Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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_ ( ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - THE OMAUA DAILYBEE _ : J UAY I , OO'L'OBEn 27 , 189. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ---t
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m OftIc , 12 PeArl 51rcct. - . W. Titian , Msnuger Dud tBSCo
t 1 ; { ; ;
1 1 .
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. . - _ . - . . .
I 3LIJR m : ( J :
8udo Heinl clnmHud I\vorc ! preccI.
Suto .
t Infs yntenll ) ' against William helm . allcg
lug , lcserUo :
: ' 'fho MinterL ) aicLtfl Ilret" on Monday [ .
lnl '
day I 10:3J : n. m. In the u.h' . ! f the rlr"
Presbytarlati d.urcl. .
. Thu Oan'mtde Vhct 1 rllb will Jt I. ' [ .tn
, coIn today In company wlh 1 lot of Omaha
; whcelmcn , Thc ) ' w I return by train.
J : , I MI1br . who 1.1cn . wih ono .tC
thc 1argEt muSIc Icuse : II Sl. L'uls for the
at Ilr/tst ttrec years , Is home on a bre : v1t.
- 11ev. J" 1. I fmplou wI ; begin ( onlll1aton I
1nstructl.n [ at Orace church tl Tut1y even
Ing at 8 o'clock. Alt are welcome at the
cla ses.
11tns t12roeer. aged i ! year. , . 11rJ yesterdAy .
lns , afr : an IIltie " or twt weck1 , at his
, home : In ( Crescclit. The runeral will take
11ce tOla ) ' .
Justle Cook rarict1 . \ jurltt ) ' ( sl r-
day against W. II. Or3hl In favor oC , \ . W.
loekhlr ro : . ; 0 , that beIng the amount oC
an unpaid gloct ? ) ' 1)111. I
, There wi bo a hlrr ! race at th Driving
, park today at 4 octhk letween houes
ownil b ) ' .k. [ . Mucci and George Carson , a
nes ca
A1t1C1C3 DC IncorporatIon wore Oed tar rec- .
ord yesterday by tin Counci Jlurr3 Novelty
, OOO. The
company . with a capital Iotk of i.OOO.
coml13lY. incorporator [ are 1":1 lIrown W.V. . Chapman -
man and J. T. lender on.
, . , . . H. Wlsw,1 lis rcI'e.1 a tCIram ! an- 1
. nouncll the eah : cr his slter. lrB. G. D. I
, Parsons ) lt Emira , N. Y. her clothing ( was
; accidentally eet on fro and she was fatally
burned before she could be re cucd.
Dr. .7. F' . \\alter who has been 1 > 'actcln !
modlclne , EO It 1& I c\lmed. contrary to the
. laws oC the state , \H3 ancdc(1 yesterday
morning by Constable Baker at his resldtnc ,
2622 " \'enu A. and : released on 1 bond or
$100 to appear before Justice Vlen Tuesday
afternoon a 2 o'clock for a prelIminary hear-
! IDg.
Jimmie MUlholuJl , one or The BeD carriers -
; riers yesterday ) ' morning , In eating hIs breakfast ! -
f fast . swallowed a neEdle. Lucidly It stuck In
ills throat , where the doctor could get at It
with a pair of pilcers , and It was pulled out.
i 11 Is thought that the ledlc must have been
, In some sausage which he vas ealng at the
Charles DroTolhht all wife wce arrested
yesterday for an assault nlll battery on John
Shelt. They gave bonds anti were released
I' r ' until Tuesday at D o'clock. They are all
I Germans , without English tongues at their
control and an interesting tmc Is expected
I when they come up for a hearing before
\ Justice Vlen.
I' ' Yesterday afternoon Julia Iupora Holten-
hauer and PereJoy & 1Ioore each executed , a
, chattel mortgage covering the stock and fixtures -
tures of the Grand hotel cigar stand to
Sewanl Crouse Mrs. I Iattenliauer's father ,
the consideration In each being placed at
; ,800. The stand dlaned hands during the
afternoon and Howard Halenhauer was installed -
staled DS manager.
An entlrtalnmen will he given at the
Broadway Methodist plscollal church Tuesday -
' day evening October 2D. for the benefit or
two blind soldiers , Captain lhht ; and B. S.
Dawson. There wi be an address read by
N. P. Dode. Subject "The History or
Council Bluffs In the War. " The Indeplnd-
ant Order or Odd , Fellows hand will furnish
I the music , and the high School quartet will
I 1 &In&
I Mrs. Fannie lusllY has been boarding at
1'1 ' the home oC H. F' . Cochran , on WashnKton
avenue near Oakland avenue for about three
weeks. From what could he learned about
I I her , she and her husband have been having
I f some trouble. But they patched up their
. dIfcules suddenly , unit she made prepua-
4 I. I tons to leava for her home In Sioux CIty
I without giving any notice to her landlord and
wihout , payIng her bill , which amounted 10
--1 $10. A writ or attachment was sued out tn
a hurry In Justice Cook's tau t , end Constable
Albert levied upon her trunk , which she
had taken to the Northwestern depot to be
shipped north. _ _ _
Farm loans made In western Iowa at low.
nt rates. No delay In closing loans. FIre
I and tornado Insurance written in [ best of com-
panIes. Bargains In real estate. IOUGE :
& TOWLE. 235 Pearl St.
Money to loan on Improved Iowa rarms.
Large loans a specialty. I , . W. Tuleys , 102
Main street rooms 2 and 3.
(1) ( ) No. DID Main street Is
- -
' ' . \ ' .
C. A. Atkins left yesterday for Neligh .
Neb. , to look after his tree cliiTn.
Dr. E. I. Woodbury jr. . or Chicago Is In
the cUy visiting his friends and relatives.
Mrs. John 1 llns of Denver Is the guest of
ber sIster , Irs. J. II. Carse In MorningsIdo.
11ev. Or. Askin has so far recovered Cram
0 his illness that ho will be able to occupy his
pulpit today as usual.
Darn . to Mr. and Mrs. George SW' Smie ,
t October 17. a son. On the same day In
I Monmouth I. . to Mrs. Sniille's twin sister , ;
Pt Mrs. C. C. Secrlsh , a daughter. I
We have sold 3.000 hotbed sash In Iowa '
and Nebraska and never had a kick We now I
have ready for immediate delivery 1.000 more I
, I at bedroclc prIces. Wrie for I'rlces ' on : I
'I I kinds glazed sash glass paints oils . elc. .
: I stating quantity demred. Council Bluffs
! I Paint & Oil Co.
: 01 _ _ _ _
d '
ColI 'Vnve Com hI" .
: I' I you want a good stove to put up before I
you start your furnace , buy one or Swaine's
! air-tight [ stoves , the best niado at 7.10
. 1 Droadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\ ; I I. " it Crnelu'r . " 11. .
: "A Cracker Jack , " a picturesque play
: I which will be seen at the New Dohany to
U night tells a story that Is always Interest-
i I Ing and at times highly exciting. The "cone
( of the first act Is laid on the ludson river :
II ! ¶ and the succeeding ones In Oklahoma , where
' the most exciting cvents occur , including a
I I cover Istc , and later a novel sword combat
, 1 lynching scene In which the victim Is
' actually strung up : ahl a tar and feather
'I I t episode In which the villain gets a free
II 1 rIlle on the proverbIal ! rail. This brier out-
\1 \ line does not give an inkling of the numerous - ,
ous thrilling situations and artistically con-
q t trlved comedy complications. Nor does It
hint at the purl heart interest , the genuine
I ) lrolc l'ntment and natural com dy char-
I , acterizatons In which the play abounds. The
Cst Is remarkable for strength anti balance , ,
Including such players as Fred A. Sullivan . '
I J. G. lcDo\el , Farle Atkinson , J. Wison
t I Dwyer , Malt lcOnnls , Florence Langdon
BozIc Stephens hew A. Warner. Myra
Brooks . Eugenia Manic . Jolin C. I ox. J.
} \lle Cookson , etc. A little darky band or
fifteen plckanlnnles Is a special feature
This weather suggests warm antI corn-
tortablo things. 'fhoso "Colorado I IIE
Down" bed comforts at the Council Bluffs
Carpet company's and the big line or fur
I rugs meet these suggestions. They are
cheap , durable beautiful .
(2) ( ) Away down town. but if [ f T. D. Hugh
can Eve you more than car
) : I..t Stl ) . Awn ) ' from 101" .
