w- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ r- . . , 'u r . L 1 14 ; 'J - * M I , . . "II - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUN/fj--.i\.Y. oorl'Onrnn 21 , 895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 - CONDITION OF IAnA'S ' TRADE - . . Jusillc in a Jobbing Way Docs Not Show Any Improvoment. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS GENERALLY SLOW - ; \ 'nrm'enlh.r Iteiltice " t.e DemAnd fur 'Vllt.r ( : fh.-Short.te In Lte L Stock n".II.t" IIsd'r "loleT Scarce In the Conntr . Du"lne during the past week ha ! been ; . rather quiet In all IInei and It 18 Q rare thtng to meet nn Indlvhlunl or member oC I firm who clnlms ) to he doing n right good ' oC them can busines. The most that any fay 18 that they are doing as much ny could 11 expected under the elrcumtance . and that conslderln the conditions prevailing In tributary territory there Is no cause for I complaint. Smo 10 even further and I ' that It Is really Imrprlnln that business Is 11hlnl up ns wel as It 18 1 ; In fact that I fpenl's well for the country that tim volume of buslnes" doing has not been greatly reduced - aucell below the presen level. Money In the country appears to be very ncnrco and that I of itself sufelent to prevent there being any great business activity. 'fho quantity of grain going to market Is i light and prices nt the same time being low the retura to the country In the thal.e of money arc not sufcenl ' large to give any great ImlJetuy to trnde. The returns from live stock nre also light , so that the country Is really receiving very little money and cannot ue expected to buy treely of any Idnll ( or mere hand Iso tinder such elreumslnneNI. ' 'ult the one Item or live sloek. From January 1 , 18 ; , to date there hns been I decrea In the reeelpis at South Omaha or 191.11 cattle , 701,721 ] iogii . 3.649 sheep and 1,269 horses us com- 1/S. lJred with the correspondlu/ Ilerioll oC 1891. The shortage has been almost entirely ou" to the falling oft In the receipts from Nehraslm points , ns the Ihllrentl from Iowa and frl tim western Ilates have bell Just about ns heavy as eyer. I we reduce this Fhortnle Into dollars I wilt he found that NIUrL'kl hal Ilneo January 1 receiVed $ l .OO less ! than dur- Ing the same Period or last year n ! re- turns for the sale oC live sthclt at South Omuha. This. however , docs not represent 11 the loss that this stale has sustained In the matter or decreased live slack ship- moents. Along the southern uordlr or the /lalu there Is quite IL large tlrrlor that ships almost exclusively 10 Knnsus City stud other sections f.hlll to other mlulwls. In all these localities there has been a decrease In the shlplenls , ! that the total live stock with last loss on Ivo lS compared wih year II i much greater than would be In- dleatel by the above lgures , large as they uro. uro.I Is not surprising In the light or the foregoing facts that time best that can be /aid or the , lobbing trade at the city Is to cal I 'fair " / " There 1 ! another reason for trade not ( being particularly active . and that Is the weulher. With such mild weather PrevailIng - Ing In all sections or the state It Is no emw mater to Induce people to buy winter , goods. The farmer are also making good \ISO or the favorable weather to harvest their corn and they will not stol ) work to vIsit town while they can gather the cral' ! 'he very low prices It which farm Products are selling Is n great detrlmenl. A retaIl merchant was In the city the pasl week 111 reported that near North Plate the farmem were only Picking tp n row or time largest potatoes and were leaving the bal- nnen In the fields . ns the ) ' were not worth l\uln to mnrket. Some or the starch mnnurueturer In the northwest are o\erlnA only 4 cents per bushel for potntoo. Many ' other lnes or Produce are occupying the lame position . Onions or which there Is n very large crop In this section ot the vest , are not worth shipping to market. In tact they can hardly ue sold at any price GHOC1my MAIKET STEADY. Time staples In the grocery hue have shown very little change In prices during the lrlOI under review. I Sugars have declined , of n cent on the ; cntro Ino as a result or time failing off In the consumptIve ot time Year. le 1111 , usual nt this season - Cal rnln- peaches and raisIns are n trifle asler , 'while ' eastern ( 'wllo el.'teln evaporated apples ehow 1 Ito Improvement. California evaporated apricots are higher owing to the very light sloclts. The provision market Is .l trifle casler. particularly lard. al hams , breakfast bacon and lard.Tho The cheEse market has reconlell another ndvanee. Fancy New York stock 1f becom- tag very scarce and the market Is 1 cent 1.lgherUn I' i WII a week ago. Time f3clmtenmber ! and October make or cheef wi be very lht. owing to the droulh having cut down time pastures. A good many factories have closed as I direct result of the dry wenther. The canning season In California Is over anti mot at the InterIor canneries hare cosed down. Time pack o fruits In that ftnto this season wIll run .mmewhat short or the quantity packed In ] 891. $ Pears are Bhort and so are apricots and cherrIes. The California prune crop Is over and growers generally report the yIeld largely In excess or estimates. The prunes nm to large sizes and packers are obliged to ub- Itute large ; fruit II fling orders. The tour sizes are very scarce , while forty to elxty are ubundant. IAnDWAIE HOLDING ITS OWN. Time hardware market bus been fairly well maintained , blt there has been no diii- posItIon toward further advnnees. In fact , U anything time tendency has been rather on the side of easier prices. Local house have had n fair trade durin/ the past six ilay . though I Is doubtful / the volume of sales or all time houses would I Bhow up Q well as for the prevIous week SLACK DRY GOODS TUADE. Dry goods men are complaining I great neal at the mild wealher , which Is having . VCr3 ' detrImental effect on Ihat Ino / business especially . Time demand for winter goods hns been iiglmt. Ielllerl ha\'e not oono suleirnt bulnlsl to break their etocks . and limo demand from the country Is uecordlngly light just nt the Present time. : A moderate trade In dry goods 19 reported . from nil sections oC the country. As to the market the breakdown oC the ' 'ul' movement In raw malerlal. whist not a\eclnA the prices or cotton goods . has . u'verthelels. unrlle,1 to some extnt vlew5 held as to the future course oC this murkot. particularly on the part or buyers 'who. It not expecting any break In valuel are inclined to the belief that the ad\'anc- nlg tendency has received n Iheelt und that 1 will be easier to cover future requlro- ment than nvveared / likely up to n week ago . Sellers still occupy a strong position. 110WeVtlr. on time l'elatonshlp or supply and olland In alt lines or domestics. Timey are . well .slttmated . muse on the more staple lines or cotton dress . coton fabrlrs. prIces or which ave Slrm , with an alvanclnl tendency In I number - ber or directions. The weelt's business has been moderate. WOULD HEI.P SHOE HOUSES. Bnow or rain Is badly needed just now by the boot ant shoe men who cannot expect any great amount or business 50 long as the weather Is mll "noulh for people to go barefooted. Local . houses however , say that timer are doing 1 fair business . but they could easIly do more If the weather i would oimly tur propitIous. There has been seine weakness In the market for loather. but not sufficient to erect the shoe markot. ! I CL-UmD IN1)Lt. RUilliEll. , Grn'lnrmllortRlle of time 'rR.le In out ItuIpIn.r Ioots DIII thnl' . The practical value to the world ot mod- er scientific development has not ben greater In the discovery or new forces and flew materials of servIce to mankind than In bringing to light means for utilizing . what formerly was pure waste , says the Hhoo nUl I.rather llcs'lev Science long has taught U ! that mater cannot be destroyed ; i Is now teaching us that no matter need 11e wasted. inspired by this truth the nu- thorltcs In our lending cities today are seeking methods for so disposing ot garbage . that C\'Cr' ounce at I shall ue commer- vial ) ' valmmabie und doubtless we Ihal soon wonder that n golden stream was po long allowed to low Into the sea throulh the garbage dumps. ' 'hen the city wastes are horouGh utilized an Iem wll worth con- biderlmmg trill bo found In the cast-or rubber shoes. or which not 1 few are already coi- I 1lct.1 \ ) ' scavenger In New York going to swell time great quantities gathered ehe whIre In the country for the rubber reclaim- 11mg industry. I P ' ! Illustrr' rubber Is not an adulerant , nor yet Is I a substitute for crude rubber , . 1 Is simply cheaper rubber. equal to the crude Product for some purposes and even better for others , and Is discovery hal Illayed 1n Important part In time upbuldlng of the India rubber industry In America. 