- V V V V -V V _ : - - - V V _ . - - - - - V V V _ y WV * \ THE OMAHA DAILY l \ . , . 1BEE. _ , . , I j , V . ES''AULISII1DD J1JNJD : ] 9 ! , ] 871. Ol\JULAJ-UIDAY ; MORNING \ , tVJ8Eu - 1 , 181),3. 1 SNGr.d I UOpy lnVm (1ENTS. V . - - - _ _ _ - . ' -V- - _ ) ShAKEN BY AN EARTIQUARE Omaha Feels Its First Tremor oC the Earth , PEOPLE OF MANY STATES FEEL THE SHOCKS : I } t IittIre H"lo. . IIiv..ii . th. Hoekh' . ahitI I lit' Al "r"hn..H . . . from ; ill , ' 1.IIeH , to the ( IH " "I- i / Ilte" lt "I 1'lrl' IIour The earthquake hock which jarred , the whole Interior of the United States a few $ / k mlnutcs after 5 o'clock yesterday morning was plainly felt In Omaha , though It was 4 not eo severe as to wake many of those who ' were asleep. The terranean wave male just the slightest heglnnlng at raIsing buildings , . \ closed a few open doors. set chandeliers and ' wal pictures to vibrating , jarred windows and then subsided . Those who had had before a touch of earth- Quake at once recognized the motion the land was taking on , \vhle the explanations of the phenomenon by those whose experience V fell short of this were varied , and In view of the big fact , somewhat amusing. } las . Osh , the attendant at the morgue , had hut . ; a lIttle before awakend , and hearing the rumhlng noise , said to himsel that the duck shooters at Cut.or lake had got an early start. Landlord Davenport of the Merchant turned somewhat confusedly over In his bed I and determln that the porter had beeb , dragging an unusually heavy trunk throIbdt I the hal all uncommonly close 10 his door. .1 Down stairs Night Clerk 11 was sitting still In a rocking chair all all at once found him- .Ji self rocking . lie looked up at the chandu- ! hers and , found they were swinging slightly , and hy the time he had pinched himself wel the porter came : down to assure him that the building had actually been jarred as If by heavy thunder. ' Nat raly the phenomenon was most nD tcell by thobe who happened to be In the top stories oC the higher buildings. The late night force In The nee building tel the building raise slightly . and incline east- ward and then tall lack , and a moment later the movement was repeated. The same thing was observed In the operating room of the Western Union Telegraph comlany. , Citizens say that this was not Omaha's 1 first earthquake experience. I Is told that _ . _ % . . since 1867. when Chris Hartman , while talkIng - Ing with hilly Shul , was made by a powc.r ' beneath him to reel around the jam of a clothing store door on lower l aram street I the city has a number of times trembled oil I account of selsmatc disturbances though the shocks were so aught that the.y have been t almost forotten. ' c CHICAGO , Oct. 31.-A distinct earthquake - shock visited Chicago at 6J : ; o'clock this 10rnlng , lasting for about ffy-fvl seconds. No damage was . done , but In many houses : IJlctures were thrown to the floor and crock- cry broken. The shock wes unaccompanied by any audible rumbling. coming In gently from the lake and disappearing across the prairies to the west. I was most severely tolt on the north side where probably the majorIty of sleepers were awakened. In the WOolEI holses oC Buena park and other north Ide : suburbs the shaking up \\'as so percep- tibia that many persons dashed out of their houses In scanty clothing. During the shock and for several hours aCer the electricity In the atmosphere was more than oppressive to IJerSons oC a nervous temperament. Speaking of the selsmatc disturbances last night , a northslder , who , passed ) through the Charleston earthquake nine YEars ago said : "I felt the shock last night and recognized It immediately. I equaUed In force the forerunner - runner of the South Carolina shaking up , which by the way occurred , about the same day at the week and at the same hour , and In ( lie same quarter of the moon. My bed \ last night was shaken tram cast to west , the 1) sensation being as though the center of dls- turbanco was directly under the house. In , the Charleston earthquakes the shocks increased - I creased In violence daily until the moon was abolt full . when the great disturbance which I became hIstorIc hal1penell at 9:50 : on the night of August : t , 1886. . Scientists attributed the : cause : 10 the fact that a shelving strata of rock existed several hundred feet below the surface oC tl ( affected territory and that frequent rains hall roused the earth to set- the anl , then slide for a short distance. The sme ondlton prohably exIsts around Chi- cago. The architects say that the high luld- Ings are least affected hy earthquake shocks ns they are great steel bird cages which cannot - not liiset Nevertheless those who happened toe In the upper storres during a sleslatc disturbance would get lie fun effect of the V I I swaying sensatIon. 10WEQUA , Iii. , Oct 31.-At 6 o'clock this t ' morning two distinct shocks at earthquake minutes wee felt ' here , covering a period of fully two - WHECKED A CHURCH. QUINCY. I. , Oct 31St. Antonio's Catholic church and several other buildings . were badly damaled by this morning's earth- ' quako. One store bulclng wi have to be I toni down In consequence of the shock. DOrg- - lars blew open a sate In the village of Golden at the sain moment as the earth. sam/ V l\ke. ThlR discovery caused citizens to VI V \VV suppose It was ( lie shock felt until they ' 4 heard trol other points. 'There were lIve shoelt heard , anti , the whole lasted between ' two and three minutes. Across the river on the MlsRourl side two houses were shaken p down and on woman hurt. CAIRO , Ill. , Oct. l.-The earthquake at 5:09 : a. in. was the severest ever felt I this secton , , lasting thirty seconds. Vibrations north anti , south. People left their houses for safety . : lan chimneys were shaken ) ) ) damaed. clown. The Public library building was ladl ) , HOCU'OHD. ! m. , Oct. 31.-Two very e- ; vero lll.thquake shocks were felt here this ( morning . ono at I o'cloek anti , another at / 5U5. 1 I shook buidings , rated glass . etc. : IO.INI' , Iii . , Oct. 81.-Moline : anti vicinity was Visited by an earthquake at 6:12 : this V morning. louses and contents were shaken. It lasted hal n minute : 10 damae. I : ION:10UTl Ill . Oct. 31.-A heavy earth- 11\\ke shock WI'S Celt here about 5 o'clock I this morning. Many 110plo were awakened , door opened , and furniture shaken. STltFATOlt , m. . Oct. 31.-QuIto a severe shock of earthquake was h'l here this morn- big shorty after [ o'clock. The wave was 1 from west to east , and lasted fully a minute. Nearly everybody , In the city was awakened by ( ho violence of the ware . but 10 damage Is reported 10 buildings . Men In the mines felt lie shock distinctly and were hadly frlghtenell. QUINCY m. Oct. : i1.-4hmarp earthquakes w ore felt at 6:10 : this 10rlng , lasting nearly two minuteS Inldlnls shook until wails were cracked ! . I.3m\s were overturned and dlhhes brolen ; In some houses by the force of the shock. Time oscillation was apparently from cast toest. . Time earthquake was I'recedell by a bug mumbling nolsI that ( ( or- rifled many people , Who thought an explosion . had < 1 happenel , or a term was Imminent. ' - - V IN\ILI.E , Ill . , Oct. :1.