4 _ I , - - - 'rIlE OMAIIA : DA.JT.JY BEE : : ; l ! IUR1)Y OO'1'Ofl1It tO . lsnr ' 5 ; - - - - - - - IOSIIER'S ] ' TRICKS TIlE ISSUE I llo'N Petition rUed in redor l Court by Linco eople , J. . . . CAPITAL NATIONAL WRECK REVIEWED - l'ecullnl' fleitMohill " 'h ) ' Ole of * Iie " ' ' , ! tI' , uf Pie ) 'nl I ! hluhl 1'1'0 1'elurle ' 1 thc StltC Co ii r t , i. LI ; coLN. Oct. 25.-Speclal--Tho ( ) motion ' to remand te the state courtl the cases . ' brought by stockholders and depositors galnst the directors of the Capital National lank has been overruled 1 In the fedN'al court Iy Judge Shlras. One of the plaiutIfTs , Henry Gerner , has flied an amended petition In his action. lie sets out his reasons for clnlm- Ing that ho should bo able to rtcover his loses from such of the directors as can be reached. lie nlelps , for the first cause of acton , that on May 18 , 1877 , CashIer Out- call swore to a statement to the comptroller ot the currency as to thc condition ot the bank , the correctness of which was attested b ) ' C. ' \ ' . Mosher , William W Holmes and C R Yates. As required by law , this statement - ment was publshC1 In a local paper. I Is nlegell that this was for the IJrpose ot In. dncnl : Iloollle to 10 business with the Capital Natlqnat bank , and that It was given out asa 1 true tite1nept of the financial condition of the tjtemelt The petton ) assertl that thIs statement was wholly fahe , and that Instead of ha\ Ing $ 4IOl8.84 mortgages , stocks and bonds other than United . State bonds to secure Its circulation , I hat not over $11,018.84 : that Instead of having $ 19 , 80,8R due It from approved reserve agents , as published , I had 10 more than $43,341.52 : that instead of ha\ ' - . Inr : . n published , $771 , ! .S7 loans and dls- counts , It had no more than 721972.87 , so that the said statement was falsIfied by more than $165,936.26. 'ht petition charges that all four of the defendants were fully advised that the statement was untrue , the bank In- lol\ent. and had a true report been made I would hnv been closed b ) the comptroller. Belevll ! the statement to be true the plain. tiff purchased of Charles hammond fifty shares of stock In tim bank , paying $6,250 Had the statement been true the stock would have been worth the money. I was worth- less. less.On On top of the $6.260 paid for stoet , plaintiff - tiff has been made liable for $6,000 nss ss- mont on the stoclt. Gerner sues for $ 3r00. with Interest $6,250 from July 11 , 1887. $7.20 from November 27 , 1889 , and $10,000 additional 1893 liability sustained from July 10 , I MUST PAY TI JUDGMENT. In the case of DwlHht S. Alien and Fordyce arian against thl Lincoln Savings hank \ _ wherein judgmtnt ( was recently render for ( plalntrs , who rl'sldo Rt Lake Geneva , Wls" , a motion for a new trial , which was argued , \ was overruled b ) Judge Shlras. The amount of Judgment was $2,287. liitha - district court a motion for a new trial In the case of the State aalnst John Jaler has been filed. Fager was convicted of criminal assalit and sentenced to the penI- tentary for life. I Is said that an attempt wi he made to show that the man Is Insane , but the Jai efcals ! say that he has never shown the least indication of a dIsordered Ilm1 Secretarieq of the State Bonnl of Transportation - taUon Sutherland ( Ind ( Dlworth have made . an examination of the Hock Island road bl V. tween Murdoc" and South Bend at a point where a man was killed a few days since. At this place the wagon road leads down a sharp declivity and I Is Impossible for one to see the track for a quarter of a mlo On account of this the man , who WIS an Imml. grant , wns klleI , , The secretaries say that I Is quite probable the road will. of its own motion , build an o\eheall crossing. Some of the Lincoln merchants Ray that they do not propose to close up their stores next Monday on account of the opening of the races. The mayor has issued a proclamation naming I "Lincoln day" and urging all busi- ness men to properly observe It as such , but the "Itck" against this II rather vIgorous. The chief difficulty In the difcult ) way appears to be a lack of unanimity and the merchants willing to close are deterred from doing so by a belief that noneloslDE competitors would gain Rn ad\'antage , IOWA MAN LOST IN LINCOLN. , . n. Parks , who recently came from Shenandoah , la. , to Lincoln to sell some lanfoled \ ! to return home aCer disposing ot the same Today A. N Wycof has been interesting himself In trying to obtain some trace of the missing man A letter has been received from Shenandoah to the effect that Parks has never returned and expressing fears for his saCet ) ' . Parlts Is 27 years old. "ho property which he Is alleged to have disposed of brought between $100 and $600. His friends In Iowa believe he has been foully dealt with. The celebrated Van Seel\er case , which had an airing In both the dIstrict court ot Ian- caster counly and the Nebraska supreme court last winter , has recently passed through the supreme court of California and Van Seelver II a free man lie was arrested In Lincoln nearly a year ago , charged with having swindled a widow at Los Angeles out of $1,076. Dottct\o Auble of Los 'Angeles ( ant on al\l hat consIderable trouble getting his man out of the state owing to long de- layell legal proceedings instituted In his be- halt by Lincoln alore's , lie was taken back , tried , and convlted. Thin supreme court of California has JUSt re\'ersed time proceedings - ceellnrs of the lower court . I x-Conrressman McKelghan spoke to a large audience of POlllsts tonIght at the unke opera house. Governor 10icomb pre- shied at the meeting . At the Lincoln hark race course this morn- ing Strthber ) ' , now In stables here , was gl\en a spurt and covered the Ile at a 2:07 : clp.The The Lancaster county republican commitee held a lively meeting thIs afernoon , the result of whIch was the summary bouncIng from the committee of C. F' , Collins , editor of the Bennet Union , a local paper lu the coulty , ostensibly republcan In poltcs , Quite recently , however , Editor Collins , beIng lu an imitative mood , copied the Policy ef the Omaha Fake Mill , antI sold out a large portion of its editorial page to the Populists. In his defense I was urged , that he halt : received - ceh'ed good money for the sanie and was lot In journalism for his health. This dhln't go , however , nnd on motion the resignation of Committeeman Collins was demauded. At last accounts he hall hot handed It In. Omaha people lu Lincoln : J\ the Lindel -Oscar C. lent George C. Carp nter , At the Capltal- Coatly. At the lncoln- T. S. Denman ) , J. II. Gayhart , Paul Iloag- land . Mrs. Cody : Irs , Colpetzer , MIss Cody , Mid COlpetzpr , A. S. PatrIck , A M. Jefrey , n. S. Berlin , A. J. Cooley - - - - - - - I : JlnrIH 1 01 cax. : VAN YYCiC. Ni'Iirnaiim Jtiiimi'of the n"I'I'UNl..l ! I n"'NIII " nil' JIl" ) ' 1.'ln&I. . NlmlASKA CIT\ Oct. 25.