1.olc , I YOU please , at the lgure showing our nnnual Importations of crude rubber. ! iWlhln ten years they have doubled . and these len scams ha\'e ben the period of : the largest development or the reclaimed ' ruubr Industr ) ' , Europe ten year ago wa ConsumIng lore Para rbber than the rnlled % States whie today we are largely , m' In the lead Dut Europe has nol ndolllltl 80 fully 1. we have the UII or reclaimed ubuer , and consequently hlr Industries 01\0 not had the umo benelt from this imource. I believe that the discovery of . means for rclaimIng rubber ha done more than an ) other one thlng-thl dlco\er ) ' or "ulcammization excepted-to develop rubber i manutactur I ha enabled manufacturers at lower coet without to produce goods I . ro wlhoul lowering their quality . which tact nlene has largely extended the use or articles or rubber , thus Increns- InR the demand for crude rubber. Reclaimed rubber does not displace the crule gum In the market : on the .thtr imand. there l ! room for holh kinds of . rubber - bet In the same article oC manufacture , the reclaimed fibber . taking time place often or whitng or ban.tes or other materials for- mlrly used to give body to the l'ro'.ct. with the effect oC adding undesirable weight and perhap deficIent wearing qual- itles. But nrJther of these Objections attends - tends the \ 0 of reclaimed ruiita'r. I cannot - not ue kept too clearly In mind that the reclaimed - claimed rubber market I ! entirely distinct from and unctJ0ecled with thnt for crude "um and that the price or one 19 In no lanner affected by that at the other. The hlslne s oC gatimering waste rubber Is cimietit' conlnId , gatherlnA 1 . cast.or foot- wear , Time methods or reclaiming ruuher were first nl'pllll ' 10 scrap or this cias , and the organized channels IhrouEh which 18. " ) lon : or Beret ' annually trickle from the annualY hand of country pelldlcs Into larger , Ilrlams. until time I rubber reclaiming fal- tories receive It In carload lot ! hnve oil hlen planned for the collectIon oC old ahoe 'rho prleo of old shoes ut the pint where they . first hecame 1 merchantable commod- I It would he hard to say. In many rural districts rubber shoes are collected In time spring months , togcthlr with rags and other wnpte hy Peripatetic mmmereimrtnts whose stock In { linde. whether In n pack or a little "nlOI , conSIsts oC tnware and cheap trlnkts Intended for exchange nt the farmhouse for the content or time scrapbag ' No cash ehnnAe ! hanllq In these trnsac- ton ! When the peddler returns to his starting point he turns oVer his eolecUlns to the village merchnnt far more tinware . with perhnp' n little cash , arid goes out over I new rOlte In quest of ra/ Aoes > Time merchant will offer hlf rubber tock , when- aver It reaehe food proportions. to n ruh- her reclalllnA mill . In shIpments from the west Ilrohnhly 5 per cent or the whole wi ConSist or rubber scrap . 2 ; per cent of metnl and the let of Paper stock and rags. There Is no one han,1 n rubber shoes imlomme . however 'hocver hurl the country trier- chnnt's collections must take time whole lot. Hut the rubber 1 the most prized part In proportion to its oxteni since the trade In rags for paper stock imas bren greatly de- IJrecl In recent Years. while rubber scrll hns gone upward 11 Irlel wih time Inc - - crtased numler or rubber reelalmln/ factories - tories anti time consequent competition Iii the buslnes I may he noted timat when 0111 ehoe9 fit became a merehanlnll arti- Q I do. the price paid for thrm by lanufal turer" was 1 cent per pound , while the quo- latons hove nlnee averaged 5 cents I'er I > ould for months at n time. tmc. NE'V YOnK gXUl.U , lAlKI T. ClolnA QlolnUols ; ; : ; ; Oi the Prlnclpn1 . COllollU , " RIII Simipie's. NrW YO1tl . Oct R.-1LOUlt-IteceIpts . 4h , , G ) bbls. : exporl9. I5.oo ) "bs. ] ; market generally dull bul lnn 10 smpalh wih wheat ; city mi itatoimts $ I.2)ijl.1 t : ; llnnasola pnlents. $3J.OtJ 3.0 ( ; winter extra9. $2.70@.n ; lllnesola iialers $2.7QjLI& He flour. dull ; stipemflae $ : . : U2.7 ; ; fancy , $2.SJ3.o. Buckwheat 10ur , steady ; $ l.6 1.65. ( IUCI'WIEAT-ulet nt 42e. : COlN . lUALSlend ) ' ; ) elowsler. coaree . llAN-Dul nt : : .f. ) . 1tY-Nommnai ; No. 2 we.ler. ( : c. IAIIgYIPh' ; western . 4ltJSOc. IAIII'Y : lAIl-Dul : westerxm . & 3tG2c. W1lE.T-ltecehits. 117.001) bu. : C3tC2c. . 4.OOi bu. : & pL ln ; No.2. 71c nsled : No. 1 h.lrI , 70\e. \ OptIons n'l'anccd ' al dry weather and had crop news. higher miles antI rorelgn mitmying . but eubeeqtmentiy reacted a little on rcnlulon ) anti I ) ' I.redlctons or rain and closed quid nl % e net nll'lnc ; October closed lt Gjc : December , CHi 5JCte . coscll ul CS\c. , ( COIIN-lleceipts. tl.COOu. . 1 exports 1CO bu. : spot quiet ; No. 2. 3e. . Omtion . opneti steady . \e. Ollon. one < ) but declIned under n large meal movment un.1 \rsAure on lew dOI\'orl" . . closing 'tJ'4o 10\1 : October closed at Ibo ; Vecomber. 3(36H.c. ! closed at 3Cc. ot'rs-Itecclpts. :23.200 bu. ; exports . 1.1 bu. 1 spot dull : No. 2. :10. Opttonii quiet and easmer closing at e n.t decline ; OeloIr closed at 24cm ; December . 2l2tc \ . dose at 21c. _ - . 2Ii21\ . $7.O'tjli ; god 10 $ chelee. iS.50ti'.O. 101SQulel : otnle. common to cimoice 13 { crop. 3f7c ; 19 : crop. 71110c. It I ; -Hleady ; CalIfornIa . 1ilHc : Gal'csto. 161(1e ; Buenos Ayres dry , 210 ; TexaS dry 12 { tc ATnEI-Dul : hemlock sole Ducnos Ayres , Ihtht ! 10 heavy welghls 21c. WOOLulet ; domestic Ileeee 18621c ; pulled . 19fit ! 'ISI0NSJeef. steady ; family . $3.012.0 : beef hn3 , $ l4.&OIJ1.0O. Cut m.nl. dull ; pickled bellies. 8G.006.25 ; plckl.d shoulders . $6 ' : Illklc' ' } hams . . Lard . steady ; western slcam close $ . < < nt $ ; .n ; : October $ : .3 ; . nominal ; retined . slellh' . 1olk. mesS. $3.751O.23 : family . . $11.75 ; bhorl clenr $ ll.lOl1.25. $ U0t13. TAlI.OW-lty. 4t14lc. IJUTTIIt-ltecempte. S.w 1Igs. : quiet ; wet- era dairy . 10Ic ; western cteamcr , 15i23c : Elgins . : c EGGS-Receipt.ii. 5.2) pkgs. : market quiet : state and 1'ennylvaama. 2).2Ie ) ; western 18t 2'c. ' CllEI'.SE-Recelpts. 3.9H plcgs. : quiet ; large . 7 lO ; small . 7\.C \ 101c : pat skims , 3tu1'c ; run kinus . 213c. \ . bM. l'ETItOLEUM-llteady ; Cnled closed at $ L26',1 \ . HOSIN-Flrm ; strained commoa 10 good . $ .C L7O. (170. TUHPENTINC-Qulet ; 2S4g340. S1H31C JUCI -HI.ally and fairly ncttvF : domestic , fair to ! extra 3t6tc \ ; Japan : . 1'(3e. MOLAlHmS-.Steady : New Orleans open lost- tie. gout 10 choice. 231132c. MT\LS-Plg Iron quiet ; soutitein. " ' $12.Ohg U.O ; no'iher. 8I2.0.)14.50. COI'I.er. quiet $ ; bro- kel , ' price $11.75. Lead. . ln ; lrekers ' price. $ J.15. . - , Tin quiet : plates , mallel quiet and slead COTTON SflED OUrSomewhal irregular : prime crude . 2Wlc ; butter gradc3 OU21c : prime aummer yellow - . 27 Hte. - Liverpool hllmmriccja. LIVERPOOL Oct. 6.-WI1EAT-Spot i frm ; demand poor ; No. 3 red winter , 5 5Yd ; No. a red sprIng , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , 53 Gd : No 1 Cal- rornla , Ga 6 ; futures closed firm . with March 1d higher and other months 'ii higher : business about equally dlslruutell ; October , 5s 6Yd ; November 5 m 5 ½ d ; Dc- camber 63 Gi ; January . 5s G4d ; February , ( s 7dm ; March 3 7d. ) CORN-Spot cas ; American mIxed easy mied new 3s 411 : futures closed weak. with near positions % 1 7tt lower , and distant positions unchanged from 'esterday's closing prices : business heavIest on early positions ; Octo- her. 3s 6\1 ; Novemuer. 3s 6\d \ : Decemuer. 3s Gd : January , 3s 4d ; February , 81 4\.d \ ; March 31 4d. . ' l"IOUH-Marlcet firm ; demand good : St. l.ulf fancy winter 7s. PHO\'ISINS-lacon. Quiet but steady ; demand moderate : Clmberlnnd cut. : 10 30 Ibs. , 4)s . ) < shotl ribs. IS Ibs. . 34m ; long cl.a light. 35 to ( lbs. . 32s 6 ; long clear . heavy. 6 lb. . : : short clear bacls. light , 18 Its. . . ala C ; short clear mlddl. ltt'avy . rs lbs. . 27s 6d ; clear b.les. celr 1 10 16 Ibs. . 2Ss ; elmou1tlrs ! . srmuame . 1 to IS Ib5. ISo : imams. hort euI , 1 to IG lb. . 45M & : 1. H.d. extra le1. 7s ; I'rlme nmestl. 5s M. i'ork prints mmtess . ' fine we.ler. ces 3d : lolme mcdlum. H. 1k L lari. .Irnd ; prime Western . 2.refned. ; In pals. 31s. CIIL'lHfS-'Irnm : ; demnmmtml faIr ; finest American white. ( ; tnl.l American colored . ( IS C. 1mU'lTEit-Vimmest United Htateo . 9s ; good , 7Cs. ' ' . TUitl'flTiNE-SpirIts. 21 : BOSIN-Common. b 3d. COTTON Hlmu OUrI\etpool < refined 17a. 1INSBrO 01.21s 3d. 1'1TltOilU3t-Iteilnel . P41. HIWHlJIATlt lSC1"-I"orequarters. 3'id ; hln'l : gmkt POWDFR-Iiardwood . r. 0 b. tAverlnOl. 7. ItOm'S-At : 7Ln'lon ( Paeile coast ) , r 155. St. Louis General 11 111" . t. ST. I.OUIS. Ocl. It.-FLOUR-Steady but ac- tvo ; sales. 10. ( sacks 10 Engtand. : sacks to Ireland reporled. but domestic trade qulel. W11AT-pened higher became dull . easel or and closed a sade below yesterday ; No : red . cose . 6\ic \ : iecenmber. , ; May C ' c. ClN-Dul but about steady sit day . closing wimim sellers about ' , e below yesterday ; No 2 selers , wih ) mlxe , ! . csstm . 21c ; Deeemmmber . I"c : Ihay. 26te. l OATS-I'ulre. "Im early but eased or : May closed with selera 'c below yesterday ; o 2 cnsh. 1\.e , Vecember. IS ; Mi ) ' . Oe. \ . ILYE-Vlrm : 37c. CORN MISAI.-4l.43t11.tO. rU'I.U.JStl.5. 1mltA-Irregular : aeked. east track. 53c. TllOTI y t4tti-$3.lOlm3.et. IIAY-ltatlmer dull , lirm for choice grades ; Y-Iliher dul lA Irm pmlrl. \ViliSIY-l.2. $5.OOti9.OO ; timothy , $5.@I3o. this II < e. you t.'rltr-steaiy : turkeys Ce : chlclcens. GB 'e ; ( ducks 714c ; eese. Gc. ! BUTJI-lel , < y ; creanur ) 188210 ; dairy JSGUR-Plrm : ISo for fresh . . FGGBFlrm IS f..h. JFAlDelrel.e ; $ .07" , sellers. but no bids. RltITI.-Olert : lt 83.33. 1'itOV14lO4-l'oric. elandarlt m.ss. jobbing U.(8.G3Lr < . prime steam , $ : choice. $5.65. hlacon. boxed elmouliens. $6. 75 : longs . $5,8n. : ribs . $6.30 : short. $ o.I\i. \ ltlt n'H-I"lour. ( .0) I . , I. : wheat , 6.0 : bu. : corn 18.0 bu : oats . 4.0\ bu. HI I 11 1'NTR-I.'lour. 8.0 bbl. ; wheat 31.0 bu. : corn 1,0 ? ) bu. : oats. 1.0 bu Slillmtnt of Tt'xmis Cltte , renT WORTH. Tex. . Oct 26.-The cattle mov.m.nt irons the slate. especially from the I'nnhandle coun'r ha hewn quite large the pal few week . l'rol the later country alone there have ben shipped out 3.0 head ot cattle . 10t ot the stock lolnl 10 time northern markets St. l.ul& t' partIcular. The total shipment to b immade front the Amarillo country will not fall short ot 100.0th ) head. and wIll bring to the stock raisers U.SO.o. 1 1 claImed the Amar lila ha becme the largest original shipping point of the world. Tea carloads ( ot bet cattle from . hlhuatmua . Max. . arrived hero In calle morning for sale on lite Fort Worth matkel. This makes Ihe Ilt conlllment of alack direct . olrect from Mexico 10 J.'or Worth ICunana CIty liarkEs. \NSAS CITY Oct. 3L-WhI15AT-Slw. lowers 'No , : haIti SIU , No. 2 red. 63c ; rejected , re 6he 37t Ho. , L'OIti'-Acti1'e ant steady ; No. 2 mixed. SH.O ' lIe ; No : whit , . rae. O.