-At : 6O7 : thIs ( 10ring several 111stnct earthquakes. lasting a fun hlit minute , wrl Celt here. WlmlowR j rattled sleell. and Ileople weN awakened ! flom their V MINONFC I , 1. , Olt. : a.-At I o'dock today \ this city anl , vicInity exporinced violent 'I ' i shocks ) tn earthquake , lasting tWI minutes Oll' houv& has been moved fO that the doors V will not open , other werl slIghtly llspltced , _ V CANTON 1" Oct. 31.-Earlhquake Rhcclls were felt at ilO : this ( mornIng. The vltira. ' S. ttous ' \ ere tNm n n..Yst to southea tons11 ' ( rattled auth w kmmockeil , " ndowl ratled alll glassware . vas l\ocl,1 f Iht shllne. \t Vermont , thirty 11lt : . Olth of here , al of the 1\ls\ rushed , out oC 1M ' , Ihe hotel Two w\len Calnlel , thinkIng hotel was going tn Nlal ) I. Fully Ity 1)(1. ) pIe hel' were made "Ielt II time , 'Ihltlon ! , . COMPTON. lii. , Oct. 11.--'l'wo distinct ! shocks earthquake were felt here In 'intek ' successIon. The lt ( was of longer tlur . Vt _ lon than the ( sectmnti . - j - ATLANTA , Ga , . Oct 11. . -An earthquake 4V shock was tel hHO llbtICU ( ( ) ' ; n :10 : 'ehoc1c 'h hIs ( m'rnilg. I ' l'RlT AT CICINNATl. , 1 _ ? CJ"CI ! : TI Oc' I.An larthllul1e shock was tel hte at 5 12 this mnoriimg : , tilt * ) moat distinct for ten ) Vfl5 I bec.1 wIth I alight trelnJlOU . met' ) that Colit'iluJ for Li _ - - - perhaps one minute antI then folowtl two or three violent undllaUons , slinking brick buIldings anti ratting windows like some gigantic explosion The whole demonstration must have occupied nearly two minutes . I was accompanied by a slight roaring sound which continued after the stinking ceased. The first elect was felt aleut ten mlnltes after G , and pople In various parts of the city were awakened by the quivering of their beds. Most of those who had telephones convenient . venient . imnmemhiately called up the central ofce , and for a few minutes the operators . were kE.pt busy. Alt reports agreed a to time and tbe ( general "Itect. The operators at central felt the floor shalte under them and transmiters and other objects rocked 10 antI < 1 fro. fro.Mr. Mr Zwick , a Newport druggIst , was thrown out of bell anti 11azed for several minutes. Reports of more violent shocks were re- ceivEl from Springfield , Dayton and other points north. . V A newsboy living at 63 Third street was thrown omit ot bI , I , anti a whole ttml at rlence. Oliver and Linn streets suffered a Iltu expl ) Colonel letsch , chief oC police , was thrown out of bed , and Immediately communlc1te1 with headquarters , where his vIews at the mater were confhrmeti . From best accounts the undulations were tel from time north , the force radltily ex- pending [ the further north It extended The city hal was severely shaken The furniture was thrown about and several per- eons on duty there ran out. Those there all the great stone pie swa'ed on its foundation. The city workhouse waR vlolonty shaken and Inmates Just getting up were thoroughly niarmeti TALL BULDNGS SWA Ylm. CLRVELAND . Oct. 31.-Two severe and distinct earthquake shocks were tel In this city anti , through ! out northern Ohio shortly after 6 o'clock this morning. Tail buildings swayed very perc'ltbl ) and the occupants were l.ch alarmed. Each shock lasted for nearly a minute , and were accompanied by a heavy rumbhimmg. No damage was caused so tar as bas been learned. AIlN , 0. , Oct 31.-Two distnct shocks of earthquake were tel here this morning about ilO. The first \1S slight , but the second much more severe. No damage done. To.EOO , Oct. 81.-At 5:30 : this mbrnlng the earthquale shock wakened man ) people. 10Ises shook cpells were stopped and chan- delers Jingled [ , hut no damage Is reported. IAYTON , 0. , Ocl. 31.-A severe earthquake - quake shock was distinctly felt In this city at 6:12 : this moring. Windows were rattell 1 and buildings quivered. I was at first sup- posed [ to bo n natural gas explosion. No damage done. TOPEKA , Oct n.-An : earthlU3ke fhoek was distinctly tel for hal a mInute here , at 5:12 : this morning. The vibrations were from tact to \Vest ZANESVILLE . 0. , Oct 3t.-A few minutes after o'clocll . morIng residents In all parts or the city were aroused by dlstnet earthquall shocks. I caused residences 10 tremble violently , In some cases loosening pictures from the walls and causing stove pipes and tnware to fall from their fnsten- Ings. 'remhlng contnuEl hai a minute amI caused no little nlarm. I was the most severe earthquake ever felt In this vicinity. COLUM13tJS. D. , Oct. 31-The earthfuakc shock about [ : I6 I , m. was noticed ly em- ployes who had arisen at the insane aEylum. Chandelers ahowed a pel11u111 movement Persons In bed who were awake report feel- Ing the movment distinctly. OALI.IPOLIS , 0. , Oct. n.-Between : r and 6 o'cloelt thIs mornIng an earthquake shook the buildings In this cIty. The shock was very distinct and telt hy almost every one. NEBHASKA FELT I TILE JAH. 'I.TNCON ' , Oct. 3i.-Speclal.-A ( ) number of Lincoln people who were awake at 5 o'cloclt this morning say that they experienced - perienced a dIstinct shock of earthquake. I Is claimed that doors and windows wle rat- tell anti , many oC thel imagined I that burglars were In the house. From Chicago came telegraphic information that the shock was quite 11stncty Celt there , and repels from other points Indicate the Ireence In the south anti west generally of seismic dis- turbance. TECUMSEII. Neb. , Oct. 31.-Speclai.-A ( ) very perceptIble earthquake shock was felt In this vicinity at r o'clock this morning. It was Bumclenty strong to awaltln the pea- pIe generally . caused dIshes to rattle In eup- boards , slightly shoolt the hO\es , etc. I lasted fully one minute. LOUISVILLE , Neh. , Oct. al.-Spoeial ( Tel- egram.-Qujte ) a number of our citizens report - port having tel an earthquake shock early this mornIng. Some experienced three ills- ( met shocks of consIderable farce and dur- ( ion . Some noticed the swaying wooden partitions and the rocking of fumrimiture. ASII.AN1 Neb. , Ocl. 31.-Speclal.-Arm ( ) earthquake shock was felt here this morn. - - - - - - - mor- log about 6 o'chok by many fo ; r-- ltz iir. I . The earth trembled , lamps shook , and other I. thing noticeable that time earth was not In its normal condition . mJATICI' , Neb. . Oct. 3t.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-At ) 5 o'clock this morln four die- tnct shockR of earthquake were felt In thIs city. Many or our citizens were badly frightened , In some Instances the entire entre household being aroused and running out Into the door yard , fearing the h use would tall In. At Cortand and other points In the northern part of the county the shocks were much more severe. OTTUMW , Ia , Oct. 31.-Three distinct shoclls of earthqualt were felt here at 6:16 : this mornhig. ! I0useE shook and woke the ( sleeping Inmates. In some cases windowI were broken. Further reports show there were only two shoekf at 6:12 : and 5:13 : . last- Ing about forty seconds each. Several win- dews wore broken and many people nause- ate1 as a result. BUlIINGTON , Ia. , Ocl. 11.-One severe and two lght shocks of earthqualte were ' felt at 6 o'clock tiili morning. DES : IOES. Oct. 31.