I Mrs. John P. Farris was at the court hcuse
yesterday and tel the commlulonlrs of Insanity -
sanity tie story or her trIals In trying to live
with her husband who ' as liis.iiiiy jraluus
of her and made . a pr.lte' oC accusing her
I oC unchast ) ali beating her wit ) , his : lats
After hearing her story the coiiiniissloners
wHe still at sea a to his real mental con-
I dlton , but tnaly decld'l to Ilschsrge Iln
on condition that he stay away train her ,
a thing which he \roreu tl 10 be willing to
( ho . I he fails to kC1p his promise hI will
I , bt rearrested 1 and locked np. Mrs. 1"lrrls
I will begin a att ! for a 11\.orc. . and wi
II probably be cared for by hlr realves , who
i are in [ good clrculetIC S.
I For Salel0-room house : all modern conveniences -
veniences ; clear of Incumbrance. Will take
J real estate or good paper In exchange. In
Ii i quire oC J. C. and Woodward , arcbLtcts .
\ I room 3. Everett block. '
Ohambers' dancing academy now open for
pupils. Cal after 10 a. 1 , Clrculara.
Jlrlltol Bottle .
Fall race mNlng , Lincoln , Neb. , October
I 28 to November 1. The best horses In the
I country will be there. One rare for the round
, t trIp. O. M. DROWN , Ticket [ Agent.
ii "
L . '
, /
- :
. , . - . .
- - . . " . . - - . . - - - - - - - - -
lit ) " % 'ilf ' 'I i \ . \Hn 'I'U lS'tl'l. : :
r " .1" (11) ' 11" . , I llhlr of lii-
I'r..II I .JII i St'ziitets.
Th e'cope or King . the con\'lcte boot-
ieger , who was allowed by C. G. Peterson .
Jailer at the county jail . to pose 3S a "trusty"
while ostensibly saving a jai sentence at
haiti labor , caused a IdrRe amount or talk
ycsteida. Perhaps one or the most nervous
men In toWn was Jailer Peteson hhnseH
The "trust ) . " business has been written up
repeatedly In the newspapers during the
past few years , as one and another "trusty"
\oull disappear from the fold . but even an
affair like the Iresent has not yet put a stop
to the practice. At the last sessIon of the
United States court one Waler Cue , a boot-
le"er. was round to have escaped from the
clutches or Deputy Sheriff John I' . Stuhr at
the Avoca Jai , Jldgo \Votaison's attentIon
was called to the fact , and he took occasion
to re,1 the riot act In unmistakable language
to Mr. Stuhr. lIe said that when he sentenced -
tenced prisoners 10 a term . connnement
he IH'I ' not meAn that they were to use the ,
Jai merely ns a boarding house am ) be ai-
lowell to run at large at all times " hen they
wlre not eating ur sleeping , , hut that they
were to bE confined ! there. He gave fair
notice that I uch a Cdse came 10 his notice
ag'lll he would not only refuse 10 allow the
thnl to receive hay for hoarding the United 1
Slates prisoners , but would , direct the grand
jury to toke acton Uon , the jailer's criminal
( jier's
In spite or this notice Peterson hs let
King r011 about as a true nut ! tried friend
Instead or kle'lllng him locked up as a con-
vict. Petcrsonolph ) hooker another or ;
Sheriff Hazen's deputies . and Lon Kendal ;
were playing cards In the jail office when '
suddenly there camt a great llrouth. King [
was sitting In the office as an interested
spectator oC thl pa 1 e. When the drouth
manifested itself or the threh
Iselr one men , aup-
Posed , to be Kendall . Jluled a f5 bill out or
hIs pocket and handel I to King with a re .
quest that he speII I for the good or the
orller. Thle was nothing uncommon about
this Fort or n request . , for beer has been frequently -
quenty brought Intu.tho jai by the prisoners
lu the IJls ! So King Felzt the "growler"
and started to rush It. lie leer came back ,
for the f5 was just what he needed to start
him up again In business. The bucket was
round lying a sllrt ) distance outside the
I has been commonly understood that the
reason the federal grand jury was not allowed -
lowell tu consider the case against Sthr
was that Judge Woolson was a republican
and he did not care to bo accused oC trying
to prejudice Stuhr's chances , the bier being
candidate ror shlrl on the democratic tlclcl
No such reason for a refusal to act exits In
Peterson's case and speculation Is rife as
to what JUdge Woolson will do whm' h.
hears oC this deliberate case oC malfeasance
In ofilco. .
When asked for his version of the affair
yesterday Peterson saId that Kendal wanted
some cigars alli gave King the bill to get
them. lie , Peterson was not there having
just stepped out oC the room. I he had
been he would not have allowed KIng to have
l much money or to leave the jai , although
he had frequently ben allowed to go to the
butcher shop or the grocer store about two
blocks away. When asked as to whether It
' \as customary for King 10 bring back cigars
In a tin pal he made an evasive repl )
Later on In the conversation he admitted
cOI'ersalon admited
that King was well known In the Creston
house bar . but explained that I was. only
because the bar Is next door to the butcher
shop not because Illg had been there to
buy beer
I'olerson alee admitted that he had made
a practice or itavlng beer brought Into the
jail building . but thought I was no one's
business. I has been a matter of common
talk about the court house that one or the
saloons In that neighborhood stood In no
danger oC financial embarrassment 80 long
as I kept the county jail trade. In the after-
noon . whop the baker's wagon calls to delIver -
lIver goods , It has beemi the common practice
to lend out the "growler" a few times and
entertain the baker-man. The "trusties"
have been known to hold up passersby and
ask them for the prIce oC a "growler. " When
the passerby proved accommodating one or
the "trusties" would take the wel worn tin
bucket and get It filled at the Creston bar ,
aCer which the "trusties" would bowl up
with the greatest unctIon.
This same Un pal his furnished the only
clew so for secure as to the direction King
took when he left the jail. I was found
early yesterday morning lying In the rear
oC Gregory' blacksmith shop on Fourth
street and identified by the jailer as his
property. I Is supposed to indicate that
the 5 bill went to pay King's lodging , lt
some Pierce street manuon : , Instead oC toward
buying lIquid cigars.
King tailed to take ot the
advantage opportunity -
IJOrtunlty he hall of skippIng the country
with Kendall's $5 . for he turned up last night
about 8 o'clock anti tr-d [ to steal a bundle
of brooms rrom In front or John Sullivan's
grocery store on Droadway. lie was detected
In the act and caught by a young man named
Langilon. who turned him over to Dzpuly
Sheriff Nick O'nrlen. George Roper. It Is
said . wal around with him , anti was keepIng
watch willie he committed the theft Jailer
Peterson who had Inrormaly offered a re-
ward oC $25 out or hIs own pocket during
the afternoon , welcomed him at the door of
the county jail as he would a long lost
brothel' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rockers . rockers . rockers : " 100 styles. Dur-
rf Furniture company , 336-33S Ilroadway.
( ( ) Fare on the smalest purchase It wl '
pay you to go down and see T. B. Hughes'
line or underwear , hats gloves . shoes and
luber Bros. ' new meat market Is the fnet
In the city , 12 Broadway. ,
Nothing like H. The ramous Crown piano
wIth orchestral attachment leads them all .
Dourlclus Music 10use. _ 16 Stutsman street.
SI ) ' " U .Juror Sletit.
H. W. Ponaeroy who was convicted of
cheating Robert A. Seater by false pretenses
a week ago In the district court . fed a mo-
ton In the clerk's ofce yesterday for a new
trIal. alleging that - William [ . 'arrel. one or
the jurors , was intoxicated durIng the prg-
roes or the trIal and slept off his jag while
part oC the testimony was being heard Ar-
lavlts were filed in [ support or the motion
by Salathlal Suits . 1 Mergeii antI Fred
Icons who say they SW Farrell drink one
or more glasses of whisky October 15 before
going into the jury box. J. S. Mullen and
P. Costello also sign affidavits allegIng that
they Ill Seater In close confab with one oC
the jurors , Peter Leonard in [ the court house
during an Intermission In the trial. Mullen
also says that In going Into the jury box ann
day Farrell was so drunk that he staggered
and had to grab his shoulder to support hIm-
self. F. M. Scanian a member or the jury
says he saw I ' arrel sta/e In going up the
steps Samuel . M. I\uYkendal , In his am-
davit "a.s he saw Seater talking with a
juror mistimed McKenzie ' at the east entrance
or the court house , when Seater said : " [
wilt Fee you even IC I have to stay a couple
of ,1as. " This wu after the Jur ) had ben
empanele\ : and a part or the evl1enco hd
been tal.en. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A plant thoroughly equipped with the
newest naachlnery the best work by skied
empioyes prompt deliveries and fair treat-
Imt are ancng the things that makes the
Eagle "that good laundry " Telephone 157.
