- - - I. : . - . . ' . . TIlE OJILAIIA DAILY mmif..hUIlSOA , . OOPOREII ! J.1. t8Jr. ! . r. ; CIV. \ , E DOnSEY IS ACOUITTED . . . ) ; Proccnton ! of the Ex.Oongressman for Fraudulent Banking Falls , r COURT EXCLUDES MuCh TESTIMONY ( . i. 11.11 { " 11.11 , 1..llr" 10llll * nI 4 Ih'It"I'e tl' t Shln'lll ) Ir Xlh' . Orl"'rel 11"1.1 Ir h ) ' I he CUII' I rul e r. , ' , -1 LINCOr.N , Oct. 23.-SiecIaI--MuCh ( ) 01 ) - the testlnony far the prosecuton In the cae olalnst ex.Congrcuman G. W. F. I Dorey 3 " ' 3l' rulell out today by Judge Dundy In the . . criminal part of the federal ( conrt. An attempt . : tempt was made to show that the comptroller - troler oC the currency h311 onlered Dortey to ret rid of a lot of mortgage lotes taken ' by him In the name oC Prank Dorsey as coflatorat . and that Dorsey hall Informed the comptroler that It hal been iane . which was not , In fact , the caso. lint Jlllgo Dundy ruled tM out. The court heM that these 'ero not real estate notes hrld Lr the hank , but belonged to I.'rank . Dorsey for services renlered , by him . and he hall a right to take tem In his own name and that the transaction . action . whie ) unbusInesHke . was not no- 3awfut. In : o\ember , 1892 , the comptroller 'Hole the bank directng It1 attention to a report of an examiner that I was carrying the objectionable paper taken by its cashier os commlslol lotes , In the nature 01 second real estate mortgages for loans he had of- rected for other parties. The comptroller . then directed the bank to dispose of It. and H was In response to thl ! direction that the report was l1nt to the comptroller by George .w . } . Dorsey. The receiver had other test- annoy that Judge Dund"s ruling did not nlow to appear. He was really to show that on the lay O. W. I . Dorsey ) went to ponca to prepare that objectionable statement to the comptroller , $25,000 In worthless notes I found , their vy Into the bank white corresponding . spending amolnts of the funds of the bank : Were crel1ell ( to the Dorsey. The prosecn' tlon hind Introduced ana of these notes that fld been executed and Place In the banl < : within three yeara. I hal , been renewed I but the court held tlat the renewal did not t brinE It within the time Ixed by the statnte ot limitations . as the original things of the note In the bank constituted the oren , , 'hlo the renewal dIl ! noL I was found I that nearly eli of Receiver ! Watkins' testi . test. many regzirding these notes was Inadmissabie The government rested It9 case at noon. At 4 torney Gray , for Ioroey . said he would lke to 10VO the dismissal at the prosecution at this point. but I was overruled , Judge Dundy saul he could . lal ! not order dismissal at the pros ' ecutlon . as he hal , a jury to whom he might shIl the iesponslbiiit- . ArKlnelts wee . concluded and ' the , ) - Jury retired at 4 o'clocl , rctrc p. m. The charge to the jury was very strong 1n favor of aC'lultal. At 1IG : the jury re' turned a verdict 01 not . ve\lct ! lly. DSTHCT COUHT NOTES. The case of H. H. Wheeler of 1.lncoln against J. E. Cobbey of Beatrice for $6.000 ) I damages because ot an alleged , InCrlngement upon the copyrIghted statutes oC Nebraslta of the former , has been set for hearing on the 31t Inst. A judgmant by stipulation In savor at the plaintiff was awarded , today In the case of the American Savings and Lear - . association of Minneapolis against 1oses : FrLinkiln of St. I.ouls. The amount warded I , ; G.337. . one of the condiions being that there should bo no delcleney Judgment. In district court today Judge hall grantl I a decree of divorce to Mrs. Alla E. Harris from her husband , David Harris deputy district . trlct court clerk. The petition alleged that I they were married In Council Bluffs August t 25. 1877. and that he had been guilty of extreme cruelty toward her. I Is possible that within another week the Investors In 1Iord golll mining prop etes may know where they arc at. 1rot. Herbert l3artlett of Indianola arrived In th F' _ h _ . . lartet Illanola thl ; It7 tiS mornng. and , accompanied .by I. Li. ' Taylor , the groceryman who sold out his , stock of gnarls for the purpose oC buying land 1n the alleged lolconda drove out to Miord 1n . . a buggy. This was Intended to be a secret - cret expedition , but the affair leaked ont this afternoon. ProC. Bartlett Is the chemist at the ochre plant at Indlanola. He Is also 010 a mining engineer 01 wile experience , notably 1n South Africa. honduras anti ! Colorado. lie Is familiar withi Cripple Creek .jninlmig - ! famiar wih .llnlnl pro- ' jecta and others In the \vest. I"centy ho made an assay for Mr. Taylor 01 dirt taken up through twenty feet 01 sand ! and gravel and ! found $1 In free gel and $3.92 sulphnrets \ to the ton. le wi begin work at once on the Taylor Carm. Omaha people In LIncoln : At tire Capital- Caplal- Martn W. Coady. At the 1.lncoln-A. Ii. . . Chanley , Mrs. n I , A. nauu , it. T. Clarke \v. W. Wyat W. H. Wheeler , George l. ' . 'rltchett. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'I1n. : smul ImJrs (111(1w' II. : . " , . COINS County ' F'nrnier'n V'iiiulerfniI 1li.IiI lt thnt " 'egetmiIiIt- . 11TTS % IOUTI Neb. , Oct. 23-Speclal. ( ) -Herman Strlctwlser a farmer living near this et ) ralscll eight tons of sugar beets AI off one.elghth of an acre of ground. StrIct- wiser says this locality Is specially adapted to sugar beet raising and gave as his opInion the Industry could be made a vefy profitable 'cr pronable one ) here. Through this scason's experience 1 few farmers are talnl of forming a cohn- Jlany and starting a plant for the manufacture - tnre at sug1r from the products of this county. At present the crop Is used ex- clnsl\oly for cow eed. use - The case In police court where William ' - nest was arrested lor assault iuinil WIlam a Inll battery , , ' assaul batery " 'llam I. Smoot being the complaining I witness. has developed a second chapter. Smoot bringing snit for the recovery of $2.000 dapnge. ! having received reco\ery a broken IOSO and Internal InjurIes from the hand . of Hose. D.