- . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - . - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ ; -j-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ _ L _ _ - . _ - ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , - - 'rUE OMAhA DAilY . REID : 1'JrnRDA " OCTOHFllt : n 180t. L . . , - - - - - . - - , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ - - - - - ' MUS. lTZEL I ON TIlE STAN J ) Det'ls the Connection of Her IusLan . with the Alleged Murderer , I MURDER TRIAL TiE SENSATION OF TIEYEA I - 1'rIunt.r In I Clr n.ck Tn' Lcrs ' Ilrl , II I. At.rn ( ' ) ' " hut Il' HUl 1Ietttn . Con t r4I ur ( II . ( . 1'llla- : * Iln \.IIC.U' ' . V P1It4DFllP1UA. ! Oct. O.-Durlng court I hours , ulder the ecrutnlzlng gaze of t court i room crol\led \ Ih ! tralcers , n pale , worn I , - oman : underwent an ordeal whIch wel might have broken the nerve of many a strong man. She wa Mrs. Carrie Alee Pltzel. With bravery and fortude she stood the ted , In Iplte of the fact that her IJhrslcal system had Iieen so shalued II the hattie of \oes under which ehe has all but succumbcl , , that she was obl.ed 10 Interrupt her 1Itiul , nar ratIo at frequent Inten'als to accept spoon- fuls of Ildlelne from the trained nurse who attended htr. In a voice brokln with grief she told the whole dIstressing story of how her husb,1 : , was spirited away from her and murdered out ur sheer greed for caIn ; how she balll hr little ones good by , confilng them to the care uf the mal lolmes , In all truthfulness , little thinking that when she would next see them the two little girl woulll be lying side hy side on the marble slab of a morgue , cold In 1111h. ( and the boy a pHcel of ' toullerllK ( hones. Between hu biter sobs sha relstd every dtall-from the first meeting with holmes almost UII 10 today- antI tO Rfctng was the story that 'ven IJtatrict Attorney Graham , lang use < to tales of grief and distress , paused In the exam- Inatun tu wipe away a furtive tear. The \oman's physical , cOIIIlIon was such . ' that court hall to repeat her tUitmonv Ilu y hot hRu'e , of her weak voIce. Throughuut I oil the shrunken , pallid figure lu the clock lat unmoved. Not a muscle quivered , not a lash moved. even when the strain became so halted to give the great that the hearIng halpl gve % retchlL woman an opportunity tu recover herself. Indeed , , once or twl l as some stu'e- meut from her lips struck a chord In his ) breast-If chorls there be II such R man-a malicious sneer played around his thin , hloorlest hips . hut never once did the woman look toward ilium. During every moment of the long examilaton she kept her eyes riveted - eted on thin comnmnonweahthm'o officers , or on the coun,1 for the defense as 1 fearing tu shift them to either std . lest In theIr course they should fall upon the man In the dock. hOLMES GUIDES TI wnms. There were other witnesses called . but nat- l malY lr3. l'itzel's testimony was the feature r of time day. She went on the stand at 2:30 : In j the afternoon , Immcilatel' upon the re38- semhlng of the court after the lune'l recess all remained there except for the evening In- ' termlsslun until 8:30 : o'clock. The other incidents - cdents ct time day were the reading of state- ments maLe by Holmes to the Bo ton ) olco when first arrested there on November 1 last , telling the story of the conspiracy to swindle time Insurance company out of the $ to,000 on Ilt1el8 life. . . , The cross-oxatimitcation of the wItnesses was conducted actively by Messrs. Shoemaker and ' Itotaim . the lawyers "Iom Holmes dismissed t on MonLay all recalled last night , but It was I apparelt that It was really Holmes himself who was conducting the defense. He coil- < tnued to take copious notes and almost mo- menlarl ) ' his attorneys were at the dock &de . accepting suggestions from him. Inter- /ide. acceptn , s\ ! estons * est In the case Instead of flagging , has grown with each succeS5.ve session and , I Is not con- flamed to the morbhly curious general public , for during the greater Part of the day Judge Arnold was at Intervals receiving wel known men un the bench , while In the court clerk's euclosure sat I group of gaily dressed society lodle , frIends of the "commonwealth , " gazlug currously at the various actors In the play and drinking In every word of the testhnon In , ( Ito opinion ot all those who herd , except possibly lolmes and his attorneys , the evl- denco of tolay Is strong enough to seUI him ) to th gallows. Slowly but none the less surely , was the c'aln forged around him and I Is I chain which \\1 be hard to break. There will he a pretty Ilolnt of law In the , case presently-if anything assclatel with I / cm be called so. There Is I law hero that a wife cannot testify against her husband In tplo uf this Mr. Grham declared that he ; . would c l the alleged Mrs. Holmes or How- nrd to t'ne statid This Is why he Is combatIng - log Helm s' assertion that this woman whom Mr. Graham lerslsts In callIng Miss Yoke . Is his lawful wle. Sharply at 10 o'clock Holmes , with his quIck stride came swinging along the steel barred corridor leading from the cell room and under the escort of a big officer took his seat In the dock. A moment later the jury- mon wer\ ushered In from theIr cell room , for so long as the case lasts the twelve "good men and Irue" are ur'er lock and key In the big jury room of the ( iI' hail. Messrs. Shoemaker and Haton , who achieved notoriety ) ' on Monday by wIthdrawing from the case cinder holmes' orders , , In spite of Judge Arnolil's thrlals , and who came back to their client last night , held whispered consultaton