Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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I 'l'nJ OMAHA DAlf'Y fli.lV1lTflAY. : : . ( f1'I'flfl1U ? . ' ll. 1MU. K
Archlteot Fisko Suing for fJpecficatlons !
for Lincoln Building.
. 'rUhH.t flf the rU"t' ' . . , Vork " 'Oil .
Xut U""tI-U"III. "r Inft'rellt
111 the Cllllllni *
I. elf ) ' ,
t.ICOI.Oct : : , 21.-Spt'clal.-ln ( ) the
federal court tOtlay an IneITectual effort was
made to set on trial the coso ot Architect
' _
, . Piske ngainst the Lincoln school dstrlct ! The
amount sued for Is something over $2.800.
Piske drew a set ot plans tor a building for
which honds ) to the 111110unt at $100,000 were
'oted. Puhlla Ilressuro ) demanded a. cheapt'r
liuliding , and , the architect drew UII another
set to fit the change,1 , condltlons. The su.
Jlremo court subsequently held , the bands invalid .
valid anl the IJropos\l1 edifice was abaii-
doned. ) The Bchool board , Incltlentally dlscov.
erel , that Il hall no money wherewith to irny
for either set ot Illans. having removed to
S SL Lofts 1.'lslle brought suit In the federal
court to recover his money. Tht' ' ! reply ot the
school hOlml ; was that so long as tt had cc-
cellte't neither Bet of I1lans It Ihl , not owe the
architect anything lit all. ThE' ( IUestlon of
thin authority of the scli'nol hoard , to conll" ( " '
for the IJlans ) was argn'd this mornIng and
the pl'osecutlon finally announced ) Its tie. , ' "
mlnatlon to dismiss , the suit hi the federal
court without prejudIce to a new action III
thu ditr1ct. court of Lancaster COUllty
LINcoL ! : : LOCAL : .mNTION ,
A competitive examination under the rules
of the United Stats CIvil ServIce commls'
slon ot applicants for the grades of clerk
and carrier III the classified postal service
will he held In this city on December 7 , corn.
JI1encln al I I a. m. Thc age lImitation for
the representative grades Is an follows : Car-
nor . from 2to 40 years : clerk rolitlinuirt
18 years ; no lIIaxlmum ) ag limit.
A few days since the $1.000 bond of Detective .
teetlve James Malone was Mdaretl forfeited
Bx.Chlef of Police Cooper was the hondsman.
. Today Malone returned from Denver and
made satisfactory arranlements ns to the
case Malonc i'i charged with assault upon
another lila ! ) In a saloon several weeks sincE'
Suit , has brett commenced In the county
court , lIy the C 1) . Smith Drul ; company
IIgnlnst } . ' . C. Zerunl\ . manager of the 'unke
opera house , for $415. ; alleged to be due for
, goods sold and delivered.
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
company lice commenced suit In foreclosure
against the 1.'lret ChrIstian church. The
amount of the mortgage III 20000.
Mayor Graham has Issued a proclamation
making MonlJay. October 28. Lincoln day for
' the races and requesting merchants of the
( city to close theIr stores luring the after-
. 1100n " ' 'Ililam Scott of Centervl1le. Ia. , Is
reglster".1 , at the Lilldell hotel. lie Is the
ownel' t the great Strnthbury , with II record
at 2:04-h. : ; lie reports the hourse III excell
lent corHIIUon. Strnthbury arrived at the
park grounds this mornhll James Davis of
Humboldt Neb. . Is now here with his stable
ot tlyers. Monroe Salisbury , with ' Mix W.
" ' . 1' . . 2:0GY.I : , Sulphhle anl , Carbonet 2:01. : [
the champion 2 and 3.year.olds. and the rest
of Du 1I0is Dros. ' stable Ienver are nil ox-
pccted tomorrow. They come from LouIsville
icy . . where they partlcllJllte,1 , In the races
this week.
" 'fho case of ElIzabeth Tuttle against the
: city of Omaha et al has reached the supremt'
court on appeal having been dIsmissed ! In
the court below by Jllge < AmlJrose The case
Involves lot 3. h block 3. In Credit Fonder ad-
dition to tIe city of Omaha which , It was
alleged In tIm petition In the district court
\all \ . been rendered worthless by encroach-
ments made by gradIng and otherwise 1m.
J1rovlng the city. The Omaha & Southwest.
ern. D. & M. . Chicago Burlington & Quincy
Railway companIes George \ \ ' . lIoldrege and
Owen Slavin & Co. are made partIes defend
ant In the suit.
Governor lIolcomb will speak on the politIcal -
teal IsslIes of the 'Cnt
pre'cnt campaign at a
number of places tiuring the coming two
weells. On Uw nIght of the 29th : ? Inst. he will
be at Broken 110w. lie will also speak one
evening at Omaha , probably Saturday night
at next week . .
Deputy State Auditor Svartz ot South I
Tnkota was a visitor at the state capitol . and I
was shown aroUlHI ) ) ! the different ofllces by
Deputy lIedhlllll of Auditor Ioore's olllce.
Ito Intimated that the aITal1'3 of the omce
at the capital city Pierre were conducted
In a manner Involving conslilorablo less work
than the pystem Inaugurated ! ' ; by Auditor
Moore hut ) which posseS-es the virtue of r
serving as a check upon all the other de
Omaha 11eol11e In Lincoln : At the I.lIldell-
- F. E. Van BUskirk. C. I ) . I'armeelee. P. B.
Dodclrhilge , C. A. C. flames : ' 1. G. Sheldon
At the 1lncoln-lI. II. hlaldrhge
8'1'1'1CHI : iis't' 'rll . '
IIj'I' \I.\JI : Tis'V
G".rllor iIol.'o..b S.'t-h. I . . S..ttle th . .
nIN..ute .n SUlfur n..tN.
