, , ' - THE OMAHAJi'DAILY BEE. " . " " , , - : " . . . ' , ; . . : , . " . I . I - . - . :2t : : I ES'l'AnLISJIJ IsD JUNE 19 , 181 . OMAHA , 1.'IIURSDAY MORNING , OOTO . . t ER 31 , 1SHl-1."VELYE .AGES SINGLE COpy FIYE C1'1'S. IJ3Y WHOM ARE WE GOVERNED ? . I . 'EXPOSURE OF THE DARK LANTERN ORDER Government of the City of Omaha , and the County of Douglas Usurped by a Star Chamber Combine , . I DOCUMENTA.RY ( ; EVIDENCES ) OF POLITICAL CONSPIRACY } t AU Applications ! for Politlcul Prefermcnt , lade ! 1)ircctly to the Execn- five Committee of the A. P. A. Instead of to th : OHicers Duly . Elected by the People to Represent Their Will and . . ' tu Protect ! the 'uhHc Interests. Who governs-Oanaha and Douglas county ? Who constitutes the real government of our city 1I.J . county ? Who determines the numl- nations to be made by the different party conventions ? For some time It has been known that : It was not the people but a co- terie of oath.hound political chemers organ- Izcd Into a secret ! star.chamber order that was In reality attempting to conduct our local government In their own private Interest. It has been known that edicts of this dark- a lantern order were lcccpted ! by Its members ' as having the force of law and that com- lI1alll8 from the dervish council were executed cuttd by A. I' . A. public officlls : with a defer- I'nce not accorded a IInanlmous request of heir real cons'tltuents. It was known ' that non and women were blacklisted In these secret conclaves on account of their religion without oppotunlty of being heard were un- C < < ; 7. i1dTously turned out of the pUblic em- / ; rf yment which they were faithfully and r , efficiently fulfilling , and turned adrift , while others of less merit but with dervish back- hlg were retained and promoted and given pay In exccslI of the value of the service performed - formed It was known that In certain omces J , to which A. P. : A. 9fficlals had been elected , no one could seek appointment to minor po- IIItlon9 who did not have an endorsement from Council 125. All this was known or at any rat ' surmised but just how these In- ftuences did their work and how the machinery - chill-ry of the proscriptive combine was opeTRled-has been until now . merely a matter ot\co'njcctur ' . . , t x + 1Q. " I , " " of conjccture . . Documents are now In the possession of Th Dee which throw a flood of light upon the methodE' of the A. P. A. In Omaha and Douglas county. These documents are an orIginal mnuscrlpts. : They are written by .ncn hhh In the ranks of the dark-lantern junta. They have been examined by per- Eons familiar with their handwriting and there Is no possibility of disputing their genuineness. Anyone who , bon ! .tly doubts the Identity of the documents may examine UIelD ( In ThQ Dee " office. 'Accordrng : to the disclosures made In these piper the political work df the 'A. 1' . A. ' Is performed chiefly through conference com mlttees and subcommltlees .of then commit- tees. For example we have In fac-slmlle No . 1 the credentials of the representatives of Council No. . 12 , duly signed , as follows : hereby send you the address of the following : First captain Charles Unlit 3211 Charles street : second , Charles E. Miller , 3509 Burt : third P. SC'wenk , , 408 Leavenworth : fourth Johh L. CJtr , 3323 Davenport : Olh ! , Charles DJureen Twenty-ninth and 'arnam : sixth , Thomas Gray 3309 Jacllson. Further , II possible I wish to get II list of voters In this warll. Please let mt' know where I can get It. Yours etc , CHAHI.ES J. JOHNSON 1I0'V CANDIDATES . IHc'r.