with him before the taking of testimony was resumed. I STA''I RESUMES ITS CASE I The first winess today was Susan Hurley , I who kepmm a boarding Iouso al 1001 Hac streut. She said Plzel boarded at her house for u week In August 1891. Mrs. Alice Pierce of 130 I Calowhl street identified Pitzel'n plcllre as the man who lIved at 1316. She had known him through lila buying elg.f at her stor . On cross-ox- amlnaton she said I'ltzl 1 was not a man 01 cheerful tlSlluslton , O. laorEst i'erry . assistant 10 the president - dent of time Fidelity Mutual Life aSIOclaton , was then ealel1 This was the company that was rwlndh.1 out of the $10.000 for which Phtel's life was Insured , ant It wa I Pery who hegan the Investgaton Into the gigantic colispiracy Ho first identified the Policy Issued , In which CarrIe E. Pitzel . the widow , Is Iho beneficiary . I Is dated No- "lmber 9. 1S9 : Next h ( hlcntnCI a receipt for $9,715.S5 , the amount of time policy less expenses paid to all receipted for hy Jeptha D howe . the St Locus attorney who reprl sentEI Irs. l'itzel. This Is dated Septelnber 2I . 1891. i'erry was present wlln Howe re- ) cch'NI time money. When Holmes came fa this city at the request ot the company to Identify the both ) ' , Howe and Alce Pltzel i were In time ofce , Holmes Cl110 In afterward - want aUll was Introdlce,1 to them , lie and howe me as I.trangers , hut he said ho hall met Alice before anti she remembered him. FIRST INTIMATION 01 FI1AUI After the Ils'ment of the mooney time mater was closed until a hotter was receIved hy Iresilent Fouse of the insurance : company trom Superintendent of Polee Harrigan of St , 1ouls. This cOlalne,1 the declaration or ! Hllspth , time train robber that while In jail In St Ionls be had hlanl lolmo anti PlZt'1 talking at ormlng I con"plrae to de fraud an Ilsuranco company of $10,000 by the rlbsUuton of a corpse for l'ItzeL Inspec- tur Orar of the insurance cmvlny was sent to SI Louis aul Interviewed Hl < speth. On the Information thus obtained a warrant wall sworn out for holmes on the charge of can- ' and this he arrested In splrac amid upon thll was srrestld liostoim. Time witness went to that city and hleltle < holmes The latter made verbal statement 10 the wlnesl' In the Ilresenco of flptmty Superinlolllent lianscom . Chief of Police Wats and John Polce CorIsh , a private detectIve . In ' ' . " asked where Chle ( Wal's office "I him Irs. plzel was , " said ( Perry , "anti he replied that he dhl not ere to tell. The I asked him \ here Plzel was all ha said he was In South Amerlc4 or 01 his way there and the boy , Ilowimrd . with hIm. Alice and Nellie , Ice said , were In l.onlol wih MinimleVll. . himmimma. lie lall be hal gl\l howard to his fther II netrolt ani\ hal sent NellIe and Alice from Toronto on a train , cit which he . rete a short dIstance . to meet MInnie 'cvii. liacims forget , which. either " at Iufialo or Niagara Fcill-I After an Importanl cross exulinston : Per ) ' was temporarily withdrawn from the stand , TOn 0\ llEISPET1I'S STATEMENT . Irsktor ( Wilam E. Gray of the Insurance compan told of 1 trill 10 Si . Louis whl e he procured lledepethi's statement. This was produced . but not yet offered In evidence. In cOlsequeuce of I time trackIng at I0lmes "as begun He was fIrst located In Ogmiens- burg. l. Y. , then at Prescott . Cammsda . cit . various Points In New Hampshire , Burling. ton Vt. . and 10ston. lot cross examined anll witimdrawn temmiporarily. - wlhrawn temporarl ) OrrlngtDn l. Hanscom , deputy superb- tfDent ot police at iloston tlrtttfd blolnies' arrest on . tlelTm from For Wortb , TeL. - Ayln ! lie wits wanted there for "Iucen ot , OhO here , " 101me. smiled itt tbl te-stlnmony. Whn arrested holmes maid he did nol want 10 10 10 bert Worth , hut that ice would Ia without rfqulsltol ! to Pbmiiamlelpiibmm . where , hI hD,1 duuled the I hleliy InlurUrl : coin- patty of $10,00 This was entirely voluntary uu lohmnsa' pari. Ann I Hobhln , , the stenographer who tole the eaUlnatou of holmes by Deputy Harcm , hlpnlfed a cOllY of the statement. District ( lrahmanm offered the Attorney ( rallm oferll Btate- rtlt In evidence anti Assistant larlow red It to the jury , When ho imami fniher } the < curt took a recess. Shrrly after noon Ipcctor Ial of the Toronto police departlN ! arrived with Mr . Ityves . who Is expected to swear that he lent Holmes the spade wIth which he dug the graves for tIme Ilt7el girls. I yves lived at 1S Ht Vincent street , next to the house where the bodies were fOlll , end he was occntll by Holmes over ( lie hack fence and : aklJ for the loan of n slal1. ! When court reconvened , Francis X. Qulnl , : an employ of the Fidelity COmpal ) ' , hleutl II ' Holmes' signature to a slltllelt prepared . : by Qulnu as notary publIc. This statement was read anti Is In slbstanre as follows : "Wimiie In Jai al St icuis ( ' , Holmes had m't Ifedepetim . who snld they could get out of Jai for $100 ; Hohnes to get $300 a 11 other IJrt s $100. Holmes toll him of a scheme ta tlerat1 an Ilsurance comllaU , hut that he needed a lawyer Hedspeth referred him to Howe , and after several visits to hll Howe confrmed itedsp thm's statement about time mOley needed. Timy dl8cu8seI the insurance - sumnce scheme amid Howe asked , where they could get a corpse. holmes replIed that \ cuimh he all rIght as he hal , ( llnty of experience - perience In that line. The details were car- rich out nnd Holmes Isde arrnglmelts In New York 'on August 9 to get a body but the one obtained laelet the wart and other marks pecular to Plze\ Holmes meanwhile came to Phiadelphia and saw II1e1 Whie here he got worth from New York tht a body was really. He went there , got It all , broughmt It luck to Pimiiadeipimba. Holles a 11 his \1(0 then len towim. He went 10 St 1,011s where lie fecund i'itzel's wife anti chidren much excited. Holmes had several Inter- views with Ienolal amI Howe and the later wanted to abandon the In81'dnce trhcnme. Holmes salll he would , not take his chalices h Cluse the stal:1 was not big enough . Howe tlemande,1 $3.000 ( nf the money If It \ ent through , atI Holmea . claimed that Limbs was outrdgeous , ns he had taken all time chancls and done all the dirty worlt. "When Howe threatened to expoae Holmes smlell and tel him he was not arld. as ito ) md every Incrlmllltng word How hall uUered. 