-Two light eath- IUnke shocks were felt here this mornIng at 6:10. : Bottles rattled ! on dressers and win- dews shook siiglmthy. This Is the first shock I In thirty ) ears. : IAHSIALLTOWN , Ia. , Oct. 31.-Two dis- I tnct earthquake tremble were felt here. : The shoelt were heavier south , window glass being broken at Orlnnehi. CJDAI RAPIDS Ia. , Oct. 31.-Special ( Teiegramn.-A heavy earthquake shock was ' ) felt here at 6 o'clocl tItle morning . the vibrations - bratons being felt for fully hal a minute. Many people thought the hooS1S "ere tailing ( town. A peculiar feature Is the tact that the shock was not felt In many places In time ciy , I SEVEREST EVER FELT IN ST. LOUIS. ST LOUiS. Oct. 31.-Up to 10 a. m. no damage by the quake had ben reported bc- yond , the topplng of a few old chlmnlY ' , a general swaying of bed and the rattling of furniture and , otber loose things. The shock Wdl the severest ever felt here , and lasted fully two mInutes The weather bureal re ports the vibrations were from east to west and that time dlsturbauel had no ( Sect on Itmo1phel'lc condltonEthe barometer was steady m. a clock , and a dead calm pre- vailcd. ProC P. II . Nlppo of the Washington V university who his taken I deep t In the stndy of earthquakes , saId to an Asso- clatel , Pl'ess representatve today : "To the IESI of my knowledge this Is tie most severe earhqualle In thIs ( locality since the New Iadl Itt eartllluake In southwest MissourI In ISlI. As far as I can detennlne now. the , lrccton of this vibration was Cram north to south , or imrobably ' Cram northeast 10 south- 1'10 balI' \vest. " I l'rof Prlrburd of tlO WashIngton thinks tllnits nearly the correct tml ( nf the shod was 5:07:25 : : , emil that It lasted about one minute ant tnrty.f\'e seconds S'I' .JOSEI'hI , Mo , Oct , 31.-An earthquake shock lasting two mInutes was tel hero at about r o'clock this macruing . I was of bnm- cent fcrce 10 arouse many oC th sleeping ! : ! imih.mbhtmuts , and ratted window , stoves , etc. No caml waR done. 1\NSAS Cl'i'V Oc' . l.-\i 5:15 : thIs mernlng two very , lstlrl't eanhquIIe : shecks wI'ro tc'lt. the oscillation lasting fully two , mlnntes , houses treuiimhetl wlrlurattell , ' and chairs rockni caushumg considerable ala ' mm ) , Time shocks \ u re ) lalnl' ; J,1 In time treat bat tome , 'ho um mm kin 11"lot I t remim bled , the floor shook :11 tim ceIling oscIllated unt time electric lIghts Ick8'cd , OleL.tl of the 101")1 hammss' and time l'nlon Depot hotel w.ro Inch ) n I. 1111 amid rushed out In the lm.dluvys. A portiilamVlty : about the vibrations b.I\0)5. . peruillly vibratons ) . . In this , 'ty WS tilt ( tly were - only - - . so ( Continued on Third Pa'e. ) . - I _ _ _ ' - - - - - - - V AIUlNIA A SLAUGHTER PEN Eight Hundred Said to Have Been Killed V Recently at Bitlis. MISSIONARIES ADVISED TO WITHDRAW - Il'llreNentnth"'N , of the gurullell . . , ' , , ' ' ' I'nr" ' l'u\l'rH " 1"II.n. . 'I'o-nrn" " or n nl'nernl SlumsMiIere h ) ' the ICnr"INh leneKn"eH. CONSTANTINOPI.E ' , Oct. 31.-A sensatIon has bean caused here by the report , generally believed to be correct , that three Armenian notabites of Treblzorll , Including a prominent - nent ecclesIastic , are to be executed because It Is aleged that they are responsible for the recent rioting there. According to statements made In Armenian cIrcles about 80 Armenians were killed durIng - Ing the fighting at lithe with the Turks. The loss of the latter Is said to be trifling. Advices tram Moosh say that the leading Armenians of that locality have been on- ferrlng with the representative Turks of that city and neighborhood as to the means to be a pted In order to prevent the outbreak , timere of disorders sImilar to those which ha\'e occurred recently In different parts of AI menla , and , which have resulted In so much bloojshed. I .Is added that the Turks stipulated that the American missIonaries , who are dltrlbut- ing relict to the suffering people of Sassoun , withdraw from thIs In three days : otherwise , , thin Turkish notabites claim , they fear , the : e will be a massacre such as has just occurred at Ilithis. In view or the critIcal situation of affairs outlined above , the Unre,1 , States ambassador , Mr. Alexander Terrel , has advised the Annrl- can missionaries to withdraw temporarily trol Sassoun. At the ( same time Mr. Terrel has notIfied the TurkIsh goverment that the United States will hold It responsible for the ( lives of the AmerIcan missionaries. The United States ambassador has taken a firm stand In the mater and nothing wi be heft 'undone ' which will In any way Insure the safety of the missionaries. TllOlS TO IllTECT MISSIONARIES. Time British charge d' aralres , lion. : . lmbert. has made representations to the Porte of a nature Identcal to Mr. Terrehi's. The result Is that the government has decided - cided to sand troops to protect the mission- aries But here another complication arbes. The Kurds ot Sassoun are only held In check hv the nesence there of the missionaries. I fearing to commit excesses In their presence ; and they threatened to plunder the Armenians - flails after the departure of the mIssionaries. Therefore , In any case fresh troubles are feared , unless the authorities take specIal mcasures for the protecton ot the Arme- nians. The mere presence there ot Turkish troops Is tar from being a sufficient guarantee - I tee against a repetition at Sassun of the bloodshed which recently occurred In other parts oC Armenia , and nothing but the most energetIc acton , It Is asserted , can avert a I serlou9 dIsturbance. In vIew oC these facts the Armenian patrIarch - trIarch has appealed to the different embas- sies hEre to Intervene In time to prevent another massacre. The Turkish officials In reply again assert that all the recent out- breaks here and In ArmenIa are nothIng more than the work of the Ilntchek , an Armenian - menian secrEt society , which has provoked all the rIots. SULTAN IS PLAYING DOUBLE. LONDON Oct. 31.-A dIspatch to the TImes from Constantinople 'ays : "The sultan declnes to accept the names which the graml vIzier has suggested for the Armenian commission. Ho wIshes to have men who are In his own confidence. [ \ " A dispatch to the Daily News from Constantinople . stantnople says that the massacre at Iarash has cead and the missionaries are safe A demand has been made to the Drltth embassy and to the American legation that relief operations at Sassoun shall cease. The Daily News ( liberal ) In an editorial upon the foregoing says : "Thlu Is a fresh proof of the dslgl' entertaIned at tao palace. In such a demand there can only bo a most peremptory and contemptuous negative. Lord SalIsbury's lukewarm and perfunctory refer- encea to the Armenian question In his speech at WalaId come at a very Inopportune mo- ment. " A ditP3tch to the Times from Vienna tates that the correspondent hears on good author- ity that the sultan is I convinced that certaIn ) powcrs arc trying theIr utmost to Isolate England , and that Germany will not move to save Englanll from a diplomatc nasco. A Vienna dispatch to the Chronicle refers to the excitement caused there b ) the article In the St. Petersburg Official Messenger , accusing - cusing England of ambiguIty and double dealIng - log In the ArmenIan question , as has already been cabled [ to the Asrclated press. The artIcle was prInted In the unofcial column of the paper , but was undoubtedly Inspired bv the Russian government , and Indicates a con- victon that England . hu been lrlated In Europe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IXIH.