Nicest line or overcoats In town , Metcal
nros. _
The Harlluan piano improves with use .
flit'itl J..IK U""I.
David Long who has ' been lyIng [ ; nt the
Wom n's Christian Association hospital
sick wIth typhoid malaria for several
weeks , died yesterday morning at I
o'clock. His remains were tal.en to Llnl < ey's
undertaking rooms wnire they wi b kept
until his relatives CJn be hi"itrd from. Ills
mother lives lit [ [ nl , m1. anti 's said to be
wealthy , but sncl [ Js imntrtmin.ite matr [
monlal entanglement with Jose [ Hulbert , a woo
man oC the town site Is said 10 have had no- -
log to do with him. \Vhethr : her resolution
will weaken In the pre"nc c death remal'ls
to be seen . I she docs not bear the expenre
oC burrIng him. hIs hotly will , in ! all prol
doctors ablity , . find its way Irate the hands oC the
Cool Oil I. Ch.II' ,
A'(1 a t'o [ too son to start your hart
coal fires It's just the thing for boating I
yo' use It In one oC the new oil heaters. Lang-
eat line In the city at DoVol's
The Standard piano [ next to the nartma ,
- - . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ c _ , _ _ _
, \ \ Iltl\ ' 1'Sl'PHOI IJ NI'I
Tit of J. U. ItinuiitIson's Essiht'es
Nest rIp' S I fo Il ( .1.
Kennedy Duchannn and Delia 101n. who
are employed b ) J. D. Edmundson a hired
man and . cook had a narrow escape frl
death ) yesterday morning , Mr and Mrs. Ell-
Inndl'n returned from an easter trip Fri.-
day evening and went to their home at the
corer of Fifth avenue anti Eighth street.
\Ihout their knowledge the man also came
In to be In readiness for work yesterday
morning. lie startet a fire In tue furnace
and went to his bed In the basement. Shortly
after Miss Boln went to her room for the
Yesterday morning Mrs. Edmuntson found
her girl was not on hand to get breakCt , ,
anti , stepping to the gIrl's room to eel if she '
was sick , found her stretched upon I bed
unconscIous. Time room was filled with a
de3dly gas from the furnace whIch showed
plainly what hall occurred . A search wall
then Ild ! In the basement , when Buchanan
was also found In bed . hIs breath coining In
short gaaps. Both were carried out into the
fresh air and Dr. racrae was called to attend .
tent them. In an hour or so the girl re-
gained consciousness ant hall apparently sur-
fired no I effects , exceptIng a severe head-
aehe. Buchanan lay for hours unconscious ,
and was fn31y taken to the Women's Chris-
than association hospItal for treatment.
: , gtmumh'n was at a los to account
for the affair . as Buchanan had been with
him for more than a year and undorstod (
the workings oC the furnace perfectly. Th
gas had worked its way up the stairway to
the hired Klrl's room , but a closed door prevented .
vented it I from going into the rest or the
house so that Mr. and Irs. Edmun,1on , es-
cap,1 a similar unpleasant experience ,
At mldnlg last night the Ors. Iacrae
were at the bcdtle or the ' '
bedlJde 'oung man . gh'-
lag him oxygen gas In the hope of brIngIng
him back to consciousness. Not once during
the entire day hat he shown any signs or
returning animation . and his recovery Is regarded -
garded as doubUul
(4) ( ) Rubber goods. Even Ir you don't buy
T. n. luJhes I always wIllIng to show you
through his well selected stock of "warm
things for cold weather. "
Dro Nicest . lue of overcoats In town. Metca\
Morehour & Co. , blank books and binding.
"ICTOIY Volt 'riir PINIU cms'mi.
You tig 31t'ii'a : Clrl"t'nn.elut.n ' I
J1.H'lu'c ( hit h ) ' I N 'or. of 1 t. .1.
The Council Bluffs Field club and the
Young Icn's Christian asrclaton root bali
trams let on the fornaer's grounds yesterday
- -
afternoon . and the FIeld club won In twenly-
minute halves by a score oC 6 to 4. The Association -
socIaton team Is the heaviest and most
husky the Ai-Counci Bluffs eleven has yet
imiot . and 'esterday's game was just the sort
of practice necessary to put the Field club
team In god Corm. The game was marked
by considerable fumbling , the Association's
four points being made on a bluke . and two
or the Field club'l' points being made by a
saCety. The AssocIation was twice penalized ,
once for off side play and once for holding
In the line .
The AssocIaton took the. wind and gave
theIr opponents the initial Iccl-of. The
PIchi club took the bl to ivlthln a yard or
two or the Association's goat line , ant then
lost I on downs. The Association picked
UII a few yards , and then lost the ball. The
FIeld clnb's center then snapped the bail
just as some one shouted "hold " The um-
111r dldn't hear I , though , or wouldn't alow
I. and Baldwin made a touchdown , while the
I.'lell club was standing still . watching him
run The Association man who took the
bail out for a try at goal tranCerrell It W
another man , who was promptly . downed
before a kick. No goal Score , 4-0.
The Field club then worked time bal down
tow.rd theIr ! opponents' goal and lost It on
downs thc final down being wihin a root or
the goal line . The Associations touched the
hal down , for safety and the bal was taken
Ol to the twenty-five-yard line. Score 42.
No further scores were made this half
In the second half the Field club rushed
matters In a Inly fashion for a while ,
and scored a touchdown by Everest's punts ,
Hess' and Burlon's end runs and a final shove
of Alichison through ' the center for a touch-
down. Hess failed to punt out so Everest
could catch No goal. Score 6-4. No further -
ther scores were made this
halt but both
sides did sharper play. The game ended
with the bal In the Field club's hands at
the center of the field.
The line-up :
FIeld Club. Poltlon . Y. M. C. A.
Feri'ler . . . . . . . . Left enll. . . . . . . . . . . Baldwin
. . . . . . . . tackle . . . . . I' . Knox
: fa'ne. . . . . ' . . .Lef guard. . . . . . . ' 'hon1ton
Mynster. . . . . . . Center . . . . . . . . .Craig
Abtchlson . . . . . . Right guard . . . .V an Arnnm
Flnle ) . . . . . . . . . .Hght tackle . . . . Sutherland
Jones. . . . . . . . .Hlght ent , . . . . . . . .Smlth
Aylesworth..Quarter back..Hongiamad
Burton..Left halt bark . . . . . . Holland
hlelH . . . . . . . . Itiglit . half hack..8. Knox
Everest. . . . . . . . . .I..ul back. . . . . . . .1lchltlr
" % 'here I''n' . \ r. ' Frt't' .
Broadway Methodist Episcopal-Preaching
at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. I. ; class meeting
at 1 : m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Epworlh
league at 6:30 : p. in. J. H. Sensenoy paslor.
Another of the rousing Young Ien's
Christian association meetings will be held
at 4 o'clock this afternoon. He\ R. W.
Abberly of the ChrIstian tabernacle wi
give an address on "Christian ManlIness , "
No man shoull miss this meeting . which , i '
preparatory to the week oC prayer for young
men the world over
Fifth Avenue Iehodllr EpIscopal-Corner
Eighteenth street and FIfth avenue Preach-
log at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. by the
pastor : Sunday school at 12 m. : Junior
league at 3 p. m. and Epworlh league at
6:30 : p. in. W. H. Cable . pastor.
Trinity Methodist EpIscopal-Corner Fourth
strfet and Ninth avenuc. Class meeting at
9:45 : a. m. : preaching at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 :
p. na. ; Sunday school at 12 m. : Epworth
league at 6:30 : p. m. Conrad Hooker pa'tor.
. ' '
1.'lrst Presbyterian-Corner Willow avenue
and Seventh street. lies' Stephen Phelps ,
pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a.
m ; Young People' Society or ChrIstian En-
11eavor at 6:30 : p. m. No evening service
because of the union meeting at the Second
PresbyterIan church
Second PresbyterIan-Preaching by Rev . J.
Hale at 10:45 : a. m. : Sunday school at 12 m. :
Christian . Endeavor at 7 p. m. ; preaching by
He\ Stephen Ihelpll at 7:30 : p. m.