'I have had ' a phonorrdh ; , In lie hureau drawer , ' he exclaimed ' cooly , The money was finally obtaIned and Howe kept halance. $ 2ro1) ; of " It , ! rs , 1111el bellg gIven the ! HS. PlZgf , ON THE STAND. This conchlled the statement. During Its remmthimmg three ' vomen were usherll Into court by a side door. One was "Desa" Plzel and another her mother. There was a buzz In the court room when District At- toray Oraham calM " Irl. i'itzcI. " A tall . slender svoman dressed In shabby black , her face pale and worn , took tIme wness 1"111 , In answer to a long serIes ot questons ( rom Mr. Graham , she said : ' "My name Is Carrie A. P\zel , anti Benjntn F. P\zel was m ) husbanll him July 1891 , wo lived , in St. Louis. My I Ilsband had talen a policy In the Filelt ) compan for $10.000. On July 29. he left for Phiadelphia. In connecton wIth the maUer. I know the prisoner. Before July 189. I had met him several tmes with my husband when he came to our house In St , Louis and whln wo hived on Madison avenue ChIcago. I corresponded with my husband whie he was In i'hmhladeipiuia. He saId he was In the patent business In this city. I knew hD was lIving under the minnie of Perry " "Diml you know anything about the property of 1ioirmes-time Slxt-thtnl street 'castle ? ' " "ny my husband telling mo about I. " On objection being made on the gound uf Irrel vane ) ' . : Ir. ( raham said he proposed to show that the FortVorth and Chicago 11NII' ertlf were In ti.e nome of I.yman amid that both Holmes and i'itzel-Ijmmman being an alas of the latter-were Interested In them This ho sal .i1latet to the mnotlvea In addl. < . motres ton to the desire to get the Insurance ummoumey . that actuated Holmes In killing 1 I'Hzel and time cimihdren , 1nd would hI folowed by proof of a quarrel between Holmes anti Plzel con- cering the ownershll amid tte to the vrop- ertles. ertes.ImFUSlm ImFUSlm TO BE A pAITY TO IT. "Did you havc any talk wIth Holmes about the Insurancu case before It was carried out ? " "Once he spoke to mE about I when he came back ( rom the south and asked mo I Ben had told me about it. I saId yes . and I "II not want anylhlng 10 do with < \o Ho said Ben woull , he home from the south soon ; that he was sIck down there. " Contnuing , Mrs. Ilzel sall : " 1 knew Howe through Holmes. By his advice , I em- ployell ( howe /nd gave him the power of at- 10re ) ' to collect the money . I doum't know who prepared I , but howe brought I to be sl ned. " "I sain a paper that a man namell Perry hall been killed hy nn explosion hut Holmes tolll me m ) ' husband was all right. . "In whose care did Alice leave St. Louis ? " CULnmN IN hOLMES' P088"SSIO " 1mm howe's She wlnt at Holmes' sugges- , tomm . to Phlalelphla ! to IIlnly the body , he- eusl I was sick I asked howe to take care of Alee , and Holmes said he would. MinnIe Wiiams , Holmes' cousin he said would take care ot her and If I grew very Ick hi wohl semI Benny to take care of me. I next saw Holmes on September 2i , when he came 10 our house and said he had brought Alee back to Cincinnat lie said he would lake Howard and Nellie to Alce , so she would not he alone and had mad" ar- ranements for Alee to meet them In Indian- .mpolis. I took Nellie and Howard to the depot Howe was there and saId the Insurance - anco mane ) had bean paId. Holmes saIl to him : 'You had better give her some ummoney . ' ( 'nd Howe gave me $5 , I bade the children goodhy mil they got on the cur. "On October 22 Holmes came 10 the honse In SI Louts and we went to Howe's 0111cc. olle. Holmes was there . and Howe said the scheme was 1 ( ralll anti he washe,1 his hands of \o They wanted me to sign a paper In regard to lIove's fee , and aCer holng assured that I would not he implicated In the affaIr , I did so holmes then went mmnder time nale of howard. He demanded $300 or $100 of me and I gave it. He wanted to go to ole h.tul to pay off the note Lue to time Fort Worth . prol rt ) . . I got the $ .OO , and he look II. We went around to the baule. The money was In $100 bills . all hut one old note n $1,00 bill. Ho took the money and welt to a side wlndo\ Then he cale back ant hreught the note . salng It was Ilaid. He toll mo to lake care not to show It to Ikum when I law hlmn " "low much dId " you get In all of this Insurance 10npy ? "I received $500 ; that was all I ever got " " , \Cer this transaction what became of Holmes ? " I "He took another $100 for the chmlhtlren , who , ho said , would neell some In IndIan- apohi. lie went away and SOIO tIme afterward - ward sent me a leter ( rom nellol 10 come on Iht'e to see my hmmebanti. " "nld yocm see your husbanll ? " ' "No he then sent me to visIt my parents at Helm , Ill. " H181AlD DID lOT A'PI'EAIL. In ans\er to furthcr questions . Mrs Plzel wenl on : "When I went to Detroit wI.h Dcua all the b.by ho met us ald took us to G es6's European hotel I said I expected to hear ( rom the children , ant Ie salt they wcuII write In a few t1ys , Holmes regls. terel for me as Ir MIami . lie remaIned In Detroit unti October 18 , " "li'i ho explain wimy your husbI11 was not there ' " " 10 said he hal locked all over the town alll could not find a vacant house where I would be convenient to sle. Ben. On the morning of the ISth ho saId we bettor gi tu Torontu. He thought n.ssa ! lould Join the other chlhlrn In IndianapolIs . where Ihey wert In charge of a widow , he saId Accorll- Ins to his story , he harl hought come property ter his \ I ( e's mother , hut as she was not ready to mo\e Into I I could lIve there free of renl .1 asketl him the lame of the widow mr chlIlren were with , anti he said : 'it's a peculiar name : I cannot think ot it now. ' , I now. Wt th\n went to Toronto where he also registered . Itert me as Mra . Adams. My husbant. he uld was In Ientreal , weltIng for word to come on. "Oe dy i'e brouh me a letter fNm NellIe. n was In cipher and he read It' to me thus : 'Dear Iamma : We Ire all wel anti , going to school . hut howard won't mlnt Alce , lie will get dirty We have plenty to eat and the woman Is real go.1 to us , ' "We Were In Toronto from . October 18 to October 25. 10lmes 11,1 not stop at the cattle house with us. I don't know where hIs diferent stopping places were. On Lie after- lon of the 26th ho came 10 the hotel and s Il ho wanted tee to hurry up and gu 10 l'reict Can. . , and there cross over t Og- - - - - - - eenBhlr , N. y , 'c\'o went to l'relol cinch "taYNI at the national I hotel cmntil I November I I.'rom there wo went 10 Burlngton , Vt holmes hall , hero relied 1 furnIshed houlo on : lnooka a\'enll. lie told me that I 11\1 , 'or olt time nme of Adams antI , to go by the nmo at Cook. lie claimed II be aetmd. lag dl.mon(1 elrs to 111 In Montreal , Time lend week wo were In Ilrln ton , I saId 1 \a not Joln ta stand I any longer. \vlioLF : FAMILY DISAIII A HEn. "I wanteti to see len , amid I told Holmes 1 believed t wa9 lelng 10 me lie denll1 thIs I rhl : 'I do not hear from ( my chill- dren and ron salll I would get the rent from the Fort Worth property . amid I ha\'e nol a ) 6cratch to show' I said I would go to the ciiihtlrcmm In Inllanalol8 , but ha e'mltl : 'No not until you re lhcmi. ' lie said \ ho was going . Ing to take Hen to the states anti get him to sign pnpprs ahont the Fort Worth property ant sell it. For two or three days I ,111 , not see imim mind then he came anti told mo lie IUHI taken time chIldren to Toronto lie 9lhl 111 harl out heavy coat on them , so they \\ouhl not catch celL , anti that they were Illrfcll ) ' haPII I never raw him on Bunda's ; he never came around , lie s3hl heulll hale ! to go to Montreal , as Ben hall been uhrituklrmg , ant Wlt not takIng care of the dlamonll d'es. lie told me to 10 10 the coilar . alli under the potato hln I woul finch I bottle of dyumnuiiIe . which I should ear ) 10 the attic. I did not cary It tip- stair thouh 10imes was there leown as Judson lie tolll me Hen had been drinkIng unit was slelt , amid arke,1 , me what I would < 0 It ho ehouhl die. He ! lI : ' 1 have one grave mnrlt1 for him. ' , \1 my letero were given to 10lmes to mali . He said he sent them 10 Cimicago , where Pat Qtuimilan the jnl r of the CasUe , took care to get them to m ) ' immmibantL" A nUlbel ; of lete written by the witness - ness glnn to IohneR to mal were IdEntled by her None hal been mumaliel. She wal shown t\o uthers , written by AlICe nli lel' lie. That by Alice was marked by chUlsh , affection for her ahlent motimer anti bore a rude Ir3wlng of "l'nele Tom's Cabin , " which time little one had ben reading. At the sight of this the nuotimer's heart uvel'lowe\ and she wept bltteriy. The woman who accom- panied her and Dess' aroma , aumti walking to the wlnees stamud gave the hne3ved womun a teaspoonul of medicIne. There was no ono In the crowded court room who did not ap- predate the Ilatho of this seenl' but the . only change It malle In Hulmes' exprrslon I svau' a malcluus grin on his thIn hipti. SUSPICIONS AI1OUSED "Have yomu nc your husbant since he left St Louis . for Phiadelphia ? " "I have lever scan him sInce July 29 , 189t , nor heard from him since August 29 , when I got the last letter In his own hand- wring , " she answered , tearfully. "That was ' , . " ( rom I'htiadelpim In. "Havc yotm ueen or heard from Alice , Nellie or Howard since this man got II0Se5Slou of i them ? " "I have not heard from them. " "Have you seen thorn since ? " Sobbing bitterly . the woman answerel1 : "I saw AlIce . and Nellie lying sIde by side In the morgue at Toronto. I never saw Howard except what once belonged to hmimmm . In Imidiami- apols , In the coroner's ofhice. " This end\d the examinaton In chief. In nnswer lu questons ( rom Mr Hoton sue said she was married to plzel In Galva , I. In 18i8. She did not know where he atI Holmes had first met. She though It was In 18S9. She . first met Holmts II the restaurant at Slxt-thlrt anti Walace streets , Chicago , the "Castle . " when rime was with her husband there In 1S9 Sue did not see Holmes until this Insurance matter came up. I A long line of queslons was put to Mrs. Pltzel , many of which were put out on the , ground of trrelevance. At 5:30 : a rees was taken nnd up to that tIme her testImony haL not been shakn , NIGhT SESSION DEVELOPED ITTIE , The court reassemhled at 7 o'clock and during the few moments that elapsml beforetime the buslnel of the cue was reulet Hulmes eat In the duck , reading "Stephens' Digest of the L1w of Evidence. " At 7:10 : o'clock Irs. Pltzel's trying ordeal was resumed . after she hall taken a liberal dose