\TEIJ. One H'hrl.1 Cnmmlttl'e \111111111' : the Con"I'ntioll" or All l'olltlcnll'lIrlle. . . But the business transacted by these coun- cils , advisory boards and conference com- mittees Is ot a most varied character. In fact this dark lantern order acting behind barred doors through oathbound members and delegates , has usurped to Itself the entire power of the regularly constituted govern- ment. Us decrees anticipate and supplant those of the caucuses , primaries and conven- tions. Npt only does It assume to regulate and control the primaries and conventions of the republican party , but of all parties. One committee alone composed of members pretending allegiance to different political parties , undertakes to dictate to all parties. An illustration this Is found 'In the follow- Ing'report of a subcommittee No. 7 : NO. 7- Mr President-Your committee to whom was referred the resolution to suggest a plan for the conduct of the primary elections and the conventions beg leave to report that we find It impossible to proceed until the councils - cils confer the ' proper authority upoli this commltt . We therefore request that we be continued for another week , as we are advised that. members ot lhp order In different councils - cils are proposing by proper action to confer upon this committee the pecessary authority to proceed . ( Slgnell. ) M. H. REDFIELD n. W. GIBSON , J. H. WINSI'EAR , E , S , E'IIIIONS. This committee , It will bo noticed , declined to act until It had rC'C3Ive(1 the proper author- tty , Steps ' were however , taken to give : It that 'aulhorlty , as witness the following Nil. 8. duly signed and slamped with the seal of Omaha council No. Ii : NO. 8- Shall executive power be granted to the conference commlttl'o In the management of FAC SIMILE OF DOCUMENT NO. I , ' . Gy I . . I , U I .22AL , 437 . . , ; Zxii : , .vl > > 'v ' , - - " r- - 7C4P - - [ 's- . " , ( r'f ( . , . , ' , : : : ; . I . . .i : . . . ft , / ( ? eU ' , ' . ' ' ' ' / /-.9' . 4V' - . " NO. 1- OMAHA , Neb. . Oct. 20. 891.-WI' hereby certify that the following named per- eons have been duly _ selected to represent Council No 12 : Henry C. Akin Charles H. flowes , George Woodard HENUY C. AKIN , President CHARLES S. IIUNTINGTON Secretary. Again this ' one . 'No.2 , regarding the nlllug of a , vacaneyln the representation Council No.5. under the official . seal of that organization : NO. : . : - . . . ' t 1A . . Neb. . Sept. 4 , 1891-To the can , _ , . = 'Nle'pmllteo of the A. P. A. of I Douglas county : " ' Nebroeka \ : 'rlend.-Thlll II to certify that I' ' ; pl T. L. Van Qorn haa been duly elected 1nil . the vacancy caused : by the IIInus of Friend . 1IIaglll In the delegation - tlon to the conference committee. ARTHUR A , WINTER Sec. No 3 : J la the certificate of the representation - tion of Grant council No.8 : NO. a- OMAHA , Neb. . June 5 , 1891-To the Con- ference Committee of the A. P. A. : This Is to certify that S .t. i1 Hednehl has been duly elected as one of the commlllle to represent Grant Council No 8 of Omaha , Neb. . In the general council commlttee. I. C. BACIIELOR Secretary No. 4 Is the certiOcate- representation of South Omaha council No.2 : No 4- SOUTH OMAHA Aug. 29 , 'Ol.-To the con- ferl'nce committee : . This II to certify that A , H. Miller bas ben appointed a member of the conference committee from South Omaha from South Omaha council No. 2 . C. 1' . MILLER C. I. . POItTIlt Pres. . Sec. This communication bears the official seal of South Omaha council No . 2. No 5 Is a paper relative to the resignation of member .of the advisory board : . NO , G- Mr Chairman and Members of the Ad- visory Board ot the A , P. A , : My slgna- - lIeu 118 captain of the Fourth ward Is hereby placed In your hand. Please accept my thanks for the confidence reposed , E. E. ZIMMEItMAN . j Qn the back of Mr. Zimmerman' com munlcatlon Is the endorsement "Moved to accept Adopted , Motion of 0. 11 . Ecker- man . Loins J.'allt filled vacancy 4th ward " No , 6 Is a list of Ninth ward leaders sub milted for the Information ot one of the cen tral authorities : J NO. ( - OMAHA , Nep. , Sejlt. 5 , 1892.-Charles Copley , Dear lrleDc1t As per agreement I the coming campaign so far as the caucuses primaries and conventions of the various par- ties are concerned ? Adopted September 4 , 1891. 