- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( _ } _ _ _ - TIlE OJ\IATIA DAILY BEE : 'r I HSnA Y _ _ O [ 10BIHt 81 1 , 1fWj ; _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - - - - @J I@J I I - I omCl' , 12 : I'cnrlSttpet-lI. W TIItin , Jnnn""r , I Lc" oo , I I I I -I. _ . _ : ' - ( 1 I ? J r IWff21J'rct - . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . _ . - . . . . _ . - _ _ - - T- - : 'UIIt ; \ tIN'I1ON. : 1w' , , 1 - _ Clan StewArt gave lIallowe'en party 1at : evenIng. Chr'unthemumll 3. nlcI'hcuon : , teie phone 241. : ! W. A. Maurer pahl customs yetterda nt thu Council lJIuITs ( port of entry on eight car loads : of crockery from nglanll. I ' attached yesterday - Wilber Snxton's team was day morning to ! atify a claim of I'mll : Schurz for Iii , the amount of an attorllcy's fee. The committee that lias In haml the ar- rangements for the poultry show , to be given about ThanlerJ\'lng ; ! , will Issue the program In nbollt n week , There will be a Hnllowe'en social ! thIs evening . Ing nt the Christian tnbernacle. A lIIuslcal and , literary program will he Ilresentcd alld refreshments will \ be sen'el1. The members of Harmony chapter , Order of the astern ) Star , will give n lIallol\'e'en socIal nt Masonic : \ hall this evenIng Friends of the order cordially In\'ltell. _ Invitations artt out for a birthday < reception Friday evening lit the residence of Itev. O. W. Snyder , 217 South Seventh street gl\'en by the ladles of St. John's Englhh Lutheran church. Levi Doughert , a IG-'ear-ol < boy , who was found with a jaG , was given a ten.day jail sentence yesterday mornng : , but on account of his youth the sentence was EUspended liy Judge ! McGee : \ during good behnvlor. Nothing further was done yesterday In the saloon Injunction calCS but It Is proh3ble that those not already : SllOsecl ) of viIi \ be taken up by Judge Macy this morning and gotten out of the " ay. A motion for n new trial was flied In the district court yesterday by John ? Miller who was convicted of robbery. The document makes the stereotyped 1 allegation that the verdict of the jury was contrary to law allll evillence. A big gun , weighing , , 140,000 ponnds went off nt the Union I'aeltlc transfer yesterday : afternoon. The rr.port of It was heard several - urn ) hours before It finally went off on two flat cars destined to be used In the coast defenses In the west. C/urlcs / A. Oardner In The Prize Winner , " appeared at the New Dohany last ovenln ! ; . The New Dohany Is gellln to hE ! ' very much like time 0111 JJohany , so far as patronage , Is concerned. The entertainment last e\'en- , lag was one of the best that Manager , Alton has so far iresemitel : , but the attendance was of the poorest. II. O. Cook wishes The nee to correct an crronoous Impre8Sl as to the discovery of another fracture n few days ago after weeks of medical trl'atment. The physicians who hall the case during the first week did not know of the fracture. and by- the time > nr. Mncrao was called In th" limb was so swollen and inflamed that no outward sign was visible. Dr. Macrae , ho Is convinced has lIon his full duty , and Is not to be blamed In the least for anyone else's shortcomings. The trouble between Charles Brovollght and his wife with Augu t Jonshelt In Lewis town- ship the other day was aired In JustlC ? Vlen'9 court yeslerllay. Il arose over a line fence , and the evhlenco showed that Ihrovo- light struck Jon9helt , and \Irs. : \ IJrovollght did yeoman's service with her finger nails. Jnnshelt retorted with a tcle ! , but as he was Jot on trial ho was not punished. IJrovollht , was lined $5 and his wlfo $1 , while they are to pay the costs between them. W. 11. Hare , who appeared ns their attorney , left the jU9lce : shop In a rage and announced that he would file no less than four Informations : against Jonshell before the day was over. Farm loans made In western Iowa at low. est rates. No delay In closing ! loans. Fire and tornado ! Insurance wrlllcn In best of com. panles. Dargalns In real estate. LOUGEI _ ( & TOWLE , 235 Pearl St. Money to loan on Impro\ Iowa farms. 1argo loans a specInlty. I.V. . Tulleys , 102 Main street , rooms 2 and 3. (1) ( ) No 919 ! Main street 18 - - Coltl ' Vne ComlnA' It you wllnt a good steVe to put up before you start your furnace , buy one or Swaine's alr-thht . stoves the best made , at 710 liroad way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I't-USOXAL : I'AII.\GUAI'IIS. J. C. Baker , who was Iclclwl by hl horse Tuesday night , was able to be about yester- day afternoon. 4 E. P. Harrison , accompanied hy his wife , Is In the city for a visit with his brother , W , I B. Harrison , on Logan street. Superintellllent II. W. Sawyer was selected as one of the Judges for the Iowa State Ora- torical association which helll Its annual contest at Iowa City last evening. j 'fhls weather suggests , warm nllll comfortable - fortablo things. 'fhoso "Colorado Eldt i Down" bed comforts at the Council Bluffs Carpet company'a and the big line of fum' rugs meet these suggestions. They arc cheap . durable , beautiful (2) ( ) Away down town , but If T. D. BucheI' can save you more than car Chambera' dancing academy now open for pupils. Cal ! after 10 a. m. Circulars. IIItIS'I' ( :0 : 1.'UU'I'Ugll v.