t 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'II1 OMAIIADAILY \ Ij E : BUNDA Y , OOl'OBElt 7. lSf ) : ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - y COULD ) NOT ABiDE - QUESTIONS South Omaha Voters Too Inqulsltivo to Suit Judge Scott ; liE GETS ANGRY WITh A CROWD OF THEM - : AIII'r.1 tn 1'llnlll : " $ ! ! , ' , 'c'r"1 Thill" " : . \bout . IIlulI.clf ulI,1 IIloc , IheorI . hilt Chill" % lt to Uo So , . Judge Cunnlnlham n. Scott was billed to - spenk at South Omaha Friday night at I3Ium' : : hal , lie spoke , hut ) I sll In conslderahle doubt a8 to whether he ought to feel dl"hted with the re3ultB of his cITort. The audience ho met was Bomethlng of a surprise to him. lie had eXllectcd the usual dervish conlngent that ha ! been hlpporromln ! the county with him , blt he did not se ( It lie met a lot of loyal men , ninny of whom have been le- long republicans , and ( who objected to Scott blackuardlng and slandering the republican party , of which ho l not a fit rellresenta- t\'e , lie nlH a lot of men who are InterestEd - estEd In the success of good government and , are more concerned In the character of the ! men who arc candllates for olce than In 1 the success of any party or party nominees. Scott had Inle , a speech In Omaha earlier In the evening , and did not reach South Omaha until 9 o'clock lIe found waiting for him an audience of about 200 people , well divided aB to their political affiliations , and all Interested ceilly In the Isses of the campaln. Scott was Introduced by the chairman of the meetm > I'atricj IUhES. who referred to hIm a3 the republican candidate - dale for jude of the dIstrict cOllrt smm PONTI > QUI STI S PUT Then the trouble startc4. Jerry Howard , who has been a republican and an act one for years wanted to asl a question , He arose In the meetn ! near the 1)laUorm , and saul he wantc-d to ask I Judge Scot was n republican or sitnily a member or the A. P. A. contingent of the republiran party lie wanted to know positively I Scot was a member of the A. 1's. . or "Amoreans , " as ' hat , I'en charlel aS'1 Pcplo who have scan Scot crossed know about what happened ( then. lie was simply I lvId , After trying unsucceuCuly to blast I tub questolcr wIth his glittering eye he. . demanded : " 13y what rIght do you ask that . , question ? Arc you a reptbllcan ? " "I ask I by the right of 1 republican , " re- pled howard , " 1 ask It because as 1 re- puhlcau I am tired of scelpg my party sl.in- lorNI and traduced hy men who have no right to'clalm allegiance to Its principles , . " "Arc you a republican ? " repeat Scott "I want to know Did you vet the repub. Ica n ticket last fall ? " TImm CITIZmNSIP COWAlm , "I am a republican , " replied Howard. " 1 voted the republican ticket last fall. 1 voted I from Jim Alan to AI Sutton , and swal- 10wed.Tlmme. I did that knowing they were not fit , men for the positons , but because I was interested In the selection and election of a republican to the United ( States senate. 'hls year I am more particular about the men for whol I shell vote , as thlre are no great Issus Involved In which the repub- lcan rart Is Interested. I will rote for no man who Is a member or the A. P. A" , and I want to know whether you are a member or not . and what y'bu have to say about that order and its principles " "You arc an Irishman " said Scott. "I al hy birth , " replied Howan1 "I am a citizen of this country by choice , while you are one by compulsion " "You cOold nut get naturalzaton papers In I my court. " said Scott , who was getting badly rattled , " \VeIl , I know that , " replied howard . "I got my cltl7en's papers 19n i ! before you had donoanythingto bring you Into puble notice , and . d\relllle , " I , " - Then Scott talked about calling In the . police to suppress the disturbance anti Corn- 'I missioner Sutton came to-hS . relief by asking , 1 that his 'frfel ' ll aloW the ! bonorable judge 10 pr9ceell uninterrupted In his 'ad.dress. That quletel , matera for a minute and : Scot f started on hIs stereotyped trade , lie was \ I sailing , along nicely until be satd that NO' plo of all nationalities were always given ellal consideration In his court MNULTY U : mMlmED IT. "Yes I know all about that , " called Jack McNuly ; from a seat In the center of the hal "I was 'on the jury In your court once , anti two men , O'Iirieiu and Olsen were con- .Jcted oC burglary You askel the county attorney - tornuy what the limit was , and when he re- itlieti 'fourteen years' you gave O'Brien four- teen years In the penitentiary and sent Olsen up for two yeara I know all about your ( ( nalty business " That startld the fun laln. anti another appeal for Police protection was sent up hy S < ot le finally proceeded , a ! ln. lie got Ilntrlotc anl told , \1lat he wante,1 done with the lag , He wanted one on every school house In the land and wanted to he burled with the stars and stripes for a wInding 8hlet , "What dll you ever do for the fag ? " asked , a listener In the center or the room. , "Dd you fight for It or did you have the heart " disease about the time the war broke out. .ThlWIS the last straw Scott could stand ( I no longer all called for police protection. Ollpra of the law were called In and Scott , fnls'lell his tale to such members of the audience as cnrll to listen to him. He tal.nlt 1 o'clock hut never explained a word about the A. P. A. or his connection with , the orlfr , 10 explained everything I elsi however , and occupied the time In offer- log excuses for the judicial outrages he has been guilty of during his first and last term ' ! ort thb' bench of tIme district - court , ot DJuglas cqlht ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , SICONl . . . , ) UA \ ' ( \ I graS'I'U\'I'II : , t " .rUnl ; H"IIII'I - Ir XUIIIr nf Nniit' " : Il I Iln'I , "h l thl registrars closed thEJr bOQks I Friday nl/ht t It I apiit'a rcxl that t t more than hal , of thr votrra of the city had registered. The , registratIon fohiows for I"rllay Is partaly given as folows : Fllb3t I Ward-First precinct. 10 ; Second lrrrllpt. 57 ; Third precinct , SO ; I olrth pro- ' llnct , 'j : ; I.-1h Ireclnct 68 ( ; Sixth prednct - : Seventh precInct - ; Eighth precinct 75. i Second Wanl-I lrst precinct , ! 7 ; Second i'recimic. ' 81 ; Third precinct 12 ; Fourth prl- duet , . . SrIfh : Ireclnct. , jl : Sh.th Ilrt'elnct. 40 : f\'enth Prcciuuct. jO ; mlnh precinct , 101 : Ninth precinct , 56 : Tmth precinct , jl ; Hie'eiitit itreclitet , \I. Total. (10 ( : . Thlnl \\'arti-First Ilrecinet. 9) : Second pro- CllCt , 85 : Third precinct , 87 ; I\iurthi I Precinct , t 11r : I lth pr clnct S7 ; Sixth prlclnct , &i : # Scyen\h \ precInct ! , 6 : : Eighth precinct. 57 : I Nln\h prrciiuct , jO : Tenth precinct , 61. Total , 7G ' . Fourth'artiTiilrti precinct , G : : FIfth pre- ( cinch , 101 ; Sixth I'relnct 61 ; Seventh IJre- I duct , jO : Eighth precinct , 69 : Ninth IJrc- clnct 95 , Fifth War.l-I.-Irt prlclct , 104 : Second precinct , 77 : Third precInct. 100 : Fourth lIre- clnct , 91 : Fifth prcclnct , 83 : Sixth precinct , 101 : Seventh 11'I'clnct , 37. Total. 627 Sixth \ \ 'turdFIrst Ilf' lnct , 10 ; Second Ilrecinct 77 : Third precinct 120 ; 1.'Olrth prc- cnet , 80 : Irllh Ireclnet , 107 : SlsUI l'rIllct ' , S : Seventh lrecinet. 72 ; lghUI 1 precinct ! , l6 : Eleventh I'rednt ! S. . Seventh Wurl-FlrE prtclnct. P : : : Second prednct 12 : ' \hlr.1 . "rloilct , 19 ; Fourth I precinct , 103 : Fifth precinct , 90 : Sixth IJre- cnct , 8 = , } : tKhthi'artlFirst prClnct , 103 : Second I 1 1IIluct ' , 13 ; 'flulrd precinct. 10j ; Fourth prl- ' ) chief. 