L1NCOLN Oct. 21.-SpecllIl.-JovE'rnor ( ) :
Holcomh has requested Prof. Nicholson of
p , ' . ' . . the State university to proeeed to Norfoll fC
In response to the urgent reque3t of both
sugar beet grower and manufacturers anlJ 1
make some analytical tests of the beets grown
In that "Iclnlly. The professor leave9 to .
morrow and will remain at Norfolk until I
Saturday e\'eni'ng. It Is not sWed yet
whether 01' nut hc will go on to Grand Island
NORFOLK . Neb. . Oct. : 23. ? 18J5.-To ! the
Editor of The Bee : It having been brouht ! ' ; t
to our notice that dlsslt1sfactlon exIsts among
the farmers regarding the teHlng of their
beets. wo wIsh to make the following SUI '
gestlon : Thai the farmers procure a chtemist
IIPpolnt1 ) by the governor or recommenled , . I
by l'roC. Nicholson of the State university
'who ) hall check the tests made by the
factory chemiat Wo will give such 1\ man
every facilIty for conducting his work properly .
erty nnll fairly. We would , suggest / , : that the
farmers al..o appoint ( some one to select the
aamples from the wagons anti cars , with our
own sampler ; that these beets bo cut In half ! f
U1111 be gIven 10 each chemst ! , so as to a\'ol < ii l
any posplblo error by difference of saml1l ' .
and If the farmer" ' chemIst proves to be
accurate and just In his work wo will ac . .
Cl'11t his tests In case they differ from our
own. In vIew of the doubts that have bee i
expreul'll as to the accuracy with whIch
'we test the beets we think , In Juetlce to
our company . the beet.growers should adopt
thl" plan of confirming our results and we
further urge the necessity ot i'peetiy action
In the matter as but little time remains
for harvestIng the crop. Yours truly
1'u..II ) ' Ov.'reftnh..L.'giii ' 1."r..uIUh' S
In S.urllllf 'llIrrlllJ ; "" , .
I1ANCI1OF'l' Neb. . Oct. 24.Speclal.- : ( )
Two weddIngs occurred near this place Tue .
day the first that ot John Walsh and Minni
HaITerty. solemnIzed by .1ther Grant ot Iho
Catholic church. and the oilier that ot Reuben . .
ben Cabuey and Lotllc Young ! ot this Jllace
by Hev. J. 11. Johnson of Ileemer. The
former hal , procured the marriage license ,
In Burt county and the latter had obtaIned
theirs In 'rhurston county neither knowing
that they could not be legally I marrIed In
Bancr ft. which Is In Cllmlllg county , without .
, . out obtainIng ! license In this county. and as
they had the time set and bath anxLous that
the nuptial knot be quIckly tied , anti to
obtain II IIcensl' In this county woult ! postpone ! .
pone the affair at least a day , the first couple
drove east of town about a tulle anti \v\'o
declared one just over the line In Burt county
while the latter drove about a mIle . northeast
" " of town this afternoon near the hogan river
' and In PlaIn vLew of town surrounded by
hay stacks the twaIn were made one. Aa I
there an about a half dozen other weddIngs ,
lieml.omelRlly announced It la thought that
the eJtl'Crlences at these > h0 couples will
sufficIently educate the contemplative matrl-
monlal candidates In the art at procuring
marruge licenses from the proper county
that the episodes ( ot today are > not likely to
be soon repeated.
'Ehirci. ft-i.e-it II ) ' " 'hU"t'nl' . ,
flIATttiCE . Oct. : ? t.-Speelal.- ( ) J. Skew
was arrested several months ago for shoot-
leg and serIously wounding a man named
lcMerrln white the laltt WU L the act
of stealIng teed from the cattle pens The
preliminary examinatIon was postponed from
time to tIme and finally resulted yesterday
In Skow' dllnilul , Thla morning a letter
W8 receh'ell by one ot the cIty Ilapera with
a request to publish , In which Hkow Is given
ten dos In which to leave the city , and ,
stating that I the law will not deal properly
with such men as Skew the wriers ot the
letter propose taking the maier In hanll. ,
The letter I sIgned "White Cap ! . " The ,
mater was referred to the police. ) .lcMerrIn i
Is known to be associated with a bad crowd
and , there Is some tear that the "white cals" (
may carry out theIr threat
There seems to b ( a posslblllly that Beat.
rice will go without electric Ills for the
coming year 08 the bIds for lIghts made by
the dIfferent companIes exceeds the al'pro.
prlaton made : for thai purpose <
At'e'iilpnt to" 1.1,1"1 ,
IASTI-OS : , Oct. 2t.-Splclal.-Yesterda ( ) ) '
afternoon Mrs. 'red Clemens and Miss Elsie
Tlrow were out driving In a two.wheeled
cart . The cart was upset and both ladles
WHe thrown to the rottnch Miss Te row
escaped uninjured hut Mrs. Clemens Was
quite badly hurt about the head.
'fhe college and Igh school fet < lull teals
played a game ut the College Athletic grounds
yesterday afternoon. The game was uniri-
terestlng as the High school boys were too
light ali had not had any training.
A ch'lI service examInation for applicants
for raIlway mall clerks will be held In this
clt tomorrow lit the Grand , Army hall.
Beecher Koch who has been connected
with the Public Journal since It started ,
has sold his Interest In the paper to W. E.
Montgomery. ant left this mornIng to juln
his lother and sister In Washington , where
tIle ) ' will reshle.
John lcGrdth Is lying quite ill at his
W. S. Noyes who holds a positIon as
conductor , on the Clover Leaf railroad , with ,
headquarters at St. Lotus . has been visItIng
his family In this city.
H. II. Nolan : and famIly have moved to
Kalea ! City where they will reside.
Mrs. Chapman of alcom ! , In. , Is visitIng
In the city . the guet of her son . Dr. VIRltng
Francis Iorchelroad and MIss Hepta E.
: 'Ionro were married yesterday.