\XS UISeO"EI GOI.f I'l.tCEltS. I.nrmountH n..I Irought In iiml Silil h ' 'I'iiezmm. nlil 101.1 liy 'Ih\m. I CITY OF ! EXIO , Oct. 3I.-Extenslve I gold placers have been discovered by Indians 'at Juajecore . a , 'lhge between Guada1jara and San Bias. Large amonnts of gold have been brought In for sale by the Indians , and there Is much exciement over the news. La Triluna , a new daily , Is being ridiculed bY the liberal party press for having sug- gested that In order to avoid the slow amid' peaceful conquest of Mexico by AmerIcans , I Mexico should refuse to have any ratio with the Unlcl States : that nothIng be .ex- ported thither and not even grain be 11- pcrted even were the Mexican people In peril of starvatioim . An exhibit at Cuban products and manu- tacturers , consisting oC tobacco cIgars , cigaretes , truls all perfumery wi have space In the coming Internatonal exposi- ton ( , also BelgIan railway supplies . Spanish residents here have already raised over $6,000 for the campaign In Cub . bcskiea 400 mules , and the Spanish colony In the city of Pueblo has secured over 100 immtmlemt. I"resh arms and ammunitIon have been sent to Sonorra for the troops Lighting the \'acimlis General : Tortes Is raising volunteer for that Iampaln. The country Is very mountainous 10 that even mountain artillery Is not available. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chit , , , 'i " . I'fen ' ppy ehlIN" n.rt'II',1 I ) Iilsmmrg'iis . ST. IETFmSBUHG , Oct. 31.-The Novoe Yrelya says that according to advlces re- celve,1 , I ) that newlpaper the Japanese troops are being rapidly wIthdrawn from the ( Llao Tong peninsula. I Is added that the Mo. : :10. , h.lnHUllau Insurgents have captured Tan. Tclieotu-Fum . the capital of the provInce of I ican.Soo , on the Yellow river : that they are defeating the Chinese troops In every dlrec. than . and that they Intend ta form an imie- pendent Illngdom. Jurther trophIes have been lll'patchel , tram .l'ashgar and other provinces. The secret socIetIes ef central China are reported 10 be preparing to joIn Issue with the Mulmamumnedans. - - : \1' ! ' . I'INI : , ' Hl'II"IN I St'lt 1011. QUEENSTOVN , Ocl. 31.-The remains of Mrs. J. B. Rustic , the wife of the ambas3- del at Paris. who died on Saturday last near 1otoath , accompalld b ) her son . were em- blkell today emi hearth the steamer hjelc : for transportatIon to New York. The body rill he Interr < 1 In tIme famiy plat In th ) Cave 11 t metot ) ' at Loule\'le. Ky. - - - nIHII'c'l , , , II I hot ( or 1"11h 'l'lmmmi. ls..r I.'lmmIClRRUI Oct. 31.-There is I ab- 10Iutl no toundaton for the lenntonal , ru- mor that Prince limarck Is delI [ , which was e'rculateul In the United States hy a news. PIPer agency On th , contrary , time prlnc hu enjoyed boler health recently than he I I hal for 01& tIme. - I.\X\ WI U - ( liTl'/.IVIXM . Oil. . . . ' . l'rullu , tu 1' t'sm1 1ntnlnlllrl' I liumi imdmt rIm's Not Sittisfnj.tur ) ' , LANDER , Wyo. , Oct 31.-Spulal.- ( : ) Thell Iu a general foalIng throughout north- 'ern and central Wyoming against the propo sition of General Coppinger ' 10 extend the boundaries of the National park south 80 a to take In the much disputed territory of Jackson's Hole. The , people think tIme stale Is alrzady too much cut uip 'by reservations , anti that the ( true policy tl pursue In the future - tOre Is to diminish , rather than enlarge the reL'Jratons. Th Shoshone reservation occupies - cupies nc.mrhy one.half oC Fremont county prol1sr and a strong effort will b ! male ! his ( winter to reduce the size at leact three- quarters. Nearly nil thl nnp n.rlr"II. , , , 1 land l of . the county \ is h"t the ' lmmdlans ; : and the whies feel that It Is poor policy to kozp these lands from cultivatIon when the Indians wilt not use thm. ( Jacklln'S ' hole comprises a large territory of agriculural lands anti to give them up for reservations would be poor policy for Wyol- lng , In vIew of the ( tact that the new ord\r of things In changing trcna range business to general agriculture , makes a demand for farming lands. 1"orty or fifty men from the Ninth cavalry arc Gtl at work on the road leaching from Fort Washnkla up Wlll river and across the mOllltlnl , Into Jacltson's Iloie. The work has been In progre3s now for more than two lontnl , and much has been accomplshed towarl , makIng a passable tri eve the mountains , I Is the Intenton to keep a force at work unti the wInter sets In. Con- gressman : lonlel [ , wbo has laely been over , l In Jaelson's Halo and at Fort Washakie , will ask an appropriation from' the general gov- eminent thIs winter to finish ' ( his road and extend It through Jackson's hole north along Jackson's lake 10 the tederdlencamplent , In the tImber reservation , tbreE mlel' ' south oC the National itark. : This wi give a new entrance to the park under the shallow of the Tctons and through the most picturesque porUqn oC North Amer- lea One of time atractons of thIs route Is the ( trout fIshing . which can \0 enjoyed from the time thEY leave Fort WashakIe until they reach Jaekson's lake n tlit'taiiee of more than 200 mitts. , 1"i . Fishilmig I\'olln . LANDER , Wyo. , Oct. ' 1i.-Special.-Tho ( ) discIples ! of Isaac Walton haveenjoyed ono oC the best seasons ever kno\vim In this section angling for trout. The law regarding the anglng I taking of fish passed by iha lst legl.lature . prohIbits time sale of fish In the markets and mall ! ' every man hIs own shcrman , and the result has heen that many : persons who have been In the habit at depending on the dealers have provided thumsolvE with fishing tackle and have become more , or less expert In casting the line. The la'v his popularized fishing . and during thll s asc hundreds of persons have succeuled In making large catchEs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , h.rnllh'r n'll In I'rieoi IANm I Wyo. , Oct. 31.-Spoclai.