-Speclal.- ( ) The entire city Is In mourning over the death of General C. Ii. Van Wyck , Flags are draped nt hal mast , and every one here , feels deeply the loss of one of Nebraska's most promInent ciizens , : Ir E. A. Waton , mother of lion. John C. Watson , fell yesterday while walking across her room , and broke her arm. Being an aged ; lady the accident immay prove very serious. TIme IIOpulsh for se\erl days have been advertising a grl1 rally , whlcb was to be held lat night , with ex.Cougressnian Ic- elghan as the chief speaker. 10we\'er , when the hour Urrl\I' for limo meeting I was IlbeO\'ered that the speaker had not put In hi" , and the appearance Ind rally W8 de- cared Off . , Mrs Dr. \\'atn , Mrs John I Price and I Mrs. n. H , Miller entertained 1 large nuui- I her of friends last evening at the home of _ Mn. Watsol The noral love tale furnished , , amusement to the guests , and a sumptuous t ! was fllrtd : ! n. J. C. Irown opened her dancing school In the Stevenson ball with a compl- mentary hop to the young people of the city. A large lumber . were Ilrent. - - - CII , JrI' II t iuimnlCiiityeution J 111..I. ClmTE , Ntb. , Oct. 25.-Speclal.-The ( ) flcUly of Uoane college gave a - reception k yeterday to the delegates to thE annual meeting of CongregatIonal churches at the' ' ! college. DOlno Cadet corps , under command I of Lieutenant ludln , United State army , ; gave an exhibition drill. After inspecting : dri. Arer Inspeclng th , various college departments the visitors WCr " , 11\'lell to luuch In time W'imittle'library lmuitd.ng. Mttr"'ard ! 11 ot tIme delegates vieetl \ 1 Jle of foot bal al Athletc pak I bctwe Deans's crack team ( champions of Nfhruka , ) ant the lclld ole\'ln ot the col. lete. The 11eItgU. : txpreuNI themselves a highly delighted with their entertalmnnt , , The lenlons of the meeting clo ' ell this morn . Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ . 'i'hItT COXVICTS ' ! .li.t y ' \y . St1'Plfl. ' ' 11"11"1 lid ieffot' thl Irll.u- tim , r' tl lt ! llllllrll sit 01"1' . LINCOLN , Oct. 25.-Spechil.--The ( ) Hoard of Public Lands ant Buildings , which will hell a formal meeting next Monday for the Ilrllo 3 of putting the mater Into ofcial form , has IeeMed to come to the aullt3ncE of Warden I.elgb ! In lila efforts to maintaIn the convicts at the penientary , Thl decision has been largely Innuencell b ) Treasurer Hartley , one of the members of the board . Atorn" ) ' Kirkpatrick aloho Is In charge of Leldigh's mandamus case , now Ilenllng ( In the huprmo court ha ! been influential In inducing the board to take this stell. The case cannot possibly come up before No. vember 6 , and then It may be del'ell Mean- while the convicts mur eat ant be clothed The rlsourCIf of \\'anlen 1 lldhh are about exhausted I was decided today to re- quest him to make an estimate of what will he needed for the next thirty days , submit It to the board at the meeting on Monday , : and allow him to purchase goods from the I lowe't ' bidders. In regard to this Trla'lrer ' Hartley saul today : " 1 believe this to be time proper timing to do at thlf tme , Whate\et WiY the decisIon ot the court may be can make but little dlf- ference I In favor of the bOrd's' po IUon , the amount appropriated can be deducted , from Contractor lleemmmer's allowance. I against the board , wimy , W would be com- pell.t to take this step an'w3) While cases like this are pending In the supreme court each slte should assume COhor'ath'o round and move with extreme caution. Ily so doing anl al rights will be pro r\'et , and the case oC neither side prejudiced In the mind of the . " court" Time mandamus case fed by Attorney Kirk. patrick on beh11 of l.elllgh II one to comllel the Board of Purchase and Supplies , oC which Governor 10lcomb Is chairman. to permit l.ellKh to do about what timid movement of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings contcmplate , While the governor Is made a party defendant , ho Is not Includcll In the list of members at whom legal coercIon \ aimed During a recent meeting of the board the governor Introduced a resolution to pur- chase food and clothing for the convicts , but Land Commissioner 1lussll followed It with a substute , declaring that Contractor Beemer hl leased all the convict labor , the : ground , of the penlentar and the plant ; and that it was the sense of the board that i J.eldhh mU ! look to Beemer for all sUllples , This : wan ! carrie with hut the vote of Gov - ernor liolcomb Ilssentn . The mandamus eror 1oleomb ! case was filed Immediately thereafter. 1) ' examined the act some attorneys who have examlnet passell at the laAt legislature for the purpose of buying out W. I Dorgan' plant , It Is thought that the clam" inserted pro\ltlng that the Board of Public Lands and Buildings can relet the' contract until the last ( la'y of the next session will not hold wlter , Nothing la Indlcatet In the title to thIs effect , and It was the frequetjtiy expressed IntentIon of the frequelUy reported the bll , and the commitee members who passed It , to completely to away wIth the contract system In the jemm Itentlary. Should the court hold this to be Ientary , the contract with A. D Deemer \ \ ho rendered InvlIII , I Is to secure al opinion on time legal construction oC the act that the mandamus suit was brought by Warden Leldlgh : llt'rc \:01 I'UO I'I I1It'I'I' I m'i'IN. Cllrle &nlnlt ni'inttaifloUtIi Inn lth'l lilY " ( 'MtIguuteuI. PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. . Oct 25.-Spoclal. ( ) -There Is now pending In the district court hero a cue whIch promises interesting tIe- velopinents , In which the Platsmouth Loan and , Building association appears , as plaintiff In a petition to foreclose against Grace D. Copeland ant her husband , George S. Copeland - land , with Philip 1cCuley and Hobort E hayes made parties to the defense. October 15 , 1891 , theC Copeland9 secured a loan or $1,000 from the asrclaton , giving a mortgage emi their resIdence and some other property In thIs city. They arc alleged to have mort- tagell tim property to others , and 1 receiver Is ordered. Seven teamsters landed here yesterday , from Nance county I search of apples , which , to their Ils3ppontment ! , have been nhnost all shipped from this county The apple crop hero this year was unusually large and of extr quality , and was packed and shipped much earlier thln common. A. Id. nusel , a "dem-pop , " came out In all time papers 11bllhCI In his Judicial els- trlct yesterday with a long letter roasting the acton oC the populist party for Indors- Inl B. S. Ramsey for district judge , hlt'tead , of putting up a candidate of their own Sam M. Paterson , postmaster at South Bend , today took out the necessn paperi to wed Miss Anna Mack of that IIJaee. The wet : wedding wi bo celebrate SunlJay at the home of the brIde's parents In South Ilnt Andrew Hosewater of Omaha was In the city yesterday overseeing the work of sinking - ing the wels oC the pumphouse of the city water works Mm' . U03ewater 10 employed by the cIty to tale carE of Its Interestl In the mater of securing the neeessy supply of water through the wt1 phn foCh'lhlrj Stl' Illk ( IIN' . . . GO'IENDUUG , Neb" , Oct 25.