\11 McCaig of Wabash the populist : lomlnee for sheriff In this county , came to I the county seat yesterday amid notnl the ! county clerk of his withinlrawal from the wllirwdl ticket. The action Is acton looked upon as a scheme t to defeat the republcan candidate. ) TOday , white boring tine new veils at the I water works pump house In this cl ) ' , frol , I . which the city water sUllply will ba obtaineti fame logs were found , fifteen obtalned'i : the surface . , which ball the apJmrance of hav- : 1ng been burled centuries. They were found I In the gravel formation that underles the bedrock beneath the river bottonmm. The wood . ts perfectly preserved except In color it be. . log black. ' I very 1t11 Impossible to dlst'ngulsl , the kind of wood I Is or the age to any degree of certainly. 1'hls afternoon at the home oC the brlde's I parents. west of Murray , eIght mlos south I of this city . occurred the marrIage of James Loughridge to Miss Luela Drown. A large lumber well present. The couple take np t theIr residence In Murray after a short Visit In Iowa. ) The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lloyd In this city last evening was the scene of a I happy wedding the contracting parties being Miss Nellie Lloyd ali Mr. Fred Cunningham After the ceemony an elegant dinner was I served. , after which thc bride and groom let for their future home In the capital. Ihlil Tritachi . the son of a w < athy C rmer lIving west of this city , was marrie at the , parlors of the Perkins hotel yesterday to n I 1Iss CatharIne 1lel. . " 'ithitit . tin ijiemnmos ; . I WAHOO . Neb. , Oct. 23.-Speclal.-Mr. ( ) Knight of LIncoln visited ' the family of Dr. . . Wild the first of the week. M. J. Wlckard's dwelling house caught L ! fire this morning but the lamC were ox ! tngulhed before any great amonnt of dam. ago \ aa Ilone. Dr. M. W. Stone made a busines trip to I Shelby yesterdar. , ' -s . Mr . and Mrs. Albert S.ranel , reture I ! . menu Chicago today . J. J. Carey I acting as clerk of thc district - trict court during the absence of his brother " Ito I out c.lnpJInlnc. ; . \"hlnlli IIrt'viics . ASHLAND , Neb. , Oct. :3-Speclal.-L. ( ) E , Orn\'er of Wahoo was In town today. The revival meetings at the Chrhlan I church attract large crowds nightly. About I ! twenty have made confessions of faith ant , I have Won baptised. - A bicycle ! race tool place at the race track last evening between Sears and Penny for r the champIonship of Asbland. Sears won. The man who Was struck at the same Hock : , , - - Isw land crnmning ! near : furdok where lennlngs \l" klle < I" reported to have died lat n"hl. m : 10 was on lila way to Missouri with hi" rlml ) ' . driving a team attached to 8 CU\'ercII wagon , when the tell and wagon I wee Atrcl < and the man thrown out. I wa thought at the time that the Injuries were lot 1rlols. but they were Internal. JUII lr"h , the here trainer who has been located here for the put eighteen n nonlis : antI who has been driving the great Nebraka horse . lalersteln , , . ' .a . successfully on the Indiana circuit . la In town. lie wil locate l permanenty at Crawfordsvlle , 111 , I'I.I'1'1' : t 110) ) ) .ul\Sr JI'C.1'1" ' : S'rrnl \'lllr" " " ' 1'111" , . 1.llhl.h"ll : . , lie' 1'111 , Ir ( ii . ' " 'lllnnl" . l'AII.I.ION , Neb. , Oct. 2.1.-Spechnl ( Tele- gram-A ) great del of Intere.t la displayed In I time McCarty case and the court house Is filled to Its full capacIty. Victor \\'alman , an Ilplo'o of LI\eryman Carpenter of South Omaha , testified today that he drove a team train the stables to Inrllhy' saloon 1111 rec. olnlzed Via all Tom lcCJty and Galgher as tlY left wih the team ; that the team was not returned to the st tabll unl a late hour. showllK hy their apI.earonce that they had i been rUllldly drlyen. Barno l'ettick. the farm hand of a neigh. her and an e'ewlness , , corroborated the testimony : lmon ) ' 01 the Ia family. M. J. Murphy , a block watchman. testified that he saw Vlc cCarty ! ali another man . , ' since reccgnlzed as Gallighier. heave the Car. . mentor bar at about 2:30 : o'clock the morning : after the assault. 'l'IIIS'I'UX I SICI\ HU'I' 11flt'II'Ui. . \\'Ir. ' " rrlm ( IIH.rnln I I tl I Inc. . . n"II"I- " 11 Slim ( t ' C.lllh. . . LINCOLN . Ocl 23.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Tine republican state centrl comlitee re . fjnertt1 Senator Thurton to make a few sllcc'ehes during the pending campaign , but received a telegram tea ) ' as follows : SAN IIEGO Cal. . Oct. 23.-To lion g. J. Hainer : In/ro\lnl slowl . Hale ton complete l < stor tel of strength I my tIme conress hnneets impossible ! 10 tin - dertlke any campaign vork . which fact I regret very much. I Ire nit republcllS to slalll by till stlte and local nomlnatols In thIs . hnlJrtant preliminary ) " ' 11. folio to ho Ihle to return to vote nnll posslhl lIe- liver short FJlecch 11 Omlhl before election . Expect decisive rl/nhlrln majority electon. braska. JOhN 1 TILUIISTON. . iItltFs'l'Il ) A III C.\SII I. A rthinr N. Anl"'r"nl or G"lnn ChnrA'11 wih "Inlntl/ time Stniiite. GENOA . Neb. , Oct. 23.-Special ( Tele gram.-Arthnr ) E. . Anderson . late cashier of the Genoa State bank , was this day arrestell I on two complaInts for rccel\lng money on deposit after the bank was Insolnnt. lie was arraigned before Justice 1. L McFa'den , waived examlnnton and required to gLye bond In each case for t.OOO for his appearance . anco at the distrIct court. I.'elunt Notes .t Xen' . FhifltlONT " Oct. 23.