Ilen who
have the efnfncn { ) of this people ; they are
honet anti capabI and r.en that all good
cltzts can endorse. The citizens' more-
meat has been " ' "lklng along the right lIme
and wo hnhietthte ' people of Omaha 111 en-
dore the lo" ' , llr't and plnct the affairs of
the city anti , county un 0 bllln s bah' ,
1elevtng thlk' wi conldent ) preent our
I ticket amid ask for.'our support .
C. F' " WI LI.lm ,
Prr-illent Citizens' Leagnme.
- -
P1 I't'INiOU'i' : ( 'I'II i.h M'I' .
( 'umimmi ) ' Nut mutt's , hlht ( . . am mitt ( lerk'u . CUI
'I' ' " " " ' Ii ejm't'teuI I ) ' tl' I tuII'I.
Yesterda aftermoon time lemb rs of the
10al'll of Counl Cummlsslonerf got quietly
logelher to appoilt for the coumity the list
of jUll1e9 and clerks . for Tueslla"s election .
and II 101np so , to alI , I II recognized , the
home of tine cIty counci to put the election
under A. I' . A. conlrol.
The list of JUdges and clerks as . confirmed
by the city council . so tar af It. went , antI
In 111,111 of the sevelt-SeVel who.o nameD
were stricken off the mayor's list by the
council . the commissioners lade direct ap-
10lntment' of their own. The major1Y of
thst IppnIntee , It Is alleged , are shied with
the A. 1' . A. crowd . arid I 15 the plan to
get them olectell to serve for the city at tine
veils Tuetlay morning But It hs already
boom allounced front several quarters that
the trIck will not 'I'orlc.
Only two appointees tejected by time coun-
elI were nJlell , Ii . E. rflnp and C W ,
Dalton. The substitute list of the county
commissioners Is :
JmST WA III ) . 1
FIrst Iiatrict-Cierk , Al Sluht , Eleventh I
and Maeon .
Second Ustrlct-Judges. Hans Schoubs 172
South Tenth srdct : : Peter 0. lul" n , 1728
SOllh Twelfh street
Third Dll'trlcl-Jutge. Chris Peterson , 2121
South Thirteenth street.
Fourth hietrict-Judge , Lars lan n , 810
South Seventh street.
Se\'enth Dstrict-Judge. J. Cummins 31
Jones street ; cdrlc . D.P. Carr 302 Wool-
worth aventne
mJhlh . D.lrlctJullgeugust Mouton , 228
Flr"t District-Clerk , Jame : MeMories 81
South Seventeenth street ; judge , A. C. ldrte ,
Seventeenth amid 7.la80n ,
Third District-.iudgo , 0 I. , Sanl bur ) ' , 832
South Twenty-first street .
POU'tl lEstrict-Judge. : Frank I\oral ( , 1:18 :
Wilams street.clerk ; , Frank Nesladok . 1231
South I'meonthtreot ,
Fih DIstrict-dudge . George Anthes , F'oumr-
enlh I and Pine streets ,
Sixth Diatrict--Jnmdge , Fred Bruning , Six-
teenth anl , Wilims' treel"
Ele\cnth Dlstrct-urlge ! , OttO heal , Tweni-
ty-firat and Sprlr ! trIeto ,
Second D1)c : ) ! ( ildges , William W Shaw ,
218 SQuth FQJllbelll street : J. C. Smith.
311) ) South FlIte'ptui ( street ; James P. I entol ,
IG South TlntteeWh street
Fourth Ds rctTJudges , Chris Peterson
321 North Flttpipt1n Hurry Coiiinis . 321 North
i'lfteontht , . ; , Otto Scimnelderwlnnj
1'Jeonth 1treeH Cerl ' ale lder\lld ,
316 1orth Thlrteenlh ,
F'Ifth DIetrict-Ju lge . Janice L. Taylor , 700
Nortim Slxtent/ ; Herk , O. I North , 70G
North F'ltteeothm , dreel.
Sixth ! DBtrJce ! , Leon Aronon , G20
North TIelh' l'trtet ; clerk , Gabriel Wa'le ,
1209 Jackson etreet. t , , ,
Eighth Dit'tmict-rJudgo " . Charles I.'armel' .