-Special.- ( ) The State bank closed its doors toda ) The f.llure Is due to the slowness In co1rctons , I"rom time best Informlton ohtalnable time deposits amount to nhout $8,000 , while tbo assets are about $25.000 , but part Is uncol- leetnble Saturday mortgages all fleeds were fed In favor of Yost & Iorsman , 011ha stoc111Ier , and since that ( late thtre has been n constant demand for dr.posls , mind , as time hank fllell to ret the cash as promIsed , the ) ' closel1 I Is presumed that the depositors - tors wi all be paid . as the stockhohlers , Yoft & Meramuan . with the collateral they hoW . should pay the depositors. - - - - " 'UIII SumtTrmui.e Couueuut mu. 1 > Vt CITY , Neb" , Oct. 25.-Speclal- ( ) Time Nebraska Woman Suffrage association holds Its fourteenth annual con\'enton at David City . begInning Wednesday e\Hlng , October 30 , and lasting all day Thlrsday , Delegates and friends will be he.utly11 - comed imy the local committee. An Interest- , Ing program wIll be presented , Including addresses - ' Messes by Carlo Chapman Cat of New York and Clara Benlck Colby , Ilresident of the state association. Jhrh'r.l . 11,1 1II'.t on n" 'I'rmu'k. FltiMONT , Oct 26.-Speelal.-The ( ) coro- ner's jury In time case of the unknown color - orc'd man who was struck by a freight traIn of the UnIon PacIfic near Sanberg , Monday , rendered a verdict this afternoon that he came to his death b ) means unknown tt the Jury. The testhnon of the doctors and the ) ) position he was lu when struck showed to time minds or the Juror that he had received hIs death blow before the trln struck him. S"1ICor1"1 nit l'ul.lllm. DAVID CITY , Neb , Oct : -ISpeclaf.- ) Senator Mien spoke hero ) 'tsterda ) Less than 200 persons were present and man ) ' of these vera democrats , republicans and lamlies , . ills speech consisted mObty In telng what thE popllst party had Intende to do . but hall not don . alll how I expected to reconstruct the , if It only couhl go\ernment I ) get votes enouh. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \ 'iii Iol.t th , ' ( Jnr.1 1'lul. GlAND ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 26.-Speclal ( Telgranm-Thia ) evning the local Iaper Ilub1sheI , the letter from the Oxnard Beet Sugar company given out In Time Bet yeter- day A meeting ha ben called for tomor- row to take acton along the hues suggested by the company. PromInent beet raiser express their approval of this imlaum II 3i-iuory ' or "ni " ' ) " ' 1. . LINCOLN , OcL 25.-SpecLil.-Thme ( ) \mer. lean las floated at hal mast today from the capitol building , commemorath'e of the death . of ex.Senator Charles II. Van Wyck The different executive omcers exprebsell profound sorrow at the Intelgence ; which they had read In this mornlug's apor. - - Pr"lont Morini N'nt. 1"UmiONT , Oct. 5-Speclal-Tho { ) Merry Makers' club gave the frt dance of the sea- Bon at laonlu hal last evening. About fifty couples wef' present. Among the pIeces at mUllo played wu a waltz composed ly Otto 1'011 , otis ot l ? rlont'l young mualciana . : r"e ; ; ; ] . . .C ceocc ' Last night Do Wolf Hopper ant his ex- . : elent comic opera company opemied their . nnnual engagement at Boyd's theater to an audience that filled almost every seat In the houso. The vehicle of entertainment was J. ( hen'er Ooowin and Woolson Morse'a comic "Ir. ' , " winter this opera , 11. Syntax Last ( opera was given for the first time In Olaha , and immediately sprung Into popular favor. The pmeent cast Is appreciably stronger , ant their work conpllerahl' more effective. This Is patcularl ) noticeable In the later palt of the opera , In which the enthuslasl of school girls and college boys Is uimmuisumaliy worked up to a hIgh Pitch I ) the exciting race scene , with Its display of college coior8 , a 111 the ' casH cries , for which Amerlln colleges are famous I Is needless to say thlt Mr. hopper Is the ruling spirit ali mainstay of tl . operJ. I Is certaIn tlat there Is no caiiedian on the stae today who possespls slch a strong amid magnetc ant Indl\lluall ) al wcl as a voice of rare bammty amid power , although the Idea Impresses the lstener that he Is constantly holding a great deal of its force In reserve , Ills charming little wife , I'dnn Wnlaee hopper , contnle ! to ht the Petite belie or Mite ZenohlA Tropics' school In thE school room scene the fall PUlls , arc more nmlsllg than ever. This always hRS befl conRllered the funniest scene II the operu . all : Jr , hopper hns done well to elaborate mmuon. ; Miss ilcrtima W'altz. l\on. Bertl Wnlz. inger who made such an emphatic Impres- Mlon last year 8S Nlohe Marsh , the charity girl , contues to play that engaging role. all her eXflllsllly cultured , voice Is heard to better advantage than ever In a number of ncw songs which \ ere composed , Slllelaly for her. Edml11 Stonle ) time handsome 'oung tenr , has als ) heen allotted mw mmmumc ! ammO among other of ability In the com- Iln ) ' are Alee Ilosmmicr lila ) Lester , "lred Klein , T. S. Guise , John Parr and harry Stone The chorua shows a grmit Ileal of hn- IlrO\'ement , both In looks and voices , nnd the school girls are a hloomln bvy of ! ) beauty. Several new scenes of uncolmln artistic beammty ha\'e bemi l1el to the ulreal ) elaborate equipment. Mr. Hopper will all- pear at a mAtnee thl9 afer noon at 2:30 : o'clock the engagement closIng with tonight's performance "Dr S'ntax" wIll be the bill at both. The highly successful engalement of "Thrulby" at the Crelhton terlln tes with two performances toI , ) ' , Those who enjoy a hearty laugh are advised to avali themsel\es of the last opportunity this evening to see ) this rollicking Ira\emy emi :11 Pottl'r's pIs ) DurInI time memorable mum of "Dr. Syntax" lt time Broadway theater New York City , last season , each matinee performance resembled a verItable kimmdergarten for emi each