_ _ - - - - - - _ - r - I .0 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ TilE OMAhA \ DAILY lUJB : inJAY , , OC1'OnBR 35 ; , 181 > ; ) . - - - CO i\IIE1U11I \ \ , AND FINAXCIAL Dronth Damage Reports \ Sc.'el1 tIm Wheatt _ Shorts Ycslcrt1ay TIIAT . CEREAL SIfOWED MUCII STRENGTH I I - - - Corn " ' Jl " Plllrl , . , \c..c. . . . for the : 'i.11I'- ' I I I' " II , . :110111" : , bill I I'rg.c- I tUI IJ"hc'r fur I tilt , I IUU I c. I - c11IcGo . Oct 21.-Droulh damage rc ports lul'ed the whent shorts today . nnd , Deccmuer cosell ( c higher. May corn ' nlned % \ c. May ontl.e \ and Ilrovllons made I sAht ) nIvances. Whcnt showed decided itrcngtti. Trade was not active. but the moderate oferlngf ; . were relll ) ' ahsorhed. The prlnclpnl factor was the continued dry wenther : there his been no rain of consCluence } 'et , nnll little algn of any Dnmnge p\tehes : uelnn to come In . and I seems , Probable ) that they will Increll ( both In numher rind serious- I ness until the sllunton If I cleved by mol & t" ' , ure. 'fhe firmiless In the I utulcln mnr- Irmness ! kels and the slight mVIUI'O nl I.h.fool. ns ! wcl 11 In 10mB of the contnenlnl tnntkQt ohio helped to holll time Uarket Irm hy aaflil. 1 ' Ing shorts lo co'er sllllltng In\eslment , buying Iml ehecl111 the crcalouf /ew I short lines. In 1 general way however . , trade vas light In volume , 111 whlo CllHhY wns ! elug "ore wheal through ' : lircilcerti , ) thc coininisiun IHses werp on time ! Imylng stile ! a rule . IlleaUng 'Ihat t Ih country WI getting more fnvorlblo Iu tIme long Hhle. lPceImIiwr Iold early nt COI'U to 70'.0 Ipli. Iml'l ' U\II gradually ' .10 tile euced , oft to r1 e. nail , nt lon Wlt II 6Gc. May I Haiti nt ( roam GIe to wc , casing off to CPio. . 'rho market l1slmel a Ilronger tone dl.fnA I the last hour . heleI cables anti more droulh I I news being tIme fuctomi' . atl shorts the , active hu'crl. ] ccelLer Hold up to GP/IC , I I cased off to Gle mind cloqel thero. Corn was fairly active for the near hy : 1 ! months and I 4c to 'e higher for the remote : I and May also hardened I traction. 'rher II ' dill n good deal of covering hy shortia . and I 1 , 110 1 contnuance of time brisk shiliilng ' d- , I I nlnd , n/ll with only moderate receIpt nlHI the Ilr.nth In when I Irmnes was the rule. ! May Hohl lt 21.0 to ZThc . and October nt from 31c to 3l\2C. \ Oats Inlet \ul firm being InOuene.l 1 good dpnl by the slrenAlh In corn and when May sold at 200 to 20i'0 and closell al 2 c. l'rovti.Ions averaged , a shnte Ormer nnll higher on n quite mOlh'rlo nmolnl of husl- /ess. Compar,1 with Ihp previous , da1 cloplng the gulnf are 2lc each In pork lard Inl ribs. Jog receipts were 30.0 head nHI tim higher 11'lcug 01 the } 'aiia caused the hirmer feehIn . Irmer feelng. Nstmnlcs for 'rhlav : " Wheat O ears ; hiad. corn , 340 curs ; oatt , 231 cars : hogs 2.00 The lending futures ranged n ! follows ; Artlclei. I Open. I 111gb. I 1,01. I l Wpn. ) , No.2 S Oct . . . . tOW \ CO ! ( ttm ; 60 ' ] . ( . . . . . tu' , ! ' Gmt * 61h oi Gll 11 May. ! . . . 64J ) ( ' ' t O4 66 Corn . No 2. ! G4J ; Oct . . . . . . 81'4 ' :1" : : IU 6114 Nov . . . . : H31 ) 8 : W' ( ) : mH.J' Dec . . . . 2ht ! 21" 21 ! ( 25Mt14 May. : . . . 2Un 2U" 2614 2U ? ( OItN. No.2. ? Oct. . . . . . IS ! ( 11 ! ( iI ( 1814 Dlc . . . . lR ; 18" 1 ! ! 18\ May . . . . . ? 'Oj ' 2UU 11J. 11 ! I'ormm , per bId 201 l'orkllcrlll Ot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 Jaii. . . . . . 025 ft J7II 0 214 I ) 2 MI . . . . . 0 55 I :7 M 1 2\ ! 1 ) 55 LnnlIUU lbi ! : I Oct. . . . II . 6 I 55i" 6 56 . 6 6t Jnn . . . . . . 571 ( ) . / 72' . 671 ) r 72 % 1n.\ ; . . . . 5 b714 ! 6 UO ) 6 ! 7 % / 72' Short ltflns- . Iba- Oct. . . . . . 4 0714 .1 6714 4 07 % 4 tm7 % Jan. . . . . . . . 4U7 % 47t 17 4171 4 m3714 ! _ Slay. . . . . . . 4 H7 ! 4 14714 4 ! i % 4 871 . Cash quotntlon . were ns follows : . PLOt1L-Smeac1y ; wlnt'r folowa ltenls , $ ,50'3.5 ' ) : winter stiziigiit . $2.S343.2O $ . l ol'lllhls. : < : : sprIng t1atCflt $1.15 t f3.5 30. : oprllg strnigmit . $ 2.tJ3.1o ! : bakers . $ j.9 S vhmiT-n. 2 . tOTG1o . . r WII'AT-'o. > prlnl. : No. 3 sprIng , , t9nI ) ! e : Nu. 2 red ' . r1Glc i. . 2tc. COJLN-No. 2. 3I % 32\.e \ , No. 3 yellow. 31\ @ ' t OATS-No. 2. 1S'4c : No. 2 whIte . 2o)12m'c : . No.3 \ hilme . 18'tJ ! * c. ItVl-No. 2. 3S' ( , 1t1tl.FY-No. 2. nomInal : No. 3. 2GU40c , No. ' . 23ft 311. l"I.AX HII'-No. I. 924c. ! , 02\c. TItTI i Y HII-I'rlll $3.5. CI.O\ ' : RIII-$3,00I 3.C5. I'IIOVISIONS-Me.ss 11011 ( . pi'r ibi. , . $ S.173 ? .2 : Lard , per 31)1) ) ) its. , , $5.STttS.C0. Short ribs sldea (0001) ( . $4.Ott1.3. Dry saiel ( Ahnuhlers oale.1 t ( bixeit } . i7t35.&O. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , I $5,121.ft5.2 " I 18KV-Distillers' fnished goods , per gal. , . ' 1.22. ; i'tI.Tmtv-mmnrket easier : turkeys . 8@Sie ! ; ' CtiIctefl. 5'Sc ; .ltmcks S ! < 9\c. ) lmU'rrElt-Alarket Iln ; creamery . 0@20c : dairy , 8 % mSc. ' I 'fh8 following were the receipts and shlpmenls ! today : Atticic. - Heeelpl8. Shlpmen\ } lour , bW . . . . . = 7. 14,000 Wheat ; . . . : . , ) 14 Corn . bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210UUO . 410UO . 05tH. bIt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 171uUO , ) 274,000 lye bit. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' . . :1,001 t.uoo ) ) 27.UOO . Ual'I , bit. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 10.00U 2U.000 On the PraJloo Olehal o toilay the butter lION ket wn f111 ; eroat r1. OU2Oo : ilairy . O mar . I Eggs . tirmu ; 117 Cheese . 4M1c. < Glto. . OMAhA GI'SI'IAL 3IAItICT. Condition of Trullc and qloCIUon" 01 Shllle Ind F'uimcy I'romtmiee. Spring chickens ore not ' millIe so Illenty and are off little mote treol . Quotations moving or n Ite mOIl ) Quotalons : EGGS-Strictly fresh slock. hier doz. . ICe. DUTTUH-lacklno Btock 1e : choice la fancy I counlry. 1.lle : gathered creamery , IHHOe : sep arator creat ry. 20t21c. , VEAI.Cholce tal. 10 10 10 Ils , . era quoted at 6f61c : large anti coa'.p. ' 41j6c. ChiIESi-Iomestio brick 1.e : Edam. per Ooz" $ .O : Club house , 1 lb. jams per lloz. . $ .G , Limburger , fancy eer It' . . 1m14c : itoquefort ! . .Ib. : jama. per ttuz. 1.3.60. ' Young Americas , M.c , ; Zlol } 'rwlns . fancy , lOc. : I i.tvmi 10UI:1UY-Uen. . 6f6'e : t'oisters 3e : sprIng chickenS . Ier ; , Ib" 6'U7e : . .Iuels.Hlc \ , spring ducIc . 7tjsc ; tuoke ) ' . . btj9c , geese , \Hlc . . l'lUlON8-1'er doz. , $ m,000i.25. $ .0(1.25. HA Y-Upllnd 16 ; intillajid. $ ; .W : 10wlonl. $5 : ; rye strew . u,5 : color nm.es Ihe price on hon ; : Ihel prlc. bale s.1he b.sl. Only top grades bring 1100 : COnN-New crop. delYer d on track In COlnlry , choice green s.lt-worklng carpel. per lb. . 2W2'c , choIce green 'unnlng ta hurl. 2nl , ; common. 314c. ( AM11-l'rairie ehiclcena. young. per doz. . 15 : prairie chlc" ns , old . $3.001j3,50 : quail . Sl,75tJ,0) , I. jack .al\ , . . 1.0 : golden II'e15c : Jack rb , bits. per .Ioz. . 12.0f3.o : small rabbits . fl : mnal- lord dtmckv . $ : reilii'ada $ : can\'nsba'k I ducka . U.0@6.o ) : trill. Illuu wing $ .75 : teal . green wing " ' 01. $1.50 : mlxe,1 ducka. $ ) : deer miaddlea. tUI6 : deer carcoss.s. 1ifl3u ! : e'k ' saildies ito : tlk emircassea . le , anl.lol' .addles , l&e : antelope carcasses 110. lc. - \'lOUTAnLES. . FIPANISII ONIONS-i'er . . RPANISI ONINS-l'l'r crie. 6CGc. . n : ANS-lnnl.plck.1 navy , per bu. , .1@I.SO. . i'OTATO-Cimnice ) atoctc 2c. $ : HWI'IT : l'OTATOES-Chlocs stock $1.50 per bbl. $ bbl.ONINSHome grown 2O3Oc . 2(30c. CAmItiAOL-On ordera. crated. per 10 lb. . . l5ctfl 1 . 00. TOMATO : H-Nolhlnl doing. W A TI't 1 I'.ONH-None. C1'.tlltY-Cholcp stock . large No.1. 40fHc : : large No.2. 35c : Inferior. 253Qc. CANT AI.Olll S-None. { J.lll ltFNS-I'er lb. . 5 'c. WATEI CnESSPer 16-ql. case $ .W. FI1UITC. POM : GtAN A TIS-None. : ! CAI.IFOI1NIA Q1NCISPer box. . $ .50. CAIIF'OIINIA 1'IAIlt4-No larteUs .ut.bia % fr almipping ; other varieties I . $2. sul.\blo $ 'fol t'htUN1S-None. lUAIO t'hAiti4-i'er ca.e. $2. cnANtliltn1mm3-cimpo . : Cud. per Lbl. . $ 00S.t5. AI.MlmtlA : ( HAll S-ler GO-lb. bld , $ OS,1. EAST : tN altAl'lS-Ncw York Concords , p. ' basket : /12c : 25 baskel lols. 23c. CAI.U'OHNIA GHAlgS-Toka's. per double case $3. 3'IAM8-None. tOIVI'lllttN ( " l'nACIIF.S-None. Ho tIN IFACIFS-None. A1'l'I.IS-Jnnnthtana . $ .W : choice shipping Iloek. hhls. . $ : W : cooking apples $2.25. ( \.IOINIA j'lAChIl-None. N1C'F , \ itlNlt4-None. TtOllCAL FRUITS. OIANOFRexlcons. I.er box. 15. 1.tZiIONLt-M.'ialsta lemons. 15W , CalifornIa . 'I 15.50417.00. lmons. S.o Calrornla. ll'.NANtl-Choice large .Iock. per bunch , 13. I mpdlum .1P t.tmneliea. $1.71. : 1'INiAPI'IJ'.8-None. ItDI'S AND TAJ.LOW. The ChleoKo Shoe unit Leather Review ca ) ' " 6) that the market on country hhles 18 eviilentiy on e\'hl.nty the do\n gr < e. hitIers ( lie not tilenmilimi nail tIme iiealerm appear ' anxious lu .11 their hides. It cannot be 1hl there are large sloek. but holder , el'm 10 ( 'olre 10 turn their capItal quicklY. 'rite kill at counti ) ' tinInta I iii rt'portcd very light ( lii. I.o I. and ul lisa than the usual lr' la\ftVI \ of I\I : : I. oblalnable. Thl only recent auto ot flute WIS Dne or 3.0) bur hides . 10 n Milwaukee tanner al ' % c. H several Iu , ) . \ ere In enter time market Dn time .nme .Ia ) ' the effect would be Instantly ' 'no A. a malUr ot fact . the lat.tcal In.lalt . lon I. one ot slr.nglh. hut owing to Ihe un.el led condition of the leather muk.t : the lannl'r refuse 10 buy nnl the hide ticalera hl\e no : uurgo 10 hohl hack for Ihe InNun.1 deman.l hal ( wilt com"hel Ih . leater trade becemne. brisk again. Quotations : , 1IH $ - No. 1 green hhle. SHc : Na. 3 green : hides . 44j0 : No. 1 green sll"l hides . 1c ; No. 2 i J..n stilted titles. C ; Nu. I groom sle hides. z 10 40 Iba. . 