Mrs. W. J. Iobhlt left yesterday for Ken-
tncky where she was called by the Illness
of her father. Ilness
Miss NellIe Fletcher Is visiting with friends
In Crete.
The people ot this commlnly were greatly
excited last evening by the shootIng greaty
metecr across the . Its
metlr sky. Is illumination was
wonderful and certain objects appeared as
bright as If I were day. I was one of the
most brIlliant meteors ever seen In this part
of the state
IlltNIII..ulh . Nut . " or X'n'N ,
PL , TTS'IUTH. Nob. . Oct 24-Spechal.j
- Tue MasonIc
' order of this city held a
banquet at the Perkins house last eveulng.
Dora Croager of Murry. today tool out
the papers n'cesry to wed MIss Lucy Ann
N ichols . also ot 'Iurry.
Ilattsmouth affords a market for a large
per cent of the crop raised near this point
acres the river In Iowa. I IB carried over
the river by means of 1fiat boat operated
at the expense of Ilaitsmout merchant I
Christ Haupt , living In Happy Hollow In I
this city. Indulged In a little wife beating
last l evening and was subsequently arrested.
The nelghhor are Indignant over hIs IIctlons
a nil threaten his lo Ihould he be caught
a t the buslnet , again.
A. I. Iluzzeii' , . hand was yesterday caught
In I a mass.hncklng machine used In upholster.
l og . and It was drawn In almost up to the
uhoulder. The harp spikes cut his arm
unti It wal necessary to take thl.ty.three
sttches to close up the numerous wounds.
Just across the river opposite this city ,
ne3r the east end at the Durlngtoa brIdge , les
a Ito town which has about one dozen
hOlses. This little burg Is known to almost
all Iowa and Nebraska as Bethllhem. Not
long l ago I Sunday ! heel teacher asked her
class where the Savior was born. None ot
them could answer at first , but finally a
brlght.eyed lIttle boy raised hid hand slowly
signifying that he could answer the question.
" \Vell. " said the teacher " 'VI Ie. you may
tel us where Jeans was born. " The child
rlsed his voice a little and sId In a rather
douhtul nnd Qullzlng , tone : "Was It Pacltc
J unctIon ? " \"hy. noh ! no ! my chIld . " ex-
claimed the teacher In surprise "It was
Belhlehem. " "Oh , yes ! " the little boy re.
i ) IhCd . "I knew It was on the Iowa side. "
: ttii rri.i nt Freiiioit.
FREMONT . Ocl. : 21.-Special.-itoIia ? ( ) Em-
mons and Mlts F'rances Crandall of this city
were married last evening at the residence of
tht' ' ! bride's parents on North J street the
ceremony being performell by 11ev. W , 11.
hiss of the church.
Blss Congregational Only the
relatives Inll a few intImate frIends of the
family were present.
About 7:30 : last evening there was one of
the most brilliant meteoric displays ever
s'en here. It first appeared , lIke ) very
bright shooting star falling rallldly and glow-
Ing I with Increasing . brIghtness as It fell.
When about twenty deros above the horizon
It I burst Into fragments. The fleets of light
was as intense as that of a stroke of light.
fling illuminating the whole southwest por-
thou of the heavens. Tin light lasted but a
part of a ecconti .
The fire department was called out this
noon by a small blaze In a building on Main
street The back room which Is used prinel-
Patty for packing and storing medicines. was
pretty well gutted. The fire caught In the
alley and Is thought to have been st't ' by I
boys playing with matches. The damage to I
the building about $200. and to the contents .
tents $50. The building Is Insured for $5.000 , ,
and the loss to the contents Is tully covered
by Insurance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
1..1"1. . Ir""lth'N , ,
DELI.EVU.J , Neb. . Oct. 2l.-Speclal.- ( )
Candidates for county offices have heen quite
numerous the pat few , lays. The ilemQcrats
are represented by Edgar howard , judge / , : ;
John Speed . superintendent of public In-
slructlon ; Christian Peterson . clerk and the
pOlullsts ( by their candidate for l'hel'l. Jesse
Samuel Starizer county sheriff was 1f
town on business last week.
An elocutionary entertainment was gh'el
I.'rhlay evening at the Presbyteraln church
for the benefit of the LaUes' , Aid socIety.
The attenllanC2 was very good.
Mrs. I. Y. Bailey . Pekin m. , lpent several
days wIth friends.
MIss Mattie Pelers of SpringfIeld Neb. ,
was the guest of relatives Saturday
Miss Elizabeth Palmer spent Sabbath at
her home In lilalr .
W. ii. tietz . who has been at Atlanta Ga. .
the ' past three month . returned home
Wednesday. _ _ _ _ _ _
11. $ ' : . rIgli ' , i'iie ns .
LINCOLN : . Oct. 24.-Speclal.-I ( ) Is stated
In Lincoln today on what appears to be reli.
able authorIty . Manager EbrIght wIlt transfer -
fer uk' club of base bal player to Omaha.
At the time Ebright purchased ! the franchise
Il was said Ihat ho had decided to give Sioux
city the benefit of the pennant wInner of
181 [ ; Since then he has carefully looked
over both fieltls and appears to regard the
Nebraska metropolis as the most promising.
The Wettern association nlJtI year Is likely
to comprise Omaha , Des Moines Sioux City
Dubuque . St. Joe Quiney Iokford and
Peoria. ant
1tii,1i-il for liIlhIIIN .
DUCATUI1 . Neb. . Oct. 21.-Special.-In- (
dlan Constable Moore
" arrested a white man
named , Clought near the Back 11 yesterday
on the charge of selling ! intoxicating liquors.
Wben captured Clought had In his possession (
tln kegs of what ho called "hanl cider. "
On examinaton by a doctor at the Omaha
agency the greater part of It proved to be
vile whisky and tobacco. Clought was taken
to the Wlnlba/o / , : agency and imiaceti ) In Jai
and will remain there until the United
States marshal arrlns.