occasion the spacious ludlorlum was fled with happy. sming children , which , together with the scores of prettily drsset matne : girls , made time scene emi each occasion a Ilcrfrt bower of youth and heauty. This afternoon "Ir lopper and hIs famous compan will give a matnee performance or "Dr. Syntax" at Doyd' ! theater at PoPular price , anl alread there are marked Indicatons that there will be a very large atendance of young Ileopll. The engaglment closes with this evening's Ilerformancc. Time 1anlon Brothers' "Sullerba" will be thE attractIon at the CrelHhton belnnlng tomorrow - morrow afternoon. There Is said to be PO , much new In "Superba" the present season new trick. new stage le\lces. illusions and such a wealth of new scenery that one may be pardoned for calling I the new "Superha " Then there are many new facts In the cast , Bertha 11)'lss enacts the title role . Superba The new soubrette Is Margaret May , who was the Tags In the orIginal Chicago Ilrodue- tons ot the "Count I"alr " Batele lamele Is the Walala , The Plerrots arc I Charles Guyer and thl brothers Bornl , In ; additon to their work as clowns they do their unique specialties , Ouyer as time playful schoolboy , and the Boranl Irothers In their contortion act In addition to the flume en- tertalnment that "Superba" has always fur- nished the Hanlolw have thIs year added a ballet , for which a series Of foul dances has been arranged. They are Imown as the "Quack-Quack dance , " the "Immcantation . " "Dance of Plerrots , " "Pierrattes an,1 , Follies" and the gorgeous "Flower D nee , " Miss Bayliss will be remembered as being promi- nent RmOIE the many fine silgers In local church circles , and should receive a cordial wtlcome b ) her man ) ' Omaha triends - rime sale or seats for the "mack Crook" opens at BOYIl's theatr this morning. The ong6gpmont I a lmied one , helng for only three nights , with a special TnelJ ) mati- nec commencng ! tomorrow. Sunday nl ht As the management has decided to give this famous spectacle at the regular house prices , no coubt the cOlln ! enJagement will prove a profitable one. Time play will be producet with every attention to detail and effects and with an arm ) ' oC attractive women In ni the ballets amid . marches whIch made this play famous timirty years ago There are hosts of Eitropoamm no\elles promised In this production , among them the celebrated George : lel\lo. clown and pantomimist , Mardo , tIme famous juggler , and Urxo and Itemmo the contortion comimetlians. The three premiere cansele are saId to b" the best ever brought to this cOlntr- le. Cannls , Mile , Leontne and ! "le , Leardo . A visIt to Bod's Sunday , Monday and Tuesday wi no doubt result In pleasing the patrons ol that pla'house Charles A. Gar.lner , lwown as "Karl , the Sweet Singer , " will be seen here for a three nights' lngagement at the Crelghlon , opening Thursday , October 31. In "The Prize'In - ner. " 'fI play wIll be enacted by the n10st capable company with which Mr. Gardner ! has ever MllrOunllel1 himself I wi be hal1sol01) mounted , and the picturc'siiimc- ness of the scenes will be accentuated by the fetchlnl costlles which wIll be worn by the various member ol the company. Mr Gardner wi sing the songs for which ho has become famous. Partcliar menton may be made of "Apple noarms , " a worthy sue- CSSOI to the "Lilacs . " Bill 10e ) presents his new play , "The Globe Trotter , " at Boyd's \Vedneaday and Thursda nights , October 30 and 31 , and hIs 011 admires will have an opportunity to hear once again their old favorite , "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo , " and we are told that Hoey has a new song enttled "J Went 10 Paris is Ih Papa " which Is fast becomln as pOlllar as Its forerunner. Ioe ) ' has a com pan ) of excellent artists In his support , and Is fitted with a part hlmsel which gives him ample ; opportunity for his particular line of comedy. . 'I'HUO"'S AII , ' 1IN II.AI ( : 1"I In. NIICnr Iiumgiiesmiys liii' Imivy.'r " "rn' tl' OhJ'rlnunhlu I Art Itie. DENVEU , Oct 6-A special to the News frol Santa I"e , N : . , says : Charles L. Plnn of Wlnslo\ , Ariz. , to which poInt Edi- tar Hughes let on the day fo1owlng the appearance - I pearanco In the Albuquerque Citizen of a ma- lcious attack on time sUllreme cOlrt , arrived here last , and nIght , going before District Judge laugh1n , made an afla\lt which i Irouses great Interest throughout the territory - I tory 1'lnn deposes that he met luHhes , whom he has known for years , while iii'ins . low , October 11 , whe.n Hughes told him that Nel n. Field , a prominent lawyer mind demo. cratc poltciln at Albuquerque , had written the article reflecting on time supreme court Hughes ad lied , so Flnn states , that time Citizen - zen was paid for its plblcaton at regular local rates On the strength of this afdavit a warrant bas been sworn out for Hughes , who Is now In Jai for contempt , charging him with rJury. . CI"'lt 1001 for Chl"u&1 I'uu pi'rs. NEW YORK , Oct. 25.-Time train which broke the reconl from Chicago to Buffalo was sent on to New York City over the New York Central soil \ made a new record between - tween New York and Chicago The train arrIved here at 10li : last night. The en- tire distance of 9S0 miles was made In eevemm- teen hours , forty-five minutes and twent- three seconds Chicago newspaper men who were on bard had In their pockets moring papers of Thursday This , the frt tme that a regular edition of a Chicago morning paper has been read In New York on the day ot its publication - S , BXI.I"Nlol II I I Cmusdy ' Pu'Corr. NASHUA , N. 1. , Oct. 25.-By the explosion - plosion of combustible material In the candy manufacturing establishment of Charles Holman time Holman blocK , a large brick structure on Main street. was entirely do- ctroYtd by fire this morning The loss will reach $40,000 , but I Is fully Immsured The firm employs 100 hand. . . - - - I1'uIlit 1\tHII'I'I\ : Ctl ! J I Is ito longer p blble for the sultan to \ Ihraw his vronu.--ot reform , ammO It Is difficult to Pee how tl\I \ ! of the allied POwers ' could assist In 8UPIIullg } the probable ' r1Vo - lutiomm without serlotmehy the luton wihout serous\ endangering peace of Europe I . i ' cmlslmmed ullnatum to time unspeakable Tnt1t te I one tIming : to throw 8n nrmmmy Into Turld 'fcrrlor ( ) ' ! 