-Special.-Alvln ( ) Pat i ten of Omaha succeeds William lanpln as local editor of the l relent Herald. The paper ims been cut down to the size It for . . merly was when Smals ruin It beCore. 'fhe Ladies' Charity club met this after , - noon wIth Mrs. lcKennan. Fro'm present to I- dicatons there will be a good many cals for hel' made upon thcm thIs winter. Among the recent contributions received by them Is lift I bushels at onions. Chris Schow of Jamestown and Miss Chris- tine mdam of Maple townshIp were married tInts afernoon at the resiLence of the bridle' 5i parents , thin ceremony being performed by County Judge Plambeck. There was a large number of the relath'ei and friends of anL the famies present , over 150 InvitatIon ; being Issued . At the close of the ceremony an elaborate dinner was ser\ed. after which there was dancing and other social amuse ment" The groom Is a prosperO\1 fdmer and favorably known to the connnmunlty . The bride Is a daughter of Can'par Ridarn a wel lown German farmer at Maple township. The wilt of Hobert McVicker , late of North fend was admitted to probate today. 1e leaves all his property 'to his children. The wi was mad . May 6. 1889 , before his last marriage. mariage.Inlr. . Stmnpieltoms ' . .IIA. NEBRASKA CITY , Oct. 23.-Speclal.- ( ) Homer Slapeon , n young man II the oni I- ploy of S. T. Davies , disappeared from home \ery mysterlo'nsly on Monly night and has I'ot been heard from slncc. The young , man hal m no apparent cause for such action . and much m anxiety Is expressed concering his , whereabonts. A settle In the large fill of the D. & : I treste t approaching theIr brIdge at this point rEnders the passing 01 trains ImpossIble and passengers are brought Into this city via stnge. An extra force 01 men has been eni I- ployed. and the eompIIY , hopes to repair the damage soon Miss I"annln Wison. who has been I I 1Ih pnellonla. IS rlc'\srlng rapidly. Url'nt. Cn" IC Slr/rr , ' . YOHK. Neb. , Oct. 23.-Speclal.-I.ast ( ) April Mlss . Clara Con\erlorla. who resides In i South Dakota swallowed a ncedle. Since that tme It has caused her great pain and annoyance. A few days ago she arrived In l this city , and yseterday a corps of doetors of this county performed ! I successful oper : a- ton In the removal of the needle. Whie aa very dlncnl operationi the chances for the young lady's complete reco\ery are gao il. Story , ' or nn 1' I"II'm"nt Iln"t'urnlt. FH.I.JY , Neb. , Ocl 23.-Speclal ( Tell gram.-The ) story In circulation regarding the elopement of C. E. Stout of Virginia wih the wIfe of Express Iessenger Apt mtl has heen proven cnIrely false. Stout has : retnred trom a month's vacation . spent In : eastern Kansas and was snrprlsed to Bee' ' the article whIch has ben In cIrculaton In a I few 01 time Nebraska papers. Apted has also resnmed work . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1011UI"1 II Cliiy ' C.unl , . . CLAY ClNTiit , Neb. , Oct. 23.-Speeal. ( .1 -lion. Wllam V. Allen , United States ' senator . and Judge W. G. hastings a' ' ii- dressed the first gathcrlng of populsta of this locality In thIs cJmpalgn at the court house yesterday. The prlnelpal subject di a- cussed was the Inanclal question , but Clay county wU not be In tine Ilopuls ranks this I year , hence the enthusiasm was rather Iii mm- Ite _ _ _ _ 1'.1110" . . . Ilt'I" Une. YORK . Neb. , Oct. 23.-Speclal.-The ( ) bic y. ole race between E. E. ockett of Lincoln Ind Gust Gecko of York wi bc run at this place tomorrow at the fall grounds. There Is at present ' great deal of comment as to the outcome , and a large crowd of sports I from over Nebraska In general are expected ! to be prsent. Hay Mcureer who was also to take part In the race . las wihdrawn , lea ' . hug time race between the two I E"'h" . . \VI Gn We Inl some one who has been cured by I hoed's ar.lparl. . and people on all hands arc praising this great meilclne for wlat I has done for thcl and tholr friends. Talc ann In unto hlooti's SarJparla prevents serIous illness by keeping the bloll pure and all the organs In a healhy condition . I Is the I great blood innriller. Hood's Pis become the favorite calharte wll every one who trIes p them 2Cc per box. \'EI IC.Y I'\C\I C 10USI' OV'l'l' " t1'I' . Jlu""llt Sh\ Li I tie Inlrn""ll'ul Over th" l.r..ollA I So''o'n In ) ' " . CINCINNATI , Oct. 23.-Speclal { Telegram. ) -Tomorrow's Price ! Current wIlt say : West- ern packing has reached a total of 320.000 hogs the pat week , compared with 310.00 the preceding week and 300.000 for tine car- responding time lat ) . 'rom March 1 time total Is 7,760.000. against 8.415.000 a year ago. The movemcnt shows little gaLa over the preceding week and nol much excess . cess tn comparison with correfponJlng tme lat year . I'romlnent placed compare as fol. lows : Nannes II' : . 1891. .Chlcngo . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.9,01 2.6S .O I 1anss City . . . . . . . . . . .1.1i9,01 1liGO , Cnnnmimmt . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . M6.tO ) 9S2. : ) ) St. I.olli . . . . . . . . . . . . 45. ( ) 4iO,0 I Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3O :2.0 Inlllnlpol > . . . . . . . . . . . 313,0 3t3.000 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t2.\ 3 .O Cedar Hlpils . . . . . . . . . . ISS.O'J ) 1'.0 St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.Ckt ) 2&i.000 Otllwa . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.0 1 ' 2f'.0 . . . St. 111 . . . . . . . . . . p . . . . 173.000 178,00' ) The ser glow of the tea rose Is acquired by ladles who use l'onoul's complexion powder. Try It . _ ' _ _ - - - - , . EVIDENCE ALL SUBI1TTEDcr ! State Finishes Its Rebuttal and Argument Will Ommence , DURRfINT'S ' ADMISSIONS TO A REPORTER . - JI" . Carrie . Clllhuchll 'r. . . . lt nn 111.r.J'n nlh 111 II Ihe . 