of melUclne ( rom the traIned nurse who accompanIed her and her tlammguiter DeBa. The croes-exauuminatbon was continued , but developed nothing to con- tim'ert her evidence In chief. DktrIct Attorney Graham then showed her the crayon portrait of IPt1el , arid she mlt : "Yes , that Is a good pIcture of my husband when he left home. " Tide concluded Mrs. Pltzel's testimony . and at 8:30 : o'clock she gave way for her daughter - ter , Jeannette Desa. Her tEstmOny was largely corroborative of that given by her mother concernIng tIme departure of the , chi- den amid the sub quent travels of Des.t and her mother under Hulmes' guidance to time varloul elte ' naummetl IrH. Plzll WdS recalled anti the dlstolet attorney questioned her urther regai ng the stay In hhumrilngton. DurIng the second week there. sue ald , holmes took a lIghted lamp and went down Into the cellam . Sue thought she had better folow hIm amid did so . hut he urged her to return to time upper 1001' , fearing that she waul catch cold. Time wlnlowo In the collar were out . amid Hohnls ated for a hammer and naIls . saying ' Ing he would put them In. Mr. otan objected to thl" lne of evidence on the ground of irrelevance. I : . Graham aId that ho proposed to show that Holmes had Lug a hole In the cellar and covered It up as he had done In every case where he had rentel a icomie. Judge . \roll sUEtalnel time objection , and at this tIme . St : o'clock . curt adjourned until to- . limo rrow. : : lnr.\.t i liohtuies tl :1. . YII.r. DF'Im. . Oct. 30.HeE. . J. WIlcox . Pastor of the Fih Avenue Iethodlst Episcopal - COIII chureh In this city , saL today that he marrlel Holmes , now on trIal ! at Phia- tielptmia and MIss Georgiana D. Yoke , Janu- ary 17 , 1891 Their license was regtlar In cn'l ) : resprd. In It time man's nlle wa" given as Henry :1 Howard of FortVortim . Tex. , and the woman's resldlnee as I rankln , Ind. They ver. . strangers to Mr. Wlc ' x , and e.mo to his residence In a carriage. He mm'arricd . thrm In time IlrCence of members of his icouseimoid. A Edward Hose\at r rpeaks at the citIzens' mass meeting at the Coliseum Friday even- November 1. lug , Nov\mber . 'g.\'I'H Hit J'"OIUe.\S'I. Pulr imnt Slhiici'cYim rnu'r In the J I.tt'rn unt 111'lln lt eJriisktm. " 'ASIINGTOl. Oct. 30.-Tho forecast for Timurada ' Is Thursta ) : For Nebraska-FaIr : slghl ) warmer In time easter portIons ; easterly wlnj . For Missouri-Local showers ; northeast- erly wititla . hecomlng varia hIe. For iowa-Generally faIr ; south to west ) . winds ; warmer In the wester pO.ton , For I"ltlas-Falr. Ilrlclle,1 by local showers In the soulhern IIJI.ton ; norlherl wInds sligiitls' . ; sl wlrmpr. For 80ulh Dakoln-l ; norher ! winds , shiftng to westerly ; warmer In time ' eat- - . ' l'rn portion. . porton. .twul lt'eord OFFICE Ol THg WIM'rlmn BVHEAl' . OIAHA Od. 30.-0nmhn record oC lem- : perlure amid rainfall , eomlJled with the day uf Limo ) four ' l'rrosllomlng ) pasl years : 189 1 11 1t93. 1892 llxlmum lemparature. . . 41 : ' ; r 51 lnlmum temlllrtul.2i 33 31 : r Average . . . . 31 31 41 15 Irfclplaton ! Illplratre. . . . . . . . . . T .0 : .r r . 0.i ( oOlton ot teumiliermtUre and precIdtntlon at Omaha for time day and since March 1. 1 ' 95 : Normal tellllrnture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Deficiency for thin tn ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Accumuln excemmm slm'o larh 1. . , . . . . . Nornam Ilrlllplalon teL \xe 1 . . . : . . . ( . . 1. . . ( . Inch Uelclency for the du ) ' . . . . . . . . . . C Inch Total precipItatIon sluice March 1 19.50 itmehm's Delelenc \f'clJlltalon ) 1. . . . 9.51 IUllls Inehls Icl"rl" trout : nlol' ut 1 II. U. 'm . ' . i " " " ; " 3 . . . : ! C ' 8TATS or ITATIQ : : ' \ I ; : fu.USK a . . " ; : g I . : ' : - - - - - . - - ; - - . - Oahl . . . . . . . lid : 4' ' T Clommtly. : Condy North 1lalo. . . . 4n 00 .OU Ci.'i- V.I.IIIO. . . . . . 40 44 .un Clear. t.iitc.io . . . . . . . :11 : 40 .Ou C"r. ' 11 Eommls. . . . . . . 4U 48 .01 .Ot Cloudy . 51. Pall , . . . . . . . . a8 -o .00 Ciotiny Davemuporm. . . . . . : : . 40 .on Clumly. Kanau City. . . . . 42 II T Cloudy . Ciy -t ) lelcn : . . . . . . . . . : 00 .00 Clear . 11.cvru. . . . . . . . . : m'c I C : .on Clear Salt Lake City " . . . ISO ccl .no Clear. Cly" 10 , t , 11hanisrec..q . . . H 44 .00 Clomitty . SI. Vilcant . . . . . .i2 s 36 .on ConI ) ' . Ch".unu. . . . . . :4 H ,00 Clear , Wllblon. . . . . . . . :0) : ' 3 .011 Clt'mr. C1"ar. 1taItiCiiy . . . . . . 'itt fn 1 .ou Cia.ac- . Oal'.tol. . . . . . . . . _ _ _ lt 1 , .thi ( . IIII : "T" indicate , trace ofprectpttauon. precpitaton. L . A.1L I. 0bserve . Take your ladies and : lend the great man mlitng at the Colseum Friday nlehl . I AL1OSTREAPyFOR 1- . ' . TiE JURY Nothing but the ; ' Jl ! fO'8 Onrge Romalus to Bp .1IjIvored . , ATTORNEY BARNES MAKES A STRONG PLEA " I , ' , I.rw'r. I'iulsli , , time Argo tmi'mt. . nmmml I IN II..trl' ' hut n 11111 " rr- did \11 I ; ' 'Ut'nth'r'tl hJ' 'I'ulurt"w Ih'rnlaK. I .m IAN I"UANCISCO-Oc. 30-Dhtrlct Alor- ley larm' ! today alllllRcd as the ccntral furo In the last scene of the trial of ( Timeo- dare 1'lrralt. Whie the spectators In the crowded curt room craned their necks tu catch every word of the speaker . hl delivered what Is consIdered In mln ) ' respects , ana of the strongest arguments ever made to a Call. ( orla jur ) ' . Ashle Crol hellg logical c.nd convilcllg In his discussion of the testl- mommy , he made two or three dramatIc h ) plays that put a severe teat to the Iron ner\s of Lime prisoner . Of these scenN I the most Impre8sh'o took place In the early I part of his arglment , whel he spoke Of : how cotimm'cel for time defense hall Invokell the , spl'lt of lanche Laumont and voIced hem : thoughts b ) ra.llg : "Iet him go free : . he harmed mime not , " Whie looking Intent ) at the frame bearing MIss I.amuommt's . dress . which stood nea' time jury box and Iclns how . thl'olgh the long days of the trIal , he hal , feen the 'oung . 