Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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M , G - TilE O rAHA DAILY BEE : ' 1' ! L1nS DAY , OO'L'OBmU 2'l , i8u. _ _
- - - - - - =
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
. - - - .
Dulluess WM the LCtI.dlng ! Feature In Wheat
" 1h'1'1I : , ,1111 Use 1' xtrCle lull\1" " II ,
the ' 'I'r"II ii 1.'lrl UUIICr- , ,
tOIC S..r'.1 to Jiolil
I'rlccs Up.
, -
. CHICAGO , Od. 23.--1)uIlness WI9 the feature -
, ture II heat today , Dtccmulr closing un-
changed nftcr n range of but fc' ' . 1.1Y
chnnsclCer ! !
- corn anti oats each gnlned He and llrovllons
made good ndvnnces.
! ( ntvnlecl.
! i WhNlt ruled very dul , but malnlnlned n
, ; ! firm ulertuna ] 011 unrJ1 slghty higher
' than It closcd lnst nlht. I kept wIthin n
. , very narrow rne , however. The cnull
showCd ( n fair amount or trmne 9 nlJ'oal
! and there wus fome export temnn nt the
. seaboard . The fact that there hu ! been no
rain yet In the wlntcl' what belt and the
ttulllrn etrcnsth ) the market had dllllle(1 (
I made hortR n little unI Y , nnl , for n tma
to rc'adhly , uh-
there wnl enough eo\erln rlal\y
f' f ' serb ; the ofCerln R. Another thing whIch
I helped ) the market was the decided strength
I In corn. The deliveries In the norlhwc"t
I , . I . wore also nahIer. being only S enrl , or
only teventeen carR larger than t year ago
gvon with the extreme lulntss In trade
, to , the marI -
I these cornhithotm Hrvcd ; keep
! I ket flrrn . eiechahIy aR there waR very little
. , , Apling pressure. ( Decem her sell early nt
! GUVC , gradually up to & \\c. \ when It eased
I I oft and clm'clat 6Vc.
ar 'lc.
I Corn showed I I 101dt1 strength In the
1 I nearby months flat ! May IYllmlhlzetl
I1ighthP. Shorll for Oelohpl and November
! ' 110 getting ulnrmolt nt the liberal Phllllcnlli
r ( the light plockA nnd the light reeellt" , and
! In their efforts to cover bid the Price up
shallly. but , when the most urgent deman"
was PIIplt11 , prices fell off some. October
icnll from Oc 10 :11 c. oft hy noon to : o : c.
May sold at 2U'c to I c to 9e Fhilit. Oc-
. j toher closed It : Ic , mil MIY nt 2Jc.
[ Outf rather lnn , Inll'uct',1 1 good deal
. ly the coun.e of corn. Ma3 ) ' sell 1 t 201.40 10
.1 " ' 2Oc . and October nt Ito 10 1S'c. , May
closed at 20c.
I 'rhere Wil I Illht phew of lire In the ' '
provision pit and the price of Ilrollucts hene-
le(1 from the accesSIon or busifleils. Home
1lleculotve ; buying orders from nbron werQ
received , which was ulso n help to prtcef
nHI n feature which has been for 1 long
time absent from the marlet. Pork gained
I I tram 120 to 15c per hhl lard 7c ! and
ribs ic. lug reeelplf were 30.(1) ( head nnd
I heavy packing hogs brought 5e more moneY
thnn- they Ild yesterday.
l ! tlnlles for tomorrow : Wheat . 410 cars :
j I corn 303 curs ; outs , 210 cars : hogs 32,0
I hend.
? The leading futures ranged us follows :
Artlcle , . I Open. I 111gb. I Low. . I COH.
7 WlicatNo.
' Wllnl.No.2 . . . fl" rHi lDH 60(1 !
\ Ill'e. . . . . UI ) } Col IO IOH lil ( ( .
Nay . . . . I U4 h O441 UUf '
Corn , No 2.
J Oct. . . . . 30 @ ' :1" :1. : : H'
Nov . . . . af ) ! 3f' ) soU ao"
I Ir . . . . 21 28 (1 : I : > H'
I Mn.v. . . . . OH 2In,6 ? ' 20H 20H@x
Oals. No. 2. .
, Oct. . . . . . . . . ISH ] 8U 1Hi I8
] 1' . . . . IS'Gt IH { 1834 1 Ii lf {
I Porkper May . . . bbl . . : OO" ! 20"1 ( }
I c : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8l
.lflhi. . . . . . . . I Hi I 2l I ] l ( 22 !
Oct..8 ) ) I I ( ,2n
I Llnl.IOO Iba
011. . . . I M 6 05 C l . :
Jati. . . . . . I tI24 . C 17 . G 11214 . : U71
, Miy. . . . . I IO & kG 6 IO 6 Hi
ho , I Itibs- .
Oct. . . . . . . i2M .1 7214 4 on , 4 Oii.4
Jan. . . . . . 4 U2 4 O7 4 U2 % 4 05
. . 021 . lil 0 .
! 21 ! . . . . . . . 0 12) _ 4 Hi" _ 4 124. _ . :
Cn.h quotations were ns follows :
I , " . 'lotalonB : winter Colows . $ 2.:0Q3.r ) :
wlnler sllhhI8. $2.8t3.2O : siring patents $3. ] :
e,3.0q , : 8"rlll . $2.8t3.20 $ .it3.0 ; 111els , $1.UO
( P3.20. .
WIWAT-No. 2 sprIng . r.IHICO c : No. 3 spring.
tn'uc : No. 2 r'I , W a1C3c.
CORN-No. 2. 31\H131 \ : No. 3 yellow , 3HHl
OATSNo.2. Sc ; No.2 while , 2c : No. 3
I , I" . 18@18"C.
I nYN . 2. 38W : c. .
3iA1tLIY-No. 2. . nominal ; No. 3 . 21(38c ; No. 4 ,
I 2Gff3Ic. : . - , i
Ii'j.x ItITt-No. 1 , fl3c. : . p I ,
TIMOThY : $ \ lEI-Vriie , $3.M.
1lO\1810N8MtB porle. Iwr bbl. . $8.12\Hf \
8.2 ; lard. I'"r 10 Ih. . . $ : i'fl ; . :1 % : shorl ribs. ,
skies ( on8e ) U.7M.1 : dry sllel shoulders
( ]
( hx.I. ) $ : .3tI6.G : 8hort clear shIes ( boxed ) .
$5.21 : : r. .
. I WIIHKY-I.ller. . . ' finished goo.1 per gal. .
tl0AnSCut bat . $5.07 ; grnulaled , fl.D ; :
r I I Itl.lnl.1 . "A , " $4.52.
h I'Ot'I.TIt\-MnrkeL easier : turkeys , S3Sc ;
1- chIckens. 5USc ; duchs. 8'c. \ . S(8Uc
Tim following were tile recoipth nnd .hlpmenls
I today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Articles. nccolpl Shlpmcnl .
, - - - - - - - - - -
I Flour b\'ls..M. . . . . . . 1.000 1r..oo
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 051),000 1l.Onn . )
Corn . bli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217.01l 17.100 . )
On18. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOt.lolI.IOO ) ) : lr.IOO )
1t3o bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.IOO ) ) ) -I.IOO . )
. ( . . , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] M.OOl .I . ) ) ) ) _ 2.0UU i
On the Pr01n3) o otBnIO today Iho butter market .
klt Wl stoutly : creamery . D@20e ( : dairy 1 'GI c.
Eige . Slcal ) ' ; 14 iG$17c. Cheese tt9c. (
} 0011ton uf Trade nlut QuotaCoJ"
on StJl.le full I Jnc ) ' l'ru.hlcl'
Sprlnl chickens ore not quite .0 plenty ) ' and are
l mo\'lnl or a little more Cree ! . Quotatloas :
EGOS-Strictly fresh stock. per < oz. . 16c.
IIUTTIm-l'acklng slocl ( . 1c : choice to fancy
country 15(11 : gathered creamery. SI'c : sep.
aralor creamery. 2O2tc.
_ , VEA1.Cholct ( at . 10 10 ] 0 1b3. , ore quoted atE
E tP6V.c \ : large and coarse . 441Cc.
j CII I brick 1c \ : 1 < am. per
g doz. . $0.0 ; Club 10us , ' . 1 lb. jar. per < , z. $3.G :
Limburger , fancy . per lb. . 11 0 ; itoquefort . % .lb.
l jars ier doZ. J.CO ; Young America. 10.c :
TwIne ( fancy O'.c.
I.IV ! I'OiJLTItY-lTens , Cc ; roostera . 3c ;
4 sprIng chicken. per lb. . 64c : ducks . 6IHHc :
S .prlng < ducks 5,4J5c ; turkeys ( ; geese , 541Cc.
'I'lEON3-I'er doz. , 51,00411.23.
I JAY-Uplalo\ : iutdtnnd $ ; .GO : lowland , $5 :
rye straw. $ .5 \ : color makes tile price on tiny ;
, light bolos sell the be8t Only lop grades bring
ii top prices.
I ] 1\0 : COHN-New crop. delivered on track
1 In cOlnlry , choice green selr-worJlng carpel. per
lb. , 24124c ; choice green , 'unling 10 hurl 21Hl
Zc : colaintn. 1c -
OAMI -I'mlrlo chickens . young . per dos. . $ . :
, . prairIe chickens. old. $ .0(3.G ; ' unil . $1.72.0 < ;
jack snipe $1.00 ; golden plover 1c : jack rab-
, bits . per doz. , $ .0'13.0 : small rabbtts , . $1 : mll-
lar.1 uck8. $3 ; redheads . $ : cum'aAhlck $ ducks .
1.0(6.0 : teal , blue wing. 51.73 ; leal. green
> wing teal , $ .6 ; mixed < uck. . $ .51 : deer caddies ,
UIC : leer carcasses 124113c ; elk saddles . lc :
elk lIe ; antelope caddies . 16c : antelope
carcasses . lie.
II.lmCTAn.ES. .
In spite of the fact that home .
- . ( le o Cue grown Oflion
art so 1.lcnlrll that growers urn ! II Imlosslblo 10 I
sell at any price. HI.nnlh onions have I'ut In nn
appearance un the mnrkel. I
TI" supply at celery Is , 'ery light. Small
shipments are being made 1) ' home growers , but
them IR nol very much Nebraska celery that Is
ready tor market nK let . Ad\'lce8 from Chicago
. ray that the celery In that see lon vmic frozen
nail Is not In condition . 10 .hlp. A small shipment
bas been received from Mitwaukee. Quotations :
I. HIANI I ONIONS-l'er crate 60416Cc.
JCANS-lnn'Hlcked . per bu. , $ i.73411.S0.
I I'OTATOI':8-Cholcp : 8lnck. 2c.
sSVLFT : i'OTATOCS-Cimloce stock . n.G per
' bbl.
'I bbl.ONINSHomo grown. 2030c.
CAI\\a -On orders , crated . per 10 Ihs. .
TOMTOiS-Nothlag olng.
\VA'FEItlt 1'I.ONH-None.
CI.I.I ' H\-holce slack large No. 1. 404145c ;
large No. % . SOc : Inferior , 234130c.
LIMA lilANS-Per lii. I . 6c.
WATgn Cm 8Srer 1O.cit. case , $ .5.
A dispatch tram london . unor date ot Oc-
tuber 18 sa's that the cnshnmenl oC 6,4e0 bbls.
DC apples hl'oulht by the steamer U.k from ] 01-
tax were COld Ihere. King Tonikyns ' "Ichel
trm hIs 10 : l. Per l hi' ! . Ir.nhelmR from ] 1 10
189 and Or\'en8Ielns ( rein hIs 10 lOs. The eon-
Jhnmenls 1) ' the steamers . \nllolln and NIS-
" . from Montreal . comprising 1.4r" hbI8. . were
. ' . or this fruit , .
Jell al 1.1\'l1'001. 1lng. brought
from 16d II 23s . GreenlnIs from ls 10 lCs nnll
varioUs other kln.1 'rom his 10 ISs her bbl. The
demand was goil. Quotations :
I'Od 1:0 : IIAN/\'f 8-None.
IOM C I.WOINI. QtT1NCiS-Per box. . $ .5.
CAI.WOINI. i'i1AI1S-No Ilarilelt . .ulable
for shipping : olhprnrlele. U.
J > 10 lfUNI'SNone.
. 10.\10 i'liAitS-h'er case I :
CltNii13ltitIii4-Cnpe l0 < per blil. . $ .0 < S.2 .
A1.M EItIA OIAl : Sl'r 6O . lb. bid. . $ .5.
. '
tASTFIN GHAll S-New York Concords per
basket. 14521cm : 25 basket lols. 23c.
C.I.IIOINI.aHA1'1.Toka8 . $3 , per double
S01TII.N ' 1'Fi.tCilEi0-one.
AI'l'l.i'S-Jonathnnc. : $3.50 ; choice shipping
.tock. \1,18. , $ % .5 : cooking apples , $2.23.