124 Capitol avenue ; clerk ' , Frank Itumbie 123
North Twetftlnr '
Twelhr' r
Ninth Ustl'ict.Judge , George Compton ,
ThIrteenth and Cah1ornia . _ -
FOUn'l W\RD. i I
Fluh 'DIriLJifdge > ' . , W. S. : Anderson , 1921 ,
Dougls , . J ' . . I
: I
"Sixth Dlstrlcf-Jul , W. B. lIowa1 , , 1820 I
St. Mar"s ' rtveuiue. ' , ,
Se\'enth \ DIstrict-Judge ' , IC. S. Fisher , 7G
South Sixteenth , :
Ninth Dlstrlct'Jndge , D. W. } . ' . Chaplin .
57 South Tw1ny-iiftin. ! , , \
. Fhi."TlItIU ) . . '
I.'lrst Df.trlct-Judgl. George W. McBride ,
1920 Ame avenue ; , clerk , Paul Paulsen , 70
North Sixteenth.
Second dlstrlct-Judgef T. D. Drown 301G
Sherman avenue ; John E. Swift , 2801 Sherman -
man avenue
: hlrl 1)Istr1ct-Iudge , George W. Muir
\713 North Twente ! street ; clerk , Edgar
Smith , 71G Sherman u\enUe ,
Fourth Dlstrlct-udge , J. F. FIsher 131 I
North Sixteenth- street ; clerk , Wiiam E. I .
Stockham , 137 North SeventIenth streIt
Fifth Dstrlet-Judcs. ltd E. Erfilng . 1913
Sherman avenue ; A. M. Hobb , 1205 North
T\enileUI strcot. _
Sixth Dlstrlct-.Iutlgos , L Ii. Leeder , 1231
North Eighteenth street ; J. 1 Dorse , 107
Norlh Nineteenth atreet
Se\enth District-Clerics' , Charles L. New-
strom . 123 North Nlnete nth street ; N. S.
Nelr , 171G Nicholas street.
SiXTh WAIt ! .
ourth DistrIct-Judge , 11. W. Miller , 420
North Thlrleth street ,
Sixth Dstrlct-Clerll : . , W. " ' . Lemon , Thlr'
tleth and laml , I
Seventh Dlstrlct-Jtmdge. J. K. Moore , 2108
Ersldno street.
Eghth District-Judge , W. B. Fuler ! 270
Parler ! street.
Ninth Dlstrld.CerkE D. S. LowrIe , 130G
North Twentynnth street ; C. W Dutton.
1312 North 'rn'etity-flfth stleet.
Eleventh DstrIct-Jude. 1 . G. lumphr y.
1301 1 North Twenty-seconll street
FJrst DIstrict-Judge , 1' . Q" . Jennings , !
South Twenty.clhth , slreet
Second Ilstrict-Jiudges , George H. Green
123 ! South Twent-nlnth avenuC ; John g.
lardln , 1228 South Twenty-ninth avelue ,
- - Fourth - - . Distiict-Judge. , , Jame Kirsbhberg ,
; : : : OaK zircon
Fifth DIMrlct-Judge , Gerge Brush , IG19
South Twenty-sevonth street .
Sixth Dstrlct-JudI , A. W. MeIaughland ,
1325 South Twenty-saventim street.
EIGhT ! ! WA1tD
First Distrct-Clerk : , 11. W. Reynolds , 2H7
lamllon street.
Third District-Judge , S. S. Swelzer , 2H3
Burt streel.
Fourth District-Juilge , A. W. Parker 95
North Twenty-seventh street ; clerks , C. L
, \rmstrQnS 99 , North Twect-fUh ; - Alfred
A , Schwenk , 2GOG ummuing .
Fifth Dst'lct-Jude , Ila A. Stevens . 917
North Twenty-ri1t"itrect ; cleric , R. E , Claw-
son , 1908 lurt't"rot.