'nl - Stnihim moms' 1n noun t II the I"UI" ' . SAN FRANCISCO Oct. 23-After ' a biter legal struggle , lasting threl months , tine tetlnon ) In the trial of Theodore Durrant Is all In , and tomorrow time argumcnt 01 the case wil begin. When court adJolred tbls afternoon DIstrict Attorney Barnes announced . nounced that whie hc would not formally close tine case for the people , he would tnnG doubtedl ) ' do so the first tithing tomorrow. Mr. Dames notified the attorneys for time ' deen&e that at 10St he woull have but one more wlnefs , whose examination would last but a few mulnmutes Miss Carrie Clnnlngham , a newspaper reo porter who visIted Durrant at the prison fre. . luent ) . testIfied that Durrant tel her he ; saw Dancho I.lnont : on tine second floor of the belfry where she was mntrderetl'hhlc engaged In fixing I sun burner he told leI : ho heard a SUIlclous , noise In thc belCr ) which attracted his attenition. lie crept along the ceing of the church until be came to the belfry casilg , where he looked through I a crack and saw Miss Lamont. Mss ! Cnnningham's tesllmony was obtalnl I only after a great nnlb2r of objections made by tbo defense had been argued and rulell npon. An effort was also made to section I statement from the witness with regard to an alleged confession made by Durranmt but the court sustained an objection to the ques tion. On one of Miss Cunningham's visits ; to the prisoner he Is said ! to have showl her an envelope addressed to his attorneys : marked ] : "To be opened I I am convicted and to bo returned to me 1 I am aculte't" The witness was subjected to a searcblng crosexamlnton. In which an effort was made to show the means to which sine had I resorted to obtain Ilterviells with Durrant She said at the suggestion 01 the newapa . per by which she was employed she expressed - ) ) pressed tine grea est ! rleldshlp for the prls oner , and frequently selt him papers inmagno zlnes and nowers. She denied that she evei I. e\er took an oath and kissed the bible after Pronmm laths burrant not to pnbl\h anything he ) told hr. She said she promised Dnrrant . she would not 111Ish an.thlng he told her and kept her word. Only two witnesses besides Miss Cunning ham were examine today. Both were 11hy- slclans. Their testImony was Important Cram tIne fact that It shows Dnrrant did not have the appearance of a mun who had been partly asphyxLatl1 when he met OrganIc t King In the chnrch on the afternoon of April 3. King teslned that Durrant was pale and tremblng when he saw him. When on the stand the prisoner corroborated I Klng's testhuou ) Drs. Dy and hiosenstern . who were examined today , testified that the Irst ercct of gas was to fush the face and lips and iniflanmo the e'es. Durrant , accord lag to his own slatement , had neither of the symptoms. The phslclcns also testned that a man who for five mluutes had been subjected to tine Cumes at escaping gas from twenty-Caul jets . would be Insensible. r = MENTS. c".ooccc.ccoo.cccooc A very acceptable company , which , without rising In any Important partcular to great- miess undenIably hit the high places In enc or two Instances , presented Denman Thomp- son's homely play "The Old Homestead , " last night at Doyd's before a large and entiiusl I atc audlenc Tine piece loses none of Its power to charm with the passage of succea I- slyo seasons , for Wml all Its exaggerate d exalerated hnmor h anti goolly.gcody pathos there Is a pen . manent heart Interest about It and an honest laver of the farm which appeals to till such as are of rural origin. The scenes In the city are too absurdly unnatural for serious con : I. slderatlon , but It would be hard to match , for genulno laugh making capabiltes , the busl- le n s between the two frisky octogenarians or the t appalling suggestion of the husky and amorous farm nand that he and his simon , - skirted sweetheart revenge themselves upn the haughty visitors from the city by eatng nil all time pIe ; and these and other things In i I the same vein were very well done last night. Mr. Darker was liked In the familiar role of i Joshua Whltcomb . his characterIzation . lke that 01 others wno have preceded him , helng i modeled m closely on the original creation of 1 Denman Thompson. The ladles aside from Imo l very clever IrIsh woman of Miss Farrei ; . nero scarcely UI ) to the standard , but .FrtI ( i Clarke as Cy Prime and Hem'y Scot as Seth Ierldns l offered some at the very best chat i actor wOlk seen hero In a long time. Fran Ic Knapp Was more at home as the tramp than as the swell . anti George D. Wright made a hit as thin o\'ergrown rustic. A double qnar- tet t of sweet but IOt lghl ) ' cultYat 1 male voices Counll much favor wlh tme audienc i' and Franz Adelman contributed not n Ito ; to t the evenlng's entertainment by playing the dainty "Homance" ' of S\endsen wlh lila usual delicacy and grace . 