CAI.lI"OItNIA h'FiAClll3ih-None.
OflANOFS-Meateaa. . per box. $5.
1.FMONC-Messuma : lemons , .W ; California.
$6.&OtfT.U0. $ ,
h1AUNAS-ChOiCo large stock per lunch , U.
I medIum .1.1 bunches. $ .T5
PIN EA 11 . FSN one.
IilD1S-No. t green hid. . . 5'4c Na. 5 green '
bldu. 4'4c : No. 1 green salted hies . 'c : No. 2
green .ale.1 hl < e. . G : No 1 green called titles .
E la H Ih. , Tc ; No. 5 green Bled iitde , 23 to
40 lb. 6c ; No. 1 veal areel , n 1\ . 8e : No. 2
"al cal' I 10 15 1\ . . 7c ; No 1 dry hint hides ,
lUi tc' No 2 dry flint hides . 9(10 ; No. 1 dry
Mle illdn. 6(9c ; part cure tilde \ o per pound
le..a than Sully cured.
11JI1 l'CLTreen salted , e Z5G0c ; ,
- . -
* -
- - - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ . ,
- - - -
grt'en nle Ihertngs ( short wole,1 early slims ) ,
cacti 1k dry slieaIhins 1 tihort % % ouled I carly
: f 81.1:0. ) I. each , 'llg : . -O chearlirigs , ( short
w'"I ,1 earli' skin , ) . No.2 , cacti &C {
, try Int CRn.n an,1 , N.brakn bltcher woo
pelts per lb. nelUBI ti'elgtit , 616c ; dry flint
Ianlns and rebrlkn Mur.nll . 1'01 pelts . t
II , . . actual weIgh I. 4jic : dry flint Colorado
butcher wtol 1..1. ! . per Ib'l actual weight 411G'401
dry . SlitS 1010rAd ( 2.Iurraln wool pelts per b.
aell'l veIgh ( . H16e : dry Ideces . and lurks , actual
tVeiilt , 2 3c. 11r 1 cut oft , UI II Is useless .
less to I'A ) ' Crehh en them.
'fM.I.IANU ohissI-'rilow : No.1. 3c ;
Inlol\ No.2. Zq gl c. . e. whUI A. 3'.r : greece .
\hlo I. 3c ; guense. yellow . 23c . ; grease . darlc .
21'e ; old butter \ . 2121Le , beeswax , pcimne . 17J23cl
Illlh tnlli. \ hi/uI2o .
10NI:8ln \ iota 1 weighed and el\'u.J In
< <
Chlcngrji Dry lulralo , pn ton , $2.1)1 I 0 ; dry
country , blanched , per ton 110.004712.00 : dry
< $
( oonl ) ' . damp situ menU' . per $0.0fl.0 . .
WOOI.Vrwnql.ed . fine heavy ' ) ' , Caic ; line light
. . lne IGI
2(9. . ; quarer hl'JO. ! . ] olc : . eIy . L'urry and
chn/h' . 81 $ ; cOIM , ( hrlel. coarse . C41ici
coiled rind broken fine . G1 c. Fleece waeiu.l-
Medium 141ltc I : lIne . IHf8c : tub \a.h.o. 1.41
18e : black Sc ; bucks , Ce : tag locks , 22e : 11
pulled , 5f Gc. 2i3c
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fulls.
INo ( : . liNe. I 2 3
_ _ .J _ . ! ! : IMd'nlJm'hi . _ 11 _ I _ _
llI,1t- 1-- .lI P ,
Ilcl , . . . . . . . 12012' $ 1 15 0 1 860 $1047i2 S 60
Illrk Ytarlnl . . 12m5 10 0 1 0 1 OJ 30
] lltk ( 'ub' . . . . CU S Gt 6 .00 600 2 0)
Iiiuck : ? itbntnna &
: lnlnn'
:1unI3In Qnlann . . . . . ] 8(22 1 fj 1000 10 G 400
Dln'k Yearlings Montana . . . 10 10 60 60 2M
Cub . . . . . . .C M 4 to 300 400 20
Huit'er Tilt . . . . . 200' ) 1200 800 90' ' ) 400
SI\I Till ; Yrigs . 1 01 H tJ ) G 0 G I 2 5
HII..r Tip Cubs . 600 4 10 3 00 5 00 1 50
Irown . . . Culs. . . . . 2112 ; 16 0 6 ] 20 0 1 0 ) 5 00
" "nrlngs . . . . . 5 O ( Ii i : 00 801 100
Cube . . . . . . . . IOfC2 . GOO 300 4 03 200
Indle : ' . . . . . . . 1 ] 1 t Ci t enl t
Fisher . . . . . . . 8 O 60 4 ( ) .0 200
Sitter ( according . .8
10 beauty ) . < . . . ! . 1000 C 00 400 3001)00
Silver I'nlc ( ac-
cumtl'g to boa' ) ) . :00 MO 2100 150 GOO
(10 > 9 . . . . . . . . . i 0 300 20 1 r 1 00 '
11.,1 , . . . . . . . . . 1/1 1 23 II 00 ) 15 2 ;
lry . . . . . . . i : SO 4'1 ' n
Kit . . . . . . . . . M 40 30 2) ) 10
Jnk . . . . . . . .1 301 ' ) 200 1 t 1 2) 50
Marten . . . . . . .3 ( I 1 50 1 tlO 1 0 6
: lnk . . . . . . . . . SOI .2 5 161 4 2i 1
: : lnl , Ilk. . . . . . S : 65 4 ; 2) ) 10
iperfect hen .
Ind feet ) . . . . < . ] @ 2 I
Otter reel. . . . . . . . 8 ( J C1 1 500 400 2 ( '
Otter Pate. . . . . .S 70 500 ' 4 ( ' ) 30 1 ; )
Hnceoon . . . . . . 60'iO I j :5 20 10
laccoon , Black .
Ins 10 \eaUI ) ' ) . . GOq 2
SKlNK- 1sck. , . . . . ] 2 ; i5 G 6 25 I
Short . cftseti..I 11) I ) .0 4 ; 40 21 )
Narrow Atrlled. , . . r.o 40 25 20 10
Brnl Ftrl5'ed. . . . 2)4125 ,
"h.erlne . . < . . . ( ) 30 200 2 ( ( ' 1 CO
\\'nlr Mountain. . . . .4 00 2 OJ ) 1 5' ) 75 43
wolr lrlrle. . . . 654790 G : 40 20 1)
heaver . her chili . 541 6 4 t 2 00 4 ( 2 10
\ (
/rl".er KI . . . . 20 .15 76 6 2 :
MtiSiCit.TH -
: Kits..2
Spring \'lnter ' : : : : : : : : : : : . S610 9 7
1.uiiI . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
1.,1 1.1. . . . . . . . . . 2 3
U1tEE1) ItiFA'1S. :
hlfl1F-Ligimt western .teer. 4'J ' to CO lbs. , 4
IrEl.-Llghl 11.,4\
60 : good cows In.1 helrer9. 4H1e : niediuma
cows 100 helrels. IH"c \ : geol fomequarters caws
and betters . 3tJ4e ! : good hindquarters caws and
helrer8. G ' 417c : fair titnuiquarters cows and
Ficifers Gc ; cow rounds . tUc : cow chucks .
34135c : steer chucks. 34c \ : beef tenderloins ,
3(31 O\"c : fiesti 16c : bert rolls . boneless . 81c :
uiiulotn butts . boneless , Sc \ ; loin bcics boneless ,
Riioin ; loin bucke . C\c \ : cow rlb8. No.3 , 6\0 ; cow
loins l . No 3. .1,1 : steer ribs 7\1 ; steer loins , ' 1. I
MU''TON-Dresse < mutton. 6.c : racks mutton . II
olows Sc : , legs 2C. mutton. 11 ; saddles mutton . 1c ;
I'OItK-l'orlc loins. Sc : .paro ribs Sc : pork
aitotilders. 1c : pork .houl < er8. Fklnne Cc :
len erloil. . lc : p , Is' feet cleaned . per doz. . 3c.
In'cplte or the large offerings ot figs at auction
during time past seek In.1 time cOIllemhle quantitY -
titY ! sight s\l In.oll. .ars the New York
Journal oC Commerce , the mat kel hns taken on
' which can be nttributud chiefly 10
1 tUrner tone . cln h nlrlhuh'o chlel
the Inphll ) ' wih which time Rlncl olrer.l nl auc-
tluut a'a1l Illen up for shl\lent 10 all parIs or
the euatry. WiS Last " 'e.lneA.II ) ' one or time largest
auction sales of 11. ever lid , ! In New Yorl went
Iuctol most gratifying manner 10 time inmporters .
nr Site prIces r'nlzell. while low were much
itetter than coUld have . been anticipated In view
or the VeI3P heavy arrivals and the 11rospecl oC
111" lout still In come. 'fhe bld.11IS .1lr-
hot . lt times. Cables just received from tmnl
the low realized
Rio 10 the ereci that prices realzet
UI the earlier shipments time hen\lneoK ot which )
WIS iou geiy ilue 10 time operntonK or sp'cula-
toni . have lmmmle'llctl time Turks 10 Atop se.iiltng .
fruit 10 this market for time Ilreseni. 'l'imis action
ot time shippers ( . was Influenced In pam t nt least .
mtt'cordimt ) tt sonic reports ' by time rucl Clint time
short sitiiHimeflts to "nlll.l . .Iurln Cite period 'or
Ilrge shl'm " nls 10 time Cllpl Slnlls has clused
nn n.t\n . " there which wl nliurly haIhe
effect oC inducing .hlpllers' 10 turn their athe-
tion II time supplying or the I'nglh : market In
pret.rlnee tn .lu.lng . gools imeic unll Irlees , on
Ihls .hle imave shown further improvement. A
cahle ( rout Liverpool Saturday inornl.mmg reported
. ' 4s. Tue last midvicec from '
arm n.I'ulce oC Tie 1'lce. Sm'ra
indicate that time "I'Op hUB not turned out 10 Lie
nB large as \IS expected < and that 8 far the re-
, have fallen 1,00' ) loomIs
lrpls nt Imyrnl \ rllen fully G.OO 10lls
below time quantity received for time correimlmontling
perlo,1 last ) 'ear. The ImllJrla at myra figs al
New YOI , to unto ( roam time beginning oC time
season nmount In ran\l numbers 10 12.000 )
anti 20.J bags against G.8'J ' cases and 10.G bags
to time corresmoumding I.erlml last year . Quotations :
OYSTFItI-Met.litmtmis : . Ic : lmohttem.imoe 20c : e"lr
. tnndards. 21c ; xlr selects : : company .e-
lectmi 21e : New York cuUmiis 3'c ; standard bulk
per gal. . $ 1.10.
CIDIIC-MottS' pure juice per half bbu. . $2.5.
HONEY-Nath'o white clover . Hc ; choice stock
t i\UER SU1AUT-Fer 1mb ! . . 53.00413.50 ; half LIIJI. ,
$ WfJ ! Almonds. 1c : English walnuts . 80rt.
shelled. lc : standards . 101 ; filberts . 9c : \rn.1
sheled. , 81 ; lecln. . Sc : peanuts raw . & \'Ce : '
roasted. 7ic : chestnuts , lb.
< 1 ' " . . $3 . .
MAPIC gYltUl'-t"tve-gal. cans. : gal. cans .
MArl.r . , $2 : " -gal . cun8. G.25 ; quart . cans , $3. . ;
I"IOS-New CIOp , California . boxes per
Ih. . 32',4c. \ Common Cllrorla figs . CO-lb. boxe.
tc. \ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N. ' , Sevuirittes
NEW YORK , Ocl. 23.-The governing committee .
tee nt time New York Stock exchange today Isle.1 .
time following securities : l.ul8vlo & NI.IIIIl
iumtl , . Mobie & Monlgomery rlrn < s. $4.1 ) . (
fifty-year H. mice cent gold tr.t mJrlgae joint
tC-'ear hl\l. which nmount $2D.0 were Iloposed )
or to reticent Prior 6 per cent mortgage lends o
the : olle & Monlgomery rlwlY anti Ihe hal-
uncI to b used In 1"lorllnce with the terms or
time morllnG . \\19Ier New York & 1enns'I-
vitain . $322.0 trsl mortgage 5 per cent gold . ot 1937. mnldn n total 1.lel 10 date oC
$ ' . I9O. I.ehllh & New York riroad , 42.000,000
gtmmtrnntecd goltt bonds or 1945.
In Irsl morlle ! ulranltI < 1011 Inls ;
principal l and interest guaranteed hy time I.lhlh
lall'.1 . . cOmitp.uuiy ( ( J'ceh'er.hlp ) ; 5233,00' ' ) ad-
tlitioflni lhrst rorlIl 6 per edit loll toads
.110nil Irst ! !
mnllng n 101111.le.llo . date or $3.91.00. Staten
Island railway . $50',000 ' Ir.1 atom t5mtge 4\ per
cent gold guarlh'ld bonus ot 1913.