\'Uul. lower ; No. 2 mIxed . 1Gc ; No 2 whIte . IUI\i \ ! 1lc ltYl-No. 2. 33c. 1.'L.\X $ EEl-tteady ; ( .h. $2c. ii.tY-Firmn T.W. ; tImothy , $ .5(1.0 ; prairie . u. * ( Oslo ( hi'T'ltIl-Weaker . ; creamery . l7gOc ; dairy , H J.aaS-Flrm at 10 , COM IRCIAL - AND FINANCIAL Provisions Alone of the Speculative Mar- ket Were rim. WHEAT WAS HIGhER AND STRONGER 1'10\1,1011 01111,11 , R Sln.1. helter ' Tunis 'I'h. ) , Closest lt l r"IIT stud Ileimmit I mm.l Flrmmt 'I'lirouglm. ont thc S 'I.lun , - CHICAGO , Oct. G.-Provlslons alone of ' the speculative markets was firm today from Irst to last : the grin markets started firm , but failed Ignomlnoush' ! lit the enl In their bullish vretenslon9 The what bulls are afraid of roln before : Ionda ) At the close today the market was weak at U e decline. October and November corn each lost 1c per bu. , oats declined I. tc and provisions - visions average n slight gain. Wheat averaged Ilrmer . anti at one time wnY : e higher than It closed last hkim , hit late In the day It lost the advance. Time early strength was due to higher cables carl' and thc InllrOVelent In dommi'stic m.lrlels , with n goodly number oC crap damage - ports from the winter wheat uelt. 'fhe fact thot Argentine shipped 10 wheat thl' week and that the exports rrom botn easts for the week are : O bu. greater Ihan the week previous also tended ti give the mar- ket 0 firm turn. Shorts bought freely for 1 time and there Wa some Investment demand - mand and for n time firmness was time rnle. limit the signal service reported W\l and cloudy weather nil over the wheat belt with Indiatons or early rain , and the strength quickly recuperated Eurpean , lqmtchel were very Imeilc , and If there has , be canny _ . appreimCtsioflOfVr ! : . _ ttva _ qlcIU ) ' dissilmateil I ) ' \10 peaceiui teluUl llalet the news. On thIs JOSoC \ the early buyers turned sellers . anti timero was generolito ceiling ' for the short account. Vs ' lilt trade 'elng ( lull antI nnrro\ tills pressure brought on decided wen knes" anti Prices soon went off , , nearly % c from the top Ilguros. Deccmbrr ! sold earlr nt 61 c , off gradually 10 from Oh.c : to t0c. I1d closed at 0O'e Phi and May at from tiltc ! to 61e itt the close. ; Glo.et Corn HUffere,1 from the collapse or the little buhhle , which wnq hlown up In the lte ' ' delver ' . That future and Its ! pn- patimetic nel hhor. the November delivery . Inch dropped ltsC per hu. and they both IljhC cloe.'d lt u net loss for Ihe tiny oC 1c. Dc- comber partllpatell to the exleut or from % c to " 0 In the dny' wealwlss nn,1 , May at the end oC the ses"lon was 14c lower than It wits at the close of the previous aY'1 sessIon. Time market for onts was quiet and frm early , but declined later and closed eusler. Fluctuations were nlmost entrel ) ' In sync- pntl ' wih wheat and corn. May ranged tolC front phi. Oc to 3)c ) ; the Inal quotation was l'moveions opened a shade hhher thnn the ) ' dose yesterday anti remalnec frm timrougimout but the trading was oC n lm- Ited cititracter. Schwarlz-Dupee bought on time cal 12.5 blue. of December pOI k itt $1 under the price or January. October ribs which have been bringing more money than the January delivery . sold lt n discount lodn ' . Compared with yesterday's closIng quotimtions . porlt and hard for Januar are earls 21 e hlghcr and ribs 2\I.c \ lowe. g"tlnltes for Monday : \\'heat. 450 cars ; corn. 4iO carR ; imogs 3.U head. The leading future ranged as follows : ArUcl"s. I Oi'emm. I 11h I fow. I ( fbi t. S'imeatNo..i Oct ! . : . . . OO ! ( ! ! Cots ( O lcc , . . . . GlHIH ( f 6O3kt 60 1.H Nay . . . . . ll ! ! O5ifU4 lt U40 . , Cant . No 2. Oct . . . . . 31H 310,4 SOt , 80" Nov . . . . . aOl 30U 2M 20U Dec . . . 28 'C't . t'1 27" 27HQ21 : ay. . . . 20" 203 ( U'I 20Wi ' Oals. No. 2. . Oct. . . . . . JA ( 18 ! ( 1811 1B ! ( Dec. . . . . . IB' ! 18H 16 1414 May. . . . . 20'1 20 205I 1tJI . ; Porkperbbl . . Iork.llerbbl Ot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 . Jan. . . . . . . 1 1 : % 1 Ii . 10 0 l : % May . . . . 1 4 : D 4 0 42H 0 421 Lnret,1IJO Iba Lard.lO o. . . . . 6 rl I Sic 5 rl' I 51 . Jan . . . . . . [ o744 I 074 I 6/ I 071 Ma ) . . . . I a : I 65 I a5 6 a : SIon Itibs- . Ocl. lbe- . . . . 4 rl 4 r7H 'r2H 4 5234 Jan. . . . . . . 4 17H 4 00 4 5734 , GO ! ' . . . . . . 4 HO . 80 . 7 . 10 Cash quotations were nR r lows : Csh quolalong FLOUII-Winter patents , $2.13.50 : winter slralghls. $2 sa3.2 : sprlnl patents. 83.11463.13 ; spring straights . $2.65P2.00 : lakers. $ i.85ft2.2Q. WIL1dAT-No. 2 spring . C9'G' ' ) ! > : No. : spring . CfrJo ) : No. 2 red , . Mn63\ \ . COHN-No.2 , 30W31'ic ; No. : ) 'elow. 3040 3' , , OATB o. 2. 1014c ; No. 2 white 2\H12)Ic \ ; No. 3 whIte 13 ? 19\.e. \ nyg-N . 2. 331441334c. . 1l.1tl.EY'-No. 1 . oomlnal ; No. 3. : Gllc : No. f. 22113Cc. FLAX SiED-No. 1. 9O'4e. ' TIMOTI\ hOllgi-l'riate. 13.6)113.70. PIIOVItO1ONS-3iess 1"11' I . Per , bbl , $ .I\ ' @ 8. : : ; lard . I'er 10 ! lbs. . $5.C1 ! H.Cr ; hort ribs sld.s ( loose ) . $ t.61.16t.5 ; .Iry salte.l shoulders ( ( loxel\ ) . ( $ S.iG.37\ : short clear oldl ( boxed ) . WIISK\-Dlslles' Inl.l\d goods per sal. . $1.2. \ l'UlTHY-SI."dy ; turkeys , S8e ! ; chlcleas. 5.Se : Ilucks. 8IH.H The following were time receIpt and shlpmenls today ; . ArUolel flecelpts. 3lmtpnient. Flour bble. . . " . . 9. 27,000 Whet be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,000 JI 7 Corn . Pu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177.0UO 318.000 Oala. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Uf.000 432.000 flyo bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.100 ) hmo0 1)0 , be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.000 : .100 . i , Outha l'rodnoe ocellnce today the bUlllr mar- kat wa firm ; eremtlmmery , t'i'4lo ' : dairy . Utltsc. Tl 7 n.J : h Ile. Eggsttrnm ; 1434(17c. Cieeese,439. OMAhA GEVIltAl4 li-RICET _ Condition of Trade nl.1 Quotntona on Staple Rltl Funcy 'ro.lncc Jgls conlnue steady Quotations : nuTTgmt-l'acking stock 7c : fair 10 cod coun- try 10UIe ; choIce 10 fancy country , HIICe ; gathered creamery , lGiJiTc ; sep.ulor creammmot y . 13112Cc. YCAlrCholce fat. 70 10 10 Ils , . are quoted al 11161ic \ ; large and coarse. H1Cc. CIEIfnnolctc brick In.c : I'dal. icr doz. . $0.0 ; Club house. 1 lb. jars. per dos " . $3.63 : L1mburger fammey. per lb. , 1'e ; lo'UcCorl.b. ! . Ja'9. per doh. . $ .W : Young tmmmericas ljl.c , ; Twins. fancy . Ito. Lt\'l'3 1'OtJI.TitY-Itecs. G'6\c \ : roosters . Zc : I spring chickens. per lb. . scm : dICI , ' . G'biJ7c \ ; spring ducks . 7\H18c \ : turke'o. 51o ; geese 1j6c. PmIEONS-I'er doz. . li.Os)41L23. ) L'ICc. Y-Upland. . $5 ; midland. n.5 ; lawlnnd. $5 ; "e BINW , $4.00 ) ; color makes lime price Oa han bales the bell. light bale ael Only lop grades bring lop prlcu. lHOOU CORN-New crop . delivered on track In country choice green slr..orklng carpet . pn lb. . 24U27c : choie gren 'unnlng 10 hUtl , Zi@ ! : 24c : coimmman . 1'4c , GAME-Prairie chickens . young. per dor. , $5 : prairie ehlckenl. old. $ .l'i3.5 ; quail . $1.714j2.oC ; Jack snipe. $ .01 : golden plo- . 10 : Jack rub- bits. per doz. . $2.0)3.OO : small rbbis. $1 ; mnl- lan duck , . $ : r."hcads. $ : .an'.ssbutk $ ducks . $3.0@6.0 : teal blue wing. $1.75 : teal green wing leal. n.LO ; noised uel's. $1tO ; deer saddles. IGrloc : deer carcasses. 12\HHk \ ' ; elk .a < dleo. lIe ; elk clrcs . es. lie ; antelope 8addlea. 16c ; antelope carcasses , 110. le.VEGET. VEGIITABI.ES. . The October report or the V."nrlm or Agrl culture states Ihat sweet potatoes have stmrrerei , MIlcre,1 quite seriously rrOI lack of rain during the pal 10nth. ant their conllon has ben materially reducel In. many slales. In six it matetlaly m maintained " ( wIthout impairment .i , - slightly -i Im- plve < but In seven II lemma fallen by rom 10 10 : pl nil. and In tweh'e other by from 2 II 9 lllnls. New Jersey , Maryland Iowa. Texas lUo.lsslppl. Alalam < and \'Irglnla are states In which the reduction I the ho\'Iesl. In New Mexico II amounts 10 I I > olnls. Quolulona ; SPANISH ONIONS-Per craIe. 604263c. IIEANS-lLafltl.pickCd navy. . per t . , U.T5@I.aO. 1'OTATOES-Chuice itock ISo , . HWEET I'OTATOIIS-ChloCs .toci. $ .50 per cNlONS-IIome grown. 2830e , 10wn. CAllAOE-a . orders , crated . per 10 lbs. . 'OIATOES-Nolhlnl doing. W _ \ TI lt I.ON8-None. CFIFHy-holco : .Iock. large No.1. 40UUe : large N.J. : . ISo ; inferior : 53Oc. CAN'TALOI't'uS-NOfle. IIM.\ mtlANS-Psr lb. . 84c . WATFH CIESSP.r f6.ql. case , $ .50. fltttITto. POMF.GflANATCIO-None. CAUI.'OUNIA QUNCFSPer lox. . $ .50. CAJI'OINIA lEAHSNo Ilatietts suitable for shipping ; o'her'arlelu , U. IDAhO I'HUNES-None. IDAhO I'nAItS-l"r case. $2 Cfl.Niii1itltiltS-Cape Col. pn P1,1. , 11.00411.15. U.O8.15. AI.Um.GIAltSler 61b P1,1. . $ .5. . ' EAS'lmN GHAlESNew York Concords. pe basket. : li:3c ; :5 basket 101. lIe. CAI.U'HNI. aHAIETokays , per double case $3. . 1'LUMS-None. SOUTIUUN j'EACIIES-None. APPI.IS-Jonalhan. . $ .5 ; choice shipping atk. bbl. . n.5) : cooking apples . n.5 CAIIFOiINIA I'IIACIIES-None. NECTAItINSS-None. TIOPIC.\L FnUlTS. A few plnenpplo are bell offered on the mar- ke. There are a few Jamaica orangei on the mar- kel and more are expected to arrive the early part of the coming \Vetlc. Quotations : OnANOE5-lII"xll.'ans. per box IS : Jamaica per L bl. S. JtMONS-ess1na lemons , i.oo : California , U. O 1.00. l1AN.\NAS-Chole. large stock per bunch $1 medium 111f' hunebe n.7 I'INE.