54 : Fifth I'rlcilct , 11 : Sixth I'rclnet ' , I 82 : Eighth precinct , 101 I Ninth W'ar'l-iirst precinct , j ! : Scconl IJreclnct .O : "hlr,1 precinct , ! S ; FoUrth prp- 1 elect , 84 : FIfth precinct , S : I Ttal zglbtratcn for both ( ha6 II the : SfcnL ward WJM lHO ! ; Third ward , J05 ; I , Fifth ward , 1,2Cl : Sl'vtlth war 1,1$0 : " 'nhIt'r ( Jell fi flu' 'I'h'rt , Yllh'rJaS . time In ; day out which places I to the cuut ) ticket loft vacant . by the with- tlrawal of calvlhlatcM nOlulnatf.1 . " \ ) IIlton - ' couitf ba hued. There , hner. . culd' \ Ried " .rl : \er. no , .uel NrUnC.tt1 oC nomination ne' I with the CGUlty clerk , a sit Itie icncies had Ilf'I- ously been filled . , 'C'lre wat. hOI\e\'er , 'etprdlY tled the crr- o ljcal4 of S. )1 Crabby , wlo .1 take the I ) place o V D , 'aIker , 1 republican candl- dilo fur justIce of the peace lor Omalu. Dr the alatutls , bout the , ylhdr.Hul \V.ilker , nail Ib . ' ppol.tument of l'rsby wore barred , I , but this . ' 1' on tc"o by an order CNm -'L ' . , . . _ . , - _ _ ' _ _ . _ . _ w. _ - _ . . , . . _ _ 'I " - , . . . , - " . . . , . - : . . ' - ; ; ' . - Judge Ihaxter. I la no' s'cret about the city republican headquarters that Walker was induced - duced to withdraw , a It 1'a ahown 10 hIm that his rcrll was too unsavory to draw votel _ _ _ _ _ _ 1"UI 'Iln G.\ I'\ ( : IcI' Jla.-uH U , 3lectll" ( In Ir Ih'lilHisel. XIht fruit , Nnw Until . IIqcl.n. ( During next week the campaIgn or reform will hI vigorously Iuhld ) throughout the entire city , Speak.f who are In earnest will address ( the , 'oter who ace wakln/ up , at the folol'lnl meetings : October 28. Monday j:30 : p. m. , Muller's hal , Ehteenth . , anI Vinton streets Spenk- ers-James I Sheean , I. ' . A. Ironn anti E. . . W. Simers ! October 28 , Ionday 7:10 : p. I" , Fortieth ant I.eavenl\orth streets. Sp akers-C , J. Smyth , C. S. mutlr amid I C. Milier. October 29. Tuesday 7:30 : p. I" , Twenty- Ilnth and Walnut Htreeta Speakers-g Hosewater , W , S. Ioppl"on , Lee W , Sprat- ln smith Thomas I h'nn. I October Wednesday j:30 : p. m. , Wolf's hal , Twenty.ecJII and CumInstn't ! , Spoakers-J. I ) Sheean , I ) . Cemea'er. . I C. : ller , I. J. Dunn and Geore 0. Calder. Octber 31 , Thursday 7:30 : p. m. , Forest hal , Sixth ant Pierce streets , SIJ alers- J. Ii. Sheean , E. Ho owiler , U. C. Deaver ) , I'ranle T llnn , W. D. Mclugh and W S. i'oppleton October 31 , ThurEtay 7:30 : p. m" , Erling hal , ShE.rman avenue , and Gorby street. Speakers-I. . A. Boran , I J. limnn i' 1. W. Shllnl , W. 8. She lnker , George Bertr.1ml anti Sjias A. Cobb. Sias Novembr 2 , Saturday 7:0 : p. m. , PaHeran hal , So\nt'nth ant I'-arnam etreets. Spealers-J. B , Sh.n , F. A. Brogan and J. Ilmirns. , November 2 , Saturday j :30 : p. m. SAunders . hal , Twent-fourlh and Cumlng streets. Sllcalers-I W , Simeral , George W Doane , I. W S. Poppleton and I.d : 1 Smith . Oher meetings and speakers will he 'n- nounced In time. At thre meetings the 100.1 sItuation will be canvassed thorouhl and all classes oC citizens are Invited to atend , There wi be a meetng oC the Sixth " 'arl Citizens' Heform league at l rs' hal , North Thirteth street , near Fort Omaha , Monday evenIng at 8 o'cloclt. Several prominent tpeal.- ers will be In atendance , - - - - - - - - 3ln\s'Vllt m1 \s HWI'ISI : , hem. i' Ih" ' l'I'nll"11 1"'nIH'r" ut tht' 411"'ul 1"I.II ) ' . :1"11"1' I. I Arrangements have been 1:11'hy : the ruin- mltee tn chare or the camimlialgu for reform ! eampalfn rCorm In our jnl1clal , county anll city governments , for a huge mass meeting ( , f all time 'itize's of Omaha Interltell , lit ; Jcalll eleJI and hbnest 10c.I' ' o'lclul , to be elll II the Colt- selm her I , at 8 o'4lock Friti.cy e\tnl'I ' ; , : ) 1- The misrule of county and city ucvorlmament will b fully dlscusse : ) anti time r'umiedy ! , r I'W In the hands of the voters Illalnly pr.Jr.led emit Thc able SlCkert ) . who will addrcss the . ) dl. enca are : m NIY I ) . I ST'BIOOK , IWWAHn ltOSE\'ATlfl WILJA:1 S. IOPIII TON , " 1,1. F' , GUItLFV. Iemelblr that thl mmee'ing . i'i I c31',1 for good citizens oC all of Om\ha and vlctI : ) I Is cailt'ti for Friday el enlnt lu"el\ I , at 8 o'clock I Ig 1 cal d for thl loHtUm , , which Is large enough to p' Ollno . \e e"c ' one , I h called In the 111I03t of go,1 ; or- ernment and every taxpayer uIlI citizen mlst he interested In the C1S ' or gout t ! ! anll- ment. To how that Interest lie ' . , Ir" to ut- tend this leetln ; and bring ) 'UII' CrfelHIs with ' . ) 'ou. CIIlIH' 1 V'i'IlLS pun II I"IIDI I , St'mmtiim.'nt Fiiirt'IM" ' I il n ' I.'etl iig lt 'h.'tl . ' ) I."t , ' ) IIlr",1 IiuMt Night I , Three hundred co1drd t ( , 'oieJ.g IC lost citizens' evening ticket In Hnrtman , . . hal amid cmmiieri1 the The first petker was 1 I Clem I' aver , who plainly put the cause or the cOlored then In the coming election , Thomas Flynn Ilenounced tht A. 1' A. candidates as the represntauI'c l "that old party of l'eIY l , They have totlay In re- lgion ostracized both you anti me , you be. cause or your color and me h ? cause 1 wonhlJ ( a a diferent alar , But they are no more willing than I to 1lht Cor that banner of freedom " W J. Klerstell then spoke , telling time way In which the Citizens' ticket was nomlnat.1 , "I have always beeh a lelHblcan , " saId he , "I am today a republIcan , all I expect to be I rejnibiic.mn so bug as I live ; but I cannot hy my vote pernt the lJ'e , prluclllc of my party tu be IJrostluted to u religious oranl- zatton. That Is the Issue tOday. We ! are for reform In city afalr ( We are for Iown- log the principle of m'ehigiomi Il city IJolllcs , and you as much as We are interested In honest governnmeumt. " The closing ! slleechl8 were mlle b ) ' colored , men. ! Ir. AlexaHlel' plead for th ( ' citizens' ticket . amid Claus Hubbard said he would vote for Mr Swobe :11' , Klcrstead , ! Ir , Hob- bins , : Ir , Iagney anti ( .or Mr. Domino , for the republican party was heter I'preseltel by such lumen than by those who \y Ilen ) mme the gr&nd ohl IIrt nUIe as a cloak for public , plunder publc CI'I'IZI' , ' It.tII.Y ' ' : U\.I.\ 1'1' lfIStN. . . . ' ' ' " h ' I h , ' , \ , " , , ' . . SII.t't'II' ) hh"1 h' I " of IIi't h'r CI ) ' 1111 Cluul t ) ' ' tov'rim : iimt'iif. Under the auspices of the Citizens' league I rally was held at time town hal at Bemon last nIght. There were 100 voters of the town and precinct Ilreselt , mil they e\'lncell I deell Interest In time dlcUslons DC the Issues oC the campaign . as presented by the different I spealerl Time metnl was opened b ) I J Dunn , who discussed at length the \ % erIc of the , \ . P. A. org.\ulzaton lu the cent rl oC the 1 oleos of the county and city and its abuse I of th power In its imant1 . lie lade a strong plla for the nonparts1n judicIary : Ir. ! Iubewator spole for hal al hour reviem lug the work or the Joulas county tic'iegatiomi lii tIme legislature' In delrgaton II tll I'lslatur' leglectng alt Issues anti measurls thut \'crl for the benefit of the People anti dlvotng Its entire energy to the furtheranec , oC the "chemes of Coulcl 125. le . tolll of the failure of the cnunty and city Ilkers to dlschargl the duties IlevoJ'llg UIon them , ant ure,1 , the voters to vote honestly for the ridding of thic' county amid city of time gang that has 1t. ! ruled affairs fem the past four ) ' ( 'ara. The Il'etng % vas closed by an address by J. J. Points , who compnet the candldatea on the two tickets before the people , and l ked that' support of the voters for the Citizens' ticket that was pledged to better goverment , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Igtmtirt'm t Iii' ( 'olrl'l H"t..lou , , I.ICOI.N , Oct 26.-Speclai.-htegartjiess ( ) oC the decision oC the buprrm , court. the county ofclals of 1.lcaster eonlty propose to Ilrlnt the tickets with some kind or drs- 1lathl ! larl , . to how time party affiliations 'tC the various canthitiates. . U.\SBH III' "UI'I" IX 1'\U'11''I' , : : t' I'1 UI'llor thJ.t'C. 10 UI ; t" " SOllh Inl'olln i i ' , 'I 'I' " , COUIJ.