IU'k",1 - ) it 'ht'Iutss l..rN" . ,
TECUMSEII Neb. , Oct. 2t.-Slleclal.- (
Frank Coyne , a young nun lIving , near
Sterling . was klcleL In the face by a vIcious
here today anti Quio severely Injured Ills
nose was Bunk Into his bead and a big gash
cut on hl9 toreheal
( Jlllt..n I'neit's Bid for " .utcs .
CRAIG . Neb. , Oct. 24.-SII ( ? clal.-I,8t )
evening Clinton N. Powell . one of the so-
calle,1 republican nominees for district judge
spoke hero to a mixed audience ot \'oter ot
all IJartles. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
" ' 11 S".nl , In Otisit hit Sit imirility ' ,
LINCOLN Oct. t-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
Governor 10lcomb and ex-Commgressinan 10
I\elghan speak at Omaha Saluray nigh ,
October 26. : ? _ _ _ . _ _ - _
Registrars lit till 9 p. m.
Defends the Position Taken by the Interstate .
state Commerce Oommlssion
. \ r""m..nt UN'I'nt ) . nft'r..1 Intn isy
t. . 'l'ruII , 1.11" ' " : . .t In Vinli-
titus nr 1.1" n" A".wrt",1
II ) ' . lie SI'nnt..r , _
- - .
W'\SI-OTO : . Oct 24.-tntcrstato Com.
mIssioner MartIn A. Knapp , has written an
open letter to Senator Chandler ot New
Hampshire ( I. reply to the latter's crIticIsm
ot him In connection with the new trunk lne
aer cment , Mr. Knapp says his plblsh1
statements Ilst not be attributed , to the
conmlsslon , and reiterates his assertion that
the detection anti punishment ot crimes
created hy the Interstate commerce laIs
only an Incident to the scheme of "regitla- ,
ton , " a feature with which the commission .
has no power to deal . lie adds that the
courts seem 1 to have reached a conclusIon
dlITHent front the view taken by Senator
Chandler , that the alleged agreement that
the trunk lines are aholl to enter Into Is
illegal under either the ant.poolng or antitrust .
trust ' laws.
lit adds : "It Is evident that no combIne
of carrIers , whether formed In evasion ot
existing laws or organIzed under legalized
poolIng . cal be more powerful or alarming :
than theIr actual consolidation. In the New '
England : states the process ot absorption , In
one way or another , has gone emi until there
Is now practically no competition II time
raIlroad servIce of that section. So far as I
am aware this consolhltlon has not resulted
In any Increase of charges blt on thl contrary .
trary has been ' attended by considerable reo
ductlons In rates . by improved ( facilities anti ,
the better accommodaton ot the public. Fewer
complaints come to Us from that region
than from any other part ot the country .
I believe the people In that territory would
not welcome a return to competitive commdl-
tiotis. I am yet to be convInced that slmmmilar
results might not fairly b expected I co-
operative action should be substituted for
compulsory warfare on broader scale In
a more extensive Iteld.
" 1mm short I believe the principle of asso-
elation should he applied to 'transnortatInn !
that the lower ( to 'regulate commer o'- should
be exerted to secure firm and unquestioned
control of thc rates and charges which car-
riers may eJtact. "
VIItV GI.'S : 'rHg 1.:1 . \1' I.\S'
111 { .nl."t",1 ritsefrosia the I.ite'ohm
UINlrh.t U"'d..1 ' ni I ) ' ,
WSINGTON. Oct. 24.-Spedal.-The ( )
secretary ot the Interior has afrmed the de.
cslon of the cOlmlssloner ot" the general
land l office In the case of Mahala Thompson
against Cora : ' 1. Ogden by which the con-
test or ahala ! Thompson was dhtirniased and
the timber culture entry of Mrs Ogden was
held immtact Thc land Involved In 140 contest -
test Is the northwest quarter of section 1.
township 1 north , range ! 19 west Lincoln
and l dIstrIct There have been a number of
decisIons In this case heretofore On Dc-
c mber 1. 1883. William Kingdon made timor .
bcr culture entry for this tract of land On
Mardi 30. 188G , Uufns M. Ogden led an alll-
davit of contEst against the entry and at the
same tme ted 'n applicatIon to make tm-
ber culture entry , of the tract . The contest
was sustained and Kingdon's entry was cart-
celed on April 1. 1887. In the meantime .
to.wlt. on November 7. 1886 , Ogden dIed ,
l eavIng a widow , Corn M. Ogdori and two <
font t children . who were his only heirs Since
t ilL ) tune of the decIsion against Klnldon the
contest has been one between the heirs of
Ogden and hue mother , Mahala Thompson.
Mrs. Ogden's name Is now Bummnell and Mrs.
Thompson has married , so that her name
vas changed to Drlggan.
On August 19. 1887. Ogden's tlther mad . ,
homesteall entry for the tract In Question
Out May 1. of that year Mrs. Ogden Qualified -
fled In the state court as guardian of her
Infant childuen. As such guardian she was
permitted on May 19. 1887. to make timber
culture entry for the land. On : 'layW : Mrs.
Thoml130n led her allldavit ot conte3t agaln
'Jrs Ogden's , entry In which Bhc alleged
"that time claimant or claimants have not .
broken or canssil to be broken five acres of
saId tract sInce date of entry and up to this
date ; nor have they plowed or cultIvated five
acres of said tract slnca date of entry and
np to thIs date. " A hearing was imad . and
the case ulhnate ! came to the Interior de-
partment. On January 1. 189 : ? , a decision
was rendered by the eretary of the InterIor .
In which he held "that Mrs. Ogden was en-
titled to the preference right ! to malI entry '
or mid tract In favor of thc heIrs of Rufus .