\I'I'XS-I'er bbl. . .sot9.00. InDES AND TALLOW , In r..11..lnl' the tallow Inle the Oil Paint 501 Drug Reporter mentions the depression during . Ii : limO summer months , esperlaly ! In Juir anti sayst I Wllh time commen emeaL of- lime P'IMI month however II much better 10IlM'ht ' tleHlopl' l. not only In tim. . mdii altuallrn.1bulllllllO at the lend ing western centers oC distrIbution . thlo ImplO\- anenl helnt unlt,1 , up n a w4ni or the dom n,1 In cemlJtmimtlon \vllh "mparortrohly light sl1I'PII. ain In all the Anmerian mark..tllf t'thoro hn beeln fair al''umulallon or tallow ioeniiy I tip to , nbout two .eek. , ago but nn tmn7nqted demand from 'oUr ' nellthllOrlnlr lIArIels IIIIh\ir that 11m. I1\rrl/'ll limO slltplUI Into cn5imniptlYC 1hnnels . anti Blnl' th.rt the position at time nrlld has . ng f\ rule . been unl\.ouolly sironII' . $ iflmlf1' 'ondillun' have arfectel the wP81ern lII11rket'loXllete : II Is reported nil available iota of cholc"1:1'tf hate recently hen taken Ut' at full i'r1c' . the apathy Ihnt hns 'ror some m"nlh chanmctefr.'J r the luall ; lIIanu- faclurlng Imdo has lately Kin' ? place tu a tumors eaan..t desire to 1'0\1111' ( thlurI1 wants . nnd nccol'l1101lt1 nn encouragIng "n"\\lIIrI11 ; 01 goods In that IlIre'lIon has teen notlceiJ. Quotnllons : , IIIUrS-Nn. ! 1 green hldel , 'Ic ; NIl. 2 green ) tlle . 4c : No I green salted hllle . 6c. No. 2 gmeetI ailed hlde8. 6e ; No. 2 green salted hllI08. 25 10 40 11 8. 6 ; No. I green salted hides 25 10 U lbS. ] . Cc : No. 1 vest calf S In II ItS. , . 80 ; No. I \1'\1 cnC. ] 8 to 15 lbs. . G. ; No. 1 dry hint hlle . 10fllZ , : No.2 dry IIInl hides 'IOe ; No 1 dry ! palled hllI01l. h. ; I.arl cured imide . m,0 ! Per lb. less Ihlln fully cured. ' slim.\ : I'IITS-Oteen salted ench 2511600 ; green salted shearlinga ( short wool.l' " , ttl ' 8klllo ) . tnoh Iej dl ) ' ahl'atltugs ( short \\'oole,1 eUII iy shins ) . No.1. l'aeh. tOe ; dry shearllllls ( short wooled early kln. ) . No. 2 , ! ach , Cc ; dry flint Itansa , and Nebraska butcher wool I' III. I.er Ih. . actual weigimt GUGc ; dry 111111 Knllons cml Nebraska "Iurrnln wool IallleI' , lb. . nctulIl'el.hl , 4425e ; dry flint ( 0101'11110 h\llch \\001 pelt _ , pOI' Ih'l actual Weight , 4116340 ; dry tUtu Colorado Mtmrrnin wool ptll. per Ih. actual \Iellohl. 4i5c ; dry pieces and bucks . actual weight 2U3. . lIa\'e feet cut off , DS It Is are- less 10 ptty freight on Ihem. TAII.u\\ AND UiillAiS-.Toliow No. 1. : 't' : tallow No. 2 . 30 ; ! reno . white A. l4e ; grcae white ii . 30 : grease . yellow . 21c. ; Irt.uso. Iatk. 2c ; all littler 21j23'c ; beeswax . I'rlmo , 1U2c. rough tSilow I'i" HONI H-In car lots weighed anti , delivered In Chicago : Dty itmmtfalo per toil U2.lJUG/IJ.Go ) : dry country bleachro : , per ton $10.00tlI2.oo ; dry country . damp nllli 11I0nl * . per I' n. $ a.I s.OO. 'OOL-Ullwashed , line hca\ , Clff7e : line IIl\hll Sotl'e qUllr"'rJlooOl. . 10U12c : "e.tlyJUtr ) nnt chnff , SOlo ; eOll.l nn 1 IIwken. coarse. 7(1ge , rotted sal lroken , flume CiOfc. 1.'leece wa.hl'd- ltetliUmn 15fflSe ; IInp Hf1ICc ; tub waii'iei . 16l1 ito : black . cIuclts ; , ce ; lag locks 2ij'3c : dentS pulled C1 6 . UHB. . No. IINo. IINO. II 2 I 3 , I Ie. illd'm 1 Jm'lI . - ' - ' - lItJAH- , j--- Blncl . . . . . . . $2OfI2. 8 15 01) 1 8mO UO@12 1 G 00 I1lacl ( 1-"nrllngs. 12"115 10 PQ 7 00 7 OJ J OJ mllclt Cub. . . . . C , S CIt C 4 00 GOO 200 11Inclt Montana " Mountain . . . . 1S1121 11 pG ib 00 10 00 (00 Dlnck. Montana . Yearlings . . . . . 1200 SOO COO ) LOO 2 10 mack MonlaM Cubs . . , . . . . .6 50 4 fO 3 (0)I 200 Silver Tip. . . . 2000 12 00 S OJ 9 OG 4 es 811\01' Tip Yrmgo 11 00 S tt ) 5 00 ( COO 2 r.o Sitter 1'11 Cubs. . r. 00 4 50 3 OJ ) 3 00 1 ta . IIrown . . . . . . . . :0 2 : 16 0) 12 o ) 12 0) ) G OJ YearlIngs . . . . . 10m2 I 00 r. 00 ) 809 400 Cubs . . . . . . . . . .700 GOO 360 (00 200 Hnllger . . . . . . . l'al CO 6) ) , CJ ro 50 I'lshcr . . . . . . 800 C GO 4 6) ) (00 200 1"OX- . . .S Sliver ( according 10 beauty ) . . . . 10000 CO Go ) 4000 :000 1000 Slh'er Pale ( ac- . corl'g , 10 bea' ) ' ) 60 00 30 ' ol ) 21 00 ( * 1) 00 r. Oo Crns.s . . . . . . . . 700 3 00 200 160 100 lied . . . . . . . . . . . 1 M ) 12. . 1 0) ) 35 23 Gray . . . . . . . . . 75 50 40 55 1' KII . . . . . . . . . .7 CO (0 20 ) 2 19 Iynl . . . . . . . . . . o ) 2 I 1 51 1:5 m Mnrlen . . . . . . . 20tJ lro 100 100 CoO ' Mink . . . . . . . . .2 ; 6) . 45 23 10 Mink Imrk . . , tS 65 45 20 10 Mountain Lion ( perfect hcnd . amid ' reel ) . . . . . IG 2 Otter . . . . . . . . ROO 6@ 7 5 o (00 200 Otter l'aie..7 ( ) LOO 4 O ) 200 1511 Raccoon . . . . . 60070 5) ) 83 :0 10 1Inccool1. llInck. ( ns to beauty ) . . GO 2 _ SKLTNl\- . Imlacic eaA..J. . . 1 25 7 I roe :5 Short cased..I 0'1 ' 70 , 45 40 20 Narrow trlped..1 tO . 4 25 :0 10 lOcal , slrll'ell. . . 201125 ' 1 Wol\'crlno . . . . 4 00 r. I t b ) : 2 00 2 00 1 00 \\'ole Mounlnln. . . . .4 00 ; 05 . 111) 75 40 Wolf I'taltlo. . . . . Gfi90 . C 40 :0 10 Be\'er , , her sl ln. 636 e 4 M I 2 0) ) 4 00 200 lIe"v..r ) { Its. . . . . 200 150 7L LO 2J : ittts..2 ; - Spring . . . . . . . Wlnler . . . . . . . Sal0 9 I 7 I.'nll . . . . . . . . . 3' C Kits . . . . . . . . 2 " 3 IItESSED lIllA11 EEF'-Llght western steers,40J 10 COO Ibs. 434 Ole ; good cows nllli helterlare : medlulU Cows and helrers. \@II.c \ ; \.rolequurlers * cows and imeifera 3\itllc \ : good lanoquarters cows and heifer 6t @jc ; fair hhul'1uarlers cons and heifer Cc : cow rounllo. 4t0i3',5o ! : cow chtmeicu , 5113'.tc ! ; steer chucks. 3'.tp C ; ' \ ed tenderloin . f'ozon , 10\.c : rrosh. l&e ; lIeet celia ooneless. 8\,0 \ : sirloin bults. boneless SI2G ; iota bncl , . . teuceless . S'.ic : loin acks. C'le ; cow rtls ; No. 3. a"c : cow loins. No. 3. 7c ; steer , 'Ibl . 71:1e ; steel' loln De. MUTTON-Dres&e mmmutton 6""c : . .ackll 11I1111011. 8c \ ; . legs . , l11ullOll , 7e ; ga4diea . 1I1ullon , 7c : - ' - ' - "i' 'j'Upotk lolno. . &c : 'Jp ; it tlb. . sot : ' \prlc .houlders. M.c : pork slmotmWCri. /1lonl l. Co : tenderloin. lIe ; ptgt I ? feet cleaned. per dna , Se. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTF.RB-lIIolIUI11S. lIe ; hiOrselmOes . ICC ; extra slandunto. lIe ; extra aolcels. 20 ; 'omlauy s" , lectS 27c ; New York counts , 30c ; .llIndarll bulk . per gnl. 11.10. CIUI'H-lIIoUa' pure juice , per half P1 > 1. , $ : .7 ; . 1tONilv-Natlve white clor. . lie : choice steel : . 130. II SABER JmAUT-I'el' bill. , $3.0)423.50 ; hale bbl. , JJ.JmAUTI'el' . P2 JJ. 83.76112.00. ! ND'T8-\lmondo. lIe : 1nll"oh walnuts . aort- : shollol. 13 ; stimdardO. Ilk ; dimwit . 'Jtl0o ; 1:1'.11 : nut . 91i1'1Oc ; pecan. 9tU2e : peanuts raw , 51'11CC' : roaSl , t. 7'c : clts'sttltitt le MAI'LI RYHUI'-l'lve-gl\l. cans $ : gmml ] . emma per ,10. . Ill : 4-gal. . cans SG. : ; qUait cans . $3.75. 1.'IGHNe1'01' . California 10lb. mmoxe ° . icr ' ' . bo'tpn . , Co'\.lh. l'ajJCornll figs " > 12l common II . II34e ; . 61..c ; I"atds. 10-lb. UO"e8 per III. . Sc ; I'e..lall. 60. III. boxes . Sc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'l'Oc"'I..S .tNI ) i1SiS. I - Sl'"u..ltlcM , 'cr. ' Jo'ull'h' A'I"'I' . 1.111 Prices ' \ 'erio 1mreguimtr. NEW YOHK Ocl. 2a-Tl marl"t today opened with a fair degree or actIvity . but prices were Irregular. inquiry soon appeared for Sugar and the granada which gained ull.lanllnl rwc- lions. Lighter advances occurled In the oilier . . . .1.f. nttlC frol11 Illinois Sleel whit h rose i " per ' ' cent. ---nl- , Minneapolis " HI. Louis "ronll preferred 4 I ocr cent. Near 11 o'cloel mime l'-ars mantle II demOllsltatlon on the Inllu.lrtals. par- IIcularl , Leather nmm'I Sugar 'fhe Olive was effectIve and weakness was also II11I'arlI. ' though In n lesser tiegt'ee . 10 the g.'llI'ral ralhva 11101. The more exIt-s-limo losses Were In 1..lllhrr III rerr..l. % per edit : Sugar . IT'o per Cent nnl ' i'acitlt' Mull allli Chicago tins Sb . I'r celli. Tin market closed \\cok at time lowest "rlrcs or time the speculation haM bwmm da ) ' . For tIme week. rather titilet with a downwllr.1 1..1)11. ilqmtS.t- 110m has lena cI arl ) ' \"oIcnt In IL 1I11111her "C .lock8. I'arllcuhllly 11antmatttma. 1..lhcr lIre- ( erred . Tennessee Coal anti Hual"n occattonal ' , rally occurred but the lellellonlll' movomc1lr' - , ' ' . . . IIlTt.ellnt tIme was swfl I'rsulI1cl. 'fhe catisci mall.t hu\ been favorable . IInll 1111 * fullum 10 exert nn Inlllleure hns b'en cnnsl'ler.,1 ' , 10 In- 1lollto thai lit" . lellllln manlpuhltors have .lls- counlrd iii' encouraging rllclror' In time 1""lne situation mimeS arc lI.lrIl1l8 oC II 1\.1' I , l.Jnc tlr "rl..l' before aalll InlllI Ihe I'ull Fhl. \n Imp01'lnnt 1e\'elopment his been time jullln ! tiC hamidc by nil oilier .0nl..n'lln Inler.ls III NOl'lh.1'I1 l'.JcllprOpCtl ) ' . 1.'ul'eln e.ciittige . whllo abating 111 hlrenglh , , mewhal. has lint fI'II"clell slrenglh 10 the fail s"lIsf.ellon or the lUll" . The trading In honda today wnq muolemate In \'olullle mmmd an easier lone pr"\'allel. , 'lime sales were 52IoI. ( . lIlIrs"url l'aeille trust 5. mutt" G per rOIlI. M.'nhnllnn cancel 4s I' tier cent mini Morris / I"s" . Isis roe" i I"'r "nl. \'nlun } 'a. chic . Lincoln & Colorado 5. d..eltne.1 2 per elll nl1'l ' IneL ' 'I.enn..I1" ol'lIanllll1on lien 4- ; . . I 1'01' e.nt. 1'h. 'rllnllncllol18 In 1\0\'elnll1rnls nK- sreonle,1 , $20,00 ) . 'rhe d'altnl1 la bonls tur the 'I"c.re : IIpon 8 Ileellnlnl mov"mcnl. ThO In.'s1'1'0 pUI'II..II 'clI\'ert'11 1,11'1' Hnbslan- 11..1 gaIns were ma.l" In sums oC IIw usually Inn - active lIond. hwltullnt ; 1I1111sonri 1'IICltlc trust Se . 7 per l'cnl ; I'lah NOlllwrn 51 6 l'eI' ' cl'nl ; 1InlTlIl. & HUilluehanl1a : lets S 1"1' cumt nn,1 , Irlo r"u'jlllI1lz..lIon lint late 4T. . 'r e"nl. 'rhe acorn Important , lellIn.s were : HI. 1.ommi & lOan 1'l'IIncl'.o trust Is . 5 rer e..nt nn,1 , lind" Ing \'aIlI'Y . . . : m' . per cenl. 