\ , C" . Oct. :6-11 the consU- tulonal CUII'entol today t Whlpprr ; a colored delegate , addressed thc conl'ellol fur two hours , contelllnr that the negro never had been responsible for time ( rammils COUllltrd II South Carohimma . when they were In Power , hut that I woe the work of the drslglllg \ \ lm/ men , for which time nrgroe wee not \\hl. ble , lie delarel11hat 1ho 1lllu' of dhfran- , clhenlnt beer ( the < . : \'enlou way gotten hy designing ' for their up 'gnlng mel.1 own Interest arid Ihougkt It t would \a luued The aegrues saId WJllpper , would fight I In the tUprelnc of time United Stairs ! court ! l'nl..1 Hatl and In congr"s runtry Ind IC , thee flNlernl'e the people or time lie " ai foiloweti b ) Robert Smalh . aho coiotemi , who contended that the negro ' . here to stay timid that I was to the interest t of lImo srbtt. 111 to see that ho got all of 111 rights , 1"b'tu'I ) theu adjourned over un- II Iondl ) - _ -S _ _ _ I At'wld tbe IDIwr cJtizCn' mil mettlni : al time CaiieUmmi ' Friday evening , November I 11 It I o'clock . - " p - . . . . ' . . . - WOULD TURN TiE CLiNG DOWN \ South Omaha Tired of the Administration of the A. p A , CITIZENS' ' MASS MEETING LAST EVENING SmI'mmki'rN Illt 'l'h"lllt'h't' " IImeI'I 17 nn Amid l'miee. If 1"Irt'"rllnlh'c CImmrmmett.r-Amldres.'s If h'"r" , : lnhll" ) " , Ulrl ' ) ' 4111 ( it hers , Young Ien's Institute hal was crowded I. . last night with business and laboring men to listen to spchrs hy candidate on the democratic and Citizens' leauE Iclet , On the platform were : Colonel C. ! . Hunt , W. F . lurley harry Ml r , 0. C. Campbel , W A. Heddlck , F. .J , Lange , John C. Drexel , , Thomas Nolan , " ' 1111 De France , Major Da\ls , lCd I' . Smith , W. n. WooI , T. J. Mahon y and Charles A. Coe Colonel hunt was chairman of the meet- log amid after several selections by time band he IntrOICe(1 ( \V. F. DI France , who said I that every good citizen shoull do what he couh to help the Citizens' movement. The calll'lates on the Citizemus' ticket were plc'dg for reform and retrenchment On JJI ) , other side they were pledged to nothing. , lie said ( that the A. 1 A. used to deny i that the or.nlzaton was a SEcret political 011. but Adam Fmiwcett , one of the head memi hail ( been compelled to admit that It was a secret poltcal order and that mem- hcrs were pledged not to employ Hamln Catholics . AccordIng to the constitution oC thc United ( States relgion was not mnde a test for citizenship. Speaking oC Cunning- ham It , Scott . he said that a man IUSt be a Perjurer who took the oath to sustain the A. P. A. and the constitution of the United States itt the same tme , "Which oath vii he stand by ? " askll Do I rance , "Why , the A. 1 A. oC course , " shouted some one In the aui1i'nce. Mr. Dc I rnce then cited the < ' case oC ! ler , who was discharged by Scott after he had been Arrested for stealing net only from the county , but Crom widows and orphans , because he had not stolen all oC the money at once SOMu IIEDCTINS FULF'iIL1D. T. J. Mahoney was then Introdmiced. Said he : "A few years age when those who are now so fIttingly dubbed 'howling d n'lshes' made al assault on the liberties or one ' class oC our ctzens , wo who WHe at time time pcr- haps the most directy interested protesteJ that they were not itonestVe IUew that . they were l'lng about U8 and beleoed they would not hesitate to lie about others. We alga thought that a IUII who would lie would steal , unit we , therefore , tried tn war our felow citizens not to trust such mcmi. Hut they were trlsted , They were put Into power Men who never before cuuld gaIn Public confdenee were boosted Into olce by a lot of dark lantern conspirators amid pBsed over the heads of men who had always had the cQnldwce of their parties and the iimmbiic. " \Ve prttlcte.d that the war then 1311e upon one class would soon be extended to al who would not 0"1 In the unamerlcan conspIracy against the spirit or our consttu- tiomm. We also prelcted , that mon who would tulH' an ottli tn violate the constitution b ) mlltng a religIous test a qualification for olce and would then for the sake of getting u salary take another oath to support time constltlton would not have sufficient respect for the latter obligation to obey either the law 01 the consttuton , Have our lcdlc- tons been verified ? Have you not Been the be.it men In the republican party In this county excluded from the conventions of that part ? lave you not heard the editor of the Icallng replblcan paper of the state denounced because he refuses to be guided by the narrow minds oC bigots ? lave you not foutl Protestants and Catholcs , Jews und Gentiles alike proscribed when tley refused to support cnfde ce' amen and .embl/zler' for publIc ' fce ? r tllnk our predictions have been more thar 'fulfilled , Men like Charley Green , henry slabrook Wi Gurley and hOsts oC others who 'wouM not surrender themselves to the dldaton of Coun- ci 125 are oatraclsell boycotted and relegated to the rear , while Eler , P'burn , Israel Frank and Scot are made the patron saints oC the new political dispensation. But our prophecy has been verIfied In another way -'e were right In assuming that I man who would lie would steal When filer embezzled the money of the wlOIand the orphan he was doimig jnst what we anticipated ho would do. When lennets conduct or the county jai became a milsgrace to time community ho was only illustratIng his little regard for the ob- lntons or his official oath ) , , When Irey dated tax certificates seven muntls prior to his re- calving a cent of money on them , , anti , thereby gave tax sharks thousands of dollars of Interest - terest that they were lot entitled to ; he was simply Colowlng time instincts wO should ex- Ilect to find In one who was lifted Cram obscurIty - scurIty by ! aiseimabd und sworn Ileflnce of the laws and the constitution. And when Scott , the greatest . rascal of them 11 , dls- chare.1 the embezzler Eler anti time thief Jarlnc , and perpetratell upon the Ilefenseless naklr one of the grossest acts of tyranny known to history. It was only an iliustra- tiomi of time depths of InCamy to which conspirators - spirators against ch'l liberty wIll slnl. SHOULD BE IUHIIm iO\VN. "The ) ' have .1lfamed our best citizens ; they have violated their official oaths : tie ) have heaped immiharabie burdens upon the taxp1) era ; they have robbed the defenseless willows and orphans ; they have plunged their halds lute the public coffers and stolen the money wrung from your sweat and tel , anti now they strut about with theIr thumhs thrust Into the armholes of their waistcoats tienom- . Inntng everyone who favors good govern- meut as a tool of Rosovatc-r. and a stool- plgen for what they are plea ed to cal Slmroenwlterlsm anti then hrazenl asle : 'What mire you going to do about It ? ' I "What are you gel lg to do about It ? There's the rub. Wi you contJue bad men iim office IlmlI ) ' because Mr. Rosewater wants to get them out ? Are you 1 ltelt to have ) 'our jlckete 11Icleel. ( pro'ldetho ( \ pickpocket will tickle your ears with prurane anti ob- scene , lenunelatons ot Shnrogenwater ? Or . ! wi yeti exercl yomme rIghts as free citizens alt hurl the whole gang down to the depths of a bottemiile'm pit of a political hel ? "I rl ) . ' govermEnt Is perhals ) a poltcal uece 'sl . and when there 4s no extraordinary conditon to demand I I man ought not to desert the ioltmic.mi prIc"les ! that he bl 10\0. to be right , \1 hethe hil party bo In the mujorlty or a imopeiess . mlnlorly , but when ) effort Is npcenan' to R suremo ! efort get rid of b.11 men we should make I , even If we lucre to'ute for onr worst political enemy "hen Inrmll conditions pre\'sl Wl will vote our party convictiomi . hut when time 10\ltols of local goverument hecome de- Ilerate we cauuot consider Ilarty. " SE'TlMlNT OP TiE COUNTY Frank Iangl .1Id that hue had been all over the count and had seen just such meetlgs IS last IIht "We want yomm to help UB , " m'.iiti. . 