'Iule an- otlmer and the ttlslon of International jealous could not eithmtand ? the ' ) "lh at\'antage which such a mo\1 must give to the laud- Ing army. We mn ) ' , therefore expect , at Ito distant day , to see tile sultan 1 Ilrlsoner In his own palace " a .fmmgltive In a foreign Jllltl\e land , or \Ictm o"f Poison or strangulaton , like M mummy of Ils pre < ecessors. There remains , of course , time possibility of overcoming - coming such a re\oluton as Is promised , but of this we are skeptcll , for the sultan Is a personal coward without the power to command the respect of hIs troops , all Is sourrouldel by a bodyguard of hired assassins who ' ' time mire shore likely to JoIn fierce fanatics In Ollposlton thln td t uip- port their mor.arch. The rt result of an ullrlsln woul be renewed slaughter of time Armmmeniamme Just what acton Europe would feel caled upon to take In such In emergency Is doubtful , but In mummy e\'ent the future of the sultan anti of the Christans In the Otomal empire stmA to bo eflualy dark , despite the theoretical relief thlt lIme re- form scheme Ilresents. . 5 . The great ralro .1 which Russia began to construct across the Asiatic continent a little over four years ago Is now rapidly ap- proaehln ! comnpletiop. SomeI el of the ma/nlude of time uldertakln ! and ot the ener'gy and activity displayed ( In carryIng on the work may be formed ( when It Is said that the road. when completetl : \ ill be 1.000 mies In lenrth , amid will have cost In the nllgh- borhoot oC $250,000.000 I Is thus twice the length of the Canadian Pacifc. and will open a terrier ) covering an area of : O- 00 gee . rphlcal m1es , Every one who knows the characteristcs of itussia her far- reaching atmmbltloum . her persistence In secur- lug coveted ends and the Place which she holds lmon ! time natIons of time world , can umlerstsnll what un Innuence this enterprise will give lice . Wheue conslltr its mllar ) ' and strategic advaumtages and , the factor that It Is 1\ely \ to he In Ituissiamu ad\'anecment In Asia , little wonder need h" fel at the Interference - terference oC Russia when Japan sought to secure the full fruits or her victory over China. She has her own scheme In the last ; the ralhoad was intended to advance them. amid thereCore , It was In keeping with her policy to step In and prevent Japnn from blocking the way toward the realIzation ot her dreanms . . Time financial problem In Italy Is still a moat serious one There has been some small v.tteunlt ) at retrenchment , new taxes have becn laid but the budget still refuses to balance. Just In proportion as the revenues Crom direct taxes arc Increased those from Indirect - direct taxes decrease proving conclusively ly that the lmit u the contributive capacity has been reach Ill. I Is asserted by experts that taltng Into account the wealth oC the respective countries time ' pressl'o of taxation In Italy Is todny ! idrp , than double that In Prance. Of Its nrl'ate revenue Italy can make mme further retrenchment , and It new taxes are to be levied In order to effect a balance oC the budget they can hardly fail to mak" an Inroal uponr accumulted capItal The Italian taxpayer Is exceptionally patent I Is doubtul If his . equal can bt found In any other country . Tols , paten Is the Ilrolluct of ancl"n , , serfdom . modern patrlot- 13m , time lack of III organization for legal I resistance and fear of anarchistc or social- Istc demands. TIls pptIence . however docs not prevent great conotlc31 imneasiness . all this recoils upon ttpoqrer classes , whIch accounts - t\e'poQrer counts for the prefcnt agitatIon of time SIci- Ian peasants ana for the Increasing number of cases ot bnigandagps . . . . . I The speculation that e/Isted with regard to the attitude of the miew Austrian prime min- later . . toward the . nl4Sumitiq ! movement has now been set at rest by his announcement that ho Is determIned to combat I to the Ut- most , and that In adopting that course he will be In full agreemenl with the emperor The agitation against the Jews his assumed such \ast Ilroportons during the last two years , the 113t ) havhll e\ n succ'edod In capturing the municipality of the hnprlol , capital . that 'some doubt was expressed o to ! the Inten- tons oC the premmuier the Impression pre\al- Inl that ho might deem I politic to pander to the wishes of the anti-Somnltic leadars. From his slleeeh , however , In reply to the deputaUons or the various JewIsh communi- ties of Gahicia . It Is clear that he regards tIle mo\ement as a grievous e\I , In need of the most drastIc remedies , which his past reputation for strength of character and de- cision constnte an assurance that he will not sltate to emplo Count Ballenl will bo supported In this I ) the reasonable anll mmmmrejmmdiceml clement 3mong all cIases oC time populaton , and In particular by the great lall owners , as wel as b ) the princes of industry - dustry and fimmance . whr apprecIate the fact thlt the anuI-Somumitic 10\'elont Is merely a prelude to the socialistic onslaught upon capital and , properly In . 5 . general. Prince Lobanoff , who hells the po.llon of chancelor of the UUF lan empIre , amid mmiay therefore hi eXe tel to know what he Is talking about , has now tfnltely set at rest the sprulatons which ha\e hitherto existed as to the precise extent of the autocracy of the czar According to Mr. do l3iowltz . to whom he has been good enough 10 cmllunl- cato his Ides upon the ( subject , the Ius- co\le Emperor's power "begimma and ends In obeying the natonal will. " lie possesses no Inllat\e whatever , lt : has always to be "on the watch for Inllclons of popular desIre. " In rEsponse to an blqulry as to whence the throne derived Its knowledge of the national will In a country not yet Invested wlh the slghtest shadow ot representat\e Insttu- tions . and where demonstratons arc sternly prohibited . Prlnco Looanor explained wih charmhl candor that "tho national wil first Imposts itself upon a certaIn select few , ald that these alert persons imass thE Imowledge to theIr Ilperlal master " In shmort . time mIghty potentate whom the outside and un- initiated world has been wont to regard as holding In his absolute hanll the destinies ol 100O00)000 Ileople Is , b ) the cdlnlsslon of his own chancellor , nothing but the ummcomm seleus puppet oC a mere ring whom the Iwd- Ing Russian statesmm.an of the day euphoni- ously describes as 1 "select few " . 