'fhe aggregate sulos \\'ore $7ltS10. JfJ\'rnll1 I"nds Wirr 'Inlet anti lower on sales ne $1QO'O0tL Slain m"l'l&nR Were relllur ] " " , Sliver certlflomites w.'r dull but hlhrl' l'urelinses were note or $3b.\I'JI al front cn.e 10 C5 ' . . . " , Mining .hares were iarg'iy -dralt In. trah-n tlonmt reach 10" " ) eltmu.s1 ( ; liii ItmItmug 1,000 sitames ot I.a l'rllAsl' nt 81l"II1\1ro\'ement oC Cl' TIme I\.nln" 1'081' I.onllnn enbieyrmuti : : hll'S : 'Fits .llIem..nl In i 1nlllr8 - itproci'elmny Fatl.- raclorll Conllnuallon ra ! ell lire easy . but the tone closes dull all a rcne14at ! he alea lmerc amid , rrom I'arls. The 1lh..1' immatket . WCI'O nOII. 'I"I. The general semtiement wilt 11.ln on ? ionhay. ] 1..lInl.tle views ate . .lIrr nt'.ttb'ul . Ame..I"n. The I'atls mark Is still JI" , ' , 'nll. 1. Money Is \'ery tIght In \1enna. The Financier Sl1)S this veel : There was un citangu ot Imporlnm'o In tite . , lal"l1I..nl main , II th" asaaciatM L.\I1ka ot O1lv-.OI.k Cur time v.tck smiling October N. time prlncll" r..lured 1..lnl time continued decrease In loa03.1I1\l1 time inert-as . or 81.231,8CC In p.'cle. A ' a large " "uml..r of hank , were below lime requlr.1 23 1"1' .nt reserve - serve Oil time I'reluuK lIet-k.'lhp contraction In loau" WaR 10 have teen i..It'11. . 'J'hre'us HOme IIqulla.I , , tor 1000n" $ m'omm lI1..rcantll. sources . how..ver. Time loan"llf time . New Y.mk , City banks at time close oC 1 time cut..nl w".1 stood practIcally at the 8ame figure reported mu June I. Ordema acre receh,1 by several r"r- elgn houses 10 limed chums oC 1110ne ) ' aggregating several million .Iollar on time , Lilt ns Ihr rate "rmand11 was 10 1 high 110" funds were emu- ploy",1 on rail loans creatIng a tonuorary weakn'ig In the malk..l. The IInnl" , 8h(1..1 all actual Increase or J91.S00 In caste lmoitings 1l1r' lag the "eel the loss of S.M In legal Itn- tiers t".lnt more Oman cum"'n.a'1 ' ' ' by the golll of $ I.m..o In ' ' \ . . The sudden Increase In the latter may I. erll.-.I a. much to loml' transfers stud thu shltlllll ot utiCa aa 10 any olh..r cau. The deposits roJr time pnt week . .11.1"II fsiilng off or l.r.o.wo , and the effect or time ' 'I'f 'k's operallon" has been IB Increase limit rrsene ,0 $ . : . : : . Tue aual"lI..ot ItS n whole L. nOl encouraging . couraging anti reVItsctmscondltions 'hldl appear rather narro\\ hankers cannot believe that 'he heavy mowmonl or 1II0ll'y Is over end is hlah..r rule \II 1000kh , fur wllh1ll the nut monlb. tll..r- hog exchange c'nllnll" ' high ant we ae..nI IB I" at s stage wlut're It would taSte 'Ldt little to lurn the tile our usay Our lmmmparts continue larg. 8 Ihal our mer- ehan"I.-8 trmIe , . hulance I. i-as ra\'orabl .h..u In fotlller year , TIme I .ull haM been s deomsnl ror comfier ' lot 1I1JI1 , n the part of time Il1IlJOtteu. pressing upon a light auppl Inlernatlonal tra < - lag III loculilln seems lu Le rather aralnst UI , s _ largely berauoll' of time nl'lIle dlffieultlos that lip- pear tl p. UI'OI1 time mining stock speculators In 1.oOI1 anti on the contln.nt. In Union 1' 'n- dOe time Irnpre.k Ie gaining grounlt that 1M re. organIzatIon will he delayed owIng to the dlffi. cull ) ' ur securing ravornb ! legislation rr"lIt con- II'r..o. lIstmiing lisa lulIetl'ul.I In time II'I'neml weakness ot the market , but sl.alll.,1 on the un- ol1lolal report oC alh'ement between nil oC time Importnnt Interests In the tNI ' ' , MAnhatlan sold down 434'per l' 'cut on tl'IlIllnlt 10 1051-t. ralllfto 10Ot I and lnae4 ] with 1net baa oC 3 per I.'enl. The decline WAS attended b ) ' t.l'Otl8 of probable large expenditures necessary r er renewal Leather preferred ese l' . per cent to 70 on re- ports Of settlement or the nil\ : on union lann..t solo lealh.l' aimS oe the Irobnhlo acquisition ot the Independent tanneries Imy the 'i'ntted Stat's Leather COml'nn The denial or the Illlegnllons resulted In j\ drop 10 7o1 net losS or 6 1'01n18 for the wek. TIme common lost 2 per c6nt. Simgtur scored oh early gaIn or 1 1'1' cent tn i0 , , . IC- Ret.ll 10 103" , anti cios4 within . Ier cent of Ihe lowe.l. The decline was nttrlbule,1 10 . time all'lIted unru\'olllhle trade conllltll'ns. prices' top sugars ) mavlmmg shown a lower 'Ange. Otitep lmumcii which were eon'l'lello\l In time downward movemnt'nt were : hIIsommrt l'ac'tflc' , lntmlst Iiie & Na'hvtile , Tennessee Coal , Kammerhs & Tdxa 5mr1'- ferret and time 2tinmmampotlms & lOt , Louis sitmumes , A few tnsterli gains cectirreti In the Inactive tneks , Tltc' aggregate sales % vr' 002SJ' ) . Time foiioviimg were the closin qimotatimni on time leadiag stocks of tue New York exchange today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Atchison . . . . . . . . . . Itt3lb. . I' . . i ) , 'c (3 . . . . . . Amlitimmis ilx. . . . . . . . 151 Northwestern. . . . . . 101134 Alteim , P. 11 . . . . . . . Itt ) ito phi . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 1 4 Alit. iiXireNiI. . . . . . . I 111 % 1' . . V. ( 't'imtrcl. . . . . . 1111)34 ) Pcltlmmmuro&ThiO CII' N. Y. .i. N. I' . . . . . . . tmi : Cammatla I'aeIiSo. ( ii Outarlo & V , ' . . . . . . . Cammadamiotmtlmcrmm 05 % Oregon lamp. . . . . . 1134 Central l'actfle. . . , 374 Oregotl Nay. . . . . . . . 2:1 : ( iil"4 , & Ohio. . . . . . . S sit 0. 5 , 1 , & (1. N. . . . . . P 'Cimicmmgo A. All9mm 111:1 : l'aetitm .tttii. . . . . . . 11034 C , . , Si. &Q. . . . . . . . . . . Itf , i 1' . 1) . , 't ' I'i . . . . . . . . . .It Chieao das. . . . . . ( Pt Plltsburg. . . . . . . . . . 107 . % Coimqoi ltlatett fias I 'I i'mmltnmmim i'.tlaco. . I I t' _ , C. , C& St. t . . . , 42 % ltealtnic. . . . . . . . . . . lp4i Cob. Coal .t. lromm.04 II. U. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 tmottOmm Oil C'art. . . , 22 Ii. CO. V. mild. . . . . . . 41 lolMvaro 4t hInd 101 Stock lelaimil . . . . . . 1)01. , T.aclt. & W 107 St. l'itut. ; . . . . . . . . . . . I ) . & II. ( I. PiLl. . . . . 51 ° ( do mmli. . . . . . . . . 121 * 1) . & C. F. Co. . . . . 2:3 : % St. I' . & Omnalta. . . . 42s llrio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 136 ito hull. . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 do Iofl. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Soititmerim I'mctllc. : . .33 % 'I'ortVayno. . . . . . . 1117 Simgar IWittierv. . . . ltI.lt (3. Northern ptd. . 12:1 : Toimim. float & Iron ; tm44 (1. A ; F. 1. phi. . . . . . . 1(1 I him 'r smie l'mmclflo. . . . . . P14 ilocklltg'allcy. . . . 2 I T. & 0. Cent. nil. . . 7t1 llliitois Cemmtrtl : 1)9 ) % Ummtomm l'actflo. . . . . . I 2' ill. I' . A ; Ibilutti. . 28 11. S. E'cpre're. . . . . . 42 K , & ' 1' . mtit. . . . . . . . . 1i3 ( % Y. St. L. & 1' . . . . . . . Lake } rle& West 92 W. St. I . . t P.nfd. , 21 do pttl. . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Wells } ' : Im'go 1 ; ' : . . . lUll Lake smmoro. . . . . . . 15) . ) ) Oyetslorn Ummion ill . . Ss'iteoliitg , t L. 11 1 1,4 . ' : . . . . . . . . i.otiisviiio & N. . . . . C'I ' ? do mild . . . . . . . . . . 'I 41 L.&N.A. . . . . . . . . . . hO ) . , Il. &Si. L. . . . . . . . . 2114 Mn1mattmm ( 'atm 1063 I ) . & . 11. (1. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' , ' Ml'IttlIimla & C. . . . . . i- ; t ; . F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hilelitgaim Cent. . . . . 11714 N. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3 . : Ml"isotmri i'atlittC :1ai : C. F. A I . . . . . . . . . . . . MobIle & Oiito. . . . . 22 iSo ptl. . . . . . . . . . . . 1)5 Nmtlm : vii tt * Ctimt : 75 11. .4 .1' . 15. . . . . . . . . . 234 Nmmticmmi1 ; Coi&lmge : , 7'4 1' . A. A. & U. Il. . . . . I I Nat. Conlage lifU I 4 1' . Si. 1 & 1. C Ii N. .1. ( 'emmir.mI. . . . . . . . 11 1 34 'T. Si. I , . & K. C. ptd I . N. & W. mifi. . . . . . . . 1:1 : sic . . . . . . . . . . . North , tmtm. Co :1 : Aiim. 'l'ob. Co. . . . . . . 1)311 ) Norllierim l'it'itlo S do hid. . . . . . . . 100 N.1'mclilc : pM. . . . . . iSit S bid. Tim , total sales of tock Ioda' were 11)162 shares. tnclititng : Anievtcnn iltigar. 29,110 ; 'iich- Isc.i , 2 , Is ( ) ; ( 'itteago Oat' . 2.140 ; itm'tiiinr ) , ci ( 'it- ilt-t"linmc , 4,70) ; louisvilte & Nashville , 2.100 ; 1'tttk Mall , 2,100 ; Itentllmig. 4.70) ) ; itock Imilatil , 1,60) ; St. l'moui. 7.60) ; Te'nntrseo Coal aimS iroim , 4.700 ; l'nltr-l Stnipc Ieatliei6,210 ; i'imiietl States t.entlmer preferred , 16 , ill ; Wtieeiing & Lale llrte. 2,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ns.is Yet-I. Money Mnr1ot. NF'IV YO1tI , Oct. 2m.-MONl-Y ON CALl -Easy at 2 per cent. 1'IIIMIi MEI1CANTLLC 1'At'll1i-i1j3 per cent. STF1tLING EXC1IAN(3E-Steai1- actual business in tiaickers bills : mt $ tt''lj ' 't.8S3 for tltsmammtl and $1 873zl.87 for sixty dmmys ; posted rates , $ i.834f4.S.43t and $ i.E91j 'i $9t/ , (2UMM1lflCIAl T3iILS-i.S6. BAit' 51l'Eit-674. MEXICAN lOIdARS-6i. CO\'ERNMIINP BONIS-1s i4 lower ; Others steady ; state bonds , inactive ; raIlroad - road lontimi. easier ; new 4s , leg. , 121i , ; cam- p0mm , 122 % ; It , m'eg. , 11t ; coupon , 115is ; , reg. , 1l1' ; COlilomi , llI3t ; 2s , reg. , 2731 ; I'mm- culL' Cmi of ' 335 , 1t ) . Cloatng quotatIons on bonds were as follows : tl.it4smcg. . mitmw 191i40. I' . isis 01 ' 05. 11114 11.5. 4s couo , mieco' 122)1 1) . . ¼ it. (1. 'ht. . . . . . 1173-4 U.S. btsreg. . . . . . . . I 1404 1) t ; it. 0.iii. . . . . . . Iii 11.5. Se , coup. . . . . . I 11134 'thin 211mm. . . . . . . . . . 711 U.S .Is , reg. . . . . . . I 1 1 4 ' (4. Ii. & S. A. Ci 105 11.5. dii , coup , . 11134 (5. Ii. .k H. A. 7s bii ( % his. 25. cog. . . . . 13734 Ii & P. C. 0's. . . . . . I i'd 'I'uciiic Os of ' 05 114 * ) tin Itt. . . . . . . . . . . . . li)7 ) Alit. , clamet A. . . . . . bull d. . It. & ' .i' . 1st 4'o 8)40 ) * Ala. , class it . . . . . . 10031 do 2tt Itt . . . . . . . . ti5 % .Ai4. , clas'm C' . . . . . . IOU 'Mutual limiiotm ( is I I-i 'Ala. Clmrreimey. . . . 