- , . , 2 TIlE Ol'rAIIA DAILY DB ? : I VB rDA Y ; ( ) OT&Hlll I 2 ; ; . 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that hav beu made oalnlll ! him hy Imch rel- 10wII al Fl , I Cornllh , and , thoroughly cxplo < l,1 , Mme of the clMms that have been N3de by the candldatei . on the i1ervIi ) ticket. Mr. COO WR warmly a plnu(111 many tmes dur- I Ing ! his "peech and made many frl'nlt by hl8 honet and manly declaraton of his posItIon on the fluutons now before the POII.O. . Notwithstanding the fact that I wal 1 clock when Mr. Coo concluded his adMen . the aUIence 'wanlo,1 , to bear from all the can. d\latcl In elght. and were brlAfy adlres.ed , by 0. C Cnmllbcl , c1ndhlate for county clerk , and Thomas hector , candidate , for count commissioner. - - - - - - SI'II'1) ( : IN 'l'It i II'I \\ln , ; Cru""lleJl".t eurrll.tln Pr..hl',1 , , tl thl' 1'1'11,11 'l'It eri. At Twenty'nlnth and I'arnam street there was held Illlt night unother ono of the big meetnJs whIch are stIrrIng UI' the ciizen" of Omaha to a senle of their re'ponslblity In the coming election. As at the other meetIngs - logs which have been held alreldy In other parts of the city , the hal was tuer even to IR stanlng , cpacly with men who g1e Vent to their lnthuslum ! with frequent lP' IllauBe Taken alt together ItI'aB one of the bIggest and liveliest polllcli meetings the Ninth ward hal ever eeen. Chalrmll W. I. Jler'tead ' , with a few preliminary remarks - marks Oi the purpose which ) caleI , die audience together , introduced , mmer g. Thomas cllllllato for the hoard oC F&iuca ton , as the fut speaker. Mr. Thomas said that the cll1 ns' Cln- fllates for the Boud of Education Itood UPOI a plato.m which oppoed ctulanlsm. politics . and ( favoritism In public clioo1. They ( lid not bellevi , that the A. P. A. or any other orgmlzaton or party should rule the p01)110 schooll or have any .ay II conduct- ing them. ThisI'IS the real IS3ue betwe the lo,1 , of 1 ( lucaton canlllltes , on the citizens' and republc'n tickets . us It wis between the other caInttd3tes. A considerable portion of Mr . Thoma ' speech wal devoted 10 Illustrations of how the A. P. A. clement In the present Hoard of Education was brought out In the discharge of competent teachem on account of religious helefs , I the citizens' candidates , vere clected : I. . Thomas IromlseI ) , that they woulll h3ve no hand In a factional light , hut would llec teachers only through theIr friends and COIIetency to teach , W S. Ioppleton was the next spealter. lie liroateh In hlg began by relating how Brateh speeches wa9 taking the credIt of laying the greater portion of the plvlni of the city and when durIng his former administration . \hen accused of causing rotten pavement to be laid denied all responsibility for I , despite the fact that by his veto he was In a posiion to prevent It from being foisted Ulln the city. Mr. Poppleton also mentioned the fact that durIng Uroatch's admlnlstrn- tQn the city was burdened with the highest taxation In its history amI exposed his connection wih the $ OOOO gas stenl lie closed by urging the voters tenet not only turn him down , hut to turn down with him the present membcrq of the council alll their friends who were seeklng a position In the body because they were all following ClOsel l ) In iiroitcb's Cootsteps. . HApplW ' 1 HASCAIS I1AItIJ. At the conclusion of Mr. Poppleton's remarks marks Chairman Kierstead called g. Hose- water. As soon as Mr. Itosewater's name was mentioned the audience urt Into lp- plansE. which clntnued for several minutes after ho hal taken his position In front afer . ltosowater started out by saying that ho was not In the mood of making a Ilollcal speech wal , as he had just finished writing the whose death obituary of General Van Wyck , he monrue" as he woul1 that of one oC his own fa I 1) ' . Nevl'rtheless. he said he would . speak somewhat oC the Issues of the cain- plgl , : Concerning the candidates on the repub- lican ticket , ho rlmarke'l that the head oC It , Hroatch hall ( left 1 monument In the Ninth ward . This monument was the house which WIlam built , and In which Jack Ivel-J.lc Morrison. 1 was no crime for Iorrlson to OCCUpy the house but It was I little lueer that the hpss lmbler of the city should purchase - chase the residence of the gopd law and order mayor ' when there IWoO hUlllre1 ot othel' offered for sale. houses jl\11 as good ! olerell M. ' , Hosewlter then remarle" that the Ninth want IIII1 : another lnt0rc'st In the ticket In the shape of Edwards. who was running for city tr1aturc , r. ' \\hen It lau COI S be- fern the people for office . " said , the slenktlr . "he ought to show two QualfcatonR , capc- ity anti , Integrity , As to the capacity of Edwards . 1 wards we can only assule to JUdge from the fact that he has been In the council . He ought to h9 capable . because since he has , been In the council hs Insurance business I i has Increased. as the business of oilier conti . i clmen hall who do an Ilsnrance huslle I , , Aniline that he Is capable and let us gauge , hIs integrity hy his record II thc council . as one of the trustees of a municipal corporation - tlon whIch hiss $20.0QI.OOO of assessed lroll- trty $200,000.000 of real property , all F penrlj , nearly n million annualy , "IL can be state,1 ! generally ) ' that In almost every case he has cast hs ! vote allnst the city and the peple , and for the corloratn : : arid bccle contraclors. When Chalice wu tryIng to hive his Howell lumber claim of $9.400 , againi't which the city hal judgment , for over G.OOO approved , Edwards , ' voted to uataln Clllee anti , ng11nst the veto of tht mayor. 1 was the anle way In every other cae during the ( hart two ) 'ens , 1 , tlard8 was found alwYJ on the side of schemes and , Jobs. In thp allrdlll of the ! lvlng of Sherman nnnue J' Jlallu stood I ) ' the ldgh- ! eat bidder. although there was I bid to' 1'1) the same materll for IG.OOO I l'J , lie voted for the atempt ,1 , gigantIc 1 gas ste11. The gas comp1ny wanted n frnchll' for fifty yeIrp , anti , dil not lant to PlY a rOYJI ) Through the efforts of The nee the time of the franchlRc las cut down to twenty-five years and the company was compelled to pay a reply whIch ! Is nettIng the city $ liOOO n year I the tifty-ycar franchise Iud been graltel ' 2.000.000 would have . been Iractcaly : stolen from the city. Yet 1 , I\rIS voted with lascal for It from the Irt to the last. " llov 11,1 , 1' ( lwlr.1s . act regarding , the injunction - ' , junction which was granted hy Judge Hope- 'I wcl In the police copiniisIotn case ? lie was at that time prclllent ) of tine council. 