SIU''uluUon In SI''url"'N"RI SIN I
' ' Vu I ' ' .
\"huh' Unluh'rl'HtUA.
NIW ' YOm . Ocl. 23.-The speculatIon today
wa. ns a whale tnt and uninteresting. The
\'olulo oC business wn slightly above that oC
time pre\'lous day , but time day's distribution oC
the dealings was relatIvely mich wider . The
course oC prices was < downwalth almost without
lnterrulmthofl. Commission orders were , as has
heel usual for some time past very scarce , acid
the traders aecordiagly made prices. Of actual
news there wits < tlearih .mt the m \'menl. In
time industrials anti n few . oC time usual ) ' active
rlrul stocks were ulenle < by gossip or
rumors purporting 10 affect Ihelr l.o.llon In time
nmatket. The most Imporut tmSitu.'ace ha\'lnl
general tearing waS a recovery In time rlel oC
foreign oxchlnKe , duo 10 time disposition or
hmouses having large amounts or exchnnJe available -
able II boltS out Cor time hest rates obtainable.
The supply , or colon his was also lighter than
tmad been anticipated.
nnlclpale <
The grmiflgerit shares were affected by reports or
c : , grlnles anti or frosts In time % est. The
.outhwesler ntnne.1 g.hares were nglln by
technical l8lmale oC. lhter earnings rrom the
8horlnge 1 : time cotton crop. I.owel Irlel In'
domestic and foreign sugars and .lleculalon ns
10 time amount or raw material unit by the
. \mrrlan Hugar Helntrles company were to.
slmusitle for the pronounced weakness In the
mallrt for time stock M hint comJ > n ' . Henewe.1
Iluilall.ns aiimart'nt In Leather prer.rr,1
.le'llo on alleged IUI for the better In he I
sole lelihel In < uslr ) ' . Time anlhracle coal st cks
11 not prove superior to time general \enk lenl-
< ' . nlthcmugli advances In Ihe oC
.nc ) ni n < vnnces rates freight
10 title water antI In other . \rl'clon3 were reported -
ported . following upon time lustier price eslnb.
l.he acid Ibout 10 10 itut I into effect for coal
nl time east miamI weAl.
Time hmlauket opened dull anti lower . A lemp
rmmr9' Illwnnl hurry set In elrl ) ' . la.e.1 entirely
upon eO\'I'rh' Hnb.equentl' n reuc-
tton began \ hlch \ as paelcllY unrele\'et mum
10 the close The mao In"ollant losses ul .x-
lreme low points were : hugar . 2' lel cent :
l.eatimt'r preferred . n. per remit : Mlnhulnn and
Missouri Iaele. H. per ( rl : 'rottacco anti i4ouitim.
el mreterred. 1 . per cent antI \elawarp & html.
sun . Chicago Gus . Ten".eo Coal and " 'he'lng
& Lake . Irle : l'rcrern'.I , 1f I'er cenl. Time Inll
prices were nl the honest Ilures ot time tiny.
The mO\menl oC tnt plc < In Ihe earl ) ' deal-
iimgu was .ome\hal crrll , . hII In time session time
tr"n.1 ot "riels " was .IJwn\arl. wih market )
wellle.s 1 sofia nt the speculative Is.ue. <
block ot Ut.i Minnesota nn.1 . Si Louis . consul
GJ trailed II ] 04 ; with subsequent transactions
II 1013i. Time aggregate sales were $ .3&.01.
The more important declines : Atchison a.lju8t.
meat when issued . . 2' , per cent : .Iehenture. series
ii , Iron : Mountain Kansas & II"ols flfl ) hitinols
Inl I1nol8
( 'nlral. Hprlngreld division 68 , 1\ \ per cenl :
N rlh.'r Iacilc console Sn. Texas & l'arlilo Ida
anti Toledo , Peoria & Western h. 1\1 \ per cent
anti Chicago . lit. Louis & ] ' 118hurg ler . trust
recelll18. und Toledo . Ann Arbr lets . trust re-
celpls I per cent Advances ; Brie reorgmmniza-
lon ht len , Hi per cent ant IrO'klyn 1I"val"1
% 1. . hocking \'nhiey 6s and Heading 4s . trust
receipts , unstampeti 1 per cent Governments
wrrm . imeglecieti. The bl.1 quotations revealed no
material change In I'rlce. There were no sales
oC state mortgage8.
The I'enln ! l'ost's London . cable says : There
have 1n panicky markets all day on a farther
In gaines , inatiguteti by < ) .
IluIII mlnel Inltgall',1 ) heavy tore sale.
In l'arI8. "here the trouble his It'en 8erlou8. A
larg" bull ucoJunl was closetS there . today and
hiS tul In mines hiss range , ) up to over G per
cent Tonight It look. a. It the hint . come.
t I. un.lerto 01 good authority Clint the
Itotlmmichild. bays come la the rescue la I'ariw
anti u large black oC Debeer. shares hanging over
the market will. It I. aall , h taken up ly Ihem.
NG one expects a Illedl.le renewal ot the
' - . - -
. - . - - . . -.11. ' .4 '
boom In mining but the belief I. RMerl that
time worst Is over . J'urher failures hero and In
I'arie nre lrohRblt , but It Is likely they are di.-
cotinted , anti the bear account Is now con.hl-
ernble. Americans were dull , closing astir the
iowest . ] rn.lnns were lint on fears ot com.
plrntons about Trinidaml . The I'ariu anti ] -
Ibm markets were flat . < limit closet nnl
The 'nlolng were the coslnR ) quotations on
the leading 8tocks of the New York exchange
loaYt . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iic : . . . \0 S U. 1. D..I 0 . . . . I"
AllamM IJ. . . . . . . 160 Northwestern . . . 10U
Altoim. T. / . . . . 69 do 11M. . . . . . . 240
Aiim . Exprea . . . . 10 N. 's' . Central. . . . )40 )
Ilaltrnoro.lOhlo. IOH N. Y. ! & N. E. . . . f3
Canada 1'3eIOe. . . 6t ) ( Oimtarlo . ' W. . . . 119
CanadruSouthmera . 05 Oregon inip. . . . . 0"
Central Ialtc. . ] i' ' { Orp ol Nay . . . . 23
CIteS . . . Ohio . . . . It ) O. S. r. l U.N. . . . I :
Chieago& , tlton . , 10t ; : i'alflc Mail. . . . . . . 284
Chlealo Alon. . . . .
C. ii. . . Q. . . . . . 110.4 1. laelOo . . . 1 Mal. . . . . . :8 41'
Chicago Gas . . . . 680t t'ittebmurg. . . . . . 107"
Coneolhle flaw . 10" Pullman l'llaeo. 171
C" C. , U , : < . L. . (2 % lulmnl IttIIIF. . . . . . . 11 '
Colo. Coal & iron. . ( I It. o. \ % . . . . . . . 17
Colon Oil C'.rt. . 2 : 10. O. w. phI. . . . . . 41
/elawRf. ibid. . l:1H 10ck Ilalt . . . . 7UH
lIe ) . . Lackk W. . 10M 5t. lall. . . . . . . 713 %
1. . . it. O. Pfd . . 6 : < 0 p/I. / , . . . . 711
I ) . & . F. Co. . . : : ! { 51. 1' . . mBhn. . 43
Erie . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : dopfml . . . . . . . 222
do p/ < . . . . . . 27 SOllher laclOe.I :
'Forl WlyIO. . . . . 1t7 sugar ltoflutero' " , , 1tiu ! (
o. ( Northmormi tuft . . 123 Tcnmm. Coal & ran ' U431
Norlherll.t. :3 Tenl.
C ) . . . B. I. pr < . . . . 101 ) ) ' .pxaslacle. Coal.\ . . 04) \
10ekll1 Vtll ' . . 21 i ( P. . . O. Ccitt . phi . . i,1 , ;
1II0ls Central . . IH ) 111011IcIOc. . . . I .1\ (
St. 0' . & limiltitim . . 28 ) 11. S. } ixpress. . . . 43
IC.\T. " < . . . . . ' , ! w.St.r.&l. 1. lxpreA . . . . ] 1" : "
Lake Ilok West 224 W. 51. I. & 1. pr & . \n ,
ito I pith. . . . . . . . . . . 77 iVehis ' <
% ! : L'ttrgo 1)x 100
Inko ! \ \ r : : . : : : : 150Veetermi ; Union. : : : ti1 ! (
] .pa < Trli ! . . . . . : : % Wheell" l L. } : . r !
l.olls\lo & . . . tOdO :1 \ phil . . . . . . H.
I. . . N.A . . . . . . )4.4 ) Ii. .tSt . L. . . . . . 23.
Mnuhallu Con . . 10i % 1) . , . t it. 0. . . . . . . ] M'
ilcmimpiti . 0. . . . II ! O. J. . . . . . . . . .
Mlchlnu ( Jemit. . . . lUO N' . r : , . . . . : . . . . . . :11
MI olrllnclnc. 84 C. P. . . I. . . . . . . : ;
: 2l
MObile . .1 \ Ohio. . . . 2253 do .1. . . . . . . . . C ) :
Nli'iit villa Chat . . . iI. ) . r. c..2 . . %
Nailetmal Cordage . 734 ' ' A. A. . . N. M. ! . . HQ
Nat. Corllllo : pIt . 71 T. St. L. & K. C. . . \
N. J. Central . " . . 11 I ' T. 51. I , . . . .IL C. p/II / 17
N. . W. p/tl. . . . 1 : ( S. 10. ] t. . . . . . . lH
North . \1. Co . . . 41. do ifo . . . . . . . . . .
Norlher Ilello. 44 Am. ' \rl. Co. . . . at\
N.h'aciflcpfd. . . . lH ( _ < 0 pit . . . . 111 ) )
S bid.
The total Pll s or stocks today were 162CC )
shares Incllll ! : American Sugar . ( .11 : Anmerl-
ran Tobacco 3.J ' : Atchison . 3.00 : Burlington .
6,700lslllng ; and ( all.rlp < lll. 1.700 ; I.nnsas
& Texns preferred < . G.9J ' : l.ul.\llo ) & Nnoh\'le.
t.2'10 ' ) ; : lllhllal Consolidated . 6.50 : Jlss url i'a-
ciSc . 12.001 : II'n.lng. S.IO : lock lshammd . 5.C' ' ) ) ;
HI. I'nll. 12.101 ; Silver Certiflemitec . ] 3.0 : T'nnes-
ccc Coni anti Iron , 6.81 : IInl.,1 , HlnlN LenlhH
preferred , 5,200'abtush : Jrererred , 3.10.
: ' ' York : lnll' ' .5hiu rhe't.
NCW YOltF . Oct. 23.-.MON1CY ON CALL.- .
Easy nl 2\ Iel celi : Inst loan . 2 per cent : elosed .
I 1"1' " , 'nl.
lJII 2I3I3CANTII.3 PAl ' JIper : \ cent
S't'tlti.tN(5 iXCht.Ni3U-Stromig . Wllh nclual
"u.lnt , R In tmtiflit'rs' bills nt $ l.SSuCJi.SS % for .Ie.
mnlo anti nt $ .8nlfH.8il for sixty tn'R ; posted
rates . $4.SSj and $1.89CjI.b3t ( I : comlelcnl bills ,
$ U6 % .
SI"I ) l ClllTIFlCATFS-CS47CSc. \ .
GOVliCNM i3NT : ) ' .
GOVI'NINT HOND8Slea ) : state bonds ,
inactive : railroad weak
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U.S. 4M , rCI. . I" . ] :11 . .O. I' . ! Is 0/ / 'tIO. . 10)44 )
U.S.4colouew. 122)1. \\dt. O. 7s. . . . Itl
U.S.6s.rC . " "M 14 . \ & 11.0. 4s.I" )
U.S. Os . coitp. . . . . lis , Irlo : 2ds. . . . . . . \I" )
U.S 4K. r.I. . . . IlIft 0. I. . S. A. Us . ] ilf
I.S.4. coup . . . 1 h \ O. It. \ S. A. i8. . l4 %
'tJ.S.'areg. . . . L)14 ) ! hl.&T. Ills . . . 111
'laelcOsor'95. ( ll ) tb " ha. . . . . . . . . 1
Alt. ; . class A. . . . ] ! 3m ! . IC. : . . T. let 4 . . HR %
'Ala. , ell.81. . . . Jilt ) M.l.T. It4. . . . . 04 %
Ala. . . clas 0. . . . I 01 ) 'Mutual Union dii . ] ] !