1. Ogden. " lie further held "that the .
testmony was not sufficient to enable him
to arrive at a satIsfactory conclusion that
Mre. Ogden or her agents were prevented
from breakIng land because of the conduct
of 'Irs. Thompson or that there was reasonable .
able ground of tear of perrnal Injury at her
hands. "
Iu accordance wIth the directions of that
decision a hearing was held oa October 9
and November ; 9. 1893. On December 27 ,
1893. the local olllcers decided adversely to
Mrs. Ogilen , whereupon' she appealed to the
general land olllce. The commissioner reversed -
versed that decision on May 21894 , and dis.
missed Mah31a Thompson's contest , held her
homestead entry for cancellation antI held
Mrs. Ogdemm's entry Intnct. I Is thIs decisIon
which Secretary Smith alllrms In favor of
! r. Ogden and her Infant children.
Coil I.tN 1.1. c'rl1 : \ y IN.VI' : .
n"'nt g'ntH In th" lI'riimit iCing-
, iiiiii 1uit'huut , . . Ih'rli 1..1. . JCtllJ- ) .
WASII-G'rON. : Oct. 2t.-'rhero Is much
regret In official circles becaur of the prob.
ability that the turmoIl through , 'hlch Corei
has recently passed Is likely to embarrass
and po.slbly discontinue the Corean legaton
In Woshlngton which has long been one of
the most pIcturesque features ot diplomatIc
lIfe here. The legation has received no 010-
cal advlces front the new government and it
I becoming apparent that those In control at
Seoul represent the old Ideas against Inter-
course wIth foreign powers.
I wag only a few year ago that the
Coreana began their relations with outsIde
countries anti It was regarded as an advance
toward civilized methods. Thc first legation
establshe,1 , was In Washington as the Coreans
regarded the United Statei as I country most
frIendly to them. Since then a consulr
agency has been opened In Londbn . but time
United States remains the only country with
a Corean leg3Uon. The queen recently assassinated -
sassinated was friendly to these foreign ro-
lationa amid through her influence the lega.
ton here was kept In exIstence. But with !
her dEath there Is evidence that old methods i
wilt be resumed The lew minister of for- I
elgn affairs In Corea Is BJhl to be opposed to
foreign legations and such melHums ot cons-
munlcaton with outsIde powers and title
doubtless Icounts for the fact that Corean
officials here are receiving no word from
their superiors at home.
: U.\CJ 'I'HI : HS' OP ' 1'11 l'Un'u.I'GN
1''rl"I. . . to ( 'l'IIII'rhIN. . . II '
5humity : 'tiiiti.g ,
: llnlnllllf 51t'ms.
WASINGTON. Oct. 24.-CommissIoner : ?
Lllreaux has receIved no Informaton of the
actIons at SpecIal Agent Irockenborough In
CalifornIa . but says the reports of hIs selz.
Ing timber are mme doubt true as he has
ben working In that direction for some
ttme . The conunlksloner sye the worN thin-
ber depredations the ,
depredstone department has to ( 'on
tend with are In the mining districts where
the law allows tmber to be cut for mining
11urposu. Thc olllce Is In constant recIpi
of complaints that the men operatng mines
are stripping the public lands of forests. One
charge he said 19 that Marcus Daly , the
manager of the Anaconda Mining property
In : Montana has cut about 75,000.000 feet of
lumber The commlstoner has recolme.led
In lila annual report that the law permittIng
\Imber to be cut for mining purposes te reo
pealed and that the forests purpss regions
be put under a forestry syslem.
l'i"1 for tIu . . \rl ) ' .
WASI-GTON. : Oct. 2t.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Captaln ) Ogden Harerty , assistant
surgeon Is relIeved at Benlcls barracks and
wi report lt Fort lilIes , Tex. , to relieve
_ _ . . . - _ - _ . - " ' - , - - - , - , . >
Major ? Clarence .nttl , surgeon . who wilt
report to l1rigst1i VImersl '
r'prt Ir1fsilU Qtnrl I''rthe At San
. ' )
FrancIsco for lUmlyplol ; by the army rl
thing board .
CaptaIn Sidney RI Stuart. Ordnance ,1eparl.
ument wIll make gtet , ot smokeless powder
at Frankfort arsiemaiI'imtladohimhia . Major
James C. i'ot enFlnner corps , granted leave
for two tuonitte ; . Major Charles 11. Ityrrie
surgeon , three 1110111s extended : Captain
IsaacV , Llthu a sllont quatermuter ,
seven days ltend i ; First Lieutenant Lotus
: : Second art1Iie-
NIles art1Iietwo months ; First
Lleutena't JaltSI I3.ulttmghues \ . Tenth ca\'alry
seven days . I 1
I"ii.lIltS'i'IItS II ( 'ttVtiil't' , " ,
1.1.1 I ! IS II1(1'1' tMI.lli'
S"lul,1tf'llit 't'.II.'h ' . ( 'uhl : tore
lOinimsI comm , ' rrlmumt t be 1"lr"t ,
WASINOTO- : , . 24.-1 has been due
to the activity ot Minister Depuy tie Lottie .
Iho Spanish reprCqntat\'e In Washington ,
that time large band ot Cubans charged In
Delaware with being fihibititers . have been
npprlietmileii In one ot the Bahnma Islands
Brief word of the capture has already been
receIved heretofore anti has now been con-
Urned b ) officIal atlvlces . Since Uhe ac-
Qultal at Wllnlnlton. Del I. . ot tIme Cubans
charged with being filibusters , the mInIster .
ter has not lost tl'ack ot the men. While
the jury found them guiltless . time mInister
was satisfied that ( they Intended to conduct
an expedition to Cuba. lit ret'lved ' constant
reports ot theIr lo\'ement. but took no step
toward their apprehension unti the ) ' reached
one at the Bah'\la ' Ilands al d w\re uliler the
jurisdiction ot the Britsh authorities. The
later were quick to act on Informaton from
Washington , and as no Britsh war vessel
was at the point of Cuban r'ndcvous. a ship
was ordered to proceed front Jamaica. The
capture was effected with dIfficulty amid the
prisoners taken to Nassau . where they wIll be
tried by the iiritlslm. The Impression among
officials here Is that the suspects will be dealt
wIth , by the Briish authoritIes In a summary
'WII ) Tins capture Is regardCI as one ot the
most Important thus for nmmtde
: IIS , 'AI.I.EU'S 1'AL'EhtS AIUn'n'i
1"1' CI" " . . . . le l'r"N'Uf' , ! tu .h. . De- I I
mimi i't " , , t I. C ) flue.