-Thme ( ) defaulting ox-county treasurer , Elmer Hank , who Is In jail her awaIting his trial , Is In very peer healtim . and I hD Is not taken out of prls n' seem \ he Is likely tn ( break down physically entirely. lie will not be tried for detalcatlon In the treasuir r't' ofce before , treastr I next Juno bul I Is 11robablE that time Unied States' case against him tel robbing the post ofce lt FortVasimakte wl come up before time federal court at Cheyenne at the NovemlJer term. . II Cgl'I'IS : ( tSP PILE YOUCIIIi1ti4. : .I.tll'rn ) 'zt'l . : . ; IVVI ' , Again II' ' fore' .JU"l' , 'Ilnnloril. ' I I SEATTLE , Wash. , Oct ,31-Th , old r' celvers of the Norther Pa lfc rlroa imp , pea red before Judge Hanton , In the Unied . States circUIt court for the ( d'trIH' ' of Wash- In'stoi lila ( nlornlng by'thelr atorneys , J. D. Crowley of Tacoma , Wash. . and AdrIan H. JolLne , counsel for th : Central Trust company - pany of New York , all presented thlr answer to the order of the court of October 2 , requiring them to appear and show cause why they shoull not be punished for con tempt oC court for theIr failure to obey 1 previous order of the court vhlch reqlired them to make a report toV him of their ! .tewanlshI1 as receivers or the property. Their answer was a voluminoums ones going fully Into thel.r appointment as receivers , their recognition of the court court of the eastern distrIct of Wisconsin as the coOrt or prImary Jurisdiction . , to Which court their re- ports had been made , and the filIng of their resIgnations as rec lvers. They disclaim any Intenton of not respecting the order of this court and ask that lhe mler removing them a9 receIvers be revoked , and that In hitu then-of their resignati9nsba accept d. Judge Hanford did not grant their petitIon , but referred the whole to Master In Chancery Eben Smith of this city ror , eamlnalon amid report who Is authorized to require thu Vro- dueton of the voucimrs , for expenditure made by the old receivers all then hear any objectIons that any parties ltere . 'ed may see fit to make or to require any explanation that may be nece.sary In order that a propar audlng : of the accounts mar , be had. Judge Hanford said that It the reports were 01 fe ! In any other court hit woulq not InterferE with the proceedings and trcords r at that cOlrt , so as to require the , firpductiomm of the ' fro origInal vouchers , but they lltl b'e submLted to the master In chancerY"Jn thIs court either by copIes or by 1\IQwng } him to go where the reports are on me , . ' . ' ' 'l'IllIOld ) S l'S'l'Lf. I'lgl gl 111 U.I.l , : S''N : SII h nnkotu 1llW.rH . ' UIHturlH.l ' ) ver 1 ltect'mmtiy 1 llct'd I.u\ . . ' UX FALLS , S. D. , Oct31.-Specla- : ' ( ] ) T' ' Vaw P1se by the last 1sldure abolsh- In ! the grand jury will probably not prove a success In South Dakota. It , how- over , wi not be tried In this ( county. A requisition has been make on the townshIp boards for names to bo plced In the jury bo' ' preparatory to drawln/ a jury. State's Attrey Hogde doe not , feel positive that thef ends of justice could bo'tpet wihout the ( gratd jury , especially this } term. Ex.Alder- man Joe Sampson , who whie acting bayer tcoc $750 of the saloon money , yet remains umipuntshmei . The frt Indictment against him was quashed on a tehnlcaly , but thl cGllrt bound blm over 10 the next grand jvi'b' . 'fhe amblers , Bell . snt Sh1nnon , were also bound over to the grand . jury for seuc- ten , and It Is feared that shold no grand jury he drawn the law would have no Ilalm on these offenders. - I The state's attorneys In general do not take ; favorably to the aholrln of the ! ranl jumy.'hllo I decreases thlr work It In- cnases their respomisihiity. , ! Mammy little neighborhood quarrels nrsjstmrtetl and get no further than time grand juicy , nut I th state's ato'rnl's assumed ' to Jtrock out Uts caies they would seed find tlllelves In hot ; water The chances are tiat' ' where they can do 50 the stnte's attorneys wIll maintain th.e ( grand jury system i . V 'DI.'S -\SI' ! J ON' Ai'l'IitI. ' 1.lntH In"II\.1 If ui'ut'llh'rc'Ht to . tht. luNI.eH" " % 'url" . ALBANY , N. Y. , Oct. 31.-The court of appeals heard argument9 today ' In the case ot I ra.tus Wiman , charge by hlA late lmr- nero In the mercantIle aguu1y of R. G. Dun & Co. , with forgery - agty Cnvlcton ( of Mr. Wiman under Judge iumgrahm a" . tb I' year ago la3t summer , when he was eerteaced to Sing Sing for fVB and a hal fe selteDced rj , reversed by the supreme court at its general ; term last February , and It was against Ihls ( decfon ! ! that the dIstrIct attorney or New York ap , p"aJed. Inasmuch al the points Involved re , late mainly to what Coni'tlutea ( a partner- COnl.tutes rhlp by participatIon oC profits aDd as there II thousands of bUI'les ! establishments which have employee thus Compensated the cu'e ID 1ely : 10 excite w.de attention , aahle cJ' from the promlnenco and public service of Mr Wiman. The contention before the court Is I divided Into two s : ctonl : FlrLt , a to the guilt or Innocence ot Mr ; Wll0 , resting ( Ipon his rght : to sgu ! 1m ! end rfstng "beck In dtspute and , second 1ect , 8 to the rroru ot the trIal Judge. The nr.t point nay rrorl be dtermInetl ' upoa the dcl lon . dftermlne'l { of th ! ques. " whether 'tr . Wlms' \ 11 or \\1 'ot 'ue. a "fn tn the frm of It O. Do , & Co. I 1 : 1 \ _ \ VV V - ' . _ V , " V , - - - = - " - \ CANADIANS START liOn IOME ProCess to Eo satisfied with the Condition oC the Boring Sea Case , HAD TWO CONFERENCES WITH OLNEY eln lIe nr Xn PI.th'r . \NNI tn''I' tn I tht. lint 1dm luIHh'r I ut l'm'i'emmt In . \dJI"th , " th , ! cllhuH nf : l'lll'rN. WASHINGTON , Oct. 31.-The Canadian cabinet omcers , Sir Mackenzie howell and Sir Charles Tupper , have gone home to Canada. I Is Etated that , having given nil of the assistance necessary at present 10 Sir Julnn Pauncetote In thl preswtaton of the chlms of the Britsh sealers for hulemnly on ac- count at the rlzuro oC their 'eeals , a I longer stay here would be USelellJ. They had one Intormal and one formal conference with Secretary Obey , and were received by the president. Whether any advance has rosule,1 , In the directon of their object cannot - not be stated , as the BritIsh l.lle expresses satisfaction with the lJrogre being made In the negotIations. I Is atumed that a neW commlsdon will bo created to settle the claims. Called lt th , ' Stimti' Jt'lllrtm'lt. WAShINGTON , Oct 31- lrs. Waler , ac- companted by her counsel , Mr. Langston , called at the State department by appointment - ment today and hall a long Interview with Assistant Secretary Uhl , represmtng the e e at her imusbaumd ex-Consul Wailer , during I the course at which she gave all thb facts I : connected wlth his arrest and supplemnemited I I hu statements by aiiidavlts. ! She showed that he could not have stopped : at Tamatave for the ( purpose or becoming a spy upon the French In the Interest of the Hovas. His detentIon there , she Intmated , was due entirely to Consul Wetter , and the later she declared was actuated by motives of untrlendlness to her iiusban4 . Mrs. Wal- her said that Mr. WaIler was kept at Tama- tave by his successor , who instItuted suit against Wailer In theh ( Interest as she al- leges at Ihe Corclet heirs Waler being admInistrator of their estate. Securing ! udg- ment , Wetter had WaIler arrested , and this kept him at Tamalave until his arrest by the I.'rench. Mrs. WaIler also d\\el upon the condlto ! at her husband's health , which had been , she said , precarious before he left feared from reports re- he V ; ' . V She _ saM . . she . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ " _ 1.1. . celV(1 Iron 1m - - - lnal le WitS IUW t nlu , said In reply 10 a question failing. f She also queston had seen from time secretary that she never the Intercepted leters on which WaIler was arrestEd by the French. N'lmzislmi 1.1 nil nc'c'IHlnnN. WASHINGTON , Oct 31.-Speclal ( Tele- . ' eC the InterIor todiy grm.