Sl. Paul's Eplscopal-Hev. 1 _ . P. McDonald ,
rector Morning prayer antI sermon at 10:30 : :
Sunday school at 1 m. : evening prayer and
sermon at 7 :30. : Junior auxiliary melts Mondays -
days at 4 p. na. ; Ladles' Aid society on
WEdnesday at 3 11. m. , both In the rector's
Sunday services at Grace church corner
of Union and Pierce streets. 8 a , m. . hOly
cOlmunlon : 10:30 : a. m. . morning prayer : 7:30 :
p. m. . evening prayer. Morning subject ,
"Consclemace. " Evening subject , "The I.'ear-
lessness oC Christ , "
SalvatIon Army-3 Broadway . 1 a. m. ,
subject "htesponstbiiity : " 1:30 : p. m. . Junior
company meeting : 3 p. m. . praIse leetng ;
8 p. m. , three short addresses on the past ,
present amid future SpecIal themes every
night this week. Captain Bone.
Christian TaberacleCorner Scott and
I'nsler streets. H. W. Abberly pastor , will
preach at 10:30 : a. m. on "The Trials and
Triumphs of the Apostolic Church" anti at
7:3U' : ( p. I. on "Justification by Faith , " Sunday -
day school at noon : Christian Endeavor
prayer meeting at 6:30 : p. 1.
Congregational-Morning subject "An
deal Ministry 1Indered ; " evening , "The
Value or Wisdom , "
FIrst Baptist Church-On Dayls9 park
10:30 : a. m. subject "Slore Ilouse ; " 12 m. .
Sunday school : 6:30 : p. m. . B. Y. 1. U. : 7:30 :
evening service : subject "How to le Suc-
cessrulln Lie . " V. C. Itochto pastor.
The Church oC Jesus Christ oC Latter Day
Saints-huntington hall . 104 Broadway.
Sunday school 1 p. m. ; preaching , 2:30 : and
7:30 : P. m. H. J. liuntiimgton . president
Reorganized [ Church oC Jesus Christ or
Latter Day Saints-I'lerce street three doors
west oC Glen avenue. Prayer service , 10 a.
m. : Sunday school , 12 m. ; Z. H. L. society [
6 P. m. : preaching . 7:30. : by H. N. hanson
St. John's English Lutheran-Jame' hail . 1
Pearl street . Hev. G. W. Snyder , pastpr .
SErvices at 1 a. in. and 7:30 : I' . 1. ; Sunday
school lt D:45 : a. 1. ; young . eopl 's leetng
at 6:30 : p. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S.ltl the I.h''r ' hunt .
The executors oC the Dohany etat swore
out a wrIt of attachment In superior cortl
. . ---1-rt
'fsterJay afcrU I , 'Mr" . ( le u'J Ioti'mny
livery barn on Ir'u 1. ' ; Ureel. I bias been
In the poutsslo I oC Tim J'llY all upe,1s
a livery stable until j ° iVy' 's bill for unpaid
Tnt foot up ao'J J O' The levy was
made by Deputy Mariji3 Fowler.
Social l" iiisigs.
Babies were dechlell ) In evidence at the
pnrlof of the Jlrsl Conpregllonal church
ye3terday afternoon "rrbfn ( 2 o'clock untIl
I o'clock there Was etch a charming dp- (
play of the chocet" ! frat i of the nurseries
as to draw a great crb"l\ \ f admirers , mopty
women and children , I \'ery one had an opportunity -
portunity of voting 1 to their preference
and various prizes were awarded to the most
successful candidates. The baby show was
tinder the auspleces of' the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor. The com-
lasting babes ! were : Grace Mitchell . luelA
hiass , Jennete Marcus Marion [ Jarvis ,
Charlota Anderson , Adelaide Seiby. Marlon
Stubbs , Agnes Miller , Gertrude Thorton ,
Hazel Denny , Ann McConnell , Esther Hunt ,
lbel Dillon , Hazel Young , Margaret Small-
wood Huth Treynor May Van Werner , Ruth
Sewall . Gordon Larson , Tom Treynor , Glen
[ , alnon , George Templeton , Jamie Roe
Reeves Kerney Folsom Everat Paul Mueller ,
Oons\ Hess , George Damon , John Green ,
Theoron 1 lch , Wiiam Leveret George
Hayn\ond \ Durkee , Edward fuccl , Horace
Welch , Walice Shepad , mdred Hart. A I
sweet paIr of twins Dorothy and Margaret '
Schneider won much pralee . and one or the
cunnlngest exhlbtt' ! was the little colored
Beatrice Thompson The following were the
awards Imde : Doys' first prize , gold pin ,
George Damon : girls' , gold chain Beatrice
Thompon : for the prettiest e'el. cup and
saucer Luela laapi ; healthiest baby three
cans condensed mik , Donald Ross i m08t
good , natured baby , perrulory set . George
Templetoim The committee In charge con-
sleeJ : oJ MI3es Emma Moorehouse , Ieda
Kirkland , Dora Gra9 and Her Railaback .
Jimmie Pie was the recIpient of a stir-
prlse party on the occasion oC his eleventh
birthday Abouth thirty oC his young friends
gathered at his residence 739 Mill l.treet ,
anti spent a pleasant tme wIth gamer anti ,
other amusements. May Crafts , Ethel . West
and Jose ! Dinkel gave recitations . and re-
frehments were served.
Lee E\3nf lebMted his arrival at the time
oC life when he can cast his frt vote last
Thursday evenIng at his home 20D South
Tenth street Quite a party oC frIends were
Invited 1 n and passed a delightful evening
with music cards and dancing Among
those present were : Misses Gaines , liomiquet
Banner Siner , Williams and Withrow : Mes-
srs Foul , Doyne , Duquet . Gaines , H. l'as-
chel C. 1aschel and 1. ' paschel : Mr. and
Mrs. larry Drown , Mr. and Irs. A. A.
Luchow Mr and Mrs. Ed Duqijette . The
ladles' first prize was won by Miss Williams
and the gentlemen's frt prize by Mr.
Paechei . The ladles' consolation prize was
won by Miss Genie Slyter and the
JI ! SI'ler gentle-
men's by George Duquette. Dainty rerresh-
mels were served. "
Albert Drown and Miss Clara Hennce oC
Council Bluffs were marrIed last Sunday at
the Baptist parsonage , Hev. V. C. Hocho
omclat tog.
Miss Nellie Moore fntertalne a large
party or her frIends last Tuesday evening
at her home on South Seventh street IUc !
was rendered by the Mandolin club which
showed I ! appreciation b Its fair hoste , '
entertainment by pre enUng her with a
magnlneent bouquet or roses.
Friday E\.eing a 'reception was tendered
Rev. W. I. Cable atthie , . Fifth Avenue Ieth-
odlst church . , to the pas\orage or which he
has recent ) been . apppintod . Presiding
Elder Hoover gave the , addre9 oC 11elcome ,
and a pleasing lerlry and musical program
followed . Refreshments were served and a
"Jclal season closed the evenlnR.
Arthur F. LeIss anti Locus Harlow were
marrIed at the Grand heel yesterday after.
noon 'hy Justice Cook. ' Both were fr01
Lincoln , Neh" and ' ere accompanied by the
brlde's father , W. It Hrlow , 'Anti Earl I , .
Rink , a friend oC thd robm.
The St Andrews 2CcletY"IJcal given Fri.
day night In Ionl i\rahul hal was well
alendd , anti the hearty enCores gIven as
each nurmab1'ot. tif5f ramn . w3i rendered
um\ \ ' tql -l . \ II "
were ! umr that ii , , fUlly appreciated
by those iresent. ' Pipq' ' Campbell"aymade the
recollection oC "gUld auld tinaca In' Bonnie '
tmes l0nnle
Scotland" come back as he played on the i
pipes the familiar Scottsh tunes. After the
program the grand march to this dIning room
wac led by Piper Campbell. Wh n all had
finished dancIng was Indulged In until 10r-
Ing. The program was as follows :
Addres oC welcome PresIdent Dr. O. W.
Gordon : piano solo Miss Maude Del : recitation -
tion . Miss Stevenson : vocal fJlo. Mr. John
White ; relaton , fss Edna Del : piano
solo Miss Ellis ; vocal solo Miss McBride ;
recitation . Mrs. JOhnson : vocal l\lo. Miss
Short ; plane solo , Mrs. Hole Cofeen ; music
on bagpipes PIper Campbell.
Clan Stewart Is making arrangements for
a social on llalhowe'en night October at , In [
Royal Arcunum hall. The following program
will be rendered : Piano selection . Miss Maud
Bell ; Highland fling ( ( n costume ) . Prof.