'Ala. Currcimcy . . lilt ) ] 1t %
J.a. New Con 4a. . \8 ) % No. Pacitto lets . I I 7
'Missotmrl . ( is. . . . . 100 ( do Palfo : . . . . . . 1171
.N. C. lB. $ . . . . . 122 N. W. Consois. . . HI %
'N.O.4s. . . . . . . IH ( ' doS.l".hJob.5 B 11:4 :
S. C. 10UrUlll. & . . 1 15. G. West. IaN . 77
Te"mm. new oct 11 * . St St. I' . Ccu.ol ' . 7s. 128
'Tofu. uel set 5. Itil do C. . . 1' . W. /q. 110 %
'Tenum. old Ut ) . . . fit SI.I & 1.11. Geii. 5 . ll
Vn. C..llurlc. . . . 62$4 $ 'St. L \ S. F. Gemi.t3 , 108
L\8. F.Gen.\
do dorerre . . . U Te'c .5' no. 18ts. . . \ 8S4
Alchlsou 4"u < 021Is. . . . . . . I : %
Alchlnon 2d A. . :2 : 1.1. ist'i 01 ' 00 . 111954
Oalllia So. 21Is. . ] ll West Shore 4s . . . 00)8
J , . . . Nlllfld . is . IJ SOlthcrn : s. . . . . 0)0 %
2 : ) \ N. lets . ] l % ! IU
lilt .
Jn"tnn Stock Itulotmitlon " .
BOSTON. { . \-Cal tnotntoJ" : I. . C I I"'r cent ;
lmo 1030 * . :3'iS : oar cent. C0811 : prlcos for
Imiocila bOlls aUI 1111n Hh'lro ' :
A7T. . \ . F. . . . . . 2ti4 11011'1. . . . . . 05
Am. Smugir : . . . . . 2141 ! Wis. Cenlral. . . . . 954
Aug. Sugar II/d. . . i'Jii4 ! 1.I ' on 1'icc. Ills. . 145
I : " Stale . . ( Ills. . . . l ; % . Gemi. Eh'c. 1/11. / . . 15 Ul
hell 'r'leimumomte. . . 117h ) olchl'ol :11. . . . 32
IO.lou. ' Albtimy ' . I 1t Alchlson 4s. . . . 8(1 ( %
lio'sitjum . . mlatmtu. . ] il ( New EIlal ( Is . . I l'
O. D. . . U. . . . . . . . 85 % ( ) pn. Electric G8. . 1)0 )
Flichmbmmm'g. . . . . . . II W18. Cenr. lets . . 111 .
( fn. Electric. . . 31Alouez \ Mining Co 8(1 (
Illinois Steol. . . . 77 Alouez ; . . lnlll . . . . 20
Mexican Comitral . 2" lo.ton &Montaua 8114
N. Y. < N. 11. , . . . UO ( lulo.1 1oslon. 1onlala . . .U
Old Colony. . . . . . 1illl Calmlet & liecla . 310
Ott. Short Line. . . \ I ) Commtemtmital. . . . . . 75
Itmibber. . . . . . . . . 40' ( Frnmukiimi . . . . . . 7l
1:1 Diego. . . . . . a /eNar.o. : . . . . 1704
hluiloitPaciflo. . . . ] a'i Osm'eolt . . . . . . . . ] %
West Enmi. . . . . . OHJ . ( guhlc . . . . . . . . 75
do Illd. . . . . . . . DO ) .Inarack. : . . . . 133
Weslhuh. \loc. . 35 % . Wolverine. . . . . . VI
Sln Irlnclsco llnlng Qlotltol , .
SAN F1ANCSCO. Oct. 23.-Thu : omelat ctoAlnr
quotations lows : for mlull ! stoetti toJYero : as rol-
Alto. . . . . . . . . . 17 hlilo& Norroa ' . . 245 -
AIlha Comm. . . . . . I Jlla. lalo& . . . . . . . . . . . 15-
A"lcs . . . . . . . . :4 Iellucky Comi . . 6
liohelgor . . . . . . 4 : Laity Wush. Con . 1
Test,1 ) Belclier. . . . HI Mexican. . . . . . . . 09
Jo.1aCon. . . . : . :1 : Moimo. . . . . . . . . . U
lhmmhhiomu. . . . . . . . . ] : Mount flhmublo. . . . II
Uulwer Con. . . . . 0 Occhlcntll Con. . . It )
Cnl. < olla. . . . . . 10 Ophlr. . . . . . . . . 115
Chll'ngo Cout. . . . GH O\.erlI. . . . . . 15
Cimoilar. . . . . . . . 45 lolosl. . . . . . . till
Couithiieimre. . . . . . . . ] 15 Savag. . . . . . . . . C1
Coim. Cal . . VI. . . :60 Sierra Nnvad' . . . Dl
Cuim. Inmnerial . . . . 2 11101 Con. . . . . . . 71
Crowloilt. . . . 311 Utah Comi. . . . . . . 0 I
Exchequer. : . . . . . . : Yellow Jacket. . . 37
oimiti &Ctmrrv. . . . 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sliver bars . 07Ue. MexIcan dollars , 65(56c.
] rals , SiKh , 254c ; melegraphttc,5c. . 5J@6Ie.
' 4ev York . ) lnI1A Quotations .
NEW YOtK , Ocl. 23 . -Time rololll : are the
closing 11111g quotalol : :
liumIver. . . . . . . f Omttgrio. : . . . . . . . tWO
Chmollar. . . . . . . . . 40 O"hlr. . . . . . . . . . 1:15 :
Crowl1ollt. . . . oU I'lvtmioutji . . . . . :5
Con. CII.1. . . . . 2:41) : ) 11\10UI\ . . . . . . Ii
] ea'lwooll. . . . . il ) ( 'llclwlh'el ofib . . a:5 )
0011 < , , l Clrl' ' . . . : : o Sierra Nevada < . . .lIJO
lalo.Norcros ; . 130 tauitial. . < . . . . . 225
1011Sllke. . . . . . 2610 ) 11101 Comm. . . . . . . : 71 :1
hal Silver . . . . . : i Y"Iw Jacaet. . . . 36
? tlexicum. . . . . . . 60
London Stock Quotiul lime.
LONDON , Oct. 23.-.S p. m. lultlton" clooll :
au.1'ae\c. . . . . ( :11 : % St. Ianl . corn. . . . . 78 %
F.rlo. . . . . . . . . lSTb N. 1. . C..ltral. COl. . . IOak i
Irlo : 2mls. . . . . . . iD 1cnIHyh.alla. . . 57 % ;
111. Ceumtral. . . . . . 10H lteadiimg. . . . . . . . 571
xlcan : ordinary. :1 _ : lx. Ceu. new -8. 72 %
lIAR SiLVF3ht-310 per oz.
: ON : Y-\ \ per cpnl.
The rle ot .1.count In the open market tor
short hula , % per Cent : tor three monlhs' bills .
1 Is.
% per cent
Uhiingit'Igtl ; oll'M.
nOSTON. Oct. 23.-Clearlns. . U6.:81.0) ; bal.
ancec U. SG.OO. )
B.\IUIOI. : . Ocl. 2.-Clearlngs. $2,230,000 :
baimtnccs . $317.00.
Ni'3liS' YOlthC . . . .
YOIK. Ocl. 23.-Clenrlns. . $ ll,430SSS :
batanree . $7,316.00. ) .
I'1ILAIEI.11IA. Oct. 23.-Clearlng. . S.310.- . -
HI : . 1"llnees. U. ! ' 3.31. $
ST. l.m : Oct. 23.-Clearlngl. * .838,422 : haI-
I ances . . : . n. Mttnoy . Gfi tier cenl. New
YOlk exclnnge : $1.2 .iiscount
CIIICAGO. Oel. 2J.-Clearlngs. $ : , .88.0.
Muncy ul time banks I. lnn nt G'\ \ . per cent
for < I loans anti 6i61 ocr cent Cur commerclli
paper. New YOk Hchane. CO 1.counl.
flankers' ( London ) sterling . U.8St.S7. . <
Foreign "llllclnI Affairs . .
IJ/1.IN , OCI. 23.-IxchanGe Oi London , 8
days' sight 2'1 ' marks n mf.
I' A ] IS. Ocl. 2.-Threl Iter. cent rentes hOOf
wo for the account . ixctmange
Iccounl. Cxchlngo on London , 2r
ISo tor check. . ;
1.0NtON. Ocl. 23.-The amount or 1)1on gone
Into time Bank oC "nglan < 01 Ltulances todmi ) ' was
! 1.o" ) . Goll Is qnole,1 at Buen08 . \ lotl tOday
nt 230. : ; 9hmiiriml . 16 : 1.18on. 2 : : $ t. h'eterebimrg
W : .Ulmemis 7ame. ; . IJ.371 ; Vienna 03. l.r
sliver closal lt lid per oz. .
SI . I.IIIN ( it'ittrnl : llrl.ct.
ST. LOUit. Ocl. 23.-1-'i.OL'lt-Quiet and n
shmle off : pa'nI8. $ 3.25113.35 : exi" fancy , $3.0
413.15 : rlu'y , 52.50412.00 / ' ) : choIce 12.&J2.70. :
'htF3AT-Ciosed ilrmui but emsier than
\ICA'1'-Clo. < lnn 1..ler yesterday ;
No 2 red . each , 6 \c ; U ccmlcr , i1lC1c :
Mu ) ' . CI.c.
tOHN-\ul but firm : No 2 mlxeo _ cash , ISo :
Deeelhel' . 2411 ; Stay . 26\.e. \
O.\'H-tul antI Ira for hOlh futures aol spot :
No. 2 cash le ; 1eceller. le : May , 2)c .
lt5't-Quiet : ul 3.c.
COlN MCAI.-8l.4141l,53.
\'I.\X HII-Unchlllel at S8e.
'I MtTI I Y 8lBL-imisy I II $3. tOI3.s.
ltAt'-Little more InquIry for higher grades
antI lr.II. Irler ; prairie , $5.t1)U8.0 : thmnomimy . U.OI Ir <
1'OULTItY-Ittmurket quiet ; turkeys , 6'c \ ; chick-
ens . & : ducks 11c : ! geese Cc. C\le
BUTTI'-Murket sleadY ; creamery 1SI121c3 ;
dairy . StjlCc. 18(2.1
} : II8larkel steady ; ] 5 for truh.
I. : AIWelk : 53.07 % \ .
$ l'ELTIIt-Lower : $3.50.
l'ilOVlSiON-l'oric. .Ianllar , . mess . jobbIng .
S8.62Lr.l. . prime steam $ .t : choice ' . .62n.
Bacon. boxed siuoulders IG.7 : longs , $6.15 : ribs .
$6.5' : . ) : shorl. 86.62 % . rl\8.
$ \EC : ' - $6.621. 4.01 bItt. . : wheat , 78,000 bu :
corn 6. ( ) \ . ; oats . n. " ) ) bu. 8.o
$ htll'9IBNT1O-l"iour , 1.0 LhI8. : wheat 12,000
bu. : corn . 2,0 1m. ; oats . ] 5,0 bu. : .0
111111 City .5hiirket .
KANSAS . . '
CITY , Ocl. ! l.4'ilhCAT-,1mtrket ac.
-W1gAT-Market -
Iho 8M aleady ; No.2 baud . 1fltjCS5ic \ ; No aI-
6i tIe
red. Ole ; rejected . lOCilOc .
CONlarket active higher ; No 2 mixed.
21\c ; No. 2 \ hil :4HI c.
0.T - llrkel IrreKular Nc. 2 mixed , 6\'c \ :
No. 2 white , hS'tjlSc.
ItYtC-.No. ! 36e.
] . 'I.X StIED-Cash. SIc
hAY-Market "rmer : timothy , $7.SOU.50 ;
prairie 16.O'fliG.fid. $ .5(8.i
IJUTTEiI-Market steady : creamery , 17412ic :
dairy . 14511Cc . 11121c
EGGSMarket firm , 15c
; :1 - - " -
Notable Increase in Number of Both Cattle
and Hog Arriving
) In.Itlltc Offerings of Pitt cttC
Chllc 1(111" IcII ) ' , hut Ot her
Grllc , Brug Ahotig-liogs .
Active ititul Sh'Rlt .
WEDNESDAY , Oot. 23.
necelpts and shipments for the past
t\'ent-roul hours , ns complrel with the
previous tour days , are as follows :
itEcExi'rs .
Cattle. hogs . Sheep. 11ores.
October 2. . . . . 5.217 ,31 , 3.615 2
October 22. . . . . . 3.8S0 4.IiO ; 1,116 . . .
October 21. . . . . . 4.70S1:7 ' : ,861 1
October 10. . . . . . l,22i 3,234 . . . 4
October 18. . . . . 1,8J1 3.7i5 . . :
CnUlp. hogs . Sheep. Horse
October 22. . . . . 1,779 . . . . . . . .
October 21. . . . . . 1.763 . . . 1,737 . . .
October 19. . . . . . I.2J6 1W . . . 4J
October 18. . . . . . 5H . . 47 25
October 17. . . . . lOG7 . . 1S1 . .
The dIsposition oC the dmuy's offerings 'r livestock
. , ' . . the
stock was os follows , each buyer purchasIng
numbel' or head indicated :
< <
Cattle. 101. . Sheep
Omaha Packing eorpnn ) . . . 22 705 . . .
' 11" U. 11 . ilamnnmond Co. . . 2S1 9uG . . ,
Swift " ant , lnrmon < . . . . . . ItG 1.21 632
The Culah , l'acliag Co . . . t05 2,193 . . .