WAShINGTON . OCt 24.- trR. Waller has
not yet had an Interview with time secretay
of state because of the absence of her Ilallers.
These arrIved today and she will go before
time secretary In compan with her attorney ,
Mr . Drummond Kenrmetiy aa soon as he can
classIfy the documpnls. The Iresentaton
which she wIll make Is Intended to establish
time presumptIon ( of innooemmce on Ihe hart. ot
her husbautil She will exhibit among other
documents all the letters written to her by
Mr. WaIler after hIs arrIval In Tamnatave
prevIous to those I the strength ot which he
was arrested . anti these will show that Mr.
Wailer , Instead of atempting to Inform the
Hovas of the movements of the French
through hIs correspondence with his wife , re-
fralne,1 , from all reference to such questions ,
except to cauton her against any act which
would be construed as partial to the natives.
An afda\'lt from the 10\'a lad for whom
'Ir. Wailer was to lurchase ( four I1lctols In
London , to which reference was made In the
sequestrated letters . will also be presented.
The arrangement for thIs ptmrchtaso I Is as-
sertI , was made long before the trouble bs-
tween the I ' rencl and the 10vas arose , and
Mr. Wailer was requested to purchase these .
weapons for the lad . his father and two other
relatves. simply bceauso they could be pro-
cured much cheaper In"England than In Madagascar -
agascar , .
. .1
1."lt"UN for , X'hruNI.IL 1".ll' . .
WASHNGTON Ocr. 2-i.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Joseph ) IJ. Greenwood of Fairbury
Neb. . was today applnted : clerk In the .
rl\ay mal crvce. .
Nebraska postmasters were appointed tOday
as follows : Boomild.'l\nox county , EphraIm
Lanver vice laW ' Schroeder , dead. Ellis . :
Gage county F. , r . ' Eiwood . vice F. H. .
flumes rsmnovetl. . ' 'Herman . " 'ashlngton
count ) J. T. I"Heh,1vlce 1V. S. Richards .
removed. Whieman. Grant county A. S.
ChamberlaIn , vice W. 1. . D. Chamberlain reo
SlgnN. r i
Thomas 1. Fails ot Lincoln Neb. . was
tcday appointed ( a teacher In the Indian school I
at Pine Ridge ! . S. ' . . and Miss Elizabeth Im
Baker of ValparalsO ; tiusd. . was appointed al
teacherl ' In the . school at the Omsmalua Iud
agency,11 ,
Sidney P. Tyler was today commissioned i
postmaster at Arizona Neb. . Bphrlam C.
Kyle at Daizell . S. D. and Fred ' \ . imatter
son at German Valley . Ia.
Slave Ir""n 'Ccii . \llt l'uiIIs .
WASHJNGTON [ , Oct. : ? 4.-Apparentt the
BritIsh authorIties feel they have gone as
tar as prudence and courtesy permits In liS ,
slating In the education of our naval con
structors for the Navy department has been
notIfied that hereafter no AmerIcan naval
olllcers will be permited to take limo course
at the GreenwIch royal school of naval arch
itecture . a prIvilege which has been enjoyed
by them for many years with such signal I
benefit that the ) ' Ilave usually graduated at
or near the head of theIr classes. The ( has -
IOW school ! and that at Paris however are
stIll open to our young coostruclors . and with
the opening of the Corn 1 course on naval
architecture the Navy department feels It can
get along very well.
: IIN.IN SU n" ' ' 1 to n hliisiquet .
WASHINGTON : Oct. 24.-The session ot
the supreme council ot the Ancient and Ac
cepted Scottsh Rite Masons today was de
voted to committee work and leglslatvc
btisimiess Time annual banquet was given to .
night , when toasts were responded to by
prominent members ot the order. Tomor
rom the memberI of the council will gG In a
boy to Arlington cemetery where an oraton
will be delivered , over the grave of the late
General Albert Pike.
'l'imiiimimge J"lfluN ills Nosy , " 'url" .
WASHINGTON. Oct 24.-ln the presence :
ot a gathering that filled the edifice novo
T. Do Wit Talmage was last night Instaled
as co.pastor of the First Irobyterlan church
of this city to which he had recenty bee
called I Included In the assemblage tonight
were a large number of Washington tllvhmia .
to whoni a special invitation to bo present
had be n eJttelled by Dr Sunderland , patti
at the cisurcim
101,1 Coimmpuiy ' Hnrret Oi C.
WAShINGTON Oct. 24.-Tho 10stoIce
epartment has Issued a frlllU order agaInst
the national council of the Eureka I Endow
ment Relief association of Baxter Spring ; :
ICan. , for conducting a bond InveNmenl
TJlt Jo'ful I.'eeln !
With the exhIlaratIng sense of renewed healh
and strength and Internal cleanlIness . which
follows the use at Syrup of Figs . Is unknown
to the few who have not progressed beyoad
the old tints medicInes ant the cheap aubat
totes sometimes offered but novel accepted
by the well informed
' .
Register ! today ! ] ,
1 '
" 'II lull II . Imahthit' , . . X'xt - ' , 'lr.
DETROIT . Oct.24-The American Mis.
slonary asclatol toJay decided to hold Is I : ;
jubilee annlverarr In ( celebratou of its Lift I. I
elh year In 10ston ' 'ext October.