Grey's pupll' ; recitation . Miss Fay Dele :
song , Mr. JJ White : sword dance ( ( n cos-
tume ) . Miss Hose McKenzie : duet , the Misses
Del : Scotch reading Mr. James Johnstono :
soiig Irs. 'eh'h : Shean Trews : Ir. J.
Grey ; Scotch selectIon . Miss Maggie Nicol ;
Scotch rash , MIsses Flconer and : McKenzie
Masters Falconer and McDonald .
Too UU" Co 'InUo ) Iuch
About framed. Only \e are doing the ( fram-
Ing. All the latest strles. Embroidered [
photo frames mounted to order. H. L. Smith
& Co. _ _ _ _ _
Radiant Novelty and mmhurt stoves for
hard coal are the most economical stoves
made. Sold only by Charles Swains 740
nroadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lave you seen the new gas heating stoves
at the company's orce ?
The Harrman piano wins Ivany Crlends.
- -
_ " "leCor for ChI UIOOluCr" .
The Bloomer school and the Hazen teams
met In deadly root bal contest yesterday
morning and the Bloomers won by a score
oC 18 to O. 'fhc Boomers were captained by
Ed larkness and their opponents by Roy
Ilazen . The following shows the way the
boys lIned up :
noomers. : Position . Ilazens
Paul Wickham. . . Center . . . . . . . .Pay Boln
\V. Aylesworth Right guard . . . .S. Duthrle
Nell Stotidorti. . Itight tackle . . .0. Haworth
C. Stoddard. . . . HIht end . . .hi. Sheppard
Earl Ingram. . . Left guard . . Fred Dohlon
Walter Deli . . . Left tacle : . . . James Hunt
g Ayleswortla. . Ief enll . . . .W. Carenco
G. Daie ) . . . . Quarter hack . W . Rutherrofl
E. llarkness. . . . Full hack . .11. Hutherforll
H. larkne . . Right half hack . . . It. Hazen
F. Rutherford. Ief half back . . . 'V. Waite
Nicest line of overcoats In town Metcal
Dros. _ _ _ _ _ _
)1'etl" of IllJ.t"t" .
The annual matt ok t the Iowa Dapt'ct
state convention ha > ' .jus finished at Dur-
hington. Itcv . V. C. J fltc'io ' cf bite B.1pl'dt '
church oC this city ' " w l the only Council
Bluffs representatveid ' tie o1clatul &s chU
or time moderators h'"tearly ! ) \ part oC t'e :
mneetlng . and was ciill alternate when toe
selection oC the preacher oC the annual ser-
mon for next year Wo1 nad' ' .
Mr. and Mrs. J\ . IEnaarine wish to ex-
tend theIr hearUelLthapks to friends In [
CouncIl Bluffs and Giqpsy otl . vhao so kindly
sssisted them In thet ! p\90d. .
lardman and stan1A4ianos . 13 N. 16th
UIKII ) . 'n'l.hl'C ' ' h'ii' .
The postofce at Gras Valley . relates the
Detroit Free Press , ) ( As tt1the back end oC u
I I"
"general" store and b. .postmaster , who was
also the proprIetor of , th" store , was weigh-
log me out some tobacco , when a solid ,
mddle.aged ! woman caine and slammed a
2-cent piece down on the counter and e.
claImed :
The postmater handed her one . but she
wave It away and pitched a letter at his
head and sold :
"Lick 'er on , " .
Il promptly and humbly obeyed and a the
woman walked.awiY I asked :
"Don't people out this way hick on theIr
own postage stamps ? "
"Yes most of 'em . but that woman Is
rather particular , and I don't want to take
chal.ces again , "
"Chances on , what ? "
"Well . she came hi hero about six months
ago for the first time , and bought a stamp
and commanded me to lick . I haiti back on
my dignity end refused . and she turned
around and kicked the hld out oC a bar'l
of New Orleans molasses and I lost about
$11 by the operation. Aa my salary as post-
more master chances is nly " $23 a . eal I caD't take no
. . , . . . . , ,
. - - - .
. - . , : _
" - - . -
Sequel to the Sensatonal Shooting of
Unit States Marshal Wray ,
Iou-st .Jur ) ' 'rurn" POlr ) lclher" tt I
'Vnughi Crowll O'I to the 'I'eit-
tier Mercies of . thc
DES MOINES . Oct. 26--Special ( Telegram . )
-In United States court today thc jury returned -
turned verdicts of guilty against Gabriel and
George Johnson Irs. George Johnson and
John Cal el. Indicted for shootng United
States Marshal O. D. Wray at Albla a year
ago. The Johnsona moved Into the wild
mining cOIUtry In Monroe county , and there
enagelIn \ mnoonshinlmmg [ George Johnson
was caught with an illicit still , amI when
beIng taken from the AIla jai tu Council
Bluffs for trial there the rest of the Ian !
attacked Wray to release the lirisobier . lie
opened fire on them and they In turn elpled
the contents oC shotguns Into hIm. The ) '
will be sentenced Monday.
111'rl."thlK JI' ' ltn" " 'hr"ntclell.
DES MOINES . Oct. 26.-Spec'al ( Tel gral. )
-Since the supreme court of the United
States dechied several days ago that ( the St
Paul & Sionx City Railroad company had not
corned a land grant made It by the gover-
mont In northwest Iowa , because I tailed l
to complete a line Into Sioux City . and
ordered tht lands claimed by the ralro'd
company should revert to the government ,
the land office here has been beselgell by per-
sons desirous of entering the lands , hut the
offIce has had mme orclil notification of th"
decision and all entries are beln/ rejected .
I Is the theory here that the deputment
will give preference to persons now on th'J
lands in [ making the entries The forfeiture
19 i or thousands oC acres of plendhl hocus
In the countes of Plymouth , \oodbur ) ' ,
Sioux , O'Brien Osceola ali Lyon along the
route or the Omaha road Most oC It [ was
sell by the company to seWers on warranty
dccds ) lars ago , so they wIll have recourse ,
against the railroad compaimy
I'r.t."t"III..1 Sot Ii I mimr.
DES MOINES . Oct. 26.-Spcclal ( Telegrnm. )
-In time United States court tonight the mi-
noriy bondholders oC the Oma'l & St. l.uls
road , a portion oC the old Wabash system ,
appeared ! und asked that au order to the receiver -
celnr authorizing him to Issue $310,000 or
receivers' certificates against the road to buy
rolling stock and loomotves male , sonic
time ago bo set aside on the ground that the
road , Is to be sold soon to a reorganlznton
company composed oC bondholders and thlt
they should buy the rolling slack. The ap-
plcaton was denied and the order to Issue
time certificates formally enlered. I vas
stated In the argument that the bonds are
nearly all held by the Goulds who have tier-
tecled lie ( organization of the new com.
pony anti wanf-the rolling stccle purchased at
this time . and that It Is Intended by thsm to
buy In the rod under the decree soon after
January 1 and perfect their reorganization.
AI'II'nl of Jnwu 1)i'immoOm'IIM .
DES MOINES . Oct. 26.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The democratic state committee today Is-
sued a long address to the voters oC the
state I sets forth that thIs Is essentially
a stale campaign and that the corporltlon
and liquor Issues
are the ones demanding
the attenton or the people I declares that
on account oC the revision or the state eOllo
! y the next legislature the corporatons have
desired to dominate that body ; that the
nomtnaton oC Drake was part of the plot ,
and that the greatest lobby ever known In
the stall will be at the capitol while the
code Is under consideration next winter.
The voters are called upon to oppose Drake
as . the monopoly candidate On the liquor
"quest n it sets forth "that time demmaOcratlci
position . In favor of license and maunraclur-
bog . Is well kuown . and that ( It holds rorth
the only hope oC a settlement .0C the question.
n..k 1"ln..l 1"111-1'1.,1 CobIbMboim .
ATLANTIC , Is. . Oct. 26.-Specinl.---Timere ( )
was a head-eml collision oC two Rock Ilam1
freight trains In the yards here this mor-
log caused by an open awltcim. A Chlcgo
way freight was pulling In on the main line
when It struck ] an open swItch , . which ran-
I Into an extra standing on a sidetrack
only a few rods distant. T\le distance was
too short to check the speed oC the one or
enable the other to reverse and clear the
track and tIme IWJ elgleJ wentlcge her WIth
u craslm All hands jumped antI nobody was
hmurt While nclther engIne left the track
they are badly wrecked. Four cars oC the
Chicago train were entirely demolb\led , three
of which were filled wIth freight , which was
scattered over considerable terrier ) Many
cars . on both trains were badly damAge,1 In
mammy ways and It will prove an expensive
wreck to the road.