I. leeler & : \eln. . . . . . 306 . . . . .
lhnmiltnum & Slelhens , . . . . 3) ' ) . . . . . .
. lnmlon . . . Clrey. . . . . . . . . . . C21 . . . . . .
I.ohman & 10Ih.chld. . . . . 1 . . . . . .
Becker lirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 . . . . . .
lieuitoru & Underwood. . . . . . 195 . . . . . .
Morel lenten . . . < . erwo . . . . < . . . . . . . . . 368 . ' . .
N Iol Morris . Chicago , ill. . 732 . . . . . .
Shippers and Cee.lers. . . . . ISO l : . . .
Len over ant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9' . JO 10' ' ) . . .
- - - -
Tolnl . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,259 r.r3 62
cA'r'riE-t . the opening or the market
only 133 to 10 cars were in . hut there were
severl hlg trains back which promised to
make the total receipts for the tIn ) iarge
Whlo the greater proportion or the cattle
enl there
were only good enough for ,
were some pretty Call beer steers , both
rntvcs and westerns . 'fhe offerings how-
e\'t of desirable fat cattle were light .
The market opened rather slow. The large
mlhnlher oC rlito * reported back Ilde tim
buyers indifferent and bearislI and there
WIS not much activity to the trade. Buyers
locked over the cattle that were In without
buying man ) ' and then sat town to wal for
the arrival oC the traIns that were back.
The cattle . however kept selling anti b )
the time the market waR over with there
was not much left In the pens The trade
as n whole WS slow and ClP IeI.
Cows n'II ' halters were In moderate sup-
ply there being only twenty-lIve 101ls
among the early arrivals. In spite of the
light receIpts buyers seemed to reel that
prices on that Itln(1 ( oC stuff have been too
high and they were determined to force
come concesFlon Cram sellers. With the de-
mend . very rail and the offerings light I
WiS no tnsy matter to bear prices very
much. While some sales showed strong
prices thc market us a general thing was u
little easier
The supply of stockers anti feeders was
again large tOday. ( , Tho. trade was In very
much the some condition as yesterday so
far as demll was'concerned. 'rhere were
quite 1 gooml . many buyers wantng cattle .
hut tile feeling tm\ \ prices would bo lower
before tIme day was over made them hold
back and lay In cdnseqtlence Was not
very active. Whie the most desirable
srles or feeders sold at about steatly
prices the common all thin stock cattle
were lower. ltopreientattva sales :
mml ; STCHS.
No. APro No. Av. , pro Na. Av I'r
i..1321 . ' ) $ 10 3..1 0 $3 35 9..mO . $3 :0
15. . .142 3 I : 2..J ) $ 40 ] ' . . .12i' 41
2. . .1020 32 'I..I" . .I'O ' 3 G 20..1n 4 G
cows. '
1. . . 8iO I 0 8. . .93 : 20 ( 20..1021 2 40
2. . 835 12 : l..llO0 . 2.00 ] 3. . 170 4' ' )
1. . 7S0 1 35 2. . . ] 09 : 2 0 5. . . 734 24
1 . . 7iO 1 40 1. . . 520 2 0) ] 8. . 8i" " 2 fO
I . . loot ) 1 50 ' 3. . 83' " ) ' 2 HI S. . Ill ? 2 40
I. . . Si' 150 3..102. ; < 211 ' 1. . 91 ' ) 24' ' )
2,1'00 ( ) .1 SO " , ' ! G.1.3 2,10''Ii , , , ; f.
: . . . 561) ) 1.0 " - , , \ . . : 2 15. 21..107 901 ; 4 :
3. . 9:1 1 6 : 1\.J7 . ' 2 I ; 13. . . 910 24 :
I. . . SiO 175 6..1'l ' ! 21 l.l130 . 24
9. . 821 ' I .5 10. . 91 21 1..170 25
1. . . 10 1 75 18. . 8Z 2 15 5. . 9n 2 50
D. . 11 11. 1.,1O30 . 2 I : ] . . 8:7 2 G '
1..1010 1.5 6. . 1 + 35 220 . 2. . : .lOlO : 5
2. . . 563 I 7 : 2.lQ45 . . 22 ; :0. . 906 2 ro
8. . 931 : 1 13 ] 0. . 9. : ; 42.51. . . ; ) 2 GO '
2. . .l023 1.5 8..1051 : 25 I. . ill ' ) 2 (
6..983 . 1.5 8. . D4. 22 : 39l')05 . . 2.50
2. . 90 l. 2..103 : 22 : 1..960 ( ' ' 2 r
I. . D50 1 55 1. . 591 22 : 3. . . .SO 250
6. . DI8 10 I. . . bO 225 I.llSO . 2 t
3. . S2r 190 1. . hilt 230 1..9 .1 250
1..10 ) ] 90 ] 2..9')3 ' ) 233 1. . . 520 2 CO
1. . . D : 10 26..1013 23 : : ] 0..963 2 CO
1. . Sb' 200 9.1032 23. 6. . 83 2 CO
2. . 930 200 1..1220 235 ' .30. . . 11 2 C , )
1. . . .90 : 00 ' 1. . 8.6 2 : : 10..1024 26 :
I. . i80 20 D. . 95 ! 2 35 4..1027 2 SO
5. . 522 : 00 ' 12. . 8)9 235 1.0,0 300
1..lOlO . 2 0 1..l03) . 23
. h11iFBhtS.
IIF. lS.
1. . . 40 ' 1 50 ] 0. . 835 21 : 5. . M2 230
2. . . . 675 1752. . . 53 22) ' 8. . .C2 240
I. . 360 200 2. . 480 220 ] C. . 73 2 fO
I. . 8r. 210 3..54 2 2. 1. . . 450 ' 2 G
3. . 696 2 10 1. . 40 22 : 2. . 45 2 G
1. . 53) 215 I . . 610 225 I. . 30 2 i :
2. . 50 215 1. . . 7S0 223 5. . 484 2. &
I. . 540 2 15 3. . DULI.S. " 2 : ; 1 . . ] 0 : 21 :
1. . ISO 1 t 1. . .10 210 1. . . . ] 30 235
1..1630 1 b : l.,124) . 210 3..19 235
3..1333 1 tlO ' ] . .130 215 l.1i20 . , 23
1..110 200 1..130 22' ' ) ] . .1:10 240
1. . .1510 20 1..WI 22 : 1..10 240 '
1..1404) 20 12. . 9C ) 22 ; 1..10UO 25
1..l0N 20 1.lIIO . 230 2..103 : 2 CO
2..13N 210 1..120 230 3. . 603 33
I. . . 200 ] GO 1. . 3CO 30 1 . . 290 4 s
3. : . . 211 : ) 2 0' ' ) 2. . . 310 3 0 2. . 185 4 5
3. . :7G 200 4. . 3 : 311) ' 3. . . 310 4 GO
1. . . ' ) 2 W 1. . 248 3 G 4. . 150 4 50
2. . 390 210 2. . 10 3 :1/ I. . 90 4 G
: . . . 30 22 : 2. . 265 3 SO 2. . 130 50
1. . 200 : 2 : 1. . & 350 ] . . . I& 50 '
2. . 34 275 1. . 270 350 3. . . ] 0 50
9. . . 2H 275 ; i. . . 0 ) 3 W ' 3. . H3 GO
2. . 13 2 i5 1. . 10 ' 3 GO J. ) . 121 G ( I
J. . 310 300 1 . . . 320 3 G 1. . . 10 GO
1. . 30 30 4. . lO 31G I. . 220 I 25
I . . lO 30 1. . IS , ) 40 2. . 25 62 :
1. . 320 3 0 1 . . 280 . .0 1.G G 2
8. . 18 250 I. . . D20 ' 30 1. . . 920 310
1. . . 910 : 5G 2. . 18 300 ' . .IU 3 15
2. . . r.o : CI ( ] 3. . tr 30 3. . r. 3 1 ;
I. . 550 2 W 17. . . CS1 30 1..11O. . ) 315
1. . (21 210 13. . 693 30 24. . . .1110 3 15
3. . 1N 2.5 . . . . 1107 30 24..110 1..150 3 2)
1. . . b70 ' 2 75 2. . , . . SG 30 33. . . 080 320
4..9/ 29 I. . . 6G ' 3 ( 23..1:00 32 :
] G..556290 2..865305 1. . . .1O0) 32
3. . 8fO 2'0 3. . 803 30 : 1. . . C2 330
1..43030 3..7C 310 1..1/0330
I' . . 76 3 0' ' ) 1. . . SO 310 9..131 340
4..507 . 30 4..700 . . 310
1 springer.$23 0 1 springer.$26 00
1 .prlnger. . . . . 27 W 1 cow and calf. . 320
1 cow mind calf. . 2100 1 cow anti calr. . 34 0
1 cow and calf . 28 0 I cow and calf . 36 , W
WI .
No. Av. i'r. No Av. Pr.
4 steers . . . 1040 $2 10 1 steer..1120 . . . $2 Ir.
1 'steer..1010 . 275 1 steer..125' . ) 3 W
1 steer..1110 . . 21 ;
1 . Wilcox.
1 cow..103' ' ) 2 00 2 cows..102' . ' ) 240
1 cow. . . . . . 9 : George 2 40. . . . 2 teeler..IOS . , ) . 32 :
10 feeders. . . lOSS 2 Tug 25 'wilson. 2t4 feeders . . .lOSi . 30
56 feeders . . 80 2 w , WI.on.
5tiiidie Land and Cattle Compan
1 bul..I,1 Mllodl ' I < G' ' < 8 cows. . . . . 923 2:0
4 cOws..l032 115 " 2 t.c ers.I)3 ; 3:5
10 bulls..1230 . . 21 , <
13. .
Ihul..I3' . 1 0' , . .ke. .r"oers..D/
21 CI8. . . . 08 1' : ) 2 yeaiiias. . 6 / 30
18 cuw . . . . 9:2 2 10 .
T. 1 ; irwin . . .
4 eO\8..10 2 ; '
Fml 1tOs .
Id 1o
26 Ceeoers.O : 20 t6 ( ers..IOi2 35
n. ' U. It'e .
U cows. . . . . 973 2 C : . 1 feeders . . 0 30
' '
U'I'A It.
A. ' M , sler.
llul..IW I W , 'p 1 helters. . . 72 230
1 cow..IOIO 2 ( J. . I teeder. . . 515 30
J. ii " nuhn.
9 cow. , . . .32 1 7 ; ' I" I g 1 slr8. tig' . . 932 225
610\8..80 2 2)VYOM1o '
. \VYOM1o .
I feeder..iO . . 2 C is teeer8..I03 : 310
I feeder , . . . . 10110 2 5) .
teeer..101 C U rre.lers..l03 30
3 steer..I080 . . 30 ) ' 1 steer..1310 340
J. : 1Yllhl.
2 cow..1210 . . . 23 2 ' fder.03 3 20
I COW8. . . . 919 Z 1 : 2' ) ( eeders.jO1)3 . 32
Scowe. . . . 531 271 < er..l02 : 5
W. C. Wright.
1 bull . . . . ] 20 9 feeder , . . ,1227 320
1 cow . . . . 112) 235 2 ( eederslOlt . ) 3 3)
I cow. . . . . . 93G : 15 6 te.oerl.08 321
J. D. Curtis.
2 cow..124 ( 23 I ' coder..1010 32)
2 cows . . . . 1040 2 C 1 feeder . . . 112) 3 20
2 feeders . , , lmO \v. E. Penner. 2 feeders . . lOGO 32 5
7 strs. tlg. . .1021 280 i steer . . . . 130) 3 9
1 feederl143 . 320 32
M. M. Tae :
I cow..1070 : 3 : 3 Ced.r8. . 993 3 20
3coww . . . . 93 : C . ' 2
C. \ . Burke.
1 rw.040 ) 2 7G 3 teeers.02 3 54
3 feeders . . .106 : 2 i
J. O. WrIght ;
1 rw..1010 185 4 cow..l 26 :
1 'w..IO 2 35 1 feeilera,1254 . : 20
Nolrel & Johnson
T. J. Collins.
2 bulls..1540 . 2 0 : cow.OJ 215
1 cow . . . . . 2060 : % , 2 cow. . . . . ] Oel 275
" ; : " . . .
- _ _ - " " " - t _ - - -
7 cows..tilT 2 2 ; 10 eteIrs . . Ill li 3 15
9 . . . . . .
cow. . . . 1131 2 75
t c90 , 1 25 1 .teer..hlul 0 r )
38 [ 1..118 275 761IeI18..I1 $ 3 W
1 Ileer. . . . . 120' ) 10
O. II. Turrm5r.
I cow. . . . . ' 822 1. 2 1 ! eu..lG 2 73
2G (01. . . . .111 2 6
Jt H. rrnl ,
2 boils . . . . . 1:3' ) 1,5 3 ( \ . . . . & 250
"oun/ & Shincimerger.
I l.ul..1ZO . 1 / : 6t cows..1036 215
21 hulls..ills J 55liAiiO. :
liAiiO. ' .