_ _ , ' , - -
Registrars sit tll 9 p. m.
.1 iii ;
DGl "
.I ; " ,
( . ' / " ' 1 _ f
Q" ' ' . '
. , .r' .
' .t _ ' , .L'
- Q
, , . . _
- - ! .
' - - ' " : ; -
ltiIEtM.t'i'iSM IS IX ' 1'11 itLOOfi.
I I Cnn".1 I ) ' n i'oimst " 'hlch Cnl
lie I'iltcrch ( "t.
'I'Im . l'IIIt ) . " \ro Our ntllrnl Plt.rl
1011 I"I' Our 11..1 Vitro-
" ' 11' " 'I'ht ) ' Are Slek ' , % ' . , Get
it iit-mmiitit t Is , . , , . ' '
I h"111 1,1 lte'-'i'lie
" % 'n ) . . Cure . { lr
, ,
l'Ih. , s.
'L'Imoiigit 'oti iiirl.skito' whn I .1 . t'I 1
, 'OII lmmtvt' , ' ' '
'Ol \ 1lrhnllS 'UI dUI't Iwow
whnt cttmmuse I.
Hhlllll I I I t I s its I s n blond , 11 I IIt.
. .
I I t J1\ ! 'Ol pull lit 'Ul. muscles , .
hit I Ihl t ts 11 ctt used iiy the t iioisoIt /n / 'Ul.
1)100(1. .
'j'o . I' l. " ' rllI1U tsl 'Ol Ilst Ilrlf '
, 'ol. blood \
Peoile used to think hlcalse timi'
et tl'
ImttiClt't4V't ' ( Ol'l' ) thll ( tl ' " 1111 l'm'e
11111Ut I itt hr timid d m ig thl IIH ! < dls .
wih 1iiiimmitmmt . hit al the Inlllnt itt
( I m' vot'lml v I 1 I not ' ' ' tim I .
tl w0111 wi lut l'm'I' Il mint t I ii l.
Xulhll wi do It hit Jllril/ the
bloOI. (
\111 tht' l.hl\\'s : 'l wIl they tiltet'
tl hlooIIHI , 1.II I It Ilre Inll hl'llh ' .
'i'itey 1 I t 1'1' ont m 11 t1 t Wlste html t tet' .
Ihl' I I Ilol isoim . 1l t uric 8(1(1 ( . III thl'uw I I
alit uf thl' s3teitm.
\Iwn tlr l'e sick tw ' Ilon't.
\hen they me sicl . , rUI Jlt l'itellhlltt-
tml I : , 01' lii' ) i1 itt p out. I nnll'III , llll' ,
mitt I htS' ( olillexiol , Iwall : cht' , mmcii en iglut .
Brl/ht'l tleISe , 1111ltes ( , vain / 11 the
hl\ I. . Hleeliessless nll I IUI tll1 of
sl imilimt t' troubles. .
Wlwn 'Ol. 1dlnlrs Irn sick you
RhOll1 , I lOil's ) SlUl'itgttS ) Fitl. 1
hey Pills. ' ' ' wilt / . , .
le 11 > 1'11 wi cure your 1",1.
itcyt4 . Whel , 'oiit' l"III ( ( 's flt'u unce (
wel 1'\'Pt'rlhlng else wi he vell.
W'i'lI kIdneys Inmetfy our hioml it
Wel 1"lm'pl 111'lf ol. bluul lS . I
olJht to t bl 111'llel'lhIY m l lalw.1
ft'l'sh I Inll I'll' nnl ( I Ilulh I t ' ,
Pm' blotni iuimtlces.i clemme , ' ,
11uOI lukes a cent. t'osy 101
hlIJXiOIt ) brIght I'.res.Ioss ' huh' . i'ed
I ip. clpur : bra I it , hnll' ' ' / thOugh t8. rel
Time healhlU' 'Ul. kidneys , the Ilrer
rUI' blood .
4'tSiItl'LlgtlS . , Is I 1lalt. , whitl has a
vct..1' stmotmg lteuillimg tmtmd tommIe action
\e. Stl'Otheull Ind tOlle lelon
Dim tw 1.IIIIJs. It , Is 01' of the chief
lmmgredieitts , of Dt' ' '
IIJrelllts ) 101h's Spal'uglR :
Icklitey Plhii .
Dt. "Huhh't Simar&tgtis & Iidni'y Pills
Jlt'als Kh11'J Pis
amlrflel ' hUI'lleRH , IHl'ly "lgl" .
table / . 1111ISnlt to tttkC . timid wi elI
wlll otlu't' ) Ieserilltols 01' itmt'tlli.'lites
ha" failed .
Then' Is iso rafOI vhmy \01 Hhol11
stnr Hick. I 'Ol walt to t get wel you
CutlI. All you ha\'e to do Is ' ' '
C/l. Al ; 10 ctmreyonr !
. . ' '
klduteys 'j'hls cal he clone wih Dt' .
lIoUb's Siint'tgtis : . KhlnlJ 11 .
A 10x of Dt. ilohb's HIHl'n/us Khuimey
Ils should ' he I"Jt1 / the / hOlse , for
'oudol't know how soon you may ticeil
A few doses wIll relieve. Pall In
the lutek . II the jollt ! /n / the muscles ,
wi all ; 0 afer a few doses of stes .
1IOli'S ) SJlat'l/us I hhlJ l'ihls.
A few boxes will cme. " 'hen your
kidneys ate wel 10thll will brIng
hack ' ' disease .
your again hit careless-
Overwork , wet ' . excesses . overeat-
lug . s'tIl itmmtke ' " . ' .