7e : No. 3 "IMI "led hid. to : tG lb. 6e ; No 1 \ll calf. 8 10 1 it. I . . . Oc . : 5o. 2 \al calf. 8 10 U lbs. . 7" , No.1 dry flint ' Imidea , UiS : No 2 dry .tnl . hides. 9li , No.1 dry Ile1 hides GliDe : part cured hid. 14c per lwunit p less titan fully etmre.i . \c < Hllli1' ; " ' : I.T $ -G.ecn . .a I I'd. each : H1C : rrttn salted .hurllga ( . .hlroiN early skins ) . rant 15c , dry silt'drlirmgll ( short woolc.l Qrly , klol ) . No. I. ctielt . IO , dry atmearlings ( short wole1 farly skin . ) . 3'o. I. each 6 : dry glInt Kall and Nebraska butcher wool Delta , pe lb. , aelU weIght , & Q'i ; drr flint - I I IAn'LO 1l 1 .n.1 N. hr"kl ) ? ildrnl I " : ; wool hells . her I l b. . u ic 1 I Wnl.ht. " I HI. , ' . .Ir ) ' ii tnt ( 'ol < . rn\'o \ ' bn".ler \ i , 11..1. . . per 11. , . 1111 Inl it . 4Cl6toi'i I I I bt ry tl"l 1010.,1. M Iurlull ts 001 . .1. I Per , IG. I lelu..1 , . ti " ' i'liItI ' " I'i ' : 'v ti ; ) iICOg , and bleka , ncluAI 1.1..1 , 2I , . " . Hi \ 'a t C..I rllt oil , : I Is u.e l ess 10 I" , ' ) ' rretIt 'n Ihetm. 'r.\t.1 II I . \NI liii r ; \ , ii-'r.ii..w No. 1 , Ie ; t allow N. , . : . 31' : 'JI . \tl-'r.JI" whl . al4c , grease , whls II. : : : gr.s , . , . ) ' CUOW : y.c ; grease . Ir.n.p c.k. 2t lc : "le baits , ' . l12" , : ; b.un'Ix. prime . 1(1cl I 1.111 tnllaw. ( % . ' . loN ( ! : ! -ttt . 1'1I ! " . w. : " hc.d nail delivered In 1 Cllrlvi lt , lioftale , pc' : ' twi . 112.Gel.0 ; : dry rnlry , lice-Iir"l. ! I'N tim . Imu.0ti l2.u' : try $ o.Otl.I II c"ultr ? , , hnp ; r.n,1 mealr n. , ' I'l , $ . ) ! . ) . cI G.If.O . \\'OOInwA.h.e , fine ) . 'av ) ' . 'Inci titLe light . .fl'e : quol.r bo.s I , IIVIIC ( ; seedy . "liT ) ' and thoty , SfDe ; cled ( Iirokefl coarse . 7i9cl cothl nll hirnhten ant . r.CSc. I'Jeece wa.mtmcd- Meihiltnt. . "rltnh ; Ile. . 1143mb : luh \Mhed , 16" 1 tp t : JH'k. G c : bucks It ; lAg lock. 213e : deal pul , ' . iijCo. ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iu . & : Nn.flNo. I 2 3 1c. - ' \ I ± I < 'ILlm'l II . . ' - I - h lhiit- : I. llak 1\- . . . . . . . . 1211. S 150 1 8mO $ - : I GO IllACk I Yciirhing. . 12 . I 1000 1 0 7 0 30 ( lack lI l Cuba. . , . . . S G tO 60 ) 2 O Cf 5t IAck Montana < mack Mounloln Montana . . . 1(22 1 0 IG 0 IG 0 t 0 Yenrlnl' . . . . 12 I ) 80 60 60 2W Jack Montana Cuba . . : . . . . . .C Gr. 4&0 3 ( 400 2 0) , ) Slh'er ' .Ip , . . . . 200 . 10 80) ) 90 40) I RII'.r Tip 'rlgs . I 01 S ( ) 6 0 5 ( ' 2 M I iht'er Tip Cub. , C ( ( 4 5 3 ( ) 3 0 1 CO Irown ! . . . . . . 2'mz ' ) : 10 1 ( j 120 1 0 50 YC \lrlnll . . . . ' 10i12 80 GO 80 400 Cubs . . . . . . . 10 50 30 4 ( 20) l lailger , ' . lQI & 0 6) ' ) P1 ) tO . . . . . t & ro 1.'loher . . . . . . . { 8 OJ 60 40 40 21 F ox- .S liver ( accordIng . 10 bnuty ) , . . . 100 00 GO ( ) 40 0 30 00 lilt' S ilver I'aie ( no- . 'Slvo Inle AU "rd'g " 10 Iea'y ) 54) ' I ) MO . 2100 1 : : ; ' . ) GO C io . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( 300 : m 200 15 ) 10 I.1 . . . . . . . . . 70 ! 12 : 1 ( ) V : , 2 Iry . . . . . . . 7 : 50 40 : It 1 1,1 . . . . . . . . . . . .7 40 31) 21 ) 10 . 6 I.nl ( . . . . . . . . . .50 ( 21) ) 1& ) 1 : 5 MortOn . : . . . . . .3 0' ) 1 r. 100 IO ) ) r ) Mink . ' . . . . . .2 Of'5 . 4 : : 10 lloullnln Mimmk ) ark . . 1.lun. . . . : G : 4 : 20 10 . 4herfcct f ht'\1 . ferI' , fee . ) . . . . \ . H12 Ollr . . . . . . . SI 65' 7 501) 40 20 Opr l'ale..7 iO ) Cf ' ) 40) ) 30 15 raecoan . . . . . . M170 6 3. 20 10 Raccoon Ilac , fiA ( In beauty ) . og 2 p g uNl- . Jnk. AI LNK- clscd. . . 1 2 : 7. 5 5 2 Kho , t cased..1 OO 70 4. 4' ' ) 2) ) Narrow stripe , ) . . 5 40 : : 20 10 Htrll'c,1. . l IrormO lrll.I. , . . 2)623 ) . . 2 Broot . . . . . 4 1) ) 30 .2 ( 20 100 Wolf . MoilnitlIn. . . . .I 31)1 ( ) 2 01 I 1 tI ) 75 43 ' Welt Irlrl . . . G03I O ) & 4 20 10 h eaver . let skin , 5th G 4 r , ) 2 00 4 , 2 00 I'I l Illvr. J { . 1M. . , . 2 0) I 5 ni W 2 ; M ' K Kits..2 t 11 1.TS . . . . . . Wlnu'r . . . . . . . . ( 9 .7 1.11 . . . . . . . . 7 6 I ; JiL-.2 ! . 3 : SSID smEwrLI. il BEEII.lglteSeel1 sicOl a , 400 to 600 Ibs. . 4 ire 413o : god eons "nil hetel , H.ic , ledlum : cows timid hielfeiL 41.U4e : good foiequart'rs cows and htelfers . 3144140 , 100,1 hlldc\u.1 tels cows and talc iiiiilrtUIiteiS and cows hcllel 614117c ! : fal' hlldqul Icl ticifers. : &C ; ; cow rounds. 4'43c : cow chucks , hlrers 3J3I5c \ ; steer chucks 3t4j4c ' : beet tenderloil' . 3ff\ie . 10c : fresh , Ito : beef tILIs . boneless , SI"C ' ; sirloin butts. bonele.s. 8'e ; loin bacics boacceo : E'"e , 1011 tacks " . G'he ; cow .Ibs. No. 3. G'c , cow I lla , No.3. 1.c ! ; steer ribs , 71e , steer Ioltms . 9c. MUTTON-Dressell mutton . 6c : racks mutton . 5c , legs inuttott . ie : cuddles mutton . 1c : S\c . . 2'te. m'OtiK-'I'ormC loins Ec : spare ribs : c : pOlk 10IK-Porl . ( . : Iote mshnuhiitrs Fklnle . Gc : I.nderlolns , 150 : p ci' reel , cleaned. per doz . 3e. 5thSCRLLANiOUS. In spite of the large offerings ot Ihes 01 auction during the mast week on,1 the conshlemble quan- i titY In la.1 slut unsold says the New York I Journal or ! Comitlerce the market Ins taken on 1 Irmer tone which . can l. IUrlbulcil chiefly to this rilhillity wih which ( tie stock oCren',1 II auc- Iphll thin WISaken up fir .hIIUnen to all harts of the country. WIS Last \\Jneala , enc or Ihe la.gcot held New York Wen nuctiolt sites or Ila Her hee In ( aucton most .all'ln ; mAnner 10 Ihe ituliorters or the Illeea ! reailzeil , . whIle low W f Ilch b.tter lhan could hlve been Inlcpaled In view . thin very Iteavy 1.IVlls. and the l'm"I'ct ot hat go lots stilt lu cattle. 'fhe hhllng wits 8plr. lalle itt Ume. ( 'ables just lecelved ( tutu Hm'rn\ are 10 the effect that the low prl'ca .ealzl',1 . a.e tin the earlier Hhlpmenl . the heAVlll'"S or whileb 01 \vits largely dup Iu time operations ot alleculn WI toll have \ I milehlell the Tut ice 10 .llp SIlnl fruIt 10 thus market for the presenl. This action of till . ahthllers ' was Inlhwneed In part le least , , ' . tiy Ihe fitct hint time according to some t l"rlo. ) Clet ohort < shllmenls tl gnglal,1 : , during thin perlo,1 ot large shlpmenlA 10 the Unied States has caused atm ! IIh'once there which wi naturally have the effect ot Inducing "hl\II'.IS \ ' 10 turn heir tittizi- toil 10 thin .upplyln or the Ing1Ish market . In l'rcCerence ' to betiding ! goods here unll tirlees un IhlA site hay" shown further Inp"o\'cm " nl. A cl\.I" \ ( nun l.h'erpool IlurelY morl.I reporlell ' 4. . The list ailvle'eS , fiotit ' an 1'ance of alyles trm SI'ta Inilicitte that thin crop has nit lur",1 Olt to be as large lS was i'xlii'ct'il. nne thaI 0" tar time re- celpls itt Rlyrnl have falen fully 5.0 bails ' lecelved for the . below the quanUI C.r eorr.splllnl period last ) . "ho Inllors nr Sm'rn Ila nt New York 10 ibm from the hellnnlnl ot the SI.C"1 amount In roun.1 nUlbers 10 12.01 eases ( ant 2iOy ) hogs , 1IIInsi GSO canes ant 10C bags 10 thin corre.pondlng 11erl01 last ) ear Quotations : OYHTI'HH-pdluns. 15c : horsesliocti 200exlil \ slanlarda , 23c : exlr selects 25e : cun'lJny so. bets . 27e : New York countd 30c , slantdrd bulk. per gal. . $1.10. CttI1t-MottS' pure juice. per holt bbi , $ .75. HONEY-NalYI white clover lc : choice alack , 13c. Ic.SAUFn KIIAUT-l'tt bbl. , $ .0U3.5 : halt bbl. . 11.75412.00. $ JtsOAlmond. . , 1c ; Englsh walnuts . soft- shelled. lie : standards lIe : filberts . 9c : Brnzl Outs. So : pecans. Oc : peanuts , raw. 5i,5$6c , iinstd. 7.e ! : chestnuts. l7c. 5116c MAPIiI SynUP-Flv..gal. cans. $3 : gal. can. . IAPII' . . s2 : 14-gal. cans. . $6.25 : quart cans. 3.75. . 'IGS-New crop California . 10-lb. boxes , per lb. . 12\'c. \ Conlon CalifornIa figs . 60-lb. boxes G',4e. _ _ _ _ _ _ SI. 1.lnll" Gcrierni : Marlct RT. LO1YI. Oct 24.-FLOUR-Firm . but quiet : talents . $3.:13.3 ; extra roncy $3.00413.l0 : tone ) ' . $3.75412.05 : choIce . 12.t51.2,65. WIIAT-I"llrIY active . Irm and liiglter. Intel became quiet ant weaker on heavy receipts but closeil higher titan ) 'eslerdlY : No. 2 red cash & 3ic ! : Hel'emher , 2.c ! : May . C6"e. COltN-Strung. hut 111111 . largely In sympathy with "hent : No. 2 mixeil cash ) 21.c ! , Decem- her . 20.c : Slay . W2C.c. ! ors-ltronger , with an upwnr,1 Inclination , Nn 2 . cash 17e : lecember , ISc , May . 20 .c. htYt-Flrmner ; 31c. COHN MlLI.-l.45t1L55. ItAN-Hlroll nul higher ; In gd demand : .0ck.I. east truck , 52fl.21"c. TI IOTIY ! - $ . . . 'mD-$3.20(3.50. hAY-Firmer for gael grades , but not very active : prairie 15,50411.50 : tImothy , $ S.5Om3.5O . silt track. l'OUhTItY-Mnrlct't firm under Inll.ne ot old L weather turkeys Ge , chickens 1 wlalher : G11c , ducks 714cm ! ; geese. Ce. . .epOl' JiUTTfllt-Market steady : creamery , 1641210 : ilairy. Si6c. " : OHorket firm : 10 tar rrpsh. 1.gAD-SlrooKer : In better demand : 83.071441 ' 3.I2t , , 3.1 ; SiII.TI'H-lul and heavy : $ . SO. sellers . 110\'ISIONS-inrk. ! slalulard mess , jotihhng , 86,8)410.6214. Lard . prime .I'om. $ : .4 ; eunice ' ' $5.5G. Itocon . b e,1 sholhl r. ' $67 ; longs ( . I $ : .R7' ; rlh" . 16 : horl. . $6.12t6. 11lC'RIlTc-Fhour. 5,000 hIlls : wheal , 35.0(0 ( bu. : corn . 5.00) 1m. : 0010. 4 .0) hu. . KIIbh'MENPt-Fbour , G.o bhl . , \\heal , 22,000 bu. : . 'urn. 2,0 bu. : oats , 1.0 bu. 2.0 Cul , ' , hhitrict't . NF. \ ' YOlm : , Oct. , " ' : . , NFYOlm 24.-COFFIII-Optbons openeil . , -Op\ona stoaity \ . wih October contracts lit UW hut nail 1)5.23 Isked ant , other monlhl Unehiangeil 10 5 poittts lower. Later Oelnl'r unchAllel1 hirolce "mlricis brle under 1'luhlalon In.1 the general mark lurne,1 very weal : an.1 losl',1 quiet , with October 3 polnla lower nail nllr monlhs MtlO hinints lower : Octiher $5.0 : Decomnhier . $ . 1,7 1"lns : ' . . No. 7. Ilul lit $11.75 , 3ililit. iltill ; Corilova . 