1'ho songs suing and the dances danced b my the average advance agent who heralds U ) approach oC theatrical attractions arc usualy taken by the public with that grain of sal which shoull tempel' every morsel whereof , sel.lnterest forms an Ingl'edlent. The promises of most of these buoyant pre\arlca. tons coull not b pertorml ! by a company of tIne heavenly host , and their unsupported statcmcnts are oC a largeness which later fl 'C. velopments seldom justIfy. In the case of "Timniiby , " however. Messrs. Herbert and Pnerner' travesty on Paul M. I'otter's play , i therd'ould seem to 10 a fairer asreement i between the show leeH and the ad\'ance man's undertakings than Is eommon In such cases. From the time when the burlesque starled ( i on Its long New York rnn at the Carrie , theater until time present thc press all o\'er the country with hardly a dissenting voice , has chanted a chorus of Ilralse scarcely less lusty than that which has been bestowed upon Mr. Palmer's company in the orIginal play so lately seen and enjoyed by our thneater-goers. The recent appearance here of that organization will lend a keener zest to the Corthcomlng production of thl3 travost . for whIch the invariably favorable I epton ; which It has received elsewhere should be a sufficIent guaranty. There may bo some amen us who would be prevented by artist ic limitations from enterIng heartily artstc time spirit of a slde-spltn ) tra V. eat ) ' . pure and simple , of Du Iaurler's romance : but no such dl'lnlty hedges ! I. 1oter's play whIch with all Is I excelehco Is a fall mark for the parodist , a ci :1. l'ainner's fine body of players , whose lar p ' 0- . fe. ctuliaritlc.a and . cularltco mannerisms conld not be e x. pected to escape service as a target for the shafts of humor In this age of Irreverent ( U n- making , The Spaghetti of "Timnilby' for In- i . " stance , Is said to bs mrlcatlro not so much of \u ) Manrler's SnMal , as 01 that S\'cngal creatll by Paul 10ter'uII ' made manlett by th e strong pertormnnle of \Viltomi I.acka'e : \lton the Tlrlby to have "tliled Vlrglnll horned tor her model Ins6Qf , the Call lady who Illald i the title role'lejust : and the Caramels , Ihe hiuitterscotclm , mmd , .tho Jocko to follow closely somE genorll ) ' accepted characteriza. ton of Taffy , Gecli dnll the Lairti The stage settimms . of "Thnrilby" have noA celnd Inl\er1 co/nnt'Jdaton / ; , and the coin- pany I. i generally PQken ot as one of the most capable Her 'rblht together for the pnrposes 01 buriasqmmmti Among the people who w ill appear are m\a ( Crox , who presents a 1.ltle1 I e. remlnlsJent , of Ilenilirson's extra\aganza , Carrie I'erklns . the "Thniib ) ' , " Sol Aiken as Spaghetti , J. II. Roberts . n. ) ' . Crolls SS , Id Monkey. ! Bdyth Murray . Wils 1. Sweatoam , Mark Murphy and a chorus and balet said to be compOsed exclusively of prety girls. Time "Thmrliby" engagement opens with the pertormanee tonight Time box sheet Is at- ready open , and the large sale of seats in- dlcatcs a crowded hnotnse. During 1'ranels'Ibon's engagemelt at the Grand opera mouse . St. Louis . last eason , he was 1 daily ' "Islor to the box 0111cc , alid had f rcqmt.nt \ use for the telephone. One day whie In'olsl' : awallll a reply to an 1m. ) portant question he had asked through the transmiter , anti after several innetTeetmnal 'at- tempts t h\1 : beel . made to communicate with the right part . tine boil rln turlolsl , to which he qnlckl responded Insteal ) an answer to his question he was reqnested to resern twel\o 01 the best seats In ! the house ' for \o\ol hopper In " 1)r. Syntux" for the t openlnE night of hIs ( hopper's ) engagemmienit . Mr. Wilson patiently and oblIgingly gave the ; I man m at the other end of the wire all the Inn- f ormaton possible. amid after considerable I trouble t trllmpbant ) disposed of $18 worth t at f space for his brother comedian Mr. Hopper - per wi present "hr. b'ymmtax" In this ciy : for f the second ( lame at lioyd's new theater on Friday e\enlnJ next. The sale of seats wi open at 9 o'clock - this - morlilg. : : t g : cc t SOUTH OMAHA NEWS 8 I eoeceCQCCce nee o I Since the Board of Education has entered II I the market with a postomcc site there has been t some talk on the streets to the cfect L that t the loard of EducatIon 10uiL not sel LI I or dispose of school propert without a vote 01 tine people. Time COlplt1 Statutes of Nebraska for 1805 provIde that "No school I property of any kind belonging to amm' sehool I district shall be sold by the Hoard of Educa- ton except at I regular moetng of the same , and not then without an anrmat\'e recorded I vote of at least two.thlrds of all members I of f the board. " Under this statnte limo memhlrs of the Hoard , 01 Jducaton whim go ahead and en- e leaver to convince the go\enment that their sie Is the best. Shell ! the go\ernment buy this property the money obtained from the ale would no doubt be used In pnlchaslng a new high school site. Last l February the mcmbers of the board talked this nmnatte : over , and I was decided to place thn mater c property at Twenty'sixth and M streets on time market. City nglneer heat has poe parell a map 01 the site . all , In company wih 1 the bid , It has ben forwarded to Washing- . toni _ _ _ _ Mingle Vi ) ' Gu."III. M. Iarleson arid wife of Weston , la. , arc \Islln , relatIves . .In tip ? cl ) . . David Moore of Catle Rock Utaim was a noon. visitor at the slok Tards . yesterday After Mr. and Mrs. Nels 1lterson ! of Veston . la. . are stopping for a . C w day with frIends In the city. The Epworth lngnne' I will give a social at the resllcnce of MrR G ergo I. Dare Twenty third and K streets , this ' evening. Irs D. L. 10lmQs , entertained the members - bars of the Ladles Aidtsociety ' of the l'resby terlan church yesterday afternoon . Y0tert ) arernoon. The ninth annual bal of the South Omaha police 'Corco wil beheld this evening at hiltmm's hall. A large numb or of tickets have ben said. . ' . ' .t,18 : Tine infant cimlj1 pI ; Mr. and Mrs. T. I 3. Scot. Twenty.flr8t Add G streets , died } 'ei 5. , tqrday t , 'and' the'-re'nntairnls. 