\'rCII noon , 111011' " CIf ) ' .H/ln I. Not " . / lnh',1I nIl I be Its : :11011" :11/1" : Gilt A"/I ) ' . Ed Drown returned yesterday from Sioux City , where he went In response \ to a telegraphic - graphic message ! Illforming him that the wan Hood , who wcrled him on n forged check ! racket , was In jail there under the name : of Schraller. The similarity of the game Schrader hall been playing with the one play4t by Rood and the way In which the descriptions of the tvo I men tallied had en- cotlraell ! Brown to thlnle that he might get sweet revenge ' after all . but his hOlies were shattered. Schrader looked n IIttlo like Hood , but not enough so to bo taken for him by one who knew hood so well. There Is no doubt ! that HooII was In Des Moines a day or two ago , but ho Is not there IIOW. 110 called at time otllco of a tlckc.t broker allll tried to sell him the bran now ticket he had hought In Omaha Sunday , the same one which he had tried to dispose of to . D. W. lIushn11 of this city. Thl ) broker was suspicious of , the ticket because It had never been urel1 and telegraphed to the Omaha man who hall Bold IL In response came a telegram from the police to arrest . Hood und haiti < ! him. But Hood had slipped out , nllli there Is no Idea among the poltce as to his present wheroabouts. , IInrllnA'ton nQllt. Fall race meeting , Lincoln , Neb" , October 28 to November 1. The best horses In the country will be thel e. One fare for the round 'rip. O. M. BROWN , Ticket Agent. Radiant , Novelty and i-Imhurst stoves for hard coal ale the most economIcal stoves Illude. fold ; only by Charles Swaine. 740 Droadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'oft It tan to (3oei- fob Scott , who carved Bill Kerney on Lower Main : strtet last Monday : \ night , has been keeping carefully out of the way of the officers eve since the affray took 1110cc. I.at evening ho ventured too near an Omaha pa- IIceman and was gathered fil. Word was sent to the pOlice on this side , allli Otllcers Murphy and Weir brought him over lie was locked up In the city jail at 11 o'clock and booked with the charge of assault with : Intent to comhllt murder I We have sold 3,000 hotbOl ! sash In Iowa and Nebraska and never had a kick We now have ready for Immediate ) delivery 1,000 more at bedrock prices Write for prices on all I kinds glazed asahi , glan. paints , oils \ etc. , stating quantity de lred. Council Dhutt Palnt. & Oil Co. t r Inrrlnu' iIi'encs. . I The following marriage IIcl'n'es were Is- sueti yesterday by time county clerk ; Name and Address , Agl' Harry Schmidt , l'OIlIIcll lhtmfti ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 I.llIlIn M. Sheprd ! , Council 1IIurts. . . . . . . . . . I fiv , Poterson. Olcoola , Nl'1J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 7ilary : Ada Merriam. _ Council lIIurtll. . . . . . . . : : : . Con I ( UI I. Cutup , Anti ! II It'o too soon to start your hard I coal fires It's just the thing for beating If YO'J Use It In ODe of the new oil heater Lsrl eat line In the city at n.Vol's. I Nothing like it . The famous Crown plan' 4 with orchestral attachment leads I them 'Ill. Bouricius Music House . 116 fHutsmln Street : If 1 ! .I - . . . . . . - - - , - " " " " " - - ' - ' - . - - - - - - 1I1' : IIJ'It.'I'SlIn ALl.1' $ ' lA l . fllln't ICllon' " 1..th"I' tll I'IAIII I for IIl1rlIn I III' ClIl' Hllller"11" , , i There Is enough : danger of tllher the 11elllo- i cratlc or the republican ticket being elected 1 this year tu make the c'amnpaign In Potta- wattamle county Ilecldedly Intrrestlng The cal.dltlnt of both Parties l1.a\'o been doing n great deal of lively hustling ammd : ! liS dcc- tlon day draws near the Interut Increases. I.'rom what can be learned , the democrats -are itavlmmg ! Sl me trouble to Ieehle among thl'l1uoh'es wheth to bend nil their energies towarll time election of the county treasurer or the tllO supervIsors , for they appreciate thll fact that 'f ' they try to elect hoth they lire liable to fall down upon the whole tlelwt. Some judicious trading ! ; would help matters along , but th'y don't know whom to trade orr. orr.To To elect the treasurer will \ mean that some hlllle : or other will have a lot of county mony to keep amid male a pro111fic source of Income , to the couuty and city central committees : IIl1t to allow liardlo . democratic candidate for treasurer , to be defeated , means the election \\'lIIlam Arnd , who Is backed hy the Citizens' banle. This same CItizens' bank by the way , Is c.mtmslng a great many heartaches . aches among the democrats. They point tJ the fact that It hall had the school funds the city funds , and the county funds for Fome tlllle past , as an Indication that the CItizens' bank means before long to foreclose a mortgage on the whole county. Of course , nobody outside the democratic party believes that this Is among the possibilities , but the fact remains that "Death to the CItizens' lIanle" Is the watchworll which Is tearing holes In the atmosphere over the democratic camp. And as n result