810.2141 19.0 : sales . $ ' ) .75 . :111. , , tul . Cunlo$8,2 .I'lveries : j New York yesti'riln' , 65.01 bags : New York lock today , 311.2" bag. ; tnll Stoles slock. 3S3OG3 bags : afloat fur Ihe Inll,1 e iftimies 101,00' I ) bags ; total \'IAlhl. far Ihe United States . 547.963 . 51.9M titiga . agaInst 412.3G bags heat 'ear. HANT08. OCI. 24.-Firtim , : "uo,1 avelage $ anioa . $1.W : r.'cel.ll , 18 24-1"1,1 ) < ) ! , stock : laKe , ( bags . 1AIIIIG. Ocl. 24.-Qulo ot 1 prg decline : sities . 3. ( ) tugs . clne lS. IA11 , : . Oct. 24.-RINUh' , opening ot 1H d. chine , ot noon . 'H aI\lce ; 01 3 P. at. . sleniiy. unch.llt 10 1H a'lvmmne ' , cl0e.1 .lla'h' 1. Aleaey. . ' chungeit 10 \ ttt't ah'ao . . . 11' chanl"II 104 lel ( : sales 14,00' ) hags. 1. ( htt ( ) , Ocl. . . 110 24.-Qulel : No 7 lila . $1 1.70 : cx- , 11 $1.10 e- chOnKt' . 101 ; receipts . 9.0 bas : cleated for the United Statc . 10OO Lags : tor ' : cpaled . . ' ) bags : stock :7,0 Lal8 .0 ba.s . KIINn" Cii ) ' : llrleC" . KANSAS CITY Oct 2i-'iIl'AT-Mar- : . 21.-WIJ AT-\ar- ket active . I"ht hhher : No. 2 bmarcl . r'f5c : No. 2 rot , Ole : rejecle.l hart. . C.ihtN-Mntket utve. slightly hl her : . " No. 5 : mlxell , 2H2\.c ' \ ; No. : whIte , 24W ATS-Iarket firm : No : mIxed , 17c : No : white . 10tlnuly 1Sc. ' HYI'-o. : 2. 3\'C. \ : JI.\X Sgln- : , nrkel Itpa.h' : cash , S2e. IIAY-Tlmothmy . 87.501(11.00 . 7.0. IA i.5\I.0 : prairIe $ S.OO1J 'IiIJTTEIt-Market weaker : creamery . 17 , 121c : dairy . iltilte. I 1OGS--Mitiket 'ery : flrm , Ite. I Toledo Grnll ) lnrlu'II. 'roLmno. 01. 2 . \ \ ' , ' ' TOLlIO 24.-Wtti-IA'l'-illgher : No 2 . en.h 111 ! October 67.e : December..c. . lOIN--cll. hiimrmtr ; No.2 mixed . 33'c ! : No. 3 mlx.t , 3814e : No. 2 ellow . 3Si. OATS-Qulel , lower : No. Z titlxed . 200 : No 2 \hlh' . 22c. . I Y 1-Iul ; cash . 4 : ( t'1t'Elt t'mch'e. . stonily ; prime , cash ) . . ' . ) emit Oct.h r. $ ) 11'lI.t'H-I"lour. : 50. ) hills ' , wheat 4.0 1m. : Carl ; , 1,0.1) bu. ; oats , 2.5) bu. ; clover seed , 620 La" . . SIIIIINTS-'lfur. 1.0 bbls : heal. S.5 bu , ; corn , 1.5 tiu ; cloversoed , 27 b g" . Culun :1nrl.ct. NEW YORK. Ocl. 21.-COTTON--h1aao' : mll- tiling . Slc , net r.el"ls. 6 tale , ; gross . . I.S : bolt's , torwartlel 14 holes , sales , bC bule till spinners , stock 16.14 bales. al NI- : W OI.I\NH. Oct. 21.-COTTON--Quiet ; httiiiithhng , S 5-IG , low ntiddhing. H 1-ICe , good or.lnar ) i"c ; lell > ll. 1.072 halu , gross . 13.131 tales , , ' . . ' . . WS . . , tales 'xpr. ' 'stwIH' : boles , sales : .0 boles : . tuck . 3t.11 bal.s. HT I.OlIH. ( ) et . 24.-COTTON-Quiet : no vales repnrteh , nmiihdlhng . Se ; receipts. S.291 bales reprled 11ldln. , . .P.ls. ' 21 bit : shipments , . .38 bale. ; stock . 11,266 ' .aln. Sugar 3hitrlct't . NIW YOIIIC. Oel :4.-SlOAI-naw. quIet ; fair refining , ' 3\\c \ ; cenrlfulll , 56 test 3So : r. fined , quIet , standard A , 4.e ; conreclOI" . ' , k , t.c ! ; cut loaf , Silo ; arluulal . tc , A rJNION Oct. 2-RUOAJ-Conr. quiet but alpAII ) ' ; ( enlrlrull In\'I. 12s PII Mitsevitilo . fair t'r . ' lnl. 1" ) . ! l. heel . steady . jrlreo fuly 11.11' 18In- ; OloLr. lOs Gl November . lOs 71td. s'rOCIS A1)IlOlM : , nu" I" Irll : ' : ; ; In SecuritIes Con I I ii iicul In I I Hrl'uh'r(1111' , NgW Yohtic . Ocl. 21.-The 'ownwo"t ' move- 1 ; men I In stocks contInued today upon a decided IncrpAso I In the \olume ot 1tisinee.Afentttro . In I the dealings was the liquIdation upon I fairly large l Icale ty actual hollctl , ot securities . who ha\o l become dissatIsfied on acrlnl ot the pro 10ngeI l reactIonary tel\IIC ) ' of the general ls I. The strength ot thin exchange morkct nHmcl,1 unfa\'Olable nttcntbon . Trading was brIsk al the o.ellnl. wIth prices somewhat Irreuhar . London . o.llnl ut international stocks was apparent In the Initial cohnK. lenerl 1..oreal was < eon 11811Ia.d , Ilhough the 1osse . scored Oil nol reAch full figures. The selling movement rul f/ure. .pllnl 101 nb..le,1 and reeo\'c.le / followed xleltnl , 10 1 Tier cent I Leather I.eerred and Consolidate , ) Ua. . Home buying ut the first named for 1011 account was said 10 I" based un tunmots or I visIble sottlenment In the Iealhcr mark1 flithit sellempni 1111 through time nhii'nrption h ) ' Ihe Iruat or Into. Ilelreli tannetle. i , Time early nnnouneemeot of on nlh'ano In the : p"qle,1 tales of exchange by leading drawers to i IS81. and 84.0014 , In,1 a stiffening In Ihe llcp ' for actual business 'Hre cmplo'ed against the niarket Inducing , liquidation . and particularly II MAnhatan anti Tennessee Cool A t'eblt tally followed ohoul noon. , hut , was fen 8ucceedpII by another slul11 , which ins practically unlnler- tUllell up 10 the bust hour. The Imp rlnnl lo..es Were : In Mitnhnthnn . 2' . tier cen ; Lnckawatmna 2t ! per crnl : T.nnp..e l'OIJ. 2 per cent . 11,1 , 2ihlxsouri Ilclfc. l.otmisvihle .ti No.h\'le nail Susquehanna - quehanna & W'sler preerred , li 11cr cent There Were f"elll other declines teehlng full f/ure. Some Aurprloe WOA 1'e.1 01 the weAkles or the anlhrocle coolers . In view or tIme more ravurlble Conditon ot the Industry . Sugar was notably unsteady within Il range "t about 1 tier cent , nail 11,11 n net hiss "lnl" the day ot ohout 3 per Ctlt Arlnll , llh'.ry hour t1e : selling ' 'l'ssure In tIme active list ahole,1 nail cti'erhng of shorts caused a /.neml fractional recover ) ' , Splclioton left oft quiet but olelily at time rallies . Final prices show general net iiisies In mlt Instances fractional . The Increascil Inl- malhn Itt time stock opeculalon .111 nol elpn,1 10 Ihe bon,1 lIst . the dealings being hut normal. The monment or prices , while toward a lower whie hovel did not reveal . any Iplcnl l"ls.ure In 11) ' ot the securities Irlld In. The total sales were .300.WI. ' ) . $ The 1'\nlnl Posl' lnlon , Financial calIe says : Time coin and Iulion In Ihe 1.lk ot In- 1.1,1 , Increo"c,1 tithe WP'k 13IS.01. ) or . which only [ 21.\1 waA gold htnportel. tIme rest cOlln front Ilterlal circulatIon . Thc details ut thin gold /old 10'ement ror Ihe wick arc' , rHs.jO In lint s louKhl. [ HOe Imporlll , trm AustralIa nail 111 , ) ' ) frol Chili , , nail (0.00' exporl',1 10 Cotistniitm- 1II. , . ( IIJ..1 ' 10 Ihe ( 'able 11,1 120O. 10 Argen- unit. The report cabled ) 'r letlla ) ' . aholl the InthFchllls COIIIII In the rescue In I.tls I. practically cOlfrn1d , nail for the mOlenl at least Ilrp,1 thin tIthe. A hlnk Is bellI firmed In Iorls wlh 1 l'oplal ot 12.0'1,01 sterlIng for the liurbiose-cif lacllllnl I I art iitmgeitmenhs al the next hoarse settlement . The ; 'iisition here was mnlerlal ) ' iltilitiie,1 loda . Irl'eA" posiion all hir't- Icr . hut I II still teat..1 lint the settlettii'nt 111- 101. , al time end ot I , , month will .llellnl . . It IA impossible 10 ' . I [ say meanwhile that the panic IA over. , \merleonH were hint onr cloell at Ihe lowest In Mlnors ot 0 further rise II cxch"llc. Tim following wpre Ihe closing quotations on thin leading Stocks ot the New ! York exchange I ' eOn ) : AtchIson . . . i . . 21U. . ' Ph DiU . . . 014 AcHnl : Ix. . . . 15n S"llhwealern. . . I ( mit Ahton. T. 1 . . . . Gn 110 phI " . . . . . . . 1U Attt. ) 'ixmmrcss. . . . . 1 ; N. Y.Cellral. . . . 11)014 ) ) lalllomJOhlo. ( : I ! % . S , 1 , I N. g . . . . 6a Canula : Pacific. . . Ii Onlarlo.t W. . . . I 774 Camula Southern . GMt Oregon Intp. . . . U 14 Central , l'.tcitle. . iThi Orfon Nov. . . . . 23 ! ( hla. .OhiIo. . . . . 11f ' 3. ! . I , U.N. . . U ChlcAo.1lon. . . lts ; : Paeittc Stall . . . . , L'S 1:1 . C. ' . It , kQ. . . . . . . I1. PMltc , F..4 : ( l'hicago GAS. . . . . . 11534 ' : ! l'hlcnAo . rHJ l'lttsbmtrg. . . . . . . IG7 % Consoldoled Gas . un ' , l'tillnimtii l'ahaco . 17114 0. , C. ' C. .t St. L 42 Inlmau . . Ialacl. . . . . . . . . . 11114 gI : Coal . tl : : 4) t W' 0. It { . : : : : : . : : : : : : 17 ! Cotton OIl C"rt. . . 22f n. O. W. ntiI. . . . . 41 Delaware . c 111. lall I 1 Rock "Ct. . . . ( D'I. . I.ack. . W. . 1171 ! I. Ianl. . ' " . . . . 71 D. . H. n. pM . . 521' do pfd. . . . . 121114 I , n.1 C. } . Co . . 2i : SI. < P. pl,1 , , . . , , 42n , . : : 1.1 Omal' . . ErIc' . . . . . . . . 1 : : ! dOj'It. . . , . ' . . . . 122 to lfit. . . . . . . . . 27 'ommthtcrim , t'aeihlo. . 2t ! ' 'orl . . . . . . . er I'aeile. : } Wo.ne. . . 1 ti Sugar Rl'fltmcr } . . Iti3 G. Northern 1,10. . . 19i Tenn Coal " , Iron 115 l C. k I : . I mill . . . . . lUl : ) Texan l'aciilo . Irn . . . :1 10ckln ! Val , . . 21t i 1' . . O. Cenl. ltd. . . I . tlnotH Central . . UI ) Inlol Pacillo . . . 1 3 Pacilo. St. 1' . 3c Dulnth. . 28 U. S , Ecprc.ss . . , , . 42 21 E'llCqq. . K..I'"rll. . . . . :1.1 : W.St L. & 1' . , . . 84 Lake Erho&Vest 22 W St. I. . tc I' , nfii . fl d ( imfil , . . . . . . . 7i \\'oIH } .1 1 } : x. . lS Lalo . Shore. . , . . Ifl ) Wla1rn tjttiotm . . tIlts I..eiilTrmnut . : . . . . 32'O ' % % 'hieelhng & L. Ii . lB' l.ollnto.t N. . . 1l ) ) h Whcelng . & . . . , . 1 h. & N. A.4 'i ' ; M. to Ilrt . I , . . . . . . 1 ; ( Mimihimtttiri Con . IUi' D.t H. 0. . . . . 21 Melphl . . C' . . . . 13 G. K. . . . . . . . . . . Hil ' 11 hehilgaxi Cent. . . . 11n" N. L. . . . . : . . . . . . 2.1 MIHHunrllacllo. ahyt : ' C. 1' ' . . . I. . . . . . ? doblhci . ! . . Ohio. . . . L'21j ) tIe Pfil. . . . . . . : ) r ! Nn ' , tl'll Clint . . 75 It. & 'r. G. . . . . . 21.4 ! Nalunal ; COI'alc. 70t 'r. A. A. . N. M. . . 1 % Nal. Cordage p5th. , H ! . " . St. Lt K. C. . . II N. J.C"nlral. . . . 11U T. St. L"I . . IC C. hId I N. . & . Wol ! . ! . . . . 1 : . It . It. . . . . . . . 1104 North Axii. Co . . . / do pftt . . . . . . .11h 1 Norlhem PacIfc. 404 Am , 'rob. Co. . . . . , N.i'aclhlcpfct. . . . 18)dopfd . . . . . lila S bid . ' ' The lotul sales of stocks today were 219,515 shares . Inelullg , : Tobacco 59.SL'O : Sugar . 2:0.15 G.ro : Atchison 9,100 ' : liurlhngton . 5 , & ' } ) : ChIcago las , .300 ; 1latllnl. 