1 made no difference whether the injunction was granted fnlly or tiot. 1 wa ! the duty of "IIITI ' to Iepect the court und law Nevertheless when the telegram nnnoulcing that the Injunction was granted was recelvCI . dwards I , who knew the nature of tine Ide- gram . shoved I aside and paid no attlnton Ito I " to it. I CONNIVANCE AT I300DLINO. ' CON1'ACE ; r. ltoewater turned .to the condition of' ' affairs exlatnr In the offices oC the city . es- peIII ) ' In thus ? 01 the treasurer und comp- troller. lie spoke of the ( Iefalclton of Coulter - ter , which he said would never have occurred ' theIr If Olsen end Westherg hall performed Iluty. Boln hail , collected $12G.OO of liquor license money In December. 1891 I , stint hut : Icens ! ) not turned It over to the school fund until the following April. , Hut Olsen and Westberg did nol discover that fact. "Yet they say there Is no need of reform " continued the speaker. 'They say that everything Is all right anti that the citlzen' movement Is n Iosewater scheme 10 put the city In his pocket. "There Is a like condition In the courthouse Je < house and just as much need , for reform there. In some of the offices clerks arc falling - Ing over each other although there Is no work for them. The suinarintendent of the count poor farm , Instead of superintending time paupers .111 cleaning out time per farm Is down town every day superlntendlng tine Boarll of EducatIon . the Fire and Iolce board and en tine meat Inspector. Wins pear , : the Irrigator , Is with hln : \'tmispar , Is he - - - - - - - - - HA YDEN ; Wegive ' bicycles " - away / . " and many useful . and ; It ; V \ beautifui gifts , besides - / ( lfOI t , ( ibl bopgains that . are unex- ' celled. J ' , . ' V . O. - : " , Take advantage of our , ili , ' , ' ; . ' .k ' \ i \ i great ' Linen Sale. Such ' } f. prIces' were never made JL" " H ; ( L" " { ! if t' , , l\ \ ' , ; , on fne pupe linens be- ( ; ' 1 n\ ; , c ' . \J. . . i. . : ' ' ' : " ' ' ' 4f - I 'I ; . ? ' I. I fore. Great Litten Sale. Nev4'rS't'Yt' such IlualtteH or Hue LIIIIS Hell II so short 1 thll' . 01' ; I'llt , WI ( nfl the ilohlat' Ilt'l'hlRO : h'I'i hU , 'II'H . Hlth 1 Chll'l lS tlity ha1 in''et' lint it II I ( ) inn hut. \1 II\ct. hll 'J'hc . 1111ISO sal's Hho\ that I t the t al' pOI.tullt ) IH hl'll ' tllwl 1 II\I : I t Ul' 01' ' ' ' vill bit the hest vli'im l'opl' wi ht ) ; oUIH wlll thit' p ilet's 11'0 wlthll I t rt'tt'hi. : 1'Xlltlsll' : styli's lit tine 'I'milil' Iineiis . NIIII.Ils. ) 'I'wols , Ilnel catCs , ite. . lt .tn ( ilk tl Ilolhu' . All Imrl Ilels , Surpassing Values. Al t'minlles variety of splelllhl styles II lIed , HIl'Cllls , stain ! l'\'lrS , l'lc . are Ihu\I II Hhtlwls , . Comforts ititilYooleiis wo hl\o O\'II.thln ; tl inn t'ki't oilers . . wh'I'c. 'l'lit' irle'es ( cannot le 111111111'1 : 11) Silk Bargains For Friday. Fthll ' Iilhlt'itliig , fret U I ) to 1 o'lol . all SIlk . race 1 "I'ln'll. II lliLt'k anti colol's worth ie , go lt , 'lrll , . . ( . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . : . . . . ! . . ; Ilhmtek salil t Htrllll'll ( Jrepoli , worth 1111 ilc 'U t'll , for , . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . , . . lOe Hlmiek ' ' , worth . ' ' , lteugalliic $1.2i ) 1'11 Hack gut's 1I'Inllll' 1 t . ' . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . : . . , . . . . mil IUI'H lnl'k . \rtt'I' , wurth $1.41) yat'tl 501114' liit''S , Ilru. . . . . . . - . . " . . . . iic Black 1111 ( II fll' . others HI ) It Is worth 1.r. yard , we sell It ( or only . . . . . . . . . 'lt . . . . , . . . . 8cI . . . . . . ' . . SVe ) Wo Lea ThoM Al 11 in 8111(8. ( man who run a sewer through IllS g1nlen and mlde $4,000 a year cut of it. lie muse patented a sweeping machIne and wanted to have time street sweeping contract awarded to Stephonscmli. so that Wlnsl.elr'batentel " sweeping machine could be used , . Turing \ to the Boar oC glucaton. Mr. Hosewalll sPOke of the sectarian aaton' ' with which It was permmteated . calling par- tcular attention to the case oC 1Is3 Stacia Crowley as aim iiiustration . He said that after teaching In this city for eleven years afer she hal been discharged 1 as Incompetent She went to Chicago all Is now teachln In the high school t here at a salary $400 higher than she receIved mere , and Is considered one 'of the h"Ht teachers Mr. H03ewater hrhl that such things gave the city unsavory nllvertsln aunt , was giving the lie to : e- brslta's emblem "Equll ) Before the Iaw. " Througholt his speech : Ir. Hosewater was Interrupted , frequently by the hamlclapplnJ which rceted his remarks. and he retired . < from the fee , ' in n burst of applause. Mr J. iluirne the next speaker , salient Into the somewhat < elayed retrenicin mont fever which had struck the council , \ llch he de- nomlnlted as amusing. He said that the council was claiming that the expense of running the cIty for time nine months oC thlH year \a3 about $ 9OO less than the expense - - Winter Suits Dud OvcrcoDts. Xlet 1IIII1Ite I Itt'I on. Le t UHf thlI'I'flt'e . once IUtl'e remnliint ' that Ilrcfnt. ! ole mOle I'cllil YOU . tlat 11 'lll'l htros Is ili'e-CIiuilii'IitlY I the Cltlll l n I i I 1111lilll'I'IS or 0 inn liii , 11 I'I'S 'Ovei'i'outs-ltlui' : , hilcl abll ht'U\'I , Iwtscmil hlU : \1' \\'Iiutet' U\.Ionts' . Illll wil ' ' I tmtilaii dOlh , sIlk velvu't IlaIllal Hi.lh'll tuli ) t' , coals t . . . that t I Ile lion ' : thy IIHI ; Il evt't'y IISIIlCt , equal 10 othl.t. t stOII"S ) $ I 0.00 ( 'Ol ts , at 11 1 ' - 11l1. Buns. fo. . " . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . : .OO ( tile or thl' lliut'st Klt'IH'Y Overcoats . coals 1111' . coats tllt wi abso- hOt finhe . coats that ' yfl Iltlly 10t fllil' COIIH thlt1 \S''itt' itt least two ) 'elt.s , lIned wih I I I'IJI I I wm'JI'lthcl' I clot It a iud IIIIII"S best silk sleeve 1111 . 1111' SI\h WI'I'e ever sold Iu thus city . fo. IIs : than $180 ( , We ol1lr Friday multi HltlrcI . II black hll' 1\1 hl'OWI colors , lt only $ l1.O I Iu \it'ii's 'ttlts-\Eeiu's [ nil wool : bitie. hntat'k 1111 . hrowl cheviot sllll'.hrlasl'll ft'ock styles t , thlt woulll ( II' ( 'olhlel'tl good Il0lh to 11 Ilrwhl'I'I\ $1,00 ( ) , Fi'h- . ( hiLV 1111 llt'III ) ' fot. . . . . . . " . .J : )1'I's'II' ' 111 hrowl , bronze hile alli hlll1 cheviot and fl'Y : Vol'stL'd $ tilts ' wll'sh'll HlIS. 11 Ihe stylish Iol gh h I clot his . 11 I ot her HlOllH . & 'htmti'gt' $ l.OO ( ) to $1800. HIIIII iti'os. 00\1' fuut' , . . . . . . . . . . , . ) . . $10.00 Two Days More 1oro F'i'huhmiy Itl Hltl'lhl ' we wi mkl' thihiignt huuiuu. s thll 111. . . I Lmti.l'aitq' . soap , worth ie bar . l = c 1771. 