Buck I.nnll antI Cnile Company ,
1 steer . . . 010 I nnl ar ) , ) r " . . Sit 265
22 bulls..hill . 2 : : 2 ; ttNlera..198 315
1 cow . . . . 100' ) 23 101 feeders..lIlt 32 :
4 (018. . . . . t'3 2 35 ' sirs 11.0 Z 2 :
itcons. . . . . ills 2 U PC teNltrs , . . 12t 3 0
' 73 co\s. . . . 507 245 96 tetdP8..10n 3 00
107 cows. . . . . DI 2 43
A. I'etemeon.
1101..122 250 Il 1 sllers..121 3 U
3 COW8. . . . 1010 2 DO
11008-With n good liberal run at image In time
'm's Ihe buyers slnrlfll out 10 take off time
uual Sc but I,1 not route their way with
nny great rnpldl ) ' . They .uccee.le however , In
getting emit Go In some cases hut the Iost thai
could l said oC limo call ) ' laket was 10 call
I I hn.1. lower. Lnlo. IS time reports trol ca\
other nuauhtr'ta w"re elconmlllC amid provisions
shol.1 SOlI slr"nglh. time trade here i nipi oval
anti the luau hot closed obeut .te.lo < ) ' with ) 'cslel' .
< 1) ' . The great hulk oC the hOls sell II 43,45
antI $3.5 hut Ih.reere nol An mal ) ' sales hear
Ihe lop ns ) eMeray anti limo avermuge was mi
ohll , ' hwer. , The Bade \a" fmiirly active amid
time offerings mushy all chnnse,1 himmtmmls II good
sea son .
Time quality at th. : ; 0' WlK pretty good un nn
avermigo cogitative and cities aliotit : : : ( lme n. 'lsle. < ay. < nt"re-
No . \v. Sit Pr . No Av. Sli l'li
\ ) . . . . . 14) . . $3 25' 63..292 . 1) $3 51)
24 . . . . .175 ICC ) 32. 66..25.1 12 'I ! r
SI . . . . .182 40 331 . . . . . . . . 31
' : . . . . . Iti 240 3 30 42..10) ] \1 3 54)
.3J1 35
. . . . . . . 3 4a ( l . . . . .223 I : ' ) 354
24..2i9 . . 34J , . ' . . . . . . ! .11 . . I G
2' ' ) . . . .21 . . II ) 41 . . . . . . . .222 . . . 3 :
' ) . . . . . . . . 14) ) 4(1 ( . . . . . . . . . . 120 5)
( ' . . . . . . . . . ) 50 1214 . . . . . . . . 16' ' ) 10
76..Ii' iN 43 62..209 50 50
. . . . . . . . 4' ' ) 45 . . . . . . . . 2) ) ) 1)
73. . . . . . . . lit 16) .15 51 . . . . . . . .221 Ic ' ) 54)
C's..250 12' ' ) 3 13 Cl..275 164) ) 50
C's. . . . . . . . 217 It. ) 'I 45 $2. . . . . . . . 258 210 10
IL ) . . . . . . . . 266 80 .iS ) . . . . . . . . 84) Cii
. . . . . . . . 120. 45 . . . . . . . . iC ) 51)
73 . . . .2I0 2' ' ) ' o : ; . . . . . . . . 8' ' ) tO
. . . . . . . . iSO 45 ) . . . . . . . . . . 40 3 tO
. . . . . . . . ' ) 12' ) 45 Cl . . . . . . . . . 'ml . . . . 3 1' )
it ) . . . . . . . . 271 i.l ) i : ; C.2 : ; 200 3 Ci )
_ . . . . . . . . 1' ' ) 45 59..NS . . . . ( .0
. . . . . . . 5' 45 lI..31)1 ; 160 3 tO
. . . . . . . . : 160 : t 45 . . . . . . . . 51) 3 54)
61 . . . . . . . .227 12' ) 3 i : ; . . . . . . . . III ) 3 (30 (
. . . . . . . . 120 3 II . . . . . . . . ( 4' ' ) . (0
' ) . . . . . . . . 12) 3 i : ; . . . . . . . . 5' 3 50
. . . . . . . . 12. ) I 15 134..29) ) 290 3 50
. . . . . . . . 12' ' ) 43 67..2.33 123 1 tm' ' )
. . . . . . . . 121) 15 . . . . . . . . 160 3 ( .0 .
70..237 8' ' ) 45 77 . . . . . . .233 53 3 CI
. . . . . . . . 5' ' ) o : ; . . . . . . . . . 4' ' ) tmO
. . . . . . . . 16' ' ) i : ; . . . . . . . . . 12) 3 5' )
' ) . . . . . . . . 204) 4i ' . . . . . . . . ) ' ) ill . 50
. . . . . . . . . , . 45 . . . . . . . . 441 ( .1)
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 45 ' ; . . . . . . . . 400 hO )
32..273 II' 45 65..20)3 160 3 55
C's..25S 1' ' ) 43 75..29' t. 3 Cl
. . . . . . . . 12) ) 15 . . . . . . . . 12) ) 1 5' ;
. . . . . . . . 2.0) 47u ' 63..P3 . . . . . .
63..20.1 12' ' ) 474 77..230
76 . . . . . . . .259 16' 47'1. ) . . . . . . . . CO 3 55
72..332 4' ) 47 % 74 . . . . . . . .2S . . . 3 Cf.
(33..2713 ( 210 4704 66..214 , . . 3 5754
24. . . . . . . . 215 . . . 754 110..201 . , . 3 6' ' )
. . . . . . . . 5' ' ) ' 3 IP. 62 . . . . . . .272 . . 3 6' )
65..193 40 (0) IS . . , . , . . . 290 . , . 3 CI
74..238 240 50
01)1)8 AND ENIS.
. .
Cd . . . 2 tt' ; . . . . . . . . . . , . 3 40
IS . , . , . , . . 82 . . . 3 23 . . . . . . . . . SO 3 40
. . . . . . . . . . , 3 30 . . . . . . . . ' ( . . . , 3 40
21. . . . . . . . it. . . . 3 30 11..2 . . . 3 45
C" . . . . . . . .13' ' ) . , . 3 35 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 15
. . . . . . . . ( ) 40 3 :75 : . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ( .0
. . . . . . . . ' ) 10 3 .35 . . . . . . . . . , . 3 30
. . . . . . . . 80 340
Sll1gt'-Timere was a good ilemanti for ( lecir.
able mutton sheep at steady prices Itepresenta.
ti'o sales :
No Ar. Pr.
632 Dakota mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ss $2 00
CIIICAC ( ) 1.IVh ) s'rocL.
.tlthio ug g ii It cool pts A re Cu , eta I lath'
OlTerhuigs ligive hiecu Siifhielt'nt.
ChICAGO , Oct. 23.-Although ( lie recelpis of
cattle for this week imave been much smaller
than a week ago , time offerings have more than
euihlcet to meet all time icquireimmenis of the
trade , and Monday's advance of ( roam lOc to ISo
has all been lost. Yccierthay's late sales were
mit reduced prices , and today's market was dull
mud dragging. Oalcs were on a basis of from
$3 to $5.20 for common to ctrictiy choice ntivc
thressed beef anil shipping steers , anti , as choice
I .iu neme pe : ti r here wae more Ca CS mt $5 art
upward , alt imuugii go.mtt nummiberut tiC attractive
iookhng steers welgiuing between 1,330 antI 1.100
lbs. utolmi for from * 4.50 to 51.75. There was ( air
acttvity iii stockers nod teetItrs at time reduced
prices , sales being hmirgely at from $2.65 to $3.75
( or steers weighting from 600 to 1,230 his. , with
coma cattle averaging over 1,100 u.s. at $3.45.
\Vestern rmiogo cattle were rather slow at a tie'
dine of about hOc , wiiii sales of steers largely at
from $3.40 to $3.30 , anti cows anti helers at ( ron ,
$2.15 to * 3.75 , itango feeders stilt at from $2.65
( ii $3.50 , seine 1,400.11 , , Dakota ( cdera fetchIng
83.45. Toxin , cattle vere lOc lower than on Stan.
tin ) ' , with smiles elmIefi ) ' at from * 2.70 to $3.2' .
01)0(1 hogs soimi an an avermmge of Cc iuigher ,
other kinds hieing hmni ely stemmily. Smiles were
largely itt front 83.1.3 to $3.65 for packing anti al
fioni $3.70 to $3.50 for shiiiii.lng ditt'cs , oomnlcmm ,
to irime Iota going at front $3.10 to $3.90 , as
against from $4 to $4.40 a year agti , $6.10 to * 6.821.4.
two years ago , from $5.10 to $5.05 tlmreo ycalum
ago and from $3.75 tt ) $4 , 10 four years ago. Pigs
vero pientier , the greater Part coining ( rem II.
iinoi , ant ) they sold clmielly at front $2.73 to
The , smaller offerings of sheep this week tenth
to strengthemm the market , and prices were firm ,
with an active tieimimmnd , thie call ( or feemleru.
being especially gooti at iron ; 52.65 to $2.90. in.
tenor to prime stueep were in dem-nnnti at ( rosa
It to $1.40 , few going biighmer titan $3 , n..l . west-
crqa selling ( it from $2.70 to $1 for goomi flocks ,
while lanibs pohil at $3.40 for comimmon to orinie.
Iteoeipta : Collie , 16,000 head : emulves , 650 head ;
Imoga , 35,000 head ; sheep , 11,000 beam ) .
Nosy Yiri0 Live Sto'lc.
NII'S % ' YOI1It , Oct. 2)-BICIP.'ES-ltecelptc , 2,147
imea.l ; show ; native steers. ( moor to prime , 13.5041
4.00 ; oxen and stags , * 2.00413.30 ; bulls , 82.25412.50.
dry cows , * 1.55473.00 , lum'openmt cables quote
Amimerhcan steers at $471055c. tlrem'seil weight ; cc-
frigerator beef at 751479c ; exports today , 40' beeves ,
3,51)4) slmcei ; , 2,30) quarters of beef , 2,000 carcmicses
of mutton and 130' ) tlrecceti hogs.
CAL't'lS-1teceiptc. 200 imsaml.
811 El3t AND LAM ilS-Itecelpts , 8,653 beau
sheep stemitly ; lambs On ; ; ; cheep , poor to prIme ,
51.503(3.00 ( ; lambs , common to cimnice , $3.loSzI.3a.
llOGS-Iteceilmis. 11,492 Imead ; ( inn at. 54.23414.60.
Ilansas Cl * Live Stock.
1ANSAS CITY , Oct. 23.-CATTLF-ltecelpts ,
2,60' ' ) head ; tmhipments , 2,501) head ; Imiarket ( or lest
grades stonily ; others wi'mtk ; Texas steers , 52.2041
3.25 ; Te.amu cows , 51.60472.65 ; beef steers , 53.3.41
5.03 ; native cows , 81.40412.50 ; stockers and feeders ,
52.40473.90 ; bulls. 51,75413,00.
IIOC.O-iteocipts , 9,300 lmeatl ; shipments , 1,700
head ; inarliet strong to Sc hIgher ; bulk of sales ,
53.45413.65 ; imemtvies , 53,00413.65 ; packers , 83.45413.65 ,
nmixed , $3.404i3.60 : lights , $3.35il.CO ; Yorkers , $3.50
413.60 ; Pigs. 62.75413.55.
SiiL'F7i'-lteceips , 6,700 beau ; shmlpnients , 503
hmead ; market steady ; lambs , 52.50414,2) ; mmmuttons ,
82.00413.73. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. Imouils 1ii , Stocl.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23.-CATTL1S-lteceipts , 2,300
head ; market stemtdl' ; native steers macice 53.0000
5so ; cos and imeifers , 13.00413.00 ; stockers anti
feeders , 2.0O113.50 : Texas and Indian steers , $2.23
413.60 ; cows , $1.75412.80.
I1OGS-Iteceipts. 6,000 heath ; market firm ;
ite7 ? ' ) ' . $3.50413,75 ; mixed , $3.304j3.G5 ; light , $3.1541
811C131'-Iteoeipts , 1,100 head ; market steady ;
natives , 52.25013.40.
Stock Sn Sight ,
itecor.1 of recelpis at time four lirinclpal market ,
for Wednesday , October 23 , 1893 :
Cattle. hogs. Shmeep.
Smith Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 540) ) 1,34) 1,000
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.000 31,000 11,000
Kmtasa , City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,60) 9,30' ) 6,70)
hit. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10) 6,000 1,50) )
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25ioi ) 51,600 26,200
Coffee tlxut'ltet ,
N1)\V YORK , Oct. 23.-COFFEL-Oimtlons opened
stonily , with prices unchanged to 5 points lower ,
ruleti generally slow , with small local trading
nail a vemilt mmnmhertone tiuraugimout ; cables unsat.
isfaetory ant croi estimates Increaslmme ; closed
stoutly at 10472t ) pohmmtc net dt'ciine ; October , $16.30
0115.35 ; 1)eoemlter , 814.500114.50 , Spot coffee , SIlo ,
dull : No. 7 , 515.371,4. Mild , .Iull , Cordava , $18.23
tsl,0) . W'areiause deliveries from New York
yestertlay , 11,406 bag , ; New York sleek today ,
2hi,402 hinge ; t'nhtetl Simile , . stock. 29t,071 bags :
allu4.t ( or time Llnitomi Htate , 235.000 bags ; total
% 'islt he for time Unitetl States , 553,071 bags , against
481.013 bags last ycuir.