1891.A. A. A. WINTER Sec'y No. 6 , Omaha , Neb Here we have executive power granted toy the conference committee composed of both democrats and republicans to manage the caucuses primaries and conventions of all : parties the democratic , republican and popu- list. Yet after this hybrid committee hall manipulated the action of these conventions , compelled the ratlOcatlon 01 nominallona previously - viously made In A. I' . A. councils , the same men come out publicly and Insist that all republicans or all democrats must support the cahdldates named In their party conventions - ventions respectively or suiter the odium of party disloyalty. AI If thts were not going far enough the A. 1' . A. committee takes one step further. Not content with telling conventions that they must nominate this man or that man . It goes on and binds the nominee to appoint under him only deputies and clerks recol11' mended by the order. An Instance of thIs high-handed proceeding Is shown In the agreement exacted from George R. Arm- strong when he ran tot city ; clerk as a republican In 1891. This agreement as shown In fac-slmlle No.9 , Is drawn up Iq the handwriting of Melvilleltedfleld present candidate for county clerks on the dervish republican tlckpt , signed hY Armstrong and witnessed by Hedneld and Fred Ander90n. No II- OMAHA . N'b. ! . Ocl. 26. 1891.-In consideration - lion of receiving the support of the A. P. A. for the ofllce of city clerk I hereby agree to make the following appolntmentll : Harry Coul1unan , tint dtput . D. J , Burgess And two democrats , members of the A. P. A. , to be recommended by the executive \ coin- mlttee of the A. 1' . A. A.G. G. H. ARMSTRONG Witness : M. H , Redllehl , Fred Anderson , This infamous document pledges a repub- lican candidate to appoint as his clerks If elected , two democrats , unnamed but to he named by the executive committee of the A. 1' . A. . This means that the A , 1' . A. . now so loud In calling for the support of a straIght party ticket compelled every republican who voted for Armstrong for city clerk to vote for two A. P. A. democrat ! to whom appoint. ments In the city clerk's office were promised - hed In case of his success at the polls. Party loyalty counts for nothing In comparl- son to devotion to A. 1' . A. spotlegetting , NO. 10- To the Conference Committee of the A. P. A-'I. : the undersigned , hereby make al pllca- , tlon to your committee for the position of city prosecutor. Yours , 1 < ' . P. P. I. C. DACIIELOH. There were other contestants for this place , both democrats and republicans as wllness documents No : 11 and No 12 : XU. 11- OMAHA Neb. . Nov. 17 , 1891-Conference Committee , A. 1' . ' A. , 321 Omaha National Dank Building City-Gentlemen : Being a member of Council No.9 , I beg leave to In , form you that I am an applicant for the office of city prosecutor and to ask your support and recommendation therefor , If upon Investigation you shall find me worthy of your ( avor. Respectfully yours , II , L. DAY. N0. 12- OMAHA , Nov 10 , 1891.-Conference Com- wanted reappointment as gas inspector down to William Farr , who posed as a competitor of Israel Frank for dog butcher. The documents - , ments In the case follow , numbered from 13 to 22 : NO. 1:1- OMAHA Neb. . Dec. 17 , 1691 . -Conference Committee of the A. P. A.-Genllemen : I have made application to lion. George 1' . Bemis , mayor-I'lect of the City of Omaha for the appointment of the position of street com- mll8loner for the city of Omaha. I would like to have the endorsement of the A. 1' . A. through Its conference committee. I have been an active and avowed member ot the A. I' . A. and caused considerable animosity tOWl4rd myself by reason of my open endorsement - 'dorsement of the principles of the A. P. A , ' and for that reason I think I am entitled to your favorable consideration. I My business al a grader has made me familiar with all the tulles of this position. I have not now any contracts or business which would conflict with the proper dis- charge of my duties as such omcer. With I your endorsement I believe I could secure the appointment and I therefore respectfully request the same Very respectfully ERNEST STUIIT , -.l.5 , - ' XO. 1.