1 $ ( ) : hulilt' . etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ae . $ lplo . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le Itii't' ' ) lhle .lelly . 11s. . . . . . . . . . a e 1"t''Ilh t Sit thi iii's , l'III. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . : \ Bllwll . Beans . 1"1' 1.111 , . . . . . . . . , . lie 1.1 t I' ( 'auils 'l'oiiimttoe . . . . , . . . . . . . il I.I' I' cons (11.1. , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . le . \II.lltls iJf Sotilis , . \ riuIour's , Iluck- Ins , ete. , III' 1'11. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . lOc l'ttt't' ( ( 'U Htm'I.I. , . , . . . . . . . . , . . :11 : C Self HahlluJ Patiit'mtkn hour. . . . . . . . ft Self UllsluJ Bnckwlllt Flour.'Ic . . Large \11'1(11 RaIsIns only . . . . . . tc Flllh' :1\1 1\(1 Mohiu Cole only . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c . - Agents for Butterick's Patterns. HAYDENs HAYDENs * I of the ale perlol , last year. He slatll that ' an examination dlsclose,1 that last year a' levy of $30.00I'IS made 10 pay off the JUtlg. menls .lnlnst the city whltl was not done this ) 'elr. . and that moreover there was still I lue this year a bill of $9,000 to the , Bab2r Asphalt com pal ) ' . Taking these facts Into I coimsiuheratlon . the eJllelSes for the nl19 months of this year were some $10.000 greater than for the same Ilulcd of last year , "The main leslie of time camlmlgl , lies rlJht here : I Is whether I\ hal allow theRe men to remain In ofce or elect bt\lneS men who I will be the Ilploye8 of the people , as they , should he , rcgmlEss cf their religious or I piiticai antI iehlefs competenc , 1111 cniy . reanlnJ theh' . honesty - I HWOml inl1NflNTLY Nm \m. . ' Charles A. Coe was called upon' anti respoliell hrlely Ind was folowc,1 by D. Clem Deaver , I ho saint that the h'.Ie In time . cmlulgn was whether religious ! Itt ) . crt ) was to b ) uphehl or II'oscrlpton e. , Iorsel : I hieihmer Iorruplon should be cnn- donell annul winked , at . or whether rascals rhouhl lie turnel , out oC publc oIlier Inl hmost anti efclpnt men punt In their places. Th- existing condition of affairs lretlH on the one h&11 nan In the city ! hal which has robbed auth Is still 111nnlng to rob time anl sti : tellayera ) , and on th other citizens who ar" Ileprl\'e'1 ' of the nee slls of ( lfe anl are ni- . lowing thlr propl'rt to be sell for tax Oh- Itgatiommui.'ithm slch a coniiton staring him In the face , ! r. Deaver ) eahl that he was mere than wlll ! to lay party aside all join with other cltzcns In obliterating thug hodler . tr , De\er took the republican tIcket anti Ilssectd It from top to bolom , He spoke of the unsavory records that the majority or the caniidates hal , made In the past and cnmpared them wlh the efficient anti bus- Inl'ss men who were on the clttzns' tcket He cion'th by urging voters to vote for tine entire citizens' - ticket - from 11 st to last UInll'It'I'SII' ( ( ln FEIiO''S. UI'r'I"h c'tulclf. " 1' 'llrl' " ' 'I'h.lr I.ine fur 11 11""hlll. Ilurhll" . The First Ward Iepublcan club met at Sixth anti , Pierce 1'ets last night In order to give . Judge DcklusOl , W. W Slahaugim . Becch litghy John Westberg all various other candidates an opportunity to tel wimy they deserved conshlerlon at the hand of the voters. The meelng was fe3tureles ! for republicans , hut I any good democrat imami strayed In by acchleut he wOlld hJve believed himself In the houle or his friends Jute Dckinson told how much ho admired a democrat - . ocrat , and especially one down In Burt county who had assurcd him he was going to vote for him In preference to Judge Hopewel , Then Sllblgh told ahout another democrat that he knew was going to vote the whole republcn tcket "Such a good , manly , noble democrat , " Ilde" Slabaugh , "I 110 1\1- mire a real , true , strlht out all out Ilem- ocrt , who had the courage to stnli by mimi prin- cipIIs. " Anti then the speakers vIed wih each other as to who coull say the nicest things of the same old democratc party that they had anathematzed without lmi until : few days ao. I But they llhl a numebr of other thIngs Incldenlly , These were sandwiched In be- Ileen their eulogies oC democratc principles. Jude Dickinson had a ! Iudge against Judge 10pewel ! , and ho proceeded to take the voters Into his confidence. He averred that , It was a mighty mtn trick In Hopewel to run for the district bench when he knew that Dckinson wanted I hlm ' \ Then he wanted to den ) ' that ho had anything In common - mon wih Judo Scott . as Judge Ambrose had charted ! , and a minute after he forgot hlmselC and declared that hD anti , Judge Scott had campaigned together all over Washington and Burt countes , : Ir. Siabaugh's IntcrlleaUons consistent of a feeble effort to rhlcule the candidates of the citizens' inmovemnenit. He declared that I Charles B. Brown was posing as a business canitlidate . when he did ( not have any business except to mEet with a board oC bank directors once or twice a week. Then he said that Lee Belsle had no rellllble Occullton , and as there were ito lawyers In the audience the slteaeDtl as not dlspu ell , The' the sp'lker proceeded to , tel whlt a grand , lot of , mel the republicans hall nominated. In his opln- Ion thl'fe was not I nina , on time ticket from district gourtclork down tl constable against wl.om 1 . tuning could be sal" ! Jndge Tlpt\J \ slid all this and , a good deal moore , mil lhen John Westborg. Dee b HIby and one or two other candidates cur- rob rate the statement They also were beglnnln to acquire a fraternal feelng to- wards democrats . and they earnestly hoped that enough of them would Vote the repubhi- can ticket this fall to help them throuh. A few men stationed In the mttidle of the hal applnuIe" , ohedlenty when Prcsldent Sam Duhols gave the hunch , ant the club adjourned. _ _ _ _ _ _ " Vifthi'tn nui HI'IU.hl'un CI nil , . At a meeting of the Fifth Ward Hepublcan club last evening addreses were made by Dr. Ricketta . John L. Webster anti E. J. Corntshn. All showed Incslned on account of the strength of the cItizens' mOI'elent anti a large put of their talk WIS the expresion of a general dhlko of It They urge.i . repub- lcans to stand carefuly together tD beat It or they lould be brten themseh'es. Mr. Corl h told again lila old tire a ril police commission story and praised the party candidates. . ln'IXI ' 111 I \nJIS A\ CJ.\ lJ. H'uln I Ito tt ' \'lr - In I Suuth nnl.otl IruIIHI' " Inii'rt'uuthIii itesniitn4. SIOUX FALLS . S. D. , Oct. : H.