-The ) secretary 10hy rendered decIsions In the following land cases : Nebraska-I dward L. Sayrl against Joscph Lbsee , LIncoln district. Case remanded - manded to local office for rehearIng. Albert H. leloy against Andrew M. Fairfield . Al- lance district. DecIsion reversed . Meihoy's contest dismissed. Rosa Haudebusch agaInst I.avlnea Waltnian . Sidney dIstrIct . Decision afllrnied. Mrs. Waltman's entry held for camicehiatlon. ' eal'celaton. South Dakota-Ex-partC John l"alestad , \Vat rownVdhstrIc ( . .pplpitlonor repayment of fees and commissions mienid. In 11 pbnrles DavIs , Iald City district DecIsion modified . Davis allowed to make payment for land applied for H. P. Burton against Lota Lewis , Michel district. Decision amrmed. Burton's coutest dismissed. X"WH for ( lii' Arm" . WAShINGTON , Oct. 31.-Specai ( ! Tele- gram.-Capaln ) ! Jacob F. Munson SIxth in- fantry , Is granted leave at twenty days : First Lieutenant Jnmes D. Nickerson , Seventeenth Intantry , two months : FIrst Ileutenant George W. Huthers Eghth Infantry , ono month . extended. The following transfers of rorultng of- cers are made : Captain George H. Evans. Tenth cavalry , LouIsville to PIUsburg ( : Cap- tain William T. Wood , Eighteenth Intant ) lltsburg to LouisvIlle. . Xt'hrlHkn l'nHtll"h'rllllolnttl. . ' VAgI1HJGTOI.TV 0,1 n-/nprh' : ' ' ,1 , . . _ _ un _ _ _ _ , - - ' . - - , . - . . - - . - . - - - gram.-'fhe ) postofce at Marmora , Cherry county , Neb. . has been discontinued. Mali wIll go to Wood Lake. Anton ZlrbH' was today commissioned postmaster at Elgin , 'Neb. ' . i'ICIYA'I'Ei SI.JI ISS SI 1 \ AX'IS. Cimmirges . % hiNt Oltlt't'rs Stntouell lt Fort SItt'rlIiim. , ChICAGO , Oct. 31-1 Is openly charged here tonight that Colonel Crofon , commander - mander at Fort Sheridan , has for a long time been violating the rules ly having In his employ as servants men regularly enlisted . I Is also said that these facts ! ave been presented to several congressman , and that they ( have promIsed to start a searching In- vestgaton through the Department of \Var It Is charged that Colonel Crofon has servants - ' vants who arc o'n the roll as employpd hy the quartermaster , and who all allowed 16 cents In addition to theIr regular pay. I Is charged that . Coionel Crofon Is not the only ofcer at Fort SherIdan who has violated this rule , and that when the InvestigatIon Is mad It will . be found that a number 'ot other olhicers havesorpts ; , .who ! ShOUld b : doing post duty and not VtvaItln' oil thcVnI I Is said six of the privates have appealed to Congressman MaguIre of California anti Outhwaie of Ohio , both nf whom arc on the house commIttee on military afalrs. In ad- diton to thlse three men Colonel Crofon Is alleged to have , I Is charged that Lieu- tenant Dow has an enlsted man caring for hIs horses : Captain McGonnlgle Is said to have for his servant the artificer of his COl' Captain Stafford and Major Hartz p3ny : Stalord are each chargel wIth having a soldier servant Captain hare Is said to have a "dog robber , " as the servants are called , and Captain Conrad - rail Is reported as having one of his len working about his bouse. gven the post , captain ( Vtman ) Is charged wIth having : a servant soldier but In this case , the sol. diet Is said to be a school teacher - . IiECtiII1 ' INAXg 0 : 'VilE TI.\ . Promln.nt X'W York 1"lnunel'r XO\ : . u H'ln : lu1IuC. 1 T NV"n. ( ' " , Oct. 31--A sJeclal to the 1ws fro Spokane , y"ash. , says : John Lalson , second vice-president of time New York Security and Trust cOI\any , and well I known In easter fInancial circles , arrIved in thIs city on tIme Oregon RaIlway & Navigation auenger train last nIght In a condition of violent . Ills condition , Insanity. Ils conllon had been previously wIred to TheIs & Barrel oC this city , the financial representatives oC time trust company hy Cundoctor ( Wells , and the InRane man was met wih a carrlagJ and driven to the hotel Spollane. A physician was summommed through whose ail I.amton was quiete for a tl 1 1. rater In the night , he again became violent and attempted to es- eap trol the guard put over him. Several tires he succeeded ! ! In reaching the hal , when he wouH cry loudly for help , saying that he was being ( Imprisoned hy his emucinles lie contnued to grow so violent and noisy that guests at the hotl1 b came alarmed and demanded that ho be removed. Early this mornIng , he escape < 1 his guard anti bounding Into the ofce of tIme hotel , he demanded that ( Governor McCraw be notled to send assIstance at once as he was being Imumprlsoneti. About 10 o'clock , I.amson was reur.ovetl , ! to the ( hmospital. On the way he junped out of time carriage and ted up the street , cryIng for assIstance. lIe Is now clolly guarded at time hospital , amid receiving time best medical attention. - - - . lnm.utH of Ot'.nn \NN'I , ( hot , :1 : , At Now York-Arrlnd-Dlnla , from ham- burg. ' . ' . ' , . . . , . , - ' - - - ' - - - ' ' " ' . I Till ] ( JAML'.iE'I ll ilIPOIt3I , I . . . tl'I" tn Ir IIe'I.iImieIm ? hht tOI ' , . Now Until Ihm'e'Itomm. ' . thr week tile can1ahn ; of reform . , vt\ vIgorously IHlshe1 throughout tIme en- I ( Ito city. Speaker who arc In earnest will address [ time voters , who are waking up , at the following Jneetings ( : November 2 , Saturday 7':30 : p. m. . Saunders hal , Twenty.tourth anti Coining Btreets. Speakers-J. W. lmeral George W. Doane , W. S. 10PIleton and 1l1 : P. Smith. . will be en- Other smith speakers meetr s a 11 spealter wl nounct1 In time. At these meetings the lo2tl situation wl be can\'astl thoroughly ald mill classes of citizens are invited to attend. MONSTEIIt 1.\ ! ; Ilihl1'lG. hear time I'romlnc'nt Slm'itlci'rs ! nt the 'I'lmis LeV..ImIIi " , Culisemilim g"'nll" eel 11 'lhlN I Arrangements have been lale ly tle ( com. mleQ : In charge of the campaign for reoJm In our Judicial , cGunty and city governments for a huge mass teeln lf all time ltll s of Omaha Intereted ( In . 'c.lrlnl clean and honest local omclals , to be held In the Cohi. scum at S o'clock this evening November 1. The misrule of cuunty and - , city . cvprn\ent : wilt II Culy discussed aM tl rplellY I cw In the : arlls oC the ( voters plainly p"IMed " ( ut. The able speaker who trill addrcl the udl- ence arc : IiENltY I ) . ESTAIIItOGIc , EDWARD ROSE\VATE1t , WILLIAM S. POl'l'L.IITON , Vt'ILL F. GUItLFIY. JAMES II. SIIEFIAN. A special Invitation is extended to the women of Ornaima to be present anti provt. sion wIll be made for their accommodation and conveniemmee. Several of time speakers wilt dwell tipon the assistance which tito women can lend to the uliovamemit for reform - form in our local government. Itenieniber that time meeIng Is called for good citizens of all of Otnaha ttnth vhciiIty. It Is caii0d for this evemmimig , Novemuber 1 , at 8 o'clock. It. Is called for the CoIisuin. which Is beige enough to accommimmiodate every one. It is called In the Interest of god gas'- eruimnent and every taxpayer amid citizen niumet be Interested In tIme cause of goad g3vern- tilent. To slmow ( hint interest lie 'mire to attend - tend ( hula meeting and bring your friends with . you. _ _ _ -I- _ _ _ _ % 'OMAN'S IIO.t ltD OF M ISSiONS. itl'imorts lecrle'eimmimd ( ) IIle..rs Elected fill. I lie icimsimlmig Y..mur. CLEVEhAND , 0. , Oct. 31.