Ih' ) Inh , " Chili )1Cmhl'r. Sui'I.
DES MOiNES . Oct. 26.-Special.-Ti'o ( )
years ago the Des Moines club a social organization -
ganizaton including [ In its membership most
oC the prominent People oC the city ral 1
An assessment oC $300 against each of limo
members was ordered to P3) the debt by the
board oC control. lost oC the members re-
fused to pay lie ( assessimment. Now creditors
of t'le club hare commenced suit against the
members or the club , asking that they have
JUdgment against them for the . amounts oC
the assessments and [ interest and that the
proceeds oC the judgments be apple to pay-
mont or their claims The commencement
oC the suits has created a sensation . All
. Al
will be bitterly contestcd.
SwllcI 'c Il ( tutu liii Plrl.
MASON CITY 10. , Oct. 6.-Speclal.-C. ( ) .
M. Taylor oC 1 ldor Is In trouble , and short
In his accounts wIth the F. E. Sanborn Company -
pany of Omaha , whose special agent he Is
In this section oC Iowa. He has been selling -
Ing their stock food In [ this sectIon for some
time past and has sold a great umount 01
I to the rarmer on time end lately disposed
oC $2,000 worth or these accounts to I , . D ven-
dorC without remitting to lila employers.
President Sanborn oC the stock rood concermm
Is now investIgating the matter . Taylor concer hav.
lug eon ' eSed JUdgment to the amouut of
St'qii.i tn Fzmtnl .
S"l' I Pulil Smmree .
MASON CITY , Ia . , Oct. 2G.-Speclal ( Tell-
gram.-The ) jury In the Duhrmaster lurJer
case at Stncgar brought In a verdict or ac-
quital thIs afternoon. Last spring 1' . Burh-
master was round dead In Vacha's harneas
shop and Vacha was found drunk In the
shop with time body the next morning. They
hall beE auf the night before and both drank
heaviy. _ _ _ _ _
. \ III"f I lit' Suthoutim Urn" Stom'ep . .
DES MOINES . Oct. 26.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-The ) Iowa State Pharmacy commis-
sion which has been after the drug store
saloons oC the state announces that ( tt has
learned that many druggists who have not
permits to buy and sell liquors are rentng
permls from persons holding them for from
$ to $3 a day. They Intend to commence
proceedings at once 10 forfeit the perummltmu
Cnl.lwl.r" eu . SIoux Cit ) ' Cii .
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 26.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Owing to a recent fatal accident on the
Sioux City Street railway line here the street
railways all over the city have been required
by the municipal authorities [ to put conductor
on all cars. , The companIes propose to lest
the cls right to make such a law amid will ,
IC necessary , carry the case to the supreme
court 1".k Sold .
FORT DODGE , Ia . , Oct. 26.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-E. ) hi. and G. L. Hch anlI Webb
VIncent , well known capitalsts of this cIty ,
have bought a controlling Interest In the FIrst
National bank or Storm Lake and will reorganize -
organize and conduct It [ as a private Invest-
in cot .
l"r lur" Ilnw I 'L Sn .
SIOUX CITY , Oct. -Speclal ( Telegm-amn. )
-Durglars blew open the safe at the North.
western depot at Movihle . a smal town In
this county , lat night [ , and finding no money
act fire to the building . The structure was
burned . _ _ _ _ _ _
l'umrmmmers losiimg ' Mummy 10" " .
CEDAR RAPIDS . [ a. , Oct. -Bpeclal (
Telegram.-A ) peculiar disease has developed
among the hogs of this and surrounding
- .
I M P0k I'AN'l' PEA'I'U RE OP ' NI ) & SI I k1'ARI )
'lIme Tri'iitmiit'u t i'rto'Iie'ul for Cimnumi I S ii ( firers Coin mni'msil ed to I lie Coin-
ittitnl t' 1mm S'i'i'y SI mug 'i'i'ritia-'i'ii ( ' Xumiii utti I I'u'u' for h.pert S'kaIce
All Mcii led no a b , st'I tiled ,
All ) ' verson In Ommilma 'ho may tie at-
fllcted avitlm nstimmmma , Itroimelmitis or clmroitc :
throat dIeanc , nmitl iho i now' prommuitteul t"u'
the fim's wmutimlmig chili of 'ined' ( to seoi
good medical eart' i.'nmm nhuil , (0 ( Di ,
Ccii em mmd mmii ihm nun iii t oda y , ( ommiom'-
too' Or whietmev'r it suIte Imis cmi'CIiieimCo ,
anti receive lmmtt iii Imu , ' I cgti'tiemi mmmi time
bcst nmmd most m'ticcessttmi ti cmmt mmmemmt kuuowmi
anti Practiced for thmoeia jirtictmltit : naalmtiles , ,
( Jim mitt r time epiemiti iii I i'OV Imiomm limo ii 0 by I hiet'C
Vhm'eicians i lie total cost of time ti entmnemmt
'ifi lie himimiteti to a rmmte of $ ' mmmomitimi' , all
med tel mies , rein & 'tl Iii I I iihnlta mate , e te , , tmei mig
lair videui or mudmmainistored without an' ehmamge
ii hiite'er ,
Ammii persomi iii Omr.mulma as Ito is a i'miffor.m
from 0mm ) ' sukhmm ilisetise , m'ImeummiatlMmn , munsal
eatmiri h or from cammi nlmal tleimf,1tm'i' , or from
nil ) ' chronic cuitnrm'hmal dIeaso of ( hue ltmmigs ,
( lie liver , thin etomnaclm or ( ho bo'el , cliii
itplili' an ) ' timmie ammti receive ratiieiii , ianiim-
lw's and lmermmmnmmemitl ) ' umec'fttl trt'tutmmiemit
at an i'xpemiute never exceedimig time te mate
of $5 Per mnoimtim , all niedicimies mtimd i'cmimedieS
beIng provimleul tree ,
E'eryimotly tmmmulerstnr.ds that thieve imu only
a nonaimimui cost itttcntllng ( rcatniemmt 'with
lrs. t'epeinnd amid Sliepard. btmt ( Iii' luoimut is
timat those i'iio olighmt to kmmow about simeli
thmiiigs cad who are t'siuoehtiliy reiiectt'u1 for
intelllg"ne * ' , respomiuilttliity nmW tm'uthmfmmlneu'u
iiisit thmOt it is tIme be'ct , uyuttemma ut treat-
mnemm ( that citma hue vroctmred itt nil ) ' lance.
CritEm ) hit' 3I.th1 ,
hteaturcul to Niitmii'ni St t'emigtlm tutu
Ctiiii fort hpy ( , nl , Cii m't'fimi 'i't'emtt-
iiiu'iit ,
\v. 0. Bailey , Loni Pine , Nob. , a car tim-
specter for the F. E. & M. V. ralimoati amiti
'eli known by nil WeStern railroad noon ,
ani los :
' , As a reatmit of' may short cotirso of treat.
mont 'lth Intc , Copeinnd anti Simeparul tinder
tieir : nimmirumblo ninth s'stemmi' i cnmm report
UI ) ' comimpete : recover ) ' frommi time effect of
cmmtarrhmnl polsomalng of time whole .Syt'eiil ,
whmheim nmmlnc'uI mu ) ' stomach amid seuamocil to
5101) ( lii' mmtmttmm iii actioma of lieziri ) ' e'ery
organ iii mit ) ' itoul ) ' , Tue leamhing haoimmta
% s'e'ro ctutarrh of the nose , throat , stomach ,
lIver amid kidneys. Snen I imt'gama limo
tru'atmnemat a cotmpie of months ago I't
sit imp but a short time each ulO ) ' , hut I
am nos' at tu % vurk and feeling splemiditl.
One ss'eek's trial of your nanil s'stvmn ought
to convince tin ) ' one of its muarvelotma clii.
cac ) ' In the cure of chronic malaulle. "
Per miii I tm'i'ntiumt'mut , u'rlte tam' syiimi.
tiimi hiiiimmk.
hXVAlml ) 'vi3mHS.
Vemik " , Vniiiu.ii , 't'lmo \'iumt to ( t't
St rIg Shiouihui Iti-miti 'I'ii Is.