13.4'10 ' , Ionss & Texas I.re. ( erteil. 4.GOO , LouIsville & No.hvile.2.100 \ 1"as ; lon- halon Ciiflsolidmiied . 9.21)1 ; 2ilhssommrl Pacifc. 12COc : Pocfe Shitli . 4 , ( J : l a'tnl. 0.00 : lucl , 1.la.I. 3.0' )0 ) ; St. I'aul 1.l0 : Tennessee Col. 17.410 : Urled States Leather preferred . 3300 , ituhiber . 3.0 , " . . .Ier UnIon , 6,3' ' ' ' : . Wheelng 3.3) & Lake grle 10.S ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York . ) Iolc' ) ' Mit rhet , . NfW : YOISK , Oct. 21-MONgy ON CAtJ . ttsy . at 2f2'b ! ' "er cent ; last loan ' . 2 Per cent , clos'il , 2121 per cent. , . 111\ : : ICANTI.I h'M'r.fl-4t16 per cenl. 1\Jnl-rC STI'II.ING IXCIANO-I"lrm. wIth oetnll wih busIness In tiankers' bIlls 01 $4ti414.SS . for tIe- mun.1 , nail 84.714@4.S70 for sixty da'I ; INIled te- rl.s. 04.80414.981 \ , and U.S9ul.S9 % ! ; commercial bIlls . U6J. . . HI I.1:1 CEI1TIFICATCS-6714416Sc . GOV.INMI'NT : : BONDSSI.a ) ' . State bonds , Inactive. 10lrouII ,1.1" . weak < ClosIng quotations on bonds Cloolnl quoldtons bnds were as fonows : 1.1 t. . rel. . tiew . 1224 C. 5' . Ida or 'us. . 1044 I.H..lseono.n'I. 122J' * ] & P. . O. 7s. 1 . : . . It" I U.SIA.r.N 11" D.1 ! it. 0. 4s. . . . ill U.S.lsconp. . . . l 't Eric . 2d a. . . . . . II % U.H 4s. r'g' . . . . lB 'G. 11. < , S. A. 11s . ( il U.S. 4H coup . . , I I I hl ( n. 11. & S. A. IH. . . ll % U.H. : H. ll. . . 07' ) ( U..I ( . . O. 5s. . . . 14 lacllcll.ut'OI. . lou coOa. . . . . . . 11 Ahl. . class A. . . . 111 M. K. & T. lit Is . 1 Ala. . class I. . . . 11 ) thu 211 4s. " . . . HI Ala . chase I. . . 11" ( ! llmittmal UnIon U8. 14 ; Ala. Omirrehicy. . . . I 21154 N J. C. Ge. 5s . 1 111 I.a. Now Coim. 4s . . " ( P414 No . l'acihte Is' . I ll - No.l'aclte Mla.0Il6s. . . . lOl do 2de. . , . . . . 1u.i ) \ N. C. UH. . . . . . 122 N. W Cotisohs . . 111 ' % N. C. 4' . . . . . . 1(7434 ( j ilo S. 1" . Deb .1" . ) Ii S. C. notmtuitml . . . I n. n'HI. . IHta , . 12 'ru'it. new let ts. 81 ) SI. 1' . Cciisohs 7A. 12H Tenn new set I. lUl ( do C. .Ic 1'V. . 69 . 110 lt ' 1cnl. old Us. . . CI SI.L. & . 1. . ( la. . . 11' . Va.Ct'nttiries. . . 62 St. 1.9 , } .Gn.d : . 10H < o.lcfer.ed. . . 1134 ! Tex. lae. .Oun.l. . . liD Alehl"un dii . . . SI < 02'la. . . . . . . 2:114 : AlchlHun , 2d A. , , . 3134 1.1. ( lAta of ' 00. 2al Cnlalla ! . \ds. . 107 % Veat Shore 4. . Wil 1.N.lnIII14A. 83 Southern : . . . . UO ( O : It. & N. Is18. 11 ! ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . bid. _ _ _ _ 10.un Stock QuotgttIots . I105TON. Ocl. . . . 24.-Cmtli loau8. 2 10STON. 24.-Cal % .lt" per cent : tmo loans . 33tmc5 ! ( per cettt. Coalll prleu , for Blocks. bOlds amid ml.111 HII.lreH ; A. ' " & S. } , . . . . 2014 .IOI'f,1 . . . . . . 55 Am. 111.lr . ' . . 1 : W. . Conlral. . . . 5" Am Sogni' lift. . . lUIt ! Eihlson : hTh'c. 1 Dlii . 164 hay Sla\O . ; . ( las. . . . 1 ! 34 Gett. El" . I'e. . 11'1. IH. . . lit . Itell'rehepitone 107 . . . . ' Hel.r"h.phole. . % Alchlson 20s . . . ani HO'Hon.AlbalY. ) . :1 : ! AtchIson 4H. < . . . 71)34 tiolloim .k Slahtio . . ! luhton Mallo. 1711 New Eiiglatid 11a. . . 114 NtW e.I..1 C. . . . . . 171 Hf" WIH. C"lt. lllald . . . tIll ' . . . . . . . . . . 01 'lehllri. " . . . Ill . Ahloue'z : Minitig Co 1 ti'it Electric.1511 . Alante AloIN , : , IIIIlCo . . . IHJ ( 111011 Steel . . . 77 10slon . . Ionlala 71134 MexIcan C'nlr.l. 1214 ! Itmmtte . . . Iloiitoti. 71J . 1IIIo.10slon. . Old Colony. . . . . . 17ixl , Cahumet . Iccla . 1 0" . Short 1.lno. . 1711la1nlet.1 ! e..ltelnIOI. ; leela. . . . . 50 Hubher. . . . . . . . : : Uh l'raimkltit . . . . . HI SanDI.Ko , . . . . . 1 35earimtro . . . . . . 104 Utahoit l'mchuic. . . . 1:1 Osi"ola : . " . . . . . . IH Webl "l" . . . . 0I14 Qimlncy. . . . . . . . . . 131 < i 1'1.1. ' . . . . . HI % Taittarack. . . . . . . 131 W ' ' ! I. RIce. . . , , :1t3 : Woler.'e. . . . . 01 SIn I.'rllcl"cu lJlln QnoCICon" . SAN } 'IANCISCO. Cel 21-Tho omclal cioslt , qnOlatonl 10\1 for mlllll stoei.m . loJay weN : S lol- Alto. . . . . . . . . . . If'Julia. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ahtimia Coim. . . . . . I Jntlco. " . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aiitie . . . . . . 3'i 1.ntlek.COI. . 7 . ; . . 1"leher. ' . . . . 40 Lady Vaid , . Coit. , . 2 1..t.1 10Iche. . . . . HH :1txlcm. 111.Wash. . . . . . . . 67 lulnCol. , . . . . . : : Moiio. . . . . . . . . 10 ) litthhhou. . . . . . . , . 1 Mount Diablo. . . 15 himilw'r Coim. . . . . (1 ( . : cflli'ittal Colt. 11 Cal'llolll. : : . . . . I t O.clh'ntal . . . . . Cal. . . . . . . I 35 Chal"mo Cott . . . 51 Um'rtitan. . . . . . . . ll. : Ciiolht..7 ' Ol..rlan" 1010 . . . , . . . . . . : Cunl.I" " " " . . . . . Jl5 Ha'.all.:1 : 1 : : Coil. Cal : .t . Va , . . :15 Slerr.t Na\"da. ; . . /:1 I Comi . 1II'.rlal. . . 2 Silver 11111. . . . . Crown Iuilt. . . . 37 Union Coit. , . . . . 72 : xehl ' ller. " . . - 2 Utahm Coim. . . . , . . Ii ) lonhl & Curry. . , . U Yellow Jacket . . 1 hluho& Norcross al lalo. NorcroH. 145 I ShIver bars. 87"c. ( Mexmcut ; tIollar . 55iS6c . Drafts . sl.hl. 21e ; leleraphle. dolars. : St'y . Yurl. : - ) - lnlul - QlotnCun" * . NIV . . . . ' ' YORK. Oct. YOlt. Ol. 24.-'t'ita foiloa'iim2 nra the Ol.1h. . lolowll ar. elollnl Illnlll Iluolalou ' : ; . ilulw'r. . . . . . 6 Oitttrio ; . . . . . . . uno Chaollmmr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Oplmhr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iIs : Coots a l'ohttt. : : : : : : 3)4 ) l'tvxxtoutht ! : : ; : : ' , : : ' . : : : IS . ( on. Cal A Va . . . :1 : , QIIKSI ver. , . . . 3UO Ik'auhwood. . . . . . . . 7)1 ) , . , , l III..o thIrty. ; ' : : : : : Si g Quicksilver Sierra Net'aili jifO : : : : ; I08 ) ) hahn . . . 1UrrIS. 135 tmadnrel. . Il . . . lom..ttko..210. ) iUnlon I : on. . . . . . 21U ) lou ' . . . . . . . . < ol. , lrl Silver . . . 21 YotowJacieut. : . . . 35 Mexican. . . . . . . 00 IYelowJaelut. : : 1.011101 Stock ( luulnUol" . LONUON.Oct. t.-4 I' , nm. closllz : C."toll.II. . . . . . lu ) Mexlcon ordinary. 22 Console . aeo't' . .107 . J Si . Iall 0111:13. . . . 77" Can.laclle. . . . . OOi N. Y. C..nlr.ll. COl. . . . 10334 ! ) : rie. . . . . . . . . . )37 lunI8).lvanla. . . . : : rlo 20s. . . . . . . . . lal teulll. . . . . . . . 17 Ill. Central. . . . . . . . 10154 Slur. Cm. new h. ll ! ; 1t\ : I-3.d . ! ounce . MONI'.Y- \ . Ier cenl. Tie rate ot , laount In the open market for short . bills I. % Icr cent ; for three monlha' bills . S.lGtj S per cenl. 'I rhcu W'heeflt ( LttotujIouau . BAN FRANCISCO . Oe . . 'IANCIICO. OCI. ( 24-WlIRAT-4uiet and . , ( trot ; lecelubtr , 8J ci ; Aay , l1.U5l ! . AT-ulc ; . 5.5,90,3 cel tala , - , O \ IAIA UVlS''OC - ; - 1IARlET \ ; I Cattle Arrivals tdo ' Liberal with a Very ; ! . BEEF STEERS AflET VERY SCARCE UtE I.'c' " 01 Sllr Hc. l..lul.'n lt iOtc'it.ly . l'rh'c'-llh'hr " ' ' . , Stuck J.o\cr Irll 1.c'lh'r ' 1'11.1' SloaT-liugs Slightly I""hcr. - -a- . TIUHSDA Y , Ocl. 2t Receipts and Ihlpmenls for the past twenly.four hour . ns compared wIth the prevIous four days . are n ! follows : RECEIPTS. IECEITS. Cattle. flogS. Shecn. Horses. . October 24. . . . . . . 4,97.1 101 210 24 ! 4.G October 2. . . . . 5.21 5,31 3,016 25 October 22. . . . . 3,8SO , 4.G9 1.16 . . . October 21. . . . . 4,70 ! :7 1SG1 1 October 19. . . . . . 1.2 3,24 . . 4 SI1II'MENTS. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Horse October 22. . . . . 1.79 . . . . . . October 21. . . . . 1.761 . . 1i37 ' October 19. ) . . . . 1,291 ; 12 . . . r 3 October 18. . . . . . SIt . . 476 25 October 17. . . . . . 1,067 . . ISl . . DA Y'S t)1SI'OSITION. Th" dIsposItion ot the , lay' . offerIngs 01 livestock lock iras n. follows , each buyer 111rehaslnl ( Ito nUlbur or head IndIcated : Cattle. 110gM. Shtcp. Omaha Pocklnl company . . Cale. : 1. : . . . The G. 11. 1lrll.nll C" . . 226 1,500 6,1 Swift unit COlpan ) . . . . . . 851 3,126 061 ' The ( 'lihaity l'aeking Cb. . . . 1,112 1,021 C79 C\lah lnklog . 1.1:2 H. Iloker \ & flegna. . . ; . . . 34r . . . . . . hiantilton & Steiittens. . . . . . IG3 . . . . . . . . Homllon . . ore . . flephena. . . . . . . . . . . 223 . . . . . . l.otimimiiim ' & itotit sicli ill . . . . . . 13S . . . . . . iit'cker liros. . . . . . . . . . . . lot . . . . . . ( 'Incbxmnati Packing Co. . . 496 . . . . . . Cincinnat Underwood. . . . . . c . . . . . . Morrel l . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 13G . . Nelson Startle . ChIcago . Ill. 17 . . . . . . Shippers . and feeile'rs. . . . . . 970 1 . . . Left over . . . . . . . . . . . 70 fO 102 - - - Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . t.S39 4CSO 2.33 cA'rTIE-cnttle recehtl were agaIn large today , there being 18G loads fresh , beshles a good many hohlovers. ThU total hmowe'er jell short of yesterday's big run of 209 cars. For the weck , up 10 date the receipts have been large the total being I Ilto over 18,0 heall The total sales today were 5.23 , 'leaving ; 0 head In Irsl hands un old. For the number of cattle hero there Wn ! no great showing of . .1rsscdcf steers. ! and few that could he called 1001 , There : wag a fall demand the packer all wanln ! ' ' cattle . hut still there wan no great mile tn the trade. I wa , In Inct. 1 low market I' wihout Iny very materia : change In values. A hi l Ig string of western steers went at $3.15. ! The slppl } ' of cows and heifers was un usully large . sixty to sie'entV loads being on snle. 'Vlh Ilch lIberal o1erIngs I Wits to he expecled that the hlyerf wOIIt try 10 force pres ! a little ! lower. The mnIecl. hiowevet' dlt not ! how very luch ehlnJc from . yesterday. The most desirable of the cow ItUf wns nlout steady In most calp ! but Iho buyers were nol at all slow 10 take off I01ethlnl wherever posslblc. Stonily to lOc lower would probably about express thin situation. The yards were full of stockers nnl1 feed- 111. and ) trade nf a whole was rather slnw. The feeling was weak Inl1 the tendency of the market was lower especially 01 time common . gradel. Hepreentatve , sales ; nlCFoTrhlltto. : . No. Av , Pr. No. A\ ' . , Pr. No. Av. Pro 10. .131 H 3 I , Fv" S. 2. . . 