-Speclal.- ( ) The wheat war here , which has been on for the past week to the profit of the farmers , Is gettIng more interesting dll ) Therc have betn a number ot the representatives of the raIlroads running Into Sioux Falls here anti , I Is rumored that they are looking Into the malcr to see why It Is the Norlhwester Elevator company on the Great orthern road , gels about 76 per cent of all the wheat marketed here I Is also reported , that time Great orther road his cut time : lnneapols rate In two for the benefit of the Northwester - er elevator people . anal that If this can be ascertained to be correct , the other roads will likely cut their freight rates , and the -war vIlI be haler than ever , At one time yesterday - torday there were twenly-lht loads of wheat In tine waiting for a chance to unload : t the ( thwester elevatdr . the last man being compelled to watt five hours. 11"01".1 Stot'k nut Aniet loin . RAPID CITY , S. I ) . , Oct. -Speclal.- ( ) The entIre holdings oC the Wl'Hter Dakota ; , Land and Horse company and the Standard horse and Cattle company were sold at auc- ton ) yesterday and today at the breeding farm oC Hon. James M. Woods In Hallhl Vai- hey Buyeu Crom Nebraska anti all parts of this state were In alendance , Goo prices were realzcd , Poled Angus cattie . 4 monlhs old to yearling bulls , sold Cram $ fO to $135. Ioo"e,1 t.olll ! stock youngsters , brought from $75 to $350. and range horses In car lots from $20 to $31 per head A noticeable feature oC the sale was the barbecue oC a yearlIng hOre , ' ru . Phht lie 'l'n'lt'lIin.nue : lonolol ) ' . IMnWOOn , S. I ) . , Oct. 21.-Special ( Tel- I cgramn.-At ) a meetng of subscribers of the i telephone company In buslneu at Deadwood , steps were taken 10 oppose the payment of further advance In teIephone rales. The com- pan ' In control of the business In the His Is composell ot Omaha people and so extravagant - tra\'agant have been its demands that the people mere have met and made arrangements for the organIzation of a company which will rut In a new system oC telephones that are now In use In easter cities In oppollon to the Del system. . 'I"'I' ' 'O\I "I.U..I h ) ' Flrl' . DALLAS , Tex. , Oct 24-F'ire destroyed more than $100,000 worth of property In the beat business part oC McKInney" the county seat oC Coln county , Texas , tbls mornlag. The lire was near the court house Among the losses are : Dowel & Fields hardware $30,000 ; Wilcox Lumber yards $25,000 ; lc- Ilarey livery and feed stable $5,000 ; and nearly a score oC minor losses . Urll , ( ' 01 , V. I. Cluunh.rlnln. HYANNIS . Neb. , Oct. 21.-SpecIaI ( Tele- grammi.-\V. L. n. Chanmberlaln . who for a nluber oC year was a merchant of Whitman . man , thIs county was buried today. : lr. ChamberlaIn , being a membr oC the Masonic fraternity and I being his desIre his funeral services were conducted by that fraternity. Alliance lodge conducted the services , as. slated by the Masonic S brethren oC hyannis Uclslrars alt till 9 p. m. - - - - ' , - - CARRIEDVELL \ CAIUUEDilS WEGHT r Navarro Easily tts Out Clifford [ \(1 ( Stnta Auit.q. : : PJ FINISHED WIfBr9 SPEED TO SPARE Wl r' l'oJc'I' lnIH' l i , lhl Oi thl' t loll.lnl . . . el' " II t Ifrrl" l'nrl.-'I'rIH'I. 0111- . & 'iin Is . \1. : I'IH'I'II . Uinui . - \7..trrest. , . NE\\ ' YOH , Oct 21.-Ahthmomghu It WIS l'X' , " ' . would he had pertCI that n goo,1 dl"s sport woull at MorrIs park \Hh sevrnl well filled I'JC S I , on the crd lul tew surprises due to chang ? of forimm . II was not thought that a hat of cmntrai t office JolI'olll , \ cause constern/l' / lon among the b tlng len anl , ! In the onlt oC the association , but such was thc case , and a fIne days : sport was marret by the action oC the imoiice. After thL fourth race had bl'en .rumm , eight hooklakers with fIve assistants Were arrested on l'huge oC hokllklug anti , taken to nssex Market Ilolce court . vimre ' they were balleti. In- specter lcCulah was at the track anti , after tine blxth race the judges , Colonel Sllmons Ilnl , Clarcnce Jcowol nnd C. O. Fitzgerald , clerk oC the stale's . were taken Into custody un the chal'ge of Illntalnlng I letter ) ' . After the races the prisoners were also takeI to bal.The isex I Market polIce court anti , released 01 The ! real race of the day was the Iullcl- Iml Inanuhicap , . ut a Ile and three-quarters. la which Augnst liehmmnommt's crack , I bury or Navarre . was asked to tale tip 130 ) pounds olul give four pounds each to Itey el Snt AnIta antI , Clifford . while Aldrews was the lht weight At the opening oC the beting Navarre \ 'as held aII I to r . hut was hacked down I poInt at the post. Clforl was played as I sfcond choice and Hey el Santa Anll third whie nobody wanted Audrels at any lines. The quartet got off In good order. Anlrcw IeI the way past the grand stammti for the llret stanl Irst time , all uller strong pulls . with Na\'arrp II second place und Santa Anita aUII Cilord close together In the rear As they rluliell this lower tur Andrews shot out some II : tance and moon hall ( a place of hal a dozen lengths over Cilord , who had taltu second 1I13ce , and was rlnnlng easily two lengths In front of Santa Anita , 111 a length In front or Navrr who h111 been tulen hack by Gniflhmn. The paeo Increal d 01 they ( mete to the foot of the lull and Anlllews was beginning - ginning to tire. tIp the hill they rUlhel1 at I lmigiu rate of speed , amid as they conwletell the first mie Andrews had dropped hack Into third place wimile Clifford l'howed whie Cltord ' the way n neck In front of Navarre. They rushed Iround the turn on top oC time huh wih speel Ilulkenln ! every Instllt , Clifford was dOing his best hut tr ) as he mhht ima could IOt gaimi an Inch upon Navarre.