the friends of the bank arc doing all they can to see that time hopes of Its enemies do not bear fruit The democratic county committee has been trying ! Its best to pull the other blnles Into line and malee them pay tribute. lint the hanks are obdurate , anti cannot see for the life of them huw an'thlng cnn bo gained by dumping their hard earned cash Into a sack , to be carried off by MOle one or other and used no one Icnows how. This refusal of the banks to contribute was brought Imp It Is stated , at a recent meeting or the committee . tee , and occasIoned no end of talk , but no action was taken , for what action "Coulll they take 7 On the olher hand , If the democrats elect two members of the county board of supervisors - visors , It will immean that the' local democratic organ will have the county printing for anothcr year , and that Is something of a snap The board Is now composed of four democrats and one rC'publican. Two democrats . crats go ! out nnd republicans are elected to fill their places , bang ! goes the snap. The tight between the two parties Is mainly for spoils , and just which spoils they would rather have , If they can't have themall.ls n hard one to decide. Cnl'e for 1I"II < 1l1cllo. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric flitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to Its Inluence. ! We urge ! all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give thIs remedy a fair trial In cases of hnbltual constipation Electric BItters cures hy giving the needed tone to time bowels , and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Only fifty cents at Knhn & Co.'s drug store. A plant : thoroughly equipped ! with the newest machinery , the best work by skilled employes , prompt deliveries and fair treat- meat are ameng the timings that makes the EBgie "that good laundry. " Telephone 157 Rockers rockers rockers ; 400 style3. Dur- tee Furniture oompany 33G-338 Broadway. (3) ( ) Fare on time &mal1cst purchase It will pay you to go down and See T. B. Hughes' line of underwear hats , gloves , shoes and SCAN AC.\.SI AS Oi'i'OXFN'1"S CASh. COln..1 IIlulN'hII" . ' 100 Much for ( lit' It'stuernic Voteget itu' . Ih'loorltcol'A'.t"I' A democratic candidate wandered Into town from the rural districts yesterday , bent upon getn acquainted with the boys. His pockets were lIned with cash and his soul with good will to all men , and espehally all men \ ho can vote. One of the first thIngs he did was to make the rounds of the so- loons and get acquainted. At each place he "set 'em up , " and of course hnd to take a drop himself here and there for polte- ness' sake , his favorite beverage beIng beer. Ho had all ho wanted amid needed to drink when In an evil 10ment he ran up against a I man1 ho climed to be looking after the liquidatIon department of tIme opposing candl. date on the republican ticket , and the rlpub- Ican Insisted on doing the honors to the dEmocrat. He also insisted that the democrat take whisky , Instead of a cigar , as the candi- date's better judgment toM him he shoull do. Then the candidate had to pay for a round , anml ! time republican , as before In- sisterl ! on his taking whisky , and a bIg whlsley at that These little evidences of guod feelIng - lug were repeated several times over and by the ( liuso the candidate hall succeeded In getting away he was about as full as a man often gets at time expense of his opponent. At last accounts hms had just arisen from his bed on the floor of time salobn and was slng- iiie ' 'flh . whv . mIl thpv salotn , , , u nn , . . m ' , _ n , " - - . . . . ' . " . ' " " n. 'UU. . . . . . . . . . . . . , i'"IfltLIICI away ? " The later part of the day did him very little good from an electioneering stand- point. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cole .c ( oil" New' CUll Sfop. Our representative called to examine the now coal heater that Is causing so much Interest In the stove trade In the United States that our enterprising firm of Cole & Cole ha\'o put on time marleet. It certainly does marvelous work , one test Bhowlng but eight POUndS of ashes fro I 130 pounds of Iowa sot coal , and doing what no other soft coal heater yet made does , vlz. , give a steady , uniform heat and consuming moat of the soot and smoke It seems equally successful , too , with anthracite coal , coil Is certainly n marvelous - velous beater , which promises to revolutionize - Izo coal burning dvlces entrely , Come and ! Inspect this wonderful stove , which can be seen In operation at their store. The Hardman piano Improves with use. Huber flros' new meat market II the finest In the city , 112 Droadway. Nicest line of overcoats In town , Metcalf Dros. The Standard piano next to the ! lardma' . Se' Ii 1Ilt-Sh"111 I rl. Harry Schmidt and Miss : \ Lillian Shepard were happily married last evening nt G o'cloCl at the residence of the brldo's par. cuts , Mr. and Mrs. : \ L. S. Shepard , 121 I'lat- nor street NonE ! ' but the IlIImel3te rei. ath's of the bride and groom were present to witness the ceremony , which was per- formed by Dr. John AsIln of the Congre/a- tonal church \Ir. : \ Schmidt Is a young and promllng photographer of this city , and the young lady he has 'won has the affection of a large circle of acquaIntances. They have fitted up cozy apartments at 406 Broadway , \ \\'hor they wi be at home to their friends after \'edmiesday . November G. . I Can Stewart No 123. gives its second : I annual socIal this evening In the Royal Ar- I cnnum lmr1ora. A cordial Invitation 19 ex- tenlle to St \ndrew's society and all Scotchmen , with their frlende. (4) ( ) Rubber goods. Even r you don't buy T. I. hughes I always willing to sho'OU through his well selected stock of "warm things for cold weather. " Nicest line of overcoats In town. Metcalf nro . . The Hsrdman piano wIns IPIDY friends. Morehour & Co. , blank books anti binding li" . . 