Ing. wi Inl.c your 1".IIIJ' ! ttick agaIn ,
s-lhl bring lnicic 'our rlmeumnatlsn /
wl In'lnA bace rour rheUlatsm , gout ,
1llneJ I'ouhpt ) , ete
Hut otwrwlse , 01 ( ' gone , they will
' ' . ' . ' ' .
stl Iwn DI' Holh'l S'pat'agus ) KId.
n ! ' Pis cure Iho'ouJhl ' , /
Timo3remieuv yotte kltlueys , ' hlool
anl your health.
For smile by . , all d'uglsts , , or hy 111 , ,
II'l'ltld. ( ot' rO ci'tmts I hox. Ynlunlle
11'11111 IIUIhle sent free on 'equst
hy Hohl'l ) cI1clw Co. . Clilcao or ;
Sai Fmlclsco.
wi I bo Bold in OUahn by , the
\5\3 Dodge Street second door DtG P. o. :
' Searles & SearJes
1' 119 S 14tb St.
f " ' 0 CIII'I' Clhlrh , nit dl. _
: . . . . , , . . ll
rci . . . of tins No. . Throat
( j1 -r . , , , , , . . .
: _ Chest
ii " Stuineim Iiosvc (
\h& . , , , _ . ) ; _ , . & .1 . I.h'r SIOII"h . . ; . ) ' . , 10".t. , . ,
'W ; . 11IMt I , . , . " ,
! . ! I 'utrItneeIeStrIcture . t'
" , 6 ' : Mi'ii SeItaiiy . IiI.iot . SkIi
S".umly. II0OI.
\ , . . Skll
mmii ( ' . . . . . .
H1 ' IIHI IIdiwy JIs'ases ( ion -
dJ \ $ t' ' \ 1 ' , ' , I I Is ,
[ \ \ilf \ ( ) f : .rrh""I 8)'hll.
l .
' x\Hr \ ( VJEAK MEN
l\\\ ; . t , ! ithi i'rItmtti . ' ,
. \1 l'rl\llo iIcitsc's 1",1
. , , .
. \ iisorlt'rs . ai'mm .
"t. or..r..r 11"1. , .
. \ . ; . \ ' 'rr."tm."t hy . lll , ( . pit
: \ \'I.ulatoll rree.
II the troltlollL or al
Treatment . for all forms ( f JEM. f.E WEAl
N F f1. Cal 1 on or mu Cd res , with stutamp.
Dr Scarles & Searles 1 I I S. I tl . t. .
I Omlh. : .h.
tc f
, Chas. I
I Shiverick
\ & Company j I
The largest stock and
lowest prices . ii
c\ 7
_ _ _ 1
I Furniture ; , , 8
erIS ,
I Cudains. ,
t A beautiful new stock ,
\ purchased at the lowest M
prices ever known , :
ggg Douglas St.
R = i
. .
- - -
. - -
. ?
Sale Begins Satttrday M01-ttiug
, Yi Men's
- . Overcoats . . .
4r\ : ; : \ $ 'c50
' S 'A
. .
I , Oxford mixtures
Plain blacks
'I ' ' ! " Back diagonals
I i $650
. ! I
. Fly Front Overcoats ,
with Velvet Collars
with Serge Linings ,
in all sizes 34 to 46.
01 Sale Saturday at $6.50.
CtTH'UIAL , ! ! ' ! - .
See that the People arc Moving South
No Drouths , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods , No Heated Terms
No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps ,
No Cold Winters , No Crop Failures
lIENACE the intcl clt labor of of thc ltusbandnman who cun suc-
. cessfully ' three ' ,
f ' cC8sfuly grow two O' crops yearly
. . _ . - -
. , - - ' '
- I' w - - .
The great fruit growIng and vo'etnblo raisIng dIstrict of the Southi A coil
that raises anything that grows IIml Q locto from which you reach the mar-
ktts of the whole COUnlry. Your fruis and garden truck sell on the ground
ant ! placed In Chicago St Louis and New Orleans markets In 12 to 24 Jround
In this garden spot of merlca. 1 : hours
Offers greater adVlnta/l' 10 the IntellIgent settler . One hal the work you now
< 0 here will "h'e foul times thc re u1o In thIn wonderfully productive country.
wonderfuly productVI COUnlr.
Time II0ple are friendly ; chmools . churches newspaper are plenty ; railroad fe-
cilles line and I sol whose richness Is unsurpassed. tu. .
Two urn ! Three Crops Cull he Successfuly Grown
the Samu 1citi' , .
Timber ts abundant-Lumber Is cheap-Fnel comets nothing-Cattle ao easily
raised and falened-Gralnc Is line all the year nothlnc-atto IO easly
Is healh ) ' and delightful : land and sea breeze alJ cool nights. The mean
temperature Is 4 to 66 degrees. The average raInfall Itt 6 inches No extreme
ot heat or cold ; sunclent rain for aU crops. '
20 TO 40 ACRES
properly worked makes you more money and makes It easier than the hoot 1h-
ncre farm In the weSI' Oarllen prodncts are IL wonderful yield anti nil brlmmg tr
prices. Strawberries peaches . plums , apricots grapes pears figs . early apples
In fact all small fruits , are sure end profitable crops .
S S . . SEE . . . .
Orchard Homes f
Surpasses its soIl . climate . locatIon . present and future value or home advarmthges.
The Most Equable Climate iu America
This la your opportunity. The pea pIn are erlendly ; schooll sufficient ; news.
paper l1rorrenlvl ; churches liberal. The enterprising man who wants to btte.
the condition of himself and hIs family should Investigate this mattCr and he will
< . InvesU&ate matlr he
bo convinced. , wi
Carefully selected fruit growing and garden lands wu now orfer
on liberal terms and reasonable PIlces. orer
Orchard Homes
The moet carefully selected lands In best ioationa. Will make ) 'OU money .
Will gow In value Will suit you Cal OIL U9 or write . for Cult Informton
1617 Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb.
1f - . - - . ; - . . . - -
. - , . , - . - . ' ' - - . . - - , , .
: - - - : - -