SIxth Ulstrlct-Clerk ! John Evans , 17
Webster ; W. WtMace . 1 North NIrneteenttn
Seventh Dstrlct-Jlulge , nan Van Alstne ,
17G Webster ; Ifrls , C. J. Weslerllahl , 177
Inrt streEt ; William nlrges , 78 North
Seventeenth street
Eighth DistrICt-Clerks , Edgar I , . Salpson ,
173 California . , 1 .
First Distric$4ge , H. L. Drereton , 3120
Burt slreet. , :
Fourth Distrt.4nmt1ges ! / \ . J. L. Carr , Thiir-
Capiol tr.thlrt avenue and < . ' 1 'I ' " ! ; J , L. Livee'ey , SOt
htrhmglmtr'l.Jmiie. - S'oC to Th" .
An appleatc 'tMs been made to the supreme -
promo court J3t " I writ of mandamus to
compel Judge I J9t\1 \ to settle and allow the
bill of exceptIona.l , In the contlmpt case
against WIlliam 1lcket. which was tried
last summer In' his affidavit for the writ
Mr leckeH ) states that Judge Scott has hall
the papers In his possessIon for more than
two months , butt that hu wilfully refuses to
sign them. The only reason given b Judge
Scott for his refusal to sign the paper Is
that he Is too busy , and that there Is no
"rush" about It. In this connection Mr
Decket states that hlB case Is set for hearing
on November G , and that unless the bill 01
exceptions la duly signed by Judge Scott be-
fore that time the case will be dismissed and
he wIll be deprived of his right to 10 heard In
the supreme court. A letter troll the at-
torney general of the state , which Is attached
to Mr. DeckeU'1 arda\I. ! fully bear Mr .
1ecket out In this statement .
As to the excuse of being too bnay , Mr.
Beckett boldly charges In his affidavit that
judge Scott has done nothing dUTng tpast ,
two weeks but electioneer and make I tUIP
speeches In favor at his re.electon tIt the
district bencb. and that he I not te'otnc
his time to olclal duties.
- - - - -
- -
Otizens' ' Oonlultee 185u63 &n Address
Touching His Fitness ,
In" 3iimult' 11" ( ) Itl' . . I lit' lim'th mjsms.rt'm' "
for 11mm leli I " I'olt'ut I l'ou"Ilrn-
CIt's 1111 1..1 I"II I' tl
101 I t li'mt I 1.1.llll. . .
To the Electors of Douglas COlnty :
Tine varlols eonlllllls havIng charge of
the campal1 In behal of a non'llr:8n
JudIciary for this Jlllcl.1 dhtrit have
already Idllreuell you In regard to the 10ml.
Ices for district judes. hardly lees 1m.
portant tlan any of these , however , Is the
one jldlclal office al the county ticket , vlz :
Ihat of county julge , All that inns betn said
concernning time 1I110catens or district
JUdges applier with fiI force to tine judge
of time county court Ills jlrlsdlclon ex-
t"llls to all mllcld Involving I ess tl/ $ I .000 ;
to the setlement of estates , and the probate
of wile ; besides time ordinary criminal jnmrls-
dlclon of [ a magistrate , the Issuing of mar-
rhgI liceunacs . arollton or chiden , etc
Ils offIce Imlchl the public at more poilts
I than any Judicial biflce.
Another reason besides the Importance
I ot the ofco has arisEn during the campaln
which seems to demall th ; publcaton or
this flhlress , The republcan canrldate , Mr
flaxter bas appeared Incessant ) . on the
stimuli , and has uteri unusualy active all
bitter. lIe has lade personal ! attacks 1110n
OPlloslng candidates ; Ils made special pleas
for the most undesirable of his cc1gues ! : on
time ticket mud has charge that the only
reason why the citizens' movement did not
support him was because Il now "cinooses
10 le a republican , "
! r , Baxter was . a candidate before the .
Citizens' county cOl'enton , alhongh he hal
rep ] tedIY atatel during his canvass for the '
republican nomlnatol that he would not
IcceJt ( ono rl01 another parly lie made
on urgent request of several parties whom
ho knew would hI delegates to the citizens'
county convenmtlon that tley ! present his name
nnd support him at that conventon , lie
'ecelved ( hut a few votes und since he has
po publicly given his explanaton of this
rtsul th.t' Is nolhllg left but for this
committee to state the notorious tact that
he was rejected by lhat comuvention . not be-
cause he "choose to be a republican , " but
hecaus In the opinion of the great bOlly of
the delegates both Mr. Daxter's polItical
record and his official record have male
him fn InO candidate for the high and 1m.
portant office of county judge.