101 n l'it'turi' To frame Better bring It down and led us put one of those now frames on AlI the latest Bt'les. H. I. . SMITH & CO Nicest line of overcoats In town. MelCll Dros. Have you seen the new gas heating stoves at the comparl"s office ? Hardmsn and Standard pIanos , 113 N. l6ttt. a Don't fail to atend the citizenu' mass meeting at the Coilseuns ' lelng Colseum Friday nlgbt. Ladies are inyited . . . ' l11 I ! 'J'U : I : U I'\'UI ( 'tNVi'i'Itu , 1.11.(1 Ihlllrot :1'II'r" ft 4 lie UrA'ln1ltfl , sit lt-s iohium's , I AIOI.mS : \ , Oc 30.-Speclal ( Telo- gramn.--Time ) slate convention of the Young I'eople's Society of Christian ndea\'or has turned out to be 1 bigger affair than was cx- peed , The lGOO accredited delegates arm nearly all here , together with more titan 1,000 visitors , After th praise service this mornllK I. 1 : . Towhee was appointed 8ecre. tary and time regular committees were named. Addresses ( were nlllo by Mrs. Mattie : \ \I. Bailey on "Peronallsslonnry : \ Work , " Miss : \ A. M. : \ Morton : \ of the Christian Endeavor on "Sociml 1.lfe" and Prof It. A. Torrey of Ciii- cage on the "IJnptlsm of the holy Spirit " This afternoon was spent In sight seeing allll denominational rallies. This evening Dr F. E. Clark , the orlglMtor' ' of the love' ment , addressed 3,000 people , who were I crowded Into Calvary tabernacle , Inh're..h.,1 In , 'lrll"t Irl'le I'utIuig . DES : \IIES , Oct. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Members ) of timt city counci anti Board of l'miijhic Works and prominent citi. zens of Minneapolts : \ and St. Paul were the guests of DesIclnes : \ today. They came here to Inspect the miles of vitrified brick paving In this city and the plants wih n view of using brick In about nine miles of pavlllg to be put down h l ) them next ) 'ear. Time litigation commenced by the city several - cal months ago to force the Capital City Gas com an ) ' , time local branch of the United ( Gas Improvement company of Phiadel- phia , to accept the rates for snpplylng gas to private and public purposes fixed by nn ordinance passed by the city counci last spring , took nnother turn today , when time city fed a petition In the dlslrlct court In a case to oust the gas company - pany from the city streets and alleys. The company was incorporated In 1875. Its articles - cles provided for a corporate existence of fifty ) 'ear but lawyers assert that It Is n prl- vale corporation and can exist but twenty years. The property of thc company Is valued at not less than $1,000,000. Iu" 111,1 Oflui'e ilms.uy. I DES MOINES : , Oct 30.-Speclul ( Tele- : gram-H'glster ) Evans of the federal land : office continues to bo deluged with entries for lands forfeited under a supreme court dcilion by time Sioux City & St. I'aul rail- wt ) Most of the applications are from per- suns holding some sort of title from the rail- rcad WheN time applIcations are not accompanIed - companIed by money no attention Is paid to thcnm Where the money Is sent the rights ! of applicants will be pmtected. About :5.000 acres In Sioux , O'Urlen , Osccola , Lyon and Dcklnscn countle are Involved . Under the land laws the right of persons holdinG title from the railroad wi be first considered , but the law Is very strict as to what consti- tutes title. I must be by deed. Most of the settlers have only contracts with the rai- road. They arc no beler situated than other applicants for their lands and their only recourse Is against the railroad company. IIA'II" oil IClnHIH 1'lltc" . WEBSTER CITY , Ia. , Oct. 30.-Special ( Telegrnm.-Senator J. J. Ingals oC Kansas reached the city today. He was asked about the senatorial contest In Kansas , "It Is a mer . war , " ho said. "It will be sharp , and the end cannot be predicted unt It comes. While I am away from the state a great deal of active work Is being done by the gentemen who are making the campaign I believe the lopullsts havc carried Kansas for the last tme , Very little has ben done by them so far that Is satisfactory to those who are voting the ticket , ali a reaction Is looked for at any tinme. I am still In politics , but perhaps not as . active as when I was ) 'ounger. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ShlllllA' Clerk Sbus SlIM fluuiio'ci'e. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , Oct. 30.-(81)2clal ( Teiegram.