- anti hal a mile Irom hOle he want only a head to the good Inll Slmls was at work wih hunds and heels. half I lengtl bchlnd the pall was Santa Ania , while Andrews Wal a hopeless cse. " . . A mie and a ! laIlad been run annul Grlml , had finally slCc rIM inn getting Navarre's nose In front. " ftr 'it the last flrlolg Jest Clifford hall gotten .emmonugim and waH .apld ! dro\plnJ back'l T.al was cOlllg like a whirlilInl1 on Santa Anita The three swept throuh the l st fmnlong { only necks Ipan , hut GrUHn 11d' ' notlhave to do any u lnr on Navarre. Il was nmnnning true with I ! gooti bit heft . land drew rapidly away frommm . tile others , fnaly \vlnnllg eu'ly by a go ; length , with Santa Anita eight lengths II fm oat of Clifford : who Ilel away to loth" } hulL gel thlnl placP by nreen lengthH. Thl ! crowll cheeled , tine , pest hlndlCppers In thc training anti \vcrybody seemeil happy oven \ ' the splelllll vtRlor : ) In the first rice ' ) ltm'e waR a hot fnl . h 1)5- tween fOlr ) ouhr tet's. nnl1Vrxfonl 101 Irol LIle Mils , : J' ' } Sebastian In that on1cr. In the l'e co 11 rct Idtolman was aim odds on fa\'orle. RM 111 easily from Ieilca anti , the others. Rhhbiuoiu was the C = YQrlll JI he third racp. amid ' \1"u' II 'a drive 11 a length and a hal after Peacemaker had led the way to the last furong , The fashlol Stakes brought several to the post with Woodvlne as a 2 to 5 shot. _ lie _ won very easIly , while Cassette HI'prlsell Ier owner Ilul everybody by getting the place lit the sixth sixteen were eatered , but Harry Heed scaed all oul but six , and was then scratched. DQggel was the first choice ' but was unnpaced . for ombazete took the lead at the last quarter and won eally , Lake Shore was n strong favorite In the met race and won handily , alhough It looked at one time as If Sister Mary might win SUlmarles : First race. live furlongs : ' \extorI1 ( : to 1 ) % von , Lile M III ( o to 1 secorll , Se altnn (3 ( tn 1) ) thuirti. Tlnll : . 1:01 : Second race , live furlongs : Patrol (9 ( to 10) ) \on. ? detiica (0 ( tn I ) tcoml. SIIIII" I (5 ( to 1 thin ! ' 'hnl : I mOO. ; 'hlrll rr' pix fUllm" , : Itumbicon (8 ( to 5) won , lism'ount (9 ( to 2) ) 1'1011 , 1'ettcnmiaker , (9 ( to 5) ) thlll Time. 1 :1 : : ' I"oufth racu , Fushionm ! 111es , six flllon : I \'ooI'lnp (2 ( to 5) ) somu . Cassette (15 to I ) el'onl , , IntermllJon (10 to 1) ) thlnl. 'ln1 : 1:12 : % . i2.I'ittim race . mile anti thuree-Iumartl'rs. : tl' nlcllal hlnlllll ! henry . of Nuvmutre. 130 ( GI'lln ) . : : to G.on ; I. ) 11 Santa \nitmm . 12G ( Tmnrmui ) , 4 tn t. 1 Ip"011 ; ( 'ihifonul. J2S ( Slnuns ) . 1 to r. thin Time : 3:02. : Sixth nice , one mule . sidling : 10mbazIle (8 ( 10 5) von . Ialihal (5 ( tu 2) ) ecoml , Dog- /lt (7 ( to ! ) thlr. ' 11" : 1 :42i. : 1 Sev'nth l ntcu' . onp mile : Iakl ! Shmors ( even ) \on. Sister Mary (2 ( to 1 scconii . AUgll"tu hello (8 to t ) thlnt Til1 : i:12. : \ - - ' - - - - f , L\JI' 0'aliIi4V 'sV.n.t. . SIHIHISg. ; ' ' , . \ ) ' fn'uinm the' Fin ' . ' 'I'ruted \\1) 0' 'In'II.II' ' " 'lhunt nlllml ) ' . 1OU1S\'I.r.g , Oct. 2l-Three races anti , an InfnlFhe < one In which three heats were neces&ary before. It WIH dech1ll. Ilrovlle,1 the program lt thl fourth day of time Louis- vile Drlvln ald Fair associatlonn. TIme track was fmutt . The Irst race totlmiy , , time 221 ; trot pOlt\0III trout yesterday , 11rVltl something or \ a stnrprLso. : laCIIIOnl amI ForeHt,1 were tIme ravorles , but Grace O' tale ) ' . who alrcauly , hlul one heat to her credit . won two toulay , without nun effort. Iu time first hat of the 2:20 : pace \\llren l' fell do\n In the buick Itrctch , th.owlnl GOH' nail trm his sent , hut not Injurlnl him \Varren C was distanced. The 2:1 : trot \a' not row. Ilniutimed Results mtnd : was carried over to tomor- Hesuis First mice. 2:2 : trot. . horse , $1.00 ( postponed from ) 'eztt'rthay ) : Grle O'Mahley won . the rourth ) and hElm heat nail race. : ' [ 'line : 2 :222:21 : : : % , . Macarroon FeCOII , Forester l thlrf 'nrluolsP anll ( Strhhoy 110 staltld , Seconll race ' 22O laet' . purse $1,001) ) ; Iple UUltol won the second third anal fourth heats. Time : 2:18 : , 2:15 : , , . :19. : :10118 G'pFOn won the llrst heat In 2:19'1 : and wus HICOnl1 luII"e D I IrHt . Bright 1.1ght. The Jewe.uu . AmoH J. \Vood Talnladgo and Warren l' also started. . ; 'hlrd riles . 2:2 : trot , 111'se $1.Oi : Hear ) " S. Barketnn inn straight hPlt ! Time : 2:21 : , 2:23 : , : :2I ! . . OhCitsecond . llectwoOI timirti. Nellie Clark apiiQmedn , } Chester also Htarted. I'ourth race , t.VI : ' trot , \ur e $1(01 ( umuulin- l hII ) ; Doly' IKI ! won the Irst and thlrll heats. Tltl:16 : , 2:15. Alamlo WOI , time second Illul , . . Time : 2:1 : Bourhon WIPK Ind n'UOI1 flogem-s also Itartell . . 100'1' hi.tbI1I'fl4lbItlti , ' ) " .tF"I'ihItNO : IlthNHnct * lihiunnl 1 1 I 1 h ) ' tl II. . Siiiviu ! itt iIliuig.n'si & I'nrl. . Saturday aflm n wilt be a big day at University parl.1 1le frt tine game of ISSO- elation foot ba\I \ , } Il take place there , and the UnIversIty chrh twIll , play Its initial game of thus season aVRmigty against the Universiy . tt ln : will oC Nebraska Play wi cOIIence at 3:15 : o'choc7qid ; ! [ hovers of foot bal wi bo able to seojtth , conlests for time price of one admission. TM V association match will be between al eleven representing Omaha agaInst the see ; lof Fort. ( Omaha , and bas been arrammgedji5pQ3e1y wih a , 'iew oC an exhlhlton to show all the merIts of tine mw game. The 1eIeton of the Unlverl ) will be c0l110sell or all the best players on the Hgh school team , several of the old standbys wi m8ke Ul1 an eleven ali will give the State boy a had tussle In tuna I ohl , game. WI Cowan , Walter Burdick and , WI Gardner will be on hand anti will do all In their power to hold nip the reputation of Oma ins. _ _ _ _ _ _ : Morn' l'nrlc loll.lI ' ; " , \ rr.t.l. NEW YORK . Oct I.-Counsel for the antHambln asclaton. Peter DeLacy . the former pool room proprietor , called at police headQuarter9 at noel today anti had 1 lenKthY and secret conference with Conu- . mlsloners Roosevelt and Parker. After they had ben together for nun hour Chief Conln was coiled In with IIPpector 2.lcCuilagim . who has com man" of the district In which the Morris pak race track 19 situated . I was reported on god authority that war- ranl' hail been IsueII for the arrest of Preshlen Lawrence anti the other officers of the \ , stcbtJter Iuclng association . anti for John Doe , IUchanJ Hoe and other and that lucy woull he "lrvcl nt ' the track : thl8 nttermmoon. 'I \t IOlls I"ule thll nfl'rnoun nine book- mnkerl until two jlulJR of the .ntl ! were nrTtlll tfr nle ( ' 11 violations of tine anti- illbln law. _ _ _ _ . _ . JCH ( 'I'I'1 101 ' 1'11' : CI\ J'l ) % JI' . FIft-0tui' i4utrit's fur th ( , ' II'h ( , , , , . . ' . . . , ' . UII""t Slsilvs nl.1 'I..tllh ) JAI.rl . IOII' ; , Oct :1.-Sllortpmcl anti crack shots from nIl 11.ls oC the country bl'lnn tlmiit mornlnf to shoot for the DUpolt trophy . u ( nut iitnrse , and tl worh1 chnm- 1lolshl , . 4 \ I time olclllJ of the lalch , which bean nut 10 o'clol'lt , thele1'110 hft-ne cltrle ! at $2 1'lch , molding / the total mll1r $1,2a . to ho 11\1101 40 per ccnt to the \lm"r. 3l per cent to ICCIIII , ' per ( ' 'lt I to thlnl t an 11 It ) p en' Ielt 10 I ttan r I hi. 