The first objection 10 1lr , Baxter was that
of his polItical Incon5itency. not 10 say du-
plcity , Unable 10 parate political from
personal . hoaest ) ' , the adherents of the ciii-
7ens' 10"emrnt regarded this as an efcetual
liar to : Ir , Dxter's candidacy at their hanls ,
Two years ago , Mr. Baxter was the uonpar-
tsan candidate for coumuty julge , lie wus
nomlnatld to combat the same elements
against which tine citizenma' 10vemcnt Is now
orra'ed the received that nomination upon
nut least the Impled pledge that In olce he
would continue to oppose ' these 1/Iuences
aul to Ilrolot tine cause to which he owed
his promotion. Throuhout l"ls " canvass he
proressed antipathy to the annie men anll the
same pactces which our 10vement was or-
Ialized : to opPoGe Time advocates of open
,101-seclarl:1 polLtc ! unll I nonpartisan
Judiciary had a right to e"llect much front
: Ir. Baxter , yet he hardly had aBsilmed the
office when he procrcllcd to Identify himself
with his into political opponents and to bid
for a renominaton at their hands One of his
I first official I acts was to retain amid appoint
as his confidential cleric ] the former clerk ! of
hIs repudiated predecessor and the brother
of ono of the moat notorious leaders of the
secret order wl.ose . encroachnHmts he hal
heen elected to resist. When It fell to him to
appoint 0 county commissioner hI appointed
not one who had supported inimut or the movement -
ment for a nonpartisan Judiciary but a leud-
log member of that sale secret order In
South . Omaha. Arid that this appointment
was the resul of a pdllal hargaln Is I
'Ilemonsiratel by that foci that this up-
pointee though . not a membtr of the late re-
publcan county cOI'eltlol was there ag the
most active workEr for 1r , Baxter aud succeeded -
ceeded II holding the South Omaha delega-
ton fur ! r , 1axtN' , In that con\'elton.
which 11rhled itself In nOJlnatn non but
members of the secret order , : Ir. Baxter se-
cured his nomination only aUel' proving
hlmsel ( acceptable to that order anti to the
men whom he hal so vigorously opposed emily ]
two brief years before In his canvass . Ir ) ,
Dater has outstripped almost any or his
' oleagues In protestatIons at loyaly to time
worst clements on his tIcket.
lImit an even more serluns charge , and one
which tine citizens' convention could met have
wel Igunored Is , thaI of Insumclent legal at-
talnmenls. Reputable attorneys and others
having business In tine county court conmm-
plllmd that ( Mr. Baxter was fitted nolther by
tralling nor ability to pan Ipon the Imlol'-
t1nt questions that come before him ; that he
was profoundly wantn In the knowlcde or
the elementary ' prnciples ) of law ; that he
was , deficIent In professional experience , aud
that , as a result , his decisions were more 1(1
the guesses of 0 law student than the reliable
jUllgmfnts of a lrlnel and matur legal
nnni nntl . This Is Indeell I un In sun venabie ob-
jection. Litigants In tine county court can-
not alford to entrust their Interests to In-
compelent hands. The rights of wilows arnnl
orphans anti the dlslrlbuton of valuable es-
tales need adjustment by one who has hal
previous experience.
One of the evils which Judge Baxter was
elected to reform was tine exorbitant fee SI-
tEm of his office , hind to reduce its cost ) to
the public , yet ho hal been installed but n
short time when ho joined with the ot1r
county officials In a conspiracy to Imlnco the
legislature to Increase the already Ihfral' '
emolumcnts of his office , annul to Impose a' '
hen vier expense upon this tax-buruieruetl eom- ,
mnuititf at the ver ) ' time whrn the long suit-
ferlng pUblc was callIng loudest for reduc-
ton minI relrenchment lardly lees ' oxcus-
able has been Judge axler's course In perpetuating -
petuatng and profiting by the pErnicious
practice of collecting and pocketing tine interest .