-D. ) Kearney , shipping cleric at the Fair , one of the largest establishments In the city , was arrested late this afternoon on a charge of robbery. Kelney has had full charge or the shipping and has baen sending packages of goods to his wife In paelages [ Chicago Inste\1 of to purchasers. HD has been working time scheme for the past sIx weeks and has stole over $1,000 worth. It was not discovered until yesterday and last night N. F. I'rnchere , one of the firm , went to Chicago and found a large quantity of time goods stolen. AD NED SCTOm Fntll 'Yr..ol , nt Ilrll ) ' . WEBSTER CITY , la. , Oct. 30.-Special ( Telegram-Frelght ) Conductor Dan Gammon of Esthervlie was fatally Injured , Engineer Parmetor and Fireman Wagner of the Dur- Ington , Cedar Rapids & Northern passenger - ger train were seriously Injured , and many passengers , ; were badly shaken up In a wreck that occurred at Hardy this moring " orly after G o'clock. An extra freight had pulled Into Hardy and had not cleared the matn line on the side track. The passencsr engine crashe Into the caboose , coml.letel . demol- Ishing It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11"1 It'mttIstM In Sessioum. CEDAIt ltAh'IDS , la" , Oct. 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Flfty ) dentists from this part of the state attended the annual meeting of the Easter Iowa Dental association hero today. An excellent clinical progrm was carried out. The next meeting will be held at \Iarlon. : \ Otcers for the ensuing year were chosen as follows : President , W. H. Deford , Cedal Rapids ; vice presIdent , P. \r. : \ loom , Jefferson - son ; secretary , W. II. Wosford , Iowa City ; treasurer , J. Bruce Pherrln , Springville. Bride ot I I ' ( . , 1)11)5uis 1'01"0"0,1. MASON : CITY . la" , Oct. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Drs. ) Stockman nllli Dakin returned - turned today from Estherv1e. where they conducted In autopsy on \Irs. : \ George lel- strel , who tiled here a week ago 'fu2sday , after an illness of a few hourE. She had ben married just three weeks. ler stomach was badly inflamed , nllll gave every Indica- ton of presence of corrosive poisoim. The stomach will be sent to Chicago for further oxamlnatlon. 1.llrll 1"I/le OrA'RnblnA' DUIUQUE , Oct. 30.-Special ( Telegram.- ) The Liberal league of Iowa today formed a local branch office here by representatives of the local brewing Interests , and upon the assembling of the legislature ! will hold a con- vention at Des Moines to frame a bill legalizing manufacture and modifying the mulct law co..n ) . II""U AcolI'nt. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Oct. 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.-In ) the I1sl1ct court today the jury In the case of Baxter against time city of Cedar Rapids returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff $5,750 damages. Lat fall \Irs. : Baxter of Spirit hake , while walking al a defective sidewalk , \ , was Injure and afterward dlcd. "ltll PI/ht ut Cohort-ui Girl's. DES MOINES : \ , Oct. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gramn.-Nelile ) Wels and luma Dickens , two colored girls . aged 15 and 1G respectively , 'uarreled over a lover tonight Nellie drew a dirk and stabbed Uuma four times In the back and once In the arm She swill die Nellie Is under arrest. I'iihlt leim I ( : ItlrllA' lt Slols CIf ) ' . SIOUX CITY , Oet 30.-Speclal ( Telegram ) -Senator AllIson and General ! Drake spoke at time opera house here this evening The meeting opened with a torchlight proW eesflon anti , the attendance was larger tban at any political gathering S for ) 'ea [ Turn out anti hear henry D. Eslabroole , Omaha's great orator , at the citizens' mass meeting at the Colseum Friday night . 9 InSv and POWER TSSadPOTR L7t ' . of Tom , BEUTY of DE- f' ? . SIGN. Cmi STREIGflI c.Z 1 STRElG r conSTRUCTION rL' I BAY STATE" ' , GUITARS , \ : MANDOLINS MDOLI.S , 1 BANJOS , mI/ilbI ; ZITHERS , anti FLUTS znc ' -0 u.ee equalled Sty no cthsr .tmert. Ie 17 .quSltd ; ct.r irs , . . 'm.r. IliI -.aln5In mumn.s. w"Plln pMc" gPq CtiuyiLrmct17tttgfl-grdetimiru. zi : l.nL. ( : : , W.II. ! r.deILrt. 5.ullt fft1 l' . . Lloouu. j1 JOnN C. HAYNE & CO. , _ ( : : T : r : WAiHNaalr. . , , _ _ _ c..nn , . ' - ( I j ' . - WIS ) . \ S . A 1,1" ' ; l'II'StI\'I Iit. 1'llllell t'umuler Ihi $ kln I11 J""II I : lInn tllm. ! lnldllA' . Dr. Schnehler'les : # t In [ bile , hiss els- covered novel of life In a mead" . raving le maT rifle accl1ents ! , whc ( ; If ! enernly used will probably lesm'en gremttiylhe number of lives lot by such accideIttmi. ( , ills Invention has been pronounced Vfr Important by time French Academy of Relunces , which In one of It ! las meetings ltuepe,1 very attentively 10 a lecture by Dr. .nveraux upon the new . invention. The inventor does away with all artificial belts and other , floating appliances ; hE ! ' proposes to inflate time cellular texture be. neath the human skin on the breast , whIch If filled with sir fornmsjm , , natural pneumltlc belt , by the aid of which one lay not only feat himsolt , but even support \ another bed ) ' . The Idea Is said to be perfectly practicable , I has bem proved that a man weighing lCd pounds , whose ppecltlc weight