507 1&0 ' 14. . , . fI$2 ; I : Ii. . . 9 0'2 3 : 1. . MO 111 ' 1. 3..lr : ' 2 I : 1..l000 240 ) ) 1..1 ( ' ) 1 7 : 30. . t.lx)8' 2 I : 1 : . . 7S0 210 i 1. . 139 ! 11 : 1. . ( 7If , 2 I : 1..1:0 2 4i ) 2. . as 1 i : 4. . .c.i(07. ( 2 I : 1. . 920 ' 2 to 3. . ! 196 ' 1 7 : 2" .IO ) ' 2 I : 1. . )30 ) 2 4 : R , . . M2 175 G.CG' , ' 2 I : IG".II7 2 4 : G. . 922 1 7i 2. ' ) .Im ! 2 I : . 1. .1010 2 50 3. . . S1 17 : 12. . IllS 22' ' ) 2..101. ) 2 r.1 4. . 9S7 1 51) ) 1. " I'li 2 l 1 ; , . . . . 921 r , ) ) 1..1(31) 1 F ) I. . 911 } 22 : 3. . . 3G 2 r , 1. . . 595 1 65 3 . . S70 ) 22 : 2. . MO 2 ro 2. . . : .20 I E5 ; 1. . : .1(05) 22 : 2..ln37 2 ( 1..1200 I S5 S. . . p J 22 : . 23. . . COO 255 2. . 6:0 I S : I. . mo 22 : 1. . 9\0 : 1 3 1. till ' ) I 90 ) 1 . . SI3 2 2. ' 1. .1221 2 ro G" . ! Ills ' 19' ' ) 1..1"- : ( 2 : 3. . 833 2 r. 7. . . ! ) ' ) 11 1. . ' 830' ' 22 ; 1. . 890 2 r . : ; r..02.i 19 ' - 2.1100.231) 1' ' ,1..102,1 , , 210 1.82 ) 2 0' ) 26.lol231 1..12302i : 2..10S. ; 20 1"1' k3 2 30' 1 . .tnQ 215 9..16 n" ' 4.1. ! ' 1' ,23 : : 3..ln9 29 1 1. . OCo 0' ) 15.'IG . .2 3 1. . . 890 2 R5 3..931 : 20 1..12 0 23 1..12.0 ) 3 00 1..tO 2 ( ) 4..102 23 : 2..1n35 : 310 1. . 970 (0 ( 1. . 932 23 : 13..107G 310 l..llSi . ) 210 10. . 2 23 IIEIFFII 8. 2..15 175 3. . MG 22 8. G70 2 31) ) I. . . : 17G 1..710 225 . . . . ill 23 ) 1. . 760 10 2. . . 655 22 1. 41 2. : 1. . ,30 2 ro 4. . 562 22 3. . 13 21,1 3. . " . ) 2 0 : 3. . 516 2 ' 11. . 8'a 2 " 0 3. : . & 2 210 1. . [ , ! } 225 1. . 4W 32 : 1. . 43' 2 2 2. . 730 22 : )3ULL8. 2..1405 1,5 1..1210 22 ; 1..120 235 1..1iO 17 ; 1..1331) : . 2 2..10) 23 : 2..122 1 SO 1,1310 22 1..1300 ) 23 : 5..121 1 S5 2. . 9)5 ) 230 1..1310 240 1..IOiO 2 ( 3..1IS 2:0 1..1:0 240 1. . r.o 200 ( 1..160 2:0 ) 1..1i2' ) 24 : I. . , . Q ' 2 I : 1..1. & 235 1.\340 215 1..12SG 2 2) 1..12 225 . 1..12.0 . 275 1..1010 220 1. . . STAGS. .1410 235 2..1645 27 : 1.,770 215 CAI.VES. 2. . 22 2 0 2. . . 12G 3 ,5 3. . 133 5 0 1..3020 2..1 : 4C 2. . . 185 GO I. . . 221 2 0 1 . . 210 4 i : 1. . 150 5 Oil I. . 2.1 2 t 38. . . 181 415 1. . ISO 50 7. . 31 30 1. . 1:0 415 2. . 130 50) 1. . 361 3 0) 1. . 10 50 I. . 10 50 1. . . 230 320 ' STOCKERS AND EDEHS. 1. . 50' ' ) 2 2 : 3. . 550 ' Z 0 2. . . 435 3 05 1. . 42' ' ) 260 1..720290 1..810310 1. . 78' ' ) : 5 1. . 94 2 00 1..10 310 2..CCO 2C 5..SH 290 20..IOU 31 2. . 750 2 f 4. . i6 ' 2 9 : 5..1068 3 I : I" . 66) 2 C5 1. . . 90) 29 : 2.1023 3 I : 4. . . . 977 63 . . . . . 01) S. , , , 116 3 2' ' ) It : : : tOT 65 t : : 907 g Oil L : m g3 ; 1..110 27G 5. . . 5r2 30 10. . . 4G 320 I. . 720 ) 21. 4. . ; . 7sz 300 7. . . 7)3 32 : 10. . . GH 27 ; 3.1 : 30) 21.2 32 : 16. . 02 2 SO 3. . 026 , 3 ( ) 2.410 ( 32 ; 4. . . t5 2 85 2. . 79.5 ; 3 04) 3. .I0G 3 3 16. . . 196 2 0 5. . . 80 , 3 ( ) \S'ESTERNS. COLOII4tDO. No. As' Ir. No A\ ' . Pr. 1 cow . . . . 7bO 12 0 ) 22 8Ieers..10 $3 0 1 steer. . . . . SSO 25 nntorl Cote Co. t tcpder..13:0 2 W 2J reedoIH..10:2 30 - - - - - - - - - - - u. . . Il. N. Iloatwick. . 1.lal..130 10 43 coive. . . . . 04 2 G 1 slag..1340 16 1 cow. . . . . : 912 2 r 1 cosa..120) 1 b : 1 rc..der. . . no 30. ; 2 cows. . . . . 023 Cop 2 ( ' D. 13 f de.s..103 . 30 : 7 bulls..1222 . 1 8. 21 rellcrs..I02 , 2 55 M cows. . . . 015 215 1 heifer. . . . 40 2 r 4G lmeifers. . . . 705 2 40 3 Yearlings. t.G 2 UO 16 lmoi'ra. . . . 70J 2 40 125 feeders. / . . .1013 ( ) 3 10 IS cow.6 . . 2 C 2 : , 'a I ves. . . 278 3 25 J. B. Fleming. 1 feeder..1110 2 00 24 re.le.s..l0G 3 : ) " ' . S. Strattot. 1 feeder..1170 30 2G r..tdcrs..lOG S 23 James Dolon. 1 cows. . . . . OR 2 tim ) 13 CO\ s. . . .101 2 Id 1 bul..133 225 19 steers..3167 310 T. U. McGee. 2 cows. . . . . 935 2 r I feeders. . . 98 2 s 17 cu\ . . . . 01G 2 ( , 26 fe , lers..l031 310 henry Thompeln. 1 r , . . . . . SIO 1 75'I ( coders. . . SSG 2 15 1 cow. . . . . 92' ' ) 11 : ' ' 2 t..llerA..lo r 2 1 : 1 bull..16411 . 210 1 teeder. . . SOO ) 275 4 coil's..1015 22 9' , 6 feeders. . . 9:4 27 : 1 caw. . . . . tO'3 ' 22(21 ( eeders..lh2i 20 1 COWA. . . . . 035 : 2 [ ' , ( 1 teeler..122 310 3 cove. . . . . Ill ) 22. ' . I 2 ( eaters. . . .1135 310 3 cnw. . . . . 1416 22 ; ; " i S re.'I.rs..I r..135 310 2 t.'eders..1070 225 1 I 1 feeder. . . . OW 310 I. .St' ' J vonl. 4 caws. . . . . . . 735 35 1 teether. I . . . . tOil 2 Gil t cow. : : : : : : : g ; 33 .o ' 1- . : steer..11)1) : : : ) ; 2' 1 feeder . . . 59 2 S51. ; t. G sl"cr..IO 3 2 m" . : S.I ' . 2 bulls..1125 . 16 : 3h lf.r. . . f6) 23' ' ) 2 hulls..120' I ' ) 7 . , , . (6 ccnvit. . . . . . . 54) 2 35 ; cowt ; : : : : : : : 107 ; C boilers : : : .1015 : 2 4) 2 CO" . . . . . 80 Z 11 L f " " 2t t ct rs..IOJI 2 t 1 bul..130 . 151 t e'lerA. . 9.G 2 tO ) 20) 1 bull..100) 2 21 75 ( ecilers. . . 8C6 2 ! 2 stat tlg. . & 2 : 2 2. , I. " j 1 yoimrihngs . 647 30 1 feeder..Ill' ) : . 55 feilt'rs. . . . 665 3 0' ) oil licifers. : : : . : lm 3)'l ) ' i' ' 5t ; : : : : : 388 4 J 32 cows & h. S02 : 3 < ) , ( , ( ' . C. lhJ1drle. ! . 2 hulls..1403 1 7 : " ! . 4 cows..l0 : 2 45 1 cow. . . . . . 040 ' O. ' 1 hull . . . . . ) l7i ) 245 10 Cuw. . . . .1cm 2 "I IQ ! 7 feeders. . . 84' 2 75 1 cow..12) ) 2 4311 01 calf. . . . . . 150 500 1 cow. . . . . . MO ' 24 : .101' I 50 . illInois i.iintl51)4 \ ! ! ) Live Stock Co. 17 coive. . . . . 525 . 011.4 cah.u. . . 2)5 27 : 1 hll."ION 210 2 steers..1021 27. 3 bul. . . . .1:0 21 M steers . , . . on 2 S : 1 alng. . . . . 1CO 2 2. ' t5 y.nrlngs. 77 2 0 : 3 hielfers. . . r6 22 i tel-ers. . . . rZ 3 ( ) 4 helrers. . . 615 : 2 G calves. . . . . Sill 3 10 1 calf. . . . . . 330 2:5 81 steers. . . . . 1(1)5 ( 310 5 cows. . . . . SI8 2 M ' 4 mh. . . . . . 12 47& Willis & Tuttle. 3 .le"r..1:1 3 2J A. SI.tln . 4 cows. . . . . 9S3 2 15 31) ! teeder..I9 2 1. , ' 1' . O. JI'I. 3 COW8. . . . 86 1 W P cows. . . .10 2 10 1 5tl. . . . b70 2 Gale tO ) Itrog 13 teL . I.I. . SI 2 S 2 hul..lQ2 1 i : _ 1 calf. . . . . 10 2 W 2 cows . . . . 71 2 0 30 tc rs..IOI 2 c 1 co" . . . . . 495 2 J. 2' ) Curston. 3 calves. . . . 213 : ( ) : COW8. . . 9S0 : 0 ' 2 eler..IO 2 23 1 cow. . . . . . I'll 210 2 ( ow..I07 2 2 I cow. . . . . . 910 : 10 . I tON.r..12 2 'jS J. . . Stratton. 3.cuw . . . .l0 11. 1 bull. . . . , . 96 2 40 : c.w..IOI 2 : ' 1 f.der. . . 7 : 30 J. Y. FlemIng. S cous..1Q75 . 1 7 1 cows..1071 22 4 N1I1IItASICA. Fisher & liurlelg' . 3 co'v ! . . . . : 171 : oxen..165 . 26 1 eow..lu3 2 22 4 feeders . . . 93 29 . . t . . - - - - F. D. Arnot. I heifer. . . . 910 I 3 , ) 30 fpttlerit.ltll ' S 30 1 reeder . . l'5 ' 2 0)Toni Toni Ihell. 2 ' ) con's. . . . . 019 23) 31 feeders . . 930 5 OS ( I. W. Ec'hhi-r. lw.P.1 :1 : 2te.lpl..7/ 2'5 10 fet'Oera. . . 1,83 ! I 2 S5 3 tootler. . . .llO' ) I s .lbmct Iltibow. rnlow. 10 foe'lers..I0h3 . 2 .1111 5 lI rc.le.8..1013 3 f G fe' I.rs..lno : I. 4 t.er..lOS 3 : ) 16 feeders . . 1010 2 1)3WYOMING ) : WYOIXO. George ( hhllanI . . 4 btthls . . . . 1125 2 30 ' 22 eoava. . . . . 3 2 10 WllnllVuslol. . 3 < w. . . . . 81 1 7. 3 fceiltrs.llOS 3 10 2 cows..loll 240 . 1 , ' . Il'rhumrul . 1 hul..l0 ) 22 1. slcers..1 ' ' 315 8 cons. . . . . V4 2 40 . \\'hiithntier. . 16 sIms . Tcx.I.r3 315 :1 ClIP . 'c.lrl 315 sl. 4 strs . Tex.lIO ) 3 J t9 5115. Tex.10 6 3 I. 21 sIrs . Tex.10I 3 Ii It. 1' . Alien . 3 : t CO\ . . . . 806 2 1 1. . len. (0" . . . . .ln20 2 75 t steers..IlOil 270 208IeeU..I6 330 1 , N. Ilarii . 1 cows..1001 2 t1 13 stcels..l 3. ? 2G reeler. . . 103 3 2.C. . C. J. Cro s. 1 eow..I ( ) 1 21 1 cow..12 2 3 ) I eti' . . . . . 96) 1 W 8 cows. . . . . 98S 2 3. : : COW" . . . . . 910 1 CO 2 N\ . . . . . .ln30 2 35 2 hmchfer . . . 71iO I 75 1 ( % $ . . . .10S3 235 1 bull . . . .1:0 I 0 1 e'tiuI. . . . . . 82'1 ) 2 l's : 1 cow..1030 2 ( ) IS slee..t2U ) 3 U 1 bul..IMO . 2 O 1 Sh'(18..I 1210 310 2 eO\ . . . . . Ohs 20 2 steers..list 310 3 ( 'ouve. . . . . 9' ' . ) 215 1 oleers..ll)1 ) 3 10 1 eOw..IO 2 15 81Ierrs..131 : : 10 . luy State 1.11'1 Stock Co. t5 (0'\ " . . . . 0.09 17& Cl stc'rs..1110 2 M 1311IA..I9 115 154 ( teet's..1141 a ( I ' I slepr . . . 940 ) 175 13 sUere..0123 300 12 I cows. . . . . E97 22'1 ' 1 calf. . . . . 3:1 300 IG2 steels. . . . 010 2 2 ( 'I , 241. Show. 2 hulls..1223 2 2' . : mi cows. . . . . . . 05 2 Cl I cow. . . . . . . . 79) 2 35 4 ste'rs..1152 ' 3 31) 1 coi. . . . . . . . 1)60 2 65 Ii ; steers..1209 3 30 SIONTANA. Folmlnehierger & "e'ottig. I . . . . . . . . 1 65 1 , irets..1260 2 1.0 21 . . . . . . . 1 61 25 sheets..126) 2 54) 1 steer..1231 2 25 ci ) steers..1220 3 13 4 ceive..1057 2 45 335 steers..1267 3 15 47 cmi a. . . . . . . 1016 2 43 50111'h I DA tIOTA. 5. A. Allh5n , 21 cows..lOll 2 10 1. A. Allen , 20 steers..1164 3 . .5 % ' . C. Shirt. I fociler. . . . . 559 2 i0) 1 ( ceder. . . . . 650 3 01) ) 4 ( ecilets , . . . 520 2 90 hlOGS-Tht run isas liberal ngahm Inta' , lleVCrlt"itie fresit lOads , thinmugit not quite up to y'sierlill'J"s record of eeventy.sevl'ii hoahs. , Time iUallt ) ' of iiut lungs was iCI' ) ' fair , and about thii ' suite Ill , ) ei'torihmmy on atm average. lnetenil of taking nIt In , as line licen time rule every ha ) ' time litst week , tiit' ' rcvorseih It by put- lung on Ge. 'I'hue timarket uilietitit Sc hIgher imitil vtis acute at the iiilu'ntice , time nmosit of thin hogs chianghlmg bland , , curly , TIme hulk of the lungs siol , ) at 23.10413.55. as against . 03.45413,5' 'J'esterila ) ' . 'l'iue hilpillar price % % .ni ; $3.50 , ivliiclm liiighmt a large hrcmmuortlon of all Hue hogs here. Iti'liresctitatIvc sales : No y. lhi. Pr. Nm , Av. Sit. Pit. 62. . . . . . . . 1311 24) ) ) $3 25 11 . . . . . . . .266 210355 , . . . . . . . . 12i ) 31 74..2(11 10 23 62. . . . . . . . 