terest upon lhe funds of estates , Instead of
payIng It over to tine heIrs 10 whom It be-
I ' lnaly , our duty compels us to charge
Mr. Baxter with conduct unbecomIng 0
judge. The standard of judicial One . , which
the Cllzem , ' movement has established , of
Independence and treedom frol political In.
trlgue. man never been attained by Mr liax-
ter his private omce has been the constant
scene ' of political bargains and the headquarters -
ters of poltclana , I Is notorious that during
a considerable portion of his term ho was
actively scheming for his own allpolntment
to 0 vacancy on the district bench and making -
Ing bargains to tha end. Ito even solicited ,
avowedly as a stepping ! stone to other po-
slonl , the office of trustee of the city I.
brary. FInding other olces out of the lues-
ton , ho retured to his perennIal pursuit of
the county judgeship , arid hie canvass for
renumlnaton has been conduct Irecsely ! !
lIke that at a ward politician . No mo\'emlnt
In behal ef a pure Judiciary would be sIn-
cero which tailed to condemn the course of
erne who has thus dragged the Judicial or-
mln' lit the duat.
These are some of the reasons why the clt-
izens' convention rejected the candidacy of
: lr. Daxter-not because he "chose to be
. repumblican. " Instead of him they nominated
. republcan.
' J. Points . , of whose qualfcaton" they de-
sire to make a brief mellon ,
I.'lrat-Mr. Points II a man of mature ,
mind , conservative temperantent IntellIgence I
essentIal qumalliles In a
and learning-all es ntal qualt 0
judge Indeed , In all respects bu has a
Judicial mind.
Seeond-Mr. Points has creditably and of-
felenly filled many ofces uf trust and
honor. lie was county superintendent of
schools of thll county forthree terms , memo
ber of the Omaha Board of Education for
many years and county auditor Against his
record In these Iloalions riot one word baa
been raised throughout tbls heated earn-
pa/gn / , and hia experience there will admirably
- - -
- -
- -
COI ' " 'i'IIICiIT ,
Cleric . If ( lie lIsIi'Ii.t Court s
Churl A. ( C" .
S im s rI iTs
Johitu C. 1ireel. . . .
.Jlll 'VIHCIA' TICIC' ' T. . o
Snrvvnru Jniges or ( lit' ) Nrl.t ( iommrt .
.J , g. house . JulAc" ' , " t , H. 1)tuflle .
- A. N. 1-rgmmsnmi .
Snmiit'rl mm te'sml . ' ' . I.
Slllcrllt'lll'lIt i'umIil in I ussrmsvt ( ion s raI
1'111. II"trll.tonl H . ltsmst' , ' t'il .
' ' '
lv. Ii. " VOOIl. 11 HIII'n'l'l.
I. \
- " ' . " . K'sisr .
Comm 1 I ) ' hiI 1"1 I George A. tIusgmm&y.
. , . .y . I ; Illt" " . " v. A . 1"lll'I : .
. l h'I."r W's.kCiey. ,
ICr .1 . " I. , : . L.murlmmu'r. CI''T IC' ' "
Cost itt ) 'I'm''nsimrerm :11)'lrl
Jrlll. .1 . l.ulA" , CIsmirht' " I. " " ' 1"1 ,
( nusm ( ' Clerki
Cllll . . ) Cl'rlo . Ciy ' ( 'rln.'tlt.t
U. C. Cum aimiubi-Il . ' '
CIIII.III. 'l'hIIU" S\Uhl" ,
Comm ii I ) ' Cummutums is'.iommersm
S..OluJ DI5I list . " 'llnl I I I. h.l.r"t""t. Cli' C ' . , rul'rl
' , , . ( .1) H. Uunul'
1 lurth II.UI.t , 'I'lmoimmmis HuctuI' _
- Cit , ' Ch'rku
Jmmsl Ii' " itt I Ime l''uuet' Cl'rlo
Ju"CI" IC " m '
II'UC"I S'lliimmmmt Coluumu'ms .
UI'"r"I' C. CI'IO'I'I. 'llllill Clllrl.