Mrs. J. F' . MOGul ) ' , Fniemmub , Nl , , , a Iilgimly
respected elderly lady In her commimmaummhty ,
snI tea :
"I ituifereti from gemmermml Ill health for
years SvItlmommt binding out avhat really dbt
nil mime , I Was feeble , unable to sleep and
c'oumulmm't : eat well mmor relish my food. My
kidneys were sore ammd dlsensemi anti their
imperfect action billed in ) ' blooml vitli
poisons. In short , I was an invalid womnami
timmoughm amid through. After treating whim
ditfereiit doctors for two years wltlm only
little SPells of relIef , I took a coumrc of
Home 'freatment with lm's. Coplammil and
Simeparul. Time ) ' etraighteneul nat' omit In a
Wit ) ' ( tint gave me Cplendbtl health rtmmtl I
am luemmammentl ) ' ctirc'd. I finmslacd with
these imimysIcitmns ts'o years ago amid I imave
been nil right ever since. 1 wIll imot let
an opportunIty pass when I can smeak a
good word for Dra , Copelamimi anti Shmep.
mind ,
'ouiieim Iitmmoum ' ( , , st'imui
fuir limo SIiu'elmmi ' , , btluii.k fur
% 'oimieii. 'I'Iie hIjiimu' 'I'i't'mtl iiitii I Iii
I lila t'lnss cits' , , Is htt'umt'bIbiig iiuii
counties amid they are dying by timo. bun-
dreds. The dIsease resembles cholera closely
amid is fmmliy as fatal. In mnany immattmnces
imoga npparetmtiy well drop dead after drInk.
log at tIme waterimig troughs , Mamay farm-
ens are loi'lmig imogs at the rate of twelve to
twenty a day amid omio miman Imas lost $3,000
worth , As a result farmers are ruslitmig
their hogs to market as fast as haosslbie , in
muany cases brlnghng 1mm shoats they intended
to , keep five or six vceks homiger , ,
Itavsi Ct'misuis lefmi rims ,
DES MOINES , Oct. 26.-Special ( Tele-
gramma.-The ) final flgmmreo on tue cemisus of
Iowa were given out today by coummties. It
is shown ( hint the population of time state is
2,057,223. Ia 1890 It was 1,9hlS139 , mmaakirmg
a gain of 145,354 , Of time ninety-nlmme coumm-
ties , nine lost in population , They are : Clay.
toim , Henry , Jommes , Keokule , Lucas , I'age ,
lavls , I'ottavgttaimmle amid V'oodbury , TIn ,
losses of these mmiime counties aggregate 13,2G8 ,
of which Woodbury , containing Sioux City ,
hoses 9,430. All citIes anti toarno niatie gains
except Sioux City , CouncIl Bluffs anti Mims-
catine ammmi a few small places , Iubuqtme
made the largest gain amii lort Domige time
largest percentage of gain , about SO per cent
iii the five years. 'rime ligmmres on the countIes
not heretofore given oimt are :
County IBO. 1695.
Htueiuiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57.611 it
iiotmx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . asao 2m.oc
Sto"y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ism2 ; is oai
't'anma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2m.r.i 2..eC6
'raylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . malts 17.317
Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.)9 17 OhS
\'an mmuren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ic osa
\'apt'hho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7).42t'u 33.21
\'nri"n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m.29 iso
'ai'imhmagmotm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.t.1 9
W'a'n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ma,6 , ) 10.155
\'eb"Ier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2m,32 2G.9I
\'lnnti.agt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ai..s
Wlnneshit'ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2o 52' 24
'oouitiiir' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.632 16 2J2
\'orihm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 247 1O.2S
\'nhght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.077 10,021
Sesisuit boimui I 1s'u ii I ) ! i'ni'c'e Sn It.
MASON CITY , Ia. , Oct. 26.-Special.-A ( )
highly sensatioumal tilvorco emit is now being
tried in Bidora before Judge hilmmtimmiamm. Time
parties to the stilt are Mrs. W. J , Brooks
and ST. J , Brooks , two old residents of that
city amid very lrommilnent people , The lmlalnm-
tiff accuses her imusbanml of beIng habitually
drummk , comnmmmlttimig amiultery amid of cruel
treatment to herself , She nanies as co-
respondent a vchi known young society glri
c Eldora , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S'mmulor ( k'utr ( liii It' ( ommflli'ii I.
DUBUQUB , Oct. 26.-Spoclal ( Telegram.- )
Senator Gear was in the city today enrommto
to Lansing , where lie spoke this afternoon.
lie expresseul hmlmiiselt as confident that tIme
republican mmmajnnity In Iowa would exceed
Jmmdgo Babb , ox-Lieutenant Govermior Des-
tow antI local speakers addresseui time democratic -
cratic rally here tonight. There was a r'aralo '
before time mneetlng.
1'li'sIt'Iis mm lit-Itt for MltiIirietit't' ,
OTTUMVA , Ia. , Oct. 26.-Spcclal ( Tele-
grammi.-Thme ) cortamier's jury hmeltl Ir. J. B.
"tVhlklnsomi to answer to the grantl jury for
mmmnelaimglmter. Miss Hattie Marsh died last
night at tue hospital , am.'d the testimony was
such as t , ) estaititsim criminal mmaalpractlce' In
time nmlmitis of ( Ito jury. \'ilktmison is one
of time wealthiest physicians In the city.
Lbm'H o : ' ' 'a' liii lhOItmi'lmt ,
( ilist'rs'n S louis ottlu' .trlzoiimi iClck.r
uui Frniit Ier h'ivt'iits ,
TIme cyclone of the Arizona Kicker put in i
hot week , and tells how It was done in tim
Ietrolt Free Press. liens are four samples ,
As mmaayor of this town we have miever attempted -
tempted to put on airs , Our office in time
town halt has always been open to oil , anti
when out wIth the boys iae have been omie
of them , The time imas come , however , for
a few plain words , I'resurnlng 0mm our good
nature , the gang imas turned our omce Into
a loafing place and has become altogether
too familiar with us persomiaiiy. Monday
afternoon , we 1mB mayor were entertaining
the mmaayor of Salt Lake In our omce , when
bait a dozen of our people walked in and
made themselves so thoroughly at borne as
to excite thmo stranger's aurpriao and dis.
gust , Timey referred to us as "old moan'
and "bully boy , " and cocked their feet on
our desk and helped timemselves from our
omciah demljoimn. We shall not strain after
dignity , but this sort of thing must stop , As
a critter we are mb better than other cr11-
ters , but mis nmay.3r It is expected that we
mnaIntain is certain reserve toward the
conmniorm public. We slmall begtmm next Mon.
day morning to take on this reserve , and
the man who attempts to turn our publIc
omce into a bar room will be picked up at
the bottonm of the statrs with more or less
bones brokeim ,
Wimen Utah 11111 struck this town the other
day lie figured it out that hue hind a soft snap.
After getting good and ready he rolled imp
tlmo temm spot of hearts , thrust time card Into
the muzzle of a gun , and theta presented
the gums at time imt'.td of time cashier of our
local bank and demanded that his check be
vitt'I iu.m' ii ummiul reds stun liii in Jicest simf.
ft'rt'rM for . ; 't'ntrN ,
ilhtl'AitLfl ' lO'X ,
.t II i'atil I t ) f Clirommit. ( zu In rrhm IlatIn
Si ilot , Cii I Iii Ii and ,
Mr. Vt' . H. Jones of lOt ? Paelflc street ii
a ivItcImmunmi tom' timu ) Ii , & M. rnihro'ni , BC-
Ing aim olul cbnployo of time m'oaul ( lila state.
nient 1 % Iii lie retiul % i'Ith ltmtem eat by hmtmn.
tlm'ect , , if railroad iamen wlmo know hmini o'ell
Mm' , , Iommes etlysi
\v. II JONES , 1012 Paeifi St.
"Yes , ( lie treatmemmt that Urt' . Copelmumat
niiti Slmeliaiti gave inn PmOveti to be vondcr.
fmmlly effective , mint 0111) ' nestorlmig no ) ' hmt'alt1
anti stremigth. but gettIng moo imlcel ) ' ommt of
a vlioie hatch of abonultmtible eattini'hmat ail
mnenmts ,
"You see' , I have been troubled with Ca-
tcmrrhm liii bug as I can m'cmaieinber-foi' Ilfteen
) "ars at leot. Et'eryboti ) ' knovmi sonic-
timing of tIme miastiiicss ami'i imaier3' of limo
tibene mimmul of its deeply immjum-Iotms effects
upomm tim e'stemam. In mma ) ' ease tIme corn-
lllt'te stopptige of the mioce cauu'eul a steady
ulnip of 'Ile mmiatter Into tIme ( urea I. thus
oc'caslomiimig that inct'a"ant ner'Otmti hinuo k-
tug mind spittimmg timat mumokes time tmtmrtle'mi of
5) niptomila toiti by victims and wimielt almost
\vom.e tIme lIfe out of mmie.