- , . . t OMAIA ) Nov 10 , 189L- : ' - Qonference ! Committee . I mittee A , 1' . A. . Clty- < 1entlcmen : I here- i with beg leave to call you attention to the ' fact that I aln an applicant for the position of Inspector of buildings oCtbo city of Omaha and ask the favor' of your' influence with the mayor and council-elect 'towarl\ the securing of my appointment thE.'reto. Respectfully your . S.-MACLEOD. NO. 1n- OFFICE 010' CITY GAS INSPECTOR OMAHA : \ Neb . Dec. 5 , 1891.-F.red Anderson lq. , Omaha Neb.-Denr Sir : Enhlosed please find copy of my application for the position of city gas Inspector with statement attached thereto. The same .Is very re apeet- fully submitted for the consIderation ot the com milleI' . JAMES GILBERT " pas ( Inspc-ctor. N0 111- OMAHA Neb. . Nov. 30 , ' 1 ! 91.-Members of the Conference Committees A. P. A.-Gent1c- " , I FAC - SIMILE OF DOCUMENT . 'NO. 9 I -l It. ? t ( . 'd . , - " 11Jt.1 , , 4 " ' . . 7) .a. . . ti. .fM ? /1 'v . - / - ' "IA ' . . . ' / _ . ! . / _ - , - , . . . . . . ' ) . I I . . , , . . . . " . . . - - < < # . . . . . . . . . L-t--- /10 , - , ' ' . . , - \ ' > . J Jit : . . . " " . , .1 .4' . . . . A" . ' . " , . . ' " v' - . . . . / I < / ' ' " - - - - - - . . v'1' , ; - . . . . , -T'-- : rv I' rr' . - .N . , . I ( . ( L . . . - . . .at ' ' > / . ' . . . ' .0 " .ll-fa ; l6 L 4. . ' ' ' ' # -Yn . - . . .G.-f -4 KL .9 - , ' : . . A . . . . . . ' . " . . ' . . . . . . t--.u. " . . . ' ' .J. : : : . . . . . . _ . , . , . ' - " 1I . , ; . " ' \ . . ' . " ; . . . . . . l1 ; : : ; & ; : : ; - , . : , , . , " I Al'l'OIXTlsn l'O"'I USUItI > EU. A/.pllcrtnts for i'InCPN Under lhl'or : Address . . the Conference Committee. The duties ! of the committees arc not ex- haunted with the electron ! The whole patronage . ago of the newly elected official ! has to be disposed of and It la the mission of the A. 1' . A. to see that only members ' of the hoseri order secure II slice. In this distribution the question of party loyally does nut enter. A. P. Alsm Is the ; only test of fitness. Democrats . crats may aspire to appointment under republicans - publicans and republicans under democrats , provided only they can secure the endorsement - ment of our governors In star cha'mber. Naturally the offices at the disposal of the mayor are the principal points of attack be , cause more numerou But the appllc.1t1ons tpr appolntmontpre not made to the mayor except ! ! for form. They arc made directly to the conference commlttrc and read just as If It were this committee that has the offices to b stow. In illustration , read the following application No 10 , of Ira C. Bachelor for the position of city prosecutor : " men : I desire to Inform you , that I am seeking - Ing the appointment of city ! , meat Inspector under the honorable George P. . Demls.lI1ayor- elect of 01lr city , and I request you to use your influence In my behalf \conUng \ to the rules you may , ma.kp In referlnce ! to the applications - plications of thefrlends , ofwrorder. Having been a practical botcher for' th last thIrty years. Yours respectfully . ! . ' . . WH.UAM FARR XO. 17'- , t . r Hilt CALIFORNIA TRIET : : OMAHA . Nov. 9. 1891.-Genlemen. ! pf the Conferenct' Committee ; I am a calHlte \ for the office 9f city veterlnarian ! Jln appointment ( In the Kilt of the mayor , and I kllldl , : ask you to consider my application . I ' Tara a member of the American Protective "clntlon and II resident and practicing veterlgary.surgeon In Omaha for five years last pat. iTrusthg my application may merit your approval and , subsequent - sequent recommendation , r remain cntlc- ! . , men , respectfully yours , - " rr 'r -G. R. YOUNG , D. V. S. . o. 1NT ' . ' . \ bMAHA , "ih. ! , hec. 18 , J.,89t.-rp-the : Con- ference Commnteij 'of the American Pr.Qtec- tlvg Assgcigtion-FMenda : ' I Amts'a .riitJdato for the once or..clty Icense'llnIeCt ! ! ' , in . the girt of the mayor-elect. J\i. : . . .f.lrorgu 1 E. , Hernia , , for the ensuing ternf''oV'two y'oorl , . and I desire the endoraementtof . , your honor- able body If you can conscientiously .recom- " r , , " . a . . . . . - - " , . 