C " 'om'ge i I , I times , J r . 1'11(1 .J n.h gem
' Clmntrit'nu II , IC stimua I , Ie It-isi , ,
Shims itoluimlits ,
svm II Ii N. VI II ,
iii inummis
Cisus muellimtem.uImuu'gm. ( .
Ii , IC , Ynes , ' ' ( I. liutliutid.
- it'rutnmic J. Immmrkie- ,
Iteirpsemm tnt t I vt'sr Albert Cnuiumm.
v. II. i'Piumuie , A. ii. CoiIIsto'ic.
31. JC , Ii'IuIuIcIuiiiH.r.
CoutNtmIuINr , . . ,
I A. Ilmurmiumu ,
.liuim tmmlrlt ,
, , . ,
ioIimi 1si.miy
.1 , 1 , ' , LI II - .
a- . ' ' .
Pt. 1' ,
Ii eel or
, iIm mm ' ( ' , , rii'iI , '
Jut misc's .ilsft'mINly ,
J. 1) . Ituistlum ,
% , 1' . eiuitauht-im , -
Siemmuliers of I lie S.'Ii.tI lmonards
' ' '
'I'Imomuims S , 'ilsoii ,
.1. P. itmmrgens ,
ANNeMSflrm4m - JIimautril iCi'nmie.iJr. .
First W'mmrd , It , ! .V. flurlo .J. II. 1tli'Imutiihm.
SeOmiI ' , 'umru1. .Juseii Ii l'erei mti , EiIsuim Rich.
'i'hii rat 1'iurI , Itoimulimiek Cosgrove ,
Feiti ri \'iurd , A rt lisir Jul iiTe.
ii ft Ii S'amrd , ( I. 11mm misems. I
S I I ii 1'ui ru , F' , t % ' 3mm mm vi I Ic.
Suit-si I Ii 1'strui. it , It. Xcu.iiih , .
loighuthi'uir.l , F' C , S'uumuIler , i
% titthm W'umr.t , , h. 1' . hopper.
fit htini for the lniportauit adinlnlstrnitive
work of time county Jtuilge'e office.
Third-.Ir l'otnbi has beomu Identified front
tue beginning witn tbne ninoveniunut lit tiulu
county for better govornuntiont. lie has mover
mad mnor sought auty couinectionu with tine lit-
fluences which that. movement was organized
to destroy. If eictiI. Mr. i'oimits is pledged
to Inaugurate refounra In tine cotnuity judge's
omce. Annonu ; other refornas , ito is pledged
to mice timat all interest on uleposited nitomney Is
paiti to tine heirs , anti mint diverted to m.weii
tine ertioiumneunts of tine offIce.
Fourth-Mr. l'olnto is miot a politician. lie
nnuaulo no canvass for the muomitimnation ; Inc asked
no delegate for ink vote. lie Is tine nonti-
Inca of three parties , nmnmi if elected hue wilt
0110 lila vositlon to no varty alone. lie avill
cutter upont tine dumties of tine office untrattu-
dcii by pledges aunni unemnbarraseed by pohit-
Ical debts.
In aimort , Mr. Points it , strong In precisely
tine respects in winicin mis opponuenit ie lack-
lug. Tluo election of Mr. I'oints will be a
rebuke to political duuphicity , judicial inn-
propriety anti official irmlsconutluict. Mr. PoInts
ought to be lecteti , anud we believe me wili be.
Clnalrm a mu G enerai Coinni I ttee CitIzens'
Citairnian Drnocratic County Committee.
Cinairnianu Democratic City Coniutmittee.