1111 clothed In all her Inn < c nce and purl ) , Mr. Barnes reached the clmax of the Ecena. Turimiumg upon Dur- rant , who was slllt only three feet away , the distrIct .1UOre ) ' , with clenched lists ,1d In n voice of thunder , exclaimed : "I see her umo % % ' . ' 'hert she stands behInd him at this very mumouuient nol praying for vengeance for hlr deep ant remellea ! wromugs not Cor time law's retribution upon her nJIIertr , but wllh up\ted hands and stllamlng eyes , prayIng that Got will not put I Iltu your lmeartmt by the mockery of a verdict of not gui ) ' , to set free this man ster to lIre upon other soul , Pollute wIth vie hands other chlllrP1 and defy anew that GOI of Justce , whoEe ministers you are. . " lUHtANT WAS UNMOVED Durrant was the least affected l'erson In the curt room Whie Mrs. Noble , the deal glrl's aumumtVCit sIlently , anti l'\'lrybody else was thried with the Impressiveness oC time sceumi' Burmnt sat stolid and immdlileront. \s the district attorney's last worls were ut- terL the Ilrlsoner whIspered something II the car of his mother , wlo sat near him , all remark. smnllwl as I pleased at the wi of his own Mr Bares began his argment by dwelling upon the personaltes of MIss I,3mont amid Durrant , and o\tlnlng the grounds upon which the. state bases Its contention Ih:1 : no one hut Durant eJu1 be the lurderer , lie spoke II part as ( alows : "The individual who perpclrat the lmdo- ohm murder with whIch the Ilefendant stands charged , antI which has harrowe the soul and frozen time hotly of this comlunl ) ' , Is no ordinary criminal , and his crime In every aspect In 1llch I nlY be conslLerllI Is wIthout a paral/l / 1t was not committed under a blnd amid Curious Impnlse tu revenge some real or anQlcll , wrong tu hiE person , . his Ilropert or Ills character . nor for 10tVe of gaIn , nor In time mmlsf'lon ' of robber , nOl' yet lulel' the Pot spur of je310usy. I was In every sense a cftlt.l-biootled , vicious murtar , I was wihout th1e ) , slIghtest provocation or apparent excuse or palliation . The assasJln ChOEO for his victm an Innocent and helpleE : malden , She wee unduveloped lu mind , pure In life anti of simple ! ' anti unsuspcctng na- Lucre and presenting In bohy nona of the qual- ) Ites which are \Pose,1 tu rouse the evil pasion ! of the sCllcar " nL the iibertlmme . "I'or the scene , pf. hIs dre11ui assault the murdered selected pq.1vangehicah chtmrch dedIcated - Icated to th worship of Oed lie took the life of hl [ ' vlctm'ot ; : lh the savage mercy of the Pistol O. tIme knife ( hut he tor- tlrrdbrr with Iho Ilplerllg procs , , of stran- ulftUn ! drJ\I g lie crml e , fimier . eep Into ! tie lenner leSI at j'lr ' Elenuer Lrmroat . nnn so fiercely did he t hIs devil'a work that the I stgma of his crime remained until the discovery - covr ) ' of her conle , clearly discernible as to the C.tUf' ! of death , not only hy the ex- Pert surgical exammminer but by the moat unlearned - learned observer. "What other I amiy wrong was done her before hr soul escaped all went to heaven we do Hot It a 1. The advncementt nturl decomp.s.t on hafeLlnveslsaton and mrde know ledge iuimposIble : but \e do knuw that either living 01 dying ( or deal , she was taken by him up the steep staIrs oC the steeple of the bclfry of the cumurcim where he supported tle pOol body with blocks of wood anti let It there to rot In nank ness and wiher In the cool western wlnl that swept through the lofty spire lie hid the remains where he believed , they welt remaIn UOUS- covered burial , and have no INlise of ChristIan NO WITNESS nUT OOD. "Nono saw time crime save God whom he feared rot , lS he extended the naked amid slender ferm on the belfry floor . laid the tl'in arms across the unlevelolled bosomim proppel the heall and stratgimteneti the meager - ger body In the dust. lot n human being had beheld his retreat from the awul prea- once of tie dEath which was his work \ time secret was safely locked II his breast There lay the IpeE-lI'sS anll untestfylng . anll what as it mmow to give hmimmi corpse "hatas I 10W gl'e hll ( ear ? I half been nothing but a girl after all , anti concernlnl her there would he the salC eLi story , 10 which he could help to give cnrr"ncy-the same ell ! story of a van- Ished girl , a dlstracteL family . on ineffectIve amid perfunctory search among time houses ef I-repute. a reluctant conclusion that this Ute one , like othlrs of Eve's daughters , hall HanD to her mural dl3tructon : a picture turned to the vaii . a lale never spoken , ami oblvion , personal antI social , for poor , lost Banche Lamont. And he was right for time lCment , The mUltelel' went his gui ) way wih his undIvulged crimne , unscathed and unwhlped of justice . whll his vIctm lay In the spIre that poInted Its slender , figure to tile sky . as If raproachllg Its Ruler for Ills unmovl11 : indignation. " Mr. Uarnas then related the circumstances In connecton with the dllcover of Miss Lamont's bet ) " and from the facts drew the' ' conclusion that she \as lurlered hy sOle I melber of the chu cl , who hal keys to the , builidiumg , and in whom she had confidence. 