1" . FACSIMILE OF DOCU'IVIENT , ' NO. 10 . . . . . I ' . . , _ ' , " . J . ' . : - : : < . - _ /jj % Jlf . . J/ Hi , , ) l-L. . ' . I JHi c-t' ( J : . . 7 JlJ _ . , , - - . ' , . - - " " , . ' " mlltl' , the A. 1' . A.-Gentlemen : I have this day presented my name to the mayor- I elect George 1' . Bemis , as an applicant for the office of city prosecutor. As 'a member In good standing of Rescue No 1 and being , qualified , I believe to fill the position I de- sire to ask' your aid and assistance In securing It. I am , gentlemen very respectfully yours , CHARLES K. mALLE. But city prosecutor Wall not the only gift of the new mayor of which the A. 1' . A. order assumed to have the disposal. Every member of the order who wanted any office appointive by the mayor , frpm Ernest Stuht who wanted to be a member of the Board of Public Works : Sam Macleod , who , aspired to be building Inspector : James Gilbert who FAC SIMILE OF DOCUMENT NO. 8 a w."Vm : o.\ aw + + ) : D\(1N ( t CCU. G .AW , 'LCwta"3 ; CEtwu + u..W A OCT7 p l aJ . ' nn\Ifh _ . ' . . . . . . /.1b ? ? / p2 J' " " mend me to that position ' 1 have beat : an active member of lodge No , i of the American - can Protective assocatlon ! since ! September of this year. I have been a member o1 the police department of this city for the last two and one-half years . and . . it appointed to the office mentioned , will devote my whole time and attention to the dutila of the same , and will plOmlse that no act of mine will cause you torpgret'l\ny ' endorsement that you may he pleased to favor me " with . I reside a 61G Davenport street , Omaha , Neb. I submit herewith copies of letters and petitions now In my possession for your cx- amlnatlon and consideration. Respectfully yours . W. W. COX. The petitions referred to are attached and are the same that were submitted to the mayor by Cox. r , XO. 10- OMAHA , Nov 10. 1891.-1"9 the members of the general conference cum mittel' of the American Protective usoclat ! : Frll'nds-I herewith present to your honorable body my application for the position of license Inspec- tor. I am a member of council No.6. and was recently chairman of fhe ( Sixth ward delegation to the city convention. I am a practical machinist by occupation , having entered - terell the servIces of the Union Pacific Railroad - road company as sn apprentice In the month of November 1869 , and continued tn their service up to ' the present th'le. Hoping that yoU will givE < this your caret it l consideration I remain respectfully , MILES D , HOUCK No 2(1- ( I The following II written 01\ \ one of the let- lee heads of James H. larnacle } & Co , plumber 323 North Fifteenth Itreet. OMAHA . Neb. , - 11. 180i-To : the general - oral conference committee of the American Protective .uoclal1OI\ : Genl1emen-I dealra to place In your hands my application 1\8 superintendent of plumbing. My pall ! . as well as my present experience In that capacity I can assure your commltte-e I am competent In every respect and In every detail. I have been In the plumbing business for the past five years and can furnish your committee with the beet " , of reference from the best business men of this city. My place of business - ness office Is 323 North Fifteenth street. I am a munber of Council No.1 and l a reshlt'nt for twenty years of this city , and reside In the Sixth ward Hoping that you will give thin application due consideration , I 1111 re- spectfully. JAMES : H , BARNACLE XO. 21- OMAHA Neb. , Dec. 12. t891.