msmtot'I'Cui 'I'D 'l'ihlO i'oLiSII ' . 'O'i'lgtS ,
( omtsuitlicM mmii Ilmen I ii Ahuitslrmjv I Ims
lilltitn' ( it 't'ii , ' item' ,
About a score of h'oiisin voters atteindeul a
meeting at Thirtieth and Walnut btreets
ias night. W. J. Broatcit made time primncipal
speech of time evening anti Was followed by
It , L. Day arid A. F. Baldwin. ilroatcii's
speeeit comiemated for the nncst part of vitupera-
tlve abuse of the tlltur of The Dee. lie tIe-
dared that Edward Rosewater was time most
dishonest roan Imi Onniaiua. Tluis was not a
campaign between political parties , bunt a
cammipaigmi agaitnat Mr. Rosewater. the averred
that Mr. Itosewater was drawiutg $40,000 a
year out of tint nacket of tine taxpayers
In advertising bills amnd tine rental palul by Lime
ivater works company for its offices iii The
thee bunhlding. Just mow tine rentnuls of ofilcens
iii Tine llee building canoe out ot time pockets
of tite I'ohisiu votrs was niot apparemnt , btmt
liroatchu loft mis imonurers to figure tinat onmt
at their leisure. Accorniinig to mis theory
timere was only one way that time dear people
enuiui 1) ? saveul fronu time clutcinea of tinis
vihlaimi , Itosewater , numuti timat was by eleetiog
lminnself to tiue chief executIve office of tine
city.Broatcim took occasion .to say a word for
.Iudge Scott wiuii he was fixing liii ouvut
tot-rca. lie uleciaretl that Scott was being
iuersecuntecl bocaumse he was brave enoumgim
to semnd Itosewater to Jail. ' 'Oh , hoia' I ivinmh
I luatl beeni time wardeut of that jail , ' ' con-
tinned Broatcim , ' 'so I coulni hnave Putt tine
utinackles on Itosewater arid kept imini on
brcad anutl water. " Tii tiuougiit that lie had
bten demuied this consolatIon seemueti to stIll
fmirtiier add to time venom of time speaker , amid
me conaumnieti a sohlul imotmr In telling viuat
a luorrible nmoiuster Itosewater was , anuh imow
lie woumlil before now mayo ruined Oniaina
mad riot lie , lnlmniself , stood valiantly in his
patiu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I I II CA 1.1,111 5 ' 1' ii IOti . % Xt ii cmn iS'I'S.
ICI'lm nmi's ( lpimuhmpmsi.fttenm % Imo lit'1onm
to inCome ljmmiomis ,
The following letter has been received by
Cimarles A. Coo. It explainis Itself :
"Inn tine suntitier of 1893 I mnauie a contract
with Aihyn L. Frank to paint hula residence ,
antI after tue had selected the color he do-
# lred and I had delivered time paint and took
in ) ' mont anti tools on itIs prourmises he noti-
fled tue tiunut lue hail relet time contract to another -
other party. lie sahul tine second party would
do tIne work citeaper. When I wemtt to see
Ahbynu h. F'ranhc about the mninatter inc saul
he diii not care for lila word or hilt contract ,
that the saving of time difference imi price was
what he was after , amuui tinn.t Inc did miot give
a d-n for labor umnlons , as Chic imiounihora avore
cuttluroats anti anarcinimuts. I suet ] , Franle on
the contract and recovered a judgment for
damages. lie ptttiooed for a new trial ammd
may attorney , C. P. ilahligarm , failenl to tuotlfy
ins when it was called , anti it was rlismiased ,
but it is to be reinstated on the docket , as
Fraruk has boasted on tine streets that lute
iuarl bought ilaihigao ott not to let rae know
wimeri It vouuid comite unp. These are facts and
I will make affidavIts to same.
- - - - -
iAIloit CllOOSiS ( CANImI.t'VIIS.
i'humster'rs' Umhimmhtrsoiv'M to Smiti-
iort cm t izemis' i'It'ic.'t ,
At a special meeting of the l'iamterers'
union in lCauifmmianru'S luau tine following resolutions -
lutions were adopted :
Whereas We' . mis members of a laimor or-
garmization , feci miecinly concerned hum ( lie nip-
proacutmnig election , until , kitowirug It to be
to our interest to sumpport candluhnutea favor-
log umniomu labor. therefore , 1 , ' It
ltesoved , Tiunt we jiedge nuir support tO
the CitizensderitOcratlU tIcket , hellevimug it
to be to tint Interest of thins arid other labor
uniorint to do so.