1,1nge , "to get the rotten politicians . " out or oiiico. olcl. "We are with yeti , " houte1 { the aulence , , W. F. Curie ) ' wat greeted with cheers , and lS 10 btel"ed to time front of the platform lie said . that he hatl not left the republican "art : no Ual could qUlston lila republ- c nlsm , The platform Dr the Citizens' league ' \\'al the anI' platorm accordcl him Il1n which he could preach the gospel of lberty , "I I time A , P. A. IUle which ha cuse(1 ( me to take a part In this campalGl , amid I wi not cat iiiy vole for al ) put which lIes- Ignute whl rellol ' body I shal belong to. " This ststement of Mr. Gurley's was greeted whim chmeers " "herr would Oben , Wpstlrrr and Wilspcar be I the A. 1' . A. 1IIIIted upon all mtmberl helng American born cltlell'l" "They l'oulle In the NUp , " shouted Oll one , ChariIl A. Coo remarked that I Fred Sackett hall a chdnce to count the \ote he wouhl count all of the A. 1 1.1 In . as he counted 1 Tracy out at ' .Ie % last electIon t \0 yean aeo , : fr , COI asked : "re you gaIn to CUt aside Tam Iotor for a mall like Jim Wuhh7" A ! cod word was lll by : Ir , , tcket Coe for , . al of the candidates al the Citizens' U , 0 Miller , John DrXI , W A , Hedlck and otheu made short addresses , XOI'11 Idmmii 1"lllhl"1 ( 'I iii , , The meetng 01 the Norlim End Hepublcan club last nIght ' 1 characterized by a Lack of enthull8m. There was only a slal Dumber present , and those In atendance took email Interant In the l.reelng1 . , I Dr Rcketl stated IIat , aIl . reImubIIan4 . . ' . . , must siiowitior- ' interest ; In - the coming lec- j victorious tlon or , Limit CitieCnim' candidates wou"l be Lee Istele l ) , ldmlte ( ' that tim prospect for time election of the republican cndhlatNI ( this fail was rather slm , but tholrht that all melbe R , or , time party should nail the colors to \ p mat anti go down with the bunting f'lh , ! Speeeh "wete I made by Jim Alan , S. I. Gordon , John Jenkins and Carr Axford . - , . \ I\ U ' I.\ : , CiUii : -1 ItWtDl , " 'Il SUlllftl.iI' . ; 'l'lrlu'l-nrllu- ,11 f. " . \ I it'I Ut'm'H'ru Il tirgim ii. Eighty Intlb rs oC the Jacksonian club were present the meetng at PaterEon hal last evftm1ng \ , , 'he folowing resolution was unanLnomly adopted : Whereas , The ( iemnoratlc llrt ) ' In nil its history line lemocratc , honcHt Int lCO- . mil'Iumhrs or nomtcul n.lllnletrtlon of time Illtrs govlrmnent ( mod ( hiOs stood InlllMuly op- posed to reJKlouA Iltolerance 111 secret poltcal crlnnhmUonl nn(1 ( hal : ever Iel amid opimoseti to the union oC church mind state , Whereas , The rule of those In hiower In this city anti county hits heen Crllht with outrllOUI extravagance amid the 1Jrver- sIan ur ptmblk funds , without IXCn80 or elnSure , anti MIpre ulamerlcan 1,0ltcnl fO- cl'tes CC ntrol the affairs of time pcople Ind \'hernaF , "ho Jncklo ' IRn cuh voufd ( Ie unworthy of its name dhl I not tie Il ut- most to right thls wronRI nud plJlnt out . to ' ' In city anti every Ilelocrt thu cl ) couut hits plaIn dut ) ' , therefore bn I htesolved ) this club , Thlt It m''t hlurt- I ) ' CtI0'sel thu ulortR hlln mmle to tic- cOllllsh thew. neede(1 ( rpCorJ ! , Illt pllle8 , Is earliest SUPPMt to every "IIHldlte , named 01 the demmmucratic-Cltlzens' , reform ticket , IHd , dcllies that It II time duty uC every del0crt tu heartily support each candhlate on said ticket , irrespectIve of his former Ilart afiillation. Al he loves the Inlet Rnl , lie - concermieti for I he future , every democrat Is urged to coolJeate to this end. The resolution was prcpared by : Il srs. C J. Sm.th Euclid Martin And W. S. Shoe- maker. To practically carry It out the fol- 10wlnl cdmlnn ! committee was appointed : First ward , A. I. ! lcJenna ; secommd John Murphmy : Third , A , Il. McAldrEws : Fourth , \v. S. Shoemaker : I'-Uh , 1 I . O'Donnel ; Sixth , J. F. leJgJn ; Seventh Phip Sml'h : Eightlm , 3. 1' . Du.dale : Ninth , Eucld Martin - tin ; South Olaha , Miles Welsch. The follOwing resolutIon was adopted by a vote of jD ) 10 1 : ' , hereal , A .pubiicatioii Imown lS the Omnaimum W'orfi-lieralmi muuwunmea to PIJeRlt for Omlll 'or\l.lllrhl ISFUn\ the , lemocltt ( . purt ) ' oC DOllluH ( ount ) ' , and fOI' many ) ' ears last l has received 1(11' recognittomm and thic'refrorn , mmmiii rEcugnltol 1utlonl/o tlercfrom Inll \Vherermm' , Said ! . publication hums p'oveo , itself r'crealt.o every trust Imposed , and nn Intatl ; to every C"vor shmowmm Inl , 1)1 wantonly and Ituplly betrayed the part and its nomilee therefore ho It H" o"'I.I . , IW tin. JacleBonlon club oC No- braskll , That tw sheet does not represent the democratic part oC this county Ild has forfeited 11 elahnR : to its confdpncl ; tl.t dlmoerts ! hol11 beware or its Ibei ! and fmale'hoocia nlll should know to aceI taint ) ' flint I belongs to the Irllo nnd defatmitturim. speaks the language . oC the dervlshel anti ' ' ' ' ' 1'0 liflLm' 'i'IiH3i. ASIC 111 i \I'I'OIS ) JI' I.I' 1Ig l. Smmmm l ' rllt'l"cl llklll" . Slrll 11\ for t Imi' IIJlllll'll ( ; II"t'IIII I , SAN FRANIISCO , Cal , Oct. 26-The Cal- ioria Press assocIation met here today and adopted the following adllress : To tim .nmlicre oC the National 1 lttorjal As oclltlon'1llrtIhlout ; time 'nle.StateH . \ : -he CnlCorl1 Pt'e'mu association , time South- ern CaliforiuiiC ' , 'I ' llorlll as oeaton anti , delegates from the states oC e'ada and Arizona selmltQ1 , hy the members or the press of Om'gpimj , Washington and Utah . In OI'gln. , In San Francisco , hereby addrt'st the members of the Na. tonal Jditral I : , association per onaly nnl ( IndVldUal ) ' recalhlmig the recent date when they were dtmr Ife tA , antI earnest ) ' request and solicit leach lor you to urge upon the member oC the rplhlcan national cmmit- tee from yotum' chute to vote In favor oC hold- lug the next nat onll reimublcan : conventIon. In the city mf & 3 l'ranclsco. Wl nuthorlze you In the plme-oC thc people pC Ciltfornia to 1lmkigQ : their broadest ho\jJltalty and lgl their eveen.It vol to e"T r the session or thl cOlveton In San Frncisco one of rtonal plCn .rl" all the hIghest , ! oOl to the " urlcpmmpn count"V . ask pcoplol" you to Ilrtlnt , the mattertoyour commit- tfemen wll 81cl1 ) IrenC } ' ; , q d' pursistency aaflQmnpor(9ss'ith ihe sinarIiw or our Invltl- as'fQmportl\ ' of ! 1 " , b ' ' lnd 1.'tanty ' , 'bDSItly ! bQ having that time common oed of a : the 1)eelii will 'he' ' coner\ed ty the 12semhlnr or tbl Inton:1 con\entol In the western shores oC' the rellhlc : E U. Willis , pre - Idlnt ( llrornla Press : as"oelnton : \ . D. Pennycock , secretary ; 'r"G. Dnlell H. Z. Ohore , Alien IJ l , . Lemmon , mmIUoe. 1 : IICI'IUCO'II' : ON 'IIIO : " Slt'rellful e"llrll"lt COIhlctc',1 "I 'Toln \lllln ; , TONAwANrjA , N y" , Oct. 26-Mter sov- eal mono or less successful Ilrlvato teats , the new system or operating canal boats by electricity - tricity was publicly demonstrated today to be feaslhle and progressive The system I lbe Inventon of Richard Lamb of Norfolk , Va , the designer of the Conies engIne made famous at the Centennial exposition In Phia- delphia. It Is an electric cableway and ( was first usd In hauIng logs out of North Caro- lna swamps. The experlmentll vests cables and brackets were put imp hero along the Ino ot the Erie canll The power Ised was enerated at iie _ Tails 11 the Niagara Fails Power conwany Thus the waters or the great lakts furlshC both the merlum amid tme mmiotive power for transshllnlcnt ; EverythIng - thing movcd like clockwork and there was not I hich tim mar the ovellt ; , A speed of four to five miles . an hour was de\'elop The fr t part . f the test conslstol In drawing two boats loaded with sand down the canal toward Bufalo . . Afterwart five lght boats were attached and drawn baclt to the starting point as easily IS the . two ( -.tXi'm' II'f \I , 'I' A'I' J ) ' ) HOI' ) 'I'renh' Slllulllnnl g l'revomit Coi- .lrucll " ' " m' Shll' " 0. 4 lie In lees. W ASIINGTO . Oct 26.