-The twemity. ses'emithm annual meeting of tim Womnan's Board of Missions of time InterIor closed totiay. The morning was devotesh to the rePorts - Ports franc time branch prcsitients , those wimo sPOkC being : Mrs. C. 13. Noble , Ohio ; Mrs. Chmarlos N. FItch , Colorado ; Mrs. C. Ii. Case' , Chicago , amid Mrs.V. . F. liruminer , St. Louis. Mrs. George M. Clark ( Imen gave a review of the work In Turkey. 'run afternoon svaa devoted to committee reportt' ' anti missionary addresses by Mrs. W. M. Stayer of Africa arnh Miss Eva Swift of India. In time evening - ing addresses were given by Mist , Lizzie ( I. \'ebb of Adan , Turkey , nnmh Rev. F. FI. Clark , D. 1) . , tIme father of the Christian Enuloavor niovoment. Oiflcers were elected as follow's : Presiulemut , Mrs. Motus SmIth , Gloncoc , Ill. ; first vies presitlent , Mrs. Lyman himlrii , Chicago : re- corthing secretary , Mrs. M. D. Ltmngate , Chi- cage ; treasurer , Mrs. J. B. Leako , Chicago ; auditor , Rev. 6. S. 1" . Savage , beside a long list of eeond vice presklgqts and correspopd- Ing secretaries , members of ( lie board of managers and state secretaries , Sr tE't'VA SUSI'ECP SVtLOFibY I'ASS. Steimimmer Id.iiriiilu Not I miterfert'd CCIII , I. tlim , Juimmmleii AimlIii.rItIt'M , lId i'r059 I'mmijhlshilmig . ) ( CopyrIghted , , by Company. KINGSTON. Janiatca , Oct. 31.-New ( York World Cablegram-Specla I Telegramn.-Time ) steamer Lotiramia , though s'rongly suspected of being a filibuster , was notdetalneth here , The government took no action In her came , because she is nut American ship. This is ( lie vexed which it Is suspected landed Cee- poles arid twenty mcmi with an Inumnenso quantity of arms anti ammunition near Guantanama last Sumiday. 11cr captalil and other oMcers deny everything , although ccv- oral rifles supposed to lie samples of the sort he carried to Cuba were found on board , COLON , Colombia , Oct. 3h.-New ( York \\'orld Cablegram-Special Teiegratim.-ThmP ) Brazilians , a 1(10 tie Janeiro die. patch says , are mietermnlned to recogniz Cuba , In Chili them democrats spociaily at- using violent language Imi regard to Spahum. A conflict between time demuiocrats and ( he Spanish iii Cii ill is Imunineui ( . 1IOIfItGEO1S ACCE1"I'S 'l'lIII 'l'ASK. % .IIi Forum im Nees'IIsmIstry , Oi'ciiiIiii.t - ( Iii' I miterleir I'r ( folhit II iimmei'I I' , PARIS , Oct. 31-M. Bourgeois this evemi- log informed President Faure ( hint he hail accepted ( lie task of formtng a new cabinet The new ministry so far as formed Is as foh- I osss : it ! . Bourgeois , minister of tIme interior anti president of time council of mInIsters. M. iticard , nminister of justice and \sVor. ship. ship.M. M. Caviganac , mInister of war , M. Lockrey , uninister of marine. M. liertheion , minister of education. M. Ioumer , minister of finance , M. Guyet d'Essalgne , mniumhmmter of public tt'orks , M. Mesurer , minister of commerce. M. Combo , mumlniater of the colonies , lirIt Isit Gmmlmiimii I'eoibt' rViVt.l ( cml , ( Comtyrlgtutetl , isi : ; , by i're's I'utjltshtntc Company COLON , ColonibIa , Oct. 31.-New ( York World. Cablegram-Speciai Teiegramn.-Thie ) BritIsh Guiana newspapers are greatly exciteti over ( hue boumidamy thuestloli auutl ativiso the peopia to buy their own guns and other war rnmmnitioume if Great BritaIn does not furnIsh themrm anti' imasteum protectIon. S 0Ii nra- ( , , . , , Is house Asslgiitm. NE\V YORK , Oct. 31.-Moses Rosemmbcrg & Co. , dealers In dry goods mid notions itt 310 and 382 Iiroalway , vere attuirheti totlay ummatler a clainm ( or $3,289 , In favor of Victor & Nclis. GoldsmIth & Iolmerty , attorneys for Mrs. hierthaa Coimemi , wiuo imurcimused the entire stock of Rosenberg & Co. , rehoreti ( time llrni's liabihiti's at $157,000 , and ( lie nomInal nsets at $125,000. Time firm line been in business about thmirty.IIvo yeare. A meetIng of creditors wIll lie euuiied Iii a few days and a stmsteinent of mtffalrs issued , - - Selmool' Girl Coutmuimits Smmlc'imk' . FOSTOI1IA , 0. , Oct. 31.-MIss May hamIlton - Ilton , an IS-year-old cimooi gill , comnummltteti suicide today by eimooting iimrself through ( ho heath s\VIth us revolver. Time bullet lmmssetl clear throtmhm huer heutul. Sbme lls'e'iI hiatt an hour lifter conmnmiting tIme act , durimig which tIme she wm'oto n note on time trail of her bedmoOmn , umtuiting ( hunt she kIlled herself eu accomint of some troubles chic hail wltbm her mother. - _ p _ _ _ iihtm'I I mug iIii nimfuui't murers Fit II. NIV. ' YORK , Oct. lh.VSanauei 'mY. Mil. bank was toda appoInted tefllporary re- celver of ( lie S. Al. Illxtiy company , blark. Ing , Ink anti hmarcmeu's oIl nmanufaeurersu , 'rime umoinluictl assets are m'utid to be $253,000 mtnml the utetmual ascts $11,743. 'rime receiver's boumd vuts fixed mit $30,000. l'o ( of lIouihm'm iht'tuih 11a1ioit'.I , PIT'lIhItL'lG , Oct. 31.-An explosIon of imuolten metal at time Carnegie blast fur- na es at llrnddock today fatally burmieml Josephm S'chiwuipps antI Alike Goski , ut'iti slightly Injured a nuuumher of other svoi k. nmerr. q'hio catuio of the explosion is mmot iemrnss'im , -S , liIImIemh II Is ( ) esVut mm iiii 111mm 'ifv's 1,1 fe , GREEN IIPI1INCIS , 0 , , Oct. 31.-hen Fox shot his syite tills mnormmlng nth ( lien turmued ( lie revolver on hImself with fatal me.uhts. ( k'mmt'r.ml liii I ims I it Ohio , COLUMIIUS , 0 , , Oct. 31.-Rain today is general Over Ohio , Wheat neede it badly , V CO1BINE S11O\VS \ ITS hAND Preparations Made for Raping the Ballot Boxe , REJECT JUDGES AND CLERKS OF aECTION lIver ) ' . . , , ilt'gimrdiesM of Ahliit' , hail ( mm ( i If lie % 'itM SmuMIeetei of S : , V 1i put I hi i sI ii ur ' i I Ii Ci I I si' ii Pm' tlibCeuiilit or of ik'i umg lrlPmht , Time action o ( hue city council Wed- imesday imight 1mm re'jcctimmg time umaumies. of seventy-seveu of time jumtiges nuid clerks of t'lecoui ( wimo hmtiui been appoiumteth by Mayor hiemumls was a ltiece of Political clmicamuery whIch seemmims likely to react agaimmet Its Promumoters , This Is ( lie iirst timnte that stmchm actIon hmas beeum taken ity time cIty council auth 1mm thIs lumetammee the gemmerni rentlmmuent. f the people is emphatIcally ciii- denanatory of time hmlgiu.hmaimihetl troceetiiiig. Geumeral Imuuiigumatiomm ss'as exluresemi yesterday em ) tIme a treet fluid In ItImbi he bum I hi i gs imiud hmummdrctis of s'oiers mmutlto iii tlemmommumciumg time uhesimerate effort of ( hue star cimammmber mnumjority' 1mm time coumuchi to ( turn time ballot boxes over (0 ( lie control of time dark lammtern orgaimlza- tiomm. tiomm.That That this was the mmmammifcVst 1)umrimoe of time council adimmits of mm comitrndictloui , Tiio immost casual perusal of ( lie list of namimes rejected affortls sumihhclcmmt proof of tIme mmmot.ls'e by ssVhmichm S.mtmtmders aumd his colle'mgtmes oil the judiciary eonmmuuittee were nctmued. ( That twelve utmemmmbers of the ctiuumcii sVItoi for time _ _ _ atittptlon of the iumfmmmmmotus report shows ( limit. the A. 1' . A. immajority5V5g veli tmiformmmed tie to tIme course ss'htichm lund beom : mminipetI out by time Kim Klumx advisers. It is tuot demmied ( limit time bulk of thm imiemm ss'imo nero rejected are of Irisim tiescent. All Itereoums ssVhuo trero sumaicteti of iieiutg Catimoiicmu or of lackIng Iii syummpathmy srithi ( lie dervish cammtp migmi turmicci dotvui by time couuuimmlttee , Iii districts \vhmere there is a large foreigmi Vote mmumtl whuete uumammy of ( hue voters require aeshmtttmmmcn hum ummakiuug ommt. their ballots time judges of time sammie umattonailty as ( lie 5 % crc uumiformmmly rejected. Time object of time commsptrators is too obviotus to ito mimistaken. 