'rhe lmmtnttlic'alu committee hmuu ixctl ) tIne ' distances , 111\I otl commitee his fxel tw I talcl' nt thnimt'tinree ) ' 11'\1 \ fo , ' l\'tll \ ' .1 nick ' ' ' . ' ' nil for tinM' Irl\I'"r dOWI to tWI'lt.f\'e yam ' IIJM' who ' ' IPcolds Ile lot so gn"l. gch IUI 11 1 I phoot nt ! 'etnt y. live births . amid - tmo tI i'l- 110" of lirst nitonnu'yIiI he iuhioveu1. null the tIcs hlll requ'lnunl , to he Ih,1 oi 11IIIne's ItolIIOII the mint t cii , Ifl'l ea : hoC the eommt t't- lnt" hlli hot elevemm iiirtis . I will he liii- l"hli u"lt'l \ ' ' of Ihl' shnctiti'is have 1(111,1 , Htmlght blrl thug fur 111 the inumutcin it th ' of tIne bite IHtrh l'rOII ' l' to hI Won tiny Il' : Htllw time me ! Ull' conl"IIII : . 'rhe hlnls wlle u wll 11111,1 t a 1 I IIU ' ual : I ) ' 8tlOn ( lot of hll to k" In" tl ntmJf"hl'rl p.ecl.el ) ' IIht to lal:1 the'l inn rd tu I hit t < alltlln Brl\er , who Is the ( avorll II limit be t I ing . smut II i lugnlfcl'nl torlJ mil hum t'k wits clemirly wih him , fol nine O ? hi" hl'III fell clearly ) out of hOllls , hut was retni&'vu'tl , hefm'e the referees cot their cvi's Oi it. Ful- rorll ; on the ut her jut ati , 111''I\II'e" ' : \ I t . ulII Is cOIHI'NI , out of It for IIIt or Sl'eOIII IWIW ) ' . \111 I"III or Ihlll"lhll.ho is I Rhooll" Iller the nUle or " " Ibluol , . got hut lllI out of the t'le\'el , IHlt Mu'i\iste'r , hlH fplnw cllzel , \ho fhootl ns " 'tinny- vmn nil " , " 1m kted I ! eleven stralCht Al I I IH Ihootlm for the rU11 t. helug iole ( itt the elll'r Fet of the tml' ' but Killpho \ \ ' ! inn time furl of s'CltttaiCs tine' bllll hell , UI II ( ' hll ! :1' 551'S. I , A. 1tlloe ult , I' i ; . hail mire refcren'Inmg the matl'h 'hl' n'estnlt or tOlla"M hoot Inn the tlolh ) ' "olte"tf Is lS follows ; DI ' lom" ' . . onl" Kitted. : If""t 1I. : 1'\1 . . . . . . . . . . . ) 21 11 < 2 J , Tininimons. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 9 2 ti. M. .n.innusoni. . . . . . . . . 2. 9 2 I I , . I'm , , : . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 : 1 0 1) . . :1 1..1II"pII. ' . . . . . . 29 I i 0 I : ( ' . thin kinnrdt . . . . . . . . 2G R 3 Ihl Unly , Jr. . . . . . . . . . . 27 N I ( ' . n. I Inlfplll . . . . . . . . . 2. 10 ) 1 . \ , 1. NinR . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 : I 1'1 ' 1 % ilen'iIey . . . . . . . . . . 25 I I 0 1 ( ' . Verge4 . . . . . . . . . . 27 ! 2 1 Ii. e , , ! . . . . . . . . . . . 21 I 0 \ S'iilianmiVngnem' . . . . . . 2 I 0 I. I Irew.'r I / . . . . . . . . . 2 il ' 1 .1. ? it. la\lll" , . . . . . . . . 27 9 2 I. I nellw1 . . : . . . . . . . : : it ) 9 2 1. T , . lrwer . . . . . . . . . . :1 I 0 . \ . J. Jnlk"ol . . . . . . . .2G N 1 "IIn3wnrtt' . . . . . . . . . . . . : : ; . i I 0 1'nUk ( 'lasq . . . . . . . . . . . 31 10 I ( 'mnnitaiin : toll ) ' . . . . . . . . : 9 2 " , \.hlruk" . . . . . . . . . . 21 9 2 < mr/I lall , " ' . . . . . . . . 2' 8 3 C' . : / . nlllll . . . . . . . . . 2J ! 2 1',111' ; , 1111111 .t..2' 8 3 H. Ilh < t . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 11 0 W , HI""rll . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 \ W. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , l Iark . . . . . . . . 30 Ii 0 I .r 0 Dell ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . 2,1 I 1 l' . ( 'ou"er . . . . . . . . . . . 2' 1 nm i lror/o Corll . . . . . . . . 2G 9 I ii. I : D , 1'tmifrd' , . . . . . .1. . :2 R 3 A. I. , h'ln . . . . . . . . . . 31 10 1 A. \ \\'oohurr . . . . . . . :1 mit 1 I ( 'ltnrii ; e . . . . . . . . . . . 28 II 2 \ \ ' , I , ( 'ockr ) ' . . . . . . . . . 2G ! 2 I' . \ u\ ' . Intend . . . . . . . . . . . : 10 1 Thoma" Mol . . . . . . . . . . .31 i 1'1 ' 1 I 1"00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . It 9 ! I 2 in. Fiiunrtts . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G 1'1 ' 1 , I .1tnPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'1 ) ! 2 'Veiitnngton" . . . . . . . . . : 9 2 George I. , Julrou/hs . . . . 2' s I I. ii. i'tiarr' : , . . . / . . . . . . . 21 10 1 ' 1' . I ( hnr' . . . . . . . . . . 25 7 4 I 0. J. : llul . . . . . . . . . . .27 mi 0 I' . rtonuly . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G I I Ft. : I. , Ilt" ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3 Or .1. I , : , H"m ok . . . . . . . . 21 11 0 . . , M. nprl " . . . . . . . . . . . 2G 1 ) 1 Total or Iur- , ' . $ .2' : : fr.1 Ilnl ) ' . $ :18 ; second mOle ) ' , $383.50 ; Ihlrt 10nO ) ' , $2 ; . ; r"urlh ' mooney . $129.Stt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C ' 0 I ! 1 ' 1"1' lSt4t'IiS II IS Vi.'i'1Nlt'1't'3l . I. 1'U"lllln. "IHt ( " " " , ' t. 'I'hl. ' lt lu"I' I' I inu . 'I' " . : , , \ " . , " ' Fin iii. HCrr SIHI GS.Ik. . , Ort 21.-"I gave 10 I evI : ) ' mmevsimapen' Ilpr""enlat\1 lust night my Inal Prllo"llon In order to make a Ught t possible . fanning ten I'putable. un- hllsll mel for referee . IUI1 giving Julan until noel today to lgr ( ( to ole of them or IJuggcst others JUlan left lu'rc this 10r. Ilg Ineeremonloust' wihout arrngIng onny- thing. 1 furthel said I \oul1 wult unti rlcl tomorrow . Friday . for nll 10 ui&posit $ IO wih .uny relJtahle ia I. In oruer to make hiM heaRtH good , I claiming that nothllg further cOl1d he Iione without his side Htlke 01 I rcrl'ree 1 wi walt until noon tomorrow and Flzslllon9 not mtc- ' faIr I shall leave celltll" may fall prposition 8hal for New York at ; n 11. I. 11,1 pa ) ' no fnmr- thcr nttenmtionm to Fitzm'inmunnonns . ntelton "JAMES J. COHnETT " Brlll ) ' InnOUlce ! tOIII ) ' that Corhett a 11 Jarty ) will lale : thtlr , Ippartle for New York lomm now ' ot 3 o'clock , Inll that Cor- hel will InnOllce to thc world his rl.tre- ment fem pUJllsm Corever 'hiH teelslon \1'aK Irrlved at today Inamuch ins Julian left the city timis nnonrmlimg without coining (0 army agreem"nt aH to wl0 shll rer..I' " ' th , ' Contt'Ft , ald gave no 1 " "rl"e that hlHI $1,0 ) hh' stakes woullt ito 1I08te,1 ) , In time lint muds of n rl . llonslhlJ IJrty hr noon to- I mo.lw. .1 mimi a sail I tima t l'i tzst nit tmuimts I tmt \oul,1 , he In this city October 31. n'eatty , alHI ; wllll to lght ( 'orln'tt . ninth thnt time $10 0 'I would he pote,1 , In .Iuo time . 10 oplnlolM its , 'to ( 'onbett's IIlparture vary. .1 tmiimun sa1 that upon his Illval mere wih 1'lz"lmmun. I If ( orhol Ig not In the city they sviii follow him tin . H he Is In San Frld , " n tl ) ' wi go titer" . and \hervl' they Omit I him thmey \oull either intake : him lIght or Irawl out oC It inn I mcmi' IIlnlte WiY , \'I'IHIJ rlmlln,1 , In tine city antI , tllent the day nut ( 'orh'tt's IralnllJ lila , tcrs. t'mitI't'S CHIISTI , Tex . Oet. 21--Saint 1'ltzHllmOIR today : " ( orl"tt has al'tII a celllI anal a sneak tnt tin' wholc business nlli If r ever meet him lit tell him so to his "lce , 1 Intenl to complele amy four wlek light , , ' training at thlH place , lght or no liht , \ YORK Oct 21-Tno following telo- irm11 received , hy the editor oC 0 sport- lag paimer ' " hlrl today : Ini11'P" tollY ' 1O'l' \11'P" SIHI GS. Arl ( . . Oet. ,21.