'ho murderer must also have bien a man I whose cunning was sufficient to enahle him : to stle the nalural feelng of timidity which I alwayu accompanies imimmocemice anti Inducl her 10 go along wIth him to the darllened church In whiCh they both wurshlpell on Sunday. Such a man , ha sall , Is Theodore Durral3t. ! Only a monster capable of taking the life of an Innocent gIrl , he said , could remnalim cool Imps8h'0 amid alulst defiant when accused of fch a crime "Genticmnen . " cDn\lnled Mr. Bares , "such a man Is such a' ' mare quality that If con- fronted at last with the proofs oC his crme , whoe recital has ' ' o ko all clvllzaUon , he could and would , ' he has done . sneer- ant I ! tone. ingly l smIle In 1\ t \ ) , 'ilwfUI ' presence of the relics of his vlcUIl , tprn by his hanl , from her stIffening body , ant exhibit nlher pas- alon nor emotion. neiher sympath nor regret - gret for the unfortunate " > . child bo hal brought to a premature grave , Rurh s man { out well lie II jai awallnK his trial for mmiurde And cloth his villainy wIth thl tlRk of a pie' tended trust In the Jlhuh whom lie ba.1 defied , soil , itlar , the saint with \'elll nntl Ilhmles Btolrn ( rm holy writ. Ill coull Istpl wlh grim CmlllncPlcy whIle hIs cutmum- leI truRll.t 10 weave 1eh of ( suispicton ' 111\1 , 1 ' lsnlon mmrounth ole whom hl Ilw to Lo I lnmmoent . antI from the bllnnlng 10 tic- eu.1 . of hb trIal for ( time highest crimI Itowl 10 I tll law remall the same Imlusuble , , mlng \'laln. I "imhtrant'a ) testimony Is : mus of contra- ( lelons frol beginnIng to enti " 11 : tr. hiarnos . "Not only ha he , , cOnlrn-j tullnon ) ' of the bmrosecmltiomi's wItnesses , but ho bas contradlclel , the tclmou ) ' of lila own I submit to you , gentlemen . that there Is 10thln ! In the Istmony of the deelHlant ( or auy wltnes8 presented , by the defense to cstablsh an alibI that lice lleenee ( hlS trleJ to build up In this case " Mr , Iares closed , with an eloqucnt appeal to imo I jmmry 10 a\'elle the lurder of Ulalichi' Iamont anti protect the women amid gIrls u : time stale hy retl'nln verdict of guilty of mUlller In the Irat degree , wih Ihl' pemi- ally of death. ) Judge Iurphy wIll charl ? the Jtmry lomo row morlnl und a verdict , Is oqllclCl1 hy to- mOlrow night. . Wi Ourley speaks at the cItizens' mass meHlnl at the Coluum ! Frid.my evemming No- vlmblr 1 . - ( ' .tM'l'i : ( A "O'I'I.n : IiIll . A UII"(1 IUII . J.nl..lnl. . 'uh t-nth'I' \1" II ( Jhwllllt. A Clncmrat tounllr has umlerlaken to cast a monstel bell for a local church-a bel that wi exele,1 II size ant weight any une In the Vnlell States , ant exceld the Ion- traal clthulral hell , which wegimu thirteen amid one-hal tone. This royal vibrator , say time Cincnnat Emmqulrer . wi be cast II a heroe ! mold , not as Immense as that ot the Moscow ( bell . Egnalzlll ! In history . amid son ! but In proporlons ! ufclent ) grand to make I a curiosity Its weight , for . Instance , will be nerly 30.000 pouunds-pretty near cmmoumgh volrdupolE , tu n1ko a complete church chime. Fifteen tons of molen calIper and hum will he requlret to fill the mold , new almost coma- pleted at the Hucleye Dell ( ounlr , ) ' . At howl that omount of metal will be In the ( urnce , and pretty nearly oil ot which wi ba run out when time proper moment arrivea Bill , considerable i\orl of a careful klUI has yet to be accomlllshell heoro that auspicious tme comnee. A corps of mechanic ha , been husy for weeks emi the prellnlnarle ! So much pace waD required to do time thing properly thnt the Interal arrangement of the foundry h811 10 bo overthrown to 1 consider able extent. A deep pit hal to be dug In which to place time foundation works , 0 to _ imealc Cuslg ! the removal of a large derrick usel for the heavy handling customary In luch estabhishmunents. Then au overhe111 lift- lug apparatus had 10 bo specially construeteel : tu be aIde to handle the castng ate It hail cooled-to 1 ( I out of Its Place and carry I where It could be aL\ctageoul.ly moved to the out'ido of the bumilding . At present there Is an I-looklug , concern outehle the foundry . partially on the street and partially on the sidewalk. . Anyone see- log I. who h3d had experience In log cabin huldlnl here or cisewimere would be at tracted by I ; so , IJerhaps , would be the ploneel' faruner who haL to make hIs graimi hlus out of logs. The reporter only meaurell It wIth his eye but It must be twemmty-flve feet long , ten feet wIde anll twenty feet high. I Is con llucle of heavy timbers' , notched at time ends so as to lit strongly and snugly I Into one another , leaving openIngs of three or ( our Inches between tmbers , I Is fled to th" top with clay , whIch will bo used In making the mold. Thcre Is a bin In tIme foundry , a few step ! In ( rom Lice front door which , on first notice might be thouJht to contain a heap of an thracite coal. Uut on clo'er inspection a mor metallic baLer Is discernible. SuperIntendent Iotz , the overseer and deslguer of time blr hEl , wi Inorm you thal It Is the copper for the bell , In which ho 19 taking mora Interest because of what ho litts at stake than those who will have to pay for his pains verhp9. ' On the floor near the bin are piles of bar These are the Un pigs The . alloy ot coppe and tin used will be 78 parto of the fonnc and 22 of the laUer. The bell was malle poe sible by the gift of Joseph luddeke , deceased . whose widow canted omit hIs wishes by pial log the $10,000 allotted by her hu band fem thut purpOS3 at time Llspo91 of the pastor 0' the Church of St. FrancIs de Sale. The hell . hmowevem' . wi coot a larger sumim - - - Wiiam S. Poppleton speaks at the cli zens' mass meetng at the Colseum F\lda evening , November 1. . 