5 . Sad experIence las ovldety taught the disjointed fragnments at the erstwhie Fed- eraton of Cemmtrai America the truth of the proverb that "In , runH there Is strelth , " Time agitation forurih I " hal been sustained for BomB tIme In caragua , Honduras and Salvador but , without the adhesion of the rIchest ammO mOt populous \ of the five Isth- Ilan states , Costa 'lIma and Guatemnaia ihe realization of time d uim ot a United Central AmerIcan repuhl , seled dubious Time mu- tual treaties , howevr , just concluded between - tween thE five hthrlan states , providing for Interstate free tride , an oCenslve and de- I fensl\e alliance trpde , , , consolidated diplo- ! . matc and consul : , sffrlce , and In the nego- tiation ot which \hi ! idlng state of Guate- mala took the 1nIzJ.tIve , contain a good Ilromls of ulhn mjnion. . The unusual . -\nion. unanlml ) of actlqlh\ \ \ the five republics Is n gratifying first flll. toward a lew and , Isrhaps ) pelan : frganlzaton of the UnIted States of Cntralmelea. . I XIIS'I'JXC ' 'ln YFNG ; I'Ll'LI1. Cnhun ! ) 'Jllthbl'rl . \11.111 for II's. 1I"'INI. , ' of 01.1,10" . CHICAGO , Oct. 25-A cal has been Issued for an expression of opinIon from the mem- hers of time Junior American republic throughout - out the ce111try on the attItude of this country - try towards the re\olutonlsts of Cuba The cal Issued by a subcommittee of the Ch\Ugo CommIttee or One 1ulllrel on Cuban sympathy , and asks al young people under 21 yeas at age to aminO to head'luart ' , 11 Dearborn atreet answers to the ques- tons : "Shah time United States government roe- ognlze patriots the ? belligerency at tbe Cuban patriots ? "Should Cuba be annexed to tie Unlte,1 , State . oem under a protectorate or establish an Inrfpendent republic ? " - - - ' - - 11ANGS ALL , ON TIE ROLL CALLS Attorney Diokinson Makes the Opening Plea for Theodora Durrant - DEALS GENTLY WII \ TiE WITNESSES ( 'u't'm1is Soimut' of th , ' Sll'lt1 to thr 1111ellnllll If Out . \lt Iml ' "llth-Sothhll 10 ! ho" time 1)eft'miuimu I I " 'IN 1IIIInt , - SAN FRANCISCO , Oct -Oeneral DicIt- Inson made too openllE argument for the tdense hi the trial of Theollore Iurrant ) tOl'a ) Alheugh the all In lime cro\nlet COl'rt room was stnln , he poke from morn- hll until night amid then anuuouimietil 1 that hD would nM conclllo his argument until the crurt Ihould mCt next Tuesday . Dlcln50n's sl.eech . was In the nature oC a surprise , Cram the C.let that he did not attack the Integrlt of the lrosecmmtien's . witnesses or Ilenounce the methOls of time police , as Attorney Deu- \I ey Intmatell I wouhl be Ilon e In I his opening address to the jury . e\crthel S It Is gemm- orally conl'l' that he made the most oC what Is considered 1 weak case. lie based his whole Ilerense on the reliability of time roil cal , which show8 that Durrant attended . Dr. Chene"s lecture on the nfernoon or APril 3 , a 11 challenged the Ilrosecuton to prove thJt the cal waR Incorrect \rs. \ Leak and Irs. Croasett , the two elderly wlneues who testified that the ) ' saw Durrlnt all 2lies Iamonl near the chuch , were treated gemmtiy. Dctnson said that whie he belIeved the winesses told what they believed to be the trumtlm he was con\lnced that their mlneln lad been worked UpOI imy reading so much about the case In support of this theory he clell the fact that neither wln 3S told what she salt she Itew about time ease until three or four months aCer the crime took Illace. The tertmon ) of Mrs. Vogel and the school girls who swore they Maw Uurrant ammO , Miss Lament board a PowIl street car In front of the Normal school was disposed erIn In the same mmumimmer. Youth amid 011 age . he saul . were the two pc.rlolls In life when veo- plo were the most positive In their state- ml'nts amid time mOt likely to be mmmistaken Touching upon time contenton of the prosecution - cuton that Durrant' moth'e for the crime was the same unbridled lasslon that 1m. lelel ! Jack the flipper to commit the Whie- Ihapel mlrters In Ionton , :1' . Ueltnson challenged thin Iroseeuton to sho\\ anything In time testmon ) ' submited whIch tended to show thnt Durrant was not a moral man With regard to PI story told ! by Durrlut on the stlnd to the effect tha a stranger : tapped him on the shoulde and gave him a clew to time whereabouts oC Miss Lament : Ir. Dickimm- son saul the great numbers of anunymous letters received from certain cranks b ) the attorneys oC time defense mad It probable that some one mIGht have given Durrant such a clew. . , SiiiIltM.N'iIJ. : , 11 ' 111 1.1.\111. I ! . .I..C.t tl l"It t" . : h'ICIII. ) . lu'Ie. & 1t11 t. nC"11 (11"'It.I. CIO.AOO. Oct 26.-A special to the Chl- cage News from Washington says : Senator Sherman . , despite his years , will In 11 prob- ability be an active particIpant In the re- I pUblcan natoual conventon of 1891 , The : role will bo a new one for the senator. In the conventions of 1880. 188 I and 1888 of his party he was a candidate for president , either active or pa/I'e , and of necessIty did not attend the conventon , lie was a "sient figure In the proceedings of 189. his announce- ment now that ho Is not a candldato on account of his years ; that he has at last given 111 the ambition of his life , and Is now oumt- sPoken for McKinley , Is made for 1 purpose. The senator has been asked by friends of McKinley to be one of the dellgat\9 : at large at nOxt year's con\enton , and -:11 , In all probability , be reqleEted to Present the name of Ohlo's favorite eon . The Infor- maton come . . from a friend of McKlnle"l" The McKinley boom lies always carried a long hue of spectacular features , but this latest I . John Sherman holting the ribbons over the fractious ant spirited ! Ohio republican teammm and keeping the skittish oraker I In 111.3 tracr whets the Inte eel of nuliticians hero to a' razor edge . ' 1'001' UI 'J'ln : SIil"iL.tI " ttt'iiS'i'lX . S.uCh CII.lul i ( ' , , , , 'nllu I I Ci . mu . ' , ' I I ' Vuui'I. Iii C ii'S 111. COLUMBIA , S. C. , Oct. 25.-After four anti a half days of debate the South Carolina constitutional con\enton disposed of the count go\enment question toda ) By a vote of 87 to .18 the convention refused to adopt t e proposition of Governor Timan to etablsh the townshlll 8'stem of New nglan,1 , jn this state The suffrage queston , for the aettiemmmc'nt or which the commvemmtlon setement conveuton was called , was then taken UII. Thomas E , Miller , a colored delegate Crom BeauCort county , moved to strike out the whole re- port and spoke In opposition to the suffrage luau aD proposet , lie claImed that the ne- Irots hind been brought to this countr against tholr w1. but , hand In hand wih ) the whie man , hat felled the forests fought the Intlans , and had tone their share In makIng the state what It Ii i loda ) ' 'et , ' he protested , "with all that , It Is proposed to disfranchise the negroes " Jlnelcl ) ' Slim rI i. . for Nrv Y"rlc. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct 26-John W. Mmmclcay will take a pnivmte car for Now York this evening. lie will bo accompanlefl by John D Ioenfell , and at the end of his journey will take charge of tie Ipa.1 bed ) ' or his son , who was rect'mmtly kIlled by a fall frol1 his horse near I'nrls Mri , Mncltay wIll accomlnny time remains acrosstho , AtlantIc amI ! sur\lvlng member of the faml ) will he 01 the funeral traIn aerOS3 the continent to thl ! ' , where the final Interment u'ull place City fnal wi take ypP o7fi - - " . 