'WIlbe , aert today 10 Murray , la. , fen Interment. Mr. anal ! Mrs. J. .1) Zlte of Omaha and their guest , Miss AlIa Spelman of St. Josep 1 . made a tonr of the slack yards and the I packln houses yesterday afernoon , , George 'V. Taylor of North Park , Colo. . wa ! In town ) 'esterda ) ' . Mr. Taylor report the cattle on the ranges In the park In fn : cOdllon. and promises big shipments from his ranch later on. Federal union No. 63:5 met last e\en. lag at Kouttky's hail , Twemmtietit and 1ouhky's hal Twenteth Q streett and talked about time two candidates for county commissioner. Tom lector made an address and 1 favorable Impression. Mr. MIchael Markeson of this city and Miss Den Olson o Hartrgton were marrIed - rIed last ' ev'enlngtt the residence of the groom's brother . Twemnty-thmird Bud 0 street The cerelo ) Was p irfornncd by Rev l'ete'n son of Weston , Ia . A large number of guests were presnt. . INISOAI. a'tiIAGIIAI'IiS. State Auditor Moore was In the city yen I- terda ) ' . J. W. l'owier attorney . of Rapid City , II I L at the Paxton. ; Dr. F. C. Conning of Wausa Is registered at the Arcade. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Upson of Deatrlcc arc at tine Dehlone. 1' . A. Shale. stockman , Newcastle , \\0. , Is 1 a Paxton guest Colonel James harper Baird of Chlcao Is at the Murray . , Ilsholl Tbomal' Donaeum of Lincoln was In the city 'esterday. : A. V. ' Carlson , banker , of Gothenburg Is I regll.tered . at the Paxton. Lou Harper , snperlntendent of the Norfol , \\'ater Works company , Is at the Norfol . : T. H. Han , commercial agent for tbe Mexican Central raIlway . St. Louis , Is at thc Paxton. S. C. Dassett of Gibbon . memb ' of thb : State Hoard of Agriculure , was In the cit 1 'esterday. ) Mr. A. II. Varle " " 11. II.'aricy . agent of the "Superba" company and Mr. George S. Starling . aen It of "The Globe Trotter , " are Darker alel The followIng members of Denman Thnonni son's "Old Homestead" company are regi : tered at the Barker : Miss LiOn Wels. ! 1.lzzle F. Farrell . Mls ! Lena N. Jones , 1Iss lr. Thomas Wood and wife Mr. and Mrs. Brown lug J. D. MartIni , John Barker , Albert B. I Myers . George II. Wright , George I. Patch. : 1. Nee'an . 11. Scott , Val P. Ackerly and Gus ICammenile. X"hrn"l.nn" nt ( Iii' Illrl" . At the De1lono-V. D. Mead , Jr. , York ; C. U. Dunker , lIotlFc. At the Jlard-A..E. Upton Lincoln : Mr. Eunttls. " ' . FL Andrews ' . HlstnS ! = J. A. Andrew ! ; At the Merchimt.-'retl Hlheler. I.etg Mrs. ! J. Ii. 1rown. Edgar ; S. n. Scar . \'tu-ne : J. A. iickiinson . Greslmammi At tIme Arcade4JV'EVest. . Hushvllo ; Ed RosS I'ugcno 'Irrneh. ' George Horde . feel e S. French John gnlon. Gordon : 1' . J. Simeeiey I' . 1 cC' 1J. . : I Da\ey , hi. C. , Howe . n n. 101 < ) / . ! encl : J. " ' . Curr ) ' , . , 1\ ' ' Ilrrlnln ; I. . 1'IJherH1Valentne ; J. C. Hog. : ers , Ord. " 'J' 1 ' . - -'U- . - , . i J Quaker \VIsdom : , I" , , " , , . I ' ' " " . ' " Tis a great J. journey to the word's end" .e't I -Make' the way pleasant by brdkf.ting , . on Quaker Oats. ' . . - uak.er OATS . Sold 0/1) ' il 2-lb , Tacleagos. - - - L _ - . . - . - - . - - ' . - - - A . SPfCIAlST'S ' V1EYSI . tISt'II' l h . At I.Il'IN1'S 'I'IUT A..ICT I I tIM . \ ; 1' I ' , An 1III'nt SII..lnl"I' . hlt1 ll ( lie 1 < II n. ' , ' " 11.1 'l'htl. . t''t'-I.y ' riiel'nrify tint' 1llll ninth . 1\"l'I' . t.i tn Ilenillhm . ClrlnJ tli' Kiniim.'ys inike . Is ! " ' 11 \ \ " mire Sl'k . We n.c ulcl sick 1111 Ilou't know whnt lit I tl 1m : I 11' wih 1 . I 18 lmrohabiy otut' hiuiitt'ys' . \t , lose Olt strength 1111 Ilbllol , s IITll' Ct'OI hlIHIllll' , Ih 1lls ! , sal- luw l COIII'xlll , , 111\OI tt , l'le. " ' . 0 , tllll IIW hlool , \e domi't l It bn'cIthSe : out' kldimeys a i' sick. I we l'U'I'1 our 1.IIIIYs WC wOIII g It 11\\ ' hloI , ICIlllh \ , Im\ ' Hh'llgth , hlCIIe I hI ; 01' 1.lhll ' 1 thnt : i ittrlry our hnleul lm' . lohh' 1 ! Hal : IH ; 1 ik1uey Pis wi 111'1 thin' JITil ' . 'Ihl y l'ollnil ) I I a 1011111'1111 I I Ixl'ncl t of i thl' tnspini'igune : l'oumtd In inn other 1 ltrgls0111 II 10 othC' m mmcd Ic I i it' u1 ' lmrt't'm'l I iotm , it 11(1 ik' ' 1IIIdll' 0' IU'Il'I'Ilol i 111 ( 11\11 ell m iy l tmiult'i ' a sin'ehnil ' ' ' thl' ' 1\111' Hldll II'OI'IH by I 101h's 1lllt'hll Co. lu. 'i'libi t'xtriet : of IsllI'lgls ) Is \\'hnt Illw8 I : ] I 1' . I itmbhi's Sintringtls ' :111'1 18 KhlllY 118 I 80 smit't'ssfui. A wll ( JI0WI Jh ) ' 81'III , DI' . " ' 1111 " 'aIHol I 1IIIHh I I I , inn mm nit , I c'lrll I alli thm'olgh tl t tlst or 11' . I lomb's Spin ragus KlII' l ' 11s II his . in'actice' . 11'1'1 Is his reluu.tl Oi ( thc rIHI1 , : Otliemm of \ 1rIDAIHOX ) 1IXIHH. M. D. , I : : ! ; Chlclgo OInu'm'n : I louse Iltock. llWAOO , .TII ' 20 , 181 ) : I iOifl'S : mIlIXI CO.- Glllclll-I t I a . 'oll ! n mite u im 1mm al I lied 1IIIa h ) ' I' ( ' to 11110t.t thlt afll hn\'llg : nt 'Ol' solclatol t'lel thc HIII'agls : Khlll ' Pis which 'Ol hl\'c recently h imtu'gltteed to thc hmtefeslomi , I I I ( I" ' ' nenitlsllt'ti w'itli ' . the th'lly Il tHlld wih results ob- I ntlued. As 18 wel knovn , the kidneys tune Ihl' t ' ' ' ' ' ' 11'111(11 excretory OI'gIS : ot' thl' i mody. alli 1 Ima'e long hell 811HIII that 111 ) ' of the obscure nlhlelts which nliet hllallr 1'1 trecnhle tl Jlhll 's which Cal to Iu'operly IW1'fol'l timeir Cllctul ! . 1111 IOW I ha\1 tried . and ( used wlh , ' : , 'llg Ilgl'I'es ( of stmt'ci'ss , ni the Il/ ft't'eitt remiin'n1le which CII'I'lt 1II1IIe8 are alleged to hlle h a sllcllc net loin 11101 tl l.hIIIY , hit h\'e mne'et' COIII nmiythilrmg that was : elth'elr HatH : CI 110'\ ' until I begnit Ihe use oC Hlamgus : llhle.r lI . I think yotm n.u to he con I'atllnlll 1111 lurllg hell Ill\ to IH'oduce ) : counblmmnttioii of u'eiiuetileH which , coulhlnalon 11'lell\R hun' such 1 hUIIII ) ) ' un'ee nun ! I take Plems- : 111 II I iccomim ulieni d ( I mig ) ' \ 1111 I I ; to I ' hmrotimet' . pi'at.'t1tloiueiit . who , I 11 Simon' . wi hind } II thll 1 rllel ' thnt wi fully nint'et thl himfilcat loins 11'lsent(1 ( II null nhisctses : of the . ' al 11 laHI 1.lhle 'R , as : wel us him al : IlslUHeH ( : whlel owu their origIn to , ot' whlll IIIH'III ( Impoin UI 11. hI11h ' 10111101 01' action of the kid. IC . 