3ttl ) N. .7. 0. fic'im. Is 1 lJ ) ( 1m. New Coim. 4a. t)4 ) No. i'aciiic lots I Is liseottr1 ( is. . . . . . Semi sin 'dIt. . . . . . . . . . . 3)1:1 ) : 'N.C.C.s. . . . . . . . . . . 123 N.W. Cniteol 141 N. C. 4a. . . . . . . . . . . 10434 titi S. 1' . Dcii . . la 119 % S. (1. miutmtmind 1 Ii , G. Vs'rst , I St's. 77.134 Tn'mi. new Net 13 * 84 St.i' . Ccmtsols 7't 1'27' ' * 'Temmmt. mew set 5 IllS do C. A. 1' . W.Sq 115 'Temmmm. oPt Ils , . io ; St.i. . & 1.31 Gemi. 3 53 % Va. tmeimtmmrlems. . . . . II'd St. 1& S. 1' . ( iai.ii 305 ( to deferred 5 ; 'r'v. Pac. Psi's. . . . AtetmlMomm 45. . . . . . . SO cio2i.l'i . . . . . . . . . . . 2434 Atelmisuim 211 A it'd iS. 1' . laPo 1)1 'tiC 101)4 ) 'Caimmmtlzt So , 2ds , lOThltWetitStmor.o 107 L. A. N. mmimiilett 4s , 144 % Soimtiicni s. . . . . . (1. IL .1. N. let't 1l04 S Iluatou Steele ( Luctntinns. IIOSTON. Oot. 20.Cmti lotmm. 2i434 ix'r cent ; Ilium balms. : mtsl5 pot , cciii. ClOtim prices fof stocks , bomiciC awl imilimlar sharD's ; A'i' : . & . . . . . . . . . . 2034VIs. . Cetmirai. . . . . 3134 Aiim. Sugar . . . . . . 10.114 Etithoim SlIce. thu. . I in ) Am. Macar imfil. . . . l'iti ( lttn. Ele. , ' . mifti. . . . . as . tbtv Smcte ( imm's. . . . . 1 3 34 Aicimimsoim 2d . . . . . . 'I 134 Itcili'clepimommo 1117 % Alcttisomm 'is. . . . . . 71l3s iloqtomt & Athatmv 91it New Eticlatni Us. , I I I iiostomm& 3idmio. ; 1711 O'sin. Ct'tmt. lets . Ill ) C. B. & (4. . . . . . . . . . . 14511 Ailommt'z Miiiirmg Co 80 1"hiclmbtmr . . . . . . . . . . l11) . ) * Atiammmic. . . . . . . . . . . 1)40.4 ( h-u. llectric . . . . . 't534 Itostoim & Montana 7734 Illiimetli Sleet 71) lluiiio , ' ftoi.tuti . . . I tIlt Mt'xicaim Central 1254 Caimmimint .lg Itecla , Sit ) Old Ctloity. . . . . . . . . 177 Cemitemintal. . . . . . . . . 25 om'e. Slioil Limb tmij rramkltim . . . . . . . . . . . 1534 11mm bts . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3111 : Kemm rnmrge ; . . . . . . . . . I ' 191 Maim Diego. . . . . . . . . . 2'Os.'nolit ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 91434 timmicim i'ieltIc. . . . . . 1934 Uimimiey. . . . . . . . . . . . 131) 07.-st Etmil. . . . . . . . . it ; : 'rmmmmmrack. . . . . . . . . . 135 do fd . . . . . . . . . . . . 111) % 'o1ver1mmc. . . . . . . . . 1334 Wetiiicii. like. . . . 2534 Sams I"riomtclscti Slinimmg Qumotittions. SAN } 'ILtNCISCO. Oct. 21-TImo ornclat cloaiim ; qImoimmilOimS for iuiitmiim ; sloek's today worm as tot- lovs ; Aba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ( lotull . ? e ( 'ltrrv. . . . . 44 Almdsi : Comm. . . . . . . . . . I I lImh' : & Noricretmo. 155 Atmiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ia Kemitit'kv ( Jam 7 Itideher . . . . . . . . . . 45 Lat1 : . 00'naii. Coim I lb'st & ltelcher. . 81 3tnctcait . . . . . . . . . . 113 iit.tl in ( omm . . . . . . . . . . : itm liotmtmt limbio. ) : . . . . . IS liulltum. . . . . . . . . . . . I ; l Ot't'iitetmt.tl Coii . , , 1 : t I tmtlovur Cotm. . . . . . . . 5 ; ( mph I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'tmliOii.m. . . . . . . . . S lvs'rimtaim. . . . . . . . . . . I I ( 'Italti'imgtm Comm. . . . . 15 $ Pt'tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0) ) ) 3ioliar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Savmmt' . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Comm ill.'tic'I AS SIs'rmmm Navtils * lIt ) ( 'cmi. ( mat & % 'a. . . . . 211) ) ) 11mm itlm ( umm. . . . . . . . . . Ott ( 'on. Immm mitrial ' 2 1Ttilm ; ( oii. . . . . . . . . . ii Crown l'olitt. . . . . . . l7eilow Jmcttet : 35 l'Ixeitetilmer. . . . . . . . . 9 Sii'stm' bars. 07 , ' . ! lollcamm ittmilira , 5551.e. Di'ttto , slvht , 234. ; ielegr.mplmle. Sc. NI''sT 'o'ork Slimming Qatientlomus. NI3YORi. . 6)1. 'dli.'L'he foilooviti : am's time eiusiiiig mmtttmiimg qtmotatlotms ; Ilulwcr. . . . . . . . . . C. ( ) siiario . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.01 * Ciioll.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( ) pii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ill ( 'rowit I'otmt. . . . . . . : iml l'ivuiiummim * . . . . . . . . . . 1 .1 (1)um. ) Cml. .0 : O'it , . . 211.1 QmIk'a41 I . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Ictml ) ; . . . . . . . . . . QuIt-ti etlut't' nftl. . . . 1113)1 ) ; tctmld & ( Immrm'y. . . . . 411 'els.rr.t 'i'v.dm : : . . . . ill I I laIn & Nniemoss. . I 35 ' lmmimttmri ; . . . . . . . . . . 22 : ) I lnmmi.stmke. . . . . . . . ) ( ) ) l'imliam ( 'smil. . . . . . . . . 71) ) irmi Sliver . . . . . . . . 20 Yellow Jaezot..It ) MexIeam. . . . . . . . . . . Ot ) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lou.lomt Stock Quuont fans. 1.ONDON. e't. 1 : : : . -4 tm mmm. t'lotim : iiolsui . . . . . . . 1mt7463 ? .tmxicarm ordhmmary 21 Coiul. iift'.11)774 'it. l'slil corn. . . . . . . Can. l'aciil. . . . . . . . . . 004 N. ' 1' . ( 's'mmtrml. : . . . . . I ml : ; 4 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3 ° 4 l'c'mmmmsylvammta. . . . . 41734 i11'lo 2miis. . . . . . . . . . . . 711 j ' ltmdiig. ; , . . . . . . . . . . . 104 lii. ( 'e'umtnml. . . . . . . . Ill i II Mmmx , ( metm. nato's' 4 's 7234 hAlt )4liXllit-3O 15-16,1 per cc. StoNilY- ' , per cent. 'limo rats of dlseount In the open market ( nm imlomit and timree mn.tnuimmm' bIlls is 31 per I'iiuumimt.iuil Xoics , IIOSTON. Ott. 26.-'icarimmgm' , 813.763,066 ; html- Simems. S2.i52.ms.s ) ) . ItAlrIMmtI1. Oct. 26.-ClearIngs. $2,257,211 ; tatanets. $223,105. - I'IItLA tIIlPhI IA. Oct. -Clearing , , $12,140- 513 ; Ialanees. $ lCiI,25i. ST. l0111m4. U'S. 26-'lesmings. 2.00l.110 ; lal- anc't' , 5160.421. Slonsy. 1415 per rent. New York et-ttange , 75 , ' , li.cutsint 11,1. \.034lrINGTON. Oct. 2G.-TtIay's siatemnent of the coalition of lIuc tr-nsmtry shows : Avail. itllt rash balance. ltfIStmIbmi ; gold reserve , $33- 267.56 ° . Cltti'.fiO. Oct. 2C-flemrlngs. $14,614,000. Money on call. tlrm ilL 84)5' ) , 'CflI ; CffliPi- * (151 mimer. CiG'j rr t tni. New \'urk exchange , ISo iltacoimni. NIltO' yoitg. Oct. 2G.-TIme exports of specie front lIlt mort of New YmmI : for tha wesi : immmr.tl iii $2),00' ) in gd ) anti $ C.S.OC ) iii stlveu- . 'rime lmm is were : O.il , iitl.74 : curt-c , $ ilr..4 ; siry g"v'ls. 8.3.305,10) ; grimernl tmmerclmnlhme. 15.071- 605. tit-amlimgs , iv)3,0's3,1ssl ) ; iolmncvs , $5,677,503. Forelgmt Vlumtiuielmii Affairs. nV.ItLIN. ( let. -Bachange on London , igimt daa sight , 2) mnarls 424 jfg. l'A1t19 , ( Jet. 2t--'rimreu i'r cent remiss , lOOt SO ( or tIme necoummt. hxclmammge On I.unIun , 2Sf 240 for checks. LONLON' , oct. 2G.-The anjoimiut of bullion gene laId time ll.mntf of lmomtan4 ca i'aionee toLiy is Ii.11. 011 iii qimntrtt tolay at Iberia , .Ayre-s at lI3.10 ; 24ulriI , 16 : I.iisbon. 2104 : St. I'eler- burtf , Il ; Atitenut , 77 ; Itomne , 1t1.42'ienne ; , lB. JISItLIN , Oct. 21.- The weekly statenmi'nt of mime Inmperl.ii ll.mmml of ( ienmmany .iiow lIme fallow. lair changes. as cs.nmputeti with II , , previus so. count ; Cmmu.lm In hitnil , increos , ' . 13.IW.sO umimmylmmi ; treasury notes , Increase , 63.3.05) mnmrks : otlmer tie. etmriiiet' . dewrease. 6440.000 mark's ; motes iii circa. lmtiomm , decrease , G.Oe2O0) marks. Stirrer 5lnrie ( . NCSV YOIIK , Oct. 26.-St'JAIt-it.mW , quiet but flriim. flr refinIng. 3'c ; eentrlttmg.ml. 31 test. 344e ; mefln"i. steiIy ; stanliri A , Ic , confectioners' A. 4'e ; gronuiialei. 41. ' . LONIOUN. Oem. 6.-441'CAll ( .grme quiet Put sicily ; centrifugal Java , la 3d , Mtmscvjio , fair rettninr , lOs S'l , beet sugar flnu ant rallier dearar , October ai Noemb'r , Ii , 01 _ _ _ _ - , ' - - - - 4' OIA1li LiVE STOCI [ NARIiET Only a Handful of Cattle Bccolvca at the Local Yards , BUYERS INDIFFERENT TO SMALL LOT Mmtri.et Itolils tl.om ( Stenuly ( rntler tue 1'l I fum I 'l'rmm si I mm ic-Id it'rmt i 6) 16cr- hugs sit hogs Fiumit it , i1rIio 'i'rnde , - - SATUIIDAY , Oct. 24. Receipts and sumlpmmmeimtii fur time Past twemmt.four imotirms. as colmipared with time previous four days. are as follows : 1tEC1l1'TS. Cattin. lInc'i. Shoot' . horses. Octolier 25. . . . . . . . . . & 3L 41.720 3310 . . . . October 23. . . . . . . . . 2,40' ; S,071 October 21. . . . . . . . . . 4'J72 4.'S ) 21) ) ) 21 October 22 . . . . . 5.217 & , Sit 3,615 25 October 22. . . . . . . . . . 3lSO 4,073 1,110 suItI'uN'rs. Cattle. llogs. Simeep. horses October 25. . . . . . . . . 1,872 October 21 . . . . . . . . . 1,1,17 1311 October 23. . . . . . . . . 2Ott 367 1,141 25 October 22. . . . . . . . . . 1,719 October 21. . . . . . . . . 1,7113 . . . . 1,737 Time total receipts for time oveek with coin- Parisonmi ale ; Cattle. hogs. Sheep. lteccipts titus ( . . . . . . . . . . ? 21,120 7,612 leceiitto { last 'sveel.10,400 21:032 : 1'Jtt Saumme o's'cek . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ) , il'3 0,002 Sanme week 1151..24,712 27S'st 41,4119 Samime ovcclc . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 33,111 5,160 1)Av'H IlSi'OSITiON , The' disposItion of tim dity's ofteritmgs of lis9 stock was as follows , each buyer Itur- eimaslmmg time mm-umber of hmeal Imuhicated Cittle. Slugs. Sheep. Omimima l'acking Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 679 . . . . (1. 11. llnnmniorid Co. . . . . . . . Swift aitti C'oiimimanv. . . . . . . . ill 1,2511 , , . . Cmulithy l'imclcilig 'o . . . . . . . ill 1,1)19 ) . . . Lolmimumtm - llotim"elmilii 72 Nelson iiorm-ls , Chicago. . S . . . . . . . . . Left over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , ) 25) OSS Shippers ntmd fc'edc'i's. . . . . . . 126 41 . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 ' 1,357 SSS co.'r'1'ia-1'imo cattle run was thmn lightest exiierieimcpd 1mm a iommg tinme , emily lifteen freolm loads bmmimmg reported 1mm time yards. A few cattle were hell over ( romml yesterday , immut imot enotlgli to cut mnmieh of a flgtmro , and time total ofl'em'inga of kllng ; ! cattle were mmot suillcleimt to make a mnalket. TIme Siipll3' of fat cattle consisted of two loads of pretty faIr wcsterms teors and a load at' natives tlmnt hiatt Imeomm wmrmimc'ti omp on corn. 'I'hmnt coistitutetl : practically all time good cattle on smtl. The Iiuyers dii html seen ) to tiiiimk there orem'o enough cattle to Imothier With amid limo imumrlu't ovulill have to be quoted dust' at imliout steady liriecs. A half-dozen loads of cows amid lmeift'rs constituted thio sttpply of en ttie of that dii- crlptlon. The nma1let ovas slow at 3'estcr- day s price's. 'rhere svcme omiy five or slo fresh loads of stockers amid feetlers an sale. bmmt timeie were PiOitI' of cattle 1mm time hauls of speculators. Wimile tlmere wa's no great activity in timO feeder ( Ilvisiom ) , there was considerable trad. big fot' a Saturday aictl n goal many cattle clmangemi liamils before time close. flepre- sentative SalesI COWS. No. Ao' . Pr. No. Ac. Pr No. Ar. Pr. 2. . . . 575 01 5' ' ) l..IOO ) $2 15 . b..lO4S $2 4) 5. . . . sit I 73 5. . . . S5l l . . . . .103) 2 41 1. . . . IC ) 1 7 : ; 2. . . . 873 15 30. . . . 923 2 45 2. . . . 1'2) I CI I..llsr ) 25 I..l0c' ' ) 2 1) 11. . . . 827 1 91 4. . , , 112 2) 10. . . . 72 2 1) 3..m273 I $3 1..I0G ) . . . . 106) 2 Ci ) 6..mOSt ) 1 13 I. . . . 90' ' ) 25 1. . . .1331 2 6' ) 1. . . , hfllA ) 2 0) 1. . . . 600 25 53. . , . ¶ 16 ? 2 6' ) I. . . . $6) 2 0) 2. . . . 870 23 5. . . .111) ) 2 6) 2. . . . 835 2 0) l..1070 25 1. . . .1110 2 6' ' ) 1..l04) 2 0' ' ) 1..IlI'I 25 2..IOlI 2 Ci ) 1. . . . 013 2 0' ' ) 'I. . . . 770 Ii ) I..1Ol ) 2 6. ) 2. . .106) 2 il 5. , . , 1164 30 2. . . ,1070 2 6' ) IS. . . .1077 2 Ii ) 3. . , 193 3) 2. . . .IlO ) It ) I. . .1241 2 10 1..105O 35 m..1290 " 75 1. . . . 1150 2 1' ' ) 2..10l ) 115 1..1310 3 00 5. . . .1412 2 IS 2. . .103' 40 IIIIIFL'ItS. 1..cl ) I 7' 2. . . . 76) 2 25 7. . . . 044 2 PS I. . . . 73' ' ) 2 03 7. . . . till 2 10 1..102' ) 2 CI :1. : . . . 690 2 13 5. . . . 611 2 40 1. . . . 42) 2 73 1. . . . 44' ' ) ' 2 2. 1. . . . 72' ' ) 2 40 2..iO3O 2 SO 2. . . . 605 223 DULLS. L. .140) 1 f ) 1. . , . It' 2 20 2. . .153) 2 1) l..141) I C ) 1. . , . $60 2 2' 3..1O1O I 35 1. . . . 82' 1 10 1..iiCt ) 2 23 1..hli ) 2 35 m..1620 I 0' ) 1. . . . soti 2 2 1..hlt ) 2 35 2 . . .123. ; 2 II ) . . . . , ) ) 2 2) 1..16) ) ) 1) I. . . .1440 2 2) 2. . . . 903 2 25 S'J'AOH. 14.1254 200 3. . . . 140 200 ( LI LVflS. 1. . . 50) 2 3 * ) 1.-0) 2 IC ) 3. . . . Ill 4 (0 2. . . . 25 2 21 1. . . . 2) ' ) 3 II ) 1. . . . 17' ' ) 5 Ci ) I. . . . 19) 2 1 * ' ) 1. . . . 2' ) I 21 2. . . . 125 5 01 I. , . . 211) 2 73 4. , . . 2711 3 3' ' . . . . . . 13) 0) ) I. . . . SI ) : ! 73 1. . . . ItO ) 4 0) ) 2. . . . 15) 5 13) 9. . . . Si ? 2 35 2. . . . Ii' ' ) .1 0' . . . . . . III I ' 3) ) I. . . . lOt ) S IS 4. . . . 22' 4 0) 1. . . . 10 I 25 1. . . . 812 2 $1) 3. . . . 11' ) 4 0' ' ) 11TOC1.flltS ANI ) i'FiLSLgttS. 1. . . . 46' ) 2 8' ' ) 5. . , . (8' 2 Ct ) 4. . . . 652 3 1' ' ) 2. . . . 71,11 2 PS 7. . . . 552 2 St I..IFm 3 1) I . . . .54' ' ) 2 6) 1. . . . 35) ) 2 8- ) 1. . . . 66) ) 3 1) 3. . . . 89) 2 6' ) . 3. . . . CC . . . , 76t I I. . . . Si' ' ) 2 ; ' . . . . . . . ( 3 ( 'it ) 2. . . . 80' ' ) 3 F ) m. . . . ; os 2 6) 10. . . . 071 3 Ii ) 4. . . .l'i ) 3 15 I. . . . CII ) 2 It ) 5. . . .IOOi 3 1' ' ) 1. . . . 42i ) 3 51) 756 2 75 11. . . . 73' ) 3 III II. . . , 751 321 2. . . . 4)3 2 7 : ; 20. . . . 41 * ? 1 II ) ii. . . . 414 3 25 2. . . . 755 2 75 1..lOi 3 II ) W'iSTlliONS. 0V'YO3IIN(1. .1. ml. Itulir. Ni. Ac. I'r. No. y. Pr , 27 feelers. . . . 812 $2 6) SOUTh IAIIOTA. gui Swohiow , 40 slecno..1261 1 63 11008-It limos been a long tIme sinee the yards were as well millet whim logs as ilmey 'score to- day. 'Clit' liberal run \0'etIneiisy , even , was e'cci'eci , ly a few hOods. 'Fun , mtiaiitm , of tIme legs was rearonabiy good , l.tttt therm' wer , ' moore light blat-ti than uual itniolmg . tee efferimigo. ,1.ut.i tmiariet was Ce lower , bmmt this packers 'stern itil ( lee buyers anti tIme trade 'stmm'u rt'astem. mu ly active at tIme tieclilte. An earls' cic'mrance 'somum ; t'ffcrted , everytimtmig being soil In gael Ieaminle. i'imct great bulk of mill mime hogs soIl at 83.45011.60. n's against 83.50421.55 yesterilay. Thmto toil om .ts 37.65 Inlay ant $3.i ) yester.tay. Tim hog imiam bet of time jtaml veek , so far as mOCcimttt4 tint tlc-mnand oct-rim concerned , watt iii very ( mmli' dulls' . In tue mmmistmer of 'aiut's time (10 * ) nwimrt tetid'zmcy crams eontinuct , but * llghit mencticims hare. to somne extemmt , mimetIc um ( mr tue lows. st that tue tutiml decline for tnt' week ovmms mmot iatge. 'fin' mnarket itt tie chose of the weet i't olommt Ille homier timamm the close of tue Iwo- 0 loUt , 'steel , , ramziime lime ivitole immontlm tite arimount of do. clint1mm time price of hogs shmow up qmmite large. On Octolier I ma bilk of lii , ' hogs ivere selling at b5.'Jd14,0) , whIm tin extreme rmmmge t ( 4.15. ttc aiiait 10o shave iimeemt tiricea. Itepre. i-t : i.m tive alt'e ; ? o. Ar. Sit. I'r No , Ac , Sb. Ph. ) . . . . . . . . : . . . $1 :5) : 49. . . . . . . . 213 . . . 83 Si ) ) . . . . . . . . 2 : ) ) 23 . . . . . . . . . . $5 3 It ) , m lii ) a' ; . . . . . . . . , ) 4' ' ) l ( .1 . . . . . . . . 2 * ' ) 4' ) . . . . . . . . it ) 3 Ct ) * . . . . . . . . 4) ) 4) ) tI . . . . . . . .25' ) 4) ) 1 f. ) $1 . . . . . . . .219 1.0) 4) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 It ) . . . . . . . . IC' ' ) lit 110..257 1131 3 so 70. . . . . . . . 114 12' ' ) Itt SI..537 Ii ) 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . I'1'i ) ' 46..5 . . . . 5. ) ci . . . . . . . .237 23) l . . . . . . . . , . . 3 Z4 . . . . . . . . ) C' ) 4' ; . . . . . . . . 16' ) It ) : ; . . . . . . . .256 ti ) 3 4) . . . . . . . . 1' ' ) 5' ) Sb ! I' ) : t 4 57..2':2 ' ls 3) ) . icm..2211 . . . : i 4 : ; . . . . . . . . . . .213 1611 3) to . . . . . . .245 4' ) ' 1 1 ' . . . . . . . . 16' ) It ) 62. . . . . . . .lii 12' ) 3 4 ; . . . . . . . . ) 5) It ) . . . . . . . . 4) ' 1 45 44 . . . . . . . .317 8) 3) : . . . . . . . . ) . . . Ii 4I , . . . . . . . . .271 . . . It ) . . . . . . . . . . . 45 411 . . . . . . . .Si ) . . . ( . . . . . . . . . 16) 4 57..20) . . . . 31) 49..2' ' ? 12' ' ) . 41 * 01. . . . . . . . . . . . . It ) ) . . . . . . . . 12' ) 3 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) 76..1)3 It'S ' ) : ; oa..2.3) ) 12) r.i 71 ; . . . . . . .2'21 84) 45 . . . . . . . . -II ) C' ) . . . . . . . . 15) 45 31..1.1 * * 123 10 * . . . . . . . . 1 ? ) 45 6.1.1) ; ) m.i ) C' ) 67..229 4' ) 4) . . . . . . . . . 16. ) 5i ) 41 . . . . . . . .218 ISiS 43 62..259 It ) 3 3) CO.l . . . 45 . . . . . . . . 4) ) 3 5. ) ( ' . . . . . . . . . ! 11.1 4' ; I'S . . . . . . .247 It ) ' 52t5 . . . . . . . . 16' ' ) to . . . . . . . . 8) mIS . . . . . . . . * II' ' ) 4) . . . . . . . . ' ) , , . 53 53..222 Ii ) 41 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . 35 . : ; . . . . . . . ) 'fl 4' ; . . . . . . . . 4) 3.5 71 . . . . . . . .11t 12) ) I , . . . . . . . . . 4) ) 3. ; . . . . . . . . ' ) 12' ' ) 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 5) 35 . . . . . . . . SO iS . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . It' ) 3 4714 ' ) . . . . . . . . . ml ) 5. , . ) . . . . . . . . 4' ' ) 3 174 ) . . . . . . . . ' ) 1' ' ) 61 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 47 0,1..2 . . . 35 . 65..212 . . . 'I 1714 . . . . . . . . . . II ) 1.3 . . . . . . . . . tii I 47.3 41..Ii's , . . 6' ) 1,5. . . . . . . . 205 10) ) 3 47t/ SI . . . . . . . .310 . . . C ) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i7m : It.16 W 65 62. . . . . . . .2.5 32) ) 36' ) i'lGS-OLIS .NI ) INh)3l. . . . . . . . . ) . . 3 2) . . . . . . . . . . . .A . . . 3 3) . . . . . . . . . . . : t 25 I ; . . . . . . . . . , 3 4'i ' is..i . . . a 2- ' . . . . . . . . . . . mm ml . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 . . . . . . . . ) . . . S 4' ' ) I . . . . . . . .l' ' ) . . , 3 . . . . . . . . . . 3 45 , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 131 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 43 HhIlril'-Tbe mantel wits qmmhet and dull. SteeL its 4lglmt , Itecorti of receIpts at the ( city iirlmmclpai tnarketa for i4otumday , Olober 26 , 111)6 ) ; Cattle. flogs. Sheep. Sutmmlm Otualimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill 5.61' ) 1)0 ( iiic.tgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7131 22 ( iii ) 2 tel Katteas l2il' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,0' ) 51.1-31) 2.0) ) ) mit , Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'O ) 2'IU ' 143) Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! 51,713 1.tiO : . : : : . : _ . lcmm mmatms Cli ) 1.1 vim 544)1.10 , lANSAH CIT Y , Oct. 2C.-.tTTI.i- - ceipt $ , 8tCI ( ) ileati : simipnistnts , 4,53l lmsati ; ntmsrket iItCaiy 1 Texas steers , I2.i1.CmsJ ; Texas cows. $ i.52.7O : beef steers , $3.2C'i 5.60 : native cows , $1.0f(3.OO : stockers anti fee'iieiat. $ ,655'l3.1O ; btills. $ m.3(3r2.7U. IIOUhO-Meceiptti , 0.10) head ; shipments , to. ) head ; market weak and 1Cc lower ; bu k _ . - ---V. : : t- of smiles. $ , t'3t83.t.5 ; imeavie , $ ,1.o013E2 ; : pacit. ers , $3.604r3.t"5 ; mixed. $ .t&&i13.65 ; light , $3J4 03.60' Yorkers , $3.f'O'1J3.Gil ' ; lilgi $3.605J3.G5. 1411 f'1lI'lteceipts , 2Ck1 imeat : Shitunelmtt' , 70' ' ) hieail ; imiarket stead ) ' : latmmb , 1.3.60114.26 ? mIllions , 12.00113.25. 4.S6'Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OlhlC.t640 Jl'iti 1i'l'OCIC , itt Cmttie iii. ' SnnltnIuuri1ny Stuiply 'tiN 340t)15 iilislio'st'tl ( If. CIIic'.taO , Oct. 24.