-Secrltary I herbert - bEt today decided not to award the contract for building . two of thio proposed ! unbo.ts to the Detroit Dry 1)ock company , notwlth- stamidimig their hid whim the lowest malle. Dlacu'mslng time lecislomi tIme secretary said : "My I d tCrmlnaton of the mutter was con- trolE,1hol , ) ' hy my Interpretation of our treaty wih Great BrItain , Irohlbltng either nation ( coma buiding war vessels on thereat lakes , Secretary Tracey about three years ago rlnlered , a similar ticieiott lit a cast very much like the preselt one. I havc Cxamlnell his leclslun carefully and have udolted .It as a precedent. I Ilil not talto this CO\'se , however , unt I had thoroughly Investigated the qmmesllomi. " I Is suppos ( 1 from the way the bids range thut the contract fOr two Of the vessels will now go to the UnIon Iron ivories of San Fran- cisco all for two marC of the wscls to timeworks works at Bath , Ile" , 1111 for one each to Nhon : of 1lzabeth. N J. , und Daloge of Camden , N J. : Many department olclais think this \oUlrlbe au equitable dlstrlbm.- tion of the bmidlmmg , . ton bWn , \ ! P . . \11'1':1 : A IIchtIImc"i' ( 'IIIIHt"I'lt , 11i11'.J. . , , ' -mJ . ' 'r- Xt.'orl. . loemiammme . ( ' CoiItlmamiI's HUII 1)I ' r tim , ' Il\ NmW YOIC\lct , \ , 26.-Justc Paterson In supreme chlul1lrs today granted leave to Attorney Genlrlltaucock ; to bring an acton agalnt the le' luk Mutual Fire Insurance corporation frafttmc purpose oC obtaining an Injuncton perpetually restraining the com- pony and each nrnclr therf from exercIsing any of their : lar irate rIghts , and ale for the dlsboluton of the company and for the appointment br'.i' ectmircr to distribute the br. prollrty of tlb .Ccl\'r bet\een Its credi- tore a'1 ' stocRhmbitiers , The attorney'Igmwmerai \n \ his petton says Chat time comntnY\ has failed ( and neglece,1 ; , to may In caslfqfls capital stock the sum of $40,000 as refi9iredby I law I , H'form",1 C'Imimrt'Im S ) ' I 11 1"1"111 I , AlLIN" : , ICan. , Oct 26.-The Heformed church synod tea ) ' cmpllted the office districts - trlcts for next you , selecting D. S. Fommee l of 1.IHbol' , JR. , for treasurer nail D. 1. Shaey of mporla I , Kan. . fQr clerk , I was voted to continue the publcalon of tlmo Church ler- aId at St. Joseph , 310 The Synodicl Mis- zloua ' society elEcted Mrs. L C , tulnwn of Lisbon , la" , prlsllent : Jean Love , l\a118 City , vice prlsldent ; Jennie hirb , Lincoln , Neo" , z creta ' . The synod decided to met next yea ot Edinburgh . , I , \h'nlt'ro Ihl' Irh' " of II"h' CH" " , PITTSflUIIG , Oct. 26-Th ! plate gjUS cm- bIne held a tecret meetng here last Wednea- day anti ad\'auce,1 I'rs ' : 1\'pullng 4 per cent ou all . : ze ! The nulook \ reported beter I Luau for Iso ) 'Vf. Of time nine plaute In the ol\lne ( : Jbt ar , work'no fl tme and thc I ninth. the Iuqut mis . 11 IlreIJsrnt : to resume ; 1 all depJrtaHnt , , . " . - . . . . . - - - - - - _ . . . . . _ - - I I1OLCOIB' I ON TiE LEGISLATURE Governor Pays His Re3pccts to the Late Lamented Lawmakers , PARTISANSHIP IN ALL ITS ACTIONS h'nlurr" IlIf'lIlh'l In I (1' " ' . \I'lllllh't' tll1 In 1"lllllt'lInl t lie Chit' ! . \1 uf Ihr $ essiomm-l"or n . % ullllrt"ln , hmi.hieIsiri. At 8 o'cloel last night when Goveror ( Iolomb arose on time stage Washington hal he faced an nllence of republicans , democrts and IJopulats which oceullcd ( every chair In the capacious halJ When he spoke he discovere that every man II time audl- once , wheUler republican , democrat or popu- .lst , allPEarCI to he In symimpathiyt'ithi time remarks which he uttered anl , which con- slstld largely of a stricture emu time last legis- laturl Time meeting had been called together iummmier' the alspices of the populst part oC Doug- 13 county , but .INplto that fact there were many II the large aldllnco who were lem- hcrl oC other parte ! Its object . as Chair- mll mm\r E. Thomls unuulnc"d when he called time mtetllg to order , Was to give the plple oC the city an opportunity to have time plate j\lcial sltlll'on ' dlsCllsc,1 , before them , and for that pUrmse two speakers of hmrommmlnermce Governor 10lcomb and ex-Con. gteslman MciCeiiImamieru ; preemmt.Vltimout lorn ado Chalrmau Thomas Introduced Gov- cror Holcomb , ( o\'eror lolcomh bean hIs remarks b ) P3)'ln that he was glad that a wave or re- form ha(1 ( nul emily struel tIme wholl country , hut also Omuha , and "IOlICd that It wouhl permtate throlghout the state II order to hunks time IJeople happier Ind betcr , lie ( all that he Wal nut con\etenl to spealt of the local ! lu1tun. and ( therefore lntcnlled to commUne hIS remarks to matters which Inter- maters cstcl , the pcople of the whole state , aJII ( 'sJ'ecaly ' to the tlohls oC the rlphlcan Party l IIUrl ! ' the ) 'I.lrs past , wlt'mm the I'\pose ' of convlnclng ) If posibie time audience that the part hall , nct handed together Cor the pmii'- liasI of asslHlnl the people , but for the IJur- pOse oC acif-aggramidizemmiemit at the eJllcn o of the ptple , LAShING TilE ILAIL11O.\I , . ) GANG. "Six years ago , " contli.1 ; . Jumi'e 10icomh , "a f'Jlhlcan ccnventlonas held for the IHrl'Obe of nominatng a judge or thl smm- prcme court. There was thll nie 01 the b"nch WhD hat the conlllence oC the , peo- pll' , who had all time ahliies oC I lawyer . whu had performed his JI11plal ( hlle , IJ all. .rly and who I was udmlted \ oulll cer- tallly hc reelected. Ills 1110 IIUK , Iudve Ie&sl. Whpl hl , lan.1 was presinled to the Convention ' he was not miommilmmtmte.1 , . ald by that ono act the republican part demon- truted that It hit lost its Interest for the pcople amid Wt seeking to remain II power for . IHrll ) selbl pmmm-poses. "I.ater , II l9i 1 1 when a populst IclslaturC ; \ \ aM eieted th" t rl11uhlcan plr , which had heCor , bvcii Inactive . cam , out a time ehamplou oC the r.lr031s. The part ) ' favored the railroads more anti 1011. uIII when a bill same years later was Introducell to regulate ; rallro.iti rates It was ol'poed ' by the leaders oC tht part , altbough I filially passoI ( II\ Iitcad oC bring enfuretl . - ' ' EI. I u-as e'llled to the courts , whete the state was rellreselt.I . by n state's attrney Iii p'mpath with Ihr railroads. . ) ralro1lt. The opinion II the ( 'am.c Wil ; hehl haclt until , IUlr electol In order that I m"'ht not lose votes for time part ) I mitts adverse to time state , ald thc ase was CI" - . rled to the Unll States suprcummm2 comurt whcre tt II allowed to hung Indeclded , al- thcuh oC buch vial InpurtancI to the "tate " 1 Inteud , boweret , to speak p.utcllarl ) ' of the ovewholmlngly m'eimmibhlcan , legislature elected last fail. lalY of Its aclf art ! Inter- I eating. They show thit the le Illtue , In- stead oC enterlmmg upon its proper miuties . spent time larger IJrtuu of its tloo in pa l'ns : . iawa of sptcAi : Intees't and bincil t ' thl republIcan party "As gavel nor of the state I hal , certrln al1110lntmsnts to immake , among others that of an oil inspector whim had ( time appointment of a few dPltlS , About the first bill that was Introduced Into the legh'latlre was , to abolish this office and to allow time state audItor to appoint four Inapectors , at a salary of $123 per 10nth , Imisteami of five at $ iOU , . lS It ha heen Another bIll was Introducel hy lion. Jim Alan , Instituting n new offiCe , that of time boiler Inspector . who was to be appointed by the acm'c'ttmry of state uml the attorney general The 'J bills dPi not pass , but one was Introluced , for time urlose I of t klnr allpotntments out oC my hands , In < r- dr that only republicans mlghl. hold olce , and time other : " 0\el1 that the republcn party desIred to create offices for the pur- hoses of cmpllgn work. aXE nl.l , Ai"FEC'FING OM.