'f'I " , , , _ ( . - 'I ' ' 'f / \ ON1 ENJOYS Both the 1ethml and rmmls w111 Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tile taste and act fcnty yet promptly on the KidneyS , Liver ad 13os'o1s cleanses the U\r ! . fjS' thn efcctual- . clspoi ? colds , head. aches and : foyers and curcs hamituaj l unStiJ)3tiOfl Syrup of Figs ie i the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duicet ] , pieaing to the taste mll ac. . .eptahlo t the 8to1130h , Proioilt l ) in its action and triil' helofcirl ) ! in its cffcct.t , prpared ) Oily from the most healthy all(1 ( } agreeable siiisstanccs , its mlny excelent qualties commend it to all and have made it time most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in no cent bottles hy all lcallg ( drug. gists. Any reliable cruggist who lay not have it 01 hand will pro } - r : , 1 it pllpty ! for any ono who wisiIe6 / to tl'Y.t Do not accept any tnibstatiitc . CALFORII FIG SYRUP CO. . in SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. ' ulAN UU' CAL c.1JIVIUE. err. NEW fOiK N.r. ' , HERE'S ' A WHOLE FAMilY. , - - Husband ! , Wife and Children Made Well by Paine's Celery ornp0nd1 . u ; : , Ii - The pre.emlnenre of Paine's celery cant- prtml over all other remellt could not be bcter illustrated than In the case of time TUlney faml ) ' of St Anthony , Iowa. Mrs. Tune ) had rco\erel her healh by the use of Palno's celery. coumipoumid. Sue had suffered ' oC all surerell from a arlety ills , al Ilut to a nervous s'stem Improper ) mmour- Plied. As Crequentl' happens , the entN faml ) ovrcome , Ilerhaps , by anxiety ali care , be gaum to feel "run down" all to stuffer v1tim thme lmardest disease 1mm time world to diagnosis -the trouble they imave whelm they say : "Doctor , I don't feel well , " The advice of thmtir physiciaums to nec l'aimme's color ) ' comimpounil , time one known reummedy that restores lost nervous energy , creates nit appetite , piurifles the btood and builds up the atremmgthu of time entire systenm , was followed , Mru. Turney , 1mm a letter to \\'clis & Ihleluardson Co. , imo prepare time romnedy , soomi wrote as follows : ' 'My hmtusband ammd three cimlimlren were as greatly benefited by time use of I'aimie's celery comimpound as I was after an imnusuahly hiaril siege of the grIp , vithm variatIons of tlm dim' . ease.Ve regart tIme conmpouummi as a imiost remarkable remnemly. As time winter comnos on mummy people will begin to stiffer froni debility 011(1 lick of ral. iyiimg liowers afiom' a aught cimihl or colmi. Tlmclm' real trouhho is a rtmn.dowmm condition of time mmerves amid blood , amid Paine's celery commipouuimd , as in time cae'o of Mrs. Tuunmmey mmml her tamimil ) ' , will immako them iell again , lthmetmmmmatimmm mmml mietiralgia , too , grouv morn ulamigerous anml more Painful with cold wea timer. Timis lmmcrease'ml Pain Poimmts to increased , nctivity of titeso disorders , Timsro is positive daumger in allowing time system to meet theme Imoruls of whiter hanOi- cappemi by rhotmimmatismim mmmml neuralgia , or any disease timt. : comimes fromim 110cr blood and bad _ nerves. There is the same certainty of getting rid of these two diseases that there lit of a. comn- picte recovery frommi s'Ieepiessmmess , imervous weakness , hysteria or ammy otimer restuit of lmmmpoverislmoml nerves or bleomi. l'imysiclaums today get rid of rhemmmnatismn and neuralgia as timey do siceplessnesm' , mmmclanchohla amid umervomus dyspepela , by hmuiimhiug imp the sys- ti'mn mmml supportimmg its ( lehicate nerve parts witim l'alna's celery comimpoummid. l'aummo' , celery comnpound restores vitality to tired nerves ; it feeds every tissue of the hotly when unusual waste immms m'edmmced the weight ammO mmtremmgtlm of time body , as is fre. quiemitly tIme case at time close of tIme heated sensomm , It glve' new appetite aiim ! keelma every part of time imwiy. mutrves and blood so vahl m'moumrlsimetl that tIme nervoims , eximaumsted , tired , "rummi dowmm' ' feeling from worry antI imard work soomm ulisappemurs. Try it , . ' ; Picked UpIn Church - - 5- ; o - 3 : : : e . % * c ai. , , . - 1 * ' .1c : : . Moral : ux " ' Sold \\t. I- . ISANTA CLAUS Bvcryshiere SOAP. ? JAnI 0erV DV THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago. - McciEW I. ' msTmmr UNIX , SPEOIALST -4. wIlt ) TIIEAT8 ALL ' PRIVATh D.SEAES , . - Wcaknes mmnt1'acrot limsordeusor MEN ONLY Eye'ry cumre uarariteed , ' ( ) years esuermemico , \T ' ' 8 ( hoaba , . 1 Itt , ,5. Fnrrmni , , i'C. , 4baI.tu.t , NEIl. 1tAILVAI TullE CARD Ieaves ilmtlti4NQTON & enU. itiviit. Arrmv'a ( inmummimlUnlon Dem.otOum&Mammcn Sti. Ommmuim.m ; . . . . . . . . . . . Express. . . . . . . . . . . 9:4Oaumm : 4:3pun.Umk. : lulls , Mont. & i'uget Snd lix , : , , : . . . . . . . . . . . ) 1xpres * . . . . . . . . . . . 4Outnm : 7O.il'mmu. : .Nebr.msima Local ( except itundmmy ) . . I :4.iinm 5:1ani..Ilncotn : ! Iocai ( except ttunda.l1:2t4nm : 2:4pmmm. : . .Fitst Mull ( ( or Lmncolo ) d.mti3' . . . 1eaves ummmeAao. miUrtrlNaToN & Q , , rnIvea Omaha Union iRpot , 10th &Mmmsomt SL. Ommiahmu 4:45pm..Chicago : Vettbimle. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . } xpresM. . . . . . . . . . . 4 : Ipm 7pmim. : . Chicago 8. it. Louts lpres. . . 8UO.mrmm : 113lamn..miClflo .1 Unctiomm Loc.mi. . . . . . . 5Opmmm : F'mmat Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4mm : IsavestClIICAC.O. MImI. & ST. I'AUL.lArrtv , , 0mnaiua1Uummofl1)e10I , 10th & Mason $ tS.j Omaha COOmim. : . . . . . . . . . .ChIcago Llmmmmted. . . . . . . . . . . 9 : Cum 1l:3Oam..Cimtcago : 1X1)t35 ( CX , tftmntiay ) . . . 52iimn Leavta cmimcOo & NOI1TII\'EST'N. ArrIves OmnatiaUnton memdt , aotmm & Mammontlts. Omaha 10:40am..isstern : Express. . . . . . . . . . . 0:30mm : 4 : ) . . . . . . . . . . i LIct ' ci . , , , . . , , . . C 2)am GO5ain..Sin. : Valley . . . . . . . . . . : , 5:45pm..Omnimima ChIcago tOpeclal. . . . . . . l:1pna : Leaves ChICAGO , It. I. & 1'ACIF'mC , , trrlv. a Omaha UnIon Iei'ot , 10th & Mnsomm iOta. Omaha JIAST , 11:20am. : . Atlantic nimniress ( cx. Sunday ) . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . I'xproemu. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:21am : 4:40pm. : . . ChIcago \'emmttbuit'I Ltnmited. . S'1lST. Cltpmu.Omciahiommu& : Texas Er. ( cx. Smnmj.i6:3aun : 1:40imn..Colorado : LtmnItd. . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm : Leaves C. , ST. 1' . , M. & 0. iArrlves Ommiaha Depot , ltim mimiC Webster Sta. I Oniatua Sullani. . . .IIIoux City Accommodation. . . , SlSpnm : i2:2nm. : . .Smoux CIty m'mcprcss ( ox. ilium. ) . . .i1iam : : . . . . . . . . . . l'tui Linmite I. . . . . . . . . . Leaves F. , II. & MO.'ALtEY , IAnrIws Omnatma Depot. ittim and Webster ltta.Ioomahit : . . . . . . . . ' Mali mini Express. . . . . . . 4pmum 2iOInm.or. : , ( Sat. ) V'o , Er , ( cx. , Iun. ) 4l'rinl : 9:0aun. : . .Norotk Express ( cx. $ uniiay ) . .10lOmmim : : . . . . . . . . . . . I'aut I'xpress. : . . . . . . . . . 9:2mmmmm : Leaves K. C , , ItT. .7. & ( ' . I. tArnives Omaha Union Depot , 10th & tmtson Sta.i Omaha th&Oam. . . , Iammsims CIty Day Exprem. . . . . . 5litpmn : iI:4Im.IC.C. : NIght Er. vimu U. l''Iu'nn3 , GOammm : Leaves i MIiOOtJItI I'ACIFICiArrIyes OmnahahIe,1lhmmmnd'etter tOts. I Omiahma : . . . . . . . . . . , Inuls Iismresa. . . . . . . . . . 6OOarn : 9:30pm..t : , Louis Expre. * . . . . . . . . . . COtpm : 3:3mmn..Nebraska : Local ( cx , Sun.,9:00mmrmi ) Leaves I SIOtX lTY&1'ACiFIC7iui3 Omlihimi Depot , hum end Wehbter Mui. I Omaha G:1Ommn..I. : i'aui Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IiveT"ti1OIYX CiTY RZ i'ACII.'IC.IArrIypg OmnhmhialUnlon lepot , hitlm & Mmuion Hts.i Omahm.m COOamn..iou : City ' . . . . . . . . . : ' , : . . . . . . . . . . , l'aui 1mmutei..12:3prn : 1eaves UNIONI'ACII'ft' , IArrirci Ouumaima UnIon hepot , hum & Mason Hts.i Omnmmha 9:45am..ifearney : Exitresa..12:50pm : 2Oopuim..Overlan4 : C'I'cr. . . . . . . . . . . . Sltprmm : 2OOpmhieat'ce : & Ittromuist'mr cx. ( sx. Sun..i2Sopmmi : 7:00pm..deltto : : . . . . . . . . . . . . : :4pnmm. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1"ist MamI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4lQiim : Leaves WAImASII ItAl IWAY. I Arniu'ei Omaha Union Ijemiot. 10th & Maion SIs.i Omaha 4:00pm : , , , , , , . , St. Louis Canon 11.41 - - - - II . . ' - . wc send the , mrrrchona } 'rirh I ii J n si lienety CMTUOU ri''o , cmlii a C j'VI L. Fl legal ouarammmoothatcaiTmmoa . 'iiItl - ? ' j 11 'M - Use and a.v r/.naUftd , U r , AOdr. , ' , VON MOtH. . CO , Lre CIIATTIII. MOItTGAC'E SALE. N. Ii. 1"nlcomier's 5100mm. \Vhmeroai ; , 0mm time l4tim day of October , 1895 , Natimmiiaeh II. Fmulcommer gave a clmmuttel molt- gage to time Omminlma NatIonal immummk In the mmummm of $ at,519.67 : tliCum time followIng do. iteribed goods mind cimattelmi , to-wit : 'rime entire strek of mhry goods anti nier- clmmumidimue consimsttmmg chmicmly of silks , velvetmi , d roaN jootI 4 , II miii mgs , I I mmemms , simeuti 1mg , hdmt nk- oh' , domestics , trimmings , nt goomle , miotionmi , sotp : , imermmmmiery , rilhomms , books , stmmtiommery , gemmts' ( um'mmisimimmg goouis , imoiery , fur goods rugs , drmmpem ics , ciurtuimme , cumntmmimm pu'ie iixtmmres , mmd toys ; milso mmli show cases , muimolving , coummmtt' , ii imnd fixtumm'es , nimul oIllc Iumrnitmmru commsisttmm , nIotl ) ' of tin iron safe tiles , , ieaica , cimimirms , CiurIC't nmmd curtmuinmi , mmmii mull other cimmmttels of every kInd nnml chmmirac- 5cr , owmmed by said N. B. Fnhcommer , mund comm. ta I mm i'd 1mm thu t It ree-stom. ' mm mmml hmtst'nmon brick juiimhing numnbereil 150.1507 mtumml 1503 lougimus street , 1mm time city of Omnahmn , No- brmtsha and nil other personal property anti mnerciimmniiise carried In stock mit time abuvo n.tmmied ImlOeC upmimm which thmero Iii now duo the smmmmu of 23,5l9.(7 , mimmul imuuomm wimicim there will hecomue dumu October 18th , 1895 , the aunt ( if 112,000.00 ; October 26 , 189 , , time HUm O $ SMI'At.i0 ; Noveunhn'r 18 , ISI5. thu sumip of 15,000.00 and 1)ccemnimc'm' 16 , 1895 , time sum of $ IIL000.0 ; nnii \Vheremumu , On the aaqme day 501(1 ( Nmmtlmmunieh II. F'alcommer also gave cim'attel mnortgmuges upon time emmnme descrIbed goods ammO chattu'ls to the following mmmcd Persons In time mumnoumumts following time names of time mort. gagees to-wIt : Tmu imristiuuu Fnlconer in the sum of $2,210.00 , all of wimicim Is now mimme , 'ro Itobert Fmmlconer anti Thmourmus : Falconer , doimig humsiness mmmi Faiconer Bros. , in the stmni of $7,250.00. wIth Interest from July 3rd 1895 , at 10 per cent iter annum , nh ot wimich is now dime. 'I'o time 1Cilpatrl'lt-KnCh Dry Goods corn- pany in time mmmliii of $ r,5Sk32 , all of which Is mmiv (1mm e , vltit I ii t.'reat. To 'i'him' 1m. ' . l'tmh.Itsiming romiunny In time still' of 2,0i6.7i , $128.21 of vimien itt mlue , nnd upon wimlch there s'it U" cimmo I ) ctohter , 22mi , 185. the etumn of Si1S.7i , tiovcmntmer 0th 1895 , limo * 41mm of $722.57 ; Nmmvemht.r iltt. ht9j , tIme Ruin ( If $ I.I3.60 : 1)cccummjtmr tthm , i9.i , the umumn of $7l9.Tm. To thmoVorlmI l'uhdishmlng conmm'mmny the summu 01' $795.41. umpon svhichm there wIll iii' iuo No- vomimber 15th , 1805 , tlmo * mtimn or 19LIr , antI Decemni'er l2thm. 1SOS , inc eumn of $ : :93.fm5. : Hitch of maul mortgages mermtionr'l after that at time Onmaha National hmtnk beIng su hmject to time mortgage of time said lammk , mind eaclm of ymuid mnortgmiges beIng sumbjeat to nil timat pnicomle It in tht notice , each of imaimi nmortgdigea being filed In the county clerk's othhce of Douglas count ) ' , Nebraska , oil the 11th tIny of October , 1895 ; mmmiii Wimeredis , Said Onimmlma National himmik anti Paid othmer mortgageeiu are in IbM se salon of mitild 'hock and mimmmttvia mmhiove mlemmcrlbed ; and \Vheremims , Defimmuit iimmmu been innmle 1mm limo conditioums contntnc'ml iii salti mumortgmmgeum , anti no stilt or itrceeei'uiing im.ms upon immatituteti to recover time debt seemmreil imy saul mnontgagees or any part tlmereul ; mmmii Whereas , Said mnortgnges give nuithority to sell saul stock to PitY time amnoummt due or to become due , mmow , Therefore Notice is lmnreims' given that tiu understgmieif mnortgagees will t'1l all of thmo abOve mltm'cniheil property mit ttmo building lately occuplemh by smuld mutimaumim'l It. F'ai. commer as imIS store , towut. Nos. 1505.1507 mind 1509 Douglas street , in the city of Ommiimmu , Nebraska. ( in Friday , the Stim tiny of No. vemnbor , 1SD5 , at l o'clock In limo forenoon of smuid ilmiy , mit iultlhtO auction to time hIghest bimbler timeretor In ( 'tisim , mmmiii that thu pro- coilmi timereof wIll hmo mmppilel to time payment - mont or .mttil mnortguges In the order of their priority. Dated , October 18th. 1595. ( ) M/miIA NA'riONAIj BANK , By hall , McCumllncim & Ciarkson , Attorneys. ClIltiS'l'iNA , FAICONFIII , F'AIA'ONi'lt lImtoTiiIcnn. KILI'ATiSICI'C , KOCh lIt' (1001)3 CO. , 1I' lCemmime'iy& Lourneil , Attorneys , TIlE h1I'l PUIILIIRIINO COM I'ANY , liy N. P. F'etl , Ibis. Mien , WORLD l'PrllIMIIINO COMI'ON , fly 0 , M. fIlIehcnck'l'rnL O'18d'21-t-m.'s