-To the mont- bars of the A. P. A. conference committee : Genllemen-Delng an applicant for II position under the plumbing inspector I would respectfully - spectfully ask your t'ndorsement. Very respectfully yours , CARL CARLSON 2122 ! Davenport street . - - - - - - . - . . . . - . . - . . - . . . NO. : : : . : - I 3320 Huggles Street Omaha . Nov. 28 , 1891. Chairman Conference Committee. Sir : Encl - closed please find copy of IIn application : which has been forwarded to lion , George I' . Bemis , mayor.elect , I respectfully submit the same ' for your information and with a view of securing the aid and assistance of your cOmmittee In my behalf. I l1ve born induced to make this application by my friends on'theoutslde as weFas ) rnembere of our organization and now that I have 'olt red , myself as.a candidate I hope to\Vln.anc In , order to qo so I ome , p"l1r. . commfUeo , and ask your conslderallon'and'co-ope : atlon. ' < , I : have _ eef1t 'tnor bl.ro.f'c1ncll"No. . . ' ' . 111ilnce a' short lime lifter Its organization : and have' worked hnrd . conscientiously \ fbr the success - cess ot the 'order and whether I get the po- sltlon I seek or not I stand ready to work Just as hard again. I have not previouslY aspired for any political once and would not FAC - SIMILE OF DOCUMENT ' N0. 19 . . . . . , ' . ( OaiiaJ ' 01-nr k lif' 4t ) . ' 772GiMYL ; tip' 1M If. Let/N a ? o..G'v. ' < 4t-u. . < < < < , . t.ht < t-u tLzu. . ( cPh/'LA..tCPt.t . ( w1rrLGt.GK1.oe / . . ' : : > \ ? . < < O ; . - - 0f ! -L1 Mtlj ! eaiwletew' . . : ; " /t-t ! ' 4i .t . /r- t/ -dth'r ' - - ' rr r Q. re : I/ . 'l'r ' ot.Ulc0 ; t y -r ; 4. . / v. IJ - ' . . t. a rX r ' " . .l citP au0 fih , w y.U " "ci' o [ a. aud.'lJ'"aAl s & ' t.VQ.A.C/ ' GYr. / ct ad /4tQCer d . . JrAJifjY6 ! PI' cva " 17 . a-k , , - 4' Fr'ur + ftcR - ( ' 0 ' ,0 ; a 16 0Cea4N ' - O.r/ ' . . _ L--k . . ' . . th : GCC , ' -U-/i"O'lJ ' fl0f 1 Ga r f2.U'2n. C..7 ! t L' . Aa. . : l : tirad tp&hIZ CLu Ctct # ' ' wfiic t , /J > tfd' t ft9tf / f C'ovEiu ; ta a . .711fV4 : a. hfz C42c uLrc.GG' ' ( 1ur , J - U a f / c" ' ' > { ze J. . ' . . . fq ? . ( L-t LU"Le..e 9 ti L- . . f j C uti a , y-r.J . ' : CQ/ . fGGtcr2u f4 . ' . . . " ' 'eiE ? M. do so now but for the fact that I lost my position at the shops , which hall taken about six years to attain on account of my con- nection with the tP. . A. I am now employed - ployed In the once of the auditor of disbursements - bursements at Union Pacific headquarters but owing to promotion being somewhat slow I have decided to strike out and better my condition If possible hence my application to the mayor-elect. U. therefore I have done anything In working for our Inltltutlon to recommend me to your consideration I shall \Ie pleased If you will be kind enough 10 sup- port my application and use your influence to that end I am . etc. , yours In 1 < ' . P. & I' , GEORGE E. WILSON , CITY IEI'Alt'1'3iI N7'S COX'I'ItOI.l.I . COllllllltt..t' Doles Out \III'olntlllentll . All Thr'HlKIi the City linn. Whether the position desired II within the appointing power oC the mayor or not Is 1111' . - - material The patronage of the Board of \'ubllc Works and oC the hoard of Health Is "qually ! the patronage of the . A. 1' . A. committee ' \nltlet , The A. I' . A. rank arc full of In. clillent sidewalk Inspectors , liS Is shown In documents No 2t. No. 25 and No. 26 : XO. 21- Friend Wlnsper : : Will you put me hewn for Sidewalk Ir.spector or a I'oulon of Trust and abItIKc. ' N. STEVENS. 1008 North Thirty-third Street , City. XO. 2- 3320 ltuggles Street , Omaha , Nov. 8. ' 01.- James \Vinspear . Esq „ Chairman of the Conference Committee . Dear Sir : Woo the subscribers hereto , would respectfully represent - sent to your honorable body that we have In our midst II "I.'rlend" whom we desire shall ccelvo on appointment under the new city government and knowing you have the best Interests of our organization at heart we come to you first In order that nothing may be done that would bo 11. detriment or reo fleet any discredit upon our Institution. Please , lhtrefore be ao kind as to look Into the merits of the case and acquaint us with your decision. There Is one office that we know our esteemed friend , John T. GIIIam could fill with credit to the city and to our entire membership. Dy reason of his educa- tion and thorough knowledge of the require- FAC' - SIMILE OF DOCUMENT NO. 11 , H. t. . DAY. .T'\ \ 'p' . . . . . . ; . , . , , . . . . . ' 11 ' aies. " 1D cou,8le ' tAli' 1,5 r. , ; rw IJ/ a , + , . s.'e . . ' . , . r . , . . . . ' ' . . . O a. , > t"J. . rl.,791. . ! . { M . . - rsau re ttCLC aha , , tf. .g.t/ ' a & /LM..1.tI ( . a1 - ' " : " y -'V" AL - . . . _ ' . ! ' . . , . ' , " 3 o-/ ( ? # , \A Y'U / - - - . I - &kr . .r-- aClAA - # .clL. cC : ) c- /tJ 4 . . . . ! , . " 1 , I r 11f : ; = C- ' . , ' , , f' . : ' . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ merits of the brace ' " ; we are sailafied ! Mr : Gil- lam wQUld make / the best sidewalk Inspector the city has ever had. III' Is an old member 'of council No..Ii.and ( ; has proven bitsaelf - loyal - to , Oql'cu ) o ; al14lltas beentq'llard ! ? worker for . the triumph ' ( : - -governmeht. . He"isu.a . man'wlth , 'a..tIl11l.l1).to support and Is very deserving In every waf. 'Thcrefore ; we , as republicans earnestly r commend , him to con- . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ u _ uu . . 'FAC - SIMILE OF DOCUMENT NO. 15 : / IMpZS. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ . ' royrtce Op' r" . " , - CITY ' GAS INSPECTOR. i ft.- : , . . . &aka , . ) j rJ " , . . . l ! Q p.J89L A : d a. . . oG ra.n e. " 9" . : o a.h..t , " .w fAI r fi1 - . . . , 'G : . . r,1l crfd2i a ' u tiN17.q ; : J-Iui' a1dv r I 7 eV ( Iz a/dL6a u.e442 - 5 t r.Ld t-t . "ru. , ( , i ' : : .of'r. 2.d /4 - -r. ' < ! J ! ' . . f --j1'a..tf AKit slderaUon , not because he Is a. democrat , or because of his membership In our organization - tlon , but because he Is an American citizen , capable and worthy. If you can do anything for him as members of the A. 1' . A. well and good , but If not , we would be pleased to have - - - - . . - i , yours In P. P. & 1\ GEORGE I 1DWAHU WILSON J. II , OLENDENNING , A. GAVIN , A. I'I TlmSON. . JOHN ll IIOIIAIIT NO. : % 0- . ' - . OMAIIA Nl'b. , Dec. 16 . IS91.-Gcnt1emen . of the A. 1' . A. Conference Committee : ' 1 apply ' for position of sidewalk Inspector this day and desire your assistance In securing same I refer you to Cyrus Morton ( ( deco ) , Jeff Megeath ( ( dam ) , George W Ames , Jr . ( dem. ) . J. W. Eller ( rep. ) amt John C. Thompson - son Respectfully JOHN II. 1I0Nl-WITZ. : This letter Is printed on a letter heat or the Amcrlcun. b lI1ployes of the health department who wunt to retain : their positions apparently require - Quire the A. ] ' . A , endorsement or document No 27. written on the letterhead of the commissioner - missioner of health wu an unnecessary formality : \ o. 2'1'- OMAlIA Dec 7. lS91.-Conference Com- mittee A. 1' . A.-Gentlemen Friends : I \ am an applicant for the city office of sanitary cOJrmlssloner. Have been un employe of the city of Omaha since Juno 4 . ] 884. having been connected with the health department nearly seven years , and 11111 at present a sanitary \ Inspector of said tcllartment. I am a republican a resident of the Ninth ward and II member of council No I , A. 1' . A. My application has been presented to the houorabiq mayor-elect. I must respectfully asll that your honorable hotly will examine my past record as a city official and If It should meet your approval that you will give me your endorsement and support In this mailer. I am yours respectfully HENRY W. PETTIT Room 51. Barker Block The office of the city comptroller , to whose ! Incompetence and negligence a large share of the respon&lblllty for the late treasury defalcation has been charged up , was also regarded as the legltl1nate province for the . operations of the A. P. A. conference com- milleI' One of thc old employs of the OffiC . who later was given a place as chief boole- keeper for ex-Treasurer 1Iolln. writes this ! long communication on the letterhead of the comptroller No. 28 : No 2H- OMAHA , Neb. , Nov , 14 , 1891.