-In cattle time smiicii Smttmm' . day mmppty was disposed of at utichiiilmgeii prices , sais beIng ott a tsImi of from $3.20 to $5.3' ) ( or common to extra choice mmailve steers. lIz- trenmely few beeves are now selling as hmigIm as $3 , ant sales are largely' at frommm lID to $4. $ , dmolco higitt nnti mmieItummi wetglmtti of cormu fed cnttlto selhuii to tit i'st advantage.'ery goot 1.333-It' . I4imiiu'as entile 'socro sold at 11.1k ) mmmiii cnrst , l,63-ib cattle soil at $1.20. ( 'nOva ccii vlmiehly t'etwnen $1.0) ntiii $3 , vhmiic good calves brumig tromit $5.25 to 16. .iiut 29.03' ) imags tiers entered on tim market toi1.i' , inchutling S00' ' ) left ot Cr frotim 'esterdtY. i'hit'm ii ii'ns a fmtil V act Ito gent-emil iheiimmmnti imtttt tIme bmilic it t ii , ' offerings fotimitl ott r-hmiisets , iii I ect'ltt a few choice droves ao'ermtgiitc it mtiekei lair. 'l'Im , ' rtmimmtc' I a m'rii'e's Is groit 11mg itimittller nimtt tii ltmiik Sill today mit from 83.6' ) to $1.8) , a few tirinmn liii ( etcimtng intimS IO.'tS to $3.Ii ) , tim shme'p ( ime I mtitmt ci stmiim'iy ohf'm-eti toilay 's's-al elotl l'ttt at idealy 3irtres. Nittit e 'sheep Over , , itchaitle at fm'mflum $1 65 t o $2 for otlit amiti tall i-adS tip to ( mum $3.0) ttu .15.6) for fut opnrt lots tumil a t'stcrns acme qmmt'halht' at froto $2.00 to $1.61 fir fair to citoict' . immtmmbs s'ltt , at fruit $3 to I I C. ant tim ltn lois ott's-c held at ( toni 11.60 15 14 7i. : lteceipts ; Caltlc' , 70) heal : calves , 20 heath iicg. 25,000 head ; slmet.p , 2.13) ' ) lteati. ( 'oftiq' Itilirleet. Nl0'OItK , eel. 26-i'Oil-'Fd--OptIonmi opemmel stetitly , 0's i tIm me-s ttimelmtmngetl to I ttoiimtmt lin'scr rmitetl tmuiet , lt14t miiti'a imceii tvm lical mmiaiml iimmlat Ion. bldtlmmg in nbo'mmct' of selling ; ( lisl'i , ( Imilet ant sii'att' at a net msIcitmmec' of tttI5 l'omimta ; lc'cem. lucy. $14.ItL Si't titifee , ltiiu , mimtm-iet , imltiet at tletyiinc , $14.10. MIII , iltlh : t'tlttva. II4.00tfl6.75 Wame itomicc' dellvm'rie' , fnoumm New York yester. day , 13,360 bags : titod : , 215,973 togs ; l'imited Slates stick. 30u.900 I'ags ; nmlomt fin' lime United iOta lea , It ) iCC ) tom gim ; totitl o slIm ( or I lie t'iiiled States. 661.900 bags , itgziiimmt. 450,42) bag , list yt'nr. i4ANTOi. ( 'Oct. 2&leirnu ; good average Scabs , $11.30 ; met-chits. lIe ) ) ltngit ; clock , $65.00' ) b'sgs. It ,0Mllt.'lttl , ( lot , 2'S-QuIet nemti tmiicltsnged $ .11. . CMii I , , . . . . lImo , Oct. l't-Qmihet ' ; No. 7 111mm. $ i&lI : a- i'iitt tm's , . , 10' h1 ; m ( 'cdlii 5 , 7.00) 1imis ; ; cleat t'd for I it' I 'mml tel )4m at 'a. :1,13 : * ) h.igs ; for L'UIhiIie , 4,1100 bago ; stvk , 203,000 liagit. ( ' 1)1 lImit Sittriet. ST. l.Ot'lS. ( tot. 26-cnrToN-Qtirt : mmmiti. ilihimi : , bIb , ; ret-club , 7,2l tmks ; stock , 24.63 $ bile , . N10''m'Oitl , Oct. 24-'OTTON-Qmtiet ; trill- 'Sm ' ing , $5t' ; mmci i i0etiit 5 , titlmii ; Ut ciOl , 1,910 him l's ; ftirwi i-i' I , 4 I I l'.ties ' . silos , 354 It.sl so , itil spinimer't ; i1rim , iC5,74t lisle , . l'tittmm-es cloncit limit'it.ieati' ; sales , I 11.33) * balms ; .Ismiimi.im y , $ .70 ; l'etirn'jry , $ sr6 ; SInm-c'ii , 60.61 : April , 10.6' ; ; Sdmiy , $0.32 ; .Iiimi' , IC 77 ; .Ttity , 4'.42 ; Oct'tter , , 80,1.1) ; Nuvemimber. 36,34 ; let'emnitcr , $11.42. 51101. tmuieb ; nilli I I ig , S'-i' ; gui f. blc ; rates , 31' ) let lea. NiIOhtil.tN4. . 001. 26.-co'r-l'N-Firin ; gotti mntehilt m inc. S ¶ t.l f' : trittitli tn , S 5l re. ; low miiiel'hltiii. ' S 1-Ilk' ; gt'i3 ordimauy ) , 7i'c ; mtet me. CCIII ml , II , 140 ltiti's ; rws. 21,15) ) I ales : ti I I ron I ; rltalim , : mreo itIs ; t ) I imt cent timint , 11,01) bnht's ; ceoniibwimi1,193 bales ; sales , 2,630 bates ; ttoci , , smi.osi tiles. l'OOm'itt Slum rlets. Jhi0l11Oe'l. . 26.-CCltN-laslor ; No. 2 Sic ; lieu' Z''e ) . 2 , 27i,4c ; No. 2 , 303c ; mmcoo' No. 3 , 2Ti' ; hew No. I , : ! oi. . OA'I'S-Steatlv ; No. : : ovimite , 192ji94c ; i'.0. :7 : , WhIte , 17'i4 ISo. 3hI'33-ltmhl. mmoncuimal ; No. 2 , SSliiOc. Vt'lllSl'ZY-Virne' tinislued goods , oum time 1)5518 of $1.22 for high timios. ltECFilP'1'S-0'lieat , 6,100 lmtl. ; corn. 61,200 bmm , ; oatH , 86,250 btm. ; rye , numb ; burley , 14. . 700 bit. Siilt'ME2o'TS-Wimeat , 8,700 btm. ; corli , 36- 750 immi , : oats , 160,76' ) bu. ; m'ye , GO ) Pu. ; barley , 17,60) liii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill itimt'mumil is % Iment _ 3lar1et , 5.ttNNl4Al'OLIS. Oct. 26.-Dec'c'tnler oolmeat opentot netm 13' 120 higher at C54lj.'Sc , the Imigh- ert Pilmmt , of the sasltii , and It ci rnti mut ( SIte , the' lom emit mi'iimt. ' May openel at SOc ani citwel RI It9 ° se. 1'isht wheat In good deniammi at lilgimet' ltrenmltmmn rang , ' . F'I.OLtit-Siow ; first patents , 13.2)113.10 ; sceon oatemmhs , 2)c less ; doimmemito t'aier't' goods , 82.650 2.8) ; extort bakera' grades , * 1 10112.50. Iry ( ooiis Slimriet. Nl-7P , ' TOitlI , 0-b. hI-There ira , a little silt Withm the cloning of the mnaricet , but 'svtiea urgent ooimmmta 'so't're mitmppiIetl buyers m-ettreti ittutt time qtmletmmeo's usual to lime Saturday half lmoiiday tecaine itliiarent. The usual large mice tliroim6lm it'iiverles arm former ecigagemenuti overt' effeCted hut otherwIse tmem ii oo'tos a Iminlteti Oolmttits o stiles. i'm mat ittg clot ii iit I t hut hiram at 134mm. Sdes for tue week , 173,00) ulcers. St. ZUti is Slmi rlcts. ST. LOUIS Oct. . 25.-CATTLI-ltecefptmi 801) heath ; smnii stmgply cammoel very quiet nd sloos' nmiirkeb ; only retaIl tradeti atm , IIOS-1teceiimt ; , 2,00) ) heatS ; mamket Co lower ; lucavy. $ l.10"l.SO ; nllxCth , fl.SOlj3.70 ; Ilgim t. $ l.(3Jls ( :1,75. : 81 I Ill'fl'-ltec"pts. ! 410) ) heatS ; niarlrot un- cimaumgcd ; oimiy macoh m ct-all bitsimiesmi. hiiltitit ( riulum .0Iuim'ic1. rVr1'Tll , 0. t. 24-O'ltt'.OT--No. . I liari , c''stm , : ; s ; O'm'tlem' , . ItOc ; I ) . . . . . . Nit. I flirt Ii- Pt Ii. casti , f,7itt _ : Ott'lt'i , 57c ; 1 ) oL'etitl-r ) , 6740 ; lilay. It i , e ; 0. 2 ittO tim ccci , i's ott , rp : , 415)340 ; No. : t , 12 311 5314c ; i 'J-e'iei , , 100,54 lIt iC. 'I'ti imrrlvc ; No. 1 ltmt1 , lIe ; No. I northern , 5c. I bY 1.1-ICe. OATS-No. 2 , lIe. 'l'm'isi'o \114'im I l mustmn ( ' 4 , IAN ; Fit.Nl 'i.'h.'n. Oc'b. 24.-\tl 1t.T-.Mtrongt'r Dec'e'inher , t'I'c ; Slay , $ lS. ' W'iillamm S. I'oppletoa speaks at time cltl- comma' tmmiiss mmmecting at time Col1seiinm Friday evening , Noveimmber 1. 'I'll I ) It i5.t L'l'Y MAil ICII'i' , INSTRUMENTS placed mm record October 26 , 10.7.1 ; \VAItFbANTY iEEDS. Soimtlm Oimmahia Limnil compamm' to .1 A. Vt'akeileid , lot 13 , hioclc 325 , Sotmtim Onalmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 510 .7 A Waketield anti wife to Dunalmi Gray , same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 Ne Is I 41 rs'n I is C ) limit ima hOmt\'i , mqm , iammlc. , lot 12. iltc'lC ' 'I , ' ' 14)Ve'iC mmdii. . . . . . . . . 700 Globe Lnan antS 'rriist cumpisimy to 1" Jolitmeon , lots 2 nimil 3 , block 28 , West Omimtha * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 \\'pttles mind 's'itt' to ( - ; M Iiitchm. cock , si- ½ of e ii feet lot 8 , block 121. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,001) Total amount of trammmtfer's. . . . . . . . . . . Ileiosar1 Itomowatcr lpeaims at tins citizens' mass mmieethng at time Coliaeuin 1"rlday even- lug , Novoiimhjer 1. Investment Trading Time mimrkr'ts at mrt'tse'nt , otTer very fas-orablo op- portttrmitieli for lratliii * ( tm tmitr.I ; mma.Vht' not bmmy oim time ttottomii'S'ribe for itime iatly Slam-kel 1.c'tior fri'o 0mm applicatIon. 1)0 neb ttci % t lilt lltmeli't ' mao is tiit'irsniltm. ovltmtu - StioiiM ; IUiit' mmm-mkitig itrofit's for 9011 mimeaii1) bmmshttoss for mm-s. II4NNIS. tYNc1f CO. . ( ; rmlmu , i'rovimslommi. , Sos'ila , Etc. , 'J Sitcuietamm lt . .13 lioartt ot Tiamle , 3lciiml.ens of Ciiie'Jgo ioumot ! of'rratc. CHICAGO DOARD OF TRADE As mmcaimy complishitit ate cotmmimig to the ( 'tite.cgo IF atti , .f . 'rrade imlmowing tli'mt pereoimis In'eim'Ilng ' to det i t tm graiim sf1 pi u's' Is mis I itromigim lmmemiiers , 'if I ii , , I 3 .s ri uimti subject It I to ruin's and regitla- tiunmi urn mimleleti lam' , Se illtmg with t'es 'na tie tti'mii 'syimo itat e no oat fl , ' , I 10mm it lilt I Ii Is I moor , ) , lIme public is ca mitlont' , sig.a Hint tInt I rig aI I I Ii s p'raotma or linus. artS Is nriIlIel ilmat (1i)1tUl ; 1' . i4'ioDNtl , 10 rCtimm-s' . 'semlI mstmsw'r any ifl.iitti tmii as to 0 % Iml her nimy lilt I li-ulac tcreomm 01 I. a umiemmitier 'it ii'ii Itar1 , ( il-OltISlI 1' . STONII , hieer"lary. OflDZns s'oiz SPEOLILITIV I1 VESTMENTS or ; 'rii CHICACO DOARD OF TRADE aOLlOl'VEi ) . Cstl at our attic. or Write for prIest. .Ipher Cod. or $ blppcrs Oratmm ltooorda. McLAgI' IBROS.&CO. Hiolto Cuilding , CHICAGO. HATELY ROTHER6 , 909.9i091 I I4oyai Insurmitica Building , CIIICMiO. COMMISSION ! EROHANTS In Grain and Proylsions. Orders executtid Clilesgo ltosnl mmt Trade in cails anil al-lions , idvanee ti.iie , 0,5 , con.Igtntelmt i'rartiols Wsre4ogp , Ltnioim Stat k Yarits , iipfi'r to any Cblm'6t5 PattI-tel lflttlbutlia , or t3tnmtnttrrlal , gei.i'y , P4)17 ) 13.mik-et IcUersa IltiiiJlC4iQli. Uurrrt'potmdt ace soilottee. . iij to 20perrnoiith Can be tsmatie by our nmetimoil of operating 1mm ( I1IA1NNl ) STOCKS. J'ropllt-ctmms g1vIn full lrmformatiotm of Perfect ilyslein timalied free. Scud yotmr hiu'slnsm , only to a iitman- cbmliy iesponsiiiio iiuimm'ii , 1.ouk tms up. tt.Ml'tIIN l. 'i'IlO5i.tS & CII. , Grain , Stock atmi hlond Bokera , ii Clmamumbcr of CommsnmcrctCIIl&LtCO , hi AROIN Send for our cumupitts 000tt SI. ilOltillig MASIGIN TIIADINII aitl T RAVING tuiielNiNO Al.l , ) .IAItKIIT ISX- l'itlhom-iiON $ . .01so cmii' dilly Inis iet letter sUggejiilz whmia sod I. EXPLMNED. what to trade. lb-tm f-es. ilank refereCces furnIshed. AillJOeJAST & CO. MllMiISliS ChICAGO OI'.1i ikMltb TRADE. 223 Tradlts Building. . .hicsg , .