\iIA. "There was another bill , . ! IntrOlucel , In which YOI probabl felt lOIS Int lest There Is III your ttatltea a III providing fur a Fire and Police c3immmnission a nonpartsan hoard , two members of which I. I 3S chief 'executive . hnd to appoInt As MOOll as the legIslature Rot together It hegmmn to doris- IJlans to take time appointments out oC my hands. I wa ! ' IrFell hy som9 that the herd ) was corrupt anti , Ihal. th relolc , the law onght to bo chmged. This hlrnttwl ! the ex- rme , all thl bill was passed whlrh 'tramumt- fer red the Ippolntmentl to other hands. The old law woo not corruiptlmug. I It Ila the condilon of ) ' 011 city has not hel'n bettered hy the now Inw. "When the bi ira. . being conslderrll sOle of the legislators told that me It las not Ilrectl.1 aallsL mime , but that I II'al IECtS' to It because there sary pass was a Iln II Omaha with whom the peuI111 were agm'ee- log too luch , and whose wings I WU5 , tiire- fore , needlul to clip. Think of a body oC ten who are i'iipmcts'.1 ' to { ; of the cream 01 the tate Iathelng together , tnllng. 1':11- : hatIng , bc..lse one ion nun among ! 120,510) people necde(1 ( a little chast nln ! 1 Is Ilm- Ply another evIdnce nC a vicious Ipglslature. whose sole purpose Is to strengthen its pJrt anti not work for the pople. ) "That Is not al , The imistory of the bill has been \'Iclous. The two cmmlsloners dnly allpolnted hy law cimaiiemmgt'd . the con- Itutonalty ! or the new law and Otglsted a spottily determination of its merits by I republican supreme court , wishing to allow It to rem ln In datum ( lUG untl time case WM drclde.I . There was nothing wrong In that because everyone has the rlghl to test the cOltftutonalty of I hams' Yet the .repnb- ilcami part proceeded to get immediate possession - session of the offices , Im'reepectlvo of the do- clslon of the curt and the rights of other partes , I thlre was u violaton of the law I was guilty of It , hlcalse It houlht t deny a rigmt to the legal appointees " Governor 10lcomb also spoke or the bill which was Intrcduced to redistrict certaIn julclal , distrIcts , not to lighten the work of the judges , but In order to enable more rE- puhlcann to get Into chico. This was shown by time fact that no bill was Introduced to redistrict western districts , where judges of other plUcs were overburdelll whit work. lie also instanced the change of venue btl . Introduced to transfer the murdl cases of bit county to unother count ) ' . I thIs bill had passed , the EIJeakrr said . that the repub- Ican party might have mnle , a little political capital and would have taken awey from liii accused the sacred right of being tried amen ! theIr lrlcll1 . PLEA FOR' ! AXWI IL. In contrast to the work of the , elslature ! Governor folcom\ then spent a little tme In telll ! of how the populists who 11(1 lcen ) electEd had succeetd In cutting down the exp nses of the state. lIe then tured hit attention to the state jmmticial situation. lie Eaitl that titers were four state ctiicers to hm voted for this loll , but that ammiomig timenm was one of Limo mmiost lmmmportmmmmt , judge of time so- iremne court , wlmclt should certaimmiy be a umon- partisan office. Time legislature desired it to be mionpartican because 1mm appoimmttng corn- niisslonerms it chose one ( rommi eacim imarty. "The popuhusts have noimainated a nisa , Judge Msxweil , who lisa shown to time Imeopic that lie is wortimy of confidence , " m'iiml Coy- ernor hloicomnim , "Jmmtlging his future by Imis imast , lie Would nuako a jurlot whose act. would not be flavored [ my psrttsanship , ammd iiimo would dare express Imi. homiest ccii- victions , irresImeCIIi'e of effect. lie has Lmeea on the bemmeb for twenty years , amid during that time ime has imanded down snore decIsion thmsn two other judges combimmed , Ito has also been called to teacim imm tIme 11w ecIoois of time State mmnlverslty anti of Aimmi Atlmor , anti has written law books and text books which are considered standard works , Some' people say that Judge Maxwell is atm ingrate be cauce the repubhicami party hiss pild is'mn 40,00O or $50,000 , and lie Is now ruimnlng on another ticket , Time repubhic&uDarty docs . - , . . - ' - - - - not give him that money. lie received It ( roimi the state. If he lies mint earned nmore than that there are other jmmmlges on the benclm who certiimmly have not earned their salarIes. "Tho citizens imave nonminatemi lii this judicial dittrict a ticket of jtmtiges selecteti for their ability , fitness anti immiparthimlit ) ' . I hare heard that this ticket was imomninateti at the Instigation of a Person of sinister fur- P03e , wimo could mme lomiger affiliate with imla hiarty , It is not s , , It shoe's timat time Imeoplo believe that time bemuch simoimid be elevated , amid those wlmo am'pire to the full nieasure of cItizenship almould vote for It , frommm toll to bottonm , " FOIL l'URITY I COLYI1T. After time appiauso which gre-cloth Governor itoicommuis at the commcltmsiomm of lilt sliceCim smmbsitied , Cimairmimami Timommiams introduced ox- Comgroseumian : MciCeiglman. Mr. MeKeigiian said thiat there was no power in the elate as great as that of time supremime court , anti thmuit it vaa therefore essential that it siutmumiti liii kept pure. It nmado no d'ffercmuce mm'hmat time politics or time religion of time .meimirmint to time bench mm-mis , time only timing to ha con- almieremi being whmetimor lie mmcc time right mmmcmi for time Place. Sucit a mimatm ii as Judge Mazweii , Mr. MclCeigiunmm lmrnPimesie'd tiuttt the voters wotmiti elect hulmmm because time ) ' were mire to roimuks a liartisin jtmdiciar ) ' ammti stanti by a nonpartisan one. Mr. MciCeigimsim ocoupiul a goodly portion of iii timumo hy enterimig into a diactisslomi of time mooney miuestl mi. - I mmcii rgit ' 'I'mli , ' ii 'm''rri Itlo itm''iigP. Kl5YVIST. . Fia. , Oct. 26.-letter fromn Ctmba state flint Irmsimrgemits bare taken mmmi awftui revenge emi Rogue Cmrrmiil , wiiomii tile ) ' Ittialmecteti of treachery. Corrall was tumayor ot a totem , hear Ciemifuegos , aunt professed devotion to time patriot cause. The Insurgemit leatiera used imlmn as a tuedlummi of comnmmiuni- cation with frtemmmim' imi time Umiitecl States. Itecemitly tue Instmrgnts learned tim3t Corr.mil itati been corrupted by Slmaimm anmi hail iieeim pia'iimg traitor. Tuestiay morning time corpse of time mnayor was found outsitimu time gates of tue town. I he hiami bemi hacked to death witim swortle and decapitated. l'inned to imim. breast was a card reading : "So ptrish mmli traitors to Cuba. " . S. mm I I I Iii let's I hi. Stu sum , for ( 'mm imiplu'I I. CLE'm'HIANI ) , oOct. . 26-Senator 11111 spoke fotir titmice witim ox-Governor Cmmmnhm- lieu today mit Fostorium , atmd Ftiidiay and t'muma ' this afternoon anti at Dutytomm tonight. Iii tilsctmssttig time tiemocratto tartif law at llimtihity , Senator 11111 said it woimitl limmumily meant omit for the good of time coummtry. it a ummistmtke was mnummlmIn coilectimug taXeS thtit coimd ito reimmedieti. At least time immomicy mvimlt'h hal been collected m'as still imi time hiOc'kets of the people , anti imot piled imp imm time treasury as a surpitis. Times began to lmmmprovt' , lie said , mitt 50(111 aS time McKlmmley hw mm'mts repealed. That memtsuro Imad enimsed a , ititlclt of $59,000O'JO ' tiuC last year of its life. Tiit' seimator's sIieccIi , however , w'tmt : nmaimml- mum tiximortuttlomi to time demnocriuts to stmmmiii togethier anti an eulogy on Governor I 'ii tiipie II , -S. 'i'mirtei ( 'iii.iVmm fur I imfo I ims' Im.1 It's , FA1lthlAVFN 'ash. , Oct. 20.-fly aim cx- imioslomi in time mlii of tue l'aciiic Coae't I.mmnmber nmmmh Milling coimiian' today tivo umuen were killed , amuotiier fatally imiJtmreti timid. thuree immort' severely hurt , besidea wreck- log 11am immIll property. Time iireimuan imati jilet sLatted to get imp temmni in thice of thii' boilers , amid it itt suppoecti , iiiiylmig allowed the suliply of water to get mu' tmurmmed coiti wider Into tile aireati ) ' imeateti isiiler5. - Tivo lmoiiers . ' xpiotled vitii terrific force , omue Imetmig lilowmi 500 feet Passimig tbmrotmgui the dry lmouse amid dm'oppfng tuiruughm ii railroati trestle Into the wamer. W. A. Armstrong , time flrernamm , and J. W. Wiultmorevere killed ommtrighit , mimi 'IS' . Nesvkirk scalded beyond - yond hope of recovery. It macsimm Ihimyl tier A iiieriemi mm I.eoim.ti't't'e. i'iiilADFIA'JIIA , Oct. 26.