4ANTO8 , Oct. 23.-Finn ; good average Safl5o ,
$14.00 ; receipts , 23.000 liags ; stocir , 417,000 bags.
htAMilthitO. Oct. 23.-QuIet and unchanged ;
salem' , 6,00. ) bag. .
ItlO , Oct. 23.-Firm ; No. 7 Rio , 814,60 ; cx.
change , II 15-16.1 ; receItts , 11,00' ) image : cleared for
( lie tjnieil States , 5,01. ) bags ; for iurope , 9,000
bags ; atock , 211,001) bags ,
'Fitled , , ( : ruht 3mtrhcet ,
TOfBDO , Oct. 23.-\S'lhIAT-Duhh , steady ; No.
2 , cash anti October , 675Cc ; Ieccimiber , 6Sc ,
COltN-lull , bteady ; No. 2 mIxed 32'4c' No. 3
mixed , 1lt' ,
OAT-Ijull ; No. 2 mIxed , 2Oc ; No. I white ,
221,50 ,
lt'5'l7-jnacti'e , lower : No. 2 , 42o ,
Cl.OVBit-lJuhl , steady ; prime , cash tint Oct.
her , 24.2) .
ItISCi'Ii'TS-Flour , 500 hmbis. ; wimeat , 11,100 bit , ;
corn. 33,460 imu. ; oat. , 4,00' ) Ito. ; rye 1,60' ) bu. ;
clover seetl , 1.154 hag , .
811 ll'Shl'3NTHii'haur , 1,04)0 LUlL ; wheat , 24,000
bu. ; corn , 18,00. . ) bu ,
tilutZIl'iIhll tS'trzit ) Market.
MlNNlAl'O1.i8 , Oct. 23.-WIt 1IAT-l"irm ; Oc-
tuber , 54e ; hecember , C4c ; Ma ) ' , LO5'.c ; on
track , No , 1 liar. ) , CG5c ; No. 1 northern , ICe ; No.
I northern , 11c ,
FLOL'hl-Slow , patents , 13.15473.50 ; domestIc
bakers. 12.(5t12.75 ; export bakers' , * 2.03412.40.
Ir' Goimmis Slgurk , t.
Nll5' YOltit , Oct. 23.-Timere waR no general
activity visible In the mnrlet ; , tliougii a goat
number of buyers were present. As a whole.
staples showed In a very moderate request and
In ii few in.tmtnce , Inpariant trancactiotmmt were
made at fullest rates. l'ancy cottonS f iii
, .
' - ' , -
klnths nttrnciel nitenthen , nntl In some lines of
itmW nrioeml ginglimmns fair Caie u-crc matte. L'arlc
si3'leC of Itrintimi fmiimrlt' , wege looked after and
it'iot Stile , fohit em at current p1 ice , , l'rintin'
cloths , hem better tleiianmi , % rttii eicj of 63.090
plece , April , Slay mad , June , at Z5e.
? 41'
ClosIng IlIuohgulhiunstui tite l'rlttolpnl
( OhuluIimll4 ) It's titmil Sliuiilei ,
NiYOIti , Oct. 2.l.-Fi.Ot'itllecelpte , 17,260
lhml. ; cai.ortc , 16,300 bbls , fliarket qltiet ; 1)0 low
grade whalers ; spot ( mini-bet flulniy hell ;
' 'S inter iiittt'titt. . $350103.IOI oil ) ' mIti lint-
'eflts , $ l.20474.Is ;
patents .
, * 3.10413,75 ;
Sthtisiesota [ taker , , $2.504j3lo. it'e il'ttr , quIet ;
litperiine , 22.50152,75 ; ( lmac ) , $2.SOiJ3.93. $ iluck.
wheat flour cuiet ; $ i.fStil,63 ,
IlUCIC'i'hlii.T..litiiel .
) sheatly ; 421115c.
COhtN MBAh.-JjimlI ; ) 'eiluw westertu
, conrec ,
7556 73
It'i0-iull ; No. 2 avestcrgi , lIe.
llAlthl7YQmtiet ; tOe.
ilAttIl)5' ' . ShA li'r-Nomlnoh ; weetel a , 63ZJCS' .
. % - , 213,40) iiu. . . ,
; eis.m Is , 32)0. , ' )
be , ' ' eliot strung ; N . I red. 7Cc ; Nc. I illmti ; , 60c ,
( ) ' uiicnemj flrnmcr cmi contlnuel mu y ti C.lthtet'
% % est , lighter sprIng % t'imcut ; l'eceipis ; tim,1 f'iiign
bmuying , soiml oil under resii zimmg , hut 1111011) ' I utile , )
0mm cImort bu ) hog itlmd cloaei 11cm nt ' .c net em .
Vance ; October close , at CGc ; Decctmmbr , C6541
675c , close , itt 67tc.
CORN lta'ehpts , 93LO0 liii. cxporlu , , 102,500 bu , ;
5I1tt , (1cm ( ; Ne , 2 , 3i'ISc , Optiomis tiovelped do-
clilc'd Stt'engtit ott Imemir huommtim. . , Owing to gcaiii
cash deniatmil tumid light receIpts , cased elf a tiitle
fln'til' . litit closet ] 4514.e tislmer , u lilt hiti
months tmlirimnnge.l ; Octotter , ( S413Sc , tihmiFeLl itt
3M'c ; Dceummbr , 35sj257.c. $ ciosoti ill 3354c ,
ATS-ltect'hts ) , SM.-00 bu , ; eaporte , 4,60' ) html , ,
"i'ot ' thrum ; Nm. . 2 , 213c , ) i' loan ( miii ly net itt'
iummh homier on light receIpts , closing tmmchmmnete.t
to 0c higher ; Ocioler cltst'.1 mit 23c' ; Demihmer , ,
35154J234c , cloeml at hit.
I t.5'-miiemmmly ; 5itliii.ili , $ C.0441.C. ) ; good to
chmnice , * 4.50169.0) .
hiOi'mO'--.Quie ( : state , common to cliches , ISOI
crop , I41mc ; 1093 crop , 7411'lc. '
) $ - . & ; ( 'ahifomnll , 1S47iSic ; ( lnitc'tn , ,
hilOflbc ; Ilimemios A9'm'cs , dry , Bc ; 'I'x.m ; , tim ) ' ,
1.lATII in-Dmmll : ; hmrulhoc'k sole , llucnec . 'tyrcs ,
ihghmt to licav ) ' woighitu' . lb.
WOCuL1"im ii ; ; domnstic Iceco ! , ) S4121c ; milieu ,
i'itO'I8lONS-1tcef , steady ; family , $ cOLJ'lI.O'l ;
iteef humus , $ i4.t,00jlS.00 , Cut Ilme.uls , easy : lick-
led bellies , C47C5c. Inr,1 , tiriimer ; tt'cstrs ii Ctl'flitl
chmit'tI at $5.5' ) ; Octoier , , 83,1)2 ) , noimti ssal ; rehlnemi ,
hirni. Pork , si.utl9 ; new ames' . ,
hit""FBlt.itecehltis , 7.257 1,11CC. ; litam itt * tenml ) '
ivestet mu ilairy , 103 iSo ; westet mu ci etimmler ) ' , IGOtNe ;
Elgiim' , 23. ' .
I'001)itecelpta , 6 , 100 plugs , : mat hot Stemill ) '
ataio timid l'emlr.s3'lvumtia , lOOjlll4c ; t'astern , 1541
C'ilISflSl'3-lteCelimhs , 3,014 igs. ; ; quiet ; inuge ,
; I09e ; smmmaii , 7'tJl0c ; Part skhmims , 3',45J7',4c ' ;
full shinis , 254413o.
ltOSlN-Qmmlet ; strained , conimon to good , $1.63
Cl 1.70.
'i'iJltl'BNTINB-Qiilet at 2S'4412Sc.
ltjC'll-i4temmmty : dmimiteiuti. , faIr to e.tra , 3766.7
CISc ; Jmmltmium , 33I750.
S1OI.A$94t8-temtii5' ; good to choice , 234132c.
TA LLc\-Qtmiet gut 4540 ,
l'iO'ritOh.l1t'M-8endy ( ; closet $1.21 Smith.
lii ISTA l.S-l'Ig lain , stOat ) ' ; s'otmtimern , 812.0057
14,4)0 ; mmomtlmeusi , 812.004114.70. L'tipper , thmmhi : brok-
em , ; ' iiricC , $11.25 ; txcitnnge price. $ ll.300111.91.
leatl , smtesmlo' ; brokers' price , $3.13 ; exeitmimge ,
tirlee , 53.33)13.37 % . 'na , titeamly ; slmnits , $14,711 ;
lhaiee. . iulet. i.ziIeltPr , dull ; tlomnt'mtic , , 51,04)414.13 ,
Co.rrON 811130 OIL-Slow ; iiriimto crtmde , 23 ½
4724o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool .Siuv5.t.tu ,
LlVBflt'OOL. Oct. 23.-'hhlAT-8pnt qmmiet hut
stead ) ' ; dt'niamd poor ; No. 2 reti winier , ( a hI ; No.
2 red sprIng , iocl < s exhmnuutteth ; No. I htnid SinaI.
toba , Is ii ; Nm , . 1 ( 'auiforumia , Sn (3d. Futures
upeimeil quiet but steady ; closed tIn ; ; . uvitim
l.osltloummu unchttmige.l to 54d loiter , itnil disiant
Imositlons 5400543 loner ; business about etumtIly
tlletributed ; October I.e P,4i1 ; Novemumter , Cs It ;
December. Is Ctl ; .Iantmarl' , Cs Cmi ; Februaly , Cs
5i4d ; Mmtichm. lii t)4d.
COltNiipot firmmt3 AmerIcan nlxe'I netu' , Cs
3',4d. Futtmres opemiemi steady , witlm tejr no.1 this.
( mint lioSition , 'ItS higher ; closed iirrmi , with it'ar
pusillons 55415jd ItIghter anti tiisiartt pomtititn'u , ' mi
higher ; business ht'aviest Oii emmily osltionc ; 0c
tober , is tmI5d ; December , 3s Cd ; January , Is It ;
l"ehjruar ) ' , 35 hI ; March , , Is 4i1.
l"I.OtJit-Fiim ; demnand good ; St. LouIs fancy
winier , 7e.
l'IOOVIHIONS-lIicon , quiet ; demand moderate ;
Cumnberlammml cut , IS to 30 his , , lie ; simmrt ribs , 28
lbs. , ils ; long clear , light , IS to 45 lbs. , 33 ; long
clear , biemivy. C ) lbs. , 29s ; short clear tmachs , tight ,
1 $ ihis. , 315 6 , : short clear nilihlies , heat' ) ' , ( .5 ilis. ,
Ice ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 lbs. , 30 * Cml ; smouiilers ,
square , 12 to IS il.m. , 31 * ; humus , cimart eumt , II ho
16 lbs. . 47' . Tmtliow , flume Nortiu American. neat.
imial. hheef , c'.lra India amcsq , 7Cc ; lrinme. CS , 91.
l'orlc. priimo lilecs , , line westerim , 56 * 3ii ; prIme
imiethium , 48e 11th. Laid , hirm ; prinme western , 21st
ieitnemh. in pails , ha.
chlll'aoi-Firum : ; ; demand fair ; ihnest Amemicami
white , Is ) ; itmiest Aniericaim coloreil. 39s .hl. .
ihU'FTl1lt-Finest Unitemi Simiics , C0 ; good , 57 * .
Tt'Iti'I'NTINi-lmirits. lOs Cd.
ltOShN-Common , Is 3d.
COTTON 853111) Oit.-Livei'pooi refined , 17s 3d.
LINsilill ) 011.-lie.
l'll to hI B lSl-ltehined , 754.1.
ICIOFItlO lOhtA'l'OhC BICF-Foreqttartem a , 174.1 ;
hi."mthmuariera. Cd.
IthISAClIlNO I'OWDIIt-llardwooil , f. o. Li.
Liverpool , 7.
1501'S-London ( l'aciilc coast ) , (2 lIe.
\'tmol Market.