-Dear Sir : In the matter of deputy comptroller \ which seems to be a bone of contention , would like to lay before your committee \ what Is be- lieved to be a just cllllm , based on facto and experience , via : That J. W. Fead Is entitled to the place from the fact that he has grown up with the office sInce August 1887. and Is familiar with the details and requirements I thereof. The OmC Is responsible for all fee offices connected with the city government a check being made 1110nthl ) ' . All bonds , con- tracts and lIabilities are passed upon before becoming of forc . The point to be conveyed Is this : For any new comptroller not acquainted - Ql1alnted with the duties and requirements ot the office to appoint as deputy one who has had no mere experience than himself In this line Is slmpty' ' a polltlcal'transactlon and not one of buslnesll. I do not wish to stand In the way of any one ' to Il posltlon yet I am compelled In self-defense arid In 'view' of my long l experience In this business to ask and . , expect pot ! to be placed . . In a.n . Inferlolyp' ' : d8lllon. I ! You must realize the'taet'thbt : for' thexfl'rst. , , .Ix. month ' .tlle , , run 0 I.IIt ! o.Jf ! , .l1. \ . price c ! ; would ; ! , . _ 'I ! gely'derolve ) ; _ gq < ! me/ Eurlhertpgye : \ ' the . eqm ; - : Ing year witfbo ( a ' busy bnono\'f that III1.thl ponds have been carried ; hd"I tllls''ofnce ( IJakes ! them and passes on the lIabllltl payable out of same experience Is absolutely necessary. In polll\cs \ 1 am a democrat but - this appointment Is a matter of business which has been the policy 'of this office In the past as regards appointments. Respect- fully yours. .1 . W. FEAD FRED ANDERSON , ESQ. . Secretary. Still another applicant , who later received the appoIntment 'In the city treasurer's office whIch he asked for , humbly requested the privilege of seekIng employment In thlll well endorsed communication , No 29 : I NO. lll- : OMAHA , Neb. , Nov 25 , 1891.-To the lIon- orablo Conference Committee A. P. A. Clty- Friends : I take the privilege of making the following application and submitting the same to your kind consideration : I am anxious and desirous of offering myself self as a candidate for a porition either In the county liherlrf's or In the city treasurer'lf office. I should prefer II position In the sher- Ilf's once as I served In a similar capacity for four years and consider myself better qualified although a good number of my friends would also like to see me connected with the treallurer's oOlce. Hoping that this will meet with your approval and sanction , I remain. Your friend 1 FRANICV , BANDHAmm. We the undersigned members of the A , P. A. , take the Pleasure In recommending Friend l1andhauer for a position In either of the offices as herein mentioned without any hesitancy - tancy , and we hope that this will meet with liucce9S. Yours JOHN MATTHiESEN . JOHN J. IiIILLEII ( . JOlIN N. WESTBERG , ERNEST STUllT , C. J , CANAN JOHN C. THOMPSON. FAC w SIMILE OF DOCUMENT N0. .30 . . NOU1e3 AND ApAa1N5Nllr 1 Dl7R a'On nBNT. , N' a / eon ' a . A . . . , Ofhce , Raom 6 von llor ' . ' . . . . . , . .OU' . " = . . . . . . . . . . . " ' " - . , . , ' . . , a ( JfhIq. ct..l1" " - M I J ) t . . . ' / fAAJ 1. . ' \ . . . , , " . . \ ' \ ; . . - . - . 't. t . , \L _ ' . , rv.vvu nr.y , \11 , \ . ' , t' ! : " : , a.- . - . \ , . . ' ' - " \ " " ' \\I : . , . . . . . . -.1' " \A- \ : , ) \ " . , t.'I ' v" , . " ' -i. \ _ . : . . . . . . . \ " ' . . , CV. ; : . . , ro 1 ! ' \.0 " - - ' . - - , " : " ( ) _ _ ' I " ( \ _ j ) . : \ . ; . 1 r . WNw11 ' , . , , , . . \ . . , . . . ' \ ) e . c& s ' . , r & . : = ? ; : \ _ .j . 'C" :1 : , . - : . . - 't-\ : r" . . ' 4 C'\ " ' , s ' . . . t\J " . . . : . - - A. < . . ui y I or 5 : ; you use your Influence for htrqg9 ' individuals Friend OIlIam knows nothing whatever of this and Is not aware that anything Is being done In his behalf nor do WI wish that he should unlll we know what course your honorable body shall decide updn . Awaiting your reply wa are , gentlemen , fraternally 1 , TIE POLICE DI:1'AItT11i9NT 'roo , I'ullee Olllrt'rll' Store for Di.trlhulton AmonK the Chosen Order . 1lrtly The police force , too . supposed to have been placed outside the realm of politics by giving Its management Into the hands 0'