19) 4' ' ) 0' ) . . . . . . . . tO 15 . . . . . . . . 240 45 ' . . . . . . . . 40 r. : ; 15..2)9 iCi ) IS * : ; . . . . . . . . Ito i ) l 1.5 . . . . . . . . ' 40 13 1,3..293 241 3 15 11 . . . . . . , 247 . . . 4714 15..2111 12) ' 1 55 . . . . . . . . . . 210 1' ' ) . . . . . . . . 13 65..4) 12) Sit 77.0 80 23 4' ) . . . . . . . . 1)0 12) 14) 62..7) . . 1.5 . . . . . . . . 12) ) Pt 71 . . . . . . . .251 10' ' ) t2 21 . . . . . . . .2111 . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . 240 3 23 71).0 ) 100 1,0 . . . . . . . . 50 3 55 . . . . . . . . 15) Si ) . . . . . . . . 80 15 56. . . . . . . . 2io : 32) ) 1 , ) ; . . . . . . . . 40 ' 1 115 57..23" 12' ) 11 . . . . . . . . . , . 55 ) . . . . . . . . 4) 10 G' . . . . . . . .251) )31) 1,5 . . . . . . . . 12) 1. ' ) 71..i ) 214) 55 . . . . . . . . ) 161 Fe ) 61 . . . . . . . .247 341) ) 55 . . . . . . . . ) 40 5) 53..215 4) ) ) 3 115 . . . . . . . . 80 5) . . . . . . . . . . 120 3 tm ; . . . . . . . . . . . SO SI . . . . . . . .273 . . . 55 . . . . . . . . 10 1,0 71 . . . . . . . .271 320 115 ( . . . . . . . . 4' ' ) 5' ' ) 110..272 . . . . 3 55 119..210 120 54) 64).6 160 55 1 7. . . . . . . . 271 16' ' ) 1. ) ) . . . . . . . . 120 5714 ) . . . . . . . . : sit 1. ' ) . . . . . . . . . . , . . 572,5 73..2011 12' ' ) Ii ) : . . . . . . . . ) . . , 5715 77. . . . . . . . 223 4) 5214 . . . . . . . . 160 5715 70..20) 33) :1215 : . . . . . . . . . . . . 571,5 . . . . . . . . 0' ) 11235 . . . . . . . . 40 571,4 ) . . . . . . . . 12) 112 % 25..2113 , . . 5715 743. . . . . u..210 tm ) 112'.5 4 ; . . . . . . .30' ) . . . 6' ) 511..247 Si ) 121,5 10..20) Si ) 1,43 70..237 (0 ( 5214 1,1 . . . . . . . .262 , , . Ci ) 62..2116 , . . 1215 . . . . . . . . ) SO C ) ) . . . . . . . . 80 112 % . . . . . . . . . . . CO 1.3..2111 Si ) 55 . . . . . . . . , . . Ci ) :37. : . . . . . . . 211 Si ) 13 . . . . . . . . 120 Cu ) :10..210 : 8) 1,5 . . . . . . . . . . . 6) : ) . . . . . . . . 35) 53 . . . . . . . . 00 65 1'IOS , ODhS ANT ) ENDS. . . . . . . . . ) , , , 2 25 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15 . . . . . . . . ) . , , 2 35 . . . . . . . . , . .34. , . . . . . . . . ) , . . : : 25 . . . . . . . . , . . 3 45 . . . . . . . . ; , , , 2 75 . . . . . . . . ' ) . , , 3 : ; . . . . , . . . . . . 3 7 ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 2 . . . , , , . 321 , . . s 3 45 II . . . . . . . . 03 . . . 3 21) . . . . . . . . 83 3 15 121 . . . . . . .1211 00 3 5) ) ) ' ' . . . . . . . . 23.'t , , . 3 47t5 . . . . . . . . ) , . . 3 11) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5) 3..10' ) . . . 3 4) 4 . . . . . . . .365 40 3 5) ) . . . . . . . . 80 31' ' ) 5111417l'-Thii're were only a few fresh arrIvals , but there ivere a good many sihi'ep ant baths en salt , ( butt emma-mo In limIt' ) 'eserulmiy. ThiC uh'tiiminil Ivils gael ant ) the marlcet flfln on desirable muttons - tons , 1tepresentatI'e sales : No y. 'Pr. St woster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 ( .0 2.07 western 'wethiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill ) 2,5) 276 western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pt 374 western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tO 102 nilxeh natives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 2 60 St weshern lamhus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 3 3) 29) wostirn mmi's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) 375 western hinmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci ' 3 3i ) 41.5 western lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3 CIIICAlO IlYl1S'I'OCl. Ca t I ht Sn I , 's ' , ( ' ( ' ' ( ) ' ft t II Fu rt Imer 't'i-ie Ceie4 Irelhte , ( 'hIIC'AGO , Oct. 21.-Cattle were slow at a fur- flier moe ( IodIne. Native dlessol beef and sihip titng steers weighIng 1,04) ) ) to 3,7043 lOis. ivere In ulejitanil at from $3.10 to $5.1) , the hulk goIng at trxn $4 to $5 , wIth a few as low as from $315 to $3.23. O'l ' to choice beeves Coil ) principally itt from $4.5) to $5 , aflih tue few lots that went over 15 iveltI extra choice In quality. A ( ow very heal' ) ' beeves at-rlveil now ximmt ( lien , antI there were Subs yestertlay of 1,732.lb. cattle am 05.10 and 1,7011.lti. steers at $5.25 , choIce 1.113 to 1.426-lb. beeves sellIng at the saute figures , The stocker ; mnil ftoler trade is ftitr at front $2.3' ii , 83.115. Weserti ) range cattle lucre In siboii' ulemanil at a declIne of tie to lOc , sties being largely at from $3.4) to $3.85 ( cur stee'r , and ut front 81.70 to $3.23 for cows nail imetfers , l'ewer hogs ate arriving here , The ujemanil was agaIn quite' brIsk , ant mirtces score strong tn Sc higher. iitli cues at front 73.4' ) to $3,9) for corn. Immomi to choIce drmvee of hiog , 1 rIme. imeam'y itnil bigitt sold at ( lie caine minces and sales s'ere latgeiy at tromn $3.6) ) ) to $3.70 ( tic muckIng , an : at Irma $3.75 to $3.85 ( or sbtlpiiing lots. logc iveighmhng front 200 to 20) lIe , are selilng time host , and geniI to Chiotco pigs time In nctlve demand at ( rent $3.50 to 23.75. Sheep and iamb receIpts so far this week show a reulucilin of 21.000 lieail , as compared will , this same tinw last week. Timete was an actIve gem- erzmt ulenmanit , and sales ivere on a tj'i.Is of front 11.25 to 13.14) for InferIor thin to fuet' Pvnirl flocks. W'eslerns ivere in good request at ( 'room $2 to $3.25 , and bamlia t.4ild lit front 13 II ) $4.50. 'l'he bulk of the sheet , siolit met fiom $2 to $3.1' . Iteceipta : Cotthe , 34,0)0 hien1 ; calves , 490 ltead ; imegs , 31,000 hieiiml ; sheep , 14,000 head. ICietisims Cit . 11 'e Sti'le , KANSAS CITY , Oct. 21.-CATTLE-Re- celpts. 4,400 head : siutipaments , 4,000 hmenil ; inarlcet s'cady to hiiie hIgh r ; Texas sitters , $2.251j3.30 ; Texas cows. 82.03012.65 ; boot siteers , $3.2515.O0 ; natIve cows , $1.2i 3,10 ; stockers nail feoders. $2.5013.C0 ; bulls , 11.50712.85. IIOOS-itecelpts , 5,1100 hmeiti , ; shipments , 1,200 lmoad : market strong , 1Cc higher ; bulk 01' sales. $3.57(3,70 ( ; heavies , 83.007)3.75 ) ; pack- cr5 , $3.5O'73.75 ; mIxed $3.60j3.75 ; lljslmts. $ d.15 (3.65 : Yorkers , $3.545.65 ; lilga , 85.2.i0'3,5t. S11fli1'-itect'lpts , 2.300 Imeaml ; Chlpmne'ntsi , 1,300 head' market steady ; iatnbs , 82.00711.25 ; muttons , I.5O7j3.25. St. 1iiIs 1i't' Stock , ST. LOuIS , Oct. 21.-CA'rTLE-.ReeeIpts , 1.400) heath ; market actIve anmi firm ; lmmttI'e ulcers range 23.25715.30' cows antI hmolfera , $2.OGljl.f'O ' ; Texas antI IndIan steers , $2.251I ) 3.6.5 ; cows $1.742.SO. ; IIOGS-IteceIptIs. 4.iOO lmoatl ; market Sc hbgier ; heas'v , 38.50713.80 ; mIxed , $3.OOqj'3.70 ; light. $3.5513.S0. SlIEhI'-1teceIpts , 1,000 head ; market flrm ; natives. $2.23'ij3. 10. Ni'ts' York 1.I'i' Stotlc , _ NEI'OltK , Oct. 20.-lil4hSS'tS-Itecelpia : , 350 head : no tmitdlng. Europeati entice quote , tter. lean steers itt 'J41iOttc. ilri'u'uit'il wi'ighut ; rertger- at3r beef , 1tutIt4c. No exports today. 81114141' AND L.AMilS-Ilecolpts , 4,7)2 imeaih ; sheep , steamly ; bands , ii. little firmer ( or top grnies but icry dull and weak for others ; sheep , lIner Its faIr , 11.75412,50 ; lambs. conilnjn to choice. 13.25414.50. 1IOGS-lccelpla , 2,236 head ; steady at 4.lSt $ 1.50. _ _ _ _ Stlet'Ic I ii Sigh t. itecoril of receipts at the tour PrIncipal markets ( or Thursday , October 21 , 18)3 : ( 'utile. hogs. Sheep. Sauth Omahut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° 210 ( 'imleagli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,400) ) 31,000 31,0's ) Kantu.is City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,40' ) 5,10) 2,30' ) lit. Louis . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00) 4,004) 1,000 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.372 43,188 17,510 LI vertioul . ) hui rhci'ts , I.IVImihll'OOL , Oct. 21 , 4:15 : p. m.-WIIEAT -Sburket for SlOt fIrmer ; No. 2 red winter , ( is 4l ; No. 2 red spring , stockn extmntxsiteth ; No. 1 itartl Manltohia , Ss lii ; No. 1 CalIfornia , 55 511. Filturos Opoiteul 11cm , w'liit near nnd tlistmtnt posltlomms t/41l hIgher ; closed firma with hear positions 0J10 higher , imttil Ills. ( ant hmoltlons Id Itigher. tlusiness about equally dlstribuiteil , October. 65 414d ; No- o'omber , SS 4tl ; December , Sc Gil ; January. 5i Cil ; i"ebruar ) ' . 5 6ii ; Marchm , Su 6ll , 'COIIN-Mttrkot for spot firm ; Atnerican mhxe'il new , 4s lbth. Futures openeil lint ) , 'lth imear posltiotis ,7tl ltlghter tend illstttxtt biOSitiOnM utmchmnngetl ; closed firm , wIth near liosIIons 4Oj11tl higher utnil tllstltImt iuosltlons t41i4il hIgher. Iluelness fmeavleSt on earl ) ' PoMhliOtmS , October , : ts Gtl ; Novtixnhis'r , 2 03iI 1)t'cember , 3s 6i1 ; January , 45 4'40 ' ; February , 35 : March , 3s 414d. FIOIJIt-Morlcet hlrm ; demand good ; St. I.otthmi fancy wInier , 7s. l'IIOVISION-iJaCOfl , quiet ; demand moderate ; Ctlmbeuhnni 2 $ ho 30 hbs , , 4)s. ) eltort ruts , 21 lies. , ha ; bong 0h11 , 116111. 35 in 11 It's. ' . mm ; I umg clear , Iu.'nv ) ' , 1 $ his. , 20s ; eliort clear ( 'a. km. , ) isl' ' . IS II' ' , , us 6.1 ; tube ! ( clear uttitidieM , ln'ei , , It's. , Be , clear tiClIles , II to IC lie , , 30. Cd Sit ui' ibis , Itihimare , 12 ii , IS I 1,4. , 54. . 1 I a flhi4. silitut t CIII. 14 tO 15 hIs' . , 4s : 5.1 Tiuhow , fine North .llIC ) I- can , admit lotI. 1 ief , 1 fltlimt Immsss , 714s ; pm I lito titei , 1.05 Oil. l'ork , lit limie 111055 , hili , ' it OMioril , 805 5th ; ltti'tl lutn , 454 III. Liii il , SlOth ) ) ' I tirihtie ivestri ii , 25's : m eilttfi , in 11:1 I is , Ste 6,1 , chlhli4S-Piint : : ; denmant fair ; fimiest Alnetirtin Suit ii e a nil eehiirtl , his Sil. , Itt'rriit1'lnesit ' ' : l'nlto3 8tte , lISp ; good , 0t' . J't'it I'lN T1NU-l41irltit , , :03 51. ItOSiN .1.'onmnton , 4 , 30 , C'l"l'ON 81:1:1 : : , Olt-1.iveritth related , 104 31 , 1.1NSll41) : ( ) Il.