'H. YOIS ypy trll ' , W. W. ITINISIL Dr. IIobb'o Spurlgus ) Kilue ' I'Ihls 1'18 wI cum 11 ! kldnl discuses and nil diseases of the hlooel. Inl ul lhtiglit's llseu e , diabetes , congestion , lston etc. , iimeuitinttlsnni , gout , nifltit'onlnt , ctc. , cal nil be cured 1iy DI' lob 's :1111' gls Khll' ' Pills. A few doses vhht ' . OSIS wi relc\'c. But that Is not roll. A few boxl's wi cure . tlnt Amid tie hest ? of It Is that the ctmi'e C\'C wIlt ! e Ilm'lllelt Soul by all druggists 01' mailed , pre- II\I ) ( } , COl' r0 cents 1 lmx . } Al Intm'lsllg I I i mm mim him let lulll I free ' on rethimest . Address Hohh' Medlehime ' . ! : Iellcnc Co. , Ohlcugo.ol' 811 Fllclsco. AS OIJSTOMARY HOBB SPAnAGUS PILLS t will be sold in Omaha by the ShERMAN AND InI'CONNELL DRUG CO. , , 1513 Dodge street second door wtt of I' . O. Dadway's Pills Cure Sick Headache , oI1sflpatflh Igousess1 Constipaton , PiesAND -AND- All Liver Disorders. U I " ' 1S 1 ' rJ.T.H are purely \o\'etable , 111 and rohhthmto. : Cause crtcd dle ton , comlliote absorpton and hnoilthmfui rogiiininily. 25 cis . a hox. At Uru"t'orby mitil . "lIoo : oC ad\.tco" free 1y mal RADWAY & Co. . 1' . O. liox39 . NOI\ York - Monthly Pains Iml anxieties . can be relieved to n certainty . talnly by usll ! Dr. Chevalier's . Female Pills. Price $10 per hox. , I 'O\ are tlll Ild In doubt U8 to whlt will relieve 'II , Hell for these . 1)1115. ) Sent sealed sccU'el ' by lul : on . ' of ' . recelt IH'lc Sliormun S & McConnell M 1 Drib Ci C 1513 Dodge St. O IIA , NEB. ( Moring ) - ecfiw Send I elnla for simile . packaie , Faultlem II Chemlcat conmipanny lisitimore . Md. ----fl - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - ' - _ . - : = . . , _ _ _ _ I - - . - - - . - - - - - - , - . . - ' - - - ' - - . . ' _ - _ . - - - - . " - _ . - - - - " . A Few of the l'housf11ds Of I11comparabte Bargains nt the GREAT BANKRUPT SALE or the : Morse Dry Goods Co . - - ' - - (16th C. nltt Plrunt Hts. ) E\ol' ' nook all : C0t'ilot' IC thlg I lalloth BtOl'O filled wih high h ctn o(1 which 11'1 hohlg slid nt only a rl'lctlol ( oC urlghiinah cost S. E. OLSON ( ) CO. ( No Samples - Seut. ) . - SILK DEPARTMENT ILACK SATI [ STRIPED CI-E1'N , All ptu'o flhif , PI'onch goods , MOI''S price Sl.75. Al fi I 5 9 ? C Ballo'uJt Sale emily , lu.l. . ( . . . . . . . . . . . J BIACK BE G. L1Ni E. theory , rich . IUlt.ous goods1 , MI' o't price $ I.W. l0018 7 9 pdel C B.lultrupt Sale (11) " , yll.d , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLACK AHIIHE l , All pure stile , hOI" weave , bn'Igltt. silky goods . , Morso'mn hit'lco $1.-0 bl'lght 8 9 C BUllo.lJt : Sale : 111' , yard - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liLAC K IEAU DE SOI I l { , AIlt.o } stIle , vhlI minutiae ant plellt , dnmi'almle Ih'e8s , IOI'SO'8 ' htlCe ) $ lO. ni 9 8e hhttllkt'hiit Sale PI'he only , yl.J. pleo . . . . . . . . DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. I ALL YOOL BLACK SERGE , dtmritlio AL 001 olcgaltllulhlo goods , both sIdes woven unlike , -1.ln ride , fine and heavy , 4 8 e MOI'MJ'tIJrleo ) $1 .01) ) , Bankrupt Sale uuly. y. i't.i1 BLACK ALl.001 IE I I IUE'TA.1 I I' 1'11 led 1"I'oneh \ 'eave nnt ( dye , finn ' l'olltllo goods , lol'w's pdeo 3 7 e i5c. ( Balkl'upt : S.lle 11113' . YII'J. . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.INCI BLACK STon SEGE , hen"y weave , one or the must durable Cludc : 11110. Wll'I'llled alt 5 9 C wool , Motso's ' . 10'SO'S 11110 $1 2.j , BUllu'upt Sale only ' ) 'll ALL 'DOL ILA IDS , douulo Cold l I'oJch goods , both skos twilled , Ilott . cotorhtigs , Morse's [ $1.00 6 9 e qUllty , Bnnlo'ut S tie only , YI.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . NE\ CLOAI\NGS , elegant hcwy goods , \\1'1 Iud dtmrntblo us voll inatoi'hnils 3 . 4 8 dur ue wol as stylish mntollil ! , usual 11'lce $3 to $ U , Banlu'upt Sale llce yanl , $ l. ! : to . . . BLANKET DEPARTMENT. 10. anAl l BLANKETS , I"uney borders , Ii cavy , fleecy /ools ( , Mormeo'ni moire 8ii. . 75c lanlu'upt Sale Idce : only , pah' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. " ' 001 , UIXED HL.tNKl'fS , GI'UY , heavy goods , bon'deos , 8\ioi'se's ' . . 119 fluc hl'dm' 1OI'SO'S pl'icn 200. Bunlo'upt Sale : } lce , pah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAnGE BEU COMFOnTEnS , IIi'ntvy goods , chlutz : covered , good lilhlnmg , Morse's [ Pl'lco $ 4.O0. 2 25 Bamilcrnpt Sale ; Idce only , each. . .100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PAIRS EXTHA QVALITl ALL WOOL BLAN- ; ETS , 1\01' /I'UY , with ussI.tcd fancy borders , I , hue , soft Cahhfoonnhnt ' )1 , l , ' . , . 3 79 heavy 1no of Calfol'lln ) von'y large sizes. 10-4 .ize , $5.00 quality . now enl ' ) ul. VO'.V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 sIze , $7.0U quality , mow only ha1 ) . . . . . . . . 4.95 . DRAPERY DEPT . I BALL FRINGE , All eom's } , ' . i ; O'SO'S ' Pi1CC Uc ( _ ' 3 C o ' ' olily. yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' I SILIOLNE , Plain nrotty colors , ! ? mlot'nto's pt'Ice the 8e Now (11) plec , . lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ShAM HOLDERS . , Mot'se'ni price 25c 12 I e Now' onlr. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . TABLE COVERS , pretty ( teslgnl size OxO : Morse's pI'leo 25e , 15c . No , Ofll3P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIs.r OPAQUE SHADES , on sprIng rOllers , ready . to lmanng . MOt'80'S price 400 17c I - No , ouly . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I - I HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR DEPT I LADIES' LISLE \TEST'S Long sleeves , nicely ' innate , ! ( limo quality , Morec'ne Illco GUc ( , Bankrupt Sale 3 9c only ' euch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' lIDICATEJ CARDINAL VESTS AND PANTS , , ' nice null tvuoi qtmahity warm , all sizes ' ' 75 11 Wlol qualty goodH ) al , MOI'so's J oC iin'leo $1. 25 , anlo'npt Sale PI'lee OIIY , enuchi . . . ALL WOOL . COIHINATION SUITS , extra lmentvy , yel'y line goods , all sizes , O'bO't price $ 0.00 ( , 4 . 25 Hanlo'upt Sale PI'iee ouly. ! . . . . . plio . . . . ) . . CHILDREN'S BLACK WOOL . hOSE I'ihbod goodH , wm'm and dUI'I .O double meals and toes , MO'so't gOOdH 17 C 111002ie , Hanlo'npt Sale Pdee only , pair. . . . Jai. I.ADIES' BLACK HOSE , fleece limed , all sizes , double heels and boos , cole ) wai'rnntcd , Morso's pt'ICO 83c , 21c Banlo'upt Sat Pdce oimiy Pain' . . . . . . . . : : . LAIIES' EXTRA SIZE HOSE , LADlS' lilnicic liecco limed Bacl leoco lned goods extra weight , colon' warranted , ! orso's 3 9 C )1'leo GOe , Htnlu'upt ) Sale Pdce onip ) , pthi. : . . . GLOVE DEPARTMENT ItEAL FRENCh ! MADE JUD GLOVES , A big I lot to coo out , they are Heel and Button goods . , in all colors , includin luck , brown , slate , tal etc j and all tlze . , Morse's price fn'oin-I.2.1 to $1.75 ! 6 9 C i Banltrlpt SIc only ) pnir. CI'ol.I.2 . . . . . . . . . Sli . . . ( . . . . I ' FUR TOP KID GLOVES , Fine real kid , black and colors , all sizes , told OYO'YWhC'O at $1.75 and $ .OO. 1 . ? 3 ' Hanlu'npt Sale only iu1r. : . . . . . $1 . . . . . . . . BLACK DOUBLE MIT IS , Fine , \\1 t.J , wool goods Morse's ' (15o ( 29c 1IOI'iU'H imi'Iee liankrupt Sale 01113' . pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' GENTS' DOG SKIN tiLOVES , heavy goods , strong , ' ( 'elahlo and warm , Morso'8 price $1,611 stl'ong 87c Hankrnpt Sale only , inIi' plco . . . . liO . . . . . . . HANDKE CHIEF DEPAnTliENT , LADIES' PRINTED BORDER HANDKERCIEFS , PI'otty designs , MOI'o't price lOc 2t Our PI'lco , Ii113P. . . ! . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C ' ' ' ' LADIS' IEMSTI rCIED AND EMHWmmmD hANDKERChIEFS , I"ino sheer , ' ge lANDKEnCHIEFS 1ino goods , lor"o's II'ico Vie. Our I'i'lcc ( ) lly. . . . . . . . guods . . . . . . . : . . . . . . LJ JAPANESE IANIEnCIIWS , Elegant cnn- broidoreti goods , Morse's Price 750. t om.23c OlrPI'lceonly . . . . ! . . prco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Lb'l' OF GENTS' WHITE lANDKEHCIIFS , Morse's JOe and 120 ; goods. 5c Onl' PrIce , ony ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LACE DEPAnTMENT. ! SILK ESCUItIAL LACE , blacle end cream .1 1 to 10 let . ' wide , Morso's price ! 1.2 to * .IO 'I'd ( , Banlrlpt 3 5 C ! Sale only , yard 25i . mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 'IITE EIBROIDERY I , ISIO.tcd widths , handsome 8010 fine goods , OI'60'S [ lice 200 reid 23e , Bankrupt tOe Siie ; : . only : , yard . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' . . 2o . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHIFFON , all the light shades ; I : , i. i In. : wide : Morqo's I Price Oc , Hanll'npt Sale only , yard..C , VAN IYI < PONT LACE COLLARS , in Durdou Lace , IS301.tO patlol'IS , Prices I ! to..J Jurlol e I BOYS' CLOTHING DEPAnT1UENT. , PLANNHI. WASTS , "iCing" lud " 510rln " brandi. good 11llorl"I , ) toi,0 unicoiy , . miteini Uulkrupt : , In tact SIte . limo oUly host . goods . . . . . made . . . . , . Murso's . . . . . . Irlco . . . Ii.0) . . 39 C ; Boys WOOLEN SUIT , Good mimnetenmnol , Blzns to Hi . ' I Gootmltorlal years Cimiltlrnnmm's pnico hilt limits 15.0) , ammO 3 tn A L0'J. years l.nkrnptSlloolly , alto ltnnys' Reefer . , . ll yoar. . . . sizes . . . . Morse's . . . . . 1 . 6 9 K . ( uoY. HfluiVflR SUITS , hood ( size ! , good matorlal ve1l mnnadu , JIII'IU b-tIP ) and . . 1001 \ul Ildo price ' 5.00. - n"ukrlltSlc only . . 5.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 9 8 " nOYS' one OVHRCOATS ilrst.r.iaa wmmnicnmman'nbnip. , Hplendld material null sii.n"n. . liglmt null , nmmotiiunnm the hu.t and dark . col. 2 . Irstrllinrlnnn al HI/o. al enodi go lit 9 8 this lot , Morse's price $ a.o to 11.0. U"ukrllt Sale 1001. . . . . . , NOTION DEPARTMENT 10NI Our GAS1I'Ul prIce . Al coiors . . . . . , Morse's . . . . . . . . price . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tc I noXiiH Our Oil SiiHLi. Price . . hAul . . . . . PINS . . . , . fntonito' . . . . . . . . . lmrico . . 8a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SWAN Our DOWN price. PACRI . . . POWDI3R. . . . . . . . . . ( Totiow's . . . . . . . . . ) . . Moran's . . . . . . . . . mince . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 JIIIST 100 Oiirprioe YAII ) SPOOl. . . . . SILK . . . . . , . . ( . Iticimartinnm . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . , . Znlorie's . . . . . . . . . . price . . . . . . . iJo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 , CROCI11iT Omirprlcc,3for COTTON , Cnommemm . . . . and . . . colors . . . . . . , . . Morse's . . . . . . . . . Price . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 hANeY Ouirprico PiNISliI40 . il1Ahi . . . . ) . , . Morse's . . . . . . . . price . . . . . . Mc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 , VIII.VET SKiN POWthhli , Morso's price 23e Our price 14 ' , 'IOLIIT Omirprico VRI1FUMIIS . . . . , . ( I'm . ' . . bottie . . . . . . . ) . Morse's . . . . . . . price . . . . . . . 33e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 110511 AT'VAR Ourprlcc. ( preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . for . . linen . . . . . lcini . . . . . Moniso's . . . . . . . . . . mince . . . . . . 40c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - ' - 1i" - -