-lt was stateti tim simippimug circles todumy 'that the operators of time trammuicontinental railroad , now In course of co'stroctio'i from tue Black sen ncm'otu , \'indivostoclc , hiad placed ii large order here for iocommuotlvem. for service on timat mail , and that time Britishi 'uvhmaiebmiclc u4teammmsimitm 'l'tmrret hituhl himid bcen clmumm'tered to load tue mlret eargo inure in iecember. The 'l'urrct Bell' will take a fUll cargo of tlieO locomnotlvea to Novorvoseisk , jiussin , rummil this mthipniotmt whit ho foiloweml by others equtahly large. Time Turret lieu at hiresammt is cngageii hmi the coal trade b - tweemm S'dmiey amiti Momitreal , S. h'isst'mmgrs - : , ( ' , Si'rioiis Imjmir. C'lti'ACiO , Oct. 29.-Aim eastiourmi ( iht- semuger traIn on time Chicago & Grand Trunk m'fluhVfl ) ' % vas vrecIceti today by runimimug itmto a burned ctmivert near South Bend , Imid , Fotmm' tralmmnmemm and a nutnber of passengers wpm'e more or les't seriously Injured. Time following mime the smamnes of the Injured trninmnemm : ConIuctor Mutr , Engineer Iteat- tie , ilaggagemmmnim J'attt'rson , flxpress Mete. semiger Simm ji , nil of Battle Creek , Micim. ibmt ti''O of the iasengers were htmrt nntl Ilmeim' imijuries we're not serious. Rice of Saglmummw wits cut over tue rtgimt eye anti Graves of F.mwmm I.aice , Mlcim. , was bruised itiotit time head. - -S lirt't't i'ilee's m't'mmk-Nes York \VI em' , NidV YO1IIC , Oct. 26.-General 'riiomnmms r. Eckert , presIdent of tin , Vestern Union Tee- grapim comfliiimiY. V'lthi Colommel It. C. Clowr3' , 'ico presitlm'mit of the Caine COmuhtaim ) ' , % % 'ere on Putt. ii peak this aftermiooim with a party of frIends A ( iit'i'ct wire clrctmit vmte mnmie uhi. eommnei'tlmig time olhii'e at l'ilce's ueaic ammti time general otiice of the comnpany in this city. 'rimumq the oilicials lmere amid those mit i'lke'm. peahc hintl us html ! ami imotir's talk. 1mm his etinversatlomi ( ittmieral Hekert saitl It vumi , imime oitaorvatfOn flint in ever ) ' sectIon of time west th're mvet'e evidences of impm'ov- imig amid prosheroiis btmsInsus commditions. ---S. 'H a rilereil Jm' hi Is ( m'm mitisoim. VIttilNG'i'ON , Dci. , Oct. 2tL-Omm her tic itt ii itemi I iurrlt't Los'is , a colored wommiamm of Glasgow , N'ewcziatie county , declared ime bath been kUleti by her granthenmi , iavlti Gm'inmuage , aged 17 years. Mis. Lewis ira ? 33 yearn of mtge. Sue saId that last Thmnrs- mitt ) ' mmi.tlmt Grinnage esome uo her imomnmu , mmmiii aft 'aim" nuitnitteti iuinm lie ( mtttiniiited to ' . Sue i'esimsteti wliei'm'- fe1fltoi "I ) mimotammit her. , - Imit' ' i ' strtm dc i met' I a I imo t'n c' in tim a club atimi , i'at im'r irmto imueemmsimmlhity. Sh ivas foimmiti lying umicoumselous 0mm the 110am' of lmer le'dm'oonm yeetem'iity * amid mmmcii limat evemmhmmy. ( irinnage' is Iii jail mtt Nemi'catle. ( ' tie , ' fin' am Itimom'Vmmi. . , CATO11i : i'o : ' ; , tlo. , Oct. 2d-\\'oi'mi camume hmeru timls uuterimooum thiat mm wommumimm living ten miles soutim of lucre had heemi assaiiiteti hi ) ' ii tiegro. A later report stuted that mimi itt'mned imegro muppemmred u t flit' imommas amid time ivonimn , mim'ado her escmit' : , A miosse Iruimmue- cilately started omit , mmmiii flue latest neivs fm'om thio scene says time negro is stmrromn.ied , . 1mm a corttieltl , iinti his cuimfuro lii imseuri'ti. 'i'ime negm ocs of thmls city mire imp lii mtrmuis utmmmi will resist an atternlmt at mob violence. . t.S , ermi ii I oimt for mm Ihit it he I'm'm'sIl , ' is t , % 'ASl I ihi 'JSN'is. . , Oct. 26A witm'raimt lmmt imc'eii lssti.'ti for time am rest of A . C' . l'robort , presidemit of the flammk of ' , Vas1m- bimrmi , charging hinm ivitim receivimig momma ) ' ( , fl depn"tt wimi'mm he 1cm-iou' tim. ' imrm'uk to be Insolvemut. 'i'iueru is 1mm tutu batik to time credit of time towmi $21 , iSP , ami.h . mm ( civ days before limo stieltemmmmiomi mtmm official mimade a formml : tit'imi'tflti i'or the amiuuunt , lint ivas rcfut'tl. Iitl , . ilsmmiisst'tt lloi' Suit , Nil't'OitK , Oct. 2'3.-A suit hi-ought by t'miIy Charlotte 'Lammgtry , hotter bnawmi im ) ' her Ptnge name of Mri , IJihie 1.ammgtr' , mtgmtl rmm' I I lelemmu I toeemitmt ( 'lapomm'skI , icnowmm liii the stage as Mrmie. hlelemmt' .Mothjeska , hums lim'en .him'coatlnmmei , by cmmmsmmmmt. 'l'ime author of ml I ist omit I cm mimmnce ivums cmi tert'mi I mm bUlir'mime ctmurt chambers Italay by .immuhge I 'attm'm'som , . The unture of tIme etmit is not tlim.c'ioseil in the . iapcrs. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ 'ml ml. . ci forml Ilmm.'I I mm 5. , n'ri'n. ST. LOl'lS , Oct. 2G.-.mfs mlala'l ( ' . hart- ' ' ' mhimt t'st'apt'tl mmiIhHiOamt' forth , time 0111) ) ierioims imujimry tn tIme mmiammsacre at lfwaeumig. Cuba. on Augimet I , was iii iii. , city iotla ) ' . 11cm' , 'ervutmmt , Tiammg , utter .iies ilam'trnpi ii'tti ttei'n thmrow'ti , himwmm mmmiii It'imlemm by tmie Cidnemit' , grumppied with mime nmtmriert'rs , mmmiii chic i-ito Out and imiti tim ( itO Iuslmes until tlmey himtd goimt' . . , ( ' , ihiiimii'h's $ Imt't'-sNoi' . SC'itAM1N'l'O , ( 'nh. Oct. u. it mimic re itoI'tetl lit mnldniglmt timimt Oni'ermiom' Eftitiul lmrmmi tmltpoimitemi Viillumui Jetmt'm' lit'tiIL'IliSmiI gui'- ernor , to smiccecti Mihluirti , , leeeamte'i. Jettet irisH thit' .it'niocrstic c''mmtiilmttt' ( or iieutemm- ' time iast t'ls'etlum but tint novm'rmmor itt , wmm:4 : .ieemm . I cmi I m ) ' 1.hhiia rtl. % % Imuim'smii , ' iim' ' tuils i"lrimi l'lmiih , LOi'iS\'I iii : , Oct. d. 'VIuo we'll hnoum'n uvhtdesalti dr ) ' goptie flmmmi ef iIamnlm'm'.r , I tioalmm & ( ' ( , . 'if I ii ii et ty mtmm ml , ' mm n smu-taigim. mmmemmt late this atternociem , IImbihitit.u. , ' , fl.- 200,0JO ; aem.etsm , about the sammie. ' : i . . , 'mi lIrlm't Storm's 11mm ru'I , Oltl.UNA. Tm'x. , Oct , -Eh'veim i ; brick stores emnmi seven franim' imtmtldinga mm'ere destroyt"I t.y . lime lucre todu. . ) ' , jgrus'atc ioms omm him i I ii I mm g mm nti gooti C * 'J9,2Z.'J ; I 0" mm r- ance , $3' ' . ) , ( ) . , il mu-rs' St i'ii , ' im'cimi ruth ( Iii , MASSILLON , Oct 6. The mhmmer' ummas convention voteil today ii' two.'lmmrtis ama. JQrlty to deeiwtm'c time strflt off , ftlOt'X ltIiS' All ) iS NO'V NllIhll ) , SeeretmrT of thim'Stmmt , ' liummrd of jtgrl- t'iiIimrsSlimmumle oft Ills llgnit' . SIOUX FAL1.S , S. D. , Oct. 26.-Special. ( ) -City Autiitor lilscknmnmi recently wrote to M. II. Kciiy , secretary of ( lie State Hoard of Agrictmiture , telling him of tIme action of the city council in liiaclag the 522.PO due time boarti train tue city in a batik hero , to be paid out direct to the prcmmmiummi wimummers. This ii'as doimo in viemi' of time fact timat time board has beomm a little too extravagant with time fumitim , wimicim came into its lmands. Mr. Kelly ivritt'e back as foiiows : "hteplyimug to your letter of October 18 , will say that time mmamne of time tro.ueimrer of time State hoard of Agrlcmlttmro is J. E. Platt of Clark , 5 , 1) . lie lmns lint tmp a good bonti for " the safe hmandiing of thmo fminde , ivhilchu is on 1" file in time oiiice of tlmo secretary of state at i'lerre. I shah not scud yomi a certified list of time iircmmiltmmui wlnmmere , nor for thmat mmmatter a list not certified , for the ; mmtrpose of emmabhing you , mis you say , of apportion- itmg ) 'our $522.90 immumimig time preimilitmmm whim- iiefi. it wottid be an inetmit to Mr. l'latt whmch ! I mm'ill limit assist iii. On tomiitmrrcmms' I mmiii i'emul to time prc'mmmimmimm wimmmu'rs their warrants - rants , with the atatemmmommt timm.t time casim iii tiiti treastmrer's imatimis milh PSY 35 her cent of their warrants , anti timat timero In still dime anti tmnpahul time smmmmm $522.90 froni Sioux Falia , which , if ilaid before lie receives time warm'amits , will enable hlnm to uia' 53 imer coat Instead of 35 iier cemit , ammii to seiuti their ivarrants to Imlmmm anti ho muill enmi timemmi tue iiro rate aimmount of tue ftmnmi Iii 1mb' imamids , accordimmg to the ammiotmat of their mm'arramits. 