-2Iui II. I 'iTi tctl.i : t'Sl- 1 tetttet. 7351 , htl7l'htllllt.t'pol ( lIhlIP-roreqmiittters : , l41 ! ; hhitlquni tens , 6150. liI,1AC'iiNj ( i'OW'DTllt-itnmlwuxxj , f , o. hi. I.lveniiool , 7 , IlOI'-At 1.onilin , ( l'aehflc coast ) , Li its. N11' I'OhtlC tOENl1ltAI I.tltKl'l' , Clo'slttpr ( lttotntouiaomt lIeu' l'rIn.Ilnl 41(1111 111011 I 4 Ics Ititil Stahilt's , Nl55'Oltl , ( Id. 24.-Fi.OL'ht-ltceeipt , 17 000 bbhs. ; exports , 10,00) btil. ; lnaikct immure active nail flatten for everytimitmg but spt log Pfltemmts , which iere ratlter easIer ; spot tnarhet lIt inl' h elI ; vlmi her lntctlte , $3. 50413.70 ; cit ) ' Itt ) I I limIt- enttt , 84.20411.13 ; Stimlxit'soia i'atcnts , * 3.51417.73 ; Stinmusotit timtlcert' , $3.'J'l3.l0 , Ityn tlnur. iIutIc ( ; xtlhierilmme , $2.t,00(2.711 ( ; tIthe ) ' , 2.90$12.tll. $ hluck- ii heat iliitr. quiet ; $ h.t.57jm.G3. llt''l % 'll h.'I'-1larely eleauh' : 42411.e , CohN SthdAL-luii ; ) 'elloev western , co.trse , ssri 78c. ht'i'btuhh ; No. 2 western , 12c. hi.'ultiEY-Qtmlet ; tOt' . 11 % 111.1 l % ' MA l.T-Nimitmhmnh ; western , t3tJ'G2' . WI I UAT-htecetlts. 199.64)0 limI. ; exhorts , 10,410 liii. Sp'i , i'm t timm g ; No , 2 i cii , 70t' ; No. 1 bard , 6 ; , , . Options opened ' ,5c hmiglmem' on tiry iveatiter ivest attit miiifutvtrnbio u int'r % 'hment mmcii's , nit. vanceil "ic on foreIgn l.uyimmg , , itrttig caimles nail a big i'cutt'onril etllOrL himisimemus. a xlii ehtisod mietloima tin ) strong mit 04410 mmcl macitt ; No , 2 rt'l , , closotl CGc ; Leceniben , G7'56jGl1c , clot'i.1 COltN'-lteeeipts , 19,203 lii. : eaports , 71,700 lu. Spot , sltong ; 5o. 2 , lJc' . Options oimt'xiu'd firium omm snmall receipts , nilvumeel WIth ivhteat and stroaghit tf citshi u'orn and cboseit Sitting at titt..o mId nut- vttlioe ; Octuluer. 2S'4S3S7c , closed 3S7e ; leceni- her. 31)4113Cc' , closcul ICe. OAT-btc'ceh'ts. ; Cl , ) ' ) till. ; exierts , 21,00) hiti. Ilmiult. Itishter ; Ns. 2 , 3m , Otitiumme strotiger ant fairly 1101110 tilt iloemeimslng receipt' . , chisel 354174e higher ; October , closed 24 : ; December , clcscii 21c. hlA't'-Stenily ; sllipihiig , $ G.005j7,50 ; good to cltimlco , * 8.SOrd'J.OO. 1Ot'-QmiIet ( ; sitnle , celurnon to citoice , 1891 crop , 31117c ; 1893 viop , 7 $ ) lOt' . I lIt 1l-Steaty ; California , 1S'illSt5C ; ( .alvesloa , ICt117'5c ; Itut'noe Ayrcs , dry , 2lc ; 'l'exte , dry , 1211 lIe. IIIATI 1h411-Duhl ; itonmhwk sole , l1mlcnoe Ayres , lIght to heal' ) ' weIghts , SIc. S'OOl.-Firto ; thmmtimtstlc Iieeee , ) S4121e ; lulled , 1941 22c. l'ltO'ISONS-htcel' ( , stonily ; family , $ S.0051l2.O0 ; tiipt imanis , $14.PmOjlSm'O ' , ( 'Ut tiii'iitil , easy ; tichleit hollies , 10.00416.75 ; iirlclc'l shtomthletsi , , IC ; lihcklel liamne , * 9. 1411,1 , Ilrtnei' : hostel ml atealmi cbosd lit 85.145 nslcci.h ; October , closed $5.95 , tiommmttial ; re- ltimil , stonily. ( 'I I 1111141 I-ReceIpts , 3.111 1 kgs. ; quiet : large , 7li91c ; smumail , 7140olo'.e ; tart skltits , 314t17'bc. full 81immis. 2'.StIlc. itOSIN-Quict ; xutraiiteui , common to good , $1.65 411.70. ' 1'Ultl'I1NTIN'll-Quhet at 2Sl412St'c. fllCll-Steail3' ; utaniesitlc , fair to extra , 37541 614cm .Tapam , 3013'5e , 5tOLASSES-Stemiii' ; good to choIce , 2941St' . I tmI'rThlt-tecelmits. : ; 4,692 mmkgs. ; market stonily ; ii'estern ( lair ) ' , 1041 150 ; Westei a creamery , 1641 SIc ; Elgins , 23e. EIGS-ltecetimls ( , 6,979 ilcge. ; amarket steady ; \vestern , 186320e. TALLOW-Quiet at 4'.c. 1'h7'l'ltOlEtYM-Stendy ; closed at $1.25 lii , ! . SII4TALS-I'Ig iron , st'auly ; southern , 212.5041 14(0 ; northern , $ l2.0041t4.t0. Cuuppcr , dull ; lire- kern' price , $11.75 ; eeIiange brie , ' . 111.8) . Leal. quIet ; brtikers' price , $3.15 ; , 'schitmigo : price , $3.35. uiti. ens ) ' ; straIts , 214.405(14.61 ( ; ilntt's , miami bet dilh. $ Shell er , thttl I ; ikuniest it' , $405414 , 10. COTTON SEIID OIL-Quiet ; choIce summer yellow , Ste. _ _ _ _ _ 1''oriie 3litrki'ts , _ PEOT1IA , Oct. 2h.-COIIN-hlgiier ; No. 2 , 30'e ' ; No , 3 , S0c ; mmciv No. 3 , 24ttc ; now No. 4 , 20c. OA'i'S-Stenul ' ; N 0. 2 wlmhte , lSc ; No. 3 White , 173f18c. RY1'-Cooml ' : , easIer : No. 2 , 3071100 , \\'ilISKY-h"irm ; lirmlsilmed goods on time basl of $1.22 for hilgil si'lnes. lt14'It1"fS-Whmmtt , 2.700 bttshiels ; corn , 51,500 bushels ; oats , 91,250 bushtels ; rye , helm ; barle' . 19,500 lusliels. SIll I'M ENTS-Vv'imeat , 1,800 btmslmels ; corn. 30,000 btmshmels ; oats , 70,000 bushels ; t''e , 3,000 bushmels ; bOrIC ) ' , 11,900 bushels. flrr Goods Sfiii'kct. NEt' , ' VOI1II , Oct. 24.-There hinsi hu'en more In- qthir ) ' for stapi ( ' cottons. hilt to a tienilnal eon- cession Itt turlces the nulls ii'ill not listen , nn,1 , thereby purchases ioi' Iii'tlsluective relulreimicnls , ivere deferreul. For all classes of eolotel nail fame ) ' cottons mnre huuslness was ilone for spring nail fOr some st10t4 conslilerable was eiTeeti'l for cu1rent % , ants. There ittis glealer Interest , 'x. tenlel , to fretiit goods nit , ) ( or sonme lines tI fine fancies gao. ) orders were lalul out. I'rimtlng clotits were riulet aiim ) very firm. l-'ALt. lttvillt , Oct. 21.-i'rInt choilme dull and quIet at 3c. % _ _ _ _ _ lIiIItI'lttUIIM % ' 1trzit 31nrles't. MINNI'AitOLlS , Oct. 2I.--W1I EAT-Firm : Oc- tolrnr , t.1'.5e ; 1)eeemnter. 55'5e ; Stay , 1,91e ; on track , No. 1 ltitrit , 116)5cm No. I northern , & 5e ; No. 2 nertijerim , 54c ; recOilItI , 6115 cars. F1.OlYlt-Senily ; ltrst Intents. 83.0043.10 ; bakers , $2.C5412,75exliorthiakems ; , $2l)412.110 , I7oreigie ici miutmcln I .AffnI rs , 51i4)ILIN , Oct. 21.-'mxchlange 0mm London , eight tlays sIght , 2) marks 421,5 11w , l'Altis , Oct. 21-Tile weekly statement of tIme itarik of France , tsiuiuet today , shows ( ito follow- I rig chims ages , as conipumritl i'imhm tue lmrevlumus tic- count : Notes In cIrculation. , leerccuse , 9,71uJtii)0r ) , treasury tmccounts current , increase , 225,000 ( ; gol.l In hand. increase , 2,070Oiilf ; lulls dlccolhilteil , Increase - crease , 13,425,0001 ; silver In htamil , decrease , 850- 000 ( . Titree per cent rentes , 11101 SIc br tIme ac- count. hxcliimnge : on Loaluin , 251 SIc for cliOckil. lONDON , Oct. 21-Thin weelIy taternent of tIme Ilmmnk of I3ngliunul , Iea'ltt'tl today , showS thin following cliang's. as comtm- pitred with thme prcviisiis account : 'rotal reserve - serve , Increase. 788,000 ; circulation , tied u's , e , 424,000 ; tiulilcin , lncxe.iee , 367,933 ; oilier securIties , Increase , 5201,00' ) ; other itepotlts. increase , 167- 000 ; liuliliC llOIii5Itl1 , hncream-e , h2h.iKO ) ; nimoe reserve serve , Increase. 5'GsiO : ; givernmnent securities , decrease , 585,000. TIme tnluottiOlm of the htank oh Englanul'li resieni'e to liabilItIes , simicIm last week hits 56.01 bIer cent , Ii' now 51.011 her cent. loll Is quoted at llmienOs Ayres at 229.53 ; Mound , III , LIsbon , 25 ; St. l'ett'it.burg , to ; Athens , 77 ; home , 105.471,5'lenna ; , _ _ _ _ _ 11'l flhlli'Iiil Nlti'M. BOSTON. Oct. i4-Cleartng $ , $14,122,676 ; hal- naceil , $1,612,027. liAIT1itOltb'I , Oct. 21-ClearIngs. * 2,115,269 ; bithmtnceil , $301,359. N11\S' YOtth , Oct. 21.-Cleanlmmgs , lOl,79lm70 ; balances , $6,423,400. 1'hllI.A1)fl1h'llhA. Oct. 24.-Clearings , $12,958- 005 ; Lalcincesi , $1,601,409. ST. LOUiS , Oct. 24-Clearings , 3,483.766 ; lab' anceti , $458,722. Stone ) ' , 5037 per cent , New Yolk exchange , 81.25 dtscoummt bId , WASill NGTON , Oct. 24.-Today's statenment of ttte condItion of ( lie treasury sihtimws : Available cash balance , 8161.615,892 : gold reserve , $93,015,050. CItbC'AlO. Oct. 21.-Clear ngs , 415,374.000. Money rates arts uirnm Ut 111(5 ( % tier cent ( or call loans atiil Gtj 61,5 11cr cat flur etitim maci clii ) pIlle'n. Nei" Yotk exehtiungo , GIn uthi.eount. 1iankcr' London eterhlmmg , $ l.8S75414.S15. - W'llA'I'IIFilC FOIII1CAST. 1"ulr , s'ltle ' , Vcsterl' SIlflliivr 30 Soiit ierI' ' .ViiiIs for ? 4i'lo'iisIeti , , \\CASIIINGTON Oct. 24.-TIme forecast for Fnitlay lii : For Nebraska-Fair ; westerly , shiftIng to Folltlmerly so'inds ; s'arIner In the w'estern 5lor- tlon. tlon.For For ul Issourl-Oemierahly fair ; possIbly local - cal showers In thte extretne sutitllcamt par- ( Ion In the early morning ; warmer ; southeasterly - easterly wInds. For Iowa-Fair ; westerly vinds ; warmer in time vastortt POrtholl. For Kxinsas-i'aIr ; westerly wInds ; svaniner itt ( ito eastern portlotm. For South Dakota-Fair ; soullmerly winds almil warmer. IduI'lII lts'cipr.l , OFFICE OF' TillS W'IIATIIJ7R 1)UREAU , OMAIIA. Oct. 21.-Oomaha record of tempera- tta'o and rainfall , compared with time come- MlOimdllhi4 day of the tast fotir years : 1895. 1891. 1893. 1892. Maxlmmini temperature. . . Oh 76 SI SI Mlnlmutn temllerltture. . . . . 58 48 32 31 Average temnpet'ature. . . . . . 51 62 43 42 PrecIpitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0' ' ) .00 .0) . ) Contlition of temperature unul precIpItation at Omaha for the tIny and silimco March 1 , It' ) . . : Nornmnl temporatitro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Excess for the ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lily..2 Accutnttlated excess Since March . . . . . . . . . . . Normal precIpItation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Inch IeflcleltcY for - ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Inch Total precIpitation silica March 1. 39.5' lnrlme.i Dellclency since tlmtrch 1. . . . . . . . . . 4.51 umehies hieporis frotme i4tittiomis lit H I' . ill. I' e3 5i. oil P , ' STATS or STATION& U IYKATIIIII , E , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 414 .0(1 ( Clear North Platte. . . . . . . flu 410 .011 ( : ltm.mr. Vaiatittiiu , . . . . . . . . . . Si ) II I .00 010:1 r. Chticeo . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 104 .4111 i'itr ( ( 'lowly SI , Loiths. . . . . . . . . . . 62 52 ' 1' Clotmiby. St. ) 'am. . . . . . . . . . . . . So eo .umi Cit'itr , . . . . . . . . . . . t.0 .1)11 CIemr. : Kaiib3 . . . . . . . ) 514 .1)0 ) Clear , ii Qielta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tll Oil .1)4) ) Clunily , ilmisru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 1:0 : .00 door , Salt LoIre Cit. . . . . . . 54 tti .oo ( iluar , I.iIitiiarcit. . . . . . . . . . . 44 tIll .01) Clear. St. Vltic'oist . 90 III .00 ( ) ltmar. Chtoyvtimi . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 tIll .0mm Part cloudy Willlstom , . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ( .11 .610 ChaSm. . . . . . . . . . . . 112 .00 Clear. U5htiiltUil . 72 7am .00 Clear. "T" IndIcates trace of precipitation. I. . , A. W1'II.OIII , Observer , Iteglater today , Ill 'ti'S . I.la l'llt ) 31 l'ht It lCOht l ) I hIltutullvI.uIIII ( , II tnt nit I itt' 1.fll. ( ' Silor ( lIt-4s l''I ) ( 'lIII'lmglI IItII llt'FIIo , Oct. 1.-'I'Ite wnrltl's recoril (01 rttiit'nul P' cil oo or a grt'tt thiCtnlmcD wau L ulokell itimIlly Ii ) ' I SPCCal train OIl tue L'tki ! Shore & Michmlg.tn Southmh'n rnI1rou1 , wlmmcl , , # rail fronl One lltlhdreiftli ; sIred , Clmic.igo , tt 1lutTilo creek , hhtitutlo ( , llLstIiee of 510.1 hillel' Ill 1St hiiIfltltVS mitmil 7 SeCOItt04 , Alt aver' a go imcei1 of t3.0 ; Ill I I eo o mm hour , 'i'hi Is I unt intlitdesi stops. h'xcltimlt'e at Siop tIme i'ut was mamlo In 470 l1llIItlteS 70 SfContl , au nvcr. ago si'ee of ( il.9S billies 1411 hour. The Nesi 't'OI'lC Central's lecorIl of Septeiitbet' it wat OIl aVer.tgo speed of C3.6t ImmIhes au hour Iii. clumilitg steps , nmtd 61.20 nmiles an hour cx. elusive ef doll ) ' , 'I'hie tr.iin was Inallo tip of thtrce coaches , two \\'lghmer tlratvlng tOolIt cars athh Dr. Seward tIer driuvlng roonm cars atittl Ir ) , Seward \'titm's $ ) tivate car Elisniore , the comombIiud weIght of tvlmicli in 301,500 POUmtilC. Time 1 % elgimt of time engilto and teni1n was is looo imomiimih , mflllIlg tile total 5)'eij3lit ot thmo train 4SS00 potimids , lifferc'ltt engines to'cro lisiCti Ott dell of tim tlivlsions anti tile VOltS for the dIvisions ou'ere : ( 'imlcago to 1Ikhiart , S 1.7 1111105 , iim 85 lniililtes 2G Secohhcls : iIkIlmll't to Toledo , 133. 1 billies , Irm 124 hilinlhleml , 35 seconds ; Toleilti JO CIe'u'e- hand , 107.8 immlles , in iO timintmtes 6 ecconds ; ( ileypiantl to ErIe , 115,5 atiles , In 85 htmlbitItOS 32 seconds ; lrie to Iluffalo , SO limlles1 lii 70 himinthtc3 16 seconds. p , 'I'll Il IL llt l'l' ' 3I. It IC Ill' , INSTRUMEN'j'S lacc4on record October 24 , WAI1I1AN'rY h3EiDS , 1 Fl ltmilley and wife to 11 A lImeijoy , IS it feet 1t 4 , block 3 , Fi V Snmitht'mo miii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ii A llnile ) ' to C I' 1)imttleI , mj 23 ( i'd lot 1 , hmlock 3 , siitmno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,004 C A ( lllbert tiliul 'hfn to It 1. Jetmloltmus , it' 25 It'd lOt IS , blai'l 1) , Melrose' I ilil. . 654 \v 11 ihohttli' nflil s'ife to Vi' Vi' Mmtr- eumttl ; , lot 6 , blot'lc Iki , Omtmrtima . . . . . . . . . . 30,004 Elhith iloxie to 'ulxtrla lloxle , lot 5 , Iilot'k 9 , Cartlmngu with. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1)EEIS. Slieclitl omelet to I. A i'orter , lots I attml 2 , hulock 1 I , . ' 8lcCoruimlc'k's tuhmI . . . . . .9itltte to ( Ibolme 1.oitmi awl 'b''ilst coin. 111111) ' , % ' 40 feet lot 2 , block 13 , Omaha Vies' xithl. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 Satmmo tO Ilyron Itceul comhlimbl ) ' , S 10 feet of v II feet lot. 2 , block 201' , , Oltmahma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totith atmtourmt of . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , - s d jl'fw. ' , 'I / . 5/ - , J.-/ 4 . ' I/ / ' ' iJul' , 1.i ii pp .P.d4m'M' 'l'j CI " , l { I .fil t , . /llla ( ' . 'X't - ' .l -u ; tj'i : - . Many a beautiful picture Is fiOhled by an old , Ily-mimeclseti frame , Now timat we are making tp frames to 'otir order at less than limo plaIn mouliilng generally costs , thmero's net nlticim excuse ( Or ttmttIng off gcttIxi soaoc mmeV frames. A. IIOSl , Jr. , Musicailmi Art , S i51 , ) on'1as , 4. . I' . BMt'l'lt ( 'id. 1308) ) 6. M , fi'rANFO1L F. P. SMITH CO. GRAIN and P1-OVIS1ONa floolti 4. N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaka , llranch oRces at Fremormt and Celumabus. All order. placed on the ChIcago Board of Trruda Corresr.endcnts lOcliwarle. Dupes & Ce , , CImi- cage ; lciiremner , Flack Oa Co. . lIt. L.ouhi. I4.ajsi to Flxst National Dank , Oma. . & . JAMES E. BOYD & CO Tclepltoiio 10:39 : , OMAhA , NIB , COMMISSION Grain , Provisions& Stocks Room l1I hoard of Trade. Direct wIres to Clmicago and New York , CorresporidentaJohn : A. Warren & Co. ttl ARGEN Seoul icr our u.uimiples oooic .x. plaIiiIni MAIIGIN ' .L'ItADINU and 'PPADlP ' lJIF1NlNU AId , MAltIClIT I4Xi 'SI LOU l'hlL'SSIONS. Also out' daily macit II'YDF A I iJITh bet better sugge'stiog whicti and Is UAI un&uuu' what to ( mile. Ho-i' tree. Ilank refeteoces furnished. AitlttIetS'r 8. dO. . Mlmlhtflltfi ChIC/tOO Oi'1N ItuAltI ) Oil TRADE. 222 Traders Ituhldtac. 'hiIcag _ _ _ _ - ChATTEL. MOIITGAGE SALE. N. 18. Futleoner's stock. Whereas , On time 11th tIny of October , 1895 , Nimthanuel Ii. Fmlcoller ; gave it chattel mort. gage to tile Oinatma Nntloiiut iiztlmk In limo 511111 of $61,519.67 11110mm tIme followIng dc. cnlhwit goods itimd cliimttels. to-wit ; 'fhie entire stock tt dry gomimis anti itier- chammdise cinslstiimg citlc'lly of silks , vehvet , il ross good s , I I I ) I a gio , I I umeims , silt ectl mig , bbmtn be. etn , domncstics , trImmings , at t geode notions , semi ; ) , uet'fuiilery , rlbbon . boubmi , stationery , getlts' tunitishming goods , itoshery , fttr gootla. rLlguo. draperies. curtains , curtain Itches and llxtures , tend toys ; also nil show cases , simimlving. cotttmteTM anti llxturce. nod olihce furniture conslstimmg , .zthelby of an Iron motto hhhes , desks , elmira , carpet mmd curtitinle , ttttd " " all otlter elmattebs of every Icinti xinmth cimarac. tee. owned by 5)11(1 ( N. 13. I'alconmer , cenmd con. titineul In the timreo-story multI basement brIck bullmling nuniberol 1505.1507 itmmil 1502 Douglas street , Iii time cIty at Omntiia ; , No. bmraska hull all other persoimal property and lmmorchtttflllltle citrrleil In sitock at thu. nbovo nameil hilace ujmon wltlchm there Is now clue time suni of 23,519.G7 , nitul ttptn whIch there will becnnm duo Octohmer 10th , , 1895 , the sum of 212,000.001 October 26 , 189. , the aura of $5,000.00 ; November 18 , IbIS , ( Ito sum of $5000.00 itnd Decenmbet' 16 , 1895 , time sum of $ lIl,00iO ; itnil Whereat' , On tjm Hailie day saiml NathanIel 11. Falconer also gilve chittt'l : nmortgages upon time slime clescrihail gonls antI chmattels to time following tmatimed persons In tima amouttmt following the names of the nmort- gagees to-wit : 'nt ? 'imristina lcnlcnn'r In tIme swim of $2,220.00. icil of which Is mmlv aiim. 'i'o Robert Fmtheone'r mtntl Thmomimna Fiticoner , ( Icing titiolnese as I"alconar limos. , In time sum of $7,250.00. wIth Interest from July 3nah 1895 , at II ) jter cent per anntimn , all of whmicht I now title. 'ro the Kilbiatnlck.I'Coehl Dry Qnoml corn- paimy in the stun of 80.1,01.32. all of whIch ) is now altie , wIth intert'et. 'ro 'l'hte II'P I'itulis'iuirtit ; company In time simm of $2,016.71. $128.23 of which is due , noti tIpoim whtlcit thma'ro o'I ? I" Utmo I ietoiier 22iI , 1893 , time swim of lilt. ? ) . , tdv'mfltml'r Slit 1595. time smitn of $722.17 ; Novvtnhier 11th , 119. , time sum or $143.60 ; Decemniier hut , 11,93 , thom mmxii ' , , , , ( l'tihllsiiltlfl t'oltl'nny ; the sum of $795. II. tm000 which there wIll Ut' ILtO No' voniber 15th , 1695 , tIte slIm ot 5395.311 , antI Decemhmer 12th. 14151 , tao stInt of $397.95. ma'nllomma'd after Eitt'h of simthtl mnorIgueces that of time Ontritta NatIonal bank behng sIhiject to time mnortglge of time smitil barmic , and eachm of ralih mnntgugee Iietng simhiject to mall that ireC'1hO , it in title notice , eacit of saul nmomtgages hieing tllt'ml In timli coummty clerk's chIco Of 1)ouglttg cotmnty , Nebraska , on thte 14th tlay of Octolier. 16)5' nimil 'hr'rl'its , Smtid Onmalia National bitak nail salul other nmortgaitees are In iosisiesilon of saIl stock aitil c'hatta'bs ahmovo llesic'mhbed ; and \'tere'mtH , 1)eatblt has lucen nnitu.le In the coxmmlttIoti ( 'ontlminell lit sullul nnortgogell , almd no stilt or proceeding 111(5 luet'n insthtnteml to recover time ihebt secureil by said inortgageCs or aity part thereof ; and \Vhena'at' , Said mortgagE's gIve authority to sell saId stock to iay the amount due or to bt'coine tItle. now , Therefore Notice Is hmerebs' given timat thin undersigned nmortgngees will siell all of limo nhmove1 d 'm.cnibeil property Itt time Inillihin lately occtiimIed by Faith Natimanha'h It. Fit - eommer as imhs store , to-wtt. Nos. 1506.1507 arid 11.09 DouglaS street , In time cIty of Onmmtha , Nebraska. ott Friday , the 8th almey of No. vamber , 189.i , at 1) ) ) o'clock In the forenoon of aiutltl cite y , a t Pu itl Ic a lId ion I o t lu Ii hghte'ti t bldmier tlmerefor In citeh , anil that tlmai pro- ceehmi thereof will hue ttpiihleml to tile payment - mont oh' nld mortgages In titu order of theIr lmrlonltY. Iated Octohier 10th. 1595. OM/uhlA N'A'l'IONAL JIANIC , By hall , McClliloelt & Ciamkson , Attorneys. CIIbtlh4'l'INA. l"AI.CONI'ibt , ) "A 1.4 ON 1711 IhltO'I'II iltH. ICIIPATRIClC. KOCh I lI1Y (1001)5 CO. , bly lCa'nnotly& h.enmnu'iI , Attorneys. TIIF3 flEE pU1hi18Il1NC C'OMi'ANY' , 113 , N. 1' . FoIl Ilus , Mgr. WOIti..L ) Pt'IhLlSlllNfl C MI'ONY. 13y 0. M. Itilchmeock , Pres , 'I- . . O'1Bd-21.t.m-- .