'rimey expect to liii time s'ac.mumcies cii election immorimi mig ( my tim e liii liromumlitmi electtoum of t heir 055mm imeelers , tumid timu place thm books ummuier ( hue abeohtute coumroi ( of thie Ammmerlc.mmm l'ro. tectivo utseoclatiomu. 1mm tIme dIstricts se ( more a large foreigum vote Is expected time jumulges 5 % hio coumiti timumlerstuummil thm hmmmmgmmage of thus voterm hruvlitir ipn rolo'in,1 ii , , , inoi . , . . . .uii. \Vhuoumu ( ( icy expect to ice' able to liii limeir places 55111 be free to see that. the' luahiots Of titose ss lie are umiable to reach mire hixeth up. to bolster time uiervisiu ticket. 'rllEilt GAUZY EXCUSES. 'rime rcayoums giveum by Szmtmumtlera for timus tim rum I n g do iv mm ( tie mum e mi 51 ii a had beemi chosen by tIme mumayor him deiiammce of umhi lurecetleumt are so Ihiunsy as to be rhuhlctulotium. It is a fact timat. Is easily established ' titat ( hue mmmemm ts'hmo _ _ _ _ svero rejecteul svero In immost caaes ( lie ummost coumupctemmt anti ( rustwortimy mcii him time entire , hhet. sumbimuitte I by time mnmyor. ; Ftuily halt of titeimisVcre lumen \s'hmo have for years Itast Limemi eummployed as bookkcptrs , accumumitamits anti clerics amid who were especially qualified for time P051(10mm. ( Several are ycummug lawyers svhio are Commuecteth with ieadiiig loc.l flrrmms. lInt' tile ) ' were all tumId tlowua as "iumconm. jmetent , " V4il exainimiatiomi of thmo list of names' re- jeced ( affords time best possible imroof of the sophistry of time claiuumt' of time comnumulee. ( Jerry Linaiuan , ss'hmo was rccomnuumeuudcd as a Jumuigo In thic Fourth district of ( lie NInth warul uund m'ejeetetl by thm commmmmmitte , is tito chief 1)111 clerk at. ( lie Unioum Pacific head- quarters. lie is a ( lemumocrat anti ss'as atone ono ( limun a candIdate for Ott ) ' clerk , lIe sync tteateum by a suumahl ummajomity , which was largely dime to tIme fact that. Bob Armstrong - strong was , rumummlng by lmtitiomm. Accord- mug to time Jmutlguuuen ( of a umiajority of the city cotumucli ( lie maim ssVhmo is capable of fill- log one of the boost immmpormumt : clerical Posh- ( ions in ( lie gIft of tIme Uumlouu l'achthc htall- road conmpaumy is imucounpetent to act as a juitige of election. A. 0. 1)ahimtrom , who was also rejected , was formmmemiy chmhc't cirrier of time local Imost- ohhice tieparummen ( ( , fltut lie sync sumspected of imc.lng In sympathy ssVitim thin cltlzeumui' uumove- mont anti ss'as consequicuitly imuehlgibio hem ( tie judgmiuemmt of ( he council , J. H. Larsen is a law stuutlent nmmti Iii a clrrit 1mm tIme utihce of Mahmommey , Minneiman & Summytii. lie Is a young ummanm utnti cc- peclally fit.teti for ( lie position , but time fact tiLit he was Iii the 0111cc of ( bile firma of lawyers was sulllcint to remmdem' him "In- caumliti'enmt' ( ' him the eyes of tima coummellcimanlo conspirators. T. L. McDonnell is shea a young attormmey. Ho anti A , FI. harris svero both regit'trar 1mm the Second tiistrlct of time Thirti ward. TheIr work was eomnurmentcii cii by several citlzemis as being time best that hail ever been turned In by a regIstrar In ( his cIty. lii consequence ( hey were reconmnuteumdeitl by Mayor i1cnii for time electiomi board , but \Vlm turimud down as "incompetent" by the council. J. C. Swift. was anotluer expert cleric svlmo fell smother the ban. lie was foruumerly a deputy sherIff In ( hula county and ummore to- cently iuas been eummmioyeii aim a clerk In the olflca of ( he county juitigelie hum an cx- pert. penman and clerIc , limit lie was known to be a Catholic arid was thmcrcfore "iumcomn- [ usten t , " Daviuh T. Simanrahmaum is a cleric In time omco of time recortler of deeds auth is considered - sidered an expert bookkeeper aumul cleric. But lie is a umoum.in.law of Johmm ituhht and a Catholic , 'rime coummcii turned hmlmmu down , COUNCIl4 SUSI'iCIOLJS OP NAMES. James McMonies Imas beeum a Iumilee of ole- ( inn for ( he past ten years , ho' was for- nierly a merchiant , hiut is utow' time wesern represeuitative of time Cimicago Amumeu'ictmmi. limit ( hum Is not ( lie caine hrammti of ' 'Auuierican" an lImo local ittmbhicatluum of that umaune , anti McMoumles % % Vj5 also rejected. Johumi Stulhivan , Jr. , is a travi'lliug aalosmmman for a cIgar iuouse. and ummighit naturally be ielleved to be conupetent to act mmii a cleric of election , hut lime iuaumme against imlma and ( he council put. him on ( lie "incoimipo- teumt' ' list. Joimn 'V' ' . ' . hiosier lit one of time nlmlei ( ad' vertislng sollcliora 1mm Ommmuiiia. lie Is a young jumami s Ilk inure thaim ( he ordinary qiuaiificatiomma for ( lie poilomi. limit Saun. tiers hmappeumed to rcrnemimhier that healer hind at one timne been eonnectmd svlthm The Bro auud lie was turned mlown him short order , FI. C. Erihlng is one of ( lie heaviest prop. erty owimers in ( hue Fifth wVard lie is a sveil known ctt.izeui , but hiss hiecum a lohitical oppo. iiCfltV of Councilnmen Sstmumulers. Therefore Saummders retaliated by brammdlmmg lulmim. as "La- con ) pet sot. " Leonard I' . Aummirmus is an expert accomiumtant anti hoaruhs at tIme Barker huotm'i , Strange as it may ccciii to those sshmo hunts' imimim lie Is "incouimpament" to Oct as a clerIc of election. F. 0. liorton ono of ( lie mejecied mumen , is a prlmuter , aruti wits at one ( limit' Ihumamicial eec- retary of time 'ryimograpimical uiiloml. Ills In- tchligonco Is unqimeetiomucti anti lila ability to servo creditably as an electiomi ofilcer Ulmde. nlablo. The foregoIng are a few' saim'ph's ' of tiue sort of mimon whom ( lie cumttie fIsh gammg refused to allots' tra act on election clay. With a very few exceptions mill ( hue omen rejected mire of a simuimiar cimumracier. Most of them mire yotiutg umom anti a corimilderahule nuimuber are men wlmo have been thrown out of eunploy- ouemit by tIme reduuctons ( of office forces by the bIg corporations , Timeso uuuen whuo out of work were giveim ( lie preference by this mumnyor , but time ) ' recelseul ( hue ecuiui simomil- der by time ajion of time' council , Eight of liii' fiSh rejected store ut timrise stimose ap. toInmnents ( as regisirars hiatl hieen approved by time council a mtmommthm ago. Among those rejcctctl was C.V. . Dtmtton , 55bO was for- muierly a clerk lit time ( Jmuioem h'aeItia head. eusriers , butt who was tlursvn omit by a re- dumctlomm In hue force comum'i thus agoVU - 11am A. Me.iiiio ytm another young ant } apahle nina syhm haul been tiurowum out of womk' , James L. Green is a young mmmcii sail a caimable clerlr , ilmmgo l'rachut Is an oh. str.actcr uslto has fur a 101mg tIme bmn In the : I mf lime ( Ihlend ( iuusrjntce mind Trust I Voii1p4 All ttmoe scera Included. In time . - V V ,