lteohetI , Tinnit tlue foregoing rezoiuition be
spreutul immuon the miuttutea tumiti a copy of tIre
same be sent to The Daily lice for pubhictu-
lion , _ _ _ _
.i'I'TlI'i'hN 'O'l'lIhiSl
it'iirul us tim t ii.-'ommst riui't of time
( ) IhIi'luih IlulIots ,
Voters will take notice timat time candidates
nomInated by the Cltizemus' league and endorsed -
dorsed by democrats aruul populist. appear on
santphe ballots and on tIme official ballots as
democrats and popul1sts. tinder tint new
law tlme designation "cltizcuus" could not lie
Inserted In thue sample , antul time certificates
of the citizens' nountinees have , therefore ,
been flied by time democrats. T1non that
vera endorsed by the populism have , in addi-
tion , tluo ulesignatmoni of that party amid ap-
itear as "deuntocrat-ineophna's Iuttlepenutienut , "
.1-It l1NG 'i'Ouitit'I' tIAG5 .Y.
i'zi1tt' CIr'ssJmir Seumt Out by h'n'et.idetI
h'it m' mm I IsIs.
OMAHA , Nov. 2.-To tine lltlitor of TiS
BeeVo : tuninlerstand tIne reptuhhlt-an jmnthiciau
commIttee Is senuulirng out ii clrcunlar signed -
by a few pretended vopulists tiuo are snmpport-
ing time repnmbilcnn ticket , reqmuesting all
popinhists to repunliate tiueir Juudiclnul ticket
whIt time exception of Mr. Magne3' . Tius
Partes wino sign this clrcmniar rum-c mont.
hers of tine cornirruittes and do niot iii nuinnnnu. .
nor reliresemut tine popuilhst pamty Tiuls dr.
cumlar is nt fake.'ltin the exception of tiue
feav pretemnulera who slgnienh tine r.rircuuhur , tiut
vorurilsts are staiitiing by tue nomupartisan
judicial tIcket amiul giving It their cordliul
surIort. ) TIme voters of all parties are huereby
ivorneul nignuimiat tineac circumlars luusmned ott tint
eve of electIon ,
Chnairnnan , hoptnilet Juntlicial Cotnmtuitto ,
JAMFS Zit , KINNEY , Secretary ,
Cltairmauu Coumtty Cemitral Coinnmrmittee ,
A. 0. GALE , Secretary.
Chairman City Central Committee ,
) istvessing
( V
? $ ' ' ' Irritations
of the
J7) ) SKIN
I.4 Il1sthfltly
Relieved by
4 I
Distressing irritations , itciung and
a1y skiii and scalp diseases , torturing -
turing and disfiguring humors - all
zrc speedily cured by the CUTI-
daily effected by tileni are siniply
wonderful. No other remedies are
O pure , sweet , gentle , speedy , and
effective. l'hey are beyond all
doubt tile greatest skiti cures , blood
ptlrifiers , and humol' remedies of
modern tIflICS , and especially appeal
to mothers and children. Their
use pi'eserves , ptir'iuies , and beauti-
lies the Skill , amId restores the hair
when all other remedies fail.
Sold throumhout the would. Prim' , Cm.-rnctrsa , , 21c. ; lEsoLarxji. i'orimrs Ixu )
M.D Ciuicem. Loss. , Soic l'rop. , ltotunu , Ma.m ,
a"MI about th S1'un. .lp1 and their , " ;
pagcs , roe tesninuooiaii , unaUcd free no any addrct
Nervous Inmnanuly rtiieved by a Ctmti-
citrus 1'lnusturiiec'uas It v&nui-
p ains and lies tini niTric foucca , nd itanco
cinrea nnermoits p.tInt , vtkneu ,
Weakness nunibneaa. and parlysls. .
t5tI ;
It ciecteil City Treanuumrc'r I iuiedge nnyaehl
to an economical admInistration ci the dud
soul to pay all Interest on public mnnouies io'i
the public treasury.
. Ioa'ors linmy Labor.
% oto for , . , Opposes Controot Lmnb3r.
aw. . LOGAN ,
Peopina Party Candidates for
FA\iIS Municipal Qwunerbldh' ci iftuect Iuutl-
wnu a , aturworke. Un 'oid Y.ieciric i.lrht Pinuuig.
and ulinar 2.lonopoltcs
'otc for Yuuc hteunt lutcrcstrs