10lg J.'OI 'l'ln lIAuitlCSS. . A Ht'llvltla' ot Gioss ' . ni" . . . " Yoi'k' IlA fl I ChlCI"f ttimii . There Is hope for bald-heads. Men wll have exposed their glossy 10mes of though : to the elements anll the Intrusive summer Ir says the ChIcago Times-Herald , are at las atoflet nn opportunity to acquire the shagg chrysanthemum hIrsute oC a cenler.rush In , college foot bal ttam , Men who have hal their locks picked II Ihat pebky old burglar Father Time can now have the key that wl nnlok the secret of luxuriant capillary ex- crescence. For the man who haa ch lengeL ate and yole" hImself to the new WOlal only to find hint malrlmony means a denule' , palo there Is balm In GIbead. For the mar. who has Inadverlent ) launched out Into nr early career of reckless piety and has dropped his cerebral covering In a vigorous tusle with , the e\1 one there Is the glad Ilromlse of a new crop A broker on the Chicago Board of Trade who has a rich red mustache but no hair emi his head , has offered $ : , OOO 10 any ana who can grow on his barren top a sh3ggy growth oC carmine hue. The Chicago man Is not Inclined 10 split hairs as to just how It shall be dune. 1)az- 1Ie by the mnnltcenco of the offer and am- bus 10 cuntrlbute somethIng 10 sciemmco . a New York specIalist has undertallen time job. Like the man In Conan Do'le's story of the "Hed-Headed I.eapue. " he has begun adver- tsing for red-he3ded mcmi He orers $500 to the man who Is wIlling to aimed , his scalp and alow I to bo grafted upon the head of the Chicago Bord at 'trade man. Hero's a great opportunity for men who have a surplus crop of fiery hirsute. Many a vagrant sorrel.top will prick np hIs cars at this chance to turn nn honest penny and the man In New York will no doubt have a glittering array of au. bur eap.sheaves from which to male a select Ion. selecton In the meantime the men wIth the hairless palaces of tbought need not despond. The barren anti cheerless waste may yet blossom with fibrous and filamentous p luxuriance . .chnllt ot Coiiipiiimmcujs . Harper's Houlll Table : "hiullo , Fatty , " said the Copybook to the flictiouiary. "hlullo , Thlnny ! " retorted time Iictbommary. "You're a wordy person , Fatty . " said the Copyhook. "You'ro aim comply Ihlng , Timinny , " said the ) Dictionary. , "Bouml to Iave the last word . eh , Fatty ! " sneered time Copybol : , "Nee,1 I In my hmmsimio . Thlnmmy . " sall the DictIonary , and the Umbrela In the library corer laughed su hard that It bent ono of Its ribs ! , , ' " " 4 1 Quaker 'Wi.don - r' I " Prones may make friends , but 'tis perform- aui&ikeeps : them. " Quaker Oats is better than any promise made for it. , \ . ' OATS ; I . - Sold enl in 2-1b 'ackages.\ , . - . . \ - - - - - . . - - - - - - S. , S. - - - - - . - - - - ' - - - - r ( I1\AGREAT 510 , I , J ) ) 1 PIECE. I . , I 'N OF' ¼ ; ? ; . ' - t \ \ . : V i' , ' _ \O , : I ' ; . , ' - . : ( 1' f(1j 1'I ' 0. I I ; S , I , ' , . P'uiG ' S ) . FOR _ 10 CENTS , - , - We have a lot ofAll Wheels-- : - and . slightly used _ wluch we are coslg out at from . $15 to $125.00. BUY NOW ! DON'T WAIT ! W.IT Come in and see the m Safes-- . sold. feW shop worn safes that must be . 0. The Big Safe anti A l DEnNE & en m . . I U , Bicycle House , J , J. DEItIGEIT . 1'4ANALR. flj FurUfltl St. . The Hlst ExpcrtSafc Rep Ilr Mmiii In the West is II 01' cmplu ) ' , Look ; - LookI I -I . At Trado.Mark. Photograph it on yotmr nienmory. It stammcb f r all that is clflcicomt , ecommonmical cicanhy and durabie , ill lmCatL'rs aum(1 CXk- crsVitlm it as a guidc yotu wihi get what wmll satisfy you. [ STSTOVE PLANIN tib .4' Your Dealers , WM , [ XLE DICKEY & CO , , Oiiiahrm. A. C , lAY1IIER , South Omithiim - . - - - - - - - - - RESTORE VIGOR Sactno ted s'mien , lmpomeny itl. in dohtt . I rain. , . 'ctro1.Ity t , , use , Vricoceme , i'evoui 1mm Dri.Ilit. ol.e , .ekieccei , l.oii o ( Secuit , ( to , . i'or any ta.e tin cithet , Ut , ctecket , . . and lull . troctcit reuuIt , , , , rumammy. Maimed sne'he. lgtr cald quLlly , Cur irttore'i omcs l ( negmcm..m , , , . , tucim hiesult in 4 weeks. s o u'Itr we gtvc lt..l w.r3aIee I , , ts of refuel di. , mo Cu , Ito /.cttec With UEItMAN & 3fcCONNTr4T4 DRUG CO . , mitreet. ( ) ninlit , , Web. - 1 ' cc' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ q c Iii ! f- i4 if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii 'us I -1. L. TRAD IARA _ _ - & , S - LtfflOOI&1h _ # ' 1 , , ' I TPiALTYoncarcrTec I I Ilary byphtlm. permauonthy cured iii i t I , , S5days. You c&o botrouteciat borne fe thme same price ulititreanje guarmcuty , is yocipreferto comae hers we will contract . to osy railroad tare 500 hotel bmlis. anti eo ( My mama usqd Wool Soap ) Ii nisim amino imad ) efmar.ir vo hail to cure. 1fou hau taken flier. cury , Iodide pota.hi , an Mlii bayc seheS anI IO OLEAS 'cviii not shrink ir balni , Itt UCOUS 'atchoi In mouth , Hors Tlmromit , l'imples , Copprioiored iii.ctN , Ulcers . cmi Inypartofib. dy , Iairorf.obrown r..iiirpg WOOL SOAP out , it ( atbtaHyphiiiitio tiLl ) 1) I'OIHON Ucci wIlOtiarantee Ia cure. Wa solicit the immoatobiti' - ula a cases stIll Cfmaitetmi , time won ( or it is usethin time laundry. 0550 Wa cOnHot cure. 'a 14 Otmoaso lot. lwayi Wool Reap Is deilcatenmil rafrestitog forbad ti pur- batTled , the skill of the muSt erichuassmtpimyc - . , dofla. 'lice bI'sI cleaiier. 1lms . a L.arat mjousr dcIerj. CIns IiOOOOO cspitcl behind our nucondi. " ° tzestOttetaad : iauum.iry , SionHlSiiah4ltI. Absututorooftsensatedomi kaworthi , Scimodde Co. , Makers , Chicago. ) . . . . . . " . epplhn"cvt .dtlress ' ( JO. . 3Ctc.tham itL ito..toe , Ci Leoumird Ht. ' 107 MacaorUu Tcmelc. C ttU , z'fow vorimwi COcLuut Lqui.i , I S