Is between 108 and 1,10 , Wh09 hOld may weigh seven pounds , need only about 200 cubic Incheo of air within his body In order to float with the hed out of water This amount of nr ! Is easily Inserted - serted Into this holloI space beneth the skin with Dr. Schneider's aseptic fyrln/es , which wl In . one injection Inlate from tweimty to thlrt.tlve cubic Inches of air. Time Introdtmc- ton of the point , which Is only two 111. Imters thick , will hardly be felt. Such a punw 11 not even neeeemry , I Is much simpler to use a little apparatus also patented by Dr. Schneider , whIch consists of IL holow needle , I thin rub er hO3 eigimteen Inche Ion ! ; , Into which this needle Is Inserted. A little aseptic cotton placed Into time open end of the rubber hose Is all that II necoesry. TIme skin Is sImply raised , time hollow needle I Introduced Into I , and then the other ell of the rubber hose Is taken Into the mouth and time man's own breath blown Into It Two deep reephrations , which are blown Into each side of time breast , wi bo sufficient to feat a man , however heavy : S AHC'I'IC - 1)AIN'I'IES . l'm'miits tutu II'rrl' " II 'i'ieIle flue 1 . .Ihll I'u In c. . In spite or latitude ! anti Arctic current , says Outing , Labrador Is time homo of much that Is delicious In the berry worll1. Even the outlying islands furnish limo curlew berry and bake apple In profusion ; and upon the mainland , In the proper month ( Scptember ) , a veritable feast awaits one. Three varletlr of blueberrIes , huckleberries. wild red cn I rants , having pungent nromatlc flavor m. equaled by , the cultivated variety marshbe- rica , raspberries , tiny white caplaire tfn- bsrrlc , with a flavor like souse rare perfume , and having just a tint suggestion - gestion of wintergreen i squash berries , pearberrles and curlew berries , the latter not so grateful ns the others but a prime favorite with the I skllos , who prefer It to almost any other ; and , lastly , time typl- cal Labrador fruit , which , 'xcepting a few scattering plants In Canada and Newfoundland - land , Is found noss'here I believe . outside of the peninsula-the gorgeous bake apple. These cover the entire coast from the St. Lawrence to Ungava. Their beautiful geranium-like leaves struggle with the rein- deer 10S upon the Islands carpet alike th9 low valleys and the highest hilltops , and even peep from banks oC everlasting snow. Only one berry grows upon each plant but this one makes I mOlt delicious mouthful. I Is the SIZD and Corm of a large dewberry , but the color Is n bright crimson - son when hal rip ! , ammO a golden yellow at maturity Its taste Is sweetly acid It Is exceedingly Juicy and so delicate Ilat It might bo thought Impohlblo to preserve it. Yet the natives do ; reserve It with all its freshness and original flavor throughout the entire winter merely , by covering It with fresh water anti heading It up tightly In casks or barrels. , . I 1'ESr1ar1N I'flNSIO.XS. ! Vcterumiipi lt the I.nt.ur hteiumi'iui- \ur 1.'r.I h ) ' thut' c"nl rul f1'ornm..nt. " 'ASHINGTON.J Oat 30.-Special.-I'on- ( ) slons granted , ismuo of October 15 , were ; Nebraska : 01Iglnnl-Y1Inm Hedlnger , Lawrence Nuckoiis. IncreaseByron D. Brown , Stockholm Hnmlton ; Joseph Drum- baugh , Franklin . Franklin. Rolss1fceOrge ' v. Patterson , Omala , Douglas. Original wldow-osephlne M. Forney , Fremont , Dodge. Iowa : Origina-Wilhlam ! : S. Anderson , Belle Flame , Benton ; Henry Peter , Gree- Icy Delaware. nenewnl-Elam Alien . Des Moines , Pok. : Increase-BcnJamln P. Wise , Thurman , remont ; John \V Woodman , Des : Moines Polk. Helssue-Charles H. Peet , Anamosa Jones : Levi Calender , Steamboat Reck Hartiin Original widows , etc.-Chnr- lote Durre , Iroton , Sioux ; Lucreta A. P'ne , Sioux City , Woodbury Wyoming ; Retssue-Albert Slebcntrltt , Fort Itusseli Laramie. Colorado : IncreaseChnrles W. Pace , Pa- onla , Delta. . Montana : Relssue-Chnrles Nostman , Fort Dl'nton , Choteau , Issue oC October 1G were : Nebraska : Orl- ! Inal-James Esgate , GrY90n , Sheridan He- IssueJames S. Hossack , Alexandria , Thayer ; Joseph Hen8an , Omaha , Douglas. ! Iowa : OrllnalBernardlcGulre. ! . 011- weln , F'ayette. Renewal and Increase-nob- ert n. Clark , Iowa City . Johnson Increase -harles Howley. Lehhh , Webster. Hels- sueChurC's : W. COok , Cole , Stor ) ' . Original widows , etc.-Andrew Baln ( father ) West ' Grove , Day ( ! Colorado : Orlglnnl-Osrer C. Huii . Durango - range , La PInta ; Daniel itogers Canflold . Boulder . Henewal and increast'-Wiiiiamn N. grwln , La Veta , Iluerfano lteissmie-llenry 1 Chine , Fraser Grand ; William H. Daven- port . Beuilh , Pueblo ; Franklin D. Yockey , ' rhnidd , Las Anlmns. Frnkln South Dakota : Origina1'Vilhlarn - Yen- man De Smet Kingsbury. Increase-Ed- ward Elkhn , 'Vatcrtown Ekin , Codummgtomm. COrlngton. Nortiu Dakota : Helssue-Albert A Dan- - I els , Reynolds , Grand Forks - oo o Q O O " SOUTH OMAHA N1WSJ \ CCCCCCCCCCCOCOCOcccccce. There Is only $ IGB In the tire tumid with which to run the lepHtment unti next AUgust , while UIO n\rage monthly expenses amount to IHO per month , Thu , by the let or January the tire fund will b2 exhausted - hausted , anti no prospects of any Income for seven month ! I'rom January on the dc- Ilutment's warrants wil have Ic be tile- counted at from 8 to 10 per cent , and pos- ebly : more. Thlp condition of affairs has been brought about by the citizens refusing to allow the present three-mi levy to be in- crear to seven nulls. 