-1 . datum time ehllpioushll' belt h ) ' Corfel. Fitzsint' mOis hans rale,1 to lIve nip to a simmgb' airePlent 1111 the climb IleclnrCI time math niT. 1.01 that reason thl stnkehohler . niso ' . I to II'clll'ei him forfpltcd. want you 111(011.,11 tlnis claim and , nnnounre I ptnimllt'l ) ' totiulY , 111 I will ell r the 1"lt to lie fOIht for by lahr anti O'ionneli. Aims \ er ! qllc" . J\MI'S ; J. OllBI 'I"r , " ' 0 this Ispatch thc following reply was mmdc : Ille James J. Corhel. Hot Springs . Ak , : . \ccollnl to conditions gover II" belt its niisitsinion1 goes wih decision of r.telec , In absOwo of referee I Ile\ollH uJon Ihll 111losllon of stake mmuonie' \ If , after 0- tobel' :1. : Stakehoiler Dw'er aCklOllellJ ! ' ) ' 011 claim to F'itzSinmmnmtomms' stake money , belt wi he awurdld to ) 'ou. The .1e'lara- 101 by the cllh that the match II oft Is rol a final factor to agreement betleel you und I"ltzshnnnnonis. I thelo Is no light 01'- tobcl 3l the l"reelent artcles are ntultlleti. : I ) ' 01 alnOlnco your retreltlt as chul' Illon we will offer the hlt for cOlllellon lengers. hy Iahcr " anti O'Donnel or al ) other chmal- - - - louud" lu.1 n Olno C'hUUI'I' . nOOnfAND , Kan. , Oct. 21.-'ho second ulny of time Alcar Cour'hll clnuhm's nleInl : Ilrodlcel hIgh class sport . which wins en- JO111 by 1 large numhel' of Ileopic. HarH Wlr fairly mlentifui . hut a great mummy got ) imp too far away to he . IIPIII ; at. Jest of thl courses were hot ) conteeteti. TIne live COI"HR In the 1.'t round of time Alllr Irodlce Ktak : for "rc'holli puppies horn In ib.9i left from ) ' 'Ktelll ) ' , were Irst run ol ali then I "turt wal malc In the Alcur cup , valw $500 . ( ot' Ire'lolllls of null UIOI , 'hero were twt'nity-four entries hut owing to some umleII"11 , courses I was hot p.s- slhle . to run thrugh th , ' card. The live eoursps In the Produce stakes lesll"11 lS follows : Boscohbelk 1)ennver hem t 10nlio , leuni . lrlpllio Creek : ! uHter Dennis . 'hni' emigo meat Breach of l'ronnlse Lawrence ; Ian'u , l.nnruinn : , ' , " ' ) ' 0. , heat Inert Blood . Lenl'er ; Qiiiclemulltlt. Lawrence , Kin , . hcat Defl'lll"r. Great . Iel I , ian. . anti Vil n.ule. IlItlimmiltipohit' . beat l'rleltt. Tribune , In time . \lear cup the results were : Kirk GIII , Oxford iCtuim. . beat Ynllfveen , ( inoti. lanai . Knit. : U.al Irummel , DII\e , . boat Hlnol , ( ) xford . KIBrllllt ; , DelIver. beat Ionl ) ' , JI\rl'ICP , ICun. ; \'al"la. loloru < o HJlrlol8. I'at Lord Iolglll La\r""ce , I.an , ; I'enrl St. L.ouuls heat FdHclltol , ( iIt'utt Bend , FCnun. After I no cour.me \ 'amm 011. Jllulu\ol , beat \Vigmnore. U'nv"r After ann unllp\iled counraum Miller's Hbhll. Oxford lCnnnn. . \ helt Buck Ive , lawm'ent'e , ICaim. ; Diamma . St. I.ouhla'lt Vil Otjen In- Illnullols ; Sorreunto . ( jOIIUld , Ian. . beat letlll. Great Benll , FCmmn. : 'rhe judging anal " slPllnl gave eompletR tsfuclon. I" ( . .1 ( ' qui flit' 'i'raek . YORK NI'b. . Oct 2I-Hpeclal ( ' 'eIelrm , ) -Tho Ifeen mie bicycle race hetwcln FL , ( . : rockeI . ot Lincoln amid Gust Ooe ' ot Yorl took 1.Ilce . hero bunt ) ' and r"tllel II a l.st class fizzle. locke clalll11 1 foul II the fourth mile anti quilt . leaving Iokcl to ruin the race 110le heforo n 110111 ot Np. brska sPerms , There Wli 1 s'ery large crowd In atNllalc" , l.nNt Iln 01 the S'nlnn. Thl Oinnaima'incel dumb wil take the lust . run ot the 1"iPUn : Hunlll ) ' anti a large dciii- gallon I. expecte'ui to 1 ; down to the capital Iaton ll ) ' . ' 'he ) ' will "tlrt from time climb mouse ut 8 a , rn , ArranlCmentK ha\'e been made for 1 special to hrlnK them hack the canoe night. Icavlng Ilncoln ut G I' . m. I - MU U NY 0 ON I Has a Cure for : VCIY Disease ' 1'11 : I'\ ii IUI'S I ) l'IUI'I'SSII.S I : ( ) 1\1. V 111,1)1 S SITC'ISS : ) , : ' : : 1)5 U ) , ' 'I' ii 11 liii II . : ' ' it , \ 'I'ION CI ' A Sli't it'l'I 1 SI'l1- . Chl.iC . FOi 1 . \l'l . \11'1' : . - . ' Professor Iulyon dos not clll that he I h3 , one rClcl ) ' that wIll curl all cOIIlalntl , , but that he hu 11rlpaell specific curlS for : /early all lseases : , the does not elall tht his Hheumatpl Cure wil cure coin- sumpton or d'spepsl , but he 1101S clllnl , that it will , cure rlaumnatisnn Ills Iyspep- ) I slim Cunre is Itrelmaretl especIally to cunre dye. . Itt pats ammO all t'touma elm trotl bies ; in iii Coun gim Cml re to cnn n coun gins aintl a II hun mug commu phai mnts his Cutarrin ltemcdies to cure catarrii. Time sante nmua' be said of mill his different remune- tiie. Mtnnynmn's liemnetiies are absohmntely mmam'nimhess anti effect muon' live multI Pernlmainent ctires. A i separate Specille for eachn disease. At all druggists , nnnostiy at 25 cemnts a bottle. A S'i'.l'i1Sl.i'S l1NI)0IiSl1Mi'l' . The lion.V. . I ) . Farntimaimt , Jr. , of 82 lov- onshOre street , iioslonm , Mass. , sayu' : "Of ' 'Of time nnmmtmmy nmmediclnes I imave triti to re- hove time terrible distress tnt intilgestionn I I kmuotv of nmotimlmmg etiunal to itulmmyon'a lyspeim. ta ( 'tire I hnmvo : sunuTi neil with this trounbie for , numammy y nra , ninth thtmnimmg an unmiusumaily sitdi'o muttack last mnmommtii a friend gave ntis a small bottle of Muunmyotu's Cure to try , from t hmichu I m'ecetvctl ahmnmost inustant relief. I lInii .thiat thess nellets produce mo unnmimhasant effects , while perforimning a commmpiote cnmre. " I i'ersomtal letters to l'rof. imluunmyonm , 1505 . A reim u'rec t , Pit I iatiei pu ha , i'a. , a mis a' rout WI tin free mmtedicai advice for any disease , Monthly t Pains .111(1 ( ninxietk's cmiii be a'hIcved to it cet'- titlntiy Luslnng Dr. Chevalier's Female Pills. Pi'Iee $1.00 iwr box. If you mire tiinnltl muiitl Iii dotilmt na to 'humnt 'l1l n'ehit's'e you , semnil for thii'st' I ) h I hem. S'i i t sea heth se'u n'eiy by nun I 1 on i'ecelpt of II'ItX' ) , 811e11111111 &McColleJI & riiq co iiia ; Iotige St. OMAhA , NErI , ( Manning ) 'v' i EVEF2V WOMAN , 4 ' S4atetiTmes , nntm'iia a it'iiahho nmuntt lily regumitut inng mnueihlcio. . DR. PEAL'S \ e PENNYROThL PILLS , _ i ' , promnpt saf , ' nutl certain inn re.qnit 'Fimo 1nme ( ir. i'eai"u iivu'r Ilsatunniuut Sntt amuyu'jer.j genu , 1.0o _ , iherman & McConneU Drug Ci , . , 1511 Dodge itreet , OnnfthL Neb , latn'tII , le . ' , , 'iiI1qjii ' ( "u.'fliitj , , Nitiiri I5tJc , at ihm'uuggisms oi' ( 'utl. ( timnnn , CoS'imin , , 1) , t , . - - . - - - - A l I'S i : M II ' 'i'S , OREQUIION THEATRE 'Fol l531-l'AXTON litth(1IISS ( , tigra , 'l'ONlhlI'l' .t'l' stii ; , Simecimil A Imiltmnir I Iii' , ) of t hue ( hhlCl ( IlLJil.ISQUl COPtN' Direct fronmu Mr. ltlciinmrd Mtmnmsflcimi'nm ( inmrrlek I lmenttrt' , I.e % % ' 'n turk City , in lhu'rbcrt & . l'inernner'ms Operatic lluurimetune , THRILBY r.IL-'IIOlt I S A Ni ) hl.tIll1l.0 , l'iuiein Stall , ilo situ Divan Seats , $1 inn ilenmunuinier of io % or liner Ii m Filet threa Iws , lnutieooy. Tb , nsxn semen rows ilulceity , SIc ; non' iiui.'niny. 3e. : gnller' e& . .ti , t'I'l. ( III i4t'I't it ISA 't' , OflEGT1 THEATRE Tel , t53i-l'tXTN.h1LlliiIISS ( ( , Mgru. , . Potir Niimt" , Coninitu'nucing Sl. : % i ) % v ti .t'i'i 1211 , IC'I'fluiMit ) iii. --IIANIAN ) hiflOS-- Imnmituiiutmmll ( . SlmcIncho anti Grand liutilet , su FERBA TONIiFT I ( Frday)1 ) A Ni ) ' ( ' 031011 iU ) 31 t'I'I IIl1 .t(1) in Ill' . D13 WOLF HOP113R , mumi hut imlirry I mini iii ii V mr''n nit time tutu fummnnn le'ut it I , ) iti" tia'ri' DR. SYNTAX fivcrytltltig Semn hinigint niiti leligiutfnni , 'm'nue stile of Mti C I nmo % ' Cmiii tui ( ii. rim mom lug : i9ist nn $1 In ) inmt ii .iI. imaienv - nnud ; gui itry - 2i' _ \tn Itmu , , ' nit mioorSite , 1St anul $1 Ui baloinny 5'aint7e ) SUN. , MON. . TIlES. B 'J I j j. , ocr , 27-28-9 , Sl'IR'l t I. II t'l'i \ IlLS 'i'li1'tiA ! % ' . Time ( ic'aiid Sta'ctmmeuhnr Leguindmnry Dramas , -'rhe- Black Crook i flh-I'i1(5l'l.l ) 2-1 ( II ) . IlIltItlI ( .ltt'i ) ll.llli'I'S. Tons of Magiuill"ont Scentery. A \linltmi inii' of lninrl'ate I'.li'tililnermtalia. i24)-11i iUi'l 'N0 % tIi'I'liIS-1i0. Ii lS'l' 'Vi ti 1Itl' It i ( . I I. . ' ( I i'll I'l14 , Sale opeuts Sitnintltiy. I'rieemm-First hoer , tJc , TSr mind $ l.U4) , lijI unny , inc mnnttl ' 5c , gal- iei' ' , SIc. ' r1AYERI STROUSE&CU,412DwaN.Y.MfrS . FRIDAY'S SPEOIALS IN TIlE-- BARGAIN BASEMENT - --OF TUE - - - - - S. P. Morse Bankrupt Sale AN OPPOR'L'U'NaTY FOR Hotels , 1cstatiraiits , Boarding Houses AND PRIVATE FAULIPS TQ STOCK UP , Never will you have allother chance to get such /4 bargaIns , S. E OLSON CO \Vliito Tea Sa'mcon's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morse's pi'k'e 5c , our Pn'l'c. . Ic Tea ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' inn'lt-'o 5c , out' hn'ice. . 2 C ( zhmtSS Salt Shintken's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONO S Pi'ice , ii' , ( tin' h1t'ICI' . . C Tooth Plche hiolilera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \1on'so' pm'ht'u "le " , omit' hI'iCO . . 2 C Glass Smtuco ilsliemi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moi'se's in'ico lie , our ln'k'e , 2c Glass J3ern'y Dishnen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon'so'mt ini'ico ifle , out' hnrk'c. . 3c hotel Clninmu Inthlvidinal Cleammien'slorso's IrCO ) ! be , omit' 1)n'ICe ) . . 3c 'remu ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ' ' price hoe , out' 1)11cc. . 3c PhahmiVliltti & Ieeun"d Dcon'V Phate. , Mom's&s lim'ico lOc , our pi'icc . . 4c Dccom'atcd Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ' ' rico I5L' , out' in'ice. 4c ; hone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1)11cc 1'c , 0111' prIce. . Glass l3een' Mugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moi'so's hI'hCe ICc , otin' Price . 4C Flint Glass Turnblums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1on'se't pi'leo hoc , nunhi'lcc ) . 4c MO ! ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ln'ico tOe , nun' 1)11CC. ) . 5c Fn'tuit ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' pr'ico 15c , onmi' pn'lco. . 5c Glass Ct'cain Piteliun's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moi'so's Irlcu ) 15c' , omit' lin'lc . . 5c Glass Spaonm I iOlhOm'mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moi'tuo's hm'lce ICc , 0111' jt'hL'e . . 5 c Glass Berry ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ' ' price hiic , omit' pn'lco. . 5c Paper Lmiumip Shades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Iut'cs iai'Icc ISo , omit' pu'Ico . 5C Plain \VlnIte & lcmion"d 1)lnner Platcs.Mon'so's price l5c , omit' u'1co. . 5c Phahmt Wnlllte & Iccoratcd Soup Phnites Morse's lric'o hiie , aiIm' irIc ( ' . . 5 c l1'nVlm'e & Iecor'tl Breakfast Phatcs.Mul'su's vi'k'o LIe , ouni' PrIce . . 5 Lain ; ) bnin'ncrs and c'iiimmmnnoy to match . Mtmn'so's 1)l'k"t 2Cc , onln' hml'lCC . . 6c Shlvet' I'ollsh , , . , , , , , , . . . , . , , , . . . . . . . ' Morso's [ ) n'IL'tI lot' , unit' iirlec' . Studcimt Lamp Sinnules , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioi'so's ln'hCO IOt _ our iim'k' . . 5 C Shehi Paper ( lieu' package ) . . . . . . . . . . . Mot'bo'ns iul'lee hOc , otun' l'it'o . 5c Glass Berry Dislnos , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mtii't.u's ln'lec 5c , oun' ) ' ( . . lOc Vionima Cubans Phtttes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5uToi'e' mrlco 20c , oun' pn'ht'e . I Oc Shaving 5tLtnga , . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . - . ' ' . . . ' ' ' Ioi'so's pn'lco 20c , oun' pm'Ii'o . . Oc SyI'tih ) Pitchuem's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M t'sc's 1)1100 l6 , 0th' PrIce . . 9c Vicmimia ChIna Ioeoi'atcd Fruit 1m1ate Morse's price 25c , out' mn'k'e I 3c Vienna China 1)ccorntcti mlcmu I'iatos , , , Morntaa'a Pt'lt'u 2.IC , omit' ll'lco. . I 3c Glass Wnitct' 1'ltclmcrs . . , . , , , . . , . , . . . , . Morse's l)1'IeO 2.c , 0mm' iii'lcu . I 3c Covered Ibittem' hIslmcs ( Decorated ) . . . . Moi'so's price Ilic , out' pn'Icu . I 5c Decorated Sugar fowls . . , , , . , . . . , , , , , Mon'so's pn'lcu 13u' , onnm' vl'le'c . J 5c Stone l'ltchiel'ti , , . . . , , . . . . . . , , . ? ulOl'tO'ml pn'hco 2.'le iomd : ic , out' pik c . 5 c \Vanth floitrd . , . , , ' . ' . ' ' . , ' , ' , , ' . . . . . MOi'u40'5 price 2.ie , out' ji'ICO . . 1 5 C Glass rainps . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ' ' Mol'eo's price 85e , otnn' pn'leo. . 5 c Glass Waten' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ' ' iin'Ico : Ic , out' Pt'lCO. . I 7c Cromima and Sugar Sots.I ( 1)1CC05) ) . . . . . . Mon'ize'ts prco ! 50e , our mdcc , 25c Glass ! len'i'y Sutt . . , . . . . . . . , . ' . . . ' ' ' ' . \1ore's price 50c , out' Jl'lcU 2 9 c PhalnVhhto 'Fnmrlccy Platters , . . , . . . . Morse's price 75 ; otin' ii'co. ! . 35c All of Mon'sc's hIgh Grade Liar anal Table Glassee , asoi'tcd Ityleti and bhzcs at just half fom'inon' price. - - - - - - - - V