'mir , PlaIt is iierfectly able and commipetemmt to tramusact the affairs of him. othlee without Limo ossistammce of time Sioux Falls lmammke , am. indicated by you , atid if ) 'oit fellows timimmk he is paid too niuctm salary yell better let hmimmi earn It Ii ) ' dolmmg timis himslmmoss mmmi It muhommiui be done. "The ammmoumit of the premlimmim warrants Is $2,8i4 , anti Mr. Platt has imi atitiitiomi tO all time warrammts' tlrawn thus year $ P9S,25 to aplul ) ' omm thomim , so you can mimake 'oimr owmi flgmmres as to time lmrecefltatWs Ito can pay 'timmi ascertain iviiethmem' amy figures are correct , \'oura truly , "MoltitiS H , KELLY , Secro- tary. ' ' S , I'tul 1)115 i'IC'i'tlit II 't'fi 1111 l'Nll i II lTiii ) , L'rteem'tIs It ) iii' Irse'd for Hii iiim t I mime Nt'e.l' Stititemits , PhlILAlllLi'ilIA , Oct 22.--.t'remvost C. C. ilarrisomi of time UnIversity of l'emummsyivamila atmmioumice-tt totla ) ' that iei'amt determumlnmtl to Perimmit limo exhibItion of hmimt famnoima paintlmmg , "llreakimmg hionme Ties , " whIch lm. time work of 'time late Timomimmus hhiveimtlcmi , In tue larger citlem. of timis coumimtry , time proceetis to tic tmsed In assisting needy students at time mmmmim'ersit ) ' , hhlvemidemm was killed recently at a grade crossing neat his Imonie 1mm Nom'rlstowim , l'a , , wlmilo trying to rescmme a little girl frommm In fromit of atm amproacImiimg locomumtlvb. Time mmmami- agcmiiemmt of the Atimmta expositloim imas iieemm emimleavoring to secure the picture , im'hmichm probably attracted moore mtttemmtIon thmami any other art exhibit at time W'urltl'e fair , amid tIme interest simoivi , imims led Mr. hiarrlsomi to comi- semit to its exiiiblttomm all over time eoummtm'y. lie said : ' 'Time ftmmmd whmlclm limit ) ' be derIved frommm time exhilblthomm of I lie lmlCttmre Is to be knoirmi tim. time hhlvondemi Stmmtipiut'mm Almi ftmmmti , I amum very desirous to conmmmmemnorate in thmis hay Mr. hlivemudeum's life work mind 1mb. imerole , , - ' ' mleuttii , I cmii qmmite sure , am. 'hums lieemm well , ' said , 'every nmotimer in Macrica owes Mm' . lilvomidemm a debt of gratittitie' anti thirotmgh his paimmtlng we imope to imeli ) mnammy a oumig mami starting upon Imim. life's ironic. " - S flX(1l'l'iiM IIN'I' IN ' " ' JAClSO'S II oim. . thu tii1 Stntes Mmi.rslimul I mi I ha t 14i'cf I nix ivltlm lhmmmi' 'imi'rniits. ItAWLINS , Wyo. , Oct. 26.-SpeclaI- ( ) Froumt troops rcturmming mama Jackaomm's hole it was learned today that the Ummlted States marshmal fr Wyomning to mmow In Jackson's hole , for the lmtmrpose of arrestimmg Settlora who comumpnised the comistabie's iosmmo mvhmicit in July last killed and 'ct'ommmmmied st'veral Imi- diana and precipItated the iiamumiocl ( 'scare. IL is believed time emitire posse , which con- slate-ti of Commstsblo Mnnmming immuti tmvent-six deputies , is to' ho arrested auth hrommlhit be. 3 fore time IJ'ntfeml States commrt , mm'imich mimoets in Cheyenne early in Novrnmfler. 'rime settlers htavo repeatedly expressed timeir wilhlmmgmiess 1to stand trial for killing time himtlimmns ivimo ivere arrested for violating \'yoiuimmg gammimo laws , and , It Is believed , there will be no trouble in effecting their mirrest , Simmlmleii ien ( It mm t Sli.'rldiijm. SIiI'MtIDAN , Wyo. , Oct. 26-Simeciah- ( ) Prof. J. C , h3isimop , a iveil lcumoum'mu cltlzemu of this place , tiropped dead while waikhumg up the court house steps ycstertbmy afienmmoon. lie hail been In apparent good imealtim. 'rime renialna were taken In charge by thmd Masonic - sonic orgumimlzatioti , Nt'v'siiimer Climimiges ii , , tmi1 , lOUGLAS , Wyo. , Oct. 26.-Speciai-Timo ( ) Cemutral Wyoming News Imas been olt1 by A , \V. Phillips to Messrs. N. E. Yoming amid C. ii. ? mlcNammuee , who mviii cOimtimmmio to pmmiiila tue Palmer as a miemmmocratlc orgaim. S. i'r'pmti'iuig to i'lim cm t ' ' ' , ' , , , T.MPA. VIa. , Oct. 21L-Ietlimettons ) frommi Spamuisii hiapers Immilicate timat at the coumfor- emice between Camiovaum amid tIme mumlmmister of --I - ' . the miaS' ) ' It ii'am. agrscd to huroritie immmmmiemil- " ' ately for further mm'ar mmmumterlal. They mmiii place torpedoes at flue emmtrumnct's to all Cmmbaum ports , amid time next mmmii e'teammier tie to carry to Cmmlma 150 tons of torpemlo mumaterisi. b'paium , It is asserted , mmiii mmmi macreliant vesseimu , mmmiii tue governmmirmit contemumimlates raising time utrmmmy to 500,000. A call imas bcemm miiimde to all mmmcmi iintier 40 years to mmiIst. _ -S It ml hsm'ml f lie i'rlt'e of % Vi uiahiii' 4 Immes , t'ti i'Al ( ) , Oct. 26.-At a mmuec'timmg of mmitmmm. tmfmtotmmm'ers mmmiii joijimem's of mvhumdow ghume's imm.'ltt lmci'e tniimty time price of ghmmemm 'trims mmmli'utmmcami 2t2 per ceimt. It wits also .iec'itid to ( ' 0050 iia'tmig freight its ImL'netofol'ti , etmiti it ) mlollver glass ( moo omm hoard time t'ars itt poInt of Siiihllflent. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attetid time mumnmieter cltizsnm , ' mmmamus mmmeeting at the Colisemimmi Friday evening , Nuvemmiber I. at S o'clock. WAS ALOST LD Little Girl immi to be Kept. In i lmtm'ft ltoomn , Couihel not eo to F'eel herself. Re'mmtethies anmi ioc- tore All Fitileti , Ctim'etl in . One Week by Ctmtlctmrmt , My little girl imami 'very sore 0)03. 1 trieml em-cl , tlmi nil , Limit nothin g ihimi utmmy gemiti . I ticiC her 1mm : m doctor I mm . 'itlttmmtmm , mu'lmi , tmmctteil her for um ) ear , hut alma k'pt gettIng mjnrae. I Imvommglm her lmomummt ; vas nimmmimst tame of lm'a rt I mma. ( ci S muumro he si'tiUld go liii mitt. A mm mmli I ladY told mum , tim try Ctrrmt'mimiA iimmzmmimmq : , I imami miii faith In tlmcmmi , iii I hail trh'mi emery. Lii hug. I coimmmmm'mtcc'i ' tnt i4a tmm rmlay , mmmiii htefor. . , time mmcxt ftattmrilay Imer eett miCro soumimi ammit mm cli uts flu ) ' dm1 lti'ti. Siio mm as almost hi immml , auth imaut tim-elm kept tim a mjtrlt ; roomim for limorn limamm mm year , cummld mme see to ft'ctl lmerse'iI nmmmi Limo ) imame mmever Iecii as 3et time least liar. tide sure or iii cii i04koil toil froimm tlmat mitmy mm mit II thmi4 , aimml I t mciii Is , t 1mm cmi 3 mu rim t Immi Ii mmmi , of .la ) ' . 'limoy cortutnly : i'mm , cii hmt'r , ammti I thmimmk luCy itCO tue grattmat mcmmmetiies oimt , I emily jmmeti half a L.ax sf CtTTIC1'tlA , oumo rkn Cu. Ttcu HA ttA I' , aimil ono tamtt Ia iii Ci 'm mc'ttmta , itestflvmsr limb ) Ott 500 itimat ummmm.l'rS mitey miml for toy little girl. I Imamo real of mmii of timeso bout maumitlenimmi ease. , hmmmt mmem or ls'ftmre thought that t Imem , mmm iglmt lem tome , ' bum t J hummow this to timi the iultivo : trmmtlm , 1iu.s , F/mNNhl OAit\'OOl ) , C'imntomm , ( ix. . cuTIcun WORKS WONDEDS Cirm'ict'mi. iImesmLm'mST : , limo mmciv hloo1 mmmiii Ski mm l'mm rliim'r ammd gr.'amm'4t sit I I mmmmmor IIonm' dlt'i , cie.tmim.ea tii hiloisi ciT all immmpmirjth' . aimil ioiMmom.s . elt'immemmts , mmmiii tlmtmi , remmmort'a thu t'amlmmti , wimiio Ctrrictrmmt , tha great shut cure , 'anti ( 'mlTm'UitA ( mA r , aim estimlielto ski ii iicamm- tiller cimir I immi kiim aemmi scati , , amm'I n'stmrn timu Imai r , 'I'imtta t imim t't'Tgcett ii mm : mmm : m.s ctm , , ) every sliecit's of Itclmumg , himmimihiug , seamy , pilmiily , aimil blotchy ik 1mm , sea ii' , aimil blooit distutmacs , ( roam hmimmmuiics tocrofula , Paul timrouuciommt iIm crcirij , i'jiceCt"rmcmjns , Soc ; stoat' , um . hreom.m'r.x'r ; ; , 4 I. l'o'nitmm llmtuu ismt Cues. ( atm-tm' . , uiC l'rcprmv'ora , iIostmm , , o ) _ " lImits to Cure Skin 3lIi'aj.ei , , " free. binY' ' Iliilnrmmmtif ΒΌ alppudflc.iuuntibemmillflcil ! : iJ.La I by Cutlcurs P0.111 , AIioluiemy lur. . c'I HOW MY SIDE ACHES ! /&uh AchimigPliiesnid back , hi3. , htWney , t'tm'riao l'tims. , , amitt . % t'si.mmo..ei , 'Viii in mine mitinuto byiho Cuti. ti-il eu * 45Ii.1'll5 L5Iur , a