BOSTON' , Oct. 23.-Time Aumerican'oal and
Cotton IteportOr will say tomorrow : There hmmms
been a ( ahi' hmuslntss dune time i'ast week in wool
itt previotme prices. in soimmo Ilitee stocks loire
been prethy well soul , miami hind there imeen a
helter selection it Is likely timat a larger itusi.
mless tvouhd Imave ieuiteti. Territorial wools hmmive
N ) i4i vell , Montana , ldmmhio. Colorado suit New
Mexico hieing t'eii reitrenenteti in transactions ,
Sales In New York , lioshtn anti l'hiladeiphmhmu aggregate -
gregate 8,176,35) lbs. , of which 4,533,001) lbs. were
, iouuic'stic multI 4,030.950 forehgus , as coumiparemi with
mu total of .1,962,54) lbs. ( or time , ltreviomms Svoc'lc.
'l'hero is a lull Ii ; tIme toni liet ammti a waiting die.
position ii. clearly aoparent. 1"oreign wools imave
sold t'ell bohm ( in New York nail lbs.
t3n. Timero imas teen a general tic'
mmmanti for wool In time flom.ton maghet , but
transachicamu have been ( outer mmflii smummuller than
( or sonic weeks as fmmr as tlomestic oooi is con-
cerneml , Stiles of foreign Mocks show an Increase
mms comapared with limo lreviomia tveek. 'rime flint-
bet is at present mi vumhthng one. 'l'orritorInl antI
certain Cailfirnia u'eois butte , on the whole , been
the best sellers. There is no particular deinanil
for anythIng below ii timree.elgimtims grmmmle of any
cart of wooi , Fleeces have sold fairly well ,
Some good blocks of Austunihan loire been morel ,
( 'ape wools imave sold tu'eil , Catpet sools are
show nail ( eniuurelem's. The mtnl , of time week
anmount 10 3,319,000 lbs. douncm.hio alit ) 1,251,00' his ,
foreign , immaicimig it total of 1,470,051) ) lbs , mmgmtinst a
total of 6,016,00. ) lbs. ( om the pievious week and
a total Of 2,437,120 his. for the corrcspqndiag wei'hu
last ) 'ear , The sales since January 1 , 1835 ,
amount to 171,576,720 lbs. , ogaimmst 120,434,585 lbs.
a year ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cot limit Shiurket.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2)-COTTON-Mhthmlhlng , 855c ;
no salt's i elmorted ; iccehpts , 3,763 bales ; ship-
ments. 2,643 hates ; stocit , 16,463 bales.
Nt'V OItLl'ANS , Oci. 23.-COTTON-NomInal ;
nhmldling , 555c ; low middling , be : good auth.
nary , Sc ; net iecelpts , 1.1,654 bales ; gross , 14,767
bales ; exports coastwlse , 3,613 bales ; sales , 3,00)
bait's ; stock , 216,100 tmnies.
NLIW YOltK , Oct. 2.i.-COTrON-Qmilet ; mid.
tilIng. Cc ; hot receipts , none ; gross , 2,5:3 bales ;
exports to Great Iiriiain , 5,015 t.ahee ; forwarmiemi ,
794 bale's ; France , 1,045 bales ; to the continent ,
1,153 tmaiea ; sales , 4211 bales , all spiimnc'rs ; stock ,
325,1170 bales. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pcorlmi Sigiriels.
l'IiORIA , Oct. 23.-COI4N-FIrmn anti higher ;
No. 2 , 3O54c ; No. 3 , 29c ; new No. 3 , 2654c ; new
No. 4 , ICc.
OA'O'S-Stcatly to strong ; No. 2 white , 1S46Jh9c ;
No. 3 white , 17',5411)c. '
) tYF-Nominai ; No. 2 , 394140c.
\VIIISICY-Firm ; Ilniehed goods , on time basis
of $1.22 ( or high vines.
ItllChOli'TS-Vimeat , 3,000 liii. ; corn , 52,550 bu.
Oats. 41.23' ' ) itu. : 1)0 , none ; barley , 13,300 big.
Sitll'SiOINThS-Wiieat , 3,000 Ciii , ; corn , 27,750 bu , ;
oats , 81,250 bu. ; rye , 600 bu. ; barley , 6,300 bu.
Sugar Mttriceg.
NB\S' ' 0hiK. Oct , 23.-SIJGIAI1-Itaw , quiet ;
( air rehinlng. 3',4c ; centrifugmil , 116 test. 3c ; a'-
lined , quiet ; stminmiarm.l A , 4c ; cminfectione' A ,
4e ; cut loaf , 5c ; granulated , 4'jc ,
lAN1)ON. Oct. 23.-h'LflAlt-Cmtie. quiet but
stemitly ; centrifugah .lava , hIs' ) , ; . Sttscovmtlo , ( alt
reilning , lOs 3d , lieet , stonily ; lirices ( lilly main-
telnet ; October , lOs Oil ; Novemnber , lOs 7d.
'l ° rlseoS'heat ttuioiaulloim. , ,
SAN l'ItANCISCO , Oct. 3.-1Vhlh'AT-Qulet ,
Decembem' , 9554c ; Slay , 11.04 % ; cleared , 7,071 cen-
Our Mr. flurry B , Wilson will be
at limo I'AXTO N1IOTEL , Omaha ,
on Oct. 21 , 25 , 243 , with SVilscn'a
. Comimion Seimso Bar Irimms , where
. , they can tie seen llnii iui cttasu'd
, . . : ' Time only praclic'al , comfortable anil
. , invisible hOar irunt In time urum It .
Consultation antI exanminutmom * free
i'lenso call ,
positIon OFFICB :
. 'vI leo a l3si r 1) rut gut Co. ,
, 5th and Marktt Ste. Louisville. ICy ,
Cutes thin efets 0 :
I.J eelf.abumo , excesseS ,
i.rV. emissions , Impotency ,
, . taricucele and conmim.
pation. One dollar a
box , .iz for $5 , For
smile by TIIC GOOD.
. ' MAN UlihiG CO. ,
BlO Farnam St
information anti ittiw tO tusk. . ig'uihtttbi0
Free Investimments. It ) 3enrs' ex.ierteitCml cit
( Jimicagu Litmaril of trail. ' amid 360w York
and Chicago stock exciimiflges. ImimirketLetier Free ,
slOb iiianoZ1iiatfl'tt Iii our new booklets ,
Safe . . I I ttv ii ) sure 51 tt ku SI nitt'y''A I I it iu , itt htni'k . .t. . ' '
The time far sctimmfl he oow ; imever were belIer opi.or-
tunhitc. oiTeretlj $25 to $100 otyOUr incmme tacy icy
the f.umdmttiit Its ft ( , .rtuit' , Address at once
I Incolit & ( o. . Jiminkermiahill llrokers ,
TelepliolbO * 039 , OM4tIIA , t'ii.
Grain , Provisions& Stocks
lloom 11l4 Hoard of Trade.
DIrect wires to Cimicago aed New York ,
Correspondents ; John A Warren & Co.
. V
. ' - . - , . - . . - 'sJ # ' - * , , - . , - , - . .
Simoahiul Sale at Otgnn- '
They were slIghtly used-most of ,
timet-nnt , timey nue all in first cinee
condition-to clc.e thmeni out we niako
these spelmmi pi le5 nimd termue ( it $3
down sad $3 it nomlthm ,
A ( hoot'RehOIC ( & Ca , R 13 00
0)-stoij Orgit : * . . . . . . . . ' + ' I
; ) $35.00
.iI.enUvIdelmrtT ( )
$5 5.00
Ilea' tttttl li-atop Wilco'c q.5g 00
& \hmitu Oi'gan . . . . . ' 4.- I
A. hIOSE'J , Jr. ,
MiiMiililltmI Art ,
' 1513 aougla' ,
Ily purcimasing goods made at the following
Nebraska factories. If ou can not mint what
you want conmaumtcate with time mmtnuao.
turers a. to What dealer. lmaemdie timeir good. .
JLUJ.'t. JUIci.t 1' d.VJJ .1''ii'I , ' ,
llamimtacturers of all kinds of cotton and Smut.
hip bag. , cotton t1cur sack. and twine a apee.
laity. 614-626.513 8. iltlm't ,
Ca. load shtlpmncnt. made in our own refrige ,
rater cam' , . Blue htibbon. Elite Export , Vienna
lxport , _ anti Family Export , delivered to all
pail , of city.
( J.tftItI.1iS _ lr.HJO.vs.
- - - -
- - -
: . j.sI\llsoN1 : \ ' ,
1409.11 , Tii best and cheapest pine.
to buy u good ituggy , Carriage or Wagon. Agt.
for tIme best rubber tire in use.
put rubber tires anti bali b-acIng axles on their
oan make vehicles , and well a top buggy for
: _ O0 bewitles , Write theni , 18th antI Ilarney.s.
Co .sz'iut's , n.s zci ; , 'u irinn ,
Coffee Iloastere , Spice Grinders. Iminnufactur.
ems ( Setnian BakIng Powder and German Dry
tfop'east , 1414 and 1414 lLmrney-st , . Omaha , Neb
Manufacturer of Gold Medal 11'Iour ,
C. IC , Itlack , Manager , Omaha.
lmhamufactumrer , of Parlor 1"urniture , Lounge. ,
linlrmg Tables and Folding fled , , 25th ave. ,
lloyd tb Simaler Sta.
icli .IND Cod ! . .
Domest5 and Steam Coal , We have the best.
OflIc 1601 Faraamn'sL Telephone : Omce 372 ,
.1. A. floe , General Mamtager ,
- Illox iJ'oIos ,
Manufacturing and flepalrlag of all kInds ot
immachlnery , enginei , pumps , elevator. , prtntIn
lireses. hanger. , slmsfting and coupling , 3404
and 1403 howard-at. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Arcititoctural Iron Work , .
General Foundry , Iiachglno and 1liacltsmith
Work , Eimgineeis and Contractor. for Fire
i'roof Buildings. Ollico cad wokE U , P. ICy.
sad So. 17th street , Omaha.
.114 TTicIuSs IC.Sr , CC ) 'C1 , Uiin.s ,
$ ( anufacturer Mattresse. . Spring Beds ; Jobber
Feathers nail Pillows. N. 14th and Nichola.
Sts. . Omaha.
Nioii'r lr..t'i'uii , .PiIt .ztzc'xuj ,
The only perfect protectIon to property. Exam.
inc It , Best thIng on earth.j fleduces insurance -
ance rate , . 1304 Dougias'st ,
C ) Vl1.hJTF..lUrO,01I4.
Manufacturers of Men's and flay , ' Clothing ,
l'ants , Shirts and Overalls , 202.21.3 5 , 11th St.
) ( .
Manufacturers of alt kInds ot Pr.per Iloxe. ,
Sbu'if Boxe , , Samphe Cases. MailIng 'juttles , wtc.
Wedding cake anti fancy candy boxe , , druggist
antI jewelry boxes. 1205.10 Jone , et. , Omaima ,
iglillir F.WT01111t8 ,
Exclusive custom shirt tailor , , 1515 I'arnmmmn.
Easily , Quickly , Perraiuiantly Restored.4
'Wcakne , , , Nervouneea
Dcbhllt3' , anti all thmo lraha
of evils front early orrori o
. hater SXI.CaSes the results
- I uyerwork , shclcneae worr
etc. } 'tmhistre'jgth , dews
optaentiumd to.oghyent
' - ' - -
: every ortlfl and ort1o
I , , , I K otthebcdy. hlmpiena
'is . .1) 4 I1\ ural inetljotle , Immed
I I I. i .S hi ate hinproseinent .eerid
reituro tide. 9,00. ) r000rtnces. , Book
. . , ( L , Ud proofw znmtliol 'acalod ) free. ,
Erie edica1 Co. Buffalo , N.Y
10 to 20 L per iiionth
Can be made by our mnethmotl of operating In
GIl/tIN AND I3TOCICS. hropoctui givin
full informatIon of perfect system maile
free. ientl your lusinc'e only to mt ilnan.
dully respohmehimlo house , l4IolC us up ,
llASli'hl'N P. 'l'IUStAS .t CO. , i
0mm , Stock anil Ilonti lirokers ,
:8 : CIte' itilmer of Coiniuterce , (311 11A010 ,
2 , P. SMITh ( Tel. 1373) ) 5. 11. I8TAN3'O1t
GRAIN and PflovIsloNe
Room 4. N. Y. Ufo Bldg. , Omsilus.
Branch omce. at Fremont sad Cumluinbu. . At
order. placed on ( Pm. Chicago Hoard of TrA. .
Corresr.ondentil cbmaarie , Dupes & Co. , Chi. .
cage' Hctmr.iner , Flack 4 Co. , St. Lou ! . , js
to imirit Nationalilmnk , Omaha.
MSPPIW Send lot our ctignpmet , oooa ax.
II'DIISI5J1' 1)ll ° 1N1NG ALL. 8iMtiGET EX.
I4UULLU PltS2SSlONS , Mso ou , tinily ins ,
L'Vflf A lfl kct letter wuggestmg when and in
ljArIJaflhbu. : witat te trade. liQil ; free. Hank
references furtlishmed. AICHOQASp 4 CO.
Ml.3Mlelit8 ChICAGO Ol'IB's iluAliD
TIC/WE , 223 Trader. BuIldIng , . 'hlcajo. ,
. . . .
a . . . . . . . - , - - ' - .