1 1 levy of seven mis had been made It would have amounted to about $9,000 , enough to run time department - ment nicely and have all warrants on the fund cashed pomllly when imrescnted. As matters stall now " 'eney will have to be borrowed to keep the two hose wlgons In service after time first of time year :1111" : 111 I Ieutve lime Cum 11 Chnrley Edwards , a cook at laborcrs' CUIII at Fort Crook , has bten run out of camp anti Is a fugitive [ rom justice. Tuesday e'aning Johnrn and \Icamara : , both laborer - ere : entered the cook tent and dwarlls or- derell them : out They refused to go anti Edwards struck Johnson with a meat cleaver and after felling him struck : \lcNamara. \ Then Edwards ran and hid In a cellar not far away. The friends of the two Injured men followed time trail ammO located Edwart' . After dragging him omit or his hiding \1co , he was beaten anti turned looee , with a warning not to again show his face an'whero near time camp. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1"lllrt trll flit' HuuA'e" , A. H , Lee , one of the agents of the Union Stock Yards company , has returned from South Dakota , where ho spent the spring and : summer In the Interest of the company he represents \Ir. : Lee says that about all of the hcavy shlpmcnts of cattle from that dll trlct are over , but that smnll shipments wl i continue up to about Christmas. Cattle ' ranges are In good condition , but water Is I needed. Rain has not fallen for some time anll many of the 8maler slreams are My , 'ho range cattle look well , and the feeders 1 pull through the winter nicely ) , DS there I plenty of range grass and C011er. l Nebraska , : \lssouri and Iowa hog9 are coming to this market by the carload and are of excellent quality. Within two weeks hogs wl be sold enough to pack for export - port tralle , and the 10Cli packers will take orders for foreign trade as eon as the IUP' ply ammO time market warrant . As soon as the export trade opens the ovelnment micro- scop19ts w\ be put back to work. Magic : City ' (1".111 Mrs. N E. Mead : \ Is on the sick list . Mrs. Chale" Adlcns Is visIting her parents ; In Council liluffie. Mrs. Robert Hurley , Twenty-sixth and K I . streets , Is down wih a fever. : rt. Louis Winkler has returned from a visit with relatives lt Sldnoy , la. The Young \Ien's : Institute will give a dance on time evening of November 11. 1. Nathaniel Baker of Lusk. Wyo. . was a visitor at the stock yards yesterday after- noon. CaptaIn Peter PompeIi of MedicIne Bow , Wyo. . was In town yesterday looking up old friends. The Albright \Vorkingmen'o club lIIet last evening and lstened to speeches from several of the members. The letter carrlert are preparing for a bal , to bo given on time night of November 28 , at ilium's hal H. Hindman , a prominent Oregon cattle- man . was In the city ) yesterday and spent the afternoon with time stock yards officluls. Frank J. Lange was a caller yesterday afternoon al the CItizens' league headquarters - ters In the Singer block , Twenty-fourth and I N street ; Owners of the property at the northenst corner of Twenty.tlfh and L streets are preparing a bid to Send to Washington for a ' postoffice site , The telephone operators will give a dance Friday evening at Hunt's hall. A number of telephone operators from Omaha and the ' Bluffs will b present A. T. Merwin and N. C. Love of Baker City , are. , were looking over the stock yards yesterday afternoon , time guests of Superin- tendent James L. Paxton. On the evenIng of November 2 the coopers wi give their annual ball at Bium's' hail. The arrangement committee consists of A. C. Jordan Charles Neff . George Sterrlt and Louis Dim. Um. The hospital Tent of the King's Daughters will give a foclal and entertainment at the residence of Mrs. H. H. Ames this afternoon. The Home Circle Glee club will ho one of the attraction. All of time proceeds will go toward supporting the South Omaha hOfplal Next Sunday nt the German theater Un South Omaha Ilattsdeutscher vereln will pro duce the comedy , "Dlo Drel Langhaen ' The South Omaha people who will take part are : Fritz Freiag , henry Oest , Theo Llebeu , Min' : \ Eggers and : \lss \ Kmuska. Several rehearsals - hearsals have been had and good ha\o a performance - formance Is guarammteeml In police court yesterday afternoon Judge Christmann sentenced George Leonard to ten days In the county Jai for disturbing the peacE ! ' Leonard went Into Wlnleler'y snloon Monday night and tried to clean out the place , but was arrested before ho had done . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - city l1mn e. The police JuJgo 8UJenllcll the sentence upon Leonard proml.III' to keel' ' away from that particular 91luon. : \1Cmher \ of Court Allelanln , Inlllpltlelt Order of Odd Felloss's 1 , let Timcsthiy ol'enlnlt al i'ivonkmi's hal anll Jolnell time orl1r of ( a1I.n Foresters I . Time name of the court still remain the teatmie. A. i. I : StlVCnAOn , Ileputy sUllreme rammger , formed the court nml In talel the oiflcere . They nrc Wiliam Sheen , put chief rnler : Henry I.oechner , ' chief ranger ; Cimarics Homhol , deputy chief ranger ; Gus Wordeman , recording ! treaurer ; Frank Chritmann , treasurer ; Chnrle Grant , "ecrotar ) ' , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Turn out anti hear Heury D. stabrook , Onmmsha's great orator , at the eltlz ns' mass leeting at the Colseum . Friday night. Innl , 1"11'1.,1 to lie UU..lluull. SAN I H'NCISC ( Oct. 30.--'fhe Hverfldo lallcln ! ; cOlpany has bcel reported by Limo state hanle Iommlsslon'rs to limo attorney geueml 11 1180111 , Ind its eontlnuanco II bUsilelS , tie- lenin on time elecislul of the latter of- itelal . Time I'xlstnl < llclltllf mire I " -II of the tnnnclni disasters which SWI'llt the country last year . . Carlisle \ 'ut ilomiui p ! to 1'.Abh'r. ( O\ING'O : Ky. , Oct 30.-Secretary Carlisle regIstered < hero today 111 Blhl ho svommld retlr IXt Tmmomima' to vntl. lie declnel1 wOII nil requests to sl.elle . In Ohio 111 KC'ltlck ) ' and , \ lel nt 1000 \'lshlllll , where hu will bo at hi ! olce U9 usual to- mnorrow. . Attend the monter citizens' mass lIIeetlng nt the Coilseumms Friday evening , November I , at 8 o'clock. r _ _ , . _ _ _ 0 I ' " . , I I . . . .iJ ) ' ) .iJly ' ; 9 / " /ly \ I. \1 f . / t. ' ' 4jimi" , * e'i , A 'L'utrgu't for flse'riouly- ' notice it hmn't scarred But you . I ISI't j up mueh-I.very tiny nnll every day somebody tells us thnt souse denier says the Kimball Is no good-but then that don't hurt It Kooe-but ( any-people will come In anti sea ! It U's so It's stood the teNt fem ( years . S A H05PE , Jr'l ! I Music lud Art , c 1M3 Douglas St. - - - - - . - - - - ) ) - " ; ; : : : p } ) ! } : - - - . , - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - _ . . - _ . - Att Overcoat Gives 10 wamth It merely pr ( vcnts the heal or the body from pasing off People with a poor circulation are cold , no . matter how thick their clothes may boo They shiver under all their wraps. Bounding red blood keeps the internal fire glowing Dttffy's Pure 4 Matt Whiskey , . , . prepared for medicinal and dome5tic use , is a wholesome stimulant for blood and nerve , It I creates and preserves bodily heat It acts on all the organs , and protects the system from chills and depressed vitality Contains nothing which does ! not make for health and -energy. Ask your Grocer or 1)ruggist. FilST [ ' ! NATIONAL ' ! ' BANK { ---SOP--- Counci Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . ; . sioooor ( \ u , OIIG'1 ' nun IItSIXI SS. WI ) f1'Slt " ( ) tht CIIII'JV'I'IOSS. OXI Ol ' 'l'mlE I ) 1,1) IS't' hAN IiS IX 10\\\ . I i'iit : Cg ; ' ! ' I'Aln os ' 1'11' : f1 I'OSI'I'S CAlL AI SEll us Ull VltL'1'1l. pecial Notices-Council Iufs A FIRST-CLASS c-noot housE , GOOD L cnlon , for 1600.00 ; conic and Ice I. C. It Nicholson , Cn Iroadwn ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIl HCNT , MY I SIBNCI , Iii PLATNER Street after November 1 ; eIGht rooms : modem conveniences. conlnlence Also 11'.room house , No. 320 Ilntner street : pBc8lon al anT tinse. Jacob Imo. CIIMNEYS CLEhNTD ; VAULTS CLEANED. EI Burke . al W. S 10m.rl. L35 Jroadwuy. , - - - - \ 8 AeH S , CLgAmt OF INCUMlnANCI , FOR " , trlle ( or Council lurs prl'crl' . C. H. Nlch- \ oloon , C9Irnlln \ . ) ' . - . 13-ACnn FRUIT I..AnM : SPECIAL 1IAI1GAIN . C. H. Nlchollon , C9Brondway. \ . Genuine Sandwich "Adams" " .CI Sheler II I I . - I- . S i _ _ # 4 . J . ' Is ' , . " ' , "i - , , \ . I rowers from 1 to 10 horse Feed G I.llers , Jacks , Chain , Innt Carts anlt last PHESS. but not least , SDU'rIWIK UOItSE AND STEAM . rOWER HAY Branch I-louse Council ' - - - - Counci 'Bluffs . - COUNCIL DLUFFS. i . " STEAM DYE WORKS ! : ' , ' , , - , J PE0Irietor ; _ ' , . , flr'-e : . , . , ' ' Droadway , near North. c - TIU22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . ' - . - . * Y - - ' - - - .f IF YOU HAVE NO MONEY TO BURN -iX . INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE THE PALACE REGAL VENTilATOR GUARANTEED TO REAT 3 LARGE ROOMS THIS WINTER GUARANTEED WITH ONLY 2 TONS OF COAL. 9You can Save $25.00 a Season. See it ? See it ? _ THE SYSTEM OF . A JUST THINK . OF IT ! House Heating Heating 3 Large Rooms . Revolutionized . Wil OilY I 2 Ji elI im. The 'Palace ' Raga1 ' - . _ . Scientific Principles . t , Applied and Combined . -t Appld CombilOl , A World Beater. ' - , ' WIth HIgh Al't The llllnollt 8tOVB $ in Alllicd1 * ' ' - . Prices-- TlB "f f , Ol AliriGa ' , : . ' PopularPrices-- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIA.SALE EXTEM8IONTAOES ! N T A [ ' . SPECIAL SAlf-- ' ° To r STYLES SELECT PRO ! . A.SALf . : ' , $11,0. - ' COUCHES-THIS ONE 1 S550 5 , e r I Sale Prc . . , \ . Rcgular Price $ i8oo I 9 75 - ' Sale Prce I . . , . ° ' ( ) ( ' ' : 1 c # ri- J ' % ' . ' - OMAHA f j. ii OMAHA Furniture & Carpet f Co : Furiture & Carpet Oo - 121.13 FUrtHUU _ _ : : : : : : ; . ir _ _ . ! ± 12H-13 - FurtHUU. - - - L - ' - - , ' - . - . , - " - - - t p 4m ' - ' . j.-- , . , 5- . - . . - . .