"Thmemi eommmeiiow or other time poisons
t'Cemiaed to 'orIc their ava ) ' imito ( lie stomiiachi
ammul ttibe iii tlmo liver , iarlnmging cmi iiIilIOim
5110115. At timeo tiimis I would hmas'e Imorrt ,
bme nausea amitt headtmeiiee , vith 'oniIttnnf
of a sour tummd bitte'r tileclimirge. Fot' years
I hail thico rommimmr oid'fmtslmioned sick Jmead-
itches , witim suffemimig and ngomm ) ' atogctiier
too imnrm'illc to ho lumt lii wom'ds.
"Flit' result of nIl theSe disorders was a
numimmed appetite amid w"ilt : dIgestion , dlsten-
thou ummami bloating of time mmtoniiicim amid iov-
ohs , vIim ( loss of bieshi unti mao ambItIon or
strt'miethi to maerfonmn mu ) ' ivom'k.
'M ) ' piiiIoii is tlmmt : wheim I fist vent to
1)rs. .C'olmotaull nmmtl Sliepard mmi ) ' s'hoio eye.
temim vmts givimm ; % 'fl ) ' tmntlcr tIme imoisoiis of
cntarnh. But tmmider tla'ii' trentmiiemit I be.
gina to pick imp iiglmt awmiv , nod I kept or
imrpro'ing until I got rid of the whole
trouble. T can't remember svhmen I have
hind o good health as I now enjoy , and for
these ratllcai ammti genuine results I give all
time ci'edIt to Bra. Copelmind mmd Shepard. "
Office liours-9 to 11 a. m. ; C to 5 p. in. , Eve-
nings-WcdflCSda'a and Saturdays only.
6 to 8. - to 12 ni.
A 'i'tns'r-cI' ° 5-ROOM lIOUflIS , GOOD IO
it. C. it.
cattoii , for hCOO.OO ; comae iuimti see
Nicholson , B'J' . imromid'va ) ' .
iiit r ; 1tEalINcI1. 310 I'LATNSIt
atnect , after Novemmmbci' 1 ; eIlit ruonma ; nmodern
iioimue , No. 32. . ) rhatner street ;
poqeesslon at any time. Jacab binis.
cmiItSgys cI.E.tNYD : VAUI'1'5 CLtANCD.
a-a Uummbe. tttW. ii. Ilomem' 5 , a5u Itroodway.
riImSAI' . A 0001) s' imTsA'r.
lot : hInnm ; tIlur. tiUfln ng I'o. 2 , wIth madmatorl
pipe. etC. . suitable fr heating house. hn.lumn9
at 256 7mb m'ttcCt null 0th mit''tmue. J. J. ium'wn.
brad , Cot' Cnmmncli mmlmmffs property. C. It. Nicba.
ohs"n , 639i ' ! lioul.hii'1t3' . . _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' h'l'flCIAL BARGAIN' .
B-ACItB i'fltIT h-'Alt'l :
C. It. Nicholson , 1391,6 liromtdaa9' .
1'oR ltFNT. : Sm\'m2'.1tOOM IumSIDENCFS , I22
1'tahtmi : sheet , si.oo. C. A. imlanchiumnti.
cashed. That sort of bank lumsiness uinod to
work in Anizomma 1mm the good old days , hut
has been played oumt for several years. Utah
11111 mnmeammt well , but was vay behind the
( late , About thue timmie ime asked for casim ho
got a bullet iii time ehmomilder fm'ona time cashier ,
amid as lie ran out of time bammk time president
shot imina in time leg. Nobotiy en tlm street
kmmeir just avhat 11111 Imad beemi up to , but
iiliotmt a dozen niemi hati a crack at him on
time oil ciiance , amid when time onioke cleared
away ime s'as miead , w tlm ses'enteemm bmmhlet.
holes 1mm Imlna. , rImui aim hm'ur I 11cr VOS resting
iii his -arrow grave. Ills beimig shot saved
hbmn frommm being htmmig , itma'l ' so ; me liami miotiming
to comiaplain of 0mm ( lint score. lie looked like
aim intelligent maim , nmmmi how ime camime to be
twenty years behind time timmmes we can't un-
tirrstammd ,
Two weeks ago our esteemneil fellow towns.
milan , Major Gliroy , lost control of hmimmiselt
vitiie speaking of Colonel Baker , another
est miied cttzen , anti chiaractenizeti him as
a. liar anml a hioresthlef'iien time colonel
ltearti of this language lie lost lila usually ,
Iliacid teniper and cmhlcd thmo mimajor a cow-
stealer and a hlgamnIt. Then iiothm sent word
to each oUter that they wommld shoot on
sghit ! , amid uhmning the next ten days the
tiumblie mnommimantanlly expected to hear of a
tragedy , \Ve s'ldommm naedtiie vitim smmcim affeirs ,
hut In this came we avero reqmmottetl by ,
nmmnierotit' fnhonmin' to endeavor to bridge time
chimmsmn. Three days ago we bridged it. Wit
got the colonel ammti the major together lit
Jimim thick's saloon and disarmed ( beam as a
starter. Time major hail callemi the colonel
.t anti a horsethief.'e have time records
of hotia mmien. ammO it took us only a mmminuto
to convince the colommel that Ito stole a horse
In Inmhlamma i-n HS7 , anti that his general
relmtmttmtlon around town was that of a liar.
W'e then turned to the major and satisfied
hlna that lie stole a cow In Illinois five years
ago , aid that he married a s'ecomiti wife in
Ncbrau'a last year wIthout gettng ! a divorce
fronm his firet. 110th gentlemen hail told the
truth abommt each other , and as soon as this
fact was apparent they shook hands anmd
niade imp. There will be no shootIng-no
gore. The hmorsetlmlef imis forgiven tIme cow-
stealer , amid the bigamist has' extended time
hamud of lisaco to the liar. It is avell.
Dmt"lng the last six mouths Time Kicker
lma'c i.mlrclmaseml . a itew itailer cutter , two fonts
it mu tylie , it can of blmme Ink anti $10 worth
'it pink pallor for poster work , and not is
and of boasting hits npiearetl ; in those
hmmnins. A little thing happenmeui the other
I ( a ) ' , hmovever , whIch we ivant to brag about ,
anti wimlcim we timinl ( equals anmytlming in this
avay of New York or Chicago enterprise.
At 2 o'clock In time afternoon Colonel J0Q
South sent 115 ivorul by mmlessemmger that wo
irene a slouch etlitor and mnust stop hmle paper ,
Our mmmtml was out at Iaettmre , a mile away ,
anti otmr guns needed cleamming. It Is twelve
mullen as the crow tiles to time colonel's ranch ,
anti yet at hmimif past 3 o'clock we were there.
Tim fmmeilade between mis laatei ten muminutes.
It took five mninumtes umoro to get the colonel
to subscribe for three extra copies to send
east , and four or five to water oumr mnulo
and tighten the saddle girths , At exactly
5 o'clock we were back at The Kicker chico
anti booking the mmcv. ' subscriptions. Tlmmms ,
in three hiotmns , we cleaned two guns , run
a mimlie after our mimic , rode tweimty-tIvo mniles
antI haul a fight lasting teim minutes. We
don't adummit tlmat ( lila Is time best we camm tic ,
but until some other crItter heats it we shalt
rest easy.
A CurIumms h'Iui mm I.
The greatest curiosity in this flower arul
plant family known to grow on time AnmeniCa
continent is time rare anti beautiful "botanicah
" " ' ' wimlcim flour. .
dove , or "holy GhoSt pistil ,
Ishes In great profusion in Mexico , Cubad
Jamaica and in tropical Anmenica in general ,
ifs nammie of "Holy Gimost" plant , as welt , as
( hat of "botanical dove , " has been bestowed
because of the singular shape of its flowers ,
'rhese flowers are pure white in color and are f"
as nearly in time exact form and shape of *
bird as could be possible. Time "dove" portion -
tion of this singtmlar plant opens from tii enc
of a long , ajender green stem , and when i
full bloona La very fragrant ,